A ' v.. V ITILMIXGTbN; ft C THURSDAY EVENING, ' OfjrOItfJv 21,. 1858. t WHOLE NTJHEni 2 3 .i .: T- - , ...i-T T t - - ; - 1 - - - ' 1 l J1S. irfltJl, Elor A. L. raiCE, AsmcJb laftor: Twm af Bhet1ptlMk Pane Fiaer, aa year, bvarmhly la advance,.-,..!. 18 60 weekly " " - " ...,. jrU All ief.ers, oa boiBMM connects! with this office, must b s linseed to th propnetra. RATES OF ADTEKTEDTO. bajbqca. OmAi;..,., Tweday . $7 Three day.... I M Foar4jrt OB IMk.M.u... STft hlwitU. J ttt ?M BSM. 1 00 W9 WXAk .. . 3 M TkfMMootba W 6u M ' 0 4j.. ....... Jl T Uf X 9 1 00 1 M M. 1 W DMNt....l.l. It OumkA ,s 4 00 Two Booth.. .4... T 00 Tr aoatht 10 00 Bit BwaUm ..At 00 iwrai.. ..'.MOO I On '0 00 Teo Lao at ookted m temn. mad line lw '.14 M Om m......'.:! oo atf ooaaft I nor anteAii i proortkia. tad aJ payteio- art aaai win m pia n taT&aci xs tent pr oqar wui m caarfoa an?r vn im taoertioB. iAfl aalf-aqoana iqt paid for ta adraact wQl b ckarj d at Maara. AVAdvertiMBf ot laMrted a Special or BUhop Kotioot W J V.l . a. " I ... " I (loadod) oc loot ouoiod M oqwafo. - , l 1 1 T AirortMaaona) inoertod Oforr other day ar oiartvl 7j cow par oaoro rot oaaa taaonioo aftar b wt f BUSIHSS ASD PROFESSION CAED , , . ,. ,n. CxtR Ira agekt ro chjckeewr msos. of vklck M kaaalwaji bobm oakaad.. ' ' ? f pSopt.1T. v lUJre 1 ' ' 1 1 1 11 i 1 1 1 y L T. AXsiKyAir. w. R. Bithhowht. ALOVIUIAV KETTKTH.KT. riBOCKRS aJTD PKiLESS DJ CEEKAi. KEBCI1AN- Dizs, la. M Sum Wuu Biurr. isoh. , - 1 ' f' ' f. M. UrKOV A ViK. CIOCEt AJD coMMiaswir 5UJrT8, fouth I water atroei, Wnvuraroic, If. C. ' , , Ao. 13d, 1868? ' ' 'SI -. H. KILE KB, TTTB0LE8AL 0R0CK8 AMI) COMMISSIOJ ktER V CHAfq1, and DEAIJEa W MAYAL BT0RES, fomer Aprfl Id, . a 1 t ertooal aod proap tUeatiua (irea to ooatfamoBtJ of Koral Btorea. Cotton, flour, 4c, either for eaie or hipaieai. Oct. 19th, 16T4T. t , ' ' ' THtTlttAi W, BgOWN, JUh W.V k TTonrerjkT law, . V, iV CUMMLSHIONKR OP THB CNlTy KXATB8 IN ISO FOll THK DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, Jan mhiasB. U7tf tit. ICOttlT. . 4.LXX. OAMtd. , TOKIJKV dk dMJNIAJt, -.'.. GftOCIM AST) C0MMLSSI0N MERCHANTS, ANB DSALCE3 IN 00 UN, OATH, TEAS, AC. ,, . WwuwiTOll,N. C ' - , BlFAMKCi. i ff r- Col. Job XcRll, Preiideat of the Baak of Wibotaetoiu O. 0. Paaaur, Eeq., Pretident of the Coounerckluik. - 1' 1 1. in 11 11 ! 1 ... . t ' m. t.aAu,w; . vavaavjB KeLtlf. fSwxSumrt to nr. A. O. BradM.V "" 1 fHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUUOWT8, NorUi weet ' VT ooraet of Front; nd Market 8U. VV Uminrtoa. N. C. ' ' vftl keep constantly oa hand a well eelecUd ttoeX of Dm, kfodlobte, Chemical, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Serftk-ai InstrnnenUTniRaet, Paint, Oils. Wiadow Glaeo, Vsmath, , OldEraodiaa, Wiajos, a., Yo. All of fti?h will bo foroiah- , t aa oa u uaai totaai Mfl at raw prices. ;ikdy May Mth, 1868. t"" eTTBOlfT ITJ.ITEXTDOORTX) ktES&iW, IfTLLElt i Hi X1 KEA-BLAW OFFICB, WuJU5aToii, 5, C. N ' H Oct. lOth, 1867 I 4 0MMfOT MERCHANTS, eornof FriocoM ail fatar (tnota, Wflaitactoa, M. 0. ' . , - fV,-,. K. R. Batail. Casnler Bank Cap Fear, WOmlnrloB, N. C. t;0LJona !, rws'lB jvaumtton, do. da. T 1 , n 1 F 1 : n h v. r - . . . -MOMIfiSHlON KESCHANT, NO. S8 orth nW street, V vv ij si-u waMiMrax, 4. u mo. pom raoww, asiandj. sH0Mrr, rr., a. p. 101 York, BltOtVW tVROHSKT. flaw y ii 'lit i ti i t ' r WHJtlNUTON', N. C , J. E. 0AKELT, Proprvrss. . w.onwmTne bra 1.1. 1 LL CT5D9 OF NATAL BTOIU porehMdawi LWVU wu tuiu f 1 I . - . Wharfagt aod Btonje furnished, and Ooopvag dea at aairratea. . 1 . - J Jaa 1st, W5r.-lM-tC , ' 1 - - j. at. noBiaioii dk soWh s . WaaneofCW. N. C, IMPOBTTBSr, KAjrWATJTUBZBS' AGiiNTS. AND Dea ler hi Hard wars, Cultery, Iron, bUel, Nafla Agxial tanl IltaDlementa. Ao. r WH. 0. IIOWAQXK, , , rrjssmit producb brqker, Bf yy ao. i86ev tq WllMlMTO If. ?. . ADAlHa. BROTHER CO- r10XMJSSION MJBRCHANTS, J . WlLMINOTON, N. C. . . - GKORGE W. DAVIS. ' 10MMIS6I0H MERCHANT, South Water Street, ij ' WitarrMTOir, If. , lArllSAT. . I. a. BAtWAWAT. ww. a. rrtiT. J..Im HATMAWA1" d CO r COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WnjaTxanw, N. C. IfMISSIONA'JfPFORWARDINU KERCH iNTi, V j ; " WiunhOTo, N.C. . MaKhu, 1157 7 . I66 ,jy ARTDnRXO RAVAOR, . 