VOL XO. 2S7- nLMINGTON, N. C "WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST. 10, 1859. THIOL BY FIT TO" & riUCK, FRCTSUTTCll J as. rr?.i, s,: .A- L. FSICE, A-soc!: X Itr. Tvrna a f atarrtirtla. IWj P?r, es year, ifiven,bly at aJvaac V e"V v U n h:me connected: w.rh tii ofic. aJO-rsi w ti rrrf retort. - I A ra; .. Pi BJS.t b t h a.17 Tw iU-s ..., 115 40 Oa day... '. Tw day.. ....... Thre4-T.....,.. Four dr Fiv days Om inL Tw weeks Om month... Two month Thru months 1 Uree ii.iT.,, .. 1 rt .. I t .. 1M .. I TS .. 1 Ti .. W ..IN ..10 W ..U 00 Fix day .......... Fiv .,......, R week...,, ...... ,rw weeks., ......1 u noeia.. 1 Two bkh; J Vtsr month. ...... I 5; to w Kl BiunUia.,.. , 00 -uyr U 00 Ku moBine Ob year so oa FJTe Use are eocnted u t eqaar, and ir Lne Of lea a o'wr. Lancer a )TerUrmem ta erooertiua. aad til pjaiaj fa alvaac. Wbea lot paid Is advane ii eenta per s-j-aj w i m charged aner Ui first tttsemoa. . AJAIi hC square tut paid for is advance will b charg d a a cqaar. -i JvrrtfmeBtj hscrti m Fpeclil m Eiiiicp Notice lt cha-jrf d oo-da mor ttuui boT r j!it Ub sjriiTertiMiMaui Inserted (verv ethr da; tr chvcvd 3T fpni per jaftrc (of racli tUMTiuiB tfter th first. Bl'SIXCS AND PKOFESSIO.NAL CARDS. .1 J tOSt BTklR. WlLMIHSTOK. N. C. liRurrect Bank NaUs. Cbecki tod DrfU boucht tad (HvutkbU) terms, t-OM's and STUCKd bought tad kU on eommuuiioQ. I uaimriul papr BeOtited. Nortbra fjclicf;t tot Ml in iuioi to in it. Colleotiooi mad promptlf and t reawnaljlt; rat. Veb.tUX, l,f IH-Cq, ui.ivr.n KELLKT, rnOLESAI.E AND RETAIL DBALEK3 131 UKOCE Y IU3 ASl) FHUVlSlONtl, Au. U JTortfc Hatr Sr, IV. U, 1AS8. ... Wubihotw, N. C. " " Ja. t. PKTTKVVAT, " IiACTOB AND COMMISSION MEltCUAJIT, ; - - A'o. A'orVi Water Utreei, - WanwoTPK, N. C, V Ul Riv personal atteatiua to th aal and atilpment ol Cot tun, Mavitl blunt tad ot her prodoc. s t. 1, . 14 CI ESiKRAL CUMUISWON MEBCH ANTS, T W1UUKUTON M. C Jan. 1st, 08 tf. ' KfXISI MITCHELL, rEAIiEB3 W GKAlN, J WU.M1N0TOM, N. C. Keep CoiuUntlj oahauJ Corn, Pea, Oata, 1U, Mol, llomouv, Bran, lion od Cow Food, Oil ileal Ac, March HtKim W. tV. DATIS, M. P., OFFERS HIH PROFESSIONAL BKUV1CE3 TO T11E C1T laen of Wilrainrto. OOlc ti door Hlo llulmei' Hotel, Front Street. JunS. i;(l tf IIK.MIV P. Rl'SSKLL, GENERAL COMH1SS10N MERCHANT, VT HT Krt Bat, (llr Btaim.) tULARLKiJfON, K. C llarch mij, lf08. ,kj r . ,l' it ,."""" T. II. 1UKOY A 4 G. ROCFJ13 AND COMMISSION MKUCHANTS, fionth r Water ttraet, Wu-mimutom, N. C. Aug. id, X83S., . . 2U7 "T't . It. It. KILKH9, WIIOLFSALB CIIOCKR AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DBAt.FR IN NAVAL 8TOKE3, corner Water and Market Btreets, Wilmington, N. C. April Id, im. THOnAS V. BROWN, Jti, r A JTORNSY AT LAW, v A COMMlrlHIONK.lt OF TBR UNITED STATES IN AND FOB TUB DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, Jnn 2itn, lti&H. . 4T-tf lk. BTOKLIT. ' AI.II. OLCniM. STOKLKY OLDHAM, 1IUCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND IJT DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AO. . , , Wiljckotoh, N. O. KiriMHCi. ;, Col. Jonn McRab, Froident of th Rank of Wilmington. 1). O. FABfli.tr, Luq., President of th Commercial Bink. int. 3. A. MILLKR, ITtKONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA 1 KKH'8 LAW OFFICE, Wiwinotok, N. C. Oct. i(tb.; 1857 3 tf f. A. LAMOT, . COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 3H North Water itreat, J Oct. li 3i-tf Wilmington, N. C, . t'NIO! DISTILLKKY. " WILMINGTON, N. C , J. E. OASELT, Proprxetrnni, - VakBOKKELEN BR0., Aj?(?rik ALL KINDS OF NATAL STORES purchased, aiauufao tared and aold ' ' W barfag and Btorag furniihed, and Oooptrdgt don at fair rates. , -Jan lit, 185T 121-tf. , ' J. U ROBINHOfl & BO!n 5 ' Wil.timoTow, N. O. IMPORTERS, MAOT7FACTURER3' AGENTS. AND Dea lerea in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricul tural Implements, Ac ' WN.C. HOWARD, 1 ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, A , VT Bept. 30, 1854-13-tf Wilbihotom, N. C. AtAMfl, BROTHER CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WiLMixoroif, N. 0. OKOROFI W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Booth Water Street, WlLMIBOTON, N. C. t. I fliTHAWAT, HATHA WAY it CO wm. t. itlit. QOMMH38ION MERCHANT8, WlLHIXaTOK, N. C. ' T. C A B. O. WORTH, (COMMISSION AND F0RWARD1NO MERCHANTS, I WlLMWOTOH, N. C : Marchll, 186T ' lfi6-ly JAHSS AHDIlUON, ' 1DWAKD IATAOB. ASDERRO t SAVAGE, - , 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT WrLwxaTOH, N. 0. IdborliU eauh aarances made on consignment. ' - . 