7) X 1 i I VOL. 9.- XO. 77. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1850. WHOLE NUJIBEK 2,58 - CO i , i i ; BY Ft LTON PKK K, PROPRIETORS. JAS. FCLTOX, Editor A. L. TRICE. Associate Ei.tor. Tir f Ihrril4l. Pail? Paper, oe year, invariably m advance Wee!y . ........ 2 58 AU letter oa baii cotsikrcted with th ofiii e, niu b lv,J to the proprietors. RATES Of ADVERTISING. Air K)i in. On day t H Twedar i'i Three da v. SO Kucr davt ; Fit days 74 On week H7 Two weeks 1 j:J Ob month 1 00 Two month to Three month. I 09 Six moaih 8 00 OM StJJARI. On day... Tw ds Tart day. Foot dirt Fiv days One week , Two weeks On month , Two month Tare month. . . . . Six month .1 M . Ti . 1 . I li . I 50 . 1 TS . 1 I . 4 M . T 00 .10 00 .It 00 .10 60 On year 11 00 On year. .. Tea Line are counted m a sonar, snd At lines of leo aalfaqoar. IODirf r el tertiaeraenta in proportioa. ! all payable la advacc. Wba Bo paid ia advaac 14 enU per quar will b charged after th tint Insertion. NT All hlf square But paid for ia advance will h iharg Jul oqnare. r-Advertisement inserted a special or rinp smh-H ar charged on naif mor than above rateaetght lose leaded) or Ira counted m t square. at Advertisement Inserted every other day r charged J7J cent pr square for each iaserlum after th ft rut. ArNe publication mad without a responsible Bam. BISINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Mil 14 B. K.HlMBKItT, HUGO 1ST AND PRACTICAL- FH ARM ACEUTlsT, WlLBIMITlMI, N. C. Keen ronntantlr oa hand, a orlec atwk ol iTvj. JM Vigor, . rrticuUr atWntinB piij tu rnKsnumnhn, I'aav BKitraa, Kkdiciki Cbbkt, c. Mir inuiiediately under the " C'aroliua HoWl." July It, lsoa. iltf . G. r. W. J. Ml H. (COMMISSION MEKCHAST8 and WHOLFSALE C.UO- CEKS, No. M North Water Htreet, Jan 1, ' WnamuTox, N. C. "OLIVKU KKLLKV, XTTHOLESA1.E ASD RKTA1L UEALEBS IN GRtX'K- Rita AND PUOVI81DXS, Ao. U A'orih Water Street, Deo. 1b, 1W. ?LlL",i0I!l'''--i':- r. M. tMITH, Jou" mtiraiN. MITII A Mrl-At H11, COMMISSION AND F0UWARDINO MERCHANTS, WlLMlXOToN, N. C. Bin TO Johi DawiOK, Eq., Mayor. E. p. Ilatt, H., President Branch Bank tata N. C. July Ut, ) t-tf UICKIISSKT, IUIOM M dk CO., (1 ENEBAL COM MISSION MEHC HANTS, X WILMINGTON N. C. Jan. lit, IW.-&H-U. K.LLI h Jlll t IlKLI DEALEB3 IN GRAIN, WlLMINOTO". N- C. Keep Conitautly on hand Corn. Tea. Oat, Hay, Meal, Hoinouv, Bran, llor and Cow Feed, Oil Meal Ac. March 14th, lol. IIKtllY P. IH"Kl.l.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, U7 East Bt, (l!r STtK.) CHARLESTON, rt. C. March 17th, W,h. l'.Mt T, II. Mi KOV CO., ROCERS AND COMMISSION MKJICHAMTH, Boutb VT Water street, Wilmmutom, N. C. Aog. 83d, im. . 9 II. U. GILEUS, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, corner Water and Market atrU, WiUuiiigton, N. C. April Id, 16. Ut. "TOIUT. OLDBAM. TOKLBV it OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAH. AC. Wilminotum, N. C. RlHHKNCB. Col. Johh McRit, Prenldent of the Bank of WIIminRlon. O. Q. Pamlbt, Eq., Preldent of th Commwfial Rank. K. Ml'RRAY CO (Sucecaaor to Murray At Peacock,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATIH HTKEKT. WILMINGTON, N. C. I. Ml'BRAT. D. B. MIRCUWOW. i. T. MIHRAT. February 1, m. l&Vtf D. A. LAWOST, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. W North Water itreet, J Oct 1J 31-U Wilminotoh, N. C. CMOS DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. C , J. E. OAKELT, Proprietren, TmBOKKELEN A BRO., Agents. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STOKES purchased, manufao tured and told , Wharfage and Storage furnished, and Oovperag don al i lair rate. Jan let, 1867 122 tf. J. M. ROBIN KON A X, Wn.amoTOH, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dca lere In Uardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricul toral Implement. Ac. WH. C. HOWARD, C ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, VjT Sept. 20. 1864. 13 tf) Wu.aiUToN, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER A COH C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLMINUTOM, N. C. DAVIS & CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South Water Street, J WlLMINIITOK, N. C. 1. h, HATBAWAT. HATHAWAY A CO, ft. B. CTI.IT. Q0MMI8HI0N MERCHANTS, WtLaiHOTOH, N.C T. C. A 11. O. WORTH C COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J WlLMIKUTOK, N.C. March 11, 1857 . l&8-ly JAHll AKDBB80K, 1DWABD IATA8B. ASDKRSOI A SAVAGE, C ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT WlLMIMOTOW, N. C. Liberlal cash advances made on eonglgnment. W1LLARDA Cl'RTIS. