T a. EV iti. SEFTEMBKR U XJ5-l.-ri, fcn lw ftps KfJ. 2 fl V U.I to receive t it be koowa at our Ti C5 f ti tw wfl b fc4 at u- rv Jna b4icf , ea trcmm rtr4 Bp MJr. TW baeuM to C V- tb d wnal to U r-bt, r to aa-di th ntrK U oar m&m iasUl avparviy B&alJjd stat. truet w tri taj patroat v:3 W iU at fur a gall caa aOi vrythiu; r4-bt. short tua 9 ln.tM.ik TtlHU Vimlf, ate mmth Omit J. It a jwt tV jewrs sine Ike ATilmingiw W ra ajtbliA W wi3 to-Borrew iaue lb Ent aua W af Be I6th voIam4 toJer somewhat different eir n9mtrr.i ti feast from a 4 .Street Lxmtioo tbaa that fro wtkk tbe atmI bat foot fart- for so many jwra. Oar frfeoda will be leased to aow that our paper baa at Wttli faxwd k mM a " local KabiUlioa " aa w2 U a " tame." ItrikaS W'oaretxiesTor tonake it ia htwt wortkj d both, e-J of the liberml petrootge vhidi kM br eitottled to it, lor which we are tomly rte.U It m DOt Mcotary, we hopr, that we abotul make ajy km Dromlan or profeainu at thia late daj. We can ooly point to the pert u the bwt Wieatiaw U whatour fotore ooarw will be. It may tie proper, bowcttt. aou we fed aarowd that it wUI be rrmU W to aoroe at fcwat of oar frirods, to eUte that the preat-ot poeitioo aod eropecti of the Journal are at kat al cbtvriog u thry have ewr preriooaly been, while our lacilitke U iinf atiafacUoo to our patruoa, either aobecribera, aJrerti en, or peraooa wanUof Job work, are prater than at any time before. JLt we remarked last wk, a moderate rxrrtioo oa tbe Part of each of our (Head could hardly tail to eure a krje locreaae to our prtaral extSiriTt lift of aub aihM. aiwl thoa enable U to make the Journal it ill more worthy of tbe aupport of all. While we are noticinj our Wetkly paper we had at well aay a few wordi about our Daily alao, which ct tainly haa tome right to the title of tvnerawa, aa being the falber of all the Dailiet io orlb Uarulina, aixl we are happy to aay that lU family ia flaurwhin. Tbr Daily Journal k about completing ita Kighth rolume, which will clow oa Moody wit. It, too, ia doing u wrD per ha pi aa could poambly be expected, aud may now be avt down aa one of the rxrmancnt inatitntiona cf the town might we not aay, of tbe Htate. By tbe way, if W merchanta would pursue a courac omewbat aimilar to that adopted by the merchant! ot reterabnrg, Norfolk aad other riral towns, Uiry might not only benefit the pepwe of thia place, bat aim rxtnid a .knowledge ot their own buainew and amire a more ral- table medium for iprcadingit belorethe communitka wboat trade they wiah to a? cure, Wbcn a Itrrabarg . wjercbant or drummer presents hit card to partk in tte Interior, he ioTariably pointa to the advertisement of kis boose In th; city paperaeay Eifrtu, InttUi- gracrr or f rra, aa the case nay be, and recommeudi t) the party to become a subscriber to such city paper or pa pen, knowing that thereby one copy at leant ol all advertisements will be scot where none was sent before, and that a paper regularly received from any town or City keep, the buaioe and business men of such town or citparach mora fresh in the remembrance of those who at the paper, than would any number ol cards or hand bilk, useful as these last are. Finally fa addition to all tbe new facilities now at oar eommand, we have a most beautilul little Steam Engine of unknown power at least such is our present elonAaJin gty expressed, By tbe way, speaking seriously, our steam engint' boiler and fixtures are exactly what we require, and may be said to soil us admirably. Tbe engine waa ordeicd lor at by our friend Mr. John C. Bailey, proprietor 0 tbs Wilmington Iron and Brass Foundry and Machine Shop, Tbe boiler and all other fixtures were fitted up by Mr. B, in the most perfect manner. AaciiKt Docvmkkt. Wa find onourdk atopy sf T rirgtnia Jhnld," published in Fredericks burg, Va., dated October 2d, l""6, bciug within otic taontb. sixty-one years old. It is truly aa ancient docu- nent, aod eootaina no news of interest at this late duy. It looks quite dingy from ago. R 4 ha atfamnhin Jnunn at KL Johns WO have throaeh our Northern exchanges, some few additional wroagu our svt.B ttcot of European news The Empress Eugene was said to be cnuieote. Tbt National Assembly of Tuscany had declared that tbs dynasty must not be recalled. Tbe Modcua Nation al Assembly waa also taking strong grounds lor national hbertv. M. Forma bad accepted the dictatorship of Parma. To work