V i c V V VOL 9. NO, 1G1. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1SC0. WHOLE NTTMBEE 2,C23 A& FTLTOX, Eor. ....A. L. r Assoc.. Eitor. Twwr SabaM!. IS; Pfr, yr, ri-'j ta itc. . 9 88 . ........ 1 W A3 va hnias MtMCStj wrJk Uki 3., BVJt a X-'gwi I to la prvpnaWrv , - lATDi OF ASrSKTSISU,, Salt neA. . wi sijoaaa- ti Oae day... 8 - .TW 4re, ......... ST J t Two js.. ..... .. l M I Thra Uya..... I : I rw4v ......... 1 is Te 4ja.. tea rwit.n..... Fwt 4 .,..., f&'aa wek...... lraa .... jf'M munia.... t t BIUAU... ty TiJ musiae. . A- I moblh.... .'a rear...... T Ft da.T,. ........ 1M ... r cue week. i n ...1 S: Twe weeks S M ...J0 On moath. 4 00 ...M Twe months ..TOO , ,.JM f Three awctha 10 at ...8 00 Bit month 14 W UN I Ott mr 50 W t !ti Laae ere counted ae a squirt, aad It litiv er tees a h s we. Laager ei'erfcmoient la proportiua, aad all paynb-c at aJreae. Whea aut paid to advance ii veavs ar square wsU be charged after It Bret Insertion. TAJ aalf-aqaarea act paid fur a advance will be chaff ed ae a equara. Bar Ad eruscaeata laaertsd u Special er Biahop BTntkea are charged ana h;f more thaa above retee Uaee (WdJ) ur Imm eaat4 m )Mhr. M kAmXimmtmm taMTt4 try etbvt y r ekrf4 IT mv p qnr (uc ck bnaruua tJWt th trC Mr S f ubUtH BimJ wiLhMt ripoamibl mom. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. IA B. ERAMBEBT, ' TARUGOBT AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, J Wiimwroii, N. C. ktp reosUnU ra band, t Mleet tix k ot Drug, Mud tmn, A'wwsdif uni A'uropeon Oumu-aii, ,any wi 7tM Ariwk H hw and Itttoaor Jtfexdcai 'urjxj, .rVtKaUr fttteoUo paid to PuncwriONt, PkKiiT Bbcu-cs, Mkduuki Cbistc, o. f.itr imaedtell BiulM ttt ? Cwtilia Hotel." JiUy 11, m. IG3-U1 O. C. W. J. MCJIRO. OMISSIOX MERCHANTS u4 WU0LE8ALS CR0 CluIU, No. Krtb W.ttr girtet, 7aal,l)U. ' Wilutoh, N. C. OI.ITKH KELLET, TTTHOLRBAfJI AND RETAIL DEALER3 IS GEOCK Y B1IC3 ASO PBOTISlOSi! 1 - ifo.ll Jfwft Water SJreri, Dm. 18, 15. Wifiwtow, W. C. r. M. SMIMU . NIK IKtrlll. SMITH 4k MrLAl'RIH. CO 41II8S10N AK1J rOaWARDiNO MERCHANTS, ..... , wiuinkiii, a. c, TO Jon Piwsos, Eq., Mjor. E. P. Hall, Eq., rrenident Branch Bank SUU N. C. Jnly lrt, " t . ;i , toA tf DKlUMiflET, UROWN 4k CO , tl E3EBAL COMM1H8JON MERCHANTS, r - - WlljMISUTOS . a Jml Ut, 1847 M tf. flRNBT P. HlkHKI-U GENERAL COMMISSION MKRCH ANT, 147 Ew Bat. (Ur 8tim.) CHARLESTON, H. C. March 17tb, 1848. MM : V. H. McKOT tOH BOCEBS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South UT Wur ttrMt, Wiuiixotoii, N. 0. Aug. S3d,18M. W . - h. B. KltJERS, WIIOLK8AXE GROCER AND C0MMI88TON MER CHANT. m4 DEALER IN NATAL STOREO, eemtr Water and Market itrMta, WttaiDfkoB, M. C. April M. HWt. - ' IA4. fOZUT. . . ALIX. OUWi. ITOKXKT OLDHAM, riBOCERS AND COMHIB8ION MTOICHANT8, AND XX DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AO. . Wilxdwioii, N. C. . t .. .. ! Rirnnici. CoL Joh MoRai. Prldnt of tha Bnk of Wilmlnrtoa. O. O.- Paaaur, Eq., Proaldent of th Commarelal Bank. E. MURRAY 4k CO, (loMMMn to Btmjf 4k Fiatoek,) C0MMI8HI0N MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE OROCERft, . : : ., . WAIKH STREET. o r-t ,'-. ' . WILMINGTON, N. C. i. mnuuT.' s.1. ircioKaoii... J. . mmAT. Fabrnary 1, 1889. - lM-tf . 4V.,., ...- . D, A liAMONT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 88 North Watar itnat, J Oot.ll Jl-tf WlLWHOTOIl, N. 0. ! & WAIUIAGTON HOUSE, FRONT STREET, . " ' WiurarofON, N. C. VtimJL P. LUCAS, PoriiTM88. Th vatronaaa of Dermanent and tranaient boarderi re- apactfully aolioited. Meala furnished without room Terma reaaonaDie, ana eterj coort maa vo giT aauaw tioa. ' ' Nov. 17th, 1889 ; ; 3-tf DR. B. P. ARRINQTOtf, BVROMON DENTIST. f-'mr " v Offlca and Reaidenca on Market itreet, boil h " ding formerly occupied by J. U. Wright, Esq., CUT ft Tf Wi&ilnrtoa.. C.' Jan. 17, 1B60. H3- 2m J. M. ROBIKSOH St SON , f- :-.. WiLMINSTOK. N. 0. