j : L" 1 II HI K!N r II 5 Gf iv it tc: tr.r.iin:T, crsnM JuiEni link. ck cnv.ox. . clitic bohi: roK mukhwk, HON. JOHN" cr eowax corxTT. faa- ll NEW Bixovra COUNTY. fa th Mull i HJ VT. HALL. fWfthv IImh f fomiw 8. J. rtESnV. DANIEL JUAW. khutors tm rKiu;TuriiKiufc;T. Tm Um But at Lnpt IALFEU) M. kCAlES. vr Eitiaa. GRAHAM HAIOOD, w Wais. Ofcatrtrtaa t Dirtrict, J0II5 W. MtHiEE, f lUrtfwi. Id l. B. BODMAK. f be". 14 th U Sib Tib M. A. ALI.KN, of Poi-h. HENRY W. Mlli l.lt. War. J. K. bM.F.AN, of Uuilfotd. T. W. KFES, of CnUwicUa. J. A. FOX. of Mlloburf. JOHN A. PIClaOS, of Bulk. Apv4laHl. TU CanJalates fur the Lrgiatatur Uve imJ uooo th following ippoiotrnfoU, and will aJJrcss Ihe ptt'jik of nr II mover 1 cm at J tecorUiDg'y ; rdrl Pelst, MMoooar', TvMail Nm4, Mdy.... rrtdT .July InJ . 3rd ith . " fclH ik . Itiik - Ill . " ltk . " I'tk . " JtHh . " Moadcy,. Po WulturtM, To4 l'rr Kwk Eivor, Wt.liMJt;,. t atf Wood. Tkirtiy,. . . Mof'f ttk, ttjr t'unUck, fUturdaj,.. . . LoagCrttk, . Maud;,.... WkU will U K ff.rl I , 114 qwstioa Ui bctn tsked of u both l lUHimurt aJ bo oar return horor, In coouiKtioa with (lie adin of lU XttiooAl IVmocrtrj kt lUltinmr. AYe are not coJoteJ with th jilt of jrojlTj e ctooot look Into the future mnuot do time tLan ttvm from fcl b fore us. 1 Li any one cn do, an J tit ipecBkUoDi of bhb of 01 ititcllir'tf arf about of tquu value if tbrv rave paid the unu. uttontion to the abject oodcr conakJcratlon. That thia b a trjlng time ft the Iuhkwt o the eouotry, do man tan dcoy. 'I hat hin triul haa Ua brought tiK)Q it bj the. luuie ruu.i whit h Imvc Ulorc at itttJ7 timet tbreateoe-t in hiU'Kritv anl worked it deHt, to equally cvldeiit. 1 be chiof f thtw cuuwt hai been tlrt lubatitBtion oj men for jriuei!. The dt vo tkm of purtizaoa to particular individual, at the tx peoai of the party Of In prtferenee to it ha wrnkt-d id legHimatt rctult. lit lkunwraiy iusttad ol htinj: a Pemocrtey, bu been longht to be cotmtUu into a Ui- potiim. llcoce resUtauce and varation. Although a mere Convention haa Ucu dwiutt grated aJtboagh organization bai Uin, for the time, wi-aki md, yet the Democratic principle ol State equality Imi been vindicated aud will reawert Jti inprrumey. To prepetre that equality in the party will be one and not the least important of the eflucti of the independent movement of ' the national Democracy at Daltimore. The purification of the party will be another. Mere mouttgemeut w ill no longer infUce, and men will know thut much hm-iiftcr. What will be the immediate effects upon thin c.invass T la aniwer we are In to acknowledge that anew a would bare been more certain with a united Convention and unanimous nomination lAoi ii too evident to tie denied ; but failing that, through the unconceding npirit of the frlendi of Judge Douglai the Convention did the bct they could under the circunwtancca tbe y nominated good and true men they flung to the brcw tlie banner of true national democra?y. lhey trust, umltf J rovi dene, to the good n-nae and patriotism of tho jn-ople of the whole country for a ratification of tbeir nominations at the polls in November next. It may be thut the evil edecti of an Intolerant and overbearing spirit may yet lead the leader of the Douglai movement to nllect, and the people to demand a united movement in favor of na tional principle. But one way or another, the effect of doing rightacting up to conscientious conviction can orrer be untimately doubtful. With their convictions of right, the majority of tbo delegates from Xortb Caro lina tmii have pursued no other course. Wt believe the whole South ought to concentrate upon Breckenridge and Lane. At soon as their doing to k fully understood they will command the co-ojora- tloo of the whole conservative portion of the North, and with an honest and determined effort ucmi run be and will be achieved before the people. U we wuvcr and defpondwe are lost, if we concentrate und work like men we will succeed. I Owr luu Tlcktl. We are tnore than pleased to notice thut the Demo crats fa the several Comities have already brought out or are bringing out their strongest men for the legisla ture. Of thia our own County is an instance. Our Candidate for the Senate, Eli W. Hall, Esq., is