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, No. 10 South Watib Stbiitb, Jan. 13th. Wilminotok, N. 0. uim o. mm. win oostix. J AS. C. SMITH Ac CO., (10MMISSI0N MERCHANTS, office econd ttory, corner Booth Water and Market street, Wilmington, N. C, where they are prepared to attend to all boaineas in th Commission line. All business entrusted to them will b punctually attend .dto. W. II. McRARY it CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Prince and Water street, Wilmington, N. C. BiriBRKCU! H. B. Savsee, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. Col. John McRae. Pres't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Dafis, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, Salisbury, do. J. G. Lash, " " " Salem, do. J. EUGreggiPresldentof BankCheraw, S. C. Oct 17) WALKER ME ARKS, (Successor to WalkerMearesACo.,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBUGUISTU, , to Mabibt Braur, WtmuwTOw, H. 0. I1ARRIS8 & ilOWKLL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -. WimtHOroK, N. 0. esoaea BARBigm. k.1. soimx, CrSLNESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WtSlintiTlIt IUUSK, IRONT STREET, . WaaisuTivv, N. C. Mia A. F. LUC A A, PanraJSTtirw. Th j tr"En;i f periuaaetit ad tratinent KiariWr re pwlfully U'iW. MeaU furnb.h4 without room. Term reai'CbSe, and CTr-rj effyrt made to f it aatisfac- tK. N.. irth, lsi9 3 tf J. II. RttTinVKI-U 1 ENERAL COLLECriNU AGENT. V X WllwHWTOH, N. C.. Will attend prvvpt'y t th tol'-eetioa ol all Account. Note. Ae . eauuOed tu hi cans, fur a reaaoaabl coaim ia : ana will attend all CotirVi ia th a.ljwni Coaatie fur that parpaM. II alMcuonue th Ageat-y foe th eul of Books, Ntwa psrr, Periodk-aia. Ac. Novemlr U, lv-tf. XiUN W. 0K-S ik a. VAajuuK ba, OWKl YHBIUl.ll, (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCT1ANTS, J North Water Street, WUminrtoa, N. C. -Liberal cash advance mda coowganMrau f coua- try prodiM'. Not. Mh, &"Ty RKMOVAL. r. iiki.sui;r(.kr, cook-dlnder. Z7J7X tkes tlll method to inform hi culonieni J ,y and perwiui ia waul of work of any de riii - jfri X tioa, ia hi lilt, that a has removed his rtxJt LuvlKff uj ItulxH f exUbli&hiuent to th Kaaemeat of tli new " Jimrtvti lluddktvj" va I'rUK'en Street, where h will be pleawd toreceiv orders for every dcacriptioa ol Rinding or Rnling, Ac, A Thankful fur paM faTora, h hope to continue to receive a lilieral patmaaK as heretofore. Oct. 2Ut, lti . M. ICNT. VUCTIONEEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLBINtmiH, N. C, Will 11, at private sale. Cvttnn. A'aval Wore, and all kinds of produce, at a small commission ; Aluo, BaiikStotk at .1 percent. Kail Road Stock I per cent. Real Eatat v 1 per cent. Negroes 1 percent Direct importation. Cargo Sale 1 per cent. KtrBua To the citizn of Wilmington rtilty. Octoher !l,Js.W 40-tf C. C. HIIODKH, STALL A. 3, MARKET HOUSE, I'EEl'S CONSANTLY ON HAND. CHOICE YEOTTA- IV BI.ES of every des.-rii.tion IftfNi AXD SWt'KT I'OlMDtS, UKhEX ASD DKIKU AlTl.fS AMI PKACIIHS. SAVSAOKS, EtWS AND 1'OVLTUY, HIES II KOHFQLK OlisTKKS. Oct. 6, 1N6K. ly I. 11. IIMailSN t o, DEALERS IN GROCERIES X GENERAL MERCHAN; di.e, S. E. Corn. Market aud Second Street, WlLMINIITON, N. C. t i-Ordem front our friend will receive prompt attention. Oct. M 1m!K ROU'T II.CWAW, C1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, r WitaiNoisiN, N. C. "Office, South Corner Market and Water Streets up stairs. Oct. 5, lvi ili tf KDWIM A. KICI11I, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. I, lNjtf. Wilminotoh, N. C. JAM. T. PF.TTKWAY A CO. 1.C ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . No. 8 Nothh Watkb Htbisst, WiLiUTON, N. C. Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, also, orders for (Iroceres, Hogging, Hope, Guano, Ac, Ac. liana to John Dawxon, Fjkj., O. G. Parslit, President Commercial Bank, Geo. Davis, Exo,. jap. t. i'kttkway. bnocb moohi. October Ut, lo'.K C1IA. D. MYRHI. FKKD. 1. MIKIHI. HI KRS A MOORK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ihai.km im IIA 7X Ci4PN, STHAW GOODS, FUliS, HIDING HATS, I'M 1MELLA.H, CASES, AC, tC, 34 Market street, Wilminotoh, N. C. W are prepared to offtr to WHOLESALE BUYKltS extra ordinary inducement, and respectfully solicit an examination of our N EW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Goods are purchaned direct from manufacturer. We pay no neanvl vrvjit, and are willing, and con mil at he as any Jobbing House in Hie United States. We are desirous of sending onr Goods to every section of North Carolina, and will use every exertion to pleatte alt who may favor us with their orders. September 2J, XV.t, llt';ll (Jit All AM, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, ) Wll.KINOTOH, N. C. a.OITice adjoining Lutterloh Whart, North Water Street Sept. 20, Ihj'J. lS-3ni LAW NOTICE. 1 CLIUS W. WRIGHT, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, on door East ol Dr. Dickson's. Kept. 2d, lHj'J. 3Wi-tf THOMAS W. IIROWH, J1L, VTTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ollice first floor, 2d door new Journal Biildino. Wiltnltivton, June 24th, lHAP, 247 tf DR. J, A. MILLKK, 1MiONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA 1 KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wilminotoh, N. C Oct. 2()th, 1M57 3K tf W. W. DAVIS, M. I., OFFERS II IH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT ixeus of Wilmington. Ollice 2d door below Holmes' Hotel, Front Street Juno 8. 2:il tf KOWAHH McPHKRSOX. (COM M ISSION MERCHANT, J No. 6 South Water Street, Wilminotok, N. C. August Sth, 1S..9. 2Hj-tf A. R. II ALL, IC0RWAKD1N0 AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 Lutlerloh's Wharf, Wilminotok, N. C. July JQth, K.D. 'i7H-ly ALOERMAC At UKTrESCOl'RT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, No. 32 North Watbr Btbiit. vOrderi for Goods accompanied by th caul), or from pnnctual customer solicited, and will receive prompt and faithful attention. July 26, 1H69. MARINE RAILWAY. milE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the CAPE FEAR X MARINE RAILWAY, (tormcrly the property of B. W. Beery,) is prepared to build or repair Vessel. Faithful work at fair prices promised. Orders solicited. MICHAEL BOBBINS. Reference 0. G.il'arsle?, Kidder X Martin, J. X D. McRae X Co., Harries X Howell, J. H. Flaimer. April 2Hth, 1859 199-ly W. II. MARKS A CO., (BOC0BS8OBS TO L. A. HART,) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, LANTERNS, TIN and SHEET-IRON v AKt, u t rout street, Wilmington, N. c. B. MARIS. A. H. Kirr. Wilmington, N. C, May 9th, 18o9.- -208-ly. .WILMINGTON MARBLE WORKS. Front Street, near th Methodist K. Chnrrk. MONUMENTS, TOMBS. HEAD and FOOT STONES, FURNITURB TOPS, Ac., of the BEST QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN MAIJBLE, furnished to order, as CHEAP as can be procured from any establishment of the kind in the couatry. 1 employ none but experienced workmen'and will spare do pain to please all who may favor me with their -patronage. -Terms CASH, unless by special agreement. ' Wr. G. M1LLIGAN. Wilmington, N. 0.) BepL 13th, 7.1 PORT WINE. 5 QUARTER CASKS LONDON DOCK POBT WINE, daily excected par ecai. SUicott, Ifxom New York, and for sale by . A. ifiL . aNEiV YORK, PHILA. k EOSTOX CARDS.! Mill K- lMH, t. . MYSW, JR. ' UMS1 A BHA N. (COMMISSION MFJU HAS IX. , ..' Nit. 11 Una SriuKT, Bokto. l:f nment of Xstal Stre, tVtUa, Lumber, a4 othr Sim'tera rolnr solicited Not. Itrt. lv M It. tu ctrrtN to ivmnrti Mttnnt itKui W1L1JAM STEEL, No. 24 North Front Street. 1 Phidl,.K., Pa., ; MAXUFACn'RKR OF LEATHER kr'J.TlXt). aJ 01 i r. ia VUTIUX aa4 WOLLKS if ACU l. EliY. illJt U 4 A'AN. Alu a.,U 1M r. I s.il H 1 r Avr hktai Ir li i uj 1 1 tf vi' iM tv,. I aiwrWir H ARX rS aow m hi. Ala Ageat rut til' M Kr l.T LNI, PACKING, BO Ae. July Jid lv. IT2 a. bollxsr. m. rvrrta J a. . cam tut t. , IMtM.KIC, lnrt KH A CU, COMMISSION ME1U.UANTS, Kw To at. ApTil 11, Kt.--l-ly. cvaramis, iatk. - man at u 1 iwraa. K ATK A fCVtiTKIt. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS f,w th sal 1 VI Atkm, A'u, .nrii Stone, and Km there Prvduc generally, No. 1IU N. Wlunrea, and 111 N. Water St.. PuikAtLrniA. February 2th 1 It j VAIMIIOI.K, Jit. t COMMISSION MERCHANT. J C.4toa, Spirit Turpentine, Kiaia, lumber, and South er Produe geaffally. 