C u V : I - VOL. 8. NO. 2G. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 0, 1853. WHOLE NUHEER 2,18 HI FTLTOS PRICK, rROFKJKTOHH. J AS. FULTON, trior A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor. Daily Paper, m tw, mvanaaly in iJturf p) WeeV'y " . - j N jo At fetter an bu!r (aukKJ with tits office. int be addressed to tha proprietor. RATES OF ADVERTISING. (ALT aCAlS. Ona dav , t 13 Two dare STJ Tareedaya,. ........ 50 F oar days ...... CI Eva dr-.. .. Ti OmvmL 7 Two weeks I 37$ Om monU 1 00 TweBsoniha ...9 14 Three BKMMAa I 00 SU naoaLha M MI NTiU. Cm day Twe drC TTiree day. Fear dart ........ Piradaye. One week.. ....... I 50 71 1 00 1 ti 1 M 1 T I T4 4 00 T OA Two week. On month..., Two Months.. Three month. Btx months ... ...... . 10 M. ..At 00 Ommi ..1 0 i f ........... vav jrmr ....WW Tea line are toast! at a eauare, and 8t hae or teas a ' Om w. ..jo go u piwii KKinmnuia ia proportion, aaa All parable ta advance. When aot paid ha advance 1 cents per aqaare wUl be charred after the flrrt Insertion. TAJ1 haU-oqnarce aut paid for ia advaac wUlat caarr a4 as a wjoara. J-Adverusement inserted as Special ar Bishop Notice are charred one-half mora thaa abort ratee-urht Uaea (leaded) ar tea tented as a temare. STAdrertia tut, taaartad erefj ataev dar ate eharred S7 ceau per aqaare far eah taaertioa after the Bret, WSa pubhcaiioa aade vilheat a responsible same. BUSINESS AM) PROFESSIONAI. CARDS. THOMAS W. BKOWV, JIL, A TTORXBY AT LAW, A CO MM ISSIOM KB Of THE UNITED ' BTATKS M am roa tub distbict ok kobth carouma. wnmlnirtoB, June Itta, ISM. ' 147-tf dia. tTOIUT. , 1UX. OLMAM. ITOaUJCr dk OLDH.1H. Gr R0CEK8 AND COMMISSIOX MERCHAXTH, AND wr a I Israel t aar n vr r . w.i ... . VTiHij.aa u vvaj, vAia, tia, u. ' " ... . ... 4 niuaiwuTun, a. v. ' ' 'Kirnntn. Col. Johh Ifdtlf.rrMfdefit of lie Bank of Wilmington. O. a PaMUT, let,., President of the CosiavircialWk. . T. M. a . g. n'un. DRAKK dk MrUt, (ftueenmwi t Dr. A. O. Bm.f "fiTHOLtSAUi AND RETAIL DRUlHil. Northwrat V corner of Vreataad Market tit, WUmlnctua, N. C, will keep constantly on haal a well selerted stuck of Druga, Medicine, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Rurrical liMtromenta, Truases, Paints, Oils, Window Ulaae, VaraJah, Old Brandies, Wines, Ac. Ac. All of which will bauniiah ed on the naual terms ana at low prices. May lath, 1U. t24 ly DR. J. A. MttLKR, FRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MUXES 4 BA K.EB'8 LAW OFFICE, Wilmwotqx, N. C v Oct. 0th, 1M7 j fg-tf W. H. MeRABV dk CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princess and WaUr J streets, Wllnilngton, ft. C. - - airiUKcaat , H. B, Barare, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, WQminftoa.N. C. CoL Jubn McRaa. Pres't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Darls, Cashier Branch B'kCape Fear, Saliabory, do. J.O. Iaah, " Salem, do. j. EUOregf,Prealdentaf BankCheraw, 8. C. Oct 17 ' - D. A. LAWO.TT. (rOmnSRION MERCHANT, No. M North Water street, J OctlJ-ll U WnitrHOTow, N. C. tm, torn mown, urnm A wnnoarar, tr a. t, known. SHOWN 4t OeROHIf IfiT, Hew lark, DeROMKT At BUUVVH WUaalitftoa, N. SI O0MM1H8I0N MERCHANTS. DRIOK DIRT1LXJCRT. WILMINGTON, N. C , J. K. OAKELY, PrvpnetrtM, , , YanBOKEEUar sV BRO., Agents. ALL KINDS OF NATAL BTORiii porchased, manafao tared and sold Mharfaga and Btorega tarniahed, and Ouvperaye dona at fair rates. Jan 1st, 1M7 ltf. J, H. ROBUIOS dk SOW., WlLMlMOTSf, N. C. r PORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AUENTH. AND Dea lertt in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricul tural Lnptamenta, Ae. WMvC. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Bept,30. 1864U-tfJ . WlLMUKITOK, N. C ,, ' AOAMA, BROTUBR dk COH QOMMISSIOft MEUCHANTS, WiufrNOTON, N. C. CnORGKW. DAVIS, (C0MM1BBIOS MERCHANT, South WaUr Street, J WlLMIKOTOW, N. C. J. ATHaWAT. - i.l. laTHAWAT. WBt. B. CTUT, J. A . U HATHAWAY dk CO., COMMBBPON MERCHANTS, a . Waamwron, N. 0. Ta Ci 4b Be Oa WORX1I COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, j Wu-amoTOK, N. C. March 11, 186T lMly lAXXfl AjrDnaow, tow aid iataob. ANDERSOIf dk 1AVAOK, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, T . WUMIMrrOH, N. C. Liberia! cash adrancet made oa consignmenU. WILLARD Ai CURTIS. CI0MM1RSTCW MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, I AMD DKALEiU IN GRAIN, - No. 10 Boot Watia Btsht, . Jan. 13th.' , Wilmihotok, N. C. ' W. H. tvUlikutom. