V c ; i ; ; 4 wit l ' - , .V y., kja' "tat1 o VOL. a -NO. GG. - WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY "EVENING, NOVEMBER 22,-1858. (. - A : '. -- t If 44 r :4.f u ' j ' - r ... j .jvc'i v v I ; ,,;--.. .-'.I .' I I. - r BT FrLTO MUCK, nVOPRIKTOHA. J AS. ITLTON, Kilter A. L. PRICE, Attoeiate Editor. Ttnu Babarrtplaa. P2t Pfr, nt year, invariably ia adraact $6 00 weekly u ... 1 St AM krttan baua-ta MUMhl viU thi Sc,'mat bt eJareesed to th proprietor. , RATES Or ADVERTISING. BAl"B(JCaaIkf, I'M 7 ....M...., 1. 4. 0m dj .........$ M Twdv - Ti Am;! i. fl 0 Four day. ...., ,1 U .Fua Aja, ........ A-M ,OmmL 1 Tl Twe wteka........ S 7 OmmU.. 4 OS Twa saoathe....... T M Tkrae asoaiha. ,,,,. 00 TO 0W Thrr.... 4 f Fow r Fivt Uv. Cm week... Twt week. 1 j:J OM BMtk. ... Bv TweakoalA u,3 44 Tart awtiM. t Six aaiAe.,........S 00 feu aU it m .OMrw U. 00 L Qua raa id 00 tea Lne art counted a a aju&r, ao4 i't line t Waa i kiK-KWf. Looker 'trutifiu ti proportjoa. md aB aTM la adrac. WImm aet aaid is aJracfa j cbU par aoara will caanrtd aitat Cj tM taaertlaa. M-Aii out aoaraa ai pan ror adtaaoa viu m caarg - J aa a aqaara. - . AdTtrtia tnta lnaertd aa Spatial ar Biaboa K4icea ara cAarf4 aaw-aatf mr Uaa aar rataa Ifkt liaca (Iaa4ad) ar laaa aaaate4 aa a aatiara. AdTajtMaaatata loaamd mm otW iJ ara okarf4 aaeti aar atjoara fua eaca (aatrthja aftat Ua Srai. jtvo paDiicauoa saua wnaoata raapooaibla BCSIMfe AKD MnfelOXiL - CARDS. T. M. KJllTll. qOMISS10S ASO FOEWAliUlMO MEUCBAJlT J . WiumnirgiM, N C. rtU triye pcraoiul and arunpi attaaUua to tha aal aid akipnaat i CwUua, Siaval hur, aad ail otaar couatrjr pra da. i t , UtHra No. 17, (up aUiw,) Narta Water BC, imaediaUljr 0e X. Mclnnia'. , ... Oct. IK, . ;iy.4-ty. T. A. K. BOniSTKDT, ' TUXKIl ARB AQKifT TUB CHfCKERLXO'fl PIANOS, of wMca aa lai ahrart auna on hand. pHept. IT. ' lH,3m 1. 1. Aitmvkn. W. H. BrmNOOcaf. AlAtKtUikn a BETTENCOl'RT. GBorna asd dealeks nr ceseral meicHak D12B, No. 34 SojiTB WaTU 8tuxt. Wept Sd 18W. , , HEtTHT P. RDmEIX, GENERAL COMMISSION UKBCHANT, , VttaKLfJIlUJ, (S. c Harc 17U, US. . . . - , 4 M U - r. II. tTrKOY A CTK, - ' t G BWER AND COVMlWIOir MEBCflNTS, BiuUi I Watar ativH, Wn.ini9Toit, N. C. Aug. JJd, 18SS. 1 ' ' 137 H. KIU0RS, ' WHOLESALE OROCim AND OOTOrrWIOTf HER CHANT, and DEALM1 IN NATAL HT01UH, corner WaUr and Market ttrceta. Wilmington, X. C. April d, 1H5H. , THOttAt MT. BROWN, JH A TTORNET AT LAW, 1. ii. COMMIHSIONKR OF TUB UNITED STATES IN AND FOB TUB DI8TBICI OP N0BTH CAROLINA. Wilminftoa, Jana tUa, ISaS. -I4t-tf a j avii ma ja ua h. ' . - , Jia. aTOtLir. Ain. tumi. TOKLKV da OLDHAM, GROcm AND ' Cfmrrs,T0N' Iierchants, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATH, PF.AB, AC. . WajiiKOToir, S. C '. Iimnn. ' Col. Jobm MclUr Tmldeot of tie Back of Wflmlniton. O. O. Pawlit, Efq., Praaident of tbe Commercial Sank. . T. DAO, . . 'UK. DRAKK dk MU!T, . nrJSuccmortto I)r.A.0. JtrMSiy,) ' rHOLBSAi.1 AND RET All.. DRUOUISTH, Northwest V caraar of Vront and Market &a, WUtnbuton, N. a, win keep constantly on haad a well aeU tad atoci of Drop. Medicine, Chemical, Fancy Artie Farfunery, 8or((ical lntramenta, Trnaata, PauHn, Oils, Window Ulaa, Varninh, Old Brandiea, Winee, Ac. Ao. All of which VlU be famish ed on the maal term and at low prices, May 2(rth, 1888. ' ' ' '; 'jj .,'"ly DR. 4. A.. MILLER, T FRONT 9TM NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA KKB'8 LAW OFFICE. WilmdwtW, H. C ; Oot. JOth, 1867 -.. - i8-U , D. A. LAMO.TT. (10MMiaBKN MERCHANT, No. 38 Nortt Watar atreet, J OcUU-Jl-tf Wimwotoh, N. C. -LJU no, rwni aawww, amiamv . JrA k. T. ftaowv. UltOWN A UaROOlKTt Maw Vara.' - DaROMBT A BROWH WllmlnaMt, If . C, IS t-a COMMISSION MERCHANTS. tHIWI blWTtLLRRY. ' , ' WILMINGTON, N. C ' J. E. OAWY,iqirK-ej' LL'1' ' S VauBOKKFXEN BRa,A!7eni. ALLKETMOF NATAL STORES pareaaasd, mAaufaa tured and aold ; Wharfeg and Btorap farakhad, ahd Cooperage done at Jan 1st, 1857 121-tf. U ' i : t - v Wimwotow, N. C. r PORTERS, MANrjACnTklRS' AGENTS. AND Dea lerei In Hard ware, CBitery, Iron, Bteei, Nails, , Agrfcol- yarai impientewa, p. -WKVft UWARD, - .OENKRAL PBQD0C8 BROKER, - . tM( ' y Sept. 20. 1854. 13-tf) t , tyiuliXirt J . C. ADAMS. BROTIIKn & COH tlOMiriflSiOM-MKHCBANTa, i , - i ., t ,' WnamoTow, N. C. - GEORGK Ws DAVIS, , . . (tOMKISSIOf KERCBANT, Booth Water Street! J J, V Wtticjfarwlf.C. . IATKAWAT. AiMAAf. v' : s tTtlT. , J.AJiU HATHAWAY df CO., Wrunmroir, N. COMMISSION ANDFOjUWARDWO MBBCHANTO ' WujrmdToa.'N. C. lfarcbll, 1857 K - ' 168-ly JAMI8 AjrDnflOlt, ANDERMi! V iAVAtlK. . 