J f t u f ----- 'i i. :i r , jf" J VOL. 9. NO. 81. WILMINGTON, N C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1859. WHOLE NUMBER 2,543 BY FTLTO 4k PRICE, PROPRIETORS. JA. FtTTOX. EiUj A. L. F&XE. Associate Editor. Piper, or year, invariably is aJaac t Weekly - - - - " " tU Aii Wun o baaineas eoajsected with the oS , BJJt be '-jmt& to U pfopiur. RATES Of ADVERTlSlX;. l u.r SgTAIS. Om day Tw day........., lure dil. Poor day F1v Ow ,,. Tw weeks Om moats... . Twmoataa. ...... Three saaaiha...... tux Boa.Ua.. t n a w S M A M S M Or. 4y Tw dais Three dijv. Foar dsy Fit dart Om Wrk Twa week Dm month........ i 50 15 .. I W .. i a .. l w .. i w .. 4 .. i w ..19 00 uo ..30 00 ! months.... Tare nooU. . . Six Ou year U 00 UH year Tea Una ar touted a Un, and. iv ha o Irn a k-l lttr. Locfer advertisement la provortH, u4 aii pevebk la advene. Wkfl tot paid la uriKt U Cnta per amiaj w 01 charged after tb firt insertion. A-Ali aaU-aqaar aot pud fur ia advene will charg -4 m a eqaar. jr Advertisements Inserted at Special or Bishop Notices ar charged oaw-half mora thaa abev rate igkt Use (Waded ) or Wat eounted aa a square. AArfUHaMBta Inserted every other day ara charged 37, crata per eqaar fur aaca huartiua aflar taa IraC WSo vablK-atiuB auda without a raapoaaibla aaaa. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. UH11 B. FRAMBRRT, DRUGGIST AND FBACTICAL FH4RMACEDTIST, WlLMIHOTOM, N. a ' keepa eooatantlr oa kaad, aelert atork 04 Ih'J, Ud-ii-xwt, Ikmettvf uuil i'wvjan Ckem-l toj m4 Tyiia rtuittt, M int ji livn for JMuxtf i"ryow, CHyam, dtc. .1'anK.ular atUntioa paid tj raKacaimmia, Family EMlfCM, Vincim CUMTH. c. aMor uiuBcdiateljr anjvf Ua " Caruhoa Hubrl. July U, IV.!. !fi-tt U. C. W. J. Ml'ftRO. (COMMISSION M KUCHA NTS aad WHOLESALE GB0 J CEUS, No. 11 Nurta Water Htreet. JUD 16, 185J. , WlHHHTOH,N. C. OMVKU KICLLET, XTTHOLK8AI.E ANI RETAIL DEALERS IN CROCK- Elt3 AND PUOVISlONti, So. 11 Sm lh Water ftrert, Dee. K, IK. WqiirogTow, N. C t. a. win mclai-un! SMITH k McLAl nil, COdMISSlON AND FORWAHDINU MERCHANTS, WaaworuN, N. C. airia to John Diwsom, Eaq., Mayor. E. P. Hall, Kq., rreaident Branch Bauk SUt N. C. July Ut, ls6 'i5o tf UKHOKHKT, BKOUI i UU, 1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, yj wllmin(;ton . c. Jan. Ut, tf. KI.Lia A BU Till AC Lis DEALERS IN GRAIN, WlLMlNUTOW, N. C. Keep Constantly on hind Corn, ream Oata, Hay, Meal, Homoav, Braa, Hora and Cow Feed, Oil Meal Ac. Id arch ULQ, IHM. IIK!1RV P. RlBSKLls GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, lit Eaw Bat. (Ur HTtrna.) CHARLESTON, H. C. March 17th, 1858. Ittl-tf T. II. M. KOV CO., ROGERS AND COMMLSHION MERCHANTS, Booth VI Water atreet, Wilminotom, N. U. Aog. J3d, 1H58. . 297 II. B. BILRRS, "ItTHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER V CU ANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL HT0RK8, comer Water and Market itreeU, WUmlngton, N. C. April Id, 1H48. lit, iTOIUT. ALU. OLDBAJI. TUKLEV A OLDHAM, (1 R0CEU8 AND COMMISBION MERCHANTS, AND T DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC Wilmington, N. C. BirMmca. Col. John McRai, President of the Bank of Wilmington. O. G. Pabsut, Esq., President of the Commercial Bank. K. WVRRAY COn (Saeewaora ta M array A Peaeotk,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WUOLESALR GROCERS, WATKH STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. R. KIRBAT. 0. B, MCBCHIaOH. i. T. MURBAT. February 1, 1H59. i34-', D. A. LAMGNT. tlOMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 38 North Water street J Oct, 11 31U Wilmwotom, If . C. UNION DISTILLKRY. WILMINGTON, N. C , i. E. 0AKELT, iYoprVrrewt, VakBOKKELEN A BR0., Agents. ALL KINDS OF RATAL ST0REH pirchased, manafao lured and sold - -Wharfage aad Storage fomlabd, and Uooperag dona at (air rates. Jan 1st, 1847 Ultf. J. M. ROBIK80N A M)NH Wilminotom, N. C. IMrOUTEIiS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dea leret In Hardware, Cttltery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricul tural Implement, Ao. - VVM. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PBODUCE BROKER, Sept. ao. 1S&4 13 tf) WiLniNOTUN, N. C ADAN8, BROTHER A CO C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Wilmington, N. C. DAVIS A CO., ' C10MMISSION MERCHANTS, Sootb Water Street, WlLMlNTON, N.O. 1. L. BATBAWAT. WM. B. DTLIT, HATHAWAY A COM t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ) WlLMINTON, R. ft - ,m WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MRKCH ANTS, j Wilmington, N. C. March 11, 1857 168- ly JAMMAJtDIJUOX, ' 1DWABB SATAGI. AWDRRSON A SAVAGE, 1 EXEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VI Wilmington, N. C. Lfberial oaah adrancet made on congignmenta. WILLARD A CXRTIS. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, I AND DEALERS IN GRAIN. No. 10 South Watib Stbiiw, Jan. 13th. Wilmington, N. C. j a as o. aaura. milbs ooam. jAi. C. SMTTIl A CO., C10MMISS10N MERCHANTS, office second story, corner t South Water and Market street, Wilmington, N. 0., where they are prepared to attend to all bouneai is the ommiasion line. All basiceas entrusted to them will be punctually attend odto. W. H. BleRARY A CO t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princes and Water J streets, Wilmington, N. C. - BiriHSNClSi H. B. Savage, Cashier Bank Care Fear, Wilmington, N. C. Col. John McRae, Pres't Bank Wilmington, do. , do. D. A. Daria, Cashier Branch B'k Cap Fear, Salisborr, do. J. G. Lash, " " " " " Salem, do. J. KliGregp,Prwidentof Bank Cheraw, 8. C. Oct 17 - WALKER MKARK8, (Snnfleaaor to Walker Meares Co.,1 XV THOIALK AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, ' f HARRISS A HOWKLL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GK0B8S HAjntlM, ' A. I. MOWIU, v. M-AAUBS, OcUlst, 1898 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. B. P. aBnJTO. SrJ5f7O.V DEST1ST, ir AVINQ l EUMANKSTLT SETTLED IX 1HUHX0. TOX, reBifjr UaJr as rvfioaaI ai-icaa ta Ik public. DSk aid midrara oa atartrt atrart. mi aor Wert af tfce Caro!a Hotel, bailJaa (OraMrlr acrBjid y J. O. Wrigat, Eo. aitnuTU5i noise. I7KOXT 8TKErrr 1 WllMUMTOH, N. C Mux A. r. LCTAS, Paorairraasa. Taa patroaaga ut parMaeat aad trmaw l aeardara ra peetfuny Ucttd. MaaJa furaae4 wiiaoat reaM. Tema reMaoaoia, and aery tffurt siada to gr aatwfae- N. ink, 159 ' ? tf J. H. ROTHWKLL, t EX ERA L COLLECriXU AGENT. T WllMlHOTO. S. C, Will attead proaipt'r ta tha eoHae'ioa ol all Aceaaata, Xutea, Ae , aatrutted ta kia rare, fur a raaauaabl rwii aiua ; and aill attead all Court ia taa adjoiaiig CoeatM lor tkat parpnaa. Ha alaaeoetiaaea tb Agaw-y fur th aata of Bookt, N'ava papera, I'criodioala. Ac. November 14, lS6-e0-tf. iouM . uiin, o. a. vaaaauiuH. OWK1 TARBRmcit. COMMISSION AND FORWARDIXU MERCHANTS, Mortk Water rtraat, Wilauactoa. N. C. Aa"Uberal eaak atlvaacaa avtda oa eoaaiguateala af coa try prod . Sot. Mil, 159 Sa ly REMOVAL. P. HE1NSBERGER, BOOR-BINDER. f ilit TAKES THIS Method to Inform his customer jet J 7 BBd persoM ia want of work of aay deaorlp "MniV t,on m Bl Di, thai he has re mo red hie himk-ry and hulnf astabliahmeat to the KaarneBt of the at "Journal HuMxh?" o rrtma htreet, where he will a pleased to racei order for every aWriptioa a Binding or RuliBff, Ae., Ae. ' Thankful for peat fsrora, ha hope to cootiRtM t reoeiy liberal patronage as heretotor. Oct ilat, 1S6. B. ft. V KT, A UCTIOXEilR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, XX WlLMUiUTON, N. C, Will sell, at priraUsal. Cbttm. A'utxU Nor, and all kind of produce, at a small rummuuw ; Also, Bauk Stock at , Ipereaot Had Road Stock I per cent Real Estate 1 per cent Negroes , 1 per eent Direct importation, Cargo Sale 1 per cent BsniH To the citisens of Wilmington gentrally. October jll, lHA9-40-tf C. C. RIIODKS), STALL NO. 3, MARKET HOUSE, KEEPS CONSANTLT ON HAND, CHOICE VECTTA BLKS of rry dearHntioB-A'fl ASD B WIKT potato as, oxkkx asjj irikd apples am PEACHES, SAUSAGES. EH US ASD POULTRY, FUESll SORFOLK OYSTERS. Oct. S, im. Jo-ly L. B. Ill'UUISIS A BOWS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES A GENERAL MEHCHAN diM, S. E. Cora. Market and Second Streeta, Wilmington, N. C. "0rders from our friend will receive prompt attention. Oct 10, lHj'J. ItOBT U.rOWAK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. "Office, Sooth Corner Market and Water Street op stairs. Oot. i, 1H69 J6 tf KDWIH A. KKITIl. C OM MISSION MERCHANT, Ucl. I, 1H6. WILBtNGTON, N. V. JAS. T. PKTTKWAY A CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Notkn Watib btrrrt, Wilmington, N. C. Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, also, order for Groceres, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ao. Rkbb to John Dawson, Esq., O. G. Pabslbt, President Commercial Bank, Geo. Davis, Eihj. jam. r. rrrriwAT. boom moou. October 1st, 159. CB AS. D. MTXBN. FBBD. i. MOOBB. MYERS A MOORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL diai.iiww HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS. FURS, RIDISG DATS, UM U HELLAS, VASES, tt'., tC, 34 Market street, Wilminoton, N. C. We are prepared to offtr to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducement, and respectfully solicit aa lamination of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trsde. Oor Goods are purchased direct from manufacturer. We pay no mmd vrojti, and are willing, and rnn seil a$ Jot aa any Jobbing Hour in the United Slates. We era desirous of sending our Goods to every section of North Carolina, and will use every exertion to please all who may favor ns with tbelr orders. September 3, IH69. HIGH GRAHAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. t vOfflce adjoining Lotterloh Wharf, North Water Street Sept. 'iti, 1869 lH-3m LAW NOTICE. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, on door East of Dr. Dickson'. Sept id, lttiO. 308-tf THOMAS W. BROWN, JR., ATT0RXEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THB UNITED STATES IN AND FOR XliE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office first floor, 2d door new JoubnaA Bclding, Wilmington, June Mth, 1H60. - " J47 tf UK. J. A. MILLER, lBONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESR3. MILLER A BA J? K tlt'S LAW OFFICE, Wilmington, N.U. . OctJUth, 1867 38-tf W. W. DAVIS, M. D 1 OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT izans of Wilmingtoa. Office U door below Holmes' Hotel, Front Street June t. ' 131-tf edward Mcpherson. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. August 8th, 1859. 285-tf A. E. MALL, IjCOR WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 Lutterloh'i Wharf, Wilmington, N. C. July 80th, 1869. ' 278-ly ALDERMAN A BETTENCOIRT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, No. 32 Nokth Watbb StrbbY. - wJLOrders for Goods accompanied by tb cash, or from punctual customer solicited, and will receive prompt and faithful attention. I July Jo, 18o9. ' MARIS E RAILWAY. 1CHE SUBSCRIBER having purchased th CAPB FEAR . MARINE RAILWAY, (tormerly th property of B. W. Beery,) is prepared to build or repair Veaaela. Faithful work at fair prices promised. Orders solicited. '. MICHAEL BOBBINS. Reference 0. G.,Faraley, Kidder A Martin, J. A D. McRae A Co., UarrUsA Howell, J. U. Flanner. April 38th, 1869 199-ly " ' W. IL MARKS A CO.," (gOCCBSSOBi TO L. A. BABT.) - MANTJ FACT UEERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, LANTERNS, TIN and SHEET-IRON W AttES, 19 Front street, Wilmington, N.C. W. H. MARKS. A. . Miff. Wilmington, N. C, May 9th, 1869 208-ly. It VERY BTYLK OF SOFT CELT IliTi ' LEDGER, - tr . . f-.- CBICKETT, , ., , Z0UATE, " ' HARPER'S FERBY, And all the new styles, Bt the Hat and Cap Emprium, 34 Market street MIEiia A MOOBal. . NEW YORK, PIIILi, k EOSTOmRDS.! fcHirK , KaKV -ITTHOI FStlE I KAUUS LX VAXktC NOTIOXS A , 1 liXiU.VUEY. - 1 M) M ima rit S.w Hk, HwiTGairrra. i m. H. At at, i ' N. U.liw. alj j JO"C B. LOMIWN, M)DOM A BKYAV . B. SSI AN, J. COMMISSION MUtCHAXTH. o- SI U4A Pratrr, Borrun. Cooainmets of Naval Korea, Cottwa, Laaaber, aa4 athr -a'brr Pro.hr aoJiciWd. Nae. lt 1M. Mir. Til CtrTTOW A WOOL. H tNt r ilVl HkCliZ WILUAM STFEL, N. U Nonli Frot Strert " ' I1iil.l!thi, Fa., "1 f" ANUFAtTl'RKR OF LEATHER BKLT1NU, aad da) ller ia CoriO.V aad WOLLEX MACUIXEKY. VYB WAKES. 4c. Ala sole Agvel f.r J. SeatMfl a & t EST METALIC fTJfaad CLaP UEDPLE. TUa a .. aopara H A R ESS aw la aa. Also Agent for GUM BtLT LXO, PACKiXU, HOSK, Ae. JalyUdlfi. 