c 7 'tool? xr:tEi!M?4::: TTILMINGTON, Ii. arFIUDArKVENlNG, JULV 22. " 185fc vol. a BWawaBB-BaBBBBSr i V V . - . A mr FtTTw nunc, retroreTwu. JA3. FULTON, Editor A. L, PRICE, iKiU EXijr. Tmu of WiV Pailr !"(. owe W iavariabJy ta advaa U WaA'.y -.-- " - - w 1 i) Alt letter M basiae toaaacted with thie eflca, ia4 b addreaaej to tha Brvpnctora. t - - HATES OP ADYKSTBINO. AlftjTAU. IVtaeday... rf.4V Brweye.. ......... ST B rknr it ... 54 Faij : Ftva BAyS......,. TA fM VmA..... ...... ST CTw ncki... 1 r e Moatk. ....... .1 w Twa BtoaU .l W ThM muki. A 00 kSaQCABA. Cm day.. ... J Twe day.. Thro day.,,...... Foor dar v........ Five Aire, at ilbvw OmmI Twa wka.. ...... Cm moatA. t I M li 1 00 l IM I TJ t TS 4 M 1 ft) Two swathe...... TVea moeu.... 10 00 Hit taoaiha ..I M I Biz atoaiha 00 ,. t.j...i.li ft) I -Cm rat 00 i . iui m oafcl ae warn. Bad le ttaee o k a Llicqaar. Long rWmmmiia la preporuoa, sad aU ' parable 1m advance. Wnea aot ft 14 la advaace 14 etnu er w win be eha-ftd after the an bsaerttoa. tJAa aaif kum set paid for ia Adrtac tUU turf ed M A Square. At-AJierutemesU teaerttJ M SpecUl or Bishoa Notice art charted oaa-half Mr thaa eftm ratoe ight Ha (loaded) or bs eoaatod a a aqaare. . aAJvrtateBts ktaeried iwi ether dy art charged S74 eitta mi arara (or eeh .naercoa after tit tint -Nt fubhcauoA nada ilhou refaaaukla uaa. -' BUSIMSS AM) PROFESSIONAL CAKDS, . IXCHASOI pEALEB. '" - ". li Fbomt Ptamt, Wttm-nronHi, K. C. UaearrtBt Bank Rotta, Cbocki aad Drani aoaght aaJ old aa iBTanbta tra. " ' . HUM and ATOC'kB koorbl aad toll oa com ' Commercial paper arf otiatcd. NorthrB EjchD(rt for tala ra ium to wit. Collectioni vadt proaaptlj aa4 At naaonabU rataa. r ta. Hrt, m ; 11 OUiXB KKLLBT, WHOLESaLS AND IUCTAUt DEALERS IH GCOCK- Jfo. 11 irortt rotor Srw, ' , Dae.1,lWav . - , WiuuiMmia), K.J. JAB. . KTTKWiV, . . F1 UCTOB AJ5D COMM IbSlOM MEHCU AKT, - j i AO. urlA W umT Mrm, WitMotwrmr, K. C, Will givt nBl tttMtfoa to thA aala ao4 kipawai ol Cuttoa, Naval ftoroaABd other product. ' Oct. a.. ' . (1 fcNEnAL COMMWtilOa MERCH AHTH, X - WILMINGTON K. C Jaa. lit, 1M7. tf. ELLII A HITCH KLL, EALERS CI UBAIJT, WiLmihotoiI. N. C. ketp OoAitAOtly on bnl Corn, Pcaa, Oata. Homunr, Uraa, Uoraa Bad Cow Fred, Oil Meal Hay, Heal, sc. March ltta, lttta, j ,? ' J W. W. DAVIS, M. !.. OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CTT iaena of Wilmington. Offlct U door below UohMa' Hotel, Front Btraet. Jnoai. . tSl-U IIKNHY P. Rl'IKKLI, rxntiL rnnifisKiOM merchant. IT , .! Kan Bat. (Ur friiw.) m DAT. KVr PTiiiw.; s, cuaIleston, 8. c. , . . 1RJ tf March 17Ui, 186ft, . .A T. II. HrKOT COM - B0CER3 AJID COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VI Water atreet, WamMorov, N.C. Aug;. 13d, 1848. .:.;-. tv: Hoath II. B. KILKM,"4 -ITTHOUSALS OltOCER AND COMM1SHION MEtt W CHANT, and DBALEH IN NAVAL- KTOHErt, aorner Water and Market ivreava, n unjuigura, a. v. i April-id. ihsu: i " i; - ' . Tiiora Al W, BllOWN, JHn 1 irTAnww it l.W A roMMfSHlONER OF THB UNITED MATES IN AWD FOB THE DWTBICT OF N0BT11 CAB0UNA. Wilmlntoa. Jbqa lath, 18&8. , ' JAB. irOAIXr. - ALU. OLAXAA. . . . " , ITOitXBY OLDHAM, . rRnrrnfl Aim fOKMtRSlON MERCHANTS. AND VX DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. WlLMINHTOK, N. C. RlflBAVCI. - Col. Joaif MoRaa, President of the Bank of Wllmlncton. it. O. Pabalbt, Eaq., Pretideat of the Commercial Bank. f ' ' ' 41 DR. J. A.' Wn-LF.R. ' ' ' T?R'NT ST., RETT POOR TO MESSRS. MILLER It BA I1 KER'S LAW OFFIUB, Waifmoroir, W. U- . Oct. Mth, mi - M- .-. " ' T. A.T.AWOItT. ' - 10MMIBHI0N MERCHANTrNo. M North Water Btreet, V OCV IA Al-W nu.iiii".vi rf - ViriO!f DISTILLERY, WILMDfUTON.N.C, 1 V. OA"EI.Y. PrnnrMraM. ' VawBOKKRLEN k BRO., i4jenlA. A LL KINDS OF NATAL BTOBEa purcuated, manoi Wharfage And btorag furaiahed, ud Oboixraoi don at i air rawa. . , . Jan.lAU86t.-mtf.' . 3 t. Brmnriinw A RO?r. IMPORTERS, rfANTJFACTUBERS' AGENTS. AND IeA lerea la ilardwirre, CuJtery, Iron, Steel, NaiU. Affrlcol- toral ImpIementA, Ac. - wM.r. unwun. 41 ENEHAL PRODUCE BROKER, VT Sept. 10. 