r , : - I M r - V. - ft 1 " .1 - ' t -a VOL. B. -KO. 29. WILMIXGTOy, N. C SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 51S5S. t pvltos a rmscx. Jxa. ruLTOi, &iaa. u rues, amocwu r-Ltor. Paiy mj Papar, eas year. RvartaWv ta ednar MM Weekly - - In Ah kiUa n 1 salmis eeaaected witk this eV, aaaa b aiiraasii M th arapriatora. ' salt mcAis. Oat 4ay.,.. oi agraa. Om day , . twd,va .. lnVv. 1 Twaaaya. ThnedayV,.,.,,.... Four dj .v.... . Fit dave. .... OmmL Tw waaks 1 S ;8 TS few day .. I M Mn4n. 1 M CMtNk 1 71 Tw weeks... TS Oaaraaa tk .'4M Tw aajafce....... 1 Tan smbCM I M aMA BMflAf at 99 Om pear .....MM Hi Om aaoe'A ...... .J Tw robU. ...... .1 8U OAihA.....,,..S M Out Tf ........ M To Use! r eowM M mm Ma ktf ni, Lomw tJxrtuMMW M frvMrtiuM, u4 JI f&bk Jtmc. CW m4 la imiN M mm ft m,w wiU m dUryJ ftf Oil art tMWUm-. -All UH tqaarea b far t Uif M tWf 4 m a aqnart. AW A jTcrtkaawtita' WrUd m 8pcial or Bkioa Notice an charg4 Mt-atf win ttu MM iftt Uaw (la4d) r W eaat! at a kaqara. Hi MM pr i fur A taMrtea kW U Im. aVAa psbbcauoa bm4 vihumi a rMyf ibla BUSKES AKD PSOFESSIOm CAKDS, I. ... a . . v. a. m. omrrapT. rnUXEB 15D AGXSiT TUB CSlCU&UIU'g, nixoa, X ot iraica m am nwijt tune oa aaaa. BSpi,TT. 18-3i I. T. Alpiih". W. H, Barrtneocar. AUTEJUIAS 41 fJTTTKaiCOl'KT. rj.B0CTBS AID DK1LE8S TX GEXER1L KEECHAH- VI DIZB. No. M Noam Wn fcruir. ROCEBS 1XD COMMlNSiOX MEBCHaXTSL, SoatA VA rei, iriLKlHOTOa, f. v. Aac. U4,IM. W . . a H. U EILRRA, , 1 T HOLr3ALB OROCER A ITU COMir!mI WEB. V CHANT, aa DBALKH UT RATAL bTVBUS, eoraer Water aa4 Marktt treW, Wflafetno, X C. 1 J. M. taoML COKXtSSiOX ItElit'UAJiT. . . ' t WlIJiUOW)ll,'f.C. fanooal aoa aroapt attntioa ra ta aoaratMoti af Oct. 19U, Ite7.-W. TIIOMAI W. BK0W. A TTORNTT AT LAW, 1. tXIMMISSlONtn Or THIS UNITED STATES W 1 C! VAD Villi httWUTM An UMiWfl rt.fifii.t. I f vw a vim mv c vi uvula bAnvuaa. WUmiagtoa, Joa Xifc, 1H&8, 347-tf jit. rroiLir. , uji. otMiiif. TOKLKT at OLDHAM, .ROCinW AID C0MM18M0H VCBCRANT3, AND VJt yiaMi.tta ui vuoji, UAia 4 bab, u. WlUUMVOM, ft. C BargiiMi. Col. JuttM MtiBaB, Frofldant of tla Bank af VDialBrtoa. I O. 0. f uwi, aa,., rnatdaat af tha CoauMretat VuL a. T. P1AU, V TV eoraer of Front and Market 8u. WUminiton. N. C. wnlTief a oonaUraLf oa hand a well aelectad ttook of Dron. Uediolnea, CVuiitkla, Faae jr Artie lea, rarfumery, 8urglial ituintmenta, 'pe, rami, una. wiaeav uibm. Yarama, U4 ivanaiea, wuteirt.. Ac. Ail of munk ui M Onaa ad at ta oaoai ttnaa aod a) low prKei. May Mta, 1848. i- tm. j. A. miller. TJlRONT 6T., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MUXES Jk BA- X iu-bb law urrius, waiiMn. w. c. Oct. 30th, 184T , M U . atf. n 'li.Diair a mv. (10MMTSSTON MKIICH ANTS, eomf rtioceei tfli Wat! J itieea, WiWagioii, tf. C. . . - atwatB, Wibaiagtoa, iaJSJi'afcb . Uuat 1 1 BIB Ml. al 1 BB TlrtoaTXr T ,XOar1a,vJaBnMkB,kCtFar.8alUlHiry.do. , t. Lah .t m u n b.im "j. I h B10regl,hoa4a,tr- . . A73L. ' D. A. LAMOJTT. COMMISSION MEBCtLAaT.Bo. If flortt wawawt, J Oct, U-Jl-tf ' llMHOTOli, R. no, rotTf aartwa, twvi. 1 ' 1 nnnarrA iv ril . .1 Sl'kl- . - - ifi .,".1 II I ' I II r ITTIOt OlTTTLLKar. ; WUJnNGTON, N. 0, ALL KOTOS Of BATAV UTVlUfl arcaat, naaabvy tared and Bold WkarfBnaat(BWfWltUaCM aoa at lair rata. ... Jaa lat, lMT-an-tf. J. ft. aOBIXkOB BfM wonm.a t 1 wtt 1 wmtTOi fiakiw 1 v Wo (ybnv, V. C, f Adams, vmcmiXR dk CO. WttrmtoA,.C, omoneBWi bATaav 10MMI8SI0N MERCHANT, Booth Water WltBBWTJUl, M. C J. MlTHlwiT. ' V. BATWAWar, WH. b. mar. I. UlTil.ti .4l4.b.UATHAWAr A) CO, QOMMBSIOJI BCRCUANTS, T.CAB O. VrVO&TIL COMMISSION AND F0BWABD1N0 MERCHANTB. V WnJtWflfo, M.-0L vy 1. 1 1 lain , v , . ii .. . . . 