on tbe fortifications at Koeningsberg, which wat suspended at tbe announcement of peace, haa been rifforouslT resumed. Tbt Calcutta mail of the 16th of July had arrived, Tbt King of Oode had been released, "Tb King of Prussia had rallied at last accounts, and tt waa expected be would linger for some time. ... . . . , f .v. si 3t f 1 .tu,nt In Maiimln th nmiHienev Of the VBIUiUlU AUHmuii) m - f - J CouDch, dota not resign tb position of Secretary of State, . Five thousand European troops at Calcutta had ac cepted their discharge. The Zurich conference, according to the latest accounts, were doing nothing. Tbe steamship Great Eeastern would leave on tbe 3d of September oo ber trial trip. Political afiaira in England were quiet Jir. Cobden had received a grand demonstration ftom kis Rocbdaie constitaenti. Tbt amnesty extended by tbe Emperor of France bad area.ted sumise, but rave feoeral satisfaction. Louis; r w aw Blanc bad refused to accept it Xh Xatxbt London Saturday noon. The Aostri- i plenipotentiary announced at the Zurich banquet that he bad strong hopes of the early success of tbe confer- Tbe Tuscan' assembly received with great enthusiann tbt propositioo to banish forever tbe House of Haps- bargh and Lorraine. iJoubtful rumort were received from Paris that Gen ersk Canrobert and Kiel bad not been confirmed as sen ators. -Tbe Paris Bourse on Friday cloeed firm. fly The steamer Sun left here this morning with is- borers, proTisioM, U, tat tie Deep Biver works. We , 7. . . t . .k- -,t. SESxa uey wut vpcraie uu uw iuwci nu vi m It is hoped that the Cape Fear portion pf the improve- snent can be pot in working order by the first ot Janu-I l r . vt. r' v of tie. ;...-- . of a tt: ?!.j' us. I 5. wCl kit rckc, a?J bi- Lr he was ctirrert-'y qaotrti. iff. W CVcm-tiCa mas H the foIV-st rxtect : SiuKiT, X. C Ai. t-ta. Ii9. Mtrt. TiJcn .wla your ie of the ;sta ineuat. iarprakirf e tbe rrwet r4TtKoa ia Una Suts. toa say. eamrijr tLiw : Tb rVprwtiUtive of tie lit-oocrat, beuuM. h doe aot endm sr. etiUrely. tbe Ad aaiDHOraioa) of air. liactianaa in uita joa aarc u me. aniotent uoal'y jodob. wjuetk. I aot oolj tU:a to be a IVtDOcrat, bet a National m-nmcrat, ad ia bij remit casvaM all ay drclaraUdna, puMiC aod fry vale, were ia favor of that orjamialk aa the oc!v oor that had the svtrer and ti vdl to prrveot a H'-ck IU-publicaa tr amnh ia tite next coetm Kr ue I roa- oWy, and that I exprrtrd Is aopport the aomtocw of the Cbarkettia Gonvrauoa. II 1 had ever enterUioed aey doubt ot the propriety of tbe orjruisatios) of oor party by prwxrly cooatituird cooventioos of the people, Um eourae ot the Or-poaitioa in the recent elrctior ia thia Bute would have duiprtWd aay aoctt doubt, as it is artwrrat that whtk thry pn(kl tnrir fuS strregth, tn several of the Districts, aod la thia, aomng the cumber. tbe Ieaiocratie Dartv taiinl to poll its fun vote. I hot Uit good detaocraU will see the propriety of a speedy aad thorough orraoiaalioo of our party, as ine ooiy means ot ensarinf tbe triumph of our principles, aud the salvation tbe Uama. Very rwr-xtfully, ke.. Ycmrv. BURTON CRAKjK Tnm C'altaarKta, ISe Ormwm Mall. St. Lorr A agwrt StWTba overland mail front Cali fornia, ot the 6th instant, arrived last nicbt. There was a healthy demand for goods at San rraocuv co, but pricea were uochanged. Horace Greeley had rooe to visit Col. Fremont A duel was expected to take place between Messrs. Broderick and liwin immediacy after tl elect ioo. Tbe Fort Smith Times says tbe Caroanche Indians made two attacks on the Wacbuta, Caddo and Delaware Indiana, while tn routi fur their new homes, noder the charge of the Indian agent, Mr. Blair. Bishop Baker, ot tbe M. E. church, aild from San r rsncisoo on toe 1st or Jlugut.t we I'orUand, uregoo. tBMMIng AaTrajr In Slaw Ortaawa. - New Osleasb, August 28. A atrret aflrsy occa red to-day between Pre. uster and Uboppin, physician of tbe Charity Hospital. Dr. Cbopnin jrss stTiously wounikd, having received two pistol-shots. Tbe cause of the quarrel ia understood to have been professional JeeJousy. Wkstbbn N. (J. IUilsoad. The annual meeting oftbeWeshri North Carolina Railroad was held In 8aliitbury oa Thursday and Friday last. Tbe following are tbe names of tbe directors elected bv tbe Htoek holders : U. Uilleapte ol Iredell, Aadoraoa Kills of David son, It 11. McDowell ot Burke, Jonas Clineof Ca tawba. Tbe