..r c r a. T: - - t ttl t! . -1 j : . .. . i, a: i t.i - i i" i i it i Li v.. r; r '. ..is t Cu - r, i e tj j-r-b t.ts, we cm . li-T i L;r-T a .X r;c.-ior Lcre, Hr. F-turi a aJ - .'y lctr.r$ j aa.1, bJoed, al kaaJs b tie els i;:ir tzzk. to fire fetkCoa ta tie T; i:J bcrd acme of tie nrrttt of that nelle boll- l- to C: great d'jeocixt of tbe rata and tbe hetl-ring- er. C ' cart it from a trcrort Co ti t'it cf tia 17.1 tJC.w-JJ worth c rwicirir. . Al, tl7 trod i hundred guns from the roof of tbe lilac lijue. ; I IT Tbe Colaabi, Fary having uktUI llt tic f wu raftrf at vfui rate among hit York Be.lbor aad that J effort! to stay tlx ftmrful tff bad proved unavailing, wu arrested tad bcM to bail for Ebd ott tie borough of York io Wing aajcrtcd that tbe p.'.-- wu ragbg there. Somebody Lai since told tLe To: Ltd tilt tie spy man sucplj charged tben with havizg tie if anJ they re madder than em. tJ Boat IUca. If we ban food bnrxe this at tcruooa wt will bate good race on tbe river for nm Goblet, boaU to itart from Dock itroct whirl It W tanetilj reqwxted aS tbe imaQ bcji nod lit lie tilggcn U town be Immediate! Kt to work wbktliog a brcrsc Tbcy maj not mcceJ, but U wool do thea any barm ItU to com oil between two and tlx, tithe wind may wit ' Boa adTerlwnncnL . - ' tJ" Suppose tm, jxist wppose a great miuij Uii'i. Sojoee that ywi or we bad a bnp " of Bxney, btlf a BilHioa, or tome rack trifle, we Digit tboo tappote oa mIvv going rapidly to tbo Bpriogi or to tbe deuce, we doul kaow wblcb, lor there it no laying what might be . the tlott of lath t thing upon weak Derm, a&d itjacqiU- ' ble dpoalUoL , 8oppote tgab, that yo or we were to mddeoJy wake , cp tad Sod oandrci Klog of the Ctaoibal Iduxk, wi Ji per teeth iharpeood, Our eorporotity corered with . ttraro dcTicct, riogi In our now tod upper lip, pfcnty of cold rout man in the krJcr, ta aoooaotable array of black wire and a kfg of rem, then wouldn't we tbo) fLTr pravkkd for. we would be bl man tome. Suppoeo, further, that we were neither a ha'f mlllioo- naire cor tin t eroctoqa iiigUnew, Uokee rokrc, wlJ. kkce n am, king of the Islanda aibrcsaid ; Dorfaoy other ffeat tod indcpcDdent perton, but timpl our aofurUData Kirct, we would anxiously look forward to a time in which tbo weather would be more en durablethe cantget-a-waj club lea mumble, there would be more nocmle to tell newi and fbww ta uk it tlmjy (be tut fwrpow of Tmng htir nmerctroeH w oiDir you w yom. t :.:. . ' The Joiof the nation orer tLli treat triumnb of science ouboundod. No erent of Uiit or any other age can war any oompariaon wiu it in point 01 prtcti cal ImporUDce, or in tbe absolute infinity of ita toope and tendency. ; We copy the above from the Washing Union, at a ptcimen of the double ' distilled oomcnM that ia put forth on accconot of the Atlantic Telegraph. Tbe Nation" don't include the 8outh, for it ii u clam asammmer morning," and moat people think, that perhaps the dlnorery of America wu quite u Important -lorae rreo look upon (be American revolution, at nearly bo. Borne agala might think that the invention of printing ' amounti to tomcthiog. A OAdal Vats af OlaaalnM Cvwal. ov. go m. susaivr. ' DISTB1CT3. I'ttra, U SO 60 4S 1 9 UUIUtUVs,.,... M 7 1)1 T" tO U U Tartona's... .......... ti T 44 II 17 M 49 fair l.lutf, .....141 110 144 UI 141 114 173 nan dwinp, ...JU 1 94 141 111 104 10 Puj-LJi.. 64 13 40 U 11 17 Less,., .,..43 10 13 40 M 14 11 8t 901 631 121 4.-4 641 611 144 UI WOODLAND CREAM We save never naed so excellent . ... ..... . . ... a. i . .t... . roaiaae aa wa aoova. earn we iisir oeaauiuujr. aaa . . . . t.I . . . M ... ' ' tut Hrvaung uuiM uma aaa aa eqoai. iry iu .TlaM Ottmpti la Trait aaltUng Um Mewagefc. Bt. Johks, (N. F.,V Aug. 17-Mr. Pe Sanly, the eicctrjciao-lolucf at 'Itinity Uay, sayi be is unable to Hra anv infnrmatifm fnr twihlifalinn aa Ia tha -mrbinir of the cable, but that the time nee awry for tbe trana- m.BRion tne iTcaacni a tncBsage orpends on its lengtn and tbe condition of the line and inslrumenU at the tuno recaps, coder favorable circunwtaooca, an hour , ana a l J. l lx noeptioo of the Queen mcesaM was eomnrnccd early ycetcrday morning, and not finished Bnt.'l t :n mnminir hnt it m (nni.vl trm a.mw.1 l..M " 'fv, aM mm ( 1 UM UVW, to a"ow of rrpairs to the cable. The fragment of the mcw! trnmittod yesterday wu handed to tbe New foun'.nd Hue aa tbe genuine, entire menace, and wu mai -pa .u ucre w ue hi co anui uts morning. .Arrival of (ha Vtagaraw 1mo4Im Cabla to ba La 14. iN KW Vosi. Anf. IS. Ton tlnitnf Rlafpa .foam. frltc Kiairwa arrived and anchored off the battery at Ir. F kid hu Dot the slightest doubt of the entire snco-sor tbe