'r WILLARD CTJRTI, (COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE 0R0CER3, AMD DBALEIiddN 0RAL8, - t NO. 10 SOtTlt WATll BtMBTS, Jan. 13th. WaMiitBTOH, N. C. ; " ' W. II. TtTRLLVGTOW, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, r ' VT " ' Wiuamtoii N. C July 2tf, 186C JTS-tf v.. i JAMBS 0, SMITH. . " i i MTIW 008TW. JAS.C. SMITH A CO. (lOMMl&TON MEUCnANT3, offio second story, comer South Water and Market streets, Wilmington, N. C, where they tr prepaxed to attend to all basin ess is th CommiwioB line. . -v- - i- - All basisosi entrusted to tbcm will be pnnotually attend .6U). , , . .. . ' - W. II. MoRARY & CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corn Princess and Water i J streets, WflmiDgton, . U .. ' II. R. BdVnefo, Cwniw Bunk Cure Fear, Wilmington, N. C. 'ol. John Mcllne. Pn-s't Bnnk Wilmington, do. do.. ). A. Daris, Casluer Branch B'k Cape Fear, Salisbury, do. J.O. Lash, " u " balera, do. . J, Klldrcgg, Praw'dant of Bank Clinraw, S. C Oct 17 , ' WALKFU ?TF. HRF.S, ! . (nwewor to V. 'kpf M"" A ''-,) t.rH01.lALB AND LiAlL DUU'WISTS, YY ' 43 MAUI! bXBAT, WUJUHOTOll) N. C. -1 El SIMM AND PB0FEESI0X.1L- CARDS.' A, E. II ILL, "TVSWAEriS.J AM COMMLIOX MKECHANT, X Lnrkh tt' u-'. W:imxT'. X. C. IUKKHV 4i BETrECOrRT. 1 aOLKSAIi; A.V'J KI-rTAlL O.RvX'ZK-. 4 . N.Si JkMtt 'iaS4Mrr.-i t.TrJrra t (h,J. b-'cir.raw,l k tli t.k. er from ' ) f nwtal eostotaer anhcrted, ui will mnr pnwpt aad UohJul attentwa. y1. 1 ? l-Oll B. KU AMBKRT, DtlT.ClST AXD rCACTICAL I'll ARM ACKUTl.T. WaxisiT!, N. C. Keep eotetantly oa r.ad, a select to k o Ai- j r M Artv.it, Uiij lhcr or Afrtiu.W iV-j", . Oyars .-. ! ..l'articulax attmnio paid tu rr-man-ru-'. FiailT ' ItEvirs.4, Mctcii Cukits, c. t.M"f aaiDediatclj usW Ut "Carolina Hotel." JuiyH, t. M. aiTH. JOni" vlAtBi.l. HMITII W M LA I tUt, CDiMLisiOX ANl FOKWAHtINU JIEniTlAXTS,' WimmuTON, N. i uruto ' Jobs ruwso. Eiq., Mror. E. P. Uall, LV., lr9kltit Craaca Bnk 5UU N. C. Julj lit, lNi'i lii U U. '. W. J. Ml H, COMMISSION MKKCI1ANT8 and WHOLESALE CUO CKiiS, cenet i'rtBftM and Watef 8trU, JOII 1, IW , WlLBlKVTON, N. C. . MAIU.1F. RAILWAT rpUR eunscnilira having purchased tli CAPE I'EAB MAmNUUAlLWAV.Cfunnoily tli propertj of B. W. liiry,) ia prepared to tuild or rpair Yewcla. k'aitLN work at fir price prtiuUed. Or Jor solicited. . - MU HAEL U0llHlN Refer no O, CiParule, KM.ler A Martin, J. A L. Mcl'ac it Co., Lirrisa A Howell, J, U. flanoor. AprU 'ih, IK,') lW-ly W. II. 91 ARK A IX)., (SIM'CBMOBI t I. A. UAKT.) MANCFACTI'RKRS AND DEALERS IN II VliDWARE, STOVES, OUXS, LANTEUNS, TIN and SHERT IIUIN WAUEd, 19 Front street, Wilmington, N. C. V. H. MAMkB. A. B. XBrr. WilmlPton, N. C. May Oth, 208 ly. IIARRIS HOWELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS . Wilbixuto, M. C. OBOItOB BABItlM, A. i. BOWTttL, W. W. BABHtSB. D:t lt, IMS " ' - WlLau.OTO-1 MARULK WORKS. Front Btrcct, mi lb IIMhodUt K. AharrL. MONUMENTS, TOMBS. HEAD and FOOT 8TONE8, FURN1TUUR TOPS. Ac, of the BEST OUAUTIT U AMERICAN of 1TAMAN M A1SLLE, farniabed to order, a CHEAP as can be procured from aoy wtaUuhuient of th kind in Ue eouatry, ,......, 1 employ none but eipemnced workmen, and will spar M pains to pleas all who may faror roe with their patron age. A"Termi CASH, nnless by ipeoUl agreement. W; tJ. AULUGAN. WDmtagton, N. C, BepL WUi, 1858. . , 7-tf. NEW10KK & PIULAUELPU1UAUUS. H. B0LLMIB. O. roTTKR, JR. J. CAKKRkKN, DOLI.NKR, ISril KH & CO C10MM1SSION MERCHANTS, ....... Naw York. April 1.1, KS9 lxt ly. ' CLAKANCB B. BATSM. UKMU1 FlWTtlb KATES lVSTK.R. ,--r rFitmiAL OimMWWON MEUCIUNTS fur the nal of VI Collon, liuf, Xfltal Mores, and Southern Prudnc genoraliy, No. 110 N. Wlmrre. and III N. Water FH., Paii.AiBi.ririAi 4 February 2sth 1 S6. , . j J-lj' CJF.O. ' OrVAAMHINflK,'jll, " (COMMISSION MERCHANT. .. . . J Ccttou, Hplrit Tur)entine, R win, Lumber, and South ern Prulnce gernrlly. 10( North Wharves, ' A'wt Arch Nlm t, ' Pnii.4iti.rniA. A A Prompt pergonal attention given to all cooaignmenU, and qnick returns mado. lan orders solicited Dec. 4th, is. 7ly IJRIe'FKt Jit AI KKV, IMPORTERS NDJOUIiEltS of VREMrtf, KVOlWTl and OKUMAS FANOr GOODS nl i'KRFUMBHl', No. 131 Fulton btrbkt, Nbw York. Hkkst Cairn. I Wm. II. ActBiv. l. w, iw '.