c 3 VOL. 8.: NO. 229. WILMINGTON, N. C TITUILSDAY EVENING, JUNE .2. 1850. WHOLE MJUE"?. 2,C:o jit FixTOf prick, pitopiurrcm. . - J AS. FULTON, Eitor A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor. Tmu of libn1Uh j Pal Paper, eee rear, iavanabiy ia advance ., K Ouj WeeW " " " " - . . . 1 M , All k-ttera M businea eocsectei with t!it office, B'nt b. ' ad Jressed U the prcpneterv e RATES Of ADVERTISING, t em fticAti. Om day... $ 50 Two day Tj Three Jar. 1 00 Four davit ......... 1 - Five day 1 W One week 1 Ti Two week. I 74 Om month 4 00 Two month T 00 Three Booth 10 00 Cm day t Two dav.. ......... Three day. Fear days .......... Pit da vs.. ......... Om week Two weeks I M Om Booth., I 00 Tw fcochj S 14 Thm month. t 00 u Boniha ...I 00 Six Booth U 00 Om year 30 00 (HTtW U 00 Tea hoc are coasted M a tuuar. ud Ire Uin or Wat a tUlf-aouare. Longer advertuementa ia proportion, tad all payable ta advance, Whea aot paid ta sdrance IS cent per square will be chared tiler the 1m Insertion. WAU batf tquaret tot paid fur is advance will be eharg das a square. " W Advertisement Inserted as Special or Bishop Notice are eharpd one-half more thaa above rate eight liaei (leaded) or lew coaoted at t square. eAJvertiement Inserted every other ity are charged 17) cent per quaro for each mtertioa after the Ant. Mfhi pabhcaUoa made without a rwaponatbl aaae. BSDTCSS AKD PROFESSIOm CARDS. C. R. ROBIXsOS, IICHAJfGE DEALEB, 2i KaovT Bthit, Wilmikutok, N. C Uacarrent Bank Notes, Checks sad PrsfU bought SO 4 ' told on favorable term. BUNDS and STOCKS koDght tad told on commission. Coaimercial paper negotisted. Korthera ticbnje for tale ia mm to suit. CoUectioDt msde promptlj sad at reaaonslile rstes. Feb. list, 1S69 UHm OLIYKTl KEIXKV, WHOLESALE AND RCTAIL DEALEBS IX GBOCE B1E3 ASDPBOViaiONS, A'o. 11 Abrtt WaUr red, . Dec. 16, IW8. WuaTHOTOH, N. C. R. B. WOOL. BUILDER & CONTRACTOR, OFFERS LIS BERV1CES to the pablio ta the line or his bnsiuees. Plsns, spacificstions, and erery other nisttrr f oonecUd with, the erection of Building, er Mason Work In general, prompt) furnished on application. Fab JUUluk 141-3m JA. T. I'KTTKWAV, FACT0B AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, So. I Aorth W uter Strtel, WlLMUiOTOH, If. C, Win give personal attention to the tale and shipment ol Cotton, Naval btoret and other produce. ' Oct. 4. ""' ';4 : T. M. IMITII, COMMISSION AND FORWARD INO MERCHANT, WlLMlMOTOH, N. C. Will glre oertoual and prompt tttentlon to the sale sud ahlpment 0( Cotton, Nsrsl Stores, and all other country pro duce. Office No. 17, (up itaira,) North Water St., immediately erer m. Holania '. . - ot. iit, im. AtEHOHsICT, I1KUWX 4i CO- 1 ENEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AT WILMINGTON N. C. Jan. 1st, lM7.-W-tf. HBNRY P. RU9SKL.L, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 147 Eaer Bat, (Ue Rtsibs.) CHARLESTON, B. C. March 17th, 1848. T. It. HKOY Si COM G BOCEnS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth T Water street, Wii.muotoii, N. C. Aug. J3d, 1858. 9" II. B. EILBR9, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, comer Water and Market street, Wilmington, N. C . April id, 1868. THOMAS W. BROWN, JR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AND FOB THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, June 34th, 1858. 347-tf Jit. ITOXLIT. Atll. OLDHAM. TOKXJCY OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. WlLMINOTOM, N. C. BiriUKCi. Col. John McBai, President of the Bank of Wilmington. O. O. Pabslit, Esq., President of the Commercisl Bank. DR. J. A. MILLER, J7R0NT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER BA- KEIl'S LAW OFFICE, Wilktjwtoii, N. C Oct. JOth, 1857 - 88 D. A. LAMOST. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 38 North Wster street, Oct. 13 31-tf WttiUKOTOM, N. C. WO. rorri imowK, Aamano Msaoserr, Jr., a. f . aaown. J BROWN A DeROSSET, Haw York, DeROSSET it BROWW Wilmington, W. C, II COMMISSION MERCHANTS. UNIOS DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. C , 3, E. 0AKELT, Prcprietres. VakBOKKELEN A BRO., Agents. ALL KINDS OF NATAL STORES purchased, manufac tured end sold Wharfage and Storage famished, and Cwpro? done at fair rates. Jan 1st, 1847imf. : J. M. ROB15SOH ii SON, WaMINOTON, N. C. rIPOBTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. AND Dea leree in Hardware, Cnltery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricul tural Implements, Ao. - WM. