C I - f f I i 1 i VOL. 8. NO. 181. WILMIXGTOX, X. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APML 7. 1659. whole xu:n:?. 2, T h i fi H M. : I BY FVLTOS A PRICK, PROPRIETORS. . JA3. ITLTQX, Editor.,.. A. L. PRICK, A swat FJ t. Tints asf BnWrtpttosu " P2y Paper, en year, mveriahly is aJra v-e ; 00 Weekly - " 2 i Ail Warn m bailee connected with thi oSce, tuiul U BJ4xess?d to (he propnetor. I BATES OF ADYFRTLSIXG. est aocaaE. Oa Jay... Twa day Tint din . On diy Twa day...., S li : 2? so IK) Si Tare da va. FoOT days. Foar day . Fiv day.. 1V 4 VS.... (KtML.,. Tw week.,, Cm month.. Te moatha . , Thro aaooiba Su aaoaiha... ittrrr - !.."l s: ) o 3 00 w 5 i 7i t 00 Oh week Two week.,.. On Booth Two month... Tar month 19 00 bx moatha H 00 On year Si 00 On rear 11 00 Tm Usee art eeoatcd m a .iuar, tad Br line or less a baii-sqaar. Longer advertisement la proportion, Bad all - payable im-advaac. - Whes sot paid in airanct 23 cent per aqaar will b charred after the Brat insertion. Ail naif square aot paid foe la eJvaae will b enarr d a a square. SfAdvertiaemcnta Inserted as Special or Bihop Notice ar charred on half mora thai abort rate igUt lia (ItaJtd) or tea eounttd ai a aqoar. Sr Advertisements inserted every other day ar charged JTJ centa per squar for each inaertioa after Ui drat. iT&o pablicauoa mad with gat a reaponaibla aam. BUSKESS AND PROFESSIOm CARDS. C. E. R0BI5O1, J7ICHAXGK DEALEB. U Twoiet Rtkiet, Wiludiotok, X. C. Uncnmnt Bask Not, Check aad Draft bought aad told en favorable terma. BONDS aad ST0CR3 boaght aad (old on commisHiou. Commercial paper aeRotiated. North ra Exchange for aal In lum to itiit. Collection mad promptly and at reanonahlr rates. Feb. Hat, 183 Ht m WHOLESALE AND RKTA1L DEALER!TnrGR0CE Bita and raovisum A'o. 11 A'otiS Water Street, Pee. 10,1863. WiLMiHOTOM, N. V. , R. B. M'(Mtl), - BUILDER CONTRACTOR, OFFERS HI3 SERVICES to the public in the line of hi boainesa. Plana, specification, and every other matter eoaaected with the ereotioa of Building, or Mason Work in general, promptly furalahed oa application. Ftb Slat, 1M. U2-3ni T. If. HITII, qOMMISSION AND F0RWARDINO MERCHANT, ' WlLMtKOTOH, N. C. fill give personal and prompt attention to the sale and hlpwent of Cotton, Naval Store, and all other country pro duce. Office No. IT, (tip italra,) North Water St., Immediately over M. Mclnn i. Oct. list, 1(68 J31y-81y. UKHOKSaCT, UHUWN i (O., tl ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I" WILMINGTON N. C. Jan. lit, 186788 tf. HBKRT P. Rl'iSELI GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 117 East Bat. (Ur Rtaim.) CHARLESTON, H. C. March 17th, 1858. 103 tf T. II. McKOV A VO., G ROCERS AND COMMI.SMION MERCHANTS, Booth T Water street, WaxrNaTON, N. C. Aug. 23d, 1869. 2W ' ii. b. KiLF.aa, "1TTH0LE8ALK GROCER AND COMMISSION MER Y CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL HTOHEB, corner Water and Market ttreeta, Wilmington, X. C. April 2d, 1X68. THOMAS W. BROWIf, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AAD FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, Jnna 24th, 1858. JIltf Jit. BT0U.IT. ALU. OLDBAK. STOKLET OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATH, PEAH, AC. WILMIM0TOH, N. C. RiriUMCi. Col. John McRai. Prealdent of the Bank of Wilmington. . O. Q. Pamlit, Esq., President of the Commercial Rank. OR. J. A. MILLER, "TTUIONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER 4 BA KER'S LAW OFFICE, WitarrnotoH. N. C Oct. 20th, 1857 Jtf D. A. LASIOST, "nuwTOSTnv wrnra i wt vn na wr4t w.t. ... V Oct 12 81U Wilmington, N. C. m. rorra aaowif, akmahd i. dibsomit, jr., a. r. ibowm. BROWN A DeROSSET, New York, DeOOSSET BROW Wilmington, 1. C, 121 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. VHWN DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. C , 3. E. 0AKELT, Propnetretn, VanBOKKELEN k KM., Agent. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES purchased, manufac tared and sold VV'harfag and Storagt famished, and Cooperage dona at lair rate. . Jan Ut, 1857.-1M tf. J.M. ROBINSON A SOX., Wilmington, N. C. r PORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AC1ENT9. ANDDea lere in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricnl tural Implements, Ac. WM. