v c t V vol 7. ::o. FILWGTON. N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20, 1853. UOL JA3, Hit; t , tiar A, L. TZZCS, Astoria tZXx. c - : - u ..w to K- i ti ; "-mi.'.ae i.". tV.a eft - -,r. - r A J Milt "- '".. MMUM MrltV ffV t. V , BUif kJCAXl. ' One diy.,. ...... ,4 IS Tr,.,r,. ........ fci rwim.UHaH f J F'.v - Ti C r 1 fc" 1 i. .. 1 & Cm day. . Tweey, ... T TsiWOdAyi,., ...... 1 M Four 4r,. ....... 1 at 1 4 Ca wk. 1 M Two imUwu.. 1 tlr Oae obJu........ 4 M Two o....M.. M . tiree momiia 19 W f- I U CO ' T - r -A.......I tJ t if ,.,....., N t f..... life On jmi M...M M 1 . . M cocci J u aad Ire haee or lea a 4 -a. Le$et wn4neata to proportion, tad all r' - u '.. a not paid to advance li Mat !' 1 be ckarfda the tM inserts - hot F4 far to advance va b ebarf- ttremet fcaerted at Special r Bishon Vottes tt r t lot aaca iManxM atar U Ant. T i f : l . alt fuotli rwpoaaiUa aaaa. . - t::3 m psoixssiom caeds. . S. BCXOT. v' " '5' ' T10t.. MCXOT. W. H. KrKOT BRO, t' p"crr.s io couMwaJos utacnijrra, Booth (h. "f atrt. Wu.KUltfTOH, N. C. j7 u, t. " . 1 m t: hi W. biuihi jil. A TT"" at I 4W, - 21. 1 ' - THE tnnTso btatss DT i r na t j l;s i ; :ct Of mokth camiuva. fc - a. Jjn tta, X&iO. - . U1-tt it noKurr. lbiaji. TOKUET OLDIIAJL - LZAliUJ U CUIOI. OATi PEia. AC... . . CoL Jom KtAi, Predit of th Bask of WDmlBftoal 0. 0. I mur, laaUol of tka Cuauaarolal Bank. , muxa lieu, JOLESlIJSAjxOEETiuu pRUOcilsTS, Sarthwoot tonn-r of Front and MarkMBi, WUminrtoB, N.C., jrffl 9 oontftanUy 0a hand a wn aaleotod atocl of Drur adit C.mtoi, faacy iruclM, Parfnraary, flnrrtcal lmtnsimifm, Tvmm, Palnta, Oil, Window Otaaa. Yaruuh, Old ifci J 0.. Ac All of wbkfc wUlU ttmSk d oa tenu an j at low pricea. . . uua) A4o " - sJm-ly ' Oei, nh, (, .i u 7- - Mil W. II M.B w A. atrtata, wUminjum, If. C. , , Itn CM,r Pw. WUmtajrtott, M. C. . a. Uafc, . . ... . U BaJem, do. J. I. i t.ry "y, rrtgiJont of Bonk Ctoraw, g. 0. Oct IT) - ik a. LAaroirr, C03nCE3f WX UtSCBlSl, Ho. U Mortk Water (treat, im. rom amtirv . NmuwuiT, jr., a. r. biowii. Uiujwa imhumkt, aiw itri ' . baXUMXKT df UOWI WllmlnaioM, . Cs II V COSGCiOK M&UCHiiTTa WIUtlNUTOS. N. O . ... i 1. E. 01K2XY, Proprv-!, AJiBOICKTXESr 4 B110., iffenll. A ILZmOT KAVAlt fiXOE&lpBronaaed, naooiao Xj tnr4 ao4 aold . . r-y '.. v iirr ; aa4 btoraga famialMd, and Ooqperagt Aom t fajrratft. - .. . , , , . Jaa tat, lSSTUl-tf. - J, WL BOBDOOlff dk 90Sn ' WntrtMaMir.'lf.O!."'. TKrCSTETtS, MlNUFACTDEEnS AUKNTS. AND Det X I'f in Uardwara, CulUrj, Iron, 8uel, Naiu, AatIoiiI tural Implemasta, to, . . i COSinS HARRIS ' ! ' HAS Tmi PAT AS30CUTi3 WITH HW A. J. MOW UJL, aJ tie boaintaa from ttk data will ba eos docted tader tea Ann and atla of r- ..CM-, . HAERI38 A HOWELL. WCmtogtcm, BI. Jannary Ub, 18M 100-tf HARlUitS dk HOWVIJU aoaoa wakkim. . a. . Howttt. Jan. A, .. loo-tf jrOMCFIt K. FXAlfrKR, 1 KXS3AL COXXIUHOS K3CH AST, A 0 A trs, BROTHER dk CO- c omnixio &ua;iLA3Ta, . waimtoTOitt n. u. OTROROK W. DAVTk, . . (WafESlOS nUUKJUAJiiT, Bonta Watar Btrtet, J WaMnToii, S. 0. h iatxatat. . . t. ifiw t. ' war. a. trmt. J.AJ.U HATH AWAT dk COM r. , COXinCGIOa MERCHANTS, WttMTHGTOH. N. C. - T.O.AIR. O. WORTH. oiarrrjo.i aot fouwaidujo xkbchajtts, KarchIl,18eT ' fl4-l fAXM Airmnsow, IVWAtofATAffi. ESX3AL CU-lUJl MSaCHANTS, - - - T ' - -' WlUHKOTOll. N. C Llbarial e'i aJmneti aiada on consjnmota. - iv lu.Aim crnna. . : CIO jr.': :o,i " .tuanth, wholesaLB qsocess, AAJiALUdUO.UW, 7 Jan. 12'-a. . i Wavrmroa, W. O. ' I EraALCOXZISaiOa AUaCiUNT, - X ' WttMHOTOK. If. C urn to Oaonra ITarrisa, ; , .1 . . .. 'Jer. Lntuirloh iilot, V Wilmington, H.a lAxsir.n , g. nrnnn, i. 1 1 Vwat pnrrtHkTT, rALC KESCHASTS, Norta Water VX t"t, V..r -.in, if. a . - . . 