VOU 7. NO. 143. BY FTLTOJI PRICE, PROPRIETOR. JiS. 1TLTCN, E4Itor A L. PRICE, Associate Editor. Trrma BBrrlpO. CH vesr. tovariabty ta advane WW Si K'rtt permitted to dsneontiao his paper afVr th t.awwrement el a tubacnptioa year, amil the eipiraUoa ef m i year. Ai Wuers o ViBa connected with this office, must be addressed to the proprietor. RATES OP ADVERTISING. half aym Om day..... ...... Two day... Three daya.. ....... Foar daya Five aav OKI fcjl'lEZ. Om day... ....... Tw days.......... Tare day.... .... Fuel dri Flv 4t. ........ Om week Two. weeks....... Om Booth.. ...... Twa months...... t 40 TS 1 00 1 36 1 so l n j Ti . S7 . 50 v ? OMweek 474 Two weeks .1 IT J Om month ,...1 00 two Bonths..,.,.,.S 50 Three Boatha. I 00 Six Booths.., 00 4 00 I 09 Tare months 10 00 His months '...14 00 Om mr .30 00 Om year.... ...... 14 CO Tea Lam art coasted as a square, and B lines or feaa a kalf-oqaaro. Longer drt rune menu tat proportion, and an payabl ta advance. Whea sot paid ia edvanc 15 cnU per sqaar will b charged after th first tasertion. - -Ali half-quare But paid for ia adraac will b charg d aa a square. . -... a a-Advertisements inserted aa Special or Bishop Notice art charged eno-half mora thaa above rate eight liaea (leaded) or leai eotntcd aa a aquar. ar Advertisements Inserted tvery other day am charged ST eents per aouar fur each insertion after the Brat. trlSo publication aiada without a resnoosibl name. EUSLNESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a. a. nufln. .,-' - j. u. u bbatb. FRASKR HEATH, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, Gbobobtown, 8. C Pormtrly of Shackelford ft Praoer. A CARD. TVOCTOB MEDWAY. having removed from 8miUiviUe, I J (where ho has nracticed for the last three years.) oOert his professional service to ta inhabitanta of Wilmington and surronnrttng country. Mr OFFICE ob Dock street, la tha house lately occupied y 4. Dswson, Esq. Dec. l.--3m. . W. II. MeKOT, GROCER AND COMMISSION M RRCHANT, WaMWOTOK, N. 0. Oct JOth, 1867. . DR. J. A. MILLER, ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MUXES ft BA ? KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wiuukutoh, Jf. C. , Oct 30th, 1867 ' - - 38-tf W. II. McRARY A CO- : COMMISSION MERCHANTS, comer Princess anil Water J street, Wilmington, H. u. BBVBBBKCUI H. & Baraee. Caihler Bank Cape Pear, Wilmington, N. C. Col. Joha MiRu. Frea't Hunk WUmlnrtoa. do. do. D. A. Darla, CaaWM Brtnch B'k Cape Fear, Saliabory, do, J. O. Leahy " . ,. Halem, do. D. A. LAHO.TT. riOMMISSION MEUCHANT, No. U North Water atreet, . BvanrKss card. "ITTHLLAM L PITTS CO., . Y AUCTIONEERS, BROKERS, mA .i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .. No. SO buA Jforfc .,. IVitenvnyKm, JIT. C ' Al Liberal cash adraBoea oa Country Prodoc and Mer ehandiie ronerally. Also, NUilWta bought and sold oa eommlasloa. Sept 40. 31 tf. .. TIIOMAS M. OAR0HER. A TJCTT0NEEB AND BROKEIt, .JL no I uranite now, rruu at., iriimuiKwn, n. v. 1'rompt attention airea to the aalo of NEGiiOKs, KEAL ESTAIE, BTOCJC, o. May J, '6T TJFIOH DISTI1XKRT. v WILMINGTON, N. C , VajiBOKKELEN ABROMto. ALL KINDS Or NAVAL BTOIUS purcnased, tnaouiao Wharfage and Btoragt furnished, and Cooperagt don at mr rate. , . Jan 1st, 1H3T lM tf. WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, AND DEALEH IN NAVAL STORES, Comer or water ana atariei atraeta, n ummgwa, a. v. Oct 4, 1864-38 tf L , J.H. ROBIJISOIV V OH i - WlLMlNOTOl. N. C. TMPORTERS, If ANUPACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dea- X wrea in Hardware, uuiterj, iron, Bteei, xnaiia, Agricul tural Implementa, Ac. OKOItflH HARRIS I TTAS THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH HIM A. J JjL HOWELL, and the business from this date will be con ducted nnder the firm and style or ' HARRIS3 A H0WETX. Wilmington, N.CJuuiryia, 1858 lootf HARRISS A HOWELL, 4 , COMMISSION MKRCIIAST9, WlLMtNGTOH, N. C. . OIOBOI BAHUM. i. - A. t. HOWBLL. Jan. 4, 1868 100-tf JOSEPH II. t-LAFINKR, r ENESAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, vT ' s WlLMINOTOW, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER cV CO, ,i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, "' " ' WlLMCTOTOy, N. C. GEOROK W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Bonth Water Street, , . WlLKIMTOM, N. C. I. H 1TB A WAT. ' '' 1. 