1964 lA-tq WltMINOTOM, N. C. j . . . ADAMS. BROTHER at CO, . (10MMISBI0N MERCHANTS, , w j WlLMTHOTOW, N. C. GEORGE W. DAVIS, , rOMMISSION MERCHANT, South Watet Street, -h . ; y WiLnmroK, N. C tm -. ..... .n .i . $. I. BAMAWAY. ' , "t HATHAWAY COn A. CTLIT -V'trtMVIK'.rON MERCHANTS." 1 WiuAkstom, J . II ,11 N.C., T.C.AB. O.WORTH, tomnssiON and fobwabdino merchants, . It . .j, . WiLxiMOTOir, N. C. TlaTCiUf-MtU ' - , jaubi AxnnaoH. - .r ipwaad AYA. SDKRSO!! A SAVAGE, r I ESEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' 1- X ' WlLKimTOK, N. C ;, L,:hPrl(U CBSQ BOTAIOeB IDaaa on towjuum i lam.f.AnD cmns. "." toy viaaioN merchants, wholesale grocers, I AMDEALEIUJL3f UBAin. ' t a jr ' - . . x... . . No, 19 SOnrt! Watxa Bmrn, 4 ENERAL COM MuiyJ6,i86 a EN ERAt COMMISSION MERCHANT, . n wiLiiiNaroir m. v. -275-tf. .-. ii,-:: I Jiin.mn. 't1 aural. :' JfA S.C. SlWmi OOn, ! - 4 HfiMTRfttON MERCHANTS, offleo iocond Btory, corner I Rnnth Water and Market itreM. Wilminctoo N. C -i.r. ib are Breoarad to attend to ail botuwaa la the 51 V.r. j n Maa. - , T m- J! TI" t -i vUJ " A U bnaiaaaaAajtrruted to than will b ptuiStuaJly At"4 ftr; H. MeRARY ex COH 'lOMMISStrtN MERCHANTS, eomtr PrtaceM af Atreeta wummgwn, a. BKrBBBNCM : CAstiTer Bink Cai Fear, Witmi. a,R.a IVi tBank W.: pi-ton D. A. rariACaohier Bmnch B'kCtpe t r, baliabnry.do. J. G. LmV " " U ' " Salem, do. J. E Gregg, Pt' " . JrTifi IOctI7' h4 kfl W ".,1 - AIL L.viii;;iTS,.- I TTJHOLUAL'J r. ; ErSIXESS AM rE0TESS!05IL 'CAHPiv " - "" "" LO(11 B. KRtMBKtlT, wKKXltST AVD PRACTICAL PUARalACt.LTlr, Altep dAstanc oa baaj. a oci n A -I 4Partir atiaua paid ta ratK-AJm. Raiirc. MiMttki i Msam. al. - . . 1.Sua miBeJiAtW; witt it " Car. Hutfl, j-i li. iNi. : J'-r . H. CRUim. Wu aiitn. S. C.. mtnU of fivmtt TurpaUtt, Koafo, Tat A3J Trpw, au H c.inir Pradaea far aala. it B. YauiMaliB, a'a- Octet aa-alam at tv wa iw" w Ml Uttrrkih'a Wbarf, Nan A Water ttreL i , in i in ail I in "MM i mi an rrm. m , aWAUi. . , BM1TU A Mtl.AI Ul. pOtXlSSlOS 15D FOKWACPlxa MEr.nu NTS - Tin rninv iv ' v : inu ra Jon Daw. E)-. Mayor. E. F. ttAifc, Ew- FreaUeut CaaA Bar.k JiU'-e N- C. July lat, Lv W tf O. C M Vt. 4. MVWU. nOMMWSWN MKBCUAJiW ami TN HOLES-VLV uuu- I . ....... 1 .. 1 A" . t ktru.t . C. . MARIS KAILWAY. THS8t'RSCinV:B katini parckatad tu LAllk tAAH U A1US V VA1LW AY. tlui wrriy the propert j cf H. W . bearr.) it Dnpartd ta lui!4 or wpair k!m. laitnnj Brrso--a fHPamltr, Kil kr Martin, J, A U. AlclU Com HarrirtAHawaU, J. U. UuAr. Aprtt Hlh. 1G! .;. , , 'L'- . W. 1U HAKKJo VO.. (, (IBCtHltOBt TO A- A. MA!TOPACTUKKI ANl DEALEI.S 1 II Ki"i 1ES, 1 rrtmt ttrf et, WBmlnittoa, N. U WHimngtoMl. q. May lk. Itta 20 ly. r ' IHHRIM A IIOWKLL, .C. IkU Wt, lia ...... ) n . (IUI. U. H1KIM, W HOIJC8ALB AND RETAIL DEAIIl 13 UA1, Capa, fctrw Goods, Canea, Cmlirella, Ac. ' ' NE W OOODS SOW READY ! We ar now nreoared to axhlhlt te Merrbantt and aiber WhoUaalA bnyera, and to the public f eaerally, the larwit. kaadaoowat, and heat ateorted atock u( good eicr opem-u la thia market, embrACing ererr tarirVy of Ktraw (.od, Wool. Fur.Hofl Felt and Mlk IUt. Cloth and Ulanad Cane; llinaca. riatii and Hloomero n-immea mi umnminwi i Faau' Bad t'hlldrea'a Uata and Cnpat Kulini llata, Umbrxl r. a .k,... tn vliu h wa akaxpcial alUtuliun, be i.i.ih,.t. u tli.mmt ffiintilelu Mid l.nxet uluvk er Good in tbii line ever opened In the Stale. trReniembcrthe place, M Jfarr.i frm. March ft, IK. MILMISUTO.t MARBI.K WOHKA. lirwl. .r the MHhmlUt E. f lnn I.. ArnvrTMrVTM. TOMRS. HEAD mid FOOT HTONrS. IM fnuvirmiMTOI. Ac. of the BEST U0AUTY M AMERICAN ar ITALIAN M AlHllJS, furnitlied to ufJwi" CHEAP aa can be procured Jroni any wUbiiHiuuaw fi oe kln In tm nonatrv. b , I employ anna but expenvacea wonuiru, nu !' no paioA to pleaae all bo may far ate wjth tlKur patron- WUmiaKtoa, N. tt, Sept. 13th, IHW. 1 -tf. KEW YORK AND MUDfcLPMA CARDS. 