c X ! I V : 'Ne' VOL. 8. NO. 179. WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL f. 1850. WHOLE 2,310 bt nxroi & nurt, proprietors. AS. YFLTOX, Editor A. L. PRICE, A saw ate r..Kiw.j Term of Sabarrlptta. ailr Paper, oa year, invariably ia .h anc 1 t . eety - AU litters oa b;ue-s cooins. tr 1 with thi oice, mcM bo Ureaaed to th proprietors. RATES OP ADVERTISING. Air mCAUL OKB SIASS. Oo dy TwodaV ,. Three day. Four .r ........ Five daye One week. Two week On Boats Two Booth. ..... m day. . . . . t 25 .. 3TJ .. W .. 2A .. 74 I i 1 t ii 1 w l :j t Ti w Two day Three day. Four daya , Fir dart.. ........ One week..,...... Two weeks........ (m month Two month Three Boniha. 00 Three Boat!.. .,..10 00 ha moatha U is Oae rear JO UO Six Boa tin .8 00 Ono year ....14 00 Tea list wo collated m a square, and five Uaes or tea a alf muk, Loager advertit)nealB is proportion, and all ayebt la advaac. Whea aot paid ia advaac ti cent er equaro will bo charged after th orat inaerlion. r Ail half oqoareo nut paid for ia advance will bo chaxg jul equare. ... . . AdTertiMmeQta lnarrted u Special or BiaLop Notice ro ebarfed oao-half tnoro thaa aboro rateaeigUt liaoo leaded) or lesa coonte4 u a aquaro.. - M"AiTrticBeQta inaerted trerj other Ja art charged ?i eenta per aquaro fur oacb tnaerUoo atXer the tint. wHo pablicaUoa mado without a roaponaiblo aaao. BUSINESS AH) PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. K. nOBIOM. BICOAXGE DEALEH, Faoar Bram, WaaworoK, K. C. tacorreai Bank Notes, Checks and Prafta bought and old on farorabl terms. B0XD3 and riTOCKS bought and iold oa eowinisaloa. Commercial paper negotiated. Nwrthera txohoge fur salo in stuns to snlt. Collections mado promptly and at reasonable rate. Feb. list, lt'i-m . OLIVKH KKIXEV. XTrHOLBSALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IX GROCE iY KlEa AXD PK0V1H10N8, , , AW u Xorik Wakr Doe. 16,1858. ' WimmmiK, N. C. R. B. AVOOO. BUILDER 4 CONTKACTOK, - "FFEE3 HIS SERVICES to the public ia the lio of Lis . buklucu. plana, speciflcattonis and every other matter iitinected with the erection of Building, or tlasou Work in eneral, promptl furnished oa application. Feb ilst. 1n8. W2 3iu T. M. latlTII, lnOsf MISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, kj WamNOTOM, N. C. Will (ttTO poraonal and prompt attention to the aula and hlpmeut of Cotton, Navai btorea, and all other country pro ne. . Office No. 17. (np stairs,) North Water St., immediately rer at. aicinnia . , Oct. list, 1868. .!&ly--ly. DKH088BT, BROWN dt t O., 1 EX ERA L COMM1HHIOX HERCH ANTS. LT WILMINOTOX N. C. Jan. 1st, 1867. 98 tf. IIKNRY P. Rt SSKLU "1 ENERAL COMMLSSIOX MERCHANT. IT H7 East Bat, (Ur Stum.) CHARLESTON, 8. C. March 17th, IMS. 161-tf T. II. DIeKOY CO., M ROCEB3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sooth .J Water stroet, wilktnoton, N. C. Aag. S34, IS&tw. - . Jill II. B. KIUCHa. , TrnOLE8ALK GROCER AND COMMISSION MER 1 V CHANT, aadUEALKU IN NAVAL. HTOIU-M, corner ater and Market streets, Wilmington, X. V. April id, 1H58. THOHAI W. BnOWH, JR., I A TTORNKT AT LAW, VV COMMISSIONER OP THE UNITED STATES IN KND FOR TUB DISTRICT UK MUKXU CAUULIMA. Wilmington, Juno J4th, 1858. J47-U JAI. ITOILIT. ALU. OLDHAM. STOlfXBT & OLDHAM, 1 ROCERS ANt) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND UT DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEA, 4C. WILMINGTON, . I- . , . BiriBJNCI. Col. Jonx McRai. President of the Bank of Wilmington. O. 0. Pamlby, kaq., President of the Commercial Bank. DR. J. A. MILLER, imwp eK lav nnno Tn uruuim vr T r i ro i Hi 1 k-L'D'fl i.iw nvrirte nri,atwia v n nnt u uii va a vm ' iMsunvtvuf mo w Oct. 20th, 1857 38 tf D. A. tAWOXT. 10MMISSI0N MERCHANT, No. in North Water street, OOt. li 31 U , W1LM1N8T01I, H. V. NO. FOTTt MOWN, ASM AND t. DIIUOBglT, Jr , t. SHOWN. BROW A DeROSSET, New Vork, . DcROSSBT A BROWBT Wllmliiajton, N. C. 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. tit IOIf DIHTILLKRT. WILMINGTON, N. C , . E. OAKELT, rroprietrem, VanROKKELEN 4 BRO.. imf. I A IX KINDS OF NATAL STORES purchased, manufac V.turcd and sold Wharfage and Storage furnished, and Cooperage don at air rates. Jan 1st, i857-121-tf. J. M. ROBIN SOU A KOV., Wilmington, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AJSDDea lerea in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricnl oral implements, o ' WM. C. HOWARD, n ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 20. 