1 .' . . BBWAIB aATAAW. a IHKtiaua iavaoh, 1 enebal COMm ishion uerchantb. UT -- ' WaaanaTow, H. C. LTbarlal eaah advanca made w aMlriuaeata. WILLAB.D a cvrtls. pOMBBSION MltBCHANm KHOLHiALB BOCKl, I AMU DEALtaUtUI UKAin, ' jaa. iJa. t f, HBHI8TOM, a. yj. W. H. TVRLIBOTOIf. bstehBS' lana. to """v WHmnigtorj, B,p. . . .1 - Ofr.r SSJST BROWN. ' ' 1 1 bvvd 1 T. IV1WU t.m uvwu 1 um Jatt. lt WHP Wi- UKja 0. otdtb. mtM oomx. . , JAS.C.IMTTH ACX). itOMMISSIOS MERCHANTS, office tecond ttory, corner V Borth Water aad Market (treat, Wilmington, N. C, when they an prepared to attend to all bailnet in th Cemmieaioa Eb:- ' Al hMhMM astrvted to uaa win be punctually attend edto. . V ' - CHAS. D. MYERS, TT AT AKD CAP EMPORIUM. 34 Market BtreeL ti VnmnnJ Trf CI iriuamviviij 4.1. J Fahama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hat. Wool, Fur, Silk, ku LOleCEin till, Viroa, rraan, acu oin uiaea Wipe, pj 1 1 WA14Mm-wiltat (Saoceeeor to Walker Mean A Co.,J , . .- - - (Sacce LB AND UKIAIL JJUUIaUiSltt," ' - ' it AiABXAT bTm WlLHrXgTOK. N. C. ;bb.I9. 44 MAiket itreeW p. , DUAJUfi McLIf , SjcTail druggists. a aaaaaaj BCSRESS AND PF.0FES5I05.1L tlTO, W. W. D4VII, !. IX. OrmsBrsrKorE&iiosALtEaniEsTv)iHKcrr-I taM of WUmtsftok. , l)c M lot kwtuv M,la' BW, IHjU ivl ' USVI II ART, ATI milT , "If AKTriCTTRIR AND DCAt.Cn Cf cusa. PISTOLS. XIX HHn UNk Inwi w, Tia n4 saet Iroa Wr, Pmal rtt, miov . WI; HEKHY r. HI SMtXL. DfKSAL C0XX1S&I0X MKECHAhT, U7 ICAt , tfvAma.) I'll ARIJCTllk' U l Marc. Itti, " U MlUflwruX MA HULK WOJUtft. Want atTMt. mt the MrtkaUut a:. i k.u lH-KlNUCttf TOrCiifc.oftaa BEST yUAliTY 3 AMliaCA V ITAUAjiMAI&LC, fWaaJ I. artjr, M CUAAr a caa aa pmar4 froaa an tHaMnhnani of tia Kiad ta n aoaatry, , I eaaplojr Btma but (zprieacad orkiaaa,'aal iiX auaxt M aaioa ta pla U wko any fa tot bk vita ymir puur r!fH iI4UAjl AWTtraM t'Attii, aalaM a aaaclal afTMMaat. W it uii tin iv WQmburtoa, V. C., Baua, lSfh, lSoc , KEW TORK AKD PHILADELPHIA CARDS, W. o. CI Ktib rtu. rt INERAL COMHWM0N UEfiCHAJiN AND A('.NT8 VJ for tnaal of AA VAL SWJU3 AKD floHm 1U KaidM Uaa, Coraar of WaWfatTtf. I art. . . . , y-Y1tfJi. . raiut raiotaaf. Jaj.T,lNW , : ' xsTtf t. MVUAA, DOLtlkiR- nntu ju (. rtOmifflSlON MEBCHANTS. V .... Nia-Toaf area uu. uaa. t , AAMOK 0, TArtOW, . liHW Kaaaaa, . WATtJll A HXAlttS. nuuiiui KKl Hi NTH, V" ',. Barlktm!, Ktw Tort. Lapacial attantioa aU ta ti aala of N Tt ttroaca. Co- m. and tWutaera Produce faoareil. libailal adraacc aa4 oa eoewkame ata. Julr L 'M a .i . j .. . RAam aactBAa, OvKiuiah ui aa ELL. GCICBAL OOMXIBAION MEBCHANTS, No. SI VortA Waafvea, aa4 3 VorU Watar Mtraet, PaiLAMLraia. trUbmiti cut advaDO aiada m cotukiuiMiuta. fAtRTt) I OILIt I TAR.ttlMRB 111 TOaT RKCKITCD, a larfitovl af BrooiJya aad National J Uad, LiaaaW Oil aad Varaiahea. AIm, Zlao aa4 Firt rrooi fauna, uiona ratuia, c. rot aai ar . . . a ALAaa jikak VAUKUJtKAKEM, i Maret btraal. PATKItT M,KQICIHEa. lHA,LtBEltUrjii FGVOI AND AUUS PILLS, mt Asarioaa nciaeay, aennev uwcovary, ludia Chola tm, MaaHo Oil, aad all of ta pornlar rrnirdW of tb day. fALKXft MRAHEH. 8U, U Market rftnrt. nuauv aviriYts aho pepehisiii. miItB nUS" BAVB bttS -THOROUGHLY TKS- JL ted l WWnHNtov la th tnatiaeot of Ajru and rerer. and all other forma of BtmitUnt jm latenaiuaot Farm.w Ibey bat alto beta fouad bigjjly baeocial at X aaraif lo af fecuoaa of tk bmo, Ae. Fropared by ' An t r a. 1.1 iu . .l.ji t m ni.iii.i, Aiwuiat arwi. . bold i to facta box. HpC JO. WUIalUGT.WHIIIllJCY. 7nBBL3.'lI0BTllTATB.. KC aUiif at Baar, U LoataKfia, aad for Wlj . BiJPV,W""1" f T. H. BkKOY A CO. WI IMVITE THU ATTKkfnoat P BKAD9 OF 'FAMILIES TO A VARY VaLUABLI v,.! omBlnin la Itaelf botA aiioplicty. Bad da- "Oimy.. ; j - ! wnooawB3Ba,T giva a pwiitnr aaa iieaar Taat Ugat, Wff f-v aay offtaary uraoa ith bfeifi ar eoianKW OllT0fl, or ! lUlAtE a MCUN. -V ' . ... 'lajriU, Al 1 , SapU avu. , POftft-PORK. BACON BAC.f. I) HHM. BRIGHT WESTUtB K0ULDtR9 : 111 It " " Bidea. Now landing from Dear, ivwuiaua. auu wraaia "J . - 1 . . Oapv. ... . 1. M0BUI vi BQTTKaWn-TTER. 10 S KEC9 PRIME, just received oa f ontlgnioent, and for low by n - AfT.E. lAn40W AAhUttRCAhULFS. For eel bj hoop mm. tec tVaNWNO Vb FOH HALS,'! InchttoA W iitor 14 aad inch. mo. H. GREKNE. BACOJI-BACON. 