0. PtiTTIIR, R. " i. CABfcKKKN - IKM.I.nKU, iri- - i 1OMMIHPI0N MERCHANTS, ,Air Yokb. Apra 15, mo-- OLAUNCB A. IATBH. ""- f"""" K ATI.1 A IM' ir.lt. PVPli A T. COM MISSION MERCHANTS f-r the iale of It (v,ii,. His Anttal More, and Haotliero ProUiu c wnerally, No. 110 N. Whama, and 111 N. Water St., February Irtth 1859. . uRji.orvAiAMitiuk, ju. ij Cotton. Spirit Turpentine, Ronln, Lumber, tml Honth- ern Prwlwe generally. l'im.nKLPiiiA. If jprompt personal attention given to all eonwjfnmcuta, nd iinlrk retiirnn made. t'aMi oraera ai(iiH!u. , Pee. etn, iw ' : UmrVK Af KK!, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS of rilKNVtt, F.XiUHlt ami UXRMANrAlUVraOODSawl I'JiKMMIiHr, No. 1A Fl'LTOH BTKKltT, NB Y9H. Hkmat GmrrKK, I Wm. H. Aceih. f Hoy. tO, im.-M-j a. WATSOH. oabtoh aiAniw COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -I i i , 14 Btsluif Klip. New V or A. Raneniat attention vaid to the aale ot Naval btvkai, Cur- n.i L.ntK.r. Pr.ulnr.e iriiffr&llv. IVJIl WW U.W... ..v--" , , , , , Llherial adaucea mauen conwgnmcnw .;."' i Bimr ouiiiil. w. BBsi IllV-.' I v . ..... rsteit. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. M North It - whMvna: and 43 North Water Street, l'niLABBtruiA. ATLAbenai eaua aoTaacm uiu miui.. jBlTOlth.lHM ' 179 BOOKS, STATIONERY, THOSE NEW WORKS TTAVE I1EE AVK IlEEN RECEIVED And are for Bale at KELLEY B I v.w Hnnk Ktnra 'I k. llnwfvamM O nn.a II W J.I1LIIIIIIT iiu luir. The Empire of Auntria te riao and preiwnt power ; by Tl,. B f Ahhntt. The auLhor M ao Well tUOWB A IU- iMtin wriur. that the mention of bia name it a luDiclent tecommendaUoB for the Book. . ' The CaTalier a Historical norei oy w. i . k, m The Convalotcent-by N. Parker WIUIa; " i'The Bomanoo of A Poor Young Man i .. -Macanley'iLtfaof PIU! . s.. v "Macanley'i Ula of Frederick tho Great.. . June 30, ISiD. -A RE YOU going to Summer it out of Town, If o, doB neglect to call and sapply yoiirnelvt with a good -tortment of Book for the relief and boneHt of the mind, and improvement oCAAt tarns. Tiiey can oe lonno at , , -una lovh KKLLEY'S New Book Mow ". '""caLL mx.V AND BUY AT KEIXEY'S BUOK STORl:, ' ',- ' Ta Wmto Waillack a Aew work i -. ' MiMhtUfe! or. Betoie and Behind the CurUia-A Mte of narrative by Anna Cora Ritchie, formerly Mr. Mowatt - le uaat ai A1... The wnnerea mcbtv-uy . o. iinuur. , " 'The New Priaflt of Couoep,tioa Bay-a new Work, wliich A cfitlo ipeakt well of !- ,!.;;-, ri L J J-w 8, Wl.. c-v - . j .- N OOMEfntVU WICK. Bcrangcr, -Twq hundred fit bin Lj I.vrical Poetna done Into EriRlwh Vorae, by Wm. Young rT7 ' It '1 I PV'U lliki.l.- U'r.lL At , - .'f . jr t . ly'iixoi o Jo1y8, 1159. 4 " '" .' ' ' ' j. J.... '' . WIIRKII , O F RICUABD C. FRENCH at KEIXEY'S Book Sloro Caideron, his Life and Genius, with apccimem? of hia l'tayt on Bible Retwion on the mady or word, fcpgus Part and Pretent-. 4 July ad mi: : f ' : WORKS "iSTf.BERTlSU FOR flADIES," ? 'I t KELLEVB BOOK STOBBt" !i : 1 J. Popping the Qaention, and other Talea, embracing tU bent atoriet olbe beat anthora.- -m-f ,-T ?(. v The Young Ladien' Delight-A Parlor Companion for all The iAdy'i CompAnloni or jSketcncs 6f 'IJfe, Mahnerif and Mvi al ties present ay, - i-: i ttfort ta Yonnff ldib Mra. L, II. Bigonrney. ' -. The Young Lady'B Mentor, a guide to the lormation -of h, i .... ......... i u r in toam-Ut liliA CI v-rv4 lit.oa wR-rt lk ftnat Om i Srlr. a ,a' WW"4'. t! wfU ft Mnrtam tanl wia. m U-aa, CU)f.-t .tatKMl IWiily. ol th Ktl aailuU, A3tct;,rf ta Vvl-, l'Slna .f l )ll-rt I'KMin, St rTci Irr UbiMT, IMr- of Ut H?a4. T rtt. K M i t Kii: anJ all rra u.l airlsnrkolT rwra ar.' trow tlx lrta Uluia af I woa ha a Jtr.w AvtA Wt and ifc4. 1 bit aaJ tart M-tiiJ Mora Uul la ta!r ictia iki ite aan f u Fvrviu U lha Mrra Hv WuMmt ''f briaBt Brw antic tpthjA. trn4naf axamf , Ae., hnpoamata. .vUar.