J i f A - . - r VOL. 8. NO. 303. VniIlXGTOX, N. C-TTIintSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1850. WHOLE NTirBZII 2J T 3 BT FULTON PRICK, ntOPRIKTUfU. Jl. FULTON, Ei:U A. L. PRICE, Aaeociat Editor. Til T Wrrtptlm. Daily Paper, ea jttr, tara-tably ia advance t M Weekly )M AU Wlter ea amine sa ceaerted with thia office, mm be a4dreae4 to th proprietor. RATES OF ADVERTISING. MAL BvtCAas. On day To day ThrLaye. Foot days Five dav Mm iWk Twe wevks Om asoath Two Month TaT B.ttht Sjx aaoaiha Ok I aCAta. I 15 : i5; 1 w 1 M 00 00 On day.... Twe dare... ...$ TVrae Ait.,... Foe daya ..... Five dav...... Owe weak. Twe week.... On Bos ilk Two Bjoaihe... Tata axeaika.. Six month .... 1 00 I 2i 1 M I Ti t TS 00 7 00 10 00 U 00 One year. IS M Oh year M 00 Tra Laws are eoaaled aa a auaara. uil t Baa at laaa a Bu awar. Laagwr Mwitmawu la aruporuua, payable ia edvaac. Wbea ao paid U advaace it rer auoare wuT ba charged after Ut tret laeenioa. all ccais MAQ half airuarw But paid for is advata-a iHWW 4 at a square. a" Advertisement Inserted aa Special or Bishop Untie are charged eo half Mora than above rate eight liaea (leaded) or teat counted aa a aquare. ar Advertise meato inserted every other day ara charged i won per aijaarvi iur nci inaeruoa aivcr u am. ArNo publication made withoat a reepooaible aama. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LOl'lt B. KR1MBRRT, DRUGGIST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, WlLaUMCTOM. N. C. Kpa renatantly oa kaad, a atlact ttork el JrHt$, Mnl hot, Jkmtmtw ami A'ttrofxan CKr-mv-ala, Fenny wd C'wwrn. 4c. I'articalar attrntioa paid to PuscairTiOMs, KiiiilT Kiuri, atinciNi CHwra. ac. .Mora iinm Jiatrly ouder the u Carolina Hotel." July 11 lv. ! tf U. C. W. J. MI'NKtX COMMISSION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE GRO- J CtHS, comer I'miceM and Water Street. Jana H, 1V. WitaimmiN, H Ct OLIYER KtCIXEV, I Tf HOLKS ALB A SD RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCS- K1K3 AND PROVISION!, A'u. 11 AurtA Hoir StrM, Dee. H, 15. Wilmdniton, N. C. j4l7T"piCTTrJwAt7 17 ACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, " A'o. 8 A'iwIA Watr Wr, WiLMtMaroM. N. C. Will give pertonal attenttog to the aala and bipmetit ol lotion, ai Bwrea ana outer proauea. Oct. . 14 UICKOM1ICT, BHOWR A CO., 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VT WILMINGTON N. C. Jaa. lit, 1W7. M tf. ELLIS cV MITCHELX, DEALERS IN GRAIN, WitreTOK. N. C, Keep Constantly on hand Corn, Pea, Oata, Hay, Meal, tlomonv, Bran, Horse and Cow reed, UU Meal Ac. March Uth, W. V. DAVIS. M. D.. "VFFERS HI8 PROFESSIONAL 8EBV1CE3 TO THE CIT J iieni of Wilmington. Office 2d door below Holme' Hotel, Front Street June S. HI tf HENRY P. Kl SHELL ft ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. CUARLKSTON, H. C. March 17th, 1858. ltii-u T. II. HcKOT COM ' ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bontb VT Water street, Wilmington, N. C. Aag. 23d, 185S. 29T II. B. EILRRI, "ITf HOLES ALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER y CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, corner Water and Market atreeta, Wilmington, X. J. April 2d, 1H58. TIIOMAI W, BROWN, JR4 A TTORNET AT LAW, 2Y COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AM) FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, June 24th, 1858. 247-tf Jit. ITOILIT. ' ALU. OLD! AM. TOKLEY it OLDHAM, ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND J LALER3 IX CORN, OATH, PEAS, AO. Wilhijiotok, N. C. Biriunci. Col. Joan McRai, President of the Bank of Wilmington. O. O. Pamlbt, Eaq., President of the Commercial Bank 1 DH, J. A. MILLER, TRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER & BA X KEK B LAW OrriUK, WILMIH9TOH, N. U. Oct. 20th, 1HS7 38 U D. A. LAMONT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 38 North Water street, KS UC1.1J J1U WILmHOTOK, . u UNION DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. C , VanBOKKET.EN A BR0., AgenU. All mm us or NAVAL BTUKrvi pnrchaaed, manufao tii red and sold :-' ' ::' -. Wharfage and Storage famished, and Ooopwag dona at lair rates. Jan 1st, 1M7 122 -tf. J. M. ROBINSON V MNH WlI.MINOTOK, N. C, TM PORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' A(iENTS, ANDDea- JL lre In Hardware, Uultcry, iron, Htoel, Nails, Agricai taral Implement, Ac. WM. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 20. 1864. 13 tf Witmnoiw, N. O. ADAMS, BROTHER CO C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J - WlLMmOTOM, N. C DAVIS A CO., I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sooth Water Street, J Wilmington, N. C. I. !. NATBAWAT. HATHAWAY it CO. WM. 1. DIXIT. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMINOTON, N. C. T.C.&B. O. WORTH, C COMMISSION AND FORWARD INO MERCHANTS, J Wilmington, N. 0. March 11, 1867 , 16 ly JAMII AltDiaSOH, IDWABD tATAOE ANDERSON A SAVAGE, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VT Wilmihotok, H. C. Liberial cash adtancet made on consignment. WILLARD CURTIS. CIOMMIS8ION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN. No. 10 BocTw Watbb Braim, Jan. 13th. wilmlngton, h. C. J AMU 0. IMITM. MILKS COMIX, J AS. C. SMITH it CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, offloe second story, corner I Booth Water and Market streets, Wilmington, N. C, where they are prepared to attend to all baaineai in the t'ommtasion line. All business entreated to them will bo punctually attend dto. , . . . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princess and Water j nreeia, numiugMm, m. u. , airiRKNCM: H. R. Satage, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, WOmington, N. C. Col. John McRae, Pres't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D.a. Datia, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, SaliabarT, do. J. G. Lash, " ' ' Salem, do. J. Eli Gregg, President of Bank Cberaw, S. 0. Oct 17 WALKER HE ARES, rSnROanr to W&lker Monr A. C.n W BOLESALB AND RETAIL DBUOGISTS, U KAUH BTEXXr, WUJflKSTOM, N. C. a,.-. .. ai-n nnArrr,-lni ll rinn bUi.Mvv a.c rivui Liu-iti unui.; KOWtRD Mr TO K RWt, C0)lltIS!U0S MEKCHiXT. Xa. ( Sotk Wr rt. A apt a. itf a. K. IHLU FORWARPIXtJ iXl COMMISSION MCRCHAST, liOferkA H Ui, . Waaiiwnm, S. C. Jly iuta. IvS. t" It tLDKRMil BnrUHT, "ITTHOLEsAUS ASD BWAlt !BOCRRS Ko. SI Xoara; Watci Srartr. t.VJr for Gaodi arfxnpaaiaj by tba aa. at tram paartaal raaUawra autiritad, aa4 will rrt prompt aal failaiil atWMtsa. Jaiy K !! . m. aarrM. tarn an'LAt aia. SMITH MrLAl RIN. COdMKSlOX AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WlLMIMITOM, N. C. asraa to Jobw Dawson. Em., Mstar. C P. Uilw, ku, 1'mOMl Rraack Baak Ut M. C. Jalylat, l!u tii tf MARISEr RAILWAY. IlHKBCKStfURER kataiff purekaaed tk CAPE FEAR . MARINE RAILWAY, (loraMiiy lb property f R. W. Btwry.) is prepared to build or repair Tmm-I. Faithrnl wurk at fair price promised. Order aolicitad. MICHAEL UORB1NS. Raferenee O. G. Pankt, Kidder A Marua, J. A D. Mi Ra la., Harriaa A HuwtU, J. U. Flanaer. April t-th, IW9 11( W. H. MARKS it CO (rcciitoii ro l. a. mart,) MANUFACTURERS ANO'PRALKRH IN HARDWARE, hTOVEH, GUNS, LANTKUNS, TIN aad SHEET IRON IEH, ID Front stmt, Waning too, N. C. w. a. MitAs. a. i. rr. WilmlBgHHi, N. C, Msy Kk, lHSt.ln-ly. HARHUS IIOWK1X, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wumiimton, N.C. loaua MAaaiaa, a. J. mowill. w. w. MAaaiaa, Oct. 1st, lMM WILM1NUTON MARBLE WORKS. TrwHt Itml, mu the M.HmkIW E. I karri. MONUMENTH, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT HTONKrV. FURNITURE Tth, Ae., of the BST VUALiTT of AMWtlCAN or ITALIAN M AMBLE, rurawbed te ordrr, as CHEAP aa eaa be procured from aay eaublialuuent of the kind ia the country. J employ Boo bat experienced workmen, and will par so paiua to pleaae al) who may fator me with their patron afe. AMrTerma CASH, Mleaa by special Agreement. W. U. MtLLIGAN. Wflmliiftoa, N. C, Bepi. I Jth. 186. 7 tf. NEW YORK & PU1LAUELPUIA CARDS. M. DOLL NIB. . rOTTBB, J. t, CAMIMIBN. DOLLNKH, PllTTKH da IXX, C10M MISSION MERCHANTS, New Yokc. April 1.T, lass lm-ly. CLAAKNC1S. 1ATB. MMNMI L. fOUTSM. KATES POST K It, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the sale of CvtUn, Jiux, Auoai Storm, and Southern Produce generally, No. 110 N. Wharves, and 111 N. Watr SL, PMILADILrUIA. . Fbrnary 3Hth 1869. 14H-ly O ICO. O. VAN A mYuN tii K 'jlC (COMMISSION MERCHANT. J Cotton, Spiriu Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber, and South ern Produce (euarally. 104 North Wharves, Aim Arvh A'lrl, PRILADBLPMIA. r Prompt personal attentioa given to all consisnmenta. aiut m (m dmii uiiuiuia. leo. 4tb, 186M 76-ly UHira'KN A AlKKN. TMPORTERS AND JOBBEItS of FEKSCIT, EXULlSIl X ana UJUiMAJ f&AUr UOUVS ami PKHfUMKU r, MO. l)A FULTON BTBIBT, NlW YOHI. Hinbt GairrBN, I Wm.H. Acbbn. Not. 26, 1K68. 