I . s y . Ail I ft I IV I 11 3 VOL. 8. NO. 120. WILMINGTON, X. CM WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2G, 1859. WHOLE NUMBER 2,231 1 -, ; . h ! A ii i ii fMl ii ll ii BT rVLTON V PRICK, PROPRIETORS. J AS. rO-TOS, Eitor A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor. Fa-v Feper, co jhi, invariably ib eJ-ao g W Wk.!y " - - " j jo Ail feUers e baaineaa coaaecUi wok this oSce, nwt t adiresaed to th pivprvetor. BATES OF ADVERTISING. - Ul eQCAsM. On day t Two, dr s:j Three day. 50 Poor day. Five daje TJ Om tt stj Tw week 1 27 Om moath 1 00 Two Bomb I M Three BuoUa t 00 Su noalh ...0 00 OM KirAen. Oa day.......... $ Sn Two dav 7 Three dye 1 m Four days 1 ti FlVUv,. 1 M Om wnk,.... Two weeks... On month..,, Two months.. Three month. glX BOnth... .... 1 TS .... 1 T5 .... 4 ft) .... T 00 ....10 Itt On year 15 M Om yr. .SO 00 lea um ar louleil a square, iM It Uqm or lean a haXwjuaj-. Longer ad artiMBMnta isi proionaoa, aad all payable is advance. When m paid la advance 14 cant) per aquar will be charged after Um tret bwcrtKa. Ail luif eqoareo not paid for la advance will be ebarf d m a aquar. 4r Advertisements maerted aa peciJ or Bishop Notice ara ehaj-r4 ene-half nor than abo rate tifhl Uut (laadad) or laoa coasted aa a aquara. "AdTtrlUf menu kwartad every otter day art ckargad S7 casta par aqaara for aacfe kMartiaa after the trot, No pabacatioa nada wiUtuut raapgnubla aama. buskess m PBonsaosAi. cards OLITIB ttLLIT. II, A. WIU-aoN. KELLET T THOLES A l.E AND RETAIL DEALEKfl IN GROCI- KIKSAKUPK0VIS10S8, A. U A'orih Water Street, Dec. It, 1WH. WaainuToii, N. C. riomiissiox asdVorwabuujo mkrchaxt, I i w . . n r Will gira peraonal and prompt attention, to th tala aad ihipmeut of Cotton, Kaval Store, and all other country pro dace. Ofllce No. 17, (np lUira,) North Water Bt, Immediately orer U. Mcluui'. Oct. Hat, 1H38. 3 ly ly. T. A. K. BOIIKMTEDT, TUNtn AND AGENT FOR CHICKERWU'8 PIANOS, of which ha hat alwaya aome oa hand. Kept. V. 18 Sm I. T. Aldch4N. W. H. DaTraMoror. KU3K.K3H.KH BETTEXC-Ol'UT. ROCEKJ AND DEALERS IN GENERAL lfERCHAN J D1ZK, So. Si Nobtb Wt Htvsit. bept 3d 1MK. HEHRT P. RI'MELL, GENERAL COMMltiBlON MERCHANT, 147 East Bat. (Ur Stiiim.) CHARLESTON, 8. C. March 17th, 1858. 162 tf T. II. MrKOY CO., G- ROCER3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 8oath T Water street, Wilmimotok, N. 0. Aug. 23d, 1868. 2i7 II. B. K1LF.U9, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DEAL;R LN NAVAL STOKES, corner Water and Market atreeta, WUmlngton, N. C. April 2d, 1K58. THOMAS W. BROWS, JIl ATTORNEY AT LAW COMMISSIONER OF THR UNITED STATES IN AND KOR THE DISTRICT OP NORTn CAROLINA. Wilmington, June 24th, 1858. 247-tf 411. ITOII.IT. ALU. OLDHAM. TOKLET A OLDHAM, pROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND A WKAiitlUS IX UAl-S, IK An, 4U WaMmaroM, N. C. Ririaaxci. Col. John McRab, Praaidant of the Bank of Wilmington. 0. 0. Pamlit, taq., President of tha Commercial Bank. M. T. DSAII, M. P. H. M'LrS nniKV. At m.i i (8tcwiMirt to I)r. A. 0. Br'adlv.) "1 1 THOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Northwest T T corner or front ana Market sts, Wilmington, N. C, will keep constantly on hand a well selected stoc of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Surgical Instrnmanta, Trasses, Paints, Oils, Window Glass. Varnish, Old Brandies, Wines, Ac. Ac. All of which will be furnish ed on the usual terms and at low prices. May 28th, 1858. 224 ly DR. J. A. MILLER, FRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wilw8TO, N. C. Oct. 20th, 1857 38 tf D. A. LAMOSTT, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 28 North Water street, J Octl2-31-tf Wilmikotoh, N. C. mo. potts Sao, itaiNB i. piRRoasar, jr., n. r. noww, UHOW.1 M UrROMHKT, Net Vark, DeROSBRT i BROWN Wilmington, N. C, 12 COMMIHHION MERCHANTS. I'NION DISTILLERT. WILMINGTON. N. 0 , J. E. OA KELT, Proprwtn-Mi, VahBOKRELEN BRO., Agen.lt. ALL KINDS OF NATAL STORES purchased, manufac tured aad sold Wharfage and Storage famished, and Cooperage done at iair rates. Jan 1st, 1857.