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, , Sept. 20. 1854-13-tf WimrwoTOW, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - WimctiaTOW, N. 0. GEORGE W. DAVIS. , c 0MMISSI0N MERCHANT, South Water Street, . niLBIHUTUH, A1. V. i. In bathawat. WK. B. CTLST. HATHAWAY ii CO, C OMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMTKOTOM, N. C. T. C. B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING! MERCHANT9, ' March 11, 1857 156-ly JAJUS AKDJBSOK, BOW ABO IATA9S. ANftERSON Ac SAVAGE, 1 ENEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT WlLMlMOTOK, N. C, . Liherial eaah adTancee made on consignments. . WTLLARD A 4XRTIS. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, V ' AND DitAXJuia m URAIN, ... No. 10 Sotrra Watbb BtBiiw, Jan. 13th. - ! WiLKuroTOir, N. C. W. II. TURIIW GTO!f , ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ,' WanwoTOW N. 0. July 36.l85e.-275.tr i. J A Has C. SMITH. "'' WHS OOBTK. JAS.C. SMITH CO- , r (1OMMTSSI0N MERCHANTS, office aeeond story, corner South Wster tnd Market streets, Wilmington, N. C, ' where they are prepared te attend ta eU buuoeas ia the Commiarion line. ' , " ' '" , AO baainess entrusted to them will be punctually attend , , . , WALICKR MB ARES, r i (Sneoeaaor to Walker Jiere Co.,) " 1 TT7B0LESALB AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, YV . ' lii MAaUTiiY WiLMtNorow, N. C. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. II. .11RKI ro.. (ir(IMOII Te L. . MASt.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HU:tWU:K. STOVES, GUNS. LANTERNS, TIN anl MD.ET lttY WAKES, li Fruot itrwl, WiimjUa, N. C w. . BASt. . - r-M. Witainc. V. C, Marina, lNitW-ly. IHRHltd IWH F.I.I, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WtiatMrox, N.C. weobue Hasan, a. bowsll, v. w. BAsai, Oct. lrt, A-Ol JUII1 M.LAIR1N. C COMMISSION AND FORWARPISU MEECHAST. Refer to Juha Dawsua. l.. Mayer. E. P. HU, Fj-., lreidnt lhah Baak State. Apraitth. lvii. JL . RLLI9 MITT HK1X. DEALERS IX tiRAlX. Wn aiNoros, N. C. Keep Catut!.r oa hand Curs, Pta. Oats. Hsr. Meat. Hortktat. Braa. Horse and Cow Feed, Oil Meal A?. Manh Uta. 1W. W. W. DAVIt, M. tk. OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT isens of Wilaungtoa. Offlce 2d door below Holmes' Hotel, Front Street. Junes. 131 tf KHEDCRH K J. MOORE, (m-twoa T9 sass a Moots.) l MARKET tiTHEKT, WILil l(tTtX, X. L, ITrHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HATS, I f Laps, Canes, I mbrellaa, (. hildrea s r sncy Got Ac., is now prepared ta oiler for nnblio innie tion large snd well selected atoek of FUH, WOOL, FKL l A STHA W GOODS of erery deacriptioa and atjrle ; taps ua surpaiaed for eWgsaea uf style, fineneaa uf tetture, and moderation of prices. Umbrellas of erery variety, descrip tion and prices, lanes; Children's Fsnry Gooda, and La diea' Riding Hats, to suit the tuont fastidiooa, all of which we offer at the very lowest prices. Mar. th, KV. (.HAS. D. H1ERS, TfUOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HATS, f I Caps, Straw Gomia, Canes, Umbrella, Ae. M'lttMi urtHK. NEiT GOODS SOW READY.' We are now prepared to exhibit to Merchants and ether wholesale buyers, and te the public generally, the largest, handaomest, aad best assorted stock of good eter opened in this market, embracing every variety uf Straw Goods, Wool, Fur, Soft Felt and bilk Hats, Cloth and Glased Caps; Misses. Flats and Bloomers trimmed and untrimuieJ ; In fants' and Children's Hats and Caps; Riding Hats, Umbrel las, Caues, Ac., Ae., to which we aak epecial attention, be lieving this to be the most complete aud largest stock ef Good in this line ever opened in the State. a" Remember the place, 34 AMrkW Slrrt. March a, leut). DAVID SMITH. JllH (COMMISSION MERCHANT and dealers in OliOCMiliX J aud I'HO VltilOtiS) tFrtit street, GHiNtTI ROW, WILMINGTON, N. C. January (Hh, law. . W. II. MeRARY COH C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, comer Princess and Water J streets, Wilmington, N. C. BirisiNcu; H. R. Savage. Cashier Bunk Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. Col. John Mr Use, i'reit Bank Wilmington, do. do. I). A. Davis, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, Salisbury, do. J. G. lAsh, " " " u Salem, do. J. Eli Gregg, President of Bank Cheraw, S. CJOc) 17 WILMINGTON MARBLE WORKS. Front Street, near tha Methodist K. t hr I.. m muTTUE-i-pa niuui uuin ..A T ul'ntf LU FURNITURE TOl'S, Ac. of the BEST QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN UAUULK, furaishsd ta mnUv, aa CHEAP aa can be procured from any eetabiishment of the Bind ia wis eonatry. 