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. AND Da lerea in Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nalla, Agriool- tnral Implementa, ao. i-i WH. C HOWARD, G ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, . Sept. M. 1864 13-tf Wilmiwotoh, w. u. f ' ' - ADA MS. BROTHER A CO., 1 10MMIBSI0N MERCHANTS, 1 Wilninoton, N. C DAVIS 41 CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SoothWator Street. J i - t . . WlLMIll9t01l, N. C. i. t. BATBAWAT. WH. . FTLST, . - HATHA WAV 4t CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J -. WUHTNOTOM, . C. T. CAB. O.WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, - li , WlLKlMOTOM, N. C. March IL 1867 , 156-ly 4AMSS AirpiBKnr, ' idwasb iataoi, . - ARDKRSO! A SAVAGE, 1 KNERAL COM MIHHION MERCHANTS. UDenai caan aurancea made on oongignmenw. J' v JAMES A, W1LLARD, VC0MMI8810N MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCER, ." " No. 10 Sooth WatksBtkkkt. Jan. 8, 1360. ' WimiKaTow, N. C. amu c. wits, milm ooamt. JAS.C. SMITH &CO 10MMIS6I0N MERCHANTS, offlca aeoond atorj, corner when they are prepared to attend to aU bnaineaa In tht immiaaion line. . . AU bnaineaa entnuted to them will be pnnotnally attend . j .... W. H. MeRARY 4k CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Prinoeai and Water v atreeu, wumujgxon, . w . - - , uriBBNCia : H. B. Savage, Caahler Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C, " Col. John iMcRw. ma uans wumiugwn, ao. ao, D. A. Daria, Caahler Branch B'k Cape Fear, Salmbart, do. J.G. Laah, " . " " f " Bale. 3. EHQregg.pTeaidentof BankCheraw, S. C. Oct 17 WALKER HE A UK 8, . , - . (SncflMMor to Walker Mearea k Co.,) f WHOLESALS AND RETAIL DRUWilSTS, -W. , il Mmrr raw, Wilmiimiwu, M.O. ' HARRIS8 A HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' SOSOS BAMTSt. A. I. K0W1LU W. aajuiaa. EUSLNESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MRS. St. R. PRICK, FA-BIOXABLR I .-..-vs MAKES, &KiK ea XA tL, brmmrm k. aJ tA ., Fh. 1.-1M ttaa:MTO,'N. C- c. a. mlus. a. r. wmatxa. EU41 MITCMKI.L, WHOLESALE AND hTi!L I KaLRW W COKN. f'Ki.OTS. RVE. WUkiT fHAS, OIL Wf AL; FKEH GliOUiiD EOMiM, boEMi 4 COW ltM; Al . ElSTl&y AXS Jiu&TB R1'K& SiT. N. Nnk Water Mr4, WaaiMTO. N C. rVHrnarr 1, 13 1 wa. a, avTta. vent rto t. aoirai. a. mma. btttKH, rKKlK K A MW, wtiiiisariN. n. r , CIOM MISSION MEBCHASTH. HOLKALK URiKTS t a4 4rr la NAVAL PT'rSX CjTToN, aa4 KMih- era I'ttOUt'CK ter1. Praauit Mraueal attcaUoa civta la t roatcaamU af r. a. HsuL, ' a. r. aitziLL. BfZZKLI. A t K, GROCERS A COMMISSIUX MERCHANT, ' Na. U NerU Water atreet. Jaa. OT, liO. iiMiwiroa, If . rr i. a. wiLuaaa. a. it. vtaria. J. ti. WILUtN A ttX. COMMISSION MERCHANT, IhS Fmoirr rr., Naw Ti. I'aitKular attenUoa airea U the aaJe f Naral htorta. Cvitoa and (iraa. f.a, 14, 1W0.-118 ly. HKill CiRAIIAH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WiLatwiToa, N. C S.OnVe adjuiaiag Latterluha Wharf, North Water Street bjt. hi, lvji. lfniio I MOW DISTtlXKRV. - " WILMINGTON. N. C, A. H. VAN BOEEELEN. Paoraiiroa. ALL EUDH OF NAVAL STORES parehaaed, aaaaafac tared and aold Vi barface aa4 Storace faraadted, and (A'otwaje doae at tatrratea. Jaa. 1, tMJO. I00-tf. J. H. ROTH WELL, 1 1 ENERAL COLLECriNQ AGENT, IT . WlLMUiOTOM, N. C, Will attend promptly to the eolle ioaef all Accounta, Notea, o , entruated to hia care, for a reaaoaabla eemute- aioa i and will alteud all Courta la the adjoiulog Coaatiee lor uiai pwpoae. tie alao coutmnee the Acencr (or the aale of Booka, Newa- papera, f'eriudicala, Ac. , novrrarxir i, im w-u. ami w. owaN, o. a. TAaaaoiuM. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. "Liberal caah advancea made on conalrnmenta of coun try produce. Nor. nth, iKis. as iy UESIOV AU P. UE1NSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. TAKES THIS method to Inform hia eaetomere and perauna la want of work of any dearip tion, is hia line, thai he haa removed bk Book- mmtv and Httling eatabliahment to the Raeemeut of the new " Journal Jiuildmg" on Prinvaaa Street, where be will be pkaeed to receive ordera for every ovecription oi Binding or Ruling, Ac, Ao. . Thankful for paat favora, oe no pee to continue vo receive liberal patronage aa heretolore. Uk Jiav, iso. a).' St.' WKT, ' AUCTIONEER Akin ouuwuioH MBRon api r, WlLaiNOTOM, N. C, Will Mil, at private