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VX WitarmoroM, N. C. una to George Harrlas, Esq., 1 Meesrs. Latterloh A Elliot, Wilmington, N. C. Jaly 1A, IBM. 17-tf ) iaxm r. nrrrwAT, mmi a. raircHirr. ' ' PKTTKWAY dkPRITCIIKTT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water VI tttreet, wuaungton, a. v. aVWill giro particular attention to the sale of Natl Broun, CorroH, Ac. , DKROS8KT dk BROWS, i l ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IT ' WILMINGTON N. C. ia.lat,lM7-Mtf. f ...... ....... j umMim, ' milm costii. jAg, c, IMITI1 dk CO- lOMMTSSTOir MERCHANTS, offlca second story, corner J Hootfe water and Market streets, Wilmington, xi. u., where tbey are prepared to Attend to all basinets In th Oommisakm line. a.11 basinets entrusted to thdm will bo punctually attend 04 to. - - CHAS. D. MTKRS. H At AND CAP EMPORIUM, 84 Market Street, H7t MIlfnBMW W f Hi. - ' Wl UAW IKOIlfRi Me Vi Panama, techon, and Palm Leaf Hats, 'Wool, For, Bilk, and Moleakia Hata, Cloth, Ploah, and Silk Glased Cape, by ana case or aoaen, at Hew lork wholesale pneea. . WALKER JIKARKS, (Succeesor to Walker Metres A Co.,) TjrTHOUaALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, if ' . , at Mabkr sr., WiLMiKOTon, N. C. J4n.lr-n .- 4t Market streeU PLANTATIOIt GOODS. TEVIM'S TWILLED STRIPES. Marlboro' fitrinot. Cotton XJ Osnabnrga, Unbleached Cotton Shirtings and Sheetings and unen Bunapee, ior saieny . J. a. wuuams. WH1IKBTI WmiRKTII 60 BBLS. WTLSHIRB CINCINNATI WHISKEY; 60 iRoat an rii North State (Whttai la flora ind for al by 1. E. McKOY k CO-, Aug. 34. . RICK I RICK I f OR TIERCES SOUTH CAROLINA RICE. In store And AO for tale by T. U. McKOY dt CO. Aegntt ISth 7 -- ; - 11 AND U-4 USES SHEETINGS. For sale ar i ' Aug. 10. J. B. WILLLUIS. BUSINESS AM) PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. a. K. Bomrrr-irr. Tuxnt asi agent roa caicKEEiNGi, riASos. of hxh h has alwara tone an hand. tpl IT. l3m L T. Au. W. H. UKTramw ar. AUDCRXAW a BKTTEMIH HT. GBtVERS AND DEALERS IN GEXERAL MERTHAN VU.K, S. 34 Norm Waraa r-rtrtr. rpt. U - T. IL HrKOV . CO G'ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South T Water street, WuMnrarow, N. C. Aug. XJJ, lttrt. , Ss7 Ik. B. KIUCKf. "TTmOLKSVLB CROCER AND 'COMMISSION MER- A N'T, end DEALT IX NAVAL STOKES, corner Water aad Market streets, Wilmington, N. U. apm M, ivy. - w. w. DAin, m. rx, OFFERS HW PBOFEtKlONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT iaeat ef WUaiinrtdB. O&ce U door below Uotaee' Hotel, Front SiiwC June. tlltf JOIIS A. BtKKR, 4 TTO RXETIA T LA W, AND WU MLSSIONER OF PE1UV Jl. FOR THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. WtuiriurOM, N. C. May Slat, HS8 nd-tf UCVI A. HART, i. atb rtmr a itir, . (OUtiamL) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN GUNS, PISTOLS, Hardware, Moves, Coptwr, Tin sod hhet Irua Wars ei, Turpentine mills ana Mxtnret, Frotit street, below Holme' Hotel, Wilmington M. V. April, lx laa-ly J. n. MOSK, pOMMISSIOJT MEItCHANT, . J Wilmington, M. C. Peraoaal anJ promat attention ciren ta romu biutdU of Naral stores, Cottoa, FUmr, Ac aiUter for tale w ahinmeai, Oi-t, lMT.-JT hbsrv P. nraarj.L, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, , 147 East Bt, (Ur lrAi.) CHARLESTON, S. t March nth, laM. . li tf WILMISOTim MARBLK WORKS. . Trent StrevC. aetur ttM MrthiUtt R. tiurk. MONUMENTS, T0MB8. HKAI and FOOT HTONES, FURN1TUKETOPH, Ac., of the BEST yUAUTr ei AMERICAN or ITALIAN MAlftiLK. furaithed ia arder. as rUKAKat can be procured from any eatobliahnient of lb kind In the country. i i tmpioy aooe bat etpertenced workmen, and win tpart no paiue ta plaaaa all who may favor bm with their patron. - . AWTenns CASH, anlesa by special agreement. W-O. MILLIGAN. WUmiagton, N. C, SfpL 13th, 1856. 