1 ENEBAL COMMtSaiON MERCHANTS, IT WlLMIKOTOW, , C. Liberia! cash adrmaoea aiade gn ooMignmett. ' -J-" 1 ' . " trr V a5 ra ju ,fTDtn a WILLAR1J C URTIS. TOMTnSrtlON MEBCMANT?, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 1 ANy auuu ia uiMxa , ' o JVv : fliiIVT W TST BTMSTOM UUi. WrLWTHOTOir, N. C. 1 ww j"rf.4..fJj;- i ENERAL COHESION MERCHANT, ' " O VT , WaicrNOToM, N. 0. V.:. .-' ' '"ttan to . . ' George Harraw, Eq., 1 f Messrs. Lotterloh A EUJet, V Wilmlngtoa, N. C. J 1 4 July , l66-a7itf ) , . DK ROSS EOF V BROW.1, ENEm C01QO3SI05 MJIBCHA , aa.jit,lT.98-tf., r iLXt ootm. o'OXXISWN, MERCHANTS, o(Bo second story, cornet I. goth Water and Market, street, Wilmington, N. Ci, era tbejara prepared to attend ,to all bosmsss ia the AahMinaai anlraatad io them win be ponctoally attend dU 1 ' - .. - CAP EaWWDal, li MMkatBtoooV Vanama, Leghorn, and Palm Laaf Hat. Wool, For. Bilk, SdJIoleakJn Hats, Cloth, Fjnali, and 8ui Ghuod Caps, by thaecrdcw.atHewYorkwholeaaJopriooa. r WALKER ME ARES, - TTfa.Masir tn Walker Metre A Co..) W1 OUBALB AND BEIAJL DB0GG1ST8, - , . , " ii HatUt itrtrt. wllti BrSDE&ASD PROFESSIOXIL CARDS, .W. W. DAVIS. H. IX. AFTERS !JT V0F ESHiOJ5AJkSEVk. ia Tftiat: CIT- i um of .WUmiitftoa. OZ? ii door biow Uolme HoleL Frotl St. Joaol. .ir. ,-. .. -nf A 1 " 'iJ!.T ' fJi' urf-Ai A lut, 1S8 " . ' ,..-. ' IT- , . . - . i l .t . f Via 4J . f trAycrACTTBEB AKD DEALEB W GCSS-ftWOtS, If X. Hardwaxo, Store, Corpor, T aaJ KJaee( Iroa Wr . abo, TvrpoBtiB Stilt and Vixtam, rYowt (treat, lxV- Holme' Hotel. WUrainftoa H. C, f t Aprit3iW IW If ; ....... . . 1 . , i n4RiJtMTov. s. tk.4 mares in, asoa. I61-f . I TrnCUiCTOi mamjiLB wukki . ' J ) irctt uw, mm th Mirifendiat lo. tluirt. XfOM'EXTS, TOMfci, . UCAU at rXK)T BTOVEkT i-'A. KllLNiri kEIUiU. .,( la ftT QUALITY U lU OUCAS w ITAUAli faUlbU. lurakaod bTcrder, M CHEAP a cm bo prootrod (re) aa awtabtafcawB of ta uao ia wo cvoavr. . . I eniiilur bob but exDerioaced w oilmen, and will dim o paiiM to pleae ail wbo aiar ror m with their potruo- " aWterma CASH, nnjea br ipecial ereemept. , .. Wingtea.1. CSot. UULlSfcL . f if. SEW YORK AND PfllUDEPIlU CARDS. W. O. Cl'HTIS (O, 41 KNEKAL COklMblSWN. II UU." HANTS AND Ai.ENTS VT for the oafe of N.l VAL MORiX SAD HOUTUikllX raOMMVM, lii Maiden Lane, Comer of Hater it., New York. -, . , t w. . cutis, rniLHrrioi.ai'. July f yt t ... 1. POLLNM. . rOTTIH, JH. j. CIMKHUcM t rPOtUKH. POlTaUt dt O. ' Y e HarthiM, Ifc"' SAnpvo. wi l,0tl,A'iO X MEAllEtf. fliSTUM at US. Q0MMI38I0N ECCHANTS, Burlinir Blip. New Tbik. Especial attention paid to the sale of Natal Ktorim. Cot- vote, ami Hoathera Pfodaco cenerallr. i.Lthortai kdroaaei audo on aoswiKnaient. July ,'U - w. a. afsisu I. aAJtriff oovaaAm GKNEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 3l Niafa Whrres, aod 63 North Waer .Sreut, I'uiLAUkLi-Uu. aVLiberial eash sJrances made oa cotuii:nnienu. , JalyMa,l8o3 - , -iv . , noLA.uv.. ffA'HUDS. ENULIS1I 1MIWVND MULSHES, ry kind JJ some, now UuJIlig. Fur suit' by ot. i5. ' wiuAitn enrrt. (OKN-iOHSl. 4 h BU8HELH PRIME UPLAND pORN sfloel For sale by " MILLARD & CUltTM. 1.000 Ool 13, ' vo ate ruiiu at aw markkt rtrrkt. AlTkUiH worato protect the ankle. Mini's VVoU;b XT iUJFr'bVAo prvbtef the wrists. ;TtVrtleTVoolBandMerinoMVFi''LEkVa. m.fi 1 'ii.iv iii'i.iu'innio, tfv .uu . 1 uvmm HEAVY blLK DRAWERS. fr 1 Alexander's bent EIIH. white and all colors. UN ED KUA BUSTED Ujilpi ?)&Jitlk.UV, .So. Ac. at rfOovivA V' ' ' h w Bariet strm J fta-tJlL?'' a iaa a. V a aaw Vr?atttawt WW aa V J. UU aaraena rl p I lb J 1 Br t . . A CENTLKbTBN'IS "f ftB" t'OfJNTRT TO OUB ST8W VTiUI DVUGT TBVNK Bwaafsoonrod, fxpreesfy ta oor Order, .... -s , . v fc . . , f . -e a I.VI4U.CW. ,l. W. .IV. coareniu&tlv arratured articw ana aen aaapua 10 tn particular uu niomiousu, thai anrywthara oeot seta. allot BALLTNVIN'B,' t , Oct. lith 1 .,y t,..... 