an elo quent and effective speaker, and a deservedly popular gentleman. Judge 8. J. Terson, one of, the candidates for the House of Commons has few suficriors as a po litical debater, while his position and character must command respect in any body to which be may be diet ed. Mr. Shaw, the Other candidate for the Commoiitt, is a gentleman of liberal education and clear tense, a practical farmer and will mako a good llcpreecntutive. Such we believe to be the character of most of the tickets put up by the Democrats in the different Coun ties throughout the Stale. Of our worthy and popular candidate for Governor, Hon. John W. Ellis, we need hardly speak, if an ir- feprbachable and able administration of the affairs of the State does not commend him to the suffrages and lupport of his fellow citizens, we do not really know any thing that ought to commend a man. We have been brought hto contact with him upon matters relating to the internal improvements of the State, and we know the deep Interest be has manifested in the success of these works, as well as in protecting the interests of the State therein. We know the earneet study be has be stowed cpon that and upon other branches of his official duty. It will not do to displace a man like John W. Ellis, to make room for a mere bobby, for as snch 'and no more runst we regard Mr. Pool In his present attitude. This hobby of ad valorem has been showed up sufficient ly we think, to convince any reasoning man that it u a hobby and nothing more, ft dangerous and distracting '. tf , . - -' e. - L ..: tv-- . f c :V j-ut--' cf rr ; r-; tV j M;r- i,' f t t-;. irvtn t! 6X ttHit g in Ct -!. o la the C.uJ . ' itrtnwct kl 1 u.-t t'.e II". id !l!;.uorv, it nav ir- trurt atVir.1 JLi f.aj i!sif prijT rr'g n-!,t k-.J rrt- pinKj, I.AE,s Urn. A p'Xlnia revJ.! e.'; -LborbinJ of Har?w, tZ milt from town. bj war Ihe tcT j!ce oa Tb Wjv tfe ISih ut., a' j LU atone which tu-ar J 34 iocb in d.&mrttT. t J aiji.fb!e La'J kH in that oe gtborhiwd oa the aboe dy, ao.1 the crop were tBtriI'y dm"d. Tti bjj vet7 well account lur the extit-ms ctJ wethT wt? ex primet'd lt wtk. Fua IBccia:iH.f o Lixt. Hue. ll". A. Tryor, i4 Virginia, a stroc antxtit of the admici trmtiem. acj thmfure ujpted to be a jixt!in of J ui4f Dxmgla, La eome out tor Bm.kinrkke and Las. The HichoMXid ifr, reprrsseutiog'a diflerrat wbg of the Virginia lkmotTacy, cmnt out with the ame urn t at its Bast brad. Jsf Se adwrtiifiwtit tl Wjlmirgto Iwtitute, is Unity's pper. Tor ll JjuroL At tinc of Ik ritliM a Kbbi1I nd viciailT. kM ua TiMiJ, Hi l lk lntut, lur th ur(ivM ol telvl ittf k Mcao to lb !!. J U. Kpiuiit. Priactpal cl lk t.r rn(mj, Kiuur W. Ilvtutet. ttiro, l Brily ol .roiU cotmtjr, ad to l'riociI of 111 A(4 luy t LilliBftua, BaU!BMMM!j rkoark to tikt i btrg ol tho ArJuijf In. i tb cumiutiM'tBtrul u( tb tatun.g u. 1 rusUi rr k !rr!cd, anj llajnr O. R. Kf anil W. A. At!, I k, iipumtfj niiuUl Ui rr a dri of k bh J(imU to tb ofig'.oal Act, tUlvti NtBibr, I7v, iecor)ioiatU! uiil Aiatlctujr, Bijr Buw k lrnij b ar.T. v i A kuRiHrr f otbrf rrMiIutitri trUtn to t! Ai J)T ft idi'l'lrri. iiih( okiik airrtlk liTltuoiig: W Ukuit, Tb He. JiBirt M. prulltt a bo b( kid cbr of tb tiroto Al J'li,J ll,r tb Ut ltB rr, ba liUr uiiati to trnr biri(Btto lriaci1 of ta il Ackiie luf, tb rliia f tb irDt m-miu ; Ibertforo 1. ,VHi,'t"l, Hit tr,l portlo of lb citutna of K knailla kBil UlnHr, bif hlr Bliriatinf bwtnltrd ooflh ml aki Hr trti br, niJ, m km of lb univcraal alw factin l bit (tvfk to tb romkiunili i lb li btir of b' liutiv. u bi'iftijr rxira our ilxtp rrjiit t ki mien J td lr'(Batin. 3 A3urcf, TLA fcu.Hr tsj roulidrulljr bep that b bij li if rtaiala ti ti( yt, nil toutiuu to uril tbt laltu rm upu tbo romiuiiHiiv, a a citii, aliii b baa krroto It. i b Hi batitiil; iliiliJ i bi aot iatlu wilb a. 3. y 4i ', ibat trader to tb Km. Jam M. bprunt tb iurt't tifirriiiM of our rifir.l aad IrHrailtbip, witk our (rnt oit-br that bi futur hie, la htr ttiua bo may b iUiii, n.jr nov a plraut knit buppv a hi, pant b Ui-a uIul D. tuCt ial to tb coamiulut lu bu k b ha to Iouk rrnidrd. 4. liiniirril, Thl fopy of lb rttululion b furmbc I to tb rditm uf tb WilniiiiKtiia Juvrnal tnd lif ahl, with ri iiit that tlir b nil.lM.tii-il In thrlr leapei ti p r-. J. W. tillJ.KM'IK, tMiiniiiiH. lnkix Mil !'