C VOL8. KOt2S1t- IHOflKGTOK, N. C WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1850. WITOLE KTOIBER 2,132 r by Ft Lim a puk-k, rnonucroRs. J 4H. FULTON, Editor. ... A. I- PRICE, Awwrate Editor. T mj Kk iHilv Paper, one T'sr, invariably i advaar f 90 eily - " - - . t M A II kelter (4 baWaeaa coanevlcd with thia 06. , aiust b ad.bmJ to th proprietor. RATES Of ADVKRTISINV.. wur jrR. Owe day Twday..... Three day......... Four day Fiv dr week Tw week.. ...... One BAonth.. Tw !)! Tare Bon Ilia Six Btonth - out aqraiB, Ow 4y... Twdy... Tkrce tljrm. Four da) Fiv day On wk. . . Tw week. . . .... Om oath........ Tw month Tare months I a 1 W i l ao I 7 . SO :,St 1 ft) .3 M S ft) . CO .... eo .... T oo ....19 eo ...! 90 K)X BOBlba On Tear IS ft) On year 30 00 Tc Lne ar coon ted u t square, aad At Le or 1 a kail mr. Ixtager advertise meal to proportion, and iQ payable la advance. Whea not paid hi aJvane ti ceat per qr will b charged after th first maertioa. M AU half MutrN aot paid for la advanr will be ckarc- til aa a ium, -. . " r kditrUttmraXM tatmtd u fpcil at Bukop Kolicaa ar rharged OM-nalf man thaa abort ratea igat Haea or tna rouatr J at a aqaara. AAdTrrtiama Iniertd titrj olhr day ar charted 37 renta ptt vmx for eark tnaertiua after tb 6 rut. fSo pablkatioa uada wilkoal a ratpoaaibl aama. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r. r.. robiiso!, IXCHANT.B DEALER, ! KaoMf Bhit, WannioTim, N. 0. I'm nmnt Bank Kotea, Chevka and Drafta boufrht and anlil 09 rTorabl terma. - ttONLW and bTtX'Ktl bought tod told OB tommwion. Cuinnwrcial paper Brgotlated. Nortbera txchnpe tor uU In aama to tntt. l'uiuikaa mada promptlT and at reasonable rU. : r'eb. tut, Hi4!ni . OI.1VKH KKIJ.KY, T1TIIOI.ESALR A!ID BKTALU DEAIX1J3 IN (SROCB Y lUtaiNUrKOVlSiONli. Xa. 11 Sorts Wakr Srci, Dec. 18, 185S. Wilmiiwtow, W. C. JACTrPBTTICWAr 1 ACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Xo. 8 XortA Wakr dtnu t, Wanmuww, N. C, Will pive Mrw)Dftl attentloa to tha aal and abipment ol Cot tou. Naval Storea and other produce. M.4. DKKOKSKT, UHOW1 t OH 1 K3KUAL COMM1HW10S ttKUCll A NTH. T WILMINUTON N.C. Jan. lit, 1867. 99 tf. K.I.LH A niTCHKLL, nKAl.KltS IN GRAIN, WammiTON, N. C, . koep Comtantlr ou hand Corn, Tra. Out, Hay, Moul, HiMiiuiiv, Ilrun, HoriM and Cow r'ucd, Oil Heal Ac Marco 14th, ISo'J. W. W. BA.VI. W. U., OFFERS ni PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT inenn of Wilmington. Oftice 'id door below llolntea' lloUl, Front Blrot t. June 5. - HI If IIRNnV P. Hl'SMKIJ 01 ENERAL COMM1HW10N MKltCIIANT, W 111 Eawt Bat. (Up 8thw.) CHARLESTON, H. C. Marih 17th, 1HSH. Wl-U T. If. MrKOV V., 1 UIK'F.ILS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. South ( T Water rtreet, MTiLMmuTON, N. C. II Ua KIUKK.!I tlTHOLEHALB (iKOCEU AND COMMISSION MKR- CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORKS, comer Witter and Market treeta, Wilmington, N. C. April id, 1HS8. THOMAS W. BROWN, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF TDK UNITED STATES IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, June J4th, J- H7 tf JAI. tTOKlBT. ALU. OLnBAM. 8TOKUCY U OI.DUAM, CtROCEIW AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND JT DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, TEAS, AO. WlLHINOTOH, N. C. Ripirinci. Cnl. John Mclttf , Prexidpnt of the Bunk of Wilmington. O. 0. I'AaMLir, Km., lreident of the (itimmcrrial llHiih. I)K. J. A. MII.I.KR, 17RONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO ME.SSRS. MILLER A BA 1 KEH'H LAW OFFICE, Wilhikbtoh, N. V. Oct. With, 1K67 M-ll D. A. I. A MONT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 3H North WaWr ilrent, U Oct, H-31-tf WiLMwmiN, N. C. mini niTix,i.p.RY. WILMINGTON, N. C , J. E. OAKKLY, JVoprwyf, VahBOKKELKM A BliO., A'imU. ALL KINDS OP NAVAL HTOKKM pnrc.hiwed, maiinlac tnred and Hold Wharfage and Storage furnished, and Uxifxrag dona at fair rate. Jan Int, 1WS7.-1M tf. J. M. noniifM! a nnH Wii.iirNOTow, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AOENTS, ANDDca lercK in Hardware, Cnltcry, Iron, Htcel, N:nl", Agricul tuml Implementa, Ao. "wm. rriiowAKii, " CI ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, I" Sept. 20. 1H54. 