L VOL. 7. NO. ICO. WIL3IINGTOX, N. 0, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, 1853. VrTIOLI BT FTI.TO & rSlCK, PROPRIXTOH4. JA3. FCLTQN, tiitor.. ...A. L. FBXE, Associate Turns f BmtaacvtpCleMk, Om few, torsmWj ia advaac .............fa 00 permitted t dmcontina hi ppt tftar tMittcffi&t of a subscription year, nU lb expirauoa af k4 year. - Ail letter oa bo in connected with thi oSc, mast b adiressed to Ute proprietors. . RITES OF ADTESTISEf Q. ALF tQeABB. On dsy. ....... ....t U Tw A. T.. ......... S7 nmiiji 58 For ar ........... e.j Flv dAT.... .,,.., n Cm vek 874 Twt ee)au..l S7 0m moBih......,..! 00 !. Bwaih 50 Tire months..,,... 8 09 Ikx WiMfta ....... .8 00 : ' ' 0 fcJCABB. Owdij I M Tw fay. ...,.., Three day.,....... Foar day. ....... Fivtdsy ... On month-. 1 M 1 U 1 so, s 4 00 T 19 00 Two months Three moata Surnoatht ... 1 04 Cm nu U 89 On year. ,J0 09 Tea Lae ar oonted aa a eouart, and Art Uses orle half sinar. Loersr advertiseineBta la proportion, and all pTbl ia advance. Whea aot paid in advaac 25 oenu M quar wiH bt charged after the tret Insertion. ATAJ1 kalf-aqaare But paid for ia advanc Till b cbarg ad m a rr. aAdvertJtmcnt ftxterUo' at Special or Bishop Ketie art charged oaffcaSf nor than abort rate sight lute (leaded) or leai counted aa a aqoart. - . w Advertisement inserted every other day ara charged 17) cent per Kjnara for each inaeruoa after Uta Arat. , 1 1 T N o pablwatioa amda without wponaibU ftama. w , ' i -.juia'i ' x -f i i -i t in business and teditssiAi; CJtoa K a. fauna. r' i - A- aiATtt -i FRAJKR UtATIt, "A -v pOSOtlSSIOS AND BfilPPDW KHSCHAJfTS, ' ? J-. t ' . c . i i ' i ' -v i tiaoMBrowii, & Ci'" yormerty of giacaetford k Fraaer. , . . , ... ' A CABJX . H'.-i j T0CT0B MEDWAT, kaTing removed fro BmHkriHe, AJ (whera ka kaa p radioed fur tka laat hra Wart,) offer kui protaatiaMt aeraoaa t tka ukabitaiiU af Wilmington and Mrronndtng eoontry. r OmCS oa Dock itrcet, 1b tha koaaa lately occupied by i. Pawaoa, Eaq. .-vi ! - - ...') I Doe. la-Ka-im.) i v - W, II. MeSLOT, rK0CE3 AND COMMlBSlQii MEBCHANT, 00t SOtk, 18i7r M ivUv DR. J. A. MILLER. T?E0YT 8T., NEXT POOH TO UKaiSliS. MILLER & BA JD KtU'8 LAW OFFICE, WuMinwjii, N. a , Oct. 20tk, Wit .j, i . i ' 39-tf ; ..( "r, b, McmiiT dc cx, C0MlfISS?T0H MEBCE ANTS, corner rriacetf and. Water itreet, WUminrton, if . C. ' ,S,M T amraiuwctlJ . ,. ' ,.' V H. B. Ban eo, Caahter Bank Cane Fear, WflnilbirUn,lI. Q. CoL Jobs McEae. Prea't Bank Wilmington, 4u . do. D. A. Darta, Cashier Branch B'kCapa rear, Saltabnry, da., J. 0. Lath,: - t Uales, - do. J. Eli Gregg, Pmidcntf Bank Cbermw, S. C, Oct 17 COiniBSIO lfEIlCUAiiT, No. W North WaUtitraet, anona ajeui. TfTIUIilf JL PITTS 4 CO i t. j ... . COMMISSION Mk&OBAlfTSi fibuA afortee atHrdmtnjroii'r'.. C. ' " O Liberal eash adranoea oo Coaotry Produca and Ir ckaadlie prtanyti i.;i '-.''. ' v v- , AUe, N wjiiotd bought had aofd on eommlailoa. ' Bept. a31 tf i .if i THOMAS 81. aAODOTCIl. y , AtJCTIONEEB AND BBOKEB, T, - nf r; , Mn 1 nnlta Rnw Vnnt at.. Wflmlnrtaa. If. T. prompt attention gtrea to tkawlaof NlXilloKH, REAL ESTATE, BTOVaVo. ' : nayj. 'a? - - linoif DlSTlIXBJATt - WILMINOT0if,M.C, . .': .:.! J. R OAtELT, ProprwtrtM, ' - . i t I VjBOKKRLE BBO.,jorU. ALL tCINDS OP NAVAL BT0UK8 parchated, Uaaafao tared and aold t'Y' i". Wharfoga aad Btorage furokhed, and Vuoperugt Aba at fair rates. , n ' :! . SM. " an-t Jan tat, grU43S-tr.- --;-' n' ' - II. B. KILKllS, ' j r-v) ;i',rv- WBOLRSALB GROCER' AND COMMlHSIOlf MER CHANT, AND DEALER IN NATAL Bi'OKKH, Corner Of Water aad Market atnata, Wilmiagtu, M. CL , i ' Oot. , 1850 3-tf . - .-r.HASA jr. M. robikvoh & aoa v;-v va . v. .wnvtMto M. C TM PORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AUKNTS. AND Dea JL leroa In iUrdware, Coltery, Iroa, Steel, Nafla, Agrionl. tural Implementa, Ao. , B. . . 1 6KORGIB IIARRIM -Kf.uti bi .." HAS THIS DAY .ASSOCIATED WITS' HIM 'A'. J. UOWELL, and tka boaineat front thia data will be con ducted ander the flxra and atyla of . ! i- HARRIS3 4 HOWELL. 1 Wilmingtoo, . C, January 4th, 1848 loo-tf , t , II ARRIS 8 A HOWELL, COMMuaton MKRCHAirra, ' ' - 1, ," -i J WlLMIHOTON, N.'C etoana barxiss, ' . ; . a. 4. bowill. ' Jen.4,ia-.8 - l : ' : . ' -f" ".