A 1 j VOL. 9. NO 2S9. WILMINGTON. N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 16G0. WHOLE NUHEH?. 2,7-1 S X BI FVLTON k FKK K, PKUPKJKTORf. 4 $ FO-TC X, u vA. . FS1CE. Asi lH.r,l ?ara t fakartlirtlw.. ' IH? Piper, cs year, fcrnb y i Jse W. WeAv - - - ' - - I W AU .atters oi bses eoa-f d Its th" u5c n b a '-.awed to l prcpntUv. . . . RATES OF Ain t' lLMV. SALT SklCAXL ot ay ii t4 4A. Oo day.... t 1way.. TLrte Aaj. F day . Tw(Lu. li Tur iliy. 1 Four day I H Five Aav.., , i 4 - Do weak....... ! week Ob BOO tfc Tae monti .. . Three BuoUa. . . ni moot o w-k Two weeks...''... Om mut. Two nuott Tare saoa . .. . i ; . i Ti . 4 00 . IW .10 oo .! 00 SlX BtlBth.. Oa year IS 00 Oae rear 50 W tB uoe ere counted aa iaare, and It liae of lea a h or. Longer adierUaetwoi la propoiUua, asd all payable is advance. When tot paid la eJvtaee ii ee ate par ;uar will be charred after the tnt Inoertio. Ail half square sot paid for la a4 raact wiUbe ekerg- A-AdvertiemeBt Inserted as Special or Bishop Ntie are charged on-half nor lata abova ratea ot Uaaa (WJd) or 1m eoaatad a a aqoara. AlTruiKiienta tQMrtl tTry other da; art eiarped S7 cpdu per aqoara for aaca laacrtiua after the finC r Mo pobUcatiua bbJ vitbuat a reapuoaible lama. BUSINESS AND PR0FESS1OXAL CARDS. on. B. P. ARimUTO. SURGEUX VEXT1ST. f 'v. w UPCIC aa4 ReaiUenca oa Market atreel, JLy buililin furnerl wenpied bjr J. U. Wright, Jrprrf r. , wowBgttt, n. c. jaijf lxu, ltM). a-nt UU19 B. ERAMRKRT, DRUGGIST AND PRACTICAL PU ARMACECTI5T, Wilmihotoii, N. C. Keep eonstantly ob ban J, a tetect itink of Prugt, il(ti icAss, lkmvstxti anul JCwvpean tVmw-af, "awy T?tiet Artxcin, HWf aii X,t4vri ur Actlu-tiJ i"urfw, 0?ar. ;. .Particalar attentioa pail to rfascimoM, FaaiLV Bsciris, Midicim Chihts, c. t a. More Immediatelr under the " Carolina Bute." juiy it, i8o. mtf Q.C.MXV.J. Ml'JIKO, COMMISSION MEBCHAST3 and WHOLESALE CBO CtKH, Ko. 11 North Water Street. Jane IS, 13J. WmnwflTOW, K. C. OUVKH KKLLKY, TTTHOLKSAUS AND RKTAIL DEALERS IS CROCK- Blt3 AJiD PROVISIONS, Ao. 11 Att Wafer Sreel, Doc. U, 1S8. WamnoTOM, N .C. T. M. 0M1TI, W "CI'- '" MITII A McLM MX, COdMISSION AND rORWABDLNO MERCHANTS, WimiJiOTiiK, N. C. ., airta to Johi DitrsoM, Eq., Mayor. E. P. Hill, Eaq., Preaidaut Branch Bank State if. C. July lit, ls6 t 155 tf UltlUtHSlLT. uruuh to- ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r WILMINGTON K. C. Jan. lat, 1857.-88 tf. IIKNHV P. Ill SHKLIj, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 147 Eaat Bar, (Ur Pram.) CHARLESTON, S. C. March 17th, W8. T. II. McKOT 4i CO., Gi ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth T Water itreet, WiLMiDttTON, N. C. Aug. 13d, 186. II. II. KILEIM, WHOLESALE GROCER AND t:OMMlSSI0N MER CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, corner Water and Market itraeta, Wilmington, N. C. AprUd,DaH. tit. ITOIIIT. Ali. OLDBAM. ITOKXEV i OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, 40. v ( WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. Ririitivci. Col. ion McRai, PrealJent of the Bank of Wilmington. 11. U. rAMi.IT, &q., neaioen oi tne vonnuerciai pu. K. MURRAY A CO., (Saceeuora to Marrajr A Peacork.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WAT!' STHEET. WILMINGTON, N. C. I. MTRBAT. . . atrRCniMM. i. T. MfaaT. Kebniary 1, 1859. 135tf- D. A. LAMONT, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. S North Water atreet J Oct. 11 Sl-tf WlLaHXOTOM, N. C. In B. IUUGISS A SONS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES & GENERAL MERCHAN diae, S. E. Corn. Market and Second Street, - t , . WlLHIMOTON, N. C. . J-0rdert from our friends will recelvt prompt attention. Oct. 10, 1859. J. ff. ROBINSOS tt SON. WimrNSTOW, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dea lers In Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Naili, Agritul taral Implemoirta, Ao. WM.C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 80. 1864. 