13 tf Wamwoitiw, NC ADAMS, B HOTI IK 11 A CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j . WuMmnTQW, N. C. UKOROKW. DAVIS, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, Booth Water Btroet, J WlLMINOTOM, N. C. i. L. BATDAWAT. V WM. E. CTL1T. IIATTIAWA Y A CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' J WlUUNOtOM, K. 0. t. c. & n. g. wonni, COMMISSION AND FORWARDINO MERCHANTS, j . WamMorow, N. C. March 11, 1867 ISCly IkUU AHDIH80H, IDWA10 iATAl. ANDRRSON A RAVAOK, CI ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f . WrtMIKOTOK, N. C. I jlicrial CMh advancei made on consignment. WIUr.ARD A CURTIS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE 0B0CER8, V 1 aud uakuisua in uuain. No. 10 Bonn Watm Btbrbti, Jan. 13th. Wiuuxoto, N. C. W. II. TURLIlfOTOW, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VT WiLnniaTOK N. C. July M, lR6fl.-i75-tf JAB. C. SMITH A CO, C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office aecond atory, corner 1 South Water and Market, (treeta, Wilmington, N. C, where they are preparaa to attend to au boaineaa in iu tkmmimiio Una. All basinew entnwted to them wUl be punctually attend oato. ... . .... . W. II. MeRART St CO- 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS, comer Prlncesa and Water J street, Wilmington, a. u. bbfirkncu: H. R. Raage, Canlilor Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C " D. A. Darla. Canliler Branch B'k Cape Fear, SaliHbnry, do. J.O. iARh, " " " U " Salem, do. J. Kli Uregg, Pregident of Bank Cheraw, S. 0. Oct 17 j wmkkr die ares, ,;. ..'.;,;,.;.,.:,. " iAiMMmeir to Wnlker Mearea A Co..i HOLES ALS AND RETAIL DBUGOI3TS, . ii MAUR BTBXBT, WOJIDmrON, R. C. El SINES AND TROFEESIONIL CARDS. A. K. llalJ, Irwaedixi; axi c)mmisiom merchant. JbIt Ath. rr-nr A I. UK R.M V A. HKTncrorRT. TT rmilJUALE AND RETAIL C.UtH KRS 1 KO. il NOOTK W 4TB STlitT. ta.tHJcTa foe C.uoJ a. riAte4 fcy the cah. from f'um tiil customer tlHiid, aaJ UI rrvr t- prompt 4 Ailhful atteUa. (July i. 1 vi. !.(( 14 B. KRAMBKRT. T) RIOOtST AND PRACTICAL P II A RM ACKUTlsT, Wuaiwirmi, n. t . I Keep pa constantly oa hAaa. a ac lect atovk vt Jh-uf., -.Partviilar atuntk paid to PKi airru, F;ix Wax ira. Miommmb l'uiwn, ac. .Store innediately under the " Caroliaa HoWl." July 11. 1S..S. M-tf r. m. aaiTti, jmtrf wlai'Kim. SMITH A Ni l.tl Rn, (COMLSS10N AND FtlRWARDlNtS MERCHANTS, J . . - Wmnsnw; lt.Cr airia to Johk rUwuo. Eq., Mavot. K. P. II all, EM 1'iWleut Braach Bank Mat N. C. July I at, lki tWtf U. V. W. J. Ml MRU. ClOMMlSiilON MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE C.UO t CEIbt, corner I'riacea and Water StreeU, Jane lii. Is... Wilkinuto;, N. C. MARlTlI KA I LV Af7 THKSCltscnir.K.R day nig purchased the CAI'E FER MARINE RAILWAY, (tentwrly the prterty ol B. W. Beery,) la prepared to builder repair Veaat-U. FauUful work at fair pricea promiaed. Order aolicited. MICH A El BOBBINS. - BefrreweO. t)4Parler, Kid.W A Martin, J. A D. McRae A Co., Harris A UoweU, J. 11. 1'Uancr. April ith. I8.VJ ; I !0tjr w. il. HAitKw CO., (irrcmnn to l. a. babt.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEAURS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, HUNS, LANTERNS, TIN and SUKET IRON WARES, 19 Front atreet, Wilmington, N. C. w. m, BAKU. a. B. nrr. Wilmington, N. C, May Oth, 1-V'J. 50 ly. I1AHRISS A IIOWF.LL, (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ) WlLBINUTOM, N. C. eaoiMii bakrim. a. J. bowbll, w. w. MAaaia. Oct. lat, KA I II AH. II. MYF.KS. w HOlJvSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HATS, Capa, Straw (MMXta, (nea, Umbrella, Ac. NEW (WUDS XUIV READ if We are now prepared to exhibit to Merchant! and other wholesale bnyera, and to the public generally, the largest, hamlsomeot, and beet aborted atock of gmnla ever one inn! in thia market, emliracing PTcry variety of Straw Cooda, Wool, For, Soft Felt and Silk llaU, Cloth and Claud Cairn; Minaca. Flat and ISloomera trimmed aud untrimmcd; In fknti' and Children' llata and Cap ; Riding Hula, Umbrel la, Cane, Ao., Ac, to which we auk cceil atUiilum, be lieving Dim to be Die moat eomplcte and l.irgoxt ktock of liood in thia line ever opened In the State. ( r Remember the place, 3 Aart) I &lre I. March , 1'J. WILHinaTOI MA Hill. K WOK KM. Front Mrwt, lu-ar the MethMMltot K. knn I.. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONES, FURNITURE TO I'M, Ae., of the BEST oUAI.ITY ol AMERICAN or ITALIAN MAIJ1ILK, funiinhed to ord. r, a C1IKAP a can ba procarud Cruiaauy ealabliakawitt i4 lb kind In the conatry. 1 employ none but experienced workmen, and will apare no paiua to pie am all who may favor me with their patron- age. "Term CASH, uulea br ipecUl agree incnt W. (1. MILLIKAN. Wilmington, N. C, f. l lth, K'.fl. T tf. NEW YORK & I'll I LA DELHI I A CARDS. It.' bOI.LKKH. Vl . I'OTT a, J (C 'MKIUKN. noi.UVKit, nrri :u .C ro CULM MISSION MKRICIANTS, ; Nicw Yoftk. April 1.1, KW. lHjy. t'l.ARKNCR . K ATKf. HKNHl I.. fUNTKH. KATKH A l,MTK'lt ti ENERAL COMMISSION MEKCII ANIX I. the ale of I CoUon, Jiwr, A until Nurcn, and Southern Produce generally, No. 110 N. Wharve, and HI N. Water St., PlIII.AOri.l'HIA. Febrnary IMh 1S5. IKIy uko. o. Van amiiini'k," jh. C COMMISSION A1ERCH ANT. J Cuttou, Spirit TrH!Uline, Kuain, Lnnibcr, and South ern Prioluce goncrally. 101 North Whitrvc, AUint Arx h Hlml, Pnn.iPKt.ru i a. f Prompt peraoiial atlculHin given to all cohHignmenU, lid (juii k return made. (!anh order aulir.ilcd. Dec. 4th, mn 7ii ly 4.IHFKKM A ACUKW, IMPORTERS AND JOItllEILS of MKMUI, KSHUtill owl UKHMAM FANCY UOOIiXawl VKUVUMKUY, No. I'.l FlIl.TllH htkkkt, Nrw Yora. llRttnr lnirran, I ' " u Wm. II. Aviib. . - - Nov. Km.-4i ly. - BABBON 0. WATm, HAKTON BIAHM. WATSON A DIKAIUX (COMMISSION MEWHANTS, J M Biirliii Slip, New York. Kpeclal attention paid to the alo ol Nav ai. Stork, Cor roB, and Sonthern Proilnre generally. Lilienal advancea made on conHigiiineiit. July 1, 'M f . BARTIT 04KJHBAB, W. M. KrtWBU 4 UOUIIAN A UI'SSKI.n C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North VJ Wharvoa, and 6J North Water Street, Pun.AnRi.rniA, -I,lberiaJ cati advance made on conaignmcnta. Jnly:H)th,lWt - 179 BOOKS, STATIONERY, kC. TIIORK HEW WORKS TTAVE BEEN RECEIVED and are for ale nt KELLEY'S XI. Now Bookstore; t The Bertram a novel by Anthony Trollope : The Empire of Auotria it ria and present power ; by John S. C. Abbott. The author in o well known a a fun inating writer, that the mention of hi name I a Biifflclcnt recommendation for the Book. The Cavalier historical novel by O. p. It Jamc ; ' The ConvaJeacent by N. Parker W Uli ; j The Romance of a Poor Young Man ; j M scanley' Life of Pitt : Macauley'a Life of Frederick the (Jrcat. ' Jnne 30, 1859. f ' LADIES AND GENTT.KMBN RK YOU going to Summer it ont of Towh, if o, dou't jL neglect to call and supply yourselves with good a. ortment of Books for the relief and benefit of the mind, and improvement oi we tame. iny can ne louna nt June 30th KELLEY'S New Book Store. ! , CALL SOON, f A ND BUY AT KEIXEY'S BOOK STORE, V Two Ways to Wodlock a new work : f Mimio Life ; or, Before and Behind the Curtain a Merles f narratives by Anna Cora Ritchie, formerly Mr. Mowatt ; ! The Withered Heart by T. H. Arthur. I The New Priest of Conception Bay a new work, which cntie ipeaks wen or. July 8, 1869. ''".'"' riOMETIIINU NICKBerangcr, Two hundred of hi Lyrical rocms done into Engiin verse, tiy wm. Young. At AAUirjI 'D IIUUK EtiUllKi July 8,1859.- ' - i WORKS iTVF RICHARD C. FRENCH at KELLEY'S- Book Store : J Calderon, hi Life and (ieniua, with specimon of his t-iay onuiuie HevWcm on tue muay of worus, English I mi du iTescrrt. j July 2d ' WORKS INTKRESTINQ FOR LAUIKS, 'A T KKLLb7i"B BOOK STORKt IX. roppint the Qnestion, and other Talea, tmbraoiag tb Ben aionea oi uie uest auvuora, . , i The Young Ladies' Delight a Parlor Companion for all season. I The Lady's Companion, or Sketched of Life, Manner and moral at wm preaeny,... . .. ...,. i letter to Young Ladies-hi Mrs. L. 11. Himu lrnnv ) The Young Lady'i Mentor, a guide to .thq jormatioa of Gflftrsvuir. MEDICAL. B4LTIMORK UXK HOSPITAL, JHMTtlR JOHNSON. 1 TDK luMt.1,4 il Ota t'eb braletl lnMitto 4.-r tb wt CcrUia S-,ljc and c!y rnVctuaJ remedy, n tke worM lor HWU, Sttklure, ScMtnal weaAacM, l'a,u la the I .!, t'oi-t'X(hHil IVhilrty. Impotrncy, We akn, f ih rt k sad UinK AlfrctHMM t the KkteT, Pa'prt itKMyi ,f th Heart. Ihper4 Mtrveaa lrrubUity. IW ie M th ItoU, Tbrut, Ktwr t SVia ; aad ail Uoae fnww aad sacUn. if DtM.-rJ.