1 employ none bat experienced workmen, and will spare no peine to please all who may favor me with their patron age. WPTerms CASH, nnlesa by special agreement. W. O. MU.LIOAN. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 13th. 1858. T-tf. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS, H. DOLLMH. Oi POTTER, JR. 1. 0AMBRERN. DOLLNKR, ltrM K.lt CO., CI OM MISSION MERCHANTS, ; New Yoke. April 15, lStf. 188 ly. " ' WM. V. POTTS, IRON AND STEEL WAKEIIOISE, NO. I,X4 MARKET BTHKET, I'ail.iDtLPIIIA. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH REFINED IRON, of all sixes and descriptions. March frith. 1H59. 174 3m CLABENCt i. BATS. HKNHI L.VoHTKH. KATES POSTER, ' CC ENERAL COMMISSION MERCIIAN I'S for the sale of I" C'oilon, lici, Snval tiloret, and Southern Produce generally, No. 11U N. Wharves, and 111 N. Water St., I'HIbAlXl.rillA. Fcltruary ZHth 1859. 1H ly UK.O. O. VAN AMUlVliK, JR. C COMMISSION MERCHANT. ) Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Luiuber, and South ern Prodoco generally. 104 North Wharves, Aliow. Anh Slretil, ritaAIISLPUIA. Ba Prompt personal attention given to all consignments, and quiek returns msde. Cash orders solicited. Deo. 4th, 1868 76-ly UKIFKKN A ACKKN, "MP0RTERS AND JOBBERS of FliEXC'n, EXGLISIt Land UEHMAN FANV Y O OODS and PERFUMERY, Ho. VJl r ri.TOK htkekt, Stw loax. Hxnitr GRirrKN, I We. U. Aceen. Nov. 26, 18589-Iy. BABBOR C. WATSON, 9AJT0B MB ABBS. WATSON Ac MEARES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 34 Burling Slip, New York. Especial attention paid to the sale of Natal Stohbs, Cot ton, and Southern Produce generally. Liberia! advances made on consignments. July 1, '50 I. BABTBT COCBBAN, ' W. I. BWMBL. COC-HRAN it RUSSELL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. S2 North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, PniLADBLTBiA. a-Liberial cash advances made on consignments. July :Hrth, 1853 - 279 FOUNDRIES. WILMINGTON BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. FRONT 8TREE1, BELOW MARKE1. THE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to furnish RKASb AXL IRON VAHTISOS. 8TEAM ENGINES. MILL WORK AND MACHINERY of aU kinds. Old Machinery overhauled and repaired. Will make to order Patterns, Ornamental anu Architec tural, and supply Drafts for all kind of Macb ioery. : AU work warranted as represented. fa-Cash paid for old Copper, Bran and Iron. TERMUUuh on delivery. JOHN C. BAILEYS Proprie'iir. Wilmington. June 24, 1858 ,. 24Hy43-ly WM. L. JACOBS' ' ' CAB0L1NA SADDLE AND HARNESS FACTORY, No. 39 MARKET XT., . ' WILMINGTON, W. C. THE UNDERSIGNED takes this rFiS method of informing hit customers, t Wrfff 4 and the nnblio tenerallr. that, hsv- t'l YVl ing purchased of Mr. John J. Conoly his entire sum. ol SADDLES. HARNESS. Ao.. he still continues to carrv on the above business, in aU its branches, at the old stand of Mr. Conoly. Those wishing anything In his line, would do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as he has a splen did stock of SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS. MARTINGALES, SPURS. COLLARS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAG3, VALISES. Ac, which be will tell low for cash. He baa tlso on hand a fine assortment of HUB BANDS. COACH LAMPS and HANDLES, and SHAFT TIPS, for Bale lOW. . . - . l ...! - - ff REPAIRING done at short notice, and on reasonable terms. ' . , WM. L, JACOBS. April 13, 1859. l86-3ra-43-ly " ' MOVRBING DRESS MHH. BOMBAZINES, Chelly, Fonlard Rl, Ginghams, Prints, Silks, Organdie, Grenadines, Barrages, Grandine Ber rsi-e, Alpaccaa, Mohiir and Mens, de Lse. For sale by 1 MEPICIXAL BtLTIWWE LOK IWPTTU iHHtOR JOHVMN. TMK roa-Wf thiatVWKeatrd ltrtsitia e m tlie a, .M tVnia s?4v, arc! air ecel retlr. ia the wrk tr t;i.