-122-tf. J. M. ROBINSON HON., WiLnmoTOK, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dea lerea in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricul tural Implements. Ac. WDt. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 20. 1864. 13-tfJ Wilmington, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER t CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANT8, J WlLMINOTON, N. C. OKOROR W. DAVIS, C10MMLSSI0N MERCHANT, South Water 8treet, j i Wilmwotok, N. C. 1. BATHAWAT. I. L. BATHAWAT. HATHAWAY & CO., wm. a. CTLar. C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLMIHQTOH, N. C. T.C.AB. G.WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. March 11, 1857 1561 JAMIS AITDBBSOK, IDWABP IATA4B ANDERSON A SAVAOKfl 1 CNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J" WlLMUWTOlf, H. C.Q Liberial cash adrances maae on consignments. u'iu inn a riTHTia. CI0MM1SSI0N MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, BO. 10 OUUTH VTATIB DTBIBTS, Jan.l3th. Wilmwotok, N. 0. W. II. Tt RLIKOTON, i ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, IT Wilmihotok N. 0. uly 26, 1856 275-tf - JAMBl 0. SMITH. MILM OOSTTJf. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office second story, corner j Sooth Water and Market streets, Wilmington, N. C, where they are prepared to attend to all bosinesa in the Commissioa line. - Lit J IIBIIJUU. n . u WW liuiviwu " ca to. --. - -: -- " CHAS. D. MYERS, fTAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, 34 Market Street, II " ijuhihutoh, a. v. Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hata, Wool, Fnr, Silk, MO uoie.iu --, V-r -r -. . " r ' ' the case or aoaeu, a- v- nicw. ' WALKKR flIKARKS, (Successor to Walker Mearee A Co.,) WHOISALElAND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, i - , 4iMAjXaTl8T.,WiLMTNaroi(, N. 0. tan,.-. lL4ipketLrtrMt. BrsiMss am) rnoreiosAL carps, l . DtVlDkMITIi. JR, COMMI-ION NKKVHAN'TaaJ At.'tt ia tikOClMKS aad I'EOYlzljXS, Frt strt, fitOITI Row, wu.MtN;ro. x. c. Jaaimry w. w. w. nivi, M. IX. OFFERS HH PfWHTSSiONAL SERVICES TO TUB CIT iseasa Wilwaetsa. . DSice U dvHr aeluw Hoia Hotel, Frant SireeL JuaeJ. 1 tf JlUIN A. IIKKH. 4 TTOUXEYlAT LAW, AND COMMISSIONER OF DEED3 A FOR TUB STATS OF SOCTU CAROLINA. ILMlJMilVS, V. Maytlst. 164 V 1 tf LEVI A. II ART. LATH ISllIT a A a T , ( U SamL) MANUFACTURER AND DEAUIR IN CCNiVPTOIJ, Hardware, ht)e, O'FImst. Tin and Sht lrt Ware, aloo, Tarpeatine Ktilla and tuturea, front street, U-luw Htnea' Hotel, WUmingtoa N. ( Apru v, tso9 ij ly W. II. MrRARY CO, (COMMI.ION MERCHANTS carper l'rincess aad Water J stm ts, Wilnilngtoa, N. C. airisiNCts: H. R. "avar, Cashier bank Cane Fear, Wilmlnrton, If. C. Col. John McRae, Prea't Bank Wilnungtoa, du. do. D. A. IVvia, Cahir Branch B k Cape Fear, slmbary, do. J. H. Ih, " ..-:.. koi, da. i. Hi Gregg, President of BsshChersw, S. C. Oct IT) PERSON TKA(JK. ATTOl'ETS AT LAW, Wh.iiiitii, N. ('. II AVE FORMEJ) A CO PARTNERSHIP IN CIVIL R1V smesa, ia tua eeunty of New Uaaorrr, and will prac tice ia the Cbanty and Smrior Courts. Their office it tbs same m heretofore adapted by Mr. !trans oa the Mouth tie Mart el si. eetweea laird ana loaru sta. SAariL i. ratuKNi, aosaar htbakui. Oct. 27, 1S5H. 44 3m DEROMHKT BROWN, 1 ENBRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ( J WILMINGTON N. a Jan. 1st, 1857. 98 tf. WtLMINOTON MARHI.K WORKS. Krawl Strrvt, UM Um Hrtl-adlat E. hun b. MONUMENTS. TOMBrV HEAD and FOOT HTONES, FURNITURE TOmic. of the BEST QUALITY of AM r.KICAN or ITALIAN MA1CULE, mrniMbed ta order, m CUKAP as caa be procared from any establishment of the una in tne eonatry. 1 employ none but eiperMnoad workmen, and win stiare no paius to please all who may favor me with their patron age -Terma CASfl, unless by special agreement. W. U. M 11.1.1(5 AN. T tf . Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 13th. 1H5. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS. GEO. O. V AN AMIllNUK, JR. C COMMISSION MERCHANT. J Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber, aud StHith- ern Produce generally. lul aortn wiiarte. Almt Art i Mrivl, I'll ILA OHl.l'H I A. Prompt iicrsdiiul attciilion given to all conHiiuuentit, and quick returns made. Cah rders solicited. Dec. 4th, 16 Tii tr URIFrKN Ai Al'KKN, IMPORTERS) AND JOBBERS f FltEXCtf, KXaltfn and G Mi MAX FARCY GOODS and l'KRrUMXIi Y, tlO. l'Ji H'LTON STKSMT, Alff YORS. HknrT GmrrsN, ) Wm. H. Acsbn. f Nor. 2C, 1808.-CD -ly I. DOLLNIa. 8. rOTTKS, JS. 1. C1MIRDIN DOLLNKR, HO-ll lbH k CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Niw Vo... 167-ly March 23d, 1858. IASHOK C. WATSON, 0 ASTON MSABIS. WATJMIN HIKAIlt,'. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 34 Burling llp, New York. Esuecial attention paid to the sale of Natal Storm, Cot ton. and Southern Produce generally. Liberia! advances made on consignments. July 1, as J. BA1TST WCHBAB, W. I. SVSKIL, COCIIRAM (V III HKELL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 North Wharves, and tt3 North Water Street, PniLACKLraiA. " Liberial cab advances made on consignments. JulySutn, m. I7V SADDLERY, HARDWARE. &C, mi 1 - a 9 3 r-s 3 r a v HACKKRS AND PI LIJIIS, OF OUR BRAND. Jast received and for sale by J. M. ROBINSON & RON. Oct. 30. Hersld copy. 47 BOXINU AXES I BOX1KO AXES 1 1 l FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE J. M. ROBINSON Jt. brand, just received and for sale by Oct. 30th J. M. ROBINSON A RON. Herald copy. NAILS. For sale by WILLARD A CURTIS. F ROM 4jd. to 204. Nov. 9. BROAD SWEED IRON. 7. 8, 9 and 10. A foil assortment for sale by 6 20. Herald copy. 47 LKATHER AND OVM BELTING. F OR SALE BY J. M. ROBINSON A BON, Oct. 30. Herald copy. 47 SEWING NEEDLES AND SCISSORS, OF EXTRA QUALITY. For sale by i J. M. R JBINSON A 60N Oct, 90. Herald copy. 47 PILLS OF CLCININE AND PEPERINE. THE8B PILLS " HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY TE8 tcd in Wilmington, in the treatment of Ague and Fever, and all other forma of Remittant and Intermittent Fevers Ther have also been found highly beneficial in Neuralgic af fections of the feet Ac. Prepared by , CRAKE A McLIN, Apothecaries. Bold at JO cents a o. SepU 20. , : SBA.JtfJ.KSS SACK SALT. HANDSOMEST packages ever received here worth 15 centa l lack more than the ordinary sacks. The seam less sacks art oflerwed from wharf, by - Dec. 14. JAJLSS T. PETTEWAY. trUi W?3W.tlt-f Avaw .4 IP I FJ I In n riMr-nrl Hfr,- ii i p r w r. m-' : il 1 rK lit i J m Pi - l-i " ?M E .H.a " MEKCBAL B11T1MOHK UXK ItOPTTlU IHHTOR JOHNxiX. THK f.utW,-j of tb s Crlt-brated ln.t ,iuum . , n tW mt IVrt.ua S.wdy. and foif BWctual rva.W, mthe ,irlj f( t.Wit. :ru tiW. Semiaai aeahnem, l" a hi th Uxtts, 4iK:tiiti,aal IVhi'.ity, Impotwy, tkw-mwl U.e Hack and Um! i, A9 ti..n U the KiarH-vs. r:,iU..ii f ta Heart. lpi. NrrvtMM ImUbiiil.v. IWj , ,4 the Head, Tliroat, N,ka ur Skia ; and all tkaififri.. and w,-Wbiv lw.rr aiin fr.ua all thtw IVwtru ln buhiu if VwuU whx b J-trvv ksiU bdj aad asutd- Tata Mt-aar aad U-1 Imji yr u r more uul tataeir vitiirw inaataesonf of ta Svru tu th MArWra l'lraea. aiichtma- tanv avl brilliant ' hfe id tiil ipatMiaa, reu.Wnna' asarnag, A., nKiafMa. mC at epr. l4Hv, wha hsvs Wooasa the victia f Kditary Vie. 1 tlul dreadful aad uVutnu tive habit, whh aaanallv sweep ta as wttiW.v grave thoaaaads of Twr ava vf th aw4 eaalted UlrtiU and txUiiant iatsllect. wbn avgbt tserww haveeiitraticeil Uteniax SeaaUS with ta tbaa.Wra l qoeaces Vr waked ta e-ta-y lb lf lyre, atay call wirh ail eoraijA-ex'e. Marrtc Married Pen-ns or.Yoonr Mraeoatenplatinr arrce, being avare of I1i.rK al WeaAaetw, Oriraax- Ib4iiiv, IMr BiitMta,Ae.,alMMild iaiaMdustclycoaUDr .J.,aad he retr f d to pertavl hvalta. He whu pUce kintMtlf aadrr the rare of Dr- Juhnaoa aisr Tetigioualv voiiBd ia his hoe as a gtwttraun, as.1 f di tilly rrfy e his nkill aa a phyx iaa. Oraaola WnkMM iiuaiediately rured, and full vlgr reatorrJ. TkbdkwaM lathe penalty frequently paid y Quo' who have becoea th vK tiaui ui improper lu.lulriH'e. -Youug pvraona are tint apt to runuiii SAcenaea Iroai eot b iag aware of the dreadful