1 T - (1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! J WamkOTO,' N. Liberia! caah adwBcet wade on conalgnnienta. ' t WlTiARD" VVRTI., u w . . fWMIBRIOS MERCHANTS, WHOLESil jQROpERS, V i ANi) DEALfilii IN GRAINV No. 10 booth warn onam, Jan. 13th. WlLMlMOTOM , N. ft ' J 'i.t.wuAJn6Toi, ENERAL COMMtI0N UKBCHANT, VJ ' WlLMIKOTOlf iixaroir X. C." MIVMCItt B80WM, i U II !it. 1 fcVERAlVOOMMulSlOa KERCH ANTSt t 1 IT : .. : i . , .WILM1NUT0S Jan. lit, 1867 98-tf. - 1 -4 . . ,; trMii iw m ill ftWtt 11 f f I I " u A.ujrrruTTA1aT afPDArt a virrw . an . . ; .j-km I a Qlt TatP fAlirl Bfatvir -a UJMiv.4V4M V I f! h the? if reara4 ta attend to all hoameal In i the All bnstBeat tttrottai t thaa vtR be pttDCtnallyttiend caw. " ' - TTAT AND CAP HtFOBJUM, 34 Market Street, h TxrhArn. and Palm Laaf. BtU. Wnnl. Vnr. Bilk. Ud Motoaais UaU, Woth, Ploah, and Silai iMaaad apa by thaoaao ordotan, an " pnoea. fc i WALKER MB ARKS. w-a-mmJWALE AND RETAIL KRUOQISTS. , YY . " ; ..t Mamit tr.t WimnioTOW, N.' Ck.( JHi fjvn . . 1 20 IONS BOOP IRON. For sale by : - . Not. 15.-0-biu KEIIfl FLASSEJL BrSI5ES3 AM) FEOHSSIOSAL CARDS. W. W. DAVIS, M. IX. t ntFtss TIN rnOFESSIOSAL SERVICES TO THE C1T-' J iivas of Wiis si-toa. 1 O&ca 34 dif bakiw Uikbaea' HateL Froat Hlrrrt. ' Juaai. 1.11 1 j : jnam " i A - . " A. BAKr.R. ! TTORNtVUTl.AND(XllMKSlONraorPlCn: FOM TUJ STATE OP SO LIU CAROLINA. i WiLMuwToa, C. , May 311, lSiS 7 : xx-xt UCVI A. HART, . lift reitir iitir, rOUSkml) ANCFACTUREB AND DEAt.ES IN OUNS. PLSTnlx Hardware, ltofaa, tepver, Tm aad thet Irva area, i T! a11!! k, Z' rwn trM' t tea Haft V limmrutm M. C. . , Maiaaea' HwtaL Wttnia(ta M. C AprUK lv4 k lly - W. H. MrHlRT M m ("tOMMISSlON MtBCH ANT9, eontr Priactas aad Water J atrteta, WUaiaftoa, N. C ( AivtaBNCis: H. B. Baraw, Caahler Bank Cape Fear, Wilinirtoa,K. f. ' Col. John M Rat, Preet Bank Wilmington, do. do. Ik. A. Daria, CaeAier Branch B'k Capt Fear, Sahabary, do, J. O. Laaa, --... L Kate, do. J. Eli UrtU, Prtaidtat af Bank Cberaw, 8, U I Oct 17) WILJUaOTOf BLARBLB WOMl VWt Mraa. Um MrttMalla K. Uartk. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT ATONES, AM KIUCAN or ITALIAN M AlJbLE, famished to erder, u CHEAP aa aaa be procured froa any eaubiaduaeot of Ute bad ia the eoaairy. 1 employ bom bat expariaaced wotkaiea, aad will spare Bo paina to pleaae all who nay favor me with their palroe H . , AVTerme CASH, maleai by epteial Arreeaxnt. W. 4A. MILLIGAN. Wtiininctoa.N. O, Sept. 13th, 1S5A. mt YORK AKD PHILADELPHIA CARDS, B. ooixaia. e. rcmi, ia. i CABIBPII - DOLLNER. POTI ER CO. aMOMMIBSION MERCUANTB, V Niw Yoki. , Margh Wd, 1W8. U7 ly BAABOi o! WATBOIt. AtTONMIAUf. WATtOif dk MEARES. QOMMISSiOJ MERCHANTS, 34 BurUn Blip, New York, peelal attentloa paid te Ua sale ef A ay 4k Broua, Cor Ta, and Bouther Pradoce ganeraUy. Ltberial adrancee Bade oa eonsienmenta. July 1, '54 1. lAATBT OaCBTBAH, W. I. BV8Bk. . . . UK31EAI dk RlaaELL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Na. 31 North Waarrea, and IJ North Water blreet, PmtAiwaiA. AdfLTberial cash adrancee made on eonnignmenU. . . JnlyS0th,lM3 J7I NEW GROCERY, ottvia iskLir. wIlliah a. wtbLmm. a VIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING TAKEN THE STAND . formerly ocenpied by Mr. Geo. H. Kelley, for the pur poee of earryin aa the ' W110UXALM AM) RETAIL OtiOCJCJi Y BUSINESS, beg Ware to inform the citiiena of Wilmington and surroun ding country, that they are now receiving a Urge and well selected stock, eoMieting ta part of -A Wa, Laryayra, Jam, end St. Domingo Coffee i A C, aad other grades of Sugar ; A No. 1 article ef block, ar anwhed tMtgar ; A flM assortment ef Black and Grata Tea Beat artitle af Ooakaa Butter, by the keg, half keg, and at retail t Lard, Salmon, Pork, Baeon and Cheese : Fulton market Beef by the half and whole barrel ; No. 1 Mackerel ) New Orleans Syrup, a prime art ir la Cuba Molaasea j Colgate 'e Pale, No. 1, aad Toilet Soaps j Soda and Sugar Crackers by the barrel and bos ; Appleby's, Dill's and Lorilard'a Snuff, In whole A half bli Is.; Candy, Irish PoUtoea, Onlone, and Cod link ; Sperm tad Adamantine Candlea, In 40, SO, 20, A I H. boxes; Ulareh, in whole and half boxes ; Various kind of A s Matches, Slaves, Plow Lines, Bed Cords. Well and Water Bnckettr Whtlt and Ground Pepper, Spite, Nutmegs, tie aamoa aad Meoef Brtoma aad Wrspotng Paper Suer CarbooaU and Washing Soda, ia half bbla. and M lb. boxes; Mustard and Yeast Powders; Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, and Pickles ; Floor, In