I w::.v ;rv n, x. c . M UF.$DA1' EVtMG. At 1. 1 T 1. I- l-tbvrilrj in town, who I..! t. fmivc tf.?ir pvpcrs rr-.'JT, w;U pk-a?c kt it I k-a at o-r P' e. - JLMiV war was rrx-rvn? in 1J. .iwocr of oratr a-vl newspaper writer and atattvraen ami polai-fii-s ww Brjr. e:i IVjr'rxl and lrnia and Got rirr tOEairtain tbtr neutral poitkw tumanity and erstened st?esrnan?f.ip soogtt to rrrtrirt the area of TV efforts Rm to havr ryeintKamraU'j ncceJul alilnwgfc, ta 1 tre, tbort wtrf not wiritirig inJic&tiorw ta shew Uat tack dajs ciMitiuuinre of the war MklcnJ mew du5o!t tlie U?k of rrfTwiting the otl powm turn pUics inmlTttl ; and tlmvlt(v, tbe frktkk of pn mJ UwBqnitily Ht nIimJ bj the annorwrntctil of tkt tfuiiaikt aoJ of the prvr. Ttiat ftvling of rclk-f wat not, bowrvf , oitminf wil aniK-tj md ilWtwtniL 1 be aoxkHy lue to U ppreVnson that tl were too narrow to u tain the fabric! of a latin and pinnamtit racc tie Jucooknt hail Its origin ia cognate can. Vetfk f-!t that rrca althooph the tvace to 1 bailt np apon wih toaikktkw l fcrmautit, it might not to be to. That tiling gaini Urcrpth from time aitJ nam' nation, H(J rrcsU u lj arie rTkt it pmbftUt tlat tlie p eral hortititks to which the war in Italy failed to fcwd way l cnntaaUy prorrked aud hft.tiiioJ j the r nutweuU made to concluJe that war. 14um Napckoo and Frencu Jiwrjih meet anJ mgnx ujxn aa armistice, and peace without ao tur at Wut a the armistice ia concerned conrolting crra Victor Jhianotl, limii Napoleon '$ ally. They attic npoa fenri foe peace which Uises contemplate1 tl re-orgina-tw of State orcr which Im'n NajHikon and Franc ii JoA-h haTe no more ctjoituhk' right of interference or - H)trol Uiab any other e! the Kuropeau power. If the 8taUw of Italy, not ioTolved in tlte war, aiw to be rv-ccn-atitutod, then tltcir re-cooit ttution ought to be tlie work of a European Corgn'w.and t'.ic arranp nients niadr pluecd tu,- tkr the joint guarantee ot tlc great power. Hut no! That not t! Franeo-Auiitrian kkw, 1he immediate bel li crrriU are to rmtt.orhare met, at Zurkh, a nice, pleasant, old Swiss town, especially to be appreciated w a nrrmer retreat, and tlxTe tliey projwe to diHcu arwl de ckle upon all Italy, from Sicily to the Alp. and from the Adriatic to to the mountain of Savoy. Thin b unusuul, onboard of, ar.d w ill not be tolerated by tlie oilier great pow era. France, Austria ami Sardinia meet, through their plcnijiolt'titiurkf that ia to my, Fraiuv and Austria do, for the Sardinian will have 110 lowing voice teing only nominal. Will England, Pruwia or Kusoia feel called upon to rcxjicct a settlement to which they art not portin f Will tliey not regard this auuiptioo ol a Franco-A utrian protoctoratc our Italy u an iu fringiiiient of tlie public law of Kuropc T Uy the way, we mot, and were ftappy to uiect tOMhiy, a worthy citi of Wilmington, who hai been wmic tint in licruuny, aud who has returned trom there. Among otkr things we asked of Lim what tflect the war tod tlie excitement connected tliercwith hud pro duced open business in Oerranny he had Utnin lire imn and other of the great commercial towiw of North Hcrmariy. lie Informed ua that the flnanuial jmnic ot wai nothing to it. U was a pcTlect itngnatioo; A rotatoE. We hove before us a potutoc, or a ) tatoe aud a half, or two jwtatoes, or three potatoes, or i-cral jwtttloca a vegetable ' J'luribu Vwm, look like tlie bead of a kxr with many anUorn. It was grown in t'liuton by Mr. lire o( that place. .We hardly know bow to classify ttt, It is ( kind ealW - huh." A Larue lsi.u, We find on our table a hen's egg, which is actually larger than tlie majority of goose eggs, Iteing some three and a Irn'f inelies long and over two iuelK'S in diameter. It is a mt remarkable production, Ad inscription ou it informs u that the hen by which it was loyed Wongs to Mrs. Mary J. llines of this county. ffeaJT The Herald of yesterday has something about iLi neighbor at tie corner," which no doubt is lunny, but the weath(T is so hot that we conlesH ouwlves una bk to sec the point. H indi hill the llerukl alludes to, that paper best knows. We are not dead yet, or wc might think- if dead people mdd think - about Urcy's Flegy ; or the " hill of Sciouce," but wIm untld " climb " with the thermometer at higlicr tliuu weeare to ftiy ? Jly-.Thc election for Memlicrsof Congress ill be held to-morrow at the different ekx-tioii grounds in the Stale. The contest, so far as the preliminary skirmish ing is concerned, is about over. 11 us all vote tomor row, quietly, conscientiously and mJly, if wc can. liy Uy a census ju!t tnken, it appears that the white population of Columbia, S. C, is 4,305, being a gain of 1,121 since 1850. iCKsats or Marion District, B. C Mr.H. A. Har grove, cenftw takit in the aljore District, mnkes the lot lowing report