-rs artauag frtR all Una IWtnh tive kbita 'f Yata wkh h WtnT Uk Kody and miaJ. Tr o nrr aad .U tarv practx- nmv fatal totnrir vk tmia th iaibe nwg the Hyrrm to the Marbw-r Clvaaiw, WiithLne; tbrariarait bnilkwl aopea w autu. ialwB, rvuk-rut aaarrtaxr, ampoilil. Ymhi Hrm I epecia!!y. h kv become the vVtim Soliury Vice,! tUal dreadful and detractive kaklt. wkrk annually weepe t aa Mtiatrly grave tkanaaBda f tihwc ta aanat eaalusl takuu aad UiliiaM iateUnt, wbuBuglit ikefwia have entrant eJ luwaing beaatca witk the Uutora vt U jnesce, m waked to ctej the living lyre, nuj rail with au rormjenc. Married Peeaoa, e,Yon Mrrinlrm'Ut a majruig, being aware of Physical WeaAnesa, Orgntui-1 VLihtr, lteior mitWa. Ae.,honkl immediatetv cooanii lv J..aad Wreatoe- edtrjpemsi health. He he place kinwir naOer ta rare r Iv. Joknao mar reltgiomJv funfid in kw hnu aa a geBtleaaaa, and ent-1 dently rly npoa hi skill aa a ?hreiaa. Orcanla . immedi41y onred. and fun vigor rotorvj. Tbwdue is the penalty mM rreinenlly ptidbytke who bav becoRM tb vWtuna of improper iudulgeaa'ea.-. Young nuna ar too apt to eoniaiit m ii- front aol be ing aware of the dreadfuf ronaequcacc that m.y nwue. Now, who that anderatandi the iuh)e twill pretend tn deny that tb power of ProereaUon I teat Kmaer by Ukm foiling Into improper habit Lbaa by the prndvnt, Bmiilo being deprived tb pWawr of keallby orNpriiq;, the Miat at'rioua and deatructiv ymptoma to both b.uly and miod ariae, The syatem become deranged, the pbyalcal anjjnental powei weakened, aervau deUltty, djuejwtn, palpltatln of U heart, udigeatb, a wasting f UtRTram, raugh, tymptota of ronauniuuoa, etc. if rww iJMiiiy, Weakne of tlie eyatem. Nervous Debility and iirematur decay generally aria from th IS-ntmctiv habit of youth, that aolitary praetic o fatal ta tlte healthful MUteur of man, and n la lb voung who are moat apt la become It victim, from an lguomoc of tli daugvr to which tliey tubjert themwlve. Parent and Guardians are oftca mis led with respect to the eauae or onrc of dlaeaae la their aim and ward. Ala I how often do they axcrtb to other ceuae tb wasting of the frum, IVIpitatioa of lit Heart, icpaia, luuigeslioa, derangement ol tb nervoo hra- tetn, Cough, and Symptoma of Cotunmptlon, alxo, thoae riou mental tfti-cti, such aa loan of memory, denretwioa of spirit, wr peculiar Its of melancholy, vbea th Uie troth la, they bav bea rauneU by Indulging in nemlciona but aimr Ing practices, destroctiv to both BiVly and MluJ. Thus ar iwept from iUteo: thouaand who might hav bca of use to thru country, a pleasure to their4riends and orna mentatoBoriety. OrrwB No. 1 Sovtb Fhrmicb Sr., left Land ld going from Baltiiuor street, 7 dour froiu th corner. Be particular in obaerving the name and number, or yon will Biiatuke th place, ar Take notice, olmerv the auiue on the door and wtu dowa, A Cure ie.immid, or mo t'hor.' Aintc, n jrtH NO MKIldlRY Oil NAUSEOUS DRUOS USED. IMt. JOIISStllf, v- Miiuibcr (if the Royal College of Surgeon, Ion, Ion. (lrala at from one ol tb Buwt riuinciit Collegea of lb United States, and the greater part of vIi(h life baa been uht iu the lirat lloopititla of Ltutdon. Paria, Philndelohia, and else where, ba elleeted some of trie mimt actontxlimg euros that were ever known, nmuy troubled with ringing in th head aud ear when aaiceii, great ncrvonioicwt, Imiug alarmed at sudden aouiiiU, aud iHiahfiiliieKH, Willi frcijin'iit lilimhing, at tended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cored immediately, A CartJiln IIIwim, When th mingubled aud Imprudeut Votary of pleanur fliul lie baa imbilied the seed of thia painful disease, it too orten happen that an III lunml aemw m suame, or dread ol dba-overjr, drier him from applying to thou who, from erf neat ioa and rrpectubility, can alone befriend him, delaying till Ik constitutional symptom or una iiorrid dine make Uieir appearance, auch a ulcerated aor throat, duteawd nose, nocturnal pain, in the head and limlw. dinine of sight, deufne, node on the hin Imiim- and ,u m, blotches on tho head, face ami extremities, iirogreaaing with fright ful rapidity, tilt as laxt the palate of tbo moiilu Of lb bones of the noso fall in, and the victim ol this awful daw a be come a horrid object of eommimcratlon. till d. atli put a period to hi dreadful suflerings by aemlimr bun to "that bourne from whenc no traveh'r returns." To such, there lore, Dr. Johnaon pledg) hiiiiM U to prcscrv the aiont lt. vitdable secreay, aud