fi r V . i i i ; 1 1 .1 ,1 i ' , f VOL. 8. XO. 30C nOHNGTOX, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEifBEU 2, 1859. WHOLE NUMBIB 2,457 Vv )) BY l-IXTOI A TOKC reOMUETOR. JAS. FULTON, Editor A. L. FKICR, AswcWt FJitor. Tumi SfcarttM. Pper, eo T-r, mvanabiy i advaac W WeAiy " " " - - - v I Sl Ail b-Urrs ea bufeitie connected wih tUs vc. mot be a.Uresaed te th propnettira. RATES OF ADVERTISING. ana aorAaB. One Jiy I li Tw Av. ......... TIitp !.. SO KmirtU?,.. ?4 Five dsvs Ti One week.... KTI Two wes-ka 1 S7 One Month.,.: t ta Twe month 3 SO Three atonlhe. I 00 Hll BVWthe S ) Om Jay., ..w.l Two Uye Thread),...,. Four dirt ...... Five day One iwk Tv week Om moata. Two moatha..,. Thru moalb. . . Six swath Ti 1 00 I !S I la 1 Ti 1 TS 4 0 T Ul la oo u uo M M Dm vesr U Om year Tea knee are coasted M a euuer. a4 i Bscs at tea kali xitukr. Luceer eJerUBjeala is proportion, and i!l payabl ia iIuk'. Whea aot paid i advance is cent wt squsr will be chArfed after the Bret tuaeftion. -AU half o,ur aot Mill for la advaac will M cWf Ju square. sAdveniaemeBt inserted u 8pckl or Bihop Notice trt cKarg ed om kalf nor Uaa aboft rUe liaa (ladd) or Wm tmntti aa a aqoara. AivcniaBiettU liwertod avery otW y ara Uurfrd 7t eta per aqaara fur aaca hnerUua aAar (m ftrni. M"N (tatlioaUoa nada v lib out a rcuiutii aaaia. BI S1NKSS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Ullll B. ERAMUKKT, DRUGGIST AND PBACTICAL I'll A KM ACEUTI VT, Witairarmf, N. t - Kpa (owUntly oa hand, a atlect atm k ol Drvf. JVI wiwi, lislu- aKii tunyta fMnwrtis, Vmry and 7Ut4 Artn-kt, H'tHt okkI Lfpturtfvr Mi4 arartiouiarattfDtiuB paid to pKMCEimoss, Fahili aMor tmmtdiatelr aadt r tba CarollM Hi4al." July 11, " - M u. r. & w. j. nnnn, COMMISSION MKncilASTS au4 WHOLESALE CR0 CKRS, eoraer l'rinceaa and Water Stren, Jane lrt, IX9. WaanwiTow, N. C OLIVKH KELI.KY, THOLK8AI.R AffD KCTAIL D8ALER8 IN OKOCB Y AND PHOVISIONIA, A'a. U Aor Hr.iVr iarrtl, IfC. lf, 18. WllMlHOTOH, N. C. - J AS."TPI'iT'riCV a " " 17 ACTOR AND C0MMISR!O!f MKHTliAST. 1 Ao. A'ortA Habr StrtiA, WitamoTotc, N. C, Will fire pfriDl attf ntfoB to the aale and aliliiimmt ol Cotton, Navl Morrt and other produca. 0-t. 4. DKKHIlT, HHOV '., (1 ENEHAL COMMISSION MKKl'H ANTS, T WlLMUiGTON N. C. Jan. lit, 1S67.-9 tf. Kl.l.ia A MITt II KM DEALE1W IN tiUAlN, Wii.HtNwroN, N. ('. Keep Conntftntly on hand Corn, IVan, Oat, lUy,, Uonmiiv, Uraa, llonw and Cow feed. Oil Meal Ac. Murch llth, IsiJ. W. W. HAVIH. M. Il OFFKUS HIS ritOFrXSlON AL BKKVICEH TO TIIKCIT ls9tM of WilmiuKtoa. Office ii door below llolmei' Hotel, Front Street. J"B ' a:;1 tf IIKWUY P. KI'MWKI.I tIENKRAL CMMIHKION MKItCHANT. r 147 Eat Hat, (llr fiTiiH.) CllARI-STON, H. 0. March 17th, K-.H. tf T. II. 11. KOY ( O., BOCEIIS AND COMMISSION MF.UCnANTS, ftontb VT Waier ptreet, WaaimaTOH, N. t'. Aug. iU. I4- 2!'7 II B KlaUF KM WHOLEHALR' OHOCKR ANI COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STOItRS, corner Water and Market itreeta, Wilmington, N. C. April Id, 1H5M, THOMAS W. BIIOWH, JIU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THK UNITED STAT EH IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, June Mth, MM. 47-tf JAI. IT0CI.IT. ALU. OLDHAM. TOKLKY A OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMLS8IOM MERCHANTS, AND J DEALERa IN CO UN, OATS, PEAS, 40. Wumiiitom, X. C. BariMMCB. Col. John McRai, Prenident of the Bank f Wilmington. O. U. Pawlkt, Eiq., Praaidant of tba Commercial Hank. DR. J. A. MILLER, 1.1RONT BT., NEXT IMIOR TO MESSRS. MILLER k BA 1 K Klt'S LAW OFFICE, WiLMimmm, N. C. Oct. 10th, 1W7 M tf D. A. LA MO JIT, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 3 North Water itraei, j Oct. 11 31-tf WuEoroTOK, N. C. I'MOIf DIHTILLKniT. WU.MINGT0N,N.O, J. E. OAKELT, fnFi VahBOKKELBN k BIIO., Afmli. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES pwhaaed, manufac tured and told 1 : tt Uarfafte and Stornge fumlihed, and Cooperage dose at fair rate. Jan liit, 18i7.-12J-tf. ; J, M. KOBINNON A DOIf - WlLHtNOTOM, N. C. IMPOttTERS, MANTJFACTTJRETB, AGENTS, AUDDea lerci In Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nuila, Agriool tural Implementa, Ae. WN. C. IIOWAUO, aENERAL PRODUCK BROKER, Sept. 20. 