-aia lift WrrM IM tWUrm a Savy Yioa. ...iw. i-nrt thooanJ C joanr rB af th Boat t e lilted Ulrnu taj bii:!!at fctfllevt, wUt wtt oirwt At va entranced UtraNr rVoatta wna we inuajttt or ei qtieata. at vaAtJ to etta; tha bring lyre, mj call wtlb ail tonAJtace. ,. HiurOogt. VirrUJ rn.ii. rtr.Toflfi MfB ontoiflitlniraniairt, tiaf twart af lvtioal Weakne, Orraaic KeWI.tv, Iefor aitita, Ao..ahoald hatnaiLaUly roo-Hilt l' . J. aod be rtator- ad ta per kavAith. .. . - ;:: ' , lit 0t place buuik'ir untirr Ul lara m it. var rlitliuir coufidt l hit hoaor aa a geutlrnun, and cond deatly Kly apoa km tkni at a phrarla. . . - tbjvwM.aaWoaa.naaa IsiiatdiaWly earad.aad full vigor rtaUxed. . Tha(luMaeiaUiepBaiiT moet irreiKuu "J kiv bM-umt the virtimi of Improper Indulgence. Ting prraon are too apt ta eommit eirtaort from aot bo ing aware of the drtadrul oatrqaeaeet that may oneo- Vai. whn thut nndtratande thtaubltct Will KlTtnud to dBT that the powtr of Procraatioa it kwt aoobrf by the falling . - V v r . - ..... Lik. u I ... .11.1 toa Kjiln deprived the pleasure of aeal'thv RVpig, the wl eertoat aad deatractivo trmi'toau to both bx4y aad mm) ariaa TUa ryatca bocouie deranged. Ilia uhywoal aat aieatal power weaienea, ntrvoua aeuiuty, )prp.i, (.il;iiuu y, m. HrMI ... 'J , w " , W ' tvmrtom of eoniujnptlon, etf . ' W..Vn..ia nf tlia ntom. Nervntta lebiUtv and areuatara dy rtaerally ariw from the DwiUaotive halut of yeuta. UiAt tolitary practke to fatal to the haalthful exljrtrat of man, and it B ttie yoang wno are ohwi api nin fk-tima, from aa fgaoraaca of thedaagerato which they object tbeauelvea. FartaU Bad tlaanliant are ofWa mat w.l iik rMDact to tha rauM or wtirvt of dawaaa ia thaw Bona and ward. AUui I how often do they aaerlbe to other ranae the wartlng of the rrame, I'aipiwtwa or mo nean, pyapepia, lndlgwtloa, dernfaent at the Merroas By. t.m rih aad Mvnntotaa af tMlaumptioa. alao. Uloeee Hia menul alltwlii. turh aa tots af memory, depreaaiua of ..iriu .wKMiIiiif nt of meUnrBolV. WBta Ui uia tnun n, - 1 . .a a il .1 . . iiey have been eanaed by Indulging la pernkhmo bit aHtw big practicea, dVatraotlva ta both Ibnly and Miad. iu are twept from txlatenee thouanadi who might hava her of B to their eountry, a pleatur to tlieir f rieuda and arna- BteaiatoBiKjwij. left hand aide going from Baltimore etreet, 1 door from the orner, a- Be paiikular in obaervlnf tka name and nuajlier, or roa aul aonUke the piaca. . . , mr nil finer. I wtt, in ra.MTT vm nr .vm w.i.. w.w dowa. A l'rt wifT'inl. f, or CrVirya Jfid, in fnm NO MElHllJUt tK HAiiMMii'a vzuu. Olt. JOHNMOI. Mi.Hi1,.r oftlta Rnrni Cnlleirt of Bnrireool. Ixtndon. (Irtdil- tte from one of the nwat eminent Coltegwi of tka United Hutea, and the greater part of whet lilaaai beta Bpeat In tha trA Hiau uia ol I jmdoB. l'arua. riiuaotipua, anu aite- where, baa enectcd aou oi tue moi aMKuiaiung otirct iaai wer ever known, many troubled with ringing lu the head and rare when uoWy, great Brrvmiane, lieing alarmed at auddea aonnda, and fiaahfulaem, wflb ftemient bloahlng, at tended aomttimea with detaug6nwat of miad, wart aured ImmediaWly.,.; . , . , tt, , ,.v. -d n . rrwiii iww When tha nihvulded 'and trturudent votara Of pleaaor Biuia ha baa tmlilbud tUn aoaila of thi Otloful Aiaaaae. M too riM kai. nana tkat m ill tiinad toiMa of abasM. ar Uraad f Oiaoover, Uolera him from applying to tlioaa who, from ed ncatlnn ajiJ rnaitprtabilit V. CM II alouO befriend Mil, dl'lATMlrf till the eonttltutlonal tyinptoma of thla horrid dii-'aaa maUe their appearance, am-h aa ali rraled Bora throat, dlaeaaad nuMi, nocturnal pain. In the auad and UmM. dimnea of tight, deafaeHB, oodoa eo the ahiu feme aud uia, bloU bee 1 ou Die bead, fuce and eitremitiet, iirogreaaing with fright rid rapidity, till aa lit the palat of the mouth at tha bonet or the none fall In, and IH victim of thla awful dlaeaae be come a horrid object of comtnitoemUm, tm rt atk put a erlod to ka Uromifui aunermga ny aouumg u m to --ui ourne from wki uce no IraveU r re turua." To nrh, tbere- fore, Dr. Johnnou pli-dgea lilmmMf to preaerre the tniwa in- Vkilanle tee.y, n,i irmn ait eneiaov prwwi-a wo anu h capital in r hi rope aad America, he eaa cotiddeuUy reoot mud a aafe and apeedy care to tha uufortuuata vioUui of thi horrid uiaeane. It i a melancholy fact, that thouatnda fall vk-tlma to tin dreadful dlneaa, owing to tha anaklUfnlntM or ignorant pre tender, who, by tha oa af thai dreadful poiaon, morcury, ruin