I f' c 'Vvww v yy 3 VOL. 9. NO. 71. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2?, 1859. WHOLE NUMBZP, 2,IZ0 r I - . c: X BT FTLTVN 4. PRICX, PROPRIETORS. JA3. mrOX, Ei tor A.. L. PRICE. Associate Editor, Til mt rSiN Piper, one Tear, invariably to aiaac $ e WerVy " " - I to All letter oa Vuaiaes connected with Uie o!Ve. siMt be -jmti to th prvj rtetors. BATES Of ADVERTISIM. itLt bdcau. Cm day lis Oh day... Tw day TVre day. Foot dirt riT day Om week. Tw week Om bsobU Tw MIOBlh Tin Booths fvl aaoath 4a a... I to 74 I DO I li 1 64 1 TJ 1 7$ , 0 T 00 10 M 11 00 SO 00 FM 4ers . . . . f Yv. Va wert. Tw wsas.. ......! Om mania 1 00 Twe Moaiiki ) M TklMMlk. t M 6u BHOit. 8 00 Uh!hi... 16 00 Um rar. Tu Las are counted m a square, u4 It tines or Ira mJTmmt. Uinx ar e.tTertieemeota ta prvportKia. aod aC payaV km advaat. 11a not paid la advanc 14 cent par eqaar anil b charred after the first tnsertio. r AU half qura ut paid for la advaac will b cbarj 4 MiMnan. MM Ad.ertiaemeota Inserted m Special ar Bishop Notieee are aborted im half Bora than above rata sight Uaee (leaded ) or tea uu4 a a sqaara. MT AdTarUMBMBM assarted every other day ara charged I7j eeaw par aqeara lur eaca tnaertioa arter ua im. MTjia pvbiicattoa aia4a without a raapoaaibla aaa. BUSINESS AND PR0FESSI0X1L CARDS. LOnt B. KRiHBKRT, TECGGIST ASD J'BACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, II WlLMIkOTON. N. O. Kaapt eonatanlly en hnj, a aalect stock of i-?, Jri irtiwa, AinuaM and JCurvpta Chrmn!, fumy mnd ToiU Ariwm, H ua end i.ifiiort fvr Maiiceu fwywn, (.Particular attantlua paid to PuacairnoKa, Vamut Sactru, Midiclni Cainn. c. t.tora immadiatalT auder tht " Carolina Hotel." Juiy 11, lil. fl-tf O. C. W. J. Ml'NRO. COMMISSION MEBCHAJfTS and WHOLKSALB GHO CEIi8, No. 11 North Watar Btraat, JaM U, 186. WitmnoTO, S. C. OUVIR KELLKY, WHOLESALE AND RETAU, DEALERS VX GROCB Bltd AND PBOVI810N8, Jio. 11 JSorOi Wattr Strrt, Deo. 14, WiLnmoTow, W . C. r. larm, joum mclachjh. SMITH A McLAVKl. COMMISSION AND FOUW ARDLN 1 1 Jl EUC H A NTS, - - WiLMiitrvM, N. C. Biru TO Johi DivsoK, ., Major. B. P. Hall, Kq., Prwidaot Branch Bank Stata N. C. Joly lit, 154-tf UKUtMMKT, BHOWN A C1K, tl ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f WILMINGTON N. C. JaB.UUMT.-Mtf. EtXIA MJTCHCLL, t balers in grxin, II-.. WlLMIIIOTOW, N. C. Kaep Conttantly on haad Corn, Paaa, Oata, Hay, Meal, Homony, Bran, Hotm and Cow Feed, Oil Meal Ac March Utfc, 1869. , HLHHV P. HI IWELU GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, UT Eaw Bt, (Ur Stais.) CHARLESTON, 8. C. March 17th, 1848. Mtf T. II. KrKOY CO., ROCEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth VJT Water itreet, WaMiHorow, N, O. A.ag. 23d, 1858. 9T H. B. EICKR9, CHANT, and DEALKH IN NAVAL STORKS, corner Water ana nariei aureeuii niuuuigwn, a. v. AprH Id, 1848. iAB. ITOIUT. ALII. OLDHAM TOKIJCY A OLDI1AM, GB0CER8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. BiriBXKCB. Col. Jorm MoIUi, President of th Bank of Wilmington. O. O. Pamlit, Bag., President of the Commercial Bank K. Mt'RRAT A COH (Seamtsn U lVatrrajr & Peacock,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALK GROCERS, WATER STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. B. HCBUr. . B. KUBCBUON. t. T. MCKKAT. February 1, 1839. - . llS-tf D. A. LAJIOST. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. J8 North Water itreet. J Octll-31-U . WlLMIMTOB,M.U Cinoif DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. O , J. E. 0AEELT, Prvpnetrm, VakBOKKELEN BR0.,i?fnto ALL KINDS 07 NATAL STORES purchased, manufac Wharfagt and Storafs furntihed, and Ooopwag dons at lau ravea. Jan 1st, 18fi7. 111-tf. J. H. BOBMM)ll M)Mn WiLMiNnrox. N. C. IMPORTERS, MANDFACTDRERS' AGENTS. AND Dea- X teres in Hardirars, wutery, iron, Btaei, Aaiis, ajticui tnral Implements, Ac. - . W J1. C. HOWARD, &ENEBAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 10. 1864. -tf) WiLMinaTow, N. t;. ADAMS, BROTHER A CO (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j WttMntaTOii, N. C. DAVIS CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South Water Street. J WUBIMTOK, N. C. t. L. BATBAWAT. WM. B. CTLIT. HATHAWAY CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -J WlLMINSTOIf, N. C. T.C.AB. O. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MfiRCHANTS, J , WlLMlMOTOM, N. C. March 1L 1847 14-lj JAJOS AlTbUSOK, ' BOWABBUTAOB. ANDERSON & SAVAGE, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VX WamxeroM, S. C. liberial cash adTanoes made on consignments. WIIXARD 6t CURTIS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALK GROCERS, V ' ASU UHAI.r.WI Ul No. 10 South Watbb Stbiits, Jan. 13th. . v. Wiuhxstoii, N. C. iambs 0. mm. , . . . " ' mm cosrw. . . JAS. C. SMITH At CO- (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office second story, corner J South Water and Market streets, Wilmington, N. C, where they are prepared to attend to all business In the ommumoa una. Ail business entrusted to them will punotoaHy attend in W. II. HcRARY CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, eornsr Princess asd Water V streets, riiuuugHi, a BSriMKOBS J H. B. Savage, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, WilminfrtoB,B. C. Col. John McRas, PTei't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Dam, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, SaUsbary, do. J.G.Laah, ' ' "f " Balea'do. i. Ell Grege, President of Bank Cheraw, 8. q Oct 171 WALKER ME ARES, cnmuvu. t tC.lar MflA.rt.fi A Pn .l ' ! 1E1UI1VLIII.UI , u . w u . IF 1. .1 TH0LE8 ALB AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, . as atAS.av rvrnrnwr, nibiimrrm,a.u. ' HARRISS A HOWELL, -COMMISSION tt3CHANT8. BOBGI lABniSB, A, It S0TaU.rfC3w W. Oct. ut, mi El'SlNESS AND PROFEGSIOML CARDS. W AiHlt,TU1 HOI a B, IROXT STREET, ' WiLMISHTOH, N. C Mu4A. r. LCCAS, Paoraisraiss. The fatraoata ot prnMSM aad traMicBt brderS r itifi:y auixitod. Mraia furiael itht raoes. Tarns rroutl. and ry t9ort saada ta jta aatntfae- tHflU N 17th. C3 tt j. ii. ROTintrix, c ENESAL COLLEcriNU AGENT. T WiiMtwjnm, N. C, atitad promptly ta taa tlecu al all Arata, Nates, Ac , eatnatted ta k care, fur a reaauatLj ramm sioa : aad U1 auead all Cvarts la im ajjitwins; CvaUee for that paryaaa. Ha alaa oataaa tba A (racy fur tLa sale of Boks, Nt psers, Penodirala. As. November 14, li6-C0-tf. ton m. oaut, o. s. iauuuxws. OWEN A YARBROtCH. COMMLSSION AND FXRWARILG MERCHANTS, North Water Kreet, WilanogViM. M. C MLiberal cats advances aiada aa coaai(amaU of ees try produce. . Noe.tth, 1J. 45 ly REMOVAL. P. HEI.NSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. f tlit. TAKES THIS saetkod ta btfurm his cuius rt J . ,IJ f aad paraoM ia waat of work of any daaoHp - tia. is his Um, that ha im removed hie ltdfc iiMit-ry Mvi Huinj eaUbliahiaeat to the bmaul of the new "Amnv.it' iiuUdina" ea PtiaceM Street, waers ha will be pleased ta receive orders for every eVacripvios. oi Binding or rioting. Ac, Ac. Tbaukful for past favors, ha hopes to eostinue to receive liberal patronage as acreioiore. Oct. ll.t, m. M. M. W KMT, VCCTIONEEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMWOTOM, N. C., Will sell, st privats sale. CV&m. Xaval SUrt$, and all kinds of produce, at a small (vmrnnios ; Also, Baak Stock at 1 per east. Kail Road Stock I per aeat Real Katata 1 per rent Nrgroee , 1 percent Direct importation, Carje Sale .1 par seat. To the citiseM of WilmlngUia gtwally. October 21, lvjJ-40-U C. C. RHODK, STALL AO. 3, MARKET H0VSE, 1TEEPH CON8ANTLT ON HAND, CHOICE VEnTTA XV. BLErt of every desrrpUon IRISH AND SWEET POTATOES, O MEN AND DRIED APPLES AND PEACHES, SAUSAGES, EGGS AND POULTRY, rUESJI NORFOLK OYSTERS. Oct, , 1HAU. M ly U B. Ht'UGia A DR4LERS IN GROCERIES A GENERAL MERC HAN. diss, S. E. Cora. Market and Second htrtaU, WlLMIMOTOM, N. C. As" Orders from our friends will receive prompt attention. Oct. ID. 1X69. ROITT II. COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. "Office, South Corner Market and Water rttreets op Stairs. (Oct. 6, 169 38 tf - EOWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1869. Wilmington, N. C. JAS. T. PKTTEWAY A CO. 1.C ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; No. 8 Nown Watib Stbkit, ' WtLMINOTON. N. C. Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, also, orders ror uroceres, Bagging, Hope, uusno, ac, 40. RsriB TO Joun Dawhon, Ewj., O. U. Pahmlit, President Commercial Bank, Geo. Divia, Exq. JAS. T. rSTTKWAT. BIHJBB MOORS. October lit, 1M9. CHAS. D. MTIRS, miD. S. MOOBS. MYERS A MOORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL malum n HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, FURS, RID ISO DATS, VM 2i HELLAS, CANES, AC., tC, 34 Market street, WlLMINOTON, N. C. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALK BUYERS extra ordinary inducrmcnts, and respectfully solicit an examination of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Oar Goods are purchased direct from manufacturers. Wipay w wrvnd profu, and are willing, and ran sett at tots as any Jobbing House in the United States. We are desirous of sending our Goods to every section of North Carolina, and will dm every tiertion to please all who may favor os with their orders. September 13, 1HJ9. iinai GRAHAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. .Office sdjolning Latterlohs Wharf, North Water Street . Sept, Jii, 1H69 U Sm LAW NOTICE. J ULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, one door East of Dr. Dickson's. Sept. 2d, 1H69. soe-tf THOMAS W. BROWN, JIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office Ant Boor, 2d door new Jocbnal Builoimo. Wilmington, June 14th, Ihas. 247 tf DR. J. A. MILLER, J.CR0NT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA ' KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wilminston, N. U Oct. 10th, 1847 SH-U W. W. DAVIS, M. D., OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT isens of Wilmington. Office 2d door betow Holmes' Hotel, Front Street. June. 131-tf edward Mcpherson. commission merchant, No. South Wster Street, WlLMlNWTON, N. C. August 8th, 1859. ls6-tf A. E. HALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, , Lutterioh'$ Wharf, Wilmington, N. C. July 30th, 1H69. 178-ly ALDERMAN A BETTENCOl'RT, WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL GROCERS, No. 32 North Watib Btriit. ). Orders for Goods socompsnied by the cash, or from punctual customers solicited, and will receive prompt and laitniui attention. July Vi, MARINE RAILWAY. THE SUBSCRIBER having purchased th CAT'S FEAR MARINE RAILWAY, (tormerly the property of B. W. Beery,) is prepared to bnild or repair Vessels. Faithful work at fair prices promised. Orders solicited. MICHAEL BOBBINS. Reference O. G. Parsley, Kidder A Martin, J. A D. McRm A C o., Harries A Howell, J. H. Planner. April 2Hth, 159 ' 199-ly . w. h. marks a co (SU0CI8SOBB TO L. A. MAST,) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, LANTERNS, TIN and SHEET-IRON WARES, 19 Front street, Wilmington, N. C. W. H. MARKS. A. H. Birr. Wilmington, N. C., May 9th, 1859. 206-ly. WILMINGTON MARBLE WORKS, front Street, near the Methodist E. Charek. M0NCMENT8, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONES, FURNITURE TOPS, Aof th BEST (QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN MARBLE, furaished to order, as liUKA m can d procorea rrom any tablishmeitt of to kind Im th country. . , . - employ non bnt experienced workmen, and will spare no pain to pleas sil who may favor m with their patron age. - jVTsrms LAaii, unless oy special sgreement. - W. G. M1LLIGAN. Wilmington, N. C, Bept. 13tk, 1848. - l-tf. PORT WINE. 5 QUARTER CASES LONDON DOCK PORT WINE, daily expeeted per solir, SUloott, from Nsv York, and for sal by ' g. , Kjuifl. cepfc la. NEW YORK, PRILL i BOSTON CARDS.' I1 I. lUVM, i. B. STA, M. MM)N UHU1, COMMSaON MEiaHtSl, Ko. It lm Hrurr, Imx. Caiaatrata of Naal Mdrea, CoUoa, LasiUer, aad other Soothers I'twJim au.it. iUii : ' Is- ly. TO tTTK AMI UlNtLKN NtUiMTlKKKL WILUAM TEIX, No. 24 Nrtkrrt Street. ltl,Uh-k:A. AXl'FArTTEKR OF I.E4THFR BhLTlNU. aa.1 dl era tXnu.V aad WOLLKS MlCHlkKY. J) I A" MM A A . AUa aUa Asrat fur J. twaae a PA T ENTMETAL1C ATA aoj (Lcf HEIlLK. The w.-4 aaperkie H AKXKSS a m a-a. Also Ageat far til'M BKLT LN1, PACKIM HOSE, Ae. July lid lv. til Is. M. BOLLMBB. roTTSB IS. 1. CAMBRAEM. IMtlXNKK. tHTo-M A CXK, CIOMMISMON MERCHANTS , Niw Tos. April 14. 