bbla., bags, and at retail ; Rice, Condens ed Ley, an txeellent article for making Soap; Potanhi Liverpool and Vabw Salt Kalaratua, in half bbla. and box es ; Grind Steoee, Crank and Fixtures and many other arti cles too numerous to mention. We intend keeping eft band fwyffcin in the eTroevry ine, except liqnor, and we intend to ted them either by miOLESALK OR H XT AIL, AS LOW AS AM OTH ER HOUSE IS 1US "LAVE. Ail articles sold by us, that fail to be as goad asi eoommeniled, will be exchanged, or taken back. All order ateompanied by the CASH, or from persona who PAY PROMPTLY THEIR BILLS WHEN DIIKl will neetva our n ram at attantloa. We would tat to those who have so long and so liberally patronised Mr. Geo. a. KtUey, and Geo. u. iktnty a lire., that wa earnestly and moat respectfully solicit a continuance of their trade t hoping that by fair dealing, and strict atles Uon to buainesa, to merit tbefr patronage. AU these who are fat want of any thing in oar line, will pleaae give na a call. All iiooda forwarded to ear care will receive our persona! ttention. KELLEY k WILLSON. September 17, 1858. ' 10-ly-3-ly. SEAL SKI BOOTH. THE LATEST STYLES. A complete assort mot, at KAHNWEILER A BliO S. tv. let. ( - m t. ' Aext doar to ex. uorner. 'T PKA WTJT PLANTERS. THE UNDERSIGNED HAV1 ON HAND AND INTEND keeping a large supply of Gunny Bags. 2. S and 4 Bushela. Oc T. U.sBO. WORTH. I8WUO MACHINES. tTEflflRfl. OROVEB AND BAKER HATE GREATLY lvX rtduoed the prices oa their Sewing Machines, no doubt the beat madt in tba United States, and now tolling from $50, 365, 375, 380, 3'JO and 3100 dollars. Samples can now be teen at Kelley's Qook Store. The Hemmor'i and Needlea and Sewing fcilk for sale also. aU and select your Machine ao they can be ordered forth with. - 111 machines warranted. Nov. 2ndf 1858. GEO. U KELLEY, Ag't. - PILLS OF tit'ININBS AND PEPKRINE. THESE "PttL8" HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY TE8 ted in Wihnwjion,hx the treatment of Ague and Fever, and all other forma of Reaittant and Intermittent Fevers They have aiao been found highly beneaofal in Neoralgie af fecboaa of the face, Ac. Prepared by .. . - . . . DRAKE A McLIN, Apothecaries, BoiaatSOeenttabo. - ' 1 - 8cpt.2o. FEATHERS I FEATHERS! I f nfiA tBS. NEW GEESE FEATHERS, m store and 1.UUU for sale bo T.C.AB.U. WORTH. ' Oct. 30. , ' f .(;;-.;! C LARD. 5 BARRELS N. 0. LARD (an excellent article) just re ceived, and for sale by .-' . Oct. 13 186a. JAMES T. PETTEWAY. : H ,. . . : NAILS. d K KEGA ASSORTED. Just received and for sale by DD r ALDERMAN 4 BETTENGOURT, . . ' Oct. ft. " " No. Zl, North Water street. A BECRKT. V WHY 13 IT that two oni of every three persons wt o come to this town, go to L ALEXANDER, 65 Market street, to bay their wave lies and jewelry r ante he tells the cheapest, ana warrara everyining to bt at ht represent H. " Oot. 14. ,-.iit- E AND FANCY BILK H0BE8, fof sale by Oot. 90. ' ' . B. WlbUAMH. SUNOS. A1 SSOStED, in packages to suit. For sale by : . . . ' . iTTT f i on a. vnrtTtu WESTERN SHOULDERS. 9 'BHDS.' etlFERlOB WESTERN SHOULDERS In store. Fof tale by DfROSSBT A BROWN , Oct 2d, 1858. - ' . . ; COARSE SALT. . . ' BUSHELS. T. L SALT vtrrUiAtatTte. For 2000 tale by . fN9) t. WILLARD A CURTIS. PICKLES, loose and ia Jara, Pepper. Baooe, Prtavta,, Jellies, Tomato. Catsnp, Farfli net, Pepper, Allfplces Ginger, Mace, Clovwi, Nutmcjrs, Cooking Extraeft. YeaHt Powder, SaleratM, Soda, Soap Powder, Oreta and Bleak Tea, Chocolate, to. For tale by ,t. ' BtuLl U ta bee MEDIQXAL BtLTlMOHK UMK IIOSI'ITAI. IHXTOR J0HsX. THS f.a.l r of tat Ck brl lt luU. a i r laa Ctv.a HeJy. aad aJy eBnW wlr, bitha wM fi tiSarU. SuUf. N.i.ni aAa. iu U.a Loim. Ca''ul lVbiLty. lmixttt'tK-y. W.-aAu ,,f U. i end Unit. Afc--ti..a t.f tlit k.il'T, I'a'pft alma, f h HrArt 1. Nerrlu. Irriub.Wr. W . O... Ho. Throat. KiL ur k, l aU UaMarrM. ud(l.i rh.s.n,ln( aniii rrma aU Uk Wtr Ua khiu Viii an tary practfcv more taul to Urfir tu tlnw thn the witiu ol laa hrnfua ta Um Martatra blirhtHH thtr amst brill at nara af aaiKipatiuaa. rr airT ft aaaiTup, .vu., aafawMbi. AUi . ,. . . filially, U hate Whim llw ktitua J Ht.Jllrjr Ya e, that drrxjful and d(-ru-tit har't, ahhh aBnUillT swtH-pa l. .,.. i. ,v l. t -. ..At- ..L. exalted talt-nta aad bnUjaat iaielWc. wbamlrtt atbrrwix k.M-...,j n..-;..- .uk ik. u.