'Hi MarkAsaswt. TUST RECEIVED RY'XXFBJM BUk rtt ttofw J Bilk glased Hataof acaiand baadsome patterns, to wblth wenvlt, aUeDtlon, aj aod Cap Emporium 34 Markjl Oct. 14th. C1IAS. D. MTl!R3 THE LARfrw:aTaNr3 Br.Y AiORT9IElT. nl 80 FT EL1 UATB IN TUB Bi ATE, cat) k6w hi found, atb Hat A Cap EatporUita. AB U- ineal grades are Blade expressly to our oader, aad we gaar kntee them to bo ef s ttpenoi aiake. strle and tjtiinh. r.tAKefJt iiTm 1 I i tJHAS. K MYERS. Oct. 16th. Market Btreot. .T7WR SOTS AND JX)OTHiV The larrt' aottraenl In X' the but If at juso.1 niiiwi ! mv- 4 exViuor tot. Corner 1 . iluuinl 11 a. to,,, ii, I Oot.13. rms sr atoom 9on rtra f aix anif wtttkr I, B. ULGGINS 4 SONS. DEALERS W &MCKMKS, tRY GOODS, 4ct Ac., .,. ,-.. fttraat oaaraeeana iwrono arereexs, RESPECTFULLY , INFORM THEIR ULCUSTOMEIia artdfli tmbHC (fenmlly, t!it ther,kr now receiving Dill Aim IajIUT LtB U'Pf A- H fltS ilVt f lnftuu UlclX JT AIabv mmJ vwiAiAnii r a v v n. var tiwi.T. v lnrf amtCKHIES. UARDWAHt-WLlAW WAHP!, WILLOW WARE. DUY UOfJDfs KW P d:ff., c, wnicn win oe soio at ife wwesi prittis ir October leth, . j . PORK AD BACON. , , . BftAtTTYtE8P0RK:' . . ,4, to fahds. Baeon Hide. ' Landing snd tot sate by 13th. ; .' - ' ' Etaf H. tiR'N1!. 25 ... ' kbit nnoatft. mo BB FOUND AT dCBLLKY's) VBW BOOrC frTOItf; J on Market street aad low tot eah : 4 Milledulda, i ThousaBd PWasaoi Uiiog, a ho oklaataaa be read with pront ana gioa nmaor. Lite of Charlotte Broirte, HHiU Utftell, hnthor of Jane Eyre, Hhirlei YiUette, an entertaining book. The Hook fif Parlor (iamee. for the Ladies. Msfrtaleiv, he EnchaatreM, founded on fact, by E. L. I, qulto'aaantertamg work. , . . B s CoftfidititktcorreKDinjIeBoe )f NapoUun wila blBreal utioph BonaparW, a tine ork. ' " ., PoppiDg the Question, a(book of fuucii inlfrost, to 1 1 yonng. , " . ., i, , t The Yotmg LIRie's Dellfeht, a FarTor companieo- j laul and Virginia, br Kcrnardm De hatat rame, wjUj a memoir Of thekuthor, and a number or engravings. t Vicar eFWakeftela, a tale by diret 0)l.!rtiith, IT. B. Tha Wekame Friend, aonraioerui a tloJed oeleeiAja of entertainiugtDd instructireskek UM. , , , - ; ' Constitutions of every one of the States, in ono resume,' a work much needed for Information. The Story of the Telegraph Complete will be foirnd qirttc interesting. ... t ; The Lectures of Lola Montez. Oct.' 15, 1858. 34 tf vi, 1,1,,, H ' ' " i WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS A4 S1HT-H. . , -.AH - .- t0 TOl, ALEXiNDEa'8. wherayoa well lad a good T assortment of Watches,' Jewelry, Clocks, ((ld and Mil ter 8pectacle. Odld and Bilrer Cops, Aa., but toot too ir$t a stock ; yes will find ererythihg-you tsk (or" ia, his line. Ha does rfot boy on time," ay t,)t of It raonthAjliut M bftyi etery article for cwb, and this enables him to I1 aery cheap. Those who hare booght of him for the, lost Jour year .wfJB iellyoa the etfme. Emy Wafth, gold or itver. will b warranted for two tears, witlout exabniea, if , aot Arokea by force. Spoiled watches repaired and wsnrsoted to keep good time for one retr. Be Watch Ul&sas fMd oartav-- ' ' ' ' 7 , ; ' Oct. 1 ViuWkv. Ci BBLS. NORTH BTaTE WffBtETf now iktifSUg CO from Scbr. Daniel Mtaee, and for sale by Oct 13. ..... , . .k. .1. H. McKOY VCCv " ' ' - K. CLAK0. 5 BARRELS K. C. LAUD ao exoellenl artiCrfi Jf) l4 eeird, and for ajle by . , " vw Oct. 1J 1868. JAMES I. PETTEWATk . 'AIT1H)K tOTK WWITr JU THE fuanJcr mt li m l rbrul! butiiutitw tkn tlx orUfvpLl! filwK trd'tmw m m1 kBe. 14.0 In t"a L i, y;r,P. kvM Ir ' ti j tk. 11..' llut lvoB.J4.3iWMW lnitbiliiy, Pimm u Hf.J, of YottS r a8 'i vKk-k V-strvf both klv uJ c1ni. THrim-stT "ry prrtwo on fkul U iboir w ti uM tbo off r tU I PjITil 10 (u HATIOi Cljf0 (UlftBUOO UWff IOfMtOnH4n. top of aatkipAtiua. rtoUrnaf aurriago, a uatlj!e '0pci4nT, W tire betome K-tln of Sofrarr Vice. UiM droodntl aad Mtr aro. IhIi raaaBuafle sweep U aa auuioflr graro lanuaaatto of toanff f too awot exalted Ulenti tn.l bnllkut biieUect. tikt oUter) hare eatmtred lieelag Semte iUk the Uiuajere of elo aeo, or wited to ocetttrnbo Mrtnj Ijto, ea wit " -.".TtrreA-riir1" i .,i t. .... .1 i,..nk 1 .. v ' ; .-. I . , pl t ' wdt r tha fo of Dr. iuknonl tmy I niciouen- cuiJa 10 h kuoor M (ooUnaani aad ruodr 1 n't iout cuiJ m h de,u,lJr 'tf "P"" P iiifjUimjKia.,,, Orwanlc Weak ainwurij torrn, mmt iuu Tif or rwtoir.. Chtedieeaaa k ihe penalty mnut frermenfiy iM by thoao who haa heovm Lh ricUms of naprvfer' atdulireMe ' - - - - I M.M I . . , 1 aaof pcrooa are 10 ant aoamaKoo boh aor a. a are of the dreadful ceturqueuo tM BMf ensue Nw, who that tindereUndi the siibjeet will pretend V dent tkattho power of Frorreatloa is loot oiff By tho tlhii$ M tniiirwper haurt Uaa be too rVt. BrtJe htmg deurixed Luo pietfuro of healthy otfcpriajv tlia moat oariaat and deetroctlve symptom to both bdT atod mti ai The system become deraned. the wk.vnicxl uV meatsi powers weatoned, aoreous debilrtr, 01 i',P, taluittm oftba heart, aklicOBtioa. a wsiltif m frame, f ajaiiWBM ocouoMmpWa, etr. . . 