69-ly. BABBOM 0. WAT80N, VAMTUM MIAMM, WATSON it MEARES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 34 Burlinc Slln. New York Especial attention paid to the aala of Natal Htobw, Cot ton, and Bouthera Produce generally. Jraberil advances made on consignments. July 1, '68 I. BAITIT COCHBAN, V. B. Bl'SHsT. tUtllKAll at KISSKLL. in ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North JT Whartea, and 3 North Water Street, Pbilauiltbia WLiberial eaab advaaoea made on eonsignmenta. Jaly.lmh.lN63 179 BOOKS, STATIONERY, &C. ECEIVED BY EXPHESS at KELLEY'S Nw Book J V Store, the following work : fckotche of the Irish Bar, by the Right Hon. Richard Labor Shell, M. P., in 2 vol. The Tin Trumpet, or Heads and Tail for the Wise and Waggish ; Shelley s Poetical Work i Poem by Oliver Wen acu tiomiet : nun.snine, or Rate vuiton. Aug. 22d, 1869 NEW IMiOKB-Thia morning at KELLEY'S NEW BOOK STORE: Love Me Little, Love Me Long, by una, iteaae. ruouc ana mvate HUtiory ox iaiuis a apoieon, me nacrea tiounuins, Dy J. i. lieauiey. Aog. 15, 1H5. A VALUABLE WORK FOR PARENTS At KEIe ii. LEY'S New Book Store Th Maternal Management of iniiaren, in neaiia and aiaease ( Dy iboa. Bull, M. v. Angnst'Ul, 149. rfCABLES f Sterling Eacliange, for converting sterling X into currency, and currency into sterling, from par to twelve ana one nan per cent, premium, Increased by one eighth of one per cent. In which the value of every part oi me ponna. progressing Dy one penny, at all tbe GiOerent raws or .xcnange, it given at tight, at August. 10. KELLEY'S Book Store. TI I8TORY of the Navt of the United Statet of America. IT abridged in one volume, continued to 1866 ; by J. Ken imore uooper, at ulllux b Book Store. Angnst 10, 1869. A MANUALUhewihg the price required in Liverpool XJl for Cotton, Corn. Wheat. Flour. Lard and Beef, at ant given prime coat rate of Exchange and rate of freight, at Augusi iu. jibLLKi a Book stvre, POETICAL WORKS. TJT CALLING, YOU WILL FIND the following list of jl cnoice roeiicai woria, at M.I.LLI H HUUlt oTOUK. Thot. Hood't eomnlete works, in sheen and antinna i lira. Heeman't complete work, in aheen and cloth : toe works oi Lora uvron, locinaing the inppressed foemt ; Child Harold, in antique, by Byron ; Moore't Lalla ltokh, In an tique ; Shakspeare't complete works, in sheep and antique ; Yonng't Night Thoughts, flliwtrated ; Miltou'a Paradia Lo inusiraiea, rrote ana roetry or Burope and America; Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, bt Mrs. 8. J. Hale : Poet ical work of Samael Taylor, Coleridge, Cowper, oott'a Norton', Campbell's. Mrs. Siaroornet'a. Monts-omerv'. Gerald Maaoey's, Southey'a, Mrs. Eliza Cook'a, Longlellow'a, in 2 vols., Aurora Leigh'a, Roger' Poetry of Flowers, Brit ish Poete, by Heed ; Beranger't Lyrical Poems ; the Heroes oi me but muster; xrencnet, Amelias Carolina Wood Notet ; Tennesson's, E. B. Browning't, Longfellow't Evan geline ; the Courtship of Milet Htandiah ; Hyperion ; the Song of Hiawatha ; Homes and Haunts of the moat eminent oriiwu roeu, dj nm. uowiu. Jiny ytn, lh - PUHVKAH WHMUKI, BBLS WARRANTED PURE, tor aale by Jane 10th T. H. McKOY 12 CO.. CIGARS. WE HAVE IN STORE a good mpply of Cigar, . una qualities. For tale low by U B. HUGGINS A SONS, July 7. 8. E. cor. Market and Second ttt. CRAVAT8Gentlemen will find a full and superior aa tortment of Cravat bt callinir onus: imnni them colored and black Lace Bilk Cravat, a desireable article fr Summer wear. For tale by ; . . J. S. WILLIAMS. Aug. 15th GREAT REUlCTIOa. CENT MUSLIN at 80. , 40 " . 25. 50 30 . " ' 20. Handsome white Embroidered Muslins, 37 eta., worth 75. Irish Linen at N eeirto, worth 60. wwrwam 90 ti oo. Lediee' Lava Handkerchiefs at 6 worth 10 cent. " 8 12 " 12 M it M For cash only, HEDEICK & RYAN. WBiJiO. MCDIfJL. BALTIMORIt I AH K IHPTU IXMT", JOHV. TH S founder of tt.n Olr hralrd laM itutHa cSrt U Mat Ortaja fde. aad e't kaiaal iratrJv, w it vurid fu IIWu, Sirk tHi-c. SmmAj walBr, Pa M tv Unt. ; (wtxalil IWbi'.rtv, lHAewy, Wraktvi Oj IWk aa4 Lioila, AtectiM ef th ki-lH". IHtpiratKW pf the ! H.