-lOtrtC' JOSEPH ii. fc-LANNKR, GENERAL COMMISSIOS MERCHANT, -WannwTOM, N. C. ADAWS, DROTUER ii CO,,, COMMISSION MERCEAKTS, , ... . i t , WiLxiroroif, N. 0. ..... OH0RO18W. PAVIS, " COMMISSION MERCHANT, South Water 8treet; ' ' a. aiTHAWAT. - i t, a. batbawat. wm. a. tnxrr. ' J.AJ.L. HATHAWAY A CO . , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , WlLMINSTOIf, N. . ' T.C.4CB. O. WORTH. ' COMMISSION AND FORWARDINQ MERCHANTS, 1 WaxiKOTOX, N. C. ' Marckn. lHST ' ". l ' 1M-Iy tklO AKDXB80N, - IDWASB IATAQI. ARDKRitOW 8AVAOR, . --... GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . , ' " . . . WlLMINOTON, N C. . Liberia! cash advance made on Coaaignmenta. . WTLLARD ft CCRTTS.' COMMISSION MERCHANT "WHOLESALB GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, - ' ' No. io socth watsi tomm, Jaa.l3th. ... - WttmoiGTOK, N. C. W. H. TTJRLIlfGTOTf, '."'"... GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, , s-, V .,, f t " . -wv r-r .WlUIWOtOM, H. 0. . axvaa o' " George Harrtaa, Eq., j , ) ,-. . r .a..h i. Measra. Lntterloh t EUiot i Wamliurtoa. N.'O.1 1 ''Julya6,185175-tf. -.,...! f AKM T. f iTTWWiV OBOWJf f. UltCHMt, FETI'K WAT PIUTCUK. it. 4 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North, Water ptwt, Wi'ilnston, N. 0. , . , .. , Ajr W ill give particular attention to theaale 'o? NatajL broaM, umrox, o. ... - - -" - ' . DttBOSSKTIROWl4r,M ! I General Commission merchants,, - - . ( h . . , WUJUNGTON NC. ' Jaa. 1st, 1857-98-tf. ' , , Iambi c. ikith.' -; -11 ', vu ocitnv. jAc.grrmftcd,' C0Wi:rtON MK.'lcnANTS, office oeond atory, corner Bonih Water and Market atreeta. Wilminiton. N. C, where they are prepared to attend to all boaineaa ia the Commitutinq linn All bi" '.' t'.'r:- 'a ta t3icm wia be Bunctna: 3. aa!ly. attend CU M. .... ...... .... AT AND CAP EMPO-IU;,:, ;t j:.r . . t r' N.C. I ' ' fr , fur. l.k and A. i 1 i . ., and I., s GUjted Caca. br tka caiks. .lica, at &av otk viukat. pcloaa. ErSIMSS AKD PROFLrOXAL CARDS. i , . CARD. Dt. WM. W, LANE, OFFICE CO EXES OF MARKET aad teeoad 8treet, opposite CaroUna Hokl. iNoe.ttk.teS7 -MAlttf .. 4"f'.: . "WALIttR UKARXa, (Sacoeeaor t Walker Umtm A Co.,) TTTEOLESALS AND KKTAlL DKL" OVISTS, 45 Uaaur rr Wilhimtok, X. C. Jaa.l,43. , . .,.. . 4i Market aueeU SEW AXO rAtHlOSABLE! DRE& MAK1SO ' , KSTAJUJJHilKJT, M raotiT itotib masBa. BQLBBa' a xarn mw rnw aad oppoaua Urewl a yaaerruui twuau, : ' 1 .- MISS BTANCMFIEUk. f avEntraaM appewta Cap rear Bank. WUaiiagtoa, N. &, Deoembw Slat, Wit ao-Sa ... nam J. MWW. tr.. B. f . BB0W-M. I ; HM.tu a iMUMUlkrr. Hr lark. DllUIHfTaaOW!IWURdMl,I t,r , i . COMMleOOM MWU HAKTH. tm. Cv hoWaKS &ENERAL PRODUCB BROKER, ' Sept M. 18M W-tfJ WaitwoTOir, N. C. A. b. Bcwrrn, ' - ' - " c... bttbo. GENERAL COMMTSSIOSf AND POBWARDINQ MER CHANTS. - tT. i ... - ;" WttKWOTOS H. C. . 7, ' . ii .. , BKKPaC ft MMDKllHtli. LAND AGENTS. : j ......;.. MnniBArout, MimaaoTA. Make ktvaatmanta, loaa atone r, leoaU Land WarraaU, and tranaact a Ueaarai Heal EataU Boataeaa ki tha North Weak. . .. .-.. :-.' WEB TO i Ger. Brajrirv I ' Fa-Go. Morehead,- CoL Gwrnn, T. C AB. U. Wortk. . April th, 1857 i . . . 181-ly JAB. ITOKLXT. . - , ALBZ. OLDIAM. . ' ' , BTOKXItr OLDHAM, VlROCERS iND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND JT DEALERS IN CORN, OATH, rBAS, U. " WlLXlBOTOV, M. C. ' . .... " ;w ElMBBKCB. ...,!, CoL Joob McRab, Preildent of tha Bank of Wilmington, i O. 0. Pabbut, Eao, Praaideat of tha Commercial Bank. - OILE8 ft MOORB, TTTHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Df HATS. . 1 V CAR, CAM us, L'MBIiil.M.A, AO-, No. 61 Market itreet, W i itreet, Wujojotok, N. C. BVCuh paid for Fan. , , -Beptl. r' ' I, , , ; , JTOS. T WAUkH, , , . . - aItorNet a Law and soucrroB wt ixjunr, L PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OP LAW AND Eanitv for Horr and the tdloinmf DUtricta. " , OILBO ft MOOftB, - CrRna Hotel, 01 Market Hmt, Wllmligtoa, W. C BE NOW OrEaUiU aad bare ready lor taepeotkm, a faahinnable and verr aeftirable and larKiiia atock of ATS. CAPS. STRAW GOODS. 