13-tf WqMiKOTUN, N. C. ADAMS. BROTHER A CO., I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j . - WimmoTQH, N. C. t. I. SATHAWAY. CTLJT, HATHAWAY A CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . j Wilmington, N. 0. T. C. A B. U. WORTH, . C COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, j WiLMwaTOd, N. C. Marchll, 186T 15-ly JAatM AKDIBaoK, IDWAaB IAYA9S. - - - ANDERSOH A IAVAOE, C ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLMIKOTO'-, N. C. . liberal eah advancei made on oonaignmenu. JAMES A. W1LLARD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCER, I a iWTi tlR ALTER IN UWilM No. id South Watm Btbmt, Jan t WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. JAKM . IMITE. atlLM OOaTIII, JAS. C. SMITH A CO- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office second story, corner j Sootn Water and Market streets, Wilmington, a. o., where they are prepare J to attend to all butineas la th Commission line. - . All bastneaa entrusted to them will be punctual attend it.- - ' ' ' W. II. MtRARY A C04A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princess and Water J streeU, wumington, . v. MFIBIHCBS: H. B. BftTage, Cftahier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. Col. John McRae, Pres't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Daria, Cashier Branch B'k Caps Fear, Saliebur j, do. J. O. Lash, " " u " Salem, do. i, EU Gregg, President of Bank Cheraw, S. C. , Oct 17 WALKER MS ARES, (Sacceasor to Walker Meares A Co,,) OLESALI AND EKTAlii VUUUUU1TB, u Mask it Btbstt, wmumvow, u. HARRIS! A HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. " WiutraaTOM, N. 0. - BOMB BABBISS. I WOWStl.. . W. W. BjaBBlM Oct. m. ORDERS-jOHDERS. SOLICITED for WINTER CLOTHING, of the celebrated mannfactare of V. A H. Fries. Salem. The best goods lu America. Planters would do well to send in their orders Si ....1 CO ...3 S .... 00 early. HXDBIC& ft aZAN. Jane Kth, WW. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. : J. W. UURS K. VrCTlOXmi AND GEX aRAL COMMISSION AGENT, Hat trir, Fatittiviu.k, N. C. kxrtassvcl : Cbo. W. William k Co ll. A W. H, Laram. ! FMrTos Jt Ki it, Jo. UntY, I S. J. HiNCPtiB, V May Iwa, 11- II. L. HOLM KS, I AW OFFICE, lXSCBh bTMABT. J Af Jmrmtl ih.wJi . CtuiU wf Iht.Uu, iajjijoaFKJra, iVluiubu aal 'Sif Haaofer. WUnimfH, Feb. ttith, t. lr-16 ly r r. iw. a. . sm n- ICI.U A NITt HKlX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PEaLFRS IN CtORN. I'EAH. OATS. RTF. WHEAT KUAN. Oil, MEAL; j FRESU OUOl'XD UOM1NT, HORSE A COW Ii.K.D; i.o, XiSTFKS' AXD SVKTII RIVES UAW m Ko. Nrli Water Mreet, WaMiNroN, a!. I'. February hi. lsa Hly WM. A. 8BTSB. LOVtT KACOCE. tAMTBL B. JkMNU. UWYK1I. FKAtaJt K A UK, WILMINGTON. N. C (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE tiRCK'ERS, j aid dealer la NAVAL STOBES, CoTTON. aud twuth era PRODUCE jeiwrall.y. lrumpt peraotial atttatiiHi ia U all cowaitfanianU uf Prodme. Feb. li, li.0-li(t ly r. U. SIKSLL, A. r. SliilLL. ROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, T No. V) North Water street, Jaa. 18. 110. WutttmiTu, N. ('. i. 9. WILUAMS. . IT ST IS. J. U. WILLI AM A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 13 Fbont sr., Nsw Yoak. Particular atteatioa given to the sa'e of Naval hlorts, Cottoa asd Grain. , Feb.Jd. lHC0.-12My. HIGH GRAHAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlI.MIKUTON, N. C. .Office adjoining Latterloh Wharf, North Water Street. Sept. 10, 1X. lam GEORGE MYERS, CTfROLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, DEALER IN Winea, Teas, Liquors, Co(Iee, FroUiona, Wood and Willow Ware, London Porter, Ale, and Champagne, of ths the very choicest brands, No. II anil 13 Front Street, WixMiroTON, N. C. April 4th, 1800. 180 m C. II. HOBinSOX A CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS Wll.MlNfc.th A C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard's Store. Entrant fcrner of Prinuoas and Water streets, - . March , 18601541' . CNIO! DIBTILI.EHY. WILMINGTON, N. 0., A. II. VAN BOEEELEN, pRorairroM. A LL KINDS OF NATAL BTORES purchaaed, manufai vtured and sold wharfage and Storage funilahed, and Oooptrajt don at lair rates. Jan. 1, ISfiO. 