c-" edto. VOL 9. NO 290. K flLTVS PtUt. v, PKOPIUKTORS. i$ r r A. L PtiCE. lkva:t Eitor. rv r r.tf , C- Jifar, mvanalk'v ra a!aBvC ... M . . . I B"i-4 be Aij i aeiisf ta toss?'. ! with tY . ""'-fi V lie arvpnewirs. RITES OF ADVKUnSiW. iLf Kil iM. Clo Jay Tare ... . Tvj- .uja. F sur da t s Fir dart..... Cm wocA. , Tw wotts os v-t ae dUj f Twu dais... .... . . j r TV drs... f uai dart Five days On art. 4 n ... I M ... 1 TJ ... 4 00 ... I M TWH IKtl., Om Bioath Oie Blot Li., i oo Ttro awtuK .3 M Tifii 0.1 A ih) Kj BHWilha ... 00 . Omu 11 60 swathe. Three muttiba.... Hu bkjbU ...... .10 00 .UtX Tr , - ......... w try eoeiited M a square, and tve tinea or lre a sAJ-eAro. Lucjru dTruDu re proportioa, UJ ail pejat,.e la Jtx-.. whes ev rJ U ajVaaoe t orate Per square will be charged after tU Intt liiwmoi. A-Ail tuif-aquaree aot paid for ia aivatwe wiUbe eharg Uhi square. "AJ'neataU Inserted u Special or Bishop Notices fu.f ff ratee-eight Ui.ee (VeadeJ) or counted aa a aou. um yar. . 90 00 "" Adwrnnementt Inserted .rtry other dy r cWjed apBbUtfHioi Bd wiliout 4 rfespooaibU urn ' BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. IB. kt. y. aiihiww. - - -SVRGEUy DEN FIST. ' OFFICE anil Retidew on Market atrtet, bwldmr formerly ecapi4 bf J. 0. Wriht, Jul; uik, 1860. fcil tlkto U11 B. KRAHBKRT. TVEUGGIST IAD P0ACT1CAL PH AHMACEUT1ST. WiLaiaunu. S. C. ZcmrM 2ttrrpat tTwrnvaZ. Tansy mn4 J,WimndLvquLW$fMcUuJfo BParticalar atleaUoa paid to PuMcairnoMS, rxaar ?1"!,t.or? ,mnJitel witt tb "Carolina Hotel July It, 1869. 161tf ft. C. k W. J. Ml a Kit pOMMISSIOX MEECHASTS and WUOIXSALK CRa v vxaia, o. 21 aorm WaUr Blreet, JttDO U, 18A. WimiHQTOir, N. C. OLIVER KRLLET, .' &r0.ll A'orlk Water Street Pec. H, 18. WiLnmaroM. S . C. T. M. SMITH, OUH MCLAl BIN. SMITH A Me LA Fill V, , po tXISSlOX ASD rOUWARDLNO MERCHANTS, vy - ; . - Biria to WiLMmaTviM, H. C. JORH DAVBOB, El( t. P. Hall, Eq., e.iJeut Branch Bank SUta N. C. aiy in, 1 son 2M tl DEUtMiCr, UKtlWI (U. lENEHALCOltMlSaiOS MERCHANTS, V - 1 . 10-, . WILMINGTON . C. Jan. 1st, 1857 98 It. Gt HENRY P. Rl'MELL, ENEJLAL COMHISaiON MERCHANT, ..... . U7 ast Bat. (Ur 8tai.) .. ...... CHARLESTON, B. C. iiarcBiTtn, 188. T. II. BleKOV fe CO., I ' ROCER3 AND COMMLHION MERCHANTS. Sootb VT Water atreal , VTILMIHOTOK, a. U. Aug. 13d, 1848. 297 II. B. EILRRS, 1 rJULr.X ALK UROCER A Ml nnwwNsinw urn V CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL HTOREH, oortier i. mtoi ini an aveata, numinitOB, H. j. April Id, 1868. JAB. STOKLIT. At II. 01, PH AM. , , , m BTOKLE Y OLDII AMt iibwww auu COMMIH8ION MERCHANTS, AND VA ASAAJkita AH UORM, OAT8, PEAS, AC. ' Wilmington, K. C. RjriaiKt'i. .OaI .TaS If rT a ea DeualJ.. A V t. a a n(1 . . 1 a ab: rlrS: E. MURRAY CO, (aceeeaora to Marray At Peacock,) C0MMLB8I0N MERCHANTS - AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, . WATER STKKKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. I. MCBBAT. B. , MrmCHIBOB. 4. T. MrRBAT. rebruary 1,1859. lj4f D. A. LAWOKT, (10Mf ISSI0N MERCHANT, No. 38 North WaUr street J OcUlJ-Jltf W1LMW8TOB, K. c. . I L. B. IIIOOINI A BOtS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES A GENERAL MERCHAN diso, B. B. Corn. Market and Second Streets, t Wll.MtkinTnu V C AarOrders from our friends will receivt prompt attention. A.. In IHEn I . J.H. ROISSON eV 80H . WaMmsTo", N. C. Xruitii!JUj,BiAJlUFACTURERS' AGENTS, ANDDra lerea in Hardware, Coltery, Iron, Bteel, Nails, Agricul u. M UUICUIVUlAi .v. . . Wlf. C HOWARD, VJ Sept. JO, 1864.13 tf WaaiNOTON, N.'C. ADAM, BROTHER & CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WaaomTON, N. C. I. A. KATIAWAT. HATHAWAY A CO, . B. I7TI.IT, joaaissioN merchants, Wilm iitorow, N. C. T.C.AB. a. WORTH. (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, L v,t WlXMIMUTOM, Ni 0. 