-iy.' BARRON C. WATSON, wnN MSARBS. WATSt)! tti WEARE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 34 Burling Blip, New York. lpf i'ial attention paid to the sale of Natal &tok, Co Tt'N, and Southern Produce goneriilly. , - - Ltlicrial advar.c ra made on cowiiiiiioiiU. July 1, '68 t. BitvtT cecnB4r w. s. bersbu tXM.HRA! & Rl'SiSELL, G1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North JT Wharves, and 63 North Water Htreet, PniLAmamiA. sr Uberial oahIi advances made on consignments, July 30th, K 279 BOOKS, STATIONERY, AC. 1 JUACT1CAL lSTRl CTiossIn Animal Magnetism, revised edition, by J. P. E. Delonse, at Jaly2'Jth. KELLEYU BOOK STORE. THE ILLUSTRATED SELF IifTIU-CTOR in Phre nology and Physiology, with 100 engravings and a Chart of the Character, as given by O. a 1 N. Fowler, at July 2!rth. KELLEY'S BOOK BTORE, MASONIC WORKS. A TEXT BOOK OF MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE ; the written and unwritten laws of Freemasonry, by Albert O. Mackey. M. D.J a Lexicon of Freemasonry, by Albert O. Mackey ; the Masonic Chart or Heiroglyphio monitor, con taining all the emblems explained, Ac,; tlis Masonie Text Book, containing all of the Degrees from Entered Appren tice, including Knight of Malt ; Msckey's Masonic Manual at KELLEY'L BOOK BTORK. July 29th. ' POKTK AL WUIIKS BY CALLING. YOU WILL FIND the following lift ef cholco Poetical works, at KELLEY'S BOOKSTORE. Thou. Hood's complete works, in sheep and antinne ; Mrs. Heeman's complete works, In sheep ana cloth ; the works of Lord Byron, including the suppressed Poems : Cbilde Harold, in antiqne, by By roe ( Moore's Lalla Itokh, hi an tique ; Shakxpeare's complete works, ia sheep and antiqne ; Yonng's Night Thoughts, illustrated ; Milton's Paradise Lost, Illustrated ; Prose and Poetry of Europe and America; Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, by Mrs. 8. J. Hale ; Poet ical works of Bamuel Tsylor, Coleridge, Cowper, Scott' Norton's, Campbell's, Mrs. SignurneVs. Montgomery's, Gerald Massey'a, Houthey's, Mrs. Eliza Cook's, LongfolJow'S, in 1 ols., Aurora Leigh's, Roger's Poetry of Flower. Brit ish Poets, by Seed ; Beranger's Lyrical Poems the Hereos ef th Last Luster; Trenclie's, Amelia Carotins Wood Notes; Tenneyson's, E. B. Browning's. Longfellow's Evan geline; the Conrtslrlp of Miles Btandish; Hyperion: the bong of Hiawatha ; Homes and Ha tints of the most eminent British Poets, by Wm. Hewitt. ... -inly Mth, 1859. -" - WEBSTER'S VltmUIHJKD PICTORIAL DIO TIO.ARY, with 1.W0 lliugtrationa, just received by Adams' Express at KELLEY'B BOOK bTORE. July 27, 1869. . hooks. ; RECEIVED THIS MORNING by ADAMS' EXPRESS, at KELLEY'S BOOK STORE: . Cooper's Virgil ; Herodoti Orientalia Antiqniora, compri sing mainly such portions of Herodotus as give a connected history of the East to the fall of Babylon, and the death ol Cyrng the Orest ; The Sacred Hsrp Hcviaod. . July 27. WISH TO CLOSE OL'T. , , , (TAA BBLS. LIME; c : r ; , OUU 100 PORK ; : V " - 4 , i ." : 13 hhds. Western BACON SIDES and SHOULDERS j 100 bbls. Sup. FLOUR: . - , . 0 bags ' and Family FLOUR ; " - I u '; ? 10 bales COTTON BAGGING ; . w , ;., . s 400 bushels COW PEAS : -' ' v ,y 150 sacks SALT; " ' W ken WHITE LEAD r t',r 7 " "' s ' 20 bbls. Unseed, Sperm and Whale OIL'; ' 150 " Domostio LlUUOitS ; -' ' ' WRAPPING. PAPER, FISH, HAY, Ac. Ac.. stivrry low prices. . , ' ;. . JAS. T. PKXIEWAY. June 21 at, IMP. . - , " " i'tiivKlu wm'StiKV;1 " "" " ' 12 Tin. a m . ti t l . WDn 1 1 1 t . . . . dihjo n A.1UMUS t aoj ruius.nir saie Dy JaaolOUi wTiJU. MeKOY CU, MEDICAL, BALTIMORE LOCK IIOFTTAt rxxTOR JOHXSOX. TH K faaJtr of thM CWhraird lastitutioa ofrt th Boat Ceruia sp'dyl aaJ oe'y iTectul reaedv, lata world fur Gleets, eiinciure. Sens '31 weakness tam a th Lcitts, Cotwtituiioaal Detility, lrrpotency, Weak of th Back 4 Lira, Acuft of j ki.i wn, PwJprutMM of th Hart, lvpia. N rvat UriukUa'.v, Dmmm 4 U Urad, i rraai, .iw wr MiB ; ni mu wawtrriuitt ana atelaitt-aoly l'wrdf n r jing frota all thut lVlrKUt habit ot Yomk wtik k Ci-stroy tn'ta twwv ana xaina. Tust mur abJ soij tary irclK-e mors fatal tothe:r vW-titu that thsor of U Hyrva to th MArtaer Clywte, blighting tboit aiost briihaM hupes of anucipatiuB. readeruur tuarrbtge, Ac, hnpaavibl. ! Ma enci4llT. who ht bcom tk vk-tiiu of Sohtarv