f " - 7ILMlNGT0y; X. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1859. WHOLE NUMBER 2,5S3 -NO. 74. VOL. 9. Y t- pojcr, proprietors- EV AXTOS A ns. fcltcx. i a. l. rsxiA-oc .raaa mt Sal r Ftref, c- y-y, ..variably I"".. 'J " 1. 1 tv:i dEli. r.. t MUSt bl ku 'ntV.tr aa '- ' BATES OF ADVERTISING. ei Mi"- EAA UEAU. - Cm J Twe4r- U ThrMeay. f Foot 4re t r t. ' Mwwek. ; M Two mU I Hi Om Baoata, TwaBAoalba nmwMk 08 BlB BMUka Cm day I TJ . 1 0 . 1 . l w . 1 T . 1 . 4 00 . T 00 .10 00 .1 00 JO 00 Twe dr ntM4 Foar daye KlTI 4T Om twL. Two wwehe Cm Btoawh... Tw. BeAMM...... TVM BOOUlA Bil BMtM W01 OM TNT Om year rleea a U qM U1 M tWH fUf 4" i0MrtK;-k- ew. itituqun. A4 MfrMlf M M-lltliMI r U eoull M iqorc , v..i K r for Mck taMrtu uw u . VatM pVblictUoa d wiUoot . r-poMibl Ml. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. " " LOl'IS B. KRAMBKRT, TpvBUGGIST A5D FICAL FBiRM A . v. . 1 dk af itnxl, Afi tXjr,!. PrnMCMTTIOM. F 4M11T SES O. - Caro.1-. Hotel' Jitly 11, m. zz " m. ur J MI'MRft. .nuvTCfiinV MERCHAMT8 and U CKBS, Ha. 11 MorU WaUl Btraet, WlLMUtOTOH, N. C. ana la, OLIVER KR1XJCT, WBOLESALB AMD RETAU DEALERS VS 0R0CS AA.PHOVIMO DM. 18,1m?; WiM.aegoM..C. JOBM MOI-ACaUI. f, M. Mltl, gmiTH MeLAl'm. pOMMBSlOS AND F0BWABDINU JJHAN urn to Job Pawmn, mJo:- . - ,fc stlU N. c. r. p. hall. rrewaan iw " ... 145-tf Jily lat, l6 11KIUMIET. BROW! - . - ...mw uDIn INTO lK5XaA,Wwv "wnirlroTOB M. 0. Ja. lit, IMT-Wtf. ELLIB TACALERa Ut GRAIN, MITCHELL, Vll HTHOTOM. N. C "Keep ComUntl; oa band Corn, ".U, Hi Homont, Bran. Horn and Cow Feed, Oil Meai o . Marck Ut, 1859. , , ' Hay, Mew, ; HENRY P. RIMKLL, ftEreEAL CO1LMI8S10N KRCHAT VX A ! ; ' . . CHARLESTON, B. C. . lai-tf area i iw, inog.t . , T. M. tleKOT - ROCBB3 AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IT Water itreet, WamnoTOit, Ji. O. Aug. 134, WW. " - ; '.; "" " ' Want 'MALI 0R0ERBIANDl COMMISSION MER ?eAMt Jd DEAliRIN.AVAL BT0RK8, coraw Water a4 1 Market Btreeta, WUmtogtoa, N. 0. April M UftB. iAB. iwtur. . ' tTOKXET AW Obwnun, i-l ROCKBS ' AND COMHISaiOS MERCHANTS, GgZ2xmS CORN. 0ATSt PEAS C AND WlLBIHOTOB 0. aUrBBBKCB. Prealdeat of tha Bank of Wilmington. d .tAt r tk. ('iimmercial Bank. Col, mvMMm, . " ;.t. ,.iai Han t T1 . aa O. 0 PiuuT, Keq., rrMiaent oi u v'"""" , BU MURRAY e CO, (aweMaawa to Harrow St Peaeachv,) C0MMIS8I0N KIRCH A NTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, ABU vvxivi-PP WAnH htrKET, . .v' WILMINGTON, N. C. B. kCUBBAT. B. B. BTCBCHIBW. - T. " February I, W. H IW'H D. A. LAMONT, COMlffflSION MERCHANT, No, Oct, 11-Al-tf , Wamnatow, H. u. CNION DISTIIX.RY. WILMINGTON, M. 0 , i, K. 0A1T, WXnx a bbo.. iMfe A LL tONDfl 0T MATAL BT0RK8 purchaMd, manufao- XWA.andStorg. furntohed, and Cbop-roo. don. at lair rataa. Jaa let, lM7--m-tf. ' woAOTrrm w a ktj acttjrers' ToWn.- . j - . ... bbbj , mmm a am a ra aaa aiwi aaw mvitaw a. I tarM to dwwcCulier,, Iron, Steel, MaiU, Agrtonl toral Implementa, Ao. ' , WM. C HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BKU-vfeit, Bept. 10. Iiia4 13-tf v WltBIKGTOH, N ADA MB, BROTHER CO nOMJC I8810N MERCHANTS, WaktiwoTO, H. C DAVIS 41 CO., QOMMISSiOB MEBC1UMTS, ,"5. C, " iT HATHAWAY it CoV WM. B.mit. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WaarriaTOH, N. 0. . T.C4bB. O. WORTH, "' xwiMnana IBWAiB I AT ABB. IAMX "iimKWK, U MAVAGK, tJIIllAL COMMISSION BCHATS, ft Ijbarlal aah advancw made on aoMignmentt. 'aarn.r.Alin At (TtTRTIS. ' 'WMMTSSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, a. I AUD paiaijLKw La UttAta, v Aflw wakoo bout Watbb Smirri, Jbb. 11th. ... WlLKIKOTOB, H. Ci' I1LII 00STW. 4A1 o. i am. JAS. C. SMITH dk CO. (10MMIS8I0N MERCHANTS, office aecond rtory, corner VSonth Water and Mark. rtreeU, Wilmington, ST. where they art prepared to attend to all boaineai in the VOnWllTaawriflaB lilwafr - AR baamaaa entrostad to them will be punctually attand cdto. - - . W. II. HeRART dk CO- WMMISSION MERCHANTS, cornir Prtooeai and Watw J BtreatB, wumington, a. v. - ' , ( . n BL BaTBge, Caihier Bank CapeFear, Waminrton, K. "ft CoL JohB McRm, rrea't Bank WllMngton, oo. ao. ' T) A. DitIa. Cwwer Branch B'k Cadi Fear, Baliibury, do. JOLkih? 