. Snriioiii Knr Ibr Joiirual. A iiife'ing of tb Srxnian't Ki if ml Hoi'iM wnaheld Btlli Kratui-ii'a tlrtbrl, Jim iiith, lMi, ('apt. V, l. M ia, I'reni dont. in th cbair. lb inrrtina; wniirni J Willi piayrrbjr IK It.-v. Mr. Mc- (,N. Tb rt-pint uf tb rrait1nt anil Mnij(ei wa icaj kod ttiipntril; liild mi tlir tabl. Ill reputt ul tb ."-upi'iiiitciulcnt of tb Hum w trail, aiul oiili tril In l rpreail tin tb klluut. Tb Traaurr'a rrpnrt wan aiitimittd, rrid and rrferrd to i imimilti'i; i'iDmliii)( of Cvu. It. Ktriicb and ( ul. Juhn Mi IU. wH'KIj Ti t i'Ui'i 'ii liifKirt niiii'i (ii'o'mniiin uf Ihi- ewwty: Amount eontribulrd and rullevtrd t'M.lMi 61 " expended 20,lii0 1ft IlaUm e in TrvkHiirer'a band 1H 48 I'rveHl ImMih'untr uf Ntcu ty, llalmii i' due on Not favor of K. W. Hrown. aieB by C ll. Illia, Jobn kfi'Kae and O. (1. I'araJer, In li uuiilaluiB of ilt lit du I'baa Jk, Krotber. fur Kur- nitur for Home ilsT 00 Balancadu (lie late egeiit, Her. W. 1. l.gngdoD.. , 1,203 tti $l,i!iO (ill tin tiiutiuii, (be liillnwiiiK Ukinrd Truateea we I fleeted lur tb eiinuim year : t Hiit. dllliert rutler. O. 0. raralry, Isaac Northron. Avon K. Hall, Albert V. firry. Janieal. I'ettewaj , Wm. A. "Utiin. IT. A. J. nelliHivet. r. K. liitklinon, e.eor 11. F'rem h ( apt. C. D. Kill. 11. P. Mltihell, Cut. Jobn Mc liar. J. H. Uriiijt and Dr. T. V. Wi.itb. On nmtluu f (it'o. H. Krencli, the I'leaideul' report Wi4 taken up and dupted. On million ol T. ('. Worth, iiolcut. That .'i00 cupic ul tb I'rtaidenl'a reputt be printed; ltMl rnpiv tu be diatributed by the bicretary a mong the Irioiuta and pttroiia of thia Kuoirty, the remaiuilor to li diatriliuled aniuiiK tb meiiibera. Oh motion ol l'r. Jaa. H. lU'kaun, ,'i i.ornl, That a r inmlttee be appointed tu teprencnt inn l unuiiiiin oi our i.a.areuo at Mount ln. aiul lb wanta or tbe but'li-ly to Hie (uiiimlaiiiner of tin Tuwu and rltl triii iu RHiinal ; and tu am ertaiu wlipibcr anv aid can lie obtained fioiu the I'tiik'.l Mule (invernment, and report tu me i inaieea oi ma porieiy, t omiiiitiec appoiutid, IT. Jaa. II. Mt kiion, !r. T. C. Worth, and Col. Jobu Mdlae. On nioiiuu. ;,wlvnl, Tbkt the paper of the town be tpipte. ted tu j uuiimi me j i ui ti'iunga ul una ineeiin;. H. K. MITCH Kl.l., rurretary huiiitiii ( ourl (liil, lna. -. 'I he following opinions were delivered on Monday last Ity I'kakmon. V. J. In Skinner v. Nixon, Irom l'tr iptiniuiM, declaring that there in no error in the proceed ings below. In Newliy v Jackson, from rasiiuotank, directing a venire du novo, in Latlium v. liowen, from Washington, no error, judgment ofnon suit. In Wynns v. lturdeii, Irom Bertie, in t ipiity. Hy Battle, J. In Burden v. Ilunuan, from Iftrtie, judgment revermd. In Koliinson v. Vatkins, from Uiehinind,aflirniing the Judgment. In Lillli jolm v. Bounty, m Kipiity, from Washington. In Briggs v. tupilmrt, in Kiniity, from Bertie, directing a reference. l!y M ani.v, J. In Uraiuly v M. 1'herwni, Irom Camden, affirming the judgment in Morgan v Khaw, in eiptily, from Currituck, dismissing the bill with cost. In W bed bee v Whcdbcc in equity, from IVrquinmns, dismissing the bill with coat. In Bridgen v Sikis, iu iquity Irom Ctiltinibus, dismissed the bill with cost?. MeJvin v Eosly, Irom New Hanover, Cheif Justice delivers an oj inion affirming the judgment; Manly, J. an opin ion concurring Battle, J. a dnwenting opiuion. halciti 1 its. Dbkaiifu. HAib-SniKM. One of llie nvwt terrible hail storms that has ever been witm sweil in this m ction (if the country passed over the Southern portion of Mcckleiburg on the 19th inst. K extended through the neighborhowls of Steel Cretk, Shuron, Providence, Ac. and we ure not informed how miitii further. Two clouds arose, one iu the east, the other iu the southwest, rolling and curling in frightful sharies until they met, a little to me souin oi Charlotte ; llie wind giving the rain aud hailstones a w hirling motion. We learn that many of the atoms meaeurt'd -f fgd imhei in circumference, ami in some places covt red the ground to the depth of several inches, 'i he storm made a clean sweep of growing crops along its path, litterally