from hi extetwive praclb e In the lint hoMpitahi In Europe and America, he can confidently recom mend a aur and iperdy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy tact, that thousand fall victims ta this dreadful disease, owing to th unskillfiilnutaof ignorant pre-tenb-rs, who, by the uee of that dresdlul poion, mercury, ruin Uie ronstitution, aud even send the unfortunate irnti; r er to an nntimely grave, or els make the residue of his life miserable. Tabs 1'nrlUaUr Nutbt. Dr. J. addrcw all thomi who have iiijurrd lln iiiaclvcR by private and improper Indulgence. These ar smne of th sad and melnncholy eflecls pro din ed by early hahils of youth, via l Weakness of th Hack and Limit, Pain in tho lload, Diimu-as of Sight, Ixms ol Muscular Power, Palpitation of thn Heart, DyM'imia, Nor von Irritability, IVrangeniont ol the Digestive Function, (leneral Debilitv. Srmntoms of Consumption. Ac, Mrntallt the learf'nl efleew upon the mind are much t ba dreaded ! Iossoi Memory, toolistion of lib-as, Ociires- sion of Spirits, Evil Foreboding. Aversion of Society, Self oiKirnxi, lAive or hoiiiiiite, linmiuy, Ac, are some , of Uie evils produced. Thounands of penom, of all ages, can now Judge what is uie rausn oi ineir lining nraiiH, ixismg iiwtir vigor, no coming weak, pulo and emaciated, liavo a singuUr appear ance about the eves, cough and symptoms ol coniimption. Dr. Jnltnsmrs InvlKwrMlIng; Itrmrfljr Air Orgnnlr Weakness. By this great and important remedy, weakness of the or gan are speedily cured, and full Vigor rcHtornd. Thousand of the most nervous anil debilitated, who bail butt alt hope, have been relieved. All Impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental DisqnalitlcAtion, Nenron Irritability, Trembling and Weakness, or exhaustion of th most tearful kind, speed ily curod by Dr. Johnson. Young, Men, Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice. In dulged In when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school tlMCirbcts or which are nightly felt, even wlicn asleep, and if not cured, render marriage imposKible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. . , Jt .u. J --I:.. - l.l. 7... .1 1.1 l. ..,.!. .4 r... -t nu iuo umnoR ui ion niciiM., nnuuiu ira uah.uuu iiviu bo prospects andnjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating irom um pais oi oainra, anu inuuiging in a certain secret Habit." em u persona, ueior coutempiating . Marrtin should reflect that a sound mind and body are th most ne cessary renuisitie to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the Journey through life beoomc a weary pilgrimage, ue prospect nonriy aaraen w in view j th miud become shadowed with despair and filled with th melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another, bo- comes nugiiiea wnn our own, OFFICE NO. T SOUTH FREDERIC ST., ItaUimore, Md. All Sihoical OriRATioii PcaroRBRD. N. B. Let bo false delicacy prevent yon, bat apply tm mediately either personally or by letter. I1K DIRRASB RfRRDlLY CTUKP. T HArangers. - The many thousand cored at this Institution within tho last twelve yean, and the numerous important surgical op erations performed br Dr. JOHNSON, witneaacd by the re porter of our daily paper and many other persona notice of wnicn nave again ana again appearea we i ore inn pnnno tt a tutiictent guarantee, tnat tne amiciea win nna a akill ful and honorable phyaician. Tali Nollcr. N. ft. -Tlicre are so many worthless Quacks advertising thematlve a lhysician, rn.ning the health of tho already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deem it necessary to say. espo cially to those unacquainted witbhii reputation, that hi oniueuiiiun ur uiuioiuai, iuwjrs nau m utm viuvo. TAKE NOTICE. AB letter must be post-paid, and con tain a postagt stamp forth reply, or no answer will be aem. . May 17tht m ' 124-ly ' ' PATKNT ASPIIALTIC ROOFING FELT, : A CHEAP. LIGHT, DURABLE AND WATER PROOF XV liUUHNU, for Churches, iiouseiiiauroad Depot, rarm numiing, o.. ac. ..mm, ' ROOFERS can obtain counlr Agenclcj. For further partioular and samples, apply to EDMISl'ON BROS., May 3, 185S). a03 3m. 3, Bowling Orwm, New York .4 .x . .. . ntomMi Ann norE. l BALKS BAOUINU, xUa heavy. 