1 ; tr $'v rucuir atuntlon to thaaala of Natai froasa, Coi row, Aa. VX WlLklGTOS n. a Jan. Ut, 13T. Sft-tf. IAK2 c. nan. jAikcsmrra dkoon pC'i' KZ3C11ANT3, offlca atvond itory, corner w wi .a n 2-r tea Karen where t-r r4 prepared to I attend to all bnaineaa ia taa Ail bob. aiiUwtad tn them win Im nniuitnall aUmhA ad to. -: C HAS. I. MVKJljL TTAT ASD CAP lUiruL.-.:. ji K,Krt Btmi. "' rl ll- WamwTow, .C. 1 o'", J ! "4I,1'7 " r("" wool, fur, b;;, cr t-"), thwTc-kwi. ' wicen. . . end lie tut ' V. Ai.A. v 7 1C ! JLj A ' ' ji KSBES A5D TEOFSIONAL CIFDS. l mm. AixtsjtA, . . TiLra ia csivotiss, i-wvos asdcexeul U MJCiCaASDa, So. M Sti Wr Srtre!, July 1kA, Isoi. 1 WtuoMtiux. S. C H. BL EIUrKJ, CHANT, aad UiU 1 1 KATAL StOBd, toner Watataad Mftrket atreeta, WCalaftoa, X. C jprw , waa. - - " - - W. W. CATTS. M. D- Q rrca hi mnss;oxAL bhjvices to tbx err taaoaef wJaactoa. : - - ca 11 door aiaw Halmea' BjteL Front Street. Jane a. 331 tf DR. K. T. DRAJCE. TTATTTO PESMAKEfTLY LOCATSO IN TBS TOWN XX of WumivUM, moat reepectfuily ternler aia profea mvmtl eerrtt.ee I the iu&abliama of ua town aad eorround tfig aeajiwy. Be eaa ba fa4, axeept wbaa profeaeionally Ufigi, at lie office oa Fiona atreel, nearly eppotile tbo cn awf it. h A. AMVNI. Mey tt, Lv8. 11n JOH.W A. BAKCR. j A TTO romi 1 T LA W , A X D CO W X LSS 1 0 NTH OP DEEDS run inA aiAis ur bowtu i akulina. .. . WuatwoTOn, N. C. . Kay Jlit, 1851 J 128 tf - .; .- fc LXVI A. HART, ..... . a i t a rottiT t hit, MASrUFACTUBEa AND D BALES IN GUNS, PISTOLS, Uardwara, Btorea, Copper, Tia aad Bbeet Iroa Warea, aiao, TnrpDtine 8iiU and lUUiree, Front etreet, below Botntee' hotel, Wilmlortoa N. C. April K mt 184-ly J. at. atoxx, pOlOlISSION MEBCHANT, Fereoaal aad prompt attention flrea to eonalcnmenti of ' vuuvb, ww, ate eiuier tor aaw or aoipmem. Oct, lirtb, 1U7 1 1. i HEffRT P. RFaaEIX, 4 iCNESAL COMMISSION WEBCHANT, VX U7 Kait Bit, (Up Ptiiu.) . ' . CEAELCjTOy, 8. C. Mareh lTth, IS&S. . Ultt WK. c uuWajux . ... " GENCBAL PBODUCB BaOXB, Bept. M. 186i-U IT WiuumTOM, N. a A.a.owfra," .w.imoj. ., A. B. MeDUFFTB dk OTX. tJ.Mll COJUliialON AND FOBWAEDGIQ JOB r CHANTS, . :. . , . . . . ' WuMDwroN N. C " JalySHh. UST tsn-tf ' i- - WnJOSOTOIf MARBLE WORKS, 'f avwnt atavet, aea tbo Melbattlat K. Chwranu M0NDME3TT8, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONES, FURNITURE TOraTo.. of the BEST QUALITY of a t.i,ijAM or liAUAJt MAi&iut, lunuaiiM to order, aa CliKAP uciabe procured from any Mtablialunant of the aura we country, I employ none bat experienced workmen, aad win apart an palm to pleeae all who may fkror ma witk tbeir patron- rTermt CASH, nnleoa by tpeolal agreement. MUJLIOAN. Dmlagtoa, V. 0., Sept, ISta, 18M. T-tf. KEW YORK AKD FHILADELPfflA CARDS. . W. O. CTJRTia a rn. rjrrauL cowwoi vnns-v AyaAoT J'hOlHUKiX, m Maiden Una, Corner of Water it, Now torn. . - .... ... . w. a. ereria, July, maa rniur nioLBAV. tM-af . Mwraa. ' a. rotrn. n. g. OAiuasaa ',. DOIXRKR, PO'ITJCR dk CO. riuiuuisaiuN mebcuants, liarck d, 18M. ' NW You. WT-ly. bajumw 0. wAiaow. aAtroM axuia. r WATBOV A HEARE8. COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, V " MBurltog Blip, New York. ipaoial attentloa paid to the tale of Natal Broaaa, Cot rox, aad Bonthera Produce generally. Liberial adranooa made oa eondgnmenta. ' July 1, 'M i. iaktit oacanAw, :. v. a.aruxL. , , j COCHRAN dk BTJ8SELL. . GENESAL COBMIRHION MEBCHANTS. No. II North Wharrea, and 3 North Water Btreet, Pbiladiltiia. MrLiberlal eaah adraacaa made oa conaignmenta. JalylOth,l86J-. .rv,,.,:..,. . 