1864. U tfJ , WILMINOTON, M, C. . . . ADAMS. BROTHER A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ' WILMrNOTON, H. C. OKORGK W. DAVIS. 'COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8onth Water Street, j Wilmington, N. C. HATHAWAT, .. . L. BATH A VAT. WM. I. PTHT. HAIHAWAI of tUi, 0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, H. C. T.CAB. G. WORTH, (COMMISSION AND FORWARDLNO MERCHANTS, ) , , . ) Wilmington, N. C. Marcnil, 1857 ;- n t.w ly IAMH ANDIESON, " BDWABD IATA01. AXDERSOX A SAVAGE, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1JT ' Wilmington, N. C. IJherlal cash adrances made on consignments. I . WIIXARDdi CURTIS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, HO, 1UP0CTH W ATI a OTK1ITB, i "Jan. 13th, Wilmington, N. C. W. II. IX'RXJ KOTOX. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AT ... WILMINGTON fl. U. July so, : . bam o. skits. . Man cohtin. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, offloo second story, comer I i amth Water and Market streets. Wilminirton. N. C. Vbero they are prepared to attend to alt business is the k'omnisaioa tine - - All basioeei sntmxea to uem wui oo punctaauy anena odto. . . . - -i CIIA8. D. MYERS, rjAt AND CAP EMPORIUM, Sa Market Street, , .i'anama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hate. Wool, For, Silk, ..7T..L:: II... (MV PlnaK n,1 Silt l:m-7 A l-V,.. K. sua sioieaiua owa, '--n t "J .( Na Ynrk vhainuua Brines. yjfj Ji UUMM, . .v - - W V7"..:. WALKER ME ARES, . ' ' SnKP wwor to Walker Meafes Co..) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, IIS Maaut ST.. WavTNOTOir, N, 0. PUSISESS ASP FROFKSSION'AL CARDS. KUJ -MiT('UKLL,- DEALERS I. GRAIN, . WltMIStiTOS. X. C. Keen Constantly on haw.l Cora. !, 0u, II v. Meal. 1 Homoa. Bra. H.rse anl Tow Feed, Od M-l .A.-. ! March llta. l w. v. nivw, M. IK, OFFERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTHE CtT tierw of Wilmington. Oik 2d dour brbw Holmes' Hotet. Front Street. Juai. - ' SI tf 1 FREDERICK J. MOOHK. t - (t'iim r. mm a .r.i ' l M.ittKKT STHKKT. WILMlXUJXhW X. .. tlTlloUAU ANl KETAIL DEALER IN HATS ,l Ca is t'aiM, riuLrUa, Chiidrva'a FaiKy Uuikls 4c, u uvw prt'(itifd W ufirr fur pnhhn iai turn, Urge and w!l alerted atork vt Fl'R, M 0L Ff. ELI I AM H" .' (HiS of ertrr if riptioa and rt tW ; ap raMr4 tor (taa o of stvle, boea of t-tur. and Ruxkraltun uf prKfa. l'ailrvllaji of ry variety, dwnp tioa aud ptkr. i'au; Childru' Faacv Good, and La dm' Hiding il )t, tit suit the most Utuliu, all of whn-k w olfcr at the wj kwet price. Mar. Wh, 1Hj. tlltS 11. MltlUw TlIOLESALE AN D RETAIL DEALER IN HATS,! laps rtrw inni. r-anes, I nihreiia, 4c. ; - urniMi Kiti ik SEW GOODS SOW READY' I We are now prepared to exhibit to Merchants aad othrr wholesale buyon, and tu tlte pnlilie geuerally, the largest, handoitm.t. and beat ataurted stuck uf good ever opened in thm nirket. embracing every tarifty of Wiaw tioods, Wool, Fur, joft Felt and Silk IlaU, Cloth and Glazed Cai; Mip. Flats snd Bloomers trimtnd and antrimmed : la fauts' and Children's Hata amlt'ipi; Riding Hats, l'aibrh las. Canes, Ac, Ac, to wkkb w ak etpeciai attenttoa, be lieving this to be the moat complete and Urgent stock of Good in this line ever opened In the State. -Remember the place, 31 Market Nrwt. March 8, iNj'J. . . JOI1 A. BAKKR, A TTORXEAIAT LAW, AND COMMISSIOXETi OF DEEDS X. Ft)R THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA WlLMINHTON, X. C. WMy May list, lH5tt IJCV1 A. UAIIT, L A T I POLLIY 0 I III, ' (UU Knot.) f AXl'FACTURER AND DEALER IX (iUXS. PISTOLS, 1L Hardware, Stoves, Copper, Tin snd Sheet Iron Wares, also, Turpentine Stills and Futures, Front street, below Holmes' Hotel, Wilmington N. C. April 2tf, Dws 1W ly CtDWID SMITH, J II, OMMISSION MERCHANT and deslers in GROCERIES and I'JWYISIOA .S, J Front street, Ghanits Row, WlLMlNtiTON, N. C. January 8th, lsj!). W. II. MtHAUY A UK (COMMISSION MERCH AXT.s, cornsr Princess and Water J streets, Wilmington, N. C. - KirBHKNcaa: II. R. Savage, Cashier