tiit conatltulioa, and even tend the uulortuuata auSor er to an uutimely grava, or cbe make the realdtit of bla lilt niwcrabie. Take rartaraiar woiiee. ; Dr. J. addrctaea all thoaa who have Injured thermioivta hy private and improjr indulgence. lueae (re tome oi mo anu anu nifinm noi ir dwed by early habit of ytmth, via : Weakm- of the Bark and Limb, Fain In the Ilead, Iim"n of Htght, lt id Moai ttlar Power, PalptUtioa of tha Ueart, Dynpenala, Ner roua Irritability, Deraogomeut ol tba DiguaUve i'uncUooa, General Debility, gymptonM of ConaunipUon, Ac. MltNTALLT Tue rearnii enctia npim iue nmio r mucn mi hn dreaded s Lom of llemovT. CuuftMioa Of Idea. Depres sion of Bprrita. Evil Forbo1ing, Averaioa af BiHtUty, Self DMtnut, Lev ol boUloda, iiuiiduv, ac, art om oi ,tnc vila produced. ',..., a.. l. Ibouaanita ol perton. oi an age, can auw juurw wubv i till caum of their declining health. Liming their vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, lave a etnguiar appear. ance about the eyes, congh and symptom of eontnmption. mpioran n woimniniuui Hranedy Arr Irrganlt Dr. Johnao)' liivigoraung Weaknea. R tl.la a-reat and Imnnrtarrt remedr. weaknea of tha or gana are tpeedily cored, and full vigor rcatoi ed. Thowanda oftne moat nervou ana aeiitiuniea, wno n io nop, hare been relieved. All impediment to Marriage, Phy-lcal or MjUital Disqualification, Nervou Irritability. Trembling andWcakncHS, or exhaustion of the moat fearful kind, speed ily cured by Dr. Johaton. , loong Men, V,l,a have inlured Uiamselve bv a cerUlu practice, in dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the effect of which are alghtly felt, evea when aatoev, aad If not cured, renders marritg nnpoaaiblo, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity thai a yooflg man, the hop or bia eoontry. ami tlia darllntr of hi nnrtntt. should be inatobed from all project end enjtyment of life, by tha aonaetjaOBoa of oeviatiiH- from the path of nature, and indulging ia A gtrtaia tec rut aauik i buott parsoua, oeior somompiauiig . , , . M-irrtag- - - .l,,.ni.l report that a aotind miod and body are tho moat cswary requiaitie to promote connnblal bappiuea. Indued, without these, tha journey through Ufa becomes a weary pilgrimage, the proapeot Bouny uarKeiiaao uie view i tue Z.,a i...nu.. ahinared with despair aud Sited with the melancholy reflection, that the liapplnc of another, ba come blighted with our own. -OFFICK NO. 7 BOOTH FREDERIC BT. fiaUtmore, ifd. ; AU.'8tWttlAA OrAKAIIOkB l'lKfOBBBa. N.' B.-Ut bo false delicacy prevent yon, but apply ira mediattly cither peraonally or by letter. BurBisBASBsrssPitr vm6.' , r r. t, i To Mtrmnirrra. o s . Tb mauy tliousaod cored at thi luatitution wiiliin the iituy tiiousaoa cartiu muw i.huiuvh . hw Ivt years, and the Biimrous juiportant surgical Op i performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by tfa ia iaattwel aratioiia porters of our daily bier Bod many other praoa-aotk!es or wntcB nav again ou k" "iir" -- n m a snmcifcOl guarautee, ina u amiuioa wm am a aui; ful and honortw puyaiciau. - ir.k Mollrr "''' i'V.'J N. B. '.There are so ma"y worthleas yuaon advertising them.rve m Physicians, rumtng tha health ef the already ainiciM, tnat in. solium hi '"wi v eially to tii one unacquainted with hi reputation, that hi credential ar diploma aiwaya nang aia omco. , ta k k. NitTK kLAU hjtterf moat bt sott-paid, and COB Uia a potuge stamp for tht reply, or no answer will be wat,. ,..-.