7 i FLOUR! FLOVR 1 1 4 LOT OF FRESH GIXQ UNO, Jurt received and for tale .towforcaik,at ZENO H. GREENE'S. aiyMd. '.T' .". :." v" BACON ABD PORK. c. Bacon hams and hoo bound. If. r emrn enooiaeri ana tuaea. dt ine ana. for ttie d ulyJd. . ZEXO H. GREENE. - ' FULTON dk PRICE. STEAM PRINTERS, . WHJf LVOTON, N. C, ISSTJB THE DAILY JOURNAL BIX TIMES A WEEK at Id, and WILMINGTON JOURNAL every Friday morn ing, at 11 M per year, Invariably in advance, and papera dtecontlnned when the time paid for txplrea. THE DAILY JOURNAL eontalni a daily report of the marketam WUminrtoa, together with the kUeet Commer cial and other fntelligenca throughout the country, received Bp to the honr ofgomc to preea. , r THE WEEKLY PAFEB eontalni all the principal newt of tha week, and all tbe important editorial matter of the ier era! dally hwnea, together with a weekly report of the mar ket of Uila town, carefully collected and written out In full by our own reporter. . Tbe circulation of tbe Weekly paper ia now quite large, and la eonatantly on the Increase. The Daily Journal hat alao a very reepeotable chelation, etpeciall r among busi aeaa men. Theae papera afford faclliUea for advertising nrpawedbynootherimthia aection. Tboy alto do all klnde or PRl.mva, inch at LKm KILLS OF EKCHAXQR, SILLS OF LADING, CHECKS, Bill IJSAV1. IIXAXINtfB, CIROULAJIS, OA RVS, PQSIJCUS, 1LLNDMLL8, LABlCLfl, do. BLANKSI' or Lewyera, Clerka of Coorte, Bherifla and Constables, printed to order, and forwarded to anv Dart of the State, rata or romaa, for tl per outre, when at many lea four qulret are ordered of one kind, If done oa letter or cap paper, 1 or mania oa auger paper, ue onarge will be ia proportion. . 9 Blank! of Tarloua klnda eoostantly on hand, and for kale at the JOURNAL OFFICE. March 11,1848. ' i arusLiifs Airo lawns. TnOB CASH, GREAT BARGAINS MAY Bl HAD IN print X? ad Lawna, Jaconet, aad Organdyt. May o. HEDHICK & BYAN. ' BAn.fi.' I AfV KEGS ASSORTED, FROM 4 TO pod. For tale XUUby, , , ZENO 1L GREENE. April 8th . . " - , .... 1 ' ,1 ;!!( "!'.' FLOUR. " I Hfi BCLS- YRESH GROUND FLOUR, different gradea, IAJvt received and for tale by . " May 10 1868. BTOKLET k OLDHAM. ' ALT. LIVERPOOL SACK large tUe j Tnrk'a bland , la bags 3 baabela each. - For aale tow, for cath, at ALDERMAN BIZZELL'S, ' Jane 12th . No. M North Water Street. BTRAWHJUTTKRa. N 0. 1, 1 and J, improved quality, for aale by - OIL. BBUL MACHINERY OIL. For aale by May M. J. J. L. HATHAWAY & CO. 20 81'IHJTKR BTOCK AT COST .t FTCT ROU), i7 varirtyof HATS, CAPS, f LU.iit'US i LAIS, CUILIJREN'8 FANCY HATS, Ac, t at tbe lUt and Cap Emporium, Si Market 8trept. Ju.y 8, 1858. ' . CH AS. D. MYERS. .-. . , - TOTJ Ct iAVE IJOKY ' ' , rY!'tp""!r TT-n'iof Cept. Straw ' ' .t 5-, Ac, at the 1-nporiiim, 81 i. ATI CijiE out tiaouuer itock ' ' C2AS. Dt 1HJ. a?jLETnrin? and oteh kotices. .. cttBTEi".;F onra. I HAYS A8SOCHTE2 Mf L- TEES THOS. ft. McKOY wKh me to baraeee, whK h w.i be earned aa ante the ana aad ctvke of W.H.MiUy Bra. July It. W. H. AKKOY. TEE OTE2MUXE3 HAS EJXt APPOINTED AGENT at Oia place for the fuUowicg laenrance Compaaiva, ia KtwYmkCltyt IBBSt'N MTTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ATLANTIC " , . M MERCANTILE - . u KEW VURX ' " M " . ' UXfON " O" COMMESCUL M " -; " ORlfe-VT " PACIFIC tt . u . " 14 OCEAN - " C W. STYRON. July 10. ' ' ' " SUO-lm' . PUaoLmow OF CO-PA RTWERAHn. rrWE FIRM OF ALDERMAN A BIZZELL la thie day dk X aolved by wtntual eoaaent, aad ail perui bdebtvd to the concern will pleaee take aa early opportunity to nettle their aotee and neeeaatt the aubecriber, who ai aathorlaed to tctUe the bnaineea of the late ana. It. ALDERMAN, July ISth, 185S " No. U North Water Street - T " '' NOTICE, f -1 TIE SUBSCRIBES HAYING PURCH A&ED THE ENTIRE mtereat of Akiermaa A BiuelL will oontinae tbe boal aete at the old auad, and eolkita the patrooage as b be rally extended to tbe old arm. L THUS. ALDERMAN. Jury 16th 1868. - . HOTICE. ., ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO US will pieeae noUoe that their accoontt were due January let, isiH, aad we are anxkMB to elote Bp