f 1 C vol. o. xa ICO. VHLMIXGTON, N. C, MONDAY, MARCH 12, I6J0. FtLTVl A PRICK, PROPRIETORS. AS. FUTON, EJ.tgr A. L. PRICE, AseaeiAte EJ.tr. IV'y rspr, ose ni, BTrfcj ia advance 96 06 ' " , " lid A H tetters pi baaiaeas r onacW4 with this office, boat be r 'jmt4 tu the prvpnvtura. RATES OF ADVERTil-Nt. BAAB SkjCABB. One day IS Two ear i: Ttr Uyv M rntiin r:j Ftve dsve. i.OMtNk J' Ta iku 1 rj Oa Booth 1 CO i Two moctha I M - Thru moutha.......! 00 BuDibj w 01 PiTkt Om J , Twe dare....... nwiiit.,,,, Foe day ...... Five daVS , Cot week....... Two weeks.... Oat BsonUi , TWO BOBth..., Tliree montha. . , 8li BioaU-i ..... .1 . 14 . 1 09 . 1 36 . 1 M . 1 71 . t 7 . I 00 . T 00 .10 00 .11 60 , OB TM U 00 Oat year. .30 00 : Tea ttaos ere coasted aa a aqarc, aad It t lea a a-i sjuarv. mi(M eJ'ertiaraMata ta prcporUoa. aad all payable ta advance. Whoa aot pud la advance U cau per eaaare will be charged after the Irst insertion. M Alt kali squares sot said ft la advance will be caarg edea a square. - A" Ad ! aieuts InsarWd 4a Special at Bishop Notlcee are (Wpd oae-aeif Bsore thaa a save rata eight liaee I wsjcmj ur wee eoantea aa a square. BAT Advert meats lawsrtsd every ether day ara charged i cnia per aquaTa ioc mki iuaruoa arter iM arm. AVNe publKatioa made without a napoaai Ua aaata. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LOIH B. ERAMBERT, DRUGGIST AND PBACTICAX rHARMACETJTIST, WaamoTOKl N. C. Kerr roBnUntly ot kaad, a aalact stock of Vntgt, Md- pt. Domestic and .uropm CHmuxib, "ancy and Tpm rtcMa, K iww and iuort for IMMU itryoMt, tlyam, o. tO'anicolar attentloa paid ta PuacaimoM, Fahilt Bsuirai, MiDicint Cmsra, o. aouirc inuuvuiauu; uuuer um - varuiuia own. July 11, 186. 363 tf o. c. w. J. m jiro. 10MM1SSI0X MERCHANTS and W HOLES ALK GEO- J CKKH, No. 31 Nortk Water Btrt, Jona la, 1859. WimtnoTOH, N. C. OLIVER KKLLEV. W HOl.KSAI.l AND RKTA1L DKALKR3 IS GR0C- BI1C3 kSU ritUVISlONA, A'o. 11 Aorft H a(r sraei, Dae. 16, m. WaHIKBTOK, N. C T. M. aaiTB, JOHN MCLADRIM. SMITH A McLAmiM, CO d MISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Wilmuwtom, N. C. airia to John lUtneM, Esq., Mayor. E. P. Hall, EaqVnwideot Braack Bank StaU N. C. July lit, 16 iM-tf UEHONIET, BROWN (IK, tl ENKBAL COMM W810N MEBCHANTS, r WILMINGTON H. C. Jaa. let, 1867. W tf. IIKKIRY P. Rl iSKLL, GENERAL COMMIUdlON M tUCH ANT. U7 Eait Bat, (Up Hriiaa.) CBA&LUiTON, B. C. Marcb 17th, 1868. 163 tf T. II. McKOT CO., G. ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth T Water atreet, Wilhihotoii, N. C. . Aog. Ud, 1868. 197 H. B. EILRR9, WHOLRSALB GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DKALtR IN NAVAL STORES, corner Water and Market atreeta, Wilmington, N. 0. April Id, 1868. tTOILIT. ALU. OLDBAB. TOKLEY da OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. WlLMIMSTOIf, N. C. RiriBBxca. Col. John MoRab. Preeident of the Bank of Wilmington. 0. Q. Pabjlbt, Eaq., Praeldent of the Commercial Bank. E. MlRWlY A COn . (SMoeeeeota to Mmrrajr A Peacock,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS J AND WH0LE8ALB GROCERS, WATER 8TKKET. WILMINUTON, N. C. 1. Hl'BBAT. D, B. MUB0BUON. i. T. MDRBAT. February t, 18S9. 1M tf D. A. LAMONT, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 38 North Water atreet, J Oct. 11 SI tf Wilmwoton, N. 0. WABUINOTON IIOl'SE, FRONT STREET, ... Wilmington, N. C. Miu A. F. LUCAS, PBoraiBTBBsa. The patronage of permanent and transient boarders ra peclfully solicited. Meals famished without rooms. Terms reasonable, and erery effort made to ghe satlsfao tion. . hof. 17th, 1M9 ' 63-tf DR. B. P. ARRIXGTON, 8UROS0N D KN TIB T. ' mm v Office and Residence on Market street, bull- JL f ding formerly occupied by J. 0. Wright, Esq., VUmingtoD, N. C. Jau. w, mo, 113 Jm J. H. ROBINSON A BOln WnamoTOH, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGKNT8. AND Dear leres In Hardware Cultery, Iron, Steel, Naila, Agricul tural Implements, Ao. WN. C. HOWARD, C ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, J Sept. 10. 