J 1. "a a- ' w 3 I t VOL 8. NO. 51. WILMIXGTOX, N. 0., THURSDAY EVENING, NOraiTER.i.lSSa. tool:: :rur-t T fTLTCM A PRICK, PROPRIETOR, JA. FULTON, E4iwr A. L. PRICE, Asert FJSar. Fapar, ft!-, mvamvUy at adranc s o Waeh'y - - " " . , M AM tetter m hnaiMas oaucctej auk Uua ec, mast U Bin s te ta proprn-t. ( RATES CF ADVERTISING. lur q-An. ' Om dy Jj Twad-v rri Nvlin 61A Fira esra Ti Owawaek 874 Twa waaks 1 17 j Om atoatk 1 oo Twa natha. I M TbrM BoatA. ..... I 0t Ri ntocxka oe OwrMr... IS M sicttx. Om dST Tw day Three da r. Fear dart FtM dar..- OMtlik Tw week ...... I 59 TI I I 11 I W 1 Ti 1 Ti A t ...... Tt M to i m Om aoata... Tv aoaths. , ThrM BOBth Six month . . , Om year Tan baa art eouated at ft Hn, ui lr Bum or In a UCJ Mr. Lmm idnftawma la amortioa. tnd ail MrabU w advance. Wm tol paid la advanc to etat per nwi wiu m curfM anet u irt utaeuio. -AM aelf-qtiuet nut paid for advaae mi) bt charj t4aqtBr. AT Avrtietnentt huerted m Special or Bishop Nuttee mrw uaii hthi tor uaa a dote; Taiea eig ni lite (,ladd) or in counted aa a aqoart. AaTAdrerUaenien. Inserted Trr ather day art charged 374 mbb Mr Manrt for each ksawruoa after tha Irst BrNt publication mad withoat a resporanbl urn. BUSINESS AM) PROFESSIONAI. CARDS T. M. SMITH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, WlLleTOM, M. f. Will iHt praonaTanJ p rennet attentfoa to tka aala atid blpaiairt ar Cottoa, Naval Storca, and aS other toontrjpro tfnea. OffiM Ha. IT, (ap atairm,) Korta Water N., inmediatrlr Mr M. MolBata'. Oct. Hat, lUd. :1t-8 H. T. A. a BOHXITEDT, TCNEB AND AGENT FOB CHICKERIXQ-S F1AH0S, ( waica ha m aivan aoma oa kaad. pHapt. T. , lH Jia L T. Axdi41. W. H. BrmcoiT. AUD'ERHAJt da BETTENCOl BT. GBOCFJa AND DSALER9 IX GENERAL MERCHAN DIZE, . No. 34 Nuan Waria Kthmt, Wept, id 18M. " IIKBTRT P. Rl ttELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, UT Em Bar. (Ur Sti.) CHARLESTON, K. C. MarcMTtk, ISM. 161tf k T. II. HrKOT dk CO.. ftOCEBS AND COMMISSION MEBCHAXTS, 8HU VT Water atrt, WiuiiiioroH, N. C A Of. 13d, - J9T H. B. KILKHa, "tTTtJOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MEB JV CHANT, aad DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, corner Water and Market ttreeta, Witainctoo, N. C. Aprtlld, IH&8. . . TUOMAI W. BROWR, JIU, AtTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER Of THE UNITED STATES IN AND FOR TUB DISTRICT Of NORTH CAROLINA. Wtlmiaytoa, JaM 14th, Him. , 247-tf aTOtilT. ALEX. OLIAH. TOICLBT dk OLDHAH, GBOCEB8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DIALERS IN CORN, OATH, PEAS, AO. .; iv Wanwatw, K. C. . ..... . , IUriaiNci. Cl. Jomi McRai, Praaldeat of the Bank of Wnmlnrton. O. 3. Pamlbt, Eq., Preaident of the Commercial Bank. , , , I,.,.,.,,., . ff. HUM, ft. . n. u'ut. DRAKE dk MrUlV, (Hwvmmtn to Dr. A. 0. Br&lfry.) "1 1 rHOLESALK AND RETAIL DRUGUINTS, Northweat ff corner of Frost and Market 8U, Wilmlnrton, N. C, will keep constant! on hand a wall selected stock of Drnrs. Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Surgical Instrument, Trasses, Paint, Oils, Window Ulamt, Varnish, Old Brandies, Wines, Ac. Ac All of which will be furnish d on the diaal terms and at low prices. May Mth, 1838. W4-ly 1 DR. . A. MILLER, FRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wilmimstoh, N. 0. Oct. tOth, ldfiT M-tf D. A. LAJKOCT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 38 North Water street, - Oct. 11 81-tf - WamraroR, N. C. tDt. rom MW. AHMiKD J. PSRHOWrT, Jr., B. t. UtOWV. IHOWI dk UiRUMKT, Haw York, i DeROSSBT dk BROW Wilmington, !, Ul COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . .- s : CHIOS DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON. N. C , J. E, OAKELT, Propnetrcn, ' . . VauBOKKELEN k BRO., Agt. i LL tWD8 OF RATAL STORES purchased, manufc A tared aid sold Wharfaft and Storage faraiahed, and Oooptragt done at fair rates. Jaa 1st, lMTltl tf. . 4. M. rob in ton dt on ' WiLamoron, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dear torM m Hardware, CoJtery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agrfcal tarsi Implemeata, Ac. ff V Uv ww AXVAV( ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, war atar a itniirtun ucpt. to. 1854. 