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 20. 1864.-13 tf Wilminuton, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J Wilmington, N. C. GEORGE W. DAVIS, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sooth Water Street, , ' .' '- - - - - Wilmington, N. C . BATBAWAT. . L. RATBAWAT. HATHAWAY dl CO WM. B. CTI.IT. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. T.C.&B. G. WORTH, (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, j . Wilmington, N. C. Ms larch 11, 1857 150 ly jams axdbbsov, bdwabd iataob. auderson a savage, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JC Wilmington, N. C. Iiiberlal cash advance made on comignmenU. WILLARD it CI RTIS. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE 0R0CER8, I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, No. 10 Sooth Watib STBiRTfi, Jaa. 13th. : " Wilmington, N. C.. W. H. TTJBXWGTOW, I ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, - T - . WaMINGTON N. C. JnlyM,lS.-i75-tf ' ' ;; AKM . IVJTB. MILM 0O8TIN. JAg. C SMITH A C4V (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, offic second story, corner South Water and Market street, Wilmington, N. C, ' when they are prepared to attend to all basineas in th Commlaalon Una. - AD boimaaa antrusted to them UI be punctually attend .' fcdto. ' ' v mti. n. srvir.Ha H AT AND CAP EMPORIUM, 34 Market Street, . ' - ,.,.-r.- WaMTHOTON, V.V. Pinma. Leirhoni. and Palm Lear Haw, wool. Fur. Silk. and Moleskin Hats, Cloth, Plush, and Silk Glazed Caps, by - the ca or dozen, at New York wholesale prices. , , WALKER ME A RE 9, . ffuccesaor t WalkerMesresACo.,) ' CITTE0LESALB AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, V MS Maixit fr., Wilmtngton, N. C. iscsggs asp nnsspsi caeps KLLl A MITt HELL, DEALTIS IX ORAIX. wu!v.,s,r, Keep CiXVini'v ea k'id C.rif, OiU, Hay, Vr ii, nHBuav, Urj. HiH-e and Cow 1'eei, Oil Meal A" Mart h U'h, W. W. DVI", M. IK, ' OFFEIN HN PROFESSIONAL SUEYlfES Vi VAT. t IT Uea pf WilKingt!i. Off,- Id Jour btlom Ho:ioe' HoteL Froot SuL Jnne S. 521 tf FIlKOKtUCtt -J. MOUHE. (srwcssoa t tiK a i"1" ) i XARKtT sri:rt:r. utv.vrv.v. .v. v., irilOLESALE AM) KETA1L 1KAL:R LS HATH, Cs(i,Cwa.l'mbr)4a.thUJB'iFawy0.ds rI Ac, U bow prevared t nUtt tot pshli IwM'eetioB. a lrr and ..Iwted stxk vt ('.', WOOU t'l'Ll i MK4 W HOODS ettxrrj drriptioa and yle : t ap ua turpatsed for elegaaee of at) ', UwtoeM of tn turn an I moderatioa f prk-e. l"asbre!ta of every variety, decrip tia and prtcra. l'ane: t'hiUrea's Fa"V trood. and La dies' Hiding ttAtr to uil the moft riitijiou., all of whk k we oder at the very lowest prior. kl.tr. Wk, lS.v.t. 1IIAS. D. Ml Kit. "ITf HOIJSALE AND RKT.VIL DEALER IN HATS, II Cap, Straw Goods, Cane. I'mhrella, Ac. kPHIMi HrtKK. Afir GOODS SOU READY.' We an Bow prepared to exhibit to Merchant and other wholesale bayera, and to the public geuerally, the Urgest, handsomest, and beat assorted atork of good ever opeatd ia this market, embracing every vaiictv of Straw t.ooda. Wool. Far, Soft Kelt and Silk HU. Outh and Glased Caps: lliRMea. Flat and Bloomers trimmed asd antrimmed ; ln ftinta' aad Children's Hats and Cap ; Riding 1UK I'aibrel lan. Canes, Ac, Ac, to which we ak eeperial atteatioa, be lieving this to be the moat complete sod Isrgeat stoi'k of Good ia this line ever opened is th Stste. 'Remember th place, Si Aarirt SrttL March H, K.a. JOIIW A. HAKf.lt, ATTOUNEYIAT LAW, ANDCttMMISSIONEROF DEFJ)S FOR TUK STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. WlLHIN'OTON, X. C. May Slat, 1TH rw-ly 1KVI A. HART, itti ronir t itit, (Old UtawL) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN GUN'S. PlSTOl.H, Hardware, Htovea, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Wares, aluo, Turpentine Still and F utures, Front street, below Holmes' Hotel, Wilmington N. C. April 20, 1S58 .1! ly CI)IIID SMITH. J 11., OMMISSION MERCHANT and dealers In tiUOVKRlEU and I 'HO V1MOAS, tFront street, Gbaniti Row, WILMINUTON, X. C. January 8th, W. II. Mi'UAHV A COH C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princes and Water J streets, Wilmington, N. C. BRPIRXNCE ' n. R. Sarsfie. Caxliier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. Col. John Mi'lUe, Prea't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Davit, Canine r Branch B k Cape Fear, Salisbury, do. J. G. Uh, " " l " Salem, do. J. EliGrcgg, President of Bank tVraw, S. C. lOct 17) W1LMIKOTO MARBLE WORKS. Vront. Street, near (he Methodist R. t'hiirrl.. MONUMENTS. TOMBS. HEAD and FOOT STONES, FURNITURE TOPS. Ac, of the BEST QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN MAIfULE, furnished to order, aa CHEAP aa can be procured from any establishment of the kind In the couatry. 