VOL. 0. NO 251. WILMINGTON. N. C.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1800. WHOLE KUHEIH 2,710 V m mnw prick, proprietors. a FULTON, Edser A. I. PRICK, a t !. Teraaa mi tmtmrrtftumm. PJv Ttpft, ptt, Batamttly f (JHT $4 t 'y - - ' - ., .... l fct A ca baautaaa oeacirii with lata i-t.. uul B e-"-J W lit proprietor. ' EATE3 Of ADVEi;lKi.VU. BALf tvtC4t. om day ,... a Twedavs STt tilMtlJl,. ....... M dr F".' 4. Ti 0e tKL 1 Two weeks..,. 1 3: OlM BJoMX. ....... .1 00 Tw or.hs... I M TV asoeU. M Eae.ua.... I 00 .Om li;,., I ' Titi., , . ;& Tkr dare. i Faux da 1 IS Flvedsye... ....... 1 S .Oa wetl. I 7$ Twe wks. ...... I T5 OmmiI 4 W Twe ooti,.., . I w Tarae neatha 19 W raBetha 14 00 Om year 30 M C'u yaat IS 04 Tsa Luas are teamed ea ft iqurt, and tve lis ot Um ft fcaJ w. Longer B4ruaieBta n proportMB, e&J all Myei.e ta advaaoe. Whs act paid la eJveae 2 teat per qaar will be charged after the ft nit bwttioi. aUTAB half-square aot paid fur ia advaa will be vW das a square. 4TAjTruemeBt Inserted at Special r Bishop Notice ar charged eaa-half Btore thaa above ratae eight Laee (leaded) or law c anted as a square. I7( me Mr quar for each tnaerUusi attar lb Irst. otilKuoa mad will oat a rotpoaubt aame. EUSLNESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I LOC1S B. KHAMBERT. DSPGtJlST AND PRACTICAL FH ABM ACEUTIST, , WaaiTUH, N. O. Kftp eoBfttaotljP Ow Mict ttork el i'ntjf, iri iruixi, Jkmestto and Juropaan CVwttcaJ, 'a.v ami ini Arftai, H'n Luptart for Ueiiwal ?wrjnim, tVari, ie. lPrtiiiular ftttntioa aaid tit faawaimuiit, Filt Sjh.u'i, atDU)txa CHmra, o. aMor ImniaJiftUlr aoder tba "Carolio Hotel," Juiy 11. l. . Iti? tf O. C. W. 4. Ml'SHO. CKS, No. 22 North Water blrcrt, Jaalt,l8i. ' WumiWTo, N. t OMfin KFI.LCT, W HOIKS ALB AND RKTAIJ. PEAL:RS IN CROCK lUWAHDpaOVtalONrl, Ao. 11 f?Jrth Wattr mtrwt, De.U,lW. WiLMumTow, N . 0. f. a. iniTB, -": ; johm Mental. MiTII A MtAt;Riff, QMralQVf 4P rQJWA!U)iN U MKBCliUNTH. aarta to " Joan 0iaoK. Eq ,Myor. 'imBALCOMJlW.SlOS MKRCHANTH, IT WilJIINOTON N. 0. Jatt. lit, I86T.-M tf. ; - " ' 11ENRV P. RniKKLLs GEHEBAL C0MMISBI0N MERCHANT, i . U7 Ea.it Bat, (Up Staim.) - yarcMTth, 1M3. ' T. II. MeKOY CO., ' BOCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sooth IT Wat r itreat, WitamSTOii, N. 0. ' T7B0IJ3ALB cMoCKlT ASI)" COMMIsaiON HER Y CHAMT, and 6EALKR IN HAVAU BTOUBH, corner Water and Market ftrtet Wilmington, X. C. AprUld, im. U. tTOItlT. AlBX. 0UBA. wTOULKT V OUUIAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. Wilmimotom, N. C. BiruiMci. Col. Jobm MoBab, Prealdent of the Bank of Wilmington. O. 0. Pabblbt, Eaq., Preeldent of the Commercial Bank. . LS. Ml'tlRAT 41 CO., tacHMii U 'lrlarrWk& Peacock,) J AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATSHSTHSKT. WILM1N0T0N, N. C. ebrnary;,9. ' l5-tf p. 4. LAJBOST, C0MM188I0S MERCBANT, Mo. 38 Borth Water etreet, OeUll-31-tf WiiaUfOfOM, N. C. Im b. iicooini nons, DEALERS IN GROCERIES A GENERAL MERCHAN diaa, & E. Cora. Market and Second Street, Wilmixoton, N. C. Aa-Orden from oar friends will receive prompt attention, Oct. 10, 1H59. J. M. KOBINBON A SO., Wll WlKHTflM. K. C. TI'P0RTET10, MAHOTACTTJRSRB' AGENTS, AND Dea- X lrei a Hardware, uivcry, iron, Bieei, aiaui, akhcuj tarallmplomtnta, 4e. WM. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Mpt.30. WLU-tq x WiLKiyatoii, N . AOAHg, BRonmn coH (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J . i WlLMIHOTOM, N. C. It Im BATH AW AT. HATHAWAY & CO., wm. a. irnaT. 