4o. . Ther enumerate la aft, Seary. nee Be, ena. and other etylee of faahionable RKSS HATH i Panama, Letrhora and Pala Leaf Matas Cap. Felt aad Wool HaU; Leathac, Cloth, Bilk and Nary CP i Ladiei Riding HaU Children'a Fancy HaUj Canea, Um brella, eto. To all which w resnactfully aolielt an ezami inatioa, feeling wall aaanrad that they oannot fail to bo anited with aome of the nany raxiotiea oQtred to their lnepection. j h. t.u me VCONUMKNTS, TOMBS. HEAD and FOOT STORES. ATA. rUKMAXUKB. 1UI n, Ac. ol toe , IWJ yuAMA A , W A M riUiUASi or ITALIAN HAtUiU , luruwuen vo orucr, aa kindlnthe ooantry iwimt -; . '1 i-.w'i-.ft J employ none bat eiptrienoed workmen, and will apart bo taiui to please all who may faror ma with their patron BfaTierv CAao, auaia or epeciai inmpni. - 1 i. U.iin Wi 0 MILLWAN.,.: Wlmlngton, N. Sep 13th, 1850. ,. ..... ...,7-tf. , 0. .'alamti', Vnt or.:.il-i A . :.." , ctABI. BTODDAnD ft CLARK. U iti . . pOMMffiSION.MEItCHANTS,. ' 1 f . ; No. 154 Frwit Street, New York. Liberia! eah advance made on du&eigBBnuta to aa, by Our friendi, Mewa. PetUwaj k PrltchetW , . ub ut, 1857 , ;...mij.. a abbom o. MAmm,"-ni .! rvrv , WAT80N ft IlBARES. 1' aAMOTI BTBABB8, riOMMISSION MERCHANTS, .... . , , . . y, . .. s uanmir nnp, mew iora. pectel atUatiea paid td the Bale of NAVab Stobbi, Cot' aiiASQutheraftotacMBraU. ) , t TU berial advance mad on coneigumenU, July 1, 58 ari.i.aABTti;1,v-'; "'4 wb. kiCALmTia , cb ab. aatUT, (Special partner.) ' -MARTI If ft MACALJ8TKR, &KNERAL COMMISSION MRRCHANTS, 1 " ; i Mo.Ha Monk Water Street, Philadelphia, tub adrancea mad on Cn1gnmnta. .' June IJd, 17. - 1 ' 145-ly. t. BABVIT OOOBBAX, . , BHOaBfc. COCMRAJf ftRUSBKLL. rjENEIlAL COlTMtSSION MERCHANTS,' No; 31 North XT Wharrea, aad 03 North Water Street PsaAOBLrBu. M-iiipenai eaaa aaTanee bukm to vvaugiumuia. , Jul;J(18i3 ; CO-PARTNERSHIP AND OTHER NOTICES. UA. ii fiinj!-1' "-L - NVl ltlb t y t i 'i LL PERSbNS ARE' HEREBY FOREWARNED THAT J. any debt aontnoted by any ther penon except the naaemlirned. for aoaoont of Steamer Jaa. R. Uriet, will not ..T .."' OITTPUIV a UUIl'lll be paid. i pai Jko. , r;riWAY 4 PRICUETT. lit, 1857 AtlBBOLtiflON. fflHE ' CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore oxlatlne between JL Joha W, GiieaMd N, R Ha wee, under the firm and aula Of GILES St BAWES, lathi day diuotved by mutual eoneent"--' ' ' ' JOHN W. UILtiJ, x July tat, 1867.'.'.. .' -ii. N. B. HAWES. i fO-PARTSF.RHIF HOTICB. MB. JOHN W. GILES harlng twociated FRED. J. MOORE, -with him la tha " HAT, CAP AND bf UAW (AOQVt" bUMSeM, announce to tbe pnblio that the aaid buineai will eontiooe to be carried on sndet the firm and ityl of "GILES MOORE." Thankful for the kind patronage extended to Ue late ttrm of tide 4 Hawe, tbey trvM that th exertion of ertry effort to meet the taite - . . ... . .... .I'll.. .An A . . , I . . ' 7 . -f . JOHN W. GHiES, ' vimn. J. tiooKKi July tat, 1857- . , 356-tf . -i.i.' ivwairmtaBiHIP. " .-' rnHS SUBSCRIBER ha thia day aaaociated with him, Mr. ... ....... ...... I.L - 1 : I . F. :tl i. . MA.. a u.n. BinlUii. .xun oiwiueee """mm miu. m v. ried ob under tha nam of A. B. McDUFFIK 4 CO. . ,. Ulyioth; A. B. McuurriEfc 187 r a -t.i---- 268-tf .,.6ABDBV BEEDUBAROBa BBBOl ' - TUST RECEIVED, a fan and complete wipply o(, lAK tl DK&TWS SUPERIOR GARDEN 8KJ). , WALKER ME ARES, Dec. 1 ; - " 7 -f Druggist, 46 Market itreet COAL I COAL II ., , ON AND AFTER THE I5TH INSTANT, THE PRICE OF Coal will be $7 per ton delivered. , I. C. WORTH. : ' Dec. 19th 1857. .'. ....... ( ' , i , Ytfl 'OfVEB OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CTITLDUEN'S ZJi-Sfat New York Coat for Ci&tf.. Callajai jfart-t at, under tb CaroUna HoteL GILES 4 MOORE. iM dnnn CONTRACT SHINGLES, a inperiorar UU.UUU ticle : 100,000 Common Wangis,a perior article. . For aale in h- to wt. by . Feb.fith. rtTTEWAYATRITCTTETT. 