-.i. - qtlrnce, or akrd u ecoUi-y tbe kvuig Ijre, Biay ciil,ith all confidence. Manhc. ' ' j .1 Marrivd Penioaa, Mr,V(tfi M s maatxiitUaUaif anarrLv, bRg avare f lVvi-aii Waakaeaa, OnraMK Klir, lKU,i uitira, Jkc.alioulU uuiuoJiaU Ijf i-ousult i'r . Jaud be tvt-l ji ed to prfe-t bvalUi. , He who Blacra himfwlf andrr tlie rare of Dr. ltfcnm iasv rU;kuty couAde ia kin koaur an a gilemaa, and etmit deutly rely apoa kw aklli aa a pliytv iau Org) WitM . IwaiedUUly eurvd, atvl lull vigor riaturvd. This di-ae ia the pvttalty aio4 freuurutly paid by U who havt4ecum the virtinM of Imprup'-r linlul-riw--a.-. Yeang ptrsoaa art too apt to tnalBut tgiwae frum tut Ur ing aware of tilt dreadful raiweaetieee that taay cbm.. Now, who that arvkrtUnda tli aiibxl will nvoU ad to deny that the poavr of IVot-realioa U Ut Hoont-r Ly Ihuoo Ullrn Into lmprpor habit than by Hit pnutetit. Rt-Hldi s b'in eVnrived tlie iileamirt uf beallKy nfl.nrlng, tlit m4 wrUxat aad deatraetivt symptom to both body, and Mind arte. ln ayalcm b( otiK-e iterangiiil. titt ph.vM-al ana alul power weaki'iird, nervou dvlnlity, di)x'pHh, limitation oftht heart, linliuiHtiou, a wanting of tliefiaine, coui;h, synrptorns ef teusuntptina, etc. '- krrvaan Urlxltljr. Wtakat aa of the ayntont, Nervoaa lability and veautairt decay gvocraily prim) from tlie IVMjiKllve hubit of youth, mat olitary practice ao fatal tu Uio hcullliful existence id man, and it is tlie young who are mt tpt to beenme ita Tietima, from aa fcitoriuK'O of the dneor tu which tlioy tubjtct taeuielva. Parent and Guardiana are ulVn niw kid with resjiect to the cauejsr source of diacaxe hi thoir son and varus. Alan ! bow oltca do tlicv awrilx tu oilier eauara the wanting of tlit frame, Palpitatloa of the Heart, vytptpuki, iBaiKestKin, oritnri-iui ti tno nut-roes ry Wm, Coach, tad bvmtttoma of ConsoinptioBv alao. tkoae se rious tueutai fle-a, such at Um vf memory. kireiMna uf siiiriu, or peculiar uw or nieunciioiy, wiicn tlie the truth in, tliey have tern caused by indulging hi nerniclonM but sllur itig prat'tleea, dostracUve to both llariyettd Mind. Tlius art swept from tabAeaot thousand whorallt have I mob of use l their country, a pleasure tu tbw lrioudaad iru- Acuuto stcietjr. nimra Nn. T Soitii Fmnnir hr.. left hand kU tohig from Baltiwort ttreot, 7 diMirs Oimii th Corner. . i Af Be particular la obaerving tha uaine aud -nuaioei', wt JUU Will nilalUKB UaO yiucc . , aa Take ntke, oWrvo the naino on tlie dour and tin down. A Cart vwrVmitl, or wt CAiry iAf-, n ftom Omt In Tiro buy. . NO MERCUUY-OH NAUBEOUS DRUGS tJSKD, Dlt. JUIIM), . i Member of tlie Royal College of Surgeons, London, (iiiiilu ate from one oftht most eminent t'ollegea of the United Statta, anil the greater part af whose lire hs betn spi'iAHn the first Hospital of London, i'aria, Pbeadvlphia, and else where, baa eOcctod some of the Qioxt astouuiliiiig cures thai were ever known, many troubled with ringing In the head tad tara when sMeen, great. iMrvmtunM.lierug alunned- at sudden eounda, and batdrainaaa, wHh fraUat bhwliliig, at ti adrd aomttinv e with deraegemont of muwl, were- cured Inunedmtely. , CMttt Oiataea. . " ' ' ' When the mlfguhred and finprtident eoUrw of vifxaitirre flnda he bas Imbibed the toed of thia ralufui dhisaati it too often happens that an ill-timed aeiwe of sham, or diitil. tl discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from ad oration and irspertalillity, can alum befriend b'm, delaying tin tne constitutional symptoms oi inn uinrm histhm fiuise their apptaraaee, each as oliieratad atra hrat. dixtuNttl pnet, nocturnal paina, ia tha head aaa. ImJ", ainuiee af sight, deafness, nmios on tlit sliiu bouts and arm, biirtohwi on the head, face and extremities, progressing with friU ful rapidity, till as limt the palate of the morrlh nr tint buiif of the nose fall In, and the victim i trrt awf4 tlWaat l comee a horrid objnet of certimisseratioB, lili dtala puts Iieriod to hi dreadful suflurkngs by eeudiug biin tut " that lourno from whence no traveler returns." To such, there fore, Pr. Johnson pledge himself to preeervo the rwsit lu vlolahle aeoriwiy, and from hie extensive precwee ia the jimt kespitaht in Europe ami America, ko eah eoadikuiUy rtiv mend a aart aud speedy oure to the unfurl una ta vlctku of this horrid disease. It Is a melancholy fact, that thmiwinfls full victims to thN Irradfhi disease, owing to the anekUlfaln uf Ignorant pro tendera, who, by the use of that dreadlut poison, aeriry ruin Ute conMHirtion, aud even tend Uie unfortunate snfi, er to an uotiincly grave, or 1ho make tho residue of LIn life miserable. ' ' . j W ' TaKt PaHtmtar flnllrv, Dr. J. addrtseea all thrxta who bars Injured tlnniswhrrs ty prhratt and improper iaduigence. , , . TheHO ard some