Vic. that dreadful and deetroctiv habit, which annually twep t a aiiUnwty grav tboaaaBd of yevax f la Boat exalted UicnU and brtiliant lntellct, wb Blight vtAerwia tav entraaced luteoint bdaaUr wrtk th thvukler of lo- qneec, or waked to vestacy lh Lviag lyre, aiay call with aaOAnae. Itarrtag. Married Ptm.i, or.YouBjr MeacouttaiUtiug ajArriag, beingswar of Physical Weak tie, Orrnic Debility, Delui--miua, Ac, should inimeJiaWly eonsuk lr , j.,and b restor ed to perfect health. . He who places kiasself aader the car of Dr. Jehaaos may reliirioaslT conSde la hi koaor as a gcntkoiaa, aid toafl dently rely vpoa his skill u t JihvvUn. OrffMl WMkkMaa Immediately oared, and fail rigor restored. This disease is the penalty most frequently paidbytko who have become the victims of Improper Uidulcracea. Yocng persona tr too art to commit excesses from not be ing awar of th ireadful eenseqaeaee that may ensue.-. Now, who that anderstaads the subject will pretend te deay that the power of Procreation la lost soener by Ukm faUlng Into Improper habit than br the nrnddnL Besides beta deprived tfie pleaaar of healthy oCVpring, th mot teriou ana aestrucuv symptoms to oout body ani mind art. Th aystea bKom draBd. Ut hyutr-al and awntal powers weakened, Berrooa debility, d)aprpat, palpitatma of th heart, ladlgeatioa, a wastuig vf th tram, eoogh, symptom or consuntptioB, etc. flrraa Debility. Weaknesa of the system, Nervooa Wbllity and prv-matur decay generally arise from the Destructive habit of yvath, that solitary practice so fatal to the healthful existence w man, and it I th young who are nimt apt to become its victims, from an ignoranc of th dangers to which they subject themlve. Parent and Guardians ar often mie lJ with respect to the cause or source of disease la tksir ton and ward. Ala I how often do they ascribe to other causes the wasting of the frame, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, derangement of the Nervous Sys tem. Couch, and Svmntoms of ConsumDtioa. also. Una se rious mental eflecti. sue a as lose of memory, e preesloa of pints, or peculiar Ota or ueiancnoiy, wbea ibe Uis truta la, they have been caused by indulging in pernicious but allar lug practices, destructive to both Body and Mind. Thus are swept from existenc thousands who might have been of use to their country, a pleasure to their friends and orna ments to society, Orrtcs No. f Sovra Frbdwci St., loft hand side going from Baltimore street, T doors from the corner. s A- B particular la observing th nam and number, or you will mistake the place. A Take notice, observe the nam oa the door and wis dowa, A Ouri toarranlrd, or no CJwirye A&itfe, tn from (Me to 7Vo ZVtys. , NO MEUCURT OR NAUHEOU8 DRUGS USED. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Bnrireont, London, Gradu ate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United State, and th greater part of whose lire has beea spent la the first Hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia, and elite, where, has ellccted loma of the most astonishing curei that were ever known, many troubled with rinsing in the head and ears when aaleee, great nerronaneea, being alarmed at sadden aoanda, and baahfuln, with frequsot blushing, at tended sometimes with deraqgetacat ilf.iuiaJ.we isu,4 UnmsiliiiUly. ,-!-A Certain Dles. . I - When the mlxgulded and Imprudent votary of plcsidir Soda he has hnbibed th seed of tlis painful djeeaae, rt too ortea itappeo mat aa ui-iimsa sons of suame, or oread or discovery, deters him from applying to tho who, from ed ncatloa and respectability, cau alon befriend Urn, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid il viose make their appearanoe, suck as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal paiua, In th hend and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on Hie shia bones and 41 10s, blotches os the brad, face and extremities, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till as last the palate of the mouth or the hoses of the aose fall in, and the victim of thi awfnl disease be comes a horrid object of cominmoeratlon, till -'oath puts a period to his dreadful tuQeruig by sending bus to that bourne from whence no traveler ruturua." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledge himself to preserve the most la eiolable secresy, and from his extensive practice in the lirst hospitals ia Europe and America, he caa confidently reooro mend a safe and speedy cur W the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It Is a melancholy fact, that thousands fsU victims to tills dreadful disease, owing to the unskillfulueiit of Ignorant pre tenders, who, by the uso of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, and even send the anjurtunate unll'cr er to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of bis life miserable. . .; Take Particular Noltra. Dr. J. addresses ail those who havo Injured themselves by privet and improper indulgence. There are some of the tad and melancholy e ducts pro duced by early habits of youth, via t Weakness ef the Beck and Limbs, Pain In the Head, Dimness of Sight, tmn ot Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyitepaia, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement ol tlie Digestive Function!, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Ac. MtNTALLT The fesrful eObeta upon the mind are much to be dreaded : Loss of Memory, Confusion of ideas, Depres sion of Spirit, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society. Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, ar torn of th evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all ages, can now judge what la the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale ana emaciated, nave a singular appear ance aoout lue e, eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. 11 s Invigorating lUinedjr for Organic Or. Johnson Weakness. By this great and important remedy, weakness of the or. gana are speedily cored, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been relieved. AU impedimenta to M arriage, Pliysioal or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion of th moit fearful kind, ipeed Uy cured by Dr. Johnson. Yang Men, Who have Injured themselves by a eertaia practice, in dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the effects or which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage 1 11 . . ' . ; . 1... J -1 1 1 a f lmposeime, ana aestror doui miuu buu uuut, muouiu wpi immediately, Wk. - ..... k.4 . wammm m.n . l..n. . ti ! . m ' n uni . V J ;vuu .... mvi w. .... vuujiu .. and th darling of his parent, should b matched from all Srospects and enjoyments of life, by tho consequence of ovlating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons, befor contemplating Harrlafe should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ne cessary requisite to promote connubial bsppineas. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, tho prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happinee of another, be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 1 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., Baltimore. Afd. ALL BUKOICAL UFBRATIONB i'BKFOBMBD. N. B. Let no fals delicacy prevent you, bat apply lm mediately either personally or by letter. . BXIN DISBARS iniDILT CTRXD. T Stranger. The many thousands cured at thi Institution within the hut twelve years, and the numerous Important surgical Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of our daily paper and many other persona notice of which hav again and again appeared before the pnblio is a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted Will Dad a skill ful and honorable physician. . . ..- , i Take Notlre. . "N. B. -There are so many worthless Quacks advertising themselves a Physicians, mining th health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deem it necessary to aay, espe cially to those unacquainted with hi reputation, that hi credentials or diplomas always hang in his office. TAKE NOTICE. All letters most be post-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for th reply, or bo answer will b Bent- .''' -s. -:. -'-. " May 27th, 1M; . ' j-jj-ly GREAT RUSH at the NEW SYSTEM CASH STORE. WE ABE selling Yalencienes, Collars and Setts, Valen cicnes and -thread Laces, Eml'd Hdka. and Bwist Flouncing,, at greatly w 4 July 21."" ' u door from Exchange Corner. LANCASTER, ALLENDALE AND MARSEILLES BED SPREADS. 191, 114 and 12. For sale low by July 1, 1W. . -v . . J. B. WILLIAMS.