9' HHDS PRIME BRIGHT WESTERN BIDES. Uoding andforlaUby ZE.N0. H. UREENE. Bay 2Ut 1M58. i KOLASUCS. lDOihSh. Frtan.teaiTy, wt UolaMMau fa -tot a, for eale by . J. A J. L. HATHAWAY k CO. oepu a. sf , BKAMLfUSS OARMElfT. I T) I LOT AND BUSINESS COATS, OVERCOATS, JT taloon, Veeta, aad Ladiee Oaiteta, mad by aCei labor of tbe needle dbnenetd with, the attention cf PI PAN afeam, the r Piditera, i um - iu. .aii. -1m.. .1. 1 .'.. 1 1. urniii u imii iiu Kiuciuiii aua uiyiic w mupcvii om of tha-woarfert of the Age. ' Foriileby fjpVl4lV 158. ' r J- KmLIAMl :.; aiMrtr-v.. ftWE SCrMWRtrTEBB, fTAVINQ PCPCttAPD THE " WlL J MrSltiTUN eiBAMARY " . and "PIONEER FLOOR MILLB," aye now prepared to furniah their aitoener(, and the pu Wic groe rally, en me Miua, or tt tin (Hon, Be. I Boirth Water Street, with MEAL. MOMUY, H0W8S AND COW FEED, of beat quality, A-esA prounrf ; and, by effort to rabply th commoaity With ton article of'prime eee- niy, ut tnmr oen uue, uey nope o merrt a con nan ot pttrobage. BTOKLIJY A OLDHAM. Hay utn, vsm, 1MB. 3SmMSa bIS tlVpUTED CD- I aird LAND PLAkTiSR. . A wd bit of the above xaansrea odnetaatiyon nana and .foTeaUjh T V, , . DaBOSSEf & BROWN, jqtjeltf. I ' v - OuPONTI PeWDRIt-v-PRfCE REblCEO t - A 0005 SUPPLY OF DvPONT'8 POWpBB OP TA-! afflicted, that Dr. Johnwa teem It neceweryte eay.wepe rioua graJet, for aale on mannfactarer'a aoconnt affolally ta thoae Unacquainted with hie rppuUtion, thai aU reduced price, by DaBOSSET X. BROWN. ren. yu, uua. ' 131- McMANNKirS SMLT AND SCRKEIf IXO MACIHSB. IMPORTANT TO MILLERS. " : TIE UNDERSIGNED having beoa appointed agent for the eale of the above Machine, an now prepared toior nUh them to mill owner and other. - FIFTEEN HU.NUKEU of theae machine arp aow nnning in North Carolina, all of which have given the moot entire eatirfaction, both for durability and performe 133. .To, tlii Machine may be attributed the higji position Kortb fhrohba with the world In the ponty of the artiole and the . richuesi 7 fP YOU WANT CLOTHINQ FOB MEN OR BOYS, go tt) IX Oct. 8, its quality. Kept crninahtiy on nana and for ew by - , Tr -ti r'BTnifii V a m nu iv i.... March n " ' Wilmington, . C. XEK05AL . . BALTIMORE UX HCHPITAL. doctor johvsox. . THE f.f of tk Cktrtl UX:tutk r tt (tui Sjy, M.r jKinl rcai?. U, wirtj fa ' Ttirt. ; n4 tU tauat tarwaa aad pWsaraa1 I IiauJr irkn from aH tkoat IVtlrurtita ka af YataA i akk k ditroy vta kwxir tail mind. TlM'iv tfT and .ii Ury rf tcM arar faul Utlir rtfmi thu thr n t y Ua Maraktra UlTaaaa. ahcaOaf ttalr aiaM at illiaat , ajBf aattcipaUott. rraOanac Mam-, Aa. aara.baK NHf JAaTA - mm I I tlf -f4alaaak..U..a ariaaaHwfcal E..I1I... r... " " wa aaw aTanai urw a vaaaat tv M-M AraaJful aad aantrarttra aabft, BBur.T ) tu aa aatiiarlr yrava tboaaand af Mn aara uf "aS at aaitrJUlraUaat WiLUatattalWKt, wauBNaM atAavaar aaaa aatraarad liarbtnjr Kraatrawtia tkUuaWrW a awsra, ar vaaaa arwtfy IM WVtg iwf , VMT ovi taa all aaallf ac. .... 1 Maavtaaa. ' V rrir4 rraias, or.Youaf kaaraatalnpaUa awrtaira, baln inn of Ptrtjcal WrtVnvaa. (Vnw lUit, ItMur Mittaa, Ac. aaauld hnatadiatalj ronuttVr . J.,a4. U nitar a4 ta aartvet ktaUh. ' tta aka fitn k juartf oodar om nit af lr. Jetaaoa ar rahf hbIt reoflJa la kt aaaar at a aaaUtaMB, aii Mtr oaatiy My apoa hit U,: ae a pk iik , i : Qroalc Mnkimi , ' . imnMdiataly cured, aod full rlKvir rmtorcd. Tka dueaa la tba paaalry biomi trfaut?y a!dy tLu ka a re ear ante ta ncduia cf hoprop laiulrra-e.. Yooaa: pcrauaa are toe apt ta caatant rav-aaaaarroai aat ta in; aaare of ta dreadful rotur(aicn Utal aaay aaaua. Kua, bo that aalerataaili tb tutijecl will prataod ta drly thai ta owr ofrtromatifta te luet tuonar by Um fa!Uii into Bnprvpar BabiM tliaa ky U and.'at. Baaide Mn( d)riJ taa plaaaan of baaUliy afflipTtuf , tSa aaoat aarlou and deatruttlve tymptoaw ta beth awty aad Bund anaa.a