Hunk Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. Col. John McUae, l'rcs't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Davis, Cashier Branch U'k Cape Fear, Sallttbury, do. J. (i. Ijuth, " " " " " Kalem, do. J. Eli Gregg, President of Bank Cheraw, 8. C. Oct 17 J WILMISUTOW MA HULK WORKS. Front S I net, near the Methodist K. t'hnrrl.. MONUMENTS. TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONES. FURNITURE TOPS. Ac., of the BEST QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN UAIHil.E, furnwlied to order, as CUKAP as can bs procured from any establiahtuent of the kind in the couslry. - 1 employ none but experienced workmen, and will spar no pains to plesite all who may lavor me with their patronage- ATerma CASH, unless by special agreement, . . ' ' W U. MILLWAN. Wilmiugton, N. C, Sept, 13th, 1858. 7 tf. KEW YORK AND PIIIUDELPHIA CARDS. tl.AKtMK H. SATS'). 1IKNUI k. KoriThK. KATKM JH POSTKIt. (C ENERAL COMMISSION MKItCII AN i'S for the sale of X Votlon, ii'itv, Aonai stored, and Southeru Produce generally, No. 110 N. Wharves, ouj 111 N. Water St., 1'lllI.AHKlTIIU. February Mil K9. 14H ly K. it J, (;OI LDIMti, No. M John Ctrvrt, New York, IMTORTKM AMU JOHSRHM (IK ItlllRONH, FEATHERS, lll'CHES, FLOWERS, LACES, MILLINERY GOODS, BERTH ES, CAPES, Ac Ac. - HOODS MUM AUCTION K YKU Y DAY. lUtyrtt v-M find xl greatly U Umr (ukmuUfji' U iiv u a cnll. Jan. Is, lHS'J 11.1 3ru. t.KO. O. V A M A LHI Vti K'., Jit. C COMMISSION MERCHANT. j t:otton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber, anil South ern Produce generally. KX North Wharves, AVme- Arch Htrtrt, PlHLADII.rHIA. $i Prompt perxonal uttctition given to all consignments, anil quick return made. Caxh order solicited. Dec. 4th, iNiH 7d-ly UH1KKKN AIKK, f M PORTERS AND JOBBERS of FliEXCir, KXGUSfi L and UKHSIAS FAXCY HOODS ami 1'KHFUMKRY, No. l!'t Ft'LTON dTKItr.T, Nkw Yokk. IlKxnr OnirrKt, i Wm. II. Acikn. I Nov. ZtyK'M.-ffl-ly AHKON C. WATWOH, OASTON MIABM. i AT!0 A MKAKE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j ill Burling Slip, New York. Epeciul atteutinu puid to tho nale ot Naval Stokkd, Cot ton, snd Southeru Produce generally. Liberia! advances made on coiiAigumcut. July 1, '54 I, n AKVKT COCHMAN, W. S. HkgHIL. 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 North VT Wharves, and (13 North Water Street, I'uiLAnaLruiA. "Ulierial cash Silvanres made on consignment. July 30 h, DC.3 279 JIST Rfc.t KIVEI. At tin: Old Etahlulud lUxk flort (if MKRIIII.!. i riKltt K, BEAMS LETTER PAPER, dint-rent tle.t prices; 1JU 60 do. Foolscap do, du. do. .50 do... Commercial Post do., . !!0 do. Note Paper ; lis) do. Wrapping Paper, which will be sold low. Nov. s. 64-t WOULD HESPECIFUIXY EXTEND AN INVITATION to all their friends and the public generally to visit them, as they are now opening a large and well selected stock of NEW SPRING WOODS at their Store on FRONT STREET. miMt AXIM OKKKR. 1 ff Clarified Sugars. 1 UU ioo bags Rio, Laguayra, Java and West India Oof Ice. For sale by HATHAWAY 4 CO. March I'.. T " ' tS COSiSltMKXT. " LBS. N. C. BACON-HOG ROUND. 0D)yf For sale by March 25, 1859. G W. DAVIS. PORK. i A BBL8. N. I, HEAVY CITY MESS i jat received ia JJ store. For sale by March 25. T. H. McKOY 4 CO. 70 BAGS RIO, (different grades.) 20 " Cap. 1 March 25th. H. McKOY 4 CO. SILKS I ARE DAILY RECEIVING a choico variety of Silks such as Fhncy voiM de Bote, in great variety of styles ; Qros de Jtftine, in varloas qualities j t BcfoetvwMde (hie. hanto nonveantes ; f Grot ae Eptoiti, Black Lustrine, Paris Foulards, Iiayt and Bayadere, ot superior quality. - -- - KAHNWEILER k BROS., March I2d 2d door from Exchange Corner. BACO SIDES ASD SHOLJjDEHS.