1. HATBAWAT. Wat. K. tTtlT ' - J.AJiL HATHA WAT A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WaniKOToi, N.C. T.C.AtB. O. WORTH, 1 COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, 1 WlLBINOTOK, N. C. March 11, 185T "H 'T f ' ' : . '7 JABBI AHDBXSOW. IDWABD RAT AO I. AKDERSOlf A SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLBIWTOH, N. G - Liberia! cash adTances made oa consignments. t . WILLARD A CURTIS. ' nOMVISRION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, J AND DEALERS 1H unAlfl, . - a No. 10 Soctb Watib StAKsT, Jan. 13th. Wilbinotom, N. C. W. H. TUBXIWOTOH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WuniMOTOH, N. C. KiriB TO ' Oeorg Harris, Esq., 1 . ' Momra. Lntterloh A Elliot, V Wilmington, N.'C. July 3ft, 1866-376-tf .,) Iamm . rrmwAT, exnwt i. tkitchbtt GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Street, WUmington, N. C. I . . " ir Will (rive particular attention to the sale of Natai DKROSSET BROW, ,-, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' WILMINGTON N. C. . Jaa,lgt,l847-9-tf. AKI O. SIOTB. . ' ' ' aUlBB OOSTDi JAB. C. RMITH A CO.. ' i ("10VKI8W0N MERCHANTS, offlc tecond story, corner J Smih Water and Market atreetn, Wilmington, N. G, whnrethey are prepared to attead to all bnsineaa la the U basineaa entrusted to them will be punctually attend til H. - , , j, .. . ,.. . , .4 - H. Cir4B.n.lTKRS, AT AND CAP J.V!lor.IUM, 34 Market Street - , WlLWTMflTON, N s i- "ni, -ir,'-1 ib rtt. wool, Fur,1 t.3 c: or fij2ii at A" Xoik FbficsUe price. fcilk, S by BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CARD. DR. WM. W. LANE, OFFICE CONNER OF MARKET and Second btreeu, opposite Carolina HutrL Not. 6th, 1&T JUOU W ALKER KKtRKs, (Socreor to Walker Meares A Co.,) WHOIiALE AM RETAIL HKIHKIISTS, 42 MlUlf T., WtLMtMitWI, N. C JaB.I.-a. , i Hariei sireei. SEW ASD PASHIOXABLK DRESS MtKHO ESTABUSHJaKST. ob raovr stotib tutasaa. bolxbt a bmfib mi and opposite Crowl a UagMrma Kooma, o MKS BTANCHFTELD, arEBtranc opposite Cape Fear Bank. ' I Wilmington, N. CL, December Ust, ISiT im MO. FWTTB BBOWW. ABB ABB . aWBOBSBT, F., B. F. BBOWV. BHUWR lMJUMMiat r, w a era. DeRUMET A BROWN WUaalncian, N. Cn 11) . OOMMlShlOS U HAS TH. WM. t. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Bept 30. 1S54 13-tf Wujiuwtob, N. G A. B. MCPCrriB, w. WTirnin. A. B. Bb Di rriK A CXt, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING .MER CHANTS, JulyKHh, 1H5T ;"' Jtitf BKEDK A MESDKXIIALL. LAND AGENTS, MmMBArOLlS, MtNKtHOTA, Mak tarestueBtit, luas bomt, kwat Land Warrant, aad transact a General Ueal Estate Buauiiesa in the North West aria to Got. Bragg, Ex-Go. Morehead, CotGwynn, T. G B. U. Worth. April 4th, 1S5I My As. BTOILBT. AtBX. olmam. BTOKUCY A OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC niLBiVUTUB, a. v. BimxMCB. Col. Johb McRab, President of Uie Bank of Wilmington. O. U. Pabsut, Esq., President of tha Commercial Bank. J. w. ulbs, awwan. CilLEB HUUKIb, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, CANES, UMBRELLAS, Ac, Ao., Mo.41 Uarket street, nuMiMOTW, a. v. arCash paid for Fara, Sept. 6. ; JOS. T WALMH. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND KOUCITOR IN EQUITT, VOX WA XHOKO'. . v. YTTTLL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS Or LAW AND V Equity for Horry and the adjoining District. ee. T-W-3m 14-S-m. UILKB 4i nOOIUB. .. Carolina Hotel, 41 Market Street, Wilmington, Jf. C, A RE NOW OPENING and hav ready for inspection, a A. fashionable and rerr desirable and writing stock of part Beary. Bee Be, Genn, and other styles of fashionable DRESS HATS : Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats; Up, Felt and Wool Hata; Leather, Cloth, Silk and Nsvy Caps) Ladiet Riding Hats ( Children's Fane? UaU t Canea, Un brellaa. eto. To all which w respectfully solicit an xami- tnation, feeling well assnred that they cannot fail to be suited with some or tb many rarisues oneraa to ueir inspecuou. Aiacrn zau, mi WILMMQTOII MARBLK WORKS. Frsnt HtrMt, tat MatKodiat E. Churrlu MONUMKJiTH, TOMBS, ttliAU Baa ivui rsiuarjs. AMeJvICArl of 1XAL1AH BtAUULEi, rurnisnea 10 oraer, aa CHEAP aa can be procured from an sUouanment of ta kind In th country. - . ' . . I employ none bnt experienced workmen, and will spar ao pains to please au woo may ibtot iu wiw wh jjhuu- jBar-ierms VAESU, wuew mpvvimm JiuxioAN Wilmington, N. G, Sept 13th, 1854. ': . T-tf. NEW YORK AND PHIUDELPHU CARDS. B. BT0DDABO, OlABE. ' ITODDARD A CLARK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, S,. O. i.)U from nirtri, aw .ni.rittl null tAnne.M mad on eonaiirnmenU to as. bf nr friends, Messrs. Pettsway k Pritchett Jan 1st, u? BABBOM 0. WAT80H, . OASTOB MBABBB. WATMM H nSBAMIiB. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 34 Burling Slip, New York. Unecial attention Paid to the sal of Natai, Stoms, Cot- tow, and Southern Produc geMrally. Liborial advances mad oa consignments. wmy i, w WM. MABTIM, ' . . WM. MACAMBTSB CBAB. BBLLBT, (npeciai partner.; ' MARTIsT a macauster, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. Ill North Water Street, Philadelphia. Cash advances mad oa uonsignmenns. ' . June 32d, 1867. M lj. I ABVBT COCHBAB, V. 4. BFB8BL. ...... wv t'u , - j. R, RMCLL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street Pbiladiltbia. J9"LdDeriU CMfl iVaVaWCVa IUU VU vuiaiiiau9uib, T..1 OmL ltilt 970 mulj wvVll ACKJaf - CO-toTNERSfflP AND OTHER NOTICES. ' .... ' NOTICE. ALL PERSONS ABE HEItEBY FOKEWAKJiEU iuai any debt contracted by any other persons except th andersigned, for account of SU be paid. rnucnai aiuivui.iii ieo.ift, vai ' ' '"" nmuii.ii'i'inv. rruiE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing betweea 1 I . ... .... ... . TI l. 1. . Am. .ml a jonn-w. uuesanafl. o. owo, muw. stylo of GILES k HAWES, is this day delved by mutual consent . rd' July ist, isoi. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. MR. JOHN W. GILES having associated FUKD. i. M00UE, Esq.. with him in th "HAT, CAP AND BTKAW UOUUa Business,, announces wt u iuunu hi.. .v.. t jt ..ill .irribin. tn ha erriMl ns nnder tha firm and style of "GILES k MOORE." Thankful for tb aina patronage exieuueu n w uih i wuc they trout that th exertion of every effort to meet the taste of the pubiio will cans a continuance of tha asm to tb present firm. , - - ,- - FRED. 1. MOORE, July 1st, 1857. ' VH-it CCVPARTNERSH1P. mHE SUBSCRIBER has this day associated with him, Mr. X G W. STRYON. Th busioess hereafter will be car ried on nnder th nam of A. B. MoDUFFlE A CO. a. a. nuuviiirj. July 20th, 1867 OARDKJV SEEDjOARDEM SEEDi TUST RECEIVED, a full and complete snpply of I DRETU'H SUPERIOR GARbEN SEED. LAN- WALKER MEAKES, DeC, 31 97 Druggist, 45 Market street COAL! COAA.tr i-vN AND AFTER THE 35TH INSTANT, THE PRICE OF W Coal will be Pr ton aeuverea. r. j. wunia Dec. 19th 1857. , ' ' AT COST FOR CASH. 1TTE OFFER OUR. ENTIRE STOCK OF CHILDREN'S W FANCY RATS, VJJ-rt, a mi mihsiisi- jsluum KRh at New York Cost for CASIt, Call al i 61 Market at, ander we Caroun moki. , a, nwur. Jannary Uitn, moo. KHIHGLKS! RHIInl,ES 1 1 rn A AAA CONTRACT SHINGLES, a superior ar JX H )X lUU tide : 100,000 Common Shingles, a so nerior article. . or saw u "'".', Feb. 6th. PETTEWAY A PRITCHETT. PLACK WALJHJT. oAA FEET BLACK WALNUT BOARDS, JUST BaV Q,eU KJ ceived and Tor sail pt Feb. CUt v -ckAi A CO. jid:cl5al BALTIMORE LOCK IlOSPtTAU DOCTOR JOHNSON. THE fiwader of this Celebrated laaUUrtk fferi the axt Ortaia. Speedv, aJ oaiy rJcotual remedy ia the world U l.teeu, Strk-Urra, Sewioal