v7 VOL. 0. XO. 0. W1LMIXGT0X, IS C THURSDAY EVEMXG, SEPTEMBER 15, 1839. WHOLE NU?,IBi:a 2,m 1 " v n '"n - J Eiitcrr - i A-v FrtfrtM. E.'w. . . - A. t. PRICE. As! Pa;'v Ppr, aae vear, tarshab'v ia advance' fat' Wt!f - - ' - - " J 50 A!) Wttee aa. tuMMM eue !et t-4 wtk tfc !te. iwt.t be a Rfrr d U tr-a yrrprrtor. f IlTES OF ADVUiTtSIX,. ! v r Mr Ait. Om day I 25 Om day... Two day. Thr A tv Kovr days ....... Frv days Om twk Two weh On BKwth Tw onlha S Tw dav...... .... Tl .... 1 txi .... I M .... IH .... I TS .... i n .... 4 no .... lot ....Wtw Three day.., . t ma day ..... Flv dart On week...... Tw weeks.... Om bog th Tw Booths . . . Three Bunch. . 8iX BkOBth.... .. TS . I s.J ..J w .. W ..I 00 Threw Bunt ha. Six mania . 1 M (iMrar... .li M Uh year. . .30 Til use art coasted M Kiuar, and fit line at leas a-eqnar. Longer advertisements ta proportioa, and ell v - i ... ww.m - ; i i 1 .. a . ....... p. t . wj ta ftdrtwv, .vara aw paia ia hiim m tw per square in m charged ener tb first inaertiu. TAU kklf (qBATT But pud fOT ta edvaBC Will b cherg iluiniiM. " Adrueereota Inserted m Special or Bishop NoticM ST chargwd OB-hJ bom ihaa above ratee-eight llaw (waded) or lese counted m a square. A Jrrcwnia Ituarwd avvry ether daj ftro ckif4 J7 eB por qaaro rr c urmm tilet il Dnt. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I Alii O. F.RAMBKHT, DRUGGIST AND PRACTICAL PU A RM ACEUTIT, WlLMIWttTUJI, N. ('. lmm eaiuUatlr oa fcnj. orhK't tterk of J'. Jrfi win, Dimuttu a I urfaik tlwvivraU, W-y i rUrt ilrlufes, Wmetoifl Lupunjvr Jftuw W MrjKMta, tvl artn-'ulu ottfDtioo paid U rkM.mrTu, t'taiLT IUi irw, Miph im laim, AC. Store immeduitclj uider tb M Cro!iB Hotel." July It, C1 tf CI. V. i W. J. Ml'KUL 10MMISSI0S MERCHANTS ud WUOLESALB CBO- CKRS, corner PrinceH kud Water Stoeeu, Jon 14, WlLMUMTON, N. C. ' (jL i VIC II KKI.LKT, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN G&OCK B1E3 AND rB0V1SION8, So. 11 Xorik WUr filrwl, Dec. W, lliS. WaBimmm, N. C. JAB. T."PKTTKWAl, IACTOB AND C0MMISB10W MEHCHAST, ; jV'o, 8 A'orth Water Strenl, WiuiimiTuN, N. C, Will Iv personal attention to tlia ule and aiiipmeot of iotton, naval Htorea ana utner proauc. Qct i. M UKIUrftAKT. BROWS at tlK. 1 EXERAL COMitLSiiJON MEJ1CHANTH, X W1LM1NGT0S X. a Job. lit, 1S4T.-W tf. FXL1 4i niTCHRLL, "TVEALEKS IN GRAIN, II WlLMtNUTOK. N. C. Keep Constantly on hand Corn, Pea, Oata. liar, Veal, Hrnnonr, nran, Morse and tow icea, uu ateai s. March 14th, im. W. V. DAV1H, M. !., OFFERS HIS PBOFESSIUNAL BKRV1CES TO TnE CTT Itttna of Wilmington. Utile 2d door beluw Uolmea' Hotel, Front Street. Jun. 231 tf IIRKRV P. ni'ltHKLI T , - , 147 at Bar, (Ur STawa.) CHARLESTON, H. i C. March lTth, 1858. - . 142 tf T. II. MrKOY A CO., ROCER3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South VT Water atreet, Wiuhnotom, N. C. Aug. J3d, 1840. JOT H. B. K1LKRI, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL HTOUES, corner Water and Market atreeU, Wilmington, N. C. April Id, 18 - THOMAS W. BROWN, JHM ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THE TJNITED STATES IN AND FOB THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, Jan t4th, 168. ' 4T-tf ITOUIT. ALII. OLIllAll. flTOKLEY At OLDHAM, jn B0CERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , AND JT DEAU3S IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, 4C. . WlLMlNUTOH, N. C. RiriaiKci. . ... Col Jon McRai, Presl JeDt of the Bank of Wilmington. O. Q. Pamlit, Esq., Preaident of th Commercial Bank. Pit. J. A. Mn.I.KR, IRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MTLLER A BA KEH'S LAW OFFICE, Wilmikutoh, N. C Oct. toth, 1H6T SH-tl D. A. LAMONT, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 5 North Water atreet. J Oct 12 31-tf WlLMlKWTOM, N. C. t'fnow mTit,LKRY. WILMINGTON, N. C , J. E. OAKELT, Proprietrm, VakBOKRELEN k P.R0., AgmU, ALL KINDS OP NAVAL STORES purchased, manurac tared and told Wharfage and Storage famished, and Cooperage don at lairratea. . . .... .v .. ; AR. Jan lat, l857.-122-tf. . . , i 4 . , a J. M. ROBINSO" St OI, - - WlLMINOtON, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dear lerea in Hardware, Culterj, Iron, Bteel, Nail, Arrival tnral Implement, Ao. - WM. C HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, . . Sept. 20. 