oat eld credit budoete Immediately. We would also eatt attention to the faot, that ear retail beaineoamfweewoiimtMy. CUAS. D. MYERS, . July la. Hat and Cap Emporium. U Market etreet. .. , f (- ! NOTICE. :-: WSt SUBSCRIBER HAVINU QUALIFIED AS EXECU X tor to the laet Will aad Testament, of Alfred Dudley deeeaaed, at the June Term, 1km, of the Court of i'leaa and Quarter Seaaiona held for the Coanty of New Uaaover, here by aotiflee all neraone indebted to taid Ettate to make car- meat immediately, and all pereoae having elaime aicaiiiat aaia uiave are nereny aoune4 10 preeeni t&em wnnta tne time preacribed by law, or thit notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. B. M. WEST. Jane Hat, 1H&. HI SmJ Exeevtor. DisaoLUTion. THE FIRM OP ZIMMERMAN A WEBB fat thai day dhv tolved by mntual content. Tbe bueineea will be nettled by H. Webb. J. W. ZIMMERMAN. ', U. WEBB. m UPHOLSTERINO AND PAPER-HANGING BUSI NESS will be continued bthe aobtcriber at the tame place, and would return thaukt for liberal patronage, old firm, and reiueit continuance of tame to new. H.WEBB. July 1, 1868 f ' ' ' " 5 144 -8 w . . ,. TAKE W, ON THE FIFTH OF MABCIt LAST, and eomtnlt. ted to the JaUo the County of New Uaoorer, la tbe BUte of North Carolina, a NEC. HO MAN. who rivee aamo aa HORACE FOWLER, and further tan that be la free, bnt wider the protection of Charle W. Poney, who Uei near Mleott'i MUla. Maryland. Ha wia makinr hie wt North when committed, the owner or protector of aaia negro mwn come lorwara, prove property or identify, and pay chargea, alee be will be dealt with aocordiag to the itatute m anca eaeea atada and provided. I Bun, Baltimore, aad Courier, CHarlmtoa, copy one week 'i . t i BOTICK. - ,..-.. t mrm steamer jas. k. okibt and flats, capt. X BANKS, uaklnc revolar tripe to FayettevUle, wUJ re ceive rreignt ana duver prompuy, ai any Laaainf on the Forwarding Mercaanta, friendly to thla line, by handing Hat of gooda at oar office, will hare their Intereita looked after, and when the Boat la not receiving, caa have the priv ilege of itorage free of charge. . April 1. , PETTEWAY PRITCnETT, Ageata. ( s - BOTICB. 1 .,...., s .. A LL PERSONS ARB HEREBY FOREWARNED THAT XX any debte contracted by any other peraona except the endenlgaed, for aocoaat of Steamer Jaa. R. Gritt, will not be paid. PETTEWAY A PRICHETT. Deo, lat, 186? . 1 . . ., . i FLOUR. , 1fifl ?BL8 DEEP RJYSB FLOUR, aaaoned gradee. 1UU Undlng and for aale by Jely 8, 1868. D1RO88ET A BROWN. WHEAT BR AM. 1 Ann BUSHELS LANDING, for aale cheap from liUUv" July it 1MS8. 'wharf by . ELLIS A MITCHELL. - MR. 1. ALRXAKDER TS THE BEST WATCH MAKER, and will repair all an! JL every kind of Watoh and Clock that baa beea tpolled. He warraota them to keep good time, or no charge I - MR. I. ALEXANDKR -KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a larire aaaort- ment of fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever Railroad Time-keepen : Gold Chaina and Necklaeet : Jewelrv r AtuM dsaArlntlm Mil... I .41 II..M..V.I... Copt, An.. Ac. He poeitlvely keepa only Gold and Silver gooda, and aever hat kept any other. Then go to n other place. Hia la the cheapett Jf welry Store la North Carolina my?. FLOCK. Qfin BBLS- fBfflH GROUND FLOUR, different rradee, AJJ to arrive. For aale by 8T0KLEX A OLDHAM. A a , FLOUR. FLOITfL. K A BBLS. SUPER. AND FAMILY. Undlng and for UVMleby . ZENO H. GREENE. AprUW. CONSIGNMENT (IV PnnviuKlKt Ai BBLS. MESS P0BK ' Jwu Lard; SO Ken 12 Caaka Bacon llama t Ubda. Bideat ' ror aale from wharf and store by 1 July a, 186. W. H. tfcBAftY A CO. !. ... nii.irn " .... . ' .. T".BEM,raD?,a Of OUR STOCK OP FANCY DRESS SUka will be aold at a aneriflce. ' HEDRICK A RYAN. IIIEETIirOS AJID TARNS. I A BALES CEDAB FALLS SHEETINGS; 1V, 10,J?0, CottOB yS aaaorted. For aaia by July- T. C. A B. G. WORTH. 