c in It H t i. J ! I 1 I t VOL 8. NO. 102. TCLMINGT0N, X. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, .TANU.UIY o. ISjII. WHOLE NUMBER 2,202 In h" .. U I BT FTLTO PRICE, PROPRirTORS. JAS. FULTON. Editor A. L. PRICE, AMwetaJe IdHuf.j Terra) T iMnipnM. ' ' -DaJr Yip ft, one year, isvaruvb la aitmace s i Weekly . ...... I i, AU WlUrt m rtrniars etanaectod with, thi office, niust L , addressed to the proprietor. KATES OF ADTERTNIXt;. iLf kjc-aeb. OHii; t Twedar j;j ThTMdAt. 0 oar drs e:J Free bri ti OminL .... T Tw ntki.. l j; On Moath .. .1 dm Twemootb........! W Aim oaJui i 00 Ou day T we da ye. Three day. Font dV Five dv One week Two week!.,..... One oath. Tw aswiith...... Three Booth. .... BOLh i . I W . I r . 1 &e .ut . I : . 4 00 . T 00 .10 M U 00 Six aioaibe I W One year IS (W OM year SO 00 Tea Lae are etuM M a uroar. and It fine er lesa a kif-aaare. Lno-e advenaviaaent la propertHNa, aad ail payable ta eieuc. Wbea not pj U advance ti tuu per aqoara will be cbarftJ after the Art uuertioa. J" All hair aqoam tot paid for ta aJvaart be rharj id aa a aqaare, AT AdTenuwnmta tnaartcd u Special or Biop !Ctk.-e art ckare4 a-kai mure tkaa abur rate eight liaee pleaded) ur Irea counted aa a equare, ' Ad rertiae menu iuaerted eTenr etber ity are charged i'i eeata per eqoare (or each mertioa after the tret. ATM abboAtioa Bude witAoat a reeponaible aaaie. BUSKISS A5D PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OI.IVIl IILUCT. fl. VILUU!(. KEU.IT dk WILnref, WHOLI3AIJC AND RETAIL I'EALkUW IS UliOCE KltJ ANUniOVlMONS. I'o, U AVIA Wirr re(, Dec. 16, 18i8. WimiNgTv, S. C. T. M. MITU, COMMISSION AND FOBWAKUINU MEUCDAKT, WlLltWJTON.N. C. Wd irivai pertoaal aad prompt attention to the aale and ahlpment of Cotton, Natal Bturea, and all other eoonrrj pro duce. Office No. 17, (ep aUira,) North Water bL, itnaMdiatul; erer M. Mclnaia . Oct. Ilrt, 1S58. 39-ly-O 1y. T. A. B. BOIIItrrEDT, TUNER AND AGENT FOU CHICKEKINQ'S riANOS, of which ho haa alwajn tome oo haaU. ept. 17. I. T. Aldirman. W. h. Bcttincolkt. ALJJEnSIAt & BKTTESKXJI RT. (i BOrEIW AND DEALE1H IN GENERAL MERCHAN VT D1ZK, No. 31 5otb Watib 8thiit. 8epU Sd lSi't HKRr P. RCHHELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, UT East Bat, (Ur Ptaim.) CHARLESTON, H. C. March 17th, 1U. m tf T. II. McKOT A CO.. G ROCERS AND COMMISSION ME11CHANTS, South T Water itreet, Wimwotom, N. C. A of . 2M, laM. 2; 7 II. B. KILKKX, WHOLESALE OKOCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, an-l DEALER IN NAVAL 8T0RE8, corner Water and I'arkrt atreeta, Wilmington, N. C. April ii, 18ft. TIIOMAB W. BROWS, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AND FUR TUB DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, June Mlb, loH. 247 tf tit. ITOILIT. ALU. OLDBAM. TOKXET it OLDHAM, GROCERU AND C0MMIS5?I0N MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. WlLMINUTOH, N. C. RjriHBKCI. Col. John McRa. Prealdent of the Bank of Wilmington. O. 0. PAULar, Esq., Preklcnt of the Commercial Bank. M. t. diaii, U. D. ' it. i'lIN. DRAKK i DlrLIV, ( Sucoemm to Ihr. A. '. ItraiVnj.) WHOLESALK AND RETAIL DRUUOIHTS, Noitliwevt coraerof Front and Market bu, WUmintrton, N. C, will keep eonttanttjr on hand a wellnelecteil ituck of lriif. Meilicinca, Chemicala, Fancy Articlcit, Perfumery, Surt'lcul lnittruuientA, Truaaea, Paint, Oil), Window Ulu. Varuwh, Old Urandiee, Wiaee, Ae., A. All of which will be furnish ed on the usual terma and at low nrirca. MayXmh, 1M6S. 'mf DR. J. A. WU.I.KH, IRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER h BA 1 KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wilminoto, N. C i Oct. Mh, 1867 38 tf D. A. LAHOXT. C COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. SH North Water atreet, J OcLll-Jl-tf Wjlmi!