lv V -Si Al! ! H :' :i a i 1 II VOL 9. NO. CG. BT FVLTON A PKJCK. PROPRIETORS. J45. FULTON. Editor. ....A. L. PRICE, A!.'- HI. lor. f Plr, ot Jar, iaariUy advance m Ve.Vy " " - - - 1W Ad WtPV oa baeiww raaarclej with Cut, heat b fcJJrmt J to Lb proprietor. KATES OF ADVEM WN-i. L ii-AR. Om day I 2S Tnlt.n. S74 Three day.... AO Four day.. tj Fiv data , Ti Omttk jiT Tw week.,. I S:j Om atoaik.... 1 00 Tw Eaoaiha 3 a IWm amtUa. I M M s,l AA.S,. On daV... Tw dav Three Java, Tvhm day ........ Fy dy Oa week T week Om month........ Tw Mualha Tare Boaib $ :.o t 1 oo I ii 1 &o 1 Ti 1 'ii 4 W I w U (W 1( 00 Kl EftoclbA I 00 l year U W tux asoathe . . Oi yer ..30 00 Tva ua art eoaUi a a viur, aa4 If lia r Ina a kail-iiiaT. Leafw kirUMBirou la yrvporthia. aaj all vt'W im aJvaa. Waa M yi4 la aJaa. li cau par auar vUl Wa caarr4 after tba trat inarrtiua. UAU aaif-aqaara au( xa4 fur la ajTaaca Wiiia cLir 4 aa a aqaara. A JUiiBMt taaertcd aa )cial at Bikkuf K4ka ara caartad aaif Bur laaa aUota ratoa itrt U (lall) ur laa eoualei aa a aijaara. AdTaniamrau taacrte4 nrj athrr day ara charged JTJ caata par aqoara fur aack teaaruua after tba int. MtNo pabhcaUua aiaJ wttaout a raapoaaiMa aama. BISIXCSS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L4tll B. KIHMBKKT, DRUGCilST TBACTICAL FUAKM ACKUTIST, WlLMIWWTUM, N. O. Krrpt eoiutaoU kaaJ, a wlact atwk ot !, 3J1 inmj, Ikmitstw ami wHpan Chemual, Famy ami Tuxki Artuiu, H'uw ml Axor fur XtUu.ul 7'rua, t'iar, Ac. .1'articular attntio paid to rus'KirrioNS, Family Biciftit, MiDiciNi I'NKirra, ac. tt-Mor immediately aader tba M Carolina Hotel." July li, IH5. tui tf 0. r. VV. J. MIAHO, COMMKION MKRCHASW and WHOLESALE GUO CKKS, No. 23 North Water Strn-t. J ana 1b, 1H69. Wilhinqto, N. C. OLIVKR KEIXKt, 1TTHOL1WAI.K AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCE RY RltSASDPKOVlHJON!. Kit. 11 A'urOi WaUr Slrert, T). 14, 1H5S. WlLMIVQTfW, N. C. T. M. IMITII, JOHN HCLAl'KIN. 1. MITII 4i M.I.AI ni, COMMISSION AND f'OUWARUINO kKRCH AXTS, WlLMlNOTV'K, N. C. una to John Pavron, Eaq., Mayor. E. P. Hall, aj., l'reaidanl Braoch Bank Mat N. C. Jaly lt, 1W9 m tf to- ( 1 ENEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J WILMINGTON N. 0. Jan. lit, IS57.-M U. K.I.LM t HITCIIEIX, DEALERS IN GRAIN, WlLMINOTOM, N. C. Kerp Conatantly on kand Corn, Traa, Oati, Hay, Meal, Hoinoav, Bran, Hon and Cow Feed, Oil Meal Ac. Marck Uth, mt. IIKKHV P. RI MKEIX, EN ERA L COMMISSION MERCHANT, VX U7 East Bat, (Ur Ktaim.) CUARLKHTON, 8. 0. March 17th, IS.18. lti'i-tf T. II. MrKOV M CO., ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth Water atreet, Wilmimotom, X. (J. Aug. 23d, 1858. TJl II. U. E1LKHS, "ItniOIJALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER Y CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL HT0RE8, coroer Water and Market atreeta, wumrngton, N. C. April 2d, 1HAH. JAB. ITOKLIT. ALII. OLDHAM STOKLKY OLUIIAM, 1ROCERH AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND VX DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. WlLMiJiOTOK, N. C. BiriuNci. f..! Jabm Af nD A PmiU.h a11.. D..k ..f,.n vii v" ii r. muuss, iivhwhivi 11 c nam i i iiiuiii wu. O. G. Pamslit, Eaq., Preaident of the Commercial Hank. K. MMIRAY A COH (Sueeaaaora to Marrajr A Peaeot k,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATER STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. i. murbat. d. a, vrBCHiBoit . J. t. Mrxiur. February 1, 159. 124-tf D. A LANO.NT, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 3H North Water atreet, J Oct. 12 31 tf WlLMlMliTON, N. C. UNION DIST1LLKKY. WILMINGTON, N. C , I. E. OAEELT, I'rvvrwtre, VanBOKKELEN A RRO., Ap-il. ALL KINDS OP NAVAL STORES purchased, maiiuiac tured and told Wharfage and Storage fornighed, and Cooperage don at fair ratea. Jan It, 1B6T 122 tf. J. M. HUUMHOM A HO, WlLMINOTON, N. C, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS A(JENTS. AND L) a lervt in Hardware, Colter, Iron, Steel, Naila, Agrk ul tural Implement, Ac. WM.C. IIOA AUO, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 20. 1864. 