-. Sinrtarea. Srai'nal awakne-w, Pm ia the ,.Maa. 1'a.vtitatHWjkl IVbihtf, linpowaee, WeaiH- f the R k aad Lua(.. Ar--tHaur the kxlneva. Palptutna nf tha Heart. lHrre. Nmai IrnlabtMe. Pire rj tk Head, , Tlnrmt, N".i w tsita ; il all fce serina. ah.) atrU nlr lmr arnwng frtxa all tbnae fWrStee kaK U Yu1s 1 vkk k J.trov Uth bxly sad Bia.l. T rt art aad .li tary pr tir more fatal to their Tt' tinu rbaa the song mt the . hrrelM ta tha Marmeri I'tyanea. blighting Uu v miut U.lliaat &) of aetf-irtiiMM. reailerwe- warnage, Av, rpnatle. 1 kawtg Mm , ejwrial!r, whu k kerome h f H.fitry YU-v tkat diWtifttl aad dealrwctiTe babit, whx k snntiallriweetts i ta aa aetiiaelr grave thaa.l. f roang Bea ,4 the Biwt l&iud Ulrata ami knlh.al intellet. wha Burnt ulSrrwmr ' hare aatraeet Itateaiag donate with the ttiter r4 1 : aaaaca, ur waked t ara'ay tha BrJag tyre, tnty -!l wth ' allcea&dence. . ' Married Parwma. e.Yaaag MeaeotreiplatiBgaiarTlge, ; beta aware e( lmu si wasAaeaa, tmrsam Krattirr, lieii.f BitMM, A.,ahoald imraed lately rottsitM lr .J., aad l requir ed to perfect bealla. He who places hiiaastf under the rare ef Dr. John but religioaaJy eonAda ta hia honor aa a gentleman, eM r-.nif. deatly rely apea kta skdl ae a phyaeiaa. Organte WtahMeee immediately cored, and full rigor restored. Thia diaeaae is the penalty Boat frequently p-iid by those who have become the VK Ums of improper indulgeitoea Yoang persona are too apt to commit exeeeaee from Sot be ing aware af the dreadful eooaeqnences that may cbsm Now, who that anderataada the subject will pretend to deay that tha power of Procreation Is loat sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent, itesldet being deprived the pleasure of healthy otpruig , the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and nlad arise The system beeumea deranged, the phyak'Sl aad mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the frame, cough, symptoms of consumption, etc. Nerveaa Dkblllty. Weakness of the system, Nervous Debility and premature decay generally aria from the lieatraettvs halxt of youth, that a4itary practice m fatal to the healthful tilsteace of man, aad it ia the young who are ummI apt to become its vit'tlms. from aa ignorance of the dantvre tw which they subject themselves. Parents aud Guardians are oftea Bis led with respect to the eauae ar source ef disease la their eons and wards. Alas 1 how often 4a they ascribe to other rsuaes the wasting of the frame, PalpiVaitoa of the Heart, Dyepepsla, Indigestion, derangement of the Nervoua bye tvm, Cough, and Symptoms of Consumption, also, those se rious mental onscta, such as loan of memory, depression of siiirite, er peculiar flu of melancholy, when tha the truth ia, they have been caused by indulging' in pernicious but allur ing practices, destructive te both Body end Mind. That are swept from existence thousands who might have been of use to their country, a pleasure to their friends and orna ments to eooiaty. Omcs No. T Sorrn Fkedbicb Bt., left band side going from Baltimore street, T doors from the corner. r Be particular in observing the name and number, or yon will mistake the place. r" Take notice, observe the name on the door and win dows. A Ore teummttxi, or no Vharjt AfnWe, in from Chie fc) Two Day. NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS USED. bit. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Sargeont, London, Gradu ate from one of the most emlnenfCoilegee of the United States, and the greater part of whose Hie hat been spent la the first Hospitals of London, Paria, Philadelphia, aud else where, has effected tome of the moot astonishing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing m the bead and ears when asleep, great Mrvouaaeea, being alarmed at sadden sounds, and baahrulnesa, with fre'raent biushlni. at tended sometimes with derangement of mind, were eared immediately. , A Certain Disease, , Wkeetae aahewlaae e laapnaaaeA eetaew efpf finds he has imbibed the seeds of this nalnfal dlsaa,'L too oftea happens that aa Ul-tlmed aeusa af SluatM, ar dread of discovery, aeters mm rrom applying m