183 ly. CLABMMVB S. t ATMS. IUU L. PUSTSM. KATES A BCMTRH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the aaJ a of Uuo, AV. -ai Sk,m, aad Koother lrodue (uerally, No. lltt N. Waarvoa, and 111 N. alar H.. PllLSMLTMIA. Fabrmary 1Mb ltoB. U- ly UKO.U. VANAWKtBSiK, JR. (COMMISSION Mk.ttCUi.NT. J C4UtA. HuirtlA Turttitl u. tliiai. I jamKr .H.l A.MitW. era Produce gaaeraUy. 104 North WWts, At irt-A AwL IHILklUI Mil SaT Prompt personal atWutioa give to all CuitaiguttMUU, mm n t nuira auuia. iaa Of ars HuKIUSl. Dec. 4U, 16 T ly BABMOM C WATSON, ASTOM MBAMB. WATtHtN A ME ARKS. q0MISSI0N MERCHANTS, S4 BurUng Slip, New York, ipecial atteatioa paid to th sale of Natal hrusju, tve Tuw, and Souther I'roJuce isnerally. Liberial advances msJs oa coaaiguiuenta. July I, '4 VSABTBf OMCBBAN, W. a. BISSSL. 1UCHRAN A RI'SSCIX. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 11 North Wharves, and (4 North Water Street, Pmilabiltbia. r Liberial cash advances mad oa consignments. JulyuU,lN6 7 WANTED. W ANTkl, EXPERIENCED TURPEN TINE HANDS FOR YE4 B 100. Apply to JAS. T. I'hTTfcWAY A CO. Aovuber 4, m9 61 U. OWNCR WANTCU, FOR 11 bbls. Pork, Biarked HaMMd H., received per rkbr. E. D. McClenahan front Baltimore, Into lust. Stored and advertised at owner's rik snj expense. Oct. 14. T. C. WORTH. EMITY BAUM WANTED. WE BIIOCLU be very much obliged. Would th Parties wb havs borrowed bag of us, return them at oihi. Oct 27. JAMES T. i'ETTEWAY A CO. WANTED. 1I0RTY OR FIFTY ISUAREA of Wilmington and Wal- don Rail Road block. Apply at this (JlSca. Oct. 17. r SO Neukoksi neuhoe ii WANTED TO PUR- fyS chase, eight or ton likely FIELD HANDS, from AT IS to 30 years of age. Any on having such Negro r to niapoae f, win una s iam purenmer oy applying at 4, M. ROBINSON A SUN'S Uardwar Store, r rout Htreet, Wilmirgtoa, N. U. (Aug. 10, 1H69 2a7-U um, cm mo mmuana. LIGHT ARD IIANDMUMR 18 TUB NEW STYLE ZOUAVE HAT, at th Km porluta. MVE1W A M0OUE. Nov. 21st EACH DKPARTMKST OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN SOFT ?ELT, I Moleskin, Cassimers, and Wool Hats, is bow complete av Bl ins list and Cap tuipwrluni, S4 Market htrseL AoT.21st MYERS A MOOHK. THE KOVAVH HAT, THE ZOUAVE HAT. THE CRICKET HAT, THlC CRICKET HAT, "ENTIRELY new stylos of soft black felt Uats, just re- XJ eeived at Uia Hal A Cap annpoiium, u Market at. Nov. 19. MYAKH A MOORE. IMPORTED KHENIH FELT HAT. A NEW LOT of One French black felt lists, Just rcceir !. ed at the Hat A Cap Emporium, 34 Market st. Nov. 19. MYERS A MOORE. BOY'S DHRBS CAPS CLOTH AND VELVET. NEW AND HANDSOME PATTERNS, at th 11a And Cap Emporium, 34 Market itreet. October 19. M 1 WIS A MOORE. n M1NSES BKAVEH FLATS, NEW BTYLES, at the Hat and Cap Emporium. mi Kit i Moore. October 19th. n INFANTS HATS AND CAPS, a NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS, at th Hat and Lap Emporium, 84 Market street. October ltfth. . MYERS A MOORE. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. IICTTEIl AND CHKCSE. rCHOICE IOTS of abov article received to day, per U aenr. u r. bmiuu r or ssi Dy L. R. HUGGINS A SONS, Nor. 17. S. E. Cor. Market A 3d its. PROVHIONS, AC. MESS PORK LARD BUTTER ; Cheese. Mullets, Bacon, Uunny bagging, Rope aod Twine ; CoOes of all kinds and Sugars J liaisons, Candy Crackers j Candles, Soap, Ac. Just received and for sale by Nov. 9. ZK.VO H. GREENE. MCNDRIES. " ' - ' BAGS RIO COFFEE) . fjJ lido. Lsgoayra do; 40 bbls. tuKsr all grades ; Ibbds. do. bright Porto Rico; 60 boxes Colgate's Mo, 1 and Pale Soap ; 14 do. Eiugsford's Pearl Starch ; 15 bbls. pure Cider Vinegar ; 76 kegs Nails, all sixes; 75bagsSnotf Powder in kegs sod canisters ; 36 boxes Adamantine Candies ; 26 do. Candy, assorted ; 20 bbls. Sugar and Soda Crackers ; 6 boxes do. do : Uardwar and Hollow-war ; Grindstone ; Saddlery ( Boot and Shoes, a general assortment. For sal by OcLBlh ALDERMAN A RETTEN COURT. PATENT ABPHAtTIC ROOFING FELT, A CHEAP, light, darable and perfectly FIRE AND WA TER PROOF ROOFING, for Churches, Houses, Rail Road Depots, Farm Buildings, Ao. For particulars and samples, apply to EDMISTON BROS., . 9 Uowllng UrtMB, N. Y. TE-Roofen may obtain county Agencies. Oct. 17. 