10MMIS8I0N MERCHANTS, WlLMIWOTOK, N. C. T. CAB. O.WORTH, nwvTcaTrw Avn rnnwAnniNn mkhhhanth. ' ' WlLa-lNOTOM, N. C. iwckll, 1W7 16-1T JAMBB ABDBBKW, IDW AID lATAtB. AlfDERSON A 8AVAGK, 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IT WipitniOTOM, N. C Liberial emh adfaaoeaiaade on coneigMnenta. " " " JAMES A. W1LLARD. I tOMMISHION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCER, 1 AND DJCALKU IN UHAtM, ...., No. 10 South Watjs Rtrkst, Jan. 2. IBM- Wilbwotom, N. C, tiBia o. m. mi" cotrac. JAB.C.gimTH &co.. 1OMM188I0S MERCHANTS, office aecond itory, corner J Bout Water aad Market itreete, wuminjfion, n. w., where they are prepared to Attend to all buimeu in the Oommiaaion Una. All bnalneai entnurted to them will bt panotoall attend ad to. , , 1 . - W. II. IKeRARY A CO- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corns? FtinoeM and Water 4J ttreeU, Wilmington, a. u. , airisixcas: H. B. BaTaee.CeAbler Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, If rC Cou Jonn Mctiae, rree i itana wummgion, do. do. 1 D.A.DTU,CwihierBranchB'kCpeFear, Salisbury, do. J.G. Lash, 1. BftieH1( d0 J.EHGregg,Preiidentof BankCberav, S. C. Octl7J WALKER UNBARES, (Sacoesaor to Walker MeareeA Co., 1 w BOLEHALI AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, A MABIBT HraBBT, WILKM8TOB, U. O. nARRISS A HOWKLL, 10MMISBI0N MSROHABTS, I i ,, WaniMaTOM, N. O. 4IOMI hAbbim. BnWWLL HI mt. OA TIERCES CUBA MOLASSES: ZXt I5barrela do. do. For gale by April 27. QWYER, PEACOCK .t CO. 'HOOP IROIf HOOP IRON. 1 K TONS HOOP IRON, I, ll and U inches, for ale in ID qnntitie to suit by GWxER, PEACOCK A CO. atarck 28. . . Ann r t wm QK HAND AND FOR SALE, a fine asaortment of LARD CANS. Ail odd ike made to order at a short notice. fElSIXESS AXD PROFESSIONAL CARDS.) j. w. iiaittc. AmriOXEES AND CCSarUL IDMKlSSiOX AC.EVT, Utr ferae rr. FAtrrrtviiLs, N C !U(jtiM.a : t'.ecv. W. WiLLitai A Ci I A W. MtUm. ) PlHMWrOM A N..4.A. im, 1'ittT. I !. J. HittMitta, Mat IMA. lM m it 3 II. U HOLME. I AW OrriCE, PaCKM trairr, ioarin of DupUa, aaipwM, BJadva, Ouisimbaa a4 kta Wtiatiactaa. ra. lk, ' 1S-J Jt e a.Bi.ua. " a. r. aiTVHMk. ELLH A MIT II K I-L, WHOLKSALK ASP RETAIL I'KALTRS IN IE A!, OATH. RTK. WUKAT BUAM. OILMCAU j IlitSH GROUND HOMINY, 110 KaK A COW I fcKi); K. Ntwik WaWr Mrt. M iLmvTvM, N. t Fthraary K wa. a. awtta. Mrat pbaok'K. sauvkl . jiN!ixa. UV1 kCK, fKKXK K tO WILMINGTON. M. C,- COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLESAlJC GRtHTRV iM art ia NAVAL STORES, IXiTTON, and BootH- era I'RODUCK arati,r. rnBiu reraeuai attrauuB iivea m au eeaiuaajania u iiSASt.L, a. r. nxiiLi.. M1A1KLI. A tXI., C RtK'ERM A l)MM WS10M MERCHANTS. T NO. Ti North WftWr atiaat. Jab. t. la. Wii.bimt.mi, N. C. J. WILUAM. B. H. Ct TI. J. U. WILUAMt A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. V. 1 Fbont ST., Ni Yoas. Particular atUaUoa f )ea ta the sale of Naval Kturra, Cuttoa and Graia. Feb. Id, 1N4J.-1I ly. IH Ull (ll All AM, COMMISSION. Ml'RCiUhY, . V 11 Wii.BmTm. N. C. aa(moe aiijuinm( Latterlotui Wharf, North alar Wrwt hvrpt. U, lsi ls-6m UKURIlR MYKHB. "ITTHOl.ESAIJJ AND RETAIL GROCER, DEALER IN V Wines, Teas, Ltanora, Co flees, l'roiiuu. Wood aad Willow War. Lendun Porter. Ate., and Chainpscae, of the the f;ry ctookust Vrandi, M. ll ana r rani botci, WtBIKTOB, N. (. April 4th, xM. 1H0 Biu l. H. HOUIBBOSJ A CU., 10MMSUI0N AND I'OMWAHDING MERCUANTM J Wilbina .t,r, A V. Oalce over Mr. J. A. Willard s more, Kntrtn t..rueroi Prinrese and Water streets. Mrch , IHOO.Iwi'is. . I'NIOM DISTILLERY. WIIJIINGTON.N.C., A. II. VAN BOKKELKN, PKoriuiTOB. ALL K1NIW OP NAVAL STORES parchased, manufac tvred aud laid Wbansie and ntorace rurnisnej, ana wcveragt aooe si talr rates. . Jan. 2, 18,0 100-tf. JOHB W. OWBN, O. I.