1 employ none but experienced workmru, and wilt spare Bo patn to please all wk mj fT an whk thetr patrefi ge. Terms CASH, anlrss by special agreement. W. O. MILLIUAN. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 13th, 1858. 7 tf. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS. I'LAREN'CI X. UKNHI I. roHTFH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAN 'rs for the sale of t'olton, licf, ynval More, and Southern Produce generally, No. 110 N. Wharves, and 111 N. Water St., PniLAIlKLPIIIA. t February 28th 151). u!!:lv- S. J. UOVLD1CG, So. IN Jului Street, New York, IMPOHTIHH AM) JOBBFM OP IIIIIBONS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, FU)WEHS. LACKS, MILLINEKV GOODS, BEHTIIES, CAPES, Ac. Ac. r GOODS t'liOM A UCTIOS EYKH Y DA Y. Uuyeri wilt find tl greatly to ther wlmntagt to gur, u a t.uU. Jan. 18, ISu'J 113 3m. UKO. O. VANANIU.UK, JR. C COMMISSION MERCHANT. J Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Roslii, Iiumhcr, and South ern Produce generally. 104 North Wharves, Alnw. Arch Utrect, Philadelphia. fl Prompt personal attention given to all consignments, and quick return made. Cash order solicited. Dec. 4th, 18 76-ly GHIKKKN AI KK1, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS of FUENCII, ES'Ol.lSh and HERMAN FANCY WOl)S and I'EHFUMEH Y, No. IDA Frl.ToN htkkkt, Nkw Yonb. IIknkv Gkipfkn, I Wii. 11, Ackkn. ( Nov. 20, K18.-CJ ly. IABKON C. WATSON, GASTON MBABBI. WATWW i MKAHES. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J 34 B'lrlin" Slip, New York. Especial attention paid to the sale of Naval Stohbh, Cot tok, and Southern Produce generally. Liuerial advances made on consignment.!. July 1, '56 I. HABVBT CtKiUBAN, W. g. Sk'SHIL. t IK'HRAS & 111 WSKIX. (1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 North J Wharves, and ti3 North Water Street, Philadelphia. eLiberial cash advances made on coumgunient. July 30th, 1853 279 H'HT II M KIVKO. At the Old EntaHwhed lt-wlc Store of IIICIt till. I. ,V I'IKIlt K, REAMS LETTER PAPER, dirTVreM Mylesl prices; 60 do. Foolscap do. do. do. 100 50 do. Commercial Post do., 20 do. Note Paper ; 100 do. Wrapping Paper, which will lie sold low. Nov. 8. 54-tt IIIKOSKl IIHHIMlf fOULD RESPECTFULLY EXTEND AN INVITATION If to all their friends and the public generally to visit them, as they are now opening a large and well selected stock of NKWSPRI.NO GOODS at their Store on FRONT STREET. SUGAR AND COKKEE. 1 AA N151'8, Wri,'"' Sogsrs. 1 UU 400 bag Rio, Ugimjrs, Java and West India Cof fee. For sale ly HATHAWAY A CO. March 25. : 0J CONSIGNMENT. 3K Afl LBS. N. C. BACON-IlOtJ ROUND. .DUD For sale by G. W. DAVIS. - March 25, 1859. " PORK. 1 nf. BBUS. N. Y. HEAVY CITY MESS; just received In l'JU store.- For sale by March 25. T. H. McKOY ft CO. COf FEE IOFKKE. rjf BAGS RIO, (different grades.) Kf W " Cape. 10 " Old Java. For sale by March 23th. T. H. McKOY A CO. SILKSt CtTJE ARE DAILY RECEIVING choice tarlety of Silk VY such a Fancy poult de Bote, in great variety of styles Oroi ) Rhine, in varioo qualities ; Jtobespmdt deSoi. hante nouveaute ; . - Grot de Epsom, Mack Lustrine, Pari Foulard, Rayt and Bayadere, of superior quality, f - , u - KAHNWEIIJER A BROS., March 22d - ? ' 2d door from Excliange Corner. BACON SIDES AND SHOVLDERS. Q A HHDS. NEW BACON BIDES ; JV 20 00. do. Shoulders. Just received tnd for aale O. C. A W. J. MUNRO, Coraw Prince ud Witer tti. liAIChJt MEDICINAL BALTIHOBK LOCK IHWPITIL. IXXT0R JOHNSOM. i THE f..uJer of this Celel raW lai.tut;ta ff, tl m ml , Cerls.a speedy, aad on' eTeclual rn. Jv, a tt, url, t,x a rtv Mrk tur', Sesi.titl wekc , ia th l,...u. . tWt lotuBAl IVbd;ty, topotavy. Weakness of ta K..