aale, Votlrm. A'atai Wore, mmi alt klada of produoe, at a email sommi$vm Alao, Bank Stock at 1 par cent. Rail Road Stock , 1 per cent. RealEetate..... I percent. Negroea ...1 per cent. Direct importation, Cargo Bale 1 per cent. aariaa To the cithena of Wilmington generally. October ii( i09 - L. B. HVUOIHS A SONS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES 4c GENERAL MERCHAN diae, 8. E. Corn. Market and Second Btreeta, waa moron, n. v. e-Ordere from our friendi will receive prompt attention. Oct. 10, 1859. HOH'T H. CO WAS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMINOTON, N. C. -Offlc, South Corner Market ana water mraeta-op ataira. Oet. fl, 186S M U EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 169. WlLMlWOTON, N. C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Notbh Watub Stkiht, WlLMINOTON, a. V, Solicit conaicnmenta of all kinda of Produce, alao, ordera for Grocerea, Bagging, Rope, Ouano, Ac, Ao. Kria TO Johk Dawson, Eq., O. G. Pak8liv, Preaident Commercial Bank, Gbo. Davis, Esq. ja". . ramwAT, aooaa aooaa. October 1st, 1869. oh as. p. units, rwsD. j. aooHk. SIVKHS i NUUUK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL oalhw m BATS,CAPS. STRAW GOODS, FURS, JilDINO MATS, UM BBELLAS, CANES, &, 4tC, $4 Market atreet, WtLMINOKm, N. C. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducements, and respectfully anllcit aa examination of our a EW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Oor Goodi are purchased direct from manofactnrera. We pay no second yrvju, ttUU r7 wimug, luu twt wa k mn muj f uuviug House in the United States. We are deairoua of sending our Goods to every aection of North Carolina, and will use every exertion to please all who may favor us with their ordera. September zj, 1W6. - LAW NOriCE. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, one door East of Dr. Dickson's. Scot. Id. 1869. 306-tf THOMAS W. BROWN', JR. A TTORNEY AT LAW. i COMMISSIONER OF THH UNITED STATES IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. . Office first floor, 2d door new Jocbkal Bcildino. 1 WilminirtoB, June 24th, 1858. 247-tf DR. J. A. DULLER, tiRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER & BA J; KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wilmwotob, N. 0. Oct. 20th, 1867 v 88-tf W. W. DAVIS, M. D., 0 FFER3 HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT Izeni of WUminaton. Office 2d door below Holmes' Hotel, Front Street. June 6. - 23l-tf EDWARD BIcPHERSON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ,VJ No. 6 South Water Street, ' WILMIK0T0M, a. V. August 8th, 1859. , A. E. HALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, LvUerloh'$ Wharf Wilminqtoh, N. C. July 30th, 1869. - 278-ly ALDERMAN A BKT 1 KSCOt'HT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, v No. 32 Nobth Watkb STHIITi a,Orders for Goods accompanied by the cash, or from punctual customers solicited, and will receive prompt and ' HI A HliV K Ulil.ui l'ii fPHE SUBSCRIBER having, purchased the CAPE FEAR I IIIIIIVI'DIII.WIV l..rr.,..l- ,1 . ta xo Beery,) is prepared to build or repair Veseeta. Faithful work at fair prices promised. Orders solicited. - Z MICHAEL BOBBINS. Reference 0. G.jParsley, Kidder A Martin, J. & D. MoRae & Co., Harriss A Howell, J. H. Planner. April 28th, 1869 , v l994y W. H. MARKS A CO., (IDCCIHOII TO L. i. HiT.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALER8 IN HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, LANTERNS, TIN nd SHEET-IRON ES, 19 Front street, Wilmington, N. C. - , W. H. ILABKS. A. R. vttr. NEW YORK, PBILA 4 BOSTON CARDS. JACOB REEDr MIUrAHV CLtHUIVt). B. K.fr, Sk(U1 am PHltR TW ft KTB, PHlLAlihWlUA. SdrMILTT AtT nDTHi FOR JUL. J4a.JJ.lv1i ISIta (SMIKVES Acnra, "ITTHOlirsttlt I'EALtltlt IN Y AN 1KB. NOTIONS i 't PKKFUS4EST. S. Ml Want Strart, Saw lark. Buit Gairria.l a H. Aratw. J Nwv. 13, InA. " 41 y Jots a. iot t. i. aaTAa, a. LODON A BRYAN, COMMISSION MARCH ASTH, No. SI Imma Sraurr, Boaraa. Coaaig naieata of Naval Sutraa, Cotwa, Lam bar, aa4 ether Suaiaera Pro4af aoiicited- , Nov. tlat. lsai. ; ' 4 ly. SAaaoa a. watbom, . aavMi asiaae. WATWIS A MR ARKS. COMMISSION MERCRANTH, 14 BrliMSUp,Ntw York. Eapeclal attention paid to the aale of Naval Stvaaa, tVr turn, aa4 Sotthera Proditce geaeraily. Libwia.1 aUvaavM aied aa exiuinta. July I, S4 m. aotLMsa, a. rwrta. a CABtaisM DtviXNKK, SnrrravH A CO ttOMMISSlON MERCHANTS, P Saw Yoac. AprU U, lWA iwkly. 