1 miirn - . 10f) Pi FRE?H FLOCR-Famfly, Soper and Fine. XlslS J net received for aale br . WELLARD A CURTIS. ' - IHirrnm inn viimi 1 0 B4L?S N' c- Sheeting and Yami. In itore and for IV aale by T. C. A B. ti. worth. WW tIM rvflln ........ ii . i BALES Cedar FaUa Sheeting. A. and B. For aale by June 19th T. C. A n. a. wmhtiT to OUFPEB. LAGUAYBA. V ...-,. ,.. ST. DOMINGO. ... - . - - JAVA now landing. For aale by June 18. HUHW CUMA19. VINKQAR. .'- - . BBLS. Pare Cider Vinegar, jntt received and for aale Jane 19 by ZENO H. GREENE. 15 i ' . ' - . nxnaiirt. . BACON, PORK, LARD, FLOUR, CRACKERS, SUGAR, haleratne, Matcbei, Wrapping Paper, TorpenUne Toole, Axea.Ploaeha.AA.' A. VwLte be ' - . TRlMRn HRRRINO. ! ' - OK BBLS. EXTBA QUALITY, hnding fronrSchr; J. A J Stanly. For tale from wharf by . June iu T. C. M. . WOUTII. - - E Lt'K. ' TA E irTJJS FAUA BALI .".ton 3 GLUE, I l r.':, tilled. Irreal:. IieRUliLr A L - Hz-!-. lIi Ai BALTIMURC UXIi IsmptTAU ' rocroa jokxsox. . -. TBI foaaJer cf w.a CeWbrawJ Lwtwtioa e rt the moet Onam Peedy, and ealy eStctu! rtusr y, m u.e for Gieesa. fctrkiwee. Neaoiai weakaeM, f.n la Ue len, Coai isuoaal Lvt.ljr, UfiiArej, Wetknma of ke aad LusUa, ASkcUooa of tbe kJiire, falprit'. n of ue Heart, lrpepia. Kervoea Irrtubibvy, Pwewe of tle I!4, TWwai, Koae er r-kia ; aad ai thcae eaHtmi aad ast h y Dteonire arwng from all Ukwc lwetrefUve katuM ef euvh whkkaeetroy huthboJy and moid. Tita at aad e.i tary pracuree more faui to lieir t kt!mt ti Uc tons ef the ayreaa to the Marmara I'lywe, bliihung their muet hr.n.aat hopea ef aaucipaUoaa, reoderinr atarmg e, AeM tmpeaMhle. 1 mw Aie eepeclally, who have beeome the vfctime ef Soltary YWe, that dreadful aad oWmLve habit, a huh annual j twee e to aa BftUmely grave thooaan.ta of young ate a of the must exalted tafoata and bnUtaat AiteUeci, who Bt (M etherwM have entranced iMtenlnf Meaatea with the Uwodera of aio aneate. er waked to ecetacy the living lyre, may call With ail eoaadeoce. HarrUa. Married Perwuia. or. Youne Maeontemilatlnr awriara. keiof aware ef Physical Wet I nice, Onr ante Itehu.ty, Delwr miuva, An-, abouU immediately cooeuit Lt . J.,aad be reetor ed to perfect health. He whe placee hintwlf under the eare of Dr. Johnaoa may relig ioaaly confide to ha honor aa a gentleman and eoni dontly rely apoa kht akill at a phywoian. - Ofwaote Wtafcaeee immediately eared, and full vigor reehtred. . Thie dweaae le the penalty moat frequently paid by thoaa who have become the v to time ef Improper ioJuijreuee. i enng peraona are toe apt 10 commit ext-eatta rroia not Do ing aware of the dreadful eoneequeoeee that may eaiue N ow. whe that nnderetaade the subject will aretead to deny that the power ef Procreation la lost aooeer ay those faUltufl Into improper habita than by the prudent. Beaidee being deprived the pleasure ef keaiiby eflkprlng, the most tertoue and destructive ty nip tome to both body aad mind arise The eretem beconwe deranfed. the phytioal and mental power weakened, nervosa debilltr, dteptia, paJpitatloa of the heart. Uulirptiim, a watting of the frame, eongh, aymptuma of eonsuoij'tl.m, etc. . - s . warvosM ummuit. - -. i..- . , , Weakness of the lystem, Nervoo Debility and premature decay generally arise from the Destructive habit of youth, that aoTitary practice eo fatal to the healthful exieteuoe of man, and it ia the young who are most apt to beeome its victims, from aa Igaoraace of the daniento whfeh they subject themselves, parents and Guardian are often mis led with respect to the reuse er source ef disesse to their sunt and warda. Ala I bow often do ther aeoribe to other causes the wasting of the frame, PalplUUoa ef the Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, derangement