-TAKHKOVUH. OWR A YARBROVUII. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING. MERCIUNT8, North Water Sj-est, WiimJnKton, M. C. aa-Liberai cask advances made on cansignmenta oi coun try produce. NOV. Bib, 183S. 0.1-1 J" UEMOVAL. P. II niNSBEUGER, BOOK-BINDER. TAKE8 THIS method to Inform hla eustomere and persons in want of work of any descrip tion. In bis line, that he has removed his liouK- uuiHTu and Hulina establishment to the Basement of the new " Journal liuildmg " on Prmoese Street, where be will be pleased to receive orders rcr evciy aosuriptioa oi Binding or Ruling, 4c, 4 c. Thaukfol for past favors, he hopes to continue to receive a liberal patronage aa beretotore. Oct. aut, mv. n, M. WEST, A UCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Will sail, at private isle, CoUon. A'aval Aiorw, and all sinus oi proaace, at a soiau tvmmwiwn , au, Bank Block at ipercem. Rail Road Stock.. '. I per cent. Real Estate...., 1 tier cent. Nenroee .- 1 peroent. Direct Imputation, Cargo Sale 1 per cent, BErBBB To the citiens of Wilmington generally. October 21, 1859-40-tf KOM'T 11. COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLBlKOTON, N. C. arOfflce, South Corner Market and Water Streets op stairs. vc. o. aaa aj-w KDWIK A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1&3. WlLBlNOTOH, N. C. JA. T. PETTKWAY A CO. TCACTOIIS AND C0MM1HSI0N MERCHANTS, No, 8 Motrb Watbb Stkict, WlLHlDOTON, N. C, Solicit consignments of all kinds of Prodnoe, also, orders for Oroceres, Uagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ac. lUrKB TO Jobk Dawsck, Esq., 0. G. PakhlcT, President Commercial Bank, Gao. Davis, Esq. iA. t. fbttbwat. boiib moobr. October 1st, 1H69. J CUAS. D. BIBKB. TBBD, I. HOOBB. MYERS A MOORK, W r TT1 T no IIP A V f. TJC-T 1 f I . . nam ri ft k TC n 1 ft O STRAW GOODS, FURS, RIDING HATS, UM B HULL AH, UAXKS, AlV, AO'., 34 Market itreei, WimiiiOTOH, N. C. We are precared to oBer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra VI U All 0 1 J 1 U'lLIL-CUICU H. BtU I WStA. BVIimi BW-.BvaaiMi"nvu of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade, Onr Goods are parchased direct from manufacturers. We pay no second vrojU and are willing, and con srM a$ luw as auy Jobbing House in the United Slates. V e are desirous of sending our Goods to every section of North Carolina, and will ose every exertion to please all who may favor us with their orders. AaJInann iMiliina m ahta an A tasnanl fitlltf am) to it an a taBllna I iin September is, WW. . LAW NOTICE. J ULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, ona door East of Dr. Dickson's. Sept, 2d, 1869. . . , . m it THOMAS W. BROWN, JR., A TTORNEY AT LAW. A COMMISSIONER .OP. THE. UNITED BTATE8 IH AaU FOB THBUIHTIUUA Or HUltltl vAUUblflA. Office first floor, 2d door new Joubnal Buildiko. Wilmington, June 24th, 1858. - 247-tf W. W, DAVIS, M. O., OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT iceni of Wilmington. Office 2d door below Holmes' Hotel, Front Street. June 4. 231-tf EDtVARD McPHERSON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. Sooth Water Btreet, WtLBINOTOH, N. C. August 8th, 1859. 285-tf A. E. HALL. ' T71 OR WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, J; i(erIoh' Wharf, WlLBINOTON, N. C. 278-ly July3Utb, 1H69. ALDKRMAH A BKTrKNCOCRT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Nn. .11 Nmn Wima.i..a a0rders for. Goods accompanied by the cash, or from punctual customers solicited, and will receive prompt and faithful attention. Jnly 28, 18a. COW PKAS. 1 KsA BUSHELS " LIFE PRESERVERS," In stores 10UU For sale by ELLIS A MITCHELL. , May 23. . - - , NEW ORLEANS SYRUP. OA BBLS. choice Syrup and Molasses. For sale by UJ 17 17. 