1854. 13 tf) WumwoTow, N. 0. j ADAH. BROTHER CO, C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .. . j WILMIKOTON, N C DAVIS A CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sooth Water Street. Wilminbton, N. C. i. L. HATH AW AT. W. . WJ. HATHAWAY U CO., - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . WrmwaTon, N. C. T.CAB. O. VtORTIt, C COMMISSION AND F0RWARD1NU MEKUHAN is, j . . . i . ... . , WaxiKUTUN, N. C. March U, 1857 -:" ' ""- ' 7 JAMII AHDIBAOII, BDWAM IATAC1. ADKRSO!l A iAVAOK, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VX - WaniKOTOK, K. C. Liberia! caah advance mad on consignment. , 1 WILI.ARD ii CVRTIS. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, ' No. 10 South Watm Btbjsts, Jan. IStli. WaMiMTOit, N. C. itaH o. wm. mm comw. JA. c. nrrii A COM (10MMISS10N MERCHANTS, office aeeond atory, corner Bonth Water and Market streata, Wilmington, N. C, where they are prepared to attend to All bnaiueei in thi Commission line. r- - r. -r'- All bnaineai entrnated to them will be ponotOally attend odto. - W. II. McRARY A COm, . f (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, comai Princes and Water J streeta, Wilmington, N. C. MrSRSNCU! "' ' H. B. Bayage, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, WDmlngtoff, N. C. Col. John McBae. Pres't Bank WOmington, do. 1 do. D. A. Davis, Cashier Brncb B'k Cape Fear, Salisbary, do; J. G. Lash, " " ' " Balem, do. J. Eli Gregg, Preaident of Bank Cheraw, S. C. Oct 171 .... WALKER HBAHES, ' - -- (Sncceasor to-Walker Me ares Co..) . BY riXTOI A PRICK. PROPRIETOR. w HOLESALX AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, '.'. J BISI.NESS 1D rRQFEESIQXAL CARDS. f" r.NFHA!. A OEM. iU fct'reifWr ( -J l lb effo. T W. W. Vni. i . thriiH hoB b o;'J Bl '! autl Ajroc rrvt-. rtour aoivm, ti orJert mad forward jwJi Bruaiitlr ; :taj to li ?cuU&liu mad Wflnua;toa. X. C. rL (tta. I iw 1. j IH UII U HA II AM. 1 J XOMtt WATER STREKT. WlLHUiurOM, I. C. In;, lltli. ISi. t loi KOBT. II. CVWtl, HAS TAKKV AM OKFK'E oo th 8aata rrr of Prim er ad Watvf Strtt, p Uir. oad odpr kx w i U troaiioctwa uf nT kuid l tamimw, for th oanoi (wuiii.m, tlM'tHrNkUMIIf (I1UK. m?E rXDEltfh'iVFD hat entered hit Co-Partaenlilp 1 m xh ton f Wilmlnrto. N. C, J-r th ara f (y lUTHtlil. M k IDLE MAN, for th pvrpo of buying tMi rllmg KEURU bLArid. ker taekiaet cash prv, Will he paid. They kav a koto in Mobile. Alabaaa, wker4 they will receive and sell slave e eocaouasioa. Liberal advaa tes Bad ipoa aUvtt arft with taeM fur sale. D. J. SOUTH ERLAND. . . JAMES C. COLEMAX. Aug ua U, IKiX JlNt-tf LAW ftOTK K. IUUUS W. WRIGHT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ) OfTue on Markrt Streot.oa door East of Dr. Ihrk .'. ' fn-vU U. IV.9. S06 tf B. Bll'HRAY 4 (Oh . (Uwnmm ta Marjr At ISaNia,) COMMISSION MERrtlANTH J AND WHOLESALB GROCERS, WILMINGTON, N. C a. niKKar. b. a. icauioi. i. r. mr. Ftbruary 1, lt5. lU-tf KDWAHD UrPlieRBOW. COMMISSION MKUIHANT, Kb. South Water Street, i - . WlLMIMIiTON, N. C. ! Avguwt Nth, !&. iHi-tf A. K. H ALL, IOBWARDIXG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, A-TioA' Wharf, WlLBIKUTOM, N. C. I781y July)th, 19. ALDKHMAN BKTI KlvCOl RV, nTTllOLESAUi AND RETAIL G1WCBIW, , V i No, Ji Noktb Watkb SrassT. f t.Ordra for Goods accompanied by th caa, or from Iiuik lual cuiUoiiiem solicited, and will ruiv prompt and faithful aUeutioia. . . July 21, fwi'J. r. y, ibitb, toun ncLai aiN. RniTII MrLAtRIIff, CQdMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WlLMINvTON, N. C. airaa to John DawtHiN, Eaq., Mayor. E. 1. Hai l., Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. July lat, 1M tM-tf , UAUUK RAILWAY. TI1E SUBSCRIBER having pnrrhaaed th CAPE FEAR MARINE RAILWAY, (formerly th property of B. W. beery,) h prepared to build or repair Vela. Faithful work at fair price promised. Ordtr solicited. MICHAEL BOBBINS. Befcrence O. O.IPamley, KUldcr A Martin, J. & D. McRae k Co., Hamas k UoweU, J. U. Flanuer. April 2th, IH59 ..: ' ..... l'U ly . W. It. MARK CO., (hfccimdii to i. a. aaar,) -a -i vi;L' 'iiiuki;a minrail ii?a im uiimwiDf U1 H'lOVKH, UUNtf, LANTERNS, TIN and bHEET-lRON WAUKS, 1 rront street, Wilmington, M.U, . w. m. aaaa. a. a. narr. ! Wilmington. N. C, My th, IRSS.