moaa wao, irom ea aratioa and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till tne constitutional symptoms or tnit soma aiaeaae make their appearance, each as ulcerated tore throar, diseased nose, nocturnal pains. In the head and limb, dimneat of sight, deafness, nodes on the thin bones and aiuis. blotches on the head, face tnd extremities, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till as last the palate of the month or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of thia awful 'lies see be comes a horrid object of commlsneratlon. till di ath pots t period to bit dreadful tuRerUiga by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledgee himself to preserve the most in violable tecresy, and from kit extensive practice in the first hospitals in Europe and America, be can confidently reoom mend a safe and Speedy curt to the unfortunate victim of this horrid dieease. 11 is a melancholy fact, that thonsands fall victims to thia dreadful disease, owing to the nnskillfulness of Ignorant pre tenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mercury, rain the constitution, and even send the unfortunate sutler er to ao untimely grave, or else make the reaidue nf his life miserable. Take Particular Notice, Dr. J. addressee all those who hare Injured tln-mnelves by private and improper ludulgencea. These are aome of the aad and tnclanclmly effects pro duced by early habits of youth, vix t Wcaxtir of the Back aud Limbs, Paia In the fload, Dimneat of Sight, Lose ol Muscular Power, Palpitation of too Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement ol the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Ac. Mbntallt f he fearful effect npon the imud are much to hi dreaded Loss of Memory, CotifaKton of Ideas. Depres sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are some uf the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all ages, can now judge what is the causa of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the evea, cough and symptoms ol consumption, Dr, Johnson a Invigorating IlYmeiljr for Organic . Weaknras. By this great and important remedy, weakness of the or gans are speedily cured, and full rigor restored. Thousands of the most nervoua and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been relieved. All Impediments to Marriage, Physics! or Mental Disqualification, Nervoua Irritability. Tremblings tnd Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speed ily cured by Dr. Johnson. , Young Man, Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, in dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the c ducts or which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroy! both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all Srospecta and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of eviating from the path of nature, and indnlging In t eerttln secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ne cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life become! a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the flew ; the mind beoomee shadowed with despair and tilled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another, be come blighted with onr own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., JJottimorr, Md. ... lAtt SCMICAJ. OrtBATUJN PlBTOBMID.-L- i K. B Let to false delicacy prevent yon, but apply im mediately either personally or by letter. .. bum disease rpeidilt ccbkd. , To Strangers. - ' . -1. , -'. The many thousand cured at this Institution within the last twelve years, and the numerous important surgical Op erations oerformed bv Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed br the re porters of our dall j papers and many other persons notices ui wurcu uav again auu agaiu aupemu wiuiv no puunc it a sufficient guarantee, that tho affiicted will And a skill ful sod honorable physician. : , - Take Notice. ... N. B. -There are so many worthless Quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, raining the health of the already afflioted. that Dr. Johnson deems it necessary to tar. espe cially to those onaoquainted with hit reputation, that hit credentials or diplomas always Bang in bis oiaoe..