enterprise. He wrote by tbe Persia to diy ta tbe directors In London to prepare another cable i- aa It wm evident that the present one, . as r J J. !';,' Will not be Utiffirkrit fnr ail irA tuinimu 1 1 9 c : li is to be clewed to all wwagca, except those ulU t:..3 1st of tjq tcmber. , - - Arrlral af tba atw af WaahlngUn. J - Krw York, Ang. 18. Tbe steamer City of Watib l " : a I i arrived with Liverpool dates of the 4th. , it r-' n!j that Great Britain gives satkfaction to - 1 1' e mattcrof the action of the British cruisers ' ( " i waters j aod, also, that the cabinet at r-csa satkfacUon with the action of the , o rumors that Nena Bahib bad been '1 rrt'.aiijr Babrnt. ; r C 'y Ilaa wu partially r 'r rrjvr story were - -r-, lTwin- i V f i-. "8 t Mii riff 1 D . e l i r..r . . a. :. j ! c ma-J at i .rt I- T. llc.h rirlct.'t.v eiku ta know the tsae niI.J to trta-cl twr bnt tLe Atkctic Tii-cra;. Ur. Ie b'Autry, the ttri-!a ia tlkf at Trl...; j btj, mjt Cat L r.-tf! of tl Q-wa'i JT.t u ctca Ci4 ts oo M.ccdT Ewn.'.;-? tad ik4 LLaI kcU TaestUy manure ; tt U u aUwpeJ tw anttl U.n W a-ow of rrr.fi to the e:. lie t.n iKxtsary fcr trannjb.on of t TaiiVxt'i wodJ de pend 00 ita ad t CO0J.J0B ( tl L, usA in- fjusxalt at U tl:: ; perkar, uJtv favorable cireoa occ an boot asa a u. i te bui uiai ne H coax k w give ary i!::;TEuon kt ptDUVuCH aa w tic wort 1." fif tSfl FklJl J sat prrTioui.'? ta the Ku-ptMi of the O-jitu'i if art the IkvtM lmJ! AJm-ti imlmi rm twl vau toorce at Trinity Bay a trrrite plnatk of the iu; wis ixuj ia ue wwairt;of iue i tk'jrrapo. The dJSculty dt aot aprxw to be of a rharacur to create any kmt Vuki it w J not be rveutaaSy ovrrcome, . I L : . - i - j . . uueo it nay mjuirc sicriai a.u.Tanoc4 u ise lastni mcnti now ia e, Wi quote from the A.dwrtiT j " It arpatrt that ia the puhire of one ekctriod w'z- nal acraa the ouma, not only it an arrrvciaUe time arinnal charartdr. It k. ao In imk rii-Kl M. i tignal which on a abort line would tuna perfectly abar J ' I. . L - c i . , uu pvnip wo w htw a a pj waw, ana mjuini from tlx to ten aproikk to (WIilpk it If trum t Ka. giooiog of iU effort and ita rod. Jietwven what auck a ngmu woum oe at me end of a abort wire and what it la at the end of Lb Atlantic win ihm k tk. ame d.3rence aa between the aborteat 7taccato) blast vi a ouc aint a duw quid oui WIU IOC IWt'U Of U orrui In tl intfrth nr ! n rpn tin nmti.li a ao. tioct feature to La ohm-red la tlm iml r th mJimm! . iii ... .... ... . - 6 . tguai nas mon tone ia u mkUfe ot IU period, and guoa aou a.ca iom wm graouauy. " Of the k-nrth of time which thia nnt:fL4 ilimul quires for pasug the ocean we are not informed, nor ww uron wail i dm dcvq aaceruumi. jiuevMcni however, that it moat bm at Iraat aiv apmvla tha knr4 etit period in which ooe signal completes itself. Now, it is web known by Faraday', and Wbcatsooe's obaervations va wog wiira utat, mr m Kaai dji toe perKXl requiml for the transmissioa of toy signal, the current must be (Muuuucu uuuruacQ i dp new signal musi oe Drgun. Otherwise the surtial n'tunta ia tha mniw ).( ill shortest opportunity to dk-barge itself. At tbe shortest, therefore, ooe signal on the cable will require more than three seconds at tbe point of starting and six " lUwdcri who bare the slightest knowleibje of tek grapuro uiacuioery win unnerstanu now materially such a modification of the nrotnntiMwi of t)u aimwl ituut fucttny form of tktrparatua Inure. lie quickest tap ui .worse s wjcgrapn, ior instanoe, la exenanged, With such a siimal. tor a lonv ermcmM mnA tlmltiiimvln wave. Ia Morse's alphabet "races, short Ur or dots. j i i t- , . . auu long uihw ur utuuH's, tre Tanousiy mouinod to make the several letters. A wurd of ton k4lmw ma nrauiui rJ thirty or forty of each signs. It will readily be teen uuw impoKiuw u wvun oe ior an oprrtior 10 transmit such a word until Cipcrimeut enables him precisely to adapt bis spacea to his dots anldasbes, to tell when a wvt ma auu wuvu wgiui , au (TCmi IS UW llu- mediate change when an instant dot is changed into a signal six seconds long. Wi rive this LUiuLration mrovlv kmnai It la an simple, Kimikr chanjres in oomputatiooand combina tion wlB be rcauired for the do11a d'WrtnKi tm ka printing telegraphs. There Is no reason why Hughes's u M InbwMnh l.