Tka lyataat bacoem aaraarad. th phytkel aad awaUl poawaj waakaaad, aarraai UebnilT, dieiiepata, palpiUVioa ofik Aeart. MdrntlM, a waatiiif of Mt (rtma, Cvagk, jrwiptoaii of ooaaunii'tkaa, tte. . t Naanaaa DaaUUy. . - WcaAaeai of tk tyatera, Narrow ltvbility aad praautura decay taaoraHy aria froa th Deatrartlve kabit of youla, that aolitary praUe ao fatal to taa kealthful aUwac of Biaa, aad B kt ta yoanc wka an aiaat apt ta oaavaa Ui Ttotlma, froa) aa tjraoraAc af the dantera to wkwk taay aakjart theawalT. Parcot an4 iiaarvtiaaa an aftaa aia W4 with repat to tk raua ar aoiyre of duHai i lit ana aad ward. Ala I haw fta Jo they aarrtbe U oiti i eaaaa ta waUn of iba fraaa, PalpltaxVa of th Heart, 1 Dyapepeia, luJlff alioaOeraaf eiaeot of tfca Nvnroua rya bnb, CoOfh, Bad ynptoiaa of (Jumutnptioav alao, tboaa a rtoua Bieatal eftrou, auck a Ion of airmury. daureMioa af nlr tta, or peculiar It of BMlanrholy, whea th tL truth b, way Bve baea eaoaad ky tadulRiBf ia par ntc lout bat eMur kvr practices deetnwti o ta both iMj and MiuJ. Tkna an swept from sltcn thoaaaad who aught kwi ba of aa to taalr country, a pleasure ta Uimr fi wud. n4 un iDOBtatoaocpity. OrrtLB No, T SotTii Kakrmira t., ' ioA hand id (oiiif fram BaiUuM atrvwt, J 4tn froa Om earwer. t , . Af lie particular ia abaentng the aawu aud uaiber, of ytm rrOl aiatak th Mar. Tk BoufcebrT the aan oa the aVior tail rrfn . A 0v aKirrimB or h Chart Xlwit. m fm Vn 7W Ikiy$. . NO MKKCUKT OTT NU'KEOCl USED, rm. Ji.kH'iau.'i, Member of the Boyal Cuitta af Harirone, London, OrvU at from on of the rooat eaurterrt Calerea of th Uuiud tHatea. and the eraater par of wkue life aaa lieaa liieiit la a---apwawB aHWi iar wraivT. i aaaaiv we Btuanj i irv eTMaai irw-BNa ! th h ret Kuapitata of Loadon, larla. rbiladelpkia and when, ka eteatad aomo of the moat aatoulliuig euree aia wen ever anowa, aiany veuoiea wim nnm i in lb head and can whaa aaleep, arcat aairueamee, batnt alarmed at taddea aonnda, and baalifuinaaa, wttk Creuuaot ktluahtef , aV teaded aoffietime with dorangenwot of Biiud, wan. cared ujunoaiateiy. , t . i i A Cwtata Dtoaaaa. ' ' wlea th mkatldad and tatpradaat aotarf of pie ami re lad be hat imbibed tbe eeed f tha palnfai aiaeiMM, It too oftoa happen that an ill timed aena of abaaie, or dre4 ol dlaeonry, oaten km front applying to thoae who, fton ad acatloa and reepeotaklUtyt aa alone befrivv A iw, deluyii till the ouratitoAjoaal kyniptoeaa of thai hi'rt'd oaen make their appearanoa, lueh.ae nlgr-ita4 aon throat, diMaaed aoae, Bocwraal pattiij U tM ho4 aad liaka, dutwoM of eigbt, deameei, Ao4r oa th tbia boo and anna, blotuhe oo via a-A laoa ana axmauuae, proereMini! with mabt- tanwiti. till aa hut th BaJat of the rseath or the hooci th bom tall ta, and the victim of thti awful 4aa ba- ont a horrid object of ommieeeretien, till death put a teriod to ki dreadful luflertnM by aending him to " that pane from whence bo trarelar retarna." Te euca, th,i fon, Dr, JohiuQB pleafae hlmaelf to preaefre the aiMln etolable eecreey, aod from hi tneiy pcJ Ip th ftrat Boapluh m Europe and Amarica, V CAn fltnB noon- II M if, fcftanct.''ry faS wUtipaaaiid fajl TUtlaa U t)A ArcirJ) 8kwi,'-owioK' to the uMUlftW of Ignorant prt toderk,"w1i(, by tht on of that if caaaa, mervtwy; ruin the cotntltaUon, and eemeniiUe uaiortaaato eutiT ef to a utliaety mra, cj eJt nM the, (.Uu pf hia lii iaerabje, n ' TM KHIniUr . k. J. addraaaea all thoa wh kan injund thewwv by private aad Improper lndali'aoee. .. Then are aoto of th had and melancholy effecta vui duced by tarty habile af youth, via t Weak new of th Uck aod UmbL Paula th flead, Dim"eaa of bight, lo.i 61 AliMoaiar Power, Palpitaltoa of the Ueart, lypcj eia.'Ner roM irritability, IVrangeinent of Ah !ettir' funotieua, Qeaeral Debility, Bymtitttaoiol CmfamailuB. Ac. t MaHTAtiT-Tta fwtitul af, A lie mind artuoxh is be dretdtd Uu of Mrtnory, (AlifuU)n of Idvta, four- W Boa an