100-tf. JUUN W. 0BM, O. B. 1ABSBOCUU. OWEIf A YARBROl'GII, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, North Water Btreet, WUmington, N. C. tar-Liberal cash advances mad on consignment oi coun try produce. Not. 8th, 1859. 55 ly REMOVAL. . P. liKINSBERGEH, BOOK-BINDER. TAKES THIS method to Inform his customer and persons In want of work of any descrip tion, in his line, that he baa removed hi Uooh hiMUr and UuIim Mtablnhment to th Baaeraeut of the new "Journal lildmn" on Princess Street, where he will b pleased to receive orders for every description oi Biuding or Ruling, Ac, Ac. Thankful for past favors, hi hopes to continue to receive a libersl patronage a heretofore. Oct. list, 186. S. M. WEST, AUCTIONEEH AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMINOTON, N. C, Will sell, at private sale, Cotton. Naval Sloret, and all kinds of produce, at a small ammistion ; Also, BaukBtock at 1 per cent. Rail Road Stock I per cent. Real Estate 1 per cent, Negroes 1 percent. Direct importation, Cargo Sale 1 per cent. BRPBRI To the citizens of Wilmington generally. October 11, 189 40-tf ROB'T II. CO WAS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMINOTON, N. C. AtrOfflce, South Corner Market and Water Streets op itairs. Oct. 6, 1859 26 tf EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION" MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1859. Wilminuton, N. C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. 17 ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; No. Notbb Watbb Strut, WlLMINOTON, N. C. Solicit consignment of all kinds of Produce, also, orders for Groceres, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ac. liiris to Jonx Diwbok, Esq., O. G. Parsley, President Commercial Bank, Geo. Davis, Esq. JAS. T. FETT1WAY. WKIKH BOOKS. October 1st, 1859. CHAS. D. MTIBS. FEED. i. MOOSE. MYERS A MOORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dealers in nATS.CAPS, BTRAW GOODS, FURS, HWim UAtS, UM BRELLAH, CANES, AC., ttt, 34 Market street, WlLMINOTON, N. C. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducements, and respectfiyry aolicit an examination of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Good are purchased direct from manufacturers. Wt pay no $mmd profit; tni are willing, and m tell at lot as any Jobbing House in the United States. V'e are desirous of sending our Goods to every section of North Carolina, and will use every exertion to please all who may favor us with their orders. September 13, 1869. : LAW NOTICE. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, f - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, one door East of Dr. Dickson's. Sept. Id, 1859. - - 300 tf THOMAS W. BROWR, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. , Office first floor, 3d door new Journal Builpiks. Wilminrton, June Wth, 1868. 147-tf W. W. DAVIS, M. D., OFFERS HI8 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT Isens of Wilmington. . Office Id door below Holmes Hotel, Front Street. JuneS. Ml-tf EDWARD McPHERSOJf. COMMISSION MERCHANT, , . No, 6 South Water Street, ' , Wilminotok, N. C. August 8th, 1859. - 185-tf A. E. HALL, FORWABDINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Lutierloh'i Wharf, Wilmwotow, N. C. July 30th, 1869.- ! - 178-ly NEW ORLEANS SYRUP. OA BBLS. choice Brrnp and Molasses. For sale by ejll May 17. O.RtW.J. MUNRQ. 25 KEGS GOSHEN BUTTER, at June U. GEO. MYERS'. PORE-15 Bblfl. City Mess Pork, put np expressly for Family use. For aide by I. & CRAFT, April la.. No. 48 Market street. COTTON GINS 0 F the most approved description. Manufactured by W. 0. Clemona, Brown Co., Columbus, Georgia. For tale at manalaoturers' prices, by , May L MOSSET, BSOWS CO. mrYORK. pmn.ki bostox cards. I.lBKIt TY SToYi; WOItKS, " AM noxxow-WAiu: rcuxsnr. tUlUDLU-UlA. ABBOTT A I O I L I; MANTFACTCEES.'i of Iho aa4 ttivrJ ,.', fTOl AS 4 etery cWvni'lKia. KaaipU asd eW Ruuit Wa'rr M , m Vwk. (IS) Brl St., FkUAdtftphi. N. &. .Sn-ior Vituttvjtt . Jaly 9 t-l- Vi law 111. HUT rREMUM CANS BEAT CnAXZX PTANUrACTOHV rt tamiy uf aljlr. auitable fur FarWra, tt aljieetiilt Kcrepttua It-aira ; La Jura rtonn, TlTlf Kwkiag Chatra, Taatp fKosr. Ae. fiUM I H. MIDLER. 