-t. lr.pe. N'rvaa Irritability. Iwra d va H4, j Thruat. Nona r Skui : aad all iot wnwa and aavlawbuly Paorder eruig fr, all thtM I'estrartu aeita ol Tooth I wkh k dtny both bodv and m bJ. Tnt vn-arr aad ai4- tary prattle asor tats! to their M,m that tbe Mig la S rreaa to the M aHwer llraM, WtiMmj UmIv mum brtUiaa kopaa af aatieipatMa. rvadvnafaiaiTteg. A MapibK perWny, wke have beeoan lb vk tim af ftotttary Tire, that dreadful aad aWrartira habit, whH h aaaaallv sweep to aa nttmely grave tboawaad af yfMtaa; af the Buat xaJtrd taleala aad bnUatat tateUact. wlati(ht etaerwne have eatraaeed iMtaautg Iwaat with the Uutadere ef elo queaee, or waked to ersUcy the living lyre, asay call with all eoQndeaee. MurlM Marrisd Peraoae, ae,Yaa; MMeoMtoaaplaUag aiarrlaga, being aware ef Phyakal eakaeav Orcaaw lability, IVfvir miti, A..ahold immediately toaeali lt .J., aad be reator d te perfect heal' a. He wka place himaetf aaoVr Ae eareW Dr. JuAaaoa sui relirioaly euallJ la k baar aa a (eatleataa, and vaa deaily rely apoa h skul aa a physciaa. OrfMlt Vt mImw immediately eared, tad full rigor rtur4. That disease ia the penalty aitt frequently paid by tbee vis have beeun the ttrtuua ef tan proper biduUreaeaa. Yotwg peraoaa are toe apt to commit eiceasr fruia a4 be hg aware of tbe dreadful eonaeqnencea that Btay ensue. Now, who that anderataada th subject will prelead to deny tius the power of Frorreetioa at loat suoner by thoae falUng into improper hablta than by the pradeat. Bwude baiag deprived the pleaeere ef healthy eBpruig, th bxmI arriuu and deatnwtiv symptoms to bth body and Blind arise. Tbe tyateni become deranged, the physics I and Bseatal pewera weakeaed, aertuoa debility, dl spepaia, palpttatio vftaa heart, indigestioa, a watting of thefram, eongk, symptom af eonsumptioa, ete. NarrwsM VrUtttr. Weakaesa of the system, Kervnaa IVliftlty and premature decay generally aria from the IV. tractive habit of youth, that aolitary practice ao fatal te the keallhfui oiinteace of maa, aad it m th touag wke ar moat apt to become lu tk tiaia, from aa (gnoraace of thedanterato which they subject themselves Parent and Guardiana are oftea Biia Ud with respect to th eaoae or swirwe of dawaae ia thaw aona aad ward. AUa t how eftea do they ascribe to ether rauae th wanting ef the frame, Palpitation of th Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestioa, derangement of the Nervoua Sys tem, Cough, and Symptom of Consumption, also, those a rioua mental cffecU, such a tose of meaiory, depression of spirita, or per B liar flta of anelaarboly, wbea the the truth la, tfiey bar been caused by Indulging ia pernicious but allur ing practice, destructive to both Bxly and Mind. Thus are twept from existence thensanda who might have been of na to their country, a pleasure to their friends and orna ment to society. Orrioa Niv. 7 Smta Fbbomivb St., loft hand tide going from lialtimor street, T doors from th corner. Of Be particular In obaervlng the name and aamber, or yon will mistake th place. AV Tak notice, observe tU name oa the door aad win dows. A LW vxirranUtl, or ao Vhargt Hade, n from (Me Ut Tiro iny. NO MERCURY OR NAUHEOUH DRUGS USED. IMl. JOIIMON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Umdon, Grade ate from one of the moat eminent Culleget of the United States, and the greater part of whoae lite ha been spent In the tret Hospitals of Loudon. Pari, Philadelphia, and else where, has eflected some of tin most astonishing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing in th head and ear when asleep, great nervousneas, being alarmed at auddea aounda, aud baahrulness, with frequent blushing, at tended sometimes with derangement of nilud, were cured immediately. I A Certain Disease. When the miogulded and Imprudutit votary of pleasure Qmla ha baa lamkiLs4 Ika mmmim ml 1W (I.I 11 mi, Sk oiien happens that an ill-timed sense of shsme, or dread of aiaoovery, detera nun rrora applying to those who, rrom eo BM-atioa and respectability, can alone befriood bun, delaying till uit oonslilutional syiupvoim ol Wils borrld disease make their appearanc, such aa ulcerated sore throat, diseased Bone, nocturnal pain, in tii head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafueaa, node on th shin bone and arms, blotchea on the head, face and extremities, progreasing with frialit- ful rapidity, till a last the palate of the niouth or the bouct of tht bos fall in, and Ui victim of this awful disease be