L J VOL 9. NO. 1C2. WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, IHO. WHOLE XUHBin 2.C21 as. rctrjs, ba a. i- r&iet. As-, ti.wt. TVv Parer. eee vr. kitrs,) a eJeace ,wt - - ....... 1 W A - llre M kU)M COOOKt W&h UK OSce. b BA-jr4 Ue pr?f newra, EkTES lr ADYBVet.W . balv a, asa- Oss iiT 1 1 Taoao. "i Tire j. W FMir rs -i CM. I kjCiU. Oae day Twe de.VW Tire dirt. Fcr de ........ Five dr (M .. Twe wvtte On month. Twa biwUi Tint BJoeih 8i moods ts 1 . 1 14 1 M 1 T t 11 . 4 oo . I t 19 00 14 M SO ft Cm wrk., Tw Ikkt Cm bkmU.........! M Te BNavss I M Tiree atvotha. I W Kl (seethe.... .....I 80 Om veer IS (0 On yr. Tu La ere ffoa&ted m Nun, ead Ive knee or t ft k)Ufi Long er flrtinaiBU la prwpurUwa. and ah eyftbe ta advance. When ftot paid ta edvaace 13 feel pr sqsare will be eharged after the firrt tartioa. -Ai half aqusj- o( paid fur advance wul be charf 4 ft ft iurt -Airum8ts Inserted as Special er Bishop Notices art charged eee-ksif more thaa above rates eight base lleaJtd) or k-ea counted as ft eqaare. AralvettawmeuU luearted every ether day ere eharged IT) eeete par square fur tack InaarUua aftar th Brat. - MrXo pabboauua aiada wiUiost a raapooaibla aam. itSLNESS AND PROFESSIOML CARDS. - UC1 B. KRIHBCHT, DUCGG1ST UfD mCTICAL PUARM1CEUT1ST, iuhito, N. C. Kwp eoarUBtij o hand, a atlact ttock af lntg, iftnf- Ibwt trivia, U MM 4 X4rt fur Mlicl J.rpomm, Kt.PartUr atteBtiot paid ta Paiamimoxa, Pimiit Bactrt. Mniciaa Ciut. ao. .Mot hniiteHr u4ar ta " CariM Hotri." . o. c. w. j. niRRo. COMMISSION M.ERCHAKTS fta4 WU0LES1LB CBO j CMUS, N. U Monk WftUr birct, J una U, WiLamaTOW, y. C. " " OUVIR KCLLBV, XTTnOLKlII AND RETAIL DEALERS 13 UBOCS- BlaaAJiOPBOVIWO.Nii, lio. ll XorOi Water Street, Dae. 14, 1MH. - WitmwTOW, N. C. . m. ftJUTi, ioH Mctrm. SMITH A Mf Lkl'RfV, C04MI88105 AJSD rOBWARDlSU MERCHANTS, . WlLMllHJTOM, N. C. IIUB TO John Diwaow, Eaq., Mayor. K. p. Hall, Eaq Pmidant Branck Bank SUW N. C. Jaly lit, K KA f ' iK H(MH KT, BHOWN CtX, 11 CNE&AL COMMISSION MKKCHANTS, J WlLMlNUTOa N.C. Jaa. lai, lW.m-t. HEKRY P. RCMMR1X, GKNEHAX COMMUSION MERCHANT, 14! Kaw Bt, (Uf Rtiim.) Marok lTtk, W 161 tf . T. II. MrKOY A COM R0CEH3 AND C0MMIS810N MERCHANTS, Booth VT Watr alraat, Wilmuivtok, N. 0. Aaf . Wd, m. t'J7 II. B. KIURR1, WHOLEKALfc GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, eoraar Watar and Market itraaU, Wilmington, N. C. Ayrtlld, 1H68. Jift. ITOILJT. ALBI. OLDIAM. TOKLET ak OLDHAM. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. WlLMlHGTOd, N. C. Biriuxci. ' Col. Joan McRai, Preaident of tha Bank of Wilmington. O. O. Pabilt, Eaq., Praaldent of tha Commercial Ban K. MURRAY A COn (gaienaaara to Murrajr A Paarack,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATEH STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. B. Hl'ftliT. B. B. MCaCBUON. I. T. MORAT. . Fabrnary 1, 185. W-tf D. A. LAMONT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 38 North Water ttreot, J Oct. li ai-tr wilmwotoh, a. v. WABHINOTOIf 1IOC8B, FRONT STREET, Wilmington, N. C MIh A. F. LUCAS. PRoriumEM. -r The patroongt of vennanent and transient boarders r- ipecuuJiy aoiicitea. ueai iurnianea wimoui rooms. Terms reaaonftble, ftnd every effort made to give aatisfao Uon, Nr. lTth, 1869 63 tf DR. B. P. ARR1NOTON, BURGEON DENTIST, t m " w OlSoe and Reaideooe on Market itreet, bull t, dine formerly occupied by J.G. Wright, Eaq., CUXlIIl) Wilminton, N.C. Jan. l(, Ibw. lu im- J. M. ROBIN 80S A SOS, WitamoToa, N. 0. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Deft, leree la Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Naili, Agricnl toral Implement, 4o. ' WE C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. tO. 1864. 13 tf WitmiiOTOw, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER A CO., QOMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMWOTOK, N. C. DAVIS A CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth Water Street. j WiuturoTON, N. C. I. Iu IATBAWAY. WM. B. UTUT HATHAWAY A CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j ' - ' ""WttiirH8roM, H. C. T. C. A B. O. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, i WamiteroM, N. C. Merokll, 1S67 - - 16-Iy fAim AjromoH, IDWABD lATAtl. AUDERSON A SAVAGE, ENTER AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . JC WlLHIXOTOM, N. C. liberie! cah adTancei made on oonsignmenta. JAMES A. WIIXARD, " COMMISSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GBOCEB ? AJXAI iiaiAJU&A ISM unAlDl, . No. 10 South Watii Stkkt, Jaa.8, 1S60. WiLMfNOTON, N. C. Must 0. iiiitb. mill ooenn JAS. C. SMITH A CO- (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office eeoond ftory, comer South Water mid Market etreeu, Wilmington. N. C, where they ere prepared to attend to all bosbiees In the Conuniaiion line. All basinee entrusted to them will be pnnotually attend 4 to. . L , W. H. McRARY A CO- i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Prineeu and Water yj atreete, Wilmington, n. u. airiBntoBS: ' H. B. Savage, Caehler Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. 0. Col. John MoKaOi me t Baa wumingwn,- ao. do. ' D. A. Davit, Caehler Branoh B'k Cape Fear, Salisbury. do. J.O.Lftsk,. " " Salem, do. J. kullirogg, rfWUueat oi pm yngni w, o. u. tvioi it : WALKER WE ARKS, 45 Miaiar Hraur, WrunwoTOMi N. O. IIARRISS A HOWELL, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - - WitiintaroK, N. 0. okai tABsua. a. j. noiriLX. v. v. a Alius. Oct. Ismail CrSLNESS AND PROFESSION 1L C1EDS. MRft. M. K. PRICE, Ani'ALS IEns makes, Kaia-- aa L. Wwnia tA l F c. a. txua. a. r. arrvatu. ELXJt A MrTfllKLL, WHLESAUS AXt KTTAtL TEALEia IX COKN, f'EAS. OAT. BTE. El AT RiiAS. OIL WEAL; rwia UUOlD HUM INT, UOKili A CO fltA); EdSTI&X ASD JM HI JUTX& EAT. Ma. t Mxrtk Wabte Mrvt, WuaioTua, N. C. rbraer 14, ! lJ1y AviVTIV LoriT Mxn C. Italll I. MXIMi. WIIMISUTOJC. M. C, C)B MISSION MERC HA NTH, W HOLES t l-K UttiKTRH, aa4 4rVr ta NAVAL ST021A CuTTON. aa4 NMtk- era I KUDLCK ra.rralr. rrvail Mrauaai autuuua ! ta an roaaigaaiMta 9t r. a. aiuxiL, a- r. siuill. BIIIKI.Ii m ITK, GROCERS A COMMISSION MKKCHANT. Ne. Si North Water etreet. Jaa. K, 1Ol WiiiiMti, X. C. i. voLuam. a. a. cibtua. J. U. WILLIAM ru COMMISSION MERCHANT, V lw Pbohv rr.. New You. lrtklar attaatiwa uvea U Ue aai of Naral t4urM, Ctua aad Oraia. reft. SJ, lHtiO.-l ty. HI till UKAIIAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wiiarwamii, N. C ftOmo a.!joiin Lntterloha W hart, North ftter Street hrpt M, 16SA. Ham I'MIOt DIVTILLKRY. wiuiin;ton.m.c. - .A. H. YAN BOkkELKM, 1'iiurmaToa. Vl.L 1LlSm Of N AVAL STORKS pnrchaied, maaafar' tured and aold m Larfan aad ntorace raralaked, ftad Ivoparawe dose at Iftirratee. Jaa. 1, 160. 100 tf. J. II. ROTIIM'KLL, 1 EM.RAL COLLECriNG AGENT, J WlLailKiTOM, N. C, ill attend promptly to the eolte "toe ot all Acreenta, No tea, Ao , eQtraeted te hta eare, for reaaoaable eornmla- aioa ; and will attend all Courti in the aJjyming CoauUe lor Ukat purpoaa. lie aiaoeontinaea the Agency lor tne eale or Book, neve- papera, Periodical. Ao. November it, lu-fi0-u. JOHN V, 0N, O. a. TAMaOCUH. UH1 TAHIHOKiH, (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. f" Liberal cash advance aiad oa eonaignmenU of coua- try produce. Sov. Mth, U-iy UlMOVAL. P. IlEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. f I fill TAKES THIS method to Inform hi euitomert yJJi and pereone In waut of work of any deaorip JLJiaaeT tluB u Bi line, that he hae removed hi Bk iHtitti w and Kulvnq enUblnliiuent to the Baaemrnt of the neer "Journal liuiUUng" on Princea Street, where he will be pltaattd to receive order for every dVavnptioa ot Bindinir or Kuliua. Ac Ac. Thankful for past favors, he hopee to continue to receive a liberal patronage aa Heretofore. Oct. ZUt, 1H6. S. M. U KT, VUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMINOrOM. N. C. Will sell, at private sale, ColUm. Kaoal Norland all kind of produce, at a imall commutwn ; AIo, liank Mock at i per cent. Kail Road Stock 1 per cent Real Eatate 1 per cent. Negroes 1 percent. Direct Importation, Cargo Sale 1 per cent. RKriHS To the citizens of Wilmington