v c VOL. 8. NO. 160. WILMINGTON, X. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL G. I8o9. WHOLE XtHIBEi, 2,3 U L 11 T FVLTCrW A PRICK, PR.OP1UTTORV J At.m.T05t tditor . ., . . . A. L. PRICE, Associate. V:A'j& Tti aai aT aaarrtpta. Daily Ipr, ene yer, Invariably la advance V oft ' Wtfklr " " - - j -j) AU betters baaaaeitt connected w-tth this offee, ctast bt ' aJJrasd to the proprietor. . BATES OP APTEimslXl!. ! AxrsQrAax. Oat day ...tt Out day Two Thx day . . . . Fear day ........ Five day i One week Two weeks Om month Two month Tart B on tin bis taonQi ... f , j- 1 (W t 2i 1 SO 1 ti 2 Ti 4 00 I 00 10 00 U 00 Two aya Three day..,....... Four dart Fire day.. ........ Oh ink Two weeks ...I Oh month ....1 Two mooUi I 50 9 SI M Three months. . . . .1 w bin mooih All One year li 00 Uh yaar. 30 00 Tea line art toonied m t kjurt, and tva Lnet or teas a balT-tquar. Longer advertisement ia proportion, tad ail payable ia advance. When lot paid ia eJiaaca ii state per tqaart will be charged after Uia first insertion, M All half square not paid for ia adraace will be charf tdui aqoaro. MAdTcrtiamDta Inserted u Bpocial er BUhon Notion art charred oao-half aaor Uiaa abort ritea ifftit Iit (Itadtd) or lea eoontrd u a tqaart. AdTtrUMmcDU inwrt4 trtrj otlirr dir art charged S7 teati per tqoaro for tatk Insertion after tht tint. trSo publication mad without a reapo&siblt aame. EUSKESS ASP PROFESSIOXAI, CARDS. c. k. Konnsot, ITtXCHAKGX DEALER, li Fao.vT 8riET, Wilmikutun, N. C. Uocurrent Bank Notta, Check aad Prttu bought and told en farorable term. BONDS and STOCKS bought and told en eummiiti. Cooimtrcial ptpar aerotiated. Nortncra Kschanrt for salt In tumt to tuit. Collection aiadt promptly and at reaonMi- rt. Feb. lift, IS5 142 -Cm OLIVKR KKIfKY WlfOLESALE AND BKTAIL DEALEKS IN GKOCE BUa AAD PBOV1S10NS, Ao. 11 North WaUr Strttl, Dec. 18, IK9. WimmoTOH, N. C. R. U. V(H)U, BUILDER k COXTIt ACTOR, 0FFEE3 HU SERVICES to tht public In tht line of hi buainesa. Plana, apeoifivttioiM, and every other mutter connected with tht erection of BuildiUK, or Maton Work in gtneral. promptly furniahed oa tppUuttiou. Feb 21aU 1868. 112 Jm T. M. ISIIT1I, C0MH1SSI0X AND FORWARDING MET.CHANT, WlLMlHOTOJI, N. C. Will girt personal and prompt attention to tht tale and shipment of Cotton, Naval Storet, and all other country pro duct. Office No. 17, (op itairs,) North Water Bt., immediately over M. llclnn It'. Oct. Iltt, 18 J91y8 ly. OEROMIiKT, BROWN A CO., CI ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r WILMINGTON N. C. Jan. lit, 1857W-t. IIKNRY P. Rt'lELU GENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 147 Eact Bar, (Up Ktaim.) CHARI.moN, B. C. March 17th, I8i8. 12 -tf T. II. MeKOY A CO., G R0CEB3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South r Water street, rTixkUNOTON, N. C. Aug. 23d, 1868. '.7 II. B. EILEKS, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DEALER IN NATAL STOKES, corner Water and Market streete, Wilmington, N. C. April Id, 1863. THOMAS W. BROWN, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OP TIIK UNITED STATES IN AND FOR THK DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, June 24th, 1S58, 247 tf Jit, ITOELIT. ALIZ. OLDHAM. TOKXJCY Ai OLBIIAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AO. WlLKIHOTOH, N. C. RiriRKXCl. Cot. Jonw lfcRAR, President of the Bank of Wilmington. 0. 0. Pamlit, Esq., Prtaidtnt of tht Commercial Bank. DR. J. A. MILLER, T7R0NT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA J? KER'S LAW OFFICE, WiiMDiaKW, N. C. 1 Oct. 20th, 1867 38-tf D. A. LAMOTT. (10MMKRI0N MERCHANT, No. 38 North Water rtreet, J OcUll 31-tf Wilmimotoh, N. C. jxo. rom bbowx, aaif ajcd t. dirbowit, jr., a. r. ibowk. BROWH A DeROSSET, Ntw York. DtROSSET BROW Wilmington, If. C; 12 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. tjNioif DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. C , J. E. OAKELT, Proprxetrm, VakBOKKELEN A I5R0., Ageni. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES purchased, manufac tured and sold Wharfage aad Storage farulihtd, and Oooperagt done at lair rates. Jan 1st, 1867 lM-tf. "" " J. M. ROBISSON V WttaiNttTON, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. AND Dea leres in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agrirul taral Implement, Ao. VM. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 20. 1864. 13-tf Wilmikoton, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WttUfNOTOV. N. C. GEORGE W. DAVIS, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, South Water Street, J WlLMINOTUN, N. C. 1. 1ATHAWAT. 1- t. H1THAWAT. WK. B. CTLIT. HATHAWAY At CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WtLMtKOTOM, N. C. T. C. St B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FOBWARDINO MERCHANTS, 1 , WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. "March 11, 1867 " 15 ly JAXM AJ(DIK801, IDWABD I AT AO I, ASDERfSOS A RAVAGE, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT WlLMINOTOM, N. C. Liberia cash advances made on consignments. WILL.ARD A CtTRTIS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, I I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, No. 10 BOTJTH WAT"! BTBirrs, , Jan. 13tb. " , Wilmikotok, N. C. W. II. TTjRLINGTON, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ... IT WltMIKOTOH N. C, JuIyM,l86627-tf fiaOS) 0. SMITH. . mom eoenx. 19. V, B.TlirH l'U - . - - C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office second story, corner Booth Water and Market streeta, Wilmington, N. 0., where they are prepared to attend to all business in tht Commission line. All bttsinttt ectmted to them wia be pnnctually attend CIIAS.D. MYERS, HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, 34 Marktt Street, - Paosma, Leghoni, and Palm Leaf Hat. Wool, Fur, Silk, and Moleskin Hats, Cloth, Plush, and Silk Glaied Cap, by the ease Mdcn, at New York wholesale prioea. - B . . - - ' - - , WALKER ME ARES, (Successor to Walker Mearet A Co.,) WHOLfeALB AND RETAIL DB0GGIST3,- IIS MAAUT It WlLMlKOTOIt, N. C. sJ-V.-V-'----' - ',- "tltrtrt., BUSDTSS A5P FROreSIOSALCARD?. FXUIA MITCIIKIA. DEAlFRS I GRAIN. keep CunstaMty oa hand C, IV. Oat. Hsy, M,i, H.moa. Br a. H or and Cow Feed. OJ Mal Ar. Mirca ifh. !;. V. W. DtVI, M. Ik. 0 FFERS H K PROFESSIONAL SKV ICES TO THE CI t iseasof WilTnaartrm,- OrVe tJ do beh 11 oho' Hotel. Frott Strert. June J. tl tf -j I'HKUKHK K J. MIKJRK. - - (rv rn itr vi. M MARKKT STKFKT. M 7t.V.VP V. V. I , ITfHOLESALK AXn KKTAlL lK.li:R IN HATS, Cap. Casea, I'mbrellaa. t hildrea'a Fawy tiood. f Ac, b to prrparvd to oiler fur pnblic inapeotioa. Urv and well ls ted atotk JTfl, W OOL, FKLl SI HA W HOOl'S of trerr devriptioa and atyle : Capt as Mirpaitaed for eloace of" tvV, rlneneM of tecture, and modrttHit ef prue. CmbreMa of Try variety, denerip tioa a q I price. l'aue: Children' Fatov ChmmI. and La-, die' H .I lux lUt. ta awl the aut UtJ niu. all uf hu hT we ofitr t the very loweM pricr. Mar. Wh, 1"'. ill t. !. MIKIK "ITTHOIiSALE AND RETAIL I'EAI.EH IX II ATS, y Cap. Straw C.ivodm Cane. rlrell, Ac. KPIUNU MIHM'K. sr. iv nouns saw ready: Vie are bow prepared to exhibit to Merchant and other holeal tavern, and to the public cenerallr. tlie Urceat. ' handsomest, and bet aaorted un of good ever tpend in tbia marki t, etcbracinir evcrr variety of ruraw tiood. Wool, Fur, S.ft I . It aad Silk Hat. Cloth and I'.laz J CU: Uiw-e. Flat and ltloomer-ti immed and nnlrimmed: in fuuta' and Children' Hat and Cap; Ridine Hat. I'mlirel lua, Caue. Ac, A?., to whkh we kf.ecil attt ntion, bt lievint tin t be the most coiiipleto and htrgvkt aioi k of Good in tht Hue ever opeued in the State. rRemcmbrr the phV e, S4 Marh t Stm t. Marco , X JOIM A. BAKER, A TTl)RN'EYAT LAW, AND COMM1SSIONEROK DFFDH 2L FOR THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN A. Wili;uto,, N. C. J May 3It, '.".'iMy ( . LEVI A. II ART, ' LATB 10 Li I r SHART, j fOi'i Kami.) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN til'Nrt, PlsTOlJS, r Hardware, Stoves, Copner, Tin snd Sheet Iron WartM, also, Turpentine Stills and Fixture, Front atrct, below! Uoliuea' Hotel, Wiluiirgton N. C. ' April 20, ISOS rJ 1 tDAVlOHMITII. JK, C10MMISS10N MERCHANT and dealer in i HOC Eli IKS J and VHO VIS10XS. ,Front atreet, iKAXITS I!oW, , WILMINGTON', N.' C. Jauiiniy Mh, Ix'iil. W. II. MrRAHY A (Om C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princess and Water J street, Wilmington, N. C. HKriKKNt'ia: H. R. Savaife, CVhier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C ( ol. John McRae, lre t Bank V ilruinKton, do. Uo. IK A. L'avi, Cashier liram a li k Ca pe Fear, Saliabury, do. " Kalem, do. J. (J. Lah, ' " J. Eli Grew , President of Bank Cheraw, S. C, I Oct IT WILMIOTO'V MARBLE WORKS. Front Street, near the MrthwlUt K. t han k. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONKS, FURNITURE TOItt, Ac, of tht BEST OUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN MAlfULE, furnbihed to order, as CHEAP as can be procured from any establiaunient of tht kind in the couatry. I employ 'none but eiperienced workmen, and will spare no pains to please all who may favor me with their patron age. jSaTTtrms CASn, unless by special agreement. W. 0. MILLIUAN. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 13th, 1U6. 7-tf. TEW YORK AND rHIUDELPUIA CARDS. CLARJCNCK S. SATES. IIKNHI KOHTF.K, K ATI'. M KOSTKR, ENERAL COMMISSION MEIU'll AN TS for the nalc of f f.Viihm. Ilce, Sttval Wore., snd Southern Produce gcnerully, No. HO N. Wharves, and 111 N. Water St., 1'iiii.AiiKi.rtiiA. Fdruary2Hlh 1m5!. l y S. W J. UOl I.UIU, No. IH John Mtrect, New Yolk, IMrOHTRKj) AND JOBSFRS OF RIBBONS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, r LOWERS, LACl'M, MILLINERY (iOODS, . BERTH ES, CAPES, Ac. Ac. HOODS FllOM A UVTWX JiVERY DA Y. Duytrs wiltintl it grratly lo tlwxr advantwje to gxec una id. Jan. 18, 1809. 113 3m. UKO. O. V AVAMUIX.K, Jit. C COMMISSION MERCHANT. J Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Roin, Lumber, and South ern Produce generally. 104 North Wharves, A'xrve Arch Street, I'lllLADEI.rillA. ar Prompt personal stteution siren to all consignments, and quick returns made. Cah orders solicited. Dec. 4th, 1858 78-ly URIKKKM M AtKKN, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS of FRESCU, EXdUSll awl GERMAN FAA'CY HOODS awl rERFUMKRY, io. IH Fri.Ton htrkut, Nr.w Yoke. HftKRY Griffe.n, I Wm. H. Ac km. I Nov. 2(1, 18.')8.-49-ly. BARRON C. WATHOX, OADTON BB1SS8. WATSON A MEARE. C COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ) .'A Burling Slip, New York. Especial aiU-ution paid to the sale of Navai. Storss, IXit Ton, and SouthcrB Proiluce ((cuerallj . Liberisl advances made on consignments. July 1, '66 J. BARV1T COt'HRAR, W. S. RFSUEL, UM. HRAN Si IU NSKLL. G1 ENERAL COMMISSION MLRCHANT3. No. .U North I" Wharves, and 63 North Water Sticet, Piui.aiiem'BIA. ar Llberial cash advances made on compliments. JulySmh, 1Sj3 279 JI'ST I1K( KIVKO. At tlf OH Vr-MMi'""! ft"k Stnre of MtCRHILI. PIICR K, I (l BEAMS LETTER PAPER, diflcrett styles A prices; lVV 50 do. Foolcap do. do. do. 50 do. Commercial Post do., 20 do. Note Paper ; loo do. Wrapping Paper, which will be sold low, Nov. 8. 54-t' .. fiosE.'i no'rnMiji" -lr0ULn RESPECTFULLY EXTEND AN INVITATION to all their friends snd thp public penern II v to visit them, a they are now opening a large and well selected stock of NEW SPRING GOODS at their Store on FRONT STREET. M'GAR AtDCOKFKK. 1 Afl B'-81- (-larilied Sugar. I JJ 400 bacs Rio, Lagnayra. Java and West India Cut fee; For sale by HATHAWA Y A CO. March 23. ."... OS ciissiuivMEST. " 3CAfl I-BS. N. C. BACON-HOG ROUND. OUU For sale by U. W. DAYIS. March 25, 1859. PORK. 1 0f. BnLS- x- V. HE A V V CITV MESS l jt J?rpiyed in 1"" store. For sale by March 25. T. H. McKOY A CO. WBAGS RIO, (different grades.) 20" Cape. 10 " OldJara. Forsaleby March 25tb. T. H. McKOY At CO. 8ILKSI TE ARE DAILY RECEIVING a choice variety of Silks W such ss -. Fancy powl de Sole, fa great vsrlety of styles Orot ie Rhine, in various qnalities Hobe$ pout de Soie, baute nouveantes i itrrtt de Epmmt, liiark Lnttriim, Pari Fonlardt, Ray and Bayadere, ol superior qnality. KA11NWEILER A BROS., March 22 i 2d door from Exchange Corner. BACON ID3 AND SHOULDERS. OA HHDS. NEW BACON BIDBS? til 20 do. do, Bhouldors. Just received and for sale . . 0. C. A W. J. MONRO, March li , - Corner Princtsa and Wtter its, MEDICINAL . BALTIMORE LOCK IIWPITAI- 1HXTOR JOHNSON. 