- qa HHDS. NEW BACON 8U)B8 ; lU 20 do. . do. Shoulders. Just received and for sale K - O. a A W. J. MUNRO, - i March 21 Corner Prtocesi and Water its. . MEPICWAL - B llTCtOBK UVK HOSPITAL. DOCTOR JOHNSON. THE f..iJer f th (VU-hrawd Iw.ntiitlo the avwt Certain iedy. and wilv effectual reeie.lv, m the world for t;!,ts. Strii tare. Sminai weaken". I" ia thl,.n.. .t'u)tutMml lirhilitv, lmrwXeney. WekuB uf the tUt t j tad IjwK A8e,-tina tf tli kklnera, PalpiUUxat (f tlte 1 Heart. Iperi, Nervww Irrftabttity, Pie-e o tl. Hed. I Tliruat, Nie r hkia : aJ ail tbtMeaerMtu and Hiftm Ui ' .i t.i . .1 .. .. k.l... ... ' ....I iFpwnter artsni iroin ail wioot i-ir vi iiuia Lh' detruy both body and mind. Thhkh asv tad anli Urv pnwti.'ei BHr fat at 1 1 u Uteir va-tim thaa tbe , uf the Syreaa to the MAiiners 11 vase, blibt.rui their Bt brilliant kpe ttfaHH-ipatiuaa, reaJnac ma mage, Ac, inipoaaible. tau( Mew ". xpei-'ullv. who have become th victim of Solitary Va e, tht are-adful and deatroctivo hit It, which annually sweep W sa imlmiely grat thousand of yuang "ea W tU niltej ulau and brilliant intellect, who aught other we have entrances' lteamg Sewate with the thaader of elo qnence, or waked to eUey th living lyre, may call iU . all confkicne. j Marvtaa. I Married Persojia, or.Tonng Men contemplating marriage, being a war of ldynkal Wka, Organfc- lebilit v, IVlor aiitw. Ar.,houlJ immediately commit Dr . J.,and be restor ed lo iierfet t health. - Ho who place bimaelf aader the ear of Dr. Johiwoa msv n uioiV euu ra ia aoaor mmm gvoiisaiu, ewou dently refy apoa hiaskiU aa a phyat iaa. Organ le CVaknM lainiediab-ly cured, and full vigor featured. Thi disease ia the penalty Boat treipieDtly paldbytho who have bocom tho victims of improper indulgence. Young peraona ar too apt to commit eu'esacs from aot be ing aware of th dreadful consequences that may onsuo Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of lrocreation ia lost sooner by Uiiim falling Into Improper habit thaa by the prndent. lleaides being deprived th pleanur of healthy oBapruig, th Boat aeriua and destructive symptom to both body and mind arise. Tho system become deranged, the physics I anj mental power weakened, nervous debility, d)spcpia, palpitation ufth heart. Indigestion, wasting of the frame, ceugh, symptoms of consumption, etc. NrvM Drblllly. Weakness of the system, Nervous Debility and premature decay generally arts from tho Deatrat-tiv habit of youth, thst solitary practice so fatal to the healthful cabUuce ul man, and it Is the young who are moat apt to become Its Victims, from an ignorance of the danger to which they subject themselvea. Parent and Guardians ar often mis led with respect to the cause or source of disease In their sons and wards. Als ! how often do they ascribe to other eanses tho wasting of the frame, Palpitation, of th Heart. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, derangement of the Nervoua Sys tem, lougn, and Pympioms or Consumption, als taoae se rious menial eSecta, such as loa of memory, depression of spirits, or nornliar Ota of melancholy, when the th truth la, they have bees caused by indulging in pernicious but allur ing practices, destructive to both Body and Mind. Thus are swept from existence thousand who might have bea of use to their country, a plcaaur to their friends and orna ments to society. Omci No. T Boom Fkidbici St., " Uft hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 doors from the corner. r Be particular In observing the name and number, ur yon will mistake the place. tr Take notice, observe the nanre on the door and win dows. A Curt vHirranMi, Of no Charge Made, in from One fo JVo Day. NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS USED. Oil. JOIIMMON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Gradu ate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent In th first Hospital of London. Pari, Philadelphia, and else where, ha effected soma of the most astonishing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing in tho head and ear when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and baahfulneaa, with frequent blushing, at tended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. A Certain Dtseaa. When tho misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds b haa Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, h too often happen that an Ul trmed sens of shame, or dread ot aiscovery, deters mm rrom applying to tnose who. from ed ncation and respectability, can alono befriend him, del ring mi in ooomiuuonai sTnipioma or mi nrnria aiseaxn nisi tiieir appearance, sue a a nicoratoa or tnmai. disease a nose, nocturnal pains, In the head and limbs, dimness of sight, nearness, none on tne nin none ana