weakneiw. Pains la Om Uiaa. Cva-utauoaal INfhibt.V, tapoWttev, WsakawM of th Bark and UmU, ASet-tiuOsuf the tUlMy' PalpiUUef the Heart, lvpepsus. Nervous Irritability. lKea af the Head, Throat N, or Mm; ssd kU Umo aerkwa aad awlaM-huly Dtmrders amiiwr from all 0mm IVatrwetir habtta af Yeath, w h deatrey soU body aad Bind. Tbbsb saxmrr aad soU tary practicM Br fatal to their victims thaa Om aoag f the St ress t4 th Mariners Ulysses, blighting- their most brUliaat hopes of anticipations, rndrwg Bamage. Ac, bnpeaaible. . , J Tesuta Maai. specially, who hare become th victims of Solitary Yk, that dreadful and destroctiv habit whkhaaMialy aweepa to aa sntimely grsv thonaaada of yettng au-a of th ma exalted lallenu and brilliant tnteUert. who might therwiM hare sotraaced listening Senate wiU th thunders of eto facs, or waked to ttaej ta hruif lyre, bast caQ with all eooideac. - - Barrtax. . . Married Persona, or Yonng Men oatemnlatin wiarrtare. being swsr of Phnieal Weakne,OrraBie,liebniry, lfur BittK, A., ahoold nnmediately eoasult Ir. J., and be natored to perfect aealta. H who places himeir ander th rare of Dr. Jobnso mav rettgioojtly eondd in his honor as a gentlemen, sod eonttdcsl lyrelynpoa k skill as a psrwiatt. v ' Orsmnle Unlmr Immediately cared, and full ripor reatored. This due to Ue penalty moat rreqaestlr bakl by thus who hare become the tkiimaof Improper uidulgences. , Young peraoM ar too aut to roeamit excesses frota not be ins awar of th dresdful eonaeoneBre that mar nsoe.-. Now, who that andervtaikls the subjeet will pretend to deay that the power or iiwreaUoa ia lut sooner by those railing Into improper habit thaa by the pradent. Besides being deprived th pie a (ire of healthy olflmrrag, th Buwt arriou and aestrsctlva yBptoms to both body and mind art Th system becomes deranged, th physical aad mental powers weakened, nervoos debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of th heart Indigestion, wanting of the frame, cough, symptoms of eonwimntioa, ete. .fi-i. nerrstw tseawiiiy. -Waknas of ths svsten. Nervosa Uebilitv aad nrematur liW.J imiVIWI WW tlVIM Ml tmillIKH Mill, VI JVMH, tnat solitary naaetic so ratal to tb healthful ciniteuc or man, and it w tM young wbo are most apt to iteeom ns Victims from aa tgnoraac of th danter to which they tub lect tbemserv. Parent and Guardians ar eftea Bisled witn respect to ine cans or source or aiscas in taeir sons aad wards. Alas I ho often do they ascribe to other eaasee, th wasting of the frame, Pal pitatlon of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, derangement of the Nervous System, Cough, sad Srmptons of Consumption, shut, those serious Meats! effects. such a loss or memory, depression of spirits or peculiar nts of Melancholy, whea th truth is they hav bees caused by Indulging la pernicious but alluring practices, destructive to both Body and M iad. Thus are awept from xl tenet thou sands whe Bignt hav neea or as to their country, a pie tor to their (nestl and ornaments to Society. Orrits No. T Soitb Fbbdbici St. left hand (Id going from Baltimore street, T doors from th comer. . , ,. Si-B particular at observing the nam aad number, or you win niisut tii niacs. T.V. ..I . .1 . A. .1.. J..... ulVk WW A..V UV.IVO, VIMVITV IUO H1U. VH HiV HVVT PIH f IU- dows. A Ctr Irarronlwl or tw Charge MMk jm JVow NO MERCURY OK NAUSEOUS DRUGGS USED, ou. joimsos. Member of th Royal Colleg of Surgeons, London, Grsduat from om of th most eminent College of th United States, and th greater part of who Uf has been spent ia th Brut Hospital of Loadoa, Paris, 1'hllaaeipliia, aad slsewhere, has enacted torn of th most astoulshing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing ia tha head and ears when asleep, great Mrvouaneas, being alarmed at soddea sounds, ana biuhfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, war cured immediate ly. -. .,'. - ---,' v n.'