following are the Directors appointed by the HUte: IL C. IVarson of Burke; A. M. To well, Catawba: W. W. Avery, Burke: Wm. Muruhy. Me Dowell t N. W. Wooddn, Buncombe; W. II. Thomas, Jackson ; (Jeoree V. Davidson, Iredell i and A. Hen derson, Ilowan. At a meeting or tbe Directors, 11. U. IVarnon, rq., was re-elected President. Tbeolbtr oflicera stand as lieretofore. Iff it tm Ikmucral. Nobth Caaouxa HrsiNiia. We learn that be Messrs. Utith of this city, who, by authority of tbe ow ner, have the auk) of Kil troll's Hpringa, are negotiating with, and will probably effect a sale of said Springs to t company of gentlemen who have both tbe means and energy to make it one of tbe finest watering places Io tbe rJouth. Tbe Springs have attained such a notoriety within the last few mouths, that should the bargain be cloned, It will be a perfect coinage of money to the pur chancre. FtttrAurg Prta. - Tsm HwaMir, There is no book so instructive as the newspaper ; no Zlltl nol L bich) cbe,pt, but the. most Innocent and least cloying source ot nappioess. A newspaper in a uimily it sure to be tbe means of interesting, intorming almost every member of the lamily, especially where they live in tbe country, and lee and near out mue tnat is new. Ia tbe course of a year, a well conducted piper conveys information on almost every subject, or at least excites curlositv and enquiry oo oo all subjects. 1 o know what is nearest to ns in time and space, ta almost necessary, most phasing aod moat Instructive ; and this kind M knowl edge can only be obtained from newspapers. We would venture to affirm, that there never was, and never will be. in a country situation, an Ignorant fumily who takes a newspaper, as it Is Impossible that a family should not become in time well informed, provided they live suffi- ck'ntly secluded to bo thrown upon tbe paper as a source Ol BIDl.mHK.ilu I uuihxh vuuu wuv iwhi uuuk, will, iu rainy wratlier, steal tip to a newspaper, read a marriage notice and an advertisement or two, and put it down. The next timu probably be will become bold er and get through a " horrible murder." Sooo he will read short tales of fiction ; then just before election time tie bruins to peep into politics, and even to read political speeches. mA of all be attacks foreign news. Bv this time but curiosity on most subjects Is excited, and be is lured on to become a reading and well Inlurmed mun. It ia strange that any family, as a measure of economv, should be without a newspaper. Unildren see world cheaply at homo in a newspaper, withou jjjjj-pjf bft(j ggsoc-jation or the expense of travel. iinoui tne Printers' Awi Letter, A Detroit paper recounts H a sable wedding in jail," and says tbe bride wst decked out in all the finery she could muster, having got nerseii up tor tne occasion without retrord to expense. A wreath of hollyhocks en circled her head, set off in tho background by a thicket of asnuracus. over which was thrown a green veil to hide her blushes. Gen. Wm. Walker has been elected a member of the order of tbe Bona cf Malta. Mrs. Blits, wife of Higoor Blitz, died in Brooklyn on Saturday evening. When von see a man in business who docs not adver tine or take a newspaper, look out for a mean, penurious skiuflint, too tight to enjoy good health, and who holds a penny so near ma nn mat ire can uti uuimr. 1 ' JL Olid Pbq Qco. There was a wag of a fellow, by the name of Thornton, who one day got up during service aud walked Out ot tbe church, making ralncr a promt nent display of a goldbeaded cane. Tbe preacher, a wet known eccentric character, with a wooden leg the re sult of his love for fox bunting immediately bounced upon him in this wise: "rail that cane from under your arm. mv vouwr Iriend, and throw it away. There are no gold headed canes in heaven." Whereupon, Thorn ton, turning around quickly, replied, " Pull that stick of wood out of your pants, my old friend, and throw it away. Jim art no wooden leg) tn ntaven, Stbako Accmsirr. At Cincinnati, recently, a lady s hair cancht fire while she was bending over a lamp, and communicating tbe flames to ber clothes, ber neck, bead and face ware badly burned, so mucn so tnat ner natures will be marred for life. Tbe girl had saturated ber hair with a peculiarly inflamible oil, which caused ber locks to Ignite and burn as u sne naa inrast ner neaa into gj priiB of turpentine. p TAJ, AccU)iKt AtD