I A VOL. 0. NO 2j5. nLMIXGTON X. ft, MONDAY JULY 2, I SCO THIOLS VxVVZ . . . I i n iTot a price, proprietors. AS FU-TeX, E:.-r 1. L. TZ1CZ, Associate Ed .to. Tor S.aorrt,poM. Fr, o yr, taniiy ia advance A 00 Vlrr.'T - - - - " IU A inert e haaiaoM eeaaetJ with Lhi &. Butt bo a-. to tie proprietor. BATES OP ADVEKTlSiN'l. a Air fcjriu. Oa day Two dT. Throe da va.. ....... Fuor dy ,. rir &m'r Cc VMt Twa week Om Boatk. ....... Two Boctii. ...... TirM BcrJnL...... oi Mr Ait. Om day... T0 daV Throe day. Foar dav Fit day Om week. Twa WMki. Om month........ i Two Banihe.,.,.. Three month Bix BOBtha I U - . & : 8 .1 oo .3 M . 00 I 00 I sa li , I W . 1 ti . 1 so . 1 TS , J . 00 . f 00 ,19 00 1 00 fiX BOnU Om Tear as oo Om ytr. M M Tom Lao are eoaiited m a aqaara, and lro liaee or Wo a ka-f oqoAro. Longer advertiMnteata ia eroporUua, oad oil payable Is advance. Wkea aol paid la advaace IS cent per square oiil oo ehrf 4 ftftor tMalrt inoortioo. UrAi Ulf oqm lul piid (or la kJraaco wUJm cW 4 Mttijoaro. Ad? eruiemokta tMertod u BpociaJ or BUbop Votico ro caArgod oM-oAlf moro t&aa kboro rotoo igbt liaoa (loodod) or toot oouUd u t tqMi. jjr AdforUooBoau Inoarted OTor tAor 4y ro eWgo4 17) eocta pr ;ur for oco tniertiop oAor tho ink. EUSLNXSS AND iTiOFESSIOXAL CARDS. ' UH1S B. KRANBERT, DBCGGBT AND PRACTICAL PH AKMACSOTIST, WimmotoK, N. C. k.epo roiuUnU; ot kaad, roloct otoek oi in;, jVixl inn, DonuMxe ami JAtropoam t'hMMvai, ancy 4 Tbtidf rtwkt, H'tma m4 Xwon or Afe(iuU iVpoMt, Cigars, 4c. .! ortieaiAr tnoouoa pud m ruicumon, r ahilt Bicitm, Mi wot! Ciim, a. immodiotely uder tho " Caroliaa Bote)." July li, . - - m-tf O. C. M IV. J. MI NKO, (OMMlSSloa M LltLUi Jlla ADd nUUUUsALA. utw J CiiS, No. :i MorUi Wur Stroet, Jono 14, 18i. WiLMmatow, M. C. " OLIVKK KELLEY. WB0U3ALS AND RETAIL DBALEB3 IS GBOCI BUi3AHDPKOVlsyON8, m m A'o. 11 Aorft Water Stre4, Deo. 14, ISM." WaamaTow, N.C. t. . iarra, Joaa mclaiaim. 1M1TII A McLAl'RlW. COMMISSION AND POBWARDINU MEBCHAICT3, WlLaiMOTOM, N. C. t- n..w' u . .... ' E. P. U in . Ium . PraaUont Branck &ASk SUU N. C - I.I. l.. li . lAA.tf "TlAC ItOSS oBT, BHOWIi CO., tOXBALCOMMISiUOS MERCHANTS, T . WILMINGTON N. C. Jaa. lit, lM7.-M-tf. , ' UEHRT P. HVSSKlXs KfUUL COMMIBaiON MERCHANT, T , UT Kaw Bat, (Ur Btaui.) - CUARLE8TON, 8. C. oUrcMTth.lSSs. r : 161 tf T. II. McKOT d CO- t R0CKB3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South ajt Water itroot, WoauaaToa, N. C. Aug. 13d, 1861. . . , .... . 197 ' II. B. KILCnS, "rrrnoLEsiXB orockr and commvwion iter V CHANT, and DEALKR IN NATAL BT0UE8, earnor Water and Markot atrMta, wumingtoa, a. v, . . 1AB. ftOIUT. AtBX. OLDHAM. . , ,: ITOKUET oV OLDHAM, . . r-1 ROCEM AND COMMIBfllON MEIlCHASTfl. AND VX DBALCBS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. - WlLMIXOTOK, N. C. ......... Ejruixci. Col. Joaa MoBab, Praaldant of tho Bank of WUmlngtoa. O. Q. Pamlbt, Eq., Prooldent of tho Commorclal Bank, ;- E. MURRAY COn (laeooaaoni to Putif o Poaoock,) C0HJU88I0.!r MEBCHASTB " - - AXD WH0LESALB GnOCEKS,' WATSR 8THKKT. ; , WILMINOTON, N. C. ' . iroaaAt. , a. lrraCHiwa. , i. r. auBAr. Fabmaiy 1, 1M. ,, lia-tf . J , D. A. tAMONT, COMMISSION MIBCHJlNT, Mo. 88 ffortk. Water atreat, Oct 11 il-tf WiABinaToa, N. C. Im B. IITJOOINS A SONS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES GENERAL MERCHAN diaa, 8. K. Corn. Market and Second Streott, - Wilminotun, N. C. asrOrdert from oar friend will recelre prompt atteaUon, Oct 10, 1859. - - J.K. ROBIN80 A BOWn WlLBIHOTOH, N. C. rlPOBTEBS, MANTJFACTUIlEnS' AGENTS. AND Dea Urea in BArdware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Naili, Agricnl- toral Iaplemonta, Ac. , WH. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Bept 10. 