(otoi, N. C. jno. rorri aaovw, abhahd . DtaiiofaT, 1r., a. r. saowif. UIUW N A DeRUHSKT, New Verk, DeROHSBT A BROW1 Wllmlnartmi, If. C, 12 COMMIHKION MEW1HANTH. USIOI DISTILLRHY. WILMINGTON, N. C , J. E. OAKELY, Pnmrxetrcm, ' VakBOKKELEN A BRO., AjinU. ALL KINDS OF NATAL tjTOUKS puruliaed, ronufe tured and aold Wharfage and Storage fOTniihe'l, and Coopragt done at lair ratei. Jan lit, 18fl7 123 tf. J. M. ROUIHUH i MS, WaarwiTOH, N. C. IMPORTEBS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dea lerea in Hardwaro, Calterj, Iron, Steel, Naili, Agricol toral Implementa, Ac WM.C. HOWA1UJ, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. JO. 1864. 13-tfJ Wilminotow, N. C. ADAMH, BROTHER A CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLBTKOTOW, N. C. OF.OROK W. DAVIS, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, South Water Street, j Wilmington, N. C. i. HATHA AT. . t. HATBiWAT. HATHAWAY A CO., w. a. miT, C COMMISSION MERCIUNTS, J Wn. NINO TON, N. C. TP. C A B. O. WORTH C COMMISSION AliD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J WlLMINOTON, N. C. March 11, 1857 . ' 156- ly dAMIS AHDBB80N, 1DWABD IATAOB, AMDERSO?! A IAVAOB, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f , Wilmington, N. C. Liberial caih adrancei made on conalgnmenta. WILLARD A CX RTIS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN. No. 10 Bocth Watm Stbibts, Jan. ldth, Wilmington, N. O. W. H. TUBXINOTO, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VT . , . Wilmington N. C. July J6, 1856J75-tf JAMXI 0. iMITH. MILI3 COST IN JlLCINim Jtrn (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, affico aecond atory, oorner Booth Water and Market itreeta, Wilmington, N. C, Commission line. All boiineM entnuied to them win bo punctually attend .dto. CHA8. I. MYERS. H AT AND CAP EMPORIUM, 84 Market Street, . . Wit v n iwrnawLeehonu andPalra Leaf Hatg. WooL Fur. Silk. and Moleakin HaU, Cloth, Plush, And Silk Glued Capa, by the cue or ooaea, ai new i mm uuw, pncei, WALKER ME A RES, (Snoceaaor to Walker Meares A Co.,) VfTHOLESALB AND RETAIL DBUGOI8TS,'--W 4SMA10T.tT., Wilmtnoton, N. C. Jan. 1 .-ft. 5.Miket itreeW pushes am) rnonssioNAL CAM. . w. divt. m. ii.. 0 lies of i.aj rort-n. Cftt-i div U low ti-rMo lii '. '.. Fl -ar:tlr.LL Jim j. JOH . rak:u. VTTti lK H!E ATc OK Ht l! iKvH.tN . Wiai.Tti', N. LKYt A.IIIRT, " i (Tt reiiiT t i iir MAXT'FACTrRER AND TKAI KR IN (.UN. nsTUv Hardware, Store. Ciipw, Tj aJ Sine lrw Wi. also, Turjiealtae Si ilk auJ KiVair. kraal trrt, !.' April l, IviS Vl ' W. II. NrHIHT A rt f tCOMMl?Sh)N MERCM ANT, eoreer Ptw. aad Water! J atreeta, Wilmington, N. C. BXriKKMI: B. R. Sarr.pe, Cah!rr Bank Cie Fear, trilmlnrtiW. N. C. Col. JUa M. Kae, IWl iUnk WiiMi'.t.. Jj. d-' D. A. 1 !. Ca-Uiirr Braui h H'k Cape Frai, (stUUury, Ji. , J. U'.k, " " " Sal. m. da. J. EliVirejjif.PTeaidfBto Batik Cheraw, S. C. (Oct 17J ' UKKIMAKT A BKUW X. ( 1 ENERAL COMMISHION MEJtCH ATS. T WILMINGTON N. C. Jan. lit, 1S5T. W-tf. WIL.HIXUTOX MA RULE W)llKJ. Kntnl ItiwL unr tka .MrtkuilUI r. I hun L. fOXVMENTS. TOMBS, UEAD and FOOT STtlVrH ill FURNITURE TOPH, Ae..f the VKT VUAUTY of A eKltk'AN or ITALIAN MAIRILK, ruraiiifced tn orjr, a CHEAP can be procured from auy eeUL)liLiu.iit of the kmd in the coualry. I employ none but experienced worVrae a. anl w;ll iTrt no paina to pleaee all woo may faror me with their patron eTertui CASH, unlesi by ipecial lerefiiie'it. V. G. M1LIJGAN. Wilmtagtun, N. P., Bept. 13th. !W. 7 tf. KDV YORK AND PMLADELT111A CARDS. tJ K.O. O. VAIAMHIM.K, JK. (COMMISSION MERCHANT. J Cotton, Spirit Turpentine, Itoiiu, Lumber, and Smith era ftodoco generally. IH North Wbarvra, Mx'tr .4r,A Strtft, PlIII.AMI.rHM. $1- Prompt penonal attention liven to alt eonslnmeuU, and quick return madec Caok orde ra aolii ited. Dec. 4th, 1S 7G if imiFKEK A AI KRI, IMPORTERS AM) JOBBERS of FUKXt lf. i:OUSU and UlUMAX FASCV (WOPSami rtlin ut. lii; No. I'.ti Fri.TON KTKKKT, NK' VoKI. IIkskt GKirriN, i Wm. H. Aiikn. j Nov. if,. 4i, ly. B. OOLLNIH. a. roTTKK, JK. J. CAMIRDIN DOI.IA'K It, ItHTKIl A C O. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Niw Yohi. March Ud, 1H6H. lo'-lj AHJK)N 0. WATSON, OAHTON MIAHIC. WATOM A MK A HE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H Burling Slip, New York. Eopecial attention paid to the aale of Naval Stohkh, Cor ton. and Southern Produce generally. Liberial advance! made on consignment!. July 1, '& t. MABVIT COCHRAN, W. I. KkNKKL. CtK'IIUAN A HI SHF.I.L. GENERAL COMMISSION MEUCH ANTS, No. 51 North Wharvei, and 83 North Water Htreet, l'ari,ArEi,rniA eMT'Liberial canh advance! made on conaignmenti. JulyJtnh, 1K63 27V SADDLERY, HARDWARE, w:. IIACKER9 ASD PIXLER, OF OUR BRAND. Juit received and fr sale br J. M. ROBINSON i SON. Oct. 30. Herald copy. 47 03tIX AXES 1 1 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE J. M. ROBINSON . brand. Just received and for sale y Oct. 30th J. M. ROBINSON A SON. Herald copy. iv An.. F ROM 4d. to 20d. For aate by Nov. 9. WILLARD A CURTIS. HHOAO HWEKIl IROt. 6 7, 8, 9 and 10. A full assortment for sale br , ' J. M. ROBINSON A BON Oct. 30. Herald copy. 47 LEATHER AM) rM BELTING. F OR SALE BY J.'M. ROBINSON A BON, Oct 30. Herald eopy. i IKWDO KEEDLES AND 81 ISSOIIS, OF EXTRA QUALITY. For sale by J. M. H JBINP0N A RON. Oct. 30. Herald ropy. 47 FILL OF CltHIWE AUD PRTORIWR. THESE ' PIIJ.S" HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY TES ted in Wilmington, in the treatment of Ague and Fever, and all other form of Remittant and Intermittant Fever. They have also keen found highly bencficiol in Neuralgic af fection of the face, Ac. Prepared by DRAKE k McLIN, Apothecsfies. Bold at iW cent a bo. . r ,t-.. Seamless sacb: halt. HANDSOMEST package! ever received here worth 15 cenU y sack more than the ordinary gaeka. Tha seam leee sacks are offerered from wharf, by Dec 14, JAMES T. PETTKWA. Ow XJiamnK!STA email lot of Guilford eounty APPLE B&iNB V, a very superior article. For jale D14J by , , 8T0KLEY 4 OLDHAM. IMPROVED CORN AND COB CRUSHERS. For sale cheep, by 13) J. M. ROBINSON A SON. BACON AND LARD. C f(C LBS N. C. SIDES! jA Ft M f 2.000 lb. Prima Old Ham w A few barrel N. C. Lard. For sale by . . DeROSSET A BROWN. Dec. 4th BCGARH I 8UOARSII -YK BBLS. A. WHITE and Craihed Bogari . Zil 40 do. IC. Coffee Sugar. Just received and fof sale BJ Not. 27th ZESO tj, n n 'Pi MEDICINAL BVLTIW.KK UtK HltriU l'R JOHOX. Tlif m .W mt tt rvki! l44va '. t, CcrU , ,U i ','t ,--e.-:'.;.t flf h w. r'U io ' v-i .. 0taJ !'' ii i' m 1. in., i . -vt .' .ii. a,. i iw ' tt. ie't."c. tU - , ; 1 r u .!. ..... ta K(aeva. ;, :Ul ..t t If .ir. l. .u. NertuM lmahntt.T.l. nr..!. N.-t- i-r sk ; asnl alt UkM rKa v si. u U, V l'i-r wrnn rra all te ltrw tmn ul tft as ck .trrtf balk biv aad auad. k v u.i u-, le pe ri r buw flal t th tuna Una tie ., . tji , S,TeH I., ti Vir a r CiTe,kligUtaa taT tm Lruiual , h'iw s" t ipilM-as. m ao.-f t.' ssutrjre, i- btjm .l 1. j k H j --.4! , k kie tH nal the wUn w Ki'ary t . . ini eieauTiu aua jr live , b ri . t. ae n:ir W -r tbrwaad t ytamg tU a. -t I haveeiil'wiitv4 liWBJAij hraaire WKh l l!al if ( 1 ar aaifM i cicy ine nnny n n j va .a all rtmfiOeaee. 9trrtc. Marrwd Pet. r,YLna Men rweUlur!1" ''. aiitiee. .atMHiW imeae issUrlr toaall 1I , J..aad U rrJjr ! . . i i. u r He whu pU. - himwlf under th cre of Dr. J luay relwioualr rt'iia.W in ku hoor a ruUftiun. and ui demly reiy uoa hie kill a a tihtacia. imff-eilijlelv t uret. aad fait vir -ti.t4. ThweWai i the penalty matt frequently paitlbytbuae wh ke Keoone the VM-lntia nl improper inWi . Yuu persona are Um apt ta turnout eicvieHM Iroai aot be in; aware of the dreadtul eoiweiiirBiea that y eu e N"W, whe thai aniterxUad tlx uvH-t will inelend to J' tiy thit the power ef Prtx-iwutiwa at lut auitaer by Uue Ullwt into improper hakita than kv the rtru.Uiit. 'llraui benn dentrd the plceaure ol beai'hy 8iriug, the l erioiw a;u! dmtpietue vnipurue lo ina ih.v bou atinu ane. THe pyatem beeome deratiire l, (he phyical and Mental powera weileiie.1, aervwua debiliU, d M-iaia, aipiUtK-a of the heart, ind irection, a waaiirg uf the name, coua, yaipMmi of eotiiuraiiUou, etc. ierwwue UrUlllx. .WeakiMM of the Ttera, Nervnaa lytiility and premature decay generally ariait from the liextiticlu aahit of youth, thai aolitary praetice ao latal ta Hie h aithful exWteta e ol Bias, and it ia the y ours g who are iio.t apt to bwome lit vietima, frma an ignirant'a ol the dancer tu w hich th-j utijwt