1H44.13 tf WiLitTHeTwM, N. C. ADA HA, BIIOTHKH OO C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLMIHOTOM, N. C. DAVI H CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South Water Street, J WalK9T01, H. C. i. L. BATH AW AY. WH. B. tTLIT. HATHAWAY CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j WimmoTOw, N. C. tiCiAMi O, WORTH, " ' ; (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHAlfTS, j WamraToir, N. C. Marchll,lf7 ' M If IAMBI AXDBB80W, BDW ABB BAT All. ANDBRSON A SAVAGE, . CC ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f WiLaiNOTOW, N. 0. f Liberia! cash adraneea made oa eomignnenta. W1LI.ARD CURTIS - . (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESAlJt OBOCEBS, I AND DEALERS IN UliAlN, - No. 10 Somi Wana SmiiTi, Jan. 13th. - Wilmiiwtoji, N. C. MBBI 0. IMira. BtlLBB eowrw. . JAS. C. SMITH CO, C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, afficaaecond atory, corner ) Sooth Water and Market atraeta, Wilmiaton, H. where they are prepared to attend to all boauteaa la the CommiBHion line. . . - - - - 5 All bnaineea antrnated to them win be ponctaaflY attend d to. r ' W. II. MeKART COMMISSION MERCHANTS, oorner Prince aad Water j itreeM, Wilmington, . U aariKKKcica: H. It. SaTaw, Caahier Bank Cap Pear, WUinin, C Col. John McRae, Pres't Bank Wilmington, - do. do. . I). A. Davis, Cashier Branch B'k Cape r'ear, Saliefonry, do, J. 0. 1-ah, " " " u . " Palera, . do.. J. Ell Oregg, Prewdent of Bank Cheraw, 8. C.' Oet 17 , WALKBU MKARKS,' ' (Soecenaor to Walker Meares A Co.,) '- i WHOLESALK AND RETAIL DBUWISTS, 15 ILuun Bram, Wiubjiotok, H. C. El S1NCSS AND rKOFEKSIONAIi CARDS. j rmvotn WrPtiKKi. ' GOV MANSION U tui'H ANT, ' k Sjulh Ww Street, Wii.;vmK. N. C. , Aafwt ith. tf A. K. Ill-U I IORWARPlVn AND COMMISSION atmniAST, , 1 I3.rkiA' S ar, WtiBWi, K. C. i Jaly Jink. I" 'T ALUKKJItS ftlKTmnilHT, ! "ITrilOLESALK AXD KrTAlL nuOCKRS, V XAn.wiWiTnfmiT. BOrdera fur Uaud a:eo(aaid by tba r-, at frawi Ln. tual eititiier alu iwj, aad wiU relT pro(4 aad Litkfal atteeti. (July . I t. . wrr, wctArats. SMITH . M.I.AI HI". 1 CD AMISSION ASl tVKWAKlt.N MERCBAXTH, WlLMlWITOW. N.C. tana T Jinim rAVM. Em., Mavur. - E. )' Malik f., I'rewJt Braacb Bauk July la, K .) Mat N. C ii-tf MARIS K RAILWAY. TRKRCBSCRIBKR having farebaaed the CAPE TEA K MAkUNM RAILWAY, (loniwrly the prMrty al hV W. Brry,) la prvartd la build or repair VimmU. Faithful work al fiix price pruuiined. Order aolk'ited. Mil 'HAr'X ROBBING. RefrrenceO. C. Parvler, Kidder A Martin, J. A D. AlcU A ('., HarruM A llowrll, j. 11. r'lauaer. Aprdtth. IA! l't If V . II. M ARKS A CO., (irrriMAii t t. a. iitir.) MANTf ACTVKKRS ANDDKAt KR IN H ROW ARK. STOVbHUUNS. LANTKK.NS, TIM aadSlUET 11U)N W AUtft, 1 Front itraet, Wdmiu(Va, N. U. w. h. m a ana. a, s. airr. Wilmington, N. C, Vy 9th, Ii9.-J0 ly. HAKUIM IIOWKLL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WUSIHUTUH, N. C inMII tlAKRMM, t. f. OVLL, f. f. lilUMi tiet. lit. 1"U' VMI.MIMm MA Uat Lib WORKS. Krm.l Hlre(, iMr lha M'OmmIUA K. ( hwrrk. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONES, KL'lI.NITt KB TOl'S, ie., of Iba BEST yCAUTT of AMUIICAN or ITALIAN MA10SLE, fiuuinbed to order, a CHEAP a can be prucorad Iron any etablialiaient of tba kiud In the conatry. 1 employ suua but eapcrieoced workiuen, and will apare so paiua to pleaae ail wao nay faror ua with tlwir paUos age. SAr-Terma CASH, unleaa by ipecial agreement. W. U. MILLK1AN. Wilailugton, TS. L, Sept. Utn, 7 tf. NKW YORK k .'IllLADKLl'lllA CARDS. M. BtlLLNIH. H. roTTIR, JK., hKl J. CAMKKKIM. ttK, Niw Yohi. tOMMISSlON MERCHANTS, Aril 1.1, U-.. lly. I'LAKASCI 1. EATK. HKal L. roHTKB. KATKS KtT:ll. i ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the aale of Cotton, A'kv. Aoeol Norea, ami Southern Produce gcuvraily, No. llU N. WuarTea, aud 111 N. Water St., l'Uil.AIMH.rmA. February fth WX lls-iy liMI, II, i VAlANItlMlK, JliT C COMMISSION MERCHANT. J t;iltou, Hpirila Tuiienlnie, Rualn, Lumber, and South in Produce generally. , ,. 1UA N.u-Ut Wkw 1 " Alum Anh A'ii'wl, 1'HII.AMI.rUIA. r Prompt pemonal attention gfeea to all eonnlpnraeuU, aiiii ipiu k rauirui iruule. Caiih ordorn nollcitcd. Dec. 4th, 1". 