1 TH t. f.u.n.Vr uf th e Olebraud lnWat.Mi rVr tW hI ( tVrtai. Nedy. and ooJy tSwtual rr it tht wtwld (or j GUf. Sirk tur-, troiiBal weka. Pama ia the Ijhm. ColKt -alH sl IVbititr. Impotetrr, WeakfNa of the Rack and l-wl". ASeclM at tht KUuevv PalpitaVanw f tht Hit. Ihepta. Nervoot Irritability, Par- of the Head. ; Throat. N. t Skin : aad all to- eri.a at l .t-Wh!v IHkWr rtme fa aU thwatl'ttrrwrtirt habit of Vuwkl wh-a ilf-nroy Uitk bodr aad niaJ. Ttni., ikr aj fc.li tirv pr.-! - Rinrt fatal tUr vtctiaw thaa t!.e of tht -Syr; to tht Mariuen L'lj--se, bUchtjnf their mM brilliant hi piM of anticipation, reaJmnr saarriaiie,JJc., i4Bp.iiiiU. j V a MmtJ p-iallv. tku ae Weoatt the victiw of Sotnary Vke, that dretllfiii aal dtn-tivt habit, whkh annually sweep to sa antunrlv gravt thouaautU of roans; avet at tht moat etaltrd talent aad brilliant intellect, wha might i(irwt havt tMtranctd IvtrBinx 8 -ate with the tkuodert f el.v ' queac. or waked to tcatacy the living lyrt, aiay call with alt confidence. MaJTtart. - Married l'er.,, or.Yimnc MeacBtrMpUtiii iani4-e, bemr awart of Pbrptrat WraksNa. Orrtnic tebitnr." tvrr mitiea, Ac, should minwdiately roailt lr . J.,and be rr.-t(-; ed to perfect health, lit wha place himself auder the care of Dr. Jwkut may , religiolr confide la hit honor aa a tyBtlemaa, and ccnti ; dently rely upon kit skill aa a phya iaa. OrsrMtt Unkini . inmiediatvly cured, sad full rigor rmlored. Thiadiaraat ht tht penalty Biwt frequently paid b) thowe who have become tht victim of Improper iiiduieiit--. Voanf persons art too apt to commit txcemta from s4 be tng await of Hit dreadful conaequeactt that aay ensue, Now. who that BBderataads tht ubje will nrttead to dear that tht power of Procreation U lout sooner by thott falling i Into Improper habit than by tht prudent. Rtmidet lelug deprived tht pleasure of healthy oflpi lug, tht Bot serious ; and destrartivt symptoma to both body aad Hind rie, Tbt syatem becomes deranged, tht physical and mental' powers weakened, nervou debility, djapepsia, palpiUtion of tht heart, indigestion, a watmg of the frame, eoiigh, ' symptoms of consumption, etc. Ntrv DtMltty, Weakneas of the sytern, Nervou Debilitv snd in nuture , decay generally arise from tht lvti tu tus habit uf youth, that solitary practice so fatal to the healthful exL4me ol I man, and it is tht young who are nunt apt to become Its , VH-tima, from sa ignorance of the dii?ei to whkh they subject themselves Parents and Guardians art oftet biw k'4 with respect to the cause or aouua of disease in their ton and wards. Alas ! how olten do they ascriba to other ! causes tht wasting of the frame, Palpitation of tht Heart, f Dyspepsia, Indigestion, dertngrinetit of the Nervous 8y tern, Cough, snd Symptom of Consumption, also, those e , rlous mental ctlecU, such as ls uf mt inory. UeioesMon ol ' siilrits, or iitcullar fits of melancholy, alien tho the truth U, I tliey have been csused by indulging in pernicious but allur ' ing practices, destructive to bnth Boilysnd Mind. Thus arc swept from existence thousand who might bavt been i of use to their conntry, a pleasure to their IrwmUani orna menta to society. I Or r ii I Na. 7 Soitu l'muisui St.. left hand sldt goina; from Baltinuue trect, 7 door from the corner. tf Be particular in observing the usme and niimbir, or you will mistake the place. t Take notice, observe the name ou the door ami win dows. A Cure xrarranUii, or no Charge JHmle, n mw One to T'ivi Days. NO MERtfuRY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS USED, im. jomsos. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Gtadu ate from one of tho most eminent Colleges of tht United States, snd the greater part of whose life has been spent in the first Hospituls of London. Paris, Philadelphia, and else where, ha efjectod aomt of the mot astonishing: cures that were ever kuown. many troubled with ringing iu tht head and ear when aaleen, great nervousness, being alarmed at audden sounds, and tiaahfulneat, with frequent blushing, at tended sometimes with derangement of mind, wert cured Immediately. A Certain Dlseaae, When the misguided and Imprudent votitr of nleasurt find ht has Imbibed tht tctds of this painful disease, it too oiicn Happens mat an iii-tiuieu tense of shame, or dread vl discovery, deters him from applying to tnost who, from