44 U 44 Salem, do. j! gil Gregg, PTetlSent of Ra Cberaw, 8. 0. tOot!7) WALKER ME ARES, - - . Vsneeeeeor to Walker Mret A Oo.,) - - ; tttoi!4jaiT&d Trctail mutoists;' V T; ?4 Mabwt tkraBw. Wimn-a-oii. M. q HARRISS dk HOWE1X, ' - iO-CMlSSIOa MERCHANTS.- QW1W - - umie.v.., eoBos t AiritTAl, ' A. I EOW-a, h" 1 Sooth 197 BUSINESS AND PR0FEESI0NAL CARDS. WtaHIUTOS IUHK, ROXT STREET, Wh.wim.to, s. c. Mia. A. F. lccas, riTuB. Mtnuiut uf iwrmiBrDt aa4 tr aed trint boarder re- ivectfallj eobc rt4. Beel ruraiaBM wnmw. -""-77 Term nuoubW, aad tfrry effort mM w iTtn, i . J. H. KOTIIWILL, ' 1 IX ERA L COLLECTIXG AtLT, 11TIV1: i:rYT. WlLkUKtiTOW. s. o.. 1 a,-.,!, in tha encftoa el all Aecoaete, Notee, Ac , eetrwated to ha ear., foe a ree-oaanw aioa : a4 will atiea4 all V.our ut ui "uj eoa. the Agency for lb. mW of Book, S pirr, PtfidH'la Ac COMMISSION AND ftRWARPlSO MKRCHASTS. . , I ,.i.a.nn1ntl lit ClHim- trl.MtA CftU avncc 7 "d urc REMOVAL. P. BE1NSBERGER, BOOR-BINDER. TAKES THI3 lkod to lnfor kli ortor ml MrioM U wnt af work of tio, Ir. kia Una. that k kM rimoni kla Jut mw r Joanna ijuuuiwa n " -- , . w,U m Uat4 to racrnr. orden for rtery dwcripUo. 01 k II.. I.... A A J f- fV kop to eootiBu. to r,e.iT. liberal patronan aa aertwiora. Oct. lilt, li. 1 'KT, . .t.Mrrn ivn ivtuwissioM MERCHANT, U V 1 IV .1 CJ Jw - - w WM Mil, at prWaU lala. CW-n. Aaral .Vort, and all K1DQI Ol preuuv., - . j Mil. BunkBtwk at. Rail Road Stock Real Batata Nrgreea Direct imDOfUtioo, Cargo Bale . . t per eini. 1 per caaL 1 per eo. 1 per cent. at rum To the tltliMM of Wllmlngtoa jrturoiy. ct,rJlii9r i r. r. ruodkr, cTirr Kd a MARKET 110VSE, " ...7'. o . v-Tt r nv uivn rHOK'R VKOCTA- WirHir maiTsaqkk EUOS AM POULTRY, "PVEal'ERS IN GROCERIES A GENERAL MEHCI1AH U dtat, a E. Cora. M.r, u "7-. N. & ArOrden from our frienda will receive prompt atUuUoa, Oct 10. 159. . ROH'T II. COWAN, ENERAL COMMiaSlON MERCHANT, WlLMINUTON. N. C. Offlc, Boatk Comer Mark.t n0fr1Jg!Sju P itain. KDVVIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. I, 1N6. WuaTNOTON, N. C. JAB, T. PETTKWAY A CO - TiiPTra. Avn ( f)MMlSHlON MERCHANTS, T " NO. NOTBM WATlB BTBBBT Wfl.MIMllTnN N. C. c.iuii ...n.ionm.nti af all kindi of Produce alio, orden for Orocerea, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ac nana to Johk Dawhom, Emj., . O. 0. P.Miir, Friiident Comniercial Bank, Uko. Davik, Ext.. Iab. t. rnrawAr. BOO KB At 00 IB. October lit, iw rBkD. 1. MOOM. Mvnm Ji MOORE. CBA". D. MVBM. irHm,mAWANDRCTAlLu.At.H. ' A'MZMXlZ"i'h'l ralMlrketlireet: 0a,Ll.U 1 WlLMtNOTON, N. C. m tnnffiir to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra- ni.i. . -.:v---" ...ii.MlUltaamlnatB ordinaf7tnouo.mrnw,aiiorp.v... j -"- . of oarNEW STOCK or rau.no 5 are Diircbaned direct rrom mauuiaBiurcia. " r rVXind are willing, and canadl ae fo a. any Jobbing Wi in the United Htatei. We are de.iroui of lending our Good, to every motion of North Carolina, and 1 will um every exertloa to pleaie ail wno may laror . w..u Bcptember W, 19- IIl'OII ORAIIAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, . c. i .. ,. tin.-- M...ik W.tar KtreL BBoniceanJoining iorio- BepL 1, 169. lB-3in' . tAVT NOTICB. TUIJOB W. WRIGHT, Office on Market Street, one door Eaat of Dr. Wckiou'i. 7r Jwa BU we THOMAS W. BROWN, JR-, A "STJioNKiroP THE UNITED STATES IN AD FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office firit floor, Id door new Joitwai. Buaoira. WiluiinittoB, June 14th, 1HAB. J1 inoNT ir.fio a- X EEB law orr.u-, w..