1 T-tf. KEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS. w. o. cm-ns vo ENERAL COMMISSION MKRCHANTX AND AGENTS VT for the sale of AA VAL STVHIH AM) tiu UIUJCHJi PRODUCE, 134 Maiden Lane, Corner of Water st.. New Yerk. , w. a. CtiTia, rainr pkiomau. h. noLuiu, . pott ta, n. t. CAnnoia DOUJI1CK, PUTTRR dk CO. aMOMMIISSIOM MERCHANTS, ! Tlarch Ud,M58, le,j BAaaoa . WAtaoN, m astow anAUS. WATSOH BE ARES. qOMMISSlOH MERCHANTS, 34 Burling Slip, Ne w York, special attention paid to the sale of Natal Brosis, Or- .tom, and Southern Prod ace generaltr. Ubertal adraaocs nude oa aonaignmeau. . Jtiy I, 'at J. SAim COCHSAN, W. B.BVSSJU CIX'HRAW dk RCSSXLL. ' ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So. 31 North VT Whartea, and ol North Water Btreet, PaiLADtxraiA. Liberial cash adraaoaa made an eoasigtimenta. 1 July 30th, 1843 , . I7S StQARStUAR. CRUSHED, POWDERED, GRANULATED, LOAF. A. C. ' Yl!ir anil Rrnwa Jnni la ctiwa Mil toarrit. Fersalaby WUXAIlD A CURTIS, j September 15. COWKK- COFVKE. EIO, LAGUAYRA, BT. DOMINGO. JATA, BAHIA, MARICAIBO. Xof in store. For aIe by Sept 18. wn.i.ARD ft cTjirrrs. 1 PAITTflt OILS I I VARSISIIES III TUST RECEIVED, a large stork of Braoklya and National IailR, Linteed Oil and Varnubes, Also, Kino and Fire Proof Paints, Colored Paints, Ac, Ac. For sale by WALKER MKAREft, Sept, Rth, 1858 - tf 43 Market Htreet. PA TEST MKDIC1KKS. S&ALLENBEROEIiS FEVER AND AGUE PII-W, Boat American Remedy, Kennedy's Discovery, India Cholo gogne, Magic OU, and all ef the ponnlar remedies of the dayj For sale by WALKER MEARES, Sept. 8th, lH5ft-l tf 45 Market Street. PItXH OV CACISIBB AND PEPKRISBL rnilESB "PILLS" HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY TES X led la H'Umirigton, in the treatment of Ague and Fever, and alt other form of Remittent and Intermittant Fevers Thar have also been found highly beneficial In Neuralgic af fections of the face, Ac. Prepared by i i DRAKE A McUN, Apothecaries. Sold at 30 cent a boa. , Sept, 10. WHISKEY WHISKEY. BBLS. NORTH STATE. Now tending per Se tar. f J Louisiana, and for sale by SepL 2nh T. H. McKOY 4 CO. WK INVITE 1HE ATTKSTION OF HEADS OF FAMILIES TO A VERY VALUABLE invention, combining in Kaelf both simpliety and da lability, ' Tapers without Wick," give a brilliant tad steady light, of sufficient sis for any ordinary purpose In a " sick room or nursery." They can be wed either with Sperm or common Olive Oil. For sale by DRAKE A McLfN. SepLJOth. . Drnggists. PORK -PORK. f( BBIA NEW YORK HEAVY CITY MESS. Jtwt re UU caived and for sale bj Sept 30th T. H. McKOY A CO. BACON BACON. . Id HHDS. BRfrJIIT WESTERN SHOULDERS; 1U 10 " '' " Sides. Now landing from Schr. Louisiana, and for sale by aSepUWth T. H, McKOY A CO. BUTTE R BUTTE R. .. mKEQS fRIME, just received on coiiKlgnnicqt, sqd for sal low by ZKNO H. OREESE. ' ' 1 CANDLES. BOXES ADAMANTLNE CANDLES. For sale by Sept. 18. WILLARD k CURTIS. 100 HOOP IRON. NOW LANDING AND FOB SALE, 1 inch Hoop Iron, and in Store li and 1J Inch. . . , Sept. 81st, 1868. - ZEN0. H. 0REENE. ' BACON BACON. , ..Ut 9HHDS PRIME BRIGHT WESTERN SIDES. Landing and for sale by ZENO. U. GREENE. . Kept 31st 185. ' " - - ' - MOLASSES. lUUlWbbla. tahV,WMtMolaasses. Instore, 4 k. rrrrrui I for sale by i. k J. L. HATHAWAY A CO. Bepis. MEDICINAL BALTIMORE LOCK HMPTTiu POtTfiR JOHNSON. THE f.iaJer of thie CeWHrabrd lnvntia offers the wat Certaia KtMeUy, aaj ealv effiecnal reaaeUy. iatae wU la t.iria. Ku tarve. Ba iaal vaina, Pum ia the Lata, i'oentitattuaai IVUUr, latatiM'y, Weky i ut lb LU k aJ UnU, A3e tna of the Kkhiere, Pa'piUtioni vf t!i Heart. 1W permit. Nervous IrrtUbihtv, iHra M the Head. Taroat. K or Kkia t and all tlx rium aad Btelam-bM Daaardert araunt Mi alt taoa Oratrartiv hakita of Yaata wkkk deatry bulk kodr aad aiai 4. Taaxasat asT aad )ik tarv practirr avor fatal to their vk-time thaa the tone: ,,f the Srrea t the Marmrrs Ulraae. blirhUng their moat bri'Maut hep ef aata-lpauooa, reaJmnf saw aga, Ae aBpeaaibla. 4 eria&y, h have Wcmm the k-tiaas ef Mitary Tit, that dreajful aad OMtracUva habit, wkx h aaauallj sweep ta aa untimely grave thnaaead f yoang men of the ntuM eulted tales u and bnllwat kattlWct. who mlfat aarw have eatraac4 batoaing Keaataa with the laua-Ws ef ak oeace, ar waked to ewtacy tba Bv tag irt, may call with aU roalldear. , , MarrtHps Married Peeee. w.Teejur MeaeonWmpl11itmarriar, aebag aware ed Phvaical WfaAaet. Orcaaie lbilitv. 