td oration and respectability, can alona befriend him, delaying till the constitutions! symptoms of this horrid diseast makt their appearanct, such a ulcerated tort throat, diseased nose, nocturnal paint, in the hesd and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and anus, blotches on the head, face and sxtremities, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till ss last the palate of tht mouth or tht bones uf tht nose fall In, and tht victim of this awful disease be comes a horrid object of commlsstratlon. till death puis s I period to his dreadful suflerings by sending lum to "than bourns rrom wnenct no uavtitr returns." lo such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledges himself to preserve the most in violable secresy, and from his tittnslvt practice in tht first hospitals in Europt and America, ht can confidently recom mend a safe snd speedy core to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It it a melancholy fact, that thootands fall victim to this dreadful disease, owing to tht nnskillfulness oflgnorsnt pre tenders, who, by tht use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin tht constitution, and tven tond the unfortunate suffer tr to an untimely gravt, or tlse makt the residue of his lift miserable. Tak ParOrular Itottrr. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by private and improper indulgences. These art tomt of tht said and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, vis t Weakness of the Back snd Limbs, Pain In tht Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss ol Muscular Power, Palpitation of tht Heart, Pypfis, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement ol the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption. Ac. Mentally f ht fearful tflctt upon tht mind are much to be dreaded : Los of Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Depres sion of Spirit, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society. Self Distrust, Love of Solitndt, Timidity, Ac, art some of the evils produced. , Thousands of persons, of all age, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the tves, cough and symptoms of consumption. Dr. Johnson s Invigorating llrntrfty for Organic Weakness. By this great snd important remedy, weiikiif n of the or gans sre speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of tht most nervous and debilitated, who had lost nil hope, bsre been relieved. All Impediments to MnrriHge, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings snd Weakness, or exhaustion of tlit most fearful kiud, speed ily cured by Dr. Johnson. Yoang Men, Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, In dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or tt school the eilucts of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, render marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hops uf his country, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all roe peels and enjoyment of life, by the consequences of eviuting from the path of nature, aud indulging in a certain secrtt hbit. Hnch persons, before contemplating Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and body arc tho mot ne cessary requisities to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, withont these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, tht prospectnourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with tht melancholy reflection, that the happiness of snothcr, be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST.. Baltimore, Mil All Siroicai. Operations Parforhkd. N. B. Let lo lalse delicacy prevent you, but apply im mediateiy either personally or by letter. - St. IK DISEASE SPEEDILY CIREO. To Strangers. The many thousands eared st this Institutiou within the last twelve years, and the numerous important surgical Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of our daily papers and many other persons notices of which have again and sgain appeared before tbt public is a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will find a skill ful and honorable physician. Take Hotl. N. B. j Ther9 are so. ssany worthiest Ouack advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already