4. BAavir eaeaaAB. w.a. avaui. CUCHRAS A Rl'SSELL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. IS VurU Waarvea, and ta North Water Mrst, PaiLADBLraiA. T-Llberial eaak advaacee Bad oa CeaaignnMata. Jalv tli. IT BOOK ADVERTISEMENTS. RKW HOOKS, BT tIPRESS THIS MORNING AT EELLEY S BOOR (T0RE. Footfalle apoa the Bousdariea of Aaother World, by Rob't DaleOaea. Doctor Oldham at Greyatonea aad his Talk There. Elghteea Chrtatiaa Centuriea, by White. Womaa ; a Sequel to Love, by Mitchlat. Edith Vaaaha'a Victory, quite iut creating. India, the Pearl of Pearl River, by Mra. Soathwurlh. tot, John's Manual, Calholio. St. Vincent s do. do.j March 7th, laCO. NEW HDOHI, BT EXPRESS, at KrXI.KY'S New Book Store : Sir Bohan's Uhoat, a Romance ; Macauley'a History of England, 4 vole.; Woman, (Le'Pemme) by Mitchlat, a sequel to (Le 4 mour) or Love j I'arochal Sermons, by Southgate ; ., Recollections of Mr. Childhood, by Grace Greenwood i The History of Alexander the Great, byJ.S.C. Abbott; The of RoBiulus, " " The " of Julius Cemar, " " The " of Alfred the Great, The " of Hannibal, .. .. The " of Peter the Great, " The " of Queen Elisabeth af England," " The " of Mary OAieen of Scots " " The " of Williaia the Conqueror, " " t'antwetl'a Justice ; . North Carolina Form Book t The Voyage of the Foxror the Fate of Bir Joba Frank lin. '- r- - March 1. WANTED. fHIOPKR AKIt AM TI I-1.ICM WANS' let. A PBIMK DI8TII.I.EK AND TUIU'KNTINK BARREL 2Y. MAKER, for which liberal wagaa will pe paid and per- manent employment given Apply linmsilmteiy. J. T. Pr.TlEWAY A CO, reo. 18 141 tr. OWNER WANTED. 1710R 1 BHDS. BACON, marked Diamond It W. Received . per Schr. Champion, from Baltimore, ritored and ad vertised at owner's risk and expense. lea u. its. r. u. a t. u. wuui u. NEGROES I NEURORBlt WANTED TO PUR- tS chase, eight or ten likely FIELD HANDS, from 1m to SO years of age. Any one having such Negroes rv to dispose ef, will find a CAMl purchaser by applying at J, M. ROBINSON A SON'S Hardware Store, Frout Si (Aug. 10, 1859 387-tf A i UUI ntipoia Wilmirgton, N. C. NOTICES. NOTICE. WE EXPECT to have our Mills again running in the eoursM of three or four weeks, aud In the mean time shall endeavor to keep up our usual aupply of Meal, Hominy and Ground Feed. We ahall aUo keep a aupply of Cora, Peas, Oats, Ac. Fsb. 9th, 1800 . ELLIS A MlTUUhLL. WILMlftUTOft A VtKLlMII RAIL ROAD CO., I February 27tb, 1800. ( flMiK MuhMNU TitAIN, will until further notice, leave J. Wilmington at 2:30 a. m., and the evening train at 2 p. m., on aud after Tbursdsy, March ll. D. u. (W,riu.ii bun. m r-uu i. Fsb. 2th, 1880 IW-tf REWARDS $4U REWARD . WILL BE PAID to apprehend my aegfo woman A ELIZA JON 18, now linking about town. She is black and of very plain appearam e, 45 years of age. Jan. Hth, 1860 10-tf SEED OATS. 760 bushels PennsyWania White Oats, Choice. E ECtlVING, ECEIVLVG, 2,014 bushels Canada Black data, Very Choice rjlO ARRIVE, 600 bushels Canada White OaU, Lxtra. rilO ARR1VK PER HAIL ROAD. I 400 bushels N. C. Black Oats, Superior. fill) ARRIVE. I 2 cargoes Hertford White Corn. Feb. 14. bTOKLEY A OLDHAM. ST) 13 NEW CROP RICE, in oi Xie jL e and barrels. For sale by Oct. ioth, H6 DeROwiSKT, fil NEW CROP RICE, in oaaks, half casks, UOW.V A CO. WHISKEY AND HUM. tZ.( BBLS. RECTIFIED WHISKEY. OU 60 bbls. N. E. Bum. For sale low to close eonsignment, by .,,, Jan. 14. G.C. A W. J. MUNRO. IN STUIIK, BBLS. N. C. FLOUR For aale in lots, by Jan. 24. A. E. UAUi. HIJUAR OtOAH. ' . " 100 10 BHDS. N. O. AND MUSCOVADO. For sale by Jan, 19th, i860 T. H. McKOY A CO. VINKOAR VINEGAR. BBLS. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. Just received and for aale by ZEND H. GREENE. 