cunm-nencra that Jusy rooae. Now, who that uaderrtaada thenalijed will pretend to deny that the powwr of Prorratia ti lul soauer by thnae falling hito Improeter habits than by lb prednot. Uwudea being deprived th pleanure of healthy offspring, the Ktot serious and sVstnietiv syaiplonia to both body and mind aria. Th system twcooMs deranged, th physical and airntal powers weakaaed, nervous debility, d)ppia, palpltatioa of Um heart, indigestion, a wanting of th frame, eoitgb, synptoiaa of eouumitiua, eh', nerrwiM mhiiij, Weakneae of the srstera, Nervous lability and premature decay geaeraiiy arias frarn th Dvatrnetive habit of youth, that solitary practice so fatal t th healthful exUtrace of man, and it I the young who ara mot apt to become It victims, fram aa ignoraace of th ditngra.to which they sublet themat'lves. Parents and (iuardiana are often mto- led witb respect to the eauae or sourca f aisea in tneir Sobs and ward.- Ala ! huw alien do Ihry ear rib ta other causes the wanting of the n-arue, Palpitation ft th Heart, D.vspepnta, lndiretion, deranveuient of the Nervous Hya te'm, Conirh, end Srwiiitousi of ConsumntJoa, ali, those se rious ueutal eflects, such aa lose of memory, denresaii of spirits, or peculiar Its of melancholy, when the the truth la, they have been caused by Indulging in prniekuabut allur ing practices, destructive to both Body and Mind. Thns ar swept from sxlsteacehoiMsnds who might have been of use to their country, a pleasure to their friends and orna nieutstosoortt. Orrici No, 7 Sorru Fsipbkk St., left hand side fuing from Baltimore street, 7 doors from the corner. 0r lie particular in observing the name and number, or you will mwtak th place. Oa Take uotic, olmerv ths us me oa th door and win dows. A 0rf rnmii(ii, or no Chary Made., frvm Orut t Ti Ihw. NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS USED. DR. JOIItnON, Member of the Rural College of Surgeon, Loudon, Gradu Ui from one of the most eminent CoJleges of the United States, snd the greater part of whose life has been Spsnt In the flrst Hospitsis of London, Paris, Philadelphia, and ele- wuere, aas rnsoieu soma oi win mm aitoniHRing care uiai were evei known, many troubled with ringing in th head and ears when aueep, great nervoimueia, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfuluess, with fretpient blunliing, at tended sometimes with derangement of mind, ware uured Immediately. A Certain Dtaraa. When the ml'cuided and impruiut votary of pleasur duds he has Imbibed the seed of this painful disease, it too often happens thst an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of disuovery, deters Mm from applying to tnoM wno, rrorn a pcatioB and respectability, can aloe befriend bim, delaying till tbe constitutional symptoms si mis bo it 14 aiseas maae their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseuaed nose, nocturnal pains, in in nesn ana iniu, uiisness 01 sight, deafneaa, nodva on tbe shin bones and arms, blob-bee on the hesd, face ssd extremities, tinigreaain; with fright ful rspidity, till as last th palate of the mouth or th boaoe of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awfi.l disease be comes a horrid object of commisseratlon. till death puts a period to ata dreadful saflerlngs by sending hire to "that bourne from whence ao traveler returns." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledges himself to preserve th most In violable secresy, and from hi extensive practice in the flrst hospitals In Europe and America, he can confidently recom mend a safe and speedy car to the unfortunate victim f Uils horrid disease. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall vkiiisjs to this dreadful disease, owing to the unakillfulneiis af ignorant pre tenders, who, by the use of that dresdful poisun, mercury, ruin the constitution, and even send ths unfortunate suffer er to m untimely grave, or ais make ths residne of hi life miserable. Tabs Particular Nolle. Dr. J. addresses ill those who have Injured themselves by private and Improper Indulgences. These are aome of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of Totith, vis 1 Weskneaa of tit Hack snd Limbs, Pain in th liead, Dinifess of KlKst, Lou of Mnseular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Iieiangvineut ol th IHgHtlv Function, (ieiieraMivbilitr, Symptoms of (msiiin,itiisi. Ae. Mentally Ths fesriul eflcvKs apou the tuiud are much t be dreaded : Ia of Memory, C'onliiaiun of idtms, Depres sion of Siiirita, Evil Forebodings, Avsrsiim of Society. Self Distrust, love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, ere some of tli evil produced. ThouMiuila of persons, of all ages, isn so judge what is the csiuie of their declining health. lomg their vigor, be coming weak, pate and emaciated, hsve s nltigiilsr appear ance snout the eyes, cough and symptoms of conuinptlou. Or, Johnotis Invigorating lt mi-tly fur Orgilt WhN. By this great and important remedy, arskuess of the or gans are speedily cored, and full vigor rentored. Thousanda ef the most nervous aad debilitated, who had lost (II hope., have been relieved. All Impediment to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion of the moat fcarlul kind, apeed ily cured by Lr. Johnson. Young Men, Whn have injured thcniaelves by a certain practice, In duh:od in wbeu alone -a habit frequently leiuned fniriietil companions, or at school the eflects el which are mghtry felt, evrn when asleep, and if not cun il, renders marriage Imposnible, snd destroys both mind snd body, should apply immediatrly. What a pity that e young uiss, the liip of bis country, and the dmlinK of bis pareuiU, tiiould l siisttbed from all nrosnei t and enlovnu-uts of lite, by the eniiMeiuenrei ol deviating from th path ol nature, end Indulging 111 a certain secret halirt. SKh persons, iietore roniempiaiing Rlarrlegc should nlleoi that a sound niiud ami body are the moot ne cesxarv renuialties to timmote conuuhial happiiuess. ImWed. without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly aarsena va in view ; tne mind becomes shadowed with despair and tiled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiues of another, be comes blighted with our own. ' OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., aifimore, Md. All ScaoicAL Omratioss PuRronMin. N. B Let ao false delicacy prevent yon, bat apply im mediately either personally or by letur. iix piskakb srxxDiir ciup. Ta Btranirers. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last twelve year, and the numerous important surgical Or er&tiiou rw.rlV.rnn.,1 hv I It. JOHNSON, WltAesseoT bv the rt porters of our daily papers and mssy other persons notices ui wuicu nave aKaiu auu Kaiu eevn' " " uunnv . . . 1 . . .. .Mi.l.J '. ' I a J . 1 .11 is a sunicient guarantee, inat uie iu,ku wm uuu a aaui ful and honorable physician. Take Notice. N. B. -There are so many worthless Quacke advertising themselves as 1'hysicians, ruining th health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deems H necessary to say. espe cially to those tmacuosinted with bis reputation, that his credentials or diplomas always hang in his office. TAKE NOT1CE.-A11 letters most be post-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for tbe reply, or no answer will be cent. May 18th, 1858 IlMy WOOD AND WILLOW WARS, i 1EDAR TUBS, Painted do., Brass bound Cedar Pails, Iron bound, Half-Bushels, Broome, tarlou qnalittee and pnees, rtone vvasn, ocrso 1 M . ' raruiera , Market, Clothes, Fancy and other Basket, Waah-Boarda, Wire Selves, Wood Box, Telegraph, German and Wax Matches, Manilla snd Cotton Bed Cords, Plow and Clothes Lines, uocoanu Aiippera, etc., .' "7 OcL19. L B. HUGGLN8 A SONS. PORK. 1 50TW TuLli CO. MEDICBAL "- , - saw r av w an m w ' wT L. wwwm U T 'ULYCiiiT.iW A rui iriur of th Uluud, aad certain rurw'fur H rufula or King's EuT, LuiuUr Abw , Hip iHsea, Wklt Hwell lng, all Dm aar p( the bkln, Dua-aaea ef ta Liver, piaea ea of ths Kidney and Spia, Cbronl Hora rs, N-ald Head. Salt Rheum, S. nrvy, t hora or H' VIW I'snr, Asthaua, Jauadu , Cluomo Uheumatwm, Chrtmte Debility