aoiciDK. On the night of the 26th Inst, two servant at the farm of E. C. Brown, in Loudoun county, Va, were playing with a loaded guo, when one of them was accidentally shot upon which the other was to much alarmed, tnat be re-loaded the gun tod shot himself. To Thumb's Yacht. Gen. Tom Thumb hat set np his yacht named after himself , tbe Charles S. Strattoo. . . i i f . T: J The little gmuemao maae ws urei cruise on rnuay, from Bridireoort to tbe Black Rock Light-House. The Btratton teems to have proved herself a crack sailer, America Zocavss. In New Orleans there is now drilling a tuH company of Creole Zouaves, styled tbe first company of Uhasseurt a Pied de la Louisiane." They are commanded by Capt Henry St Paul, who fought as a Zouave in tbe Crimea, and their drill in clude gymnastics. In Chicago here ia company of ju- t ... T . -; I I, .V . V.. - r 1 Fir. itm i ! t. Mi : r!Kr a 1 Lav t! Jj rn-n-fd fata A. Iaw- r. ukr bv ia a a-fri.lt tr-xi 1 bwrrwt fort ia the Cats Vie m io If ibef-cixUthe tailed i-U'i-'- , :--r'ur'iw.wth, aod I-vaot. ri a presect ia tbe c&me vi lie rtaie of North Caruiaa, Ilavirg Uo appnwd U Aw're to make this u possti. of the ga, tLe Wt'Gwnd Aen.t'y. by rea idutkma, aatLoriiid me to reoive it tna you ta brbait of the Utr, aod at tl saate time to expiTss to y tbe b'gh apt-reciaiKJO of that U!y of jour fHctry on tbe eetwai j referred to, aod of th edu of your veot r aU tor tbe State ot your birth. Bv!viDg that I rannut di.-rharjre this pfc-aBg ooiy ia a satire awrntaUe aiaonrr tbaa ty transmitting thewe kibly eouiplimrtitary resulutioo, I brrtwith ewkwe a uf tbra as traua-ribed hnxn tbe sUtale book. I'bcae reaolutioos. I aa w-U assured, are twoe tbe leas rxprwive of the sediments of the p"r4e of the State than ot their represeeUtivra whoeoacud tbrm ; fur they have evt maniiwted a Uvely pkwmre at the huoorabie dt&tioctioos achrved by the sou ot North Carolina in every d partoieut of the public service. Kvery dtrtin iuu.bed actiua of the ciUstw proves seful to tbe .State m UjC riaoipie it luunw vt ac v v j , who are this apprid of the ratifying rewards that ever await a faithful discharge of daty. Ibis lUg. so gaUanUy takea by yu ia tne aiainu-n-aace of the rghu and protection of tbe pers of Amer ican citiaens in a distant bod, will be putceg among ioe valued treasures of the State, and will be kioked upoo h nrativit. imnmaurr all who mav at it with tbe sea- UuK-ots of estma in which are held the brave conduct of the fcuthful soldier ia tbe srrvice of b a country ; aod to oar youths, to whom from time to time the story of its capture may be narrated, will b toid that it is a trophy tor which tha tSta.tr. ia indrbted to one of her moragwus kn mIomI the aerrior of bis coantry when a mere boy. and who, without the aid of fort at or tlie mttuenee ot powerful friends, woo hi way to honorable distinction by his own upright deportment and gallant spirit. 1W air iU valuable kwoo be tauicht tbeut, exciutig ia their bosoms a laudable ambition to emulate like hon orable actiooa. . Trusting that your career will prove one of coutioued usefulness to tbe country and distinction to yourself, I have the honor to be, very mpectfully. yours, 4c, JOHN W.ELLIS. Lieut Johi Jcuvs Grruui, U. 8. Navy. ft a Jutions authorizing tbe Uoveroor ftli Sutato retviva a flair tendered to the State Df North Caro- (ii-THais. of the U.S. Navy. Whi iwia John Juttul tjutbrie, a lieutenant ia tbe iT.,i..i K and a native of the State of North Csrolins, now on official duty at the National Obaervatory, Wasliingtoo, D. C, did, on the 20th day ot Nownlier. 1856. caoture ami carry off as a trophy of war a Cbiwae flag from the first of four barrier forts captured in a combined engagement ty tne pan rfaeimo, rortamouth, aud Uvaut, oo the part of the American naval force, and other vessels uuder tb eommand ol lUar Admiral Seymore, on the part of the Ettglisb, in tbe Cauton river i Aud whereas tbe chastisement inflicted on that occa siomwas in defence of American ami Kuglish citi'M nt.iin in that biealitr. and bad the banny elU't of se curing to them immunity from violence and insult to tWr persona aod propeny i And whereas said Lieut (Juthne has been induced by his friends In tbe city of Ualeitfh and elsewhere to ex press a willingness to tender this nr to ni nsuve ouiie, with a desire that Hie would Bccejn iv as an uumuiu iti dence of filial aentimeuta ami afli'CtUHiBte recollection Therefore . . . B U remAefd, That th Oovamor of tha Wat b author. lt.d and raquerted to accept th fls thus tndrd by Lieut Uathria at uch tim and plae and la uch way and manner at may appear aulUbl and proper. , ... hewMJirlhr, l hath ka requested, la bhalf of thl General liaetnbly, to xpres to Lieut. Uuthris Ha hi(k ap preeatioa of hi sallsntry on that oeeaalonand thiiUDc of hi veneration for tb 8UI of kis birth. Kemrtvtd thrUy, Thst th Governor be further requested ta nisk each dwpoaitlon of th tln, whea weived, a be mav thjuk thia tiopby of her m deaervea. Iuedltbruar 13. 