1' ,, aierroMalkbUlty, ... ; ve snei of the ratera, Nervoui lability aufl jirenaxUire hoy peiierally arfe from the IVtrnrtiv halLt of rtiutft. iit B)lapj rotic so fatal to the he,tlthful e.ttknee Of pian, rvl a w the yoani who ara auoit apt to aoeaia fctirt TH'limn, irota S14 litnoraoco of Ui dowers , hH thoy tubjert themselves. Parent ud Gtudiiwr often auo led with reKoAH to the eanne nr sou re of iTWisa ii the4r ton and ward. Alas! how often do they asetibe to other causes tit watlu( of tho frsaw, Faipitatw of the Hesrt, Dyipeii, ladurvtlioa, dtrauaeuteuV of the Norvoo Mw fem. Cook h, on J Pjuiplnrus of Consumption. al those e Mm Bit-nial el-, such M ti'M of memory. dt'ireMiin J ejilraa, a poealiar ft hi of melancholy, when the tne truth in, thoy kit bean oaueed by iodidinr ia perak lonstiirt alluN I114 practice, ikstnicliv to both Ammiv and. Mind. ..Thua kre swpt from exliiteuce tliouands pho nirgUt hara been of who to their country, a plcaeure to their friendoaDil proa Beats to society. ..-- t Ornvt No. T Houth Faaiwk Hr., ' tl led Laud, lh) going troiu Kolumuro otrx-et, I dot at froes the corner.' ' i '.f ' ' -- Be pafticokr lo olniii tho'n'ajiw and 'auinber, or y will tnktake the phtct. h .. f Tail aotioe, ohoerea tli anm Vn tho door and wil Jo.. A CW MMiroafctL r o.Uiarye M r e sin jiuimuiv Meo.b r ui tlie Royal College at Kunreim,,I,oiiifnn,'n'ii1li. ate liou) one of the most eminent OJieuns ( she Clilloi KtttU'i, slid tlie crcaler W of who Ui has be. a ,BVnt in th tiit Uoeiltulk or London. Parii. PUilaJetiiuia, aod lo ata, ha ehH ud sont of tl.e ntost astonUhlng euros thst wxvet kwaf inaay trooMed withniigtwg in the lined t aud aara wba sakep, great aerrousrieeov b'g alarmed at sudila soniuls, and lianhrulness, with frouneiit b Unlrtl WllllCfii .In.. ,, 11 1 , 1 1, , li.iniikil.i . 1 . . ,'!., ? Ljih Ortolie UUomv m ' -1 Whea tk noeiihtd and .aaairailaat' tari of-Vloasus pan oe uaa utioioea me toos 01 uue paiana i. tp oncn Happens tiiet an ui iwiea m-upo 01 susu, or arood of dWnory, d4ers him from applying to those who, front d- 4 arwa and rrwviir, ean amae tierrretd nun, deutvihg till Ui eotMittulKHUii eymtAeina of thl harrld diaeae ni tuVIr sppesraurs. muU as . nlctd aare.' tlooat. diasaJ Hope, floftiifnnl wiim. la the licsd ao4 hmJv, ditns V( I (ir. ovMnrHw, uuu' vu mu .niuuoucs mti Wilis, MoMios Mtteb4d.tMtwl axReaaHtes, pfogiraxinf with frtkt- l,fol mtttfri tiilaalasttlia patata of tha im or tit bdm 01 sue pupa lau aiaf ui wehHB i sai awwi aissaaa mr . . f. II U J.l. .1 . 4V . . . J I 1 Comes a Btirrid Oblf t of crtjnaiiieit)on,llUd'atJi aai a period to hi dreadlul iulTcnugr, by seqillnir hint to 'ffliht hearw from wheneatw tra f T .....I. : eili-h. tti 'r 1 (or, De. j4awM piodgsa-Ulatar Jto- prasarr W.4 nmwf kv rkilald aecress, au4ira hxoiraaracwoa U tli4e4 hospital in Eoropead Anitrjoa, h fa aoaftdeatly twt mead a safe bad tted core to the piifortuaatd .tloiin ti tblf beeeijdtsea! -4 -t.'i.j h .T ,n. Trt r 3k4s aahBhVtaDvaftaaeBaitf 4Uls drtadluj dfaa, awing to the ahKhUit ln (rigBeaatvpre tenders, who, by (he use of thai drot'lAi aeleoa, thertart, ntln the eetistKuWoa. ahd kveta send the. uiiTurtunata ufl. r- er to an dnrtraely grata, Or alse tnalf the renlJue of bis life miserable. . . , , inr. j. aoorosM an was wa nari tij fprlrst aadJmproper iuJulgwitts. . , . These are shm of Cie sail and fnrtsn Aacsd by early bahftf tf tor h, via f We aadiieaU, Paiala. tae Heads limoaia Dr. . adJroAaalk UAse waobarl kijtrad fliaraW e by . - 1 t- . siwholy .electa Jrb-' V'euknen of tha nick aad Limbs, Pernio the Heads limoW High, IM' af rluoiilr P-ower, a'altiiUtloa of (he Uoiirt, DfHpont, Net-. roOtlnltabllitViDeraageweBtefithf DigtUvo fui uenem i'oiiiiitr. wmptomi ar Lopsuiution,M., U kavraU the teaffni effbetrSipqn the mftid are1 mnth bit MUBIVIU 4U.., . . . ' be dreaded 1 Loos ef hUmvrd, Couftaatew'or Idea. Depres sion uf,HftiriU, KvU fforebodiAcs. Ametan f Bedtwty, Huir ire oi, yoiituue, iuaiaiijjiare aaiaa M in Thousand ef fcerebftit. of all sges, can now Judge wnaj ia the eaase of the doslintog beahh,' Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pal