-i-.TO-, . . Oct, XHh, 1847 tar. W. MA VM. M . D.. ... n . . ,nn mr -ttfi" rTT. iTVFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL BE.UViv,i.o aw i ur. v..- J iaen. of W.lm.ngton. , vmn w ivw ww" m. 13l-tf kdward Mcpherson. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. South Wawr Street, A..n.tath 1RSB. A. B. IIALI., nnminmvn in rouuiHHIilN MERCHANT. ti ra.NarL-.k whnrt. WimreaTOH, N. c. -B- " "-'7 . . ..... 17U.I jn v )tn. ihow. ' ' ALDERMAN A BETTKNCOCRT, iTrnnt intAl.R AND RKTAIL GROCERS. VV No. si Nohtb Watbb Stmbt. waOrderB for Goodi accompanied by the caah, or from .i .n.nmi.r niir.itAil. and will receive prompt and Efdattention: tJ'7MM- MARINE RAILWAY. THE SUBSCRIBER having purchaaed tb. CAPE FEAR MARINE RAILWAY, (formerly th. property of B. W. Beerr.i la preparea w iiuiiw Hfwi " " I . . A M J aa aaaaatB VataiaAalal Faithrol work at fair price promlaed. .... - . lit Order aollcited. MICHAEL BOBBINS. Referenc.-0. G.'Pareley, Kidder A Martin, J A Co., Harriet A Howell, J. H. Flanner. A D. Mcltae 199-ly April 18th, 1H69 W. II. MARKS tt CO fatrnctdlOBl TO L. A. habt,i -ANUACTURERS AND DEALERS IN I HAKDW AKfc, I 3-L STOVES, GUNS, LANTERNS, TIN and 8Hh.ET-HtoN WAKES, 19 Front itreet, Wilmington,' N. 0. a. . Birr. W mtogton, . C, May 9th, 1869 108-ly. WILMINGTON MARBLE WORKS. ItraaL aaar Ota MeUaodLtt E. CharCU. kind in tha country. v . . 1 employ "V'ltZ " I" ""'.k .k-tr natVon- CU, Mil -I bo paid to plea, all who may lavor m. w.tn t" a .uivtvj - - . . , . . . , . r iQtr antaa tit anartal anTMment. Mu v, , -r -a- - ILL,GAN. arn,i Tf f .! TUrjt.lSth.18M." 1-w. T lilUIIH IVI-I av a V ' . ., IXITIT WINK. - . . rnrrwr nT1 TX'TW P p QUARTER CASKS LOHUU AAia. runt "u-'i al anMtail nar ai-.hr. Ellioott. Lfroai Niw York, and foral.ly . 4U ajuaaw 8 lUttr a tr, r.v..- - - I . ' ...t...i .wbataia lnli1 liluut. NEW YORK, miLA.i BOSTON CARDS.1 JOBS K. lONW, - MT4JI, J- IIM)I A. BUT rlOMMLSiI0S MtUv.'HiXl!i. 1 So. Ji Inp4 Pritrr. oVwtvx. t'Mi'g't rf X1 St.fr4, Coiiu, Utr, m4 Ur Si!Bra IToJuc aacura. Not. Hit, 1n- sa It. t aad . , aj TO COTTOl AD WIHH-ICI M tl V ACTt KIR. WILUAM STQX, S. 14 Ntfrvh IW Str.. lkil.Wl!.ht, 1., MlNVFKlTKER OF I KtTHFM KKLTtXU. iM 4l ,n m COnvX 4 M'ttir.V MAVBlXKKr. 1 X H Ji JTS A.-. Alw Af f' J frr fA T IVr JfAT-Ut' ATA'b4 VLASP ukmlk t. - WrHr H A KX t - Ataa Att fur Ul'M BKLT LMi, PACKlXls UOai, Ac July 114 lNi. . iDLun. . lTTl. i. . CitM MMHTM;11) KERCH AXTH. I s v You, April IS, m lAly. CL1IKKI liTtS- Ban ai u rotka. 1 EXEIUL C0MH1S8IUN MKKCH ASM tka aala af IT Votkm. Am-. A..oi Nur. and Sithr ITwUikI araUj, Ko. IW 5i. WUarraa, auJ 111 Water St., fVbraarT iMk 1HS. l,ll'! " OKO. tK VA1AMRWUIC, J1U COMMISSION MEKtHAMT. y CottuB, 8plrita TvpaaUM, Boaln, Luwlwr, ad ftoutk ra Frodaea narallj . ,,;,, Ahoea Arvfc Mninl, Faii.Aoai.raia. prompt personal attratloa laa to all eoiimiuU, a&4 uk k ratural made. vaa oraera totioiira. .... Uao. tut, fwi ajuob . WAteoM, AM1WM It I AIM. At MKJAHM. pOMKISSION MHAN Special attentioa paid to the aala uf iAAt broaai. Cor Uberial aJaacea Buoeoa aou""""-. iHirnuiua. W. B. BlfMBU COCHRAN RI MKIX. CXERAL COMMISSION BSKUUtara, no. u wwva I T WK.r... ua al North Water BtraeL Fbilabilt bia. ... . . iaki at a A ATUbaruU cah adraacM Btade oa uMituaeata. ... . . .1. a ...M.iHHinaaMa 17 July Jtnh, 1WJ WANTED. WANTED, 1 EXPERIENCED TURTENTLNEIUNIW FOR YEAR1MW. i A,.,.ly to JAB. T. I'ETTEWA T A CO. fovauitr a, i(v 8i u. iu.airit WANTKD. rOR SI bbli. Pork. Biarked diamood H., received per I1 Bchr. K. D. McCliualuta from Ualiimore, IHth tail. Btore.1 and adrertiaed at awaer a rkk and ?"" yut ja. T. C. WORTH. EMPTY BAUB WANTED. iTTg S1IO0L1) be tery macb obligtd, would the Partiei W who have borrowed bag! 01 ua, return mem at eoue Oct. 17. JAMW T. I'tllhWAI UO. aV a.BVj'TI. IV I UnTY I.U V I p T T nil A tvCaO 01 nmuuiK-vu nut m HIII...1 ....1 VV..1. V don IUU Kurt