1H6I 11-tf Wilmiwotow, N.C. ADADtS, BROTHER St CO., (1OMMIS8I0N MEBCHAHTS, j - .. WnMiwoToa, N. C. I. k. BATHAWAT. WM. B. CTtBT HATHAWAY A CO., . (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j , f WiLMiHeroK, N. 0. T.O.AB). a. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FOBWABDINO MKBCHANTS, arckll, 186 T i6-ijr lABcaa AXDiaao, " bdwabd iataoi. ANDERSON A RAVAGE, , 1 KNERAL COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, T . WlLMIWOTOK, N. C. Liberia! cadh adrancea made on conaignmenta. JAMES A. WILLARD, OMMIHSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCER, V I AND UKAU-iJ m UkAIW. No. 10 South Watib 8tht, Jn. 1, 160. Wilmiwotow, N. C. It MM 0. IBTTB. MiLai ooarrM'. JAB. C. SMITH A CO lOMknfWION MERCHANTS. oSca aecond atorr. aorner l Bontk Water aad Market etreeta, Wilminirton, N. 'C where the are prepared to attend to all bniineM ia tit CommkMuoa liaa. All bnimeot eatruted to them a ill be punctually attend OdtP. r. -.. 1,,. W. H. MoRARY A CO- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, earner Princeta and WaUr j etreeta, Wilmington, N. U. Baraaavcu: H. B. Barege, Casbler Bank Cape Fear, Wllminaton, N. O. Ool. jonnncKae. trea t tJana wummgion, do. ao. D. A. Darla, Cuhier Branch B'k Cape Fear, Saliabory, do. i. O. Lah, " " " " Salem, do. J. Ell Uregg,miiaentoi bam t; Here W, s.o. luctnj WALKER MX ARKS, ) (Snooeaaor to Walker Mearee Co.,) YTTHOLEHALI AND BET AIL DBUGGISTS, -W '44 Mabibt flnirp, Wilmwotow, N. C. .-- HARRI89 A HOWKUL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , li WitMiaoToa, h.T. aaoaoa iiaatea. a. $ aowatu. or. w. babbtm rt m. into OA TIERCES CUBA MOLASSES 3 V ZAJ 24 barrel! do. do. For eaie by ' April 17. OWYER, PEACOCK h CO. HOOP I ROW HOOP IROIT. 1 K TONS HOOP IRON, l, II and H inehee, for aale lO qaantitia to earl by- 0WYKB, tACOdK CO. March IA. .; ' ; V " LARD CANS. fTSf HAND AND FOB SALE, a fine assortment of LARD W CANS. Ail odd liiea made to order at a ihort notice HwsalO. Am K). 'iUiUtAJA. El'SIXES AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W. HOKK. ArcrwN'rn: and cexbeal commission agevt, Bat Stust, fATrmviixa, K. C. ktnaxca : Ceo,. W. W;mm A CO. I D. AW.M-.Urt, 1 Ptitv A fcLAB, T - Jo-. Ctt, I K. J. E mail, . J lit; Ixk, lswt li. L. HOLMES, I AW OrriOS, Pumin fcrairr. Loan of IXipUa, haagpeoa, Kadea. Coiunika and HlWTK. Wi'aungtoo, Feb. letk, 150. Ift-M lf a. cut. a. . nmoitw. KIXI4 do MTTCHKLX, WHOLESAUS AKD BETAIL PEALFRS IX ftfWM Mill ItkTSl OTP VUflTIUIII Oil II C t I L rtusa uuouku uomi'st. uoa cow i au; USTEKX AXD XOHTB KIVKS HAT. '. XortA Wotor flmt, , WaaikOTOM, N. C Fobwory Id. 1 f . A.AOTH. UJiT rilCXK t. OAMi n. A. JKXNtkOO. UWIKS, rKAUKK oV WU.lllNUTOJf. N. C. L; aod df olro ! II AVAL STOHEH, CoTTOS, Akd 8oU- ora f ttUDUCB torUjr. ProoiDt BoroouoJ tuoottoa itvoa to afl coojukmmoU of PttMlnw. , Ko. li, I llla-ly KI. BtUILL, A. V. imiLL. BIZZELL A rV, ROCERS 4 COMMLSSiOM MEKCHANTH. VT No. 1 North Water etroet. Jaa. w, twin. wiLaiaantM, n. i.. a. viuuM. a. a. nana. J. U. WILLIAM mH rOMBlitelOS MERCHANTS, L 1"8 FaoMT rr., Ni Toai. Particulftr attcotioa civea to tho solo el MtaI btortf, Cotton and Grata. It a. 3d, 1H60.