36-3m TO PLANTERS. RHODES SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. rWl3 FLETlLlZEU HAS BEEN FREELY USED FOR J. th past two years, in Sooth Carolina and Virginia, and has bees pronounced by those who ban used it fully, equal to No. 1 reraviaa Guano. I am now receiving a cargo of this valuable manure and am prepared to fill orders. Plan ters should not fail to give tt a trial. Pamphlet contaiuing aoceuut of xprimuia msd by th most prominent plan, tore in bouLu Caroiiua and Virginia, may b had by apply, ingto E.A. KEilfl, Oct. 16, 1869.. ' ' Wilmington, M. 0. , , ,i i.-..i:Lw -': jiutLETS. .-vf :. 1 Qfl' BARRELS of food New Birer Mnllets, fof sale by X4J ' - ' ' . i u I - ' OA11UWAI Vs NO, li, MEDICAL 4LTIWOMR UHK IMMrTTkU I IxHTOR JOHNSON'. I Tlif fous1ar a thia t'eWKraud last.tutiu a3-ra Ua sm , Ci-wia .ktJr, aad oo!y atuaJ rer-Jy, ia IM wurU fur I. el, feuk tarea. NrBiiaal IrtklrH. IVm Hi Li tma. tiMMaatiiXtal lability, Iwmrtrx v, Vkakaeaof Cta Hat k and Lini, A9vt'boa af tba Eklixv. fVpiUUuna cf tae ran. lTmprwa. Nervosa Imubuiiy, I'isaasa ol the HeaA, TVoat, Nkm or Mis ; aad aU ltMaarrwM and BMlaurhoiy lorJrt arutuig rruM all ihuw IVatnK liva habita of Tooth okx k Viriv bik beJy aad Ba nd. TatssasvaJT aad aut tarr priM tH-M awra ful Wliair VK-tiau Uaa the Surg af the Hrrvaa U the Mariners Clraara, blighting Ueir moat brtiaRt Bf ea or satH ipativo. readtfiug Miarriag, A(, tmpuaaibi. especially, who lav become the vVtlroi of fkiltlary TV, that dreaJfttl aad destructive habit, whH h annua!'? swaepa w aa aoumery grave uouMBda or yuang si of the B)t exalted UleaU aad bnltiant Intellect, whawght otherwiM have n tranced listening Senate with the thunders of elo aurace, or waked to stacy th brtog r, may call with all confident'. MaitAbmo. Married r? ur.Ytmaf Mearoatrmplatinr larrtajr. being aar af 1iri al Weakneea, Organic IVbilttr, IVlr iSiea, Ac, ahiMild iuiioej lately euovalt IT . J.,asd b reetur d to perfact kelth. Ha vha placea himself andar the ear of Dr. Johnan may religlwaalv euaftMe ia ka huaor as a genllemea, and ceaS dMitly rely apoa his ikill aa a fhracut. HnMhWMkMM kmmadiately cured, and full vigor restored. Thle disease is the penalty bust Iteqaeotly peldbythoM who hsv become the victims of Improper UiJulgraces. Y Mag pemma ara toa apt ta eoenmit exmasas fruas sut bo ll t soar of the dreadful eonseqiteacea that Buy esaue Nw, hu that aoilerataBd the suhject will vrelead to deay thai the powar of PrwroalioM la tost sooner by thnM falUng mu lwrotef hablta than b? th tirade. Meetitoa bata deprived the pleasure af healthy offspring, th stoat sertoua sen aeatrurtiva aymptosM to botk Uody aaa miadr arw. The syatem kociHoe darmngod. th phyateal aad mental powers weakened, bottom debility, dispepaia, palpttativB w ins smtl iDoigesuua, a waauuf or im rrame, 0Mga, f JTBipKIBU 01 ConallBipUOM, SIO. SareosM IVUIItlr. Weakneaa of th lyeteaa, NarvoM Detlllly and premature aecay geoarauy arsH) rrom ua i"esvnn tlte bablt of youU, that solitary pracUc so fatal to th healthful existence of siaa, and It I th young who are moat apt t become Its VM'tlma, from ee Ignoraac of the dangers to which they sunjeri uieuiaeives. raranvs an uaardians ar arte a i la- led with resitect to the t suae or somtm of diaeasa to their sons and wards. Alaa I how afles da they ascrlb to otaer rauae to Masting or Ui rrame, I'alplUtioa of th Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, derangement of th Nervous Hy tera, Cough, and SjmptoiM of CoMumptloB, also, thoM sa- rioiM Btental sITbcts, such as toM of memory, denreasioa of pinu, or peculiar Bis of aielaachuly, whea Ota th truth la, tiwy hav bees caused by indulging la pernicious but allur ing practlcaa, deatrwtlv to both Body and Mind. Thus ara swept from existence thousands who might hav baa of mm to their country, a pleasure to their frlsudi aad oraa meots to society. Orrica No. I Monra Fssusui St.. left hand slds f ohig from Baltimore street, T doors from th corner. Be particular la obMrvini th name aod number, or yoa will wiatak the place. r lata notice, oiiaerv Ui nam on the door and win dows. A tVr vurrauiiif, or mo Chora Jfii. in from (M hi fW iy. NO MERCURY OR NAUHROCS DRUGS USED. JJR. JOIIMB4IN, Member of th Royal College of Surgeons, London, Gradu ate from one of the most eminent College of th United Htstes, snd Hi greater part of whose Ufa has been spent la V. - a t .....I. - L. ... f . I n t- ,,1. i- i i .. 