- n(jjit asd uors. -41 1 lAWJVJliwUr W-nl At;rf i OU 100 coils Jute Bc-pejprhne qT"-','yi .. . v nit TCI Tt i cMMll Atr Viaav a ' For ash) br ' Junes. - t - DcXOi X, A CO. AT1NTED. WASTED. oaTT oa ARES W-XAiLN uTOS A WKLDOS KAIL k D. WAXA(T. Apraitt,l.J ijM WILMlVllTns Jk WWI tr at it a-rw-u FAhm ttehsarf for CommerclaJ Bank stock. t-a'iaire a. us uxof. kil. - ta RAILROADS. Orrtca Gut. tr'T. Wil. A Ma, ft. R.C., v. uaungtoa, K. Sovember 3Cth, lsi. sonrti ir tsivii ihl N AND A FT Kft WEDXEsiDAY. Dae. 1st AY, Dae. 1st, t ehsng t tA Road, aad th Mall and mm 7. t - V hcA4ui wta atad raaseir Trauit will rua as foltow : lin Vilmln.lnii .1 I I W ..!!! W Arrive at KmcsvUie st J.io P. M. and J.IJ A. M. 1-t Keviile A.U A. M. and (.SO P. M. ArrhM ml U dmlnrtaa i 1 l li i 1 U ! AU the trains eoaueet c Uvly with CoJarnbia train. except ll. ; . : , . ... .... murainj Ulil iranrf IV lllgl villa at S.t. CutiB-ction are made through with the Greenville and Colatnbia Koad. J. P. ROBlUlThON, Gen, Sup'L N. so, KMt.7J-lf. ' MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. TITCMTEXIIOUTI CELEBRATED HAtORa-Aa- othtr lot just received, at 31 Market street, Ju-'y. 15, ASTKRw HAY. .125 bald dow leading and for sale IXLU 4 M1TCUEI4- ug. 1st OS WiBHiMMENTBeaver Creek Co.s SHEET IN US AND YARNS ; F. M. t W. L. Meadows' Manurartsred TUHAixjo. ret sal y th package. A. K. HA IX. Jalylo, Wis. ars-tf DY SCI IRS. W. 11. SMITH ASD W. L. SPIUIUS, J) the following brands of CIGARS have beea received! Commerciantea, Liiiiii iiuara uortaa, r.i riopai, rigare, Sevaliae La Palm, La KwntraUl and La Uenduetta. A sumber of the brands named ar wU known, and saver tail to flvUt action. JAJl'13 B. KIUMUKKT, , July 30. Practical Pharmaceutist. aHerald copy. ' Ytl J P ST I BKASOI FOR -nASIOOK " 1MCULKS, PRESERVES, Ac. Fine Salad Oil, White and Bbrk Mostard Heed, Ttmerki, Nutmegs, Spire, Mark and Red Pepper, Jamaica Ginger, African do., Mace, (love, Vanil la Uean, Flavoring Kxtnvts, Ac Ac. Md by July 30. LOUIS H. ERAMIIEItT, Apothecary CREAK SAMP A freih supply en baad. Wuhe ta hard, soft ar salt water, wilbout any boiling. Thishoap I. ..... ... In . ...I ...I ...i....l.kl. ...1. In .....II l... boxes, and caa be sent to any part of the world without losing In the least Its goodnaa)itie. It never has failed to give satisfaction whea assd according to direction. For sal at No, Market street, eppoeit tiie tarollua ilotoi. DAVID J. lilUuKlL, sols Ag t (or N. C . WilmlnoB, Ati. 1st, IHiO CASDY CAKDY. ' ' Q t? BOXES Knickerbocker Candy. Jtst recslvtd. per OO iSchr. Lilly, and for sal by Jaly wh T. HcK(MfA CO. WAITED Aa Experienced Clerk la a Dry Goods Es tablishment. ' Apply to " i. 8. WILLIAMS. Ang. IstlHoD. j; 1 kKt KIVKii Till DAY. A splendid andurire XV sortmeut ef window Bliadna, loaiiy new style! Kill. It.. U - u ...., M ....... . .l.nH H..t . . M tup , C. POLVOOT, ! Ang. 2. next to Lippitts I'nif Store. ynilM MALANf'E OF THOSE PATENT WIUE X FRAMES AND NETS will b closed out at cost, by C. POLVOOT. " Aug. a. next to Llpplit's Diug Store. KAIJI.E SLATE fOMPASY, II A VINO lTtEl'ARKD FOU A LARGELY INCUEAKED . production of tlrlr buriiuiou uiucjkJf it riiwuc novum HLATT.S, . Ar Dow ready to receive orders for the tame, dllvera)d after tli opening of navigation, and solicit th attention of Builder throughout the United but tea. Prompt attention will bs given to applications addressed to th undersigned, where sample! van be examined, and circulars giving lists, snd other particulars obtained. ' (1. FURMAN, Jr., ' 27 Courtlend t., ti. Y. May, 31, r J'"-ins FWMAMSEit'R SMUT AND MCREESISO MACIIIKB. lMl'OUTAXT TO MILLKIU. . . i t& UNDERSIGNED having beea appointed nt for X the sale of the above Msohine, ar now prepared to fur nieh th cm to mill owners and others. FIFTEEN HUNDRED of those machines sr now running la North Carolina, all of which have given the most entire l itisfactloa, both for durability and perfnrmaitoe. To this Machino may be attributed the high position North Carolina has taken lu the quality of her Dour, as she tan Bow compete with the world In the purity of th article snd th richness ot its quality, Kept constantly on hand and for sal by 1 8TOKLEY A OLDHAM, A tests, Murch 31. . Wilmington, at. C, CORRIOATEU WROLOIIT WON AND WIRE 1 HAILING. ; f Secured by Lcueriratent.) ' " ' A DM IRA IX Y adapted lor nolosln( Pnblio oronndJ, Ix. Cmeterie,Baluonys, Cottages, Ac, Sheep and Oa Hurdle. Patent Wire, Backing Bedsteads and iron Furniture. Patent Wire Coal Screens, Ore, Sand and Gravel Screeaa, Wire Netting for