104 North Wharv, -tioo Atxk M t t, I'UILADBU-HIA. Proinpl personal atteutloa kItcd to all eoiviuiueiita, and (jukk r turn aiad. Cah orders solk'it4. Doe. 4th, IWH 71 IABBOM0. WATW.K, CUSTOM Ml ARB. WITmil Jk MKARES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J4 Burling Slip, New York. Especial atteutloa paid to the sale vl N 4 al Sroaaa, Cor ton, and Southern Produc generally. Libenal adtauce made oa consignment. JW I, '44 J. BABVIT CVCUBAX, W. . atWIIL. I tH IIKAC A U'RMKIJM (C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 12 North X Wharvea, and J North Water Street, PuiLAMBLrala. Lib rial caah advaaoe mal oa eousiguiaant. Jiilyioth, Ihj3 7 WANTED. WANTKIl, E -CXPEUIENCEDTURPEN IINK HANDS Foil YEAR Im;0. Apply to J AS. T. PET TEW AY X CO. November 4, 1W9-52 tf. OWNKH WANTED, 1,COR3tbb1s. I'ork, marked diamond II., received per ' Svlir. E. D. McCleuaban from lluliiuiore, Uth iu.-t. Stored and advertised at owner' ru-k sti.l expemu. Oct. 2i. T. t:. WORTH. KMI-1V IIAUM WANIKD. fE SIIOCLD be very much oblined, would Uie Pailies Tf who have borrowed HaKS of us. return them at ome. Oct. 27. JAAIK8 T. PEI'IEWAY A CO. w tvr.i. 1 .OttTY OR FIFTY SIIAKM of Wilmii.iitun aud Wcl- 1 1 A. I IJ IL:.....L I .1 i,i:. .. u.f.i ua.i iww c?iui a. App. afc u. UOt. 17. NKUROKl NkUROKa II-WANTED TO PUR ehase, eiubt or tea likely FIELD HANDS, from 10 in to M veara of sire. Any one bavins- such Nesroe to disuos ef, will liud a CAsll uurcfaawir by aiiiilviuK at J M. ROBINSON X SuN'b Hardware Store, Front Street Wliuiu gtoa, a. C (Attg. 1. IN-ttt.1 f KITS, CAPS AND I'JIUItliLHS. LHOIT AND HANDMOMK IS THE NEW STYLE ZOUAVE HAT, at the Em porium. MYERS X MOOKE. Nov. 2U( n EACH DKPARTMKNT OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN SOFT FELT, Moleskin, Cassimere, and Wool Hats, I now complete at the Hal and Cap Emporium, 14 Market Street. n ftov. ;it hi Mm MtlUKK. THE 7.01 AVE HAT, THB ZOUAVE HAT, THE CRICKET HAT, THE CRICKET IIA 1 1 .ENTIRELY new st vie of son black felt Hats, just re li ceived at th Hut X Cap Emporium, 14 Market st. Nov. 1J. MYERS X M011RE. I.TIPORTED ERKVtll KELT II AT. ANEW LOT of Bne French black felt Hats, jiwt receiv ed at the Uat X Cap Emporium, 34 Market ut. itov. 19. MYEllS X MOORE. ROY'S DRESS CAPSCLOTH ASD VELVET. NEW AND HANDSOME PATTERNS, at the Ha and Cap Emporium, 34 Market street. October 19. MYERS A MOORE. MIKS UEAVEIl f'LATM, NEW STYLES, at the Hat and Cup Emporium. n M1E1W MOORE. Oc tuber, Mli. INFANTS II ATS AND CAPS, NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS, at the Hat and t-4 Can Kinoorluni. 34 Market street. October 19th. MYERS X MOORE. MIStELLANtOl'S ADIKItilSKJIKMS. HI T! Kll AND CHEESE. C1IIOICE LOTS of above atticle rccoived today, per schr. L. P. Suiiih. For sale by L. B. HUGGINS A SONS. Nov. 17. S. E. Cor. Market X 2d sts. PROVISIONS, AC. f ESS PORK-LARD BUTTER i jJX. Cheese, MulleU, Bacon, Gunuy bagging, Rope and Twine ; Cotlue ol all kinds and Sugar ; liaisons, Candy Crackers Caudles, Soap, Ac. Just received itnd for sale by Nov. 9. .ENO H. GREENE. UN DRIES. fr BAGS RIO COFFEE) , , t)J I ft do. Lagusyra do) 40 bbls. MiKur-all grades ; 2 blids. do. bright Porto Rico ; 60 boxes Colgate' Mo. I and Pale Soap.; 1 j do. Kiugsford' Pearl Starch ; 15 bbls. pure Cider Vinegar ; 75 kegs N ails, all sizes ; 75 bags Shot ; Powder in kegs and canisters ; 2 boxes A damantine Candles ; 25 4o. Candy, aworted ; . 20 bbls. Sugar and Soda Crackers ; 5 boxes do. do ; Hardware and HoIIow-wsre ; Grindstones ; Saddlery,; Boot and Shoes, a general assortment. For sale by Uct. tub ALDERMAN X BETTEN COURT. PATENT ASPIIALTIC ROORINO PELT, A CHEAP, light, durable and perfectly FIRE AND WA TEti PROOF ROOFING, for Churches, Houses, Rail Road Depots, Farm Buildings, Ac. For particuiari and samples, apply to EDMISTON BROS,, 3 Uowltng Ureen, A. Y. 3Roofers may obtain county Agencies. UctlL 3-3m TO PLANTERS. RUODES' SIPER-PU05P1IATE OF LIME. nmi6 FERTILIZER HAS BEEN FREELY USED FOR JL the past two yean, in South Carolina and Virginia, and has been pronounced by those who have nsed it fully, equal to No. I Peruvian Guano. I