ef the Nervous Byc tem, Congo, and ttymptoma of Consumption, alao, those Se rtoli mental eflecta, such a Iota of awmory. depreasloa of spirits, or peculiar flu of melancholy, when the vie truth ta, they have been caused by Indulging In pernio Ion but allur ing practices, detroetie to both Body and Mud. Thus are iwept from existence thousand who might have beea ef use to their country, a pleasure to their friend aad orna ment to society. ,, ....... orricn No. f rVxrrt Faaoaicg Sr., left hand lide going from Baltimore ttreet, T door from tbe corner. '.: .... ... . . .., s t , atar Be particular la observing the babi aad aumber, or yon will mistake the place. AS Take notice, observe the name on the door and win dows. A CWe wwrowsNl, or tto Cnorp Af (id, in from QntoTm ZMy. . NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DBUGS USED. ' mi. JoiiaiaoN, Member of the Royal College of Surgeoot, Londnn, Gradu ate from one of the most eminent Collegee of the United State, and the creater part of whose life aaa beea went ta tbe flril Uoepltala of London, Pari, Philadelphia, and else where, aai enacted some ef the most astonish ma enree that were ever known, many troubled with ringing fit the head and eara when asleep, great nervonsoett, being alsrmed at andden soumia, and bMiifutne, with freqwint tilnshlng, al- luituvitmwiy. , ' A Certain Dlsssse. Wbea the misguided and Imprudent fotorr of pleasure fines he ha imbibed tbe eeed of this painful discs, tl too often happen that aa Ill-timed sense uf ahame, or dread ef iscevery, osier mm irora applying to those who, from ed ucation and respectobillty, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional tymptoiua of thl horrid dlsesxe make thai. nn...n .k ..... .1. . AI M aoae, nocturnal pains, In tbe head aad Umba, dlmaesa of ignt, oearne, and en tne nun none and arms, blotobea On the head, fm;e and extremlUea, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till a last the palate ol th mouth or the bonce of the aoee fall In, and the victim of thl awful disease be come a horrid object of eommlsseratlon. till death pet a priod to hi dreadful tuffertnga by Bending him to "that oounie iron, wnence no wereier return." 10 euon, tnere fore, Dr. Johnson pledge himself to tireserv th most In violable aecresy, and from hi x tenth practice ia the Brat hospital In Europe and America, he caa confidently recom mend a fe aad cneedr onr to the unfortunate Victim of mi noma aitease. . It m a melancholy fact, that Uionsandl fall victim to thia areaorui aiaeaac, owing to tne ansiiuruineM r ignorant pre tender, who, by th as of that dreadful poison, mercury, rula th constitution, and even aend tbe anfortanate itiOVr er to an untimely grave, or clae make th rcttdne of hi Uf mueraoie. ... i - Take PartleaUr Notice. Dr. J. address all those who have Injured theraselv by private ana improper inauigences, The are om of th aad and melancholy eflect pro duced br earlv habit of Tooth, vlt i Weakness af th Back and Limb, Pain tn the Head, Dlinne of Hight, Los of Aiuacuiar rower, rsipitauoo or ue Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement of th Digestive function, General Debility, Symptom of Consumption, Ac. . Mintallt Th fearful eflceta npon th mind art muok to Is fl rmmAA I fjia. nf WiMiw. inifi,.lnn r.f f.l... !!.. low of Bpttrla, KvU Foreboding. Avertion ef Society. Self vwvm, iMim si ouuhiuc, Aunwity, ac, are eome or tne evil produced. Thouiand of person, of all ge, caa now jndg what ta too cause 01 ineir ueciininr neaitn. MMinc ineir v enr. na. couing weak, pale and emaciated, have a lingular appear- aare about the ?, eongh and symptom of eomramptloo. vr, etsaies i savMormunsj wmr tor urwanla Weakness. By thl great and Important remedy, weaknesa of the ' or gan rr peedily