btiifik. Applivtthumc. .. it 30 w. II. NEUUOEHI IK tCWUOhih 1 1 W A NTEl) TO FUU a ohaae. eight or tea likely FIELD HANDS, from ? t to 9 yean of age. Aey one havmg wb ra-a JQ, to dip.H;e ef, will llud CASH purchaser by appliil.g ajT .. . f. ....mil u... uinra Kront Htreet. VI. av M,.u B7.,f .1 iiiiHimmin A nana n u.uiw. ...w.v. - WiltnirDton. N. O. "" - IUTS, CAPS MiO UMBKELLtS. wmv mil lltKUMINK u Tin,- MkiAf k'rvi K zuUAVE HAT, at the Fm n porium MVK'W M00UE Sol. IM , KACI1 departmknt m tV 1M1ITNCH AND AMI-ldl. All OUIl lli Moleikin, Canlmere, and Wool Haia, la now cotuploU l Hi. Hat ana up tiuponuia, - " ""t ; Lm. 1 1 .t " " vu- nr. " . "...V Z7 tub zouavbj iiai, THE CRICKET HAT, THE CKIthtT HAT. lNTIttELY DitrtjM-lioi. diwi 'V u I i'r . . a a 1 L. Uia (! ra. Mi-Bd at Ut. U.l V.p wnponu.. "Miu,u-r-ii a'lllCKCH KELT HAT. "- ...I. .... U... .aMl. A NEW LOT of One r rencn oiaca ici ii. ed at the Hat A tap -u.por.nin, y-...)or& 'm.VB DHRM CAPi-CLOTH AND YKLVICT. NEW AND HANDSOME PATTERNS, at tha Ha n BJid Cap Emporium, it arae .irv MYERS A MOORB. aU October 19. MltBKB HKAVKR KLAT", NEW STYLES, at th. Hat "XmoORE. October 19th. n uiTi AMD CAPS. vnoi'iun iii'iiivT iattkrns. at the Hat and kl Cap Emporium, M Alar ah aireet. MYERS A MOORE. October 19tb. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS MUTTER AND CHEESE. - . ... ...alu.,1 In rill nOf I AflUiirR lAlTH Ol ADOT avruciw iviw .v-f r. yj :br. L. 1'. bmitb. For fX. RONS. Nov. 17. B. ki. Cor. Market A Jld itc PROVIalO"1, AC - . . ... i.it rwT A. rk . MESS P0RH liAiiw du A a ao , Choeie, Mullett, Bacon, uunny oaggiug, ."v, , Coffee al all kiudi and Bugan; ?!!CrM1e". Lai and for aate br vanui-,oo.,-u j-So H. GREENE. HOT. Bl'NDUIES. 5D BAGS RIO COFFEE; IS do. Legokyra ao; 40 bbla. sugar-ali graoea ; Ihbdi. do. bright Porto Rico i 60 boxea Colgate'. No. 1 and Pale Soap. 14 do. Kiugtford'i Pearl Starch J 15 bbU. pun Cidor Vinegar I, 7ikegiN alia, all tiiet; 75 bagi Shot Powder in kegi and aanisteri , 'lb boxea A dauiaotiue Candiei ; 26 do. Candy, BMorted; . 20 bbla. Sugar and Soda Cracken , Hwara'and Hollow-were ; Orlndrtooei i Baddlery.; Boott and Shoe., a g.nejai 4 BATTEN CO U RT -.r-.T. aanilAITIO ROOFING PELT, rn-' - : . , r...1. FUJI! ANftWA a wham. 'a-7.--B.wM t'i A...'h.. ua. Kail nil i' . ir iiniii ntirBtniaamiiii irei le-vjai w at aiu A Tk-.it fltuor Bwriau, vu.i Road Depute, Farm Building., A. " 1 ' t-r perucuiar. m- mu. 'KV TOn BROS., ' a Hawiinar (Areca. Bl. Y, tlRooferB may ebtaln county AgeaoAea. Oct. 17. - - 36-3m TO PLANTERS. 1 -rfiirai r;r:n i ,ow recemng a car! -I to no. aa..". - . n 1 .. . . 1 . .m nrpnar.u tir till tflw.ia .ui." .i...kl. manor, and urn - ' ; .i. pmphleU conUining 1 ' ." " " h. tka moat nromuant teralnBoithCw lngto oct. W, 1R59.' MVLLETS. A20 BABBEL8 ot 09i M,W 'liAliuWAY A Co JIEDIC.IL tLTiwonr UHK HtMrtTAU rHKTOR JOHX-N. TT1 r. fpaa lrr uf Vh (VWbrmlJ loMrttrti. uflrri Ua T.t' J klfti iVrt. a H,r. kiwi oat 9teaJ nmr't. talk worUl (iWta. SrHtr. aeiaal waakaaam. I'.iaa ka tha Un.-. l W,ak.aa af the rt , Uwha, AtotHa af tie KMiaya. "a!palka af the ... a.- I k. t.. - TVuAk mt fhAt MAkaVAi - paj I rtrMB,tfl. SanarM in VIBUHT! -W a.-w, . Threat. S-w r-tia i and all thqaaarrwoa ad BKtaarholT D4ra ammf fna ail ihoM latwtiTe kabiU of Tooth aUick 4ctrT U.tk tHlr aad aiu4. Tii " lit and Urt waettr tra fatal to lhatf TKtiaja thaa the ao of the hrrBa to tha M ariMra Llriaea. bbuhUBf thaw Boat arUtJaBl htxa of aatK ipatwM. rra Jnn j Biarrwija, Ac, Bapoaaiwe. ltw atx ia!ly. wha have hecoaM the rk lima of Rolitary Tke, that dreaaful aad AtractiTa habit, wairh aaauaily iwaepa to aa BBtiiaaly rrate thaaaaada af J (. uf the Btuat eialtad taleata aad hrUUaat iaUltett, whav'fht elherwlM haveMtraaced Uwaiiix rWoaU with the thaadera of ela-iiM-Dc. er waked to acaiat y the tting lyre, any caj viU all eoaAdeace. ajxiaaa. Marrid Pra, or.Toaflg MaaeooUmplaUnr BvarrU, Witi aa?a of lferak al Wakieaa, OrgaeK lability, IVIor Biitwa. Aw ahoal I'lmmeJiaUly eeaault I . J.,knd be reator tie w la puce unvu . uur, uw . . v - . y li.!, ruand ta kia hoMX- M B leatlenaB, aad eoa 4ally re'y apua kia ihdl aa a phTariaa. hamodiatoly eared, aad fuU iu rwtored. Thil dAtraae M Ui peaany bjom irrquauu p' 7 w.. w... kua tha aiuUiBa af Imuron! tadulaaacaa. Touhf peraona are too apt to commit caeca from aot ae- ttif aeara of la reuxu eooaaiwocaa ut . - Nuw, who that aadarataaJi tha mbject wUI pre Uad to 4?ny it . 