0 c U(jJU cwvod a4 lorjuvla bi W. S. KcXUJaY 4 CO. JL I TT7TL MEKCI5AL baltdkirr tone ikpital. POC-VR JOHNSON.' THE roaad-r of Ui tterted lartiMtk or. -Ik aw4t Certain. Stedr. aad oalr eff-ctnal rewe lr to tb r!.l fur (llwM, gtrn ture. 8-mmai weakne, Paitis hi the Lhb, Coiwtiiaueaal Debility. Irapotetw. ekn-a- the Hark tad Lhnbe, ADIkhu tt the Kkluc;' PalMUtkr the Heart, lwpata. Sertoa IrrtUbUity. liw ( U Had, Throat, Num. or Skin: aad all thuee aerkNw aad atetaRckolr Duorder aming from ail the I"trctiv- kabiu vt Veutk. wkk destroy bulk body and mind. The. man and eub Ury practK-e mvre fatal to tlwir victim thaa ike mg of lb Fyrea U the Marmer Ulvvaea. bitcktutc th-ir aine bnUuutt kopea of aatvcipaltoua, rriug aurmc. Ae llUOMibi. . Veeiug Meet. Mpecklljr, wko hare Vcome th Tktim of Solitary Tice, that dreadfai aad deatraelive kabtt, wkkk aaaaalr aweep to an aatunely grar thotaad of youae; mea f tke aaoat exalted talient and brUliant mtellert etfttiWi etherw we have entranced lurteaiag SoaW with th thaader of elo qtjence, or waked to acatacy the Mvtng lyre, may caU with all toBBdeaca. 1 - ' .-.s .-V 1 8IrHaw , , . t.j , . v Married Panona, or Yooag Mea coRteatibtittg marrtege, being aware of Phyaical Weakure. Orrjamc, Debility, Delor mtttea, Ae.. ahould lmmedtateljr ci.utt Dr. J ., and be rertored to perfect keattk. He ako place klnwelf ander th ear af Dr. Joknaoa may rehgioaaly coofid ia ki konor aa a geatleatra, and onildeBt ly rely npo ki kill aa a pkrviaa. - Organte tVreknrw ' Imnwdlately cared, aad fun rier restored. ! i Thia dieaa I th penalty most frequently paid by thoaa who have become th victim of improper uutulireoc. Young penon are tee apt to commit excee e from aot be ing aware ef the dreadful eoiutequeiice that may eaue. Now, wko that BBdVnrtaud the lubject will pretead to deny that the power of Procreatioa I lost woner by theee falling Into improper kabit thaa by tke prudent. IWidea being deprived the pleanur of htaiuir oi-wuig, the moat riou and dwtrnctivo lymptom to aolh body and mind are.-. Tho ytia beeoiue deranced, the phyaical and aiental power weakened, aervou debility, dvtpepeia. palpitattfHi of tk heart, iadigeatloa, a wasting of th frame, conga, symptom ol eon-tunntioa, eto. . i i , s Nrrvoua lM-blllly. ' , 1 Weaknea of th lyitem, Nervou Debility and prematura decay generally aria from tk ltentructiv habit of youth, that auLtary pnactic a fatal to th healthful axiateao of man, aad ilia th young who are moat apt to beeoui h Vieum from an knorauc of the danger to whiuh they ub ot themMhr. Pareut and Guardian are often mUled with reeoect to th cause or source of dleea-a in their on and ward. Ala I how often do they aaeribe to etht rrsuas tn waatmg oi uv rrama, raipiutioa or Ue Ueart, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, dprangeuetrt of the Nervou System, Cough, aud Bynipton of Consumption, also, those seriotM Mental (Sects. Buck a loss of memory, depression of spirit or peculiar fit oi Moiaucnoiy, waea ta u-ttia m iiMy save Boea aaasea ay lodulauig in pernicious but alluring practices, doatrootrr t both Body and Mind. Thus are swept from xlstenoa LUou aanda who might hav boon of use to their country, a pla sure to their friend and ornament to Society. ' i OrricaXo. f Huotb FaaAaict it., ' left hand id going from Baltimor strct, 7 door from tha corser. , , . , f..,t, ,, Af B particular in observing the nam and Bumber. or von will mistake th Blac. -t.. . agTak notice, obmrvt th aaaa ob ta loor and Wta- aow. A Cure HumtnW or no Vlwrti MxU, m ftvm On to 7W Doyt. , ; . , . ' NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DRtfGGS USED. 1 -i'il - . UH. JUHNtMM. ' -: ' H : Member of tb Boyal Colleg of SargoB, IkW, Oradnat from on or lb most eniineut t ouexe of toe United Htatea, and the greater part of whose life ha bea tpeut in the arm) Hospltalof London, Parts, Phllaoei phi, aud else when, ha Sected aom ol tb most astonishing cure that were ever knows, many woublsd with ringing tath head and tar when asleep, great nervousnesa, beuif alarmed at auddna Bounds, and bashrulne, with frequout Uusbing, attended aometlme with derangement of mind, wer pared uumediat. '.I , " AOactalat lMaj.' " -1 ' : r When th tuisgukled and Imprudent votary of pleasure Ond be ha imbibed Uie seeds of this painful disease, It too alMu nap pern uui an in-tunea sense or sname, or ureat or dis covery, oeier nnn rrom applying to tnose wno rrora eauca. Mob Bad respectability, an alone befriend biro, delsyinr till IKS coiifiituiivrini Krnipioms m mm avma aweaso