13 trj wamHOTOK, . c. ADAMS. BROTHER dk CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WiLmwaTOW, N. C. GKOROBW. DAVIS, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sonth Water Street, J WlLMIHOTON, N. C. f. I ATI A VAT. 1. 1. iathawat. ww. a. (tlst, . 4 J. L. HATHA WAV CXK, C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J r WlLMimTOM, N. C. v T. C. B. O. WORTH, (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WamwoTOH, N. C. March U, 186T , 166 -ly lAHM kMMMMOt, BOW ASA I AT AO B. ANDERSON A IAVAGK, 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CI WlLlltXOTON. s. c. brial ouh adraaces made on consignment. WILLARD A CURTIS. CIOMKIRON MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN. , No. 10 Bom Warn SraMTk, Ian. 13th. , " WiLwrraroM, N. C. W. H. TtRLIKOTOls, I EN ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VT WlLMIWOTOW N. C. ir to George Harris, Esq as, Esq., 1 rloh k Hliot, -175tf ) aieaws. uitterion WOmlngton, N. C. duly 39, 1856. H'Ji DIC KOSSKT BROWS, 1 ESERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IT WILMINGTON N. C. Van, 1st, 1867 3-if. 1ABM . SXITH, . . , MILW 0O8TW. JTAaVCBWITH ACO, (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office second story, corner J goath Water and Market street, Wilmington, N. C., . Where they ar prepared to atteid to all business in the Commissien Una. ' . Ail bosiness entmsted to them win be punctually attend ' , dto. , . t -t CHAS. D. BITERS,' SAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, 34 Market Street, ' .ma. Lsffhorn. and Palm Leaf HaoLiir.'sk. and Moleskin Hats, Cloth, Plash, and Silk Glazed Caps, by taa eawa or aoaea, natwiori wnoiesaie pneea. a .WALKER UK ARES, (Snccewwf to Walker Mares A Co.,) TTHOLESALS AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, , ,Yi ' ' - A Mauxt bi, WiLinnoToir, N. C. . i$a.ir-49 lMrkt street. ECHSESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDSL W. W. DltlL M. IX. 0 rrens professional reuvk-es to the crr- isrft ef Wilnuirtoa. Uc 11 d jut aeluw lloiiae' U 4cL Pnat Stivct. Jan A. . . 231 tf JlH A. I1KKH, ATTORXET AT LAW, A M t"M M IvIONER OF DEEDS FOa THE STATS OF SOL'Tii CAKlLINA. WlUllJUiTOXi, N. C. May Hat, Kid r.'-tf LEVI A. HART, i ati rait it i nit, f M Ht.m.1) MANt'FACTl'RER AND PEAI.ER IX C.CXS. PKTOLS, Hardware, Mtoeaa, Cppr, T aJ Sheet Irua War, aiau, T vtwauii Snila aad I utarea, t'ruat street, blu Holme' Hotel, WilanogUta N. C Aprd i, . 5 . t't I W. H. H. HHt k tn, tCOMMlKION MEHt JHASTH, mrMr iTiareaud Wat-r J atrrvta Wiliniulu, aaiaktuw.: H. R. Savaa, taotaer itauk Cape r ear, Wttai aKt.a. X. C. CoL J. .tii M Pi'l tWui Wilmiatia, d. ... 1. A. li CaiOiier Branch 8 k tape Frar. Salichwry, do, J. ti.- Lash, - - Mleat, d i. J. Eli Uregg, Preaideat af Bank Chera w, S. C 10117) ' WILSIIIittTUN AKULK'utkHKV SMI Hntl, Mat Uaa M.lh ai, ( kxirrU. MONL'MENTS. TOMBS, HEAD aud FOOT STONES, ri'KNlTlKET01'!VAc.1..f th BrT OL'ALiTV AMERICAN t ITALIAN MAlStLK. fufaUkd I.. urdrr CHEAP m cm ae rucared lr.a aay lautiauiMa ut thri ainu la u aoaauy. I employ aoa hut eipfiik-ed workntea. and iU spare o pama W please all who u favor nw with their patron age. r , VdTTerms CASH, anlea by special arrenutut. . W. U MILLIOAN. Wiiuingtoa, N. C, Sept. ISth. KW. V tf m YORK AX1) i'HlUDaritlA CAKUS, w. lit ci Hi ia iik. r ESERAL COMMISSION MtKt HANTS AND At; K.N J ror tb sale or A A YAL SlVKtJf AXD SOL'TUERS H0DIXM, lto Maidea Uue, Comer c Matet at., Nw yrk. w. cvti, raair rsaoj.iAC, July I, IK jij.tf " I.. . B. oviLMM. . rvrrsa, . i. t sataust. DOLLNER, IHil lKU K COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Naw YoHk. March 13d, IHiS. .,. v BABBOM G. WATaVN, kt 4 WATtt Mh.AUa. (COMMISSION MEISL'IUNTS, . ' . J M Hurling Slip Xt Vuts, rjwrial atWatioa paid to the m4 ot Xj iivy . 1 Ton. and Soutiierb Produce guratl. Uberial advance soaUa wa oouaiguiueou. , ' J.U) I, 4 t. Basts' y oocbbam, m. a. ata.11.. cocmiA. 