of the sad and melum holy effect tiro dured by early habits of youth, vis : Wekkne") of the llack and Limbs, Pain In the tlead, Dimnesa of Sight, Lohs al Muacnlar Power, Palpltatlof the Heart, Dyxiiermla, Ner vou irritability, Dtrangtmtut of tht DiesUvt r'aMlitin, General Debility, Svmptotn of Consumption, As. ' M kntallt Tlie fearful fOcctJ npon the mind are much to be dreaded : Lost of Memory, Coufualnn of hlras, leproM si on of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Avert loa of Society, Self Distrust, Love vf Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are sow uf the evil produced. ( , , Thousand of persons, of alt ages, can now Judgo what ia tbe cause or mctr aeciimng ncaitn. iMing tneir vrgor, u coming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular apM-ar ance about the ere, eourb and srnuiUNist of cunwuuvtion. Dr. Jobnstii' liivluuraUng Honed far Vrgaiil Wtakneaa. By this great and Important remedy, Wcakticx of thu ar gtns are speedily cured, and full vigor rcnturud ThomtuJ of the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hopo, have been relieved. All impediment to Humajcn, physical or Mental IHsrmaliflcation, Nervoo Irritability. Treinblliigit and Weakness, or oxhauation of tlie nost ft' .u fid kiud, Sd Uy enred by Dr. Johnson. k smiig Men, Who have Injured thvpiwlve by a certain pracHIm:, In dalgcd In when alone a habit frequently h itrtied from evil Companions, or at schooltoe effect of thick are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if hot cured, roultra murriauu impossible, and destroy both mind aud body, ahould .apply immediately. , . 1 What a pity that arotnig man; tlie hop of bis eOontry, and the darling of hi parent, should be a itched tram all Srmrpecte and enjoymeut of life, by the xiawMfucntx't af eviatiug from the path of nature, aud imluUwtf in a u tUua aecret habit. Buck persons, before contemplating '. - ' i . Mnrrliige ' :.' i , " " should reflect tiiat a ond mind and bo ry'are the matt ne ctseary reqaisitiet.to promote committal htppluew.jlBdi-ed, without the, the journey through lile becoiucia Wtary pilgrimage, the prospect hourlv darkins to the view; the iulnd becomo shadowed with doepair and tilled wfth tho mcl&nchofy reflection, that tbe ' hapinea vf another, be tome k41)htd with onr own. . , i OFFIUbT0,7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., itmore,,Jlfl., ALt.SuiWlCAI. OrHATIOMl PKarOHMBP. ; N. B Let ho fabte delicacy prevent you, bat apply im mediatelj either personally orby letter. i - ' sua dikaxb arrtuiLT cuaao. . -. ' Tht many thousands cured at this Institution within, tba last twlvt year, and the numerotm tinrHrrtant snrctcul Opr tratloTi performed by Dr. JOHNSON. wHnwsod it the re porter of our daily paper and many otherpenteaa nctirs vi nuitu uare again ana again nppettrcu uciora mo piHiiio is a sumcient guarantee, that the awtea will Hud a skill fulandhonorabfcphyiircran.i ' ' - " ! N B.--Thore ara at- HMxy worthlnae Quacka advert itiirtg tlMnsSclvo as l'liyiwcian, ruining the health of tht already AfllicWdi.thatDr. Johnaon deems It neCesnarto ay,spe cmlly to those nnaotiuainted with hit reputation, that hi credentials or diplomas alwaya bang hi kkv oBce,' . ; k-1 TAKE NOTlUfeUtAH letAar mnai k Hnxt-niiiA. and RMf- tain a potje stamp for tbe reply, ox no answer will b era, , .. - w May lath, 1858 13Iy ;,i!:.;.T ' WOOD HD WltllV Ar MIC. ? i r yEDAB TUB8,Paiate4 dov -bound Cedar Iail, PapittddFlotT Bucket ia Nesti NcU MeaHorcs. l bound, II;il f-BuHheU. Biooiua. Tarioat auau'tici add tirtces, TVIute Wah; Scrub and Shot Brushes, Fariier, Market, Clothes, Fafccy and othef arta, Waali-Beards Wirt Solves, Weod Bex, Telegraph, (JonnM and Wa jtatsnts, Manilla and Cettoa Bed Cord, Plow and Clhea fa-, vocoauu uiupera, A?.. Ac, or sale by Oct 19. - rrrr ' L B. HUQGINSft SONS. r'oi '" I Wis -rvaua. i l" ia rt FORK. 150 Tl 1 Mint n m . ' tvanoim trsnos. r r nr sswe -t i !,. Sept. 8. ..J. A J. l HATHAWAY COT 3 LET.-!,' i ua. . '.-.. . . . K SKVtlMJ MAt im tiuiu; t HtAl'tUoai4.-(i ..t, i ' 1 , , J- IL tiOtl.VH'N A KH. . i. Herald mpy. 4 IU k:t. THE WTTALF OS IKH K ';rrr,' la ftykt f M f 1 B HvW-r' ntrr. ALNO.Tat Uiaa abav ta (HI t at Jftai. llUaaal Kmpse. - A . I .V ttt M.M.K. j ,! f THE HoysR AND UJT Third W, iJaAiug th Toww Hall, and i1jrnM? J. It. TMhw.-rT na lvi V5t. X1 -.J a. u niiia. 