0. C. A W. J. MUNRO. NEW YORK. TBILI. i. BOSTON CARDS.' Kim A MIITKrt. (" ENFR tt. CtlwwKiaV !UUVH4?4itM-ala-f: T tttnuX. tit'E. NATAL M s. M S.m!hn Prwi(Wr torr'W. Ka. lit S'.a Waarta, asj IU Nurtk Wtrtrfel, r-HlLAlTITKIA. srrh Ttk. t,lj f J A C O B R E l. D , bantt ACTrtta yiUTAUY CUinilNU. i a. v:. t. aictoMJ m chiik arna:KT. rmLAPKU'HIA. rMlLTTAIY CLOTHS FOR SAUC Jm. Sit, 1m. 1.1 Cw . HI .V At Kr.B. 'lTHroi.rsttE nEALKlO IN YANKEE NOTIONS a ktt Ware BtrMt, tk. Hc:T CaiirtM. ) a. ll. At ts. NuvJU. si. i l Kmn a. iomm. . b. aav ab, ia. MlMWI A Kill AN, (COMMISSION ME8CHAST, .' Nov 33 Inma rTBAAf, tkertm, CoaatgaiBeiiU f Naval Kue, I'uttua, LuiaUr, aad other Suathera PruJ ao.kita4. Nov. Hat, a !). BASBirwAToii." " " aAsrua ataaa WATH! A NKIRM. qOMMISSlON MERCHANTS. m SI Bui huf Siip, New Yih pai tal attratioa paid ta the aula ul Ni 41 Kv.a. to, aad SuntUera Prodwa g araiy. Liberial edvaacee Biada oa euabawnta July l,'4 a. atauisa. a.tTta. iu, j. tamsivim Imhj.uk: si. tHriTa.it A to., CtOMMrSSlON MERCUANTM, f New Voa. AprU IS, lia.-HH ly. I. BABYSt CWCBBAB, W. B-Bk MIU Ol IltlAW A It l ft HELL. C ENERAL COMMISSION MKRCU U'W, No. S3 Nwth VT Wharvea, aad 3 North Water Htraet, PuiLAOBLraia. a" Libert J eh advaavaa BiaJe oa ctwsiKanieata. WANTED. COOPBH WAITED. A (X)OPKR to work la the country. To a sober umu, !1l liberal wages will be givea. At ply t.i aisy i, i-.iti m aaV Herald copy. t. T. VkHEWAY A Ot. NKOItOKBI NMiHOKall-W ANTED TOPUK ehaaa, eight or tea likely FIELD HANDS, from li to 30 years of sirs. Aar one bavins suck Neames to disptw uf, will bud 1 1 AMI Durehawtr b apulvlna at J M, ROBINSON A HON S Hardware Wore, Front Street, WilmirgtoB, N. C, - Aug. U, Iti6t-Sb7 H UI'IB POWDKH. A LL the varieties of llul'unt'i niiinifurture. liirluJiuc a 2V. larga supply of HUnting Powder. Fur sale on niaim lacturer s accouut, by DiltOSSET, BROWN A CO. fclUyl. NEWORI.KAN9 mitt P. A VERY BCPERUIR ARTICLE on retail md by (he bar-iV'"- At MY f!"'11 Casks, for sale at No, 2ti SSth Water Street, by May 11. O, KEI.I.Kt. (COnHlUATED WIUHOIir IRON AND WIRK J RAlLlNUlSecured by Lettrra PaUnt-lAdnilrsblT adapted for enclosing Publio Gruunds, Cemeteries, lUloo- oys. votiSEes, az., cuecp auu ui uuruie, ratent vire, Stvcklug Ueuatead, with every variety of Foldiug Iron Bed steads and Iron Furniture. Pateut Wire Coal Screens, Ore, nana ana wravei ncreens, ire netting tor Mosquito, Miecp, rouitry aun oiner purposes, v ira nuuuner uuuses, r ancy Wire Work In great variety, for Gardens, Ac. m, w Ai.ivE.if manuiacturers, No. S3 Market, N. K. corner Sixth street, 1'hila. 0it.lr th, ljr. r rEHTILlitlCHS) I . milE SUBSCRIBERS oiler for sale, and respectfully sullcll JL orders fur the following fertilizers, which will be promptly supplied, of best quality and at lowest market rates, vi; 5 ' Ti minis PiPHtU'iiv i:itivii. . REESE'S MANIPULATED do.j MEX1CAN do. Thev are also A Cents for the sals of W. Whltelock A Co's Super Phosphate ot Lime, and fur rite American (iuauo Com pany's Guano, imported from Jarvn uml linkers Ulands, Pacio Ocean. DeROtfSn', BROWN A CO. Pamphlets with full information in regard to American Guano, will be furnished un application as above, 'l ine ar ticle is said to be fully eiuai to the bent Peruvian Uumio, and more permanent iu Us elVcct ou the soil, aud is sold here at cue third less price than the Peruvian. March Utb, IfeUO NAIL.1I NAILS 1 1 KEGS, fur sale by March, 28, liiO. GWYEU, PEACOCK A CO. 100 COKKKK. EIO, Laguayra and Java Coffoe prime quality fur sale by U 11. UUGUINrt A SONS, Apru 