-JtW ly. . I1AKUIMB W MOVV IbLL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WltMIKOTOW, N, O. o soiuiS aaaBisa, a. t. bowill, w. w. aaaiaB. Oct. 1st, 1W M1LM1SUTOX HAKHUC WORK. Frwnt Bret, near lh MetbrnlUt K. ( harrk. MONUMENTS. TOMBS. HEAD and FOOT STONES, FURNITURE TOPS, Ac, of the BEST QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN MAWULE, fnrnished to order, as LULAf as can be procured from any establishment of u kind is the country. .... ... . 1 employ none bnt experienced workmen, and will spare no pains to pleas au who may favor ni with their patron age. ' ' . AXTTerma CASH, nols by special agreement. W. O. M1LLIUAN. Wilmington. N. C, Bept 13th. IBM. T-tf. Ni;V YORK k PillLADELPilli CARDS. H. boLLNcn. - . roTTtn, in. i. camiiuibn, dom.uk n, pirrTKH A CO., C10MMI8S10N MERCHANTS, ' , - ' -.Nbw Yoat. April 13, 1869. la.ly. . CLAAUiCI . AATKH, UKMMi L. FUTKB. KATES A FOSTER, - - CI ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the slile of VX Vvtlon, Aire, Annol 8tor, and Southern Produce generally, No. 110 N. Wharves, and 111 N. Water St, PBILADRLrHIA. Febrnary 28th 1869. 14-ly UICO. O. VANAAlUlXUIfi, JR. COMMISSION MERCHANT. J Cotton, Spirit Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber, and South ern rroauc generally. , ;-'lMNorta Wbaffei, V Above Arch Street, , pHILADILrUIA. $r Prompt personal attention given to all consignments, and qnlex returns made. Caw orders solicited. . Dec. 4th, im : .. . 76 ly ., URIKVEN to ACKKR. f MPORTERS AND JOBBERS of FRENCH, ENGLISH A. and UAMMAIt rAaUI VVVVa4 fXlit UMB.HI, ,X . No. 14 Fdltok sniarr, Nw VuHt. -Wb: H. Acrnv. - Not. 26, l8o8.-6My. ARSON 0. WATBOH. aADTUII KIAUJ. WAT SOI A MKARES. i J4 Burling Slip, New York. ' Especial attention paid to the sale of Natal Bronii, Cot ton, and Southern Produce generally. Ijbwrial advance mad on oonaignmenta. ' July 1,'M i. KAiriT OacaBAN, . W. S. BfcSUBfc, . . , ...... COtHRAS i RUSSELL. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 North VJ w narvea, and bt riortn water street, raiLASiLraiA. Stf-Liberial canh advances made on consignment. . jniy 30th, ma m 75 I1AGS Hio COVFEK. For sale in lots to suit, by fccpt. 3d W. B. MoBARY k CO. Nc. TOBAt com boxes different grades. For sale a by W. IL McRARY k CO. Bept. 3d j -- - , SUGAR to hhds. of prime to choice N. Orleans, P. Rko and Muscovado SUGAR. For sale by - Sept. 5. HATHAWAY k CO. 1 PORTLAND E.YRIP.-125 BBLS. In new package. For sale by HATHAWAY k COv Sept. 6, lb5U. -,r 4 MERCER POTATOES, in One order, for sale by die barrel or busheL ZEAO H. GUts'NE. Aug. 2lh, 1859. i - -y...t ATI SO POTATOES.8 bbls. more Irish Potatoes-a li good article. For isle by ZENO 11. GREENE. , eeptember 2. v. - . ".. '' .-) - i. NORTH CAROLINA BACOH, 1 A A M ( LBS. HOG ROUND, a beautiful article. lUvivV just received. For sale In quantities to ALDERMAN k BETTEA'COURT. August 22, 1869, BACOS.-5 HHDS. SHOULDERS, just receiv.d from Bsltimore per Schr. Florida. For sal by - Aug. 31. - ;, HABBlsa k HOWELL. -. 4Trt A BAGS RIO COFFEE; j . ' ' iUU fit do.- Lagusyr Coffee J. , At) bocketts Uid Java do.t if ? . f 2d begs St. lipmiugo do. For sale at New York prices, ty . . r WILLARD k CURTIS. 5JEDIC1L. BALTIMORE UKK IIOriTAl rHXT.TR JOIINvlX. THE rUBsl f hm t t'.rf.rlJ liaU.tuti4 u7.Tt Ut Bt Certaa SwJy. aad aauy ect tual rraw Jr. ib ih atiir'd fur Glret. l!ra tnrea, Sesk'aal wakie. Fa ns ia the l''na. CB"t!tUtKal IVtr.SV, ImrHh-rT, WnlhM ot ta fWk aad UniSa. ASwti of tfea kkinevm, PalpMaUnaa f ta Heart. lWrpia. Nrrroo ImUkiu.iy, Diaea af th Head, Throat. Nom m r-kut ; and all th, aerioa and avian- ho!T Datorder armg tSun all thnae IVatrtK-tiv habita of Tonta vhkk deatray tmU body and Biad. Ti saratT aad lt tary praotiraa mar fatal to their victims lhaa Um aong af lb Syrn t tha Manaers L1yms blutl liag tit it b1 hrdhant Bp of antk ipaiwoa, raJru BMUTiaga, Aa (mpowjUi. um m epe-Ullr. vbit kav btm th victim of K.,litary Yk-e, tliat drealful and dtrnrtiv habit, whii k annuaUy e to aa antflaely gmv thawwada f yoang ties oi th Ba4 lalted laleata aad brtltiast Melleri, wha B'ghl alhrrwia kav estraarad Imteauig Haoatea with taa Uunder af lo qacBc. ar waked to aiaUf y th living ljrre, aaay rail with all