-k ! and IkiVs, AoVction of Hi Kkieva. Palpustw f th llesrt, DvMPfia. Srwa Irrttabii.'y, Iv.'a. u' t' e .t, t T'artMt. N, or Kkla : id all tSr.4u ml taUifLtry lMrien arakisg frora ati those IVtrh-tit Alta rf Veu'fc whk k destroy both body aad Bind. kKn uriU ' tury prct,,'c mure fatal t their vk-tiitu thathewnc f the ' Syrens tn the Mariner Clyea. UrUlm, the'r Bwt br laat hopes nf aittkMpalUins, reodeflnf tuirr, i,'., ianpoa-ible. . !; Mm e. 'My, sW aav become the eictiau of Aolitarv Vice. Uiat dieaUfat aad dvstnactive habit, wku k aauitaUr aweep i to a antinvflv grate thounaad of yuung ei.-a , tLe aa-wt ; exalted U iritis ar-d brilliant trtetlet t. ah.. fxlsH tithrrwiw have eBtraared listening Senate wttk the thunder of rlo- i qoeace, n? waked U iacy th liviag lyre, way rail with i au eeaajeace. Married Peruuaut.Tuttai Mencoutmipli'Hx Biirrisire. being aware nf Physical Weakness, Ortatuc IVliiitv, llor-nitfe-a, Ac, should itstaed lately consult lr . J., and i nHot ed to perfect health. He who placea hlmlf saJer th care of Dr. Juhua aiav religtouslv conlU In his honor a a geatlemaa, and conlf deutly rely apoa his skill as a phyaclaa. Omante U'eakuNt tanmediAtely cared, and full Igor restored. Thiadmease is th peaslty moat frequently paid b who hav become the vu'tiaia of improper indulgence. -Young persons are too apt to commit e fmui not be ing awsr of the dreadful consequences tint may ensue Now, wa that aaderstanJs th subject will pretend to deny that th power of lYocreatloa ia lot sooner by thiw f.Uliug Into improper habits thaa by th prudent Bvaidi-s being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring, the mt aerioua and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. -The system become deranged, the physic I and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, djapepala, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wastiug of the Irani, couh, symptoms of consutnptioa, etc Nervvus Drbllltf . Weakness of th system, Nervous Debility and prematura decay generally arts from th Iteatractiv kahit of youth, that (ulitary practice so ratal to the healthful exUtu of man, and it i th young who re most apt to become Its victims, rrom an ignorance or the danger to whica they ubjeet themaelvea. Parents and Guardisns ar often ai is le d with respect to the cause or eoarca of disease ia their ons and wards. Ala I how often do they ascribe to other causes the wasting of the frame, Palpitation of th Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, derangement of the Nervoua Sys tem, Congh, and Symptoms of Consumption, also, those 'se rious mental effects, such si loss of memory, denresaioa of spirits, or peculiar uts or melancholy, wbea In Ui truth la, tney nave been caused ly indulging lu pernicious but allur Ing practices, destructive to both Body and Mind. Thus ar swept from existence thousanda who might have been of us to their country, a pleasure to their friends and orna ment to society. Orrica No. 7 Suits: Fbedbice St., left band lid going from Baltimore atreet, 7 doors front the corner. ar Be particular in observing the name and Dumber, or yon will mistake the place. aTake notice, observe th name on the door and wlu dows. A tVr twtrrunol, or no Charge Jfme, rt from One to Two Ikiy. NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS USED. DR. JOHMHO, Member of the Royal Colleg of Surgeons, London, Gis.lu ate from one of the most eminent College nf the United States, snd the greater part of whoa life ha been spent in the Orst Hospitals of London. Parte, Philadelphia, and else where, ha eUoctod aom of th moat astonishing cure that were ever known, many troubled with ringing in tb head and ear wbea aaleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at udden sounds, and banhfulnesa, with frt'inent blusbius . at tended sometimes with derangement of mlad, were cured unmeuiateiy. A Certain Disease. Wbea the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure find b ha imbibed tb seeds of thi painful disease, It too of Mn ssppvmi inss iu-mibm se or soaBW, or arrao or discovery, deter blm from pplylna; to Ibob