10D9. True copy from the original. Gsaham Davis, Private Secretary. Raleigh, August 22, 1859. A Trail TO, Rob th Mail. A ftiw nights since, we are credibly infromed, as the mail carrier was pro ceeding on the rode with the mail, to be left at the poetr " .. t t: iunu alwMit auvpn mill olliiJa on uieamea nnw vu, -v- from Richmoud.be waa attacked by several persons, who attempted to rob tbe mail. Owing, however, to i.. Ar.n hi. revolver and fired. The villains ire U.....S escaped. i.ynti6urg ira.; nrm.ui. married lady consulted her lawyer on the following question, via: As 1 wwweu -nr. i -.,-. that wealtn now spent, mm - - - nurnoaes. a widow, and at liberty to marry again? i. a . a m mil w r at i sniiiiiai a Post Orrtca Abbawossth. I he rosimancr uen. end bus eHtabluthed a Tost office at Old bho, akc ii all II t V. N. t!.: and discontinued the one at Bull Head, U rene county, n . t. (!ome hero ; you mischievous fellow 7' " Won't you whip Die, father V " No." " Will you swear you won't T" - Then I won't come, futher i for Parson Atwood says, M He that will swear will lie." COAL AND WOOD. Th bet arliW of RED ASU COAL. BLACK JACK ASH AND PIKE WOOD, sold and di livered cheap, and on credit, to suit our customer. Famifo tcvfl do toefl by gutting umr mmer tujipi LOKDA SWAhZMAX. Jiug. 24, 1X69. 2!W-lm ITrttlXlKOTO-, BEAUFUKT, MAKYAKll, ana MUM VY Ties, Black Bilk Ciavats, , Whit Silk Htmpendem, 4o. at UAI.il n 11 B. August X5, im. P. AIIM STRONG'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE. LABOR 8A VINQTHE WORK Or THREE HANDS ln XK BY ONE WITH EASE. milE ABOVE MACHINE i warranted to waoh clothe 1 without damaging them in the least, and all th Agent aks, to ell Try family a tcmne, n a woruuKu muinr tion. 1 hare th Bight for Bronawick, Colnmbua, Bladen, k...,n linnlin. Onalow and New Hanover counties. Any " . r . .n . person WlSOlUg VOW in nwnnn "I" r" v" " VnrMr'a Mount, near lb W. A W. R. R. Depot, where he will tak pleaaur ia ahowmg all tb J'cu'- a am uinuwt t Aiih af u. - - - 7-ro-te" 'im SALT300 ack Salt, ia good order and for sale b t Augmrt 30th. ZEN'O H. tiREESK. LA OIKS' TKUKKS Th "Eugenie" Tntnk-th French " pattern-extra trays, Ac, Ingeniouely ar-ranged-prices low-sent for iaminaUon to snj of the p.itv. Larsest assortment at BALUw IA S. July iO. ' uri awn IMBKBL-AS W keep a complete j aesortment of th abo article constantly on hand AuM. 1 r MYEBS I MuOKE'S. riOW PBAB--100 bushel jut received. Foraaleby An,rtll. ELLIS A MITCHELL. riVlB ZKPH1H UK, X morr.ing, at and other styles received this BALDWIN'S. July 18. rryiRBB MOUTHS LONGER to wear Strsw Goods, I d they ar closing out at less than cost at tha Empo rium? Why do yoa not call and buy a nic Hat at our uxt- K""' 11 " 400 UU' " MYERS MOOKE. Ctl'sj-T CLOT 1 1 -25 Bales Extra Heavy GUNNY tXt jMt!d,ndTrc?',BW0bV0RTH. A LARGE STOCK OP IMBRKLLA9 at th Empo rium, and mul b. loldatth. W MYERS A MOORE, .14. 34 Market atrecU CHILDRK"' CMBRKLLA. au ttn is i CHILDREN'S UMBRELLAS. VERY NEAT S ELI I NO FOR BALDWIN'S. M CENTS AT BUVKF. t ORnXlRD'S, ia bbls. and i-bbhr for ssl by VLSQ H. GEEENE, Guini. THK I'ilLY JOIKUU Nrw Yoek. Sep ur 1, 1 ? " ?. . j TW AL- c. .r New York, wj f ssad this era-. ir?. ' SLe f"V-d oo tLe 2. ;h LiveTjxi. aad cancel brief news much la'er ti.ao that by tbe Jasio. m York Mark!. Nrw Yon, S-pU-cibHr I, .'3. At th th yeeriLltf C(4toe declkin MidJI.tg Cp!ixl 11 5f. Fr JIiDeJ 10 a 25 tiU ; Souibera a f Zx beat quiet, red $1 25 a $1 26; wbite $1 20 a $1 50 Curt v7 daS ; yvllow 83 4' ; mixed bO wiU. Spirit Turpentine firm at 46 ere La. R.tn firm and marktt buoyant, fine qualitks f 2 25 a f 3 15. Kice buojant t3.a TOE SIR JAM US CLARKE'S C tLKUKATED rEMALK PtlXS. I'rrfvrrJ frmn m frrfrrifiwn of Sir J. Carta, M. 1-, I kymruM Zitrjrmery k tte