msse uicir appearance, sucn as, niceratea ort turoat, aueasea Bose, nocturnal pains, in the bead and limb, enuuess of aight, deafneit, node on the shin bones, and arms, blotch on th head, faea,,and extremities, progressing with frlgtftil rapidity, till at last tha palat ef the mouth or the bones uf th nose full in, and tit vie Urn of this awful dlseae becomes a horrid object of coniuiiiteeratUm, till death puts a eriod to hi dreadful tuOering by sending them to "tliat ourn from whnc bo traveler return." to ui h therefore Dr. Johns tot pledues himself to preaorv th most inviolable ocreoy, and from nil xteiimve practice In tua ttrst hospital la Europe and America, he can confidently raccommend a safe and speed; cur to th onfortunat victim of this horrid dteeasB. ,s'-'' ' f . It la a melancholy fact that thoBsaade rati vtclim te tlifs j ....I ji . . : . .. . .. . 1. . H. L. mi'........ . . I .... . ... pretenders, who, by the uso of that dreaiU ul uimaou, nutri nry, ruia tha constitution, and even send the Biilortuuaie surferer to ao nsumeiy grave, or eise msie uie resume or nis lire atiraiiia4 - - .'' -'..- . Take Partlewlar Kodre. Dr. J. addresse all Utose who hart injured thcustlve by private ana improper uiuuifrcncics. The sr some of the ad and melanrholv ' effect nrodu oed br aarlv kabit af yontk. vis: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pain In the Head, Dimneaa of Sight, Los of llatculaf rowar, I'upttaiion or tn Heart, yispvpsta, Aarvou lrnta. bllity, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General ! kllitv. svmntoms of Consnmntion. Ac. MaxtAtLT Th fearful stfecta anon the mind art much to be dreaded, Los of Memory, Conf sion of Ideas, Denrmisioa of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society. helfHi trust, Lov of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are aom vf th vil prodaced. V "-' i -. '' .,' Tbouaand of person ef sll ages, nan now Judge What I th cans of their declining ksalih. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pal and emaciated, hav a eiaguler appear anc auow uie eyes, cougn ana symptom oi oonaumpuon, Or. Johnson's InvlgotwUnf Remedy for Organic Weak- ';- -. nets. 1 , Br this treat and Imoortant remedr. weakness of the or gins are speedily cared, and full vigor restored. Thousand or tn most nervou ana aeMiitaiea. who bad lost ail hope, hav been relieved. - All Ininediinebf to Mariince. Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervooa Irritability, - Trembling and Weakness, or exbaautatioa.uf tht most fearful kind, speedily cured oy vr. jonnston. , . . i f-'f... Vaaaiig. Mm, 1 ' " ' .' Who have injortd themlv by a Certain Prsetlce Indul ged ia when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companion, or at chooU-th etieot of which ar nightly felt, area when asleep, and If aot cared, render marriage impossible, tad destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately.'')' -if : n,i ''!,i.v".' v. . ' i What a pity that a young man. tht hop of hi country. Bad th darling f hit parent, ahould be snatched from all prospect and enjoyment of life," by the consequences of aiviaung irom me pain oi nature, ana inaaiging ia a ccr tain eortt habit Such person before contemplating should reflect tliaVa'aound mind and body ar the moat necessary raquisitle to promote conuoal bappines. . in deed, without these,' the Journey, throngh life becomes weary pilgrimage tha preeneet hourly darkens to the view; tbe mind become shadowed with despair aad filled with tht melancholy reflection, that tht heppiaastof another become blighted with our own. . . , , -, . 4 , OFFICE NO. f SOUTH FREDKIC ST. fidtlimore, Md. All SuiwiCAt, Opikatiohs 1'aaronaxo. t . ; N. B.Let ao false delicacy prevent you, but apply im mediately either personally or by letter. ' .'I BUB PISBASB arBBDILT CUBBD. , . ..., Toatrstngers . 1 -,..