1 1 r- .. n. .iviai,'. rf PKR CK4T.WOHTtl tUEU ItT It. R. - rnt sap: 1.1 Vg KmiNB MORTOAGm Bntnf W. A M. B. It., li.atii tack.tatttsi at t pr trk payable wiul aiiawaiy mN. V lUt March aad 14 May, t i i ' Akl 1M)ME LONlS, ll,(H eaolu salt 1m.I lirtervst st T per rent., payable hi tharWin V rV-pUmix-r aaO M Maara. A.plu W. H. MtH! ART A J . Ixrpt tu. lvs. .,.,! , . ,- ttH It KM'. 4 H , VOU 1 YEAR FKOM 1ST 0i,T0UI3; NEXT, ,Tli f HOZAItT fit IX. 'Apply ta - ... U A. HiRf. 1 bVpt. IJiblU'iH , ! , ' tU Km Kvr. . 4 FRofd 1ST OF iHTOfUlR NEXT, A CON YE1KNT dwerlliig hoiino, pWnaHarty situated ar Ui eitie ff town. Applj-at . . . t ... THsH lirrtCt. bept.52, i- . X v -t.'. j ,t ( am,!! No. t FRtrr trek for stLi w- PlioPRIKTOI OP THE WIMT CUEK.N NtMiN;. KIEMtitd Garileruinear Gntennliur,' N. C, Would re ietlully lilt tH alkfutioa vf the altiaens of tlv Koutl tra HUtrs to their vmy rtti, aturk ol native ami U,, muted Kruit Tree fur the Fall and Wiatec Tradit bulb wulc nab and retail. i , i , ' Thi Wj" and haHitviWe aiutirtutent bai ioi a prnpayUl from tTiriflf teavin term Had wruii'it aiiathe bet ketsliing taut aa, akiea a aunt viiaUHle af IrWHTuaieaA aM Um Ity, two pruniiiM'ut 'hiMitW' W'h khoitld not be tvvrkxiked by permiua ialiij tu plant Orchard vlllier for Biarketlit or family use, Tk wtw k ciylts of tho IuJbw big trees t ' : . , . . . ivi.wsi AfPLK TCkKH,' 1'iAon 1'I.trtf . TRF.AV KW.OuttrKAl'Ui 4 ". . AOUO NKf.TAUirtEh Iii.iniO i'KAR l.otio ALMOND , ,i t 1J,W0 APRICOT " I'MNiO CHERRY m'1" 4,non mE VINE, i ' BesWes a Ytry flite? s(irtM nt of Currants, Klrawlierrloa, lUnpU rrlea, tioowlM-rrie, ete., ail af WhMi wilt bt said on tr rtatottablt hirvM i (ah, r eiui short tiate in pea tual oueWiirra, tho. will bt reiiilrd t( give aaottoa tlie delivery or ree'ulmn of tlie tree a at the place dcaignaUd In tho order, or th--y wHI be rharirnl with interv-st froai the, data thereof. All taclba:vs put up In aaaorhit atyks aad a nonjpkrtaiuvok!val te tauh patron and ta rrae(d tltat tl luou miU be Ike regWUir uf Um On hud altar U't tree's me trannptuntvd. If tliey are tilanUd In suecwhjb a eael; kind piear on the Hut, . ' I , , . aarOrdtr rihriJ and' forwarded by tV W, RekerU, Wilaalfa)Ha,M.U.--t ' Sui'LiU . , , li Ustf wn inr for hkt. .-; THB FMWr DAY OP OCTOirjl 1Y.XT, fba 1 WltAUV na thai nnHuw rd MarkM arnil Wiala atraald .1 urestnt uciiiiutod br Gao. W. Davla. Eau. Fur Irmua. an- W'llinlnEloiK N. C, fVpt 13. "'. ' ' l4f fi lunrtrfi-' -i "...i I , , . ncM 1st OfTOLUl NEXT, TWO BTOims anier tne hvaman Home. Aptily to rWXl8 Jt klTCUTij. ' i rep. e jum.. VALUABLE TOWS PROPERTY FOII SALE. LOT NO. 3 1 (Hook lou, letter Br) eligibly sttaab l on, CMttnw ! rroat W ree -also, t.n lout Iruut hy ;j u... .... ta.kl..b I. m nM J'.... .. I t 1..11,.. If.. . Kitchen, HrrrmntV bouse, Amoke-honan, Wood honsi., Htublua aM otiitT rieeassaryi tMiuihjing-f ooa vgetBJa and Bower ganiena on Ut irtinUH,-4Ui MltM hbhlr m proved. l'htowaar of uisproptrtv, a aonrtsideulof Ut liawt, is uorirou tii umiiusiiig oi iii iiiteresu in n umiugiorA knd will sell the property referred te on reasonsbls' teroi.. For further tiartiimlars as to the above nronerty, entbYa tint) may be mda to i;. (;kB. U. WEST, Auutkmenr. My2Jd,lV n.j,,,. ...ii.,' 2Utf. T'; MR HKItTVaOMlrt ictWkr4 T ONK SMAJX imtLLINU OM tiKCOND, Jl'fiT bq. iiw Cbiwvh slJTett. Apply t , . i ' i . . 1 Kept.;j IMU ,1'hYi'EWAY A.PUITc'llErT. ; iiiwir nuia. 1 I i 1 1 AND II INCH HOOP lil6N. ForWloliy"' f ' l Otolith - ' WIU.AIU? A CUfr I 'iniAimi.itniiaiil 1 ' 1 j - Ml CURTIS. DOW.K IIKF1NKD PAINT 01Fn Mn-eetf OlUnJlJi'ht Winter Oil. For tale tow for eaah by ' ' ' I , t Sept. U DliAkM AMeLIN- . N. Pi FLOP1L ' 800 JAQi ANli AU BllLS,, Jrr salt n!vt. j -, Sept. it. W. II. MclUltf t VQl 4..,,,,, .1..1..1 I .. . , I , ,, ., WALK IU)PK. . . , ,COUJS BAtii ICO P8 IN STOltrt For salt by - S.:pt. 9. vYIMiABD a ciiin'is. . . , ; . A CARD. . , . , .. ' 11 AVING siiccee.Ied Dr. A. O. Bradley Iri the Drtig busl- ness, we would take tbe tin-sent opportunity Of tmrhirf that we willeantlima the Undue m all V branthe. and trust tiiat, by a lllng nothing bat uf irnVnon. mtt sty and gm- airv , 1 merit tha roniiikuua f tht publio. We will bt IkAppy tonupiiLy ilio old patrons of tlit eMtaldi,liment on tut n-rnal terms.' k ', DIM KB A M' ldN,,; S. Ti PnaaS, a. f ' ' ' W. .. oi fvivHUiiaiHar.srr. ASMAf.t LfrTtH' YCTJOWCifFrrlrt T(IARj a No. t ki ttnto, wt tie It". I. Ridtkr, whs H I will af icetrt U tiimi : t 1 i ;s . .:,! SMITH. Jf,i .;! I I sKUIirrtl atlA ttMUt Jsl A IIbWIbIiBJ AMII k.AftlA , tatii IM fiWi "0(l ROUND-oWaaaad bright j -i.i llUUU 2,u lb. J'rtnw l.trnv- , . ' . J . 4 Bbla. Lar4. For mile by ' i I ' Oct. 2.1, !nMh ' . ' '' '' : DtltOHH rrr A llftOWN. 