1 Wo. BiiUM, Ao.. ahoald named ialely eeawuS Dr . J.od be retor ed to perfect health. He who place hiatarlf aader the rare of Dr. Mntoa mar relif KHialv roadkle ia hoaar a a geatlemaa, and nmo OVnUy rely ape his skill aa a phracma. Oman W aaa mm iaimediaWly cared, aad full rigor reatored. This tinea ia tit peaaJty Biut frequeutljf paid by those who have become the vkllma of improper iB.luVeuce.-. Young peraona are toa apt to commit twere Itom aot be ing aware of tae dreadful conaeqaeavcaa that may aaaue. K ow, w ko that na4erUUMta ta aubjoct will pretead to deay that the power of lrocreelioa is Um sooner by those falling Into Improper habits thaa by the prudent. U.'.iJea being deprived the pleasure of healthy effliprtng, flte mot aerioat and destrartive syaiptoms to both body and mind art.-. Tow sratem baeoaioa draaird. I phyakak aad mental powers weakened, aervou debility, dj teaia, palpitation of the heart, tndigeatioa, a wauling of tit frauM, cough, symptoma of constunptloa, etc. See Man DaUItt. Weakness of the system, Nervoaa Debility SimI prematura decay geaerally arix from the Deatrat'tive habit of yeuth. ahat solitary prat-tice so fatal to the healthful eiltteui-e v( maa, and it ia the young who are aiaat apt ta become its vktfras, from aa ignorance of the dancers ta whk h they nh)ert tbemartvea. Parents and Guardians ar oftca wia led with respect to the cause ar aouree of dieeaae In aheif tuo aad ward. Ala s I haw alien do (tier aecrtt to ataet caoaes the waatiog of the frame. Palpitation f the 11 earl, Dyapepeia, Ludigetioa, derangement of the Nervous Sva tern. Couch, and Hvmntoms of CotMumptlea, also, those ee rie mental electa, each as loa of aaemory. depreaaioa f spuita, ar peculiar au of aaalaneholy, when to toe troll m, they have baen caused by Indulging ia aeruicWae but allar ing practlrea, dettrartiva to both Boy and Mind. Thus ar swept from existence thousands who might hsv been of use to their country, a pleasure to their friends and Orna- meut to society. i , . . . t . u m . m I'rrica no. poitw lawauua rrr t , . left hand side going from Baltimore street, T doom from tit comer. a Be particular In observing th nam and t timber, at yon wfil mistake the place. mr Taka notice, eberrvt tit nam aa the door aad win dows. A IVr varranW, or no Chargt ftiic, m rum NO MEItCl'BY OR NAUKE0US PRU0S USED. ! DR. JOIIBBOA, Member of th Royal College of Burgeeae, Laadtn, Gr d ate from an ef the most eminent Collegea of the United States, snd the greater part of whose life has been spent In in nrsi tyoftpnsi or London, rsris, rniiaueipnia, ana else where, has enacted soma ef the most eston-ulnj tarat that were ever kaown. many troubled witA rmclua in the head aad ears wbn asleep, great aervouaneaa, being alarm4 at sudden sounds, and baahrulnees, with frequent blushing, at tended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured nmasmtBife , - , - A Certalia Dan aaa. ' ' i .. . When th misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasnrt Dads ha bat Imbibed th seeds of this painful disease, it too often happen thst an lll tlroed sens of shsme, or dread of aiacoTery, deters aim rrom appiymg a mob wno, iron so trstion aad respectability, can nloo befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disesas mak thalr sppearanc, such a ulcerated sort throat, diseased nosa, nocturnal pains, is the bead and limbs, dimness of tight, aearnesa, aoues oa uie snia oones ana arms, oiotcnet on the head, faco and sxtmxilties, progressing with fright fal rapidity, till as but tha palate ef the moot 1 1 or the bone of the nosa fall in, and the victim of this awM disease b eonms a horrid object or commisteration. till death put a period to his dreadful luflerlflgt by sending him to " that bourne from whence no traveler returns." To such, there for. Dr. Johnson pledges himaen? ta preserve th meat hv viola hie aecreay, and from his axtamnv practice ia kbt'lrst hospitals In Europe and America, he eta confidently recom mend a aafe and speedy euro to tha nnfurtonau victim of this horrid diswas. 1 It m a melancholy fact, that thousands fall ftetian to thai dreadrat diaeaas, awing to ta anaauirumeas ar Ignorant pre tenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, snd tven send the unrortuiste suffi r ar to an untimely grsve, or alas make th residua of his life mlssrabl. ( Take Pnrtaeailar Met Ira. .