- - ; ., Ma-27th, 1861- " . PATKNT ASPHALTIC 1 ROOFING FELT, -S1 1 CHEAP, LIGUT, DURARI-B AND WATER-PROOF' A ROOFINU, for Church.es, Uonses, Rallread Depots Farm Hntldings, Ae., 0. i -iJ.s ,M tf At u.mivlim ua .l. lam eon'i'i y Affencies. - ii For further partrPular and i. May , lsr,9T-iM -3m. S, I Uren. York. a" AS---al JL HA(.iaU ASi i U (!ilN!l, M'-ra 1 Wu'.aRope, P""" ' ' L'i.. . , 'l.twJi. , jOf'A Jun y. WAYTKD. IN AN OFFICE, A .Y wke r Miilrfi-.nml aa aa aa irrpikuftaUe raarat toe aJ dtpi4 w Warn. N aadorv trM )ar. Af p!j M Cia oc. Kaj fciA, l vv WAWTC1K ' HIAKS VlLUa;ToX A WkUJKJN RAIL TOKTY JL1 IiaMt. A !Air prise viil ia ftiJ. wiy AprflJaLHiS -. , VtL WILMnUTVY Jk WKUHIH R. R. ITlK K TANTET la exrhAff' fr tt'itimen'sl Rank Uxk. Karulr at tkia OdK-e. Maa t. RAlli:OAlSk Oiru a Ubb. tkr't. Wii A Mm. R. B. Co., I W dmvnstun, N. C, Novwber JOiA, lsi., f 3 riiilSl!i iwrwSSal?sS ajirrtl'M to thavklki. ON AND AFTER WEllNEWUY, IH. let, a tbaaga BI rkh4al wUl be aavda ai-oa UaUvad, aad kh AUJ Bad Paaaartgtr Traxaa iU raa aa MJowe I Uave a iimingtoa at a. at. aau a.u i . . Arrive at A toe-Till at 1.10 r. M. audi IS A. M. Iave ItiDftvule At A. at. aad AM P. M. Arnrt at n BouagtoB al I P. M. aad 4 A. M. . 1 AU the traiuaeuaarvtcloaaly wilhCuJmtuatrauie.Auepl t!ie meiiuiig tram Waving Huime at 4.1.1. . Conartune Bra maae tarnurt wua mo un, u Columbia Baad. Jl, F. BOBSLrSOX, Uta. S if v Nov. JO, Itii. TS-u. . -! V- I J I II L '1' MISCEJ.UNEOIS JDYERTliEMENTS. ATOK.R BEAM BlllRT8.Tu beat BKIP ftrmemi V wrH,araaoldbf - BllXtMft, .. ' . .t- latiii a ail aaa. . L a .l..lta rUUTU FAiltl CASmHAUB. rA.l 1 uanu j i cat and aiada-aiaknaJ aawaat atyla, at i CrUt VSnER Sll, at 1 KATIimt I'M AVHI4AAA UAtJ. new atytveri J j bBBdAoma, made f. tha moat part aitU fc'ar nv SMai-wao aew lot lust ivceivtu vj u yr. .... I UK WIllTAHlMTOt IIALA HOSK-laiT aniOr I aHt- ' BAIJI.ISS. Jaly,l. ' - ' ' ' I otlU10 blla. ' Vuik City Meat, jiml received.-. I For aala t)V 9. IICtSGINH NH. JUDO . aiawa" Hud it v. taMKL JtKiV(r;bmtld)-HtrT-btto- JV til ul article at July ima ; ... . .... 1 1 HAW MA'lkri4, aC veiy tovr prltaa. For .al Ly 5 , July U. . , J. H. WlLLUairi. EAULM SI.ATId COMFAIY." - ' n ATI Nil PREPARED TO A LABUA3.X isntntniu prwloctkm of their ' " . , ... . ' tax , Jt, h. Ara now ready W receive ordera for theaitic, deliverable after th ojwnlng of aavlgatioB. and aolloil Uia attaatkin oi liailjHra UiroagluMit tha United State. Froai.t alatiiB wut b given to apulioaAiotMi addrd to the uutbmucuJt where aaaiplea ran la samioeJ, Bbil cirtuluf giving aUra, and other partk uisr. obtained. j . . , ; ". - : ' I7 Coartlaud St., N. X. . - May, II. WO. j z J! 1 rkMASSEN' SMI'T AMD BCREENI1U HACIHSH. i, .- IMPORTANT TQ UILLXtUi. ; . it frtH) UNDF.rtSlGNKD baring baea sppotated agatit for B Ul tab at Hi BOOVa naain-i, on auw vt i. . t. ... ni;ii ku.l ittlira. I FIFTEEN HUNPItED of these atat'hlnM r' now tunning In Sm-ik Carolina, all of arhh'k have glvS tbt mutt aalire MUlaiaoUiia, both for dora bill. and rformiai a. To Uil Marina may b aUribotod the high powiioa Noitli t urobua hat takta Ul Hi uuliiy oi litr naur, a- ana can p"w viiir-v with tht world in the purity of th arth Uj and lb rli linest of Its onalitJ. Kept eotiatanlly or) hand tnd for l by March 81.;. !- i- Wliwiugtoa, N.C. cpitRfflATED WROt'GHT IROIf And wire H All JNU. t r-r .-t- , 4 ( Aivunni bv LttUrt Paterd.) , i . ADMIilAIXY adaptad tor ncioiug l uonc uroiiiina, Ceineterir, Bakoay, Cottage, Aa., Hhee p and Ol Hurdle, Palenl Wire, Sacking BeiUtaada and Iron Furuitur. Patent Wire Coal Krreena, Ore, Kand and Gravel Screen, Wire Nattina for Mniuitt, Sheep, Poultry nd other pur- poae. Wire Stttana lioasta, Faacy Wire Wort la gnal vartrty for Garden. .- -. .. . M. WALK Kit A hi lis m, uanuiaitiirora, . . .No. m Marksl, K. K. Cor. Cth St., Phlladi Iwhla.! ISK.tV titlOIH, i bjkw mhd, . .; ' ". - : NNW OU, ' '' ' i ' AT -1AIiU rnoriin, j At KM ALL PBOHTM, " , , AT SMALL PJtOrflM, CIIRAPER TIIAM , ' . ' . ; CIIE.tl'Ert TII AN -UIIKAI'KU THAN - - . . , , . , lll.U liUUi'a AA CUoi. yo.VroiiW( wWv.bi ....' Jim 1H. IIEDRICK A RTAN. WB AHE SKLLIWU OFK the balaoea or our hpiAtg and Hommef atock of Fancy and Ktapi Dry itpod and Uuady Mad Clothing, at grtat aaerillce, for that ji ful-r iwi only. W shall sell daily, until all I old, to make room for our FbII and Winter stick. W hall lo sell oor superior Ataortmtnl of Bn Drsi Ooods, consisting or Plain ami Fancy Bilka, Bayader and Check Silks. Black Bilks, all tho Var loo umka i Grenadier Robea, Jaiknnet Robes, Ulniilismsnd Csllco Robes) Printed Lawns; English and Amerlrsn UBiicoe r rem h ,nvwa, inn" -u-roi.i..!. bsndnomet Hootch and American Ginghams, of tha best quality mnofactard. ; j; ; -.,' it aunwa.ii.iiil a BUOd.. lecond door from Uia Ex- ehiiK Corner, otlcr tho bent and liandKoiomt a"tirtnietitof . ... V ., i.i.... L. - t 1.41... tl in lloHiury, ulorcs, tiaonan:qiew, mr,.t nr, """ SkirU, CorseUa, Bklrt KupporUra, Ao.i of all inako t the lowt prtc, J'ir coin oruy. l t; , , . Juat3, : , ., . . cirrros tiAHiaa AMI BIlKETINttf. CROSS CHEEK, . ; ..,.