amis, niotcnes on the head, face and extremltic, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till as last the palate or the month or tho bones of the nose fall In, and the victim of this awfnt disease be comes a horrid object of eornmlsaeration. till Oath puts a period to hi dreadful suBering by Bending him to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns." To snch, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledge himself to preserve the most In violable aecresy, and from hi ertenslve practice in the first hospitals In Europe and America, be can confidently recom mend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to the nnsklllfulness of ignorant pre tenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, and even send the unfortunate suffer er to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of his life miserable. Taka Partlrwlar Nntlee. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by private and improper Indulgence. These are om of th sad and melancholy elTert pro duoed by early habit of youth, via t Weakness of the Back and Limb, Pain in tho Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tho Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner von Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, 4c. M INTALLY- The fearful efTceta npon tne mind are much to be dreaded: Isof Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Depres sion of Snirlta, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society. Self Distrust, 1-ove of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are some of the evils prodooed. Thousands of persons, of all ages, can now Judge what is the csuse of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pal and emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the eves, cough and symptom of consumption. Dr. Johnson's Inrlcoratln; Remedy for Oinnnle Weakness. By this great and Important remedy, weakness of the or gans are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been relieved. All impediment to Marriaire, Physical or Mental Disipialillcation, Nervous Irritability, Trembling snd Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speed ily cured by Dr. Johnson. Yoanar Mon, Who have injured themaelve by a certain piai tice, In dulged in when alone habit frequently leurm J from evil companions, or at school the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if Dot cured, render iunrrlse impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should upply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hop of hi country, and the darling of his parent, should be snatched from all Srospect and enjoyment of life, by the ronsequenres of eviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating .- . ,. Mawarla)) . should reflect that a sonnd mind and body are the most ne cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without theeo, the Journey tbrongh lile becomes a wesry pilgrimage, the prospectnourly dai kens tii the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair anl tilled with tho melancholy reflection, that the liappluesH of another, be comes blighted with our own. , OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., nallimore, Md. All SranrcAr. Opwutions Piaroswsn. N. B. let to false delicacy prevent yon, but apply tra, mtdiately cither personally or by letter. , " ' ciN bisaasa snioiLT lthru. To fctranfrrr. ... The many thousand cured at this Institution within the lost twelve year, and the numerous Important surgical Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of our daily papers and many other persons notices of which have agaia and again appeared before the public is a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will And a skill ful and honorable physician. ...... Take Sotlre. - N. B. -There are o many Worthless Qnacb adrcrtlilDg themselvea a Physicians, ruining th health of the already amicted, tuat Dr. Johnson deems tt necessary to lay. espe cially tothoeer unacquainted with his reputation, that hi creoennais or diploma always nang in nis omce. TAKE NOTICE. All letters must be post-paid, and eon- tain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be sent. ' - - . May 18th, 1863 ' ' llJ-lj WOOD AMD WILLOW WARE. ; I 1EDAB TUBS. Painted do.. Brass bound Cedar Palls. J Painted do., Floor Bucket in Nests. Nseta Meaanrea, Ironbotmd, Half-Bushel. Brooms, various qualitie and prices, White Wash, Scrub and Shoe Brushes, Farmers', U.,k.l t.. L' ... A.k D..V.I. 