1864 13-tQ Wiliihiqtow, N. C. ADAMS, BROTIIEH A COH (COMMISSION MEBCHANT8, j WamxoTOH, N. 0. DAVIS A CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth Water Btreet. j Wiliiihotob, N. C. I. L. BATBAWAT. WV. S, CTLBT. HATHAWAY A CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLBIHOTOB, N. C. T. C. A B. O. WORTH, IflVVfTftRIOJl ANDFORWARDINO MERCHANTS. J WlLMIMOTOM, N.C. archil, 1867 v 15 1 JAMBS AXDBaaOM, IDWABD IATAB. ANDERSON A SAVAGE, CC ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT WlLMIKOTOM, N. 0. Liberial cash adTances made on oonslgnmenta. JAMES A. WIL.L.AHD, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCER. AND DEALER IN GRAIN. No. 10 South Watbb Sthiit, , Jan.l, 1860. WiLMtwoTow, N. C. JAMBS 0. iMJTB. - MILBB COSTI. JAR. C. SMITH A CO, C10MMIS8I0N MERCHANTS, office second story, corner i South Water and Market streets, Wilmington, N. C, where they are prepared to attend to all business la the Commission Una, All business entreated to them will be punctually attend edto. W. II. MeRART A CO, (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Prinoess and Water j streets, Wilmington, N. 0. ' BIFBHIHCBj: J.O. Lash, " " " u " Salem, do. J. Sll Gregg, Preeident of Bank Cheraw, 8. 0. Pot 17J WALKER ME ARES, igHWnu. - u . 1 '0LESALB AND RETAIL DBUfHJIBTS, 4S BIABI1T rmwwr, niuummn, a. v. HARRI8S A HOWELL, C0MMIS8I0H MKBCHASTS, 'ZTT Wojiihsto, N. 0. BOWS BABBISgv At I, HOBTU, . AKBIW OoUUt, I860 H. R. Saraire, Cwhler Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C Col. John McRaa, Pres't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Davis. Caier Branch B' k Capa Fear. Salisbury, do. Et SLNESS AND PEOrESSIDXAL CIRES. MRS. M. E. PRICE, FASHIONABLE LKfv MAKES, Fea. 1 m OiLBLwjToii. N. C. c b. blus. a. r. vrrvaiu. ELUI A MlTCHEt-L, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rEiLETJ IN "CORN. I EAS.OAT4. RTK. WHEAT BSAS, OIL MtAU J FRESH tiEOCSD H0MINT, H0sa A COW FaXD; ALIO, XASTISX AXD XO&TH RITES EAT, No. f North ataf 4r. Wavutwroa, M. C. Ftkreary 1, HflO WB. A. tWTBB. tor IT Ml OKI. BAVTBa B. JlIM. UH1KH, PKACltCK A CtK, WILMINGTON. N. C C)MMISSION MERCHANTS, W HOUSAl.t GROCtRS aad drajera la NAVAL STORES, CuTTON, aa4 both ara FRODCCB ceaerallr. Proaipt pertoaal atuauoa given to all eoaaigaawata of rrojace. ra. u, isao--iJ ty V. B. BIUSLLt A. r. SiUILL. BIZXELL A CCV, GROCERS 4 COMMISSION MERCHANT, Na. North Water street, Jan. 18. 18ti0. WlLMIMtTUM, N. C. i. a. WtLUAMS. B. B. CtBTia. J. (1. WILLIAMS A CfK, "COMMISSION MERCHANT, J Is Fmoxr rr., Ns Ton. Particular atuatioa gWea ta the Bale of Kara! Mures, Cottoa aad Graia. Feb. 34, 1(40.-118 ly. IUUII URAIIAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLBINOTOH, N. C" .Office adjoining Latterioha Wharf, North Watar Street. bept. K, 1HBS. lS-tiB CBIOH DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. CM ' A. H. TAN BO&EELF.N. Pmoaito., ; ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES pveaaaed, manafae tured aad auld Wharfage and Storage foraiahed, and Cboperajs doae at tatrratea, Jaa. 1, 18C0. 100-tf. J. H. ROTH WELL, C ENERAL COLLECTING AGENT. T Wiibiiwtoii, N. C Will attend promptly to the eolle 'Kjaol ail AccotDta, Notes, Ae , eotraeted te his care, for a reasonable eommla sioa ; and will attend all Courts in the adjoining Counties lor uai purpose. Healo continues the Agency for the sale of Books, News papers, Periodicals, Ae. November 14, l69-0 tf. JOHN W. OWBN, O. S. TABBBOCUB. UWKIt TAKBHUIUH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. "Liberal cash advances made on eonslcnmenta of coun try produce. Biov.ttn, 1859. Uly REMOVAL. P. DEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. TAKES THIS method to Inform his customers and persons in want of work of any descrip tion, in his line, that he has removed his Book- tmMrv and Ruhnq establishment to the Basement of the new " Journal liuUintj " on Princess Street, where he will be pleased to receive orders for erery description of Binding or Ruling, Ae., Ae. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to continue to receive a liberal patroaaga as heretotore. Oct. llll, 180V. B. M. WEST, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WllMINOTOK, N. C, win Mil. at private sale, vouon. Aavcu Mores, ana an kinds of produce, at a small commxstum ; Also, Bank Stock at 1 per cent. Rail Road Stock 1 per cent Real Estate 1 per cent Negroes 1 per cent. Direct importation, Cargo Sale 1 per cent Bsrias To the eitisens of Wilmington generally. October 11, iso 40-u L. B. HUUOINB A MONB, DEALERS IN GROCERIES A GENERAL MERC HAN dise, S. E. Corn. Market and Second Streeta, Wilmington, h. C. "Orders from oar friends will receive prompt attention.' Oct 10, 1869. ROB'T H. CO WAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. BTOfflce, South Corner Market and Water Streets sp stairs. Oot. 6, 186916 tf EDWIN A. KEITH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1859. WlLMWOTQIt, N. C. J9. T. PETTRWAY A CO. I FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 No. 8 Notbh Watib Btuet, WILMINGTON, M. U. Solicit conilgnmenU of all kinds of Produce, also, orders for Groceres, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ao. Ksris TO John Dawson, Eaq., O. G. Pamliy, president Commercial Bank, Gio. Davis, Etiq. jab. t. rirrswAT. boobb books. October 1st, 1869. CHAl. S. BTEBB. fKHD. J. M00HB. MYERS A MOORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dbai brs in iTJ TS, CArS, STRAW GOODS. FURS. BIDING DATS. UM BHELLA3, GAMES, AC., 0., ii Market street, . . WtLMINOTON, St. V, - We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducements, and respectfully solicit an examination of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Goods Eurchased direct from manufacturers. Wi pay no second , and ara willing, and can $eUakw any Jobbing s in the United States. We are desirous of sending our Goods to every section of North Carolina, and will use every exertion to please all who may favor on with their orders. Beptemper a, it. LAW NOTICE. JULIUS W. WEIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Btreet, on door East of Dr. Dickson s. Sept Id, 1869. 306-tf THOMAS W. BROWN, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THB UNITED STATES Df AAD FOR TUB DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office first floor, Id door new Journal Building. Wilmington, June 14th, 1868. 347-tf DR. J. A. MILLER, FRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wilminoton, N. C. UCV. JOtn, 1867 So-U W. W. DAVIS, M. D., OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT lzens of Wilmington. Office la door below uounes' uotei, f ront street June 6. 131-tf EDWARD MePIIERSON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. t Sooth Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. August 8th, 1859. 186-tf A. E. HALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Lullerloh'i Wharf, , Wilmington, N. C. iimy wtn, imv. iiB-iy ALDERMAN A BETTENCOURT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, No. 31 Nobtb Watib Stbibt. w90rders for Goods accompanied by the cash, or from punctual customers solicited, and will receive prompt and faithful attention. rjDi M. 1869. MARINE RAILWAY.' ffCHE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the CAPE FEAR X MAlflEKAiLWAi.t.tormerly the property of B. W Beery,) is prepared to build or repair Vessels. Faithful work at lair pnoes promised, uraers solicited. MlUUAja. KMHRINH. Reference 0. G.D?araley, Kidder A Martin. J. AD.UnRu & vo., nanus s tioweu, 4 . u. r lanner. AprU 18th, 1869 199-ly W. H. MARKS A CO MVIC0OBS8OBS TO t. A. HIT.) " ACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, LANTERNS, TIN and SHEET-IRON WARES, 19 Front street, Wilmington, N. C. W.B. BAB1S. A. , nit. Wilmington N. 0. Kay Kb, 1869-3M-l7. NEW YORK, PIIILA. 