aad emaciated, htaailagtiu1 atppaar ance about tho tj ceugb and symptom , ootoampUoiv art onnaoira invigfiraiing u uieujr sea, efryHisht rrrannea. , '.I By Urlagraat and1 rmporiaat retnedyV WeatdMiW of the'p-' gaoa re sfieoaiijcwca, ana ruu rigor rest roe.' rrirousaad of tha mpel Aervou and debilitatod, who hail hnt ill 4wpe, bare betn relieved. All IrnpeU jnenU to Marriage, Phyydul at sieatai insipibHoearioii, Aerton irriUthiuty. TreiaUlaigs aad Weakness, orhthlasBon Of the most fcarml find, )ieedr aycaiea ay AA,saaa.wnir Mm . ,-,t .1 ,' tf t Who lave tnldred thcmselys bi a, rertaiii aractict, io duh)rcd In whew alone a bkblt fr(gentni bay-Bed from ey! companion, at Mkchovltbe affect orwhlc It sro nlhQy felt, eren when asleep, add tf fsdt atiaad, rwatllrh najfit Impossible, and destroys both mind aad body, should apply jmmeaiaieiT., , ; ,-k- .t J , ..-ra What a pity that yirang man, tbabop of his ind tb dsrlis of Ms fhirents. should )e snsti hed ftoepeeta aad enjoyraotfts of lib, by the 'ceosequeneee f detioiing frdm she pthf BBtar,nl indalglag tn a certald secret awt, boob peraona, bnfoie aoatenpteHBl : should reflect ffiat i totthd mind attf Vvdy are Uie raosl ne aeaary rftiiiiottek to promote cohnnHaJ pamimiW, Indeed, ewiosi ineao, wa Horner rgtrm ooeomes a weary tmgrimage, tuf praspcM apariy oavcaii to laa rtaw t the aiiua Decoroea, .nsome& witn despair and vusi with Uif melantholy reflection, that the ,4prjineMoUobe, ha aomee WlgWd wb our ow.r . OFFICE NO. 7 HOUTU Fltf VmiOmyBmrkdrMt! ii. sxibinvai. upmmwn rmpemiiRn, N U-ilU rofaltvdenaotrjraraat yoa, wotappl im mediajejy either personally tafby Wtar ,H tw- t The Btenr IhboaanJl rmA kt tbi iKAiLlSlnfc'iUlili. U last twelve pears atdjtiM aameronk ImtorUsttArYlcsi Ov eraon performed biJ.JOJiNlsON,rwitowied JT ttoaa- port?rs of our daflr papeif and ruaqyoUi mm toticf " "iuvimwiii bksiu uu sgaia sppciirea rn.ire uio, poonc Atlai hoireeaale physieUn. m ;i .vcr v i "m m mnutmm nannom imi tn. unnri! wm mwm .Kin. x.' -. frft'i .int -"t n. B..-TLfTTP ars ftn man, wnrfl L ia lln.nL-. .orftUIn .u,nmtjm n , ajwvtu. mining ine ijcajio 01 we aJre&ul' mi(ei that Df. Jdlmeofc aVwme it aecesAAW to Mr reX ciftUa-Oa tnoto- unaxrquadtted , with air- rejuii itkni, thit b "ikS') -v tS Ar.utitfc.r'Ai4ietrilWlniVW C0 avail sent a postige stamp for the reply, of ai answer will jje May 18th, D368 ai-ly I. !.U .,-.! ! hi M ISRS. EDlTOfiS 1 hin-ls0 frW of tnauMf, yovwill plcasa wiU4ao sitewhrfre o knr aowterool jrauer to the fac tlirU bur; FALL il IVlNl'BB klUCK VAra, Ltf.-. r LA ta, AiAit'JMIkiai, CALcii UBHLLAS, A if., Ac; is now in store, and jrrenta ad as sortment of goods uneruoUed for OtalRFr1 'aftetyand low prices Jn tha eUaae. Our country friend cfcaiwetotfh hme and tiK'nejrn hen in town by making their. auttbaaes at the fdat aud Cap 'Emporium, 34 market street wot... - - . -nj. d. mrriia. - S. ' -I'litoj 'n' i " W. C. KAtVS. , I , it' i t.i X Anfs PRUB c- BACON, For !e by OeUUU Oct, 4. T. C. A B. 0. WORTH. FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO RENT. THK MT5TTBKH H.V 11 STlCE R0AMorr iL. fn turf- of Mr. Walker Mfare, oa Market street. arrfli trohna HoU-L to rent from October 1st - i t imt i, rv.?, w ft a w ' 0,r,, Usirl' ' dai: f fTt'-,K t UTnf in bi, a t.Oi. The artcel e Aari, with a LWral d- ert.-Bt tp adTtnce. In mr abeeare apalt to Mr. ' . JOHN p. BELLAMY. tM. "TWitM If. , Ui . .' ... . run bkt. " n.FlUlM riiaST OCTOBEH, A GO01T DWtUJNQ Ht.n.E oa Dock street, between bereath sjid Eighth streets, at preeeat occupied by Mr. A. D. TarUe. Apply to ........ - ' .- r JAMKl GRANT. . ... .. ' ,. j. 10-1 JB1R CK4. JsTtJKtXJ i SO R. lU BOWDt? tH BALK. FIVE SIXXIXIV MOliAGEt IWSDS at W. A M. R R , ll.ieJi. Interest. at T per cent, piTabi arnu aaoaaTry at M. T t March and 1st May.) , tAiao. IhOOMK MtidvliH, Otoo terh, of same Roa Vwt'wl at i rr eeot., fayabla ha i'ariwtoa let Beptember 1 1st MskI. . Ajply W -W.Jl.McHARY4lth- t - .iron eUtwr. ' ! - ; ilM 1 YKAX FBOhT 1ST OCTOBER NEXT, THB kj uaja Appry te , II ART. tf L.. A-t , , FBOM hST OF OCTOIlQIhilXP, A CONVENIENT jTif i wtlif ho use, plaasaaUy kttaated Bear the eenwe of 19. 