-1M ly. IlfOII GRAHAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, i j wiianwTo, h. c a0fflce ailjoinlng Lotterlou Wharf, Narth water Street Bpt M, lo9. ld tlin OKORQB MYERS, TIT ROLES ALK AND RETAIL URtKKR. DEALER IN a V Wiaea. Teaa. Lkiuora. CoSoea. Prortoiooo, Wood aad wuiow Ware, Loadoa furter. Ale, aad L-itampagM, oi ue the rery cholceot brand, nw. ii ana u rrom airooi, WiLMiwaroM, N. C. ApriMth, IH0. In0 im II. HOtHMBOM A ., C COMMISSION AND FOR WARD IN 11 MERCUANTS j WtLMiwo.ta k C Office ever Mr. J. A. wiuard i Store. Kntrano braer oi Princen and Water atroeta. March , 1Q. liHAW. VHION DIBTILLEltY. WILMINGTON, N. C, A. H. VAN BOBKELEN. PaorBiaroa. ALL aUNDS OF NAVAL STORES porehaaed, manufao turod and aold Wharf ace and btoraae mrniabed. aad OuoMraire done at rairratee. Jaa. 1, 18C0 100-tf. wax OWBN, o. a. lAkaaouoH OWE A YARBROfjnH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING1 MERCHANTS, North Water Street Wilminirton, M. C AVLiberal caah advance made oa eonaignmenu or coaa- wy prouuc. Not. 8th, 1869. Miy- RKItOVAL. P. DEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. rfgjifl TAKES THIS method to Inform hi customer CJf and person m want of work of any deicrlp ' tion, in hi tine, that he ka removed hi Bw iiLtdnry and KuUng eotabliahmeat to tho BaMBent of the new Journal Jiutfding " on Princesa Btreot, where he will bo pkaoed to receive order for every description of mndtog or uaung, c. Thankful for past favor, he hope to continue to receive a liberal patronage aa heretolore. Oct ZUt, 1B6. B. M. Wfcir, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmiwotow, N. C, Will tell, at private tale, Cotton. Hanoi Storm, and all klnda of produce, at a imall contmUton ; Abo, BanBBtoct at .......i per ceuv. Rail Road Stock 1 per cent Real Estate 1 per cent Negroe 1 percent. Direct Importation, Cargo Sale.. 1 per cent airiH . To the cltiten of Wilmington yeneraffy. oetober 21, isi9 40-tr KOHT 11. COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilminuton, N. C. JVOmce, Soutn .orner Market ana w ater wroeia op lUira. Oct. 6. lH5iia tf EDWIN A. KEITH, C OM MISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1X59. ' WILMIWUTOW, W. V. JAB. T. PETTEWAY A CO. 17 ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; No. 8 Noma Watib St hi it. WILMIWOTOW, Ii. Li. Solicit congknmenta of all kind of Prodace. alio, order for Grocerei, Bagging, Rope, Gnano, Ac, Ac uaraa to JoBir Dawhoh, Eec, O. O. Pamlit, President Commercial Bank, Gio. Davis, Ej. Ikt. t. rmiwir. aooaa aooaa. October lrt, 1H69. Cba. p. HTiaa. raao. . moobb. MYERS A IHXJHK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL djCi.R8 rw HATS, (JAPS, 8TKAW G00M.FUH8, RIDING UAT8, UM BRELLAS, CANES, tC; 4C, 3t Market troet. WlLMIWOWW, H. C. We are nreoared to oCTer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducements.'and reipectfully lolicit an examination of onr NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Good are Doxchaied direct from manufacturers. IVe pay no second proa and are willing, and cen tell at hie as any Jobbing House in the United Slates. V ' are deiirou of tending oar Good to tverv section of North Carolina, and will use every exertion to please all who may favor aa wan tneir eraera. Heptember IS, mil. LAW NOTICE 1 UUUS W, WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, one door East of Dr. Dickson'. Sept Id, 1859, SOfi-tf THOMAS W. BROWN, JR., A TTORNEY AT LAW. V COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AND FOB THK DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office first fioor 2d door now Joibnaj, Buildiko. Wilmington, Jane Mth, 1868.-r,. M7-U W. W. DAVIS, M. D., OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL 8EBV1CE3 TO THE CIT ixens of Wilmington. Office Id door below Holme' Hotel, Front Street ane 6. "If EDWARD McPHERSON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, , No. 6 South Water Street, WlLMIWOTOM, N. C. . Angmrt 8th, 18S9. . -" Mi-tf A.E.HALL, FOB WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, LvtUsrbh'i Wharf r Wilmington, N. C. July 30th, 1869. 