following Intermittent ur Malarton Favera, and all die rr arwing ftura th excshr aa ui Mrcy. The Vrgetabl Alterative ia ottered to the public a a radi cal car for th l named dieaa, arausg whdly or fn part from Impurity or vitiation of th blood- Ah laaw of it4 sucreaa rest upou tae well aaowa ailerauv pmpertir or Spanish Harsapsrilla, w hie h I Imported exprewly fur the compouruler ui this laedu in la all it purity ; it m then, with (lie addition of other inedii iiul planta-alUratlve and tonic In their action -tpauulaotured with great vr, and soncen tratej in pslatabl fra, making by the Mimbinatloa en of the heat Alteratlxe Medu inesever used. It ia mild, yet active, In Ks operation ; U reuovatea, whlU II anraav th cause of disease, and may be used by all with toulidence and safet. It Is aa Alterative Tonic, aud Is peculiarly adapted to nav rariout aeclions of the country- It eradicaloe thoroughly all trace of rhroulc debility which so vital follow aa attack of severe or protracted tears of iatermittent lever. In tbe South and West it baa been tlmreughly triad, and has never failed to restore the Invalid to health, eoMMtiurn after all other remedies have failed. In diseases arising from an exeaslve ase of mere or y or other mineral medic lues, it is uiumrpasaed in th thorough and prompt maimer In which II srsilicst all disoaasd mat ter from the blood and glandular system. In all cutaneous disraaua it acta like a rharm, and In each diseases as Scald Head, Salt Kliemn. and rUin diseaaes of every kind, It Is without an eqnal Ut Ita curative edects. In the combination there ar remedies that act dlrsctly on the Liver and Kidneys, and the refers it propone to re lieve these organs wlwu in a torpid ur luactive slat. In re lieving these and other organ, and being a purtfler of the blood, it claim to be a care for that loathsome disease, Scrofula. The Alterative is put up 111 pint bottle. Accompanying each bottle Is a pamphlet srtttug forth t o nature and char acter of th several diasasvs for which It propose to he a cure. All Agents amt others who hare th Alterative for sale are supplied with these pamphlet for distribution. Ask for one and read it This medicine has been extensively used by many phy sicians of eminence tliruuiilimii the South, and we have let 1 lers from many ef them, speskuig In the highest terms of Its action a an Alterative Tonic Reuisdy. W are at liberty to refer to Dr. King, of Iuislnirg, N. C. Dr. Claiborne, of reirrsourg, Virginia; it, wuaon ana Banders, aiariaima, l'l. i.l.l. ll.- 1(1., ..I 11. I ..,.1 II, ,11... '...........! LI. . II. iwi iiia , t'lwr, ifiiiii., ii.i, .ii, iMiiiui,,iiaviivviii r w. C. A. Ileuts, (Julmy, Flu.; Dr. E. M. Feat, llsnkston, Miss.; and many others. For sale only by WALKER ME ARCS, Wilmington, N. C; and Druggists throughout tbe Stale. NOV. -Ill, JRV).-' c.m. RAILROADS. Orncn Ga?. Prr'T. Wil. A Ma. H. R. Co., I Wilmington, Jf . C, November 3llh, Ih&m. ( T7VT ftlW Wa1 AOI'IIK TO THAt KLKKS. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Dm. 1st, a change of Schedule will be made noon this Road, and the Mall and Passenger Train will run as follows 1 Lsev Wilmington at 0 A. M . and i. M P. M. Arrive at Kingsville at 1.10 P.M. andl.M A. M. Leave KingsviUe 4.1A A. M. and l.ltl P. M. . Arrive at Wilmington all P. M.sndt A. M. . All the train ounct chly wiihColuinbla tralrm, exrlpt tbe moruiug tram Usvlng Kingsvitle at 4.14. Couitectiobs ar made through with th Greenville and Columbia Road. J. P. KjUKKTSON, Own. flsp't. Nov. 30, IM.VH. 7J tf. KHKRII AlllllVAI.n o IJIOKK OOOUS. KKtlS GOHIIEN llUTTEK-a superior article j ... , 4 1U 2. biLSes Nrs rate Cheese ; 6 bbls. Fulton Market Kimllf lleef. Jifst received. For sale by U B. HUliUINS A HONS, Nov. 17. H, E. (V. Msrket A Hec. st. WAt IIOVlA MILL KAMILW KUILH. HAVING mads arrangement with ths nroprlstor uf thsa Mi ls, we will r;eiv weekly a frash supply of their fijTU)r FLOUR. ,Wi ere now prvpsred to furnish our Customers with a good and reliable srimls. U H. HUlrfilNM A SONS, Nov. 1 1, t, ti, iL Curaar