1 tk. tkammt nf frurreaUfNi la loat aooaer br thaa fUlii imnt k.hita th.a hv the bradant, IWatdea beluc drnriVTd Ute piaaaura at avaiiaj vuyi ..).luinui....,niiLal. bulk hod and Blind btIm. The aretem Imkuuc araoea. tne pajiwii ana ...,kiud aarroaa dabllltr. diioepila, ealpltaUoB .... : . i - . I ... L. fci.tn. Mflah OftM Bean, laaiC'UUB, a wiawua; w wn, araiiAuaia of aoBaumiitloa. etc. r A n.uni. Waakneai of the lyiteat, Nertooa Debility and premature amai avwa... decay gea-riJly an from the Ik-rtractlye habit of Fu. tttal eoUiary pracmie ao lavai o ma "... " a,. J It i th Tount who are moat But to become Iti Tktiaia, from aa (gnoraoce of the danrrra to which they ublei't tbemaelvee. ParenU and Guardian! are oftea Bik ted with reepect to the raiwe or aourae of dueaae la their toil and warda. AIm I how ofUB do they aecriM w uar eauaei the waating of the fraaie, PalpltetloB of tha Heart, Dyiiiepia, ludigf.tioa, deraageiaent of the Nirvong Byt .u.uk aB.lMvniiitiini or l'oiiumutloa. alo, thoM ae- -1,.,,. -.ua aRwu. aucn aa loan 01 air mury, ,ri-iu v. a namllar Ala llf mt lam'tllllV. lull tnt UIO UUlR , r - . . I1,A k.aa tuaaa .!latl Bl in (1 11 1 U 111. id ueian.niii. ww. ' w - - u...t- ...I UkJ Tku tag practicea, aattrucuva to """j , are iwept froa eilateBca thooaandi who might have beei of bm to tb-ir country, a pleMure ta their f rteBdi aad orua- BkentatOBorlely. t.. ...a W.v T Not-ra PaanaicE St.. left land eule going from Baltimore itreet, ! doora from the jH taarg. . OB will iwiit pic, . t, . . m-, . . I . A .a. ti. Bk.HMaa nam trial A,f9 Atltl faT iil- Blaa 1 BkMBB BB a ILIA' Bl . OUSaanrTwI B BIBBUIW W aa vr diiwa. A CVr tearrurUca. of no Charyr Afdu1, a row NOMKlRT OR NAUHROtTH DRUGS USED. II K. JUIINBU. u.v... r tk. Rn.al (TiiliDta of BnrteoiM. Londoa. Orailtt- .i. tv..-, .... tha niait eminent Collrtee of the United rttatoa, and the greater part of whole life hu been BpeBt In ,k. n.. n,-,,,iial. uf ljimlon. l'arll. Philadelphia, and ela miwj saaaj - J . . . . a .h.a.M kakal AaflAaAtaail failf!la Al IHI BlllBn UlrUUhmUlllM BUI WW fcUBaa Wkin... aiw "T r-t-t- f IL. Vai-il ami tan whea aalep, great Mrvmwn-eaaehig alarmed at a, ataaa n.taw II ffiiBin Lmil II1PQ WJ IU1 riUHIHBl U AI Mi'taw uddea aounda, and bailifulnetB, with frequent pluanmg, av tendad aomeUmet wtth derangement of mind, were cured Imiaediately. ' A r.rtaln Dlaaaaa. U, k-n Ika mla.llli lad and Imnruflenl VoUft of pleaiurB finda he hM Imbibed the aeedi of thli painful dlAeaae, It too ottee happe.ie that an 111 timed eeuaa of enema, or dread ol dl-eevarr, deten bun from applying to thuae who, from ad aratioB and rupectaiiulty, can alune befriend him, delaying till the eonatltutlouei lyuipionm oi mie ai-rrm uia ,k.i. .nnaaranra. aut'h ai oJcerated lore throat, diaeaied .IU, ..wt.imai naina. la tha bead aad limba, dlmneaa of lht. dafnM. aodei oa the ehlB bonee aud arnu, bloU hi on the had, face and eitremltiei, tirigreelng with frigat- ful rauiillty, nil ai lat tne paiaie oi wie ui.ur wur. of tha Boat fall IB, and the victim of tula awful dlaeaM be ooaiei a horrid object of eommiweratlon, till death pott a priod to hie dreadful luflerinri by MBdlng him to " that booroe from whenct no traveler returna." Ta iuoh, there fore, Dr. Jo-neon plengM himieir to prea-rve we moat in Tliilable aecreiv. and from hie itlenalve praotleo la the ret nmimaui m r-uropa aa tu..H... . i mend a iafe and ip.edy cor. to th. nnfortuaata rlotlat af hoAiiltali la Europe ana America, na can uuHuumuj r- mend a aaie ana i Uikt horrid diaeaae, U lw..rll iliaaaaa. 