through the columns of the Sim : Number of white malcn, 6,737 ; number of white fomnlri, 5,71'J. Nnmtxr of males more Uian females, is. Hie largont number of wlutoi in any on Inmlly ia 17. ryirr' W hit and Blark Sulphur SprlnK. DoTETomT Coiurr, Vnwmu, J. A. HEFELFINOKR, l"roprietor. . . . ,. Jul JtiUi, lsi9. Dkar Fi i.tok -My motto tun been, alwH " to render unto Ca'wr tlie things which aro Cnrsar'a "and, thongh desiront to avoid publicity, a tense of duty compel! m to " pud " a little my present locality. If, to an invalid, In tcrestinK scenery, a very kind host, a clcnn houne, and plew ant company are desirable, tlilx. to my appreciation, i the place. II. Lint-pRKSKitviitfl IUu.road Car. The cw York Post notices, amongst the latest inventions, a life-preserving railroad car, made at Patterson, New Jersey. It is constructed entirely of iron, of strong iron brace and girders, and of iron panel pica, Do pecnliarlv and ingeniously pat together that it would seem to im possible, by any amount of force, to bend or break it, or to do injury to it even by rolling it down a precipice. The interior la finished off in the most elegant man ner. Every panel has a fine papier mache pictnre in it representing some famous view os monument ; the scats are capacious, and the ventilators nomcrous and appa rently efficient. Tx cur, owing to the greater thickness of the iron sides, is eight inches wider than the narrow guage cars arc usually, and weighs less by a ton than a wooden ear of the same dimensions. This is certainly a desideratum, for, in proportion to numbers, the battle of Solfcrino was not more fatal in the destruction of fan man nature than some of the late railroajl disasters. Old 8u.D;fcJ. E. Scruggs, of"thc"Warrentoo (Va.) Whig, writes to Lis paper from the Rod Sweet Springs : ' 1 A few days aco a couple of Southern gentlemen here, rich planters from Bed Eiver, played seven pmet ol old slate, for $5,000 a game, am! tic winner took every game 35,000 were lost arid the money paid, I Wr, in a check on the Bank of Louisiana. A young physician asked pcrroiasion of a lady to kii her. "No Sir ; I never like to have a doctor's bi is? bill thrust u py wcc. 'i Hi: PAHA" JOUI!i'AI. S.Lv '..C CI N-;i i t m : . v...- Le i of I : . ar.JLJ ? .. 4 I. very st.-t ia t'e I '-T lie 1 S-i'-T !2 t'o tr k vx.-J L p. ' . " s. 1 ! - Wl Li-vl- L . i-J el ? t" a Dft c! .J of C e can -Jra:a a,-,.! l-c-V- f-ora h t.v.L Ol ittxTji UJ hvn wcsj j l ? b.j SibrcJ aol iu prvcux.oin inxn rwic c ca o.ry wa i p lant kl t.ii h tr (" 1. 1 . .-TjnI en I,c r. LI hi.a'ft'"" t! Ijiuriir its ere. Marat, tV I nrnr t ava ry tikr. k'Tt'd fei'a l.ke a trotber, aad Uut.t him a3 lLl h' own prod tat and Bataral iwrtim t bad o4 k J hi to acisire U flrc. It was the caniivsd tnmn ia Parw. ail ye! Mif vuk kund Limsrlf at tlie marked tJt m the Pntk tpera Hon. Vxit adaptrd in his tarte to the BeU than the lomknr. be Sals bot LtUe wita t: cay cnin that cover tl floor, and jobs lt pckkia ia the gkkly waiti. l.ut at Ufl. wbue ftBUii thoughUuJv, ana reparxllng tl aeinl4iJ throne with vacant rye, fcu at titioo was suJJeply arwwd by tl appearaoce of a person in a while satin dminoe, the ammTal tkirantv of whox hVure, manorr and bearing convinced all that her Uer and mind must be edal to her pmna ia k li- DCSS. Inotich in so mixed aa afrt-mhly, still there was a dignity and reserve ia the manurr of the white domino that rather, repulxrd the idea of tsmiliar aklnm. and it was tome time befcw the young sokliiv fnd courage to speak to her. Some alarm being riven, there was a violent nia oi the throng towards the door, where, onknt assisteil, the lady would have materially sufkted. Kugene Merville oflers bis arm, and with his broad sboukkTS and stout frame wards ofl the danger. It was a delightful mo mcnt ; the lady spoke the purest French, and was witty, fanciful and captivating. "Ah! pray raise that mask and reveal to aw the channof leatnre that accnnpnnT wnrrt a voice aod o gracefql a form as you pom. ' l ou wouM, piTbapi, lie UisappoiuUvL " No, 1 am sore not." " Are yon so very confident V " Vea.1 lev! that yon are beautiful. It cannot I 0tluTWUft.H Iont be too sore of that," said the domino. 