13-tf) Wilmh.otoh, N. (. ADAMS, BROTHER CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WtLMlMOTOM, N. C. DAVID ii CO., ( COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth Water Street, J WlLMINOTOK, N. C. 1. 1. BATH AW AT. WM. B. CTLIT. HATHAWAY CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLMlWOTOM, N. C. T. CAB. O. WORTH, (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J WlLMimjTOH, N.C. March 11, 1857 166 ly JAJUI AJTDBB80K, IDWABD IATA6B. ANDERSON SAVAOE, CC ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLMINOTOK, N. C. Liberia! caah advancea mad on consignmenta. WILLARD ii rt'RTlS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, V AND DEALERS IN GRAIN. No. 10 Socth Watib Stbibts, Jan. Uth. Wilmimotom, N. C. JAMB . SMITH. HILBI OOtJTIH. JA8.C. SMITH ACQ. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office aecond atory, comer Booth Water and Market atraeta, Wilmington, K. 0., when they ara prepared to Attend to All buaineaa in tb v-ommiaston une. All boaineaa antrorted to them will b pnnctnaJlt attend dto. . ' W. H. M. IlARY A CO AT COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princeaa tod Water Vy lueeia, nuiuuigioB, n. v. - urnnicig: H. R. fiaage, Caahier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, H. a Col. John McRae, Prea't Bank Wilmington, do. do. r D. A, Daria, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, Saliabory, do. J. O.Laah, ' Salem, "do. J. Eli Gregg, Preaident of Bank Cheraw, S. C. Oct 171 WALKER MIABM,:...,, fSncceaaor to Walker Mearea A Co.. w H0LE8AI S AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, 45 Maris Hraarr. WiLMmaTrm, H. a HARRIS8 & HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, . 0. 0BOBGI HABRUS, A. j, BOWILL, W. V. BAJUUM. Oct.llt, 1868 I Bl'SLNCSS AND PPhOFEESIONAL CARDS. J. II. KtTIIt l-L, j N EXE3AL COLLECTING AGLNT. tl ttt4 )rwpt f la tW tvl'tcnm ! U Account, , N vlrm. if , et. mated to h. cat, fvr a reaaU ruasa-i- m : ael will aread all I'uvU as the edjBit!jr laaaUar io ttat prp.NW. He tinifubi aitr lK Aft'iK-j fut Ut u'4 uf X NraiWrf li. lvU-tr. . 10, . a. 1 AIUMH4t,M. OMI f A YARBKIKUII. CCOMMiSMON AND Fl!W AU'l.VG M lUtCH ASTX J Nafta Water Mrart. 'Uauactu. N. C. Tl.iWrJ f ti a lt aacea awd a eetkaias8T of cou tr 1". "Nw. Mk. K. Ji ly p. deinseerkTr' boor.bindeu. TAKES THIS aietkod t iaforwi kta eaOotMer a ad ptaoa iawaataf work f aay detwrtw tiua, ib kia Um, that a kaa removed Li v'- r, uaJ AmH etabliahiiMBl to tb Htweawat of tb a " JimnttU ftuwiiHy" o Priitrva Ktreei, kr k ill W plaad la rx- i v a rdr for f rery ekacrtptioa ! BibJuik or K:lu)f . Ar., ac. Tatukful for al fn, k kvpea to ceoliau to revtite liberal patrtMtag aa bervtolor. IK t. lint, KVi. ia. m. tear. VUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMINUTUM, N. C, ill Mil, at private aaW. tWtn. Aa?ui Morn, asd all kimU of prodbice, at amail ccmmDnnm ; A Wo, Bat kKt.u k at 1 per cent. Rail K.iad Stock t per teat Real Ettate I per f tat Nfgroea 1 per ceat. Direct Importation, Cargo Sal 1 per cent iu ran To tb eitixena of Wiltuingtoa yt-struiy. IK tober 21, ls6-4im v. r. uiioiiKa, STALL S). 3, MARKET HOUSE, KEKIM CO.VSANTLY ON HAND. ( HOICK VEGETA BLES of every dem tiviion-IKlSH AM) SWEET i'ttTAIOES, OKIES Ab VRIEU A FT LEI ASU VEAiUES, SAl'SAOES, E;US AND POULTRY, ERESU EOKtVLK OIHTXKS. OctJ, Isi'J. 26 ly . L. n. hi .;! a t4ia, DEALERS IN GlitH ERIES A (iENERAL MKKC'll AN diae, S. E. Cora. Marktt and rWcond HtreeU, W.MINUTlM, N. C. erOrdera from our friend will receive prompt attention. Oct. 10, lsVJ. HOirT II.COWAN, (1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VT WlLMlNOTON, N. C. rOIGr, South Corner Mai ket and Water StreeU-up ataira. Oct. 5, 1hj-2i tf EDWIN A. KEITH. C COMMISSION MERCHANT, tKt. I, 1HS. WlLMlNOTON, N. C. JA1. T. PKTTKWAY A C1K IjC ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Nothh Water Strkict, Wilminoton, N. C. S u lie it cuii"iguiutiiU of all kinda of Produce, alao, order fr Gromea, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ac. KkrLK TO John Dawkon, Ewj., . G. I'akmlav, Prcmdcnt Commercial Bank, Gko. IUvih, Eh4. UK. T. rKTTKWAT. Ml Ml I H MOORC October lut, 1-5'J. CUAl. D. MYKKS. rRKO. i, MOOKB. H1KII1 A MOORK. trilOLESALE AND RETAIL mai.bkmw HATS. VAI'S, ?t NllUrY tlOO VS. lURS, HIOISU UATS, UM 1SUELLAH, UAAES, AC., AC, 34 Market atreet, WlLMlNOTON, N. C. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERSextra ordinary iiiiiicrniiiiUi, and reapectfully aoiirit an examination of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Good are purchased dirert from maiiiilacttirere. H pay no (ertiiwl priji(, and are willing, and om nil u Unn aa any Jobbing ll(nie in the Uuited State. We are dcairoua of aending our Gooila to every lection of North Carolina, and will uie every exertion to pli-aoe all who may favor ua with their ordera. September 2.1, KW. III Oil (IRAHAM, CCOM MISSION MERCHANT, J WlLMINOTIlN, N. C. t .01Tke adjoining Lntterloba Wharf, North Water Street Sept. 20, lo J In 3m LAW NOTICE. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTO tY AT LAW. Office on Market Street, one door Eat ot Dr. Dickaon'a. Sept. 2d, 1H.VJ. Jiw tf THOMAS W. BROWN, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW COM MISSION KB OF THE UNITED STATES BS AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office first floor, 2d door new Journal Ruildino. WilniiiiKton, June 24th, IH'.F. 247 tf DR. J. A. MILLER, .HONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA K ER'S LAW OFFICE. Wilminuton. N. C. Oct. 2()th, 1H57 3H tl W. W. DAVIS, M. I., OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE Cir ixeu of Wilmington. Ollice 2d door below Uolmea' Hotel, Front Street. JuueS. 231-tf EDWARD McPIIERMrN.M. C COMMISSION MERCHANT, J . No. 6 South Water Street, WlLMlNOTON, N. C. August feth, 1S59. 2-tj-tf A. K. IIAI.I Tioniuiimivn ivri viuuicui.iu imnn i juiitMaiuit.iii am' vuAuiroitjii nLiioAiii, Lullerloh't Wharf, WlLMlNOTON, N. C. 27S-ly Jaly 30th, 1K59. ALDERMAN A BET TENCOCRT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEIW, No. 32 North Watrr Strsxt, JL-Orderi for Goods accompanied by the caah, or from punctual customers solicited, and will receive prompt and lanniui attention. Wniy vi, lXo, MARIN E RAILWAY. r fllUE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the CAPE FEAR A maiukk UAiLWAi, (lonneriy Uie property ofB. w. Beery,) ia prepared to build or repair Vvaaela. Faithful work at lair prices promise J. Orders solicited. MICHAEL KPBIIINS. Reference 0. 0.,Pain!ey, Kidder A Martin, J. AD. MclUe & Co., HarrigfliX Howell, J. H. Manner. April 2Hth, IN59 199-ly W. II. MARKS A CO., (SPCCSMORi TO L. A. HART,) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, LANTERNS, TIN and SHEET-IRON WAKES, 19 Front street, Wilmington, N. C. ' W. B. MAKES. A. H. MIFF. Wilmington, N. C, May 9th, 1859. 208-ljr. WlLMlNOTON MARBLE WORKS. Front Mntt, near th Methodist E. C'bnrrli. MONUMENTS, TOMBS. HEAD and FOOT STONES, FURNITURE TOPS, Ac., of th BEST QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN MAlfULE, furnished to order, aa CHEAP as can be procured from any establishment of tba kind in the coaatry. I employ none but experienced workmen, and will spare so pains to please all who may favor me with their patron age. 4VTerms CASH, unless by special agreement. W. O. M1LL1GAN. , Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 13th, 1866. 7 tf. ' PORT WINK. . 5 QUARTER CASKS LONDON DOCK" PORT WINE, daily expected per achr. Ellicott, from New York, and for sale by E. A. KEITH. Sept 14. - . MESS PORK., 100 BRL8. NEW YORK CITY Meat Pork. For gale by Oct 26. W1LLARD A CURTIS. IN 30 HOURS, WE AUK ABLE to famish th finest sulu, all mad by -hand. A perfect At is warranted. Call at ' i , , HEIN3 A DOMLER, i Oct. M.-4-tf - Wilmington Clothing store. WILMINGTON, X. C, MONDAY, NOVEMBER NEW YORK k PDILADEI.PHM TARDS. TO tOTriH AMI UO.II.M MIMIIITtKKKV iujiM Mra, So. :t rtlt Mret. Pkila-Wtrki. Pa.. MANL'FAITfkER OF li:4THrii br.LTlNi;. s4 l era ta l uriU.V iJ VmLLKS M Ai III VA R V. ' iliSj AA'V 4.-. AUo a.4 A(rl J FvriwR t .i I' A. r MUM Al i-aad Ct..s UEl-l'LK. The ...