comes a horrid object of commiseration, till death put a period to hit dreadful aufteringt by tending hint to " that bourn from whence no traveler returns." Te such, there fore, Dr. J oh neon pledgee himself to preserve the most in violable storesy, and from bis titeuslv practice In the first noapiiai in r.urope ana America, ne can conndenuy recom mend a safe and speedy cor to the unfortunate victim of thia horrid disease. It Is a melancholy fact, that thouNands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to th anskillfulneit of ignorant pre- tenuers, wno, oy ino use oi mat areamui poison, mercury ruin the constitution, and even send the atiiortuoale suffer er to an untimely grave, or else make the residut of hi life miserable. Take Particular Nollrc. Dr. 1. addresses all those who have Injured themselvts by pri.at buu iiupruper iuuuigut es. These are tome of the aad and melanchol effecta tiro duced bv early babiu of youth, via I Weakness of the Back and Limba, Pain in the Head, Diinnrs of Sight, Los of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyxpf puis, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement of Ui Digestive Function, Ueneral Debilltv. Hvmotoni of flunaumuiiiiii. Aa. . , Mintallt The fearful eucela upon the mind ar mnnh to be dreaded ; Low of Memory, C'ouluslon of I Oh as. I cp res lion of Spirit, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society. Self uistrust, lov oi solitude, liuiiuny, Ac, ar tomt of the etilt produced. Thousands of persona, of all ages, can now Judge what ia we cause oi tneir aeciiuuig nesiut. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale aud emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption, Dr. Johnson a Invigorating ltrtnely fur Orgmilr Weabneaa. By till itfett and Important remedy, weakness of th or gans are speedily cared, and full vigor refrtoreif.-Thfttiaamlt of th most nervoua and debilitated, who liud lost all hope, have beea relieved. All Impediment- to Marriage, Physical or Mental jiisquaiilicaiion, Morvoua irritability, Tremblings ana weakness, or exhaustion or the moat leartul kind, speed' ily cured by Dr. Johnson. 1 aaiig Man, Who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the effecta of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, render marriage impossible, anq aesiroys potn mina ana body, should apply unnieuiaieiy. Whit . nil w that a nnn. man that him. nt 1, ia .mini.. and the darling of his parent, should be snatched from all prospect and enjoyment of lite, by the consequences of deviating from tbe path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret naon. rmon persons, oaiora contemplating MarrtaKa should reflect that a tormd mind and body are the most ne eesaary requisities to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, tbe journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, me prospect nonriy aarxens to to tiew ; tht Blind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the jnelancboly reflection, that the happiness of another, be comes DiigmeQ who our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., IUiUvnore, ML All Sviuiioal Opirationb Pkkfobmbd. ' N. B. Let bo falae delicacy pretent yon, bat apply Ira mediately either personally or by letter. txiN BiMiHi truoiLr ocaan. T Mtrangera. The many thouaanda cured at thia Institution within th last twelt yearn, and th anmeroua Important aurgical Op eration performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed bt the re porters of our daily papers and many other persona notices oi wnicn nave acain and axain appeared before the nubile ft a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will find a skill ful snd honorable physician. luissur, N. B. --There are to manr worthies Quacks advertlaln themselves aa Physician, raining the health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deem it necessary to say, (spe cially to those unacquainted with hit reputation, that hi credential or diploma always hang ia hie office. - - TAKE NOTICE AU letters moat be noat-naid. and enn. tain a pottage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be senL May 27th. 1S6 ' - ' 224-ly BRIO MAHT Mf RAB ARRIVED. I 2 Ant's BAGS COFFEE, Superiort " ant Good JJJ First." Rio Clawiiflcations.V received direct from Bio, and for sale at New York rates, by . Ang. d, iNiaj-ii oo-u u . f akmlki a CO. NORTH CAROLINA BACON HAMS. A SUPERIOR LOT oNNorth Carolina Bacon Hams, re ceived this morning. For aale by -,s - L. B. HUGG1NS A SONS. July 22d , S. E. Corner Market A Second 8L WESTERN BACON AND PORK. 