4i HiaaKLL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nw. 31 North Wharves, and 63 North Witer Street, Vbiladbltbia faLiberial eauh advaocM aude oa consignment: July 30th, 1IU3 171 . MOLABKKS. Zf DIID8. ENGLISH ISLAND MOLASSES, very hand )J some, now landing. For sale by Oct 13. W1LXARD A CURTIS. TO BS rOUXU AT SB UAUALAwT MTHUM.T. (1 A ITERS worn to protect the ankle. Men's Weobn VT CU F FS-to protect the wrtot. UAU&rU'.Twfl rat-atihi.t - - . New style Woolen ud Merluo MUFFLERS.. Heavy SILK L'A DEiiSH lltTd, 3ti and 40 iacbe. HEAVY SILK DRAWERS. . , , Alexander's bent KIDH, white and all color. BLACK SILK GLoVKH. LINED KJDS, SUSPENDE1W, TIES, HCAUFS, fit, Ac at BALDWIN'S, Oct. 19. , 3t Market street. WK CALX THR ATTKITTIOM OF GENTLEMEN LN THK COUNTRY TO OUR NEW STYLE BUGGY TRUNK, manufactured expresalfto our order. - - We are confident that 'Us the most convtslettly arranged article and best adapted to the particular sue men' loutd, than any yon have tver Men. Call at -BALDWIN'S, Oct 14th 3M Market Street. sr NEW StYLKK. . Tt'ST RECEIVED RY EXPRESS, bilk Plush Cloth oth-knd J Silk glased Hat of neat and hanuaow patterns, ta which we in vita attention. Hat and Cap Emporium 34 Market Street, . . Oct. 14th. OHAa D. MYERS. ; , - - f 1 - ... THR LARGEST AXD BUST AStOHTMEIT. a OF SOFT FELT HATS IN THE STATE, cat now be found at the Hat A Cap Emporium. Ail the Oneet grades' art made txpresxly to our order, and wt guar antee tbem to be of superior make, style and finish; CHAt D. MYERS. Oct. 13th. at Market Street SlTIOOL Bl ITS, IOR BOYS AND YOUTHS. The largest assortment iu ; the State is af KAHJiWtlLttt A BltO.'S, , Oct 13. j - ' next door to Ex, Corner. FRESH UOODa KOH TUB h'ALt, AAD MIAlttit TiiADK. L. B IIUG(.I.S k 'SONS, DEALEUS IN GHOVKlilM, DHl' QVUb dtcn Ac. Corner Markot and becoad Mr rets, . W lLMINUTON N. C, RESPECTFULLY IXFt)IlM THEItt OLD CUSTOMEttl and the public generally, that they are no receiving ttieir r ALL AND lNlr.K STUCK OK G.tD. cuUMat itigof UKOCEltlES, UA1WWAHK, HOLLOW WARE WILLOW WAKE, lUir GOODS, bOO IH 4 MIO, 4r., itc, which will be sold at the lowest prices for CasH. Oc tober Uth, l". PUKK AU U.VCOS. f 25 BBLS. CITY Mr- PKKs IU hhda. Bacon Sides. Lauding anl for sain by , Oct Pith ZKXO H. t.KtrJiE. WATCHRS, JKH KLIit, t IAKK A.M HH.Vb.ki. VVAItB. i O TO 1. ALEXANDER'S, where you will find a good J assortment of Watches, Jewelry, C'liKkn, Gold U'.-hi vr eipeolaolaa, Gold aud dilvarV upi Ac. but u.ii toll ta.c A stock ; you will find everytumg oii ak lor io his line. He does not buy on time, ) 6, it or 1'i nmn lm. but he bii) tvary article for Cah, aud this euaides bun to sell vt-rj cheap. Those who have bought vf him lor the ltt lour years will tell you the earae. bvcry Watob, gold or aiir, will be warranted lor two yews, wi bout, expense, if not broken by force, spoiled Watches repaired anil warranted to kep good time for one esr. Beet WatcbUi at 15 cent. loci. li. LADIES' fasTs. A FULL supply of Silk and Merino Vests for ladies, at KAUN WEILKrl A BKO.'b,' Oct 19. uext dior to Kr. ors.er. t'MDKR HlllltTS A5ID DltAVVh.K, TO 34 INCHES. Among tha assortment afej $ilk, ritJZ Carihtuert. Shaker, aloni. dec. ' ; Also, Bleached aud Unbleached Jean Drawers, Canton Flannel ditto. AU selling t low figures, at Kept M. BALDWIN'S. FANCY MARSKIU.E Slllttr UOiO'Is, ! HAVE GONE OUT OF FASHION. We hav a few which we will be glad to sell at cost aud lens. --" r The white figured tlie neat designs ,DI Marseilles Wiirt JSo.wn, all wnite, are quite the thing,'aud the newjot of Pari stylet Will bt open in t few d.yt Bt l''n"J i: , .-;. -.,.K'.i BALDWIN a. 5; N. B We kII Oenti wear axlzsivebj. We keep ao Ladie' wear. ; Oct. 4. ,-i ' - ' -': f M . HOW OpEX.-.CttBRKL.LAs' KOIt A 1. 1.' . 4gX. . ALL BIZS FROM 24 TO 3d LN CUES. The aaaV finest asaortment of American and Scotch Gingham v UMBRELLAS in the State can now b butt af the II AT 4 CAP EMPORIUM. The (rtyle and make of Um brella told by ns, are well known la this commnnlty r tn4 for trelt)e year our hnoM hi enjoyed the reputation of sell ing Oie best and the moot UiubrsiavCaad at tower ynces tha anr other estabiwhmen. Peisons Wsnting good, sab44ii tial article, can find the eery thing at 34 Market street. - Oct ji t " - . caAH. d. m tute! , rYOU WANT CLOTHING FOB MEM OR BOYS,go to Oct 8. BALDWaU METICINAL B ULTIMO UK UKK lllPITAU IHM.Tti3 J0KXOX. THI T xjiJt ef that CeieNte4 lar-tn at kiaj 4.ga lh " Ctrl Niet.lv, aad e!r &uai reiueJv. 