1 lave you never (rani of Die Irixa I eel Moore s story of u mku xolM't of Kborassao bow, when be uisekiMd his countriiAUce, its hkk-ons a'rt killed his beloved one? How do yon know that I shall not turn out veikd prophet of Khomwan T" " An, hidyyoor evfry word eonvincef mc to Uic mv trary," n plied the enraptured soldier, wliose heart becan to feci as it hod never alt before ; he was already ia love. Stic eluded Lis i Ports at di)covery, but permits Lim to hand her to btt carriage, which drives off in the dark ness, and though be throws himself upon his flccti'st horse, be is unable to overtake her. llic young Fraud colonel liecorms moody, he has lept his heart anu knows not how to do. He wamm blth er and thitlirr, slums his lormcr pluv of amusement, avoids Lis military companion, and in aluirt is miniTalile as a lover well can be, thus disappointed. Dne niirht, just alter be Lad k-ft his hotel, on foot, a figure muflled to the very ears, stornsxi tun. " t il, monrictir, what would you with mo T afked the soldier. You would know tlie name of the white domino," was the reply. I wouM indeed ! replied the officer hastily. " How eaa it be done !" "Follow me." " To the end of tlie earth, if it will bring mc to UcTr." " Hut you must l blindfolded." Very well." M Step luto the vehicle." " I am at yotir command." And away rattkd the young soldier and his comtmn ion. " This may be a trick," reasoned Kucvnc Men ille. " but I have no fear of personal violence. 1 am armed witn tins misty sabre, and con tukc rare of myself. Hut there was no cuiue lor kt, since lie soon found tlie vehicle stopped, and be was kd blindfikkxl into tlie house. When the bandnM wos removed from his eyes, lie, found hiinnclt in a richly furnMwxl boudoir, and bo- fore him stood the domino, just as he hod met her at the masked ball. To fall upon his knees, and tell tier how much ho thouirht of her since their separation, that Lis thoughts had never left her devotedly, was as natural as to breathe, ami be did so most gallantly ami sincerely, " Shall I believe all you say f " " let mc trove it by any test yon may put upon me." " Know, then, the deling you avow are mutual. Nay, uulooHe your arm from my waist, I have something more to say. " Talk on forever, lady. Your voice is music in my tars. " Would you marry me f knowing no more of mc than " If you were to go to the altar masked," lie replied, "Then I will test you." "I low, lady?" " For one year be faithful to the love you have profes sed, and I will lie yours as truly as Heaven slmll spare my lire r " ( ), cruel, cruel suspense f " Yon ik'mur." " Noy, ludy, I sliall fulfill your injunction as I prom' M." " If at tlie expiration of a year yon do not lienr from me, tlien tl contract shall be null ami avoid. Take this hulf ring," slie continued ; " and when I supply tlie bro ken portion, 1 will tie yours. He kissel the little emblem, swore ngniu and again to be faithful, ami pressing her hand to his lips, bade her adien. lie was conducted away again niiiysleriouly as lie had been brought thither, nor could he by any possible mean discover where lie had In en ; his compan ion rejecting all bribes, and even refusing to answer tlie siinpkt question. Months roll on. Colonel Merville is true to his vow ; and happy In the anticipation of love. Suddenly he was ordered to an embassy to Ykuna, the gayest of all the European capitals, aliout the time that Nanokxin is planning to marry tlie Arch Duchess Maria I)uisa. The young colonel is handsome, manly, and already dis tinguixlicd In arms and becomes at once a great favorite at court j every effort being mode by tlie women to cap tivate him, but In vain, he is constant and true to his vow. Hut his heart was not mode of stone ; the very fact that he had entertained sneh tender leclings for the white domino has doubtless mndc Lira more susceptible thim before. At last lie met the young Ilaroness Caroline Van Waldorf!, and in spite of his vows she captivates him, and he secretly curses the engagement he boil made at Paris. She seems to wonder at what she believes to be his devotion, and yet his sense of honor was so great, that though lie felt be really loved tlie young Ilaroness, and even that she returned his alTeetion, still lie had given his word, and It was sacred. The satin domino is no longer tlie ideal of his heart, but assumes tlie most repulsive form in his imagination, and becomes in place of his good angel Lis evil genius. Well, time rods on j he is to return in a few duys ; it is once more tlie carnival season, and in Vienna, too, that gay city. I le joins in tlie features of the masked ball, and what wonder fills his brain, when about tlie middle of the evening the white domino steals before him, in the same white satin dress he had seen 1st wear a year before at the French Opera House in Paris. Was it not a fancy T i " I come, Colonel Kogcnc Merville, to hold you to your promise, she said, laying her hnhd lightly upon his arm " Is this reality or a dream V, asked the amazed soldier. . " Come, follow me, and you shall see that it is a reali ty," continued the mask, wcosantly. . " I will"- " , , 5 - " Have you been faithful to your promise ?" asked the domino as they retired into a saloon. f " Most truly in act, but alas, I fear not In heart." - "Indeed." , , ,. " It is too true, lady, that I have seen and loved another, though my vow to you has kept me from say- mg so w Mr." " And who is this that vou thus love?" " I will be frank with you, and you will keep my se cret t" . . ... . " Most relieionslv " a TOio 4k Tl ' , It'is the Barenew Von Waldorf," he said With a sigM. " And you really love her t" ; , ; ; AJmI onlj tOQ dearly," said the aokiicr Badly. 