who, from ed oration and respectability, can alone befriead him, delaying tin tu consuiuuonai symptoms or una noma discs make their appearance, such as ulcerated aor throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains, in tb head and HmU. dimness of light, deafness, nodes on the shin bone and aiuis, blotches on th head, fsc and itremlties, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till a last the palate of the mouth or the bone of tb nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease be come a horrid object of commisseration, til, .inaih puts a period to hi dreadful suffering by sending him to that bourne from whence no traveler returns." To inch, titers fore, Dr. Johnson pledge himself to preserve the most in violable secresy, and from hi extensive predict in the Hist hospitals In Kurop and America, he ran couiidently i score mend a iaft and speedy cur to the unfortuuat victim ol this horrid disease. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to the unskillfulncss of Ignorant pre tenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, and even lend the uiilortuiiatn suIVr or to an untimely grave, or else make the residue or his hlr miserable. Take Particular Nolln. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injure! lii'tneUi's by private and Improper indulgences. These are some of th tad and mcUuclioly tftccts tiro duced by esrly habits of youth, vis t Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pain In the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss ol Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Hyspcimia, Ner vous Irritability, Derangemeut ol tlio Digestive Functions, General Debility, Svmptom of Consumption, Ac. Mentallt The fearful effect upon the niuul are much to be dreaded i Los of Memory, Confuxlon of Ideal. Depres sion of Spirit, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society. Sell Distrust, Ive of Solitude, Timidity, A c, arc some t too evils produced. Thousands of persons, of ail ages, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale ana emaciated, nave a singular appear anoe about the crca, cough and symptoms 1 1 cuiiHumptioa. ur. Jonnsou a inviuorailnu ll mr. ly for Orgmtlr Weakness, By this great and important remedy, weuknrss of I ho or gans are speedily cured, aud full vigor restored. 1 1musunils of the mostnervoo and debilitated, who hal I st ,ill bi.rio, have been relieved. All impediments to Mairiu,;c, Pliysical or Mental Disqualification Nervous In ilalnluv, Irciiililiiis and Weakness, or exhaustiotiof the most Icsrlul kind, spited ily ourid by Dr. Johnson. Young Men, Who have injured themselves by a erum piactice, In dulged in when alone a habit fie picntly leained liomevll companions, or at school the effects of which are nightly lelt, even when asleep, and if not cure I. renders nurrlne imponsibie, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hop of his country, and the darling of hi parent, should be suatclied from all Srospccts and enjoyments of life, by the coueo,ueuoe of eviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating Mart-Inge should reflect that a sound mind and body ar the most ne cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a wemy pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to tlje view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melancholy reflection, that tlie happiness of another, be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FllEKERIC ST., tf.i.'imor.', Md. All Si'roical Opkbationn I'EKroaaitD. N. B. lt ko false delicacy previiut y,Mi, bnt apply iia mediately either persoimlly or by letter. DXIN DISSASE SI'KliniLr v-'ChkO. To Ntranger. The many thousands cured at this Institution withiu the last twelve years, and the numerous important surgical Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of our daily paper and many other personsnotices of which have again and again appeared befor the public is a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will find a skill ful and honorable physician. Tsk Notbiti. N. B. -There are so many worthies Quack advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining th health of th already