-s --.ti . ,., . ACeerUlai Msssms. . . - Whea th misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure tnds h has Imbtbsd th sssds of this painful disease. It too oftea happens that aa ill-timed sense uf shams, or dread of dis i. mm uruinvu mum v. auaiuv, vw uiewi m hv tera him from applymg to those who from educa epectability, cau alone befriend him, delaying till utionai symptom of this horrid diss as mass thsir covery, deters him From won sua res th constitutional symptom appsarsnoe, snob as awersMd sors threat 1 diseased bom, nocturnal pains, in wis Bead and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on th shin bone a, and anus, blotch- ta on th head, fae, and extremities, progressing with frigtful rapidity, tilt at last the palat of tb month or th dom oi tn bom imi ib, ana tn victim oi uiis swrui aiseaM become a horrid object of commisse ration, till death puts a feriod to his dreadful suOhrtngs by sending' them to "that ourn from wheocs bo trsveler returns.", To such therefor Dr. Johnston pledge himself to preterv the most Inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive practice la th first hospitals in Europe and Amertcs, h oaa confidently rc com mend a safs and speedy turt to th anfortanat victim of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disseaa. owing to th unskill fulness of Ignorant pretenders, who, by tb use of that dreadful poison, mercury, rain th constitution, and vn send ths anfortnnat tuntrer to aa ontimoly grave, or ls mak th residua of bis ill mlersble. --...- .- ' Taks ParUesUa. WstlM. Dr. J. Addresses all those who have Injured themselves by private nd improper Indigencies. ' These sr some of th ssa and melancholy effect produ ced br early habits of youth, vis; Weakness of th Hack sad Limb, Pain in th Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Powar, Palpitation of tM Heart, Uispepsla, a err on irrita bility, Derangement of ths Digeativs Functions, General De bllitv. svmntoms of ConsumDtion. Ao. Msntallt Tb fesrful ont apoa th mind ar much to be dreaded, Los of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depreasioa or ho rits. cvu roreoooinirs. Areraion or hoc lets. Heir uia- trust, Lov of Bolitudt, Timidity, Ac., ar torn of th vilt proauca. - J. . t Thousands of persons of an t?e. can now ludgs what I th snse of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pal and emaciated, hav a singular spptsr anc about tn tyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Dr. Johnson's Invigorating Remedy tut OrgMt Wsali i Hosa. Bv this great and Important remedy, weakness of th or gus ar speedily cured, and fall vigor restored. Thousands of ths most Borrow and debilitated, who had lost all hop, hsv been relieved. AU bn pediments to Marriace. Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and rveaxnesa, or xnaustation or u most leanui aina, ipeedily eared by Dr. Johnston. " YtMtng Mew. Who hsv Injured themselves by a Certain Praotlc indul ged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the effects of which are nightly felt, even wnen asleep, and h not eared, renders msrrlsgt impossible, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately..'.-.- . What a pity Uiat a young man. the hope of hia country, and the darling f his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of diviatlng from the path of nature, and indulging In a cer tain secret habit Hack persons before contemplating should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requiHities to promote conubal bappiiiflss. In deed, without these, the Journey throngh life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to ths view; the mind become shadowed with despair sod filled with th melancholy reflection, thst the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDKIC ST. BaUimnre, kd. All Suiwicil OrsBATioHS I'ssrossiBD. N. B. Let no false delicacy prevent yon, but apply im mediately either personally or by letter. . BBJXPWSASB IFBBOUT cubio. , - " . To Strangers. Th many Uioosand cured at that