1 - r I " T!f, 1, t ., k-.t p i 7 lt ' r- -i g hv ra k, ui-J ' Z to I. tin' to-T ff Pn.m. -? YoU 'W'sj.W?! "Ah, it tV c,i. ;C!'n trnv t.- il ai v w I ve tUt a!t.-u-t. J .'Ilk t a- be j rsfJ w : Sin had -n atnl krt-l hi hi 1-V M IHrt-iV "H-tft1 ar-l i WaHT. and lm ii ; M.tl l-y iij'isry tltt ! v-.u Xhr of her love, sbr pmriaiit! this Ungate intrisne aikl l.j.1 t.Ul LSui, ami ! piu t La; Ut aiuIUi, ttl aiJeverytI.ir?.- Tl y were Biurrnd with rt pxrp, aivl anp u lite Arrw Dnrbrw to Paris. Napoleno. to erowa the bappinow of hi Lvi-i! wia.k him at ouf t.eoiTal I( Dl IfikKl. C ml lh Ovarkk Amy. CJitorul rrtwpJi . J IW Xft Yrk Tuara.) l!at in HHte U a9 thf drawliork. nothinj; ran surpoiw tle a-laiiniLk' nunrx r ia a hu h this rrrat amy Las Ui-n LaitdkiL or tlte rxeaipUry cooiUhH of thesokUrra tktrinc: tkbt whole raaipaica. . I wotikl never have KfieveU it pm-ilk' that l.?0.tsn) st, mere silkts, trained as a M parate and distinct power ia the Mak never fcvkl lo any vry riu n-OMWiiiy 10 ine civil authoritaw, could be man bid throati a fnrenra country, andiT a burning win. and amkv rimiawtanei'S of RTvat utouifurt, witbsm-h an atwmute anu com pkte ali'timtice trota everything hke dwordtt. as ha markd the passage ot tlm immenK1 fciree through N orthern Italy. Inoogh 1 have been constantly, now for several days, ia and alout t'je camp, and have nn't UkT!eTerjwlire--intliestrvts, on tl Ligh romt, in the LYkls, at cfn and in private liou. 1 have not yet aten or beard of a solitary instance of rude con dacU r even c ruW language, on tlx ir part 1 do not bt lieve that any lire company, or body of New York Volunteers, ever went out for a single day on a target excursion, without exhibiting more "rowlyi?m H than tlie whofc French army ! shown during tlie wbole or this Italian campaign. Think owing partly, 1 presume, to the natural poJilcoc of the Frenea character, for it is part of a Frenchman nature never to encroach upon tlie private rights or to wound the fceltngj of olh er. Much of it is due also to the discipline of the army, to its separate and Mattd motk? of exist'tice. llie soklkv is taught to Vxk at tlie tamp for evivy thing he nereis ; with the world outside he has nothing w hatever to da He has no claims upon it, aud be has never learned to make demand, or to ask favors, from it. 1 saw tlree artilkt) av n at Castiglkw, who had travelled to Ilresria and buck, thirty miles In a burning sun, through blinding dust, and without a morsel to eat for twenty hours. They were away from their ramp, and without money, and could therefore get nothing. I asked them if nobody had given them fowl. Tbey said no, no one had known of their hunger, and tliey Jul hvl likt lo al ! This dt os not answer to the popular notion of pn invading anny,-whieh is generally snr poacd to eat it Way through the country, scizinff what ever it needs, and sweeping bore the region through which it takes its desolating way. There have been no more welcome or popular travtlen in Italy for years than this French army. They march only on the high roadi j they buy ol the peasants and merchants the cattle, poultry, fruit, Ac, which theyjiave to sell, paying always full price and in current coin 5 and if tliey hire carts, oxen, mule or donkeys for purposes of transportation, tliey do it by fair contract and with prompt pay. On tlie day after the battle I met several peasants, who imiuired of me the way to the Paymaster's office as tbey held written warrants for small sums of money, for having brought a load of wounded from the field to llic hospital. I fre quently taw soldiers come, covered with dust and ready to drop with fatigue, directly from the fiekl, into tlie lib tic uijt of tlio place, and count out their sous with niont scrupulous accuracy, for a drink of wine or a piece of bread. Anotlwr thing which struck me forcibly was the air of iislifterenre will) which the soldiers seemed to treat tlie whole affair of the fight. There was no nnearance of exultation, no excitement, no indication whatever of anything out of thu ordinary course of things among them. 1 did not Itcar a shout, not a cheer, not a aonir from them all. They acted as if they had done their day's work, and were clad to rest a little : and that was all. The whofo thing was nyanM by thcni as an ordinary business transaction. The officer were not liitc so indifferent nor did they take quite so common pin e a view of the engagement ; tliey hud appreciated it- importance, and probably understood its difficulties 