generally. October 21, o-ir 1 B. IllUUIXS A HOla, D EALERS IN GROCERIES A GENERAL MERCUAN dise, S. E. Corn. Market and Second Streets, W1LMIMOTOM, N. C. "Orders from our friends will receive prompt attention. Oct. 10, 1859. ROB'T II. COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMlNUTON, N. C. a-Office, Sonth Corner Market and water Ntreetsup Stair. Oct. S, 1869 20 tf EDWI1 A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. I, 1869. Wilmington, N. C. JAS. T. PKTTKWAY A CO. I FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 No. 8 Notbh Watbb Struct, waatNOTOiv, a. c Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, also, orders for Groceree, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ao., Ao. tuna to John Dawson, Esq., O. G. Passi-it, President Commercial Bank, Geo. Davis, Eaq. JAS. T. PSTTKWAT. boom books. October 1st, 169. chas. n. arias. rasD. J. hooks. MYERS A MOORE. YI7H0LE8ALE AND RETAIL diai.kks in HATS, CAPS, V V 8TKAW 000DS. FURS, HIVING- HATS, UM BHELLAS, CANES, AC., AC, 34 Maiket street, Wilmington, N. C. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary Inducements, and respectfully solicit an examination of oar NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Good are purchased direct from manufacturer. We pay no second rofiti and are willing, and can tea at low aa any Jobbing onse in the United States. Ws are desirous of sending our Goods to every seotion of North Carolin, and will use every exertion to piesse an wno may ravor us witn their orders. Beptemoer is, tM6. LAW NOTICE. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, one door East of Dr. Dickson s. Sept. Jd, 1869. 30fl-tf THOMAS W. BROWN, JR., A TT0RNEY AT LAW. J COMMiaSIONER OF THB UNITED STATES IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office first floor, 2d door new Jocknal Buildino. Wilmington, June 24th, 1868. 347-tf DR. J. A. MILLER, FRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. MILLER A BA KER'S LAW OFFICE, Wilminoton, N. C Oct. 20th, 1867 - 18-tf W. W. DAVIS, M. D., OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THB CIT liens of Wilmington. . Office 2d door below Holmes' Hotel, Front Street June 6. 231-tf EDWARD McPUERSON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. $ South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, August 8th, 1859. 286-tf A. E. HALL, 1 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ? Lulterloh't Wharf, Wilmington, N. C. July 30th, 1869. 278-ly ALDBHMAN HKTl KNCOCH'I', WHOLESALE AND BETlIL GROCERS, Nil. il Nn..aWil!lnlH l0rder for Goods accompanied by the cash, or from punctual customers solicited, and will receive prompt and DIAIILVK UA II. 14 a v THE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the CAPE FEAR MARINE RAILWAY, (lormerly the property of B. W. Beery,) is prepared to build or repair Vessels. ' Faithful work at fair prices promised, order solicited. ' ' , MmUAL't DflDDTVa Reference O. G-lPareley, Kidder A Martin, J. A D. McRae a to., narruaa nowsu, . a. cutuuer. April 28th, 1849 -. lftft-iy W. II. MARKS A CO., . ... . , , .. a - IIUVQIBBVII TV K . m. BaTt Tl TANCFACTCRERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, 1VJL STOVES; GUNS, LANTERNS, TIN and SHEET-IRON WAupa, id rront street, wunungton, . u. w. Hi maris. - a. H, xirr Wilmington . c, maj vui, las'i.Mi-lj. EY YORK, FEILt 4 EOSTOX CARDS. JACOB REED, lin ricvrtii j MILIi AUY I'ljlirHINt;. ! - a. k. rc. titoiu m irsuK ithrets, PHILADIXTMIA. rMUJTAST CLOTHS F03 SALE. Jaa. SO. 1X 114 (a cmmi sa iraicv Tnnt rSAlE TEALEKa IS YANk.ES MOTIONS A I'tii L MtliT, ft. Wrnrv tlrvit. Saw Yawtv. Hnif Cairrqul a. H. A. it. Mee. IX ls. Aly teas a. ikok, t. a. sat aa, ja. umwt A BBYAf. COMMION MKttCUANTS, J N. SI Uma Stsbt, aVwro. CaaiaateaU of Naval Stutwa, Cwtloa, Lasaber, a ad 4ker Soalhcra lroJ e aolkcited. Nov. Hat, ISl te. ly. kAaaoa ft. vatcom. at aaAaaa. WiTWJi A MKAHEa. COMMISSION MEKCUANTH, J it Barlina Wia, Mr York. Gaper ial atWalioa paid ta tha eale of Nataa Kroaaa, ixr tva, aad eWiikara Prvdac (aaarally. Liberia! advaAi-ee autde oa euoamnateata. Jaly l.'M a. aoLXKia. a. rorrta. ja. t. CAaaasaa. DO LI. a EH, tHri-ra.H A CtX, CIO M MISSION MERCHANTS, f Nsw Toat. April IS, lS.lt ly. . a as vst aecaaAa, w. a. atrasu. 