Institution within th last twelv years, sad the numerous Important surgical Op eratlnns nerfnrmed b Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed bv th re porters of out daily papers and many other person notices . I l. . T ...i. .aiuimJ Wam 11. .... k K. ui wuiob nare again sou (;." it"""' v is a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will find a skill ful and honorable physician. TakaBoOoe. . N. B There art to many worthless Quacks advertising themselves aa Physicians, ruining the health of th already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson Deems it necessary to say, spe cially to thoM unacquainted with hi reputation, that hi credentails or diplomas aiwaya uaug w iua omce. TAKE NOTICE. AU letters must be post-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for th reply, or no answer will be Mm. ; April, 34, 1867. ' 4 n gnintvr 01111. Wir.WTVnTnv M n .has on band and ia constantly receiving pore and select lmigs, Medicines, Pharmaceutical rreparauon, faints, Oils, Fsney Artictes, Perfumery, Shop umiture, Window Glass. Trasses. Bupportera, Surgical instrument Ao. An Inspection of the stock is aohcited from phytricisnt Tfsltlfig Wilmmgtonr-believing that they csn b supplied jm!:y ts low M they bay for North. ' and knowing th oualitr of the article to be more reliable. . 1 he stock of inatjuments anmrnally large and wuT be srtld st extremely low price ' : ' : - . ; t . , T'"",,C"TA A. I. .. JtLl . Jk k Lw2f. FOR AND TO LET. hoc ad urr rem sile. nTIIAT UtaVSK AXD LOT LTSNO HtXEMATELT North of the WUmmgtoa aad WUo iiailroad. s Nxth street. Th hoas euiiuias (,e raeraa aad a eesaary out buildings, with good well of water. Ttrvta mt. Apply Vs W, L. rlTTS A CO t-o, , i. . ' aiarmei aw " -.' " ' ; ' rORRlCTT.' n THS UWUJJMI HUt-NE M CMsnat Mtweea Ha road and Third streets, formerly owned by Mrs. Cls abeth l'rtta. AsdIv to J. E. Pill SCR. Adia'r.. as Sept Ud-irtf W. L. PITTH, Broker. fK HA.t.E rOB TO" Jl fltUffcUTT, l.SUO acre W mad. 17 Bills from tow, lying immediately ea th Wit- Bingtoa aai aiancastr Kauroso. a. & atcut r ris v. in. ii u. ... , . - i . - .- aw- -- A BaMPUB rlABla. I f Ai i THE FINEST AKT1CLK vr broaght la Uia HZ si market for al ea eaar terms, by Nov, 14, 17. J. M. KOBINSON 4 BOX. roa rest rrtoM miut October, A CONYENIENT ROOM, over tha offles occupied by XV Dr. P. W. Potter, Front street ; . it. r. w . russrr, mm rroat sweet. ppiy w rwpt 1Kb, lHiT II bt UEO. BARRISH. V ALI'ABLK PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. flMIE WHARF oath West aide of Cape Fear River, known X a th EAGLK DISTILLERY. For terms, whk h wiU be made favorable, apply to . J.H. PLANNER, or nit. u finis Sept 13. AatUoasor aad Broker, No. 10 Market at -4 rOAIRENT. . Jr FOR TWELV E MOMTOM froa 1st Octotier Be XV, t IT I JwtUins houN ea sUada street, betweea 44 and 4th stmta. North of tb Rail Road. A good kltehe attach ed and well of water coaveaient. At present occupied By Mrs. i-Biiyaw. ror wrms sppiy to B. at. Trior, ABcuoneer. Asg, Wth, .847. : I0O-U -.. rt)R RETT. M AyDWELLINU HO USB oa Dock street, betweea f ifth and Hia street t at present occupied by W. A Ma-Walkr, Eaq., Possesatoa give 1st October, Appl, to A ItlXWALUCK. Sept 7th, 1867. . 1-tf ' MOMENTARILY EXPECTED, 1)KR KCHKS. A. J. DeROHSET ALP. SMITH, PLANT . lug Potatoes, Eating Potatoes, Mesa Pork. Rio, Lagayra, St. Domingo and Java Coffee, cheese, Lard In keg and bbl., Butler, tods Biscuit, thinny Bags, Ao. Ac. For saw DM, 34 Dy 1 KTTEWAl ft P1UTC1UCTT. Ol'NI Y RAOOIHO A ROPE. M BALES VERY HEAVY BAGGING. T9 Coll Bom. Foralby Doe. 31d. 1H6T. ' J. ft J. L, HATUAWAT ft CO. JUST RECEIVED OM COhTSraiVMERT. PA BULS. HtUUUNGS, IN FINE ORDElt UU 100 bundles New Feundlsnd Cod I'isA 60 kits Tongue aad Hounds j . 