11 Ua wvrUi lor t l.iru. MimaiM, . oaJ wattAnrwt. I'aaa at XL Utat. j CottRitlnSiuual lability. loipoUi"', lrij Imh a 1 aad Lib A5e ti.'tief Uj Kal , Mptufc 4. the Heart. Irpia, Nereeu lrrhilit.r, Dwm rt w iirad. i TiiruaA. h a at f-kia ; aaJ a-1 tkuM rkM aad aat.an MT Ma j iiwrr ariauig fro all Um leircuv aaaato 1 ariroj Uot Mi,r anJ a.J. iiHsta urttiihiii tary pr -ti-n, nor fi! te then1 vx-tiua thaa the anng nfthe Svttb 1 the Marm-r llraaM. V!tghg then knUaat k'pet uf nUclatioBa. randan aumaga, Aa., awpoaaibU. taaag (wfiitT. a ho have Woxm U victim U Solitary Vie, thai dreadful and drttrax-tiv hMt, whk h snoHy saeetia t aa wiitimelr grave th ef yowng aae af the atoat 4talM lair aivl anUiaal katatWet. wm B'gM asaatww av eatraaeed Laseaaw Scn with tha Ihaader f ela ar waked! vt-y U bviMg lyra, ay call with aU Matidear. Marr4Te Brrd IVwim. ar.Tutttig MeaeanAeanwIatiag marriage fceisu; art 1? Phraical AVmsjae. OrgMie lhiliy, U4r ttin.m. Ac .tkaald uuatedbtlei auawtit Iw . J ,4 V raatot rd prf-vl health. s He a aa pUce himself ea.Wr the card of Dr. JoW Bmy relitrtattsiv ea0d ta hi hoaoe aa a gatlma, aad Mfr deatiy rely pva hi skill a a phyeciaa. : Ontaalc WakM immediately cared, aad full vigw rentored. , ThBdwe i lb peaalty moat frejtteotly psidlythoat wh have Sac one the victiiu af lei proper bHl'ilffarea.. Tewatf penuM ara to apt W eeaaantetTaiwea from eat Ba in aware uf Ui dreadful SotiaaquaurM Ul Bay au. Now , who that aaoerataada iMMtbact wilt pretead W aeay that the power of rWraatioa w Ut aoooar by that raihiig Into Iraproiier habit lhaa by the prudent, thaxlee helug deprved the leamire of healthy ..(TVprmg, the avn4 sertoa 1 dewtrucHi syvptKma to tnith body aad Biad rwj. The ayalB becomae dwraageA Ih phyaaeal bjm) BYeotal powers weakened, aervoM debility, d aprpn, pipitatoa of tha heart, iftdiKf tl.a, a waging of the rrnrne, ucugh, syrjtptoais of rooeiimi'tina. ete. Wrvwa Ikrwiill, Wealaea of the rteni. Nervma liability and BreBMtlaA decay generally aria from the letracllva habit of jour, hat ofiia.y practice so fatal to lb healthful ekurtrure ot mo. and H m the young who are nwl apt to beri.Be iu BUua, from aa (gooraoca of thedfrta which they aabjejct theaiMlve. Parent and UaardiaM are ofte nia ied with reepect ta tha cbum or aoart af due m tl.ea on and ward. 'Ala ! hoa ottea do they aacnb te othar rsuaei the waxtlng of the frtwe, Palpiutioa of tha Httart, D)eppia, IndlgeaiioB, drageeat of tha Nervou Hr tern, Cough sad Svaiptume of toouniUon, also, the se rioua meutal eltecla, aui h aa hat uf wemory. drpresaiua of pint, ar peculiar Hi ot BielaHi h .ly, wha tit tlie truth trtey Ave beea eued by tndutnnij? is nrrnlcinis (M li'ir mg praotinea, daatruvUve t h.iiii rt.lyi ,l M ud. .fhiK are awept liom sau.a' iHo .wis aiitt aiil.t live liwn ol nw ta Uk-m uB'j , j. ;irc ti. t(.iir tiH'B.htttiid v1 aicuta to soviet . . , r ' . tirrtet X. T ntti Fm-oan-n St.. left satml diie'go ag fm lt!iuiH.f airaet, I 4.rt totfe) tn txwhar i , "'.. aW Be'bartieuiar in tfcarf ig tac yiio i aiaaVit, "' you wdl wiaiake tile ilue. W Take notice, oW'rve the uam on tDe dour ant Via down. 4 0r fcwrwaietf. or a) CbiStm tn frvtn vnf lire aniya. 1 -. , SO MERCURY Oil N ACSF.OUH DRUGS lIHEIX . f , Oil. JOHaaoM, Member of the Royal College of Surgeon. LoruloB flrsd ate frma ese f the ma eminent Coilefe of the I'slie.t St stea. sd tan gnrater part of.watM Irfe hM beaw spaat la the flrst Hixpiui of Loudon. Par,), k'tiiladelphia, aad where, baa tfiectad om of tu Mioat astonishing ure that were aver known, tnany troubled with ringing ia the Acad and ear whea asleep, great nervouanes, being alarmed tt au44B soania, and bahfalnas, with Aeqweirt Waahing, at- Moae.i eoiaeurae wiia aaracgeassi eg wu, wort tared hnme UMi: ' A t'ertala) tHaaa,'' ttiWTHMmtacir ana rrrnn um m rrmrnrrTrn am . ltd bt bat imbibed tha see of this painful diss a, A too art faappeot mat aa ill urned teftat af tdanw, vr tra r Uirovry, detart bun iron applying 10 uiom who, from el scation and respectability, can aloha befriend hint, delaying itu ina eonstituuonai symptoms or tins nnrriti ''. malt their