1. 1. . m.iannhul fanL that tbouianda fall vU Umi to thla dreadfal dlaeaai, owing to th. BMklllfulnen of Ignorant pr teadera, Who, by th. ul oi mat areamui poison, Hrcur7 ml. tha ai,B.LnillUlll. tna ITIU nuu WC UUIUI tu .u.l . er to aa untimely grate, or alae make th. reildua of hit hfe mhMrabla. . TAMi r I1C al Ifll r HWllwaa, Dr. J. addreaiei all thoaa who hav. In lurid thtmaelve. by private and Improper induigencea. r rvi. ... .j ,v,a uj and analancholr aSncU pro j.,..i k. a.ri halni of voulh. vli t WeakuHM af Hi. Back i I ittii.a P.ia in tli Haad. Diruneat of Blaht. Loat of BAIIVI AVJ'IM rty a - r - - . . . . M.a.u u Pnwur. 1'a n ItaUoa M vne nearv, i;tlwi..i, nr- roue Irritability, Derangement ol tha Digntiv. Function., General DebiliU, Symtime of ConaumutioB, Ao. w ... , 1 1 v 'I ha raarrui anceia udod tn diiuu ar. w. b. draaded l Lou of Memory, C'onfuaion of Idea. Deprea Ion of BulriU, Evil Foreboding!. Averaloa of Society. Self DUtruat, lot. of boutud., iimiuuy, i -oma .Till proouo-u. . . . Tnouaanai oi perau. . "'?"----" .'--"----;- the cauae of their declining oeuiui. taiua iir ...i.. ...k ni ami amacutiea. nava iiniuiar .uwa- jj if gg II aa we'aaaa(afa...w t ' . ance about the eyei, ough and lymptuni of conmmptlon. Dr. JviuuWM't AMig'aiiB nHMMf n. ii.i. anat and Imnortant remedr. weaknen of th. of ...... . . ...h ii enrad. and fuU tIb or reatirtd. Thoiatandi bl th. moit nerTou. and debilitated, who hadloat all hope, hare been rellered. All ImpedlmenU to Marriage, Phyafoal " .7. T. A - i ,....mn. H. l.ll. or Mental l)iqniincauoii, nervoua trrnuiu, ."". and Waakneai. or .xhaoatlon of th. moat fearful kind, ipwd- I Uy cur.4 by Dr. Johnaon. ' - 9 vi. atati Who har. Injured themaelvei by a certain practice, la- 4..i.a in ki alone a habH frequently learned from .Til iniarkinna. nf sit achool th. tSCta of which ar. nightly I felt, .Ten when aileep, and If not enrw, renaera marruwi tmpoaiible. and deatroyi Dotn mino. nog bwj, uoui yy i ln,ayllalnl tA'Ik.ft at a. ilea fllCtt Vfinrtsf Hlfcll. th. hop. of hla eoonUy and Ue darling of hi. parent., ihould be Matched from all proepecto and enjoyment of life, by th. conaeqaence. of deTiitiug from the path of nature, and Indulging In a e.rtalB Mcret habit, oucn peraoua, vai"r" MirrlaM ihould Reflect that a lonnd mind and ooy ar. ue ecMarr reuuliitici to promote eonnoblal happlneaa. Indeed, wXut tbVth. joorner thro-.h life Ucoibm . w.ry kilirrlmaira the uroeiieCt Drionr aaraon wo u t tart melancholy renecwon, vna wa "fi"'"' ' MmeebllgUdwithourowfl. a OF lCh RU. 1 nuuin ritcf riuiv. d.., a." All, Sl-BOIOAt OrBBATIOHB pBBfOBHBD. v H Let bo faU. delicacy prerant yon, bot apply US mediately either peraonaUy or by letter. Aia Braaiina wa ar. Ta Antnaraia. rv. -,ana ttmnaanda enrad at thla InatltatioB Within th. , . . i ' . .ail tka nnnwrnna Imnortant aarrical Op- uvat iw . " - . - .T.;,uai T'u a t. ik. .a. !...,. narfnrnkH Df UT. aUnnOUdi wiuisaw. WJ H'-T "a .V (Ua. porter, or our oaiiy paper, anu mmj " k; '"rrV-in . of which bar. Bgals and sola sp(hv4 befor. tha pnb io la a lufflcieDt gnaranvM, mat ua aaiuvm ww a --a- fui and honorabla pByticiaa. r a rk..a .ra an man worthlew Onackt advertiaing thernielTM ai Phyilciana, ruining the health of tha already afflicted, that Dr. Johnaon deem. H aeceeaary to aay.eeDe eUllT tithoa. nnacqnaJnted with hia reputation, that hla credential, or dlplonu alway. bang to hlaoffioa. . , "1 A if Ir NIIT I K.AU wlbtTI Ball Uf UWT VWat mm war tain a poetag . Btanrp for tha reply, or aa anawer wLU ont. . ; - ' . "':'' ' ' anii- May 17th, U ' 1 " - ' " 1 '"v McMANNEN'S SMCT AD SCREENINa MACHINE go of I nnHB. UNDERSIGNED ha-lngbaeB appointad "fJ.J? Plan. I B Ua lau K UK Mini BUaUH, HV W r"r"" " 1 w . . auh tbem to mill owner, and tbeae machine. are Bowwnn'ni Plan - 1 rir.