1XKHHAM A RVSBEUU GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Na. M North ' W karvaa, aad UNortk Water SUeei, PaiLAuat-raia. BeTLiberUl eajib advaacee aaade ea eoasig nmeola. July iWHh, XtSi ITS BOOH ADVERTISED EMS. SEW UOOKB, BY EXPRESS THIS M0HMNU AT MKLLEVS BOOK tTORE. F outfall apoa the BooaJexies of A sot her World, by Kob't DsleOwea. Doctor Oldham at Oreyetonee and hl Talk There. Figateea Chrurtiaa Caaturiea, be kite. Womaa a Seqacl te Leve, by MitchleL Edith Vaugha'e Victory, quite iat eretuig. India, the Peart of Pearl River, by Mra. booth worth. eL Joua's Manual, Catholic. St. Viacent'e do. do, March Tth, I860. NEW HOOKS, BY EXPRESS, at KbLLEY'S N.w IUok Store ; Sir Bohan'e (ihoel, a Roreaace : Macauley'e Hiatory of England, 4 vols.; s, Womso, (La'Femme) by Mitchlet, a sequel to (Le' A moor) or Love; Parochal ptemona, by Southgste ; KecollectioBs of Mr. Childhood, by Grace (Ireeewood ; The History of Aleiauder the Great, by J. S. C. Abbott; The " of Kouulua, " The " of Julius Cesaar, " The " of Alfred the Great, " " The " of Hannibal, " " The " or Peter the Great, " Ibe " of Q ioea Elisabeth of Euglaud," " The " of Mary Quaes of Heot, " Ibe " of William the Couqiwror, " " Cantwell'e Jontire ; North Carolina Form Book ; The Voyage of the Fus, or the Fate of Sir John Frank lin. Match 1. WANTED. CtHIPER AND DISTILI.kH U AM ICO. PRIME I)ISTILU;n AND TUhPENl INK BARREL MAKER, for which liberal wagts will pe psid stid per- ttiantnt employment given. Apply inimediittvly. Feb. 18-UI-tf. J. 1. I'. TlkWAT A tU. OWNER WANTED. I.OR 1 HHDS. BACON, marked Diamond 11 W. Received . per Schr. Champion, from Baltimore. Stored tnd ad vertUed at owner's rink and expeniw. r eb h 146. . t. c. a a. u. wuiu h. NEUHOESI N Mi ROE a 1 1 W ANTED TO PUR- fJS chase, eight or ten likely FIELD HANDS, from jf 18 to JO yeare or age. Any oue Having euca negroee -v to diopoae ef, will bud s CASH purchaner by applying i J. m. KOB1NSOM dom tt Hardware more, rruut btreeu Wilmii gton, N. C. (Aug. 10, 1M9 2H7-tf NOTICES. NOTICE. WE EXPECT to have our Mills sgsin running in the course of three or four weeks, and la the mean time hall tndeevor to keep np our usual supply of Meal, Hominy and (irouud Feed. We shall also keep a supply of Corn, Peas, Osts, Ac. Feb. Kth, IHoO ELLIS A MITCHELL. W1LMLHUTON A WELDOS HAIL ROAD CO., I Februsry 27th, 18t0. j riAHE MORNING TRAIN, will until further notice, leave I Wllmineton at 2:S0 a. m.. and the evening train at 2 p. m., on and alter Thursday, March lot. B. Li. rbb.viuax, jbiig. rup i. Feb. 28th, i860 Ua-tf REWARDS 1 40 REWARD II WILL BE PAID to apprehend my aegro woman A ELIZA JONES, now lurking about towSha mi rc DISCI ana 01 very piain appears' re, a yran oi ago- Jan. 11th, 1860 ' 108-tf SEED OATS. JECEIVING, 760 bushels Pennsylvania White OaU, Choice. JECEIVLNG, 2,014 bushels Canada Black OaU, Very Choice T 0 ARRIVE, 600 bushel Canada White Oats, Extra. mO ARRIVE PER RAIL ROAD, 1 400 bushels N. C. Blsck OaU, Superior, mil ARRIVE. JL J cargoes Hertford White Corn. Feb. 14. bioLKl a oiiUUAai. Sn T NEW CROP BICE, in cai e -LVa JL and barrels. For sals by Uot. i6th, 1869 DeROSSET, BR NEW CROP BICE, la casks, half casks, JROWN A CO. WHISKEY AND RCM. BBL8. RECTIFIED WHISKEY. 50 60 bbls. N. E. Rum. Kiw aala Inv tn nlnHfl culiHiirnment. bv Jan. 14. 0. C. A W. J. MUNRO. I STORE, BBLS. N. C. FLOUIL For sale In loU, by Jan. 21. A. E. HALL. 100 bCUAH SCO) All. HHDS. N. O. AND MUSCOVADO. For sale by Jan. 19th, 1860 - T. H. McKOY A CO. 10 V1NKUAR VINEUAK. BBLS. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. Juet received and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. 