l. t Ik- Inl.nannHA.fn.it RMHUri I, mm cially to those unacquainted withhia reputation, that hi creaentiais or diplomas always osng in bib omce. - TAKJs NOTiCK. AU letter must be post-paid, and con tain a postage atamp for thi reply, or no aoawtr will bt tent , May 18tb, 1868 ' , 215-1 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. , . . C1EDAR TUBS, Painted do., Braaa bound Cedar Pails, Painted do., Flonr Buckets In Neata. Nests Measures, Ironbonnd. Half-Bushels. Broom, varioo qualities and prices, Whltr) Wash, Scrub and Shoe Brushes, Fanners', Market, Clothe. Fancy and other Baaketa, Wash-Boards, Wire Selves. Wood Box. Telegraph. German and Was Matches, Manilla and Cotton Bed Cords, Plow and Clothe Lines, tjocoannt Dipper, ao..ao. tor sate by Oct, 19. L B. HUOGINS A SONS. PORK. 1 CA!"ARIinAriowbreajJ Fonaleby 1 OU 8pt. I.y J. Is, ILATI1AWAT A CO. MEDICINAL - ,V i ! Pas - " .JAt-Utw . .03l?ULT0;iT.MY A Partner of th tuooj, atul rert.ia ear fur Hcrofu'a r Kiug's FU, Lumbar Absceos, Hip Dtseaaa, Whit Hwell ing, all lH,-eaes uf the Skin. Diarases of tb Llvr, Diseas es of th Kidney and Spine, l brouic Sor Kyea, h'cald Head, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, CWea or S'. Vitus' D.inc", Astlmii, Jaundice, t brouic lllienmli-m, Chronic Delnlity followuig Intermittent or Malaikiua Fevera, aad all dis eases arising from tl.e rireaelv aa of Mercury, Tie Vegetable AlU istive is offered tu th public sa a isdi ral rur for the ahote nnmed diseases, arising a bully or la part from impurity or it ml inn of th blood -the hata of Its success rest npon the well knows alterative proprrts-s i l Spanish Sarsaparilla, ah ich la Imported eapreaaly f,r the compound! ot thu medicine m all tti parity ; Il is Un-n, aith the addition of ether medicinal plants- alteratives and tonic In their action aiaaiileturl with great rare, end concen trated la a pnlatabl torn, nmklng by the combination out of thlrst Alterative MedU liH-s ever used. It is mild, ret active, In Its operation ; it renovates, while It remove (he cans ol disease, and may be us. .1 by all with eonlldenc and alety. It Is an Alleiativ Toon', iu.l Is piH'uliarly adapted to ma larioua se. tjons of the eoiiuli v it eradicate thorouglily all trace of chronic debility a tin h so often follow aa attack of severe or protracted cases of intermittent fever. In the South and Weal It lias been thoroughly tried, and bss netrr failed to restore th Invalid to health, aometime after all Other remedies hav failed. In diseases arising flout hh eaeessiv Us oFhierrory or other mineral medicines, it js unsurpassed In tho thorough and prompt manner In winch It eradicate all diseased mat ter from tli blood and glandular system. lu all cutaneous diseases It acts like a charm, and ia such diseases as Scald Head, Salt Rheum, and Skin diseases ft every kind, It Is without an equal In ita curative rflcets. In the combination there are remedies that art ilirtctly on th Liver and Kidneys, snd therefor It propose to r liev these organ wlieu lu a torpid or Inactive state. In re lieving these and other orgaus, and being a puriller of the blood, It claims to be a cure lor that loathsome dissaa, Scrofula. The Alterative is put np In pint bottles. Accompanying ach but tin la a pamphlet setttug forth t natiir and char acter of the several diaessr for which it propose to be a cur. All Agents and others who have the Alterative tor sale are supplied With these pamphlets for distribution. Ask for OIM SU4 NM li. Thi medicine ba been extensively used bymsnypliy siclsm of eminence tlirouiiuoul the South, snd wo hav let tri from many of them, speaking In the highest term of ill acllna as aa Alterativa tonic Remedy, We sr st liberty to rrier io ir. aing. oi iouisiHirg, n. t .; ir. naihorne, ol I'etersburg, tiruiuia; Urs. tt ilson and Ssndcrs, Wsrisuus, Florida Drs. liliint, Hart and Butler, Greenwood, Ha ; Dr. C. A. lients, giiiucy, r'la.; Dr. E. M. Kant, llnnkston, Miss.; and many other. For aale only by WALKER MEAIIKH, Wllmingtoii, N. C; and Druggists throughout the Stutiv NOV. 20, K'lX.