tliemwlvrv 1'areau and (iiuidwim are oftea Una led with rex vert to the rauae or tumice uf diaeai tn their aona and ward. Ala ' how olleii do they aacriUe to other cautiei the waating of the fmnie, PlitalUa of tit Heart, Iyaiepia, ludifeatioa, deranretneiil of the Nervoul ha U m, t'nuh. and Hyaiptonia uf CeiMtimptwa, alao, Uiom riiMii Bvrital eflecu. eueh a loan of memory, deprewtioa id nnU, or peculiar tit of nielauchuly, when the Uie truth ia. they have been caused by indulging in oeruiciou but allur ing practii ea, detructive to both Body aud MiuJ. Tims are swept from eiteuee thouandi who mivbt hae bveu of uae to their country, a ptcesiir to their friend aud orua KM'lit to sorietn. Orrit'i No. 7 Xhth Iukosic rr., left band lide going from Baltiniore street, 7 doors from the corner. tr Be pai ticulur In obaerving the uaiae aud nuniher, or you will unmake, the place. Mf Take notice, ol-rve the name on the door aad win dow. A Cwv uarxuiUi-t I, or no Ihnre Mi tilt, n J'rvm One to 7'i 7'iivn. NO MEHC'l'RY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS USED. lilt. JOIIMN, Member of the Royal College of HurKeotia, Londoii. (Inula ate from one of the Uuwt eioinvnt Collenea of the L'bilud State, and the greater pert of whose lilt! has been spent in the tilTt HotipilaU of London, Paris, Philadelphia, and ele- here, ha etlectod some ol the most astoiiiahiug cures that were ever known, many troubled with mixing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at nullen sounds, and baahfulueHs, with Irequetil blushing, at tended Sometime! with derangement of nuad, were tured immediately. A Certain Utaraa. , When the mieuuided and luiurudent votary of ulrasnrs tJiiiJa he haa imbibed the ae"d ul this painlul disea, it too otten happen that an ill-timed Mase of sliamo, or drrai' ol diacovery, deters him from applying to those iho, from ed u ation and respectability, laa alone befneLd li'm, dulaying till the couMituUoaal lymptoins of this horrid Uiavane make tbeir ap(M'Krani'e, such as ulcerated sure throat, dineaned niHte, uoeturnai pams, in the bead anil II'mI , diuineHs ol mht. dcalitess, uvdf ou the shin boues snO inns, blotchas on the head, lace ami oxlmiinllea, progiiiaaing with fright lul rapidity, till la-l the palate or the nioiilh ol tie boiu'r ol tbil nor tail in, and the victim of this aslnl diacaMi be collies a horrid olijei t ol i uliiniiTiitioii, til icalli puli H pern d to Ui.ilnailliil aulleiiugs by sendii'M lulu Ui "t!ia' iiiiiiriii' 1 c i mi w heiii e im timi'ii i h 'turns." To such, tin im lor, Hi. JiiIiiiihiii plidxe kitii II to pn uie the ui in viohilih) secieey, aud Irotii ba eilcliaiw prai tire in tl.e lirst hoil iu k'liupe alid A. ins id, he i uii : Ii-Mi ul i ie "HI uietul a sale and -pe.eilj iui lif tli UMfuiiLLals nictiui 4jl this horrid iliwavie. Jl ! a nu'lauclmlj layt, thai llioutunJi I ail vii tiip to thi dieadful disea, oanin t tlie umkiU'iitn('-i of iguoatit pre ti'iiilni", ah", bylliu o ol Unit Jivkiilal iidh-i, i i i i 1 1 1 r y . rum the Dttimlituliuli, a.ia en ii stud the. unin)t hu!I l r 'n sn mil. mily giavu, oi .sis nmke tin' ii..g..f of hi liltt miserable. Take Isr1luliir oll. . Dr. J. addjsa.es ml thuse ahu liuse iiij imi tln iu.-clvi;l by private aud improper iudulgiuces. Tbvsu are smile ol Ilia snd imJ iml.U"li"V eTi'it liro diicd b euil) habit of Joulll, tic : Wkner of the Knell and Limbs, Pain iu tii" llesd,. Diui' esi ul Sight, Ixiss ol Muscular Powtr, Palpitation of the Ileait, I-jieiMiii, Ner vou Irritability, Dt-iaugemt'iil of the Dfj,' stive Function, General m billtv, tivmptamd of Consumption. Ac. Msntai.lv Thl tearful cfli nts upon the initid are much to bedieailed: Loss of Mvnuiry, Cupluioh i.l lde.. iH pres siob ul Siiuiuv, Evil FoTebodmgs, Aversion ol !sc Ictw Self Dii ttui-t, Love of Bulitudc, Tluiid4y, Ac, uri: some of the evils produced. Tb"iiids of pursonn, of nil igei, run imw jiid;e what is tin: cau-v uf their declining honltli. Losing their vigor, bv- tuHiiiia i, pa:e ami euavmieu, nave u -i t ur iipprur ilia i, : uTimit It- i ure aiiuut Utr ejes, couiiii aim sj mil ijjh Mil. ni h(OI'Mliig K Vt nku sa. toiiiM .I Ciiniiniitiiin. . Jolui-oii s lovlKiirelliig K mil!) rr oig.'iiir By lli! grewt and lintiurtnt remedy, we aim h ol Ole or gjim sie speedily cured, and full vigor restoteil. 