178-ly ALDERMAN A BETTENCOURT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCBRS, No. SI Nobtb Watib Stbibt. aOrder for Good accompanied by the oash, or from punctual customer aolicited, and will reoeive prompt and raitnioi attention. iJniy , COW PEAS. 1 Kt A BUSHELS " LIFE PRESERVERS, ESERVERS " ft tore l?JJUForaleb7 , May 25. -- '-- ELLIS MITCHELL. NEW ORLEANS SYRUP. BBL8. choice 8vmp and Molaase. For sal by May 17. , 0. 0. W, i. MUSR0. 30 NEW YORK, FEILA. i BOSTON CARDS. rt-Aaxma a. iat. iuu i t oetaa. aCATCI A POSTER. GENnttLCOaM'.if.i).V MaUit H.TS for Ue aa a COm.' KAYAL MukLS, aad ."vra lice gar", K. HI Xvvvh WkAivta. aad 111 NixU Wator otrret PHILADELPHIA. Marek ttk. V 154 ty JACOB RE CD. AM VACnilB F MILITAUY CLurillVU. B. K. Vmt. BBUVD bmI BPHK K ITHKKTO, PHILADELPHIA. rMILITABT CLOTHE TOS BALK. Jaa.M.lvto. Ul Cat vMirrRi A A cat KM. THOI.rSit.K I'EAU-KS U YANkkK NOTIONS A riauu.MLiiT, Ma. a) Wimo Blroot. Bow Yark. Hawar Gaivrtw. I Wl. H. Ai tlM. f Nov. IX !. H-ly JOBK B. LOU BUM, i. . BBTAM, JB. LOIUOS A DRV A.I, COMMISSION MEBCHANTK J No. SI Imma Braaat, Bctom. CoaoitnmeeU of Naval Htoraa. Cuttoa. Laaikor. aad other Boutkora Produce aohcitod. Novllrt, M lj. lABBOa ft. WATBOM. BAtTO BIABB. WATBOI A MEAREa. qOMMISSlOS MERCHANTS, U Burliaa W)p, New York portal atteatioa aaid ta the eala af Naval HTuaaa. tV HAH . . 1 C U. I. . , uoonai aataavoa aaaoe oa cuaoiaaBkoata. July l.'M B. Bou-aia. a. putt i m, ja. nOLI-IEH, rXrlTkCR JOMMISSION MERCHANTS, April li, 18i9.lWly. ii. eaaaaaaa ro, Naa Toaa. J. BAA TIT aaCBBAw, w. a. Bml, CUCHRAB A RCSSE1X. C KNEBAL COMMISKION MERCHANTS, No. SI North ajl w karvoa, aad J North Water Btreot PaiLAMLraiA. BorUberial eaak advaooa Bade oa eoaaiMnffleata. JulyKHh.lm 1T WANTED. COOPER WANTED. A COOPER to work ia the country. To a tuber , liberal wagee ' ill bo civea. Apply to May la, Ii0.-H7 tf T. I AlTkiWAT A CO. BaV Herald copy, NBUROEBI BKUHOEaiL WANTED TO PUR ehaM, eight or tea likely FIELD HANDH, from IM to SO yeare ef are. Air on havlna each Nerrooa to dlipoo ef, will II nd a CASH purchaser by apulvlna at M. KOBINHON A buN'B Hardware More, Front Street, WHmlngU)a,N.C. j kug. 10, la IhI tf SUSHIER RESORTS. mimz:m9 WHITE SULTIIOR k CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, WABREN COUNTY, M0BT1I CAROLINA. 'I MIES K BPBINQS ate eltoated In a healthful aad pleeaaat JL Mctioa of the eouutry, II mile from Warrentoa Depot oo the Raleigh and Carton Railroad. The climate la talubri out, the medical qnalitlee of the water undoubted, aad the accommodation in all reopecta good. Tbia well kaowa ee tabliihment ia aow opea for the reception of gaeeta. Hut and oold Hatha can be had at all houre ( ahte, a Bath in readineae at cnaiybeate rrnng TERMS i For Board per month, M 00 " - " week, 000 " " " 4y,., For Children under Or ce. ' k I 1... A IV 11 year of ag and Servant, half A daily Bail will be brought to the Bnrlnc throutboul the season. Well-appointed Hack will be found at Warrentoa Depot on the arrival of the train, to convey visitor to tb Spring. w. u, duaG?, proprietor. Juno 18th, 1800. 143-tewtlA. NORTH CAROLINA WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. WILL BE OPENED for visitor the flnt of June. The; art near the present terminus of the Westers North Carolina Railroad not aa hour' rid by superior omnibus es sod stages. The Proprietor baa procured the services of THOMPSON i i LEU, a Manager, whoa experience at the most fashionable watering place of Virginia, added to hie commanding appearance and gentlemanly bearing, incur good order ana good fare. The very beet Ball Koora LBAUKK and UL.ACK BAND ef Musician the oil; of Richmond, Va., afford, have been pro cured. Riding vehicle and horses, billiard saloons and bowling allies are at the command of visitor. The country ia ele vated and healthy i the ousosry beautiful, and road most excellent, and the plcMure ground extensive. There ie no better water than that adorded by the North-Carolina White Sulphur firings. Tb patronsg of the Carolina ia confi dently relied oo to repay the Proprietor for the expensive outlay h hu made to Bt up a watering place tuitod to their want ; and he promises that no pains shall be spared by bimaelt or hi gentlemanly asiistant to render all who may visit mm pleasant ana comwuoie. U. u uu baulks, rroprietor. May, 18G0. 