(( - ; TAKE NOTICE. All lettori must be post-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for the reply, Or bo answer will be tern. ... .. j ,j . . May 7th; 1869 -J " - ' -'-;"; ,221-ly Wr:: patent 'AspiiAimc' J: A CHEAP,7 LIGHT, DURABLE AND WATES-VrOOF BOO FIN O, .-fwrv Ceorekee, - Houses, Bailroad Denota, Farm Building, Ac.t Ae. . . , . KUUr Lta can obtain country Agencies' . w , . For further particulart and samples, apply to ; , r: , ;,. , . ,.; edmiston pnos., , May 3, 203-3"m.' j' t BowlinB Green. New . Yotfc.' 1TTANTED. 100 Shares CP FM iH r- -"'!r,nk tW Stock. w. a. kv.lAI I & cu Iprilff, 1859, SADDLERT. ILIRDWARE. ll KWKtUtTr.D BH4.irr iro HUUMJ. AM) MIRK f,Vinr fi( in iKnl. I Af iMlUtlJ.Y alai'W-4 jur earUwwg lal.t,c reaa.la. VwlHn ftj. t(ir. tut'sxea. Ac. Slma aa-l Oi Hiie, I aieat w ira, e. king Bejitrada an I ma rura.tira. I'.U Wtra (vrcraa. Ore. SaaJ aad lira4 hrreene, Wire KeMmg fmr M.wnuitu. SWp, l'Mltry sad nibr par puaea. Wmtxtauae How. Fawy Wr Wml ta giea tarirty lot l.ttnoa, Ai. M WALKni A SONS. Maanf.. tr. Ka. sis Market. N. R. ('. th at., tlMpae. Aug. llo, Kv. Ij4 ly. rff I nipffMfiiT (harness I I I" f 7ir..r-;;LirjQ l-Ur mil REWARDS, SUM) REWARD. IS IUNAWAY from the aubacrlber, about the I'.th of February last, By Negro Msa, known aa BILLCHAKI. JS. Ilia ge la about 40 years; he It I feet, S or 10 inches high'; black color; one linger off of his right hand. A further deaeriptioa is not aecca.ary, aa he la well knowa about Wilmington, where be la supposed lo be lurking, The above reward will be paid for hia delivery to D- J. SOU'i UKKLAMD, ia Wilmington, who it aulliorired to pay It. " BENJAMIN DAVIS, April 19th, lxiD.-M-tf. ' Richmond, Va. WANTED. WANTED TO IIIHR. A GOOD NURSK. For one that can eome well reoom- 1Y mended, a liberal price wi I be paid. Apply lo may xi. iiv-u JAN. T. 1 F.WAT. WANTED, flM) H1KI I or 4 good Coopers to work in the eonntry, X. apply to JAMES T. I'KTTEWAY, May th, l&u206. WANTED. , , TN AM OFFICE, A BOY who ran read and write mutt 4V kave ao eweoaeytteeeeteekevaetevaaw kmaetearn kv salary gnrt year. Apply tt this oBice. . Alayeth, ' C-tf nwEI1 WASTED, for one be Platform Scale, j maraea Honert Mount, wade t I'olut, Ueaulort county, NT C, received per Schr. E. L. B. Wales, from Philadelphia ol 30ta Inst. Also, for two cant VARNISH, marked John Brown, Fay etteville, N. C. received per rkhr. M. TUton from New York, on 20th March. Stored and advertised at owner's risk tnd expense. April 25, 1H..H, T. C. WORTn. WANTED, F ORTY SHARES WILMINGTON A WELDON RAIL Hoed Stock. A fair price will be paid. Apply to S. D. WA1 At: K. April lit, 169 J - 17B tf WILMINGTON it WELDON R. R. STOCK WANTED In exelmnre fur Commercial Hank stock. Enquire at this Office. March II. HH) WAX I WAXM LRU. BEESWAX wanted for tlis undersigned, ev J J ir wnicn uie raan, at niiuiem marset price, will be paid. T. C. A li. G. WORTH. Feb. 21, 1W9. OWN Kit WANTED, 1.COH SIX BOXES OF CLOCKS, marked J. M. Illrdaell, V Wllaon, N. V., received per schr. G. M. Smith, from N. York, January 27th. Stored and S'lvcrliaed at owner's rik ami expense. T. C. WORTH. rci). i, in.. ..yM0ADS. r TREASURER'S OKr-('K, I Wllinlnglnn, Chailoltc At Itnlherfonl Railroad. ( i0 Wii.miwiton, ti. C May 7, 1V.9. IN CONFORMITY with anordernf the Board or Director, notice I hereby given that a aperiul meeting of the Stock holder of this Company, to roiioldcr lbs amendments made to lit charter by the General Aimenihly of North Carolina at Ita last session, will be held In Itovklnglism, Richmond County, on the 22il day of Juno next. - DAVID H. COWAN, May 9 208-tm Secretary and Treasurer. Orrnis Ukm. to'r'T. Wit.' 4t Ma. " M." H7lJo.7i Wilmington, N. C, November 30th, I808. NirriCK TO THAVKLKRS. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Dee. 1st, a change of Scheilule will be made npoo thkHoad, snd the Msil and Passenger Trains will ran as follow : Leave WilininKlou at 0 A. M. and 8.15 P. M. Arrive at Kmgnville tt 1.10 P. M. and 8.18 A. M. Leave Kunwille 5.14 A. M. and &.30 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 3 P. M, and 4 A. M. All the train eonoect closely with Columbia trains, except the morning train leaving Klugivllle at 6.15. Connection are made through with the Greenville and Columbia Rosd. J. P. ROBERTSON, Gen. Sop't. . Nov. 30, 18i8.