4' fHIDS. f!AC)N, Jittt received -a superior urticlo ; 5 bbl. Whiskey, on cowfrgnmeirt. by ' ' ' ' hept. totn two, . .... UARIUHSAUOWElJ JlT RKCEIVKO I'EU W JUL W IUI4, UvlUJK 2llt LIW. lillyuKHS jMtlllTK LEAD ; ' , . mi tin. Pitnrinm'TrenchJiiih; ;1 r ;. .1 f i-ri tm do. Amerieaa Kiae : 1 y i: 100 do. Chrome Yellow in aasorkd Cdn. For sale lew tut cash by , ( j . UUiblE, A WcLLN.t , ScpL27lB , ' BrnhiK WATtU VLABSEH T710R 16 CENTS, at , ,H 1. Atimmii . Oct. 14, v. . k .;. BVlTKtU N .. ... i-., I . 1 r FU1KKNS, an extra article. Anst rera ivod m1i for Iff aak by. j. . . , Ti H HthVX A. CO, Oct. 2Slh . . , f . SISPENDKIWI SUSPKNDKRal . ) J A NOTltER CASE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL 'TAIUhUN ASaKpcndcrs," oicncd to day, at r ' T KAHNWEllJKRABttfJ'Bj b 4 Nar.lt. t aVextdoor totx. Oora4r,i BOtS AND tENTS' t liOT'lllwO, ," t THE LATEST STYLES ANfJFINWT OTA I At JT U ' . " , KAnNWEILER A B1J8J I- ttm let.-' t. ; .5f :v 1 Nxt datr ta x.-Un4tA- 'ULMrt'S PtTfcNT (HILLED IRON SAFE a rtmB ONLY BURGLAR-PROOF1, artd the best im X Safe M Uw State, ana hart a Vorhlnitmkm. Ixtrk,) act ttbe Mtwaopwa wiiu raapowaer, ar amoacta ty uaevca. Wilder jitrriBg a cwia, iuui uau iriet in part pay Call and see samples at J Ejii;i'$ hook SWre. ott. 30, ..:xt. : ,r I 'z ;i;t Si &.!'fi!K' UkU4ll)fcl si-i 7 1 1000 UMM. Vkmii ddMkt, ia stc! Mie by ; -Oot.33. aj . K .. , T. t. A.lt. U. Vjitj H. . r CflONAC'linANDT ASD POU-p WlNAt. ' 1 4 FEW aJAbES-WAKaAKrEi PCIUi, cat bt .1 v Vot.6.. 'I t",' . , -Ffntrt.?N-o.1 GianKeRo. P -i f JflK.'Pt.ASTWiR, HAIB, ANfl fTKHntNT. XHKUNDiaiittGNkai HEREBY C1VJ5 NOTIC8, tliatthey Aave beeoma dealere in the 'v er-iria. All orders promptly iit-l without tarct of V- i i'wi.,Jrwi.vOiA, K Oct. Kth, ld&i.- C. at ik V. WORIiL. FOR SALE AND TO LET.-!, MISCELLANrOIJS,-A;w wsTui(f t ut ov ii ik rri s m tn or 1 r. r i:AitXUirA,- ;. -. k-rj-j f r Ibi f e. Vm, U rv l k f.r . t;-nwi. UJ ITliP. IV. . ' Ciirt, X b-1 ordertd ta frt rcCJ , s , , , v I. rrun..r bf anvdr.-uii. fw.rT,lr. i -r.J r.fv ted Uw iJ t r4uay b u ti a KrtU tw.-.ts, r ,ta rn.nl., m oprB Cnrt, or ba pn -t,U!'u of their 1 . -act t.i tho rlrrk, ia vai ati,. bt admitted AUiirattS S4 iW "r.or kb. U'"irt, aad Cunll..ra 4 Adv.. u vf aV nr, ar DM. M (W, and ArhM-r bd fi uior Z ""t i sw- aaa wny awat kr hke tmfik,', l' iniruitufd Cu.illur a'xl tj.w.t, Vf thai ''.tet. r eoart ya taU t .(,, arniaua tmvaeaV fd,bf jr tai Me ib Court.,' , .'Li v L, 1. All p.-rir ,lltl,iiej u pr. u n tf:.C?irT .US. bt a rw t,lr,ltia ,, b4l.rt th .AarKta bd -i-wm . . 14 . ar, mount,, tmSbr fl . tMMr, iuu Ui nwimUi.) uweitkr aa uth r aflruni..a tsr, t U..r flahv. tM. , Tt, d...,l,.mnW t,mr.(r a r a tkt M- ar aw. ) vkat I wd lakashtaa Vaif aw Fr-aw tht no. ri i AM.rt-yr aaa wuu n... thw I out .jipUiiLUx-i and. ao CotJioir to Uw.- Aftdtb.tt Iwnf nHppfte C i t:r:tAar Muatrfl taajrt,saJ(B1.iii, ,jk, ry 3. itw " rulca ol pTciM' uf louitiof tlit UiiitcJ Mate, hi ctnaf of AAirttr?,, tarvl awrftrfrK- pirMi. tMri, on tke In staana m.1 a, Ua Couriy f rtasai bas) kj IM prtaMlloart ill tiin I'MlWd blatetat lb Jaim.trv twnil. lli. mnd (ha n.Ua wf said (oort ha fc.HNM t., tr rn einhiiaaTl.m Jt, m, nmt, an.lr-1- paartera at UitJaswV ' eO t uf UaawaJty 4lld H'trittnH nrilili., , . , . . Tva, a mrMreiirwiliirfAaAjrrrtal w tha loan 4 UibtlagVeukt iiY.dMii.ay pur- iiaii i f ruleini i. mJi...f ur ti e In Ad'uiraity sud Mar tMNit ttavpii,f,H bakt Vi peris fAaa 1 1 the nfws- Pttrr bi i m -tl bw p.A,d,fcifllius by bi le prii Ji-lird ia neti'per. ......i h.i.. A. I . I . At I I r . it .mi7,i a, i,t imi ui-iiej jj a 1K)I ir a. Taa na i viv 'riv, N Hi w.ww fVHrmoB. ,-"vW'!u ui pitiHiawmw af nil 41 fCt tkr aa rule. tia- (ihw f druimit for dionl. i.ni.1 ffitu Court. aw vpua tANtt; fctita., ta ttaUdFi ; (etfept MI.amiaiaIrt,y ywi1tK4-1 tA.ti, aipulatkitf in th wim of two hundred and lilt Jrw lil. atxid sMfiur, taarsaa. A 4 b-rk'HaJ f)h ASomVi te) vm all 4 H ftl',U .UU I ai dW, s Wtwta. i Court, or iiion tit al.pi All. Ike nt r. is tba l.lv.41, tsiyUit.arMntl i wtkai by MijiUi any Jr. It e of tliU I Wk.-Mia aaa r- H tropt.v. and arkji I.r auA ttucWbt Woo, tht U bel .! I.p ei .n .1 by i .th r anunutitiu N frt t!. tUrrk. st oMiaimluiaa iutuatt.l kMt,r ar.ua1y u thoied ta adaiititatitr oaths, and tu sack t aao, IM bjailaat m.tr nn,, B,i auaumrmi ttipaialiotl, beror tlit Clerk ol tin Court, iurtlMi satB af ftv kiiad AiaiLki, wt good AkkaM WC.f. ,i... i. - i i. i . t i Mkr-lfHr;tlMelLft;Bl1ar1 be tn ihir imount "ft th. appraised value. , v ,j;,U ' HlJn 'VS of f property l.y fl.n,VIilil, be shall t ait pwMrO nrrtHM) ax, rtftf. aad tf IlieXfm. a.iMd f, tht lelUJAaf uek Via..., aivd tUt bajtbt at Ik tail tj.lch sliiitl bu the next regular bm r tjiu. Court, yni, a dirfbr- V1??' 