60 " No. IMscksreL For sal by De. fvth jr - . . (JEO. W. DAYI8. CORN. 1 AAA BUSIIEII PRIME NEW. WHITE CORN IN XtVUU ator. For aal by ' ST0KXEY ft OLDHAM. Dee. 4th Wblafey Whlaher. , , x?. IS BBLS. Aterf' Rwxm" Whiskey, a No. 1 u JLJ J true is iot sai J. Sept 6th. T. 0. ft B. G. WORTH. oumnr b acis 1 ouhry bags t i GUNNY BAGS iattoraand for sal ta lota to luit by v T. 0. ft B. U. WORTH. ststriMt. " " ,. LIME I LIME 1 1 r AA CASKS ROCKLAND LIME. FOB SALI TO AR- ' Uolober Sd -V OO A B A LEU EASTERN, bow hading 1 : . aQZXJ 100 do. New York, ia store. For sal by Not. 3d BT0KLEY ft OLDHAM. riACR, PORK, AC. OA BAGS FlX)UIt-dirferent grade! tQUXJ U bbl. lash Mills family Flour it tt m market 30 do. Mes Pork I . 10 bale 4-4 HhMtlng, For sal by . Oct 27th W. U. McRART ft CO. na am BiinifUMi. fnitjruisjr unaf ftavi nBtliAfii. 1 1 EHPECT FULLY CALLS THE ATTENTION OP THE ft sTB UU 4 tiff WV tiniti aavaai s Bartnt wsiirrisitsri a tar JLV Medical aaea or North Carolina, to tha followitif eata logue of "Surgical and Mechanical lostrsments." Tha In- struments sold by tb andersigned, are manufactured by Y. Uese, V. W. Brlukerboff and Marsh ft Co.. N. Y.. and It la believed that in many respect they ar superior to Umbo of otnsr BisKers in tM united tuaie 1 GenulM Evans Lancet ; ' Do. do. Gum do.; . , Chase's Trusses, inn finish) ! ' Do. do. doubls. do. do.) 1 I Marsh A Co.' do. (Patent); Ivory Pad , do.j - French do., (very light) j Teeth Forceps, (extra finish) ; Do. do., (carved) Diaaectlnf Castt t Self Injecting Aperatoses, Aornott't, Mart'i ssdjothert India llubbw Syringe, 16 ounce 00. do. I'tssarle. (with tub Pessaries Glass, (ball shaped) j Nursing Bottles, (several mw style just out) ( Lacteal j . 1 i - India Rubber BreMt Pump, (a mw style) ) Banning' Bupportera, Marsh ft Co., London French do airs. Betts do; " ' RusaUa Bolta 1 .. u i , Fin Supnsoa Bandage i cplints, (with screw to adjust)!; , PbyslciaM' Medical Bags j f" ' 1 Do. Pocket Cases Shoulder Brace! .,.. Cupping Csset; . Pocket MediciM Cases, (10 rialt)' Silver Cathetes, (male) ; uo. 00., (female) 1 - liilutling Bottle j Cummi, g Grip, (far sapsrlor to th old tyl pump.) Nov. loth " COTTOlt YARNS. -i BALES JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THI It) Manufactory. For aal by ' , Nov. 6th ... , . j PETTEWAY ft PRITCHETT. ' MOLA SSES MOLASHES. jr HHDS. SWEET HEAVY BODIED SURINAM M0 OO lasses, just received. For isle by Nov, 6th , , 1 . j WILLARD ft CURTIS. riOAL. COAL. A prime article of Chestnut Coal, (small) Vaening at aa per ton. vjuntj , , wuttin. 350 BAGS PERUVIAN GUANO. For mM In lota, by Oct 34 a , W. H. McKARI ft W. 1 HCi PRIME EMPTY SPIRITS TURPENTINE BBLS., XUU received per Brig G B. Allen. OctW ' ' - ADAMS, BR0. ft CO. GROCERIES jCiROCERIES. BBIA LIGHT BROWN MUSCOVADO SUOAB l bsg Bio Coffee in store and for ale by jjo W. H. McKOY. 16 Nov. PLOCRI FLOUR 1 1 Of 1 BBLS. FAYETTEV1LL8 FAMILY FLOUR; ZAt lo ' SuperfiM . For Ml by PETTEWAY ft PTUTCHETT. Jan. 00. . OLVEUjOLVK. TK" BWA DISTILLERS' GLUE, ft prim article, For Qtlsaleby ' WILLARD ft CURTIS. Oct 39. ' . .. f " BJOTICE. ' . v ' - 1 rT 1IIE Regnlar rate of Wharfar w!U ba charged to FWp 1 ners who have been in the habit of wing our Wharf ea the West Side ol the Kiver, for K -muiis Coitin tni t vl Store received per Wilmingtnn A n he!-r I I I 1. t. - -" . . i LlibiV'AY ft i..w.. Deo. Kith, lv, 8. . t if. ' v. i- V. OOA1 A. I i- -e..i r p ... I . - rSTT'tftT I "TUCT0S3 AXD tCii. .J N k CfTetfurf Ibfurta Ctt iT. - n Hr mat, w ha a vww r -n r t tteywul ( Ue'Tt-r.vJi t TON, NAVAL BTUwAsJ e.r e earry eat U tTtsi ff?cta:, r, u b tM bww ittoln oa eu:x;.va r r :. aceooat. Oar eSe la eeraef of K 0ST3 WATL.1 l street. Oar wharvM aad sheds ar cosves,' ' 1 roMptioa of wodaoa by atu f ta 11- f-Caah adTaacea bad ea eon.'j:uu. CORSVa ATKD WKOCOftT lT.?Jf AS 3 RAUUto, , (Snvreti fry Letbrt PaUyJ. ) A DMIUABLY adapted for acloatcg I : .4 t Bardie, Patent Wire, backing bW4.w4s a i . . Mr. Patent Wlr Coal m-rMns, Or, a, i Screens, Wlr Netting for MoMuitoa, t? eep, other purpose. Wlr Summer Booms, I a.., y V ,. la grvat variety for Garden, Ao. M. WAL&KU AibONS, Mabu.' No. 4J4 Market, N. C Cor. lib ,t, 1 -Ang.Sd, 14T.