-73-U. . . . ; 1CE-KE-ICE. rme Wilmington ice house win be opened for ih X delivery of ICE every day at unrise. closing at tunic t, except on Sundays, when it will positively close at 9 A. M. i ICE will sot be delivered after time of closing except in caes of (icknet. TERMS CASH, without deviation. ' ' TICKETS can be procured and deposits made by tbost ICE for the country packed and forwarded as directed. ICE furn shed to the itek poor free of charge, when direc ted br physicians or members of the visiting eommitteot. Orders must be addressed to WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE. . , - A. H. VanBOKKELEN. April 1st, 109. , 176-6IB 33 8m CARD. flCHOSE FINE NEW CROSS STRING IRON FBAME J. PIANOS will be for iwpection a few dayi longer, as a number of them have been sold and mutt be delivered. Those who have not a yet teen them should call at once, and they will see something grand and beautiful ; and those who contemplate getting a new Piano at any time, can leave nrH nut ther will be filled with rreat care aa re gard the flnkb and tone. Old Piano will be taken Id ex change. A guarantee of five year win be given oa all Pi. toot aold by our nouse. . ouoniiu, . ... . pianq Manufacturer, of Baltimore. u May iflj: 1859. 'r ' ; , ;.3l-tf yiOBACCO 25 boxes various grades ef Tobacco, at low X prices, , or sale dt a . iiuuui.a a riuss,' , May - 8. bor. Market and Pecond streets, -.'Tit- BACOrt.'t, i ; . 40 HllDS. OF CHOICE WF TCHC BIDES AND Shoulders, landirg to-dsy. ff, p.'Mi br V p mum W n r. n i rJ l,Un 'i ..... ...filet llay 20th. ' lUliUWAI & CO. for sam and to Li:r. rtm a t i.k. t I PAIR RUCK HOKSR4; - v Ji( S huts IK1 Bl K HAEAESS; i. 1 PHIl.t. TOP BL'Ch.Y. en.l UAR.E..'; t SETT BiTTISU HARNKM. Foe te'--. til,.. CAB0UXA fiOI . May Mh,liitif, sxtH uinc r XTii. fht or ihtober next, good coos. Vlwlll'll ..1 lA.tvfti a.a . ' WAsUIUlaad IROXHR. Apply la J. C MfTTH A CO. 314 St aty ITtk, KM KOIl RENT. . a I OR 4 Btha from 1st pro xims, that large TIV.Z PROOF STORE, Float street, N 1 Ursa is Cow. Tee balldiag k tee ileiiea, 1 feet front, to tm 4. -p. Ha ta anCle, Ui tee atones, sxteaduig JO teet ta aa a- ' v lea ting to the rtver j has eb a private aUey lead, eg to u rer, aad has by deed wharf prtvvegea. Xaere k a terra Httului Wheel aud eppwlenaurea ia good order, a'lati.J. U k tapable of storing a large ejiaanuty ef both t.,1 ii heavy lurtrhaatiar. Vlease make pretnpl sppltcaiioa te the subscriber oa the premise tf watted. way , i-v. l. SMITH, Jr. OR SALE. A LARCK AND FliisT RATR Ul'in Apply to I RAD, it MOOHS. AprU itith, H9. . Jt l tf. !m3. rt)H SALE. JK A IIOUKR AND LOT next East ef T. X. tkV.a rj son's ou t'heauut street. All naceaaary ImprovetMB'a; aeajii.t.r. I1:...n.l a.v.iu r -. i - t . . . Peaarsskia given immediately if deairsd. Apply to F, M WALICT3. April t.t. Herald rop? Iw tvew VALVAUIK HEAL ESTATE fOR BALE. JK THAT DESIRAHLI LOT, with itt the tnateria'j rj thereoB, situated on Frout, between Dock aad Orange afreets, (the site of the late Presbyterian Church,) Is eflcred fur sale oa accommodating terma. AIM) . . That valuable BRICK DWELUNQ, oa Front, betweeB R4 Croes and Waloet atreets, tt preaest oceaplad by Rev. M. H. Gaita. -, .... . , For lull particulars and triniK, apply to D. PIGOTT, April 24, Kvi. . Ti tf. Uroker tad AaoUoaeer. VAI.I Alll.K PIIOPEHTY SOU SALE. . JK THE HOUSE AND U)T adjolulpg the reaideace of c.j i ooa. ti. Miner, rau.. Hunt, win be sola OS reason.!- I, la ti.rni. . Villi k.lT l.,t HA t,m f..t A. ' 1U feet. Apply to GEO. U. KUXKY. apru loin, iea-iruj SIIKItirrS SALE. BY VIRTUK OK AN OltDER of the Coart ef rice an! Ouartrr Heaaloua f tht t'oaotr af Mew Jlanover. Baa. - ed at March Term, 15'J, and In nurauanee of Chapter ItlT siiaMeotioB Wtkor the tievtsej Tiae or Moritt Carolina, I will oner fur tale, at the Court It ease door, kt the Iowa of Wilmington, on Tuesday the llth day of Jane next, one Be g-ru sieve br the Berne of Horace Fowler, the came belnr committed aa a runaway and confined in tha jail of laid county twelve mouins, jvrmtciun. -, , E. D, HALL, Sherio. Wilmington, N. C, April 14. ,j 1N7 U tIl SALE. - . AH THE HOUSE AND LOT tltnated OS Third