Market A 14eHMs) eta, 8tAU AND IX)KH:K." nt 11 III A C. CeIVs Sngar, ami Cruakid do.; -)J AO bags Rio Coffee ; 2.1 ' " Lag'layra and Java do. For sal liy Nov. 10. KENO 41. t.UfcENK. - - - - - "" - - - --- - - - i'Ofr'KK.aKe W 11 At is mo Coffee, 10 " Ugnayr " U" Java " Just rucelved aad for sale by f ALDERMAN A UKTlKNtOLKI, IM. 13. ' o. .12, .NVlh Water strot. LA Dl KM, BY t." A 1 .1.1 M J AT KKIXEY'B NEW BOOK KTOUE,'ii will lind number of hsndsuhie and taatr artiolcs for Jour use. 1 , Oct. 7th . NORTH CAHOLfN A BACON. IMIAA I'B EXTRA N. C. BACON Hog Round; fjUUU 4000 lbs. do. do. do. Wdes. For sale 022J by T. C. A B. (I. WORTH. ONIONS, POTATOES AND APPLES. I AA BUSHELS ONIONS, 11AW0 " Pink Eye Potatoes, 25 " Rhode Island Greening Apples, dsNy expected per Schr, It, J. Burnett. For sale by Oct 23d. T. O. A B. (A. Worth. COFFEE. " 1 A s BACKS IN 6T0KE, asaorted qnalHles. For sale AUU cheap to the trade, by D. KM ITH, Jr., Oct. IS. Front st, No. 2 Granite Row. HARDWARE. SH0VEI-S, SPADES, Forks, Axes, Hairnets, Box and Side CoQce Mills, Pocket and Table Cnttlpry, Cox's aad uTD. percussion Caps, Ac For sale be 0ctll. f L. B. MUGGINS HONS. St'NDIUES, PER BHIU LCCY AT WOOD. 14 CHESTS OKEEN TEA; 7 " BLACK ' ' 11 bbhi. tore Cider Vinegar 1 , 21 Tin Caus Leaf Lard ; .s , .. : 400 lbs. plr Whiu Lead, in oil j - r r- -, , 300 "JBlae Paint: , . lr,.7M Set-ars : ' ... . T t H , ,.l VI bum. xeuow aieai, augany soar. Tbe above goods are oflered to the trade at low Ignres, to ose, by T. C. A B. G WORTH, close, Dec, RECEIYECf BY BCHR. S. B. STRONG. 2000 lbs. Snow White Zinc ; 1000 lbs. Pore White Lead ; 600 lbs. Vene tian Red, irt Oil ; 4 bbls. Burning Fluid i bbla. Linseed Oil; 1,1 it.. IliiwnnT lTtniA ta U7nv aanal t lU OA 1U. U aJiHn. wJ I ua. wuius vuiuoi . (at vfewws nasisa vra a j m. WV f3icuuawt Jo Water and Oil 1 bbt Putty. Tbe above article will be told tow ior Lcuft, sy DitAKki A McLiN, Not. 17. 1 1 Drnggista. Jffll -5sr A 103! CALENDAR POR 1130. 2 T -, jr - ' ' Ma. I ii l i IS JO. 1 VMM ' ' i: i- rhii i tar aar .1. I Mis JlVT. i I 3; ti h sin il'l-j u : iJi a 5 It U It . 11 n 'lull 12'UUIJ l 17 ! l-ilil 21 23 UUW'.ifiTHw Ti mi tloilUU hilVls 17 is l 20 .3 31 1' .TO it Fsaaiaai I. I 1! 3 4 4 Arwier. t J! lull 12 u UIM :in 131 iJ21 II 15 K 27 b2i031 Ll..!.. Miw.a , . .. 1 iSar'T. 4j alr7t ll 210 IS II ll mi iM 11.14 l Hilt 1VH'1. IS IT tlul: J121 13.24 t i a! i W t: a I flu U ITI3.UU ia IT 120 2122 u,XhXai; 29 .11.... AralL. ...::c.r i a. tj a Ml t' a l U K Ji K JJ H-rna. ,:i.i.,;i Mar. 1 " J 3 3031 1 N ' t Nttvtnsu . .(. i I S 3 I I unii! e ti M win it 11 I.VU IT l"i l:2l fi t 14 I.VI4I7 IS 'J hWIlit! 224,24 24 ill Nil .11 . 2I,W1Jt4,. ..I.. Jrs . 2 i 4 la It ii u u DartMStn . I .W Ii I H 41 41 -i 7 el 1 10 11 irmi'uisu lie !-! 21 ' 23 24 'fa,;' IJ I t'll 1. lltlNJI i.1.124 iJniMii'l,..! M1SCEUANE0US. nAH'it. LtTHWI kT A UUXI4M ar entavUnlly man- man- avi K atfUl sn, N. a tjfaetwring th HKSl r r.xniLY nun theCAPk. FRAH FUIUI MtlJX Wilmington, C. For mI at Lu Mills, and at their store. No. a houth Wster street 1 la whoa barrels aad half barrels MS bag eoiitaiulng on kail 1 ' la bag eoiitaliiiug on fourth ( lu batfa sonuiniiig oue-eigbth. ' Tary keep entautly on hand, at the Milt, and a their stnre, FHKSIfHHorsn ilK.il., HOHMIMY. CJACnT- They sUo ksep fur sale 1 UOKN at wholesale and retail ; U f 7.M at wholesal and retad ; I'K.iS at wholesale and retail ; HA Y at wholesal and retail ; MarsUU'em i' "A.r, Inaavksi a lJverpHil ground A I, CM HA LT, la saekaj; H North Cerellne FLUUU on Jouslgnrueut Oct 28. , JI MT RK EIVKII, ( PER ADAMS' EXPKrS, a phudid assortment of YyS flue JEWELRY, eonalsting of Lava, all colors; Coral affci&MsU, splendid Btaoalets, Gold Chain, Ac, which air iiought fur cash, and I guarantee that ao Jeweler in North Carolina can altord to sell th earn article at as low prices as I do. I warrant them flu gold, and 40 per cent, cheaper than they can lie obtained any w here el, Uo In other stores before you go to I. ALEXANDER'S, and then call on him and Judge for yoiirwdvee. Also, splendid