1 ICaUJt lph P.. July K lo. tr NEW YORK WIRE MILL. ME LBOS 6 HltllMOKD, Mauri AiTtsst r Htim i WIRE OF ALL l)KJCKirTIUNS. PARTICULAR atUnlu eivea tu t-ijci Mbt to theHr Warvhtioao, M Jobs St., New Yolk, wax h will b filled PROMPTLY, aad hae SPEED! dxpatb. Circulars lflraibt, givtm dwooiit tru I W, tt aett rk at LOWEhT MAKKET KATES. TERMH Six Mwth Note, vab at Dauk, wilatur reot rat of Fchxe M"w Vmk, i pff n 9 raah. Wh Mill, lit Mifft, Wtb .te S J..h Mitrt. .NEW lOKK. July IK. ' ' Xm jo. . tiativ. Jno. . Bvaas, Li ff Tm tt-o', N. V. Lai vf Svtiand K- , S (. I, M. bvb, Latfi'f iWirrmt'tn, S. ('. UANl Y, lit Nil o to, C10MM1SS10N MET.CUANTci.KI IVarl treM, Nsw Toss. WIH opes a franca House ia Norfolk, V , ea the lat of September, IK'KI, od T the Bane ol H YM AN, IUM V A a. July I, Ikw. t'4 tf. CLAEENCI - EATS4, BNRI t. t OSTIS sAATKIB A S.'OaT EH. GENERAL COMUlSblONI MERCHANTS for the sate of COTTON, RU E. NAVAL STORKS, sod Southern Produce generally, No. 111 North Wb.uws, aud 111 North Watei street, PHILADELPHIA. March 7ta.jMM ,, jfcOB KEKD, MM f4CTT (IT MILITARY CLoriUMJ. . S. K. l or. SEC OND SPItl'CN- STH K ET, rilll.ADClTIIIA. -MILITARY CLOTHS FOR BALK. Jaa. 30, Ih.,0. Kttim GlllfKESJ AIHKV, W HOLES ALE DEALERS IN YANKEE NOTION'S A PERFUMERY, No. SO Wrr!i trrl, w lork. , iUtiMTCRirriN. I WM. 11. ACSSN. Nov. 13. 1869. unn m wr t. U. SMTAK, JR. LONDON A IIKYAV COMMISSION MERCHANT'S, No. 31 I sou Stmket. Beams. Consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, and other Southern Produce sJlicited. Not, list, 169. M ly. m. lxjlLnsr. . roTTsa. in. j. caMaanEN DOLLNER, FtriTKll A CO., C10M MISSION MERCHANTS, Nsw Yore. April 15, 149.-Dlr. . iabtbt ooobbam, w. a. rwshsl. COCHRAN A III SS ELL. GENERAL' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North ' W harves, and North KaUr Street, 1'uaavai.ruiA. r Liberia! cash advances made on eoUMigiiuifuta. July:MHh, IkiS 179 RECEIVED, Another lot or Patent. Wire Mosquito Frames. For ssle by C. POLVOUT, July 18. Corner Front and Princes at. GlNY CI.OTIII (jl'MSlY II.OIIHI f?l"V BALES EXTRA HEAVY GUNNY CLOTH, for sale t)t low to close a consignment, by July 13. T. V. A B. 0. WORTH. STRAW MATTING-!, 3 and S-4 White and Checked Matting. For l by J.S.WILLIAMS. July 11, " f Alil'ETISiGro.C. HEMP, Ingrain, Super Ply, Tapestry, Brussels and Vel vet Cape ting ; Oil Clothe for Floors, Stairs and Table; Printed Drugget by the yard, and PaUerna for Crumb I'lntha, Linneo Dsmaak for coverl 'g carpet and stslrs, Straw Mat tings, Cocoa Matting for Public Houses and Rail Road Cars; Hugs, Hemp, Straw. Arielaid and Velvet Matt, Bruttaeliand Velvet Hasaocks, Binding and Carpet Sweepers, are in atore and will be supplied to connumeis at extraordinary low rates, by J. H, WILLIAMS. July 16. . ' HASrOURRY SYRIP. V YOU WISH TO keep cool send for a Bottle, at July 10. GEO. MYERS'. COTTON YARN sale by , July 10th, HiiO. 13 bales in store (nos. Tod li) for W. li. McUARY A CO. SEED PEAS HEED PEAS. s MALL LOT Cliy Peas for sale by July 17. it SIl ll llM.U SHEETINGS ASD COTTON YARWS. i I BALEEH NORTH CAROLINA SHEETINGS ; I J 10 do. do. do. Cotton Yarns, For sale by Aug. 1, T. C. A B. G. WORTH. OATSOATS. 750 BUSHELS EXTRA HEAVY OATS. For sale by Aug. 1. T. C. A li. (.. WORTH. HNOH1ES. Off f lilidft. choice Cardenas Molasses ; 5fJV60" " Muscovado " 50 bbls. N. 0. Molasses and 8rup ; 50 bags Codes; 'li caxks Rice, (diff jrf nt grade,) 500 sacks Salt; oO bbls. Herring j 60 bbls. Mess and Prime Poik ; Gunny Cars and Bagging ; Soap, Candles, Ac. i'or sale by July 23, 1800. ; . U. C. A W. J. MUNR9. TO COTTON PLASTERS. WE HAVE accepted the agency of JEFFREYS' FAT JSNT COTTON TliiS, for securing iron bands on Cotton bales. We have the Ties and Hoop Iron for sale, in quantities to suit. The above is the most admirable invention ever devised for fastening the ends of iron bauds on Cotton. No holes are punched no rivets sre used, and yet it is securely fast ened together. It is cheap, ueiul ana economical. Plant ers are requested to examine its merits. June 27. GWYER, PEACOCK A CO. 1 NEW i-LOlIIIBKW ELOCR. NEW FLOUR I NEW FLOUB I In bags aud bbls. By - - STOKLEY A OLDHAM. - July 24. ' ' , KIGAH ft I GAR. BBLS. TORTO RICO, in store and for sale by ' July 26th T. II. McKOY A (X). 