4.E0STOX CARDS. J1C0B REED, M t v act ita e MIUTAUV riAiriuvu. B. E. Cor. BECOSIB mm BPBITK TH'KT. VUILAI'EU'HIA. rMTUTASY CU)THS F08 SALE. Jas. M. ivso. 134 Csa CRlB-rKi tlKKV, WHOLES 41 E TEALEia IS YANKEE NOTIONS A FaUiFL'M-BY. Bo. N Wima Mmt, New Yotlu Bist Cmrrnt. I a. H. Art an. f Kev. U. i-to. aa JOMI B. tO BOH, J. U SATAN, JB. L4)inN 4i BRYAN, rCOMMISKION MKRv'U ANTH, No. 31 bmA BntKBt, BorruK. CoBsigaaMate of Nsval Sto a, i'ottoo, Lambcr, aad ether Sootaora Preduc aoiicited. Nov. list, lai. Mly. BABBOB B. WATBOM, AV MBABM. WATBON A MEAHKB. qOMMQSlON MERCHANT!. -44 Burling Slip, New Yoik. ipecial attentioa paid to the sale af Navaa Mroaaa, Cut to, aad tiottaera Prodaoa raaaral'y. Liberia! advaaeoa stade a eoaugaBeata. July 1,'M B. BOLUrBB. a. rvrraa. ja, . cabbbabm. DOBLNB.R, HriTAH A tXX, ftUXBlBSlUJI MEUt. UANTo, AprttlS, 1869. lieVly. Nbw YoaB. J. BABTBT 0B0BBAN, W.I. BIMBL. MX H RAN A Rl'BBELL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. S3 North Wharvea, aad 43 North Water Street, Psi a abblp bla. uDariai cut advances maue oa cooMguMata. Julyth, 1W1 i: BOOK -ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW BOOKS, BY EI PRESS THIS MORNING AT KELLEY B BOOK STORE. Footfalls apoa the Boasdariaa of Aiother World, by Kohl faieuweo. Doctor Oldham at Oreyatoaea aad his Talk There. Kigateea Chruttaa CeDtarioa, by White. . Worn as a Sequel to Love, by M itchlvt Edith Vausan's Victory, quite lattrwting. India, the l'eari af Pearl River, by Mrs. HouUwortU. bt, Joha's Manual, Catholto. St. Vincent'a do. do. March 7th, i860. 1 NEW HOOKS, BY EXPRESS, at KELLEY'S New Book Store : Sir Bohaa'a Ghost, a Romance : Mscauley'a History of England, 4 vols.; ' Woman, (U'Feuime) by Mik hlet, a sequel to (IV Amour) or Love Parochal Hormone, by Southgate ; Recollections of sir. Childhood, by Grace Greenwood ; The History of Alexander the Great, by J. H. C. Abbott; The " of Romulus, ' The M of Julius Cataar, " " The " of, Alfred the Great, " " The " of Hannibal, " The " of Pater the Great " " The " of goeea Uiaabeth of England,' " The 11 of Mary Queea of Scots " " lbe " of WllliaiB the Conqueror, " " CantweU's Justine North Carolina Form Book t The Voyage of the Fex, Of the Fate of Sir John Frank lin. March 1. WANTED. cooaBsra bud dibtim.kk watrrscn. A PRIME DISTILLER AND TURPENTINE BARREL ii. MAKER, for which liberal wagts will pe paid aad per- msnent employment given. Apply immeaiaUMy, J. T. PiTTEWAY A CO. reo. is isi-u. OWNER WANTED. 1710R I BHDS. BACON, marked Diamond H W. Received . per Schr. Champion, from Baltimore. Sturad and ad vertised at owner's risk and expense. Feb 13.-146. T. 0. A B. O. WORTU. NEGROES I BEUHOKS 1 1 W ANTED TQTUR- A chase, eight or tea likely FIELD HANDS; from Fi In to 30 rears of axe. Aor one havlnx such Nes roes Ji to dispose af, will find a CASH purcbawr by applying at J. M. ROBINSON A SUN S Hardware Store, Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. (Aug. 10, 1869 187 tf NOTICES. NOTICE. CTKTE EXPECT to have our Mills agsin running in the VY course of three or four weeks, and in the nieao time shall endeavor to keep up our usual supply of Meal, Hominy and Ground Feed. We shall also keep supply of Corn, Peas, Oats, Ao. Fab. 9th, I860 E1X18 A MITCHELL. WILMINGTON A WELDON RAIL ItOAD CO., I - February 17tb, 1860. ( riVIR MORNING TRAIN, will until further notice, leave JL Wilmington at 1:30 a. m., and the evening train at 1 p. in., on and after Thursday, March let fef. L. FREMONT, Eng. A Hup't. Fab. 18th, 18C0 14 tf REWARDS $40 REWARD JL WIIX BE PAID to apprehend my Begro wuman bV ELIZA JONES, now lurking about town. She Is 0. j black and of very plain appearam , 45 years of sgs. Jan. Uth, 1860 . 108-tf SEED OATS. 750 bushels Pennsylvania White Oats, Choice. 1,014 bushels Canada Ulaok Oats, Very Choice. R EChlVING, JECEIVING, rjCO ARRIVE, 600 bushels Canada White OsU, Extra, TO ARRIVE PER BAIL ROAD, 400 bushels N. C. Black Oats, Superior. rjlO ARRIVE, Feb. 14. 