(,.h I. . .1 l T 1 .X. n raiiEaSisa!! I btve been mude, 'The ementiftl victory has been irukcdl have been mode, 'The essential victory has been iraincd la Ika 4Mn.n.l!n a..!1 -..,11 1 I. .a, luv HHuauuMuu vi llf-u, W VU-1TVIIUUUVCTI ailEliaiS .1 I. i. .1 1. . . . . i . . . irwi auw io ax.', vui ui loom Btgiuua aa aijxiaoet can be formed, or recording machinery can bo driven, by ,1 I J..t. "li . . . , . . .. -1 Y a. mw. aw w ..JAVMV MJ the varluil annaratiu of tha short lino)wui.l iniM ha u.nn. irnaiii at f ii ni i ii. a. whm ,ir ii iii ii.. .araimtt. inn ame purpose without modification upon one so long.' nr. lingoes s wtcgrapuins; apparaius, wnicn is above mpntfariAft ia anrvrafiaavt n mm. nf m, MnlnmnAaaaLa I. ..a..v...., aai J "" " J Wi V VUll aa. UI IJV. 1 .V be peculiarly adapted to the uses of the Ocean Telegraph. il ii ulna iitfa-nrifam I ,.i . t I.v Mr IfnrhMvtt amnimmMt wmwm aw waa avttatf a a ' ft uv a'fk va-vaj w ,fw USCtsa V distinct letter, while by W hitebonae'i It reauires sever. current waves to produce two letters. Ilughes'a Tch grapo priou, u uoea tual or House, but It works npoo tha nlan of rains' hat ima elnrtriral imnnlaa twr L.ttra while House's miuirea seven, and Morse's' three and a L.ll . I- il. w I i I . ... van. vira uii)uun uio uuc ior a wng uuuianiw line. 11m rcvolntiona of tha tvttn wlmJa aralrpnt at a limilnr speed, not by any clock or pondulum work, but by vi- I I!-- .:. a.!l. L .1 I . . .1 uiauii)) vjiriiign, wuitu, vj uro uiw u accw'nuai, Klre Inrariahl flnl tiinm fiw nprtaln nntnhra tJ vllimtu na one and all alike according to those vibrational These i i. i . . . . . . . springs unioca ino etieapemenia at ue same ume atcaeo end of the lino, and the type wheels, set free, ordinarily tainLa iam n.1iaa-l aaaWetfvlut tM nat mlnti in aw. t 4 J la&alU UUC UUIIlIIll lEIUIUUlllBI 1 PI I II I III II UI. n III! f HJ-JIL 111 a a 1 '!.! T 1 1 l I 1 I' iiwiUAgouw itt ft oombiMUOD d ft natural auo an eioo- tfvunBivnAt tiaiil IluB awiirrasn-l a.LwirtiU tat matwl 4a oat . etit at . B a . hituiuvs eaavu ww-rv wwiiviis wn Wnns ivev vaj aqajai g tach an armature from the polea of tbe clcctro-mainict. wnicu is rejHiicca again oy a raver, auu wc current lor the trauRmilUtiK station influences tbe mturuct at the re ceiving atilion, and not bis owu. Thus the t fleet is direct, the conducting force is undisturbed, and but a tenth of tbe usual battery power is required. This cu rious property, aa it is believed from experience and ob- AWvalinn onu lila-a aa waw a a-!- t at- ta lu- LlV Ja ftMvai iimunf e vvusAUUUIWwlva W lU nleWW LUtO ways over the line at once, and we understand ' that tk Inirenioua inmitnr haa nffurtvi in westward and tcu words eastward-, or twenty words per 1 il a il A a. a at aa a minute inrougn uw Auanuo came reguiany and eon- tinnnnnlv. Tha ttm whivl (a trnvrrmvl h rm, lrw.k wheels, and these by the vibrating spring, and aa the armature Kttokcn of, opens a detent, the press work coei uu, iqu uie Kiier ib primoa. NlW OkI.CIHB 'I'kfl W-atW for tha -f lr Ittut ilrnm inff to its close, baa been extraordinArv fnr thia nwynth and this latitude. Although our heated term has been sDUMiMipnituogWt wiiwj ana auarnxmDi ID6 paei mtvk hmm hrin rmnrnmvt tn tho laoi iLirrmn It ll . 1 1 ii a .. ft a 1 I. 11 . the thermomrter baa not averaged as high u we have known it, and we bare been favored with aumtry show ers and breezes, yet the atmosphere seemed devoid of Tiiaiivy, ana lucanaDie 01 invigorating um relax eu aya. kui. i ihtc una nm, as 11 were, no me in tne air ; and tbe days have been characterized by a dead, dull, drowsy heat, whirl) pnprrativl tha nwnlal arwl tthncinal n(nn.u 1 - " - - - ' - " Hn.w.av ann. .'..ja.vaa. WJ m IVUU and remlered CJccrtion of alroobt any kind an impoEibil- Asioe irom mis, ine week nu been unmarked by aoy thine out of the ordinary run. exrrot the a at aitat e a - . MarrnlaV tvmnrl liava b knar it lTa nknatM -.-m.l ave&aiw v -a im awn ss-bv v V V MIVUIU UV BUI If If sed if tbe yellow fever mortality doubled that of last t l 1. I J I . . -an . .. wcvb, worn i waa vue nunumi ana tony. , we saiul not know, oflicialiv. until tha relnrna rJ tlaa nn.nl rJ i . v. aw .WW.. J, llcaltb are made out on Monday. They will appear in tlie Crescent of Tuesday morning u usual. We consider the fever aa nrevuilintr pniiWilnnTl- .n.) would advise tbe public, eppeciallr the unacclimated. to an. t .w auv 1 v. ,aJaF HIU WilffSAAiUJU VtJUf W be u prudent u possible, and umter no circoinstanoea to mil ft-irrhtamvl Hrirhl to a ftiirrlila. aili..iJ Hi V. ti S" t'" " T " uiiiui wuwii w 1CUUW Jack. Be careful. We SftV to fi.ll On r rnulori avnul av popure io the etm od eight air ; be temperate in eating WUH WUMUig S1UU Va1VBO j WVUtUfj UVIaUUI VI M BUUllai tinir character. odIm in ten trvwmfa nnanfit O " WHUNWVO j fcTi u equable aod cheerful in temperament u may be ; and than II arMi-nt m a . J . and nurae. and the cbanera am fift tn ma h.t . j " a..., . .U recovar.- We are not a physician, nor tbe son or a phy- t.J I I .1 ! A a . .. . .. . .