40 WALL PAPH.R WALL PAPER. riCHE Largest and cheapest stock in the State. Psper' i Ranging done at t&e snortcsi notice, ny OLVOGT, July 18. Corner Front and PriDcen sts. WHITE AND BLACK Cl'RLED HAIR, on hsod. Matresaes. BolsUre and Pillows made to order at abort notice. All sizes of Moss and 6huck Mstresses con stantly on hand and for sale by C. POLVOGT, July 18. corner f ront ana rrince au. ii llHWlAi. illL-ulllTkll krfAl.h.H." A LARGE ASSORTMENT ON HAND. Call and see them. T. C. k B. G. WORTH. 4xAj 25. -- - A gent for Hi Cv BACON HAMS. f CASKS HoyU Extra Family Hams, per Schr. Edward lJ Thomas. For sale from wharf by July 30th T. C. A B. 0. WOBTH. Otn IVWDKR. ALL the varieties of DuPont'a manufacture, Including a large supply of Blasting Powder. For sale on manu facturer i account, by DiROSSET, BROWN A CO. My 1. aMEDIC.lL. Bt ALTI.MOtlK UNK IIOrtT4l- lsr.lt I iMirn At A Kt I.K UIOH vVCKir.l. Ism IH.lr I'um atticre ( ore bm UWalwi, D! f -r K- 1t la W jrkl l W kImm , t tw IWk r Mrtrlu- ASkIi jt Ui . '? al.4 1 J lavtin y Iihirtf, tvio.-, l l'Uily. Nr mvm. liyy? Iawt. L. B4ri K.v.tmm Isk. . r.:.i-j-H w t: ltat, I IL'J !, t'nMu. iHwu vt UM r OiaJ imm, L-w 110, TkriAt, r t4i. Ai - w 1 Irua U li.f? .4 iH-ltl. tlT and -4- , lUrj prm-i,- BKr faial W lbtr vi'-ilw th tU . ( Ht r W lh Manim vt V'm, b'l.tii lbr Ht,4 Yn.& ka m aJp utvi, rnkiwit auxrtaf Ae.. uta.whM, TOTJKa THZN Eti-itW. b haw tt' lu-tian vt 4 lui Vi . tKl 4fw.t'l J a, i mfUw kt thn a ansoarhr aw !' to aa tmn-iy t thoiiii l I ( M. vt lb iu:M I.MII ai'4 IruUaMt lul.l'i, wlm ai'Ul wiha at ilrml I'M rttina tn i wuk tlx tkua,lM l v.u ,rf 44 tcvi ) li. ktiPf h i., k,y N ui full tot, wu. nAnntAas At arrwd IVra, vt ur Um mmiWupUUm i iit b tw aat-vl rtKl KkiM.:, wuit (Mnil', aV'lutatiUM . wlllymuA H kj4.' tiuiK.1 anrf tU cJ uJ Pr J ki iMik Ir fuuh.lvlM kh a (tftiUruw , and euaAJvoti? rH v ti k ill m a 1 bh.i. OnCJANIO WTiAENtSB Imtuad iU iy t'urrt taj I all KmU4 1 bi lrWlul 1wi wbK h mxtir Um wtaMal l J liar Hm iw iHiwit'i 4 ik Muaiiv r4 t'V tl ttciiuM of luii.f'iw i tMitvc (uu an u Now, bo that ttuxnu li h auKSN-l will mmm4 WiIwiv tbat lb !( of ifiwrMUi la kM aueuur kv ihm UiWat Itiui Im f ntrr ktUtt ihu by tb pradvul I IWudv Mm .WIJ the tMu ol tMklthy Bfflnf, Dm kh4 euiitwa 4lrUv vul'Uu lu IhxIi UhIj J imuJ an., I tiaatattna bwa otf IWsuvO, tha 'ky-vas4 Uaotal SauHiun Wkiiil, Im j4 l'n iUa 1'uaar, kanuua Irritalxinir, ly.r1, l'alt lUw uf Hm hwrt, luJimUvn, OHisiituUuual IKUUly , a lYallua vt tha FrauMt Cumh, CvMunpUun, A.-, orrzea no i. bovtu ruxrnicu bt. I ft kaitd aid folnf frma ttahi&Kxaalr-rt, Um eVa i frout th iawoar. all k.4 lu u'ur uaine anj liuuiUr Lmiot aiaat b paid and tuaial a taaip. Tb Vvint 1 11 fktua kaii in bit uu, DU JOHNSON Ueiubor uf th RavI LoII.-j i.f f-irf-.u., giwua fioia (Hi of tha aauat imnn CoHHf U lb limed HtaKa, aod lb (rrnict lr of boa life ha iprnt In lb buapltal uf 1ai.Uhi. Par), rbllad-lrbfa and hi, ba cttactul autn of lb aaUMiiabl!! i-urv that want vrr kituwtt ; lua ity truublwi Hli rinittns ta tha brait and vara ha 4.1 -j., grrai avrNuutuva, l lug alariurj at udiba bbtuliHMM, Ub tiiwul bluob Imr, aiiUHji-t afBMtliue 11 a a di ani-uiMit of tulud, w i tun ! luiiuUaIaly TASD rAXlTZCVXJan N0TXC lt. J. a.tdrar all tlio who have iolur thtmaalw Ij tut pipr litJuaeiaaiki wlitarjr baUla, wbiebiaik both body and mlud, untltui g Ihna for Ubw buaiiHM, lujj', auttcty vt uat rliK. I acta iu'bi uf the aad alid mala holy rfTaula rudu d by erly bahrt youth. ti : IVaaknraauf tb Hack and Litiit . I'aine In tb Uit, Iiiniur.4 ut ti-ht, Loaauf Muai ular l'or, l'altutla of lb Hvart. lv't'y, Kvrmua trnial'ihty, D rank-wiHnt of tb IMgMUv FuucUvua, Uural DtbUlly, rttp loin oi Conauinptloa. kUsraiiT A ftwrful r?t U oti th mind re nmr h t.i b drmdud-lAiM f tmory, Cmifialua of Idtwa, lVpn.4loau( Splrlta. Evil iVrKlnxilnga, Averdoa to f H'loly, M. If ln.irn.l, Lot in Buiuuue lllmle. 