'I hinisnnils of the nw't hervou snd debliRittud. who had f"t j!l hopo, have betnrotieved. All Ininedlmeuta to Sl.iniajje, Physical or M' Msl Dis'pualiflcatiou, Nervous Irritiih lit y-, I 'remiiiinga and Weakness, or exbaiistiutiof the most Ii irlul kind, speed ily cured by Dr. Johnaon. Young Men, Who have injured tucnittlvei by a nr'.aln practice, In Jiilgeit in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil comptiiions, or at ichool the cflict of which are nlulitly lolt, e.en wln-n asieep, and If not cured, rrndori marriage Imposeitile, and dcitroyi both mind and b4y, should apply iinmediutelv. I What k pity that a young mn, the hop of hi country, auu lue uariiug oi ui viareubs, puuuiu v mon ueu iiuui u proepicts and enjoyment! of life, by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Bucb persons, before contemplating Mnrrt.ige 1 should reflect that a aound mind arid brty' re the Jtiost ne cessary reqilisitlei to promote ronnuhl InippinnM. Indeed, without these, the journey through lib becomes a weary pllgrimige, the prospect hourly darrena to the view j the mind become shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the hni pmesi of another, be oome blighted with our own. . OFFICE NO. 7 bOUTH FREDERIC FX, L'alfimore, M1 All SmniCAi OrnuTioxs PrRro.Mn. N. B.-Let lo false delicacy prevtBt yon, but apply im mediately either personally or by let'ir. IAIN CISC AMK SHSP1LT CTHKO, To Ntrangers. The fnany thousand cured at thl? Institutinn within the last twelve years, and the anmerons important aurgical Op eration performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porter ol our daily papers and man; other persons notice of which have again and again appeared before the public is a sufficient guarantee, that the Afflicted wiij find a skill ful and honorable physician. Take Setli N. B. There are so B an) wortilesa Quack advertising themselves a Physicians, ruining tU health of tbo already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deem it neceaaary to aay, efipe cially te those uiiaoi 'minted with his reputation, that his credentials or diplomas always hang in hia ofil. TAKE NoTKTK. All letter must be podt-paid. and con- tarn a pmtage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be acnt, May 18th, 1858 JIS-1 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. C1EDAB TUBS, Painted do., Braxs bound Cedar Pails, ; Painted do., Flonr BnckeU in Nests, Nest Mearares, Iron bound. Half-Bushel. Brooms, varioua onaliUi and price, White Wash, Scrub and fcbo Brushes, Farmers, Market, Clothes, Fancy and other Bisketa, Wasb-Boards, Wire Seiyea, Wood Doi, .Telegraph,, German and Wax Matches, Manilla and Cotton lied Cords, Plow and Clothes Line, Cocoantrt Dippers, Ac. Ac For sale by Oct 19. I' LB. HUGG1N3 & SONS. AT- WJBkAna 1 K AtBAJtRFXSJfTariooi bntDfli.) foriatenr ADUi8ept.3.B T., J- l-iTHAWAYXcO. r ii MtMCINAL V'4-NV'.'; t5 fA1Er. A Purnler f ta toiovd, u4 eruia ear lor K tol'iU or kmc Kvd. Laiaoar Akw-ews li s lhe.iar, While Sil tmg. all DieirK of tlw tlua. Diwaee ol tl Liver, Dineaa ut lb.- ki'tnrv s'ld hplti, t h route Sure Eyi-e. Scald tl'iad, Ktlt Hlteuiu, N nrvy, ( bore or S'. Vitus' Dauca, Aslhwa, Jauadie. t hrosnc UImmhisIimii, t bronkv lHrbilily luilowin luierimlteat or MaUrlou Fver. aud ail dut eaws iiiii Irnm lb sum ewuve a of Mercnry, Yh e;euu4 Alter Uiv M ol" vd to lh ub,io a a tadi ex rare lor the abov aarne I disease, sriMiil ahoily or Ui lart from impurity or vittntion ul tin IiUkhI -Uut ban of h 'icovKa ret upon tlio aell- kaowa aiturativa prnertW ol Spauish Sarsapanllu, whi k l unirUd etptviwiiy lor the r. impounder id tin nirdieioe la all it pujity ; it i then, with the I llli.i ol other laedu innl pluU alteialite aad touic tullieit action -Ntaiiuiai tured with it rare, aad aoucta tratrd ia a palatable form, making by the