1 u r than the men, and talked of it with correspond ing warmth. Hut so fur as any show of Wig was ei nccrned, 00 the part of llic troops you will never have supposed they had been doing anything more than dig a canul or remove trilling obstacles out of the road over which they had found it neeessury to pass. Nearly the whole French force, on the niirht after Sol fcrino, encamped on tlie field of battle. Some of those nearest the Castiglione came away a mile or so to ob tain a clearer spot for their bivouac. Just at dusk an officer of Zouaves rak' tin to a snliordinatc who was standing near mc, ami told him to go at once and place men about a certain Im4U win-re lie wislicd to encamp, and not k t anybody else take it. He rode ofl and pre cntly brought his nginient np the road to the spot. As they urrivid tliey tumid off into the orchard which bor dered the rood pitched tls ir tents, hitclied tls ir horses, then clustered around tlie spot wImtc the catt le had lieen slaughtered and dressed, and rmived tlicir allowance of ment, and In rmunn hour their little urcs were blazing ami raeh was preparing the mipjicr lor which his day's work had, iloulitkus, riven himnneajrerappetite. 1 liercR iim-nts that Were too far off for this, contented tberhsclvc with clearing a space of the dead, with which the whole field was ineumlx n il, and pnrtnking of such fare as could motl readily ho brought up to them from lis' rear. The followers ol un army, those I mean who are not actual c onilmtanfo, though ranked as soldiers, lulmrcrs, Ac., Ac, arc always very numerous ; and besidiM these, who are counted as troop, there is always an immense number of ptrsmrn who merely follow on with carts, hund-wagons, Ac, fillet! willi cat able or drinkables for sale. Tliese volunteers arc of gnat service after such an engagement, and wlicnevcr there is any temjmrnry interruption of the regular supplies. On the day 4 MolftTino esiieeially tlie neeeRsilies of tlie troos were very great, as most of tliom were compelled to light or march from f 0 clock in the morning, alter a slight hreakfurt, without any otkr refreshment, until 9 or 1 0 at night llvllgloa Kreloii In Lontbanljr, Whatever jiolilical diHapnointments may have atten ded tlie recent picification, iimbardy has altniiKil relig ious freedom by its annexation to Sardinia. The landau Duily News of the lL'th instant remarks as follows npon the recent decree of the Sardinian Gov ernment: " The Governor of Milan recently aniioiiited by Vic tor Kmanuet, has issued a decree declaring that the samo liberty of conscience and of religious teaching which has lor many years prevail! in 1 icumnnt is hencclorth as sured to the people of Iximbardy. Under the free insti tutions that exist in the hereditary States of the Sardi nian King men have grown accustomed to think, speak and print whatever opinions they believe to be true in inoculative and political science ; what Is far more pre cious in the sight of good men, far more permanently valuable even as a means of national advancement and civilization in the sight of deep thinking men, freedom of worship and of education bos been established in all the territories of t' House of Savoy west of the Ticino. And now that the dividing stream has been crossed by roUlic army of liberation, and that Lombardy of its own S nniildnn.Hia mi na In 1 W 1 Q tin nrAnmtnArwl fn nniAii (1iniMlll'VtUl T1, 0 ' . AVU, umu . v. . ... i. uw U 11,1 MU1VU with Piedmont, it is wise and just that the newly-organ-ied government of tlie Provinces thus united should af ford the earliest proofs in its power of the equal spirit in which it undertakes its new obligations. A nobler evi dence of steadfastness and soundness of purpose, it could not give than this. There is do sectarian object to be gained In Lombardy by tlie enactments of guarantees of 'soul liberty. There are no uisallectcd llugcnots to be won over by conccsions to the recently established or der of things. No powerful section or class is to be pro pitiated as in other countries, by the proclamation or the principles of religious frecdom,'i , " Rifles for Khulakd. -Wc undcrtanil that l5,000 Revolving Killes arc now being manufactured at Col. f Vilt' Armnn (np lbn Hritish government TtuM bk sufficient to arm six llegiments, and no six Rcjimcnts can be so eflectually armed, as with these Revolving Bi fid with the mrd boyonct artord Tims. Li TKLlAiHAl'Il. THK 1) A ILT JttAt- AKK1V 4L Oh' 1UK PKKll TWO l)LATJ:3 I'ROI 1:1 ROPE. Nrw Wk. Aa-tSJ,!?:-?. Py i) Stcaci-J,p PtT'.iA at t!.i pft, we have Livr. pa d-it ta tV 3J a!:. ' n Tb- t.kTivY at Ziirkh expretl ta CtuiejitKe ia aUiut a w. k. It aa tUout.'t.t tht Sardinia w.m'd n-'t U rrtresnt-.d. 11 di-iotint with lle t'Ttns of -atv rwitinued uo- ahatinL Napokoo's eirlaiiatioas are not re-a-rarieg. Uvtrf ! Markets. Ln Ktrvii, JaJy ZX lS-"5-. rutUfl bail tktliard 'sd. lt at the rkue it was firm er. Sak tlie WW of CftiHW tttkn. Fair IMeaif, '4d; MkiKuig do. :',d ; Fair l?plaK ' 1-2A; Mkl- dliii? (LwCiyiCd. SUnk ia urt C93.0HO bak-s. of Lkli CiH.OCO are AmtYk-an. IV aurkt i-kug sU-!y. PkmrdutlatllUai: . CJ. Wheat ts in nrw ikiiund, and h a.KiKTd 1 a 2d. (m lut an advanciug UtkktM-y. j j Pnn kkHts have a divliuiag tentkmy JUirtiy Ena, and ntarU-t gtixrally Buekuund Spiritii Turpentine 3f. a 3.. Ukv dull t'weiihi ( money closed at 9t.V 9 V Krw lrk Mtiktl. New Yore, Au.!'u.