cored, and roll vigor rettored. Thousand of th most nervon and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have beea relieved. All Impcduntuta to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervon Irritability. Trembling and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speed- uy carta oy inr, tionnaon. Toang Mcsl, . - Who hate Injured themselvea by a certain practice, In dulged in when atone a habit frequently learned from vil companions, or at school the effect of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and tf not cared, render marriage Impossible, and destroy both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a yonng man, th Bop of bl country, and th darling of hi parents, should b snatched from all prospect and enjoyment of life, by th conaecraeBcee of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a Certain Merit habit. Buck persons, before contemplating , ,, j. j , - HaiTlag . should reflect that a sound mind and body are tbe moot ne cessary requisitie to promote connubial happlneea. Indeed, without these, tbe Journey through life become a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darken to th view ; the mind become ihadowed with despair and tilled wltu the melancholy reflection, that tbe happlneti of another, be comes blighted with oar own. OFP1CK M- t isuuxu rmuiEiuu bt., nauxmore, Ma. All SuitniCAb OrxnATioN PiKroaaan. N. B. Let lo false delicacy prevent von. bat iddIv im mediately either personally or by letter. 8K1K DiaiASB IFEBD1LT CUBID, To Strangers. , Tha manr thousand cored at thia Institution within the lent twelv year, and the nnmeron Important lurglcal Op eration performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by th re porter of onr dally paper and many other persons notice of which have again and again appeared before the public I a luffictent guarantee, that tut afflicted wlil find a skill ful and honorable physician. , ... Take Botle. N. B. -There are to many worthies Quacki advertising thomaelve aa Physician, ruining th health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deems It necessary to say, espe cially to those unacquainted with hi reputation, that hia credential or diploma always bang In hi office. TAKE NOTICE-All letter most be poet-paid, and eon tain a postage stamp for the reply, or no aaawer will be lent.., May 18th, 185B ' 215-1 . . - ' Bt'RXIXQ FLUIO," " , AT SEVENTY CENTS (70 PFR OALWN. Fot ale by . WALE.-! MEALia, Dror-fat. reb,M. - - - ' FIH. BARRELS PPIJ.IS r-: :v'3. ' ' 20 " " I a. .. ,! !. )'F r t 20 JnoeS. A A ', ; . r y ! POO1-- n ' ',f ' - AjU u I iun..; j ' - t rrr WeUhiy , U W 4 ft lirr Rr,it.atj n t M. W..- a i . . s pts'.-ae l.scire a-1 l. -a.; i. t t tnUi-JSier, wtMTrtwj ue k. t , peron. ' Ay U X lvi. ICrVicrry wxuao-ni iiabxcai riTAru- BAIOjr, ta-ne-s. Hi-,. J- I u. i , ...... ... ,.. jr ",SS A i'"d-ed Lrsaa. t.-h T Cs-yet Bssa, Tasea, Ae., tee U-rM -, , eold ehoisM asl reu.L at the ket UAraeea and Tnu. aui ve ai ..f ' ' Oct U-AAIy-T ly Na. 1 Xv,C$xlU ', , CLQTiiiyq mis.'cjji. A ? AT Ue very r 'es. V.e r t - " i V , close et ew : ML.t Lils ti. . . f.irUnu, BvytaudkM' r,alk-fr i - i lf, IN Ml ) Bonf hr ml '.4 . . - a cap iMi-uiiiL-jru itZLt iJ.:: JvmVk la'as, p. lt. , IT IS KasklTTt ALLT NEC K ttAjaT Ttt I' -T- n THAT TUB lifiAD (hould b eovrr 1 1 a Summer lUt. iou t aeg-ecl to f.r. if'" our hurra sax irt . . f ' 'I"! r tasto. Hat and Cap r ' Jane UtJt . 7 " " V WE CAN PR0V1 TO TOUR rTI' pat- T. ... 2 "t Jt aMai-ortmenl ef I MULXLU. i u v Mrtmn and beet to town, embraexj aa vai . . , i flea ef b..k, BeoU-h and Amertcaa LmT I it i i ap Eanorium, 84 Market itreet, 0 ' "J -Jb"-- cut s. u. r . .. Ol' II IHilllTr ?. n Of CEtTS.' Metoektn aad Cer Sv.1 4; r J business lists. Is nasurpassed for b-auiy - 1 at the Hat aad Cap fcmparlua, 34 t,.