&ba nuiimnu o riniu nuHiru.u 01 -t ,Dtiri IB North carouna, an m w v---:- a- - Io Hacnina may o ' iihi aaa bow oomp.ta hMtkeBintna qnainyoi .--to d with tha world.tn the purity of the MtWM ,"lr ' I V' L . WUaoiivai. 0- FOR SALE AND TO LET. WEST POUT MIU. - l THIS ETA .1 aiaoeofthel atiB(r aa an THIS ETARUsnrrXT.Wf and rrl'T kow awa A.i.i m.Lui m u itii re- " ?V "-T.. "'" "LH.ki i " ,11 ; . V Cr-Z'nZZ'Z .V". J..l . . Trawla of the karrat capacity. The MUX hatit of luick. foor itorlef I'V tk Br- atora room fur JO.ouo to .0u0 haahele af &au h Rxe. Tea huh praaaare btaae at mt horae-power, tapatU, kor. of baikf raahed ap ta tV M power Br thaB Kileii to work, ant ealy the M Faailaa iaad ta BnUuf, whJth hare bai tarwiag aat 4aitaB' twenty-four koara, aa areraf e 0 liw barrela of Kx-a, bat ahw to 4rWe the rVrewe taH la 4 ' chare ktg Roiuk bVe fraai ('oeatsre at the rata it 1M"0 baabtht par day. The whole taachlacry of the B.d wm lb4i(Uy etaikaulrd la the yar lvil, and aaw hatktre aad rytladere made, which have baaa at work ap to tha pwrtud, aad tftutf perfect aatwlacthia. . AdioinmB the M 41 la a bure TWO BTOBT WOOPtS BUU4JIX), af tha aa parity uf B0.0W ta 1 JO .000 baahahv fa taruiB' aad ahlpDuiB Koaah Bx e I aa4 ahlpDUiB Kwl Bx e 1 wimi anacaee aa i:BKta of 11 Burae power, aaa la anio laaiaaarar. luaJinc eeaaela wUfe ladJy, mmI aim rut weraix ue wkilM tltarharglBg Rough Rue Iota Store. A amaH KICAV- ri iii'r mu.kaa baa la eaeratloej here for Mrwrel rearer aflordlBw rraah ground Kioe for the city aid aoua try trade. The COOI'EHAUI. eaubliahinail la complete, with ample -tore reoM for aarrela, kaadttuj, Aa.. wtti ipace lafioMiflt lor the workinf of 40 rora, aa4 with room for bcreaae. CARt'E.XTEH 8 BHOI of twa alortaa, wtia Bieaat aa (m af 10 kune-power attacked, Blade by Merrte af Fhila a j dalphia t all the athiary capable of makuig thai depart 41 ml Mat ciunU-u. la bare found, with Laibaa, rvaMuag aa ckuxa, IH-Ill ft-aiA tlrralar Baw, Aa all the beat order. A HI ACkKMITII Kmit witk twa I ariae Bid Too. The arrvnuitodatioa fr the eperativaa eeaawa ar u lloaaaa, the majority af them kavwa baaa lata I r pat ip Tha.. iftutd aumolaBt room for the haada working the aa. tabiihaint. ..." CoitituoM to the MUla are tha reaaiMBcea N taa ouper- Inlandaal anil Millar. . . ., Alio a Counting Hooae, to which large addlttou aava beea lately made, with every euevenleacB lufflcleat to BC commodate a lamlly. With the ihove property wui ae awe u weairaa aiaria Mmber of KWiKUtat, eonaiitiag af loopere. larpeoiefB, Ae.. aocu-tom-d lo working the Mill WIIJ.IAM RA VEX KL, Til Mil KIRK rTO NE.iV KiKBlora. IIENRT E. LI CAS, November 17, lN.B-Allt TO REhT. ' t.- THR II0UB1 ANDLOTMtheCoraar of rroataad DoehBtrMto. The Buoaa soaUitt lUteea room, au In ..wul onUr. aa are alao the out aouaee. Tkle la A aa u . opportunity ef nrpplylnf the demand tor a Brat alaat hoard' . " i l - It'.. t..i.,a Aanttler ft.a CCTtAB, m" to a a w a ae OOcs oppoailt tha Coort Houae. Mtf NOT. Id. 163 i roR balm, i ' .r. ... , . ' ... , HlAT T ALU ABLE UOUki AND LOT, altuatM IPOB 1 ! IwABut itreet, adjoining the realdeaoa af F. A. Dtvk l,,..,n, Emi., between Front aud Becood itreete, lately aeoa- , , pied by Dr. F. M. Walker. Ut67 by 14a. llouie eontalna aeven Boowi, 1bbI j aad Bath Roam,'! Kitdbea, Wah Haaae, three Bervaati ltooma, Btahhv tar riaKe llouaa, Coal and Wood Uonaaa, CUtera of food Watef lull bbla Garden ipot, Ao, Term! aeoonimodatlng, f .J,, - Sir partbsulara, apply to i , . . , , ov. , tf f, BroVer k Anotloaaar. .' " ' roR tiut or nT.; vi , Li TTI BUnHCRIBEtt oftan for aala tha IIOUWI bb FI LOT on Flout itreet, at preeeut oocnplid by W. WU il ..,. .,. Term made to Bull porohaaera. 