eombmatiun vu ef th beat Alterative Medicute ever 0ed. It ia mild, yet active, iu it operation j it renovate, while U leiuuve the 1 ue ut diM'M-, aud may b ud by all with coiitlilfttce and sal.'ty. It is aa AU, isliv T"inc, and la p ullarly adapted to aia Urn u wi'tino of tli rountiy- it eiailuate tUoroughly all trace of chronic debility ahich so ltra lnlis u at I ail ol acvere or protracted caav of liateriuiUeut fever. Iu tbv South aud Vrt it ba be. u lliuinnlilv trud, aud ha Hevei faileal to restore the invalid to hllh, somsliuiv after all other remedies have fulled. Iu dixeaaes artniiiK lioui aa eieeasive um of mercury or other mineral medicine, it 1- uui passed in the thoioUkk and prompt inamier 111 which it eradu ales all diseased mat tcr from the blood and glandular syvtcui. Iu sll cutaiieoiK ilnwiixe it act bk a 1 haiiil, and In such duo aws as Scald Ilea l, Salt llhsum. and Ski 11 dmeanes ol every kind, II i wilhout an equal iu its cuialive effei Is. In the combination lliero aie reinedie that act dirsctly on the l.iver and Kidueys, and therefore it propoae to re lieve theoe organs alien in a torpid or Inactive stale. III re lievihK these and other oigiviia,aud being a purdler of the blooil, it claiav to bo a cure lor that loathsome diseas, -1 rulula. Hie Alteistive is put up In pint bottles. Accompanying vach ImUle w a paiupliU I sxliliig Im th t e nature and char acter of the sevi lul ilisvaM foe which It propose to be I cm. AU Aueuts Hiel others wbolavnthe Alterative fur kujil are supplied lib -Um pawphkta fur ilittibutloUj Ask fur one aud reaU IV. This mediciue hss been extensively used by msny pliy sic la us of euiineie e tlirouuhout the Houlh, and wu uve lot lets from uiauy of litem, apaakilili in Ui hlaUest terms of Its actiou as an Alleialive T01110 Ifeinedy. We are at liberty to refer to Dr. K iiik. of Loulsburg, N. C; Dr. Claiborne, ol Ptrburg, irgiuia; lb. il-un and Haudcrs, Miirianrla, Florida; Ur. lliiiut, lla'tand Butler, (ireenwood, Fla.; Or C. A. Hint. Ouiucy, Fl'.; Dr. K. M. Fant, Uankston, Ml-m.l ami iiuiiiy others. For sale only by WALKER MEARES, Wilmlugton, N. C, and 1'iugiiiNi tliiniiliuut the Mate, Nov. .''i. la..- ii.' lint. T KAILKOAKS. MrlHI'. MinioN Hihthiit, H. C. November I', KV. APPLICATION WILL UK .,,...!,. 1,. fl.n Hi... 1. 1.. ..I ...! I r j .111,. 1.- ,if . 11.- 1 ,t.iuNM. mn-l i -r lurectfiis of the Wilinlngtoii A iitt.e In 1.111 iii.ii 10 si 1 .01 jiiinv, tor a reiun ol a t 01 till rule 1 .f Hock for tell sbwros, in lieu of I ettllleale No. 2111, ah, h M;ik ieitiocl by lire, JNO. N, Mrl Al.L. kn.v. 110. " 'Ji tw orricK iiai. Hr'r. Wil.. A Man. R. R. Co. ' Wilmington, N. C, November lidth, IW. 1 eek- 'rii.'' ? w"aV;.t ri ? VcWf . .inn V. TO 1 II A till. Kit. t ANn A FT HI WMi.VKSDAY.Dee. 1st, a chsrifw uf ESD ipnn V. Sthcdu c itl be nuide npon this Bond, and the Mall and I a"eiu?er I tains will ran a follows t Leave Wi'nilnj. t-m at fl A. M. and SS P. M. Airivc nt Kmg.ilie ut II 10 P. M. snd A. 15 A. M. b'ave Kimsville U S A. M. and 9 30 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington t 3 P. M. snd 4 A. M. All llie trsltil eonneet rlowly with t'olnnibia trains, eneejit the morning tmin leaving KingSTdle st ft. IA. , Poni'eetions rtre nmde through with the (ireenvllle and Columbia Road. J. P. ROBERTSON, Gen. Hnp't. Nov. lin. .,h.73 tf. M I .TON .W 11(11 K, tJILAM PliIXTERS, O WILMINGTON, N. P., IS.-.LL MIL DAILY JOL'L.VAL SIX TIMES A Wbl.l at ,. and WL.'iN'UDN JOURNAL every Friday mum tig, at ii 'ill pur yeas-, invariably in idvaiic. and paptr disooiitiiiiitd when the time paid lor lptres. THE DAILY JOURNAL contain a dnily rertort of the niarkets in Wilmington, together with the lutest Comrae- cisl and other IntelTigoHce thiouliout tlio country, received np to the horn ol going to press. 