171 fa. I. BOUJISB. . romi JB. J. CiNtKIIN. nOLLNKR, POTTIlH t CtOMMUShlON MEKCUAXTS, f New You. Aprfl It, RIB.-! ly. CLABBNCa . BATB. IBNB1 L. roMTt. KATKB A rOTK, GENERAL COM MLSHIOX MERCHANT f the sale of Cutkm, Am, Muiti Storm, aad rtoataerw ProdtK geaeraUy, K. 11U N. Waarraa, aad 111 N. Water St., PHILAMl.raiA. February lath IMS. 'f uko. o. VAXAMtmch:. jit7 tCOMMTSSlOX MERCHANT. J tttoa, Sptrita TurpMtin, Roain, Luoiter, and South ara ProdBo geaaraUy. 104 North Wharvea, Aln Ari-k iitrxM, I'm iLAUii.ru i a. ProBipt persooal atUmtioa girea to all roiunguisnta, aad euick rwiurn mad, taah erder aultcited. Oeo. 4th, 7 j BAABON 0. WATSON, ASTON BIAKJ. WATSOI A MK ARK. C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 34 BurlUig Slip, New York. Mpecial atteutioa paid to the sale ut Natal Sroaaa, Cut ton, and Souther Produce generally. Liberial adraneea Mad oa eoasigmnenta. Ju'y 1, 'it 1. BABTBT 0WCBBAN, W. a. BVKMBL. 1K IIUA" A tl'MRLL. (1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North VT Wharra, and 61 North Water Street PniLAMLraiA. arlJberial cash advance aiade on eonaignBienta. JalyWth,lN6 17v WANTED. WA.M1B.D, TC 2L PER I EN CED TL'IU'EX fl.V K HANDS FOR Y EA K 1m.(. Apply to JAS. T. PbTIEWAY A CO. November 4, 1M9-11 tf. OWNH.U UAriLI), jCOR 31 lb s. Pork, marked diamond II., received per Schr. K. D. MvCienahaa from Ualtimure. llh iuat Stored and advertised at owner's risk aud expt'nao. Oct W. T. f. WORTH. ACMnY BAUB WAM1KU. WK SHOULD he very much obliged, would the Parties who hav boirowsd Bags of ua. return tbuui at ouc. Oct tl. , JAMES T. l'hllhWAV A CQ. WANTB.D. li"ORTY OR FIFTY SHARKS of Wilmington aud Wl X aon ttau uoaa mock. Apply hi this unit. Oct 17. 36 XTACGROKBI NEUROE II WANTED TO PUR Id chase, eight or tea likely FIELD HANDS, from in to W year ol g. Any on having such Nraroes to dispoae f, will hud a CASH purvbaaer by applying m 4 M. KUUINSON A boN'S Hardware Store, rout Mreet wumitgton, . j. (Aug. 1U, l(toj.if DATS, im AND UlllMELUS. LIUIIT AltD IIAXDMOMU IS THE NEW STILE ZOUAVE HAT, at the 1m porluin. MYEiLs A MOOtiE. Not. 'ilst n EACH DEPARTMENT OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN SOFT FELT. II Moleakiu, Caaaimere, and Wool Hals, is now coaipleUt eV-i at the Uat and Cap hmporium, 34 Market Mreet. auv.llst M1ERS A MOO UK. TUB ZOUAVE HAT, THE ZOUAVE UAT, THE CRICKET II AT, TUB CRICKET UAT. 1. ENTIRELY new styles of soft black felt Hats, jitai re li csived at the llat A Cap Emporium, ii Market sU Nov. 19. MYERS A MOORE. - IMPORTED B'RENtll KELT HAT. A NEW LOT or One French black lelt Uata, just roir ;1l ed at th Hat A Cap Emporium, 34 Market at. ftov. 19. MYERS A MOORK. BOY DUES) CAPS CLOTH AND VELVET. MEW AND HANDSOME PATTERNS, at the Ha aad Cap lunpuriiuu, U Market atreet. October 19. iViYr.KS A MOORE. MMMES WEAVKU KLATN, NEW STYLES, at th Hat and Cap Emporium. r Mifcits t MOORH. October 19th. n ICKA.MT'S HATS ANO CAI, NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS, at the llat and Cap Emporium, U Maiket street. Uutour 19th. MYERS A MOORE. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. .- BUPlEll AND CUKKIKi CHOICE LOIS of above articles received to day, pet j soar. u. r. biuiiu. r or sai ny L. It BUGGINS A 80N9, Nov. 17. ; .' ' E. Cor. M arket A 3d U. at. OKIES, fTi a BAGS RIO COFFEE; Otl io do. Laguayra do; , . 40 bbia. euar all grades ; Ihbds. do. bright Porto Rloo; 60 boxes Colgate's mo. I and Pais Soap j 15 do. Kiugaford's Pearl March ; 16 bbla. pure Cider Vinegar 'u 76 kegs A ails, ah sixes ; 76 bags Shot Powder in kegs and canisters ; 2 Boxes A dautanliu Caudles ; 'U do. Candy, aaaorted ; 4 H) bbla. Sugar aod Soda Crackers; , i 6 boxes do. do ; Hardwar and Hollow-war; Grindnton ; baddlery,; Boot and Shoe, a general assortmeut Fur sal by Oct. Bill ALDERMAN A BE11EN COURT. PATENT ASl'HALTIC ROOKINU KELT, A CHEAP, light, durable and perfectly FIRE AND WA TEH PROOF ROOFING, for Churches, Houses, Rail Road Depot, Farm Buildings, Ao. For parucuiars and samples, apply to fcDMlSTON BROS., 3 Bowling Green, N. Y. , noofers may obtain county Agencies. ' Out. 17. 