1. 1 . i UV UI. tlVWI'IMW IMHVUIli 1 SWM, U IIKU11 1UUIO, PU aiSO wber, has rtl acted soma of th moat Mtoiilsblng eurai that war vr known, many troubled with ringing In tb head and ear whea Mleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at addea sounds, and bashrulneM, with fraqnant blushing, at tended sometimes with derangement of Blind, War enrad immaaiateiy. A Certain DlaaaM. When th misguided and Imprudent Votary of pleasure finds h has Imbibed Ui seeds of this painful disease, It too oiteo nappeiie uial SB Ill-tiina mum ul ana ma, or dread of discovery, ueiers nun rrom applying to InoM who. from d l ai anon and respectability, Caa aloue berrleud him, delaying ' I till the constitutional ayumtonis of this horrid disss mike their appearance, such m ulcerated sor throat, diseased bom, nocturnal pains, la tb bead aad limbs, dimnsss of sight, dsafuaas, node on th ahia doiim and arme, blotch on th head, fac and sxtrsmilies, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till m last th pal at of tli mouth or th bouet of th noM fall in, snd th victim of this awful dlseaM b oorao horrid object of conimksaratlon, till death put a puriod to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from wbenc ao traveler returns." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledges himself to preserve the most In violable secresy, and from his extensive practice la th Brat hospitals la Europe and America, b eaa eonfldantly ranoav mend a Mfe and speedy ear to th Bnfortanato victim of Uiis horrid disease. It I a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to th auakillfulnei of Ignorant pre tender, who, by th om of that drasdlul poison, mercury, ruin th constitution, and area Mnd th nulortunato aufli r r to M nntinMly grsv, or Im tuakt th reeldu of hi lif mlMrabl. Take ParUrolar Roltra. Dr. J, addresses all thoM who hav Injured themMlv by private and Improper Indulgence. TbM ar sow of th ad and melancholy 0ecU pro duced by early habits of youth, vis t Wakoes f tli Back snd Limbs, Palo in th fiesd, Dimness of Sight, loas of Musculsr Power, Palpltatloa of ths Heart, Dyspepsia, Nsr Tow Irritability, lerangsnienl of tb Dlgestfv FuncUons, General Dabiiity, Symptom of Consumption, Ao. Msntallt Th fearful fleet upon th mind aramuch to ha dreaded I Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Depres sion of Spirits, Evil Forsbodlngs, Aversion of Society. Half Distrust, IjOv of Solltud, Timidity, Ac, ar sous of th vlls produced. Thousands of persons, of all sges, csn now Judge what la the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of sonsnniptioa. Dr. JolnieoM s Invigorating lUanadjr for Orgaiile Weakneaa. By thli great and Important remedy, weakness of th or gans ar speidily cured, and full vigor restored. Tbotatands of th moat nervoiu and dsbilitateu, who bad lost ail hone, hav bea relieved. All Impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mental iusuaiinceiion, oarvous irriiammy. i remiillngs and Weakness, or exhsustioo of the most fearful kind, speed ily cured by Dir. Johnson. tsang Mom, Who hav Injured themselves by a certain practice. In dulged in when alone a bablt frequently learned from vll companion, or at school th eOtict of which ar nightly felt, vn whea asleep, snd if not cured, render marriage Impossible, and destroy both mind and body, should apply imineuisMiy. What a pity that a young man, th hop of hi country, and th darling of hit parent, should b matched from all prospect and enjoyments of lift, by th eonseanencM of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain Mcrot bablt. Buck persona, oeiore contemplating Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and body are th most na cesaary requisitiee to promote connubial hspplnes. Indeed, without IbeM, th Journey through lil become a wesry pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to ths view ; tb mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with th melancholy reflection, that th happiness of another, bt oomei blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., 2?ai!imor, Afd. All Bitroical OrsRATiows Pbrfobmbd. N. B Let no falM delicacy prevent