- aiviaa, out voere bowi goua poysician 10 tM City Who will not endorse tbe above advice as good, sensible and souad. Crfianf, Hlh. j v e eipnnjctt, asa t 3 r norryacc-tfgrl.,) t. , .1 . . . . t waa that be bai A warren friend aaji if yonr wife is everlasUiDg'ly c-IaiDK-g ofbeirs fk, just let her catch you k being t 5 rrvaot g;rL and an instant cure will hn .fT,ts4 J i 1 , i-i L-rx... Lon i:.io t. ia c.7 L raij ci-U ekik. So LWu'y cxccciir'.,j t:va it tut be atrj to Lite been isc. r! a: of tLcx ;lt or acuco erco try ci.vi rJ.yxl. lie Lad rO tUxT t.-rr-,' - ru irtTpd tv BO C'lT t,' .dar-ii-'i noeij.-r acloa. lie farr.d ccelisasfy about t j persca a tk-ct of Iadla rubber, ad bio tbe ears ot a abo aoul llatea be poured iaoesact-y tbe wry u L-i e rrienaccti and the pww irg larfijr 01 Lis pnt uxKfL iicwuL accvni.rr to tie ltncMj, coo- j4ufv abTtcd by it, bvth by day and ah, persuing u ".-j usufg wxTy aaa ua aaaobi svrerusaaa rcfaweraaoiL "Not oc!y were the powers of lis mind and body thus juiui-j uki ou.u w ljc luutuoe aiki iu mirouucun into air, but envy du'lar he had or could ecmmaaJ tarouira tbe resources of Us credit or tbe iaiaencca of Lrk'txleiiJp, wu uncaJculatingly cast into that soothbg Caldron Of eiPericarrt. whirh u a-3nwr-1 In knnat repose. 11m very bed 00 which bis wife slept, and the bis board, and we see him with bis stricken bMiacLold Allowing ia the funeral of bis child 00 foot, because be aaa dw Baraoi wua wtuca tobire a carnage, Ilis tamilV bad to rudura ririvatuvx aliiuad atirraiMiita twllpf beins; tVeqaently without an article of food in their house, or fat. la the cvkkxt weather and. indeed, it ia aajj that they could not have Bred throorb the winter of t . . . 1 t 1 a . - . IPJJ DDI MJT ins ftUVI M-H rJ n Uw f.(arit.l. fr-urul. They are rrprtwnktl u gxthcriDg tlkks in the woods auu wi uj cupa w. UK BlgDWayi, Wlltt WDKn IO COtMt the mrak, and digging the potatos of their little garden before they were half grown, while one of his hangry Children, lu a spirit worthy of his father, is lieard express Intr bia thanks that thia " We Often find bilU arrMtiMl and iruamraf,.l in tha debtors' prison, but even ojd IU rloora bis Tision of wjc iuibtc Dtrtr rrrw 01m. im tuiih in hi nu a 11. ampb never faltered. Uodumared by diacomfitnivs and ivw aui.u wiguiwcu nave DTOaien ii iiou lost pint, his language everywhere aod under all cireumstanccs waa uat x racraniCTnicni and a a nroraurki mnviH n of final success. Not only in the Uoited States did he thus exert biouclf to ebtablieh and apply to every passi ble aie his UVentioB. but in FjuHmiuI Kranrw arwl n,lw O m " m9 aa vm-. countries of Kumj, be sealmitly pursued the mme ca reer. In 1855 he appeared at tL. World a Pi I. Paris, and the Uoldin MaUl ami i)w ..rami r toe litgioo of Honor were awarded to him u tbe irpre- Kniauveoi urn couniry s inmitive genius, lortune, however, while thus eanvfrins- hi at the same moment smiting htm with the other; for we aa aTom we lesumony tnt tncee bruiiaot memorials oaMKd from tlie Umncror aixi Kchl thiip Umi m. cipient, then the occDpant of a debtor's prison, among uwi-gvra auu 10 a iurciga una uiue aiuiug yet anoth er to that lornr sad caUlomin of nntdin tnrM nave stood netflected and imr-nvra-tut-rvt In tiu, 1. -t ma wbtuik mltto. ii uieesingi ujcy nave bub Lowed upon their race.' r Ilka y-Mi -.a-.-.. ' Information was recti yi1 h tha a !.. -. wiuc ui vuarKa v , as 11 is sometinHW caikd, but bet ter known to astronomer u that of Fabricius, baa tt last made its tpwarance, and will ahortly be visible to tbe naked eye. It hu been seen from the I'arii Obser vatory throus-h tclcscn-ia. It is DOt Tl't knnam arKnl ti er it will appear u k once did lika m. r i.ra bright star, or with a tail one hundred ilegmja In taiffth. Its first anneannrw waa in 1 ?Ri an.t it. .1: .... took place on the 2d of October of that year, the day on which Tope Urban IV died, as the world thought, in stramra eoincidcooB. In lSAfi it nvanna.t ... Observed DV Pant Fahrlrlna nlmnmn. A rn...t ir II. - "1 "avuwuiM w VUUKB ?, T,110 x?cuteJ '"P f it Ptb, which wu published In November of that year. The Emperor considered it u .mi i!,iiiil,'.4.L 'i.rL""? " great and brilliant star, its and Bootes, past the pole of the heavens into Opbeus and I laaulnniiia " 1'ha jtnlt.t.l ft. ,1.11 ', , . Ita elements more than a century afterward, and several ni ISrva-al alfno IsIm . i fWl. I ... I 4 m . yum. ma unii. uie calculations 01 Mr. Uonimc. of a, i. 1.11. ..1 . a. .1 . . . . juajujuunr. 