uiivbcu, mat isr. uoubub ucgum i ucwsw iv aay. sape- cially to thott unacquainted with bis reputation, that his credentials or diplomas always hang in hi office. , TAKE NOTICE. AJl letters most be post-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be sent. ; May 18th, 1858 2141 WOOD AJID WILLOW WARE. I 1EDAR TUBS. Painted do.. Brass hound Cedar Pails. J Painted do., Floor Buckets In Nests. Nests Measures, Iron bound. Half-Bashels. Brooms, various qualities and t) rices. White Wash. Rcrnh and Shoe Brushes. Fimn' Market, Clothes, Fancy and other Baskets, W aah-Boards, Wire Seives, Wood Box, Telegraph, German and Wax Matches, Manilla and Cotton Bed Cords, Plow and Clothes Lines, uocoanat Dippers. AO., c. r or sale by , Oct. 1. . LB. HUGO IN a A SONS, PORK. 1 K Af BBElfl,(variont brandsj For sale k l.OU etFti.p ..AU wmwwV'jo. MEDICINAL - .. a i r . -f 03i)LTO"1st.HF A ivtnner of tht bioud, and certain rare for KcioJu.a ,.r Euig' Fvil, Lumbar At ', Hip Diwit, While hwell inir. all Diwaw ol the Skin. i ae of tht Liver, ltea e- t the Kidney 'l Spine, C hrolilo Kue Eyes, S aid llei, Huh liheiitu, Scurvy, t borea or S'. Vitus' Dtm-e, AHthnul, Jiiiimlice, t Inoiilc liheuniatiMU, C'bronle lability lolloahig I'ltciiuitlent vt kluUi lout Fever, and all d v eaw ariHiiiL' from t!i" excessive Uso of Moicuiy. 1 he Ve-rctabln All. relive ia orleied to the public a a taii iil cure b r tlte slie ii.imed diseases, arwioif hotly or in Bait lioul lluiiunty or VHelion ol tht blood tiiQ basi of it tuccest rrit upon 111" vl( known sitcrative pnqicrlb s ol Spauisb Harsap.vrill.1, thi" h i iinpoil. d eipioaaly I t the roinpoiiroler ol I hi nil die no' ill all It purity ; ll is th''li ilh tlit adilitioa l olbrr inedu nm plants alti'iative aud tool, in their action- niamilai'tortxi with great isic, and core en tinted m a palatable toiin. nuking by live tonilnialion one ot the beat Alterative lt di ines ever u,e I. It U mid, y t active, tn it operation : it renovates, while it removes iht euuse ol (lteai, Slid timv bo kio by ll with conHicnce arid safety. It is uh Alterative Toio- , .mi w pn uliaiiy adapted to ma In r loin sei tioii o Hie i u icti it eradicates llioioiighly ail tiacen ol chrome d bilnv v lio h often follow an alhi, k l severe or proti. o , , t4a i inlerniltterit lever. Iu the South aud West it loi lo i n lli.iiooiihly ttH'd, and hits sever tailed to lctorr tho iiiV4inl to lo alth, soiio'tnne slier all oilier renu'diea bnvc l.itJ, In diseases sn-lnif riom an , viesive use of men-nry or other mlm-rni medicine. It U iitiiiriiasscl In thn thorough mid pioiniit manner In which it eradicate all ili'ii'd ni.it tor Iioiii tlie liloui and gUndiilar system. In till ciititni ilUca it acls likn a eluuiu, mid in ui h iliHessr a Scald Head, Halt Rheum, and Skin iticac id every kind, II u w ithout sn equal In it curative elici t. In Hie coinbinslion tlierc nie reiue. lies that act dlrtctly on the Liver and kidneys, and therefore it propose to re lieve tli.-.o organ win u in a torpid or Inactive sUilt. Iu re- lieving these and oilier organs, and being a jmrillef of the blood, it clHiin lo be a cure for that loathsome disease, H rolula. The Alter.ttive is put up in pint bollleu. Accompany ing each bottle is a pamphlet si lting furtu I .a nature and char acterof the sevenil discuses lot Which It proposes to boa cure. All Agent and others who bavt the Alterative for sale are supplied with thus pamphlets for distribution. Ak for one nmi rcait it. This BiedH'lne liss been extensively used bymsnypliy siclsns of eminence throughout the South, and w hava let tor from many of them, speaking In tht highest term of Its action aa an Aiterativa I onto iieiuedy. W e art at liberty to rnicrio vr. King, ol luisourg, tt. j in. I lalhorne, ol I'etersburir, Virginia ; I rs. W ilson and Saixleis, Jlanamiu, Florid ; I'rs. Illiint, Hart and Butler, Greenwood, Fla.; Dr. C. A. Hants, Oulury, Kla.; Dr. E. M. Fant, Bankston, Miss.; and many other. For sale ouly by WALKER ME ARES, Wilmington, N. C; and Druggists throughout tht Statt. Nov. 20, 1K5H. m. SADDLERY, HARDWARE. Ml 4 OUR CO AT ICO AVRtH'GIIT IRON RAILING, ASU WIRE (Secitrrtl hy letter Patent.) A DM RALLY adapted lor enclosing Public Ground, IX. Cemeteries, llalconys. Cottages, Ac, Sheep and Ol Hurdles, Patent Wire, Sacking Bedatesdsand Iron Furniture. Patent Wire Coal Screens, Oie, Sand and Gravel Screens, Wire Netting for Mosqnilo, Sheep, Poultry and other pur poses. Wirt Summer Houses, Fancy Wirt Work in great variety for Gardens, Ac, M. WALKER A SO.N-l, Manufacturers, No. S36 Market, N. E. Cur. Oth St., Philadelphia. Aug. 2lst, ls.18. 