25 Feb. 18. CHARLEaTUN RICE. CT A CASKS fresh beat Charleaton Rice. 01 25" " " Lalf " . Just received and for aale by , . Jan. 14. G. C. A W. J. MUNRO. " RAISINS AND CANDY. NEW CROP RAISINS, in quarter, half and whole bojt--ea Steam fieftued Assorted Candy, bux.es ..of '80 nd 26 lba, For aale by ZtNO H. GREEN B. Feb. 10. - ' .: CONCENTRATED LIE. 0R SALE BY THE BOX, each box containing 24 one S-Ha ' ZENO H. GREENE. "- ,rWHEAT BRAS. ' ' " AA BAGS BRAN; I , , . . 0JJ 800 do. Fine do. In atore tni I for sa i by Feb. 10. EliLIS A MITCHELL. vvwaava , M , M , ,m m BATINO POTATOES. ClK BBLS. Mercer Potatoea. Apply to 5IEDICAL 4LTIMOHR UXK IHrrTAU IHKTOI JOHNSX. THi f aJiff of tisia Cirrato4 IttHituf.iuai the a t Cw-rtaia S4y. aal m't e?sK-tal rvatrdv, tela warW tvtnrta i . ea.'ai weak, Fa:t hi tf t.-ua. Cat iM()J IVhi'.rty, tawpetriwy, WrtttM ef ta Sh aad Lfca. Airetjtua ef th ki-tnera, Pa.'c:aUa f lh Heart. lHrpa. Nanuaa lrvub:lity. IVm ef the HvaJ, Throat. Nwe tf r4a; aad aJ these a rtoaa aa4 atriaarkaiy liwoVr arasHg trim aU thuae Ilra"t:e habits ef Yoo'A wha h 4etrey WU kady aa4 aiiad. Tataa sat-arr aad a.t-Ui-t prac Ut-a ssare ratal ta the vtettase thaa the aaaf of the Hrreaa to tha Marara I'liw. hi eftog tW axiat bru' aat hvpa af aaUctpattoaa. ra4rin aMnnaga, 4., napoaaihe. IMlMj b14Mbi eapeeiaily, who have beae the vktlate a fWStary YWa, that dreadful aad 4wrtrctire aabrt, whAh aaaiialiv ej-s ha aa aattaaslv grave tkiasaada 4 yaaag aaea f the Bat exaite4 tairata aa4 aniltaat IMeU wkaas ght etherwtoe haveeatraaced tttama Saaatee wkh the Vh dera of aia- taeace, a wake4 ta acatacy the tivtag tyra, nay call wtth ail eoaoueaoa, Marrlaa. Married Peraeaa, or.Toaag MeacaateaipWtlaf rrlaf, batag aware ef Physical Wsakaeaa. twraate liebtSky, Defor aiiiiaa, 4c, shoai.l laMaedlataly rooaalt Dr . J.,aad be restor ed la pertVct heaita. He wha alaoee kiatsalf aadet the eare ef Dr. Jahasoaaiar relif Waalt eaaflJe ha h honor as a geatWmaa, and food- deatly re. apoa fcle akill aa a ahyaeiaa. Onraaaa U mAm tatmediateiy eared, aad full vigor restored. This diesaae ta the peaarty aioat freqaenU paid hy those who have become the vtcuma of Improper hidulgvaraa.-. Young persona are too apt to eemmit earaanea froat not be ing a a are of the dreadful eonaequeacea that aaay eaaae Now, wha that aadarataads the subject will preuad ta 4ay that the aawer af Prorraatioa ta loat sooner It those falllna lata InioruDar kabita thaa h tha aradaak. Baaidaa hakua deprived the pleaaure of healthy offspring, the aioet eeriuoa aad 4eatnM9tve syiphiaa te both body anj aiutd arise The syatoai aeoowiaa 4araBga4. the ahyaicsl aad ax ata) powere weakeaed, aervooa debUity, dispepsia, palpitatioa oi iae aar. maigaauoa, a wasuug or ut frame, eough, synptons oi eoaaumpDua, eto. SerrasM DaUlllr. Wsakneas of the system, Nervous lhUity and prematave decay generally arise from tha Dostractive habit of youth, that solitary practice so fatal to the aealUtfai eifsteace ef aiaa, and ft ta the young who are moat apt ta beretae Its vktima, from aa Graoranee af the daasara to whwh thev aubjectthemselvea. Pareata aad Guardiaaa are artea mav led with respect la the raase or eooree af duwaae In their eoaa aad war da. Alas t how often 4a they aacrlbe to other causes the wasting of the frame, Palpitatioa ef tha Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, 4erengtaeBt af tha Nervoue Bya tsat, Cough, and Symptoms af CoaaumpMoa, aiaa, thoaa ae rioes BMtttal sOkcti, such as loan af memory, depression of spirits, or peculiar fits of melancholy, when the the truth Is, tney nave oeea caoaea by indulging in pernicious but allur ing preetteea, destructive to both Body and Mind. Thus are swept from extsteaoe thousands who might have been of ase to thair country, a pleasure to their fr Wo da aad orna ment to society. Orrica No. 7 Swrs Faaoaici Br., left hand aids going from Baltimore atreet, T doors from the corner. S4" Be particular la observlni the name and number, or you will nuatake Die place. S4" lake autk-e, observe toe name on the dor aad win dows. A tVe HMtrranltd, or ao Vhorgi Mtth, in from (Ms to IW Doys. , NO MEIU'URT OR NAUSEOUS DBUOS USED. DR. JOHNSON. Mstnber