(. f ' The many thousands cured at thia Institution within tht hut twelvt years, and the numerous important surgical Op eration performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by th re porters of out daily paper and many other persons notices of which hav again aad again appeared before th public --bi A sufficient guarantee, that the aOlicted will and a skill ful and honorable physician. . -, ; .. ;, .' ; Take Woltre. ., N. B Then art to many worthless Quack advertising themselves as Physician, ruining tb health of th already afflicted,, that Dr. , Johnaoa Deem it aeceasary to say, espe eiaily to Uioae onacquainted with ha repatatioa, that hi eredentili or diploma always bang ia hi offic. , , , , TAKE N0TIC-A11 letter must b posVpaid, and con. tainapostag stamp forth reply, or no answer will be aent .ApTfl,J,l867 . W4-ly. n. , nr. .. n-r , TiTittlrfio ' WrtT.llTWnTmW 'u 'n .ha en hand and ia constantly receiving part and select ... .. .. nL . .... I . UiMi.Fuflnna . fl.t las, 'initiKes, supporters, eurgiuat luauiuimuv, mr , , An ir rti'n of the stock la solicited irom j in-n iana viH, j.miiKi.011, believing that vicr can l,e . , p,lHd tqnaliy low is they bny for " North." and knowing tht qnslrty of th article to b more reliabl. r . t lhest."k of liwtrument I unusually Urg" and Will bt .iid t s .j.-a--oly low price. . . . - , a::.?, err a d wsouo'it sfik r t. r r . j , LWk BA. W.vj tw J. TOS SALE AM) TO in. - IHMsS AD LOT Ft)R StIJC n Til AT HOLK AXD U)T LTI IBBEl'IATELY NorU of ta il!!jrui tad sukroad, a NiU street, Tk kotwe eoataiu Bt rop aad a rewarv oat buildicga, wilk good w!l of 'rr. 1 tn ajy. Apply to W.L i irWklO, XRRKSfT. . , . A THE I'W tOJJ.Ml HULSit OS vBtanut betwaea IL f I toad and Third street, forms v enraed by Mr. Eua ' Pilta. AdbIv Im J. K. PluRCK. Ain ae rVpt 13dli tf . R 4UW- U t!rrTH' &r0f-,.' 0 R EXCHANGE FOB TOWS PKOPESTY. l,X a hutd, T7 mile from town, lying tsuned ateiy a t"- w i Kingtoa aad Manchester Railroad. A. B. McDlTr FIX Nov. l-7i tr. AaAHPLBtAs6v ..... Trrc r in rsT a rtipi C ar hmn-m tA thia I market for aale oa aasf ternta. br Nov.Ic.lsiT. . . J. kr.E08Oib0N4B03C. . FOB RENT rROMT BTRfT OCTOBKB, 4 CONTENIENT ROOM. vr tht eSce oetupfed by XI. vr- r. . rotter, oa r roat itrttt appiy to . ,., if hept ISth, LtJf-ll tf . GkO. HARTXISS. Vtf.r.tBIJC PROPERTY AT PRIVATE IAUB. . riHIJC WHAKKoa the West tde of Cap Fr River, knewt 1 a th EAGLE DISTILLERY. For terms, which wul bt made favorabhi, apply to ! J. H. FLAN 5 EH, Septtl. Auctioneer and Broker. No. W Market t,. ron iucst. M FOR TWELVE: MONTHS from 14 Octqbef aext t f . I dwtHuiB koast to Blades atnat between) ad aa4 4tk ... . . . . i , L f i ff tree ta, North of tht Ball Road, A good kitekea attach. en and wn or water eoaveuieni, Al present occopiea P Mrs. rkilyaw,, For terta apply to 1 ,h t .4 ., D. Bt. nut, ABCUraeew Aug. Mth, 185T. ,! ' ' - tXI. ' von. REST. .. . . t s .... 1- , ,,.-. 1 . ( w v.f 4 ; A DWEIXINU HOUSE CB Dock tret betwa f, 1 7th aad Mk ut; at prU oeonpied by W, A MWik. Kan.. " 1 ahraala IMaktr. Ann i .:,.:i. . .. bk V. WALUCkC Jepttth,.1 . ,r ..s l itf 1 !' ' MOlKrvTARII V EXPRCTICn. . - H PER WTI1CJ. A. J. PeROWCT A L.T. MMlf rPLANT Ing Petatoe, Katlng poUtor. Vcm fork. Rio, Uguyra. Ht. lioiniitf-o and Java (Jeffs, Cbeeae, Lara tn kett and bbia., ttiitter. dA Bisovit, tiftnnv Bart, Ao.Vti for J0 1 Itt.H , . by PETTEWAY 4 J'WIClUCnj , 1. .-f ,,"-;' ?t y " ! o pw tjTBAdot'Q & RMtv ; :t ' :, . i iirtu wiiv mm nirdivil " " 10 75 Coil Rope. Tar aMJali .U l Dec. ltd, 1M57., i J J. 4J. L, HATHAWAY 4 CO. i ii j.il .li-, i i , , , l ill , Jl'HT UKCKIVEO OH tOKatO-IMJCXT- ilv nf "BBIA HKItniNGS, IN FINK ORDER i , - M u .. OU I"" bundlB New Foundland Cod Fish i , . i . &0 kiU TongBM and Soand) ' ' ' ' 40 No.lMckrL raak 19 ' ' - T-Dao.-Itrta , , .7 ; ; ... : Q&6..W. DATI8. . Tf ?rt , i W COBN.' ' ' 1fff BUSHELS PRIMS NEW WHITE CORN lN U U U itort For ala by " -i1 1 . ...... ilk iiiTAtf 1 n r rtt k , a .i V . i 15 BBLS.' " Myr$ Jtottan WbJiyY a. NoL V Su--i. ttepk, 8tk."l. ' a. ft.', fc O. WOttTtf.' ." "" " " -"' ,,.'' T""'1 n V' ' '!' ' f" " M ! 1 ii, .1 'It" 1 " ,otaY BAOa i ouaat baob i t, n, vt Kfff GUIW BAOSJn iter and lit aalo It t )UUU tolt,by 't. C. 4 B. 0. WORTH. , Aug.aiBt, tlttf ..,. i.,HIIuim;.'w... - fc. l V't'W ' ' ' "" "' I "" IMF "mil If) 1 ili . 