coc8.lt no. W M' Married Peena. ar.YtNHig MiarnleiUt;ig awrriaga, keiag awar of lhvk-al Weakae, Orgaaw lbiiny, Defur Btttsra, Ar.iali-mtld imiat-dialyronwtH 1V . J.,atxl b mhf td to perfect baaith. H who place kimxelf ndr tha ear af Dr. Johnaoa mr rligiaaiy aocSJ ia hi aoaor as a grntW-mxa, and eoaa deatly rely apa k as ill aa a phy Un. tHwante WeabiMaw ktimadikWly carad, and full vigor rtiird. ' Tbie diaeaa ta the penalty Burnt freqarully at4 byfbtia who hav baeoaa tS vtetiai af taopat sudalgoaeea. Taang parana ar too apt to comwit tat-eanes Iruoi aot be ing awar of Vh dreadful (Hnwequence that Buy hmm. Now, wha that nnderstands the subject will pretend to deny that th power of Prorreatloa hi tort sooner by thna falling Into rmproner habita tha a br th nrndent. Beside beie deprived th f laamir of at'alU'J otfuprutg, th bkm4 serious ana aesvueuv yaum so nu ihhiv and aund sim Th system become deranged, th physli-sl and mental power weakened, aervoaa dehillty, d)tettt, palultatloa VI A1 IK BM ta lymptomsof - - . . . i . ma h ""'i'g "V ,T"'"", Pnugav eooaumpUoB, elo. arvwaw PeUlllr Wsakneas of th system, Nervous Debility and prematur decay generally arte from th Deatrnctlv habit of ynttlh, that aolitary practh o fatal to th healthful eiiftear ot Baa, and it k th young who ar most apt t berona It vn'tium, frora aa U;oranc of th danger to which they subject tbemaclvea. Parent and Guardi-tna ar oltea mis led with respect to th ran or sou re of dlarm la their sons and wards. Ala I how often d they aacrib to other tense th Wasting of th tram, PalpitatH of th Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, derangement of th Nervana ba tout, Cough, and Symptom of Consumption, alao, thos a rlou meutaJ flecU, such aa 1 of memory, depression of spirits, or pacallar fits of melancholy, when th tli troth la, they hav been eaosed by mdulging ia pernicious but allur ing practices, dee tractive to both Body and Mind. Thus ar swept from eiistence thousands who might have been of nae to their country, a pleaaur to their friends and orna ments to society. Or rice No. f Sottm Fasnaict Sr., left band side going from BalUuior street, T doors from Uis corner. - Atar Be particular In observing the name and lumber, or yon will mistake the place. " Take notice, observe the name on tha dtxtr and win dowa. A Vri aporranitHl, or no tfutryt Aaife, n from M to 7W l)ny. NO ME11CUBT OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS USED. DR. JOIIKON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Gradu al from on of th moat eminent Collegre of th United State, and th greater part of who llfs baa bees apent In th Brat Uottla of London, Paris, Philadelphia, and ls truer, nas enected sum ol th moat astonishing cures that wer aver known, many troubled with ringing in th head and ear when asleep, great nervousiiee, baiug alarmed at suddea sound, and bashfulneaa, with frunt bluehing, at tended sometimes with deraogeaMut of mind, wer cured immediately. A Certain Dtataae. When the misguided and imprudent votarf of iileamir finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, It Wo oiten nappena mat an m tiiueo ns or warn, or dread ol discovery, deter biro from applying to thus who, from d scation and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying mi ue constitutional symptom or uis norrm disease mak their appearance, such aa ulcerated tor throat, diseased mm, nocturnal pains, ia tba head and limb, dininea of sight, deafneas, Bode oa th slit bone and arms, blotches oa tb head, fao and itrniitie, progreaalng with fright ful rapidity, till a last th palat or tL mouth or th bones of th no fall In, and th victim of this awful disease be comes a horrid object of eomrauBsration, till death puts a rsriod to his dreadful suflertngs by sending him to " that ourae from whence no traveler returns." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledges himself to precerv th moat In violable eerey, and from bi ei tensive practice to th first hospitals in Europ aad Ataertoa, he can eonfldenUy recon end a eat and apeedy enr to the unfortunate victim of thi horrid disease. It I melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to th unskiUfulnets of ignorant pre tenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, and even send the nniortunate suffer er to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of hla lire miserable. Take Particular Net k-e. ; Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by private and Improper Indulgences. These are soms of tb aad and melancholy effect pro duced by early habit of youth, vis i Weakness of the Back and Limb, Pain In th Head, Dunnes of Sight, Ixms ot Muscular Power, Palpitation of th Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement of th Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptom of Consumption, Avo. Mint allt The fearful efluets npon tne mind are much to be dreaded t Los of Memory, Contusion of Ideas, Depres sion of Spirit, Evil Foreboding, Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, ate., are some of the evils produced. Thoussnds of persons, of all ages, can now judge what la the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pal aad emaciated, bar a singular appear ance about the eyes, cough and symptoms or consumption. Dr. Johnson's invlrraUj UViwailjr (ur Organic -Weakness. By thi great and Important remedy, weaknea of th or gans ar speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of tli most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been relieved. AU impedimenta to Maniaee, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous irritability. Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speed ily enred by Dr. Johnson. , t v . Young Man, Who have injured themselves by a certain practice. In dulged In when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, ar at School the effect of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, render marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a yonng man, the hop of his country, and the darling of bis parents, should be snatched from all Srospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of erlatlng from the path of nature, and indulging ia a certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating - Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and body ar th most ne cessary requisites to promote eonnnbial happiness.- Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another, be oomes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., JJoiftmore, Mi. All Suroical OruATroNs Pirfobmid. N. B. Let tio false delicacy prevent job, bnt apply im mediately either personally or by letter. SKIM DIS1AHB SFCSDILT CUKID. To 8trajngr. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last twelve years, and the numerous important surgical Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of our daily papers and many other persona notices of which havs again and again appeared before the public is a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will find a skill ful and honorable physician. - - Take Notice. N. B.--There are so many worthless Quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deems it necessary to say, espe cially to those nnacqnainted with his reputation, that his credentials or diplomas always hang in his office. ' TAKE NOTICE-All letters must bf post-paid, and oon tain postage stamp for the reply, or bo answer will be sent. - - - . , , May 27th, 1869 . . . lUrlf BRIO MARY HrRAB ARRIVED. - - 2 A A . BAGS COFFEE, (" Superiors " and Good UUU-First," Bio Classifications,) received direct from Rio, and for sale at New York rates, by n Aog. 6, l.i-Ha tf6n.tf O. O. PABSLEY k CO. - uiui'ii cartnr.ivA racoh HAMS. . '. A BUPERIOB LOT of North Carotins Bacon Hams, if XA. caivee u motiiini for . Bnva Lta jo. uuwwo Dunn. ' S. 1. fomer Market k Seeead St July2d ' WAkTCHK BACOM AND , iS STORK sad lor sale by ,, ,'.,;..' July U 186. - AWEBXia a-HCOUIX DOOK 1DTERTISE!ILTS. - BY EIPPRE- ' rpH'Sg ,LD AND SiLVER M'KEW CAXXOX PEN ( ILS, a a artK 1 aad ana thai take t all at I rpt.a. AEUJiV 4U.X)a. KlUkS. TKW BwK Be A Jams A (V's tipreaa th. avw 11 g. at RELIXY SIiew stock Mta; PaiUMuvrhey s MaU h Gaawa ta Eutvp ; th aew Mas Treat. Board ; D Aifuac Gyainaaiicf anew Letwr Wntev ;etvfua s urna rVptrmbr T, K'S. IniK MKTUOPivr PI UMT MKTII,eu!mgHr avmaat twenty six Dilite of theKxuhera M. K. 1 burt-h, enbracitig som af iu beat tateata. A valuable bmk l tboa f.md f goed oratory aad roadlhg. by Was. J Kmlth . Falat k.ElXe.t ri KtKlki, KTOUK. July Jtt, IKiX IKW laal as. flMlK LEIXlrR AT. The Boat popular By to af sort Hal 1 er wtrodat-ad. Ntw coiura and shapes, full aaaurt-Bw-nt at tii Hat A Cap KmpoiiuB. rVpt, a, MTrii54 A MOOR, MW ISTKHKTIU t OUKS,. Sitiwkuta. or Kate Vuitva, by Mrs. II. R, M Keever th Flounced Bub aad ahal Kro-t, by Mrs. II. B. MrKeever; MrU Gray, or what Bake bM happy Belt, or th pmrntaed Bleaaing. Tba abov wwk ar valuaal (uf e hddreB, aad eaa b read vithprohl by older persoaa.. At - KfJJ.EV 8 Set B..,k w.,r. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. SPIRIT ASK. 1 A l F.tTRA new ftpirlt Caaks. aVVr l.' se4atad Id hand do. , Now landing frun brig ' Judg Blaaey.' Fur sal by rpuu. , ' m tu.AlUi l UKTUS. ttin AfLUAT. - - - - 'A tUV BirSAElJt prim Upland Corn aiW, l. ai hr. sleUUli-iiJaaW Ui.haaaif' Hf-taley N-pt. li. WIU.AKD k C URTIS. kll'PPKRNtMU WINK. IN KEGS AND BARRELS, for sal by Kept, ly. W. H. M. RARY A CO. rutvuicu uu imrr. a).-! KEGS RIFLE AND MlsKET PODER; atl l"a bags Shot fur (lies Bird. For ssls by iN ptember loth. XF.NO II. GREENE. Ut NtV HAt..lU A HOPE. J BALES BAGGIXi. and kj colls Rope, in store aad Ol to arrive. For sale by hrpL loth W. II. McRARY k CO. NtHKS SHUICIl'l BTIT4II." AtrnEN any or thh many ma hinks now or T V fored to tb publio, kav a niueh of xelteoee that th vvndrrs f them eaa say, " It makes Singer' t tiu h " lAul, they would hav yoa understand, I recaniniendatory nough. So tar as it gues, very wU. Thos who rusy think uf purchasing Macliin for Plantation or Family sewing, should bear lu mind th fact, that the reputation of a thing. la Bt IA thing tttrlf. To aiak hingar'a stilcA rsqslres a conciliation oi numerous inguuxiu paMuu, iHHmgtng v- c(uiiiii'iy 10 i. ar, ptiujrrm to., ana ai utvuvMy muiecon $truium of Umr AIcu hnft, all tmWdfinns to th contrary, BotvrUisUuding. Aad th PERFECTION f thi atlUik I only realised through and by th Combined patent afore said, lh working paru ot tltr family Machlue poaaes the sam csimllenciee as belong to their Higher Priced Mr rhtnea th only diflereuc being ia th fat t that they ar but use it lor so great a variety of ary work. Th Family Machine, Price t"0, with all the Improve ments, and entirely original designs, will be introduced Into our establishment during the present month. Particular attention la oailed to th saw M Trsasvra Shattl," Letter M A." Machine. As yet, no Imltattou of uiu atacoiutare Biaa puunc. O. B. BAIJ)WIN, Agent for Sept 10, m-.Uay " I. M. SINGER k CO. IIIO REWARD. SEVERAL ATTEMPTS having been made lately to Are property lying between Mulberry and Walnut and 2nd aaa Jra streets, uis anove re war a win oe paid rur me de tection and conviction of the Incendiary. S. D. WAlXAtE, Acting Mayor. Hept. thll9 ; ' 4- TIIK I'O-PAHTSEHBIIIP OF PETER M. WALK KM A JAS. M. STEVENSON, la this day dissolved by mutual onsnt. P. M. WALKER, . J. M. STEVENSON. Sept. Uh, 1W9 4 tit NEW EMPTY BAR It ELS. 1 AA NO. 1. NEW EM ITT SPIRIT BARRELS, for ssle lUvby HATHAWAY 4 CO. September 8th, 1869. HORSE VEKD, , I.C0R FALK IN QUANTITUM TO SUIT, by V Sept. 7. W. H. MuRARY CO. A 'lVET Kl'HSn WANTED One without a child iY preferred. Apply at THIS OFFICE. S69 307-tf beptember 3, lab RABOHUA SOftMKTTE. ' DE LA FARRIQUE DB JAQUES LEC0UT.TRE AU REN TIER Vallee dn Iso de Joux Canton de Vend, en Suisse. These mors so wall knows and of which tb quality ia warrant a, pusses this great advantage, mat tney may be used tea year befor they require aharpenlng. Before UHlng them R Is necessary to nib them upon a good leather strap. Bewar of Counterfeit! Nme are genuine but those stamped JAQUES LKCOULTRK au Henlier. To special order, just imported and rec'4 an assortment of the Hssnra above mentioned. Helling less than ever be fore offered Wilmington, at BALDWIN'S. - . Gent's Furnishing Store, July 6. i :w Market St. C1RKAM SOAP The best In the world-washes Is hard, t soft or salt water, without any boiling, and without in jury to the liuest fabric, anything flora a Diane Shawl duwn to the coarsest article in use. can be wnhed in tiertuct safo- tv with this SOAP. The attention rf Machinists hi invited to tins as an article which thoroughly leans the skin