76 ly IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS of M1XL ESOUSIi wi UKKUAM FAM'r UOODSun i'KRfUMkHY, No. M FiLtiiN rraktr, Aiiw Yokk. IIknkt (iRirrRH, I Ws. It. Ackkn. ( Nov. K AaaoN o. wat x. sAarus miabb. WATSO" i MKAIIE. C COMMISSION M KUCHA NTS, ) U Burling Slip, New York. Eiipecial attention paid to the aale of Natal bTOKta, Cor tok. and Southern Produce generally. Liberial advance made on a ooatgnmenta. Jnly 1, 'M t, BABTIT 08BBAI), V. B. BVMIL. COCHRAN M RI SSEIX. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North Wharvea, and ti North Water Street, Philadelphia. SLlberlal cash advance made on conaignmenU. JnlyOi, 1X5.1 279 BOOKS, STATIONERY, Sit KKCK1VKI) UY RXPKKSS at KELLEY'H New Book Store, the following work : .ketchei of the Irinli Bar, v the Kigbt Hon. Kiclmrd Labor Sheil, M. P., In 1 vola.i The Tin Trumpet, or tlcida and Tail for the Wlxe and Wagginh ; Shelley' Poetical Work ! Poem by Oliver Wen dell Holme : Huiuhuie, or Kate Vinton. Aug. 2M, 1H6 . . NKW BOokS-lthia niurning at KU.ii.l S NEW BOOKSTORE: Love Me Little, Love Me Long, by Cbtu. Reade. Public and Private Hiutory of IxiuiiNapoieou. The Sacred Mountain, by J. T. Ueadley. Aug. 1.1, 1W9. ' - - AVALIAULK WORK 1X)U PAHKNTS At KEI LEY'S New Book Store The Muteroal Management of Chiidreo, In health and diieate ; by Tbo. Bull, M. I). AoguatlO, nCAULKS of Sterling Eichange, for converting aterling A. into currency, and rarrency into aterling, from par to twelve and otte Iimi per eeat. premium, mcreaaea by one eighth of one per cent. In which the valne of every part of the pound, progreialng by one penny, at alt the ditlerent ratua of Exchange, i given at tight, at August. 10. KELLEY'S Book Store. HISTORY of the Navy of the United State of America, abridged in one volume, continued to ls.'ifi j by J. Fen imore Cooper, at KELLEY'S Book Store. AUgnt 10, Ik.)!). A MANlALbliewinr the price required in Liverpool V. lor Cotton, Cora, Wheat, Flour, Lard and Beef, at any given prima coat rate of -Exchange and rate of freight, at AuguitlO. KELLEY'S Book Store. PUKTICAL WORKS. "I1T CALLISO, YOU WILL FIND the following list of JL choice Poetical works, at h. B llOOri bTOKE. Thoa. Hood's complete work, in sheep and antiane : Mr. Heeman' complete works, in sheep aud eleth t tite works ot Lord uvron, including the suppressed 1'oems : Cbude Harold, in antiqne, by Byron; Moore' Italia Bokh, In an tique ; Shakpeare't complete works, in sheep and antique ; Young' Night Thoughts, illustrated ; Milton's Paradise Lost, illustrated; Prnee and Poetry of Europe and America; Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, by Mrs. S. J. Hale ; Poet ical work of Samuel Taylor, Coleridge, Cowper, Scott's Norton's, Campbell', Mr. 8igourney'i, Montgomery', Gerald Maeeey'a, Southey's, Mr. Eliza Cook's, Longfellow's, in 2 vol., Aurora Leigh', Roger' Poetry of Flowers, Brit ish Poeta, by Reed ; Beranger'a Lyrical Poem ; the Heroes ol the Last Luster ; Trencbe', Amelia' Carolina Wood Notes ; Tennesson's. E. B. Browning's, Longfellow's Evan geline; the Courtship of Miles Btanabth; Hyperion; the Song of Hiawatha i Homes and Haunts of the most eminent Britiith Poets, by Wm. UowiU, July 2Hth, lB. PCRYIGAR WHISKEY. 1 O BBLS W ARB ANTED PUBE, for aale by 1 June 10th T. H. McKOY A CO. CIGARS. --.. WE HAVE IN STORE a good supply of Cigar, on qualities. For sale low by ' . L. B. H corns & SONS, ; July 7 r ' 6. B. cor. Market and Weeond sts. CRAVATS Gentlemen will Hnd B fall and enperior aa aortaaent of Cravats by calling on ss ; aniens; them, colored and black Lace Silk Cravats, a deaireable article f jt Summer wear. For sale by . J. S. WILLIAMS. Ang. Mth - ; - ; . .. . UHKAT KliOtClAUt. PA CENTMUSUN at 30. ...... . . - JW . "' " . . , . .v, ..,... , -Handsome white Embroidered Muslina, 31 eta., worth 75. , ,lrih Lioena at 30 cents, worth W. , ' . 60 , "II tW..., , , ! Ladies' liawB HandTtetcnlcfi At 6 worth 18 r-enla. I . t ..