aan ar taa ril rJfwkeed. ' ' , .T l, UUTV VI OUULUUJ9, 1U1UIHU. OO.. B JkJ.1.1 v ' - inirunanoe qi Atmaa, of all tree, caa bow judge wbht M we caotf ii teir oawauig aeann. - uwug Uieir vigor, be o'Wkii Teak, pale and moiated, have a tlngnlar appear aocwanout tae eye, eoaga ana aymptoma of comnmptioa, Or, Johnaon'a InvrtgoraUng Uae4jr for Urp;u1a Waaknaaa. . By tbia great had toiportint remedy, TeakftM ej tLje or irtn an Bpeedtty eared, had fnl viru ftoreiL ' Tnnii-AnU of the moat norvona ant aebltv ted. W)W bad W all hope, kar been relieved, AU kmpdltlieiu to Marriage, Pkyiieal or Mental I)ikqc&liflclltfon."Nurvi)o IrrUaUUity, TrembUtiga and Weaknean? oThitriauaiioa of the Bwat fearful kiad, apeed ilyiVy;p. Jolmeott, - - - 1 - Yaang Man, Who oav injured thmelv by a eertal Breotifle, la- daUjad In When alone-a habit freuentlv learned frorrevll eornpaniom. or at acnooitb tflucU of Winch are nUWly felt, eve when aeleep, aad if kot cured, render mante impWible, and dUoya bath mind tad; body, aVrnld; afply Immediately. . . . ,, . - T Vi bat a pity that a vw man. the hbt of hie country aad the darling of hk pareatC'idioald be matched from ail Broerect ana enjDyraenta ot life, by the coMeqwsatee ol aoviitlfiit from we D&th of natan. and indultrtnir in a certain BMIatyt, Such pereoriB, before ooatemptatln MarrUaw . ihould reflect that a (oond mind and body ar th awA aa ceaaary requhitlee to promote eonnubi.l buppineea. Indeed, without the, the journey through life become. A weary pilgrimage,, the pnapect hourly darken to the view ; the mind become ahadowed with, despair and ailed (with the melancholy reflection, that the W11 inset f aauUwr, ba eome blighted Whh our own. 1 OFflCE NO. 7 tJOUTU FREDERIC ST., Balllm, Ml " All Bcboicai. OriBAnon Pkrowi. N. B Let lo fate delicacy prevent vou. (at apply 1m mediatoly either personally or b letter. ' .. BAUI BiaiAKB BTEiojlt fMIJU ' Td Btrajuma. ... ' 1 TU Wt tuouaandi cured at thia lnititaUo witbia the kt twelve yean, arv4 the nnroerona fjoportant aurgkal Op. eratiomiiBrfanwid by Dr. 4OHN00N. witoeeaed by the re- porhpre m ar dilj paper had many other pcraana Botio of Which h70 Again and agia appaand befonth puWte a a buuokqi gnarante, uut tbo amuted will bm a ui ful and honorable physician. ' . i. TaMa'rTatBM.'r. 5 ' - H. R, Thnra ara an nut knarl.l rWuBa Ammttmnm themaeVr l'h wiclane. raLBiar the keelik of the already fc'L w oiprowjaa ai wan aanv in ait omce. . TAKJB VQTJCk-.AM kttera maat ba noetbald. nit ..a- taia a foetaoo atamp for th reply, or ho bttwer wMhc aent .; . May 18th, 1858 . r h avi, , MA58R8. EDITORS j Gerl;- bo itetx of inlereat, jrpa will ptense caft the ettcntion of Vorrr 'ttuvutrow 4er to the fact thnf att 'FILL AND WINTER STOCK PP & ATO, CAPS FUIiA,. I'UTb, BliOOMERS, CANE8, UHKLmLbAS, Ac, Ao., ta saw la aten, aad preaente as wtAent,if g1od wtfrnuileit for qunliy, variety an4 tow price In th State. Our country friend can aave both Unm and moncp-wbew la town by maVia Ihcir pnrchie at iw vl .wiruriuus, aa laiMTiev wrrn. , Oct. A. : a t:. 1' - ! j j:DA..B MTER' ff. C. BACOM. I II II I t'PBUUi il. U BAUUN. For sale by teUUVI Oct.rT 1 c. i B. a. WOBIH. BACON. FOU SALE AND TO LETi btm a aa mr a -aa THtSU1iTtilE! llrttVI War ft Una wan l ft, waltar aa Mrt rrwt. rar ta rutina IltrL ta raat ftaa tVtofcer laL I., t tK t.t K l.a, ar f tr a lra Uaa. T5a arV-aa ta rr f xa tixrt Iraa ta th'r t i t 4 'Ura. a ik a laaral 4m raat for parawat ainai-a. ta ct ttaac j W Hr. f Ja, m va yrw aura aaneraraiB. . . aoon iv uixlirr.- JfVC 1. ' nU4 rayy tfN - IW tn KJMT. " " ? Aa rr"iii nnsT 6cT0Bt:a. a good dwsixcm t j BOCMC oa. Uw k atraat, aataa rWraaia aa4 KkjkU avavta, at rrfat wcple4 a Mr. A. D. Tiytor Apply JAMCS CftiXt., - r rr.n est. MoitTnttnco ft. rv )aia iaari at I par raat Pybi tdfWlf?mt St cVpien Wr aa tlABkrvb. Apply to W. H. McKAIY A Ct rVptKKV. - AVA EM-JT.