2W ly. EDUK TOOLS Al IIAMMKRw. IN GREAT VARIETY, AND OF SUPERIOR OUALITY, Manufactured by C. HAMMOND A SON, OHica 6o Commerce Hi rest, Philadelphia. ' SFor Price Lists, address as above. Jan. 7th, 1859. loi-3m. PLOI tills. I'LOl (.III. A LL KINDS OF SINGLE HOUSE PLOUGHS. For s.vle by ZINO II. GREENE. : r a. r-. -J' - I m- mt fit T. - . I-". krrr 1 tl - 1 M II a T t B iu V iv.h Tl. .It U . 3 6 ! ts or 5.' - 9 W srf K . a ' . " - w a. SAILS, AXES, Ae. KEGS NAILS, from 4d. to 20d. Sam'l W. Collins' Timber Age : rWmmoB di-do. n..ull'a Unrinn lilt. Hoop Iron, Rivets, Hackers, Round Shaves, Ac., for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. Jin. 31. . .. " - " ,n - .- HACRKRS AND PILLERS, Op OUR BRAND. Just received snd for sale by J. M. ROBINSON A BON. OcL 30. Herald oopy. 47 BOXING AXES I BOXING AXES It A FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE J. M. ROBINSON brand. Just received and for sale by , Oct. 30th J. M. ROBINSON SON. ; Herald copy. ' . ;. x4 m m v - vni r ill i f i V .1 Kill I IVLAItUr DE If ' 1,1 IU A C9MiCr.CS C J U I .r . . . . 1; u nil I h n aw r I I I I r III. 1 P II r. I I I 1 1-1 I ' ' V. . Sf "'! 1 ii 1. 'ir it 1 r i'nr"" rl SEWIO SEEDLES AKD SCISSORS,'. OF EXTRA QUALITY. For sale by - . J. M. R IBINSON A BON. Oct. 30. Herald copy. 47 HOOP IRON. , I INCH,' U INCH," 14 INCH HOOP IRON, aW on 1 hand. For sale fcy WJLLALD A CUR'ilS. MarsaUOijim ' - COfARTy ERS IIIP AKD OTEB 0Z:ZS SOTICE. 4 LL Pi.R'N-i iadebttdtetbt saWrWr. IT " . IV At rM, w..l rWt rsU aad tef.'.t kv ika l.i ef J et MV.IV1. if But aettkfd by that Utb, th insyev- tu ke w.udnt, THOMAS C. t :A f. IVe. Jiita, KV. (W AND AFTER TO DAY, TnK AFTIT.NOOX M12 v cum st it eioct, en- w rmiifr a.- t , Jan. K.i.-m tf 1. DICKHON. P. M. timklv timrn. BtlXS fnr Rim,.. ...1 iii.,i, - . .n t. . Ml tav uu ta Jaattjtrv I 1 v'.'l u. .t.nK. ...ii ... . . , . ... , -. - i r " ' rvmrr a isTor i psvum promptly, aa.1 arcept ay thaak fnr Uteir bberwl pair.4i.. AccwBt for Grocers, toid htfort toing kt .--. m.im, mrw mim, rvS'lV, BB4 ptrUtt I'. W llthmduriflgthMsMita,wlUBavtt)dt towtih aa cer, paying tht coat. t;x. U. KkXLAY. Jaw. A, t-P4itTrnsiiip, rpilK Sl rtst'lltBKRS have thvs asy forwved a C-rtn 1 hip, aadrt the ttM atdttvltef K. MUKRAY A CO., lortba trasel,.n of the fVM M t$WX aw4 M liOLK SAI FHROt ERYIUSIXESX F. MCRItAY, D. R. Mi nt HtSOJf, J. T. MURRAY. WJiiuiiglon, X. t, Feb. 1, im. Hi tf K. Mt ItUtY CtH ' (sintwn U M array a. Praratk.) 'COMMISSION MFRCflANTS AND tt IIOI.KSALK GROCERS, II A TiH A I WAIT, WILMINGTON, N.C. . mi at. a. a. MrmmsoN. J. ?. hibbav. Fcbruatv I. Is.'. I2i-tf OI It K. f ItllK O PAUI XKRHHIP beeeWore tilsliiig bttwtta the X subscriber, r rtutwtd fortlirte ytarsfrom Janaary hi, s.i!l, tmder the Bamnt snd Rrms of PROWN, DiltOMhET A CO., New Tork,' lUtiOhSKT, UltOWN A CO., Wilmuigtos), M. C, sud Ml W ll.UAM L. DrRthrr It admitted to a tnUris in the .o-..n'-s b r tht sanw trrw. JOHN lHlTTS BROWI, A. J. DeBoshet, Jb., H. F. BROWN, W M. H. WIGGINS. ;L I"- W tl xiukk. riMlf. t O PAIITM'ttSHlP herrtofurt txistlog bttwttl 0. 1 kHI.I. si.d W. A. WlLLrU)N,ndtr tht name and firm oiKEI.I.FV A WILLHON, is till day dissolved by mutual consent. 1 lit bumes of tbt latl firm will bt settled b O. Itev, whuwill toiitiiuu at tht old aUnd. wba InUaita keeping i onslanlly on hand a Rood anno! of avsrvthlne la Him l.l.i ( Hi V line, tacept Liquor, and koptt by strict at tenil. fi 1 1 Im invs lu ineiit tht patruaagt so liUsrtlly k lowed mi 1 1, lute Unit. O. KEIJ.EY. W. A. WILL80X. Jh, I lib, I.! 107 tf 20-tf, - sri u B)7 " 1 . . ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO L. B. HUGGINf! SON, arc esiiiestly rtquesttd to tome forward and set lie, we are ni.nn to rlost tht buslnesa of that firm, Oct. ti. U B. HUGGINH HON.' A I It NOTICE. 