yoa, but apply ta mediately either personally or by letter. SUM PISBASB SriSPILT 0UBIB. , , To Strsmaiars. Th many thousands cored at this Institution within th Ust twelve year, aod th numerous important surgical Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by th re porters of our daily papers and mi ay other persons aotlces 01 wnics nsv Bgam ana again appaaraa Miora in puiiiio is a sumcieni suarui, ua ui amicMa wui ana a suit ful and bonorabl physician, Tak Noitoo. N. B. Ther art ao many worthleM Quacks advertising thenuslTM m Physloiaas, raining tb aoaiU of Um alraady atnioteo, mat ut. 4nnoa aem n ascssssry to My, Mpe oislly tothoM nnacqaainted with his repatation, that hi creQeniiais or aipiomaa always Bang ra MM omc. . XAftJS nuiiw.Sk aui wnar bum m cvaid. aad coo- teiM a postaga stamp fog Um fply, m bo aaawor will b sent. May 27th, 1869 J34-ly tcAIANfeEN'S SMUT AND MCKIC1CNINU MACI1UA4. IMPORTANT TO MILLERS. , TWA UNDERSIGNED baying b appointed agent for th sal of th abov Machiu, ara mow prepared to fnr Bish them to mill owner and othar. - FIFTEEN HUNDRED ef thoM machine are bow ronnlng 1b North Carolina, all of which hav given the most entii satisfaction, both for durability and performance. To thi Machine may b attributed U high poitioB North Carolina 1,.. t.h.a in tKa an.iit of her flour, m in an now compete with th worid.in U purity of th articl sad th ric Lneti 11 . v sr0jusi A OLDHAM, Amsta,' I MarokU Wilaw jlun, If, 0. FOR SALE AND TO LET. wiit roirr kill. nTHli ES'TARLI'5 MMaof tna bee ti H aa ajtr-a RLr H V n-T sad ?eal w, h.cX k .LLa m u.s t 1 r. iag aa ACCta aiira cJ miwiii . ... i t . 'Mie o Asa.ey iner, It acca. at t -ra oftbe t.0 Iheta ba depth of Water sl M t-at vesaia W th kargea tst asiv. - tba MUX ia bu.it ef Bn, k. fo atoriea k ji, - a k th praoaara EaM af a aone-p,w, p. . , of being rushed ap to loo. ,M H iTiZ. t t towart.aotaMJyO-MrWiMMtea.wiAkl. tMramg ! dUag IwMte foM aaaaCi avarlgTof ) baxreia of Rue, bat sa ta in.a Ua evraws Msdi 4" hargt- RoMh Bieo fraaa CoMtera at Ua rat af U sw baei oar day. Th wsoie BMcktaary W tM k.i wee . thoraachly ever hauled la th year l-vt, aad mm buir as4 ryluxlara Bud, which have bee at work aa to that psrtwd. ' aad giving perfect aataiaotioa. AJjoiantg th Mil la a hvr TWO BTORT WOOtta ' Bl llXIMl, of th capacity af BO.KJt to iJe.OUO koat.,' ' fw slofiog sad shippwg Rough lca t to WhlcA B) atMackal S EuglM f 14 Bora power, Bead la dxtvwg Us IN as fuf ' load tag vesaala with Paddy, aad alM Mar workuia' IA e-eet wk.M dw harglng Rough lu Into ktora. AmaiiA.wS- ". rUK'R MILL Am been ia seratlua here for Mvarai years, ' adurdiiHi fraak gnaiad Bar for IM city aad eosatry hraJa. The t OOI'KUaIjK saUUxhoMBl at coaipbto, wili st atora rwia for barrvla, heading, A a., wni spoc su2.o.ul ' K.l "ftlrJ 4 eeomr, aad with rwoM for tMree. 4 A CAhl-WltEM'M BliOP of lw ptortas, wfth Sieam l glM of l horMpower attached, made by Morris af 1 L..e- ' dalphta 1 ail U macklnery capable i bisAbm that dapar ' Bteitt complete, I her foaad. With LUea, TWmujb k a- ' ibinea. Drill 11 a. Ctrealar Haw, A., ail ia Us toe ar dec, A HLAI ESMITU kUoP with lw Farges aad toht. The aecommodatioa for th opereiivM eoamata af li " HoaarM, U major-., .f Uel Uv.rwt booa lately hot ov- 1 1 heM afford suflktest room for th hands vwikkiM Um so. , labliahlMBt. ' toatiguoos ta th M Ola ar th raidacM of Hal 8c lateadeut aad MlUera. .pes. Alaa a Counting Hoom. to which Lvg addition asr baa lately mad, wtia ovary mmvuImim taaax . taaimodate a family. . , With the ihov property will b sold 0 dsifrsd a I arc ' Rimber ef NEGROKH, aoMiaUng af Coo pare. Carpenter,, t Ksguteers, Ae., sccn.lomed to working th MUL WIU.IAM BAVk.-fri.) . sl TIIMjdorimtoney.V ExMaton. s HENKY K. LLC Ad, LtA al tlBaV I".- Novembar IT, 1U a4-13t. TO REST. , THE HOUSE ANDLOTBlhaP.,ea.tv...j O ltock lata DockHtrMta. l h Houm aoalaioailataaornama. ad , ood order, M ar also th oat hooaaa. Tkla la aa opportunity of supplying th demand for a first tlaas board log hoM la th 1 owa. For lerma, apply to t DmBRVTI CTJUAB, . , ... Cfflc oppoait th Court Rouse. ' Not. Id, 1869 Mil FOR SALE. - a Ml AT VALUABLE UOUhl AND LOT, itaetcd Wpos 7 , Cbesnut strset, adjoining th realdesGa of P. K. Dii k luson, Esq., between Front and Second streets, lately occa- ' tiled by Dr. P. M. Walker. Lot 7 by 144. 