'II STORE and for sale by . JbIj U m. , , XUSWILS ft BSTTI2rC0UI.T, ' WANTED. WHTIO, S3 ARES WlLMIXuTO A WEI-DOX RAIL V hJ Klo, k A fair price w .11 be paid. Apple to H. P. WAULAI K. A prd let, ! ;nf i - WIL4I-iUTON aW WKUWt R. BL BTtinC rAVTFDBjetcaaerefor t'ofSBMrrial Baak aawk.-. EMair al that OiLre. RAILROADS. Orrh Uttt. rr"?. 1 Wamingtoa, . rL. A M.s. R. R. Co., I NetmbrXk,l!tM. ( WT " S" i I i ii . ii law , ami -'", I fciii tWT.i ta-L-Ts-. f ar- ? t aa-JTami NOTK H TO TRAVRLEHS. On AND AFTKR WEDNEKOAY, He. 1st. a cAaage af a-'bedul wdi be at4 apaa thai Boad, aad the Mad aad Passenger Trains wuT ran a foliowa t Leave WU-uatoa at A. M. ad 111 P. M. Arrive at Kiavil)e at 3.10 P. M. aadl.U A. M. ' Leave Rlnraville AU A. M. aad AM P. M. Arrive at ilailngUia at 3 P. M. aad 4 A. M. AH the treia roaaect sloaely with Oolwabta trahsa, except tbe BMratng trara tt-aviag EugvUi at t.li. Ceoaocbua are made throuxh wtih tbe Greeatille aad Cvhtmbia Road. i. P. ROBERTSON, Geo. Mup't. Nov. JV l.yintf. - IUISCELL.NE01S ADYERTISE31ENTS. C. TTtkTKNIIOLM'S CELEBRATED UAXOIU -Aa other lot Just received, at 3 Market street. JalyJ. ABTKRN IIAV-m bales new Unding aad for aale by E1J.W MITCHEU. Aug. isl ON fttNliN WENT. Beaver Creek Co.' HHEETINGM AND YAKM ; F. M. A W. U Meadows' Maaufartured Tt)BA(tX. For tale by the package, A. K. Hil l- ' July 30, 1869. , , IIB tf "I Y M'HRS. W. 11. SMITH AND W. L. PttlJUS, j ) the folloolng bianda of CIO ARM have beea welved i CtiaiRierviantiHi, Light Gnard Cortes, f l Hpal, Figaro, rWvalin la Palma, La rAvmaraMa aad La HaaduaUa. A auraberof tea brand named ar well kanwa, and never fad to give aatk-factioa. LOUIH B. EH AM BERT, JalyM. Practical Pharateceatiet, t.Herald copy. )IBT IN BR A BON nH MANUOBM, Pit RLE a, PltrKRVKK, Ac. Fine Salad Oil, White and Black Mustard Seed, Tamerto, Natmega, Bph e, black aad Ud Pepper, Jamaica Ginger, Ah ban do., Maoe, Clove, Vanil la Iteaiia, Flavoring Extracts, Ac., Ae. Sold by July 30. UlUIS B. ERAMRERT, A potheeary. AI.AHUE ABBORTMENT OK COMBS, BRt BIIKM, I'ortemonnales and Wallet at BALDWIN H. AugUMt 6th, 169. 1 LI E Utl fjbls. No. 1 Jh$UU,rt' (Ii, ia store snd for JT sal by l)eRt)SSET, BROWN A CO. Aug. 3, mf. CCOW PEAS, 100 bushels just received. For sale by J Aug. . EI.L1H A MITCHELL WANTKD-Ab Experienced Clerk la a Dry Goods Ea tabtiahment. Apply to J, ft, WILLIAMS. Atg. lai N6U. iiKiaivKU Tina UAli soleuUld and large aa- J V sortinent ef Window Shadea, many new aty tea. Put Bp Btyl with Bailey' patent flitur, at short not to, . bt a 15. POLVOGT, Aug. 2. next to Uppitt't Drug btore. K BALANt H OP THOMR PATENT WIRE f'RAMEH AND NETS will bt eloaed out bt cost, by Aug-1. next to LlppliCa Drug Htora. KACI.H BLATK tOMI'ANV. 1L A VINO PIIKI'ARKD FOR A LARGELY INCREASED , proiiuctloa of their burKHlOH QHKJiX ATfli PUHPLK HOOFING SLATKS. Ar now ready to reoelv order fur th aama. deliverable after the opening of navigation, and solicit the attention of liullilsrt throughout thaUniteil States, Prompt attentioB win n given to eppiioeuone atiaressea to tbe auderaigned, wSere samploa can be examined, aad eirvulara giving aiaea, Bud other particulars obtained. G. TUBMAN, Jr., IT Courtland .t., N. Y. 217 1m May, 81, 1869. cBIAINEN'S MI T AND MCHKENINO MACHINE. IMPORTANT TO MILI.XIIS. flAlU UNDERSIGNED having been appointed agent for X tht tale or tat above Machine, are Bow prepared to lur ui.h them to mill owner and others. FIFTEEN HUNDRED of these machine are now running in North Carolina, all of which kav glvea the most entir satisfaction, buth for durability and performance. To this Macuiu may b attributed th blub position North Carolina has taken In the quality of btr Hour, as sh can anw compete with the world In the purity of the article and the rtchu ol its quality. Kept constantly on hand and for aalt by BTOKLEY A OLDHAM, Agents. March 31, Wilmington, N. C. NKW C400DN, NEW UOODS, v NEW OOOO, AT SMALL PROFITS, AT SMALL PROFITS, AT SMALL PROFITS, i;n h a rr.it i iiaji CIIEAPEH THAN CHEAPER THAN OLD GOODS AT COST, tr AVmi Qwxh received wnklu, hu June 18. HJR!5;K lYAN' HXK LIUUOHS, JUST RECEIVED-. FRENCH BRANDY Old) IK 111 ll HON WHISKEY; (l,l) TOM GIN; SHERRY WINE : PORT WINK: And "UlNGWORTH'S'V OLD CATAWBA BRANDY. direct from the Agjncy. These Liquors are represented as being oi a superior grade, ror sale bt June lith. WAI.I Kr.il mi IEARE8, Dntggh-t. BOXINO AIESI IKIXINU AXES II A FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE J. M. ROBINSON IX brand, lust received and for tale by OcL 30th J. M. KOHINSON A HON. Herald copy. WlfJMIN'S HARNESS ESTAHLIMHHENT. 