3lo-'aw-2m. FOR THE VMUlNlA SPRINGS. BHOBTEST, OU1CKKST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE . at present to the VIRGINIA BPKINOS Is from Peters burg, Va., via the HOUTH-HlD and VIRGINIA and TEN- NfcSSEE KA1LUOAOS and opposition llneeof Htaaee. en suring to the traveler ample room, attention and accommo dation ana low laree. For the GREENBBIEB WHITB BULPHUB SPRINGS passenger purchase ticket at the Sooth-Hide Railroad Ofllce to Honsaoke Depot, Id 90. Thence the Stage to the Sweet Spring are now charging tl, or to the White Sulphur 12 60. making the fare only Pi 90 to the Sweet, and $J 40 to the wnit Buipnur. There are auto opposition Hoe of Stage running from Halsm Depot via Roanoke Bed Sulphur Spring and a Una from Montgomery White Sulphur Spring ay ibe Mountain Lake and bait Sulphur Spring to the Greeubrier While Sul phur. . For the MONTGOMERY WHITE BULPUUR SPRINGS, now one of the moat accessible, agreeable and popu lar Springs in the mountains, purchase tickets from Petersburg to Big Tunnel, tS 26 for UOINfcK 8 Bl'KlNUS purchase ticket to Bonsacka Depot S 90 IiOANOkvbt RK1J1 SULPHUR take ticket to Nalem Depot 7 40 ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, tickets to Bhawsvllle Depot, 8 06 vki mw uiif.piiiru ti'PiMiij nbi. ri.i.(il,..: ........ I J J u. v w. uu, MvmvM .v vui WIWW burg Depot, , 8 45 OLD RED SULPHUR SPRINGS, ticket to Dublin Depot 9 20 The car leave the depot of the South-Side Railroad daily (except Sundays) at 7 A. M, Is Passengers from South and North Carolina will find this much the chespeat route to the Spring tbia Summer. li. D. BIRD, Supt. S. S. K. R. June 23d, I860 218 2m COFFEE. EI0, Lagoeyra and Java Coffee prime quality I by U B. HDGGINS A SONS, A not! 11 ' U it nnrnaa Maslral an I for sale 1-' ' S. fc. corner Market and 2d it. WATERING POTS. PAINTED AND PLAIN, of all iae, by ' March 24th, I860. L. C. TURNER. CANDLES. BOXES ADAMANTINE. For Bale by March 28. GWYER, PEACOCK k 50 CO. SUGAR. o")K BBLS. Muscovado SUGAR, just received For tale C. CKAFT. April 18. AS Market St. 10 HALV BARRELS MORE f? THAT imperial wedding WHISKY, just received at May 1st, 18ti0. GKO. MYERH'i : P. Rr SUGAR 4E BBLS. PRIME A Choice Porto Rico Sugar. For ZiO tale by L. B. HUGGINS A SONS, April 18. B. E. corner Market and 2d sts. TYARABOLS A UMBRELLAS new styles. For tale by done 2. B niLiLiiatiB. HOOP IKON A GLUE, . .n A GOOD auppty alway on band. For aale very low by jljl April 19. ; naiHAWAi a uu. KHOUKt SUPER-PHOBPHATE Ok" lilME. 50 BitLS. sot lasalog, sad for salt by Ma'T. S. A. KEITH. 5IISCELLANECIS. liVPHOIt HK-CA.PIKH BOAT. UXrUilli :) for the h We of bijou u. iMt, 1 Aa oa ! epi5h tio foe porwae who ke .J U.o "baj ' a rui. Km4 hy L. R. ERAMBCT.T, rkarmaceuliot. Joaa t. Krki f . tvrrKK. O BAUD prime Bio Cefioa, ( J rd IwrarUU ) For A4 J eole ky L. B. BIU.1.SS A hONH, Jaa Ttk ; , K. IW. Mar. A aoe. ta. a a. bo paiAau-PKAa. Bl-SHFU CLAT PaUa re-eieJ. Fore ky f J Jum 11. A M l TV U ALL. HUE Mil at. . r. CASKS FBR8U BUT, ( W1mA.b prliao Be, aow l) taadiag rrvai bear. VUai, aad furaaio frue aaart aad ottHo. at the very loeoot atarkot mm, ky Jaaa I . U. 0. A W. J. Ml'XKO. ( 1 1 A Bf fct ototo. Forealok T Ju It W. U. BcHARY A CO. TtlllABDTtKUAY. I? ROM MWACH0VIA at ILIA" ear w.klr opuly of ; FAMILY FLO C B, Fetealekv U B. IlL'tUilNS A HONS, Jum Ihia, liKD. 8. K. Cur. Marko aad Id ota. AUUI!IU, nop, GUANO, Ac, Ae. W, U. McBABY A CO. ia atere. Far kale ky June KL T AMIES' MLK BIN UMBKKLLAs-aantMf Jot AJ opoMd, per tteaator ' Pajkerobarg," at Joaa list. BALDWIN'S. B. V. BACOt. 