-' niwrx H tr,- b.m in a. Am A at for tit'M KU T LNi. Ptl MSG, U.iMC, Ac. Jaly 2d lv. 27! b. m. axLLktB. o. rvrraa j. A. 4 ah ikk ln. ht.l.K. I-Ia.ll A ItV. CtO.MLsMoN MtUt IUN1S ' Nw Yokk. AprS U. IV9 -1 ly. claramb a. taraa. atai l. roeraa. KTE Mrtlt, ENERAL COMMISSION MtiU.'U AN T-- L tb ! T X t.44i. A., .uel Aktpi. aad Soother Prodi g.tteraily, N- UV N. Waarv and lit N. Water St. pMlLASLrMIA. Febraary Ml 1n5Sl 4 ly titAO. VOtKlM.K, JR. CCOMM1SMON MERCHANT. J Cittoa, hfiiiu TurpeaUa, Roaia, Iaihrr, and Sou li ar a ProdiH generally. lot Nurtk Wiirea. .! Art k .Nti wt, riiLiMLmii. pTuiit iMrrwmal atteati. ivea to all eonamiuut aU, aa ,k a rvtura EaaiM. lt wUera aoU itod. Dx. iih, tv.a 7n, umt'k'li'a ju ai uh-a 1 M lMIiTTIts a l Ji iiuu k-4 .j ntvi'i; rvji ki. Mit(i.n r.wisi uuiwsA r AKt UmER J , AO, 1H ri'LTOM STaJtT, S to. Rssar GairrEN, Wm. li. ACE1N. ( Nov. 2rt, l4SM.-4; ly. lAaaoae. VATatic, atwm astaas WAI'NON A NEAUKtk. COMMISSION MEUCUANTS, 34 Burling Slip, New York Epe ial attentioa paid to tb sal of Naval Sruaaa, vt ton, and Soutbrra Produce graerally. Uberial advance Biad on eoaaiguiiieata. July I, 'M 1. Bisrsv vochbar, w. . rvimbl. lH HltAN A III MtCLL. (A ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 33 North VI harvea, and 43 North Water Street, PuiLiDSLraiA M'UbertaJ caah advaace soade a eotuugameata. July Kith, KU 27 WANTED. WANT.I, ".CXI'tRIENCED TL'RPEN TINE HANDS FOR YEAR I I". A ..I. I.. I. hi l,krlitLL-.k.'.i.. "I'l'V u AO. A . IIilUIIAI a ci NoveaiUer 4, 185963 tf. OM'NEU WAITED. 1OKJlbbl. Pork, marked diamond II., received per rui. c. v. niviniABaa iroin uauiiuore, tia nww Stored and advertised at owner's rik and expenae. Oct 26. T. C. WORTH. EMPlt BAUS WAN I ECU. TE SHOULD be very muck obliged, would the Parties ff who Lave borrowed Bag of ua. return tbem al one. Oct 27. J A.NUX T. PETTEWAV A CO. WANTk.ll. 1 OUTV OR F1K1Y SHARES of WllmiiiKtou and Wl- " .1.... t .11 ..L a I.. a at.. i.n, mum imbii iuu mini, l'l"J m tuia vutcv Oil. 17. 3d UUOKSI IS EtlHOK 1 1 1 -WANTED TO PUR- fA FIELD HANDS, from ?f 1 having such Negri t ba, eight or ten likely F In to 30 yeara ol tge. Any one to dipo of, will tind a CASH purchaser by applying at J. M. ROBINSON A SuN'S Hardware Store, Front Street vuimugton, N. V. Aug. 1U, 1m5II-2h7 tf 1IA1S, WPS AaND IM DULL LAN. 1MV'S DRESS CAP UITII AND VELVET. NEW AND HANDSOME PATTERNS, at the Ha aud Cap Emporium, 34 Mat ket street. October 11. MYKRH A MOORE. n MIoNKft BEAVER H.ATN, NEW HI YLES, at tb Hat aud Cap Emporium. MVKU-S i MOORE. October 19th. n k'A1-a HIT All I lla a NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS, at the Hat and tap r.niiorium, M h ariet street October 19th. MYERS A MOORE. MSCELLANEOIS ADVERTISEMENTS. NORTH CAROLINA CABNIMi.Hblt. i LI, DUALITIES aud colors. For sale bv 11 ., ... . ... . . ' Nov. linn, 1 J. S. WILLIAMS. Minn BKU COMFORTABLES, just received. For sale 1UUU iu quantities to suit. Nov. loth J. S. WIIJ.IAMS. hEWSI NEWSII KHOJI HARPER'S EE It lit I KAUN WElLEli A liUOS., U kir FROM EIVUAAOE ttOKNER, are daily receiving addition to their new and very choice aasorlinent of rail ami Winter Good, wbirh eompiiaes at tins time, on of the largest, as well a the moat select assortments of 1-aJies Dtcsa Goods, which cau be found iu this or any oilier city, such as tine French Mo rino ; line English Caahmer ; French Delaines, all colors ; Robes De Hadcliue ; lipcs j Valencias ; Elolra Hlgblauil Plaids, new atyle 1 Pacitlu Ifehauies; French FlannelH, all cotois ; Sack Flannels, all colors ; Ladies Cloth, and a great many other Good too numerous to mention. Call and ex amine before purchasing else w I, ere. KAIINWKII.KIt A BROS., Oct. 27lli, 2d door Irom Exchange Corner. MILLETM MILLETS. RHUS., tOuk aud Piuc), just received. For sale by Nov. H. T. U. McKOY A CO. 50 5d! li()XES KN 1CKERUOCKER in store and for salo by nov. 10 1. ti Mct;oi ft i;o. HACK SALT! . ROUND ALUM, Iu good order, and lor aale by X Nov. V. EENO II. GitEENK. EERTIIJZEIIS I EERTILIZEltil 1 1 1)URE PERUVIAN GUANO at loU to ii3 per ton. , Robiimon'a Manipulated Guauo, 60 " " foster & Clark's Super I'hoapliate of Lime, 4o per ton. " Ground Bone, 40 " " " . " Boue aud Meat Compost, 2o " " Bent article l-and Planter. Any ol Die above Fertiliaera delivered at any iioint 011 the N. C. R. R. lot the additioual s..m ol f 2 60 per wn tor freight ana uraysge. 