stripping the cotton stalks aud beating into the earth corn, wheat, oats,yrup cane, A c., and pealing the bark from fruit tree; in fact, destroy ing, at oue fell swoop, the hopes of the farmers for tlie current year., it is especially distressing to the poorer class of persons who were almost entirely dependent up on their little crops for a living ; a successful re-planting being very doubtful-, unless we have very good seasons and a late full. We trust that not many are in this con dition. The feelings of one gentleman found relief In tqars as 'he described to us thedestmction of his crop and bis prospects. But the same hand that guides the stormfeeds the young eagles npon the clefts of the rock, and eendeth bread to the ravens when tbev cry to him. anJ he will do right.' P.O. We are informed by a private letter from Clark's Creek, Catawba county, that the same storm visited that section. It swept away every thing in its track Cotton,' Corn," Wheat, Oats, and Orchards stripping the forests, shattering window glass, penetrat ing tne roots or bouses, and leaving utter destruction in its train. We hear of its ravages as far down as Che raw, S. O CfarMs Dtmocrof, 2CfA iwf. t U, i ill LlU:i I - ;!.: 'a. N. .; . ; I 1 1 . '::..- p l.'i,!!,-;- .i:..;Li:T-i p k I u r It -i t-t. La arl ei L rs. 1W r rj tr ' x'.::;ed to tvcU P!tr2i i . f.lrl e mcee 14 a-vaxi-Ued kt Bi-ts, cifr'ar j.r g tbr tl.fiH Sovm' kcd NipuJoiXi. , i be tinmt iaUra u puiitin-Iy la sJ oa tLe lClh kj ait s' ROM wifimuTo. Wash:v.tos Citt, D. (X, Js& 2t,l?0. Tbe S?cat La 3xaJd aaJ ratted tl? Nk-afafa aal II Tn-aUn tii-v. Wio bj out lor Brwrkicrkle anJ Ijae. Ijt KKiU, J'u U'X 1SC0. Cottuft Sk U the wetk 50,000 bak-a,ckHBg with a dccliaicj teoJeacy of to 3-164. Prices are img !r. Fir Orkoa X4; Mkkllicg Orkass d; Fklr l'loJ Td ; MUdTiOf Tplaad 5Tti Stock in port 1 .SW.OOO bales of whicfc 1 J3tiXH) are Amert cua, I'km m1 Vb-kt qiiet at Tuesday "s kd ranee. Corn firm with au imprvrfd dVmatkl Il.ee firm aad there it a Urge speculative enquiry kar cargort afloat; Caro lina 22 i. Roio duJ at 4k 4J. a ii. iJ. hjtri: Turpetitint dull at 33.t. 91 jtuericaa Tar 15a. 94. CoQ4ou tW account closed at 93 , to S3 . New VotK, Jane 2tth. 18 CO. I he tU-aruebip Parkersburg arrirtd here this morning, lie Great Easter a las not been signalled. Bw 1 ark Markata. Naw Yoaa, Jaae 27. 1800. A tkt tloet yttttrdtij Cottoo kteady ; some authorities quote Middling Up Lndsat 10 out. Flour and Wheat firm. Cora buoyant ; Mixed CS cent, bpirits Turpentine steady a, 42 a 43;g' uts. lloeia steady at $1 57'. Rice Gnu tut iuactiv at 4 cent. The a'love w tlie state of the markets previous to Steamer's arrival. .larMtal FaaMr kUI Aakar. NoBXHk, Ju-K'23. The ship Jan Hendertoo, of iMiItiiuure, aithaiarge number of pactigir, irom .iveijKiot, ia ahont at Currituck. No aaawUnee has as jet Urn rendered from the shore. A steamer will an- U rf imuM'diaUly, to render a8utuce. A heavy t a pn vuil.a, and tie wind is N. East, Irevb and jieriloui. Ki irioK. JanRt B. Birtfoot, a young man formerly from Johnston county, committed buicide in the upin'r jH.rtiuii i f thia ceii'ity, by shooting bimst-lf wilb a pistol and shot gun, on Wtdnesday of last wti k. He first shot himself with a pistol, that taking no (fleet, be then dis charged the sontcuts of a shot gun, hieh filtered above the roof of hiStonxue, killing bun invtantly. The duceaw-d was represented as a very clever young man and rzot llent neighbor. No caue can be aviigned k the rack act ''ity. Courttr, 2.W rnif. IN Halt y for Ualtlnv h Klarilana. IW tf ewuU'tl by tht Urwrai At-mlJj of the Wnl of Aurm ( uroiiia, ana w u hermy eniu'b'U by im aullwruyoj lite amiif, 1 bat aur period wbo abl bet or Vkyer moue'jr or other tbinx ol tralu tipua an; (lection held iu tbia Ktat. hull Ii (iiiltjr of k ruidemour, aad on convictiun aball b tilled or miprioDd at tb diarretion ol th Court. ( Katijlrt ohJi' tay of lXvtmhr. J. J. IIin)ier, K.q, editor of the Any Mail, an opposition pamr at MoLtgrnnery, Alabama, and Hou. Humphrey Marshall, ex-member of Congress from Ken, tucky, are out lor lireckinrulge and lme, lne cream ol the Southern opposition are coming over. Divori r ik South Carolina In a late debate in