3 T EVERY VARIETY OF HARNESS, PVN (U.I.IU. Itrlllaa ('..II. a Wl.in. mwA t s! J-'U Trunks ; all kinds of leather and Oil; at 1' Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattie : l oi Trimmings, Carpet Hag, Valises, Ac. Th largest stock It the State, told wholesale or retail, at the loweat New York price. Harnett and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON, June 9, 1869-236-lyV No. S Market it., near th Wharf. AN ARTICLE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT. A GOOD " MEDICINE CHEST." Tbe undersigned bat J nut received a supply which for beauty of liuiah and convenience, cannot be turpaseed. LOUIS B. ER AM BERT, July 2Cth, 1869 , , Pactical Pharmaceutist. WAX I WAX1 f We wish to purchase 10,000lbs. Wag, will pay the highest market price to eaab. Aug. 4th - I.aiB. G. WORTH. DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP COOL AND COM FORT A ble? Bny a HAIR MATTRESS. They are cooler, healthier and mora pleasant than any other Mattress in Sum mer. Any site made to order at the shortest notice, and at the lowest price. ; C. POLVOGT, juiy ia. c poor to bipprtt t urnggery. WATER COOLERS. A FEW MORE OF THE WATER COOLERS LEFT, which are lor aale at cost, by . L. L TURNER, laly 19tb, 1869. (Late 1'olley A Tomer.) . 100 COIlil heavy Jute Bale Bot e. For tale by - " Julys. WILLARD A CUBTI8. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE VOL' ft ICE 1 ":" BUY AN ICEBREAKER for 26 cent, from - ' - t.Vr. w- JL. O. TURNER, Jdly m;r - Lat PoUey A Turner.) - . CORN AKUIAT, . BUSHKij white corn, landing rrom scar. Jane Fisher. For sale bt FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO RENT. - - ' - nrOR ONE TUB, rrora tat Ootober twit, a Pl- . beg il.xiaa ea KecuaJ trail, betwcea PruH-aa atd fkaalaut aireeu,at preaeut ckcbi d Ira" t -1. McRae, Jr. Apt.it te B. Ia1I ABgwat lUa, ix lei UatO. txm BENT. t TV BASEMENT est the aaw -OrR YAI R ai I. .1 '-v w im aiBffi p ia euarpirte emer, aaa fa.tt ' mm waaaaable Wrvn. EnWr the whole, 33 by 3 lto la the) tarer, e e-lawd, or two-thirds ef tbe same -nay be had, to still teaaau. FULTON A PIuiL ABgwat 10, IteB. i TO RENT, FOR ONI TEAR than 1st October, a pWaaaaCy situated dwelling- aear lb temar r ioood A l- Mreata. ABblvto BEDR1CR A RYAS. n Aert Id. ta&a. I-O. rUK RENT. JK FROM let OCTOBER NEXT, Store V. 10 Vortk f.f Waaw atreet, at present eeeepled by Maaar. W: lard A Cartia. Apply to K1JJH MITVHtLL. Jaly liith, 1-iB. i;atf VK REST. 1-1 FROM THE 11 OF OCTOBER NEXT, th Rose' f ' I and Let ea Front Mrtot, keewa a Got. Dadlry' f 1 ' J r late realdea.-. Apply to AaguaA 1. iv.a-mtf JOHN A. PARKER. n mm RENT. MOZART HALL, till October seat. Apply to La A. HART. Jualt,lV tM tf a V ALI A RLE PROPERTY fUR BALE THE HOUSE AND U)T adjoining tb of Tboa. C. Miller. jiq.. North, will be sold bl term, a full half lot, M by W feet April ita, lNiB-Uf tf) GEO. H . kaLKY. nH SALIC HAH AT VALUahI.R LOT ea tbe corner ef Friaeetad X Fifth Street-la4 by 140 will be auld at a baraaia. Ap- piv t i. i. i wnui.ii, i Ml larek U IW9- UJU W. I. MM ITU. OHkAT MALE lr LAll.t.lMMI At HBB. THE ABOVE LAN DM ABE LOCATED FROM ONI ,J te aiae Bill fmm th Marketjiooaa ia FayettevUhv oa th CuaJ Field Rail Road and Cap Far Rivsr. Some of these lands are Bald to be the moat valuable la Cumberland Coanty or la that part of the State, for Black , lack wood, Turpeutlne, Tom Timber or Lnaiber, tad for Farming aot to be eieelled. NOTICE. T Mi THE LAND- BUYERS of Sampson, puplut. Nw Haa ever, Biadsn, ao., who are Baying rrotj u to IJ0 aa a re for Unite Mill off from any convenient mode af ge ting to market, eom and bay la ads that ara eloae to mar - let, from one hair to three Mirth lb art, worth doubia a Bitck. The above lands will be auhi la loaf to uit boy ra, ea aecommoUatlng tarma, Tboa wanting to buy Hill do well to call boob if they want Brat rhanoe. a. u. McDonald. klanklL 16Atf B a ' ONH BEWINU MACHINE. I .COR HAl.E CHEAP to close t eonslgtimsnt. i . J. If. UOBIVBOI BON.t J (bit. 30. Herald Bopy. 47 It tCCKIYEU PER ADA II B' BBPREBl thia mor-V tug, a large and beautiful aasorlKenl af POCEkf KN I Vh!s. For sale at low figure at RALDWIR bV-x 4 August UI. , , VMfrriiRfi lot or thinks, tmav KIJNU HAUS, Retlcult. AoperH hr. Helen, at BALDWIN'S. AegtittlM. CtOHN A KMI AT 1,100 buhU WhIU, how Undliif tntt AagastlSd. ELLI!5 MTTCHILL , . f C1EEU R K.. -ifio bubl daily expected, Knr tsle k m .... O Aug.23d, 1H69 EUJSAMITCHEIX. QteTrt R E W A II D.