1 , II uus contain mvm Room, Pantry aad Balk Boom, '. kitchen. Waab llouaa. thraa MarvaatV UU.n,. lu.kU f- I rlag Houm, Coal aad Wood Hooaaa, C artera of good Wataf liubbl Oardan spot, Aa. Terms aocotnmmUtmg, For particulars, apply to D. PlUO nV 4 ' Mot, I, IH69.-4J tf Br.ksr A Aactloooar. , - FOR SALE OR RENT. AH THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sal th HOUM and ji J LOT Front street, it prsMnt oeapiad by W. WU son, Esq. Tsruia made to suit purchaasrs. If not std Boon, will b rented tor on year. Apply to. ' WKaSEL. Oct 17th, 1H69. FOR RENT. 1 AH OFFICE No. 1, FIRST FLOOR NEW JOURNAL JLl Building," oa Princess Street. Possession gtrm Oral "Mkof October Mil. Thar are two Itoameika i front Id m 1(1 feat, th back Boom Id s 20 feet, wlU a closet, two windows, a back door, a privy, a good grate aad privi leges of a wall of wster in th back yard. nvpt. ji, tnua. FOR RENT. . 1111 R WHARF and shad near th Cap Fsaf Flour Mi!L . formerly occupied by Jm. T. l'ttowy, Apply to - f- MiVM.ai,i VbliUAMv h FOR RENT. MONI HOUSE AN D LOT oa Mark! itriet, at feral. ' ot occupied 1 by W. J, Cornwall, Esq. AUo, n HOUSE AND LOT on Dock street, at present oee. ' pled by Mr. Ilaynte. JAMES URANTi .. f ...... . Dept. II, No, FOR RENT. IWO COMFORTABLE DWELLLNO HOUSES oa L Front itreet, directly East of Clinton M 111. Poa salon giva 1st October. C. H. DUDLEY. Sept, .d tf Af-Herald eopy. FOR RENT. TWO OFFICER oa U second loor, over th Subs ' orlbars. - On MORE 00 Dock Street, at prtMnt occnpUd by ' Lucas. .... -, . , . . B.T. un uutiMK and lut near Jobs Bbtdm , at present o tuplsd by Mrs. MscCnmber. .... WM, BIFF 4 SONS. Sept. 10th, 1H69 i-U LUMBER FOR SALE. ailsUUU U by -W feel long, all heart and free ol Wind sliak by rwv hi o"B, ai nr, auu ire 0 JAMES T. PEHLWAY CO. wt. 1. 1.COH SALE, M SMALL, BV1LDIIO LOTSJ.? ; sons wialiiiig to ae rerU and occur Aon, csn be accommodated with ehiap Lota, la th North nd 0 th Town, as application to th subscriber, Apia of th property may d Men at tb ForuRwo Store, N. 10 Front street. . JOHN IK LOVE. . August 11, lS4-lH-tf. ) TO RENT. ' ' FOB ONE YEAR from 1st October, t plsasamUyf situsled dwelling Mar th Corner of Second A Orsnga Street. Apnlr to HEDRICK A RYAN. Anguatld, IH6 1. - jxo, FOR RENT. " : u FROM THE 1st OF OCTOBE8 NEXT, th Boos snd Lot om Front street, kaowa Got. Dudley's late reaidaac. Apolr to . . , August 1,19-279 tf, k... john' a. rAnara. A LARGE AND VERY FINE ASSORTMENT tr PAPER HANGINGS AND DECOR ATI NO FAfL2 wui b old at th lowest flgtire, at a POLVOGT B, .1 July 13. , .. .. Nxt door to Llppiu's Drug stor. PATENT MOSdfJITO FRAMES, (canopy 1yl4, J la-' eluding th Nets, are for ul by th BrMteraigsed ; ths are Cm and practical, and although they are meiaiio, Uey do sot attract lightning, bing covered with a aoa-ooadao tor. - . i ' C. F0LV0GT, Julyl3th Bxt door to LippiU'i Drag Store.' FOR BALE. TOE WELL-KNOWN STEAMER EEVBt ri im ETTA. Lensrth 1W feet, breadth 20 feet, boi laei: uieaaure 161 ton. Rich Pressor 1 cylinder fioii. rs. Machinery In good working order, fitted up sccord to the Passenger Law requirement. Also, Am sttached a WorthingtoB Steam Pump, and apparatus for wracking puj fOMS. WlU b Bold low aod M asy terms. - . . -. Apply to- HARiiibSHO,tt. f Juua 20L-247-tf. , ',. Hrald oopy. ...... .. ; FOR SALE. - A NO. 1 FLAT, newly repiired Ur' tk fcot,T Wid'i 164 feet ; 550 bbla. capacity. Apply to Aug.-4tf. fcC.aALU.1 OCEAN STEAnSHIP NAVIGATION tOEPAJSY. If A MEETING OF THE COMIiI05. : w. J. EKS of th " Cap Fear and Octan Steam fc .. .J Navigation Coirpany," tt was -, . I . itesoroed. That Book for subscription to tt O Stock of th abov Company be pruned in th town ol il- Kington, and continue open Utr tuirty dare from t t" ondar tli direction of Juo. J. liednck, n mu a. I - A. McLean, . . . In pursuance of the above Fesolntion, we psv c J Books and will wait upon the citiiseoi for f""" ! JNO. J. H:""" WM. B. CILLi', ..' "...! A. McLA3t t'OEi"'. ; Wilmington, V. C, Oct, .ta, l&id ( U. J

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