1 cargoes Hertford White Cora. STOKLEY A OLDHAM. ST) T) NEW CROP RICE, In cai JLVe X and barrels. For sale by Oct 16th, 1869 DeROSHET, BR NEVVWuPTiICE, In casks, half canks, illOWN A CO. WHISKEY AND RIM. K ( BBLS. RECTIFIED WHISKEY. OU 60 bbls. N. E. Rum. For sale low to close consignment, by Jan. H. O. C. A W. J. MUNRO. IN B l'OKK, : rf BBLS. N. C. FLOUR For sale m loU, by 1 Vv Jan. it. A. E. HALL. BL'CtAR BlOAR. HHD8. N. O. AND MUSCOVADO. For sale by Jan. lth, 1800 T. H. McKOY A CO. 10 VINEGAR VINEOA1L BBLS. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. Just received and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. 25 Feb. 19. CIIAKLKBTON RICE, r rv CASKS fresh beat Charleston Rice. QJ 16 " " " Lalf , " . Just received and for sale by ' Jan. 14. G. C. A W. J. MUNRO. RAISINS AND CANDY. NEW CROP RAISINS, in quarter, half and whole box ea. Steam Refined Assorted Candy, in boxes of 50 and 26 lba. For aale by ZENO H. GREENE. Feb. 10. ' CONCENTRATED LYE. .COB SALE BY THB BOX, each box eontalni 24 on tpound tin cans. . For sala by mQ H GBEENE. ' WHEAT BRAN. t69PlFL 1 h 't0rUS mItcHELlV - fCATINO POTATOES. :BL8. Mercer Pottoe. Apply to . ' AO kUr OB 4. 4ASu A. JrAiiltiTAX vU. MEDICAL. BALTIMORE LOCK IIOBPrTAU KHToa ;orhi Til I ruJr uf tbs 1'Mt.rtM LMt;tatlvS) afk U (Vruia Sp0T, aaJ wi'y elwtaai rmiy. astae worvl Ki iktis Ktrk tar, a aai waaAaM. fa.ua la the Lome, CBBtjtatioal l"!litv. Impvtewr. WhImm af tha bx k n4Uaii. A3vUMf the KJuya, PA)itetwaaaf U near. ir(ia. k lm uauay, 1vsom of Ike HhJ. i ani. m r-Aia ; k4 ail im Mrvi aM BMiaBraaJy Dworvto arwiRf frai sii thua I Vm. v? kabita of Yoate wktrb a urv k.U aad ait4. Tassa sacm aad soil tary pra-t;-e saor fUI to their koUu Uaa the aoag of the Krrvaa ta the MArnxra lira, bl xtting Utr BKMt arOMaal Bi'poa af aUirqMUoBo, rBJna marrta a, Aa Bapoaaibte. i ktM saporially. who have bocosbo the Wtime a Solitary Vice, that dr.tful aad ctiv habR, which aaaaay sweopa ta aa Bntinely grave taoaaaada of yoaec bmb of the bkI exalted talrats aad brtUiaal multoct. wke Biht okaorwiae aave aatraaoed itsteauur Seaatea with the Uiaadera of alo- qaearo, or wUed W evatecy the Uvisg Ijre, may caH wtvk au rwiatvf. Ma tan. Marrlrd Piaa, ar.Tean MeaeootMipWtingBianiaga, '"B arw w i niin ti hiiimm, irrgeaic ItBiiliy, Mlur- Biitw Ac, should tauaediately eoasuii lr . J.,aad be ros U- m fvnvrt aa;ia. ne w ao piarea aimsvir aaaer ue car of Pr. Johnaoa may rehj toonly eonade la km koaor aa a geaUemaB, aad euoi- aeauy my bdob kis saui aa a payaciaa. Oriutt t ukm e tanmadlatety eured, aad fuU visor rwtured. Thla dMwoae B the aeaaR aiut rreaMatlv ald bv thuaa who have boeosae the vk-uma of Improper Indulgtaceo. Yoaag persons ara too apt to sustain excoaaee from aot bo bi( awaro f the dreadful eonsoqveacea that may anaao. Now, who that aaderstaads thesublecl will arauad la daat that the power of Prorroatloa la loat sooner by thoM falUtvg mte Imprvpor hablta thaa bTtha radBL BmUm boUk aeartved the pkeasore of healthy oRVpiiog, the most MHous and dostra ctive symptoms to both body aad miad artae Tka systesa becomea deranged, the physics I and mt stal powers weakeaed, aerv oaj debility, 4) spepsia, palplteUoa m un mwmt . maiumvam, a wasting M US irama, OOOgB, Dabiltvy.' Weakweaa of the intern. Nerruoi DabiTIt aad a matnra decay reaorally arlaa from the Destrvctlve habit of youth, that solitary practice ao fatal to the healthful a xUteac of an, ana n is tne voung who are most apt to beooato Its victims, from aa Ignorance of the dans trt to which they auhjert themselves. PareaU and Guardians art flea mla led with rospenl to the eauso or aoaree of disease Sb their eons aad ward a Alas I how often da they ascribe to other eaoseetbow aatlng of the frame, Pa!p!tatKo of the Heart, DyepetMia, ladtgmtloB, derangement of the Nervous Bya tsm, Cobkb, and Hvmptoma of Coasumptloa. also, thoaa