'iliuldilT. AO . ar uut uf tha avlli t.ruduiwl 1 aoiAiiu vt parautia uf all ge (ho t'lta what I tin rauaa of their dw-lliilng bm lit, I Miug tbatr v'lior, taioomliif wwk, uaa ur their aw-iliunv beallli, I miu Ibatr yluur. ImouiuIik wwk. Bvrtou and aiwlalad , bavlua a aluauiar aoiwaiaui IjuI lb jm, cough tint uiluun of euliauBipUoii. Torjivo rnxN Who bar Inlur i thnialva ) a aer'aia jir.u-tioe Iu4uIh1 lu when elotio habit foiantly laartiad trwa otII auaiiiknimi4, or at at buul, Ilia tlw:i of w hit h ar ui Lily fvlt, v n Una a ap, and If wi cured randwa niarrl IiiihmII)1, md duatro) bull. Blind and body, abuuld ai'Dlv liuuitliaily. What a pHy that youuir man, tb buio of hi country, tb darling uf hie lonata, hould bo MiaUibad frura all proapaata and ujoyiuaiillof Ufa, by th uuwiH.iicauf daylaiin fruiu ih milk el aviar a4 tortalntBt la a a want beMt. Hnah rwrauti mAnniAan, refleol that a touad wind and bmly ar tbo nio.ifiiH'c4ary reiiul lllun to proiuot ooniiulilal baipluaaa, luilwxl. wllbout Uiwa, in juuruny innjugii nit omuiiiui a waai iMitfriniaira j in .ru I t bnu'ly darkvo to lb vlw i th mind bwumv baUowad with dMialr and llll.J with Ilia mlawlmly reriw tlon llul Ilia naipuivM oi auumer mouiuu bligliiua with our ou. DiBAiorxirirnTjrNcn When th mlaifUidnl and Imprudent virtary wf plaaaor llndt ha baa liuhlhr.1 ilia ma of thla Uttlnful dlwaMi, It too ofUn bap u that ao IIMIuwd wna of aliam, ur dr.d of dlaoovary. il tare hi m fruiu opplytnu tb 111. mm who. from educa Ion and re pwlal'ilily, can alon befriend him. Ha lull" Into ilia ban la of ignorant ana digaln pretenilara, who, liwnwl.le of curing, Old, hi iwcuniary lubatainw, keap blm IriHiiig ainntli afW Diontli, or aa lung aa iba Mmllr.t lav can b obtalnod, ami In ilaaalr laay him Hh Mlued health to algb over bl gadlug disappointment j or, by tb ua uf thai daailly ixl4.in, Meroury, baaluu th omaib tnlhiiial ayalstu nf till tirrlll dlaeaa, inch a arTm'tlnn of the Hand. Throat, Now, bklii.eU-, provreaalug with frightful rapidi ty till death put a period to Ins dreadful eulterlng by aauaiiif biiu to that uudiaoovrd eounlry from whuea bouiocuo trnrlir return. rwDonsEiYirNT or tub rnrso The many llionaaiida curwl at tbl Inatltnllun within (l a lat ttghtawn year, and th nmnamn liiiMirtanl tinrgtral Operation lrrunnd by Dr. Jobiurtnn, wltnMnwd by th reporter ol tha Buu " and uiany other lapera, nutli of which havM appi are.) Kaln and agnln bflur th iiuhllc belda bl alandlng ita a gnu tlenian of i liaratter aud reiuuaib(lty,lautnoleiit guaranleato in aiuicioq. BttXN SZBXUBES BrCIDILV CUJIXP I'eraou writing ab"uld be parllunl In diiectiug their ) Mia to bl liialltuliuii, III th following nmnnrr ' JOHN M. JOHNSTON, M. V., Italtuuur Lock llneiiital, .Inty "t, 1W-2T9ly ' llallin.ofe, WrUi,l WISCKLLANEOUS. CAMPHOR K K-CAMPHOR SOAP. UNEQUALLED for the bites of musUltoea, Inaet 's, Au. An excellent spplictttioR lor persons who hate paid the "Sound" t cm!. Sold by L. li. ERA M BERT, Phsrmsccntkt. June J. Herald ropy. HKKII PEAS PEAS. 75 fr IIL'BHKLS CLAY PEAS Just received. For sale by Jone ii. r.l.U.i A MITCI1K1.U lii(i;-liiCK. ' a I I'iuVU L'tU'Cll II L 4 ')- 'l...l...i. 11. 1.... 111... landing from Schr. Volant, and for sale from whstf aud stoie, at lbs very lowest maiket price, by Juue II. ti. C. A W. J. MKNItO. G CASO-lOOOBsgs In store. For sal by . June IX W. H. McRAIIY A CO. riE ROCK PPRINU ICE HOUfE.'on North Water St.. J. a large new building near th Depot, is now opened and being stocked with a No. 1 aiticle of the best Northern ICE, to be sold in quantities to suit our City customer. I will give my personal attention to packing and forwarding promptly, all orders from the adjoining country. ItJK (ur Dished to sick sod poor, free of chaige, accompanied by their physician's