apprsranee, sack as ulcerated tor tUoat, wlasaaed bom, nflctnrtat pain, ia tht head and liasba, dimaes af sight, deafness, node! on tht thin bonet and arms, blotches oa the hesd, fsct and extremities, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till as last the palate or tb woiiti. ot tha boiic af tha no fall In, and Um rletlra af till awful diaeasa ba ton a horrid abject of ooAimiMrlioa, tilt death puta a period to bit dreadful suflerUigs by tsudinj him to "thst bourne from whcBoa bo traveler returns." Tt such, there-1 for, Dr. Johnson pledget himself to prenervt the ntit ia 1 Ttolablt tecresy, aad from hi extensive pea Mm ta ta Irst hospitals la kurup and America, at taa eonSdeatly tnm , mend n saf aad speedy rt to tat aatortaMtg. Tictlm af this horrid disease. j . ' r ,. . . 1 It la a melancholy fact, that thousands (all victims to thi dreadful disease, owing to the unakilllulnea ef tgnnrtnl pro tetidert, who, by tht us of that tVestUul poison, mercury, ruin tht constitution, and tvtn send tht unfortunate; suffer tr to an untimely gravt, or tUt make tht rttidut of lit lift miserable. ' Take Partlrular Nolli . Dr. i. ad dr esse all taoM who have injured themseWts try' private and Improper indulgences. ' , Tbest art soma of tht sad and melancholy tffhett 1)ro ducad by tarly habits of youth, via t Weakness af the Back nd Units, Pio in tha mad, Dimnes of bight, Los' af Muscular Power, Plplttlon of the Heart, Dytpepil, Ner vou Irritability, Derangement of the IMgestive Functions, General Debility, Symptom of Consumption. Ao. Mrhtallt The fearful effect npo. the miud ars much to be dreaded 1 Loss of Memory, CMnfusloB of Ideas, impres sion of Spirit, Evil Forebodings, Avsrswin of Society. Self Distrust, Lovt of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., art tout of the evils produced. .1 Thousands of persons, of all ages, cut now judge what i the eaoM uf their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pal tnd emaciated, have a singular appear euce about the 1 eyes, cough and symptoms of eonauiuotioii Dr. Johnson m In-jorUftg H airuy htr trg nk Weakness. By this great and Important remedy, weakness of the ur giins art speedily oared, and fall rigor matured. 1 boutauds of the must nervous and debilitated, who liul lost all hope, have been relieved. All Imttedloienfs to Marriage, l'hyical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irnubility, ireinoiiug and VVeaknrss, or exhaustion of the must fearful kind, speed ily cored by Dr. Jolius.m. -' ' ' ' 1 , laasg (rteti. Who have itjuard thernselve by s ceruiu practiue, ii dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned ftofn evil com(iauiiais. or at school the elfwts of which r nvkii? felt, even when aahtcp, and if not cured, rv iei m,nr.j impoei)ibie,ud deauoys both m.iid and b'Hiy, UimM i''' inimvdistely.., , ,,,,..':,,..',..', w hat a pity tut a young mn, the H.f 01 u a mnalr and the darling tf hin uaients. shouLl b BU ! 'I fr.jia si", prawptctK and eejoviriente ol hie, by Mi" (;oitoiieii;t- ,t deviodiig frmii ii path of uaiuru, smi in a t tu secret b.ibll. ? ich persons, b for- C'fS'emnljuijf ' shoulii n-fiect 1i1.1t t sound wind and body ar tl.o m.at w ntvuki f reqaisiliea to proiuote coiintitiiai happim-w. Imiw o. without theHt, lb joqroej tliri.uh lile Ijeionim a .i jiv pilgrimage, the pronpei.tti.Hir i .larseu to th ii;vii fc miod become. lilwe i uu X.-pir' U iiinij Wiu in melancholy reflection, that the uappuies's vf aUolbtr. I comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 1 SOUTH FRfcDKRlC liallimor ML All Sihoical Ousations PKaronano. ' ' , N. ft Let lo false delicacy prevent yon, bat tppli im mediately tither personalty or by hjter. . .. tt im biniAKif irxeoat craxo. , , ' ,' T t'rangi ra. ' 1 ! Tbe many thousand cured t this InMftniioa wltiitu the last twelve years, and tbe numerous Important surgical Opt eratians performed by Dr. JOUXSON, witnessed by the rev porter of oar daily paper and many other person notice ot wnicn mvt again ana again ppara ooior toe puDiic ia a aufficieut guarantee, that the afflicted wi I flud s -k It ful tnd boBornbut pbyician. ' ; ' ' ' " ' ' ' :. Ta,e .D'rtle...:. , u ;.", S B. ' Tber art so many worthless Uuacks dvertiibK theiiiMelve sa Physiciaiif, ru.uiug the health of the already amicu-a, wist ur. Jobiuou deems 11 uecessary to say, espe cially to those otiactfnainted with hi reputation, that Oi creaentiais or diploma always bang in lua arca, , I TAKE NOTICEv All latter must bt poet-paid, and con tain n postage stamp for tha reply, or no answer will bt em. '' v ' MayWth. 