-U'J lim, m. SADDLEHV, HARDWARE. &C tOllltll.MI-.l) WltOtlillT IIIOI AMI WIRE HAII.IU. ( Sit und ly iMUr I'aUtd. ) A DMIUAI.l.t ad Hp ted lor enclosing public Grounds, JX. (.'euieteru s, Itali-onys, Cottages, Ac, Sheep and Ox Hurdles, I'stent Wlic, Sacking lli dsteads and iron I'uinitiire. Patent Wire foul S reins, the, Ssnd and Gravel Screens, Wnn Netting lor Mosquito, Sheep, Poultry and other pur poses. Wii Hummer Houses, Fsin y Wire Work In giest variety (or Imnlens, Ac. M. WALKER ,V SONS, Manufacturer, No. m Market, N. K. Cor. Dili at., Philadelphia. Aug. 21st, 1S58. Tl; ly. EIH.K TtMd.1 M II A MM KRN, IN GREAT VAIIIKTV. AND OF M'PEIIIOK VITALITY, X JHaiiiiiauureu iiy C, HAMMOND A SON, Ollie ct) 501 t 'oiiiilieree Stmnl, Philadelphia. , nddios as above. 101 iiu. l'o I'll, e l.ist- Jan. 7th, KVJ. l'I.Ot)llls rutK.im. A 1.1. KINDS OF SINGLE H'lllSK PUHJGIIS. For side by ZKNO II. GREENE. ,cr-' 3 ruREr or.. s..s5 f 2jT '25s! UK. HI NAILS, AXES, Aes- 1 A A NAIU, from 4d.to20d. 1UU Sam'l W, Collin' Timber Axes; D. Simmon', do. do. Brill's Boxing do. Hoop Iron, Rivets, Hacken, Round Shaves, Ac, for sale by ZENO U. GREENE. Jan. 31 HACKERS AND PILLKRS, - OF OUR BRAND. Just received and for al by J. M. ROBINSON A SON. Oct 30. Herald copy. .47 BOXINO AXES I BOXINO AXES It A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TUB J. M. ROBINSON brand. Inst received and for sal by Oct. 30th , J. M. ROBINSON A BON. " Herald copy. - SRWIVO NF.F.OLKS ANU SCISSORS, 09 EXTRA QUALITY. For sal by - - . J- M. RJBINSON A SON.' Oct. SO. Herald copy. 47 f,, . , noop irfos. r ' ' mm W.-V1 I f ST " I VStPtri rt. jm mnm m, 1 lain, itutu, i laiyU iiutif ikos, aiwsvs on v . " . ft 1 "xt JffiL . r 1 In-srr. i I TU Ba n TrET ' I i i t;;f II MANUFACTURER OF. r 1 n Q QM S. "S II . ." ... i.i i i ' 1 J-mmJ1.mm1r y'Ta i-vH-'Wt' i i, m i i' i . j b s. ji a t 1 1 1 l i ,n i iitui 1 hand. For i by ... ... .., r. WILLARD A CURIiS MarcUt,13vi9. 1 CO-PARTNERSHIP AND OTE; "VI II 4V st t rf r4 . . ,v. ...... nmrt. i i. t r.x.. lo ireieJ to U riK-r le .iltiri 1 . - .m mm i B, A"-irtleL .4l (1mm til IV,! .t . Y , ; m A-,H . .. . - , . . w WT wr. lv . It not settled by that u. V.r ri"- - t ta laoMis c.'i"..u r. is". Aftk, Ivjs. OV 1 AMiilTO TO DAT, THE AFTE.-.W V i'tn fitNrthwillckisatJ'Wk,Ba'.ir;'-'.r'-- . D. UXaooX. P. u. TtM ELY MIT ICE. MV l:tiS f" x aad Suttoaery are aH b.a'i c.t p ta Jamiarv 1, K.a. My patrwae w ll eoifr 1.. r by pat teg praaiptly, aad accept sr tkanlti for l..r i.:-rU ttrje- AccoaataforUrocrtM,otdbfwgj,r tow ., , ii. u rvaoy, ih aarue la eg to " " wnsns, wut BBV w n w aa e a- ver, pa) ing in tisMa. Jsi. 4. IV, '1. GSO. IL ALLLaT. civp rtsj e rtmr. flMlR sCBSCttlrtEBS aav thla day formed a Co partner. 1 ship, under th aam and tvt f K. MUSSAT A 10.. fur the transaction of th V.VM!SiUP$ rd WhJLI SALKakVlEErjSCSlNfrS. K. MURRAY, D. I. MIRCTt!S02r, J. T. ML'liKAY. Wllwingtoti, N. C.t fib. 1, 15. Hi tf K. Ml ItHAY A 10- (urrs,ar ! Ilarrajr da PeMssckJ ( toMMtSSION MERCRANTH AND WHOLK&ALC GROCERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. a. ai asAi r. n. a. at at. bison. . 4. 1. aa-AT. I rbraary I, s..t. lii-tf Ktrrit'K. rilllK CO PARTNERSHIP kertr0r xtting Vetweta tkw A f"e!r,nb,,'.,ta r,m",J ,,,r tUr yr horn Janaary 1st, vtnder the name as I flrm of - BROWN, IEROSSKT A CO Vt Turk,. ' paROSHET BROWN A CO., Wilmington, N. C, aud Mr. WILLIAM L. DbROSSKT la admltud to m tntert In the business for lit aam Uru. John rorra brown, A. J. DiROSSET, Js., M. r. BllON, , VVM. H, WIGGINS, lOTII'll. ! . . '1 ViM.yy. PARTNERSHIP heretofor (xlsthig between O. k , LEY aid W. A. Wit luV ...I.. ),. . 1 n ol KKl.l.r.V A WILLHON. fat thla dav dlssolvsd b mntoal conseiu. Tli husliieaa of Ui Uta Arm will aetusd by O. Kelley, who will eoiitluu at th old (land, who Intend keeping constantly oa hand a roast aupply of verythln la the GlUH miY tm, xcn Uquora, aad hope by strl.T at tention tu business to ms.lt Ilia t.t ntttmsrai aa likaaPsilltal by. at. slowed on th lat Unit. O. XJCI.I.KY. , ., v . W. A. WILLdON. Jaa. illh, lm 107 if io-tt fktn-UK. ALL PERSONS INDEUTKD TO L & HUOGINS A SON, ar (arueatlr ruuestd to com forward andsaU tl, a w ar suxlou to cloM tha business of that Arm. ' t. L. B. UUGGINM A HON. kaiu stmcn. " A LI. Or LIIJ.IES PATENT FIKR AND BURGLAR- i V I'roor t hilled hafra, aold by m IU bt delivered kr flee of charg Call aud Samples, at Kkl.UY'H BOOK STORE. Pint. 5, IHiN, NOTICE. f no DAY TUB COPARTNERSHIP OP . A . L. II AT II- A. A H A 1 st UO, expire by limitation. From thla data. the business will be continue d by tli aatn paraon, ndr th nam of HATHA WA Y CO. jlw. l. J. A J. L. HATHAWAY A CO. - liii'tuiskukum. ... AVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED iw nrm l-irtu V WM. conducted 1 SONS. M. T. HUGG1NS. Th business will h..ru. Z under th name and tyl of L. B. BUOGl.va A lm B, HUiKJl.NS. n . 