36-3m TO PLANTERS. RIIODES' SUPER-PliOSPilATE OF LIAIE. f IIS W FERTILIZER HAS BEEN FREELY USED FOR X th paM two years, in South Carolina and Virginia, and ha been pronounced by those who hav used it fully, equai to No. 1 Peruvian Guano. 1 am bow receiving a cargo of this valuable manur and am prepared to Oil order. Plan ters should sot fail to give it a trial. Pamphlets containing accooat of experiments made by tb most prominent plan ters ia South Carolina and Virginia, may b had by apply tag E. A. KEITH, Oct. 16, 1869. ' WUmlngton, M. ft i a . maTV'T B s7rrM. m BARRELS 0 good New Rirer Mulleto, for rlby . v iUIlUWAIACo. MEDICIL MALI I MOKE UNM ll.nTAU UKTOt JOHX-)X. t h E ftwaoVr w Ibia (traJ lam rtutiua tba wtratt (Vruia Sdv, aad obIv t!Twtul rvaiif, la the wn HJ f. -!-t, Kru-tar . Sewnal Pain ta th Lniaa, o! ibiMM Iwbilitv. Imitatrnrv, Weakaaaf th Ha k aid Uipt a, A9 tftui uf th Kkiavya, PaipttatWDa ta lla.-t. Dvapvpaa. Nervous lmuli.ay, Dawawl of U H4, Throat. Xi.w or Kkia ; aa I all tha noua aad BMtearMoiy lh4r ar:nf frMia all thu Ismutm-Ut hatwta of Yawl whit k dwtrtiy h- th body aad Blind. TasaasavT aad anli Ury prarlx- ir aul toUeir vH-tiai thaa the song af ta SirrV ta lk Maribora I'lwa, blrliBg their Bloat brilliaat at aatR-tpattoK. rn.rtnr marriage, ic, unpoaaibl. xnt BlMa eapeviaJly, wka ksv Wn th vktlm of Sulltary Ttr, that dnwdful and dru tn habit, wkn k aanuallv swr to aa antinwly grav thnaaata of yoang bifb of th Boat ttaiud taurata aad hrlliaM kitfiieci, who Bvrfct eUwrvM have aatrasMied awLtaaur rat whh th thaadar i ('ira, , or waked to tay l BTtag Ijr, Riay tail with au roaaadai'. Marr-I I Via., ar,YoRff Mearoateniplatint aiarrlag, ik ar i in r ai teas a, Onraaic Ibttrt, Pr- m'tia, it., ahimi j immediately oall lr . J.ad he rvator d to perfect heitk. H wb pla htinarlf B)r th ear of Dr. JolnaoB ma rligWalv eeofld la km kooor as a genilemaa, aad eoao- nuliy raiy poa ia akul aa a fikraciaa. tkraW HMkawa laimedUttely cured, aad full vir reatorvd. Tkla 4mm4 la th penatty' moat frequently paid by thoa whahav b rnaaeth vi-tiiaa of tmprupor Imlulsrace.-. Y imui peraoaa are ton apt t Naailormii from sot lug avar of the draadiul eunaeaaaaraa that Bur alma. Now, who that au tfraUBila thaubkH-t will erstead to ey that th power nf Procreation I lost sonaer by thM falling tat iBipropee aablta thaa hv th prudent. Deside belnf deprived th pWaaur of aallhy oOkprln:, th aneat serious aud destructiv symptoma to both body aad miaj aria Th srteia beoimifS deranged, th physival aad areata! power weakened, aervoo debility, dl apiia, palpilaUoa ua iu wui, uraiRi-MHiB, a waning 01 tu rranie, coagn, syuipum of CojisajrpttoB, te. Nervao IMMIII. We atsf 1 of the syatent, Nirroo Kdiility and premature de-ey gwierally aria from the Instructive habit of youth, that solitary pnu tK a fatal to th healthrul exUtcuc of wiaa, aad it M th young wk ar atait apt to boeom Its vm. tiius, from aa iguorauo of th dDrr to which they subject themselves. I'arftiU and liuardiaiis ar oflea Mila led with reepect to th reus or sourc of duwaa ia their eons aud warda. Alas I knw often do tbey ascribe to other causes th westm of th fram, Palpitatloa of th Heart, Dvapep.ia, ludigvstioit, dcrasfemral of th Nrvii Srw trill, Cvuah, Slid Kvmptom of CvBuuiBiitiuiv ahw. thoa a. riooa meuUl sflccU, stich as Ion of moutory, detireaaioa of pinia, or peculiar oi or meiancnoty, wrb in in truth la, they have heaa eauaed hy Indulging la peralcloft but allr tug pra. tl. ea, desUuetiv to both Body aad Mlad. Thu ar swept from xlatenc thouaaods who Blight hav ba or wm 10 tneir country, a pieaaur to their trieoilsand orna meutatostMdety. Orrics No. T Soirm Fbbimiici St,, left Land side going from Ualtimor street, I doors Trum th corner. f" Re particular In uWrvliig the oara and aumber, or you will niwtak th plae. $)tr Tax notice, otieerr th Ram n the door and wfn dows. A IVi (virrtifcl, or no C'Wy Af.ne, t frvm Oh0 l run Dny. NO MERCURY OR NAHSEOUS DRUGS USED. Dlt. JOHUBO!, M 'mlier of the Royal College of Surgeon, London, (liadu at from oue ol tli most eiuineut College or Ui UaKad Statoa, ami tlie greater part of whoa III lias be a spent In ll, H,.l ll...,.lt.n r.f I ...l.. Iu.l. IH.II.ll..l.l. ...I.I ''"'i'""'" " .m'umoii. , m. , uuwiviuuw, Mm five where, has effected some of the moat astonishing eurss that wer ever kaowa, maay troubled wHh ringing I tb head and ear wbea asleep, great aervooanraa, being alarmed a) soddiB sounds, aud liaahfulueNa, with freuueut blushlna. at tended sometimes with derangemeut of Blind, wer cured immediately. A CertaU DtaaaM. Wbea th mimruldcd and Imprudent totar of nlnajiiira Buds he has Imbibed tlie seed of thai painful disease, it too oivn nsppens mat an lil-liniea sens or shame, or dread of diacovery, deiera mm from applying to thu who, from d Bcatloa aud respectability, eau alone befriend him, delaying till th constitutional symptom of this horrid diseaa aiak tneir appearance, sue, a Bioerated ur throat, diad nose, Boulurnal pains, lit th head and limbs, dliunea of sight, dnafneas, axle on th shin bono sod arms, blotches on ths bead, far aud xtrmltle, progrvasing with fright ful rapidity, till as laxt th palat or th mouth or the bonce of th ne fall In, and th victim of this awful diseas b oomcs horrid object of oniiiiuissnration. till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne front whence no traveler retnrna." To such, there for, Dr. Johnson pledge himself to praaarv th most In violable secresy, aud from his extensive pracUca la th Brat hospitals In Europ aud America, h can coufldeutly recom mend a safe and speedy core to th onfortunat victim ol this horrid diaeas. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to the unskillfuln of Ignorant pro tenders, who, by th ua of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin th constitution, and even send th onfortunat suflor er to an untimely gravo, or else ntak th residue of bis life muMrablo. Take Particular N ttl Ire, Dr. J. a ldrvsses all those who have Injured theuiselves by privRte and Improper Indulgence. The ar some of tb sad snd metitnrholy effects pro doced by esrly hah Its of vouth, vis t Weakness f tli Back and Limits, Pain In th Dead, Dimness or Sight Loa ol Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritubillty, Derangemeut ol the Digestive Functions, General Debllitv, Symptom of Consumption, Ac. Msntallt 111 fearful streets upon th Rilnd aremuch to be dreaded 1 Loss of Memory, Coufualoa of Ideas. Dop slon of Spirits, Evil Furebodiugs, Aversioa of Society, Self Distrust, liov of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, art som of ths evil produced. Thousands of perena. of all aires, can onw Judge what Is the rsuae of their declining health. Losing tliolr vigor, be coming weak, pal and emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the sres, cough and symptoms 01 consumption. Dr. Johnson's Invlporailng Riinerljr ror Organle Wmknaas.. By this great and Important remedy, weakneaa of the or gans are speedily cured, aud full vigor restored. Thousand of the most nervous and debilitated, who bad lost all hop, have been relieved. All Impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, Trembllnss and Weakness, or exhanaUou ol th Burnt fearful kind, speed lly cured by Dr. Johasoa. . Yuna Men. Who have hijnred themselves lit a certain bractlc. In dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school th offsets of which ar nightly felt, even when asleep, and if sot cored, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply UUlll-!UlKbljr. Wkut t.ltW tVt.f . VAtfffK. Mm , .1,. L.,.. -t VI. ...- and th darling of Lis parents, should b snatcbad from all prospects aad enjoyments of life, by the consequences of ueviatujg iioui wte pa-u ui nature, auu iouui(iiig lu a cenaiB secret naDit. nuco persons, neiore contemplating Marrlaaa should reflect that a sound mind and body ar th most ne cessary requisitie to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, th journey through life become a weary pilgrimage, the primped hourly darken to the view ; th mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with th melancholy reflection, that th hsppines of another, be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTU FREDERIC ST., DaUimore, Mi. All Surgical OrxRATioNS PxHroKMXD, N. B. Let no false delicacy prevent you, bot apply Im mediately either