1858 v .a . 215 ly "D. 1 .llini ' .. J!"!..1 .. Lt - - WOOD AftU WA1.MW VA AhtE. '.. .. LtEDAR TUBS, Painted do. J Bras bound Cedar Psils, Painted do., Flour BackeUf in Aests, Nest Atetsores, Iron bound, Half-Bushels, Brooms, varioo qualities and 6 rices, White Wash, Scrab and Shoe Bru.-he. Vsmier , larket, Clothesj'Fancy and other' Ba lets, Wn-Bor't, Wire Seive, Wocd Box, Telegraph , man-and, Wax Matches, Mauilla And Cotton Beu Caf dj, Piow and, Clothes Lines, Cocoanat Dippers, Ac, For ssl by ' ' ' Oct It. L B." HUQrtlNS k tONS.' 1' PORK. I V V BiRPrrO rW.rl.., hrsnrt ! sat h 1 OU Bept. P il, ki. 1 HATHAWAY AY FOR S.VLE AND TO LET. BXUI REIT. Ts s b- tta. laaf aha Room m rraat l. HUUi HiWf'Jti r.Jja & IU, ta rast fvB 'eerlt K . asr.1 OcWbe U lv fVt. fcHh. K 4T w CLAP.-t TIKTlTtN OIE IKUItU MACItHK. 105 SALE CHEAP to tluM a a.trt. J. M. Kt.)Bl!OS k SOX. DO. J. - ' IlankJMpy. ' 41 VR REIT. THE WHARF ON DOCK STREET, kt froat ef Mr. B. starter's store. ALK The kaosu ahava Lb sffi. aa af Meaar. Holme aad Ebum. ron S4IJR. ' TRR HOUSS AD LOT TVhrd Htrwt fretlg tr TB Uaii, aad adjouuag J. M. Kui4 m Us KaaL . TSON U viucHT. Oct J. . ,$ u 1 t r-KH t;T. OKllA.k.D M. R. tRlU . Milt !:. . FCIVI SlOXt MOKMtGVft BNTSf Vf. k M'l. R , II fh. B'area at T iwr t, paW aau d M X. V.. (Nt M trek sad lt Mv ) ' Also, I INvtiME BMi, ll.iott aek, at wm bod ntereat t I per cent., p)ablt ia Charleston la evpUn.Ut afedlstMart a. Apply to W. H. McRAkY A CU Sept la, INM. ' r"rR NRWT.' ' FOR I YKt. FROM fT OCTOHFR NVXT 'TllV MOZART HALL, Apply t 1. a. umr. Sept. 13th, ;w , . hV rWM Rata I'. 4 FROM I9T4VF OCTOkwat KK1T, A rj dwellm hoaat, pUasaulli sitaalad s tHW. Apply at TI lxi YEMiFjrr r th rantra el TUI.-s FFK'E. rVfi. n. . BtMl,(k9 a, I t itm THkki Hm aai.at. U. WtTKtOJt XEJt&KMIALL " PM)PMlMtiIS or THE WVU t:ft X MTUK kl aad Gardsu wear Urteoaaam.' U. O.. would rr peetfulli ttllthaaiteiitioaof taatit.MUaof thaeWait era Put- m thsir vsry extensive t.mk f Mtrv aad erU mated Frntt Trenfor tbt t-a.ll tad Winter Trad both vault tale sd retell.' .. . . 1 This tarn and haraeoai aerfwuat hat bM erapagattd frtiai thi tftv laavUiV trsaa aad Wdrkarf aauatka hast aesd .a. stocks, wbk k t 1 ur guarantM f fiuitf"! ssd aue IV tw l.romineni cnararterlstir wh'ch bti'4 ' M e.yerUd by Mrsans wishing to plant Orchr4 either fi aaarkrtiagfl Bmrily av Ta awick ta of tat inn vmm:. r : , .lia IjO.WO n I TREKS. I , PEtCH ' ' .in.txw pF4H ' 11 W PI I'M TKEFJi, 9,orl Mt CTARIXr. ' !" AI.MOS1 '; ' M.tati HKKhY " ' iv x APRicirr i 4.000 CJlAi VINI, . Aesulfs a wry (im aorinia: at t uirssta, strawberries, WsspWrr e, O.xiselM-rrles, etc., a'l of which will at told i. ver reMnrhl bibb fnreaah, ar Mpon sh irt ttot to poor tual rMtavaris, who i na raqowwd to f aot the iteltstry m rtospUoa af thttrtM V tha plaet dignvd in the order. the) wil. b pharged with lattraet from th dU fberavf, All ptvkige put p ta UMrlor ttt U and s eemplftt rnrnbw sent to each patron tnd so fringed that tb iaevlte will be ih regular af tha Orchard i ter U. traea ar lri4ntd, If thty ar hiairtad kt awertion a cacn tiua ppear oa tn bsv ' Arflnlrri reiwlvaj and fnrWsedad Wllmihgtou, N.d ' , Kept 1. " ' t By B. W. Kobsrt. ' 'Wtlltr' j OPKICKS AND WHARF TO REST ; ' FROM OCTOBER FIRST,, Tat wharf on LVh street, tn front of Mr. B, Batttr't Stura. Alto, tht rota or fhV4 abort the oftV of J. L. Molmet and A. Barpla, and fronting vb Bank of Cant ft ' ' 1st IU ,. ,. ..TUllaU-At- WNlUJaJ. " ' WlURf rOR RENT. T7I10M TTTS hrwr DAT OF OCTOBKn CRXT Xhi A.' wtur oatM4rMf ar Mark and Watt; ttrMU, at wraaegi om'HNM BJ uto we A4rl. ff kwyaa. ap wur filmlngton, X. C, Sept U,W. 1 . roil ALB OR REST, i . i i 1 THE HOl'SK AND LOT KaUWV , AA THI JO ph 1 ill Honat, an Sixth ttt If Rot tld, II wil, 1 rented out for oh tear from Ih lint of Oatohat be 1 Loext ror particular, apply at thi eflloe, or to f Mpt.l.if 11 . ..... . .1 . w. 8. BID BURY Jl 'hfoWlri OCTOfcRXT', TWO BT0ru.Maef It .1 .n t)emai's Hum. Apply to ' 1 , Stp.f-JiJt-tf.