1. c. 11. u. vvuuui. July liitli. PATENT ASl'IIAl.TIC lUNIEINO KELT, A CHEAP, light, durable and perfectly FIRE AND WA TEK PROOF ROOFING, for ChuxcLeB, Houses, Rail lioad Depots, Farm Buildings, Ac. For particulars aud samples, apply to , EDMISTON BROS., 3 llowlloH breeii, N. V. al!oofois may.obtain county Agencies. OuL 17. 3(i-3m WIIOLKNALK. WE ARE NOW OFFERING TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE the largest and most complete stock or Fan cy and Domestic Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Clothing ever opened in this city, which will be told at our usual low pri ces, aud on accommodating term. Sept 23. HEDRICK A RYAN. TO PLANTERS. RUODES' SlPER-PUOSPUATE OF LIJ1E. T Mils FERTILIZER HA3 BEEN FREELY USED FOR the past two years, in South Carolina and Virginia, and has been pronounced by those who have used it fully, equal to Ao. 1 l eiuviau Uuano. - 1 am now receiving acaigo 01 tiiia valuable manure and ant prepared to nil order. - 1'lan teis should not fail to give it a trial. Pamphlet containing accouuta of experiments made by the most prominent plan ter iu South Carolina and Virginia, may b had by apply ing to "i E. A. KEITH, Oct 16, 1859. ' ' Wjlmington, N. C. mount CAHocir- -' ass. WE WILL RECUVai ORDEK,nd ttrnisk these Shoe at Factory pricea. W. H. AlcRAjBY A CO. October Uth. ! RA1AINSI RAISINS 1 1 1VI WHOLE AND HALF BOXES j oat received. For sale by ZEtfO H. GREENE. Sot. lUtli 21, 1850. 3IEDIWL ILTIVIOKK Ua K IKniirtL. INMTOK JOlMN. " j TtIK f.,l-r th CrirUaWd laM.tvliua w."-r the m- , tVrtaia Stwvdy, a4 lv eie tni reaw-Jv, ia the utkt tut ''. Mntir-. Ntwiiwl airakiH-n. 1'ia ia lS 1.ims, t (W;attJ !rr.i!!Vy,'y, Wrakaea at tfe Ra.' ai4 UaK AtV ixa o4 tit kkiaeya, Palpitalioaa rf tk II. .:t lirMu. N-rvow Imtabitity. IWae of tiia ll'-aJ. 1 Tknvat, N. hka: and all tKuae aerioaa aad aa. !a k.ity D"- ar" rra aU Uwm ler. tie kabila f Youtk a(ai h d-:t t...ik a ad auL Tasaaas-vaad soli tary h falaJ W tar ir vk tints tkaa the of tb Smulll Btavritff-r I. ly-M, klir-linc Oew awl ra'l'aal ; " ' H ia, rvinhrmg saamage, Ac Bttpoejobi, I Hia : e tally. ku kv Wv4 tk va. tim f KJiUrT Vk. ' that dira.lrul and dntra, live, vkx k aaually sweeps 1 la aa ntiawl rrav mt vuana' ate of Ike av.t exalted taieau and ttrtl I iat iaarlkM L, w (kl aikeraaM) ka eaUamed h.WaiH rwaaV rtk the tboaJer f ebt- 'teas, or waked to e. Ury th htwg y cU with a.! rossot SA e, Maiitac. Ma it -d IVraiui. ,YtNia M.-a euateiiWlias taareiar. Aspingaaara 14 al V eakaeea, Oraan liebiiily, lkj-loT iirtaa, Ae., ah out. I imtediatrly roewull lr . J.aad be reslne d to peftrt t avail h. II ho pU- huiMrlf and, r lb rare f lv. Juhaw Buy rhfktaly i-.fl ! ia km koaor aa a gealWaiaa, aad eotiS aully rely aia kw skill aa a ahyai'MUA. lkMN W wtsm hnawdiately cared, aad full vleor reatored. ThtadM-aa aUbepeaalty aauaA frvaeatly paidbythoa wau aava Bettmte ui va nata am tmttroper tauuigeas.4. Young tH-rwiaa are too apt to evauad eatwwea fruai But ha big aware of tb drradrul e1HMrt411ra. es that Biay eoaiM h"W. who that aaWrataada the aulilect will n re trad to deat tlutt th powvr td IWraaUoa ia ioat aoooet by th falliHg kilu improper kal.iU thaa bv Lb t.r,bat. IWaiJua Lam. deprived tb pleaear af healthy (irfsprttig, tb axial Bartow sua amurwuv symjitoens to hodv and wiiud bHb.- Tle syatem become deranged, tb ifbyakal and Bieatal powers weakened, aervoo debilitv, dispepaia, palpiutio m mil, laoiarwitm, a wasting as tuertaiu, cough, symptoms of eottMuaipUoa, te, NaeM l-tollir. Weakseas aw Lb syatent, Nervoaa Debility and preuatiir aecay paerauy aria rrtnw tri iieatraetlv tabit f yooth, that aulitary prax tit ao ratal to th healthful ilt?u nt ma, and it ia th yoeog wh ar miwi apt I hwota iu VH tima, rrom aa tganram or lha dangers to whit k they Subject tlieaiaelvea. Parents aud Guardiana ara orua aav led with reaped to th c bum er aourv of duwaa ta their Bona aad Wards. Ala I kow often do the; aaorib to other cauaea th wasting of tb flame, PalpilaU" of th II r art. I'yspepaia, imngvatioa, arrangement ul tb Nervoua Sya tem, CoiidS, aad Symptom of Cotisumotloa. alao. thoaa aav rioo mental efterta, am h as bwa of aieniory, depreaaioa of mriia, or peculiar nu of melani