1 )l! iihhiii 11 'll " 600 CASKS ROClkLAND Wit Fori fUtt TO AR. iv. br ,t x. v. b. o,,wyuiii, , Uuteberid . . HAY. :,j r,,t fc , 1 i. HAI,ra KASTWIN, DOW toBdJngt,. . , 100 do. Nw York, la vt.T For tat b I t t.,fi .Nor. 14 t4 a ...i-.t. 4 !..,. nottn 4 0. Cifi( BAGS riJUB--diirerent jrradet l im lfrr' ' &0J 'ISbbls, lAsh Mill family Flour-lif at ta rkei( so 00. Moss l'ora t . ' , , , . a . , i 10 balet 4-4 Sheeting.' For bbwW'N VVUflVH , : 1 ' " V ' ba biviiaiii VUU A. O. IIU.tUL.KV. DHt'fAOINT ASI APOTH BCAMY, It1 tMl'KCTFUU.y UAIii T Ji Ji A 11 AN TluN OF THE Medical men of North Carolina, to th followinr esta- V ........ ... .. ... ... . .'. .... ...JU Ha . ' ingot or "rtnrgicai ana siecnsnirsi instramenii.", in ia strumente aukl by tha witertgnd, art mtonfatnt by F, yH. V. W, Bruikwkaa- aad Marsk 4 Co.t N.Y.I aad tt a) belktvud that la many reaper l they art superior to tkiie of oiner maxers 111 in vmwn pute 1 . . Genaine Evens lancet ; "1 Do. do.t, Gum 4o. ' '' " ' Cliase'l Trusses, tdtie finish) .7 . Do. do. double, do. do.( . , , . Marsh 4 Co.' do. (patent) Ivory Pad do.j. - " ' French ' do., (vry Uglit) ! ' TMtfc Forcp, (extra Bntah) 5 ' , i m j. 1- 1 -,1 i .-.; H , ;U tt i 1 ajo, do., tcurvaj ( ;,j."i, i Dissecting Case ' , , ,. " , . , . 'i Slf Injecting AporatM, AurnoU'l, MArT'iaauothr ; '. Indl Rubber Hyringea, It oant ) a . '' Do. do. Pessario, (with tube) ' , Pesssrie tilass, (ball ahaped) 1 Nursing Bottles, (several new styles Just oat) x, lacteali India llnbbtr Breast Pomps, (a atw atyltyi llanning'i Supporter, Marsh A Co.. London I ... French Uo "I r Mr. Btt , ; dO I j . 4 '. ''!,! if if i1 i 1 v- Uusslan Belt , . , . . , . Fin Huspensm Banuage ' 'I ' .-pllnu, (with crw to adjust) k, 1 t'hysicians' Medical Bag , ., Do. Pocket Cae '' " ' Shoulder Brace;, , . , . . , ' Cuppint Cases; r . ii Hi' i V . Pocket Medicine Cases, (18 viala)T; Silver Csthetes, (male) ; ' Do, - do., (ftnaloli , k V Ih. 1 . A innaumj oonwsi . .... ,. f ,. .. 1 Cupping Grip, (far nprlor to th old (tylt pump.) , Itov. ltilh ' ; - COTToa YABj.r r .,.,.. 4 -I X "ALES JUST RECEIVED 1IBECT l(FC0M ,H 1 l kft'Hifaotory. For sal by ' ,' ' 1 ... Nor. flth 5 ' ' ' PBTTEWkr 4 plUTOXEtt.5 . .1, ,.ii..iiiu,,,Ti.i',.',,'. it t'1 1 1.41 .r ' f t aioiVAaiBa. ifAxTtAtBialaV : ': mi tlri lu ijr HUDS. SWEET HEAVY BODIED , SURINAM, MO Jtf lasse, just received. roribr, , . . 1 !,..,. aot.ota ... . ,. wiliaAiid a tuuiw, COAL, COAL, A prim artfeta ef Chestnut Ooak'(smaU) sclUng at 15 par ton (Jut 4) v.r ') 1.0. WORTH. TT or;ri bags Peruvian guano. - For' r ia lot; by .1. 11 I SI... Hi B, Iff A...n . V A, ..A , . uui. t i 1 1 " ' n. a. itwaai wr 1A PKLMB EMPTY SPIRITS TURPENTINE BBIA, XUt received per Brig C. B. Allen. t- Got 16 . . . 1 ADAM, KU. W. , U -miff --.Aijfclii tii iAi'iY ii J n A, .E-aVwK n ...aj , -,,ia.i ' " 1 UUOCKRIE--A.BOCEBlEB ,v - 1t BBLS. LIGHT BROWN MUSCOVADO BUOAR la JLU bags Rio Codec in atort tador oak by" " ' J " i FLOVRi FLOfnit Oi i BBL8. FAYETTEVLLLE FAMILY FLOUR J For sale by i , -. J ) .. 1 ETlk,WAi tt 1'IUTCUSTT, r Jan. 00. ' ,.......!....,.,. ULCELt-E.. i ;-:'-'.. OR' BBLS. DISTlLLERo . GLU r", a pria Brtirle,". For sale ny . .,, . .. .. nALiUAiAki-a tytuita. j Oct . . . . - .. 1 , , -4 . ' SOTICE. .,!'.. . 1 f lllLB Regular rate of Wharf,i- will be ,r.v-"'' i ?' '. . B, per wno uo uei-n ui vi e i i ( i i . r ( r 1 i i the W est Side of t:. I ver, f r htoTt received per Wiirnln't'-n ,r-- ti.ii. . ax i, ... ,r. Dec. 10th, l'-'-e. .... ...... . F , tf 200i ao. v4 V-;rA,T A. A.A. V - . r ; r - " pi. f 1 it . 'pAC'rcssA.Natv ... l?t.V'i i-'ir-s l -a I . Wr Ct. k a 1 - W tuN, NAVAL ST . It Ji It eary out tkj ya sJiasmi ?, i.iu. . tf tabgaruaeMos3BkAa:r 1 .. . attouat. . , Oar aflcak aorasw af tZITl WAT., i . atreeta. j . ..mw 1 . . Our wkarVM aad ak.i . t- rorpUi af prod ace by f U t . . arvaak tdvaaco aad ob to- - a. , coBJtt'OATKa. WBOcasrlf tzza a.J . ' ' u ' t 1VbxXXT3.. i tl i -; .' V CBTSBetetf. b-M,y, Cjt 'f. o. . Laid, Patent Wit, fct'-t r- . "j turt, Pateat Wiro Coal e-.-,., tr. t.-l . aVrttttK airoKf;r for ..iss, Ai-, 1 iTiia4rlyfbrt,- ,. - ",.:ii - iwJlA i f 2NS KwJ i. ivo. jj .n, . A. tor. 4t. t Aiir.Xd. l.S47-Aiw.l. . n , I . "ORB DofXAKAtO I Pt n." 1 E TfUM CP C'ON LN1 AND r'.lT.. . 