se rious Bteutal eSacta. such aa loaa of memory, depression of iiviib, or Bocuuar aia or maiaacnoiy, waen me the tnitb la, uwy aave oeea causea ay inouigmg in pernicious k allor- Ing practicea, destructive to both Body aad Mind. Thus are swept from sxiatence thousands who might have beea of nse to tbetr country, a pleasurs to their fr lends aad orBa- meniswaooiety. Orrit'B No. T Sihtb Fasnaica H.. left hand aide going from Baltimore street, T doors from the corner. Re particular la observlnc the name aad aumbar. or on will mistake the place. Bar take notice, observe the name oa the door and win dows. A tWs wtwTunW, or no t'haroe Jfade, tn from (Me to 7W Jtoyt. NO MERCURY OR NAL'HKOt'S pRUGS USED. DR. JOHN BON, Member of the Royal College of Burreona. London. Gradu ate from one of the moat eminent Collet ee of the United Stst-s, and the greater part of wboas Ufa has been spent la wis nrat tioaiiiais oi i-otiann. rsris, rmiaaeiiinia, and all where, has e flue ted some of the moat astonishing cores Vat were ever known, many troubled with ringlni to the head and eara when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at aaddea sounds, aad bashfulneaa, with frequent oloahlug, at tended aoroetlmea with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A Certain Dtaoaao, When Lb miegulded and imprudent votary of pleasure 4a A tm .! I Mm W W km wmtrntml Jim. H a ones aappena inai aa iu-iimed sense or shame, or drsad of aiacorery, aeters Dim rrom applying to taoso who, from ed aration and respectability, can alone befrlesd him, delaying iiu uie eonauiuiionai ivnaitonis or mis norrra aisaaie saaaa tneir appearance, sucn as ulcerated sore throat, diseased aose, nocturnal paltia, In the bead and limbs, dimness of sight, deafnesa, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on ths bead, fane and extremities, progressing with fright ful rapidity, till as last the palate of the mouth or the boues of the nose fall In, and the victim of this awful disease be comes a horrid object of oommiaseration, till death puts a period to bis dreadiul aufleruigs by sending him to " that bourne rrom whence no traveler returns." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnsoo pledges himself to preserve the most In vlolable seoresy, and from his extensive practloe In the Brat hospitals la Europe and Amertoa, he can confidently reoom mend a safe and speedy eure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It Is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to thla dreadful disease, owing to the nnshlilfulnesa of tcnoraat ore- tenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mereury, ruin the constitution, and even send the unforlanate suffer er to an untimely grave, or else make the reslduo of his life missrsDie. a Take Partlralar Nolle. Df. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by private aad improper Indulgences. These are sums of the sad and "melancholy effects oro doced by early habits of youth, vis Weakness af the Back and Limbs, Pain In the Head, Dimnesa of Sight, Loaa oi Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dvspepsla, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement of the Dlxeetive Funo'Jons. General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Ao, bbntallt lbe roarrui enveta upon the mind are much to be dreaded i Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Depres sion of Holrtte, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society. Self Dlstrnst, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ao., art soma of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all ages, can now judge what la the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appear ance aoout the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Dr. Johnson's Invigorating Um oily tor Organic - Weakness. Bv this treat and Imnortant remedy, weakness of the or. gans are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had