- 1 KLLIB k MTTCHTli., '' , , VALVABUB TOWI fROPRRTk rOHBAUC-L i , U)T NO. I OUock 100, latter B.) eligibly sitsated ta Fjt tattsldt ot Frnqt 'Street-!, til fist front by 174 feet deep, or) which It ft eamfortaM Dwtlilng bona, ; t HeaM.MaYraaAB' hoaae, Itaoko-liowaa Wo4hoav Stable' and other Mry oebuUdknggood, MgttaAlt and lower garden on ,tha premises, (tis latter highly l proved. Tht owner of Oil property, 4 dor resident of tji htat, 1a deslroat df disposing of hn lirierttt In Wlliuhigtuu, and will ttlr the proparty rtlerred to on resaonabft term. ror farthar prtielan a k the abwe property, applic tion may be mad to ti. M. WEbT,, AutUmiasr. May IH, N' llu-tf KlkR RB.a T ritlfSI 1st IrCTOBRlt. ' jet ONE cMALI. DWELL fNU OH B tjlit tuw thuich straat,' Atplv to L Npt.27 -lNtf .aTtEWAT .-!.-. . . -I... t 'll ' ONE kMAU. DWELL fNU OH RE OND JUST b A'pRITt Hkl'T. DKR WWW StALK. LAlBiE COUNTikO DOOM Dr.SlC for sa t hy Oct. 4 . , ! .; v T. W. A a '. Wouilt - 'I MtcT liLUK Kri.i CR A-MIIITMKN r IS X'W COMPI.EI'E and . mblate. wry etyitaluoe and QUiiliLi extanu i-eUi e.sinum.. tail Wi Bud the article to suit them. At .ie lli aud t. Emporium :i4 Marker HUeet I Out ,14th. ' 1 B " k I HA. D tttM;4j -Wt'fVf VI f.' t't - ,l.l.V CLOTH UUI-L., iiuvcoiih lt'.pK; . ; f ; ( p . t iVf 11 UsiMtinittiy Cloth;' ' W - hi, O. Hlieetttg j ii , 10 " ,. " 0ili.g 1 y'tn- ai'S by ?(.. 1 .Hi, ls,.it. , .. . .'1. C. K t, tn' . ' . .11 tf:iA'. M a-.- ; ' 101 (IfilM. BIlKiHf t h-iMO tMiLU. H,- ,. i ( 1 ( ," , .,,.tdei X ow 01 (eJIVr !.('' ft t,i!;.i, .o.d Ijii b. ph, . . ' 7. ft fV)T t CO. lM,' l(l. HOOP lliOX. for by t 1 AND Ii i t i. I i IM.U ! W 11, f. a( ,' Mi . f. I.V.. . . ' 11,91 flA.U llt.t 1 ;i ini.d P: ip 0.1 lih i. r .1 ra.e brW in v4 b 1: . k. t. rblln. 300 BAGS AhD 00 iiUU). r hepi 14. " u'u 1 nil.' dAi.k nui'a, Lt nl ni. . r ji -ii r. Btpt.A . , ''f-.lA..l",--eSf . A CAUL. ' - "1 HATING eded Dt. A. U. dte- ia Ma Li g t ueas, we awild tea lb preaeot oppyi luail H sa, iot w wiilCuU'iuue the ba.uies . 0 1 . , Ubh. IW. v " " ",' . ' Jt,', 1 ' atri.m.e . .i ! .. , w...... mP-.W'"-V ."' ' ; ''" Vi 4 01... t. iHMki a. :. : a sm OB 20slIaiNX. -. ; SMALL LOT Ob YELLOW COFFEE BUtJAR, i No. A I arucle, per Schr. hi Kidder, which 1 wiu ach at tott . . . ..... . ... .. .. . i- . It. sai 1 e. 1. ta eiawa. " - 1 Oo. L ; -i ! No. I GxAuita l o . ;'."... r ' Attilt tAROLl.A BACOA AM) L.tRD. . f $ I U k V LBS. H0U BJUND-leoaud bright; XlaV Vfv r.'XMJ lb, rrxrrus uamg; - ', .1 4 fibla. Lard. FornaHwjr-:'! r I rj, . 6t 2d, Lnm AMBObokiT, AtBUWB. , , - . Fou sai ;;, . , ,' t H.HD9. BACON, Just received a rep erlof nrticlt ) ; ; Mb bbht, WbBkey, oa Coasignaaot, ty ' . i ' r.i i . ..kept Wth lno.;, ' MaAUUSS A HOWELU FJTDR 3 TJtNTB, at X ocw it. E ALOAJvEiaU 1 WW . -w' at 1 rock tpniwo , Sl' hVVa..' . : X F 1 1. i i FtS i f .9 keear f. U. b -.;, t" 6 . ' Oyswe y tt Baaaart ta ttBait B3 w - ' Oct 11-30. tm wppij BW -Ji r. . 1 F0DNDR1ES. w at WILRIIOTOB BBABB AID ntoa ruglDBI. AJO M At lilt B SHOP, F1 R 0 TP t TR ETT, MOW Mlim'1 LlH0StSTl' IS 'i ISIS. MILL MT)AlA- A.VO M.40.7.VXMP af a.kaU, .., L t M fc 'wtl '"'Ml Md rejaired, t HI Bike t .-Her Patters trraiarW-.-X ' " fr '.". -teral, d yy y Urrfte kw M kvM i m J. J All w .rt rrme4 as rj.r,rB,! J, , . " aa-tNip.d I. tld fofLer, (t.4S sVtVett' 7AAJft'h t ieusery. ki Vi- ktllJM g ' wflmsat). 1 34. m "? St'JU A. I'Ot tt HAt I4t kt( '11I1K NUTOIUMMtBY TUHUlG Ar-H s- b.nJX' Lr " j. ill 1 Mi Ijitury, .n.fa.