am now receiving a cargo of this Taluable manure and am prepared to (ill orders. Plan ters should not fail to give it a trial. Pamphlet containing account of experiment mad by the most prominent plan tre ta boulA Caf uUu an4 Vtrgiuia, muy be had by apply, log to E. A. KEITH, OcL 16, 1859. Wilmington, M. C. i;' MULLETS. - 1 0f". BABBELS of good New Hirer Mallet, for sale by XjUJ HATHA WAY A Co. MEDICAL MtLVIIOHK I4MK HO'rtU IxHTnU JOHN. THE fiwrtiW vf th' V!errt4 ltit iti,.s -, th? m,kt tVltaia SfHrJ , aad ty effn'taal feHwJv. w tl, wurhl t ti'.et. Stra-t'irra, Seui'ru Wraia.. Vt m ta xt.r ' C.'Brttnwl Iwhtlity, Imtx.t. iw y, rVtu of the h ' aa-l l-jmt a, A1e t.' t tk khlueta, I'1ni..m. ml the Hrtrt. It "pep!. N, rv..u Irrtt aL.IiI jr. Pirn -e if the lled. ; Tkrit Noa Skia ; 4 all tho n n'u and '). t .)t i lhs.ikr artm fru !1 ihe lstnh-tiv kabiU tf Youth wkk fc (lriv l thl..lv and bkibJ. Tnt-n To,l Ury ttii itrr nn.r lalal tothew vW-ttnw ths th g if th SjrrrM to the Utru,ers l'lvr, H-l titi)C their ss-mt WJIiaat kpr irf anN ipstmna, reB.h-rtrtff irrtkT, A.-., mip.wMble. tR( Hm eeil!y, who have beeume th t tim uf Solitary Vie, thai dreajtul ao-l dtn, t r fcabtt, w kn k aanuaUy aweep so an autimety grav th.mnaaoa ! yimng anea W the Bi t salted UlehU and bnlli.ht mttlrt, whnili;ht ottterwtae harerntraneed lu-U-aia Senate with the thuader of aneaie. e waked to U. y th Uvmg lre, atay call with au c.mnaeor. Marrtft,. Marrwd Pem..n, .Mr,Y.ut MrBeuol. RipUtiiif Riarriac, being swat of Phyical Weakneaa, Orcatuv IVIillilT, Ivft mitiea, Ac.kh.mM twiuediately consult Dr ,J.,and be rek ed to perfect heAllh. lit wh plai-M hitn-lf Bti.I.-r the care f Dr. JohmxMimsy rellgluaal ronfl k- la his boar as g.ntl. mn, and roan dcutly rely poa hi kkill a a phyai-Ua. OrtfaMte WtthmM Immediately cnre.1, and full vIr.w ret.rte.. This diHea- kt the peaaHy bim rrei. nlly paidbythoae who have Iw.-ome th VH tims of liprM liMlulgowt-. Yoii .ri ar tu t to eotnaiit A.-wes from But b in; awar of th drradtut e.iii.ieacs that atay esaue. Now, who that bm.Ii raUn.U thasubjaet will ureteaJ to lrtiy Dial th power of Proervati.Mi la luat oer by th.w falling iat luipnt.r habits thaa by th prhlnt tkwtde leui deunv4 th pleasure uf healthy oltspruig, lb mnat aertoa and dsstrtH'lit syuipttm to both body and aiind aiM. The syktt-ra beouate 4rari(rd. th hyaiitl ami mental pwrs weakened, aerveo debility, dtsfpsia, palpitatioa of tli heart, indigestion, a wasting of thefraai, cough, symptom of consumption, etr, Ntrvsa DrMINr, Weaknea of th system, Nervua liel.ility ami premature decay cenerally artit from the I . ti active Imbit of youth, that solitary practic so ratal to tits heallhlnl e aUWiu id mibr, aud it i tli young who ar ai.mt apt to bevoiu Its Vk tnu, friuu aa (rioraBc of tlie dausns to wbu h U.ey subject theniselvea. Parents aud Guard una are oltea ana led with respect to the rau or source of disease in their aous sod watds. Alan ! how often do they as rile tu other causes the wsstlng of the frame, Palpitation of the Heart, Duprpsm, luiligestlon, d rriKi-meut of the Ncrvona Sy teio, Cooih, ami Symptom uf Consumption, also, thus r rioes mental eflects, such as loss of memory, depreiutloa of spliits, or p'nMar fits of nieUm holy, when tlie the truth b, tliey have been paused by Indulging In nerulcions but allur ing practices, destructlv to both Body and Mind. Tim r swept from exutteuce thousands who uukIiI have lcn of n to their country, a pleasure to then Ir lends aud orn menu to s.xilelv, tlrrua No. T Smim Fssnsici Sr., left hand lid going from Baltimore street, I doors from the comer. - Be particular iu observing the nam and number, or you will niMtak th plac. e Tak notk-e, observe tbe name on th door ami win doas. A tW UNirrdftfe'f, or ho VKtiry Af.nx, in from On U Tko iy. NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS IHillliS USED. Hit. JOIINMtX, Member of the lloyul Cullegs of Surgeons, Umdon, tir.idu ate from mm of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of wh Ills has been spent tn the first Hospitals uf London, Pans, Philadelphia, aud else where, has ellected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing In the head and ear when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, aud