3000 family as Jan Uth, m. C. BACON, pat so aaproosly for Far Ml ky T. a CM A FT. 4 Markot Nlroot SALT SALT. (infl H1CKS RALT Ur and MaU ckt UUllw twr and furaaio by (2. C. A W. J. MUNRO. rUll'H AND SHEKTINO. BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR 1 60 " Super. IS kaloe Beaver Crtok HhMtimr. Fur sola kr 50 ; A. K. UAlJ- BALT1MORH MACON, II II DeV. BlDKHj W IS do. Bbouldr-wll cured -dry and bright la mw perkagte, dally eipected to arrive, nd for sal by JSareh it. yy1'1 PKAtMH'K A CO. M AHall ALL'B SALT. RACKS Marshall' aad Ashloa'l blow SALT, la pltadid order, . Fur aal hy t . HATHAWAY A CO. UII.BKHTS k"LY TRAPS. f10 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. This la to ootify A. doalera and parchr thai w ksre been appointed Hole Ageata by Mr. JAMKS CONNING, ewaer of the right to eell ia tills Mats, to Mil this Trap ia thlseity, and that w expect to keep a full aoiiply front Into time. Ma Soth, 1NCU J. M. ROBlNaON A BON Agui. Herald copy. v BINUS-MUNGS. 1 1 BBLS. BUNGS, all sIsm, for DlaUUor' bm. For sale A IB oil March 2H, quaatlUei to ault, by GWYER, PEACOCK A CO. IIIAVB ON HAND a large auurtment of CURLED HAIR, ttl wkhik I nanufactur MattroHo, Uolstets and ruiow. aa snort aaticat aad at Morthora prlooo. May 16. . C. POLVOGT, Cor. Fruat A Princes ta. NO. 1 1'KHIVIAN UVANO. TUHT RECEIVED, and for aal by J May SAth E. MURRAY A CO. ' ICK-ICK-ICM. TUB ROCK WRING 1CK HOUhB, oo North Water St.. a large new haildlng near the Depot, I aow opened mi being stocked wilh a No. I article of th bt Northern ICE, to be cold In qaaniiii to suit our City customers. I will give my personal attention to packing and forwarding promptly, all order from tb adjoining country, ICS lur nlsliod to olck and poor, free of charge, eooompaaicd by their physician's certillcate. K. B. DUDLEY, iYoprlor. April loth, 1II. ID4-U Dial II.I.KU'B GLUE, J BARRELS, 10 CASES, a lupaflor article. For aal j t at ible price by March 28, Ihuo. GWYER, PEACOCK A CO. WILMINGTON IRON AND COPPER WORKS, raowr mm, feiLow banibt. WILMINGTON, N. C. L. A. UAliT Jk J0UN V. BAILEY. 1'rovrkturi. BALTIC A ! BUILDERS of Portable and stationary Htsam Enaloe. of anv re quired power end kind of boiler, mw mill, grist mills, gin gearings, and any other kind of machinery made in any ostaiilishmeut South. Have on baud a large variety of patterns for machinery now In gen eral om lo the surrounding country. Will supply drafts vt all kind of machinery and mill work. Turpentine ttlUt and oopper work In all IU tranche. AU kind of iroa and bra taatlugs, finished or unfinished, at short notiee. Old machinery overhauled and repaired. All work warranted to be m represented. fa connection with the above establishment, we have oa hand a large itock or rubber and leather belting, lacing, packing rlvot, and mill rock and bolting cloth for grist mill. M III Saw and Circular Saw of any sixe aud gauge, furnished at short nolle. Fb. 15. LA HO LARD, BBLS. LARD. For sale tv March 28. GWYER, PEACOCK A CO. 10 PHOSPIIATIC GUANO. T 1HS attention of Planter and other I Invited to the fol lowing report of aa analytic by Dr. John C. Draper, of the University 01 Hew lork, 01 an average aampie or a cargo of Phospbatic Guano, recently Imported by the Pbmnlx Guano Company Irom Mckeau'e Ulaod, lacifio Ocean, viz: Organio matter, 9.0J Water combined...... , 21.60 Soluble Salt, Sulphate, Chlorides, 6.00 Phosphate of Lime, of which 64.00 la Bone Phosphate ana i.w m ouvniuok,. . Sulphate of Lime,.....,. billet and Carbonate of Lime,. 