158 ly IAMBS AITDBUOB, IDTAUIATUL aukiuui et BAVAQB, CENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M.k v a ' WrLMwoTOK, N. 0. Liberal aan aarances made on consignments. , JA91ES A. WILL.ARD, 10MMISSI0N MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GRQCEB V ' AND DKALER IN GRAIN, No. Id South Watm 8tit, WlLMINOTQW, N, C. Jan. t, 1860. 1 A A BBS 0. (MTra. JALCSUmi CO, anLif cotri. ( l00.5 MEJRCHANT office second story, corner V S0 Water and Market streets, Wilmington. N. 0.. where they are prepare J to attend to all bnalnea. L the V UUlAAiiAWti L7AI llUtJo Ail bnsmeai e&tnuted to thorn will be pnnotoallr attann W. H. McKARY A CO. pOMMISSlONJIERCHANTS, COrnef Princess and Water V throe ia, n luuuigiuo, a. v, Birmvcus H.B.SaTatre, OoL John D. A. Daris " " B-ln, do. . out uregg, r reaiaent OI nanc uneraw, . U. Oct 17 , Cashier Bank Cape Fear. Wilminirton. W. o. AIcRae. Prea't Bank WiLminirtnn. An An . Cashier Branch B'k C&na Var. sii.),r,. a . 1 w , ..D W Ml . . UU. WALKER MEARES, W " (Soooessor to Walker Mo ares ft Co..) HOliaALH AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, is Maiabt 8tiibt, Wilmikstoii, H. a HARRISI A UOWELk COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - i . . WrLn8oi. H. n. j 9B0B8B BABBtiS A. A WOWatt, W. W. WABaTSS M tat. ia , ORDERS ORDERS. LIOLIdTEn frr winter riitTnivn r .it,....i mannfactore of F. 4 IL Fries, Salem. The beet goods in America, Planters would do well to send in their orders y . . HEDRICK Aj BTAN. EUSINESSAXD PROFESSIONAL ClRD&IXEff YORK, PCIU.& E0ST0N CARDS. I J. V. MOKIf t uTtuxrai c?:x!ui cx-fV:ox a (.ext.! A!. hat pth.t, r 4TrrriTiLi.a. X. C. , EirisAMU : kJ" A Co., 1 J0. I'TttT. R. J. fi'VP4t My :u;i I H. L. UOLMKS. AW orricr, Pam fnur, a 1 nvi m . , - KLUl MITCIIKtX. P t il!4, WA1St ITK HKT BliAS. Oil. ME1L; w ji.ji UUM13I, UUK.SK COW l iti); AIM. IJLSTSRX AXD SOUTH MITKS BATt Ha. Sortfc Wtier Miret. r . , WltMIMTOK, K. C. C0M II IS8I0X MEItCOAUT, W110LKS 4LK GBOCCKii, ai (Valett ta NAVAL bTORES. CuTTUJf. aa4 Soalk- r I'KOUUCK reaeratly. rninpt pcraocai aueBUi tvfa U aU roa!fraaaU all r. m. MtXILL, A. r. BiaxiLa. BIZZKI.I. Ml m GSOCEBSACOliMIHSlOM MERCHANT, Jam. M, li0. WamnaTun, N 15. J, . VULUM8. . ft. ClRTl. J. 11. WllXIAMf k CO., pOMMISSIOS MRCUAT1, Vf . . lN FaOKT ST.. Kiv Tub- Cottoa nd Oram. i'aa. M, l'W lW-ly. . HI GH UDAlllH COMMISSION MERCHANT, WllMllltliH f .OfflcaadjoIoJn; Lattarlobj Wharf, North Water BtrooL bept. 16, !. IB-am GKOUIiH MTKRB W '1LESALE AND BITAIL UBOCKR, DEALER IN ".? ,'' T,M' Wqw. Coflooa, Proiriaioiia, Wood and nlllow Wars. LodJob Purtor. A I. ...I I'r,. .... ,k tK. .... .k-.t..-.. - ' 1 I 11 a4 13 Kr4il tract, April Ith, 1860. im 9m C. II. ROBinanw a r pOMMISSION AND FOSWAKDINO MERCHANTS V- Waama.th A C. f . 