0J 100 Qoiht Jul fiopo, prime Mlity, For aalo bv lueuoi&KT. msawn Co. un. .TINTED. WISTKO. F ETY SHARKS WILMINGTON A WWJxlN BAIL lii4Nm t. A fait re will b paid. A ppT h. I', a AIXXt'K, Aptil lt, l v. W ILMIM'TON m, UKUXIH K. IU STIM K TANTED i evrkaee fiMr IVmmert i-il I'.ipk .t.v k. FtKiiuxe at lh 0& . March ll. t RAILROADS. OrK Crb. Sit t. Wn.. A Mm, H. R. Ol, I wuouiifflaMi,N.CMvembr30vh,l.. ( " ", ! BOTICIR TO THA KLJCKV ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Dew. 1st. a (bang ol S twdnW wdl b saad ! tbi Itoad, and the Mail aad Pargev Train will rua u fotkiw ; lv WilmingUMi at A. M. a4 IS r. M. Arrive at kimcsvilh) at 110 P. M. and AU A. M. I .rev kirgjmUl AOiA.Maja4AJOP. L Arrive at U Jmingtoa al 3 P. M. and 4 A. M. AU th trains reanect rbwely wfth Columbia train. fAttpl tb atnraing traia teavmg Kiagwvlll at I U. Connection ar Baade through with th lroUI and Columbia Koad. J. P. UOBUtTSON, Ue. Kop't. Nov. 1t. In.ji.71 If. MlSCEtllNEOIS advi:rtisf.me.nts. I) O YOU WANT TO SLEEP COOL AND COMFORTA- blf Buy HAIR MATTRESS. Tliey ar cooler, aeallhier and aior pIpmbI thaa any other Matters ta Sum mer. Art i Biade to order at tb bortct notic, aad at tb leet price. C, l)LVtM.T. July in. Nxt door to Uppltt' Dniggery. CkrK SCUM BllinTS.Tb Ust lUing gnrmeaU 1 worn, are old by I1A kLDWlN. C170UT1IS FANCV CASSIMERK PANTS-bcautlfully JL rut and made- Biatenai newest ityle, at BALDWIN 8. QILK UNDER SI1IUT8, at H BALDWIN'S. 1KAT1IKR TUAYF.I.INI 11 A (IB, Mw style -ver i hambtome, mud for tb moat part with Smger's Kcw- m MaciUne aw lot Jnat received l y bauovi.ti. 1)111U Will I K t m-TON HALF IIOBK-Iarge assor 1 ment at BAI.DW IN H. Jnly 9, isjit. )OltK.10 bbla. New York (Cty Mess, Just reeelnd 1 Kor sl by L. U. lll'UtilNS A SONS, Juno 9. S. E. rur. Maiket and Sou. ate. Kl ssr.L A JACKSom-B-tHheflield) Strai-a beau tiful article al BALDWIN'S, July 13th STRAW MATTIftU, at ve'iy low pricea. TJr "kale ITy" July 13. J. M. WllJ.lAMS. KtULK BI.ATK COMPANY, AVINli PREPARED FOR A LAUOELY INCREASED ururiuctloB of their II fil'HKIilOH ;f.'A.V AS l I'ilU'LK Jioorisa SI.A TK Are now ready to receive orders tor the same, deliverable alter the opening ol navigation, and solicit tlie stlentlnn ol Uiiildcr throughout the United State. Prompt atleiition ill be given to apiilb atioii addressed hi Hut uudeisigacd, where aauiplcs can be examined, and circulars giving sixes, and other particulars obtained. (I. FURMAN, Jr., 17 Ciwrtlaml St., N. Y. May, 31, Kc. , lr.'7-.rm McMANNKN'M MMIIf AMI MIIMKNINO MAI1IINIB. IMl'OHTAM' TO UlLLKUS. mil DNUKltHBIMMU having bean appointed agent tot j. uie sain ui vnu auuva nae.unwi, ar sow prrpart to lur nixh them to mill owner aud others. FIFTEEN IIUNKI1EI) of these mai hliics are Bow running ib nonn tannin, u or wiih b save give iim mini enure ul (Mao (ion, loiiii lor diiraiilllty aal perforniane. To thl Machine niay be attributed th high poalUon Noilh Carolina has taken iu the quality of her flour, alio can Mew compete with the world in the purity nf the article slid (ho rli biics 01 MR quality. Kept constantly on hand and for sale by bVrUfcLKY 4il.HH AM, Agsals, March 31., ... . VViUouigWm, N.tJi (OUIH 14AIF.lt W IIOI CI I IT IRON ANU WI14R IIAII.IN4I. S rural by UlUm VatonU ADM III ALLY adapted fm enclosing public llrmmd, CcnH'lerte, Balcony, Cottages, Ac., Sheep ami Og Hurdles, Patent Wire, Sacking Hcdatcad and lion Furniture. PnU nt Wire Coal Screens, Ore, Hand and tlravel Screens, Wire Netting for Mosquitos, Sheep, Poultry and other pur nosits. Wire Summer HoimcS. Fam v Wire Work In trml variety for Oardans. Ac. M. WALKER A HONS, Manntaclnrara, no. ra MarKet, m. ?,. t;or. om st., rbiladolphia. Aug. 2 1st, I nw. tMt ly. SK.W t.tNII, " NF.W NF.W I.IMIIH., AT SMALL PROFITS, AT SMALL PROFITS, AT SMALL PROFITS, CHEAPER THAN CHEAPER THAN CHEAPER THAN OLD HOODS AT COST. , $t' Act" (Vooifci rtccicwl mklij, by June Is. HliDBlCK ARYAN. WK AHF. MKLLIIsU OFF thn balaln A of our Spring and Summer stock of Fancy aud Htaplo Dry Uooils and Ready Made Clothing, at a great iwu riUoe, for tbatmvd ful -in fh only. We shall sell daily, until all hi sold, to make room for our Fall and Winter stock. We shall also sell onr nuperior assortment of line Dross i liott, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Bayadere and C'tieck Silks, Black Silks, all (he various makes: (irenailier llohi', Jai