1 1 .i 1. Ill .. k. ... U t . s;.oo . 7.A0 . 1.00 ' loo.ot W offer for sals 60 bbls. on consignment from th csrgt reierred to, and will place it at very low rate to those di posed tv make a trial of it " - ' v DeROSSET, BROWN A CO. March 14th, 1800. KIAJMl, CORN AND MEAL BAGS, TCOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT by JL? March 28, 1H0O. GWYER, PEACOCK A CO.. BALTIMORE WHISKEY. K ( BBIJ4. now discharging from Teasel, and Tor sale by OUR OWN IMPORTATIONS. 1 A NOTHER INVOICE QF IRISH LINENS. jnt received, A April 17 HEDRICK A RYAN. RECEIVED, a large lot of Whit and Black Curled Hair MATTRESSES, BOLSTERS A PILLOWS, made up to order at short notice, at a very low yyjj, . M"ay 7. Corner Front nd PrinceM street PROVISIONS PROVISIONS. OA HHDS. BIDES; t) 6 " Shoulderei 60 bbl. City Meu Pork ' 20 Bump 30 tiercee MoUbm 20 bbl. Brown Sugar ! , 15 " Beflned Yellow Sugar , 10 Brandy ; 10 Gin; . 10 ' Rum; . " ' 1 . " 40 White WhUkey. F or al by0 . May 18th GWYER, PEACOCK A CO. APPLE BRAND ; years Of age. ,ibC1ve,0 ;' ay 14th, 1860. WALKER MBABES. .. PKTERBBURU MANIPULATED GUANO 170R SALE BY. i W. fl. McRARY & CO., Vly 2c ' Jg"" for Wilmington, N. C BCIISAPPS SCHNAPPS. 45 CASES (genuine) ia atora and for tale by AprU IV T. H, McKOI CO. Ail. .J c. . mm.. TknM eaj eWr tie 1..4 r . . 1. 1 P C A ka aaosuats ot.1 f ' w-e ! u t , ' : m, at largo ta tko rou W Lie I j 5 H , . hie a krl aJ(o wora oa a r r-i k t- , i. BaJM k obtois i L.o I si I - vr. i, tf o Troaauror OSUe, ly liaU, twla ui. uln 1 11 clM:k. Ffofif bicbaiu) ktw-j, r. r - Jum 2J. UtO. , . , 0Ba ( roar A Ocaaa Btaaaa SosttM I nsiwv, M. C lk B.v, l-c J. ( mill BOARD OF DlKtcTDKS l tla La--M tro I asaJ a ovatrart a lm eeaouwt-ttua of aa irua a taip. te k pet epoa La has Msmi New Yek aad U fori ra ika eaHy part of Ootek . la Ike rnraa kara tM rV-row Swam Ship PAKXT" . 1 will aisk rgulM Iripa, msiiMKiai as at tbo U.i Jum, aad apva the ooatploUua a( the bh p eoetfaoted for, wU ma la evaaoctoa with her. At a BMoimt of the Board of Diroetore k'd Ilia day, R ka kooa esdored that the Mowing laU. mti k paid apaa tko MaovriuUoaete lf tspital stock of lai Cob I asys Ut, rask kwUllaioBt of It per mbL, Id, li par eoat parable Vtk Jaaa, 10. Id. II - - A lk IWpL, . 4tk,tl ' fclhOtt, 4UL.1S- " tk Jaa-111. GlUjAUit POTTEJt, Preaideat. May lota, IMS i.o i MUTICB TO TAX-PAKEMS. rnilS TAX BOOK FOR lai kaa kooa placed la Biy kasd A. fur c olivet iua. AU porooM are rospoctful'r Bi ,i4 to come to my orflce and siauiido the same. Owing to the aooosaity of BMtiug elairti 141 nt tbe Couuty, I akalt ke eentpoUod teawke earlier eoilouvioos thaa aaaat Ti payor will nfr a tavour ky aoaung (oiwird promptly aad MttlUui tkour dues. K. D. HALL, .Lor S. April loth, lasp . ,v h 1 kBABT MUBKHt 3 GROSS THOS. ANDREWS A CO.'B eelobrated Yeast Pewdora- beet la bm. A Lao, Soap Powder, Cream Tar tar, larb. Soda. SaWrataa eainlie Iwi rocir,i. tat oaJoky U B. UlUGIMS A Bti.H, , June 13. B. K. eoroer Markot and tl tt. HECEIVKU MY STEASISIIIP PARKE RaBlUuT rpHIH MORNING, we received by Htsamer Paikertbargl XfromNsa York Chokeaew Butter; Eagllth )airy ( rieoM. Fur Ml by L, B. MUGGINS A RON'S, June 1J. JA K. ear. Marfcel land ill tta. k-i. TRAPS I KlVtHAPSII , T 1 L'ST KKCKI V:l) and It sala ke tko l..nL. J JuaeU. J. U. ROIHNhON A SOt. jytim'R, CORN, HAY, TOBACCO. Wiyi McnAUY ACU. la store. Fur sal j Juae IS RKC D THIS HAY PER B( IIR. It. W, UKOWM. g BAGS I.AGUAYHA COFFEI lUO Hoain Wrapping Paper a drib. 1 rusbed Roger ; at. W. R. 1MU 1 SnuITi ' ' , IU do, box Preston A Merrill' Yat Powdtr 22 " Conenutd Lye. Foraalety June 