noly, nbcB Ui Uie truth la, they have beea eauaed bv hululrlne la neralciou but allur- big pra tit ea, doatnu liva to both Bmly and Mind. Tba ar awept irom silalrnc thouaamla who miaht have beea or nae to tlii'lr country, a plraaur to their friends and orna Bieuta to Btaiety. Orrua Nil. T Soctm FasoaKi Sr.. left hand aid going frota Baltimore street, T doors from th corner. B partk nlar In ebaervlng tb nam and number, ot yoa will mistake th plan. Sar Take Both s, obaerv the Rama on th door and win dowa. A Vurt vurranbil, or w CluirM Afiide. tn from One hi riee Jou. ' NO MERtlRT OU NAUSEOUS DRUGS USED. IHl. JOIINMON, Member of the Royal Collet of Hurt eotia. lamdon. (Irada ate from one of the moat eminent College of tit United States, and the grnatcr part of whoa life has been spent In the Arat Hoapitala of London, Paris, Philadelphia, and U- where, ha effected some of the moat astonishing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing Iu th head and ear wliea asleep, great oervooanea, being alarmed at sudden aoiinda, and liaabfulnesa, with freoiient blusbinc. at tended sometimes with derangement of mind, wer cured immeuiatciy. A Certain lMara. When the misguided and Imprndeut votary of pleasure finds he has ImMlwd the seeds of this painful diaeaae, tt too oiien nappens mat bb 111 inneii sens or shame, or dread of discovery, oeiei una irom applying to tiioae who, froia ed O' ation aud reapeetability, nan alone befriend him, delaying 1111 ui corwiuuiiouai symptom or tnia norrid diaeaa make their appearanc, such a ulrerated aor throat, (llsoased oae, noetiirnal pains, la th head and llmba, dimneaa of HK lit. deafness, nmles ou the shiu boons and arms, blott kee ou tb head, fai and exlremlliea, iirogrewing with fright ful rapidity, till as laat the palate of the mouth or tb bone of th me rail in, and th victim of tins aaful diaeaa be come a a hoirid object of enuiinlaaeralion, tili death put a period to hi dreadful uflurmg by sending him to " that bourne from whence no traveler returns." To such, there for, )r. Johnson tiledse himself to nreaerv th moat In violable secresy, and from his (itenaive practiv la th first buepiuls In Europ aud America, he ran coufldsutly rcom tncud a safe and speedy cure to th unlortunat victim ol this horrid disease. It la a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful diaeaa, owing to lb aimklllfulne, a of Ignorant pre tenders, who, by the ua ol that dreadtul poison, mercury, ruin th constitution, aud even send the unlottunat suffer er to an untimely grave, or else make lb residue of his life miserable. Tab Patlirular Nmlre. Dr. J. S' Id re amis alt those who have Injuted themselves by puvaMi auu iiupriiper iiiomicruors. These are souie of the sad aud melancholy e fleets pro iced by early habiU of youth, via 1 Weakness of the Rack and IJmlis, Pain in tb Head, Donees of Hiirht. Lima of Muscular Power, Palpitation of th Heart, Dyspepsia. Ner vods Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Function, General Debiiily, SvmploiiM of Consumption, Ac. M sktalIiV - flu fearful effeeta upon the mind ar much to be dreaded I Loa of Memory, Confusion of Idea, Deprc sion of Spirit, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society, Self Dislroet, liove of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, ar some of the evils proiliiied. ThoijManils of persona, of all ages, can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, laming their vigor, be coming weak, pale aud emaciated, have a singular appear ance about tho eyes, cough aud symptom of consumption. Or. Jolu,a.Hi s lotlKOiaUog It. Mint y Cor Orgaxtii WealAitca. By this great and important remedy, weakness of the or gans ar speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands nf the tfiitMt tutrwibfiB 1.H1I flultllili.1.,,1 wlif. li.l ull I....... - --- - - - - 1 . .'