11. J' VTnT Mraet "-"d d sta. WA1KHIU POTS. IJAiA'J'A'U AUD i-LAlN, of all siss, by . March 21th, 1H0O, L. C. TURNER. CANDLES. ? l BOXES ADAMANl'INK. For sale by OU March 28. GWYEK, PEACOCK A CO. SUM It. .V" BBLS, Muscovado SUGAR, Jut received. For sale ZfJ by T. C. CM A FT, A or 11 18. No. H Market Bi. 10 HALV UAIU1KLS HSORK 0 F TIIAT imperial wadding WHISKY, just received at May it, ihtt). ttritl. MX P. u. m u tit. ,tr BBLS. PRIME A Choice Porto Rico Sugar. For AO sale by L. B. UUGG1NS A SONS, April 18. , 8. E. corner Market and sts. OCR OWN lMPlSiTAT10. NOTHERIN VUJCE OF IRISH LINENS, Just received j. April It. ' HKDUICK A KYAN. W AT K li CUOLKUB. rARIOUS styles of the above on baud, and for sale by May 6. , W. II. MaitKS A CO. HOOP IHO a em K GOOD supply always on hand. Fur sale very low by April Mll'HAWlI AID HIIODKB' MliPllt-PllvPIIA 1 K e l.i.ti.. &1 BBLS. OU Mayl BBLS. now landing, Bad for sale by '7. E, A. KEITH, PLOt'tV- PLOCR. PA BBLS. FAMILY and Snperllne, just received and IUVI rorsale low by u. c. j. aiu.nnu. May 11. RICK .KICK KICK. 100 CASKS of freli beat Charleston Rice, of varions grades, in tierces and bbls. For sale by 17. G. C. A W. J. MUNRO. May 1YA11ABOI.B A I MUKKI.LAS new styles. Per sale by '-Jane 2. . - J. H. WILLIAMS. TYKCKIVKD, a largo lot nf Whits and Black Curled X Hair MATTKEsSKS, BOLSTERS A PILLOWS, made Hp To order at short notice, at a very low May 7, , Corner Front and Princess atr'eeU. PKOVlBlOMSJ PROVISIONS. OA HHDS. SIDES j . tj S " Shoulders; 60 bbls. City Mess Pot k j 20 " Romp 30 tierces Molasses ; ' 20 bbla. Brown Sugar ; . ' 15" Refined Yellow Sugar ; 10 Brandy 10 " . Gin; 10 " Rom ;' 40 f' WhiU Whiskey. For sale by May 18th GWYEB, PEACOCK A CO. At'PLU BRASDf YEARS OF AGE. For sal by May 14th, 1S00. WALKER MKARES. - PKTKKBBVHU MAS1PCLATED GUANO , I.C0R SALE BY u W. H. McRARY A CO., May 20. Agents for Wilmington, N. C. SCHNAPPS SCHNAPPS. CASES (genuine) in store and for sale by L AprU 12. X, H. McKQY & CO. 51ISCLTLANE01S. cavpiinH it ac-t AMPiioit amp. ITSEyU All U U tfca ta W Btouitim, mhk Ac. ! faa :tst iptlf Att ti. f.jul (I kk .aid IB MaJ " lt.t Im4J ky ! L. M. AKAMBtKT, PhamMtatat. Jb I. ; Hera. 4 tp. 1 corrsK. ! rwi C BAi."T.ii RMiVSee, (Jirert iitOrttl.Mi Mta by U at. Hl'titaNs A rONS. June Tl St. 8. Cut. Mar. A He. Ma. BSta.ll PB.Aa.PKAB. IUSHFU CLAY PEASiasl meivej For aa!a by f O Jan U. ELLIS A MITCHELL. Hit K-HH K. CASKS FKH BK AT, CUrteaUa Ptisa Km:, bow fill Uaa Irvss Suhe. YdUat, aad fotsai froas aharf aud slota. at Ut Ik) tuaaal mallei fTK-, by Jbm lii. G. I . A tV. J. Ml NRO ("t I A 0 IumO lUg ia stf. Fot ask by T Jl. W. II. NeKAUY A CO. TO H ADTt'-D4. IROM "WAt HuVIA MU IA" vmr weekly supply of . family flock. fv S4i bv U si. UUGGIN A SONS, June lMh, lsiO. H. K. Car. Mai sat a4 td at. BtUUIXU. KOPE, GUANO, Ac, A. W. II. McRARY A CO. in atuia Fr le by Juim 1l. Bibi Liuiona I V 1.0 TH TO Sl ip AT LOW FUCJX 1 MHAIUI. IMS FRENCH. Cgna. Appla, Peach sad Charty Braa ; Ijt . l artiilea. HIliEY. H. T. Haifa eaUbraled Salt lliver Bourbua, Moaumea tst, Cbaa,uUa, eitra Mva. ettra old Moaaanahela Ha. old Nectar Kye (It years old.) super old Bye, aud J. Jsrkxm't ay logeiiwr wita tne dinereiil graJes of cooiuioa Hat tiaur Whiakiaa. t 1 1 ICS. Pott, Madeira sad Malaga. Country Slot keepers would do wH to eall al J. WILtMiN'M GROtERY, Juaa jy , No. i Market at., Bear the whaif. Ha hi kaW at hr Sttamtr I'nktrtlHrr, at KELLKY'S iWtotr C10N CHEllAN, by Charles Uyerj Kata O Iaoshut, " Charles O'Malley, " 1 he Guerilla Chief, by Capt. Grant ; Frank Fairlegb, by lit author of Lswls Arundel ; Howe's Instructor for tb Gaitar j , Howe's