konct Robes. Olmjham and Calico Robe; Printed Uiwn; English ami American Calicoes ;- French Calicoes, a lag assortment of handHome i Scotfh and American Oinghama, f tlin best quality manufactured. KAilN WEII.ER A BROS., second door from the Ex change Corner, offer tlie bent and lianilsom'Kl asiwirtment of Hosiery, Oloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ae., Ijulies Hoop Skirts, tirw'tts, Skirt SoppDrters, Ae., of all liuike at the lowest prices, ftir rn.t'i tmly. June V. 4'OTTON YAUN ANU HIIKKTINOS. CROSS CREEK, DEEP RIVER, (1AITIIER AND F.A'iLR MILIJ4, constantly oa hand and for sal by June 25. T. C. A B. O. WORTH. flLOVKS. LA Dl EH' Utile Thread, Silk, Kid and Buckskin Onontleti and (llovea, a fino ansortrocnt. For sal low by May W. J, S. WILIifAMS. FINE L10.VOU. JUtiT UECEIVED FRIQiCH BRANDY : ) OLD BOURBON WHISKEY; ' OLD TOM OIN i SHERRY WINEJ; PORT WINE; BAml "INOWORTH.S" OLD CATAWBA BRANDY, direct from the Agtmcy. These Lbrnor are rcprescnUjd a being of a superior grade. For sal by - JuaeHth. WALKER MEARES, IrrogglsL ; 'T. ' UOX1NO AXksrBOXiNO AXK.SII A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TUB J. M. ROBINSON brand, Inst received and for sale by Oct.30th J. M. ROBINSON & BON. . llarald copy. -- ' FIX)IR KM)IR. OflH BAKREIJS FLOUR, difTercnt gradei ; )J 75 bag do. do. do. Just received and for al by ( - J. T. PETTEWA Y. June 2'ith ' IIACKRRS AND PULLERS, t OUB BRAND. Joet received and for sale by 0 J. M. BOB1NSOM A BON. Oct 30. Herald copy. 47 WILSON'S HARNESS ESTA BLISHMEWT. EVERY VABJETY OF DARNERS, Raddle. BrWlo. Collars, Whip and V"-A Trunk ; all kind of 1-eather aad Oil; Condition Powders, for diseased iloraci and Catuaj txavb Trimiuing, Carpet Bags Valine, Ac. The largest stock in Lauti Ooacta the State. oid wholesale or retail, at uie lowest new York prices. Uarnes and Saddle repaired. v JAMES WILSON, Juno 9, l&jW-'jNo.Ji Market sU, near the Wharf. (CJUMMKR MERINO IIALb" IIOSE, k beantiful article, J aUalsajtt ....... ,' ; ,. 9, , BALUWUt (S ? June I. Hill SHE 1XD 10 LET. XR R VT. a: MO. ART IIAIJ t,l October B1. Apply to U A. HABT. une lO, H T& tt btltt BALK. A LABt.E AND FUW BATE MI LK. Apply ta FBKD. J. atlWUR. April iota, lt. I U. VALt AMI.K rciOPKHTY Ft) 11 BALK, .j- M-t THE IIOt'sM A NO livr adjoining th reaiUcM l ft Thin. C. M J!r, r.., Nth, wni 1 uU oa reaao- hi tf as, a full k I b-t. A., ky IM fe. A pply -Apid f ib, lv.- I 7 UJ t.EO. M. kfllJCY. FOR BALK. 4 THE 1IOLNR AND 1.01" wtiwttJ oa Tbird Street, fff Beat aorth nfaew Kltrn epJ Church, at present rupK'4 by Mr. t.eu. 11. Ktllcy. Lot stteada fr 34 to 4th Mrevt. Any peraon in waul of th abov property, i- bav aa opportunity ol buyirg n ey term. Apply lo . jam. r. petteWay. Miltk31t,l!55 Uitf - FOR BAT.K. fllH AT VALUAU1JC IOT oa tl- comer e Prince aj I Futh Street -li by LV-will b cold t brrin. Ap ply t J. J. CO NO LEY, r IUrrh 14 14-liJr II W. I- SMITH. 4. It K AT BtLK OF UMl.l,HU A4I1B.B. THE ABOVR LANDS AUK UH'ATED FROM ONR t hln Bule frivr th Market Hon la Fayettevilhf, tb t oI I iUU IUU Koatl and l Fear Uiver. ome of the lund ar said to b th most valuable nt Cumberkad County or la thia part of the State, for Black lac k wood. Turpentine, Toa Timber W Lnmber, aaJ for Farming b.4 to b excelled. SOTIt'K. riV THE LAND BUYERS ol Sampaon, Dolin, New Han , X vf, Bladen. Ac , who aro paying frum i to I'M aa evre for lainU mile oif from any convculcnt mod of get ting to mai kel, com and buy lands that ar rlo to Biar-' bet, from one-hair to thiv fourth tb prtc, worth doubl aa niucll. Th above lands Will be sold in bit to lull buy er. on accommodating term. Those wanting to buy will do well to call boob it they want llrat chance. a, n. McDonald. Marebll. l'lt V A LI A lll; I'UOI'ICUT Y FOR OA Lai. 4 THE hUlkst'lilllER, coulenipbiting a removal Fj from th Slate, oiler for ml tb following prop- V. J ,ly, VIRf II a LOT AND BRICK DWKI.1.1N0 HOUSE, fronting oa rVeond RHdlhird t.-U by 310 ft. BUI BRliHlR PLANT- ATION, witk tb ferry fraiKhk, eonUlnlug about Fl r AT HVSIWh lt A i;KS. Also, Tract adjoining, of TUJiM IllSlWKn ACkM. HILION VILLA, rmbraring HIX 1 V ACliKX Lm lavnd -Dwelling llous aad Hard. 1W 1(J H.V LUIS at the North cud of th town, JAMES f. McRER. December lid, lu. 01 tf 4NH BK.WINO MACIIINF.. .COR SALR CHEAP to close a onlgnmcnt. 