-M M "8 " 12 " ' ' , (I tl l II H tf 2ft '!' j ' For cash only. HEDBIC'K k RYAX July 10. MEDICAL. ALTinoRK IOCK HIWPTTAL. rxXTOR JOHNSON. THK foaler of Uua CelebrateU lm wins eftVte Ue avat OrUia J(wdv, and aaly S Uui trateAr, iatbe wirtJ for Cleeu, Siik t iirs. SeBtaal weniaeM. PaiM ia the lata. Co tat Wimal IVbillty. Impoteiwy, WeakBs at the Back aad Ui. Affrrtioea af the KkImp, l'l.trti,e of the Heart. lsBia. Kerewa lrrualUit v, Dwrnae of Ue He4. Tbroat, Non or hkm ; aad ail tbe svnwia aad srta ai!y J Disorder anautig roea aS Uuw IVatroctiv balrts of Vao'a whk-k deetrey bHh WmIv aad wtiud. Tirt ti arr aad te tarv peartieee wmw fatal to tbenr vi-tiina than tbe aatig f tb Syreae tie Martacra I ly ea, edicbtiag tkew saoat brilMaat bwpe of sawpatuma. rva Wruie aurnaire, Ae BSpeaaible. liei Ma Mt iaHy. wbe have beeoaae tba h twa ef ftdttary Ytrs. that diravdrul aad trt'liv babit, wbicb Baaually sweeja to aa aarimety grave tboosaad f young mra of tbe axwt exalted Uienit aad bnlltaM aite!bM-t, wUo wtich! atberwase have entraajred hateaac tmn wkk the tbaadara nf eto aueac, er waked ta ecaleey tbe Bvhig lyre, snay eall wrlA all coallJeaoe, Marrlaej. Married fnu-n, ar.Yoanf MeieeaitemplatmgBiarrUga, being aware ef Phvak-al Weaksaaa, Orrsale UrbHtty, Defor BiiUaa, A.,hoJJ unatiediately ooswalt 1st . J.,aed be reetor ed te perfect health. He mho pUvrea hintsetf under the rare f Dr. Johnsoa may religtoMty eoaade la hie honor aa a getiileoia, and eona deatly rely Bpoa hie skill aa a pbr laa. Oi-a;aato W MtM hn mediately cared, aad full vigor restored. Thia diaewte w the pesalty niwt frequently paid by thus whe have beeome the vu time of Improper BkluUreacea. Yaang persona are too apt te commit exceaaee front sot be hig aware ef the dU-aadlal eenaeqweaA-ea that Biay eawue. Now, wbo that anderataada tbe subject will rwesd to deny that tbepttwar ef Prorraalioa ia I oat sooner by thoaa fklllng tnUj isaproper kabila Uas by tba pradent. Beaidea being deprived the pleasure of beallliy oApniig, tbe Buieteerioue sod destructive syuiptome to boUbody and ailud ariae. Tbe srwtera beoomea deranged, the ihyakat and meutal powers weakened, aervoua debllltr, dspepeia, palpiutloa of the be art, ladigestloa, a waatiug of the fraiue, cough, (ysipUwa ef eonaumptioB, etc. NrM Debility. Weakneaa of the system, Nervous Debility and prematura decay reoeraily ariae from the Deatraetive Babit of youth, that a Hilary practice ao ratal to the healthful titrtetH ef Biaa, and kt ia the yoang who are Bioat apt to beeome Its victims, front an (guorauce of the dangers to which they subject theaiselvee. parents and Guardians are oftea rate led with respect to the eanae or aoureo of disease ta tlietr sons aad want. Ala I bow often do they ascribe to other cause the wasting ef the frame, PalpltaUoa of the Heart, Dyspettaia, Indigestion, derangement of the Nervoua Sys tem, Cogh, and Symptoms of Constunptlon, also, those se rin as mental efreets, such as loss of memory. OpresiuoB of splnu, or peeuliar Ita of melancholy, whea the the truth la, they have been eauaed by iudutgiug ia peraicious bat allur lug practices, destructive to both Body and Miud. Thus are awept from existence thousands who might have bees of aae to their country, a pleaeur to their frteuds and orna ments to society. Or rut No. 7 Shtw Fstoaict St., left band aide going from BalUuior street, T door from the vomer. Bar Be particular in observing the name and number, or yon will mistake the place. BAT Take aotk e, olteerve the name oa the door and Win dow. A Cwr tsominied, or no C'Atarew Miult, in from (Me to TVq Dam. NO AlKUCUUi OR NAUSKOUs DRUGS USED. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Sargeona, London, Gradu ate from one ef the most eminent College of tbe United States, and the greater part of whose lile ha bees apeat In the first Hospitals of lioiidon. Paris, Philadelphia, and else where, has e ftec ted some of the most astonisbiug cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing In the head and ears whea asleep, great nervoosneoa, being alarmed at uddea sounds, and baahfuiueaa, with frequent blushing, at tended eoinetuuea with dsrsiiaammil est ...Use, ns tmmeaiately. A CwHaln INavaM. Whea the mlsR-nl'led and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds be haa Imblhed the seed of Uit painrtd dleeaso, It too oltoa happen thai an Ill-tuned sense of siisrae, or dread of discovery, deters hint from applying to those who, from ed ucation and respectability, can aloue befriend hurt, delaying till the constitutional symptom of this horrid disease make their appearaace, each e ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal peine. In the head Md limbs, dimnesa of sight, deafness, node on the shin bones aad