'U.-V.V ft , - nuicn vwiucr, muur aiiu uuavr iwi , Mo-iMjsrui, Wire Beires, Wood Box, Telegraph, Oermat and Wax Matches, Manilla and Cotton Bed Corda, Plow and Cloth Lines, coooannt Dipper, 4-Ac. r or sal by - Oct, 19. z 1 B. HUGGINS k SONS. ' v PORK. 150 1 3 A BRELSjK Yarionf bnuidfj For sale by , r csrpt. i mi.it, AvaiJAArr ax at CO. , MEDICINAL ULTOiJt.HY A rartiit r of lite Bluud, and certain cur for Scrofula uf King's Evil, laiuibar Abscess, Hip Disease, White Swell iug, all Disease of thehklu, Nseasc of th Uver, Diseas es of th Kklaey and Spine, Chrome horn Eye. Scald Head, halt lilieiint. Scurvy, ( bore or S'. Vitus' Dam , Asthma, Jauud e, t hnuoo Lliciiniaimnt, Clironio 1 Mobility following lulerniltlent or Malarious Ftvers, and all dis ease arisine from the rveesMlv use of MeTcry. The Vegetable A itrraliv b) utter Jti th publm asara.ll cal cur lor the above named dlseasns, arwnig wholly vt ia part from impurity or vHiatioii uttb bluod -lit basts uf its success rests upon tho well known alterative properties ol Spanish Sarsaparilla, which I lmniirted txpr-alv fisr the Compounder oi this medicine in aliita purity ; It ia then, with the addition of otlwr medlciiiiil planta -alterative and tonic in tlu-ir antiuo uauulaulured with great car, aud ruuceu trated in a palatable form, making by th combination one uf the beat AtUrallv Medicine ever used, It mild, yet active, In it operation : it renovates, whila It removes the eaiwo ol disease, and may b used by all Willi contldcuce and alelv. It at an Alterative Tonic, and U peculiarly adapted to ma rarlous ei tlons uf the i-oimtry It eradicate thoroughly sll trace of rhriHiie debility winch n often follow an attack of severe or protracted rase uf intermittent fever, la th South and Weal It ha been thoroughly tried, aud has never failed to restoro tho invalid to health, aomotiuic alter all other remedies have fulled. Iu disease arising from an tkceaslvo ne of mercury or other mineral medirinrs, It is unsurpassed In Hi thorough and prompt manner in whit h it eradicates all disemwd mat ter friMU the blood and glandular system. In all cutaneous diseases It acts like a charm, and In such disease as Scald Head, Salt Rheum, end Skin diseases of every kind, it Is without an equal iu its coratlvs elteol. In th combination there are remedies that act directly on th Liver aud Kidneys, and therefore it proposes to re lieve these organs when lu a torpid or Inactive state. In re lieving these ami other organ, and being a portlier of the blood, it claims to be a cure for that loathsome dlsraaa, Scrofula. The Alterative is put up In pint bottles. Accompanying each bottle Is a pamphlet netting forth tte nature and char acter of the several disease lor which tt proposes to be a ear. ki Agents aud other who have the Alterative for sal arc supplied with Dies pamphlet for distribution. Ask for on and read it. This medlcln ba been oxtenslvnly used bv many tihv- slcian of eminence throtmhout the South, and we have let ter from manv of them, speaking lu the highest Wrnis of Its action as aa Alterative Tonic Remedy, We are at liberty to refer to Dr. King, of I.oulsburg, tj. C.i Dr. Claiborne, uf l-viersmirg, Virginia : lr. wuson ami nsnuers, Alnrtsnna, norma; ur. muni, iisrtana miner, i Greenwood, ria.; IT. C. A. Hunts. Qtiincy, Fls.j Dr. U. M. Kant, Jlankstou, Mis.; and many others. For sul only by WALKER ME ARKS, Wilmington, N. C; and Druggists throughout tho State. Nov. 3i, 1n5n. ou-nm. SADDLERY, flARDWARE. &C COURI'UATKII WIUIttJUT lUO.l AND WIRE It A I I.I ML (Sfrurrd !y UiUrt PuUiil. ) 4 DMIRALLY adapted lor enclosing Piiblm Grounds, Jx. t!rmeterli-a, Balcony, Cottages, Ac, Sheep and Ox Hurdles. Patent W ire, Sucking lledU-adetid Iron Furniture, Patent Wire Coal Screens, Ore, Sand and Gravel Screens, Wire Netting for Mosquitos, Sheep, Poultry snd other pur poee. Wire Summer House,-Fancy Wire Work In great variety for Garden. Ac M. WALKER 4 SONS, Manufacturers, No. 635 Market, N. E. Cur. tilu L, Philadelphia. Aug. 21st, 15. 