1 , im,m J. B. MUGGING Oct. 1st, KM. I3-r T V II.MINOTON. S. V... Il.itnl,.. I.. I. . J 7K HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED IN OUft riliM k . .. . .IF ... ,. . ..(,,.... - The business will he condiicu.l aa formtrlr. In tli snd style of HARRIS A HOWELL. Bam IIAItfttaaM .tu Ba-kEirtus 10MMISSI0N MERCHANTS, , - - WiLViuavmw. W. n. ' liroHOS HASK,ss, A. i. OWt,L, W. W, BASkiSI. , Oct. 1st, IKlH . ; ... DISMIl.t TKtW. rnilE CfiPARTNEIIHIIIP HKIIKTOFORR KXISTINO an. der the sty Is of PKTTKWAY A PRITt'llfcTT. Wilmln-. ton, N. C., and PKTTKWAY, PHITCHETTACO., CharUa ton, S. i this day dissolved by mutual consent. Jas. T. Petleway will aelU the business of Petteway A Prikhctt, and use the name of the firm in liquidation. '". r.. 1 riuiiin win setu me buslnsaa of PitUwsy, I'l 1I1 belt A Co.. in Charleston. M. f' and n.. 11,. it the hnn lu llquldiitlon. JAS, T. PETTEWAY. IlL'iV V ttutwii wm Ja. T. Pellewsy wlllcotitlnmlualiwsaln Wilmington, V. C.j ami Geo. E. l'rltchett In l liarlcston, S, C, ' Hint 1 y. intn, H'U JAS. T. I'aCTTKWAV, IACTOIl AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. U North Hater Strtst, it.,. Wasmoww, N. C., Will give pi-rsonul ailnution to tha aal and thlpmeiit ( Cotton, Naval Store and other produce. Oct. 4. ( 54 TAk.Kj"ip, PA ON THE FIFTH OF MARCH LAST, and commit- f ted to the Jail of the Cnnnty of New Hanover, io tha -Instate of North Carolina, a NEGRO MAN, who rivet loTusm s HORACE FOWLER, and further sy that bt la free, but under lim prolactins of Charles Dorsey, who lives near Mlicutts Mills, Maryland. 11 was making hi way North when commuted. Tho owner or protector of aaid negro must come forward, prove propsrty or Identify! and pay charges, else he will b dealt with according to tut tatute in inch ( aes made snd provided. u , , . B. D. IIAUghtrlff. Sun, Baltimoie, and Courier, Charleston, copy out weak and send bills to ihis office Immediately for eoliaetion, Wilmington, N. C, April 6th, 1858. 17 tf JEOTICIC. rilllK STEAMEB JAS. It. GUIST AND FLATS, CAPT, X BANKS, making regular trip to Fayetteville, will re oeive freight and deliver promptly, at any Landing on the River. , ., Forwarding Merchants, friendly to thi Hue. by kandina list of roods at nm nfflre. wilt W ll.ol. n,...i. 1 l.-J . . ' , - - .rKMwn.w IVUII fcittr, muiJ heu Hie Uot m d reoeiving, cad Iurt Iheprtv, HWT UI "HJI HCfl ui tuurgQs - April 1. J.T. PETTEWAt, Agent. woncE. " ALL PERSONS ARK HEREBY FOREWARNED THAT any debts contracted by any other usrson cent tha undersigned, for account of Steamer Jas. R. Grist, will not be paid, J. T. PKTTKWAY. - Dec. lit, 1857 COR. Ifl A A HUSIIEIJt Will TE CORN, landing frora Schr. OUU Jane K. Fllier. - t'.oiiO bushel white corn, do. do. do. 1,000 hiisheln heavy yellow R. H. Cam. " " lu store and for sale by ELLIS A MITCH El.!.. Feb. ', K,9. RRCRIVRU THIS DAY. FINS, FANCY DliESS BUTTONS. 4e. A large lot of ZSPBTJLS. all color. " ? KAHNWETLER A BBO., . , k . i. AW 2nd door from Exchange Corner. Feb. 13, 1859. , . 137-tf SEGARSI SEGARSII 1 f AAA IMPORTED narana Segars, some of whirk Marco 10. , ACK SALT. KAA SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, In bright rlrs. For UUU salt by March 11 ... irlflMITH't mil.. 0 TONS BLACKSMITH'S COAL, i 1 y 1 1 ' - -9 M htf . . V V. ' March 12, W9- pi-of Giisru)t t. a LL KINDS of Ploughs, aod Castic-s i,lt ' fJLsale d; , ." . - . Alarch 21. , WE HAVE THIS DAY received, per Adam A Cos. Ex press, a beautiful assortment of LADIES' HAIR JIIlAllifl TrtAfiS ttUfXIIFV oijtti rui,iii into I AAIll ilAUl

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