-it 3, ItC-'J. At the tUt tesrrJiii) J (Vttton stnttly. Flour steady. Wheal advancid 1 a 2 cent a Cm a. All quanta's slightly declined. Spirit Tuitine dull at 4 1 1-2 a 43 1-2 cent per gallon. Ilosin steady at $1 13 per bid. for Common. Rice steady. I(rt ftt Slrtlr. New Oki.eaks, August 1. The steam ships Imlmn Wu- t'ti4. SoojuT, and irnmi Capt. Smith, from lirA Suntiugo July 29. and Indianohi July 30, have arrived Unlay, bringing $ 17,500 in specie. They luru'iKh 1 ampico uaU to J u!y 22. Gen. Iknrollailo was at Tampico actively preparing for the new campaign. Uen. Garcia was at Mantamoros, and bad idsuod a proclamation calling the lilkxals to anna. t resident J uarei s decree, confiscating Church prop erly, nai ixeu enuiniiiasticaiiy reeeiveu. A speek1 coiMtucta of ?60l),000 was cn route hv Rrownsvillc. Two and thirty deaths from yellow fever had occurred at lieynosa. 1 he Humour that nanta Anna had arrived at tlie City ot Mexico was discredited. From lVaUiliitn. Wa81iinutoii, August 1st. Col. Sim Johnson, one of the editors of the luto Washington Union, who several months ago was appointed consul to Havre, has tendered his resignation. The office, however, is not open for competition. So numerous nave been the applications lor situations in the Census Bureau already become, that in order to facilitate responses thereto, printed forms have been pre pared, stating that no additional clerical force will be required until next year. - Secretary 1 oucey nai returned from his northern trip. A letter received from Secretary Floyd, from Vir ginia Springs, states that his health is slowly improving. From the Chicago Democrat, July JO, tlKhtliia; lh Tiger In Cblragf. A few nights since, while the honest and peaceful ci tiwns of this great metropolis were doning upon tbeir pillows, and these only waked whom vice or crime kept from similiter, a curious scene was transpiring in the inner apartment ol ono of tlie moat fashionable and well known faro banki in this city. The parties present were not numerous. At one side of the table, andSit the right of tlie deakr, sat a sertain well-ffnown Kentucky gen tleman, now a resident of this city, and very popular as an auctioneer, irppnmw to mm were two Clerks irom dry good stores on 1 Ake street. At tlie foot of the tabk were three young 'gentlemen connected with certain of our city banks, and four professional funcy men. The game commenced at 4 o clock in the afternoon. It was now past 'A o'clock In tlie morning, and the contest was kept up with nndiminislicd vigor. Fortune early In the evening had declared for tho gentleman on the right of the ileakT ; and although, luck occasionally deserted him. !. - l 1 ' it again rviurucu, unui mo winnings were enormous. He had up to this time won $18,000. The rxTsnira tion stood in beaded droits npon tlie brows of the yemng men, and as tliey nervously laid down tlsir counters on tlie squares, their hands shook with nn emotion they eonid not conscai. iwcn mc practised cnomoss of the profiwional gamblers ih'serted them, and they gnawed their lips in undisguised nnxiety. Tlie Kculm ky gentle man suddenly laid down cheeks to tlie amount of SMKXI, and as the ik ak r liegan to draw out the cards Irom the silver liox in which they lie, kit tho table, and walked to the sidt lionrd. Tlie cards are dealt, and tlie f COOO are hint! This reduces the winnings of the (V.hme! to ?I2,(MM. A temporary cessation or tlie game takes place. A tasty supper is taken ; tlie Cokwel proposed to piny no mon-. i ik- ihihts onji-et ; uwy ure linn In tls ir Is lief that luck tins ehangel, ami that they will win their losses, which have been fearfully heavy, back again. The Colonel consents and the game is resumed It is now fl o'clock. Day has liegiin to break, but the thick enrliiiim ol the apartment keep out tlie strengthen ing light. The young men cnnsultnmong theinflelves. TheUeJonel has won $2000 again. I !e is now winwr to tlie tune of 14,000. Tliey have $10,000 lietween tkin. Tliey pnt tls ir funds together, place it in the hands o one of tls ir nnmiNT, mid direct Inni lo play until lie looses it all, or until lie wins back what tliey have already lost I lie game goes on. i lie Loionci wins 71000 then looses $:I000. Dope springs ngnin into the hrenstsof tlie young men. Their representative makes a bet of $5000. 