ywym. Taia iaTtluabl Btedknaet ia aafailiof ta tbearf aB V mful aad daucervas diaeaaea ta wkkk tha fraul eeaatitulioa Is subjerU It aauUeiaiea au execaa mmu n- ? ad obauwtlwaa, and a pedy cur Stay b ri4 TO NtnBIKU uavir.a U i caUarly suited. It w in, ia a abort t U a aa tb awaUly period with regularity. Ea k kuUl. rkOt IKJlar, bear th UoverauteBt Slaoip of Ureal BrNain, ta prtfcet eooaWrfeita. CAUTtOS. TV FJi mhimUl u W taken females iha-inf Ik FIRST THREE MOSTm ef rrfancy, at tluy mre tmn to bring on Mitrriaie, Sf are soft. la all caw of Kerf oua aad Spinal Affections, Pais ia tb Back aad Limb. FatigtM oa alight exertioa, PalpataUoa mi th Heart, Hyaterk-a aad Wsitea, th PiU wiU effect a tar whea all other mean bar failed, and altkoogk a sow crfoi renedy, do aot contaia Iron, ealomel, antimony, or aaytblof k artful to th eoaatitutioa.' U direct ioo ia th pamphlet aroaad sack package, hick should b carefully prearrd. Bala if eat for th Uaiwd State aad Canada, JOB at OSES, N. B. 41 00 and i poatage stamp cacloaed to any aa- thorlied A rent, will luaur a bottl. ontaisinf M Ptlla, by retura mail. . For sal bv all th Drue tint la Wilminfrtoa I Ilavttand, f tsvenaoa A Co., Cliarleatoa i Baatoa, Walker A Co., Kor- folk, wkoleMl Ageuta. ...... , May 11, ,T'e Xl UM. II. LIPPITT. WHOLESALE AXVBKTA1L DEUVOIST CBEJIIS1 N. K.Cvr. t ravle trh w uimiih, a . v. i K.n.l full n.l Imk atnrt merit of DRUMS, fJiJVrx OILS ASD QLASS, PERFUMERY AM) ws vpr a KTir .:. tremnvlxoii accurately cnpotrtL Medicine caa be obtained at aur hour of th sight. Th sight ball i at th econd dor (aa Front at.) from th eoreer. a- Os aod after thia Jay, all preacriptioM will b CASH Kor. let, tS4M W Ilolloway'a t"iHH.i w a ruasie balut tor or breanui, nr u n.l old i.unJ. evea ih.we that have defied ail .k.. .....h. fi.F u.ri. nf veara. ThouMad of certill catei atl.t ita nioet miraculoiw doing In tb hoapltala both r iK. ..i.i n.t i.. wrlil. Hold at th luanufnotory, Nn. 80 MMidn Lane. New York, aud br all Druggists, at lie, fie., and II per pot! ' ThiA TkAl KA. CONSTANTLT OS HAND A DELICIOUS ARTICLE of tiKKES TEA. For sate by , WAI.KEII MAKl'., I'rnggwi, MaytMh. Aft Market 8ueet. Or. Orem' ApiHtlntM lanU. WILMINOTON DISTBICT. Keptember 17, l8,Onlow, Swangboro'. Salem. October 1, 3, Duulm, I South Hiver Milon, ( ATTEXTTON IS AHAt- calieo tt erlptloB " are CASH. WALkKH MKAHK4, FVKNITt'HBI PVR-tTVH-ll AS COMPLETE AN ASSORTMENT AS CAS BE found In any lty, and ai cheap for ah, I now offered to tb io- pctioo of th public, at N. 10, Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. Purchaalng from first band at th factor! for caso, sod selling for caah or Its equiralent, th Bubcribr i enabled to ofler greater luducementa to th citizen of Wil mington and f th Stat generally, to bny at horn, than has ever be for been ottered. 0od for tbe Interior will b carfully packed aud promptly forwarded. Th Subscriber Is particularly desirous that persons from th Interior of the Stat who bars beea in th habit of purchasiug abroad, would giv hia eitabllchmeDt a trial. Tb following areaume of tb article to be found in hi Furniture War Rooms t BofM, TeU-a-Tetea, Loungei, Eaay CLaim, Rocking Chair, Etagere or WhatnoU, Ottomans, Foot-Stools, Centre, Sola and Card Table, Chair, Mantle and I'ler (ilaws, Secre- Urien. Book Canea. Tea. Breakfawt and Dining Tables, Side boards, l ane, Woodaeat and t nntnonea vimire, in great variety; Bureana, Kedtetil, WaitlwtandA, 'lollet Ublea, Wardrohea. r ancr t ttae neiia. waurHiwen, reua. ruiowa, Rni ilnn. Ac. A lares Mul l or iooriin Miaww-, mn m Furniture. C'hihiren'a ( hairs. Cradle, Cribs, Trundle Bed ataadi, Toy Bnre sua, 4c. 0. L. FILL! AW. March ia, W9 immu ij AMBROTTPK8 TAKES IS THE BEST MANNER BT E. T. BARRY AT MOZART HALL, formerly Whitehurst's Gallery. Jan. Md, m U7"" A. MACLKAN, Wholenaleand Retail Dealer In HARDWARE, IVLLOW WAkK, IROK, NAILS, SPIKES, Ac, d., Wi-vntoTOM, N. C. Marrh 1. 1W9. HMy. 1,1K'IIIKUS 1,000 L ' nriveii. For aale bv LBS. NEW KtAlHKH8, just July Kith. 1. Vj. a. n. v. -wmn. - . ... im r, n r, lirnnvif 0 TII'lAltAOOW, wi'NioN," and other style Lm brellas, oponed thia morning at BALDWIN'S. Angurt 6tn, imv. . Bw.rnwo hahu piaho kortb wastko. a NY FERrtON having a good second hand Piano, that JA would tike tn exchange it for on of Knabe s fine Pianos, thcr Pil ing tne auierence, can uw s" tsmnn uu ., ,. . , July ltd Wm. Knabe A CO. IIARTFOKD FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y, HARTFORD, VONN. iNCORrORATID A. D. 1810.. Aathortard Cspttal,.... Capital Paid In,... Surplua, CSABTIB PsarBTtJAL. .l,0OO,(H0 , MMi.lHH) , 300,000 ASSETS JANUARY 1. 