01 ua xcinerianiia nr mvmt Hat M rise, and are generally supposed to be more reliable uwi wnxm w uia preuecessOTs. i nis astronomer finally came to the conclusion that in tbe year 1,264 ita retime wm - iiwi nu,u uars,or juit,ai years, expe dited bv nlanetarv dintnrhaiirm h 1 077 ...I if.t u idu iw uuw u rui.ua corrwponuea to a period of on o 1 cn , i . . . i . . tfvo,iu yciuB. us present revoiuuon be calculated wowa oe anortenca by perturbations 10.48 years, and tne comet should reach Hi perihelion about the 2d of August, ioob. Mr. Hind, tbe great English astrono mcr, docs not, or did not entire. coincide with Mr. Bomme, lie wrote to rrofessor Littrow, director of toe unscrvaiorr at Vienna, but n d m .k r. UM original chart of Fabricius. Thia wu accomplished ... I -"-. aa.M. wt avMVU 11H uiu wwniuiun eitTuou, inroogn tno medium of the newspapcrt. and with it waa nhtnmA.1 ly, from the ducal libraries at Wolfcnbuttei and Ootha, a i - - - lua. a 1 a . II , a " uiwiijniro ireaiw ny uio jvurcmburg astronomer, Joachim Heller, who had nlunrvni ii.;. . r... y-Uirco days, a much longer time than Fabriciuj had taken for hia oluvrrat inn. , TK... . ... ... . , uu a uiun VUDipiUie C1C- mcniarv mtm was ohtu ni u. .c . modified his own views, concluding that tbe comet would hasten ita return, for several reasons of an astronomical nature, and that ita nvannntranM, . .. i... i n.i. t .1 -jj-.-a.vw " aaal IM B. IUUIU. This, then, is the month during which the comet of -'AtrkBl llvKdH a n 1 111... J If t a Vr viauf, Wiu vimrns v . snooiu properly make its mrrvMaaaeij at jutAnI.. A. I . ? . .rr- vwfnnK w laiest advices, as already mcntKmed. It has annmrrd in vu -v i , , ., . I . -" ww Tiro, wiu wll soon bo visible to us.-A'f York Cmmtrtiai Ad- ITMfJCT. I NpRTU KABTKBJt Halt, lii.r. I J Li . , .. . r . -v i-BDcm uuwn inn naci oyer uts road .last week. We found it to be in niw unHT-gooo engines, comfortable coaches, and cans iu! and attentive condurinra tk. u and the road bed ia such fine eondiUon, that tiie best of uu mu w niuue upon u wim ease. Ita business must increase in a mniii mi in n.i. n . . -v., i . -vuu uivru are a numocr ofsaw mills ami tarpntine,! tiPi along the line, and we met HCVCra Nnrlh f Vrnl mt. i : i it. . turpenUne nhn-ttonaT w i Z J2J inir ita mo.",thlv hL ".TL'Tt mw?aT' , r , aunc a. correct re sults. Ine travel from ihe low nnnn. .-.i r tu t 1 .a. "uia uu It it expected that in tlifl dinaand Vw. rm tsi ijTj x fTr . - ..J'. " i wui DC comp eted. r,, -. vxuuruia ana uuu travel will pass over the NrnrthWpra Pi . . . . ... - -"" : vAmiracia nave oecn entcrea iuto to effect thia result Several lines oi euim, an, hi ne placed in tne Uulf, and also a fine IrOm rernandllia to fharlrwtnn TV r..:i:..i. ... trawl, the orthca8tern Company are buildinu a wharf YAriTfl v v fZT t ' ... . gfl t,cket from iCW York tO New Or Iran haa hmn anwl ... , acontract with the rostoffico Department enteVed'into for the transportation of the mails time between New York and ew Orleans (our days. When these matters are all arrancTid. it will Ha tho mnst avtwi:: o--7 - -."v. V.UWIUUUJ, bb weu u tne encapest route North and South. It will rive , - .-uivaoaviu lung a vast wavei, largely increase its receipts, and trrrailv mUnM lha alna r.r ii. CherawCateVt: v "v Crari FiKLD rn OnvFOvnn n Kn Vr.' Ta a aingular peculiarity of the American people to wish to reward with office those who have acquired popularity 7 my 'jwcia of service, political, scientific or military. If an individual mil mnncifta hia nama a.;,L .. prun that proves succrffiful he is forthwith made the nominee of a party who desires to borrow his reputation and influence to advance their ends. Why Mr. Cyrus Field should hare his name hrnttirht forwanl . ..i: date for Governor of New York we can discover do rational reason. Ifhiealnrntionhaahmi the results of his practical labours have been marked by promotion of any of the electricians to public office Whv DOt DOffiinatA Mr Ifnrtn fnr tho PrkIiUm tt.. Union I Charleston Evenmg New. Somcbodv. WM hpltmra Pn defpatch for the Qaeen to seDd to the Fresident after tbe cable broke i " Mr. Euchaaaa On earth peace OTCbi)wcW-iothcx Dicca." J - . ' - l iy J ! -a u atk n -.i i.w! c -i uij wij tu tu:j, Tt 1 j tui iu -u. , ra r .i Ci. Vif 11, (naii wt J U. SHaJ ; fc 2mc4 u. cwttav-ai ti iwp err rial farrJ Lp auJwy suit, IV UtJrr f ViHi.J t .ava M EOT ; ti. tef, ti sU ...t 1 , Tl'rk of tba fair yoesf f j-i, hca Lp Wi woat m oa W bom Hit kaJ-jf SMMiLa, KM awU to sip . (.k U Lk U W ! atrMa! ',. " T i.Ztceti aiaiirtXKi rkW asd Joy ; l iik aod taara tiu tocjit; Ltt as rua. ivcka iu Lis i?irvj - Ok, bai-bar, toock M not I rrua tk WriaJotta (tUaiaj) Irrcs. lu TB4J Cam Uu Brjawttoat aC tha) Kaftlak In tiXonlaOM wilh nniverad rrnMtatiin. tJvi iLv-f L- On M Jodav last nsnltA- in tb rpk-i'tim rJ tSa nri'!na.