-' ' W FOR YEAB FROM WT OUTOBEH NEXT, THE j..k uviAia uail. iipijr i Sepi.lith.tatN' ja l m in 0i oerwuu next, a u)nxiuft ITf fWvmir hn-e, t'Wit'aallr ituali4 tk wrir of -toa. ! Apatt U - ' . , TlltS OfFjri!, , ' .I,IKMI Htx 1 riU IT.tllKKB ,t)H BALtfi. TUXsraJVA" MKSl)tXUAU i . 2. VllOPRIkTUlU OK TUH WEBT45RKW NI1WI Ttl FX and i;.uJ,-ii ncr Uraimnkiwa,' N. t. wuM are ptrillv etllthc hf-ntt. of tie kU'tnuaaf therWaik. era natoa to theaj vr ertemrv atnrk of native J aclj mated nl Trar ( tbe Fait and Winl-t Trad both ahflle alaaadWatL ,. , ,,.., , . i Tht larr ami tutVott aMtrtaiA hl toea jrroajrata4 fawn thrtnyW-artn? I nr we VSHll Hulk,! UlMkM lW L -' fmMiMm uk' i, vaica m a ant vuarantea of rriHniiur an lorurev wr ia arawjiaaat aaartrnitirir whlrh ilamld toot be oei looked by pvoi" wb-keai aapiaat ftraharde attW t wt'"K er r viniy u tUKk euajktta af tha follow mt vrens ..wun APll.K TRErlrir'i 'Tj.nodPtlf M tRFi . V,UV fKM'H.vt " . . S.fukl ffttTAWlKS It.gMf) JA'Alt AlAirtWU I1,yw AI'lUCOT ! . , Ki.giio tilKBBY ' ' 4,Wof;UAfHVlSOr.,,. .! i, j J P"" ry bir- wnrxnivlllH V Ul'"1, CMllW IHI TMia. Ba-HilaarrV, UitaaeWirlea.'ww'.VBl af Whvh Will he atiU 08 vp aMiraiile tem hit oefe, r aaoa akurt lima te pake tmil cntmuw, hn mU be mured ta kra a oa th iVlwery w tf-fiitbin uf tlitier at UUn 4eiiUAai the rd r, or tky wltt bfrhartred wKh h InUitGut froatike InUitcat froatike Ul Ue-rcae. All jm ttgm pot up lo mti nob dor itjte and a ciMBjiu t itrvuli m toeatfk patm and e irtanited that the invpii'e . win u b th reirirU uT4he Orchaad afta the Tree are traheplaiitrj. 1 If theaanblaatad ia NWialHH ck kmd ptn ait th Qxt. ; ... aurOrden laoaWed aaJ fiirwardeir1 1 B, y, BuberU. tVlaihigtoa,M.l'. .' . i -4 ' ' Spl. M. , ..,.,. " v' ' 'UAlitF-' "1 e- 6PPICE iT. 'A TEBT CflMFOUTABrj; OFF KB TO lT OM wraWnrt, by , . TV C, A, B. 0. WOMU.. tM. ,0Mpt, l, 1.' 'Si .-. OKMt Ki AAtTvTltTlir TO MCtrPi to, ' TlWkl 1 1CTO W n , rWST. . TM . barf o Dock .ij iwarn m i r arr, n jinrv? I htor, , r-w.tMtraHBT, yt liatVt'l htor. .Abw, tk 7777 room o iiaeaa the efficee or J. u Uolm and a. r4v. aaa Puutia tbatutiik or fane Fr - ' rpt. Wlh, ISI 11 1 ,4 . ( , iioa. U. WBIUBT4 ' MiBHlifJimTtVOTORr HOVKrt sti tt)VNEn oppoeita aodWeAvf lhi Ne JtaUopal ("anrch, . .t.i WMrrBge ILjan, Bubhn kadv all BKMaan tmt c..'ViL'.... ' . .. ... ...1i1? WPM. . rup ecaa. , :fclJJW L i. I - "., I i;Tia tirsTnsT uav iti rotiin NEXT, th ityuAllV' oa the corner uf Market and WaUt atreota, at ruaebt aooapMd by.(i, W. Pari. E1. Vnr lermnBti. 1linnrtBl5.,C-lkp4, lfi,4ii;et . Mt-a it aOl SD PLA M WtR MALE. " . i THE UNHKIUSIUNFU WjHlira TO ItKh!i)VE FROM Fl town, ofhr for ( hM SOUXi riACX, itwt aev "rilPi1! nt SfilartoaV',ataliihio- t)Slt UVlf DMKWAKl) tan'.XcL4abomzhyaf -mob are cleared abd tn a gnol .late of Wtlvaiion 1 a part al th tUere ia a good farwiug land u any la the country. Tarnte cmtndtlng, t lur,thr Infcirmatioa. apply to fjit. It, lHOH- 1 ,1 BAMlfEti 4, BEERY. , Wit tllLlToaRIOT.' " ' '" I f hli UiiyblH- AW ll LOT rtNOWN 'AS TTftf J(V -aipVl iUMioae, M kkth rHeet. If Hot (old: It witl "pe ' J m m9y aa raaia eweei. 11 not eni bejentaa, vol (ifontytar from th Int at Ojfcmer aeitt. i i ' v . . PtM RETT. ' if T(1REE DW1XUNOH (itaated m DtohttWel e4b tinueo. l parucular. applj ta - . , . HcptT-L1 t ' , .m ., MILES, COSTIN. r.i 1, l . wva aTS nil)M l- V'tAiE BF.EttW0 BT0RKR andtf' th bV:oivi Huap.,, Apply ta ta 1 k MITCUELU 1 r TOR flIVT. .' FROM let OCTOBKR, the lUwae'trrtTtrird rtrefi k tnrten Aoq ud Nui, bow oonpied.W Mr. StJanel Dunham. Apply to . , . , JUUlUi tT. i lAg.!T . . . -r, 'mi.ir .uvrliai' I. aft' . THE r-CliriOiiiUm, UlaVw 'DWIUOUrt (kV (TOT- biff to (he Couiitrv. Uiivra Lit lU hia Uwwlllaa 41 aad Lot.'eit tie Went aid of Fnt Sireet. betwesa Wkl0t and Moilwtry, tl Lot being M X 1)0, and eligibly lituaUd for baalfkj ead aoavawiewt ta baeinewt, and wlu be sold (n aMOHiwuatiiiA torme ar erhamr! for Cmmtry F II 1, T, ALDEBMA v.. 1. 