'llie company gather around with desperate in terest. Tlie cards fall from the box they lose I Their funds are reduced to $0000 for tliey have lost some to the bank, besides that paid to the Colonel. And now their int bet? more cautiously first $1000 then $500. lie Iowa oteadilv. His last $500 i reached, lie in pale as death nis palor is relleeted in the faces of his comraoes. ne pioeca uicir ntst sianc on tne ciotn. The Colonel doubles it npon the opposite color. The dcakT hesitates but only for a moment The cards ore dealt the Colonel wins the $500 is shoved over to him, and $500 more from the bank-and the play k) over. The Colonel rises with $28,000 winnings m his pocket The others leave the table, having lost nearly that sum the bank itself coming out nearly even. Tlie next day tlie fortunate Colonel Bettlcd $28,000 upon his wife, ant! swore off from the gambling bells W hetlier be will keen his word remains to be seen. What tlie young gentlemen did who in one, night lost 28,000 remains to be seen. But can $28,000 be lost at a single sitting, at such work as this, by such men as these, without serious con. sequences T The scene wc have related actually did occur. There are plenty of men who will read these lines who know how true it is. is a community in a healthy condition when such things occur f There are nearly a dozen gambling rooms in this city kept in first rate style, and doing a business like this every night Their location is well known tbey are to be easily found. The police nave orders not to disturb them, and they flourish like a green bay tree. Satistied it Cabkot br Done. A railroad engineer at Harnsburg, having been discharged, applied to be reinstated. " You were dismissed," said the snperinto dcntaustcrely" for letting yonrtraio come twice in col lision. 1." t he very reason, kiki tneotner party, mwr runtine him. "why I ask to be restored." " How BO T Why, sir, if I had anv doubt before as to whether two trains can pass cacn omer ou tne same tracK. i am now entirely satisfied ; 1 have tried it twiae, sir, and it can t be done, and I am not likely to try it again." He renin- ' : - r r - a ; - , j j .: ; k - . . a c:.i.'...-,;,r.-:-.-'..:;n' r. j r: f-e T ;vs. a.-l v : r v - i- Ut i-- i a i" ; :. i , ! ti cvrt--; tu- I r ',!; At !n l,r fc"-rv&aJe. Si n-i. h wx ot of tbe Knx'kr r r into a wa-btub fi!! t4 t. - Jii U U l.iia uat! bf wa tour-. dfi-tl. Ilf .wjs ftnly iwhJ from the infurLi:.d brkk aul U party t! d. suti-td U p't out (4 Ua- cluti lf oi wu-h a ik-urn'tln! viep. l'a.Tra Pm..n i Ij-Tri,i n,t lv I!.-!.--haia Young klk the Saint " siw -r08 truth-.--lie said ia a kit? anivxi : Many of yem will rxorre your b.4 lta.4n'l of ett with the Ftore rit.rnn ail cvwpws, Un y,m reaL'y nad it fc bre.L, Aal, with ba!iK-ttk-i 1 sar it, some i.l take tlie U-t pvk t4 era in to lU di tilkty to Iiy whWkry, and tin n Ik t! ir 1-n-a.l." (Irrrisu TSetso t l.vliTA tttrvfrom Sat like Oty, Jane 17, notices the nw kat-k Liet t?at the i astttut km ol polygamy is lmHiiit! atofiii!jr aiikni tlie M.fiif .Inee the aeeJ i4 tU'refiiitWvre uiiI- gratkMts Iron the States ; ami tint I'.i t;L.im Vin is Usri with appJieatsui kr Im!! ol divttree. U rmM' queoec of th ia State of aflir the ProfJ I ' Ka is J orkrs U sajod the cereitioty of sea! n IT IV lufl A tywwtiTHi. W11.WIM1T4IK II'IIKT. iuK. (, 7, EUxabttk...... 7 fahrr'st'rerk. " IX, 1 1, tiutJea, ,. . Aadrew llapel. fai Fear ll.sioa, 'thvill.' tVpteaiber 17, IS. Oimlov, 8v.iiw.WoV !t, !V, Saaipw, , ImwU. (VUWr I, I. Puplia. ( N hi tli Eirer atisiva,( .Kale. T8xJfHaTM ttlXSTASTLY OX HAND A 1 1 tXl"UM! AftT Kt K of ' nU:EX TKA. Fwale by WALktU M EA.S, IruK ml, MayKta. . 1 Market sir.-et. KK1.1EP IX TVJiMINUTI'X un arw n uaowir u akk. Tm Ormwil MilMi'ikB Khtah.ihk im 17;7, ami jirtf itrtxit pf IK kM rT iwnniw,.! mwbr A? imw ef "IHxaONlc WirKas," in Oik or any oUut ,tHtry ; ul!vlh, r I'ulnumu- Wufirn tr titnterjviu, 'ht tnHuw ni ItiKtim f'0ie tuime BUY AX I- iM?lmiird unewh WAKKK. . liliYAN'H ti.M(rSftt WAKKIM Krlievt t'oiighs, CoU. Sore Thrimt, tloaneaetM. BKYAX S I'ULMOXIU HAFK.tttl lUiliev AfUinia, lirmuliiti. li(tii alt Hn atLine. I'.KVAN 8 lTl.MONk: WAKKIW Itrlieve Hwitting vt Blood, I'iuim in tbc ClHt. LRYJeX'S riLMOXlQ WAt'KlW Keliev jneipM-nt ('onoumption, I.unr iiraesi. BKYAX H 1'III.MUXIC WAKKliS llelieve Irritatioa of th Uvula aad TkuhoI. lilt Y AX H rtlLUOXIC WAtKltH Itelieve the ahv ('omplttinM hi I'm BRYAN'S PUI.MOX1U WAKKliS Are a HlMwinK to all t'lwr and t'linstitnttono. BUY AX H lULMOXlC WAKKI Arc adapted for Walista and I'ublic Siirakeis. BKl'AXS l'UUtUMC WAKKIW Are ia a simple form and pleasant to tli ti-ii-. BKYAX'8 t'L'LMOXIC WAKEliH Not only relieve, but f tlwt rapid aud laxtine i ure. BUY AX '8 1'ULMOXIC WAKKliS Are warranted to tive latisractiun to every one. No Family should lie without a Box ol BUYAN Sl'ULMOXIO WAKKUS la the house. No Traveler ilionM be without a nuiiply vf BUY AX 8 I'L'LMOXIC WAKKliS in his pocket. No person will evr ohU'ct to tiv tr BltYAN'S I'ULMOXlC WAKKKS Twenty Hvecctitf, JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Ko henr, X . V . Kor tale by all ilrucgint In Wilmington. HAVILAX1), STKVKXSOX X CO., Charleston, Wholwale A;enU. May 0, 1S59.