-te.j kvt v Nf4 evs'V.eVaairat. au4 16 Mt'Miiaiw .4 Lk I u'btia INMMs atT'l ska pi. at H 4 V .4 X J IA. oa. ..t--- HA Tl'kl'i Y, A.'rti'r i h. 1 aa.o oe. - 'I I'WTaM . aVkiT'i Srtsfc.,ai;,ioaWik?n i pb f it'sit.'i ntd.'nJi.mV--(i . l'li'iltt 'll i! sr' ' ' ...... tu,i jo Ai'itigs'it'-W" rHW Appratiaiatioiw to ih tlOH tS) af 4 f ta 44j,iss.i 444iWtVw.U4,4 S ti '( S I af 4tN) te tlu.UOW. ' f Wkate Ttrkeve v Mlt M Um Crises rtshad tugh 1 ie -en 4 ' i.eiJ r.U4i U ay.ivqt llayk t,l t,arJ, i?.,if J .1 I .tii g a.r- iit,t . . M,,aelsiiu;t-' vs ... r Attend ' tit lit ea t ticket tu t B'ttay et 'C'CKJi t.e of City -i, fh,i-... ialM itOilleii -itetolitv It , fW--W.4t T J-Aa sur-rMn i a. at at : C3 TuILffY k Ol D'lAM'srt m lati v LjfecMirUig tU JIA'T tiNUY Lk, m x ri imw rn u' M tJ.WiMIB .. I't'lj 0 ' b taa It A star .trset 1 kit Atuls aA ai.ibt aw Va, 4f J la whole brrt tad hsf baiyr sr ' lr 1 In ha.t soawiawg om biU . ;f , In bg tontMing ou tourib ; , ; la bsMauhilHg !.' ' ' 1 - '''' w -Ul Tby krep eet (y M k-w. Btl 11ll'.4 st.t. OMIT A AVAett, IIO MIS ) ( H I . 1 vm.v al wioiamaia SM 1 stair t.i i.j ;. OAl'jiatahaiesaayand fttejl: , .,, E.tlst Wholt Als tnd t air ,v ,U ynBvI 'yvtaif UA r nt wbi4Bsw said mad 1 O . Im.ui. t aM Marshall' FIMJt SALT, la Mst ... . Urtrpoolgraund ALUM iALt,Uiuki? North Catwiuu LOOM iiwmx4wW 4f V aSsaf 7 -r-imiyjri,.. h Vi t.RlB IM TOILKTU 1 A MH.1 OrytaalllM. Mad 4 WM rVap-, rl nil klndt fiotvlng Ciatn Phailn'i Javigattte, d HalrD.l Lyan't Eathartoa Barry TfieophesuB, poon Wood Hair He.torr. px Morrow, tvu'sl.ittat, Pblloeome, Pommads, MiiktfRcask Mahtj r tkuAa flow' Penwirrjct. Mard't Hatp Restorer, s, gtr, Hp.nlh Lily White, ftong. Toilet Vlo.g.r, ,1a. .ar till Pal Box. Colirra. Ma ATaa. Iu ui: i hn and VeibenlB Water, Lul a s Prfno)r., . .. ' k-rr ' Sliavlng, Tooth. Nail. Clothas. IUL TimA dkt M fitlA. i'.1" r,M '7. MufWo, Jodm hukbwrlaad ochaU iTMsing Comb, Bhail Tuck tomll prl ai qualities tod a large uuiLber of ai title too B imsnaVta uiruu ia. r or mm or J. B, wltUAilf Nov. 1. e-s-f PL.A BT ' Tinsi nruilia rr rimrr,.nAifis, linsetb, TYttMtMMiA JLV,C tena. MrtM Biripet, Marlbbrt' M. tptMt'i da, o.suksu Undsrshiru and Drtwtr, Ksntncky Jssns,, r.aa n HstiMU, sad Maolati Coat aad t-Mtlot For by lt u,t .,Ij i' f u l l.IL.Via.UX3. flov. 1. , - ii 1 kn 1., I. JUST HECEIVEO PER ADAMt JaCO.'B KII fcsR A T KLLErS NEW BOOK STORE, the follow ...g lu aAHUUSOM BoeAt r-t : i,.. , ,,. 1 yi !,,,- Longfllo't Poems; Mil tUtimb 1 EytngdiM Tatav 1 VL7li;;.rio,B l ,",4'IU aCptrgeon' Sermons, let, li.d, Id, 4th ano ilh ferMli , Prino of tht "oust of j tnd - -Homt Alttr. bV'Dr. Dstms ,-' ' -t 1 slisksparlai' lietdtr, by Mow? ;. -t ; a) w4 0 , ,j jfk'iws'- 3d pari AliiVtMUf I Jj.f, . ffmltb't Ot-.gr.ph, and Atlas ' ' 4 ' kofthttr-lnthe'sder, LiMidM;" ( X rvii m 1'rapsis 1'hilos.jphy 1 . . ' l o."the.,,fry , 1 ; X York Ufkdes, 1st lad an Mi-i tf , Vtwtetter t im.p.hosioa Dhtiooari ti m Srihiief' kead H.ekoi.i j mi.; 1 obbina' onuii.t . ; cllolsr im.'aii j" " llrosu s ir.iir ; kmna's O siitinar , oo.Mlch't pu; oratl tisur,.t,.i. rl ' I b. m on' ilish 1 iiIiimoi Kt ; (. l.oni l t.iaiai h) and AtU - ) -' Ga('i.h. t otheh's H'kbn holoto rspir tnd Auas out nh J l;"T IlKt TIVKD pr Wli CegTR. th. f!u . "liAt Fl mr In bx ad bees' ji Dl. ( liA aJ; , 1 .1 I WMtwr Ulibagen. S.For sate t.jit. Uf U.:JrJ 4 .. i lIKCMi l tr iiH iMtlf fva p ' 4 , (V, l!l CU I oIK-V! II iRrtwiU'ot; ajsf.bji f V i1 i ; t,d i"d V?.Arif nt ruisi ,i4( q.,jfor rri eu iipiiiy.u 2. lb' ,.. 1 .0 M4jt-iaA.i.tlt a Hjf - rr sivc.iiaiiHra.tis. tr,Wa.,A , u f n t, r , mix ,. ijt, ,Li. I ) J. J' t i it. " ' " K 1 . . , ...i tju.j-i . -j r-i t: ' vH M t'fcr'5-'' .,' t5i (i.. lli (ti i.i.'S Sir, - , rt, ttiy'A ' ,Ij V,. J'l, 'jOlftV it naVi .. k' Afrt AilrtJ t IT A. V W if f, t -i I , - ! Jf "fJ i .. 1.V'; ll .I..VIII.8U '.in j ' fi ".'"ri .jnwiJ n no ui 17 w Ji A J'J i e:,f b'irr.5!;ii,H 1t'aj J .t-,r. 'roi I (be v-.ifi ft Cjl.i .t. t. i r ' . M aw tfq 7 .: .1 ip , ' ) "J ' nt- 1 ir'vi t' vt ii hV 1 1 r ' U i 1.' I k t Vi t7 t' l i :?.ooo;:8, -tbJ , f ' Ji.UjV. f.Vjf- i f ilfr.i .1 iT SlT , i iaA H. f( I j ' M Lt C e !. t u? 1 A .r); ' h-h4 IM lift Ka"- t , "IB Bagn- W"' : cot. ii, a'.f'ffi-lltvStW .4aR 2'nAf-. BC8HtLTi5lmoWt1Ti.txi!r,U' V. UUU cargo Scar. .w huw u r si J Oct, lu. . ! ... .'"' V; fUfin '. WtU.At-U k VlriL:fc, LlttOKA I.It 'n ' ' ' )N0RTUb'fATi4Wa.T t'ADC'w.V D ' i ' . V't WA .0.v.,- vA iiMtid B. andy i - ta yff'iV LlttOKA Llt 7!j; BBtA'OIJ) I Whiaktyt i U tola. UwBJ-UO in .. - 1 18 . .E!hb,7 Ja-tr-v.j rl a4 for sale br , u , a-, , n r.da. EEiTiv;: V V, ft ' tt 1

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