-. Drxr UtVAH, , . .... ra f, ktttU. WORTHY: .- " ' ' ' ' ' JUlVEk!.r 1 " t- AiilV,r f.ilo Thread, Mlk. Kid and Buclnkln (Isuiitlcti I i .nil (.In-m. a flue BMortmi nU For ! low by Mty HW - " ' '.f I j , AIAE LK4LOUS. JL'bT RECEIVED.-' , , . ,. , FRENCH BRANDY ; . , , , , OLD BOUniiOX WillSKEY i ,;- OLI TOS gin ; , "; 1 HHBWlY WINE; WUJJAMfJ. 1-j .. KivowiiuTH'H" ikl.D CATAWBA BIiANDY, 1 ABU Af ! .------. direct from tho Ag;iicy. The 6 Liqnora ate reprcaotitaU as being ol A wiocrior gmde. ror ssie or - . " -n- Jmie lh. - " vWALKEU MEARES, Druggist r " - ..... .2ia' A k-.ii V '1UIINIA AXES I I' , A H5IJ ASSORTMENT OF TUB J. M. R0B1N60N ueraia cop v Ai, -1-.-. FMH'R b'LOt'R ... BARBELS Fl-OUR, .different grades ; AA I 75 haca ' do. do. ' . do. Just received and for sale by i.'t.' pbttewat. f.):- ..jl ' " 'HACKERS AMD PULLERS,' r r tMi: 0 u iiiiu itiiANli. Jnat received and lor salo bT n r vym r . I a. ill -...iM - at. avWUAoanfl 4f1 OoL 90. -7 Herald oopy. "i WILSON'S MtV'KtS KSTAMMSUMErm; "rWV EVERY VAKIETY OF HARNESS, rtVV h- Saddle, 1 tnllars, Whipi aad ! Mfi A - Tmnka i i I kiiuU of Leather and Oil: ot ' ' i "..,ii.i.n Paardnrii. I.ir diseased Horses nd Cailta: CioncU TrimmlBCarp.'t i-.- , Vlie. A. Tbe largest stock is ihertato sold ' '"- dr 'retail, At the lowtat New York orioc. llsrnt". J baddies iwpaimU p JAMES WlLSOX, ' Jaa ?, I859-' "i ly. No. t Markets., pear the Wharf. ri tilt HER HA.U1MO HALF AiOSE, besutifnl article, 5 all stMA Al I. 'tii OAUuwao, Jont 4, t ( 'ifvf ,f - , ; n i r. .1 1 s MO.AItT NAM, t .H 2&Y l PAm tl K li - WATTTH fMUUL: M ARAUVt! vivi.t. tup i i T. ! l' a: 1 ("f-U BITTIX'.i I ; ' at tka w . . s. May U, K -tIlf. - i- . row a i LARCE AN:? 1 Api-ry to ApraJwulaJn t ALCABLR riUU T'JK ItUt'si; ANU ID a Tti. V. MHker, F., Nurih. bit tenwA, a toU half U, H y U". ff t. Ar- y ApidHitU, K.-1'T tfl LMJ. II. KffjJCr. ..-I. - - - ii ii . i in ... A . - iih atLkt. , . 4 TUK UOUKF. AN it UlTaltuated oa TWrd f.ot, 1 , ft arat aorth of aW Ffiaenp! Caarah, t pr!aaA aa A eupied by Mr. Uro, U. ktUry Lot eiu at from Id Ij tk Muti. Auy permiaa la want of the abort prprty, tew baveaaapportaarty af aaybig aa eaay rrtia i r ?r lo March SUt, Iv9 " I r Tok aALltr ma AT A'. Vlt)! !nr t)u crtr ef (Prtme-A aad I mh fa -i.jj t.y t;.v am m ju at t rArc'o. aa- ul.vta 4. J. t iiMl;Y. em Mrrh It- ' llitl I, r llt. . l.llk.U t I ' ' -t ARii I 'rt I ilKl THB AF.-'. a J t unit in ua tit ('.'h! LAN s-M OJtTS 'eil!l, tW ha r li'atk and for Some eft! luB ' t u t'tMabrllaad l'!!'Vt f '! .1-5 11. k Wo4. Xuififut.. . . armlet, aot fco aa txixu.i. J J -'. a 1VtlHB'l ANDItJT:trao Hampton. I'aplin. New Hrt . otr. lU kdi'a, An., aho va pajrtuf from Al to IW aa acre for Ian. la n.!'n at tioin any eoavi-ulnt mode of gtt un j 14 BirtA,' i waia Htd boy amim Oiat art) Bby to mar- kl. ljiU ' ih J ill to Uirvt fonrtli the prti t, woilk doale t Hill. h. 1 thi ubirvl ve ii.miaaiii Bt aou m una to tin any ill by uy ira era, an aiMomAiod.'ttliia- teraixA Tooao w -f to b do wcUto (all toon U thry wsntlmt c' -'.-- - - A . March II. 5 VAf.l' MILK I .... i I . THE t-VHMClt!' . Irwa Ua fe, i-' -i fv " i ? U iitai-j'tT At ButciC DfiUJJNti OoObC frot tlaYoa vis; Sun taxi Ihltd ta.-i by M It. t Bl'A UUUKiK PLANT- ATKIN, with th rerry irancuiae, I'oniamin!: tni rirr. II r XPtU O AVHKH.. Al, a1aet adjoiaiak. at T1LKMK ULSPUKH A:tiK. jllUUJI rjlJ.A.emi.nu ing fill I r At TIKI Kir 1 nT -pweiiing iiotw ana uaro'a. io jdrfiV Afiattha North ndotha .; JAvk-I . ltd It t tl feceitiber KA, lSH. ' OXrt Kt lU H , 1.1011 MALM VHEAF to cUf a "of i , J, M, ! 