-. ,'i Dr. J. addrasas all those who have Injured themaalvta by privau and improper indulgences. , t These art some of the aad and melancholy effects pro duced bv earlT habits of vouth. vis t Weakne ef the Back and Limbs, Faia la tha Head, iXmiMas of Hi-ht,iie of Muscular Power, rsJpitauon of the Heart) urspensia, Her vous lrrltobility, Derangsmsnt of th Digestiv f iinctloua, General Debility. Hymptoms of Consumption, Ac, , Mkxt ally Toe fearful affects upon the mind art much to be dreaded t Lota of Memory, Confusion of Idea, Denra kb of Spirita, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society, Belf Distrust, liov or Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are tow or tea evils produced. Thousand of persons, of all ages, ess now judge what & tha eaasa of then- declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale aad emaciated, have a singular appear ance about tha eves, tough and symptoms of consumption. Dr. Johnaen s Invigorating lUmedjr for Orgatilei .., Weakisi u By tills great and important remedy, weakness nf lim or gans ara speedily cared, and full vigor restored. . Thousand of the most nervous and debilitated, who lisd lost all hope, have been relieved. All Impediments to Msrriage, Physical or Mental DnHuatiflcation, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and Wsskneea, ar Khaustien of tbamost fearful kind, speed ily cured by Dir. Johnson. , 1 1 ' Issng Men, Who have injured fhemselve by a rertM aisiHIce, In dulged ia wban alone a habit frequently leamed from avfl companions, or at school th sfftcts of which are nightly felt, even when aaleep, and if not cured, rendera marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. - .j . . What a pity that a young man, the bop af hi country, aad the darling of his pareBta, should be snatched from ail Sroapecta aad enjoyments of life, by the eonseuueacee or eviattng from tha path of nature, and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating ' Marriage should reflect that a eoand mind and body are the most ne cessary requMities to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary prlgrrmage, tha prospect hourly darkens to the view 7 the mind becomes shadowed with dneir and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of snother, be comes blighted with oar own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., fiamorr,!Ja,'L All BnuntAi OniuTioNS PiKronaio. , N. B. Let no falsa delicacy prevent yon, but appry im mediately either personally ar by letter. - km DusAta srssmLT vno, Ta Stranger. 1 Tha many thousands cored at thia Institution within the last twelve yean, and the numerous Important surgical Op eration performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of oar daliy paper and many ether peraona notice of which have again and again appeared before tha public is a sufficient guarantee, that the aSicted will find a skill -ful and honorabl physician. Take ffetlr. - '' M. B.-. There art so mnr vorthless Qnaeh adrertisiag themaelyes aa Physicians, fuUting the health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deems it necessary to tsy, espe dally tothoaa unacquainted with his reputation, that out credentials or dftilomss always hang in his office. TAKE NOTIChWAll tattora must ba nott-naid. aad con tain n postage stamp for th reply, or so answer will bt May 181b, 1858 . - 115-1 i ' ' MR. I. AI.EXASDER KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND large asaorV V ment of Una Gold and Sliver Patent Lever Railroad A Time-keepers ; Gold Chains and Neeklaoet ; Jewelry of the finest desoription ; Silver Ladlea, Batter-Knives, Cods. Ac. Ac. He oositivelr keep only Gold and Silver goods, and never hat kept any other. Then go to no other place His la tht cheapest Jewalry Btort in Nerth Carotin. , njy t. - - . - OdVSJT CXOTts. :' BALKS HEAVY GUNNYJCTflTH, nor' Arbert Ad am, ror aala by WlLLAfij k CURTIS. 24 FOR SALE AXD TO LET. )R RCTTt ... w FOi; b TEAR 1 KiUI lT OCTOEO SKXT, THE T. I M0ZAUT 11 ALL. Atrlyto 1 . L A. HART, rVptUth.liil " Atf ! run auxir iuoh ts (HTiwrn. 0XK SMALL DWELLING ON bAtXiiW, JlI b. low l nrtB treev A Pf'V to hep. 17.lf.tf l'ETTEWAT A PR1TCHTTT, 3tM.OWI KO. 1 PR! IT TfUtKS X)R SAUC . . ' TXSTMXOOK 4 MXSD X.VOA Lt. . ! 