1 jrRtnrr nutu roR balk. intointEToiM or Tub tvest ijukkn nthwe- LK.i aOa'J I pact aUAiiorwoHoasaMtkvonalKwd.'N.C., wooM roo- T boctfsUr U Um atteaya of thoiiksena af tha sVnith. rri f i' to the l serr.o&U'ailve stuak of aativ aad aeoll- I kit! Fralt Tree for rtie Kill aad Whiter Tr. both wholo faalo aad eMail. " ' , f -,, jei w uukwwoi rrowns aas .en propansieq front Ihrjiw feanuif troad worked opoo the host oeoOlUm rtkx, wiiics i a sm; iukruue uf .frsjuuue and lone 11 n iw Tfonnurn cii.inrit'rwvH Wllli'n r. two tirom nent oh.r Misrrfi terktic which should not be iovtrkteked by amoB 1 willing tq plant Orchards either for laorkauaic r fanbif aviTh sto. k'coaslsts of tha follow. u- trt: . ! ,. . . H'VW ATI.E TREli, m, ,12,000 PI.UU TREKS, Wrt.txw VEAim Anno M'TARlSEti " 10,000 PK A R " l,WX) ATM0ND "'''' ,4'A(W Ahm'OF '' '" Ht.OOO CHERRY ' ' . . ... , tilLVi'Bi V'lhlFA ' i ' flcslilct a verr flu aseortiaeat of . Currant. Htraw berries. Itaapberrtc, Ciosrbevri, eW'., ail of wbkh will ba aold oa eery reasoftabl terms for tuxli, nr aiion snort time to pane tinJ enstumrra, whrt will ho reiulrl to gtra a not on the delivery or revepU.! r the tree at th plao deslgaatrd III tie ordtV, or tbey will be charged with interest 4reai the date thereof.' All paukajfe, put up la auporior stylo and a eusniiiete mrwre sent 10 sac patron and so arrsuged tnai tite farvuloa will Ita the register of the Orchard alter the trVe r vvMdnit4lf they ara planted la Miooesatot as litcb kind appniw Uua list. .1 r . . arOrders rceeivea pod forwardil by H. W. Roberts, . ' Nipt, iv 1 " - ' ' .,-... , ,1 1,, .j, 1 .. in ,1 if litlstF OVVU 'KH AM) f HARK TO HKHT FROM OCTOBWl FIUHT. ; Th. wharf oa Dock wtreet, In ffont of Mi. B. ltatter'e fttora. Also, th aouai or watce aher the offlrns of J . L. Holme aud Kmpi, aad faoiittagdUa Hank at (wn Fear, TV, -r , wwo reaa7-., n ' wtftK fOR ttrtitr. 1 W ! 'I" '1 .XTMM TUn'IUBTDy' OF OCTOWm NKXT.Ml 1.WbM TURFIITD1Y' OF OCTOWm NEXT, ' th .MUUV o Ui.eeilw fif Market aad Water atrM. at v ""puBpiw'Hweo, w. Aiaraw aaiw iror lira, tp- k-L tr it art- it-W - 'lis 'ill PNTKUSjliyjiU,WlHni'9l TO siEti)VIS FROM wW, mrt fV 4le hU (A'aV fiC'Tt about eer- I BlfVa tnu Wilmln.lnn. ..intoliilx n'W lltru. ABACAS 4&J TUiMrr ICHMH, Bhoat Fil l Y" of wbk h are oJcarvd aad ia a wkd atete af tvttatlqpt a parrwl tim aho e Is as good fariuina Und a any kt tb Ooeatrrn . ! ' Terms aflcoinufltlri . For further Information, apply to Kept. 11. lHiK-4-tf HAMUEL iTfliMt i Ttti: ItOLriE AND LOT, known aaiithiq JO. ph.oty HJiiss, on rilxtn Attei. If Bat, old. II wiU Mrall wit ft.rbd teit Iwm to Irs? ufVOctober Mitt far iwrileulet. apply al tbJa OttV, r 44 ' kfpaV Brnl if , , , f -1 !i .Wj . DIDHOIIT. ' ' t 1 s Art 'TisTOrrWELLTNfifl sltnate 'TInftwTC!.LTSr!8 situated oa Dock it'reot e 1 JT ttauinaVt lwr nwrttehlara. annte aakrAaa afa Aw atitasa 4 I FROM Irt lCTOHf?H NEXT, lW0 Kfjnfc4 nu.fe S:,l tlsraiiiB'non)0.' ApMyto- " i' "' , p.e:W-tt, ..-( El JJ8 ATirTfNTtli.. 'I I m Airmlv tANDB Vok BAtii, jSuonLT't' - 'mixnU; bol' axoMatjowtr: a a ' IS "HIX THOUHANU AC REfi, AND UpWAUDM, fls 1 J - rf rF atoelleat frtna lmbare! Jandfor rtery eanmipme iimaare kind for u:t; fllvlfltd iia several traoss, as that ara, at aotd Hi a hodf. 'On iUs prenilsiia is a oomfyrtabl aad aomtBadkitsi wwetmig, Bekriynew, and all necessary out buflilbsf, with aboataeir fiiry arret provision land under good stale of cuhlvatiuu.i A small hortiiiB of this land was worked n tdrprtitip one iear. and thf V4la In eowvalntdtstaacttc''the rhnte aod Ntntpikrivars,, Xjnp aod aa also a lanraejaantittiof laland Biue land, and once wa fold fvl tCO.OvO oa tUM aocoont.r Vfemt is no ari'itt tt WAUf. Art, I en ,. auil. ..ln.kU m .aBica ptairUtlniM' It ii sUntW etjoe-dlstaht between UiU apiaoewCTiifc eat rog aetata." 1 , Xarentme farm. jrrcatergainanii.pq aecuuna aatwtWiaa,' ' 'I Aagt Jl 1 i . en FOR RENT,. jrl . I wu.u m H)ui, tn uoiis on lbinisueet, ba- V.V 1 4ween ABn-and Kith.' now ocrnnleit hv Mr. Himn harVLawAaiMolpplyM' ' JULUB W. WBl6fTi , ip m 1 v - ' ,1 ' I l"..l , I ' , 1 ; -v ----- 1 Ana. a.. , . . , . , , ... ....it aai.tr TBS BUBfiCRIBER. -BEINO BEftlBOMVP V0V DMtka4JiamtrrioJarrforMteBtDwlir Hoiia audLpt,oathe4West.aUl af. Front BrroeW latwee paimif sad vuUierry, tMUi being tHi X lid,, tod ;1tati fnf hnhlr. rt!i piTTirohijont to tutslneerf. and aaWon ae4onwuudviirifr'tTs br ktrged for Cnrintrj faepejrur.i. uyil d-i ' fair. AiViUts' J1At.34A,lA.A,1, , ,U . t.t '! tm-IB : V At.tr A ft f JR ftifilfl PftoyER'Fl FOR SALE - LOT N(J. t (rOkk m letter B,V eligibly situated oa 4 f ewt id Wif Frl f teeet-slr.e, feel froat by 774, Isetr Aeep4 In Whieb la a trmfottai4 Dwlliahda KW:hea,grvnV Bbuae, tflhehtiie Wood A, wtaklei ... '1 1 . . 