4Bt I, IV. BterH .1 v ,y. m m m mi i I in I - I JO,1K!? WIIITF h 1 1. PI I Kit, A 1 1 1 A ! ItKATM i. ?l tir a. .-A aaavri f WAABBM COCSTf , BOSTBt Al'BJw A,.- f IMIKKE FPBINGS trg altnuUd ui a healihiulaJ pb-aaaat 1 taatliui of Hit rotititry. 11 piile from Wemittii IWaot, toaUie Kabdgb A Gaston llHri4.. .Tba l,a.a ta salulnrl ima, tht medicinal qualitiea of the water vnlubU'd, sad the sicoiiiniodtloii lu all rprct good. ' This Oi II kuou . aiablnhoicBt I Mow aj.eB for ill rrcrpiion of 4W-I. Hot and Cold nutria ran riid at an ftonr; ta a , Balk In rasdlnea al Chalybeate atprlnga. hn t'ur-r -J ,,TkH.--Furlard p wonili,,, , ,M, .. .f-S M ' do. do. per weeku. .;c.7..'.ti.fi'. lot -t-do. dp. pet day,.. i.t. lil-.ta ! I ti and servant, half For children uii er 11 yuira of ga nrlce " ,, Arl -A aauy mnu wi ut wroisy't.. it .ryrf'k .j.yi"f . --. the aeason, ' . . '", . .. ., , , Wrll sifolsted Maelrs wUl It toanif atWamatoa Ttajbt, on Wieanival vf tlia trsius, to convey kllortotlin hpruig. . ... 11 t.l I - 1 . .. I ... .1.. U I . .1 . II, ir. tfl.livr-, I li'l'i li:.nr. JnnalJ, 1M0. "! w f'i furttt laJ-tewtlAigt simmi urttiil., 'v : Wartdn ranaty, kawtM Carallnk, , a S. D. BeiSL'MH,.PHoMijtTO. , rilins AGREEABLE "AND ' PLKABANT 'WilTEnTSn X PLACE, fur yssrs hnrwd tafb anijat tnhbablo s- Miect of any otUtl lu tha Old JNorlu htata, will iio open the urn or July for tn accommodation or -Mnitor-i. .. y aittntma wtu be givAteueotiiorboi giteaio, fnn iu TABLE and UAH will e nutil 1ho of nyiriiil:ir plHd t n.iii.1. A larira twrr.Wv HOWLING and lill.UAJtO A- UuN and i Bit'tiii il AllrwY ,w U tonabiaMy Ptff tb" apiuoenienl of viilor. ... Hhwo Hirrmg ara diaMiH tweTva WiM Houni rrvmfihf WarreoUit DeBot, n the Ralrh-h A titaton lioilroad. Com- fortiilde Coaches a III be In remlinea a th rtlvl of es.Ji train of cars, to carry tompaoy to the Jrorlng la Utr- ahfcit- et pot-lid time. , Sl ,4i if-- BAisa or soai, 1 .. Par day, fi; per week, fill per molitli, 110 rbildren umlnr ten years of sjrd sfttl scrvatit bitlf price. June Mill aft i, i , U ix . m nwxia "TI? jr irr nt-.rtitvr.ij. 1 BlflXtaorl Of that Ci Hnfaf f w ftw. aivja, 40 do- Ctty Mesa fork...- u ' r'j Julia 1. , II : l.t.TTKU PllKSMaiV ? A bUl'ERIOll aiticld cau bt fuiulnlic d yon. .l..Mn..l,l. Mili. U tn ntorv lima of LuKUif It I al In ill-.- At J mm II). rr;...P.T T,-fr-?rr c.KKf,iCT T7T Mol ilalia DHF.n notins. 1 iOMBAZINE-i.. Chelly, Foulard Ptlk, (iaauliAhia, Prat, J) Hilks, Orgamilea-,- Orandlr-r Mwrragea, tlrandine Bi'r rag Alpca, Moklr aad Moaa. d imta iFr te by Jkliov jJI.m. IMUcr, vi r Uuei Notlh Caroline, Ba port, Hauii&nl Sides j Nos. 1 and 3 Macterell Smoked boot iJua ,;aau4 foreb MM. ' iff 'T R E. nr . MS ketSWd yeond ui. MIM'I' UH-MtSkAtU. A , NOTE FOB l,00( tlvtav by t'iorce- . voiTwy to T. li. V. Robooil. dated Ur;b,ilUi.lo'S a- I hivmg aertd it loi w endorsso; on, u May forewarned aplltiat pnrrliiwi! L)0i, I' . i -i ,l.i are r i ho bovt or tin 1 i'PC'I. Nyto,aA .Kimcpi naa neen r !TIN. s-t-sf WHiniBirto, Mftv ' .. f . : iiuvfr? AviSo. -r 4'J -J: rt ,BIHri. MBriS W UU 4 Hhda dry salted l ink. I June !ti. .. ' ! ' KOWAfe tIAVASA IAITKH T 1 JiE NKXT OB!' " r-WMAvv iaia jur 1 1 - -"tr l....l,ll.Ull.a,.r...:.l.I., UflaBa MJl" ..rtiyi wi w J i it'r-iT.r. nu onder the supcrvisio I or un WHuin i.eui h 91 vnoa. tike p'una it HAVANA, to- - v, v... S3 30.0 00. l!i ! . .. , in .. ...-I ii hi. n i. ;,r-i A CAflTALj jrlLtWtHkOUOl, -w-f 1 Prisa vif. L u,Mmm. AO Pria 0 (aw I fco.iwn li . 1 ;-r'r k-a-f"'" l.(KMl ........ V- - WW inn I Hi ',, '"-ft.ii.. 4WI 20 Approxunaimmacaa.aw 4 Of A . . - -t "we"".iaaka tkea at uar; ; ,',) 'Bills YlSm wTll b fim(W toon a. U reult ult Lvtiomo lajwu. jwn. .,-im for Rchemes or Ticket tob addrewed to rN IUlUUULi.car ;City lt, Cuarle-ton 8. C. -Iirlth. 18S9. 1 .. t.. ,"---r VTAUJAIl.S100 kega ported Nilla. For sal, b WILL AUD A CURTIS. f 11 Urs "Frv- I 14 til IM1II . .... a IL:":"!: " tojidtJiMtm or eri; ru XMorVoiiOw ot ba mu,ooos w.M Mr 'J V, .'.hi t S iwr cent, diauoant. . 111 Juu lttn. ;...',.! 1 r v'-'. - it tJ , 1A ... - , .