Mosqnitoe, Sheep, Poultry snd other pur pose. Wire Hummer Houses, Fancy Wire Work la great variety for Gordons, Ac. M. WALKER A SONS, Manufacturers, No. m Market, N. E. Cor. titb tt., Phlitdelphla. Ang. 21st, 1H6H. 296-ly. NEW GOODS, NBW UOODH, NEW UOODft, AT SMALL PROFITS, AT SMALL PROFITS, AT SMAIX PROFITS, CHEAPER THAN ClrEAPER THAN CHEAPER THAN OLD 000DH AT COST. r Ifew Goodt rectified wstkly, y - Jun im, - - HKDRICK RYAN." WE ARE SELLING OFF the bslanc of Our Bjiring and Summer stock of Fancy and Btapl Dry Ooods and Ready Mad Clothing, at a great sacrifice, for tnat nvd fulsatk only. We shall sell daily, until ail is sold, to make room for our Fall and Winter stock. W shall also sell our superior assortment of fine Dress Goods, consisting of Plato and Fancy Bilks, Bayader and Check Silks, Black Bilks, all the various makes: Grenadier Robes, Jackonet Bo bet. Gingham and Calico Robes; Printed Lswtij English and American Calicoes ; French Calicoes, a Inge assortment of handsome ; Hootch and American Ginghams, of the bett quality manufactured. ' , : KAUN WEILER A BROS., second door from the Ex change Corner, offer the best and handsomest assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac, Ladies Hoop Skirts, Corsetts, Bkirt Supporters, Ac, ef all make at the lowest prices, for cath only. ' ' ; ; , i June 23. . ; y ' .V .' '' FINK L1Q.VORS. JUST RECEIVED-! FRENCH BRANDY 5 , m i OLD BOURBON WHISKEY OLD TOM OIN; ' ' SHERRY WINE.; - ' y-. PORT WINE; B And 41 LONG WORTH'S " OLD CATAWBA BRANDY", direct from the Agency. These Liquors are represented at ksinff nf a minerior oraiia. - tor sale or Jnn Hth. - WALKER Ml WALKER MEASES, DrngglsU - BOAIAU AXKS I BOXINU AAKS I F A, FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE J. M. ROB1N303 brand, just received and for sal by . Oct. 30th " , J. M, BOBIN30N A BON. Herald eopy. " ; - . WILSO-VS HARNESS ESTAnLTt'-VT iiiciiv viuirTV im mi - ; C Xilblkl ,AU4rfA v ...... 1. . ', , t O..I,ll. n.ll. '..llor. Wliln. .n " 1 ruiiR 1 an aiuua oi i ' r buu i, , lnlll Condition Powders, for disr-snei 1; .ts, s ana iait-m; cobcu Trimrulngs, Carpet Ba?s, Vs. i .-. The laret stock In the State, sold whille r r " I, Rt the leweet New York prices. Harness and Badu.cs icpaired. - : v - JAKES WIIiJON, June t, 1859-235-ly. Ho, .Market ft., near the Wharf. t " FOR SALE AND I, M0ZAST nJLIL, LU tK-.s a. jt. Jus Ut, lv VALCABLN PTtOrF V.TY t :l THE 1UCMC AM) lot ai. v j 1 If Tho. C. M.:r , Kvr'.i, , 1 mmm k,!n Iiub a l L I . . I . I . Aprd ;ta, Lv-i ij tj. . FORBALl- nTHE noCSS ASD LOT a .taatad et ; next aorth r4Bw Fi lr rl -i, at rmled hv Mr. (,a. 11. V...... 1 , ., to tth f'.reet. Abv reraon ta wat of u. . I BOW kv aaPB4irtuaMv ai martn an mv t. . . March Jl.t, 153 """ AHiii'ilf ; if t an. I ' AP' . , or I OXE t ;, i. ver. v!le In r lilac k aad for THAT VALCABM LOT on tit t'r cf I rtfth Hrttt lii4 by U0 a b so.1 tt i tf'l w J. i. K ' . March 24-14JJ KJ-U W. I tiiETr ai LE OV LA IJ-t.uLKj At . TUB A ROVE LA.VES ,ti::ii(H'ir : K. J t Bint Bulot from th Market 1! i-e ! i 1 . M Ihl Cnl I'iaLU 11.11 n,,-.l .11... . Some of thea land ar said to b t.' t t -t . (ntnhdlrlaBil ( 'i ,n. t . n. I. ,t,,- . .1 . - k.. . , " - J " M. .'".J.I , Jt W.V ... I I lark wood, Turpentine, Too-Timber or Li:. r, V..Ib.m a.. a.. II a rnniu Hvi iu av v.cctiG4 I ii a. i wont e. rpO TUB LAMIBCYEia ot Hampton, Doplln, New na- ever, Bladen. Ae., wbo tra paruig bmi5tf4)aa acr for lands unlet off from any convenient mod of get ting to ataikat, t ome tad bny UnJs that are close to soar kst, frem one-hair te thrae-ruurtb tit price. Worth Iambi at much. The abov laadt wtU b told ta l t to snkt buy art, en aecommodaUog term. Tho wtntmg to buy wilt do well to call tooa if liiry wsnt hrtt tbsno. , .. a. m. Mcdonald. March 11. . sn t .. VAl.t AUl.W rtV6tEUTYFtili ilx. if THE M'asCRlIUI, eonteroplttlng a removal r VI from tht But, fler fur tai the following prop- V, J "ty. vi ; . v - Hit LOT AND BRICK DWELLING R0U!5, froetiog oa FVeoad and 1 bird stau W by BW ft, 111(1 BRHHIE PLANT ATloN, wMh lbs ferry franchise, contau!:g about flVK IWXlifiKl) A Cli K Also, a Tract tdjoli ,.i', of TUliKK UbSl'lifl) AVHK1 HILTON VilXA.e.; t, ..r- 1 Y AVUKS Rlc Land Dwelling Room and Gar Jcu. lot 2 0 Wt Lu IX at th North tad of the town. JA.MLS f. n ::"E. December 22d tttf, ONE MHWINa MAC! USE, I.OR HALE CHEAP tq oloM