GOLD HUNTING WATCHES at remarka bly low prices ; pure Silver Spoons, wai ranted coin. Alex ander Is determined to bring price to the New York Stan dard. Watch tilaaaes, doubl (lint, st 15 cents. Sud your watches, for repairs, to I. ALKX ANDKR. Ill Watchmaker ia ths best la the State, This hsi besa proved. Watches, apnited by other Watchmakers, promptly repaired by 1. ALEXANDER, 54 Market street. Jan. 10, lsfta. BAKER'S HOTEL. v , (Formerly lh Mann Hons,) tJOLDSHORf) N. C, ft now ojm r lh reorfum 0 7tmeuri. - House thoroughly repslred. Furniture all eaUrely new. Table furnished with lh beat the market affords. Uiiuors not tu be excelled. a Urge and commodious stables, and sxpsriouced hostlers in attendance. Jsn. 1st, I His. - flD-Jtn, L. B. IllGGlNS &, SONS. VSALKM IN UttOCKHIKS, DRY U00VS. ' 4U)., 4c, Corner Market and Serond Streets, W11.MIMHTOW N. C, KESPECTFULLT TNF0RM THEIR OLD CUHT0MkiS asd the public generally, that they ar now receiving lliair FALL AND V INTER STOCK OF GOODS, eenslst totoHllKKKItlKfl, U A HUW A UK, HOLLOW WAKK, WILLOW WAKK, VKY OOO US, BOOTS 8II0JCS, Ac, dr., which will be euUI at the lowest niicee for CASH. October Mth, lHiH, . KI'NIlltIK. ,)T BOXES AHSORTFD CANDY parked In Wend 50 lh. fiO boss j 50 boxes Halslts In quarter, half and whole boxea ; 50 bbls. Flour, l'mk, Bacon, l.ard-N. C. aad West ern ill hg BirUarr llieew Vinegar; Crackers; Soap ; hUrcb;bnuffCoflettndwugar, For sale by Jimi-6. 2EMJ II. GilEh'NE. NEW I HOI lKV ORI.KAWS klOAR. a FEW. HIIDN. eholcs New trtlesirsMngsr, now landing. 2n Jan. Hth t'JJJ,,7 WIU.ARD A CLMTW. t IIAUXV-ltACON. ' I A lillim. WESTERN SIDES 1 . .. , , 11 III " PhoBhlers. rnrsalcby ' J.V JA ' WHXARD A CL'RTW . NEW CROP MOLABNRS. i ' 'M II I 11,11 w- 0K CHOICE NEW ClIUl' C'UIA U0LAS J lt HKS dsily expected, per Bark Harsnsc, diiect froffl Oiba. For sal by , J HATHAWAY A CO. Jan. 10, lKfiH. 1ANIILKR. , 1AA ROTES ADAMANTINE CANDLES; " 50 Chemical Sperm " ' ' For sale by WILLARD A CURTIS. Jan. 10 th N. ('. LARD. f , y 41! HI it. PRIME ARTICLH Tlmse Wlshlng'to supply themselvt's for family uo, will uleasa call and examine. For sals by ZEK0 II. (JIUiENB. Jsn. I llh, I:,!!. 11 to Hah hi 11 tu FUitim W BAliH HlfPICHIOK PMMTR, In hsg4 containing 4 11 W bW, lor rsi by , , - T. V. A U. G. WORTH. Dec. 20, W,H. siyi vrtM iiuncii. I Ain IJW. MOUNTAIN . UUTTKIt, put up its eaiall 1," wViisukajies for family ne, for sale by 1 Kerr. 20. T. C. A B, G. W0UTII. viiiuMv-vrtflTKEY7 nnisnM-nunatli i 1 All BIILS. OLD NORTH STATE, JUSt fcfrfclTED 1UI nw Schr, Florida, and for sale; by ; " Deo. 2rs1, DAVt. , , ; 4 , T. M, MtKOY-AOO. PER acilRHrjONAaf SMITH AMD KASBtofJJ AN ADDITIONAL SUPPLY OF CHOICE TABLC GUT TER and new crop Navy Beans. For sale by TJ. BMITH?Jr. Ue 791 Front st.,' Ne. 2 Granite Row. IRISH PlrTATOKS. 20 Bbls.' PlanUng and Eating Po tatoct : 30 boxes Soap ; 30 do. Candles. Fer sale by T. C. CRAFT, t.Dec.30. Mo. 48 Market etrfei WHISKEY. - ' ', U 7K BBL8. OLD NORTH STATE T71ISKEY-rwlte)-I 9J bow landing from schr. Flying nVnd, for sale" by 'r Dec. 27. - T. H. McKOY A CO. AMERICAN SEED GARDENS, WETHERS FIELD, ' CONN. ' ' ', ; DRAKB k McLlM, DRUGGISTS, Ac., would, respect lolly call th attention of Gardeners and other, to (be extensive list of Garden Seeds, which therare prepared to furnish wholesale or reUiL - As the " Wtherstield Seed " have been sold in thin place for the last tan years, nothing need be said on our part as regards their quslitr. It addi- tlon to bur varied assortment of " Seeds," w have on hand all the different artetlee of Beans, Peas, Orrfoo 8tta, Ac, Ac, which are fenerally cnltirated In this rleln ty. -1 far All orders rom our patrons fa the adjoining eounUs Will meet With prompt attention. , mRg WUmington, N. qj Pec. 28th, m -" -' , . . niEI NrjRAB.i .... 1 ..i.l mHB TJNDER8T0NED effers hwr Mrwieeeto the iadinel Wilmington a. .J--; Dec. 18.88-tf. " ;- -: : ' ' ' '.. CHKaffiSE, ? f fix BOIE3 PRJME DAIRY CHEESE LANDING. For OUsalehJ . WILLARD A CURTIS. Jan. 14th t n

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