arms, blotcheo on the bead, face and extremities, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till as laet the palate of the niontn or tbe bones of the Boee fall In, and tbe victim of this awful disease be comes b horrid object of Commlaseratinn, till death pnte a period to his dreadful sulturliig by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledges himself to preserve the most in violable secrrsy, and from his extensive practice in the first hospitals In Earopo and America, be Can confidently recom mend s aafe and speedy cur to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It Is s melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to the unakillfulners of Ignorant pro tenders, who, by tbe use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, aad eves send the nulortanate eulfer r to an untimely grave, or also make the residue of hi life miserable. Take Particular Notice, J - Dr. i. addressee all those who have Injured themselves by private and improper Indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy effect pro duced by early habite of youth, vis t Weakness of the Back and Umbs, Pain in the Bead, Dunnes Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Function, General Debility, Symptom of Consumption, Ac, ' - - Mentally lb fearful effoets npoa the mind are much to ba dreaded ; Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Depres sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversioa of Society. Self Distrust, liove of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all sges, can now judge what la the cause of their declining health, loosing their vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the eree, sough and symptoms of consumption. Dr. Johnson's Invigorating KtnuHAr for Orsjenle Waaknese, By this greet and Important remedy, weakness of the or gan are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousand ef the most nervoos and dsbillteUd, wbo had lost all hop, have been relieved. All Impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion ot the most fearful kind, speed ily cored by Dr. Johnson. YesMtsf Men, ' Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, In dulged In when alone a babit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the effbvts of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, aud If not cured, renders marriags Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. ' What a pity that a young man, the hope of bis country, and tbe darling of his pareuta. should t snatched from all Srospect and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of eviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persona, before contemplating - Marrtag should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ne cessary requisites to promote counublat happiness. Indeed, without these, the Journey through Irfe becomes a weary pilgrimage, the pmepect hourly darken to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection, that th happiness of another, be oomes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., Boliiwiors, Md. All Suhoical OriaATioKS Pbbobmeb, N. B. Let no false delicacy prevent yon, but apply Im mediately ither personally or by letter. us praiAsB arsBOiLT 09BBO, . - To Strmnsreta. The many thousands cured at this Institution within th last twelve years, and the numerous Important surgical Op eration performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by th re porters of our daily papers and many other person aotlce of which have again and again appeared before the publie I a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will find a skill ful and honorable physician. Take Notice. N. B. -There are so many worthless QuAcks advertising tbemselvee as Physicians, ruining the health of tbe already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deem ft necessary to say, espe cially to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his credentials or diploma always hang ia his office. TAKE NOTICK. All letters must be post-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for th reply, or no answer will be sent. May 37th. W ' TU-1t MU MARY McRAR ARRIVED. : i fri BAGS COFFEE. ( Superior " and "Good i2UUU First," Rio Classifications,) received direct