14. - T. C. CUAI'T, 41 Market sliest ML ALK BY ED PBAB. .. . s MALL IX)T just recsrved. For sale by June II. - K.U.IB M MITU11I.I.U GUANO. Oft BAGS Nu. 1 Peruvlaa Guano just received per OU'i chr. Alba. . For aal by , Jus t, lxoo. - Wi . WcRABT A CO. BEAT REDUCTION IN TUB PRICES OP ALL BUM mer I) IMS GOODS. . Binraine to be obtained of June nth. J. H. WILLIAMS, IT Markot street 2 r" KEGS GOBUEN BUTTEtti al" O Jan It. GEO, MTETtS', THOSE- UOVS' SATCHELS FOIL SCHOOL BOOKS. mUK best are aold only at 34 Market t., by ti by Jk. Juna 16. MYK1U A MOORE. CABAL UARROMS. TN lot to uit, at low prices, at 1 wimnvs nnnnvw -. Jun9. No. S Markst t, pear th wharf. """ AKW'TuKK TATaTOATa. 1iC( UHaX8 H14VY NEW YORK BTATI oUUVOATS-b luperior article now landing from lachr. " Geo. Datby." Will d low from toharf, by Jan 9. KlXfrt A MirtllKI.U PORK. PORK. LOT of hsavy City Mrs, lust received, and for tale by June IS. T. H. MoKOY A CO. VINE PREBCII HHABDY. CtOGN AC, Apple aad Peaoh BrandiM, No, 1 srtlctel, is J tola to lull, and at low prices, at J. WILSOS'B GROCF.HY. J'iu 0. No. I Mark! at., near th wharf, itokal 1 I to A a. t 11 1 ! A DESIRABLE article ef Honey. For isle at ' J. WIiJiON'8 GROCERY. " JuneS. No. S Market t., near the wharf.' NORTH CAROLINA CASSIMERES. A IX yUALlTIES AND COLORS. For ule by fL Juo2. . J. S. WILLIAMS. ' ' ClIolUaTpAMILY' Furtul A SUPPLY of very choice Family Flour onsUntly el V. hand, aud for sale on accommodating terms, by Jnnelth ' T. C. A B. G. WORTH. ' CAVALIER CHAMPAGNE. n( BASKETS or thia beautiful Wlue just to band-qts., 0J pl"i and half pint, at . GEO. MYElt.. May 2.1. 4 TEA I TEA ll 35 r CHESTS good Green and Black Tta-om la S and 10 IU. vackairet. For sale low bv May30! - -- HATHAWAY A CO. FAMILY SOAP, i ' . .V, t r A BOXES of Superior quality old Family So p for ttl CIV low to close consignment by Anrll'ihth. lHiiO. . (1. tl. A W. J. MUNRO.: ON HAND AND FOR SALE, a large lot of Oral 4 Gilt, and Rosawood Frame, all sires. Squsre, Gilt or, Rosewood Frames made to order at short Aotlue, by May 7. C. POLVOGT, Cor. Front A Princess tt. ' JUST RECEIVED. H ALF BARREL NO. 1 MACKEREL. For Ml by , T.JD. CRAFT. Mayruh No. 48 Market Street MIMS K. A. HINTON 'A RESrECTFULLT INOR1VI3 the ladle Of Wilmington, W Uat ah will open on THURSDAY, April 4th, a large and fashionable stock of MILLINERY. Mlected from MIV IBM!. IIU)IUI MWUU,, SUU VIUUrVIU U UVTVIUDB. Miss Hlnton would bespeak for herself, aad bopet to mer it, a share of patronage from the ladle of Wilmington. store No. J rront st., lately occupied by Hedrick A Byaa Wilmington, w.yi.j narcn 2iin, lnou. ua-u. RECEIVED TO-DAY. f ANEW LOT OF PITCHER BPOUT AND FOBCJ PUMPS i on hand, k large aatortment of Lead nd oth er 11 pea. iUiuun ; April 25,.; ::ij:,T.tsc::':-: : " EASTERN HAY I EABTtCMH SIAIII QA BALES extra quality Eastern, per David Fanst" Oi discharging at our wharf. For sale low from wharf, Jnne 12. ' ' T OILET ARTICLES for Ladiel and Gentlemen, tt June 21st. UAUJWia'B. PERFUMERY IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. v I EMBRACING all of the most fashionable and delightful J articles used In making th Toilet The Bell Lavender Water ; : f The Florida Water; : ' , Iioqaet D' Orleans or XX Bourbos ) - ' Yerbena Water. Fortaleby t. B. E RAM BERT, Pharmaceutist - Jnna S. Herald ennv., " Sl'OAIl SL'OA'I I ' ()A BBLS.' REFINED SUGAR; . . U 15 do. Cuba do. For inle by i April 27. , . UWYER, PEACOCK CO. MOLASSES, SUGAR AU tOFFKE., BHDS. CHOICE CUBA MOLASStS; -25 bbla. Bngar, A.. B. C. and Crushed j v - 5 ' Porto Rico, choice ; , Midi. ' M 60 bag prima Rio Coffee 1 lft N Lairasvra. In ttore tnl t r t? 15 ALDUiMA ds A-i.. Ww

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