the House oi llepresenlativcs, at Washington, ou tlie piopoailion to pasa a bill tor granting dirorces, in cer tain cases, iu the District ol Columbia, Mr. Keitt, of South Carolina, opposing the bill, said incidentally, that uivorcts are moat demoralizing, and that tne least relax ation would introduce all sorts of improprieties. South Caroliua, ho suiu, bad never granted a single divorce, and he trusted she never would. Open the door, and there would be many frivolous excuse's for divorces. He did not want tlilt Government to intcrlcre with the subject. Mr. Burnett said ho was as much opposed as the gentleman from South Carolina was to throwing open a wide door to partus dissatisfied with the marriage connection, and to enable them for slight causes to sever the tie. The causes for divorce were specifically set forth iu the bill in the preparation of which he had fol lowed the legislation of the States where the marriage relation is the most strictly guarded. Mr. Keitt objected to divorces for any cuuse. Ilmv ( iria Kletl Ihe I'realilt lit anil Vli l'realtlenl. It may be usi fid, just about this time, to re produce tlie Ktukim-nt which the approach of a Presidential election makes opjiortunt) every four years, ltisthns succinctly given by a writer iu the JVru Yoik Daily Times : Tlie House of Beprewntatives has nothing whatever to do wilh the election oi a Vice President, nor the Sen ate wiali the election of a I'resitlent The powers of each body arc distinct and entirely independent of the oilier. If no President lie chosen by the electors, the House of Representatives may choose the President, their choice being restricted to the persons having the highest num Urs, not e.icccding three on the list of those voted for for Preside!!'. If no vice-President be chosen by the electors, the Senate shull choose the Vice-President from the two highest numbers on the list of those voted for for Vice Pnsiideiit. II the limine fails to elect a President before the 4tb of March next following, then the Vice-President, wheth er elected by the electors or by tho Senate, shall act as President The rule or manner of voting under which the Senate chooses a Vice-President, is exactly the reverse of that which governs tne House in choosing a President each bcinir the reverse of the general principle or basis upon wbieli the respective bodies are organized. The House, representing the pt ot le, and ordinarily voting per capita, vote lor rrtflulent hy states, the representation Irom each State having one vote, and a majority of all the Mates being necessary to a ciioice. lne Senate repre- Bcntinir the ft lutes in theory, at lettst, and in tne man ncr of electing Senutors vote for President, per capita, each Senator being entitled to a vote, and a majority of all the Senators being necessary to a choice. A Vaxkkk'h Damages. A railroad accident took place uwhilu ago in Maine, upon which occasion the attorney of the road visited the scene of disaster to sat isly the claims of the injured parties. After paying for black eyes, bloody noses, and cracked crowns all round, fat tho appraisal of the injured, he supposed his business over,' when he was saluted by a tall Yankee, with feet like snow shoes, a bcllcrowned hat, und a blue coat over his arm, with " Well, Sqnire, what are you going to- allow me?" " You ?" said the attorney, " where are you hurt ?" " Oh, nowhere to speak tof, Squire, but I was most terribly scared, and 1 think that's worth about a dollar, the way you ve Iwen payio on em,' The dollar came of course. There are two hundred visitors at the Moptgomcry (Va ) White Sulphur Springs. WALKER MEARES, DRUGGIST AND A20TSIXCAR1 No. 45 Mari rr Btsebt, DEALER In televi Medicines! English, French knd OermkD Chtmickls Sweedish Leeches, Ac, 4c. Also, superior Brandy, Wines, c, 4e. Preacriptioas compounded in th moat akOlfal sod slegaat onus. ''' November H, 1R69. ' rr QUERY-Hkv you seen that Big lodiao in aa other eolumn boiling Roots, Barks and Lesvea, for .the Cherokee Bemedyf 1 . i -, i a 1 . r i. . , . . . T. a J.-.J' - . : . a. . . ; -i ; a. a .: a rj iit Cik'ih i - : . . u l -t .':-vj ! L..-Cfa ji.