loat all hope, have been relieved. All tmpedlmeuta to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability. Tremblings and weakness,, or exhaustion or the moet tearful kind, speed ily cured by Dr. Johnson. , i owns; nan, Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice. In dulged In when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the effects of whloh ara nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospecta and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging u a oertein seoret hsbit Such persons, before contemplating Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most no oessary reqnisities to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without those, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect nourlv darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowsd with desoair and filled with tha melancholy reflection, that tha happiness of another, be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., DaUxmor$, JfdV All Suhoioai. Ofsbations Pibfobbid. N. B. Let no falsa delicacy prevent yon. but appty Im mediately either personally or by letter. r KIN DUBAgB irXXDILT CUBJD. To Btra jiatero. The many thousands cored at this Institution within tha last twelve years, and tha numerous Important surgical Op erations perrormea by Dr. maaoua, witnessed oy tne re porters of oar dally papers and many other persons notices oi wnicn nave again ana again appearaa peiore wo poouo Is a suae tent guarantee, that tne amicvea wui ana a suu ful and honorable physician. Take Notice. N. B. -There are so many worthless Quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson deems It necessary to Bay, espe cially to those unacquainted with his reputation, that Lis credentials or diplomas always hang in his offloe. TAKE NOTICE. All letters most be post-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for ths reply, or no answer will be sent May 17th, 1869 " 314-ly wtTEnnnntiKn heil. A N EXTRA ARTICLE OF WATER GROUND MEAL, constantly on band and for ssle by a ' i.. ii. HUfkllNS A SONS, Jan. 11. B. E. cor. Market A Id streets. A DESIRABLE vAND WELL ASM0BTED STOCK Of TJMBHELLAB S? and Psrasols ; aUo, a few large Buggy Umbrellas.-. -V. For sale by . --. J . WILLIAKB. Jan. 38th, 18U0 : ..- ! OIL. 15 BBIA Lamp snd Machlosrj OH For sals by. Feb. v. EAIEAWAY 00. niTs,firi,r-:zniis,i.c. 'HOLE B ALB BVYYRS S'.'LESAUI SVTlii V1T s ) Viv.TJ I ASK RrrKSTTI ARE Its,; WIk.a AkvB J.s,ioI .A to ruri, TO ItA I TO IlIaa .J on MtW STOCK OC NEW liTOCh; OCR NIW STOCK FOB. "TUTI AW- i-vvm roa bpw t, ass a i , Z SILK. rCt AND WOOL, BILK, FV8 AhD WOOL, BILK, fU. AUD WOOI, CAHfrtt iXj FJ4TT1 fiTS. CANS.Bf AN J f-iAVl i i! A T 8TIAW tioorat. a STRAW GOODS, .. , - bTKAW ooowt, . . lONNTTB, ?TYT Ybi - U k d . . I. t M f .. X ...... - nii. a a in inn BAU5 ISt 3 mJt AJIU LAA1 BAB SAUB. 14 MAIYTT iTtTwr. 14 MAKKtf Th r. H M A KAAT STr, t. Ml A.vt A BOO it. A. March Ith, 1S00 FOR THE SPRING OF O B.NTB DRESS HATS lowiSAirr,- SOUTHERN MYLK. MEW ORLEANS BTYLE. ' TUAD1 KTTL1. - f, tTiiinrtM. HAGTaall ITTT b. Jl'ST Ol ajilDw liiCiiriliti U lolt Every Tnti among our HTMIXQ STOCK, at the Fmporma. 14 If srkst street. MXLiii kuuLJL . MarchS. TO COCNTnY MERCHANTS, . s? HMUUU Il AA1UJLI BAJUl.l 1 AJ lovitrouuee JKbb'W 7TBJ rrv1 " J . IB OOT WboltMie deoartmaDL wa raaiaoUull uamnfla thai will offer, la eouneotioq with eur , t H1KAW V00DS, UATSjCAFB, ffltM Mill AS, A full line of the BPRINli MTVIJtH. vattsa aa avniu-le Au wkoleaale trade, by ane of tha largM auMutoturlng aad Importing house la tha aountrv. Oaritixik til ha autlrale HAW A2ID JTJiKSll. and mji fu aiatalkAja k alak. the 1st, . , WIIOLESALSB BVVERS ' " '" " Frooi ovary sscttoa af tha State wUl And It ta their advaB tags to examine our asaortutat kf'w asaklng fm rhaaaB ebwwhero. MJEIW MOOkS. ' Feb. S. 14 M srkst sUeet. - ' DEBIROt'S OP CLOBINO OVt - K nUR ASSORTMENT OF UMBREIXAS