eoflolirnnnt. V J. M. UOWAetiN 4 BON. Out 30. Herald errv. MSCELLANEOIS. JDFEi.Tisn:in:,Ts. I ' mtr at Mil V at lltitl mmmt Aa w t a w. nili A T - -' MYKIL A .'HO: VS. MYEIIA The JJ0Y TOT Hat, at the Bat and t'p uuy rlma. Th rOCKXT DA T. at 94 Ma Every style ef oummet Hut. st - ;t .. , alYk.T.3 A in rwAAi iiii. ai 3 turtet tucet. moop.es Hat aud Cart Fipr-trlnm. July 13. I- - 14 Mrkt tit 8 liORTLY AFTER liEPTEMlKil lit, we wilfci ."a Fall Stock ef Data. Cant, CmbrtUaa, Furs, Ac. Uana. Lmbrallaa. Furs. Ac. respectfully tsk from Vuwitry Alm lmnl a con r- of thsir patrouags, itMuring tli tut thai a effort will It i, and to mat our asaortnitnt at eomplot and our prfi- lof a tan be found In any johblug noitae in the i. .v, i MYERS A Uno;. :, July link 1 i ' . tt Uaiketbire.' OMDtSHa FS1 WKiMflNu'WciTi and g eneral OwT flta for Gontlemon, will receive particular ,t July 14. , - i A Ll i ., . , .h. SUiRTS AND C-OUAHI, of superior nin' y.rTi'irbl . For sale by .. J, at WILLI A kl. July 14, 1W9. TO COTTON AND WtMJLEN MA!t I F At 1 1 ; iUh WUX1AM STEEL, Ko. ti North Front Ftrv i - Phlladelnlila. 1 31 ANUFACTITKER OF LEATHER BELTING, and .m I. tUTTVI V - - . ll. . f 1 L V Ir..irt, : ... ;7f WAUKH.&c. Also sole Agent fur J. henneil s rAP XXTilKTAllO ATf and Vl.AXf 1IEDI1LK. The mort snjierior HAItNKSSaowlnas. Ales Agent ferG CM liiJ-T. ING, PACKING, HOSE, At, : rfuiy ua isoif. - 171 cm. N, 1 " i - I. . n i C. DA(XN40(JO Ills., a lTirm! OrdV-ffi. for t,t' oa consignment. . , . S. MURRAY A CO. Ao.000 PEACH TREES, beat uallty,.uo ih pPr i.r . IO.ihn) Allen's Hardy RAUimilRY, 140 mt prrl i 't). rC'a(iiootifioT(WM. WILLIAM PAWlY, July 2'.Hh, l'SO. , ' 277 I 1)OUH.-200 bbls. City Mess, In start tnd for sal bv July SO.'. ' KMUliUAY A (i). rpEXas MtLASSES.30 bbls. on conilgnment, lor sal " A. juiyjo. by E. MUtUtAY A CO. un.iuti.u, at aaort notice sna si reaionaiii 1 prices. A Ro aMurtment of papert eoii.'itniiy grj t hand. C. POLVU .l. July 2. Ntxt to Llppltft Drag store. WHITE LEAD, -KEfiH WHITE NATIONAL, for tale low br July 30th. JAMES T. I'KTTi-VAY. 25Q PKOFl'MEIIY, FANCY AND TOILET A II i n r , COM PRISING POMADES HAIR OILS, HAIit I ,.-;l Hair Dye, Slutvlna Soant aad Creamt. Hair. Tootn aui Shaving Brnahet, Dressing and Fin Tooth Conibt, I iiltin, , Pttert and Glens Perfnmery, Lows Honey and (.leaerio foap, Ao. All of which have bttn carefully selected and win us soiu tow iot cssii. L. B. EBAMBEUT, Apothecary. , July 30tk, 1 , AN ARTICLE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE VVITIIOVT. A GOOD "MEDICINE CHEST." The and'irslgned has Just received a supply whkh for betuty of fiuish and couveuicnoe, cannot b ru-patted. , . LOUIS to. ERAMBEUT, Jutlr ,.., lent") f ' ' 1,aM.l 1I,...... CORN I CORN! I 3,000 bmihels prim white Roosok Corn, to srrlve. ' For tale bv July-26. BTOF.LEY A OLDHAM. fir AX f WAX 1 1 We wish to purchase 10,0ii0 lh. Wax, Ang. 4ta , T. C. A B. O. WORTH. DO YOU WANT TO BLEEP COOL AND COMfOI'.TA blef Boy a UAIB MATTRESS. They are c r healthier and mors pleasant than any other Mattreu lu 1 n met. Any size made to order at the ihortont notice, e the lowest price. C. POLVOOT, iiuiyia. next a nor to i.ippnn yn -, 1 . WATER COOLERS. ' ' A.FEWMORB OF TUB WATER COOTT-" t which ar for tal at oott. bv L. C. 1 1 July loth, 1H59. . (Lat Policy . ) , h -, , . . 2ENOBIA l ' OB, THE FALL OF PALMYRA, t vols, r By Wot. Ware. At r. KELLEY'S I ' in one. i-iuiiiir" July 12. . ; t ; ' NAILS AND HOOP I : 1 K( KEGS assorted Nails ; ... It) J Li tons assorted Hoop L 1 1. Vor tale by June 17. ZUN0 H. ulJET..' fV)UAt'COI TOBACCOII CO boxet euperior Cd li. J. pacttages.1 Jost received in store and tor eme py July 14, - ' ; T. H. UcKOY A V. ON HAD afewwatcr coolers, and Ice pit WiR be sold at cunt fiyr cash by kC.ll. July 18. : - reuey n i- IN BLLTIMJofallkind or!9p,br,. jniy zim, 1K4J . - " FRESH ARRIVALS OF CHOICE GOODS. Per scars. John and I: ; received Choice Go'hea Putter ; i New York Cored Hams very fine; ; Prim Ief Lard; -. , rv...hH a. and C. refined Snrifs : Crsckers-Soda, Boston, Wli- s f rc, Imon SQd Desert. For salt by L. Ik Ilt.G.LN A ' July 9. S. E. oornr k' rkct and j-ennd sts 1VIOSE' FANCY C4si"V.RW P" THOSE Lliiii i CASST.V " r '. ". 'i"3 J " TIiabp Ennliah Cams RaeiM OVER i.lli' iew" styla, Snmincrwear, Just received BALDWIN'S, , r

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