of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, (ira.lu ate from one of the moat eminent Colleges of the United States, and ths greater part of whose Itle baa basa spent la ths first Hospitals of Loudon. Paris, Philadelphia, aad else where, baa effected some of the moat aatonialiiiig euros that WA.M .. - m... UMklil.l.. 1.111. . I . . . . . h i II. V . . I and eare whoa eala, great nervonsneas, being alarmed at aoddaa aoaads, aa4 baabfulneaa, with rreonrat bliMhina, at tended aouietimee with derangement of wind, wem MMMUWMII. A Certain Dlaaaaa. Whet the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has Imbibed Hie seeds of thla painful dlaaaaa. it' too onWbappena that an ill tuned snuae of aliarue, or dread of Oisiojiery, deters him from applying to tbose who, from ed ucatfoa and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional srmitottis of this horrid disease make their appearance, such aa aloerated sora throat, diseased miae, Biwturnal ualns, In the bead and limbs, dluineaa of sight, deafness, nodea on the shin bonee and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with fright rul rapidity, till as last the palate of the mouth or the hours of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease be comes a horrid object of ooramisaeration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufleruigs by sending him to " that bourne from whence no traveler returns." To sueh, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledges himself to preserve the most In violable seoresy, and from hia extensive practice fn the first hospitals la Europe and America, he can confidently recom mend a safe and speedy oure to the unfortunate v to tun of this horrid disease. It Is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to the ouakillfulnemi of Ignorant pre tenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, and even aend the unfortunate auO'ar er to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of hia life miserable, . Take Partlrwlar Nollre. Dr. 1. addreasee all those who have Injured themselves by private and Improper Indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pre duoed by early habit of youth, via f Weakness ef the Back and Limbs, Pain in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitatioa of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Derangemeut of tha Digestive Fuuc'.ions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Ao. MkNTALir f he fearful effceta upon the mind are much to be dreaded t Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Depres sion of Snlrita, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all ages, ran now judge what Is the cause of their decliuiug health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Dr. Juhnsun's Invigorating Hriuedjr for Orgunle , Weakness. By this great and Important remedy, weakness of the or. gaus are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Tlionsaod of the most nervous tod debilitated, who had loat all hope, have been relieved. AU impediment to Marriage, Physical ur nenuii iiaquaiiui.uuu, nirfum irriukuuitj. &iuiuiitjK and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speed ily cured by ur. jounson. , Young Men, Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, In dulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the eOecta of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not oured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. , What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parent, should be snatched from all prospect and enjoyment of life, by the consequences of deviating rrom me pain oi nature, auu uiuuik"h a caruun secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating . Marriage . ......... should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most no oessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through Ufa becomes a weary pilgrimage, toe prospect nourij aaraeoa to iu view , iue mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with tha melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another, be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., iJafkmori, Afd. j All Buboical OriaATiOMi Pnroiain., N. B Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply lm mediately either personally or by letter. K1X DISBAR) SnBDILT 0UBID. Ta Straaaere. ......' . The many thouaanda oared at thla Institution within the last twelve years, and the nnmeroua Important surgical Op orations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porter of our daily papers and many other persons notices oi wuicn nave again ana again appeared ueiur uio puuuq ta a sufficient guarantee, that tite anucieu wiu nna auu; fnl and honorable physician. ' . Take Nolle a. N. There are so mafir worthless Quacks advertising themselves a Physicians, ruining the health of tht already afflicted, that irr. Joonaon deem it neoessary to say, espe cially to those unacquainted with his reputation, that Lit credentials or otptoma always nang in nia omoe. TAKE NOTICE All letters moat bo DoaVpaid, and oon tain a pottage stamp for tht reply, or so answer will be tent. ... . . . - . - May 27th, 1859 224-ly WATER GROUND MEAL. AN EXTRA ARTICLE OF WATER GROUND MEAL, constantly on hand and for sale by . - . .1.. r. HimtJlNS A SONS, Jan. 21. . 6.B. cor. Market A 2d streets. A DESIRABLE' JJ AND WELL ASSORTKD STOCK OF UMBRELLAS JQ? and Parasol j also, a few large Baggy UuibreUas- fa For aale by J. B. W1LL1A.MS. Jan. 28th, i860 ., ' OIL. BBLS. Lamp and Machinery Oil For aale by ' : DlTSf CAFSt l-EHELLA ic. T t tH a T t BtKK 11 lT. CV ta aitu4, . t ff Zrl tZ . m T"'" wah aw - ftfAAl tWN4lAr.j t-m UMSXXllAi, m i& - ! l,kr.tMt Skaaalaci. a 1 tee 1st. . JyKkihi hy Marx. WHOLES ALE BrtKRS , " 4 From every aarUoo ef the huts wdl 8o4 S to thaw eivaa tagt ta aaaaua ear eaaurtmwat ' aaakg t-taa T'w- " 4 0virT 44 Market strata. DEaiRot s or t Loaiau uit OCR ASSORTMENT I'MPSHXAS eAt. lory to laying la our tew isJ'&iJt J 6tt.A wf oflar thass freia th day, tad for 14 ka aae af Ut aaoaih at aw f aN l at v r L .... . . the Hal an4 lap Ewporiuai, 44 Market street. - tllKJIA BOOBS. SAMPLM CASSL SPRING STYLE DRkSS MOLJCSEIN BAT1 fot, n aaauua; nureir aw wataraa, inat epte4. Aiaa, new atvtaa SOFT IK1.T Kkl'KM lim At u Feb- A MY EM A MOOR!.'"- BUMBltKHO UCASO. 1M CALLING TMht ATTENTION of the vuhtle to t t valuable end recently discovered aeposst af thia fn" atng article, we will merely state, that bke a3 aUr f ha phurte gaaaoa, tt a moat valuable constitute! la paoephorle acid.ar boa phosphate af luaei aad that ka meresn'-'e value, aa compared with other guanoa of It kind, may be easily 4atoraiue4 by tha amosui of phaaphorie acid ar boaw phosphate of I me It eoetalna. la ardor, therefore, to gtva the public a thorough knowledge af what kotnbrere guana doee eoataia, wa tag ta refer to the following list of eaiiaeot chemists ta different part ot the world, who have analysed it from average temple takea by themaelvee from tha ear- guas jaat a they arrive from the kiaad, without drytnf or aeterUoa of spe.ltuua for analysaUoa. Each anaiysia ba eihibSed, tf reuuired aader the oruit&al liiuature of each chemist banted. ., , ,..,.4 Of Phoanhate of Lime conaistiaa of Phoauhorla Acid aa4 L e la nearly equal partalt at foand to avntals ' BY PROF. M0RFIT, of New TwIilI..TfS' da PltMJT, Baltimore ..,....,. ..... .79.31 do HAYES. Boston, of 1 st aamnle. .......... .19 M do " ' , Id " 84.S0 ao itr.wia, uaiuiaorc, 1st " do Jd tt liik.WP.W ..WW, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 3d ...7104 4th a ..71.04 i u it h i M S4 CHILTON, N. Yoik.lst PItklOT. Baltimore. 1st .84.91 . mii l M M Rat... , HUHON, UverpooL England........ ...... M.Stts DECK, New York ., KIN " (of t selected Specimen)., tMf.lt MAUPIN A TUraE,l'nirralty efVa.,.t6.1l . GIL1JAM, of Virginia Military lusUtuta. . .M 00 HTAABUO, Alesandria, Va.. 78.00 llOOlll. G4 BRETT A CAMAC'l tl'hUa- , delphla) analyait at three eargoea 0 00 WAY, Loudon.. ,,.,...,,.,.,...,,..,,.,,,71 00 , NEHlUT, " 79.00 Vor.U fern. Royal Agrl'l Cel., Eng. . .'