aew American Violin Instruotor ; The Kelleys and O'Kalley's, by author Dr. Thorns i 1 he Corrvspondonca or Abxsmler Voa lluuibolt ; The Throne of David, by Bt v. J, II, Ingrabam ; tt'a Help by Mutles ; Heart and Hand, by the author of Timid Lary ; Uulutt gnestion BiMik ou Mstbew, Mark, Luke and John ; Hums' complete wotks la Library Binding. JaneiO. ' 1 A DIES' SILK Sl'N UMIIHKl.t.AM . mother lo.t J opened, per stiamer Patkersburg," at " 2lt. BALDWIN'S. n, C. MACON. HUW1IB-4. N. C. BACON, put up expressly for x.j V vy r i iuiiy use. For sals by T. C CRAFT. 4 Marks! Street. June l8ih, H;o. B ALT. SALT. CCi HACK!!i 8 ALT. of Urge lis and aeamlsaa Backs, VJVJtf in store aud for sale by MsylL G. C. A W. J. MUNRO. PLOCU AND BIIKETINO. rx( BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY FUiUUj OU M " Super. 1.5 bales Beaver Creek ShseHairs. For sale by My . ' A. K. HAl.f IMLT1.MOUK UACON. ,) HHDS. SIDES J tUJ 10 do. Shoulder -well cured dry and brlgbtli new packages, daily expected to arrive, and fur sale by March SW. OWYEH, PEACOCK A CO. URIIALL' SALT. SACKS Maiihali'sand Ashtoo'i blown SALT, in mm)1 splendid order. For sale by Jim 7. HATHAWAY A CO. OII.UKRT'S) rl.V TRAPS. fU ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. This is to notify X dealers aud piirchsra that wa hava been appointed Sole Agents by Mr. JAMES CONNING, owner of the right to still in this Slate, to sell this Trap in thlsoity, and that we expect to seep a iuii supply irom mis time Ma JOth, 10U J. M. ROBINSON A SON Agent. Herald copy. Ill lU 111 N(4M, 1 RBLS. BUNGS, nil sues, for Distillers' use. For sals 1 V In quantities to suit, tiy . March 28. GWYEK, PEACOCK A CO. I HA VK ON HAND a large assortment of CURLED A ii ill, oi wiin u i manuiaolura Mattresses, Roisters and Pillows, at short notice, aud at Northern prioea. May 1. C. POLVOtiT, Cor. From A Princaaa sis. NO. 1 PERUVIAN OVANO. IIST RECEIVED, and for sale by May mh E. MURRAY A CO. It'K M'lC- tCRt riMIE ROCK F-PBINU ICE UOUhE,"on North Water St.. X a large new building near the Depot, Is now opened and being stocked with a No. 1 article of the best Nort here ICE. to be sold In quantities to suit our City customers. 1 will give my personal attention to packing and forwarding promptly, all orders from the adjoiuing couulry. HIE lur tilHlied tu sick and poor, free of charge, accompanied by their physician's ceitillcale. E. ii. DUDLEY, 'roijrxdor. April 20th, lNi(. w4-tf DIBTILLklt'S OLCI2, ri i BtKREIJi, 10 CASES, a superior article. For talc J ' at reasonable prices by Marcb!l8, IWO. OWV ER, PEACOCK A CO. WILMINOTON IRON KbU COI'PER WORKS, TBONT BTREIT, IlkuW BASlIT, WILMINGTON, N. C. L. A. HART 4 JQUN C. BAILKY, frttnelvn, PRACTICAL BUILDERS of portable and stationary Steam Logics, of auy re quired power and kind uf boiler, sawmills, grist uiilht, gin gearlnkS, and an, oilier kind of luaciiiuoiy mane In any entaoiibineut iv.uth. Hava on t,nd a iarga vai wty ot patUiros fur machinery now in gen eral use iu the eiirroundiug country. Will supply drafts of all kiuds of machinery aud milt work. Turpentiue stills and copper work in all its branches. All kinds of iron and bras ranting!!, finished or unfinished, at short notice. Old machinery overhauled aud repaired. All work warranted to be as repreaented. In connection with the above establishment, wa hava on hand a large stock of rubber and leather belting, lacing, packing rivets, and mill rock and bolting cloth lor grist mills. I Mill Saws and Circular Haws of any siaa aud gauge, furnished at short notice, Feb. IS. LARD LARD. RRLH. LARD. For sale by March 28. GYVVER, PEACOCK A CO. 10 PIIOHP1I ATIC UVANO. rpilK attention of Planters and others is Invited to the fob I Inwinir reiinrt nf an analvsis bv Dr. John C. Drane r. ol the University of New York, nf an average sample of a cargo of Pnospbatic (iuano, recently imported by the Pbo?nlx GuanO Company from McKean's island, Pacific Ocean, via: Organic Blatter,,.,, ................................ 