personally or by letter. SKIM MSB ARB SrSSDILT OCBSB. T trmiigero. The many thousands cored at this Institution within th last twelve years, and th numerous Important surgical Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed bv the re porters of ou daily papers and many other persons notio ol wmun nave again and again appeared before tb public is a sufficient guarantee, tost toe amiciea wiu una S skiii fnl and honorable physician. ' , . vaava nwtte. i t - N. B. -There are to many worthless Quacks advertisins themaslves as Physicians, ruuilng the healu of the already .L-. T. , V . .1 i. afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deems It necessary to say. espe cially to uioae unacquaiuveu witn ma reputation, that h credentials or diplomas always nans in his offioe. -' TAKE NOTICE-AJl letUr most b Doat-aaid. and fino. tain s postage stamp forth reply, or no answer will be sent. - , .. ; ,., , May J7tn, 1869 : - "." -U,J " JM-ly teMANNEN'S SMTJT AND RCREENINO MACIUT IMPORTANT TO MILLS JiS. ' , f TCH A UNDERSIGNED having been appolnU-J agent for X. the sals of the above Machine, are now prepared to for niah them to mill owners and others. - , '1FTEEN HUNDRED of the machines sre now running In North Carolina, all of which have given the most entire ntfufaiitiitn ,th f, nfol.lllir mil nerfolTnsnCe. TO this Machine may be attributed the high position North Carolina haa tkn in thm nnalite of har flour. BS she CBB now OODITiet with the worlilu th purity of ths article and the riohness OI It auailtV. JteDt eonsuto.17 vu uuu auu iui -ue ui stank ' wr.ralTigiiw, B. 0. FOR S1LE 1ND TO LET. REAL ESTATE 1-OR SALE. IMmovta an a txiMPsoTU) lots, tinx tu aeaithy loaUoa. Ayp'v to -Xj,illth- JAS. T. rtCTTEWAT A CO. , REAL ESTATE JPOS SALE. n THAT DESIBABLJt BESirHXC oa Xsa, Wtwewa Froot aad ewcoad streets, at preaeut aei4 ly Mr. Alsx. McEa. Jr. Ueoa aad Lot oa Orange, betweea SJ aa4 tli reta, at prrseal eccup wd byAhta. OUiaasa, Caq A lloam taJU-titt, betaeea a aa aad Church Strewm. aad UDBiedialcly East at AU Mreet MevaodM CBurca. A deaa-abl aaauaer ReMdaae ta WnghtaviU Bouod. The above property wiU aesUdaa aeaatodaig torsas. rP'JW CM AO, D. juXtat TO RENT. nTBR UOl'81 AMD LOT oa tU Corker f Front aad Deck MLrwwta. I k Hons aiam aixltes raws, i& bi good order, s ar also tit et-houae, Tki m aa epportuaity of sspplriog th demand lor a am elaas toard Lug keus lath lues. For torsaa, apply to . . DabalTl CCTLAB, , .... Offlc oppeaite U Coart Mou. Aev. 3d, Ik6J Lf - a-aist bai.sb rnil AT YALUABLK HOl'rK AND LOT, sltssted pos JL airwei, sujoiaiufl lam reaiueiK ( r. A. VKk' Swa, iao.. betWMB trust aad Hauad itrau ki.li pi4 ay Dr. P. St. Walktr. Lot S7 by 18. - Uo4 eoataiua va Moosaa, Paatry aad Bath Booasu KiUkea, wash Mou, three hervaata' kooma, btabW, Ca rta kimm. Dual and Wood Hoesvaa, Ctatora of good Water 10 bblsOardrs spot, Ao, Terme eveom-oJeOng, Far paiUeaUara, apply to D. PlUOTlT Nev. s, lXo9.--A3 tf Broker A AiKtkmtor. Ftlll RENT. not FICM No, I, FUtSf FLOOR NEW J0UBNAL Builduig," oaprtne Htrawt poassssloa gtvea Irst of OcwiMtr aext Ther ar tt Kooms ta oa la froal U x ! feet the back Most U s 30 1 set, with a eioswt, two wuidttwa, a baik door, a privy, a good grst aad srivb, k-ge l a well of watsr la lu hac k yard. Kept 31, llk -e : w St HET. . ' ' . I FjCIIK WUARP and shed sear th Cap Fear Fler IUL X formerly occupied by Jas. t. Pette way. Apply to .JM. MTOKELt AOlUHAb!. ItMt MKR. , J rpv0 COMFORTABUt DWKUJNO BOUSES -A. r rout aueet, mreouy Aat of Cliuloa Mills, Poa- avaawa givsa tat uoioser. 4 V. tL DUDLEY. ?!"