-Jssly. "OWE DOLLAR A VD fPWA ft . rTUlKl Patent! PILL8 OF OULMNB AND Fll't:- 3 A ' . ! so th Pubiio." as a suhstitut f -r t ; MedH'ine sow sold for lbs ear at A - . Chills, A. U siiks other preparaUmw, Usm i . . pec tea to euro every aisess to w sua we art U they will ha Marly every m ear Near .0 the Face, AgM Md Fevers ChUk, aad ail i r by expoaur to th Bight dews, this testoa tl ii IVks, M cents per box. Prepared by Kept t90t, 1864 ' ' - Abm.s, ay. CIRCl'LAR SAWS. fTUlOSK SAWS stamped J. M. ROBINSON, ar r X tared of th nt quality Cast atesl, by Vie v wurkme. They ar tempered by Sylveswr s IV permg MachlM (which tempers mor ven, s 1 th bUd attmir to tb gag of plate thaa j . tus, 1 and ground ea South wall's pstentcw t chin 1 th only bboBIm that will grind a l ? fsotly Itm. For mm by 1 .t I j- juit 1, 1864. j, m, Ron:;, j a . P. e.Saw of vry kind m4t to ordar. A CARD. ' rIB SUBSCRIBER REGRETS TUB KXCT giving aubUo aotlre, that all old aesenn-s or r him, aot Mtlled or satisrted, ia all th present 11 will b snt for (MimXum. - - July 1st 147. . , , J, VI. I. , KMPTT B1ARRXI4U -PRIMS QUALITY KECOND HAND T. rels. iust relvd from BiMton tr I t Waalskw .,..1 is .'..:, AlfAAvi, L..J. .1 NOTICE. ' TUST BolTd aad oa hand a spltnJM t" - - -il kind of Furniture, which will bssoU U 1 r th aid stand formerly oooupted by Uouawa A 1 4 B. i. VarcklS NORTH CAROLINA FLOVR. pf A BBIA Freali North Carolina Family and t lViai 1 Mor. Ft uia by willa: a 1 Jun 14 ATObeat smatr A GREAT variety of Fancy and Btr i f TYECEIVF.D THIS DAY AND FOR SALT. AT f. Xv Book Stor 1 Uf andUorrctpondenc o( J a."1 e i. by GrlBlth J. MoRee, Bubacribar to th abov work tn ploasa e:i nt r ' Book Stor and got their aoploa, , a r ' ' L. If . V" Aug. 11, lnarT nvm "GENUINE" GERMAN COLoi. x 0 11 JL ' A. O. I t ' . SUPIBIOB frfakGUIing TwIm, No. M -l ; ,: August 8th, 1867. -,; ' s',;"" pvOMESTlO GOOWt-Our stock of D.n.ri . is JL eompleU for to Maao. Buyer t's In-, j . j. In. llEl)i..lK. A Ki.. .. HrarracarfheTsrit stSToi v.: ..v..ri , . 3 1 Imitation, UoJpara, MckUa aad Tv -h r - ! 1 -s aiwsys sep oy iilkwus man, 5T CHECK BOOKS. Tint ItATB A QUANTITY OF CUTXX B0: f f on th diotrenl Bank of town, of our onr tur. which w will sell low, Aonlr t the juiy 1st, v JOLVAL r: ' - ' ' ' aWasiptp aiswtwA. T, . Tl-T- WW VI.UI t'UIMS BBUUAU JH r ' j Barrels, Just seeeved per Bohr, t- J Jw I New York, fof sala b Aug. lk - f " ; UA X. t, I STRAW HATTINQ. A N0THEB lupoly of Straw Matt!", rli Is 11 w . s. SPIRIT BARRELS. 235 f" BBLS. la fin order, for ta'e bv J. ft 4. U U A 1 11 A WAY BLASTING I'OWDER.-IOO kgt, b-t r . J Mivad and for aal low, oa mumi'v July 11 1 vxa,. i P. S. A By enantity of the above, or o ..or ' Dupont't Powder, can ba furnished la th.s 1 , t.. boum, and oa favorable terms. App'y m s' -vx, tVeRPOOL SACK SALT.-.1.000 fschtli-?.i.. f .. la stor aad for aal by a31J ADA Li, i.-j. At). On CONSIGNMENT. 25 r COILS ROPE 4 bates Bagging j 60 bsrrsls Hour. Wilmington Irpctim I 84 bales N. G Sheeting and Cotton Ysri. 30 bant Myers Bowes Whiskey j W do. magnolia do; 6 bbds. P, B. Hua-ar. For sal by Sept. 3Hth T. V. ft B. U. " ' w CORN AND PEED. 2000 BUSH, prim yellow Corn, (4 B to :' 09 boahtia Fttd. For aalo in I ' T. G ft B. G. LIME. BBLS. EXTRA QUALITY, JUcI For sal in Vuta to suit by 300 JNov. flth BiUh.i.r.x A C! EMPTY BARRELS. Ql BpnuT BARRELS, Just received pr Sc! -. LONO LOOKED POIl BUT CO rIOSE CELEBRATED TURNIP t: Buist, Philadelphia, Pa., Jnst rec- Jaly. II Market st., W .. i6 TOUVEN'S" KID C.I-OVB (.1 Vt si juuve.vh" KIDGI-'iv i "juu yen's" l:; On bottl will eleaa a dosea psir of ( dorons, and leaves tb Glovo.perincC? NOV. jo. , A. U. 1A1 SKAMLEP BA' . . 8EAMLE3S BAGS, A GUOD A received. For aal by 2.000 Oct 1st PLEASANT. Hfc..IL.iii t I i ' . - lio tl.. AnsnMALI)Nra,J!- Iceland M 1 1 ' , Losen, nges, a.Arii!nib.,.:a i. -, Nov. 13J. '' ' ' cr c r t'- c Ml"-! VII 1 1 ecf u " : r : . 'i tl al r a Vif .it