---i prennted by Corgreas for tbe aocepunce or rejection of lie innjiiat? tat aaina. aim wnai rm ttvji nuv been wuj not be known until tha board of oociij.ooer have performed their work, which will probably not be Io several weeks. The causes which have conspired to prod ace this re sult are mainly as follows , 1st lite oficeri elected under the Lecocpton consti tution were chkff txtremiata, in whom the people had no cwfidence, and to whom thrv wen anwiibn to tmv fkk. tbe .kxtiakjs of a new estate. 2d. Tbe Legislature which wu to come into power had the onlinanoe been accepted wu chosen when the uuwiiuua i-auc waa a uie ai31iUI Ui oil power, IDH a tnaioritv of the members were nmtmitnod to ha 1,.4 to bis election to the United States Betiate. To these two conaiderationa nav be attrihntwl In th main the defeat of this measure. Other cocsiJeratioos of coa.-se Lad their influence. Many of the people were Of the Opinion that We OUirht to Uranifn a IWitnn na. . " O - " . u ..v. j amor til we were better able pecuniarily to assume the expen ses of a Bute gownunent Otto-, again, desire the ruanlianshin and nroteption of IV fi.iral Wievinj proptTty and lile iiurcure ahouid the govern ment oScers and troops be withdrawn. I'KMlavery men verv aenendlv vottki ajrainxt if hmna Vu ferred to remain a uavt Territorr ratlwv than Iwmia a frm State, while many DeraocraU voted against it for the sake of retaining Gov. Denver, and the other federal artnolntioa in offiiw. aa their nluM an.it. I M ka -f " yV..a ami. M aJQ IWIP tion of the ordinance have passed into the bands of the 1 1 b LI! uiira rupuuiicau. r. . fit i Oriuiral Modi off Diunnivti vhh Aimmiirff a lUca. llie Kgypttana, before the reign of their King PstUnmctichua. believed themapJn tn ha tKa mnat an. cicut of mankind, tiince lBammetichus, however, made an attempt to discover who were actually tbe primitive race, they bare been of opinion that, while they surpasa aw vwh uauvua, ui x urnciaua larpBsi uiem m ann- 1 M'l.! L! a- 1" ?!?.... .f.. quity. This king, finding it impossible to make out by uiui vi luuuirr woat men wera uw mm ancient, cno. trived tbe Mowinir method of diamvnr t ir two children of the common sort, and gave them over 1 "-a f avi-Mj vuaigiug him tO let 00 One Utter a word In thnir twearant hnt Ia kivn thpm In a vrnimtivnit wkfa arwl h. U. 7. r , - -v, HUU iu- w get their fill of milk, and in all other wspecU look after s 1. u. ' . :.V7.T:f ".-a..., aimaaia. "l'VWVM M H WliFVI jai KUi Tbe herdsman obeved hia onbi-a Bv two mn an.1 at . ' V mmmm WW 1 " a . . the end of that time, on hia ooe day opening the door aL ft . 1 i . 0 01 ue room ana going in, ine cnikiren coin ran up to him with oaUtntehod arnta. and diatitw-tlv aaLI nam When this first happenened tha bejrdsmaa took no . DO-1 , : . 1 . . r f 1 1 ix 1 uui aiujrwaniB, wnen oe ooscrveo, on coming oncn to see after tliem. that tha word was inntaj)t In thai xll !.lT IV IV. V 1 Vwa.ri'" lra. ana oy ins comwuna brought tb children into bis pretence. : rsamiucUUius kaaL. L. J ti. lt a a. a a then hlmflCir hoard thpm Ml tha wcrA nrwui wKink Kaa nviwf MI'VM f UIVU U-Q proceeded to make Inquiry what people there was who eallcd anything " Uflcoa,'' and hereupon be learnt that " Becos 'V wu the Phrygian name for bread. In eon- I.LlMliAH Al ,1.1. . .I.t7 Af ... . iuuiuuii w uiia VIIVJUUBIUUIUU, UMJ I TpuanS yieiOOU their claima, and admitted tbe greater antiquity of tha I'bryciaDs. lliat these were tbe real facta I leant at f nrvirvK . Kr,n IK. n TTl rr-i. . i . , i-utu" nreota w iiwu, ih urceas, oiouguuier wouau laies, relates uat ruiiunetumoj had the children brought up by women whose tongnct i"v,.vuoi vutuuti uui, um jjiitnue sua weir bringing up wu such u I have stated above. Aatninam $ umort of Jinotiotu. Stbim on Tha mmm rJ vvJ. v-J. . ' - K"F v Mlll U iKIT York Indulge freely in their descripUooa of tbe steam canal fleet," with Governor King on board, that last week exnerimented on the Krin ("unal - The aaom a think tbe adoption of steam is a foregone coucluaion." A corraponuent oi tne itocncster Union says t . At I atood last rnicht fnr an hrwir aftpr t-riltht tiriiWI O w -aa f lguf) WSV1 the bow of the acow. ai ahd mnvd- llnmv KnkStwl ' "v " O W"V'S "aaaaavs the steam-tug at the rate of six or seven milea per boor, T .alrnil knaa u.t mn Jr... ,1. . ...... a aww, uuw van uiui uuuut uto finiuucauiiiiy oi Steam for this naviimtion T Onr boata dinntanvl hnt littla water, and made a narrow track in tbe broad path. t a a a a " .. , -- -- ; , , As we met or passed boats towed by bones or mules .www " aa- -vji w UlUQ) u4 VIW1 Vt g WUI AtkMI rTf.A KAaf fl tawkitti warA am4vi-v1- m. 