25 Feb. IS. CHARLESTON KICK. CASKS fresh beat Charleston Bice. 26 " " " Lalf 7 50 Just received and for sale by Jan. 14. G. C. A W. J. MCNRO. RAISINS AND CANDY. ATRW CROP RAISINS, in Quarter, half and whole box JM es. Steam Refined Assorted Candy, in boxes ol ' 60 and 26 lbs. For sale by . ko u'" Feb. 10. -. CONCENTRATED LIB. r,C0R SALE BY THE BOX, each box containing 24 one X. pound tin cans. For sale by ,.., ' Fsb. 10.-v.- .,- , , ZENO H. GREENE. . WHEAT BKAS. ,i"tv Rina RDiMi uUU 300 do. Fine do. 1 In store and for eale by Feb. 10. ELLIS A MITCHELL. EATING POTATOES, t ' BBLS. Mercer PoUtoee.' p'yts " Much 1. JAS. T. PXIW1T CO. 25 Ur.DIClL. baltimohbi unk lowmiL DOCTOR J0HX)N. TEE fiwaJee uf ih CcivKrawJ lat.t!it'oa the aval Oru Jr. ad elv e? tua! resWv. laU wurUl twt . -jta. Mi tuT. PWBt.saJ w Pai aa la U Luim. CaaJ:iutioa! IVlj-!:ty, Impoiewcf, W'tataraaof tae B k i aa4 Ut. 4fiH i,aaf tli kMaeve, faipitaUMM of la Heart. Ippaia. ta trrnabiiiiy. Dwae af tbe Head. Taraet. Num er iAa ; aad all those aerioaa aad sse a hry lmr4re anani frma all Dm Dmra'tjve kabt W V au'Jk Wk,K-h Aaatruv Itotk aaJ nimJ. TihiibiituJ M tary praclk saor fatal te lair Wtfwa thaa vh aoeg ( Urn Hyreas t the Martbcre nyeaoe, blMcKCiag thew ssu4 brtll aat hovee af ftauctpatiuaa, rvajMist ssamae, Acn hapoea.bi. tMitaj Mm eraviaCy. wbe heve beewsse the vV taia e Soltarv Yk. that draaJful aa4 dtrative habit, wktrh aaavaiiy eweepa te aa aausBly (rare thataaaaJa of yoeng mtrm i the avl etftivM ismbis see aruaaai mteiMci, wk ai'ca exArwas have eBtraacd Iwteauvr rieaate with Ue thoaders of ete- qaeaee, at waked te .icy Ua bvHg lyre, auy call wtU ait evaoaear. Marrtasr. Marrkd Peraoaa, er.Ywaag MvaeoaUssi'leliag aiarriaga, being tvara ef Physical Wrasses. Orraaic lcbtiitT, lVluf antive, Ae.,ahoalJ lauaediately evaseit Dr . J..aad be restur ed te perfect health. He w ha plaeee himself aader the rare ef Dr. Jokaaoa may religiwasif roaaJe la k koaor as s gsatle ssaa, aad sua deatly rely apoa hM skill aa a ehvavtaa. Ufiwh) i,aas tanntad lately eared, aad futt vtsr reetored. TkaidiaeaaaiBthepeaalty aioat rreqaeaily aalj by those who have beeome the Vic Uma af hapropet tedubreacwa.-. Yeang aereoae are tte apt ta eeanaul enee from aot ha ing aware af the dread fa! eoaaequeacee that aaay eaaa. M ow, who that aodsrateada the aabject wilt srsUad to 4ay that the powee of Prorreatloa hi lost sooaer by thoaw falling nte tmpropet hablta thaa be the wwdsat, Ud bina aVpvived the pleasure ef kJUy olhipriBg, the axwt serlova sad dMintcUve eyatptesaa te both body and salad arat.-. Tha ayatea bavaisa 4eraagd. the phyetcel aad Hiatal powers weahsaed, aervaaa debility, dtpop'a, palpiutioa in ta HHi, wuiwww, a wasiiag oi we rraata, eouga, tyaiptuma of eoaeuaintioa, etc. eewwa DMUy. -Wsaaaeee af the eyateas, Nervoos Iiebillty and preatatar decay leaerally arise from the iVwtrartlve habit of youth, that solitary practice so fatal te the healthful eifteate u ntaa, aad It Is the yeaaf who sre at oat apt ta become Its vK tims, from aa tgaoraaee of the dasgers te which tbry sabjvrt themaslvee. ParenU and Guardians are oftrft ana led with reapeel te the cause or source of duwaae la their one aad wards, Alas I how oftee do they escribe te other ceasoe the wasting ef the frame. Pal pHatloa of tha Heart, Dyaprpais, ladigrstloa, derangement of tha Nervoua Sya Wia, Coagh, and Mymptosoa of CoMOjeption, also, those e rloos meutal elTVoti, such aa loss of memory, denreaaloa of spirits, or peculiar Bu of melancholy, whea the the troth la, they have beea eaoaed by indulging ta psrnb'kiaa but allur lag practices, destractive to both Body aud Mind. Thus are swspt from sxisleace thousand who might hsv beea of aae to lhtr country , a pleasure to their frieudsendoraa meats tasocisty. Orriua No. 1 Horra Fssnsici Sr., left hsnd side goiug from Baltimore street, T doors from the corner. " Re partfcalar la observing the same and Bomber, or yon will uiauke the place. A" Take aotlce, ebeerve the aame on the door and win dows. A tWe WHirrantod, oe no t'Mrye AfiiiJe, ta row (Me to 7W iy.. NO MKKCUUY OR If AtTSKOlM DRUGS USED. UK. fomaott, Member of the R yl College of Surgeons, London, Orada ete from oue of the moil eminent Cllegee of the United Hutee, end the sreater part of