certificate. E. H. UL'DLEY, I'rotirtfiur. April 20th, ISO). . IM li WlL,MIGTON IRON AND COPPER ItOHHS, TRllNT STkkkT, BkLOW M DIXIT, WILMINGTON, N. C. L. A. HART JOHN V. BAILEY, rrTnrtcrrs, PRACTICAL BUILDERS of portable and stationary Steam Engines, of any re- Anirail rwiw u nl Irlnit tf Uf,lu mam . n.lltM uxwu V . ww imv V. wuitvt, van Ulllll, grist mills, gin gearings, and any other kind of machinery made in any establishment South. Have on band a large variety of patterns for machinery now in gen eral nse in the surrounding country. Will supply draft ol au xinas oi mscmnery aua mm work. Turpentine stun and copper work in all ita branch. AU kinds of iron and brans castings, finished or unfinished, at short notice. Old machinery overhauled and repaired. All work warranted to be as represented. In connection with the above establishment, we have ob band a large stock of rubber aud leather belting, lacing. packing n veto, and mill rocks and bolting cloth for grist mills. Mill Baws ana vircutsr raws oi any sian ami gauge, turnwnea at snort nonce. , Feb. 16. PORK LXRD HAMS of prime quality, now landing from schr. Sea Bird. Fotaaleby : Jane 25 BIZZELL A CO. IN STORE. N O. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO i Reese'e Manipulated " Bom Drero " " - " Americas ". Petersburg Fertiliser; , ' ' Super Phosphate Wow r ; .- ; 7 """" " Phceoiz Island Guaoo, Ac, Ac, Ac. In store and for sale by .W. U. McRARY A KQ. RECEIVED THIS DAY per Schr, A, J. DeKOSSKT. tf FIRKINS EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER ; 1 10 boxes Cheese ; 100 bags Table Bait ; Ko.l Mackerel. In store and for sale by - . T. C. CRAFT. ' Aog.3, 1860. WANTS. WASTKO. VSAIFSMAN IN OtM CLCTIi:X 5 N ik larsi aa, wk rinses aa vr E2"iS ir. ;i ..";.. a,kl t lankcta. kk.) who raa i-!jc 4? t J. To k eaiy si tb- esrd A, reeled : bsl s ! -J :? tkaa will b aid ta k'BS wh.Ta 3ckr b fcac.it ainra. fe- JOHN rErTESXK A CO.. Vi knieaa; C'.OU! a, J.1 Msrkl straat, Th.-Jj-riA. I.l th, 1UJ. IIUUH WABTh.Il rOR Tl jlevei t a.t agv BtaitsJ J. McNairT received per I K sr. A. J. Dvtluaswt froai Nw York. T lttd and adyertwoil at owaer s risk sad ne-to. MAUU.N1 A LjwaXU eJOR M BRUM Ft ABO WAST1T OOO WACiES will be Mid, and eomtaat tn ' r-f t T gie aU frost, fur OH JO txioo B1U H. Hi oO-(Wegr(a).ts woik re th CoBtpasT S bi(?pe bl Raleierh, No. l a. T. J. lt ")LT, Sap't. Bsu-iigf. C.-R. At; R. R. C, KsWick, Uth July, IswX ( All EDICATIOXIL. MKaDANB-l (II KG A KAY ASD D-IIEUVILLT, 1KO TO ANNOUNCR to their fni,)s aid the public, 11 that thair BOAKD1NU aad DAY KI HOOL f Vouag ldi, will re opea at Noa. ,7T and lW Spraee btreet, I'klUdelplu, SrptrBihfr Uth, lxao, Allg.lilh, 1M lA NOHTII t A ROU A ft I UTAH VIS WlTtT TI t UAkLOTTK, it. V. t THE Sd SESMON uf tki tkhoul will bfm M the 1st n of tK tubers xl. ApiiluaUone for adtaiaaiou, er far 1 thet lnlirniioi, sboulj be addreaaed to MsJ, O. H. BILL. Anf 3J, IM. . jhj A SI IfTllsj I IKOUU MILITARY ACADEMY DR. DEEMS'" bEM IN ART toa YOCSU LADIES. rpilE FOURTH SESSION of tb lustiUtloua w ill eota JL uieu" ua I Lnrsday the th of September, For Circulais, tout lining full particular, atlreoiLh Ksdor.of , I apt. J AH. I, RADCUFF8, Suprlutadrit. Wilsoa, N.C. Jan 2 1 at, Im.1I yifl (a NOTICES. 1 1I alSklHlllT ATIiiib iisrb'ifir. v. r.An it.k r i " WlLMIXCTOH, A. C f U MIL FU Hill EH NOTICE, freight for the WUm.rrtoB. I barlotiasud Rutherford Rail Road will be reclvi on Tuesday, Tbumilay and Saturday aft rnooas eoly. Every dray load of frekht must os acoompantad by the rntoitir dnplicat receipt for each station, the prescribed form of which rait be obtained at the printing enlaas. T. U. LOVE. u Agent TransporUtiou. lan-if July 7th, IRbU rtllST JILY, HftO. , VI. L lllLLH made p rev too to thle date are bow due. 1'drsou Indebted to u will pUaae take Botlce, and pay nt, as we seed, aad nuat have money, , L. B. B LOGINS A SONS. J ilyl. 8. E. cor. Market A Id sts. ""' Jl'LY SD, ISOO. OUR ACCOUNTS due at above dale are made but. Oar patron will oblige u by falling sod siskin settlement. S. B..KAHN