1 1 : td to tht "PuUi." a a i- tat f t stent Mdi In bow told fr U cure of A . . . Chdto, Ao. Uaiikt other preparation, the I . : , peoted to ear every diss to wV.ttk Uey wfll la nearly iveryc. er K, i theFao. Ane and Fever UlI. aad ... . by txpnaur to th Bight dew, tfc-s aaqa f 5 i -Prl, M otau par box, rrpard by v . , J ' t LL ' Mm lit mm i ' JU tl, EI. A T Mpvivta, wot tJol: A; Tt . J . . nikCl'VAB. nw. . . -,r IIOKS IAWB (tamped J.M.B " ' 7, s-t ' turedof the knest quality Ca-t ,.., is f v. workmen. ; The tra tempered by f 1 r J pertng Machine (wkkk U prs n.!e - ', lite UtlatiSOt ta tk gi;i p'ut tUa a. y , to, 1 and ground on Uouihrt'J J''-tthw 1 Chios V the only machine Cat a J gr.J t.. l..d.l.A I k'A-lA k- . , ..I . .. (itfyl, w&a. . T: , t . , J. M. E".tL c;f ' P, B.-aaw or arr kind ataJ W oraer. 'M-T-r Mm-, " '- i in k ACtl't qra'BrjB8CTOBra- BEt;u..s' tss x: X 'Wing pabbe Botioa, tkat all J account L kin, hot Mtlied or atlafled, ta all tht r resent r wlU b ttat t for CWittiwn. " 'July 1st, 1857,. . ,!, I JT. KI . tl. 1. -i bmpty Etnr: j. Vf 1 A PBIME QUALITY .) r '.1 HLLvl rl, Just rtotivtd froia 1 r -i 1 - Ff abr--i'.ii-t"rtw.'W. v n..ApAa..i, L.. ' YtJST Received aad da kanj a splaadTd as.... ' J Bind or f urniture, which wui b Mid tow ' thf old stand formerly eccupltd by Houston a t . to" "a' .Ii:..J' ' .Vif . t1 , , ' , aurca 11 ui 1.1 I ' 1 ""il s J-'nl 1 s v .t rWlBIJI, Freah Mortk tam.u . 1 ? uUlBttora. Foraaiaby v. ...La.. k v Joaa VA v " . - , AT 8BBAT BAT' a A:., . a: BEAT arttty offtscy al f-: ' - p ITElf FT) THIS tAY Ai J F.l f 1L A i i IV Bk iiort t Lilt aad ton joai.-wt ti , .. by Giii'.h J. KcRet, a , . , t. . SMbeertoer tt tut abovt Wing J l... Book titor tad frt their oi!o, , , t(. f ..v. i H;I'AgBt for iD.'Apislstoa 4 Co., i , 4tv!t. fUT4. - . n . ; 1 - , nit tmmvriisziiitXob X I . . . .' A. u. I UPEUlOR lrtah aOllng Twfnt, N 0. if 1 bf ! t. ' nd 1 :ii ! 1 J..M. RUw.tJJ-. aoruststa, tiwf. 'I - r J- ,A.M - ..... . - r 1 ....lnr-nrp.a vn -"I t -l-l-l ' B utt UJAAniiU uuuus. uur itoca I OI 1 l"ll- ooatplttt (or tha I fiUVSrS I lit) I j VtlCiitl! let Slot Vo? ' S - r .. . ..... ii) ; " :t 1 11' titatloa, Uulpart, MtckiiB tnJ r , aiways aept ay -y v n.M 1 ,;u Si A i . 1 ''' , r f .5 "f .frriKrat poi--3;i ,,l ,'. . TTB I.AVB A QUANTlTlf Vt ('"": p . ,f f tatfat dlflVreat Baaka of tur, tf c r tu , BiWi kept by . -r. . .M i. ru.at lt A i or. Wblok Y,W atB WW, Ajlp J f " v V aT.at1 ar l.-aarwakitB. 'a ,411 ""lod Vr5Y'PRI3fZ'B-AO.VDriI M r ,,wri,'Jia md pr joLr, t M , L- . New York. For fait ky ...... t . .) ' ' BTRAW MAIIi W. ' ' ' ' A B0TBEB Kpply1 of Straw ITatt!.", 1 cT... lj a l.-hi'l'v ' BFlBTPBABJUtLB, .1 235 TLASTINOPOWDEIL-100 ker. b-t I eetvsdsodfor sal low, oat 'k. '-' JurrJ.1 ,.'q.i'xYY l'r'"v r ', P, . Any tuanUty of th above, or . . r 1 Dupont' Powdi oan bt BntUd1a th Botlct, and OB favortbl terwi.,,'AT,wly a s' -. . t" tVEr.PO0L BAC BALTj4.1,CC0 F-I i -Xitattortsndforaaltby (tJl) ADAi,., I .J. .w 1 r1 l- M baiTttoMveinittesiafljHh's's'XJ. fi.f I.: . ) ... '15 do, Agnoiia , do , . A,, , "BeptaHth . . ,, ;,:.T.ai.fl,ir- f? ra pusu. pruot yuow tora, aj jt t 1 too boAktlt rttdt or at i ,.t ,.,, , ,...f,iCj4 B. O. ' SriBLBfi ... OUV For tala to lota to (ah, br - - Hon 6th . ; .. , r, L ByOKLFY 4 f"T I , ( w KMPTT ' BABBJEL&V Wi"' ' OOlfl ' SPIRIT JURKEL8, Just received per F ' dCrX aw, and for al by " .iTrrSiL - ... 1 . .,,ii,,.,tJAriAKa,r7. '.' wo looked roR Brrcc- . . TH08C CF.LEB1UTED TURNIP I Builtt, PhuAdtlphitA ta.,rceivi - ' ' 'Julyn.,1 Jl . ' , IlKuktCti Viki,, oKtin-iOMY "rifSJ t, .Ki ; i !Y01TVEN,B C.!' .A t: t?" . tl "dOUVr t 1 ' - ; '- ; 7 "JvoY! . a", ;d i-..it.. Onbottlwl!lcJlfina.vA.:ai irf C . doront, and wave th Glort pft-"y s aoo. . ; a. y. 1 .ij, 1..-1. ... ....... ' BVtA..' 4 I.t S iSff t21AAlJ.C.- BAt.. , A . aW.VJUU recer4.,( Form! r .,Octlst - ' ' -A PLEASANT AkA.it- . . it Ttf lrs,.ir,JALLO,frv if A, IcelnJ ir If , 1 f 1 Locng4, kjArshoi-Aion Lie;., Li. , Nor. Ki. a ' I 1 ' i A f - -I t .' , ! or t,...i 1. fnV f T.- ..-.Ji J. Aa. Of; "COILl ROI Bfi .'" '" "ir ' '. Aetl blBs-r(ngt ;r ,,,1 Wy i( f .tr 1 50 brrl lour, W wmtno'" 7'"fftni . . . t tu.lA U 1 AivAAAlni,. ...4 1'...... V I . .' I