1 j i.HHia.1 r .. illt 1llB ivtktf. ,1 .VAtaVARLn.TilWH' PROPKRTT PtlR BALE."4" IAT AO. 1 (mock 100, tottec S,) eligtljiy Nut4 eaet id of Front .KrtaUe, tie kHfraat by in iftrt tlcph. fin which la a camfurtahla DwalLiaa-tuHM. Krtohen.1Wvkt.Ar hoBee, riinoke hooke, Wood-aouw, Htablee aad pther ae .'eaaary aat-banmngrood tegetahloi nd Sower gar kui on the. prnea)e-Lb .Uuel h'ualy Im proved.) The owner of IU4 aroncity', a sos reatdital af th Statu, it flpiAroim of fiVpojiintf uDun inieranU la WikmJaftoB, tad will sell Y pniperty xeicrred td on feinunaMe term, ; , I- of f artaar parOcajarA M to the aWe pmacYty, appllu Uuatty bdsMBtaasA-if ..n ' .tt M. WHbT; Aieiloneet.' ! Vjiii. ' wf . 1 i 'it ji-w j t ... . II IV F TUJtKIITi , 1 rruiE beatV ytm pjf, nea r tujc W. a w. b.Ul fio ad X Depot, apTtaa) fof one peat froeff th Unit of Ot:tobet seat. Appu to) , -1 ?i ' : i " i"' Mal3,V20i ft h . 1st - B.-B4KEB. - 1 - 1 1 1 . , ui .1 . . 1 r. a: t' V A-a.-Aw. " ' '- t . r lj 11r.il 1, , . 1 ' W rlM)M THE P1K8T OCTOnER NrTAT. 1WU UAI f jt rloaan aad Lot1 Pry Pdnd. Three comfortable - Dwellin Bom as lTlndaas atreet, befweoa 8th 4 9th (wee, im n yean d pep at water m rae yaroav - -PPiito,.;: 1,-luq. c. tuvf.MAtvtew Augunt lit i Tt RKTST. X jCOSVSNiENT JDiWEUAW, BlaaaaoUp sitMt la s 'iQiet mugiiDornood on rjqeona Birea, ti i AlUL WILL BR HIRED. AN:, a good cook, wanner and ironerv CABflLpiE, na7ihl83B.a.iiilkt itf.-i, . li w a1-tf . 1- .. . L - ' ' ' ' 1 conhmfnSnovh ferru'AtEDTi r I THE mer-of front! and' rSurth Street. For parUculirs, ...lalkr Mtililliiii t A ' ' " 1 : r-.' May it tf I 1!IAJUlL&ft7Wi2iL KSrrt-xrtTTL'UiV-.'-"' -t' i rTT4 TTwENTCili I a Timn.tES.'oe- ' "y JL o4 2i bkls. eaahi -wtirm, -i ,-4, and all litures eomplete, known aa Bntton A Dual km's. - Uhe whole or oae half tnlernet win b o1d on easy terms. Apply to . 0E0BUE HARRISS. R.y7th,1820S-t I V 8 , f I (kk, lutriart a I far raat aaraair aaa aaimaaV fci . Y- tta Marc, tul la Btl.l .,. -h, h Aka. I.WItXK BO.NPK. f I.(X rh. ot Xua4 inSCZLLAItTOUG: CAPE PW AR BAR A ! ' ' ' afraL if ill ; " t VT.ZJTT. 1 VlIii.AiV5.af Vat Awcrv:AT: ' .-JMTjTr rtv ty V at t ca u . V- tamt tJtkii, b j m . c j mg by .(fAMS. aad taa aa aaaae tfaa W u a., an eata hi akajeae wirt b rpaa and ria u e T . w aSanaatahLassHM wirt b mi ana J!. .1 . ' ; 5 r aaeaki aad aUer nfnabmaata al al llZt ,s J welt a of the day. . . 0ISTLXX WAMZear. ta anac. aaa r. A Wa4, erv4 p is tha kat atvta. IT Sept.t7.i u r ktAYR YOt B PL Bf PtLM CM SCUTCH CiXSUAM t Ivm r a . Do'ltfv K AM AhiaitJI CP TUB PLtai T5ki BiaetKyaoiBetkinr very tJthlLU LlJZ tmlj ta ardeshwagU Jat.nah ai.irf in Ww-B ' BAUWU B, . H Barkrt at. r Tm , li !. A aron cic T ABM OP ALL DtCRTU3St sml lo at 'td Stn"' ' H7ASO( trr ABOtl r lS) BACS BO, I PE3UY1AM CCAJr0sDiS.T;r3f. A. I' I etl ltd. OrJara rwmii Ik m. mm k 1 . a itiW.dUil Baaa wharf, ff 4.w4. frTW tu7, ' ' . ' WU. EcAAST A CO.' " 'BnBM M fcR.hir r.lrJ.J l'..k.u 1 I, lCl.krV, 4V y a tmee and aeaa BiU to tU cdc. 1 i' .; 1 ' ! n I, 1 1 hi nfl BBLB. BBtWBTED CjOALniES. rVWl V ' ' I)U etu. 1V T. C. 4LO. WdTt. ! I MtM. MKK AID LilS. - i(ti , l. nrS4 BAC'ON rJ)W: . 1 rfl , M bbai rw ton fBy gee for j V "I i 44.1, kJrtiLefUr(h) reaaalahy 4 '' Tl v : , lVth , T. C A B. a BTttTS.u. ,1 -: - r: j " ' fOXtTASTLV CM MAIS. MAID. .4 .'.... P'fV.I A FrrTrrronrr, . Jf flVTTKB, LAIUI,- I-0KE, BACON, JL Ai)., aod tot aai ht s A I IUWII ffBt.TUk. o.,lfora Water Street . r - . . 1 .. HIHI II t 11 III m -ajw EXPREBB. k:W B17UUKMTAV- KOUtKlO' BITS. tcaivad at taa 11A aaJ l'.m lM.lhih k. Oetftlh , ,,.,,) l J... rn.Jip'Tl iTOlllV UMhrtt ABO HTMw CAPTJ A WO COVERS, ldi v& i , AD SAVY PATTEBUfS. f i Jff: " JTOT RKCE1YKD, fall aaaortmentof (Isnftfthra , , 1 ana aenioeabi ityto ar Cape, at tw Mat sad Cp ' Tw Emuormm, U Mat ket street, 1 ,t -J UoV AUt I--,.- .v CHAJ. D. MTET. .... u.; ,1 u ii."