1859, Cah on hand and in Bank, . . ti3.55 21 Cash in hand of Agenta and in transit, 64,827 09 Real Estat nnenciimbered, (cash value,). IA JKX) 00 Kllln Receivable, amply secured 73,174 66 3,404 Sbarea Bank Stock in Hartford 230.4 U 00 1,300 " " " New York, 197,750 00 710 " " " " Boston, 74,620 00 10,000 00 100 Shares Bank of th State of Missouri,. State and City Bonds, S per centa, Rail Road Stocks United btatee' Treasury Notes, , 74,245 00 16,250 00 14,035 00 - ' S03,76 8 DIRECTORS. Charles Boswill, Jot Alltw , Hrnrt Ksnbt, John p. Bsacb, H. HnmwoTOS, Albkst Dav, Jabbs Uoouwut, Calvin Dat, - Chablbs J. Russ, H. HuiiTiNOTOM, President. Tiwo. C. All, Secretary. C. C. Ltham, AssutarU Secretary. Wm. N. Bowbrs. c(uarv. Thia old and reliable Company, established for nearly r y .LL T.rrr Ybabs, continue to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings, Furniture, Warehouses, Store, a? r obandise, Mills, Manufactories, and most other kinds of property, on its usual satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to Insuring Farm Property, con sisting of Dwellings, Barns and Out-Buildings connected, and Furniture, Liv Stock, Hay, Grain, Farming Utensifa, Ac., Ac, contained is th same-, for a term of three or five yesrs b low raiws f wriw- ---w -s...-.- , . Applications for lusunuwe snay be mads to th nnder fgned,(Ac duly authorised Agmt tot Wilmington snd vicinity. Losses equitably adjwrted at this Agency, and paid imme diately, upon satisfactory proofs, in funds current in th cities of Sew York or Boston, as th assured may prefer. H. R. BAYAUfi, Agent. WflffiiogtoB, S. O, Feb. 19. lS6--I4l-26-lj r. N iiiti ri., t t Faficr part., ilrj j a - , . I t : ?. DIKD, Ia p.h!t.f. CtrateUnJ co.. oa lie tv.h u't.. the Be. W. I. LASoLdX. I'tr.sirUt i t th rll:.. !,.... 4 at 11 tut Mr. LactJ.-e mi stie n l-it;t rt. I'urtvrtt ta. H a w3 lauata lt:D64er tf tbe Hetjit rpicffal t kwb, but bat t.!fj h.m--lf f BiST jf-um to u tafaUoa f JuUfSjf lJ.a. " tlB bfittb ti fcera trrtl-lTr i N . KallrMMA. Aa. SI. ltu bbk. tpiiitaTarMat iw, it ti.i. Ki.ib, j ao. iarpa- tie. K'J au. t lmt, I i - 1 ., M t. & w teat, Itt Iotu, 1.IXJO ll. r-i fruit, aaa Wi4n-. l"eKu- ct. Broaa ii fa., W. 11. TiLucUa. T. 0. lB.li. Wori. C. Urier A t J. T. IVtu-T. w. w. iin-, j. i twi- tawy. C. C. owls W. Ii. McK-ry A Cu., t U. ti -U, fc. Murray A t a., Jie rvra. J. K. biic m, j. . huh, Aa4eroa A J-avage, ti. AUtroiaa, V. bdau, J. C. kluwdra. and R. K. AsBt. NEW ADVERTISEMLXTS. IJ lAtlrni 1.M AlXlXti IN 1UE Jr.T Hi'i'llt AT WILMIXU- t m X. '-, Aujturt Utt, lii9. lVrio ci4 luring f it 1 k-ite B tha b4, a ui pkasa hay -ilvertw.t. I. l'k bM)X.P.M. ATten, A E 3 AlWa,JD Arthur, Joha AtkiaMia. U Habb, H H BarWr, i W Barield. U Hell. H J Beaaett, J81 Hohimg, M BookbuiB, 1 Brame, Jautee Bird, Martaa Byrd, J B Suckley, P Burke, riouora Broaa, Ned Hroaa, U H 1 Brow a, J H Bryaa, B F lappa, U Caxwr, 8 Chapman, S I hk, W Clark, B 8 Cuttin, W U Cunuor, M C Condor, W H Cradle, W 1 Crocker, Jaaie Crooai, M A Crowlher, J tramp, J J Doarea, J B Davit, Bea D Dugiud, L L Duralud, 11 aria Durrant, Jatue Eddy, U P Ellia, D Evaus, E J 2 Flovrera, J T 1 Oaudy, N liail, Preatoa tiarranon, M J tiarrason, i.loiu uy. i i littnard. Mm R W Uooding, J F Uoddeu, H O Uauld, I) J (iroljohu, J 11 Uregory, J vV (IreeS, J U Hall, .1 L Harriug, F J Uarrinou, T J Haxell, tt U He, J Hranin;, Mary Price, MtoM ("ullia, T Hill, nm Hill, Henrietta Hooper, Tim ttaa, J tt . Wley, Mary tievet, Jaue Uubbiws W A th gera, W H Houaina, J 4 Hvx-Ut r, J Hooe, E A Hoata.J tiaU hiaaoo, L irclaa, tj 1 OoSetawa, Job iWbvraoa, J 8 lioberum, Un W tlobioaoo, T ttobiuaoa, Mr H J ttuuik. F liUMt,EJ -ipper, HI) -4ipper, Mary -the par d, U U lirpherd, E S -xllera, W B -c haver, C swiad!, Wra -bu(fa Steven, H S .Mepheua, S M Mukely, J W I Muuherr, G Mpoouer, W T Jn Ua. W A Jvhiiooa, Jobs Johusoa, K Johuaoa, T t Job a, AM Jourdan, A 1 Jordan, Mr A Juotk-e, H Kcanedy, B Kiraey, J Kilbciry, Mrs K.a ght. Mws S l-anc, Wm Ueww, Wra Leppiucott, B Loid, J L Loae, F J Uuradres, P Lurch, J Maau, A Wabon, V ttaruu, J 1 .Vlathia, M Maxwell, W H Millard. CUa Mitchell, F Moouey, M J Moore, U C Moore, Betey Morris, Sf Morrison, ti Mnrpby, C W MctJlanuig, Harriet Uc-lHithe. A H Southron, T P ' SueedcB, Joha Smith, Joseph -uiith, Jaiuea -mitu, J 0 auutlu tl H suiith. It W . 