Irom Bio, and for sale at New Xoik rates, hy Ang. A, l,9.2m-tf--60-tf O O. PAHSLEY CO. .OIITII CAUOL11A BACON HAMS. A SUPERIOR LOT of North Carolina Bacon Bamsyiv eeived this morning. For sale by L. u. Himams SONS. , v i Jnlylld , ft. B. Corset Market Second St. ... " WESTKK.C BACON AND FORK. I N STORE and for sale by L July U Mi. ALDEEMA3 A BETTOC0UBT. W1NTED. WABTRD. FORTY SHARES WILMINGTO Jt WEI .DON RAIL EoaJ&UKk. A fair rrtv wtli be paid, Aenlvt o. v. i, a i ,i i s v . April 1st, li I7B-f WlI.MMt.TOw at tVKUMI R. R. STUCK "ITANTKDis) exehaacefor Commercial Bask stocks- Kaauir at this Olio. Mtrrk B 11. las RAILROADS. Orrns Cts. Hr'r. Wiu k Mil. R. R.Co.,1 SOauingUiavN.C November JOla. 154. St VTICBS TO THAVKLAXHS. O) N AND AFTKS WEDNESDAY, Deaw tat, a absnr of bcaedul w Ul be mad boos tba stood, aad th Mail aad iaBTr Traisa will raa aa fuilewa t Uave ilmiagioa at A. M. aad B.IA P. M. Arnvt at Kyigville al 1.10 f. M. aa4 Alt A- sf. Uave a.ier.vt.1 AU A. M. aad A. JO F. M. Arrive at ft uaaiogtoa al I P. M. aad 4 A. M. A U the train ceaaect eioael y with Cwiambat Iraasa, except tbe saoesiHg trmia ssavlaa; KingaviU at CoeusecUuaa are mad through with the Graeattlle and CalaiHbia Boad. J. P. gOBKBTbON, Gas. Sup't N.. to. KM.T3"tf. MlSCELLAMOl'S ADVERTISES! LNTS. TTCsTr. HOLM'S CKLKBH4TKD RAXOHA Aa otlier lot luet received, at 34 Market street, Ju-yK, t ICABTKRN HAY-m bales sow landing and M aale U ky KU.IS MITCHiaX. Oej 4 OS iu J M K " T. Beaver Crk tVs SB EETI N tl s AND YARNS; F. N. AW.L Meadowa' Mauutaerored TOBACCO. For al by the package. A. K. 11AI-U Jaly 30, Ui'X . If tf 1)Y MM US. W. 11. SMITH ABU W. U kPUIHUS, JL the follow lug biatvde J CIG AkS have bees reewved : Com were laa tea, Lkht Guard Cortea, Kl llopal, Figaro, Bwvaiusa La 1'aiiua, La KsajeraUle and La Beaduelbw A Bamber of tbe brand Banted are well ksowa, aad Mvrr Uil to give saUalacbos. LOUIS B. KBAMUeUlT,, Jsly IK, Practical Pharmaoeullai, . t3 Herald copy. H'ST l SKASON BOH MA"(MIRS,W PICKI.KS, KKSKItVNH. Ac. line Salad OIL White and Black Mustard Seed, Tumeric, Nutmegs, Spies, Black au4 Med Pepper, Jaiualca Ginger, Altlraa do., Mace, Cloves, Vaail ta lieana, Flavoring K.xtracts, Ac., Ae. Sold by July JO. Lt)UI8 fi. FJUMBKBT. Apotheryt A LARUIS ABSORTMKBT OS COMB, UHCBIIKS, il FortsmotiMles aad WaUeU at BAIJJW1I H. Awgwateta, iBiiB. , - I H KUii Lib. No, 1 uUJiVri' 0,u. la store and for aale by DvUOSSKT, BU0WN k It). Aug , Hi 9. (COW PKAS-lOO bushels Just received. For sale by J Aug. . ELLIS k M1TCI1EU. WANTRD-Ab Cxperieuoed Clerk la I Dry Goods Es tablishment Apply to J. B. WILLIAMS, Ang. IstiWO. f ) atl k I V k u"'i 111 S i A tTZTi TpIesTidssd Ta7ga- J. V irtmeBt of Wuxlew b hades, aiaay mw style. Put up with Valley patent Bxturea, at abort soiMie, by Aug-1 Best to UppiU's Drug Wore. J. riUMKS AND NETS Will b closed cut al cost, by O. POLVOGT, Ang. 1. sext to Uppttt's Drng Store. iAI A IN ICS'S SMUT AND SCRKENISU MACIUSB. lUtOUTAXT TO Ml LULUS. tMA UNDERSIGNED having beea appointed agent for X the sal of th abov Machine, an bow prepared to fur nish them to mill waera and others. FIFTKEN HUNDRED of thee machines are bow running Id North Carolina, all of which have given the most entire satisfaction, both for durability and performano. To this MachiM may b attributed the high poaitloa North Carolina haa taken In th quality of bar lour, a she can bow compete with th world in Hi purity of th articl and th richness 01 its quality. Swept constantly oa nana ana tor saie oy bTOKLKY k OLDHAM. Ageata, March 31. Wilmington, N. 0. RW UtsDIM, MRW UOOOS, mew uoods, AT SMALL PROFITS, AT SMAIX PROFITS, AT BMAIX PROFIT'S, CHEAPER THAN CHEAPER THAN CHKAPKU THAN ' OLD GOODS AT COST. Jnn Pi. HEDRICK BTAW. ncio uticoKs. JUST RECEIVED- FRENCH BRANDY J OLD BOUUBON WtllSKEV ; OLD TOM GIN; SIIKItHY WINE.J " POHT WINK; And " LONG WORTH'S "i OLD CATAWBA BRANDY, direct from th Agjncy. The Liquors arc represented aa being ol a superior grau. r or saie py June Uth. WALKER ME WALKER MEAItES, DrngglsU IH)XI") AtKSI OOXISU AAKSII A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TBB J. M. BOBINBOS rand, Just received and for aale by Oct. 30th J. M. ROBINSON k BON. Herald copy. .: " : ' ' ' ." ... WILSON'S IIARNKSS KSTAHLIallMKNT. fs-eX EVERY VAUHCTY