.. um, m 1 1 r'uv. have been relieved. All impedimenta to Marriage, I'bysiual or air rival iiiaqiianucauoD, nervous irriiitouity, 1 remiiiiiigs ana vveaxneits, or exnaustion 01 the most fearful kind, speed lly cured by Dr. Johnson. laung Men, Who have injured tbeinselre bv a cerUiu practice, in dulgcd in when aloue-a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at scnool- the em-el or whicn are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cored, renders marriav impoaaible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hop of his Country, and tb darling of bis parents, should be listened from all proapects and enjoyments of life, by the ennsoq nonces ol deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating MarrlMa; should reflect that sound mind and body are the most no ccsaary reqmsitie to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view the miud becomes shadowed with duxiiair and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another, be comes bhglitod with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC BT., lialtimuri, Jid. All Si'koical OrgRATiONV Performed. N. B. Let uo false delicacy prevent yon, but apply im mediately either personally or by letter. BE IN DISRAHB BPEID1LT CURED. To Ntranger. The many thousands cured at thia Institution within the last twelve year, and the numerous Important surgical Op eration performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of our daily paper and many other persona notice 01 woicB nave again ana again appeared oeior in puDllc ia b auflicicnt guaraate, that Lb afflicted will find a skill ful and honorable physician. Tali Ratle. N. B. -There at so many worthies Quacks advertising themaolvea a Physician, raining tb health of th air aide afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deem it necessary to aay, espe cially to those unacquainted with hi reputation, that his oreuemiais or uipiumas always naog m nia omce. TAiut Auiicbr au letters most be poet-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for th reply, or no answer will b sent - . May27lh,is:3 . - 224-ly HcMAbNEN'S SMUT AMU MCHEENINU UAC1UXE. IMPORTANT TO MILLERS. flMU UNDERSIGNED having been appointed agent for JL th aale of th abov Machine, ar now prepared to fur nish them to mill owners and others. FIFTEEN H UNDRED of these machine r bow miming In North Carolina, all of which hav given the mort entire satisfaction, both for durability and performaace. To this nacnioe may oe aorivuwu r - " wviun ku taken in Uia nnalitv of her flour, as she can now compete ariih tha war id in the purity of th article d the lichnesa of it aaalitr. &ept consiannv on nana ana lor aiDy ' BtAvAaAABia S VAAAu&aA, AgVBvS, MArobll WlMagtou,N.O. TOOLE KUMBER 2,523 FOR SALE J.d4o LET. "TO KUT, to-."!- der a. ar, akw tto rot keau-TbO-f w j ll.f tb. .WaaaJ t jf A. Iixtcms "f' ..VitI 11 eppa Vh UHBTl Bjsj fPl AT VA'X'tBU HtlCeM AKI. -A Iheaeiut ret a.lioiaiM il, ...t..v .uutnl aeoa w --w-wwi r rut pied By I at. P. kt ker. IM ti h. 'telj a. t tea . . lunr HuaM, CaaJ aaaia j 11..L ! -JT!.Ktb l t-r- - I. hl.bA-4.ard. a aa Z rZT .arte alt atJLTii Txnm "ITZ"?!' MiH BALK, A GtXiD MA DDLS UOHrdS, &2 Apply l W iiniiBti J. U. SOL ftlkULANi iB(to, Oct ink, li6-4 tf. - - - mw un ua.i, TIIIC KilllMi IMUAll ..aM t.. 1. .1.. urtfaw - .a BMAAA Alt . ... bpmw Si lot- ami rroat auaat, at praawat accaptaj by W. W it . k'l Term atad to bau! varvhaaara. If not W oo, wul h reuW4 M oe year. Apply to. K t 1711a, 10!, M tf kCllt RENT. Art I'FFICK So. 1, FIRST IIXH)B NEW "JOURNAL ff j Buildutg," ua prineaaa Street Puaaeasloa Etva ftrsl October next Ther ar tw Kooma tie on In froul U X U feet, th back Room Id I 20 feet, with S cloAVet, tw window, a back dour, a privy, a good grat and privi lege ui a well f aatvr la th bas.1 yard, . Sept 21, tv.9. Milt HEfS-T. fnilK WHARF and shed near th Cap Fsar Flour MUL X lormetli occaiiied by Jaa. T. Pettsv. Aaolvto N'b. ' STOKELY It OLDHAM. roil RENT. 4 ONE HOUSE AND LOT on Market street, at Br Til ,Mt o'op'ed bv W. J. Corawall, Esq. Also, o UtiUsE AND LOT on Dock street, at present eecn pied by Mr. Ha, uie. JAMES URANT. Sept. 12, Itvitf. atf KOIt RENT, fnwo COMFORTABLK DWMJ.INU HOUSES a Aasl .A It root atraet directly East uf ClUitoa Mills. Po. f t siaaiougivea 1st October. C. ti. DUDLEY. J Hept 12.