. . .79 00 l.KUDkTf, Havre, Frauot ,,..78.00 , KINDT A TOKL, Gov t Chea t fire's.... 78.00 JOHNSON, Yale College I ..80.24 Thus proving that tits value of Hue guano la sot tctermlk. , ed by a selected chemist, of selected speolmena. er eves aeleoled largoea, but aa srersrs nl K fa-t., mm th.j M,i,, auu juat aa they arc oOered to the publra for sale. And for aa alike array of emlaaat authotlty, framlaawont. ly obtained from pruniiaeuous cargoes U ditlsreot part of Ute world, we challenge a eomparwoa with any phoaphatie guano now for safe. A liberal deduction In prices will be made on cargo tale to manufacturers and to the trade. - ' Hole Agents for Wilmington, H. C. , , Feb. 14th, l(0-tf W, H. McRABY A CO. WILSON'S HARNESS ESTABLISULNT. EVERY V4R1ETY OF HARNESS, rTct Haddlea, Bridies, Collars. Whlus and 8, Ml Trunks j all kinds of Uather and Oil: Condition Powdsrs, for diseased Horse and Caiiiie t. v.J Triiiuniiisa. Carnet Bairs. Valises. Ae. Tha larvaat atm'k In tne Mats, sota wboiesie or reuti, at tiio lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddle repaired. ' ' aura wiuHi, Jiim , lHfiftl. ly. . 8 Market at., near the Wharf. '". "' ' ' 1 '""piuk E k itrr A To es. " "" ,m JAA BBLB. EARLY SEED P0TATOt sow landing ZUU and for sale, by , V, Jan. 28th, 8(M). ... KEITH. ""MASU'IOjrlRui ASU COPPER WOttAair" ' SkONT tTHKKT, IIL0W BtAIUlIT, ' W1LM INdTON, N. O. ; . ' ',, L A'. VAHT A J0 UN V. DAILEY, lYopriHurt, 1)RACT1CAL BUILDERS of portable aad stationary Steam Engines, of any required power and kind of boll er, saw mills, grist milk gin gesrlngs, and any other kind of machinery nade ia any etaililnuut South. ' Nave oa ' band a large variety of patterns for machinery now In gen- . eral use iu the eurruundiug country. Will supply drafts ef all kinds of niachinerr sud mill work. Torbcntlne stills and copper.work in all it brancbea. ' AU kind of Iron andj brass castings, flnithed or unfinished, at short notice. Old machinery overhauled and repaired. All Work watrantcd to be a represented. In connection with the above establishment, we have on baud a large stock of rubber and leather belting, lacing. parking rivets, and mill rock aud bolting oloth for grist y mills. Mill Haws and Circular Sawa of any tht and gauge , furnished at short aolloa. . ' Fsb. 1ft. ' AURICl LTLRAL IMPLEMENTS, eVe . . ' 1)L0UGUS-A11 kinds of out and two bona j ' - . . CulUvatota, Harrows, Coro-Wielleta, Btraw-Cnttera J Canal Barrows, Traot Chains, Axes, Ac, Ao. Jnst re ceived and for aak by ZENO GREENE. January 26th. . - ICATRA VAM1L1 VLOIH, - . KANIT ACTPBBO tXttKHSVt ' FOB , L. 0. fllGCLNS & SONS, WllMlSOTON, N. C. ; -r Afofifl of WKil Wheat and Warranted Oood.f -. ri)HIH FLOUR is manufaotared at " Wacbevla Mills," Ha- lem, N. C'e'xpressly for our trade, and I warranted to be of superior quality, . , r . - " --. Each Barrel Is branded aa above. .., WB-rresn sniipiies reoeiTea w-3iy. ruraaiour L. B. MUGGINS A SONS, Feb. 1. S. E. Corner Market A 2d streets. ' 1 AUDKil SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS FROM R. BUIST. FROM B. BUIST. ' , GARDEN SEEDS FROM JOHNSON. BOBBINS Jb CO. . PEAS AND BEANS ' ' FROM JOHNSON, BOBBINS A CO. For sale by L. B. ERAMBEBT, Pharmaceutist, . . Jan, 4th, i860 Under the Hotel. Herald copy.. KflABBLS. RHODES' BUPER-PHOSPHATK of Lim. OUU t'ot aale by Jan. 28th, 1860. K. A. KEITH. HALS' RICE. 20 CASKS VERY GOOD HALF BICE, Jost rwefvtd . Ct For aale by HATHAWAY A CO..,., Feb. 8th m. i.AHD. 5 Bff,f is ch0'c' Iot' jMt titSSSSS OLIJB. . r. ..-.nmnvr I unii' I) lT.nEV Vn. mIa t. l UASftS DUDivn a."M ,!tj r lJ Feb.U. E. A. KEITH. OATB-4)ATS. aooo -i'eh,10v, . BUSHELS PRIME MABILAND OATS. In . t store and for tale by - ; ... ELLIS A MITCHELL ' COW PEAS. - ,, . BUSHELS la store, for sale by ' Feb. 10. ELLIS A MITCHELL. 500 FLOUR FLOUR, KA BBLS. EXTRA QUALITY FAMILY FLOtTB. Ft , all I ..I h . ...... .a., e. HALL. J . Feb. 4. ON CONSIGNMENT. ... . , dV Q ft BBLS. BECT1FIED WHISKEY ; - - . Ot) S5 do. bestN. E.Bum. w . vvriU() " ' For tale by G. C A W. J, KUNUU, .r 15 . Wilmington N. C, May 9th, 1869 fj MarotlA. JA3. f. PEIIEWAY 4 CO. Feb. 8. BAIL Wi.Y A CO. D0. 30.

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