! tr tf AVMraaa py I t A.lMBEtt rOlt SALS3, i V ( W W )( I WU AKTiaiBl) FLOOBINO BOARDS. .V.UUU 1, by I W feet long, all heart and tre of wind sbak by 4 JAMkJS I. PLI1AWAY JO, t tKt 1, 1.COR BALK, BO SMALL BCtLDlflU LOlaM.Psr . som wishing to mv revtf atul ocvopy IAv oim Aowisi. csa b sooeiiiiaodatid vita chsap Lots, la th North sad of th lues, oa appliuaUoa to th subscriber, A plan of the) ptAqxrty may o seea at the Furniture store. No. Hi Fronl street JOHN D. LQVML August 11, 1H59 2HH tf. , ro u if. a iv FOR ONE YEAR from Ut October, o pleasantly situated dwelling near th corner of Second A Oranga hlraeta. Anulv ia ; -. , HkiliiiU K. Ax Iiv am " Auguatjld, 1H6W, jojo Xll RENT, ' MF110M tat 1.1 OF OCTOBE2 SKIT, th Boom snd Lot ob Front street knows as Uur. Dudley's 1st residence. . Apply to august 1, ItuS -379 tf JOHN A. FARKKtt. A LARUE AND VERY riNSt ASBORTHEBTT Ot PAl'Elt HANULNGs) AND DECORATING PAPEJ wui be sold at th lowest flgurss, at C. POLVOGT'S, July 13. Nsxt door t Llpplu's Drag Mtor. ilATKNT Momuiitd rilAMEM, (canopy sty Is,) lav eluding th Nets, ar for sal by ths andarsignd ( ihr aie flue snd practical, and although they ar sietaiio, the do Bvt attract Ibhtulin. beio uovarad with a aoa-aoauliia. tor. , n. pnf tfmiT ' July 13th sit door to LipptU't Drag hHors. VOU. SALSB. ' . rj-IC",s,fc.TIlK WELL.KHOWM STEAMER BENRi skii n t in ETTA. Length 130 feet breadth 30 feet, hold i ie.; lueaaur 163 tons. High Prcssar I cylinder Boil ers. Machinery In good working order, fitted ap according to the Passenger Law requirement. Also, has attached a vvorunagtoB niaeuu rssip, aaa apparatus lot wtmsJoi bu poaea. W 01 b Bold Ww aad B easy terms. Apply to HABRltiS A B0WELL. Juu 13L liT-tX. I Herald eorv.1 , - , - I - pom saleu - .- " A NO. 1 FLAT, aewly repsirsdi Ungtk 14 feet, vldtk tii feet ; Sou bbls. capacity. Apply to Aug. 0-3M4 tf. " ' K. D. RAli MOLASSES MOLASSES. )i HHDH, IIEAVr, Sweet Wost India Molaaatst r ZtXJ 1UU bbls. " " " " or M by WILLARD A CURTIS. or aai by Nov. 33d PORK PORK, 100 BBLS. HEAVY NEW YORK CITY MtbS i 0BX I IS k'.n.llv Maaa fnrk ' 36 3 " Mutt aud Mump ' ' - i -I H4l i-rinia For sals b ls by .33d WILLARD 4 CURTIS. Nov, WILMINVTON rOUN DRY AMD MACRTXE ItOa4 FMOSTbTJUUCT, (BELOW MARKET BTH&X1J V limliigtan, N.C. . , L A. HART A JOHN V. BAILEY, rsoraiBTtm. ';-J f BRASS AND IRON CASTLSOR, fialsbae) oranfinihd; new Machinery mad snd put op ; old Machinery overhauled ; an cuius oi Pattsras, Ornamentai aad Architectural f will supply Draft of all kinds of Machine ry aud Mill Work generally. All work warranted to be is represented. Orders s spectfully solicited. - . ' A lao 1 urpeutine Stills snd Copper Work In all Its branches. . November lltb, litf9-oeII-dAvr-Iy -' :. ; LAHGH AUDITIONS " 110 OUR SPLENDID stock of soft Fslt HsUof Franck sad American msnufactur. Just opened at th Hat A tuiporium, 34 Market bt MYERS A MOORE. Nov. 39. - -4 - ( ' ' '" PnKRII HORSE RADISH, T UbT RECEIVED sod for sale m largs Bottles, at ST ct; .1 I u tuiyiiLivr HNgi puiubii mm ,1 vm, L. H. KKAM KHiT. Novtmber iLtu. $r Under ths Carolina UoteLT A FEW or those beautiful Medicln ChesU, all eottipleted, price low. bold by . LOUUi B. KUAMBEkr, ftov. 38. ? ? , , , v- - roAnnaoeuuai. 4M EAN STEAMSHIP M AVIOATION COMPANT., ATA MEETING OF THE COMMISSION- - i r ERS of the " Cape Fear and Ocean Steam J-. Navigation Cofiipany,' it was r 1 ; ' - i lU-JnAved, thmt bvolt for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above Company be opened In th town ot WhV mington, snd continue open for thirty says irom tna uis under ths direction of J no. J. Hedrick, Wm. B. UUey un A. tcLean. - " " ' ---- '- " In pursuance of the aboye Besolntien, w have opened Books and will wait npon the citisene for subscriptions. , JNO. J. BEDR1CK, ' u 1 .,,' WM. M. UTLEY, i '' F ' - A, McLEAN, Committe. 1 Wilmiogt A N. C. Oot 4th. 1869 - ' ' ' WILMISGTOfT MARBLE W)RKS. s a a,u. mM am MeaJasMBa E. ChainL. J M ONL'MENTS, TOMBS. .HEAD mtfOOt BTOTCSL I FURNITUK1S Turn, 0,L " -Mu&una vt E1UCAN or ITALIAN MAHRLB, furaiahedto order, as CHEAP as can b procures iron any esutoiwnment n vns, kind la th ooustry. . ' -ni nnaa bat szTierienoed workmen, aad wOl srtars no pains to plesa all who may favor me with their patron- eAO n i m-r , t , . jBar Avriaa VAAta, buwsb oy speotaj agreement. - t j - --W. U. MilXIGAR. . Wilmington, S. C, Sept 13th, 1854. f-tf. NOWIIERB IS THE ' ' G0UNTRT, TOWN 0B STATE, will yoa find solsrg and bandRom) an assortment of UMBRELLAS, as w exhibit at the Hat A Cap Empormm, and our prices er lowest. , v? , V i MYERS i M00W5. ,.f aov. 7tn, I8S9. " - ' - j- ' - EASTERN AND NOHTH RIVER HAT1. Q? PRIME QUALTTY, in stor ; iCiNATH

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