5 wiopBirroRa of the 'wbt green nt rss- J KlCSand tMtrden aear tireeaabera,' N. U. woaid ra neftful v rail th atlralioa ut tha nliaena si taa aVrnta.. era Elates to tWa verv eitemlive st.n k of aativt and aa'Li mated Fruit Trees for th Fall aad Winter Trad both whole sale aad ratal. 1 . This large aad Baalisms BMnrtmeat has been propagated fro thratr Wat wg tree aad woe ked apua tha brat seaUbag stm-ka, a hu h is a surs guarantee uf fruitful e-e and iongev kty, twa arominrat rUarsi tertoUn akkh ahnald not be eterUx'iisl bv prrms wiatiwtg ta plant Ombarda either fur marketing or family awr. The stork ronsisti of the Jollow- Ing trees: ' l4d,U00 Arn.K TKEm . 13.000 PIXM TREKS, 1 low,w I'EAl U AUUO NKlTAKfNBS , IB.OiiOrK tR ,a Ijsal Al MONO , M AI'UKVIT " ' lii.rtfl CHERRY " ' ' 4,I0 ftlA'i vixrA ' IWldo a Try aaa aMortsaeut ef Carrtnta, HtraeWrivs, RaanberrW. tiwoarUerrn-a, olc an af wkwh will be sold an Very rtaona''W terms for raaii, ar apoa short time to pue- luai cuMoatera, wsn wm o rvoiyrej to ia a note on the dWrrery r rvrvt.tl af th tree l fb 4sr dealgnated ta tb arder, a I Ley wtU ba charged with intoreat from tha date taereo. AU pacta put an at aitperiHC ttrw aad a romulete invoh-e scut to rk'palra aadsoarraacsd that the invoke will be the recMer of tlta On hard after the trees are t re mounted, tf they are planted In saccsmlon as eahkmdafiraataUja, 1 arorders reveived aad forwarded by It. W. Roberta, Wilmingtoa, N.C. Sept. H. ,,,.,,.1 ,, U tlstF OKPIcrS ASPtVIIAHP TO REST . 4 FROM OCTOItHl IMIWT. Tht' whsrf on PocW cj Bare!, larrmai air. n. Ratter s mat, aim, th rooms ar ofiica akava Uie altiiiaa af J. L. Uaiawa aad A. Kniple, and IroBtiug th Hank of l ap Fear. N-pt. l"th, li-U tf , , TU08. 11. WRIGHT. t von nun-9. M THE FINK TWO HTURY MOUlHt OS CORNER (TJ oppiito aad W4 of the Mew Episcopal Church, with Carriage Uouae, Htablea and all aeiessary out l.ullJini., UWly ralittrd and painted thratiglioiH. - . . . . . a. N.NIXON. IVIIAIff till! MKST. F5 ."TflOM THE FIRST J)AT OF OCTOBER N'KXT, llis HARFonthomerof Market and Watet street, at present aecwpled by Oeo. W. InrvM. Est). For terms, sp- iVIImington, N.C, Sept. Id, UMI. ..... 1 .. a-tf aii kii Pi.icn n-vm an w.. .. J-t THE UNUEJWU'.NED WISHES TO REMOVE FROM F J town, offert for tale bis KO UND PUi VX, about try. M' en niilat from Wilmington, contain Is OXK UUX- DEEP AAD TU1HTX' ACHi&Vfrt MIX d which tr cleared and In a good state of cultivation j a part ol Ut aoov is aa gonu urniing wnii as any ib in eountry, 1 Term acaenmedstlnu-. 1 For further Information, apply to -Sept, U, lAiad-tf ... SAMUEL J. BEERY. 1 1 .1! nm sale oh rest. Av. THE HOl'HK AND LOT KNOWN. AS TBE JO JTjl neph Tilly Hon, oa BUth atiaat If not cold. It will J b rsnted out for one year from the Best of October aeit. r or panicutart, apply at this om, or to Bept. .-i tf r W. B. HIDBUTIY. THE HOUSE KNOWN AS THE COSTIN HOUSE On Market Street will b ranted law to a good tenant, peaseasintt given it uotoor asst. Apply to BepU TOi. (I lmj KLUDKU MARTIN. ron iirmt -. THREE DWELLINGS situated OS Dock Itrrtl con tinued. nr partitMuam, apply to ' - JSpt I-rl. ,.. , j.,,, MILES COSTIN. WTrlf REST. ' ' FROM 1st OCTOBER NEXT, TWO STORES oder in aeaasMi s uom. - appiy 10 r " ' j,. g-oa-U. , . IXLIB A MITCHELL. " ' ' POrX REST. FROM 1st OCTOBER, tht Hoost on Third street, be tween Aha and Nun, now Vcnunled by Mr. Samuel Dunham. Apply to JULIUS W. WRIGHT. Aug. 37. i-.iu ,.t -1 1...... . ..i., S0l-tf NOTICMr 1 . 1 ., , . TDK SUBSCRIBER, BEING DESIROUS OF MOV Ing ta tht Country, affrrt for salt his Pwtlllnc llouss and Lot. on Uis Wast aids 0 t'ront Hi raat. katuaa nainui snt siuinerry, safi loi pa ing tm x 110, and eligibly mated for bealtfl, tifd convenient to bitslneas, end will bs Bold on Bccominodstinf terms or eichengef for Cntotry property, ,Uv , , , 1 1, iLDEUMAN. ' In. "IIIK IfilLS ' I ' lull A. YALt ABIJB TOWII PROPERTY POR SALE. ' JNt U)I NO. I (Block 100, Sitter B,) eligibly lltasted oS L east side of Front Street-! se, Hi fet front by 174 feet doeti. on wlilrb la a cnmfortiitila f laratllnir.tirMiu Kltchefi, Hervanls' house, Smoke house, Wood house, Hublet and oilier necessary ouVbtilWlng good Tegrtsble and Bower, garden an the prewWst,(ute tatter highly la Krovsd.) Tha owner of thid property, a non-reslileitt