2!)S ly. ' "kihk"t'nls "and iiamukkh. in great variety, and op superior quality, Manufactured by ). HAMMOND A SON, Ofllce 601 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. For Price Lists, addiCHs as above, Jan. 7th, 18.VJ. lol 3m. viAn unn- ploughs. A LL KINDS OF SINGLE HORSE PMMGIIS. For sale Xa. by ZEND II. GREENE. rrn a. ' W"""'! Vi I Hw ru iu a,u kwjv II h jLL E" , "1 f i" A 3-o 3 235! J ... .. tJ 'j 'P J ,3 I - an - r c?8 NAILS, AXES, At. ' t A A KETCH HTAILH, from Id. to Sod. IUU Sam'l W. Collins' Timber AxesJ; , : ' ,. 1). Siramona' , do. do. , Bryll's Boxing , do. , , Hoop Iron, Rivets, Hackers, Round Shaves, Ac, for sale by " '. ZENO H. GREENE. Jan. SI. ' HACKERS AND PULLERS, 07 OUR BRAND. Just received and for sale by J. M. ROBINSON 4 80N. Oct 30, , Herald copy.- , 1 : r - 'BOXI9IO AXESI BOXJNO AXES 1 1 .- A PULL ASSORTMENT OP THE i. M. ROBINSON brand, Inst received and for sale by Oct 80th J.. M. ROBINSON 4 80N. . Heraldcopy. ' ' '. . , ' SEWIXO NEEDLES AND SCISSORS, 0 r EaTKA vjUALax i. , roraaie dt J.'M. R JBINSON 4 RrtN. ' Oct. 30. ' Heraldcopy. ... . , 47 , "HOOP IRON. ,1 I INCH, 1 INCH. 1 1 INCH HOOP IRON,' aWav on L Dana, tor mo vj - -- nxLiuajvu o CUliilS. Varcalltb,lU9. ... , 03r I C li, 15n5 r I l f I f I l! .11 I.I S R I I , n ... .. . m mm . - i. ... I I 1 1 1 IU li CO-rARTXERSDIP AKD OTITIC OZC BOTH 15. 1 r-u-xi- ip,ii,iej i,i '.60 utrr;ee, v . tr A - eon. wll (- rM sad settle by th ) a of J -aty. K.. If out settled by lAat tim, th-r wr -- t 1 be ai t-J on. lHOMA- C."(.;ii T. auk. Ism. ON AXD A ITER TO 1UT. THE AFTEKNOOX Uk'A f.a- the N wrUi w 01 rW at 1 o cWk, tt farther bm e . Jan. , In,!. - Hi tf D. DICKjsON, P. M. TIMULY trTICat. ' MY ftlU.S f, HiH.kt and SutioarT ar aa BaJut up toJaaaaryl, Jsia. My patroa wtttroufer a favo by paimg promptly, and accept my tkanli f, Uberai pstrotiate. AremBt for t.rocerk, auid befor going lnt U B.H.k bttsiarss, ar abas reedy, and partlo failing to set tie them daring U atoat b, wUI have to do as with aa eflj rev. paving the fust. t.Ko. 11. KELLEY. Jsw. A, Isjsa. (-O-PABTRRSIIIP. fpUK bllsTillUBH bar thai day formed a Co Partner. , 1 ship. wt.b-r lb turn aad stvls t.f R. M LRU AY A CO., for th transarrl.m of the. I'OAf J.tv) . wn. WII0LM-" SA LA' tiUVm Y VSISJLW K. MLR9AY, D. R. wt iti'insos, T, MURRAY. Wilmiugton, NVrrt-fc.", l85. ia tf . K. MI KHAY , (fcKromsstr Miurajr da t fas k,) . t COM MISSION MERCH 1XTH J AND WHOLESALE GROCFRS, WATKH fTKRKT. ' ' WILMINGTON, M.C. a. Mst v. . a. mi at arsAW. f. r. mibbay. February I. KV.I. llA-tf MrrU M. -flCIlK CO PARTS UlaHD.' bnretuforo oxbUng otwa tho 1 subscribers, is renewed ft thro year from Janaary lat, ander th names and flrwiaof -HUOWN, DxROShET 4 CO., New Yrt,l . , " DbKOSHKT, BROWN A ICL, Wilmington, X. 0., aud Mr. A ILU AM I- DsttONMiT aJmitud to aa IsUra in the busines for the same term. JOHN POTTtl BROWN, A. J. DaROHhlST.JB., R. V. DROWN, ' WM. II. WIGGINS, ' lr. HI, Ihs ...... s , , ' NtlTICR. .. flUIH ttt fAhTVHtslllt k.uir.,M a.i.ii.- v.i-..- n - . . ........ ..... ..... r iiivtm, ...Mill. Wt W WU J . I k tt I k'V ...1 W . U'llluitV .. I . l - . aM ,,... n ... rtt n n.tcnr.i, auiuer tuo nam ana arm KEI.LKY 4 WH.IJsON. is this dsv dlssotvsd b mntnsl nnseut, The business of th lata firm will bo ssttied bt O. .tUV. ihil will muitlltilrt Ml th ..1.1 M.k - J ' ...... mm viu ..an,., m mV WW.UI eeplng constantly on hand a good supply of verythlng la h GUOCKHY Hue, except Llipior, and hopea bv strti t at-' ,1.,,,., ,1, uinrH, i, nirit in pairousgo n iieeraux B0 owed on the lato linn. O. KKI.I.F.Y, W. A. WILLBON. Jan. Uth, IH5J lol tf 10-tf MVni.it. ' ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO !. B. HU0GIN3 k SON, aro earnestly rqoetd to com forward and sot tie, as w ar anxlou to clos th bnalnes of that firm. Oi t.ll. ' L. II. HUGU1N 4 BON. IcAllt IMrTH M. T" ' LL OF L1LI.IES PATENT FIItB AND BUItOLAfl. iV Proof Chilled Sales, sold b hv m. will bo dcuvervd hero free of rlmrge. Call and see Samples, at KKLLKY'H BOOK BTORg. NOTICE. Nov. 6, Ksl. rilt) DAY THE COPARTNERSHIP Of . J. L ftAJU JL A WAY CO. expire by limitation. From tlila date th business will bs ooutinusd bv th sam persons, under th nam of .1 HIA WA Y Cv. Nov. 1. J. 4 J. L. HATHAWAY k CO. pau.rsik:iiaiii. .. te have This day associated in oua ruiM V WM. T. HUGGINS. Thbualnes will hereafter b rrini1netedniulerUiaBLaa4atil U H, rttHHIlrtti a; KONS. L, i. HUtbllNS, A . , . . J. ti. UUOGINi. Oct. 1st, 1H5H. , lO-y 7y . Wn-MiMiToN, N. !., OutoUr 1st, IMA. TK HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED JN OUU riM VV Duct. W. W. UARRfHS. vvu, The bnaine will he conducted as formerly. In the name and stylo of HARR1SS 4 HOWELL. " IIAIllliaa ju mttarspi.t. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, vy rv ilminoton. x.a. ROIUIS RAMBIRB, A. ttOWILt, W. W. OAKJUSB. Oct. It, 1H6) ., , , nisMii.ii'rKii. riHIE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE m.STINTC nn X der the sty I of PKTTEWA Y 4 PIHTCHKTT. Wilmln. ton, N. C, and PKTTEWA Y, PIHTCHKTT 4 CO., Charl. ton, B.C.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, , Jas. T. Petlewsy will settle the busines or l ettewayi Pritchett, snd use the nsmo of the firm In liquidation. 00. K. Prltrhett will settle the business of Petteway, Pritchett 4 Co., In Charleston, S, !., and oso the name of Uie tlrra in liquidation, , JAS. T. PETTEWAY, , - , GEO. K, PRITCUKTT. Jas. T. Pctlway will continue bnslness In Wilmington. N. C: and Gro. K. Pritchett In Charleston, 8. U October 4, IHM. 14-U " JAS. T. PETTKWAr,' . , , , I jCACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . A'o. Xvrlh Water Nreel, . , ' WiLMiKiTrii, N. 0., Will giv personal attention to the sal and hlumii ot Cotton, Naval Stores and other produce, - ,.. , , t Oct. 4. r... .. .... 1 . .11,- .. 1 .... . , . .. . tf, m , . ' 1 I AKK .v I P, t .... "7 ffy ON TnE FIFTH OK MARCH LAST, and eommlt jf ted tin the Jail of the County of New Hanover, In the ; J2r,tat of North Carolina, a NKGKO MAN, who give Ins name as HORACE FOWLEit, and further says that he la -' iree, out umier th protection of Charles rV. Dorsey, who lives near Eliicott'S Mill. Maryland. H waa niakinv ki. wuy North when committed. Th owner or protector of said negro must cum forward, prove properly or Identify,' and pay charges, b b will be dealt with aeootding to tit - stntute lu such cases made and provided, ,- - , , irt Ji D. tlALL,BherlfL hun, liultlnioie, and Courier, Charleston, copy one week an I semi bills to this ofliee iimncd lately for collection, . Wiltiiiugtou, N. C., April 5th, lH58.--lT8.tf. - NOTK'K. i , . flVIE KTEAMER JAS. R. ORISf AND HMTS, tiArf. X BANKS, making regular trips to Fayctteville, will re eeive Ireiglit mid deliver promptly, at any Landlkf ' on the River. -::. ,:i . . t'ui warding tfutchaiita, friendly to this line, by banding,; list uf goods at our oWce. will have their iutesests louketl after, ami when the Boat Is not receiving, Can have the priv ilege of storage ft of charge. '' -1.1"' .. . April I, - J. T. 1'ETTEtTAY,1 IgonU 1 '. rMTU E. ' ! I ' 1 ' ALL PERSONS ABB HEREBY FOREWARNED THAT any debt contracted by aiy other pertcma except the undersigned, for aoconnt of Steamer Ja. It. Grist, will aot ' be paid. m ;.-; , ,., ; J. J. PETTEWAY.,, , Dec. 1st, 1857 V CORN. I l '"JRHBiA WHITE CORN, landliifffrom Bchr. IsOUU Jane E. Fisher. " ' - "" , H.otiQ bushbls white corn, do. do.- do.' 1,000 lusliel heavy yellow R. tt. Corn. ! , ' In store and lor aale by . ,, ., ELLIS k MJICHEIJU, Feb. 25. 1KVJ. ' ,' . . ' RECEIVED TIUS DAY. '.-.s : WE HAVE THIS DAY received, pet Adams A Cos, Ex press, a beautiful assortment of LAD J EH1 II AIR- -" lw u'Jiw', KT V A AO. rAJIIl riNS, FCYVliEiiBUnONli, lc. : ; BRA IDS, COM US, BR UHUES.Q UTTA PMIWIIA IIAIIi ALHO . :' : . f A targe lot of ZEPHYRS, all colors. 1 A -: . KAHNWElLEB A BROo 2nd door from Exchange Corner. Feb. 15, 1859. ' , . - 137-tf , SEOARSI SEOARStl IA AAA IMPORTED Havana Began, some of which XVVvrv sra very fln. For aale by March 16. "- T. CAB. 0. WORTH. aartr bii.t. 500 ntltlrj BACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, in bright sacks For March 11. BLAC KSMITirS OOAI . . 0 X TONS BLACKSMITH'S COAL, in 1 bv 4. March 'ti, 1R69. PMlIOHS PLOCG I . LL KINDS of Plwghs. and O f rr .aaledy i..J.0 li. . Marvh 21. an.9, ,

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