4k at to spare. The boats which wo overtook on the way appeared to tie running stern foremost, so quickly did wa rash bv them. Onr tnir hnma onlv a Ion of mat ia ten hours, and can do a great deal of labor with that amount or iuei. llLIMIKaa 0 IfoRRULXf r. Ttarpv havSntr fWn antrtvt . ; ; -4 B w ava, I hia oninion with mrard to (la nan rJ a Kl!rWnr I rvA , , , . " J?I tion of horses proves that - bWerTahU tJI and that the sftrht of the horae. for avan.an .hTl' notbeinterfcred with in any way" ilorsca oni; fenrfui nf ki.i, ,hiph thai aa nM ...i.nit not fkmiliar with, ann thn Vw, ia nna nf Iha i.l I mediums by which tbis undenitanding and thuMiar- la . i La l a nn i a . I itv are hmnirht ahnnL , I'hmr ran ha Kmlmn In Inaa time and better without blinkers, and driven nut oh. jecta which usually startle them with far more safety when the eye bat an opportunity to examine the object fully. Tbe horse is a better radge of distances than Weaf.Sl I il . f t'a a . . man, ana 11 auowea ue tree ase 01 ms eyes would avoid anlliRinna fnVinpntJv ranwvt h tha carotmaMnnaa nt tii. driver. Mrl Karey states that the Use of blinkers ia v v. 1 - - j . j w . 1. w.ju...jai .n a. mi 1 B7tuij uio I'trcauuig iu urc vuiui ntatwo, Mill preuicia incretwed useful nen in the bone when this " foDy of the a .a aa . nineueoui century " ia arxiuanoa m lxmuon TTnan Wna gvtt gAnearWaa- a itaei f1aX11ntuw VBaVf tlI"WM Vr UBliriVAllVHOi UCUe lvUVUCUy iko tsMtAia ftifnnAnaw CAKnntrtnrJ 1tJ A almMt 3 ! 1 a a aaaa a. a-lva-wl la AntntAM anaaaJ Aim. 11. I aou wmre mere waa aoacu -u, vmjyu iu i-biu iu uie I HTIdWi, Jtttgxvm, IIOUOrM, jKUSnO, Denmark. BUXOm, ACT imntense fortifications which the Bclciaa neonle talk of 1. rinJ., Abulia. fVwda.Hrtf . a. .. 1 t 9 tUllltnUOW M UUVHWVIM TvaaaMB -"-av (waa jn.viv oawi a building at that poinL ITtediaUniabod engineer replied that his opinion wu not favorable to the prcject ; that t .Va . . . I kn.Mini al that nnint Thfl niinjniniishnlanfrinAiaa, MmliiH I he did pot favor the building of fortifications as a means nf ffobman to a countrv t that tbev were almost nuplrqa. in presence of modern artillery. It is not improbable inai iulfl UDSurvauua ut urva j uuicu-ju uut uci;iuti our a a t..4 i- . air. BTivniv inp niitwai.iiiri ua uu iiiiw uixiiiviiiir 111111-11 in liui attrntmn of the Bckian Parliament and DeoDkv - Thi OaxBiui. Lakd Omra. Below will be found an abstract of the businosa of the General Land Office t Tt ioin Lettrn reccivea ana regisierea.. ............. ,U4 written and reooraea zd4 atenU enirrossed......... 7)07 rocordod.. 64)84 transmitted 7,039 u ' aramined. 6.1 2i Wjtoj posted in track books. , . . , ... . .. ..... 21,737 Acres of Scrip tamed.. ; . .25,356 Ikprisonxd Ekqush BajrKiRa. A petition most , . , . . A . J . - A 1 TT" t t nnnwmntdv nimea. niu Deen inmou tu uw rjnzuan . A w.Maaxifaf a ni 1 ii-w! !rt ftf 4ha amilfwi.. ntvin Xfnocra Rtralmn ana PftnT. tu Vim Inrfl ll)o alleged ineqnality of their punishment compared Ulay UIA VI a.. a...vrw.i. ... .uw j w. . . .- . walla, and the subsequent release of the majority of te latter, baa given ri,e to corsi.lcrable cor.rocnt, crjv- .. y as Sir Joiin Dean l aul ana tas paruscrs cave rx a t -. 7 u.rc3 run in wuaactit, aaa vcwGa m coLaca isaa. :.tti. X rc jC aL. ra ca I'.f lij, c F.cri t.' C.u'.r u. j f -i u r. ,ti 4..J t i . j ttIat tiJ tA.a r ... 1 ..,.. A clresUr aa fj fCwZ U njU i tr.bt,..-.tiaafw..viu . ' WJr f-a Fr.,I, ar J ty aa eiTtrteaeti .., Juopeiis u sx'-.hj ti k. il':: ' r n. Aajwal Kk, 1 ' Jr;i Eir. aaa " H"oviLiaJ rv " , . (Ueam'sEairWaatirary. Prks M C7j Ju w. . rrmcsA col, - 8U4kUaaadrvua, y W.H.UPnTT, jOli-44-ly BraalalACtfi. .Tine -KLrna.- - Prtpartd by Dr. Jaaaes VZium foe tka cars af T-r- 't ia, aad aoUdnf twt LrstMia. faa .' 'vC Sotama,) aaa, by Ks swa merits obta!nJ for Jtae 14 "r"" nuiaueiiaja, Ual nyticiaaa, aeuiat4 wi iU prtprtie art taiiut It tkaauarm .J ." ,. 1;!- y..-tioa of , real Fcver ' NuMreas eaaea of PrtneNia of tJisl Itl. -at m . ft - a ckaractar, whkk were abaadoned u lucun,U by Ma of theKsdkal Faculty, kave, by tlwaasef tkls"Eixlr,'a:,. been restore to perfect Wlta. as attachtd atti....t .. MarcklOU, 186. ' " - ' tliu-i-'' - - - - a" Aaa Gaoaaa V. Bosuol Em., lata Rnn, ,, -w , Ward, l U apaJre af kia dnr Mar 11 .M v. a iinla botUi af Prof. D Cnti'i ESectric OH" ErKrtaaia eoua ae aeara xoo yarda rroa tbs toaae, suck was kr s. vara paia, oa Sunday ; the folio wisg Monday she wss w0 " and walked about towa. b9" Aaa B. T. Hairas. coal dealer. Ac. Klita anJ r . . -aafta rk.l Va Ikabm m Vt. ...j.jlj n . . - w mmvmm w aaU WHnill VU. JUS. UMa aads wke kavt bees so crakklv txmd at l?!wnmat