of tht tate, Is desirous of deposing of his kite rests in Wilmington, and will sell the property refV-rred to on retnonsbla terms. For further particulars as to the above property, tppllra lien may he mad la - - S. M. WEST, Auctioneer. May3d,tWyd ,.! , , iw , WHAKPTO RENT. rpnr. hrsty wh arf, ne ar the w. a w. rail Road , Vspot, ta rent ir va year rrom the nrtt ol October next. Ajply to v. , , ., ,,u 1 m. a , May 1, lhoc JUJ U ; , . , w u. B, JiAKUf. MFBOM THE FIRST OCTOBER NEXT, TWO I'M ALL Houses and Lots oa Dry Pond, litre eoBifortable " Dwelling iiouwi on 1 'rinces street, between Hth and Kth streets, for pue year. Omul wells of water In the yards. ppiyto iriuw. c, CHArr, Market st. Amruttll. tM . 1 " ' ' , ron rest. , 1 A DWEJXLVO HOUSE North of Um Nsw Bridge, on Second street, adjoining the residence of Mr. R. 11. Cowan : nrice tiM per anuum. Amilvto . P. K. DICKINSON, or to -r 4 , THOS.D. WALKER, i ., Aog.4e-J8l-2,.. ;, . .... 1 ., - , .-. .... i- mattRHT. ; ' FROM THE FIRST DAY OF OCTCfftKR NEXT, the large building on F root Street, aimosile tha Bunk of Cape Fear, known a lha WAXUltHiTON 110 USE. and now orfnpied by Mr. Backus as a female boarding kcbool. Apply at m' ' i' ' ' THIS OFFICE. Aag. a. ' ( " " - Wl tlO -r- TO UK ST. A C0NVENIRNT DWELl.IN'a, pleasnty situated ta a quiet neighborhood on Second itraet, , . ALSO, WILL BE lIUiED. " ANN. s food nook, wanner and tracer. CAROLINE, a man notua acrvant, a ug tarma. apply 10 i ' ' a !( HEDRlCK i RYAN. 1 Junttfii. 18M 1 ' M ! ' " " . JKll-tf ' ;- " ; ' roti rest. ' ' '' J 1 ' ' ' A COMFORTARIiE MOUSE BlTUATED ON TUB Tjij f comer of Nana and Fourth Street. . For particular, " annlv to . . .. MayMlJ4 tf V ' I,', , ' 1IABRIS0 HOWEtX, l- FOIl SALE. 'r fllWO TURPENTINE DISTILLERIES, capacity 30 bt.ls. I and 25 bbls., each, with Worn, steam, engine, and ail liturei complete, known as Sutton k Dunham's. Tha whole ar one-half Interest will be sold on easy terms, Apply to iv - GEORGE HAKRISS. siay7tlHl868r3QB-tf. . . .,, . ' i -ron SALE. WBAIJB CbTTON YARN, ASSOBTETJ HUJIBER3; V boxes Adamantine Candlec f . . North River Hay, splendid article For sale 1 April 3d . , PKTTKWAX PBiTQHE W VI B.IO Uf . EJI. fl COiraAWTLiY Olt UASD, TJUTTER eUH UTXER, LARD., VOpX BACON, BUG AR, COFFEE, anJ for sifa Bv 1 T"', . ALDEnAN A f.ltTTrrcOURT, X j. 1 - " No 52, hjorth Water Street,: 1 fepUUt MISCELLAIfEOUS. I. C. nuros. .-000 ACVXiHafiwnsi., Jmtrt JiJt reived and f a lets to m it e tfl. aih I ITT I A T A re; Tcvm. ' tbus itt)Rnai f- rf H LIW2uC.ASft cr 1XOTE3 AID CASi-rrrje epeoed thk day at SS Karket st., are ce rttU j v.-v knj aoa. 1 ar 4a t a at awad awav n w'h'' i hrsaidaynuit, JTZl ZjZ nZ Srnt.rL BAliwiNS, EVERY lAOCEO VrmXhi,9 Tarkhai" ta-aeU." W. dKiu lbne any-but w.Tj W fti taatt asaortmsBt of UENTlEaiEN B FURNtoJlLW Uioixt ever before epraed to tha W ilmiagton pablie. (all ami see Ucstrte to-morrow at BALDwUv U. . .P- . 3 Market urest, . HAvm you a rum tiut or scutch iTtiUAji I'BKHIIJ.tl DO TOU MEED AN ARTICLI OP TBI KINDT TV pUv-! buy some tk in very eWrabkw.aa asaaa. eipreaely to order bought for ceeb-arlluig very low -at , ,. - a a BALrWS, Sept.l, : . y MAtarketat "ii iiT.iT. " " " 4Crn ' tobk WHITE LEAD; ! ' 1 ; aUUU l.OUi lb. "Natioaai d.; - A 1.0U0" Brooklva do. RolJ low f..A Junt K, imiu a McUN, Druggist. KWH R-B-UM R. . , FREsn ARTICIJC, ia bbla. and bag, for sat by " A Sept. a. wiiJUASB cUMTBl.t' HKBS PORK. ' v BBLS. CITY MESS PORK, just exrv1. fhraaH r nlUAIUI A Cl llTui, Sept. Hh, 1MAS. TM DOV tLrni n tii a te 1 u ' ir" IOR MEN WEAR, ar aw SMniag at t 4 . .BALDWUik l Market Btreet.".. Wept. Uth. IMS. ':' , : Porsr w-r V-mkara ' 1 ' " 'T KOCHKFAUTB l'El-BUria MAKE. S n or. ineNt opened nt 4 t .TbALOWIN aV rpi. mm - ' WKtTfBl MA(i. 1 HUD. (HlDaMAKD MTOULDKKS,) now Undines 11 and for sale by ffcXTEWAY A PMlTCmrn?' September , iHin. , , ; . . anXTOS dk PRICB. flTXAM riUVTKmA. . j . i die SssUE THE DAILY JOURNA??!? Tolw A'tti a, r, mum n uainu v tiuuiuiaL Bwwry rr Ida merf big, at ft att per year, invariably in advaac, aad nasern diai'nntlnned wkea tha time paid for txptres. THE DAILY JOURNAL eooulna a dally, report af th markets ta WUnilngtonv together with tht mteat Cvmmsr cial and other InteUiganct throughout ton cunatry received up ia we near or going to prees, 4 turn ns-aaJul I A1 Ut C I. In IM 4V 1 ' i . ral daily issues, together with a weekly report of the ajar-i k.liiK .t.M i.n ,1.