-f.r. is.. . .'; t.ief i1i :- i ti'-aj. ul c tt t1-i . f a. it ntKtcl Uiki) lt(vSt.I a.d al foee'j r-e"'.' t- T t '-aa vora eat a it 1 1 ' t (r U u bras, 9-ie4 fcte by ' aaesu. U..'e aid ti;itBEVa. -r atari l decty v.;b : frib off-ay k -. Ker lit lairret a Kiir ba- lorat: Cvsn ta, aad f ;-ja . tua rrstort IM inMJ ol tb kt ? U li-r h- aaj bat:k iw;l. , Pne ts:j reau aad a dwar k b-jet. ts..J tterywber i ai uasctea ly w. ti. Upp:tt, li. stcua, aad by SJ ITUfi alt. W. E. BAG AX k CO-, Proprietor, TrT, 5. T. JssailUistaii lt-la 44 la I acoauk aid riarcb H ACOI. aj, -ASl'EiiNJS ' bey rpajctfui;y U mum iraTcicra, as Uk c:uta ta f roa ral. tkat r4r W(X (or kiaj aj th Kal kt Heaark. tiU'iai. k A KIAX ii LhXJH iU b attid t tU dipalta. rbniary tU. UtO. 144410 uo alien u t at DR. J. EOVEE DODS' VLGLTAULi: - Imperial Wine Bitters ?, AS b ar aSxrtcd ll lac i pie at Cuaaomptioa or Wki Lttar ahoold aa tbcai. AU wb Buffer froaa Wtak Stomach, lad'reatiua, Drr- kia r I'll, ahould aa taeau All b aufler irafla (aerai ar &rooa lability, EeV Waaaeai ktaifbt, waat of aleep, Ac.abould as lbe. All Mreoa abo r coatkieac after ftm ar alkcr kkkkeas, abould a tbcat. Muuaten of lb Ooapl, Lawyra, LaKtaror. a4 ka paV Ik apaakara, aboaJd aa th. Hxk ktr. a4 all aaraoaa Wadm a atJeatanr bf. ahnuld aa teem. Tb k(4 kod la ttroi abould aa tbIa. All w hi raqair a tioulatr toeic tbould them. AU who ar addict! t tb a of ardent vrita aad visa t raform, ahoald aa Uea. Tby ar kd of a par Sherry Wis, aad of th aatit laat sd kerb ot tb eoaatry, aad ahuald b rcvaunad d by taiprac ocati, cWrgyaMB, pbyatvlao, aad all frikd of humanity. They ar prpard by aa xpried aad ahilful pbjai (iaa, aad atd lrok tbtir BiaUiCinal proprtMM, i a auoat delightful bvrc ; aad yet, a a atedici, ar aa loutxeot aad hannlea a lb dt of hear a. bold by drnjiUt eenerallr. CUAblKlS WIDDlr'lEXD A CO., Proprietor, IS William at., eurser uf l.ibrty. Sold by LOUIS B. tHAMBKUT i rui-gt aad Pbarmactutiat, WUoniif to, N. C, May I-iu'i-Sm avaT t'adr tb - (Hy HoUU" W. C. 1IOWAKU, BROKtB AND Al'CTlONKKR, Oflit oa tkmtb Water Street, " Old Stand," ' Mainf received tb aiipuiutmeot of Auctioneer, rpct fully cfler baaervk.- fur tb parebaa and aal of ktAL STATIC SrtM'blS. NtXiUOta, PROUL'Cb' and CKXCUAL blKKCH AXIH.K. (Hirtil alteniton riil t yirn. to tht AA YAl HlVJiS BtslNEaSa kerttyvre.) airsaaKCi : O. (vrraley, Ei., Pre t. of tb Cumruerc!! Ilauk of Wil- I winntuu, N. I'. Joha Pawaoa. Eaq., Prea't. of th Brant b B a X. ('. do. Meaar. Kidder A htartio do. Meaar. K. Murray k Co., , do. T. C. llcllhenay, Eaij.... do - bleaar. IKUnr, Potter A Co., I v. v Do. Wataoa k Sfarea, AprUSth, im. WIIIlSitaTUS! UUI UIIT-TIIIKU HOI M). ta. PxaaV ArroiNTMSNT. July 1 WilaiiugtoD, Kruut at. and 5th at. Tand S, Wbitevill. " 11 and li Oualow. H aud ii Hmitbvill. " 'ii aud 'i'J, hauipaon. Auguat 4 aud 6, 4'uplin. 11 and li, Uladeo. " Handlsi, '. Wiiabeth . 0. V. DKKMH, P. K, Tilt. (iKEIT RNULISI1 HtlMEDY. SIR JAMKS C'LAUKIK'S CSCL.KURATKU FKMALK PILLS. Pieixtredfrom a prepttriptum qfiitr J. Vtarkt, At. I)., 1'hyncuin Xztraordnary to 1A (Jutv. Tbia Invalnabl medicine 1 unfkllitu la tb care of kll tboa pttaful khS dkngerou dieae to which tb femal eouatitutlun la auniact. it model atea all exeeat aud re moves all obatructloaa, knd k speedy cur may b relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES It la peculiarly suited. It will, In a short tlm. bring on the monthly period with regularity. aaica bottle, prio oa iioiir, bears tb Uovernment Btamp of (Jraat lirltain, to prevent counterfeit. OAUTIOX. Tlwtt PUi ihould not be taken by J 'malt durirw tht riHiiT TUliKS MONTHS qf iWwney, u they art aur 10 orxng on Jficarrui7, out Oi any oiAr time they art t(fe. In all cute of Nervous knd Spinal A flection., Pain ia tb Back and Limb. Katigue oa alight exertion, 1'alpaUtion ol th Heart, Hyiterics and Wbitea, the Pills will 0ect a cur when all other means hav failed, and although a pow erful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fkll directions In th pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Hoi Agent for th United Bute and Canada, JOB. MOSES, Rochester, N. Y. N. B f I 00 and pimtage atampa enclosed to any au thorised Agent, will ineure a bottle, containing 5fl Pill, by return mail. For aale in Wilmington by W. II. Llppitt, Henry MuLin, and all Drugglats. Bold la Ooldsboro' by Lnras i. Moor. PUnCELL, LADD k CO., Richmond. May 14. IftCO. 