-205136 eowly. Fl'RKITl'RBI nilJinX'HKII AS COMI'LKTK AN AKSOUTUEXT AS CAN OK found in any city, and as cheap for cash, Is now ottered to the in ipectloa of the public, at No. 10, Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. PurchaiiiDft from first handu at the fuctorien for cash, and eellinc; for cash or iU (piivalunt, tlio Snbseriher i enabled to offer greater inducement! t the cltlxens of Wil mlnirton and of the State renerally, to Imy at home, than Iiaa ever before been offered. (!ood for the interior will he carefully packed and promptly forwarded. The Suhwrilw ia particularly deniroiut that penioni from the interior of the Stato who have been la Uie (habit of purchasing abroad, would give hi entablishmcDt a trial. The following are Rome of the article to he found In his Furniture Ware' Boom : - Bofa, Tete a TeteS, lounge, K;wy Chairs, Hoi king Clniir, Ktagcre or Whatnots, Ottomaus, Foot-Stools, Outre, Sola and Card Tables, Chairs, Manllo and Pier (Hansen, Set re taries, Book Case, Tea, Breakfast and Dining Tables, Side boards, Cane, Womlseat and Cushioned Chain, In ;re:it Variety; Bnreans, Bedsteads, Washslands, Toilet Tal.les, Wardrobes, Fanry Cottage Sett, Muttrawen, rillnwa, BoulHtors, Ae. A targe nock of Looking (iW-ies, Ofliee Furniture, Children's (liftlrs, .('nolle, (Villi, Ti iiinlle Bed iteadx, Toy Bureaus, Ac. (.!.. KII.IA AW. March 3d, lHf,! liOAWly A. SIAIi.KAN, Wlioleukle and IleUil Dealer in 11 A R l W A UK, noLLOWWAHK, IliOX, A AILS, SP1KKS, dr., tr., , Wii,ai.niToN, N. C. MHrrh 1, tISly. WiM. II. UPPITT, Wlin I KSA L KA AT) RETAIL DR UQ OJS T.t ( II h.M IS T N. H.i r. Krmil miU Market Htn W lloiloKlau, SJ. V. Always no hand a fall and frenh awiortment of JtRL'UX, rMXTS, OIUS AM) II LASH, PERFUMERY AM FAKVY ARTICLES- i'rcseriptfwt ncvnraMy mnipoumL'il, Meditdue can he ObUined at any lionr of the night. The night bell in at the second door (on Front ut.) from the corner. tr n and after tliN dny, all prescription will be ('ASH. Nov. tut, ISSS.-4H STICK." ATTKNTIOX IS ACAIN railed o the fuel, Hint ' lre; teriptions " are CAS1I. WALkKK MKAIiKS, M ay V, h. ruggiHt, 4 '. Market St ice I . AMBIUrTVPK.1 TAIvKN IN TI1R BKST MANNER BY K. T. BARBY AT MOAttT UALU formerly Whiteharat's (Jallery. ; Jaa.Ud. 1WM 117 tf I MAItRIRO, In Diqilin county, at the residence of the bride's father. James (iimi;h, nn the ?! lilt., by N. Ii. Whitliebl. Ksq., Mr. TIMOTHY (iRADY, to Mi SARAH A. (ililiiill, all of Duplin, though formerly of Wayne eonnty, N. C. ReeelpU wr XV. i W. Unit Rood. Aiigii.t '4i.il, IS.VJ 140 bbls. Spirits Turpentine, 127 do. Rosin, 5m do. Tur Sentine,12 boxes Tobacco, 100 nieces Bacon, 4 bo.xenmd.e, bbls. Peaches, and snndrics. To K. Murray 4 Co., Ander son A Savage, J. Wattson, K. Hansley. T. W. Mayer, De Roanek, Brown A Co.. D. A. Umont, J. T. I'ctteway, J. 11. Flanncr, J. M.Moak, J.K. Blossom, Ellis 4 Mitchell, (ieo. Myers, A. Alderman, N. F. Bordeaux, Ii. Sontherland, 1, O. Bowdea, J. F. Herring, W. D. Malum, W. II. Lippitt, W. L. Jacobs, and Adams' Kxpreas Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pl'RB PKRH oa per Bark Mattagorda, direct from New Bedford! 600 gallon Sperm Oil ; 1,000 do. Polar do., in bbls. and tier tea. For sale by K. A. KKITII. Ang.Jd,l69 281 lw STRAW GOODS are selling lower than ever. We are almost giving them away at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market street. , . MYERS & MOORE. Aag. 3, isaa. 'TEW BOOK by Adams 4 Co.'s Express this morning lS at KEIXEY'8 Book Store : Sylvian Hotu Daughter, a fiopular work by Holme Lee; The Pillor of Fire, or Israel a Bondage, by Rev. J. H. Ingraham4 Stephens' 2d vol. of the History of Methodism from the death of Whitlield to the death of Wesley ; Melta Oray, or What Makes Home Happy; The Behaviour Book, a manuel for Ladies, by Miss Leslie ; , The Tin Trumpet, or Heads and Tails for the wise and Wag gish ; Life of (ieorge Stephenson, by Smiles ; rocket Tucked Bible. - Aag. 3d, 1859 - " ISICI MI'SICM I have received a large assortment of New Himic from the well Known house of Oliver itson ft Co.. Boston. I shall receive supplies of St Music first part of every month ; all music not on handr nuked at the shortest pciiible time that it run be obtained. At KELLEY'8 BOOK ST08B. kU -