1 hurston.G A a C B Thouipaon, C M f harp, J l ay lor, i N Taylor, E U t'aylor, A la lor, Mr K litjen, C t'lky, Capt Waddt ll, f Wltr!, UJ Warrkk, A WaUon, 0 D White, Dli digits, W Williams, 0 Williams, Hoaea Williams, 11 W Wilson, J B Wilnoo, J allien Wilkings, s Wiutrrs, S Wluslow, J K Wocd, J C D McKethaa, Joneph McAeill, Jorili Xaviu, J Xtditou, J Xight, II Noma, F A Odom, 0 V Uriell, M C Paiker, Jofeph flulyaw, J 11 Pierce, U II Pickttt, E J Powell, Petemon A (McArthei Portion, A f f rillnKfclY WIIIKKY. l'K bbls. "Roanoke VV Common WHISKEY. For sale by WILLARD bept. 1. CURTH. OROVR ACADEMY, SKAR KKJi AS9VILLK. T 1I11S SCHOOL WILL BE OPENED fur the reception of Pupils on the 151b September. batks o rriTios ritB sssbion or five months : Elemenury Enlih Uourna A- - a . ...-. Claacioal and Mathematical Cnonte, I'aplls thoroughly preparea lor college, ror learning, or for Business. Board In respectable tamiiies n to f, per mouth. Applications ninst tie sd lreed to Bev. JAMES M. SPlll'NT. Principal. Kenansville, lt Sept., 1M'.. 305 tit eod-1 Jt - -r it v PI.OIR wachova aiiiis. uoncoru wim and l other choice brand, per Kail Road to-day. On cm ligtment nd for ale by DkROSSET, BROWN geptcmbor 1. TTMBBKLLA8! I'MIIREI.LAS It The place to lmr J cbai a good and cheap Umbrella is at MYERS A MOORE ; tber are closing oni a mrv i 'd1'""' '. duced prices. We advise our menu to can ai um r.muun um, 34 Market Ptrwt, and examine their well selected aortment or umureiias. Sept. Int. OKEO RVK 200 bushels jilit rei eived e by ELL. kJ;Sept, ,1. ELLIS A MITCH OATttl OATS M -1,000 bushils now landing from schr. "Florida." For mile by ELLIS A MIICHELL. Sept. 1. nOK!1 AlvO PKAH AIM' 1 sou ousiirm " uhb viu. j 100 bus; el Cow l'ean, ip ir A Ml Sept. 1. ELLIS TCHELL STORES ASiU WAHKIIOCSK FOK REST Two Stores, well fitted np, in front of the Wilming ton Ic House, on Front Mreet ; possession given im mediately if derired. Two Warehomtes on Henderson s Alley, now occupied by Willard A Curtis and James T.Pettevisy; well adapted for storage of grain or any other neu-haiidiae Apply st the office of A. II. V ANBOKhELLN. Sept. I. JQ5-tlHtO I. M. BI1UER CtK'B FAMILY SKWIXO MACHINES. IT HAS heretofore been the habit of our competitors in th sewing-machine trade to represent that Singer a Ma chines wer valuable for manufacturing purpose only, while their machine wer adapted to family purpo-e. The pre tense never was true. Any person of reflection will at once perceive thst the ewiDg-niachioe which i. the best for a tailor moat also be the best for a lady at the bead of a pri vate family. The same qualities tn lie mnhxne are requir ed Is Tone c.se as in the other. The only real abjection to our mschiue. was on the score of their lack of beauty in form and ornamenutiou. That defflciency has been fully upplied. Vie ofler now tb. handmert Sewmg-Machine a. well as the best. The admirable working quaiiiiea which have made our standard Machines indispensable in the work-shop, hsve been transferred to our family machines, which will hereafter be deemed indispensable m the parlor. We shall have a full assortment of these world renowned Machines srly in September. The demand has increased so much, we have found it necessary to employ the services rfnVmsB who hss practical knowledge of the working and idaptatioBof all Sewing-Machines possessing anyde gree of merit- He msy be tound st our eatablwhnient after F.m'KS'Machine.the comiti Fall and Winter for o,:mJ n- n or .therwise. should not purchase without a careful examination. Sept. 1.-405A1 O. 8. BALDWIN, Ag't .Herald copy. -r ivtrmmi. BALTIOOO Sacks Liverpool Ground I i fuit. in flrst rate order. For sale to ofrirr, by -..rr r DeitossET, brows A CO. i MERCIIAJTT9 AND PLASTERS, -r no TTh-.VTIOS ia resnectfallV Invited to B Y atock of PALM LEAF HATS, st one dollar per dor.en, .TiiMket street. MYERS A MOORE. , Jnlv25th. ; . THK METHODIST PCLP1T SOCTII, containing Ser mons ol twenty six Divines of the Southern M. ti. Church, embracing some of ita best talent. A valuable book to. thoae fond of good oratory and reading. ton. For sal at KELLE. 8 BOOK STOKE. JaljMjjm r, ' : IL : I'ATH A.l C ::.Ir5 :e 1 at :': I.v-::.'. V-.N7AL fc; CO. by fine ary next