Street, tl next aorth ef asw Eulacopal Church, at preaeat ee- keek aunts,! hw llv. IIaa. 11 Kalla. I Avljiti.ta rrnm lo 4th Street. Any persons la want of the above property, bow have an opportunity of buying en tsy term. Apply to JAB. 1. I LllX," AI. March 31t,l 175-tf i. - - FOR SALE. - ' -' . TWO LIE FLY NEGRO MEN, om af then ft good Turpeutme uisuuer, Apply 10 JAS. T. PETTEWAT. karch list, 1859 fciil SALE, rfTTTAT VALOARM LOT a -tbe er 1 Fifth Stret-14J by IW-wiU beSeJdat tly to Man J, J. COS W. L. kkli, arch I4-18VI9 l9-tf smiaA ai 1 u 'a ail. mu u- 1 1 m THREE BILLIARD TABLES, Is food order, together t!"j Alio to rent nntil Bra (lntiitif. a avail ..(.Ml.. r. - - - - www., " . ,.uqm 1 rant tnd Billiard baloon. ' Apply to ' WaiTiiM-tf . ' R. a BURNETTS OHiCAT SALE Or LANO-t.Ooo AtlH r TIIR innvr r ivn ItiirinriTrn i 'i T to nine mile from the Market Home in Fit on tht Coal Field Rafl Road and Cape Fear , Anm fif thB Umla are a.t,l ti Ka tha li,...t Cumberland Comity or In thia part of the btate, t r i w.., i hi iii,iud, luu tiiiiucr ur iaraocr, ai.a t . Ktrmlng not to be excelled. , . fPO THE LAND BUYERS ol Sampson, Duplin, New 17ao. JL over. Bladen, Ac, who are paying from 13 to 120 an acre for lamle miles off from tny convenient Bode of get. tlnif tf. hturSMt n,. ail.l l,,lw I... ,t. II... ..a .1.... ... - 1 " ""., .uin .uu uuj IKllU. Hi., ti. vivue w uir- knt, from ene hair to three-fourth tii price, worth double a much. The tbove lands will e tola in lot to suit boy era, on ancornmodating term. Those wanting to buy will du well to call soon If they want flrtt chance. a va ii. nnw a w ert - - a. n. ncvuiiiuii March II. l.-8-tf ai.tVrr-ar " 1 4 SECOND HAND SAFE, (Herring' fireproof. Will bl old low for canh, IIAIIIBWAI tu. . an. 17. t. ur V A LI' Alll.K PROPERTY fOR SALE. M, THE SUBSCRIBER, conUmplatlng a removal from the State, odor for al the following prop A I te trla . m m lilt LOT AND BRICK DWELLING HOUHB. frontier on Heeond and I bird nu-tw by 330 ft. BIG BU1DGK PLANT. ATION, with the ferry franchise, contaiuing about Fl VR HUNDRED ACRES. Also, a Tra-t adjoiiUog, af t'UR f S HIND RED AVREH. HILTON VILLA, embracing BIX- 1 1 ACRES Rice Und-Dwelllng Rous and Garden. 109 10 WN LOTS at the North end of the town. . . , , - JAMES r. Mcnr3. December 22d, 1SJ8. , , ,, ,,,, j , 9141 - ONE SEWING MACHINE. ' I.OR SAI.R CHEAP to cloe a consignment. - i ' 1 J. U. ROBINSON k BOS. Oct. 30. Herald copy. . ; ,i 47 FOR RENT. FROM 1st OCTOBER NEXT, TWO STORES Bnder the Seaman's Home, Apply to . - ; - j Sep. e-30 tf. .... ft,vTn :ELLI8 h VXK&EUL NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. . rilUE SUBSCRIBER hu taken the Agency of Titus 0. X Hoyt'e ' Premium Oriental Eraaive Soap," and otiere it ror aie at we urnce or atestra. w aixer a bteventon, Korla Water Street. It la recommended to Heasekeeoara' a eos- nsting advantage over other erulve or waablog Sosp," enpecially in removing gresa (pots, paint, Ao., from car peta and clothing, t or particulars and directions for use, see c trailers at the office. Price 8 cents per lb. by the bos of 40 lbs., cash exclusively. Not lets thaa box sold. Liberal discount to wholesale dealers. .- , r. - , , a" Alto, Transparent and other Fancy Soap for f"1, Wilmlnrton. Mar llth. 1859 210-23 Be-Daily Herald copy 3 month. : BONNETS AND RIBBONS. RECEIVED THIS MORNING, A NEW t '7 LY xj oi Bonnets ana ttioDons, Misses ana t-iiiiarcu a . also a rcry handsome style of Riding Hats, w -h we will sell at low ligurea. KAUNWiiLEU A 1 ,.u i. ; May Attn, ibov. - fcecon aoor rrem tne corner ttore, a uKsutjtaiL.ai. ana weu aseorted nock or u- fY. TtKKt.I.A) .ml PARAMOIMi alui Urn l.nra RIK;. GY UMBRELLAS. For tale by May 30. ; - 3. S. WILLIAMS. JOB LOT. . , PIECES BONNET RIBBONS will bi sold to deal ers at half the cott of importation. . . .... - - ' i HEDKICK A RYAN. 500 May 23, ! 1 PORK AND HAT. , . Pfi BBL8. CITY MESS PORK UJ 25 do. Plated Men do. 9 do. Butt do. , Bale. North WverH May2M. -v t HOI1 1 11 - - nrn nrtiTu' t'V ! :.n ri'-'Vltf":.' BHivs i'- Tv-nn (,-t T-.-nww a- rti. DeRO: , 1CT, LUO WN A CO. 4 , For tare oy May 93d. WENTFT TE l.AEB.' act barrels westk:;.;) i ' , v ' ' Ay for aie oy Myi3d. rt.uu.,.:;:r, brown t 1830. '- i. Bt WILLIAMS.