1 ..11. I -ukUklii. a m.1 'IMVef ff.enk. bh ftp 'jrWuKh Utter highly 1 xtett44nffwia'dl)po ef Als mtete-ts m, Wajilritftoa, Veat,ki real fn M fee fraaa-.lho rat bf Ueeoket an.iy to,M d'r.'bav'ftl lay S, lHaH.-iM-tf , . . .. D' BAKER. JlayHi- rllr.w phift OCTOiir- f .iiwuijaif t' ifTVaiilllwag'BdffseottMarkrt ' 1 s kv tj.kr. Onnt.fr ahd lttker. Apply to 7rB:;r, t jiMEa 3 CUA, ANX. ; Br-? nAATft 7W?T r SWA WTATW vuri IIDF.R RIIUtTS AP DnAWERI. ,,1 1 fiV34 nS-nK' .Affcn.iW kiSortnient are , fanwietw.f;- .kavt .. A e.- 1 ' . Aja. I' xiii al AfaVkaaaihi j-vniwer, vaatett Flsnnel ditto, Ail selliog at low figure, at Kept. 28. BALDWIN'S. Biace tu titrra 1 ara unw at present iug.rkaw Jjij()s,ao4 well altuhted Ion a ,W enir.Unlotet bowtr. asa'hlo. I natfli would sett at k atid wui sell Um urPRsrty reierraa swesi f""""- ' tt,t furtlf r7rtivlr a to tb , 1 wprty,apliear enni DUIWHAMF. NBaR TMiJ W. A w. US TL flOAt) 4. r KtuBYlt irJillAB, AmETw; irssKTS, flaw. IVNEL8, Cnder-trihirta, Drawers, Illcr-rV'ShfrW, btrfp oJIabnrgs, Denims, CoUon Osnabor.'TJkljlescbed Shirt mte. Marlboro Plalda4 Btrlfew E .,.- nd Seamless rTu and fisuUloadNad f ttic f.Jt te dieoed of at wwtV3'tT- I - . WHJJAM3. Oakifla UrafV ".' 1 w FOR SALE A.VD TO LET m ' . FOR RStrT. nTBAT rrauaASLS T lUJXO. al & Soota East eonrof Cbuut aad TLl;d suoeu, f r -' aeea mj. -7 R. iHraer.. Esq. It aaa beta re-, r repair ed and painted. Bat Ujo a rear. r.i'tto J- ' rJJl aweUbf f oo.tarwatt. b k Ida famrsg aloS Kea Uimad Cotto. rr-r,m a ; .. ."T iWJYsH a.);1. tr ta r ti 1 aid ft tua fur tha ltrnesUne ba ..Tha Orehaatt North "u ".'" suitaoj ior Boaung iimher, teta tha rlror, Htaated tea mllM abort tha eroai.ng of th Sareaiuh. AJ aany and Gulf Kail Boad forty vile from Dane, aad eev teaient for tha Brans wkk market, beg est a to tire roi Barheaj far either ahipnlag at mill tSnert wfco th tert best of water carriage, there kva plao ta tha low at UU tOrt o many inducements to f orchiaera. The, laad eaa h parabaas at a low trie, half eash aad th balance in twelve Booth, ViU fcdiepaub'..' y-. further particular applj to A. d. BtlTSL Asgutioth, IBM-- ' DESK ro OAUB. . , . 1 LABRE COUNTING BOO a DESK, for eel bt IX. Oct 4. - . . t T. C.A 4.-W0BTtt. nm rest nioR tea October. Jrl ONB rHALL DWELLIXUON BSCOND, Jl'ST bo fl low Cbnrch atreet. Apply to w r --.. w imiin.ii. MISCELLANEOUS. J'iti ROTAL IIAVAKA UrrnCRT. aBll NEXT ORDINARY DRAWlNtl OF TTfTB ROYAL , Haahs Lottery, conducted kythtNaaakkUoreraaieBt, andsr the supertlnlon of th Captain General of Ube. wtU Uke Blase at HAVANA, ea ' 1 SATURDAY, Kotptr UK, Its. ' i uti.ooo. ;' - . ' BORTEO NUMtnO 107 ORD1NAR10., . t'AriTAi. rruzBaou,ouoj vr . 1 Prise of 1100,000 1 " 60,K)0 1 " ,u..... ,10,000 I " ..... 16.000 Jrtaeaof. -..13.000 JO . 1,000 I 100 13 M 400 1 " 10,000 u,ouv iv apnroxrnisiioaa... a.auv Four Approxlmatiotts to th lloo.wA af anno aaohs 1 nf 10 ipproxfmatloaa... 1,800 liOOUl.,6,0001 4ofl400tet30,D00i 4 of 4W0 to lii,000i 4ofll00tolW,0aOv i x 1 " . " yi , Whole Ttokete W 1 Halve IO Uaarteta 9. Frlses canned at sight at I per sent AaaauftU li Bills oa all solvent Hank takel al par. . 1 A drawing will b forwarded aa sous a tha result hasnnwa kaowa. t, ) . ,t - - or Alt orders for Rcheme or Ticket (0 b addresaed U 'DOM R011IUUUE2,earf ofCity FuatL Cuivfm, C" .I.I..V,.. II IblAU ' .. . I. ........ I v.iii if, iwi;'. ' WJtllri-lt , tiiuHEUin; ABU rftOYiltoaj, i 1 ' At ' . J - trateB arsit BBVKKTITXV ' 1 " if ' ' -. ,. 1, e i MViB BMITIi, J,t t tf rnin becknuy wtmium a nif tori, oa 1 Ui i4 kt cmA arm, a uppl of good la the above baa. aad will Lava tb major Dart of theut rAJ t,w Itloa aud sale pa lt tMtotr mMt, k thai aonatedloaw ware- pouse, No. GRANITE BOW, Front street, eevly orpyslt n via nou or sissCTa. reiiey lisrr. 1 snail oaf theai to th public, generally, for a small adrane ,, oClor eash, or oh th usaal tlin to, dealers, for spprpved notes, payable ta Bank. I hare made arranrenksui fnrnromn adilitletial supplies of all articl ia ayjtM, thd Inmi may Uiillcst. ' . 