'I"' l" binr!ra la th said WiUiiIiih fc.u. Journal, ilady.fyr waV atrtiL W V. The Jury bo aovt Wlunging t tb i'mirt. sQ lave two anartaieata. aaatber4 Aaad I, well a M ami key, tha kry la he kr b; lb Marskal pr kla ' aud Uie box by tha Clerk. th Clerk Ll1 .ruj" Ut of fretkoldeia in tha ataaty af Neav lUtnivar. wha afr well uualitttd to a-rv aaiururt, (and tha l'lork,i4 MAOibaljrr bla d.-piiVy, !lm(J cwm iit In upinlon a th smlT quiiliiinaion.) prtpait a liay-U.t M U.ia c.rt, and wrH Th aaH ou smaU a:ruil af pit Mr, f .uu t aad pat tkm JiO tha apurtitient lu aahi box uniilCrJ 1 1 aw ahVaiScr riTry la anl.ttd, thay shall iMdcawafroiakaid diri4n,B-a-aer 1, fjiilrtd by tliw orttef of the Court. AS 'tU s.'riilli are thu. skaww freta admlr k, tbtr shall U at kit 4k aaft.i.a number 1, until the aerolls In mmibri 1 etc txhitiwtco, And If the mtme rtf any perltr.n fs drawn who W died, Wir(ovd or bw.iawi dwiaalitlta, the acrOJ ritb Mb. alafll be tlestrflyed, ami ai,ihrr drawn iq ,lu ta.. . 3 U4 jeroiM wthis- n i,en, thns-tTrHtn and ippfortj, Att aTrtw aa IJerk kjinn hone a veulre thao-lur t.,tlM (HainLal : lMk Ilia fmrrllri.- ftHMht r t aiaxhi.tikteu'.-tlMH afl trru m)thsl be f'4 nttkti iib.t,re, afld itiw-JaHmay tm formed whwii-vi r tlie Court my dirc t. , I 'tt7ti the YviU Ipublisbid lu yie WdatlOKton Journal onoe m6fm tkpwftAkii A Hue copy from tii, aiiiintTa, ' a-rwr-waa,! .- ttt-at,y ). 'a-No.TjWNt3BivCl4k. t cioTtlBV AJWUiAWHOBlKyi. J TT W WKLL KNOWN MAT J IUI PANGI.HUU8 POISON XNIroflna I Inhaled In BmoKtiig Jobarcu tlfti.4 who would preserve their health, will mm .! new UtvoaUnai whlrh hrrfsis the Olr, Wltnoilt tnlnrlng OiifliUrof the nF-kula,.bi - i ItAMYTBUUIJUUMXR. ' ' ... I V':.Af'ti?i'VlTA.NTJr'X 'k" UiUatia b any tek wuany kojilbya,fcr-kcMvaiUraelioa-,vik,i. Un U i! IZl ' ri-''V! tiiHga-tU of tlit Jgu'ar Psttnt . m . vno inriimvi, ttermasana Armriraririient. kal Prtmiua.au4 batierttd Ptrfuxatf vr lTatxa.t, Horrl- era, they will b.rtol(t en thr relbmrt. 'l tm wa cpiju it'iiiui lumrmuiLniH. (. tow- L r"w? v"tl.if:.."i JIaUy.-llaitifeU ' ' " . ' PHOA'raAU9S.i . - rt 11 . a ... ..... a. hd.) fiXLlJ 75 btxo fterstj f tard In brthVhud lf( tit " K J ktgt SiutUebt rtwpnitWtt aM bp-t L a . Lt 'l fP : f KfcN4 J aVWaLN iiMrtcmr mm Fouit."Arwijvv c "1 'ar. loiMssKS, 1 a 100 saa jusT , 0kjiA,4Aa,7 4 iJjL, fiATMAWAXfr CO. I r(i'7bUI.KlukJP,,,rari a ..! .aa.ll.'Vayy) " - - -1 . e!'. I !SBlAUtNrANIAAOaaa&ii','T a2() 1 1 II US. DIU kALTMlDkC - 20 ' .1. 4K lakatJd t ..M W.iibbi. BoOJ'wki .i-araat by .-''- Ndv. 4H, J'v'f. " ' "A TTfnSS XVWFELL. !ie t CAAVKIE4AMre3-.Hta v aae,irf - 100 AM "Bt rUFKltaast FIN A vt heatrrna Mr sale MUby , -u . m n 4 b ,:KIU(U aUURIENE. Nuv, A i . 1 - voarru (ntRotA.NAt.irAce.i - 1 9rnn LM, ( superior FyU itrj4vi-,.,,iyiby .... - AeJVVA l vMi. - " 1 '. R; CoT.Harlrt A SecOnij at. U ItBBYTEUIAN B YMN3, PSALU3 AND SELECTbONS; Th. Ma. lie fine 21 nio, toil to have arrived, and for sale at Ll i " V 4 alt I wma-s-rwaj ) 1 , 1 i QUaAii, tyiWr. Hod,,iIUk Crackers-freal from the bakery. iiiki iT. r m auiu oy ' WILLARC A CUUIIS. Sept ;.9tlf ?! --Hi) 8 f ' .. , . w s., RACON. Wts ASU btlULidJfclto-very 1 handvime. For sale by Sop 5. ,, Jfr 1LLAUD A CURIIS. u n r. wranren rwasraui! V ELEGANT GOLD WATCH FOB 315. at " ' ct. 14. . , -m'".. . 55 Alarietaatreot I."'. '. , T THEIIB.CAN BE 1)9 question., that Troft cmbtd -to earth w'ill rise again. it hiher muwion, aid aha cannot avoid it. any -mora thas those who rt to L ai.umDii'1 Watob and Jewelry Store ottki belt) bnrinr. when they get (lit preridji Watche jiwtopetiaU mi dy Wt would recommend our frehds, who wUk to pMcheat any goodt in his lia, fo grre hiar a ead. Via know t isy caa get suited at 51 Market struck v If ytm want ytat TV atches pat in first rate order, in tuiek tim4 gt to bk and yen can ' set it done kis WAtch Maker ia the best ia tewo.. Mr. Al exaodcr's motto is, -".Smatl proflt and tick . ! . Don't foTiret-55 Market et. ; 1, ALI.XA? 1 1 Not. IL ' 1 . Not. 15. r ' kfci ALDWlirs. hint bt any AWret of this Clalrf.'or wpes any n, JV th, apatlaak Cowl, aad airrajtaitj U U.MbJai kU ta pro-CV-w tlist tiujr lia pr)ed for, , " V., 7" ,f; 'M'1 ' M"' nWfte,fyroVily skUll ltliA I tja A'drt V.alTlaa.,f Ak-J. JC.f.

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