1 HE WEEKLY PAI'EU conuitu all tbo principal new j Uie week, and all the tmportilTit editorial matter of the sev eral dully isrfucs, together with a weeniy report or tun mar kets of this town, carefully collected and writton out in full Uy our Own arnrorter. Tim circulation of the Weekly paper U now quite lariri, and iscouetantly on the Increase. The Dally Journal ha also a very respectable circulation, especially among Busi ness Bun. These paper afford facilities for advertising urpa;'d by no other in tlits section. Tney lwt ii all kind of PRINTING, such is F AMP 11 LEI'S, HILLS Of KXrilAMiH,MU.H OP LADING, IJIIXKS, JiJLf. 11LAV HE.UJlNVS. CtlWULAES. ......... .1..1 wii'tiu 11 , I'tifi 11 1 l r i Ii ei u a.. LAJiUS, i VoiiliJi li.nvx'Jj..f), linjinun, ir. BLANKS--For Lawiers. Clerki of Court. Sheriffs ami Citnstablc, printed to order, and forwarded to any part of Uie Slut, pitKR or 1'oaTAOn. lor i per quire, wnen as many at lour quires are ordered of one kind, 11 done on letter ei paper. For bUtuks on, larger paper, the charge Will be in pioportion. Ad" tflaiiks of vkrlooa kindl conetantly on ban-., snd fcr ale at the JOUILN'AL OFF1CK. March 22, 185P. VtOUTII CAROLINA BACON.' TICS lbs. Prime N. C. J Bacon hng round. For sale low to rlote a ronsigfi Lisnt. tD7 T. 0. A Ik- G. WORTH. COW PEAS. 4 SMALL LOT of new crop Cow Pea-etiperior qnality, X. jtiit received. For iftle by Deo, : 8T0KLEY A OLDnAM. j1 OLAssE-20 Hhds. Bright Cnbl, in new pn;klr,ts. FomaJeby DUJ n w. m. juckaki uo. T iCNG ST A RTS OR SPIRIT RAPPERS. For sal by JJ Dec. l ith i. M. ROBINSON A SON, A 1 .. . t'MURELLASI t'MMBELLAS 1 1 1 .-.-nil. 1 o. MTMII.'l'fl - F 1 , , . ' A "I L-r.-iuu AWiuni jic.v 01 ati colors, nes litiS and iiualitiea at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Mir S, ketfairctt. , CH Ah. D. MYERS. Dec. lith '.''-"' CHEAT SACRIFICE I SKLL1XO OFF TO CONTISUE BUSINESS.'! HUTE STOCK OF OVERCOATS JUST RECEIYEI) IS M X large, aud the weather ao warm, we Lave determined to tsacrilke Die lot at ' . ALMOST COST FOR CASU1 The MAKE, CUT awl MATERIAL-ru equalled ly anw bouse to town. BARGAINS I BARGAINS 1 1 at Dec. 13. - BALDWIN'S. Mill u.;. uiiii i am r4m EDrCATI05AL nm txticit. n mihkitical - M IH iHm j re A , .v. c i 11 "rsrn. T.J. hoiinfu. a jsw. iN Mn ti e vn Monday m X JASHArj. K.i4 1 T ati- as kt-irt .r 4-e, I J irr ek. f i.l. N.i. Iec. t! Nlla M1.SCEUVNE0U& t Alti II UI'a.TIK IHI llXh.lt V, rl t mt ! . ( Wrli Bk C. f nill I NIiMCSfUNkD, rrvsa 4b eMM hot k L eaaUrd tw give lulti jirnt )"iiul alt' at to the bii-taii!.. i-mi.A, r! Ji'i'is ir h l. i ptnterty, ft hi w la m e-li ofimlm, aa.1 U mm m t.4 f the 1H kl Moat ft; vpriH'k. r4 I'Mi ier la laa SUt By M rtrfe. wrtk tt. Tk tirt e take Si karrela A a eaarf. attd taaiir pe day taa be lua whaaarevwnaty. Tk-rw ' aa Arte-iaa aril Mi fret drp, aad every thiAg reipi'srtO tor t! kusiMiM. 1 h terM would b aeeos aaandatiag. IVioe klwtMMed to aurvhaae, will pi ed-lm bm at kCHarlwtca. K. V. BF.NJ. ti. KkRloT. Ui. lilU.lo.dl taalv tVlKHirtl M..l M HI :,- WKIIII.M! U.1.D, I)' .lUki; & Mi UN, MU GGISTS, Ac, would respect lully c ill the a'tirtoa v.f liarib-aer and wtlser, U tlie ete iive bat af Grda herds, which they are prepared to fins ii hii'r! or reUll. A the HrtkrrsXicld Seed kav l ie oU ia tfifca plae f, the Iskt lea yeara. Betkrat; i-ea be sanl on r part s regaro tkeur quality. la addi-. tins tn our vaiicd awirtnient of " Seeds," w ha aa kind all th dim-rent vri,t-s of fWsna, pra. Old. .a Helta, Ae., Ae., Whu k mialiy lulUvatod Ml Ik VK'USMy. d" All imteis irein our patrons In toe aitjuiniag count if I Will kieet wftil prompt AtteatVW. I hk am. a ii un. Wilmington, N. P.. Dee. isth, ISM EMITY HtHHEUI. ) W FM1TY rtPIMIT BAIUiFLK-ksadlag tbJ day. Fit )VUsaU.by T. 0. A B. i. VUiKTH. LAIilt.f KlllBn. FIC1IK I'NM'll'KINKll efler her services t.l the Hdlfl of 1 iltiiiiialtitu as Nurae. hba may be fouad at Mr. Jraa. M'-oi.p I've. MRH. MAUY BDriN. la. nh tt. BikURikn. nt Blil. C COFFkX A. Whit and Crushed P'igari j f)l Ul Rates Rio, Java, St. lbxningit, and I.suayr t'offee j 5o bbis. Flour ; J.l bbla. Mess Pork ; W bo Ae Cheese j 1.0 bov,e Adarjliintrni and Sperw Candle j Ti times Snsrv; IJ bbla. Viangsrt ml bkl. Mullet. In store and fur sale by .UNO II. GRr.r.NE. iH-e.' 22d, lo rpilE lil'ST WOllK dun by H. win Marhlne. Whellef 1 A It'lUoa deserve th erUil for. w ksf hJ at our Northern Hon nvrr (hm utuliiil 01 their Mai kin la con stant use for several years, and uiot cherrliil y giv our testltiiouy In their favor, above all other. The earning rig w Intend to introduce these machine, with romp, lent aoiltnieii, lulo our Msnnfactuilng liepartmeut her. W make the (orngiihig stateaieHt to show to oof patron tlut none but the best work I allowed In the stliltuaisut at BALDWIN'S. Dec. 2t. JHMarkstrt. BA4HIFKKUI L10I.D AT AM) I1KI.OW COST 1 1- Closing out the Ovir ii Coats. Thnj niimI he sold I Call at !'