WKILEU t CO., July Id. lisHO. WHd Stand, Corner sf ore. t No I h e. All persons Indebted to Die either by Bote or aneonnt, are rsqueud to some forward A settle them i and all sucounts staudiog over ninety dsys, the Interest will be added. i nos. c. Craft, a lurkst st, June IN, ItOTICE TO (OTTOS) ASD TtRPENITSB E KEEP comtantly on band, Bagging tad Reps, aew v Y snd second band Spirit Casks, all auslltlee of Okie. W ill (111 orders for Guano, Hoop Iron, As., Ac, at lowst market prices. Apply to -June ild, iwlo JAS. T. PETTEWAY k CO. Fsyttevllle Observer and Presbyterlon copy 1 Bioolh. Ollra I IIM l.at Ji lirmmm. laaiM luk-alla T. I , Wilminotok. N. C, loth May, ltlO. ( riMIR HO A til) OF DIRECTORS of this Company bare X mads a contract for the construction of sn Iron Pteem hip, to be put upon the line belweea New York and tula port in the esrly part of October. In the mean time the Screw Steam Kblp PARIS EUSBURO will mule regular trips, rommenelng about the 15tb Jane, and upon the completion of the Bblp contracted for, will rus lu Connection with ber. At a meeting of the Board of Directors keld this dsy, It has been ordered that the following Installment be paid upon the subscriptions to the cspllal slock of thle Company i 1st, cash Installments of 11 percent. . . 2d, 2.) per cent, payable 25th June, lWiO. : - - 3d, 15 " " th Sept., " 4lh,2i" .. " 26th Oct., - : - - tin, 10" " loth Jan., 18I. , (ILBERT POTTER, PresidenL . MT llllh, IWH) Itll-lro myA RESORTS. OR THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS. rnUE SHORTEST, OUICKEST AND CHEAPEST FQUTI X at proHent to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS i from Peters burg, Vs., via the SOUTH SIDE and VIRGINIA and TEN -N EhhEE RAILROADS snd opposition line of Stages, en suring to the traveler ample room, attention and accommo ilatiou and low fares. For the GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS pseaengers purchase ticket at lu South-Sid Bailroad Office to lionaacks Depot, Id W. Thsnce tb SUges to the Sweet Springs are now charging 11, or to the White Sulphur II 50, making the fare only li 00 to the Sweet, and 19 10 te the White Sulphur. There are alio opposition lines of Stages tanning from Salem Depot via Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs and a line from Montgomery Whit Sulphur Springs by the Mountain Lake and hult Sulphur Springs to the Greenbrier White iul phur. For the MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, now one of the most accessible, agreeable end popu lar Sprisgs In the moontam, purchase tickets from' -Fctershnrr to Big Tunnel, ...fg U For COINER'S SPRINGS purchase tickets to Bonsaclu Depot (0 ROANOKE REDJSULPUUB Ulte tiokeU to Salem Depot. i 40 ALLKGH ANY SPRINGS, tickets to Shawtrille Depot, g 05 YELLOW SULPHUR SPRINGS, tickets to ChrlsUans borg Depot. ,,,, I 43 OLD RED bt'LPUUB SPRINGS, ticket to Dublin Depot, 9 SO The cars leave the depot of the South-Bide Bailroad daily (except Sundays) at 7 A. M. , Ar Passengers from Sotfth and North Carolina will find this much the cheapest route to th Springs this Summsr. H.D. BIRD, bupt. & B. B. B. June 23d, 18G0 248 2a MOL ONINO VEILS. Crspe, Grenadine, Lace and Love. Fer sale by J. 8. WIA3. July 11th " " " . " -- riEAMLKas bags. For sale by 0July 1L J. 8. WILLIAMS. f f? TONS 1, inch oop Iron; f , , It) 5 " Ji " " " Forsaleby ' July 10. E. A. KEITH. UY THE STEAMSHIP PARKERS I" HO. WE RECEIVED this morning by the Psrksribur?, ' Choice Goshen Butter j -Smoked Beef , - - City Mess Pork. For sale by - July 18. L. B. HUGGIX3 A EONS. TO CLOSE CA Si SlGi SU-H V. .. ' W E WILL SELL 75 TONS BED ASH EQQ COAL IV for a small advance on cargo price. Apply to Aug. 4. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. HOOP IRON.-- f TONS at $70 per ton, cosh. Forsaleby lu- Aug.- -V- - E. a. i:: : : :u CORN. COW PEAS. innriBUSHELS. For sale b 1UUU Julyai. 1 ELLIS A I'll; . IX. EASTERN HAY. BALES TRIMS QUALITY, In for. For ' j Jaiysixt ELL Li & LITC U 200

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