bashfulues, with fre.iueul bliodiiii, at tended sometime with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A Certain IMiraB. When the misguided and liuprudeut volar? of pleasure Onds he ha Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, It too oucn uappens mat an 111 ij ena .r aliauit). or ilres.l . discovary, deter him from applying to tins. who, from d ncatlon and respectability, can alone befriend lilm, dolaylng 1111 ins coiisiitutiouai symptoms or tins norrid dMease make their sppearanc, such as Bl erated sore throst, diseased nt, nocturnal pain, In th hesd and limbs, dimnes of sight, deafness, node ou th shla bone and arms, blotches 011 th head, fac and extremities, iirogresslug with fright ful rapidity, till a last th palate or the mnuih or tlie bone of Hie nose full In, and the victim of this swlul disease be comes horrid object of coiiniiisserslion, till death put a tieriod to his dreadful suHerinus by tending huu to "that tourne from whenc no traveler return." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledge himself to preserve the most In violable secresy, and from his extensive practice In the first hospitals in Europe and America, he can ronlldeutly recom mend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate victim ol this horrid diseaee, It Is a melancholy fact, that thousands full victims to th It dreadful disease, owing to the auskillfuln.iof Ignorant pre tenders, who, by tbe use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, and even send the nuiortuimte suftvr er to au untimely grave, or else make the residue of hi life miserable. Take Particular Noil.r. Dr. J, addresses all those who have injured themselves by private and imr..f Indulge... Tbes are souie of the Bad aud melancholy fleet pro duced by early habit of youth, vis ; Weakness ol the Back and Limbs, Pain iu the Head, Dunnes of Sight, Los ol Muscular Power, Palpitation of th Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Jfersngement of the Digestive Functions, Goueral Debility, f yniptums of Consumption, Ao. M sntallt The leailul diets upon iLe mind are much to be dreaded t Uf Memory, Contusion of Ideas. Depres sion of hitirlta, Evil Forebodniirs, Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, IO ve of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, ire some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all sges, can imw Judge what is the cause of their deelininu lieultli, Losinir their viifor. be coming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singulsr appear I the eves, conuli and symptom of consumption. iiao.i liivtAiwrallMK Kine.ljv fur l)r(Htlfl awe aiiout Dr. Job Mcnkl.rM. By this great and Important remedy, wcukiicH of the or gan are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. TIioiisruiIh of the moat nervou and debilitate.), who had lost all hope, have been relieved. All impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mm tiki Diaqualillcalioji, Nervou IrrlUbilily. f reitiiiliugs and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most Ivarlulkiud, speed ily cured by Dr. Johnson. toai.g Men, Who have Injured themselves by a ccrUiu praelice. In dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned liomevil companions, or at school -the etlects of wldeh are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders niarrlnge Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply tmmeuiaiciy. and the darling of his parent, should b snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of lire, by the coiwcijuchccs ol deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons, before oonleniplsting , Marriiige should reflect that a sound mind ami body are the most no cessary requisities to promote connubial hupplncss. Indeed, without these, tbe Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; tbe mind become shadowed with despair and lilled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another, be oorut's blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., iMlimore, Md. All Hi'moicai. Oprration PiaroaaxD. N. B Let bo false delicacy prevent you, but apply im mediately either personally or by letter. X1K BIHSAMI SPISDILT flSKD. T Stranger. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last twelve year, and the namerous Important surgical Op eration performed by Dr JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of our daily papers and msny other persona notice of which have again and again appeared before the public is a suHicient guarantee, that the afflicted will And a skill ful and honorable pbystciisft. Tak Notli . N. B.--There ar so many worthies Quacks advert isinc themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of tbe already afflicted, that W.Jotinson deems it necessary to say. espe cially to those unacquainted with his reputatioff, that nil credential or diplomas aiwsys nang in nu omc. TAKE NOTICE. All letter most b post-Daid. and con tain a postage stamp forth reply, or no answer will be ent May 27th, 1859 JM-ly jl3JAN.EN'S SMCT AND SCREENINU MACHINE. ULP0RTAJST TO MILLEia rrXUa UNDERSIGNED having been appointed Rgont for X the ale of the above Machine, are now prepared tofur nhtb them to mill owner and other. . FIFTEEN HUNDRED of these machine! ire now running ta North Carolina, all of which have given the most entire satisfaction, both for durability and performance. ,10 hub x 1, in. n, h .ttrihnLri the hieh position North Carolina 1. t.k.n i it,, nn.iii, nf her Hour. s she can now compete with the wor:d.lo the parity of the article and the richness Ol lti aaultVa &.6D 0'n-im'j vu o ivi wow mj m q V glOJJlII OLDHAM. AgetU. FOR S1LE AND TO LET. V tl t tllt.K BK AL EtTtTR XH SALE. fllllE AI.l'Aia K I'KOl'EilTY copnmg abuut it re 1 fHl irJ Biil.liinf Lot. Situated at U .c.lii,if t'.'..-sti .a ,f lUrnett aud Fourth f-trtrt, Nona l ue lia.l.ua I, M foraserly oe I by Mr. Wiiusm H. Laayeytw, hereby ,.ft-rij f, !. Then I Wt'd ktt.it two Wry iru. a th premie, contaitiing eva large and fc 4a piteUed ri. p.jrtioa ef whu h ha be a reaLy aJi4, a... tl. UW Hu . m,u p41at,j Mj MirJ, ,.,J ,B tg. eel . t e.lato Aba Uro aoubl kttch. a kiabl sal Ier4 llo, UJ Bt ,Kl Uoom a4 a moat XC1- h nt wrlioi w,ter. Th aiKho..th.4.a gd one, aaJ Ijebs-BLo. healthy. 4 It ah.gUiy eMrai,i reaaiaac. l. a larse family. Th proasrrty Vaa U f.ir, hisrd at a low prlc. a ertJll ul ui aad iwoytar. For fartksH trUcUra prlr t Nov. .Hi. tJ tf HEAL EhTATK M)K B41.K. I M PROVED AND ISIMPKOVKD LOTS, desirable and I health v location. Apply ta Nov. l.ah. JAS. T. TETTEWAY A CO. UK IL ESTATK W SALE. ' AH TH AT I'ESIUA MLB RIPFTB on Nan, between jTJ ! and Second tUeeta, at present occupied ky Mr. II.Mise aud l.ol OraniiP, bat ween 3d and 4th at re la. al prt-sral occupied by Ak i. Oldham, Esq. a not a.i.i 1 .01 a tin, tM-iweea No and (Titirch street. as I miHievliateiy rastof Ma Street Methodist! hurea, A desirabht Muutuer liemdeaeo oa WrihUvitle Sound. The aUuve ptopi ti; ii; be ld oa accumrmHlaUng term. Apply t CHAfi. D. kills. O. t. 2H. 4, Tt HKNT. v " a THE IHilK AND LOT oa th Corner of Froatd lH k Htrtn U, Tk House contains sixteeB room, all IH sTIlAksl JPalat Sua Sir. BklsLsa lhaa al i.,u... 1'.. 4- A.- t mm v www MI VVT , UlBj BfJ Bf v opportunity oft u.l)!iijf xm UrmuJ fur a Bri oUm bowd ti-X lunnm iulht Kor term, tppt? i l b.Lf liter's TfTrt Aft Oltic 0ipuit the Court Uouse. otf svuWMVial VVIL1H? Nov. 2d. f IVI AT V ALIJA1II.K IIOUrK AND LOT, itnt4 Bpoa J ( henuul street, sdjiiimiig th rvsideac of p, K. Dk k- , liinn, K.s , r.rtween rruiit and Second streets, lately occ pi. .l ty Dr. P. M. Walker. Lot t7 by . HoiM cout mis seven Roonia, I'stitrv and Bath Roota, Kit. hen, Wash Huns, three Servant' Room, MaU, Cae- ti; House, 1'oal aad Wootl ll.Hisrs, CisU ra of good Water ' -- li.O bl.ls - tiardeu spot, Ac. Terms accouinKHlatlng. For pattleulars, apply to D, PlltOTT, Nov. 4, Im'j. ..a U Broker X Auctioneer. KlllltLK lilt HK1T. THE SUHSCHIIIEU ofli-ra for sal th DO IMS and LOT on Front atreet, at presenl eccnpied by W. W0- ' sou, .. lenus niao to suit tiurcuasera. U BOt , sold soou, will li reutcd for one year. Apply to, 4. WESHF.L 30 tf Oct. 17th, lHo9. HH HE NT. OFFICE No. 1, FIRST FLOOR NEW "JOURNAL Building," 011 I'rincesa hi reel. Possession gives 6rt " of October next. Her ar two Room th on la front iii x 10 l et, the back Room la x 20 feet, with a loet. two window, a ba. k dmir, a privy, a good grate aad prlvl- lei'.' ol a well of water iu the back yard. Sept. 21, l-v.'J. 