OF HARNESS, f"-Sd f Saddles, Brldlee, Collar, Wbipe and I WHW se Trunks ; all kind or Uather aud Oil; J 'V " Condition Powders, fur diseased Horse and Cam ; toacb Trimmings, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ac. The Urgent stock In the Slats, sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices mmimii Jan 9, 1849 234-ly. No. I Market at., Bear the Wharf. AN ARTH LK NO KAMILY SIIOtLD BUS WITHOUT. A GOOD " MED1CINB CHEST." The nndersigned has just received a supply which for beauty of fluish and couvenlcnoe, eaonot be aurpaaaad. - V LOUIS B. EltAM BERT, July 2Clh, HM Practical Pharmaceutist. W A 1 1 WAX 1 1-W wish to purchase tO.OOO lbs. Wax, will pay th highest markst pile la caafa. r.4Uir T. O. B. O. WORTH. ! Ang, DO YOU WANT TO SI.KEP OOOL AND COMFOKTA blet Buy a HA IB MATTUKSS. They are cooler, healthier and mora pleasant thaa any other Mattress in Sum mer. Any six made to order at the shortest notice, and at the lowest price. U; POLVOGT, July i. Next door to Llppttt'i iDruggery. - . WAtACR COO LB KB, A FEW MOWS OF THE WATEB COOLERS LEFT, which are tor sale at cost, by L. C. TURNER, i uly lWh, 1H6. - (Ut Policy k Turner.) . C0IIJ3 heavy Jots Bale Rope ft al bv July s. W1LLARD k CURTIS. rwi vnrr WANT TO BAVIfi YOt'R 1CB I BUT AM 1CEBREAKKB for 14 cents, from ' . . fi,,- L C. .TURNER, Jnly 20.- .... . . (Late Policy k TBrner.) COItlf AKLOAT. 1 On1 BUSHELS WHITK CORN, lauding from Sthf, XlJJJ JAM ristier. JuTv SO. ELLIS k MITL'HhLU. A . i if.T" "TTii ' .... - HOUSKKKRP1NO ARTICLES, r j CHECKED AND- WHITE STIUW MATTINGS, OIL Cloth for Boors, Stairs and Table, Carpeting, Bage, i. .... rLji.i hrnai l.lnen. Oumask for coverior. carpets, wno uu uuicB ,, ,, CaatCottoa aud Linen, Russia and American Crash, Bird s Eye, Scotch, f renca, American aau reyM Aowomim, i. '..l T,.i.i ci..n, labia Line a. Table Nankins and Doylies, Bleached and Unbleached bhtrUngaot all qualiUea, print, a snoerlor stock. Lace and Kuibrvidored Curtoln Moulin, Allendas, ttatia Striped and Marseilles Sum mer Ouilta, and a great number of other articles too numer ous to mention. Having purchased a NNJ' abov articles previous To the wt advance m the Northern markets, I Battel- myself that I can make It to h. dt.g. of consumuers to .xamina my t)ck beloremak ng their selccUomal other places. - j, g, wiLUAAia. FOR SALE AND TO LET. IOR HEAT From 14 Octoteff seit, s kbaJ J-4 B iose oa Oraer between Sd aad 4th fet. f f irplJto . ALUS Jt sUUiiaXU' Aug. lssth. , ! liHm .RK,fT.From first October aext, the DWEL- in a ij.mi uuims os roan a. betweea Waiuul aad krd Crw Streets, at preMBl orcuj 14 by Mr. Ja. eiiia. I '-ere weU of good water os th prei Apply to . W. J. PBICK. Aag. 1Mb, Isol Mltleuoo T30R R!TT ITROM 1RST OCTOBER SEXT. M X ptraUj i tuate l bouse oa Naa Sue, at preo f I eat occupied by B, O. Worth, Esq. Apply to. , mm, ! AUJ1 MITVUIXL, TO REIT. n FOM OSK TEAR, from la October sext, a Dwel ling ttue ea Second street, betweea pTUtoees aad ..f sVlAXTtUi. august litb, iv-yoi tlsto. TO HKT.- - - AH FOB ONK YEAR from 1st October, a pleasastly F il taated dwelling sear the corner ef Seeoad A Irraaa A But 3d . iwo. kcnt uriT. As FROM 14 OCTOBER NEXT, Htor N. 10 Nwth Til J r atreet, at present occahled by Messrs. Willard - rrv "w uar, m liVIio-U - Jsly U, IsiS, ,7S kXHl RKSJT. V 'UVM Tu K M v OCTOBER NEXT, the House I : ' I nd Lot oa Frost street, ks ws aa Gov. Dudley a C J i laU residence. Apply to Aiigurt I, lsj-27'j tf JOnS A. PARKER. ACM4 HKVr. MOZART 11 A till October sext June 1st, 149 Apply to 1 a' HART. I'M-If VALl'AUI.K PHOPKHTY YUH SALE Jrt Jll IIOU.SK AND U)T adjoining the residence ( J Thoa. C Miller, Ki., North, will be sold oa reaaou- 1,1 Unm. . full W . If !.. ji k.M Ul -. A , . AprU Jtith, 1197 tl UKO. 1L KbLLEY. UHKAT BALK 4K LAllt,0Ma ACRES.""--s-es THIS ABOVE LANDS ARK LOCATED FROM ONE r to sin mile from th Market Houa ta Fayetteville, oa th Coal Field Bad Road and Cap Fear River Bom of these lands ar said to b th tnosi valuable In Caniberutnd County or ia this part of th State, for Black lack wood, Turpntiu, Toil Timber or Lumber, and for Farming not to be excelled. NOTICIC. 