1 would raspaotnilt lolftl B4limeni' f IWblidua from my friends la the eonntrr. Grlaw muiiim wik. aeveral steamboat aad railroad floe leading to this pleeei and also consignment of mercbalVlJ from an friecU la MeW York and elsewhere, ' tt-, t ir Ptoaer attenttoq wilt be givaa M receiving sad ferwardlag Mercfisndisa for ant person that may deeirs B. , , ... A Wllmlngtoa, W.tf.Bept. M, 184S. ' ' ' V! " V'" 1 BEW CROC ERT. OI.ITBB III 1ST. , , , Wit I I AM A, 1 fiMlE 0NDEU81QNED rTlTINfi TaVk.N Til WIUJKW. B HTAND X fermarlr oocupted by Ma. (saw, li. Ei'itey,' for the "wtur p. of esrVyltur on the 11 , . . . nilULLnALX Aall MKT AIL QROCKRY BUHJNXfUl beg leave to Inform the citixens of WlUeriogto and svarrooa ding country, that they are Mw reoeirtog a Urge and well selected rtoek, nonalating la part pf , . , 1 1 , 1 l uio, LaguayTa, jara, ana hl Domingo Cone 1 , , A., B.t 0., and other grade of Bogar t ' 1 " a no. 1 article or block, or crashed rngar A Ine assortment af Black aad flfseai Tea I ' ' ; 1 ' ' Beat artk la of Uaahin Battet, by the tteg, ht Y keg, tod at r retell &(' '.-. . 1 , t,., , .?' Lard, Halwon, Pork, Bacon and Cheese t ' ,! Fulton market Beef by the half aod who la barrel ; Ifo. I Maclsral j New Orleans Syrup, a prim article j Caha Moiaasea Clte's Fate, No. h ami Toilet Boa pa j v-iuv ., vK.r viBvune 11 j ta oarnii aa Dext I ,,l.l,.'. 11. T,'. Z.J I J'. . 1 . . , MsU!,Hier,riow-Unea. Bed Cerdai Wel and Water piAckets J Whole and Ground Popper, Bploe, Nutatars, -4n. affloa d Mace; Broom and Wrapping Paper; Boler Carbons. and Washing Boda, in hair bUs. and 00 Jb. boxes: M'ikiarlsod Yeast Powders)' Uaip OU, Bweet'Otf, and Pickle ; 1 lour, In bbl., bag, aa! at rsta.ll f Rio. Cond ed Uy, an exoeilent artn-le for making Beat potash; Uyerpool hod Table Bait ; alaraiua, la haX bob. and box es tirtnl BuaHi; Crank hnd Futures ; od many oiler arti cit tow aunwroa to avenUoo, . ' T' TT. , plateod heaping oa hand McrVAmf In tttg Gnviry Inc. exempt llauor. aad wa tataad in ( tham Ithar Iti', exempt Han 'WpnlMA LIS OR It f TAIL, AS W WAS AMY (W Kk ilOVb'JC iNJlfg msTAM article! nil Vy that rail to be aa good a recommended, will be txchnM, that all to be aa good a recommended, will be txchsnM wismbinm.' euiaeweia mmnn,maiA sriM 'I'ikm. nm. trcrn Dcnnim wkii PA Y ihjau pti v iruriD niim avu? vvn, win receive aur oromnt n.lnn ,! 1 . 'We Weald sir te those Who hare tn ah& and so tlWi'Jr patronlised Mr. Ceo. 11. KeUey, and Geo. H. Ealley A Bro thel eaataj add aadssiweeeiftrlly atrtlcK ieoaHiiBance of their trad 1 hooimr that b aA Aau&ir. artes aaant. tioa to busiae as, to BierJt lW patroaage. , ' v ! l All the Wb v. t, waili W ant thing la onr W, wfll phasaagitaAja'seafl,' 'i ,r ,;" . Alt . eods forwarded tibureare will nraln One nrsnnsJ aaloa.i,, , , . . - , , AJtLLAY A WILWON. ypieni6er7. im: r - ,r-'r:" 10-lyA-lyJ Cata rlltWri Pi JEJi AWGUIRE OF US WHERB TO " XJ get ktieif wU bes put ia good order. Go to M Market street, to I ALEXANDER, he has the best Watch Makr ia 1UL.JW State " . : f; . )c,L 14, ft I'll M... ... ,., ,, ,- WATCH CLAISES TTI OR IS CENTS, at A., Oct. 14, t.ra. A JESH LQT-no'lBdleg.;Fera5 htiVeof f U 1 It l JIV t. ill,-". rvUR ASSORTMENT IS NOW COMPLETE, aid embrtee F every style ahtee aad a ualHy extaaK Gentlemen wanne , ttirtoflnd the article to salt them. Attna Hat and Oa a Emporium 34 Market Street. -i Oct 14th. ,' .A 'rr i. ctiA& p. M-EtA ' - 1 'jrmtRCT bRO.affWA. 1 ' i u ,? SIAT T0CKET BDKTL BELLI F(t tkirthv'f OUR HOUSES (eirkuio 111) powessa ,Poeke Hdkfe. by the ease, and can afford to k1I Id to 3f oer eat. ir than other konsea, wboe parcbe ere limited to a few piaoea,, Fef GenUeyea'aaitiolesreallal . 'i' i" If it. pty etc 'ligttore. 1 ilMlll ; 4- inn coujaams 1 v u' IUU U Bale Gpwy 0oth h 4 N. C If 1 rtp Saa 1 mi ' L fit , V 5 , 1 T I ft , F(f ii'' .c fl atin.hni.Tai At . f .,- nr. w A If, i ... V. , ' ' 4 . . limit. BARREL3. (vsrions brands.) 7ot ssle bt Sept. i." J. ik hL. HAULAWAY A CO. 150 isrKot aa um ar. boonal North hy Muk Meloa Creek, oa the Hoth by rW j , twlu being protected a Ihrea aids, rnxk 11 . t. . iirr KP .. v... im wiwu Dom, m wacAsevaau bdis.: Candy, Irish FoUtoe, Onions, and Codfish t .. ; t Bperm aad Adamantine Candles, tn 'IT, 90,M, k 9 ft. koxes; Mackia whole aad hair boxes 1 VkriMa W4. , f ir. - " ' ' ' " 'I