- Kanaway from Ue wWrl. L jT O a I her on tii llith Inst., bis negro girl KEZIAH f -J ACOIM, but generally called Auiu. She Is auppo- . ed to b barbiired amongst her rslatlon In town. Sue mi 1 wall known, and a deec rlptmn la dee mad nneoeaaary. The im above rswai d will be paid for ktr dtUvery to ni. , U H. B0WDI!f;J A'lg. 23. ' - llT-lB J-je-ja CAKIION Oil- r;t "EUY LIGHT AND BURNS BEAUTIFUL A good top V li I V emiaUlillv na hand al thai. IMP BTnilM Kin IS Market street, opposite the Carolina Hotel. . DAVID J. GREEK, AftnL Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 22, H6i, . mmmmmmmammmmmmmmfmmmmmwitfm$ i MSCEIXANEOIS ADVERTISESIEN'TS.1 SHORTLY AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st, wt will opes our Fall Stock of Hats, Capa. Umbrellas, Far, Ao. We reMieotfiilly ask from CVmith-y Mtrchanlt a eeatinnaaee of their patrunnge, assuring thsui that ao rort will be spsred to malt our aanortineut a cumulct and oar price as low a can be found In any lobbing bouse in th toantry, ; j-aW MYERS A MOO UK, Hal 4 Can Emporium, July !Hk 14 Market Street. TO tOTIOM AND WOOLEN MANUFACTURER!, WIIJJ A M STEEL, No. 34 North Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa, MANUFACTUIIER OF LEATHER IIKLTlNG7tnd deal ers In COTTON and WOLLKtf MACillNKH F", ; WA UKS. c. Also sole Agent f.H? J. Senneff ' PA T- i KNT MKTALIO A' FA' and CLAXP HKDDLJC Th most" su perlor II A RN KHH sow In ase. A Im Agent for GUM BELT' INO, PACKING, HOSE, Ao. - July 23d l6!. 272-m. N. C. HACON.-34WQ Int., i j-mu-arlw-Vt, for tale OB fiinslgnmMnt; l iw nii !--f MHMlvat UU K. MURRAY A CO. OKK.-7iK) bids. City Mesa, in ttor and for sals by L July 30. K. MURRAY A CO. ri'RSAS MoLAmses-30 bbU. on eon-lgnmeot, loraalf UIT iio. Ei MURRAY A CO. 1) Wr.ll HANUI-JO, at short notlct and at reasonable prices. A flue assortment of Daoers constantlt aa buI. (J. POLVOGT. pel July 2fi. Ntxt to Llppltt't Drng Store, f PERFUMERY, FANCY AND TOILET AKTTCI.rf"" COMPRISING POMADES HAIR OILS, H AIR DlUCSHLs' Hair Dye, Shaving Soap snd Creams, Hair. Tooth aai V Sbaving Braahea, Dressing and Fine Tooth Combe, Lnbfna. Peters and (ilena Perfumery, Lowe Honey and Gleseria f nap, Ac. All of which kav been carefully aaleeted Baas 1 Will be sold low ror cash. , I B. ERA M BERT, ApotheoarT4 July Ifith, i860 - - , , ;-i f.,v ON HAND a few water cooler, and let pitcher wblalk wilt be Bold al oo for oath by L. 12. TURNER, f . July 18. (Uto I'olley A Tornet.) "XTAILa-i6 kegs assorted aiaea. For Je b 1 awi 1 H. niKiCIVfl t ROWli" Aug. 11, B. E. corner Market and Heeond sta." . FLOUR. -: ' .:.- i)K BBLS. SUPER FLOUR J - ,: ' v itJW" Cracker, Soda aad fog sr. in slor snd; fol sale by SUSNO H. GREEB.' 94 August 6th, 186. . . , ' - - ' ""--- isawiiaasBi ' avatM n i iMi-aataaiaalaaaAaakaaaat NO. BACON2,(X)0lD.Hairind&'honldra,lntor, and for tale by Aug. 9th ALDERMAN BETTENC0URT. &4L (CRACKRRS-Sugar and Soda, fresn,' In ttor and for y sale by . ALDKUMAll A BKTTENC0UBT.. Ang.nn . , HUGH GRAHAM. (COMMISSION MERCHANT, J a. NORTH WATER STREET. . --:,! -t-s . i--..-..-yj,,, - WILMINGTON, fl. O. Wf Aug. nth, 1869. - xw-inr T7M)R BALK, SMALL BUILDINO LOTS-Per-I1 ton wUhine- to tnve rent and OCCWV their OUm hou$t$. can be accommodated with cheap Lote, in tbe North bd af t the Town, on application to the tubscriber, A plan ef the. property may be sees at the Furniture Store, No. 10 Front street. ' JOES D. LOYfi. August 11, 1859-atH-U. - NEGROES I NEGROES It WANTED TO PUR- f cbsse, eight or ten likely FIELD B ASDS, from , 18 to W year of age. Any one hating such Negroe JJ,, to dhpo-e of, will Und a CASH purchaser by applying at J.1 M. ROBINSON A SON'S Hardware Store. Front Rreet, Wilmtogton, U, C, , (Aof. 10, MSfr-fcrtr At . 4i