Nearaljia, Piles, Hemorrhage, Bums, Wcmnda, Bpralns, Ibacesses, and other painful somplamts. roc sale u WilmuigVNa, V. C, by Praka A Vclia sad W. H. Lippitt, rwgiats, and by Drturriata and If archuta generally. ,; ... -i .', , AUgUat t. 194MW. ... -.y tM A OKJCAT SUD1CEIE VOS. FIMIUI. IHu&allVdl fif itinmlaVlltal hm tkMtl lnwnfA .sail ..n .,. f w w v. aa VM-vlakUW a aMl - potUng to be speeiflo la the varioas dtoesaas tad aeraof a. IMII to Whtf k tha AmHmtm tnnm mt wB.a aant.l V.. I jct. The result of al these stlaralaats Ua bea U Impart I preaaioa sad proatraUon freater thaa before: and the ra 1 pcawa auenpia w wTauos w voua uemseires up by tuw I rt.. -- v... a..n i. i ....... . . I .. . . ., . ' ' " riuu orcaauauoa was wn. out m Hng " Jkarkttvit Iljt-1 b a p-rtl. TWtobto eoiDp01iad. Brel)tf,, " rrwessor, Mernavf. vauer lis influence, every nerve and M .,, 1 a M 4 a. I alA . B t I tMllaWV iWUfn HW SJUVaiK-Ja aU14B WlaTUr. MUDfJUM BHil BUtMf- return, and Anally, perfect health, Bee lowtlaement. August 17tlw29USllw. TUB CHEAT EAGUsII RKXIDT.' .. . ,' . i SIX JiHXS CLABXXD CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Preparti from a prwertnium of Sir . OaHui.ll. D Tbis lnvaluabla medicine Is unfaUina' In tha em- of an th painful asd dangerous diaeaaes to wnlca. the femala aniutL. tetioa is subject. It Moderate att excess and ramnrM an ebetructioua, tad a speedy cure may be relkd on. I " "ai'TO , i. 11 r4 P01 altd. It win, ta a short time, bring oa the I awnthly period with regularity. . ; . - - . - . - na m a irrrrrr- w lyvrctri I P..L k H. ,1. . a. r. ., . ' .a ' i yiiv. uu, wuBT, Dears ue uoveraaient iwanp ureal tJntain, to prevent counterfeiU. Tkee puis should aot be takea by females daring the Irst i onm snoaus m rregaaney, aa tbeyara sure to bring oa KktearrtHS, but at any other time they are safe. v .. Ia an eases of Kervous aad Bofaial iftvu. p.i- i ta 1 and Limbs, Fatigue oa slight exertion. Pa'nltaSja af . r . w . . .7 . ' u7mTKa waites, ues PUla wm sSect a wn" " 0 T mM fle a although a pow. rrd reatedr, do aot contain ton. calomeL antimoav. or BTaln Bnrtfal to the eoasUtutioa. Full dlreetioM ia the oamDhlet around tack oacxiira: ' which should ba carefully preeerred. Bole igeat for the United Btates aad Canada, job uosm. (LaU L C. Baldwin & Co.,) . : 'f .. . Sockaiter. 17. T. W n ei nn ..a a . ..... .. y aaa v yvi ivaiijjja BBoioeea to any aa I thorised igent, win insure a bottle, containing M PCls. by 1 IVbUgB BiSMio I wa i a For sals by Druggists generally.1 ; j, ' ; ", ' ! . , . r , ; HlYILAaD, 8TETENS0N b C0M Charleston. Whole. satolgeuts - atarca tsta, 1868 . KMTMf ' OTSPEPtU. ABTD FITS. . . . ,,M ' i . m ru ., . DR. K PHKLPft BOOWir, the great surer of Coo- A ' mmpuon, wu ior several years so badly a&Icted by of SZL h. wu'eonnned tobi for several years so badly aEJcted bv .T H WM V 1 P"ripttoa furnbhsd ?' ,0OI,. eIrT0,n w' Pftwriptlon, given 7cMd, while laa stateof trance, has eared averyDoay was au taksn it, never having failed once. Itti equally U SUTC ltt eases Of FlTI U Of DTSnTMA. Til in "" 7 be found In any drug store. 1 0 send this VATnavKLa) nraMLArfntlnn ik atnw atwfln am 4Vaa ejaaAAi 4 f M. valuable preaorlption to uy person oa aa ivwiyt wt vusj stamp to pay postage. Address . -. ! DB. 0. PHELPS JUIQWS, , No. Jl Grand 8UJersev Cltr. K.J. " lug. 7, 1838. . ; S84-3nv-ov-3m ' mmwmmmmmmgftmmmmmmtmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmttr BAXKIIfO AD BXCHAHOB BOC8K OC ' L l.: mrrcuixs, -. 'TFtlminoto. 2P1 C . EICIlkNGE bousht and sold on tha nrinefnal eitiM. BEST BATE9 paid for tmsurrent Back Notes and Ppecie. COLLECTIOXa promptly attoaded to and remitted for. 8T0CKS bought and sold oa Commission. FOREIGN EXCH1SGK on Great Britain Irmee, 8xc& a aa a aa aa a -p. .... waajf, aaava;, fcavara, . v wyua) wm aVi . r . ' airiuro Messrs. C. Doawm k Co., Montreal, Canada. ' Brawcta, Tua Co., Boston, Maas. ' Pmu, Cajitiill 4 Co., New York City. " Cmoxam 4 Co., rhOadelphia, Pt. " . . ? . JomfstoK, Bros. 4 Co. Baltimore, Md. ' C. W. Pracxn. 4 CoBiohmoud, Ta, ." - Baaxaama 4 Co., Petersburg, Ya. Johx G. Watun 4 Co., Ealetgh, N. C W. M. 4 J. C. Mabtw, Charleston, 8. C, . . B. EjxtLaUid, Memphis, Tenn. , ' 118-Sa. . 1 May 31. PEACHES, A Wa WWW V a 1 - ' i ; -ta-araatfctB, v. i. . A ine amortmeat received ivery day. and for sale la lota tosuit,by ,v . 1 1 . s. W. BOCrSTS. ; July S3, 1858. - ; TAKEN EJ TUS K2T MliTJTa BY X. I. BUSY IT MOZABT HALL, formerly Waitehurst's OtHerr. . - Jaa.t3d.185s ! . '' mtf . n K lOfH frmt hw T TV Ta,- u ?t t t a t t. . - - - j Mumr''!. c 1 if 111.10 1 kJi s j ' laai,g WUI Ii A-StUl f f iA j.akaai it j : "aiAa. 1-, i f .) 4 3: .) I It atij,