31 ai 37-ow -ly THE PAKME.VTKK CAMPBELL IGWI.VO MACHINE. PATENTED AUGUST 16th, 16o9, by E. BOOTH, The moil perfect Machine wtanttoclured. sj. a. wanni jm a., Photcgraphic Rooms, Moiart Hall. Jan. ?:id. 18t0 118A22-tf ABRIONEE'at SALE. ci. T. BAKU I , Ag t. 27ie GreaUtt Chanre for Uoutekeepert and Dealers exer Offered. All the goods in Store No. 25, Market street, formerly oo cupied by David Aaron, consisting of Fancy and Domesti Dry Goods, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Embroideries, Notions, Cents' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, will be of fered at and below cost, a th entire stock mnst be cleared out. Dealers In town knd country will do well to call knd purchase. Terms positively cash. June 14.-240 If. 8. FLEISHEB, Assignee. All tboa indebted to David Aaron, either by not or ac count, ar requested to call immediately knd settle, or Ue lame will be handed over for collection. 8. FLEISUER, Assignee. Jun tttb, 160. GLUE. CARD. We beg to inform the trade, that w have ap pointed W. C. HOWARD, Esq., Naval Store Broker of Wil; mington, n. u., sole Agent tor our (iloe. OEO. B. ROGERS k CO. Boston, April 3. The undersigned, haviiur been annointed bv Cenrir R. Rogers A Co., of Boston, sole agent for the sale of tbeir GL UES in this market, respectfully solicits orders from the trader Their Glazed Glue u warranted equal to, if not superior to any manufactured in the United States, and is warranted to give satisfaction, or llie money refunded. A well selected stock of lower grades, from same parties, kept constantly on band, sample of which can be seen at my umce. w. u. Hinvatai, Bror. April 7, 1800. r 183 tf TO THE VOTERS OF NEW HANOVER COL'NTT. Y1ELDINO TO TBR EARNEST SOLICITATIONS OF manr citizens in different sections of the count?, I have con eluded o again offer my nam k a candidate for the office or unarm. I respectfully solicit your soDragea at the election to be held la August next, trusting mat my pssi course id onice haa proved me to b not unworthy of yonr support. Daily Herald copy te. E. 1. HAIX. April 10th, I860. , akw tt TO THE VOTER OK NEW HANOVER COIWTV. I HEREBY announce myself a candidate for the Sheriffalty of the County or New Hanover, at the coming August elee tion, and respectfully solicit your vote. ' , . . . W. T. J..VANN. A phi 2nd, I860. . - 178-t WM. II. LIPP1TT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DR UGGISTA OBEUIHt U.K.. vow. ont and Market St., Wllmlnfon, N . V. Always on band a full and fresh assortment of DRUGS, FAINTS, OIIA AND GLASS, PERFUMERY AND FA a vY ARTICLES. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night. Tb night bell ia at th second door (on Front at.) from th corner. r On and afttr this day, all prescriptions will b CASH. . Hot. 1st, 1U8.-4I - . - - b-. ( i - ' . ii --e iii a Hflpu Par V. ak V. KaU t..l. J ii baCc '. Xi IV. tit, V4 ij ti"T;L. .r.U target 9. l.J i v.. a. 1 t-i ula" irw TjsL lrx -V. TCA S u t. Co. WW PeiTte. Lti-aset, Brim A Cj. b i Aaderaoa id !. O A Lajsi S k. i i I -i J .. a-i a . . a t A , J li A.aavoi, J J ltfft.f I 19, UTer. r. xt A Kaaiwr, J at ktk. J bi ntirC, W J ir.e. J Ja C h'W: ara, a mi rr, m r.a d a. a v a z- ; aau i ,L i r- rci. Hay A Mcleat. C C kii, J A l i O fc. a ia, J Hear (.- . . . . I . . It. L . b . . ' Srrl(a Oaltaanai at atttaaa-' kf ft. H , alauaaj ST. I a rarar44l bf lb SJ. HaaL k V . C. H. rorW.CAKBK.r4B Fr.es. K L IV.U-wa. NEW ADVERTISE!! EMS. U MEG19NEY. PatKcirau rilflK CLOMXG liaJiClstA of lb Tea'Ji iuu! ta- bjo f tb tkaool. mill tak pUc at Tew bat, Wa4- kMday vcaisg.JaMlTta, tSMl: eottmeaciag kl 1 !ocl. Tb pablat are iavitcd I attead. jun rib, i- rut SOTICK. ROBERT R- BAYXK, aa fatdentaraj apprentice ta tit priatug buaiae, ka 1A tbia Sic. Tbi at to eautioa aU aaraoaa araiaat k arbor leg, trasUbf. or r'viB b ta m-. pleymt. f CtTOa PbUCK. JlM Ji, IV0. KOTICE. . HAVING parcba4 a larg tract f lakd a U Cap Fear Kiner, ia N Uaaovar county, w an bow pra. . parcJ to fill vut rdrs for r-uv of vry kit. . . Bbiagle eoatrkct kd cvaaioa. f Ask UeadiBg aad Aak Log Aed all kind f Tuiilr for aMaulacturiog pwf . All nrder n trailed to a will b prmptly xcat4t as w will dvt our whol atteaUo tia N. WANTED IMMEDlATkXY, 20 bandv fv which ro4 wage will b paid. . LOEU k 6WAETZ.K AN. Jaa 17, l!8). 