. 2.L UAUJWIJCb. NEW H4NIKB, I) I. It AHAMHA t:O.HIXIilEHH.-Jiit received at JjCal. Ivy's New lluok Store 1 The hue red Harp ; Crabba'a HvnoaiUM 1 - :bUH s llutiuy uf tin Hefonnstloh j Tlie Vlilnl Hons, a valuable booh for all boua Viepirai' HinmelHou Second Part Arithmetic) Two Millions, Evangslln by Longfellow Aurora Leluh, aplrasstit little book I sinlly Bibles, for Chtistmaa present ; Arnold s Indullibla Ink. f Pec. 74. VIOKRD BEKK AND TOUl'ESl. J ,COl HALE BY L. D. IIUGlilNI A HON.H. h. E. Cor. Market Htreet. Deo. 1 lib, ll. NOAH HO A I. ( BOXES COlJiATW NO. 1 HOAP, Just recdvtd per f. Si hr. A. J. DeRossnt. For l by I'ec l it U T. II. McKOY 1 CO, , roKrEEt oa-EEMII iirfr KE 1 1 1 ,1 r BACH Kb I POFKKK itrini artiel Jn-t rTlved snd C'' for MtB by - . T. II. Mch.OY A CO. Dec. 8. . W ATKIt 1111,1, Ii K A In ANOl'HEK Ll)l' -Iresh reuiid receUed this morglng. f or sale in lots to suit, Jjv I). SMITH, J., Iec. (i No, 1 lirsnit Row, FmiHslreev.1 IIULTO l-'bUl U, 40 BARRELS AND 44 BAGS, " HOLT'S ."UmilfHT" Family Flour. Jusfreceived per Railroad. For sail I'allOSSKT A IIIIOWN. Den. II, Ix.'iS, MOIiAlHB. 2fZ flHIH PRIME MOLAHsEH NOW LANDING FROM I Hear. 'HnutheraHeile." Frlby . . Dec. U.1HS. . DKllOSSETAjlROWN. HI IH(JE(i. TEH BMIU s-lt Y ATIVOOO. U CUITS GREEN TEA i k 7 " BLACK " II Lbli, pure I hler Vinegar; 21 Tin Can lif Laid ; loo Hn. etire Whit li4, In oil Hi) Blue Paint li;,7il Segars; 7 bbls. Yellow Meal, slightly ipur. The above good are offered to tlieVade at low flgnres. to close, by T. C. It. . WOHIH. Dec. 20, K,H. II AU EliOI III HAG t'Ult ltll BAtiS SUPERIOR FLOUR, In bags containing 1 W)) bbl., for sale. by T. C. A B. G. WORTH. Dec. 20, lM. . MOVNTAin HCTTER. 1 I HH MOUNTAIN BUTTER, pot op la imall 1 " 'V tJ package! for family pse, for aale by use. aii. r. t. it . ti. woitrir. " L b imam & sons, DKMERS IX OkOCKRIKH, PttY GOODS, dbj.j dW.f Corner Market and Second Streets, WlLMINOTON N. C, RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEIR OLD CUSTOMERS a;nl the public generally, that they are now receiving their FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF GOOD, consist- imrof (4HOCEHIES, II AUD WA HE, HOLLOW W ARE, Willow wake, dry voodh, boots buqks, r ., .I.'., which will be sold at tin low eat price for CAtSU. October 14th, lHoH. , SPANISH II BAD-DRESSES. . A VERY If ANDSOUK ASSORTMENT, Juat received' and i. aior saie coeap uy KAHN WE1LKR A BROS.. Dec. 13. Next door to Exchange Oorner1. BY EXPRESS. KKCEIVED THIS DAY, aomethlng entirely ne-?icco. lomoni iinbla. For mlo cheap by KAHNWBELER tt BROS., : Doe. 13. Nert door to Exchange Comer. W INTER DRESS GOODS. "INVERT f?TYLK of Winter Drew Good at S great lacri- jjj no. UEDIUCK 3b RYAN. Dee. 4th MOLASHES. : HMDS, of PRIME CUBA MOLASSES, la iood 150. strontr uackatrei. received direct, now landma tram the Brig Jno. Hathaway. For saie by uec. 18. HATHAWAY A CO. PROVISIONS. " OAfi BBIJi. MESS PORK l 4UU 10 hhda. Western Bacon. (Sldei) : 10 kegs No. 1 Family Butter ; 10 " Leaf Lard a prime article ; 10 bbl. " , " " f 100 boxes (very mild) Cheeie f , " 300 bbl. N. S. Herriug ; ' . v .100 half-bbl. . s 1 25 bbli. Flonr-diSerent gr'81 60 sags " " ' wf , 1 60 bbl. large, fat MaUetaj ; - , f ;..t, f I, 2o bbla. Skin Jack. For aale by i- , Not. 34. -f JAilJU X. A-j.ift.WAT. V SEED OATS. KA BUSHELS GENLnaa w lmiuu uaxsj, prepum ex r)l nreaslv fof lowing and now la tlie time to nut them in the trrormd Oct. Atn, r ' DeEOSSET k EfiO WN

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