-t'tt. - . " ' June UiA C1IAS. d.mi. ' fame rainiva np..ii'.t, . . . - ?ASli OS ALE TA1L0U1NU tiTABUiliAlW T, Uit let ivrcei. , i . - . " , - an li isan a i .. ' rCL". OIF mR PATTTTtT, n OF THE KENT AMERICAN AXDFUrl YrT. J?r' JfJ!' M'"not,et the Uatand Cn 1 1 porlum, It Harket street. ' June . CHAS. D. UTr Mtasra' brown Leghorn rT-A a iTliWetli JoaeSih . , CHA3. D. MYi:r.l S3 I ' OCR IILVERY DRAB BEAVER HATS a- IS KHl'ECIALLY recommended a being cool, 1 ' t and ek-irtnt, la toot, the most perfeot Buoimce Hat now to use. CU and examine at tha I t i Can Emporium, 14 Market Street, J"" Uth CHAS. P. ItTr"'. ,.H STRAW GOODS - ' ' n ur avtur Bl ILK Tor Uenta.', Boy', lf'i' ChUdrea. Closing out our assortment at the 1 it t i I'.. 'm ...In. Bl 4 - .1. u.. JuneSut CHAS. D. Mi: lUSCaiASEOUS. S. 11. IH'WflAWO-S V,'"-1 I ,U. m4 mi bi, rah 1 1 . . .v ,.i , I IX. Carta, Carriage, Ae. hoid In larre t . f.r" 4 Pf Um DHAEB A teUN. rr,i itr.w MATrii.ua. TTrDiTB AND CHAWED, fortais br IT Jolr tl. I e' emtfi iMjt'&LAaa a. auKHu'iMiua kirjfT,Y BEO Wif JJNEN HOOP SKIRTS, for trav.M pelved and for aale by . J. l h 11 .1 i t re- JuiyH. ' OELUNO TlinBAU. LBS, BEST ENGLISH fiKU.tNO Tr O for aale by t IILDIUCK A RYAN, '. 100Q July 17 th ' urn vevB - - Nnva-e k nrrt y Miniun . . L i. -i. ,, i . vr "V.renrromuie manuri!rr, I hand. Bushtnn'a C.nA U... mi n , . . . j-r ... ' . ' wm, it, ior"--i ina. w: BrPw"- . ' DRAKE A UdJ vr. ""y wut , i . . . Dru,::.V' DRAKB St H.l l n...... 0 FFER P()ll 8 ALB ' " Ijnndon Fnrtar t 1 ' ' Pine Old Port Wine, la QuArt Dottle i , Topaa Sherry i ' - rinei Branny, rail t wonongshela Whiskey In Quart Bottle. f J,i , OR A KM 4k Mr LIN. DncociliTS asm ,"T of Drags, Medicines. Chemicals. Paint, nr. . ... sisting of all flic artltsle usually aold by Dnr3tot. and respeotilly ask a portion of the publlo paAronVge ' tf Thar will n.lia.vn in .ii 1.. . . -i iimtn,wut uij toon, ......... ... ' " MOURNIlf a nnirsa nniim 4 BERRAGR&, GBANADINES, SILKS, MUSLIS3, C hama, Print, Alpaoca, Canton Cloth and Bornl. ahiby , j. a WH0JA-. PASTILLES Dl VICHY, OB DIOraTTYl LOZrNfjn. represent the celebrated Vichy Water In Fran-'1" and are hlirhlv esteemed b snnat i.i; .i . .. repent, f iatoleney and other disease where there la aa ex. eea of aold la th stomach, Sold by i,. DRAKE A McLIN, MJ0' - Apothecariei.. ' ft. A Alt ftaskkAU Ittf a an 1 " "ns aiVTPii?0 TRACTS, Pare Druggltf (i P-' A.' Fresh Cream Tartar, and finds. r... ft, ' 2-' P- ' 1 tJIS ' lJiiAKfc AllclJ WHITE cioona. . SWE. HANIROOK. MULL and BOOK MURUyt. x plaid and Embroidered r Mancheatny and ir, t . brio, plaid and plait it Briliaatie, Bishop fawn, l , . Crinoline Cambric, FarnJtnr aad India Dimity, i . Skirting. Portal by J. 8. W !U,t, '. iirmiRRw. . TnB STOCK W C0MPLE1E, AT ' July 26, 1868. . : J. 8. v. uxu: 5 . SUMMER STOCK. - ' 1 ftlHAVT UfUihH. firntw nnnr9 - n REDUCING TOCIC-musl be Bold at m u Hits. Can. lHasAa Ijurknra VI.). W... . ' " drens fane Lecrhnrn snd Rtrtm ti.l. !.,!.. Ivirhnrtl Riillnir Hat. An.. An fn K.m.ln. ..1. Hal and Cap Emporinm, M Market 8trt t i 1 mynw mail. U. K 1 , IT MA WILL KBTAItl.Tafirm Vi man mjayne'shairtomc" ik -.. X anytliing extant for Invigorating tlie 1 r. keen on hand all tha other Doiinlnr trii"t'. r- ded through th publlo priis. lor p -. i doiy so. vuaa.ai a : .!,! ... i ,. BLASCHARD'S PILLS CD I'.; : TJ !" I 1MIB ABOVE PILI have received t' e w ' I . batioa of the Faculty, both In Anjt" a -1 1 aaie oy t.iA.-.j A . niy lain. - ; .. , GLUE I OLT'Ett . IK BSLH. OOODGLCE. . Lan,I3 f.- s f ' r. ' LI tula from Wharf by July 87. - - - - T. C. A E. 0. " Fl:- :. tr,LS. HEAVY AI- r Jolyllf , 100 S UiXUI0RT0A:.ifi . .... at low price. J .'y i J J. H. V .i.l.H tl A i J 11. ' ,,iJ.a: ' . v iil L.J,'