., lJ hiii nuatf nti, , . , rturOHB WBO'BtQUlRB DAfiX. Bf IT'CITrK ... f V k I I, M . UH M J. made of matortokaihat Wttl araar aaal .jAn Wk-a Sr ,rtn. sstsx -ERMt1 Uketh m'1 1. -i U. V . . V . Iru ii mi k ' I "1 !Ji J "55 Bt' A.!""'' wwapir wvii TTiiT WW At ,(,:,1v,;1J,!(,i f Oet. th . , nBnii.w ... i,r.i hi TAOO, TORKfLOUB, WTTUt Hltl CttACt- , 1 r,kWjap, Cy.dlene4 enaVaTlbuar. Powser S4 ' ' ' J b..A MAN A fekl to tva rtsuo. W wwTpnr tubaoriber offer hi Mrrie for th aala af urate. ianoBa kavina tkii kiad W firnAtfna tit 4i.a mi! dud it 1 It to k Bo diaadvntar A alaaBv haaaiL BTVaAJa .eetoaierltaeaBAMof (Mavaa. ,Qflt. t, IN6T-1J If , JAh. M. MDUTOl. WttABfl p.... -- A.-i-.g.-: ! Ut . J. - j. A . - l t Ti . - -!iM UUfhVA LlfiirV CTIL03LED IXOORE nArft.!M I 1 Wicmiikr itirH Difiiiu. 1 . .1. . m . l (UJf JLMrOJUffAtm SuM eenei, 'fv Angnat , , , ' ; . jtAB. BJaTrC3k nmv fiajvna. nn tv ru i. Il II I tUTLfl '' 1 A Vf V M Oaaaynodif M, C, bbmiaga i .ii .,'iB'. 1" ' t0.'i .v.. - " vwiL'-.iJ:'!?rAv.'-M. rwpa, 4b iaoa. g. U. . U, ViUarS. I I ! I II-ILUI I W..1 I II II Lllll ' .0.. ...m , ... ti niuu.,. i - 150 Hept . 00. LAIlS. -i . - . t vAt 1 H TKBta BAVT UAP LARDf M reMnl h ' " ' ti ' , ' (ivi-mww. i ,1 i . t tn 1 flnDS. DI00BT WEHTEJtN RHOULDKTbl: ..V . d. 4im do. 1 Bide, now lamllnf bom bchra,0.R.DUosandFlarl4. feteaiaby ! inepk fib. T, IL MoKDT 4) CO- i iirtu riant it iMa linn , . . PvAl llY rl AMB-nwll Hm ; , bj PaBOttBMY BROWN. ,JMU. T, MSB. , , ... , ...J-,.,, ,.1Sm -. r re"' J-rUa l W LIYERl'UOb BA0K HALT b. m Blown Salt f" Alura . ta 1 'WTrsaWP Sept. 15. 1, ...",., wiaAKO cimr , , y , aj i f " 1 1 aiTrjtAi ' ., . s ' , f 4i ' '4 wti d EffiJBTOWra WTTKR. ' Jaat ne.lved and for (al , v AlaKJtBAJ R BkvTiaJivUWltr, -JL ptmsL-porv i,j 1U0, .WiVlvSg 1 Va k. t Ma a. Aa. " ta Bept. 18. 1 'ii t TM' RBL i.,S ' - t ' " LARD. . .. .. BBLB. AND Mew ln. ' Per !bf- 18. , .. , .. . I WU4AJli A LliiiiliJ. i . e SHOT. IUOM. ast1 taa Pat-aala b4 i ' JTTT - 1 vi uii ta 1 gANO. jUREFBj yu yj " f , TtntlP'HI ji,wJ ta Rstkh BAtm.j . v. . V -i.4ti- t A sTirf)rt:-iit)E8 AND' rfTOULDKRS. net raeelytd . , i.0 anAUrBBM by .. nT- flTTKWAY at TBlTCk!. T" la aw , trEBU4)0SrTKTV .! tK BAGS, JC3T BECEIVEp AND POftltlJ! h4 JLVr4V FWjltf awe abasvABXeB A tj Ah AVCtkl Aata . . 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 . I1 . " "',J lV , J. j f.1' HP.RRWU. . .. . , , ,;!,, HV BARBEfA Pi 0."ItERBlNa, in prinW orJer.i For ' ' Ql Mki hitrJhB fBnRliaBwkyitBaiw,. If -" ' - nipLt. .7ys niQ. worth. , ,-, Tttttrt ABTP-KILB., A prlwo heirvf article,' in goo W-U , JJL, paokagea. for asks y u i - : .- fi w'i i . ifiuTV W 7 MILLARD A CURTIS, , w KO A ihrds, BACOCt, jat (aawitod-Mtariperior ArUol f ' I Hli bbbi. Whiskey 011 cenaknment, by - .'' ",-, H1 IUC - ' HAKRIS8 A HO WEI Ju. ALf TIIH SCHOOLS IB TOWS. t T Bi. OPES IN A FEW DAYS. TT ' H ure y ob ttotbed your boya for the Fall arfdWinter-f ( v t m aewcawpsa e yoor selections at BALWINB. MBV fl7. sa-VrarkHtaMt r.r4 , , 1 a W, DO TOW CONTEMPLATE MATTUtlOTT t . .m, G to Baldwin. He will get jrra up an hmx t ,, .,f occsaiAn. The BMOrtmeniof white tk Ve t Psttcma, , .javf V. hit Ttee, bcantiful Casalmeres, Fancy Ooanls, Av4 n 4 -14 tliis house makea it quite nnaecesnary lor Any tuaf -r, 8f oirennutancea, to end wsyfor any ortiel of wem V? 4 apparel. Leave yotif oTdert at 3 l1kkljtMe'A u V ,y kL,-.;,s: :::lf-. i',J i LEATHER AMD GEM RELTtNO ywh fttOG ETHER, WITH n kia(4Paoking '-fuHalfBi-?, sl X ways on band and for aJat ' '"l,, -.,,: . k i July Hth. .eraM eonr." '. J.-M. RrfyT A pr.TS.', ., : A DTER' T ARTUilJi Of jtXtWP JontorAah. For l v -', 7 . .:.:-- 1. .kVHASTH, - f 'Marca' L1 ..-TtS-ht '.. ..'Otfirtand . ;!ey A i'artA, I ...i ;V If"" BCRDRtp. " e . YEtSV POWDERS jALEBATtrS: !pDA:PErrri AUBpice- Ginger? Startfs Boa: "h: For sal by' 4 AfiaO IL tiliUwAV Etyt. una, ibm. 43 C V c A 'i Ui f 4 VA aa'i V a-.il in .H U f 'A U jljwk- ue)t

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