9.0i) Water combined, , 21.60 Soluble Salts, Sulphates, Chloride,. 6.00 Phosphate of Lime, of which 64.00 ia Bone Phosphate nd 1.10 is Bi-phosphate,.,,, ............. ....... Sulphate of Lime, .......'.. Bilic ia and Carbonate of Lime, 5.00 7.60 1.00 ' ;, 100.01 We offer for sale 60 bbla. on consignment from the cargt referred to, and will place it at very low rate to Uioee die posed to make a trial of iu SBST, BROWN A CO. March 14th, 1860. mm IttlttM AMU MEAL BAUM. , 1710B SALE IN VUANT1TIES TO SUIT by March 28, 1860. GWYER, PEACOCK A CO. BALTIMORE WHISKEY. BBLS. now disc barging from veswrt, and for lale by OU March 28. lisVYEU, PEACOCK A CO. NOTICES. lonci. I .''ROM aad after the ICta raK-t. r P.:. C , kta asawtaasa wul rr-l w a... a i I jt l.-sui r . at large ta Ike streets of tte Is ot r . . , a. 4 having a tecal BaJga wora Niifi".si. a. BaJxa raa ha abuioed af lie Tax l. r. i. ' si ' . Treaaarer s 03l a, City MaO, belwa U h. tf s.d 11 'chsrh. Ut ae.ef, HCBARa MJa..:., T.vnC-. Juaald, K Wla Odtea afa Pear A onu Bimm RavlyatAwa Ca, I Waaiaarnw, M.Cl9'h Mat, 143. mUM BOARD OF DIEIECT08S af tUa totev haft 1 ataJa a coaUart f. tba aeaatracUoa of as Iroa Shrams Sulp, la ba pal t,aa Ua wm aataaea New Yerk aad U aort Ht the early part af Oc tuber. la the saeaa tlua laa Ncra Staaaj rVh'p TltitmSVra ill ssake raralar Irtj a. tstiy aBat tka Ltib Jssaa, and Bpaa tke ramaafws f Ua btttp eaatraeted 'or, J raa ta ataMctiea with her. A I a saesiiag mt taa Board af tractor he 4 ttw 4sy. It has Wtaa add thai laa f..U mf letui rta'.i aa pa4 apaa the sehai notion ta tie eiu! ieck af tku Cor; tsyi M, aeh BMta!iats tf 11 y atat. Jd, 1 par ceaA. patalti JAO" Juaa, 1kA. J J, 4 " " -fill - 4tB, ?,l 4th, ltt " May loth, ia4 . tvt. JaS., Ifil. GlLai'LT :l, Pr:,e . r linirk. MIL JOHN U. HIM AN. af ScotlvJ .i . " , day become a partner ta ear H. , ii r - - fair the ettlaef the Br ia will m DANLY .t'A 0a th 1st Septaaibar asxt, a branch h . . - ta Norfolk, Ta., aoder tba aama ef lit a w. I tx . t o . b eoadaviad by JOHN M. HYM h and v i . man. vahu i Hlat ... Nw Yatk, May Ut, 1480. W beg ta call th attaatlo) af ear frtaad asd tt piib!ia ta th abov aolic. Bartti nlarly Ihoa tributary la Norfolk. Bv this arraaseavaat wa aaaU a abi taglv auf pair lb advaatag ( both BiarleU, either for tb aara af pru4a or purcbaee af sapptiaa, ckorytHf bW fta evtnmuiw. 4 U produce oaslgnad to the Norfolk Hons will a suid ta il.ta aisrket, waeavf think ft to th Intaraat af th oer, DANCY, UtMAN A CO.. H4Prlt,Mwi,ota. Jso. S. Darct, lata of Tar bora', N. C. Job II. Uvbab, af IkoUand Mack. N. C. F. M. Uvbab, iat ef Warranto, N. C. New York, May 1st, lMCO U. Ura)d eapy. MOT1CH TO TAX'PAtEata. mtlC TAX BOOK FOB 1161 ha ba placed ta ajy baaJa X for sollevtloa. All person sr raspecUuily liiviud ta com ta sty Offlo and axamlaa th saoi. Owing to tba Bacaasity ef masting claims against th County, I shall b comoellsd ta mat sarllar eoilevtirms thsa usual. Tax payer will eoafar a laraur byaomlBg foiwtrd promptly and settling their due. B. D. BALL, PherilJ. April UrtH, lH'O lH4 lt Y EAST POWDERS. . 