from dust, dirt, iron rust, smut, Journal grease, and In short, eve ry kind of dirt which the occupation of a mechanic would bring hlin In contact with. Just a few mure boxes on hand at the Lamp store, No. 4u Mai ket street Aug. Id. DAVID J. QUEER, Ag't . RECEIVED TO DAI, 1)ER HOUR. WM. A. ELLIS, from New Yoik : 10 bbls. City Mess Pork ( S " C. hiigars ft " Eating Potatoes) New York name, Cheese, Ac. For sale by i. n. iiuiKiiNa. miHrt, Sipttfth 8. E. Cor. Market k Second Street. KMH'R. I r HilfX. WACHOVIA FAMILY; -At) lo '' Faycttcvllle Snpcr. Just received. ' For sale by 1 B. HUOGINa k WINS, Sept Dth S. E. Cor. Market Second Streets. w At IIOV1A MILLS b'Ult'IU Another supply of thi. aimArlnr Pamllv t'lntir rm-eived veatArdar. Flour received yesterday. For ..ia. L. B. HUOUI.Vfl A SONS. Angnstlu. b. b. cor. ataraeiAneo. aia. HOOP SU1RTM, , - , HOOP SKIRTS, uuur biviuid. DOUGLAS A SHERWOOD. ; ; - . , i WENTi iir r rKr.. i m i i.sa. July 14. . HEDR1CK At RYAN. N AILM2S keg assorted slue. For sal by Lu 11. HUUOntR L DUJ.T, Aug.ir, 8, E. corner Market and Second i BACOS.-3000 LBS. PRIME NORTH CAROLINA BA CON. For sale by DkROSSET, BROWN A CO. Aog. 31. - - 1,"tAS l K! UAYi lii balei Just received. For sale by U Aug. 4. -j M1TCUr TARI TAUtt I AAA BBLS. TAR, IN ORDER AND IN STORE. AuUU For sal by ,., a, v.. vt. m.vnuv. August Kth, loa. -a t oLASKS MOLA8!K 1U0 bbls. heavy, sweet 11 L Melasseat 60 bhda. ao. no. ao. now lanuing ana tor j by ', ' ., ; nua'aiu a vyuaia. August 21. MESH fUKK. 11W bbls. N. Y. City Mees Pork land ing from Schr. " Aicade,. For sals by - . . K.iviK.ac V AX fA ERA. . AS THE TIME IS AT HAND when l have to mam my annual settlements, I must eamciOy rtqoeBt th se who have not paid tuir I axes, to aenie wio touid nmueu'iueiy. - ,p, HAI.I., BhmiiT. WANTED. N EGROES I SECROKStl WtrrCT TO PTO- fS eha, ;gU r Its Ue'y FiiOD UaSI-h, tna l to i jfar uf .. Any poa hanEg so. k Xfoa ' t.. dta of. l 1 i C.tU purthaMf by n ysa M. BOBl.WN 4 fco.v s Harda-af Mora. Froo tFaev wiimirgtu X.C. (Asg. lJ.lvjA-t.7 if WArrrn. poRTT sniRrs WlLMrXUTOt A CrtLDOT RAH, r Ro4StMk. A taw erica wi.l b taiJ. wILlVcx. ire-tf 8. V. April 1st, Kt WlLMIUTtW aa W BlLTtaJB . tl amw-ur r A N TED ta scaaar for Caiawrtavl ateak stocky. rjiquire at that Odu-e. aeeh . , ... KAIL ROAD ADVERTISE1ILNTS. W1UMISOTOSJ A WKLDOI . H. CO. OrrKS C'aisr Eavixtsa A irrsiTtspiT. WuBiisgtua, N. C. twpt 7U, K, SCALED rUOPtWALS wilt be raeslved at this 02U: a til Tulay, rVptraiber ITth current Bonth at 10 o elork. A. M , ta b e)eoed ta preea of the Board f -llirx'tora, fr tk t.ra.luatioo. Masonry and Superslractar el tliTarboro' Rrsack of tins roJ. 1 BiiU-s bj length. A 11a aad Prntlla of the mute, with th atlmatas as th , Engineer, aa b aeaa at this tSi. aad aftoi Frtdai tba IHh iuat. Th wark to h mBmnrd a early hi netobar a p recti-; raMa, aad poaked turwaid rapidly to completion, Hut ktsy b Bad lor the wUuto wmk, for aectioua, or for the rntlr grading alvn. Tba lettinga will bw determined by th llward of Director! fur th bet tn'.rrsl of ln Cbmttanu, H. U FREMONT, Cktof Engineer. Sept. Mh, li Aodtnth , Herald ropy very other day, N. C. Standard and Tar buro' Houtln'mar, r..py tiH 17th, r Orrss Gsh. Str'T. Wik, Maw. R. R. Co., I WUaingtuB, N. CM N eve m bar toth, IsM. f En LWZTs-lf. LiaiWtl xTw'JU SiriK U T4I TRAVELERS. AN AND A ITER WEDNESDAY. Dec. 1st a cheat af 7 St hedul will b mad spoa thi Road, sad th Mai sad , PasMtnger It sin will rua as follow i lv Wilmington at A. M. and AU P. M. ' , t Arm at Kmusvill at J.lu P. M. aadi.U A. M. U Klng.vill 4.15 A.M. and l.WI'.M. Arriv at Wilndngtoa at S P. M. and 4 A. If. All the trains couuect e lonely with Columbia tralaa, except th morning train leaving KlngsvUl at s. li. Connection ar mad through with th GreenvllI sad Columbia Road. J. P. ROBERTSON, Gea. Mun'W Ad.. Bit it 9 T S nur. .HI, imm,- (1 tl. PI. MiSCELLANEOl'S ADYERTISE31ENTS. WroMTENIIOLM'S CELEBRATED HA7.01lSAa. 1 f ether lot just received, at 31 Market aUset Julytn. - . j-. 1.CABT ERIS HA Y 12 bales Bow landing and for sal Id by ELLIS At MITCHELL Aug. 1st , Ol ( OSBIONMENT.-, Beaver Creek Ccs'TsnEKTlNOS AND YARNS P. M. W. I. Meadow' Maufaoturd TOBACt:o. Fur sal by tha pec hag. A. K. HA 14.. July SO, 1859. 