preptrB. P tory to laying la our Be HfHltiG 8T0CX. wt t. oOsr thm from ths day, and for the balaoee of the month at Btt Pk.K cent below regular retail prices, at the Hat aad Cap Emporium, 34 Market street Feb. S. 1 MYERB A MOORE. SAMPLE CASE. ! SPRING BTYLE DRKS8 MOLFRtlN HAT9. Pos , eoslny entirely new features, Just opened. Also, r atrkw sorr rr.i.r hhijmii hiin. as n Vat sod Cap Emporium, 14 Market street Feb. S. MY FRO, A MOORlt ' WILSON'S II1K1VESS 'CSTiBUSUOT.r. TrimmlB . Oar net It. Vallaaa. An. Tha I...... Ii.b ins Btate, sold wholesale or retail, at ths lowest New York -prices, liarness and Saddles repaired. r, . i - - , - i " . . iw a iai jabes wiijsoit, ' June , 1869 l.T6-ly. Mo. I Market at, near the Wharf. PINK KYH POTATOES. 7 )l( BDA KAKLY POTATOES BOW iBBdlof, & vJ V d for sals, by " i Jan. Htb4 1860. 1. A. KEITH. , W iLMINGlOOiUlllAfcBTtM VB0MT STBIBT, SIL0W BABIST, WILMINOTON, . C. ' 4 '; L A. JIABT& J0BN 0. MAJLSY, ' FrtpritlaH. PRACTICAL BUILDERS of pertable and stationary. Steam Engines, of any rsaulrsd power snd kind of boil. . er, saw mills, grist mills, gla gearings, and any other kind of machinery made In any establishment South. Have aa i hand a large variety of patterns far machinery sow In gew era! eae la the vurrooading country, Will supply drafts of " all kinds of machinery and mill work. Turosntlna atllla . and copper work in all its branches. . AH kinds of Iron aad brass cssiiuss, flnlshed or anflaisbed, at short notioe. OI j machinery overhauled and repaired. All work warranted ' to be aa represented. 4 la oonuection with the above establishment, ws bsvs on hand a large stock of robber and leather belting, lacing t Dsckinsr rivets, and mill rocks and boltlna sloth for itnl mills. Mill Saws and Circular Saws of any alas and gauge a4 furniihsd at abort notice. Feb. 16. J AURICl'LTTJRAL IMPLEMENTS. Aa. 1)U)U(1HS all kinds of .one and two hone " : :: . Cultivators, Harrows, Corn sibsllers, Btrew-Cuttert , Canal Barrows, Traos Chains, Axes, Ac. Ao. Jnev ra oeived and for sals by ,t... lU VJli., 2KNO JL UBXENEv January tn. , "xiitA rAMiLVVLOtk," ' ' "V BANUrA TTBXP IXfUMLY FOB ' -s ' L. B. HUGGINS & SONS, WILMINQTGN, N. C. ' trifadeofWhlt Whtaland Warranted Good. s - 1HIH FU)Ufl la manufactured at M Wachovia Mills," Ss . lam, N. C, expressly for oar treda, and Is warranted IB be or superior quality. . . . . Each Banwl le branded as above. - BjaFresh supplies received weskly. For sale by I , L.B. HUGGINS A SONS, . ... Feb. 1. B. E. Corner Market A 3d streets." 1 AHDEN SEEDS . . FB0M B BUI8T.- FLO WEB SEEDS TBOkf B. BU18T. ; ; i FROM JOHNSON. B0 BBIN8 A CO. " GARDEN SEEDS rEA8 AND BEANS ..... ... v , FROM JOHNSON. BOBBINS A CO. . For sale by L. B. KRAMBERT, Pharmaceutist, BS. ttBt 1W l . UMWtMUOtSIr " Herald copy. 500 BBLS. RHODES' BUI'ER-PHOSPHAlIS of LimS. . Var sala hv Jan. 18th, 1860, E. A. KEITH. HALP RICE, , I Bira 9rr r, r n n n. ...... S M 1 . i 22 S VAVDBwO VH.UI UVUV UAlif ltlL.ni, JOB. rui. For sals by s HATHAWAY to. ' Feb. 9th ' ' . - .- . B i , " N. C. LARD. . ' .i BBLS., a choice lot, Just rsceived Instera. Fortebe Feb. 16. ZBNQ H. GRKENE. - .w 10 CAy 3T0N AMBER GLUE. OATS OATS. ... 7 : ' i j Ann BUSHELS PRIME MARYLAND OATS. Xxf' fJ,JUJ stors ana iot aaie oy Feb, 10. ELLIS & MITCHELL. COW PEAS. ' 500 BUSHELS in store, for sale by. ' ia ' - ' Feb. 10. - ELLIS A MITCHELL, i. FLOUR FLOUR. - 1 r A BBLS. EXTRA QUAJ-ITY FAMILY FLOUR. TFo , OU sala by " A. S. HALL. - t Feb.4. ... - - - .- : .. 'f , ON CONSIGNMENT.,-,- ... . QK BBLS. BECT1FIED WHltiKEY w w vi . ut m, a. num. . For sals by . - ,0. C A W. J. 1ITJNBO.- Deo. SO. ' , : M ' . ... i. ... i, .. 1 1 i STARCH. . ' . K( BOXES PURE'BTABCH. For sale by ' ' OU Feb. lit EAIILAWAI it CO. XJ EVEBY VARIETY OF HARNESS, f STa Baddies, Bridles, Collars, Whips and 1 X I V" Trunks i all kinds of Leather aad Oll 'IV'l CoodltloB Powders, for diseassd IJnraaS snl (v.... , J' L . : .4 --. i i,l .U:3