'OU IIENT. " riMIK WIlAllf an.lslied near th Cape Fear Fbmr Mill, lormeily occupied by Ja. T. Peltnwiy. App piy to Sept. ill. S10H.U.Y A OLDHAM. KOU RENT. CtlMFORTAIILK DWELLING HOUSES oa mwo 1 Froi rout slieet, diieclly East of Clinton Mills. Pos session given 1st October. C. U. DUDLEY. Sept. 11.- if srllerald eopy. Lt MUIi.lt KOU SALE. . I i ilM XW All l ERED Fl ouuwa tioa-rum ye u 1 r.nr,u r 1 hsmji ti 20 fuel long, all hesrt and free of mm r,rjj n Hi wind shakes by JAMhri 1. rr;rxjtrrAr co. Oct. 1. 1 MU SALE, RO Ml ALL III ILDINU lrTSrsr- aniin u ' . ' , vv . ... v i If ...V", rttHr.a ess be accommodated with rlieap Lots. In the North end of ,; the Town, on application to the subscriber, A plan of the property may be sevu at tli Furniture Store, No. 10 Frout stitet. JOHN D. LOVI. AiiKUt II, 1V! 2nH tf. TO HKNT. FOR ONE YEAR from 1st October, s pleasantly situated dwelling near the corner of Second A Orange v Streets. Apply to UEDRlCoi A RYAN. . August 2d, 1W.'J. 3s(), Ft III RENT, FROM THE 1st OFOClOBEilNBXT.thsTIooR) ' and Lot ou Front street, known a Gov. Dudley's late residence. Al'Ply to ugust I, Mr-27Utf JOHN A. PARKER. - A I.AIIUK AND VERY EINH ASSORTMENT Of ii. PAPER HANGINGS AND DECORATING PAPER will be sold at the lowest II g tires, at C, POLVOGT'H, July 1.1. Next door to Llppltt'e Drng Ktore. JJA'IENT MaitlTO EH A DIES, (canopy style,) fa . eluding the Nuts, sis for aale by tlie uoderslgned j they aie line and practical, and although they are nietalio, they ' " do not attract H;hstiiiig, being covered with a aoo-eowliio-tof. ('. P0LYOGT, July l lih Next door to Lippiti'i Drug Store. , KOU RALE. WELL-KNOWN STEAMER HENRI Ungth 120 feet, breadth 20 feet, hold -WH - .. .... I Eil is. I lee I s measure lui tons, iiigu Treasure J cylinder noil- orn. jUttcuim-ry 1 11 gocu woraiug nrucr, uiieu up accoruing to tin: l'asncnger Lkw riiquirciuuuU. Also, hit attached A Woi tliington Moriii Pump, aud apparatus for wrecking pm poses. Will be mid low and on eaey terms. Apply t. HARitiHs x Howell. June Z.d.-247 tf. (Herald eopy.J ' KOIl NaLK. 1 . , , 4 NO. 1 FLAT, newly repaired ; length Hi feet, widtA i V. ii.J feet ; 3..0 bbls, capacity. A Duly to auk. a 24 tf. D. H Al.fa, EX I'll A Ul'ALITY KAMILY KIOKH." ' 1IARRELH EXTRA 0UALITY FAMILY FLOUR, to aiiive this day, pur ateauier Flora McDonald. 50 Nov. 1.'.. T. C. X B. U. WORTH. NOIITII CAItOLIN A. CASSIMERES. 4 1,1. QUALITIES and color. For sole by -. iV. Nov. loth, IWU. J. 8. WILLIAMS. lot I IIV KINK' DRESS CAPr"" ' " " ANEW and hnudsonis assortment Just opened al 34 Mar 1 ket st. MYERS X MOORE, .Nuv. 19. Hat A Cap Emporium. 71 W I liA(i's Iil0' L"t("'r and Java CoBee ; - swUvy 1"0 bills. Crushed aud CohYe Sugar ; 75 do. New York City Mew Porkf f.-" 100 boxes New Yorti btat Cheese J . -. 10 kege do. do. Butter ; 2ixi bags Shot; Powder ia kegi of all ilzei tod Tis Canisters; - . , iO bo,cs assorted Candy ; 2isi do. Adsuiantlne and Bpernt QaBtUoa . 20 bbls. Pur Cider Vinegar; loo doz. Andrew' Y'eaat Powden, at N. T. eoit Just received aud for sale by Nov.2li. ZENO EL GREENE. OCEAN STEAMSHIP NAVIGATION COMPANY. AT A MEETING OF THE COMMISSION- -cftos ' EiiS of the " Cape Fear and Ocean Steaa g? ' Navigation Company," it wa t . t lUMjlwd, That Books for iubsCriptlomi to the Capital Stock of the above Company be opened la the towa 01 wu. f miugtuu, and continue open for thirty day front thi ca.e, under the direction of Jno. J. Uedrick, Wm. R. Utiey tad A. A.cLcan. ' In pursuance of the above Resolution, we have opened Hooka and will wait upon the "'""jj1 kdiOcUOU8 ' ! -1 W'M.R.'UTLEY, ' - . 1 A. MoLEAN, Committee. , WilmiuKl N. C, Oct. 4th, 1859 25-tf ' CANDLES CANDLES., . i BOXES ADAMANTINE, various grades; I4U 10 " Tallow. Juat received and for aale by Nov. 2d. , T. M. McKOY As CO. J 1ST OPENED. , , A LARGS and iplendid assorUnent of Window Fhatfea, For aale by ...... . r . C. POLVOGT, Nov. 10th CnmfiT Front and Princes sfa. ... ' CHEMICALS. THOMAS ANDREWS X CO.'fl ceieDratea w-dcr-acknowledgcd to be tbe best bow Id nse Carbon- . i.iV iv.m Trir. 4o. For sale DJ .1. . , vTb. HUUOIN8 EONS Mot. 3. a. & Cwa UuM aad li it - Dept. 14. AQT.li,lW9.

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