161-tf rnne firm or 8. uoodman ca ka a; dy dis- 1 solved by mutual cont. B. UOO DM A, DAVID EUUEN BBTJI, - A BR. B. (rOODMAN, F. E1GEMBEUN. Wilmington, N. C, Juo , l?0. TUB UNDERSIGNED hav th'a day formed a 0 partner ship for tb trknskctioa of a general lry Ooeda, Clothlr aad .vh BuaiDeaa, aader th aam tad atvt f GOODMAN k EKlfcNBIIUN.- B. GOODMAN. DAVID EIGENBBUJC r. EIGENBBUN. Wilmington, N. C. Jun 12, l'ttO. til tw: 1 (corTwBT sret-aro ) KINUER'M KA.niLV EWIMU HACIU.1ES, WITH LEATHER PELTING, FOUAI. TO ANY. and SUPERIOR TO TEE MAJOR ITY OF FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, furnish, complete. ... pnTfTR eft in i Hinier'a Familr Bewlng Machine, like all ether tot priced Hewing Msrbines, WILL NOT ANSWER FOR THK wnox.0 nANan or wonx. although will do, la a superior manner, all that anv " fun yHewingilacbiB,,lcpbleof. . W recommend to tb aotlc of Families, Planters an j Manufacturer, bod other than "IHE GREAT STANDARD SEWINO MACHINE," KNOWN AND APPRECIATED ALL OVER THE CIVILIZED WORLD! Bold t mknufacturers' prices, by O. 8. BALDWIN, ' June 57. Agent for L At. Binger k Co. B-aw aiiiuu.ir.ua anu a l akanisiilf. Wi nave receivea notnr large supply oi tno nna som new styles TRAVELING TRUNKS, Empress, Eugenie, Japknei. These Trunks fcr far sop- nor to ny ia th mkrket. A lJg assortment of VkUs, Carpet Bags, Bchool Hatchels for Boys and Miss ar al ar a va ia ha fntlD(t at aatnniahlna Ina? tiripaa. . a oduiiil'ii pij nnna ' June 27. ' Id door from tb Eichang Corner. Gil LAX ATTRACTIUlf O KEUEY'S-.KEYI HQQUTQilE, W E OFFER YOU a superior list of tbs best works of notion lor tlie long bummer days; Jane Eyre ; Ten Night in a Bar Boom ; Shirley Villett ; rhackery'a English Humorist; Beulah, by Mrs. Evans ; Bleak Hoas, by Dickens; Martin Cbozzlewit " OUver Twist, " Curiosity Shop, " Little Doorit. . M Lucy Crofton ; Harry Lee, or Hope for tht Poor; The Rival, or the Timea ol Burr and Hamilton ; Dickens' New Stories ; Pickwick Papers, by Dickens; Barnaby Budge, " Donibey and Hon, " Nkbolas Nicklebey, " Tale of Two Cities, " rthort Htorie. " Bir Rohtn'i Ghost ; Prince of the House of David; The Initials; The Dead Becret ; The Wife's Victory ; bhe Two Bisters ; Twenty Years Ago and Now ; The lietrama i ..... Two Ways to Wedlock; The Laird of Norlaw ; Alone ; The K. N. Papers ; The Flounced Robe ; Retribution ; . India, the Pearl of Pearl Riv- The Lost Heiress ; Lady of the Isle ; V tloine, or Magnolia vale ; Planter's Northern Bride ; Robert Graham - - - . Courtship and Marriage ; Linda, or the Young Pilot j The Banished Hon ; -Bunahine, or Eat Vinton ; Love Me Little, Lov Me Long ; Vacitv Fair; ' Couutes and the Page ; Davenport Dana ; Harry Lorrequer ; ) Charles O'Malley ; The Guerilla Chief ; Con Cregaa ; Jon 'iitb, 18G0. Daily Sketches by Bos, " Christina Btones. David Copprflel(i Sylvian Holt's Daughter i - Say and real; lurael In Bondage; The Bell of Washington ; Kate Ayleaford; lb Little Beauty, (nw) ; ' The Haunted Homestead ; Lizsy Glenn, (new) ; . The Convalescent j - My Third Book; Leacliff. (new) ; A Life for A Life ; rhe Marble Fawn, (new) ; Edith Vaughn's Victory; rhe Missing Bride ; Viva, or the Becret of Power J The Three Beauties; Th Curse of Clifton ; The Deserted Wife ; ' Love after Marriag ; itena, or the tinow Bird ; Marcus Warland; The Lost Daughter ; Helen and Arthur Edith' Miuistry i The Mill on tb Bloss, (new) ; The True Woman; Night of G wvnne ; Tom Burk ; Horace Templeton J Sword and Gown ; ' ' Mr Lady Lndlow ; Jack Hintoa ; rb l'roleasor. Herald copy. '. HAV HAT. -BALES prime Hay, in store, for sale by . June 27; , , ELLIS A MITCHELL. 150 OATS OAS. 1 Kf( BUSHELS HEAVY NEW YOBK STATS XtUvJyJ OATS, in store. For sale br June 27. ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. SALT SALT. f 1VERP00L GROUND, 8EWEJ) 4 SEAMLESS 8ACKS. 1 J Turk a Island Alum, m z nuauei nags, r or sale by June 27. JAS. T. PfciTTEWAY 4 CO. CORN CORN. ... I A ti BUSHELS Superior Perquimans County tUV CORN, per Schr. Patron. For sale by June 27. ELLIS 4 MITCHELL. '