1TilK LAND nilTKHSof Sampsnn, Duplin. New Han . over, Blades, Ac, wbo ar paytug from to to 10) aa at re for land tulles oft" from any convenient mode of get ting to market, com and buy lauds that ar close to mar ket, from one hlf to three-fourths the price, worth double Mmoch. The above Uadewtll be sold la lots to salt buy ers, on accommodating term. Thoa wanting, to buy will do well to eall soon if they want first chance. . .. a. m. McDonald. , March H. iia-tf OSM SKWISO HAC1I1NK, - IOR BALK CHEAP to close a consignment. ' J. M. ROB1NH03! BON. Out. 30. Herald copy. , 47 11KCKIVKU PKU ADAMS' EXPRESS thl morn JV lg. s large and bvnutlful assortswnt or POCKET KNIVES. For sale al low figure St - BALDWIN'S. August I'M. - - .--.. ,.- A RUTIIKM lUnt Ok TBtl BBVS, TttAV Y KI.IU BAGS, ilatk'ule. Ac. llnh'Be, al JJALDWUS'M, Asgust 33d, tlORN a KMMT-).,()) bushels White, now UnJlae from Bchr. " aUdyetC'-lor sale by Angust d. ELLIS Jt MITCHELL. S EED MYK buahels dally expected, for sale be Aug. l:id, Wj r.i.u amuiCLL. Qelft nEWARIKIlauawsy from the siibscrl. fL 0,t ber enUislUth Inst., bis aegreglii KK.IAH VV JACOBS, but generally sallsd Aury. hh it luppo, TLA sd to be harbored amongst her relations In loan. feu m well known, aad a description I deemed snneceasary. The abov reward will be paid for her delivery to me. L. II. B0WDFN. ." "" " ' T97-IW CAitnnif onM . VERY LIGHT AND BURNS BEAUTIFUL, A good aup ply constantly on hand at t he LAMP HTOuLno. 48 Market street, opposite tlie Carol Ins Hotel. ; . h . 1)A va EER, Agent. Wilmington, N. ft, Aug. 22, 1HSU. MSCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. SHORTLY AFTER SEPTEMBER Ut, ws will opes our Fall Stock of Hats, Cape. Umbrellas, Furs, A. We respectfully ask from CVsunfry JUvnhani a eon 1 1 nuance of their patronage, assuring them that so effort will be spared to make our assortment a ouuiplut and our prices as low a eta be found in any Jobbing house In the country. MYERS 4 MOOliB, Hat A Cap Emporium, ly 190. 34 Market Street. TO COTTOJI AND WOOLEN M ANirACTVREHS. WILUAM STEEL, No. 24 North Front Street, - - - Philadelphia, Pa., MANUFACTUnER OF LEATHER BKLTlNifsnd deal-. r Is VOTIVM sod WULLKN MAUUtNKHY, UltCWA HKS. dc. Also sol Agent for J. Sennet! ' PA T KfiTMKTAl.W KTK and VLAN1' 11KDDLK. Th most superior HAKNKhSnow in use. Also Agent fof GUM BELT LNG, PACKING, UOSiS, Ac. .' July 2:id lwfl9. ' ' 2716m. N C. RACO!.-t3000 lbs., a priww oritfllfl, for sal oa eoMlMnmenV' - 35, MURRAY A CO. YORK 200 bbl. City Mess, In store and for sale b July 30. U. MURRAY A C fllKXAS lOLAMMli:sml0 bbls. oa ooiislgnment, for aale X July 30. by E. MUUHAY A CO. 1JAPKII IIANUINU, at short nolle and atreaaonabl . prices, A flno aaaortmeDt of papers constantlv an head. C. POLVOGT. July 20. Next to LIpplU's Drug storo. PKRbX'MKRY, rANCY AID TOILET ARTICLES, C COMPRISING POMADES HAIR OILS, UAIU DUKSSKS, . y Hstr Dye, Shsvtng Hoaps and Cream, Hair, Tooth and -bliavisg Brushes, Dressing and Fin Tooth Combs, Lubiae, Peters and Glens Perfumery, Lows Honey and Gleeerln Soap, Ac. All of which bar been carefully selected and ill be sold low for cash. L. B. E RAM BERT. Apothecary. July 20th, 1859 ' ' - 0 HAND a few water coolers, and ice pitcher which will b sold a c(or oath by L. C TURNER. July IS. (Late Policy A Turner.) XT AILS. li kcirs aaaorted sixes. ICl L. B. HUGGLNS A BOSS, Aag. 11, 1 8. K. corner Market aad Second at. ; KLOCU OK BBLS. SUPER FLOUR j iO 20 H CrackerB, Soda and Si sale by i vi . ... . August 6th, 1R58. ' igar. In 'store and for &KNO H. GREENE. Nc. it Atom 2, ooo lb. Hams aad Shoulders, in store and for sal by - Aug. tfth a ALDERMAN A BSTTENCOURT. CHACKKRSSdgajr aAd Soda, fresh, hi store and for J sale ba AXJibRUAii ct oAiicuxwuitA. Aug. 9th 1ILGH UKAILABL C10KhNvater 8TI1EET, WlLMIHOTOK, N. C. 288-lm Aug. llth, Wh 1ou SALE. SO SMALL BUILDING, LOTaV-Per-I ion wishing to race rvnl and occupy their own houat, can be accommodated with cheap Lots, in th North end of tbe Town, on application to tbe subscriber, A plan of the nronorty may be seen at th Furnitur Store, No. 10 Front tmoe. ' ' , . JOBS D, LOVE. August 11, lM92Hg-tf. r TEUHOKSI KUOEStlWANTED TO PUB- f li chase, eigtu or ten iiaeiy rici.i, uuui-.i IB lo u tci ui ---- mmm to dispose of, will find a CASH purchaser by applying J. M. ROBINSON A SON'S Hardware Store, Front Street, n r i iky locn QDSJ i WWuiBgtOn, lg li AwrAOl n