278 tf "I1V k IIRS. W. II. SMITH A "I II W. L, SPRinoS, J)th following brands of CIGARS Lav bees received I Cemmerclsnt, Light Guard Cortes, El llnpal, Figaro, Bevalino I Palma, La Esmeralda and 1 Reudaeliaw A nntnber of th brand named era wtll knows, and never bit. to glvs satlslactwa, , , LOUIS B. ERAMUaRT, , July 30. ' Practical Pbarmacenttat. ' Hrald epy. - 'r '""' '. - JI B P l SEASOsf pOn M M ANOOKB," PICKLES, PRESERVES, Ac. Flu Salad Oil, Whit and Black Mustard heed, Tumeric, Nutmegs, Spice, Black and Red Pepper, Jamaica Ginger, African do., Mace, ( loves, VaniK la Beans, Flavoring Extracts, Ac, Ae. Sold by July so. mil is h. MtA.MUMi r, Apothecary. A, LAROE ABBOHTMEST OP COMBS, BRI SIIES, I'ortemonnale aad Wslkt at ' , BALDWIN'S. Aug ut th, 1H61). . . Gl Lt'K I X this. No. 1 luWr$' (Hut, in store and for r sale by DeROSSET, BROWN k CO. Aug. 6, 1839. , , , a fi- f ai a i a - ill fill a noaj r i - I si u 1i CIOVV tK AS 100 bushels just rscelrsd. For ! by J Aug. 6. " ' F.LLIS k MITCHEIJ KECK1VED THIS DAYA splendid snd large as sortment of Window Hhadee, many bow style. Pul p ...tl. 1J i I .. U ' . .... t .. flM...u . . V. .... I. . n iui imuvj m r,u uaiuiv", a rhuii viiuv, vj V. 11.1 LI V00T. ' Aug, 2. next to Llppltt's Drug Store. rpilK BALANt H OP THOSE PATENT WIRE X FRAMES AND NETS will be closed ont at cost by C. POLV0GT. dg.,t..: sext ''"jf M,or,- HcM AM MEN'S SMUT AND BCRFENIWU MACHINE. liil'OHTANT TO MIILSM. THal UNDERSIGNED having been appointed agent fo th aale of the above Machine, are now prepared to fur Bwh them to mill owners and other. F1FTE1CN HUNDRED ef these snachlnes are now running Is North Carolina, all of which hav glvsn Ui most entire satin! action, both for duraliility and performance. To this Machine may be attrilmtcd the high poaltlon North Carolina has taken in the quality of hor flour, as she can Dow oorapet) with the world in the purity of the article and th richness ol its quality. Kept constantly on band sn.l for sals by STOKLEi At OLDHAM, Agents, March 31. - Wilmington, hi. C. s ww aa ly ' WILMOI'B HARNESS KTAHI.IBIMET. EV1U1Y VARIETY OF HARNK-SS, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips am! Trunks i all kimis or ieaiur and on; Condllioa Powders, for diseased Horses ami C'aiue l Ooacli Trimmings, Carpet Hags, Vallm-s, Ac. Ttie largest stock In the state, sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest Now York prices, iiarucas and Saddles repaired. . , , , - JAMES W1IJ10N, June , 1W6IV-X16 ly. No. t Market st , near the Wharf. Alt ARTICLE MO PAMILY SIIOCLDBK WITHOUT. A GOOD " MEDICINE CHEST." The undersigned has just received a supply which for beauty of hniah and convenience, Cannot be surpassed. ' LOUIS B. ERAMBERT, . July 2flth, 1840 - Practical Pharmaceutist' iy YOU WANT TO SLEEP COOL AND C0MF0RTA 1) ble? Buy a 11 A lit MATTRESS. They are cooler, hcsltbirr and more ph-nt than any other Mattress in Sum ttier. Any sine made to order at the shortest notice, and st Uk low prio. G. POLVOGT,. July 19. Next duot to Llppltt's Druggery. ' ' - WATKR tKrt.PRS. - " A FEW MORE OF THE WATER COOLERS LEFT,' which are for Sale st cost, by 1 C. TURNER, July 10th, 1869. (Late Policy k Turner.) 1 AA COILS heavy Jute Bale Rope. For sale by i 1UA Jnly 8. WILLARD k CURTIS. DO YOU WAST TO SAVE YOUR ICE t ' BUY AN ICEBREAKER for 26 cents, from L C. TURNER, July 20. - (Late Policy A Turner.) BOXINO AXES I BOXINQ AXKI II A FULL ASSORTMENT OP THE J. U. BOBINSOS brand. Jttst received and fof es by -' -- Oct aoth - - - J. M. ROBINSON k SON. Herald copy. - " - - ' - . BALE ROPE. COILS BALE ROPE, bent qnality. For sale by Sept ith - , , WILLAHII A CUKTU.. 100 0 OATS. 1000 bushels prime Baltimore oats. int rccely ed for sale by . ' K1.L13 A AilTCllELL. Aug. 17th, 18.W. . OATS OATH. mA BUSHEIJJ PENNSYLVANIA OATS, now landing. OUU For sale by ,: HI OK. LEV A OLDHAM. dniy wn. HALf HOSE Merino, bilk and Cotton u.ir Hneau sizes, at BALDWIN'S.-. Aagmt 2'i. . - : ,: ' SALT I HA LT 1 1 BACKS Liverpool Ground Atom Salt, In good.; 500 oilier and lot saie vj Sept 7th BATH AWAY A CO. K. KKusmrar and Soda, fresh, tn store and for U 1 J ' AIJJERMAJ A JJEIIENCOl'RT. Aog. Ul . : : T " J " AS maur btuit, wajmoTOHi . u.' bept. oUu -.. ; . - - - .' .-. I '