1 J. M. ROBINSON A HON. Dot, 31). Herald ewpy. 47 MSCELLANEOl S ADVERTISEMENTS. SHOKTI.V AFTEH MKITEMBKH lat, we will oieu our Fall Stm k of Hats, Ca. Umbrella, Fur, Ae, W respei tfnliy a-X finnt Cumifry MtirnanU a Conimuanc or their patronagv, aasiirtug tlieai that bo tfurt will be spared to niakn our a-wm tiiM iit as coiupb t and our pth-ea aa low as ran be (omul in any Jobbing house m th country. MYERS A MOOIlk,t - Hat A Cap Kiupotmm, , . July uth 31 M.u ki t Street. N ORTH t AltOMNA IIAION. Joet in stor, l.lHKllb. North Carolina BACON -bog round, a prliu artlcl. ,m sat by T. C. CRAFT. June in, ii. tO I OTTO ANU WIMII.IT.N M A Nl FACTt'lIF RN. WILLIAM m:i, No. 14 North Front Htrvtet, I'liiladelpbia, Pa., . t MANUFACTURE!! OF LEATHER IIKLTINO, and Ml cm In CttriVlf and MOt.I.Kr MAVlllSFUr, ll ) A II .4 lit, el v. AIM sole Agent for J. tasnwlt ' l'A 7' A'vr I; A7M in! i'Vi'mj i'I asi ;a'ii; ti.. ..i superior HARNK row in has. Also Agent for (IUM BELT INU, PACKINO, HOSE, A-, July ltd IN i'j. 173 Cm. ftORNI 40IINII -THREE CAHOOEH, 4,500 tmnhel t Whit j now landlnjj. Fnralhy Julyau. Kl J.IK A. MITCHEIJm tow rr.AS. A SMALL U)T, for lul cheap from vexael by July 17th K.!. ELLIS A MITCH EI JM N '. IIAION. .Mlml lbs., a itiiov oriW. . for Rale on consignment. E. MURRAY A CO. rwi.fMHl PF.ACII TREES, best quality, Wl per l,U. Iti.iNMl Allen's Hardy RASI'ltKIHlY. l ml iter I,mm). rtWojroTcifi.. WILLIAM PARRY, CmMMHim, AVw J,vttl. July I'jlh. 177-lm IoilK... 200 bbla. I il Mo, iu tot and be- mtU by July 3(1, K. MURRAY A C(L fICF.Y AS MOI.A NSKS, -.10 I iblx. on consignment, lor sale K. MURRAY A CO. J July IhI. by I) 4PK.lt HANiilNO, at short notice and at reasonable prices, A tine assortment t paper coiwtanily on liiuiil. it). IIH.VlMIT, ,',1Jr - - - - - Ne.tt to Lippitt a Drug Store. - W IIITR I.K.A l. Or.H WHITE NATIONAL, for sale low by Z)t Jnly IHI Ii. JAMES T. PKTTEW AY. PICHFI'MKHY, KANCY ANU TOILET ARTICLES, (COMFHISINO POM AUr HAIR Oll.s, HA lit DRESSES. J Hair Dye, Shaving Soaim and Creams, flair, Tooth ami . SMvitig Brushe, Drwasing and Fin Tooth Comb, l-nhtof, Peters and oicns retiumcry, Uw iiiuiev and iilcscrm Sonp, Ac. All of which have been carefully selected and will be sold low for rash. L. tl. ERAMUEUT, Apothecary. July K.tli, 1H.VJ . . ; AN ARTICIJC NO FAMILY BllOt I.UnB WITIHHT. ' A OOOD "MEDICINE CHEST," Tho undersigned ha i. Jiint received a supply which for beauty of iinih and convenience, cannot be surpassed. IJIU1S a ER AM BERT, July '2iitli ln59 Practioal Pharmaceutist. (CORN4 ORNI-.l,0u0 bushel prime whit Roanoke j (!of n, lo arrive. For sulo by Holy J. ST0KLEY A OLDHAM. - FOR ttENT. FROM THE FIRST OF 0CT0CER NEXT, 4)FFICE No. 3, with two rooms, fronting on Princes Btrcct, on first floor of th new "Journal twxldina." now being completed. Also, the BASEMENT of sxid building will he fitted nn in complcto order, and rented on reasonable terms. Either the whole. 61 by 31 fcrt in the clear, or one third, or two thlrda of th name may be bad, to luit teiianU. . Jnly lid, 1159. . ''; ' , WATER COOLERS, A FEW MORE OF THE WATER COOLERS LEFT which are for aal at coit, by L. C. TURNER, July 1'Jtli, 169. (Lobs Policy A Tamer.) , . r 7.RNOIIIA t . . t - . OR, THE FALL OF PALMYRA, 1 volsw complete In one. By Wm. Ware. At KELLEY'S BOOK BTORE, : Jolyll. , ' . . ' ; , - - NAILS ARO HOOP IRON. 1 Kfi KrM3aaortcdNail ,, . XfJyJ 15 ton assorted Hoop Iron. For aata by Jon 17. ZENO U. (iREEWB. 51 INUS, aasortcd aiic, always on hand. For salo by june i4tn. wiLbAKi a t"""1 flCOHACCOt , TOBACCO 1 1 CO box urerior (10 lb. tX packagca.) Jast receive4 in tor and JM. . I JnlyH. .. T. H- McKOY A CO. .0 N IrtNU few water cooler, and ice nitcner wnicn J win be told at cvitfvr cash by i u ."'; Jnly is. . (Lat Policy A Turner.) :'C IN BELTINO of all kind. iVJ ; Jnly list, HA: i For sals by M. ROBINSON A BON. ! . i j KUESH ARRIVALS 0' F CHOICE 0O0VA- Per achr. John and Lilly we hav received . .. . . ' v n u -j,. , i i:hoice Cohen Rutter; , . . .- -: , New l'ork Cured Urnycr iln(!i Prime leaf Lard i - . . . - rrnhed A. and 4!. refined SuRnr -- Crs kem Soda, Boston, Wine, CongreH, Imon and Desert. For Bale bf L. B. HUtitiLNS A SONS, July 9. " 8. E. oornor Market and Becond a. H

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