-.-... ...... ... nwa, vaiaiuuv ewiiecwa di wnutu out is rtu yoarews reporter. !. 1 v t Tht circuUtlua of tha Weekly paper hi now nnna.lsntOt and la constantly on tht Increase. Jha Dally Jonraalbas also a very respectable tlrcnlaUoa. aspeclabr among buai- laouiwea ror aavertauug r -7 -V - m w vvwim.. r r fu, w f aev alan da all kliuU nf I'll! VTivif .1. feitno 1 W uus eeeuon.. 1 sr chkCkh, mil iikavh. liKTvititS vhcULAxi ViW&t TXJ? iAbi& : - BLANKal-ar Uwywra, Uerkc of Oonrat, kherlflt and H.onS P100 ordar( and forwarded to any part of tb suto, rata or romua, tut II per a luirt, wliea as uanr aa fonr eulrs an ardarsil nr am ti4 t a . " . - .mi,, if inaa um jaimr or smp paper. For binnka oa larger nap, tht tkargt will 9 in proportion, - .. , J ..,.. hm ,.( HT 'Blank of rarions kJndk eonitantly ot hand, and fag aal ai th Mtf JOURaAL.OFFlOl March 13, 1858. t -1 -.--'II KOURaJIJo ORKIS COODS. v , TJlIUlAflES, URANADUIES, niLKS, HUSUSS. CD! (a. li "..I'rWt, Apnoca, Canton, Cloth and omW.ca BTHJL MnTT!nTSYnm.Lf .b'L.lf.li ' 'ir- 50 tandlns' tiaala h " Will inn I rnurn " - - - - , ww .,w ia VWM MJ. l Mill! ' SYl'rattrVaL TlELL BTJCTCETB.rPnlntd Duck Hi, t jf hi auras, A., for saital .uur raEl.Ud 4 m t May is - ZESQ tL ORlXNE'Sc ' BLACK tiAcraTJ HIIAWr a MAsrrvi.r.aa nin I iiiiiia 1UN MANTILLAS. Flky r salt It red prlees bp i. B. WILUAMaV'i 11 lull aMOBWlUEKICPBUBUN , V atit and Lace MaaUllAB, for i tfuiy it .' ' ' llOI.ASIEt. - SWEET CUBA MOLASSES, M Hhds. or tM.,fr salcly July . -i-,,-, WlLLABU k VUBTiSi PRISTED MLBI.IH Ann tisrv siit, a-vja-a a T Wrur vrtor rnyK ..l. w- m u,. v.". vvuij iui raia u J j I. S. WlLtiAMri - ja. "17 " "" 'wirrirTe. Tt I A HPS c J Carbon dF ALT, trfSCRpTI0N& altered th aa tobnri n or Coal Oil, at Uifling ttncoae, by 1 - I MAS 4t . . f ' J ! t... May ust, UaSlIS. u i a a M , II.. i llPinill BITIKKi " IOB JAUWDICE, HILIOUB COKPLAlSlS,' rSDHW Lion. Costitsaass. Iiaa nf Annatlla iti.l aanaral A-Mlba. Prepared by Curtis Perkins, and said wkolatalo and es uil hold in pint bottle for 38 cent, by . , . ., u.. ....a I J,t- .tU..-L-m -i j i-J I H C BACOf -B. O. BAODI. .1 ;-i v u vv nwi mu iw Wl J, ... ,,,,, Aog. , IK. T. C. A B. 0. WORTH. VAST BP anas arwn mr fly -iff rrc tiuifl. iMHUijiuaaa in Btort. For sale by , JnlylO. EF.NO H. OftEENE. ai , VISEltAR. ... j , . 1 P BBLS. Pnr CIdar Vinegar, just tWelvei and for sal ID. Jan 19 by ZENO H. L KEE3B. ... .. .,.. j tH , SCS DRIES. ..... TJACON. TORE. LARJFIX)Ufc CRACKERS. BITQAJL JJCoSee, Candles,, Candy, Bosp, Starch, Soda, , Potash, haioratet, Matches, Wrapping Paper, TarpenUB Toole. AS, Howgnt, tVO V).e' Vvftmhhf' ! In.. II t rmiA . w. ... a una ta... a , tttft Hauw n UKUJia" OTJAWO) OX'AKOlt 1 j'1 .ij I r 'H""; f flC BAGS NO. 1 POTJV1AN fltfANO WiTTTTT JmiO expected. Orders received to inn W; , he fiiiedl atW.A W.itaiikVawbaK,tfdiredj free of t l arge.- , , jiuh. i. . .,-, . w, au ntosuitr to. lilUnn.r " Bull.Kr,.. nilu...!.... un. j.f Hinsboro , copy 3 times and tend bill to this office. ". u ' BACK SALT. ! I I 1 1 CC 81CKg VEOL SALT, In handsome trv a J V V uer, now woumg irom r,ngnn Drig Math King. For sale by ' . , WILLAJU) k CURTIS. Aug. ST. - 4- i BOAPI SOAPtt hie.ij. -p.-inuli: 4i- BOXES COLGATE'S PALE BOAPi ? U . ell 35 . . No. 1 In'ara. y .'If 'i V . t. tt." Mckoy k co. .. AHg. W, 1858. " V ' i " : uunsi lumi. i, in OH 8AI-E3 PRIME HEAVY GUNNY CLOTH, m store 4U3 and for sale by T. C. A B. 0. WORTH.. Adg. 18th, 1858. - . Xsif-.Ai--s. .-. IIR. I. ALRYAWDICR ' ' '" TB THE BEST WATCH-MAKER, and will repair ad andV. JL every kind of Watch and Clock that baa been spoiled.-;. Ea warrant them to keep good time, or no charge I July 7. , 4, , . - i vn-'-i ? ' T"i J" . g. c. HERRING." Oft BARRELS K. C. HERRING, m prim orde. Ftf f Oo aal low to ekaM A consignment, by ? . ecpt. v i. u. . w. WUHiAl. TEAVE YOUR fjRDERS FOR COAL ErFOin 'TtlE A dltaa, a. Anioka U mnm wliiri taV lsu nnn Mnllatt tvn . Sept. 33, . T. v. a. Ut WOitlu, " BACnifl BACOIJ .,, . ..j r ... aUUU 11.000 lb. beatKew yorheirred Fof . . , j . i . tw r ft. i. a li -T Bate in ioi losiuiey , uv-aw i - . -o I A. ept. v 7 A.