2 GROSS THOS. ANDREWS A CO.'S eslsbrsUd Yt.t Pewdra-bsl la oa. Alaa, Heap Toirdsr, Cras 1 ir tsr, Carb. Poda, HalsrBtua supplies lust reivd. lor. sal by U B. UUGGINrt A bO.NS. n in. p. p.. eoraar m areas ana sa RECEIVED BY BTEAnSIIIP PARKE KintKuT flMUS MORNING, w received byBUamer Paikersburf, X from New l ark Choice aew Butter ) WIIUMI Willi V t For aala by L. B. MUGGINS A BONs. Jenejtf. H. E. cor. Market and li ns. PLY TRAPS I PLY TRAPS 1 1 JUST RECEIVED and for aala by the A tent. . June l:i. J. M. UOBiNHoN A BON. rtLoutt, CORN, HAY, TOBACCO. W. H. McRARY A CO. In store, June IB For aala by IlEC'll THIN DAY PER BCHR. t. W. DROWN. 0 BAGS LAGUAYRA COFFEE iw itssms wrapping I'apsrj S bbla. Crushsd Sugar j , I do. W. R. Dill a Snuff 20 doi. boxes Prestos A Merrill' Yeat Powdr Hi ' Concentrated Lye. For aala by J'iiie U. T. C. CRAFT, 48 Market street ULACK KYED PEAS. (JU ALL LOT Just received. For ls by O June 11. ELLIS A MITCHELL. UUANO. QO I BAGS No. 1 Psraviaa Guano jnaft rsoslvsd par 014: Schr. Alba. For sals by Juaa , IH.H). W. H. McRARY A CO. C REAT REDUCTION IN Till PRICES OF ALL BUM VX mar DUESS GOODS. Bargains to b obtained of June hib. J. B. WILLIAMS, 17 Market itrut. )r KKG GOSUEN BUTTER, at JO Junall. GEO. MYERS'. THOSE BOYS' BATCH ELS POR SCHOOL BOOKS. fllHE best arc laid only at 34 Market St.. by 1 Jun14. MYEK4A MOORE. CANAL UAKMms. INlots to suit, at low price, t J. WILSON'S GROCERY. June B. No. 3 Market St., Bear the wharf. new iltiCiilnTif t o at i. ' 1 1AAA BUSHELS 1181 7Y NEW YORK STATE UUUOATS a superior article Bow landing from Schr. Gso. Darby." Will d lore from tehnrf. b? .HHV W, Kldim IB llUIIMillt PORK-PORK. LOT of heavy City Mesa, Inst received, and for sal by Jun 111, T. H. Me ROY A CO. PINK FRENCH BRANDY. C COGNAC, Appl and Paach Brandlei, No, t articles, ia J lot to suit, and at low prices, at J. WILSOS'B GROCERY. Jnns 0. No. I Msrksi at., near tba wharf. Hi a, . t . Iiokai t . ABESfRAbLE article or Honey. For sal at J. WlL'OVe. GHoi'ERT. June 9 No 3 t.rsst st., nsar l!i brf.' NORTH CAROLINA 4tBI jASLf.a 4 LL QUALITIES AND COLORS. Forie ov 1Y Juoe2. J. is .I....'AVh. clioit a, FAMii.t PA.OC4S 4 SUPPLY of fury choic rumiir Klunr eon"riil i V. hand, and for ! on acooniui',atii'K u imn . y June Ai.'i i. CAVALIEH UUtiHM.t K ( BASKEln of this baanUful Wui j . t.i I ... i-.. OU pint and half pints, at ' it -. . r ; " f t May 29. TEA I TEA 11 OPT CHESTS good Green and Black Tea scirt h i nil OO 10 lb. packages. For sale low by . May SO. HATHAWAY AC" FAMILY SOAP. , RA BOXES of Snperior qnality old Family Bcap for sale OU low to close consignment by April 26tb, I860. G. C. A W. J. MUNRO. ON HAND AND POR SALE, a Urge lot efOvel, GUt, and Rosewood Frames, all sizes. Square, GUI or Rosewood Frame made to order at short netloe, by f May 7. C. POLVOGT, Cor. Front A Princes sta. JUST RECEIVED. HALF BARREL NO. 1 MACKEREL. rtbj T v CKAfTf ' May 25th v - No. 48 Market Btrecty MISS K. A. HINTOIS f jl RESPECTFULLY 1NORMS th ladies of Wilmimrtnn, CgJtbat she will open on THURSDAY, AprU 6th, a Ur- , and fashionable stock of MILLINERY, selected fr.a the latest Importations, and embracing all the novelties. , Mis Hlnton would bespeak for herself, and hopa to ; :r- t. alia.,, nf nalmMvA trtmx th Iftrflea tit Wilminr.. Store No. 3 Front it., lately occupied by Ilednc A 1'jan j Wilmington, N.U., March 29th, I860. 175-tf. ,. ? , RECEIVED TO-DAY. ANEW ' LOT OF PITCHER BPOUT AND FORCI PUMPS on hand, k large aiiortment ef Lesd and oth er Pipes. L. C. TURNER. AprU 25. EASTERN 1IAYI KASTER1 HAYII QO BALES extra qnality Eastern, per "David F't O O dischargins at our wharf, ror sale low from ;hrr, by T. C. A B. O. WOniU. Jnne 12. - ' ' 1 rpOILET ARTICLES for Ladiei and Oene" I Jnrui iit. A-Ai..

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