whose life has beea epent la the Irsl Hospital of London, Parla, Pbiiadeltihla, aud elo. here, has eflectod some of the most astonlahlng curee that ... . . .. . k . .. . -..Ha t.A..l.l.i ..t I . L. . t . HUUVIOI WIMI I ' I U k(l nrl ep, grtat BarToiwwaa, bing alarmed at nodes sooails, aad bMli'ulnens, with freioent blushlnc. sl- wnueo somsiimee wiu aerangemeai or mind, were cured mmeaisieiy. A Certain. IHasase, When the mlHguliled and Imprudent votary of pleainrs unus ue Das iiiiiiinea uie soea oi mis paililut Ulaeam, ll loo onn tsppeus thst sa 111 timed sense of shame, or dread of uisoovery, deters ana from applying te tuba who, from ed- erstioa sod respectability, eaa alone befriend blra, delaying till the eonstitutioBsl symptoms of thl horrid diseaee make their appearance, such as alcerated sore throat, diseased boos, nocturnal pains, In the bead and llmbe, dimness of sight, deafucac, Dodea oa the ehln bone and arms, blotches on the besd, face end extremltlee, tirogrssslnf with fright- fill rapidity, till as Isst the palate of tlie is mouth or the bones of the noae fall In, and the victim of this swful dine aae be oomes s horrid object of eonimiserstlon. till death puts a psrlod to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to " tlist bourns from whence ao traveler returns." To such, there fore, Dr. Johnson pledges himself to preserve the most In- vtoiauie seoresy, ana rroin nis eiteneive practice la ttie nret hoapitala la Europe aud America, he ess confidently recom mend a safs and spsedy core to the unfortunate victim U this horrid disease. it le a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dresdfol disease, owing to the nnsklllfulnesi of Ignorant pre tenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the eonelltetlon, and even send the unfortunate auttnr er to aa untimely grave, or else make the residue of his life auseratiie. Tabs Partleulsr Nolle, Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by private and improper induigeacee. These are some of the aad and melsnuboly effects pro duced bv esrlv hsbits of vouth. vis : WeskneHS ef ths Baik and Llmbe, Pain la the Head, I Unmet of Sight, Loss o Muscular rower, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Derangement ol the Digestive ruuo'ious, General Debility, Srmutome of Consumption. Ao. Mint allt The fearful effects apoa the mind are mnch to be dreaded I Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depres ilon of Spirits, Evil Foreboding. Aversion Of Society, Self uisirasi, uve or ooutuae, iimidity, ac, are some or the evil produced. Thousands of persons, of all ages, csn oow Judge what Is the cause of their declining health. Loslug their vigor, be coming week, pale and emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the eyee, oongb and lymptome of consumption. Dr. lohnsou's Invigorating tirntari for Organic Weakness. Br this treat and Imbortant refnedr. weakness of the or gan are epeedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands or the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all bops, hsve been relieved. All Impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability. Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearf ul kind, speed ily Cored by Dr. Johnson. Young Man, Who have Injured themselves by ft certain practice, in dulged In when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cored, render marriage impossible, and destroys notn mina ana ooay, snouia sppiy immediately. What a pity thst a yonng man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents, should be sflstched from all Srospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of eviating from the path of nature, nd indulging in a certain seoret habit. Soob persons, before contemplating Marriage shoold reflect that a sound mind and body are the meet ne oeseary requiiltiee to promote connubisl happiness. Indeed, without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the proepect nourl darkens to ths view ; the mind becomes ihadowsd with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of ftnother, be come blighted with onr own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIC ST., Balhmort, Afd. ALL OUSO10AL UMKATIONS 1'ISFOKMBO N. B. Let no falsa delicacy prevent yon, hot apply Im mediately either personally or by letter. , . UIS DISBASB SrSROILT OTSSO. To Stranaare. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the Ust twelve year, and the numerous Important eurgical Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of oar dailv papers and many other persone-otlce 01 wmcn nave agam ana again appvarau vrnurv .u puono is a enfflcient gaarantee, toat ue anuoiea wiu nna a eaui fol and honorable physician. Take Notice. N. B. There are so many worthless Quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of ths already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson dsems ll necessary to say, espe cially to those onaoqaainted with his reputation, that his credentials or diplomas always bang in bis office. TAKE NOTlCbV-All letters must ba nost-Daid. and con tain a postage stamp for tha reply, or no answer will be sent. May 27th, 1859' l 824-ly WATER GROUND HEAL. " AJT EXTRA ARTICLE OF WATER GROUND MEAL, constantly on band nd for sale by '. L. B. HUGGIN3 A SONS, " Jan. 21. ' 8. E. cor. Market A 2d rtreets. A DESIRABLE s, AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF UMBRELLAS Sf and Parasols ) also, a few large Buggj r UmbreUas. For ale by J. S. WILLIAMS. Jan. 28ih, 1880 ' . -.. OIL. 1 pr BBLS. Lamp sod Machinery Oil. For sale by AO i eb.6. HATHaWAY CO. HiTslcirs,i:r.ELU5,u. TOfotmr MttnttneTa. W klrJa fuoatkeA 6 OLA W OWC&i, HAT c4ra, CMMSllZAL, araanaee tbeSPRISiu nLfcs..i- .a- traoe, ay eae af Cbs kar iap.irt1ag town ta th svaauy. o m ssaa afac mntg el a be ao'.Jreiy I,. I.i Karcji ikj-xu, iw rtajf uf eaivtiitioa b WHOLKSALK BriEtl rTvss every evcooa ef tee Mate win aadstetbek a4v tage te eaaaiae aar aassrtBteaA bf we ssak my eiwkra. M 1 kIi-1 A aljikc 'ea.S. 4 Market sueC DEalHAH S OP tLOAIWU OIT Ol'B ASfOBTMEsT Or L MSJHSliai wyara aw tory te tayw fee ear Sew ATkJAJ SiX.A we) ener inem troaa me day, aad fvt the t-aae af Ue ssvstkat u fh.H tEST bIow rvgalar ntailsricaa. si the Bat aad Cap Emporiuas. S4 Market trt, at i a-s m uv ..jb. SAMPLE CAftBL, r nftl-Klsy STY LB D1UM1 MOLrSKIS BITS, IW saaaiiut saursly aw featurva, lust erned, Ae, H WllT rrt T LI.I'VJ 1 Tw i. .v. j - - . mm mm Ust aad Cap Lai puc turn, 14 Market etrwet. , a. e. Bt fhs irrnwvi BOMBHRRU 4itlAKO, 1 M CAI.IJNG THE ATTENTION af the labile t thbj valuable aad recaatJy dawovare4 Aeaoatt of tkla Nrti siag arttcte, we will turly stats, that uke all athat wkva phone f aaaoa, It's moat valuable constituent la phosf barks at id. av beaa pfteapbateof lunar and that He bereaaute value, sa eoai pared with ether guanea of ru kmc, aaa be easily determined by the antoant ef phosphoric scld or bvae pbuapbate of I ate S eoetaiaa. - la rdr, therefore, te gtva Hie publto a thorough kaew ledge of what bombrere gaas dos eonlaia. ws beg te refer te the following Ual of emineat ekeaUsts la diflervBi parts al the warUl. wbe have anaJvaed 4 from average eampire taken by thaelvea from the aaf " goes Just as they arrive from the aUaad, without drying or elvvtitia af apeciateae for aualysatlna. lack aaalyaia will be eihlbited, tf required eader the erutus! sigaaliue af each ekraitrt aaiud. Of l'hueuhata of Lima eoftsMlDa a Paoasharta Aold aaA iJme la aarly equal parte H le found to eoatais BY PROF? flOHFlT.of New Ywk . Ta.ro. do TUitiOT, Baltimore 79.11 de HAYES, Boetea, aflat sample ..,.,. ' " Id " w. da KEKMC, Baltimore, 1st M ba 14 do " 2d M.N do " 3J ' 71.04 do " " 4lh ...'.,.......11.04 d. CUlLTON.il. Tork,Ul " M.i d " " 24 ' S4.M do PIGGOT, Baltimore, let M ...14 s do HIION, Liverpool, England ...N.IO do 1ECK, New T.nk . ........ ...M00 do (of a selected ipeclmss).. SS.M do klAL'IMN A TUTTLE, llalvsrsity of Va.,.RAJI do tlllxJAkl.of VirglnlsMlilury lMtlUVs...B4 OS do hTAAHUO, Alesandria, Va ...Ta-OS do liOtlTH, GARRbTT A CAM AC'S (Phila delphia) analysis ef three ergoe......8A) do WAY, Undoa., t a-e a k 71 W do NEHBIT, " ,...T94 do VOKU KEll. Royal Agrl'I CoL, tag. ... . . .T W do I.KCIhT. Havre, France. ..78.00 do KINDT A ToEL, Gov t Cbem s Bre'a....7.00 do. JOHNSON, Yale College ,.J0.U 1 bu proving that the value of lUia guano Is aot dstermla. ed by a asteoted chemist, of seleeted epeehneaa. er sees) seleutsd eargoee, but aa average of the tmperteueaa. just aa they arrive, aud Just ae they art oflered te the pubilo for sale. - And for an alike array of eminent authority, promleoaoas ly obtained from Promiscuous oarjro la diDersot parte of lbs world, we challenge a conieion with soy pbosphatle guaeo sow for sal. A lllerel deduction In price will be made ol cargo io mssuiaeiurers sna 10 ue ireue. Hols Agents for M lluiingloa, H. C, Feb. 14th. iKiio-tf W, H. Mi RARY A CO. WILSON'S HARNESS ESTABLISH ENT EVERY VARIETY OF HARNESS, f-SNi I Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and 1 h 1 ruuke i all kinds of leather aud Oil! AiSJ 1 Coodltloa Powders, for diseased Horses and Caiuei Coaur Trimming, Carpet Hags, Valises, Ac. lbs Urgast stock n lbs Mat, sold whoisnai or retell, at tha lowest Mew lark prices, liar urn and Saddles repaired. JAMES WTLBOJf, JuneS, IH49 tla-ly. Wo. Market at.. Bear the Wharf. pl.tik Elk PtrrAToEs: ' ' Mi BBIA EARLY SEED POTATOES BOW Vftodlm, i. .)) and for sals, by Jan. 28th, 1880. " ' C A. MEITH.' tVILMiUTON IRON AND COPPER WollJiJB, FRONT BTKRBT, BILOV B A BAIT, ' . WILMINGTON, K. C. L A. II ART A JOHN C. BAILEY, Proprxkrh 1) I! ACTIO A L BUILDERS of portable tnd ststionsrv Stssm Kngloes, of soy required power end kind of boil- -er, sw mills, gmt mills, gin gearings, and any other kind of machinery made In auy eslsbliahiueat South. Have ea hsnd a large variety of patterns for Btachlnsry sow In gen eml me in the surrounding country. WUl supply drafts af all kinds of uschinery snd mill work. Turpentine stills aud copper work in all Its branches. All kind of Iron snd ' brss csatings, flnlnhed or nntlnisned, at ahort notice. Old machinery overhauled and repaired. All work warranted to be ae represented. : - t In ooiinectloo with the above establishment, ws have oa hsndalsrge stock of rubber and leather belting, lacing , packing rlveta, aud mill rocks and bolting cloth for grist mill. Mill Saws snd Circular Saws of any lis and fftuie . furniiilied at ahort notice. - Feb. 16. 1 - AOHICI LTCUAL IMPLEMENTS, Aa. ILOUGHS- all kinds of one and two horse . Cultivators, Harrows, Corft-lahellera, Btrkw-Cuttere Canal Barrow, Traoe Chains, Axes, Ao., Ao. Jnst re ceived and for sate by miO H. GREENE. January 2Ath. . MANUf ACTUM 0 BXrilsaLT FOR L.B. UIGGINS & SONS, , WILMINGTON, N: C. trMmUi of Whil Wluiat and WarranlM Qoo4.- fllHlO ELOUR Is manufactured at Wachovia Mills," Sa X. lem, N. C, sxpreesly for our trade, and Is warranted to be of unerior quality. Each (isrrel le brsnded as above. . ta.Fresh supplies reoelved weekly. For tale b ' ' . L. B. HUGG1NS A SONS, -' Feb. 1. B. E. Corner Market A 2d streets. jUlHDKN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS ' FROM B.BTJIST. . FROM B. BUIST. GARDEN SEEDS , FROM JOHSSOS, BOBBINS A CO. PEAS AND BEANS FROM JOHNSON, BOBBINS A CO. For sale by L. B, KK AM BERT, Pharmacentiat, Jan. 4th, 1860 Under the HotaL Herald copy. A BBLS. RHODES' BUPER-PHOSPHATI of Linte. eJUU For eale by Jan. 28th, 1860. B. A. KETTH. 11 AL.tr IVIvlwe - . ; CASKS VERY GOOD HALF RICE, iw rc,Ad & & For sale by . HATHAWAY A CO. L' I. OIL " '-, . r a srsa era Feb. 8th B.C. LARD. i - ' , BBLS., a choice lot, Jut received In store. For iaji i by i Fjf,, yn, . tMO H. Vilih.r.MC. VIAE. f CASES B lU Feb. 11. i CASES BOSTON A MB EH GLUE. "For sale by ' 4 K. A. atUU. OATS OATS. AAA BUSHELS PRIME MABYLiLND D1T3. ' 1b QAJyJyJ ator and for sale by Feb, 10. ELLIS A MITCHELL. - - COW PEAS. v: ' - BUSnKLB In Itoro, for sale by Feb. 10. ELLIS A MITCHELL. 500 FLOCRFLOCR. CA BBLS. EXT HA OUAIJTY KAHILY FLOUR. .. UU sale by a. E. HALL, . Feb. 4. . ' - .- . ON CONSICUTMENT. ' , ' , Q K, BBI-S. RECTIFIED WHISKEY ' . ' v : Tf Deo. 80.