2 Proof Chilled Safes, sold by mt. will bt delivered sere ii. h oi eimigB. tan ami set Pampiea, at . - Nov. 5, IS.. KEl.LEl S BOOK BTOBlC. SOTICH. T V) DAY THE COPARTNERSHIP OF .A. L tUlU- ' Alt 4 1 i O. txulret by limitation, from Lhl data tin) businesa will ba eontiniitd by Ilia same ptrtout, lodsr llifl name of HATHA WA Y A CO. Nov. I. J. A J. L. H ATI! A WAT At CO. OPAIt l Nllailll. ' WK H 4 VR Til 1st II AY AUii04.:lATKO 1 OUU FIRM WM. T. HIJGUINH. Tht business Will hereafter bt conducted under the name and style of I B. IIUGGINS A HONS. L. B. IIUGGINS, t . . J. B. HUGU1NS. Oct. 1st, IKU. J3 r Tr vriS.iriHuif. . V'.t S-OI'Btr I'VII, E HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED LN OUh FIRM Doct. W. W. IIABIUHS. , ti' it uiu.imihi XI V tA t. 10,.. tIs The business will lit conducted as formerly. In tht asm and slylt of HARHISH A IIOWELU IIAItlllBB ai iinwi'i r. rtOMMIHSION MERCHANTS. . ., . , , , ... WiLHiNoroir.Bf.fi' 0K0R..B SARHISS, 4. t. HOWBlt, V. . MAM!!. Oct. 1st, lH,')8 Hanoi irrioK fllllK COPARTNERSHIP IIEI1ETOFORR EXISTIN0 na- jl oer tne stjitor pettkway PHITCHETT, Wllmlng. ton, N. C, snd PETTEWAY, PR1TCHITT A CO., Charlts ton, S. C, la this dsy dissolved by mutual oenttnt, .- ' eueway wiiiseiut mt imsiness of reltewtyc PrlUiiett, snd nst tht nama of the firm In liquidation. Geo. K. Prltcbett will aettla tht boslntss of Pttteway, Prltchttt A Co.. in Cbarltston. fL a., aad naa tba wlAIMaa tdt the flrm in liquidation. JAM. T, PK'rrEWAY, , GEO. K. PHITCHETT. Js. T. Pettews Wlllennt nuabnalnau In UVlln.1.... u C; snd Geo. K. Prltcbett lo Charleston, B. C. , ' uciooer , inji, , J4.IJ JAS. T. PETTEWAY 1.C ACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ao. 8 AorfA H'afr rccf, WrLMMuroN, K. C, IV ill give personal attention to tht salt and shipment at Cotton, Nav 11I Stores and other product. . Oct. 4. J4 . TAK Kit IP, " fA ON TUB FIFTH OF MARCH LAST, And ommlt ja ted to the Jail of tht County of Ntw llanovtr, In the Ji. Suite of North Carolina, a NEGRO MAN, who give his name as HORACE FOWLER, and furthr ssvs that he is fice, but nndpr the protection uf Chsrles tV. Dorsty, who lives near Ellieott's Mills, Maryland, lit was making his wsy North when committed. The owner or protector Of said nepro must come forward, prov property or identify, snd p.i) charges, else he will bt dealt with according te tht statute in such tusaa made and provided. K. I). HALL, 6herll. Sun, Hnkimore, snd Courier, Charleston, tony one week in I -cud lulls to this ofllce linmed lately for eollecUon, WUuilufitim, N. V., April 6Ui, LNiUU-Us-tr NOTICE. ritllE REAMER JAS. R. GRIST AND FLATS, CAPT. A BANKS, mnklng regular trip to Fayetteviile, will rt eeive ireifebt and deliver promptly, at any Landinf on the River. ;. Porwsri'ing Merchi.nts, friendly to this line, by handlua lift ol gtM.ds at our olHce, will bavt their Interests looked sllcr, snd when the Boat k not receiving, cso bavt tht priv ilege ol storage Iret of charge. . , April I. ' i T' PETTED T, Agent, NOTICE. " " ' ' lt"-. ALL PKRirONS ARK HEREBY FOREWARNED THAT any ilebu contracted by any other persons txcept tht nmlers. gued, for account of Steamer Jaa. li. Grist, will sot b paid. J. T. PETTEWAY. Dec. 1st, 1857 tone. 1 l"U ( HL'SHELH WHITE CORN, landing from 8i.hr. I ?) V lJ Jane K. Usher. - ' !',0W bucheis white corn, do do. do. 1,000 bushefA) heavy yellow R. B. Corn. In store and for sale by . EJLLIS A MITCHELL. Feb. 2". Kvi. . . . RECEIVED THIS DAY. WE HAVE THIS DAY received, per Adams A Cos. Et press, a beautiful assortment of LADIES' 11 AIR Bit Aim, COMll.H, BR US II EX G UTTA PERCUA HAIR P1N1, FANCY DltESS BUTTONS, -ALibO " A large lot of ZEPHYRS, 11 colors. - KAHNWEILER A BBO., ' . AW 2nd door from Eichange Comer. . Feb; 15, IW, . 137-tf SEGARSI SEGARSIf 1 A AAA IMPORTED Havsna Sej-srs, some of which lUtUUU sre very fine. Forsale by March ltl, ' T. C 0, WORTH. SACK SALT. 500 safs? llxmvoL K rs'i :i or March 11. ' BLACKSMITH S C . TONS BLACKSMITH'S COAL, i i ! - 1 f.rsalt iOby ' -T- c- - -' ..ifl. March 22. 1M9- PLOUGHS it. . tens, ALL KINDS of Plough, tni O (n the i r sale dy WN0 H. 0 March 21. -

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