-4 tf tr Herald opy. POII RENT. TWO OFFICES oa th second Boor, over th Bob- Bcribtr. On STORE OB Dock Street, at oraaant (vnenntaA b B , r - j - . T. Lucas. Ou Ho USE and U)T near Jo ha Bar', at prnt eupled by Mr a. MacCumber. WM. NEFF k SONS. Sept. loth, 169 ' g-ti Ll'MilKH KOH BALE. 0t(l r KKT VIU A RTERED FUlORINU BOARDS, tt)J H by 20 feet long, all heart and Ire of Wind abake by JAMES 1. PETTEWAV CO. Oct. 1. i , 1.COR SALE, M4I SMALL IIUILDINO LOTS Pr . son w iahlng to sooe rehi nmi orvopy tAeir own howses, can be aucommodated with cheap th North nd of Hie Town, oa application to the aubacriber, A plan of th property may be seen al Lh Furnilui Store, No. 10 Froal tfet- JOHN D. LorC , A.u,"?..,"' lsl!-w " TO RENT. Kill ONE YEAR from 1st October, a pleasantly situated dwelling near th corner of Second A Orang Streets. Apply to MHlltlCK A 11V A V. AjiguOd,JhiU. 20. Hill RENT. FROM THE 1st OF OClOBKil NEXT, th Uooa and Lut on Froul street, kuowa a Gov, Dudley ial residence. Apply to August I, V.A-27tf JOHN A. PARKER. ALARUM AND VERY MNM ASSORTMENT OS PAPER IIANGINUH AND DECORATING PAPER will be old at the lowest figure, at C. POLVOGT'8, July 13. Next door to Llppitl'a Drag btor. 1) A IENT NOAUUTO ERA HEM, (canopy ityl,) la rluding the Net, ar for sale by th undersigned they are line and practical, and although they ar nielali, they do not attract lightning, being covered with s nun-condue tor. ' C. P0LV0GT, July l ltli Next door to Llppitt's Drug Btor. " lt)U MALE. a-iiL. ufc-i 1 v h!tMtu ntviurn ttrvnt '- 3 7 ETTA, length 120 f.-eel, breadth 20 feet, bold 7 leal 1 mniAsure 153 tons. II itch Pressure 3 cylinder Roll ers. Machinery In good working order, tit ted np according to the l'aascnger Iiw requirement. Alao, ha attaobd s WoilhiugUiu rttuaiu Pump, and apparatus for wracking pur poses. Will be sold low aud on easy terms. Appiy to f ' MAlimnn & UvWELL. June 2:id. -247 tf. Herald oopy.j v EOll BALE. A NO. 1 FLAT, newly repaired 5 length 64 feet, wtdth ;V Bit feet ; 36U Ibis, caphcity. Apply to Aug. 2x4 W. r' B. D.HALL. EASTERN II AY. ) i B ALES, prim lot, now landing, for sal by ZIMI Nov. If). ELLIS A MITCHELL. MOI.AMMEM MOLASSES. JUST RECEIVED, per Brig JOHN BALCII, direct from Cuba, Hull bds. Prime, Sweet, Marlel H Tierces, Molasses. r ' For sale low, from Wliarf and Store, in lota to suit, by G. C. A W. J. MUNHO, Oct 21. No. 33 North Water stret 1 1 1 .1., I OIEAN NIEAMNIIIP NAVIMATION COMPANY. T A MEETING OF THE COMMISSION- US or the " Cape Fear and Ocean Steam NuviKatiou Company." It was HmolenL That Books for snbscrliitlon to th Capital Slock of th abov Company be opened ia th town of Wib iinngton, and continue open for thirty days from this date, under th direction of Jno. t. Hedrick, Wm. H. UUey and A. CICUU. -. , - In purslane of the above Resolution, we have opened Books aud will wait upon th citizen for subscription. JNO. i. HKDiilCK, WM. R. UTLEY, A. MoLEAN, CommtttM. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 4th, 1869 , 26-tf ; EDWIN A. KEITH, ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, . WlLMlNOTON, N. 0. OflcrS bis aorvleea to Planter am Paetnr or Affeut for tb sal of Colton: will give hi pcrsoual attention to the sal of. Cotton. i Hi Coromisaion for sel tag Cotton will 6 w cents par bale, no additional charge will be made. Cotton forwarded to New York for 10 cent per bale. Oct 4th, 169 ' -'--' - r i TOO CANNOT KID lit THE TOWN. ' ' OR IN THE STATE, ao large and varied an aa lri. sortment of Silk and Gingham Umbrella as that E. kept at th Hat and Cap Emporium. They giv that branch of business more affcntton than any other dealers Ther buy lariier qoantitiek, sell more, and furnish a mwerir or nriute for a iotoer price than yon can possibly Hod else where. Remember the place, 31 Market street; 4 ., Oct. 28. : MI kilta A MOOR ANirrilKU ARRIVAL OF TIIOSlC FINE ILLUSION BERTHAS, fine French Embroideries. Csmbri Bands, by the yard. Embroidered Betu, Embroidered Pocket Handkerchiefs, Embroidered ready made Skirts, at the usual low pricea. . KAHN WkULEB A BRO.'B. . 1 Oct 26. 2d door from Exchange corner. WACHOVIA MILLS FLOCK. ' ; WE CONTINUE to receive fresh soppltee or thia desira bl Flour. A lot received on Sat urdey. For sale by lour. uiav riniifjiVii uaKU . Nor. 10. &. cor. Market A Sec. ft. 1