11 not oh! aoon, wUI b rented for one tear. Apil ' ff fw BUkji ' .aw ovt irihi im . n-tt; yon RENT. ii1 WaWAWaPay OFFICE No. 1, FIRST FL00B KIW " J0TJ1IA1 Buildliig," oa Prlweea Btraa. roaaaeaioB tiveanru , ii.,,.,i.ar nt. 1 hare are two Hooine me one rr..at III 1 1U feet, the back Boom 14 1 W feet, with a aloMt, 4 wj wiudowi, a batik door, a privy, a good gratt and arlvl. f Irgei of a win o water ui u " 4 Hept. II. IMP. - - Poll RENT VIE WlfARf andibed Bear tha Cap. Faar Flour Mill, i ' BoPawtairl af BaAnitniaMl Bl IU. A. rrtlSWRTi furmarlr Mounted br Ja. T. Petteway. . Apply to Scot. 20. BT0KELT A - - uj.tf t, a. i, 1 1 II JUAM.' vuati I . roH IlEBJT. - , . I iimiun .ail, lii-p ... U..1.I alkaaf at MMB. 0ili niluna, Aim tajt .... . cut occupied by W. J. Cornwall, Ciq. Alao, eoa MOUSE AMU LOT oaPock, gtreet, at preieot occb. pled by Mr. U.yale. ; . JMUS u a'j eepv. iA, tiw. ' , ' - - - i POU RENT. ' ' mWO COMFORTAnLR DWKU.IRU HOU3Ba b rrant itreet, aireouy mmi vuown m "- .aali.n alvaa lat Oi Uib-r. U. U. UUULAI, Bept. ll.-4-tf " " -" -Meraia aoyj roll RENT. TWO OFFICES on th. Mcond Boor, over thB fuB Krlbir. v ! One BTORK on Dock Street, at praeeal ociSupl.4 bj to f r,af;M " " Vina HOUSE and LOT near JoLs Barnei', at preatot oa. c.pM by Mra. MaoCumber. . ' Sept. 10th, 1M9 ! ,u' a a,a.aaa.al MtIi 1 11 R. 1 a.. i.nntiM art t tma if ifr t t.KI yUAtll a,ur,u riAuttia uuv. A 9 A H H 1 11 br H0 feet long, all hMrt and frea al ZY 7 i,T ' ' james t. petteway a co. Oct. 1. .-VJH SALE, SO SMALL HTJILDIBIO LOTSj-Nr. Bona w lining to iaoe rrnl and occttjul Iheir wit ho". oaa be aceommooaiea wjvb cneap V . .iT ' the Towa, on appllcaUoa ta tha anbacribar, Anlaa of tha property nay Ua ac.B at the '""'"JJ'JJ piQvg, atraat- , Angnit 11, 1869-188-tf. TO RENT, - -v -,: ! . FOB ONE YEAR from lit OctoDer, a pleaaantly liluated dwelling aear tha corner of Becond f Oranga Btreeto. Apply to - HaJ)KK;K A RYAN. Anauit Id. 1H6M. .1 -) mn ti ar.Ml. FROM THE lit OF OCTOBER NEXT, th. Boom ' and Lot on Front itreet, known M Go. Dadley B lata reeldenca. Apply to . . ; . : 731 1. 1NAB-279 tf , JOHJ A. rAKaUkAI.- . ; "-a-".''- ; I' 1 a f A KM at ABJD VERY PIKSI ASSORTMENT OS A PAl" H "ifiNGlNGS AN AWma Zi!i be eold at the low.il flgt.rei,Bt C. WLY00T! V , - July 13. neat boot v ajiyyi . wi p..w., 1 PATENT HOBUCITO PRAMES. (canopy Btyle,) bv k. Vaia ara fnr aala be tha underlined ; they (canopy style,) hv JA. 1UIB ".J V:uCw .1.-- a ..lla tka ar. flna and practical, ana aivnouau !; a., do not attract lignuung, bomb, ov.,w-i w.ri tor. , . r : v f-c. fOLVOOT,';' h Meit door to JJppiU'i Drug Stora. July 13th : POR SALE. aHM a r a.f f 7 aT OTU I If VII WELL-KNOWN HENRI- r"t3 ETTA. Ungth 120 feet, breadth 10 feet, hokl , . . mk Vpa.mra 1 rvllnder Bo il rMMh"y iTgood workSg order, fitted op aecordinj ttelCnger U requiremeubr, AUo,h 'gjfj, orthlngton taam Pump, and apparatua for wrecking pur "W b. aold low and on Tgt boWELIa , jiaialaUa47-tf. tHoraldcopy-J , , ,.r ia urea Aw wuum ua 4. .. . . " fX)R SALE, MWy repaired: leBg-- 14 MV VMJh A NO. I FLAT, new. -i- -IBAfeet: S50 bbl. eapacity. b. t D. HALL. Aug. -34 tf. nnCAN STEAMSHIP HAVIOATI03I CO-'SXPANT. A MEETING OF THB COMilUslON- -A of tha " Cap. Fear aad Ooaaa Efteua a w avufatpan wm Stock of tha BboT. Company ba opened In th town 01 mlDgton, and oont.au. open lor uny "JJ aWi-a under the direction of Jno, J. Hedrick, wm. B. tJV A. McLean. .,. - ,. owm.4 Lai BUIutiwJ vt buaw aav - ,KrrrT i4 Bookand will wait upon th. w ..atAa a,r f ha avnova n pai 111 l i iu, . " wmTrutuy, , - - . MclXAN, C. o. - a AT Wiliniagt, . OctttlJ. 186 ) A-i 1 S--l ScpkU. - ! " ' i ... ., ' '. 1 ' . -: '' '' 1 - 'X ' I ' i w' I a-

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