1 . ... - - vmuvi vi 1 ltuc srer Mr. J. A. Willard'a HtAr. . . ..r I 1 iurana auu n tier avecia. March , 1H60 UniiX t'IOJ DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N, C., II. VAN BOKKEI.KV l.n..p..n. A LL KLND8 OF NATAL STORES porchaaad, BAnufao. xatureq ana aoia Wbarfifft and Htorara fuml.h.,1 A t. .. j , rtes. wan, i, lw IW tr. OWEST A YARBROl'OII. ,tM,,olM"- COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, North WaUr Straat, WUmlaaton. H. C.. AALIbaral eaih advannaa ma,!. u tryproduoo. Nor. 8th, 1859. !. ' HENOVAU ' ' " P. REINSBERGER, ROOK-BINDER. TAKBS THIS method to Inform bit catHomert W-ic V nd peraoni in want of work of an dri.u aaaaataaf Uon, in hia line, that b baa ramored hU Book- in una KMixna eiUbliahment ta the Hawmnt of th. ibis deptio new jovmat JiuuaiHa " nn Pthctu Kr..i .1,... wiuu yaaaeu tu receive order rorerary Hindinc or Kiillna. Ae Ao 1. Tbankrul for liait farora. ha liberal patronage as herttofora. uct. tin, i8o. ft. M. WEST, A PCTI0KEEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Will soil, at nrWate aale. fY,IUr Ti a.'. 'a ''.n - .. ff ILBINUTOH. N. IT. 7. . ' f1 uuu, a a auutii oommuAton Also, Uaiik Stock at .1 percent. I Rail Road Block Real Estate ..I per cent Negroes , ' Direct importation, Cargo Sals. ...... '. ..1 per cent. ..1 per cent. . .1 per cent To the citisens of Wilmington generally, rTttnk-. H iQf A Mi . . . ' WVrWUBI .If trj09aU-U Ilorrx H. cow A "J." GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VJ . WltM W 1 1. M I W AMU W r? AWOffice, South Corner Market aad Water Utreeuop Lira. m.. . ..... . .. .. stairs, tvot. o, iiuv itt-tr EDWIlt A. KICITIf C0MBI88I0N MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1869. ' Wilminoton. S. a. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CAA. 1 ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Noth Watbb Stbut, Wit HiHHwiu v n Solicit coniignmenU of all kinds of Produce, also, orders ,w. v.vvw v., w.ggiu((, nupv, uuauu, SC., T0. IliriB TO John Dawsoh, Eao.., O. 0. Pahslit, President Commercial Bank, Gao. Datih, Esq. . k r"17"W4T' - bkji moobi. vuwuer tut, ti. CHA8. V. MTU. KID. J. MOOBB. MV0IIBI Mm taar u v ark aaa A'A BLi AS. S mm iTll SB . I 'I "-'I ww.f .W. . MIDI akrovk, m WlLMINOTO", N. C. We are prepared to offiir to wnnr.Fit a i.k riivudu...... ordinary Indncementi. and respeotfully solicit an examination Of Our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winl.r r.,l. fin. n 1. w wwv,a waa'ivo v UVVUB W J,,Urc J" from mnofotwers. Vfepap no ttooni ry wmiDg, aaa oon tea a iota as any Jobbinc ouse in the United States. V.'e are desirous of sending on? Goods to eyerr lection of North Carolina, and will use eVery eiertion to please all who may faror ns with their orders. pepirEniiwr ij, tuny. LAW NOT1CK. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Market Street, one door Eattt o Dr. Dickson's. Sept. id, 1859. aog.tf ThOMAS W. BRAiWIB. Jll!! A TT0RNEY AT LAW. - A. COMMISSIONER OF THE tTVTTEn fiTiTrfl IN i VT r. rnn mm. ah T , Am tnuyioimtl Uf MOHTU CAROLINA. viiivo uioi uoor, ta aoor new jovbmal UviLOiNa. WUmlnirton, Jnne t4th, 1868. Jt7.tf W. W. DAVIS, m. n - OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT izens of Wilmington. Office 2d door below Holmes' Hotel, Front Street EDWARD MtPHEIIiulI COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. I South Water Street. An.fi(V in WlLMQtOTOK, N. C. August 8th, 1859. iHi it A. R. HALT. rHtSt3 C0-"flW01f MERCHANT, iMtterloh $ Wharf, WiLMntamv n r. JnlfSOth. IftSft 'V . "'iMINOTOH, H. C. , . - V7II.lv NEW ORLEANS SVRfTP. SO BBL8. cholcs Syrup and Molasses. For sale by . - . V. k W. J. M UN HO. I 25 fne SUG0SHEN BUTTEBt OEO. MTERS. PORK.rU Bbls. City Mesa Pork, put np bxpskshlt for I . Famil Ttse. For sale by T. c' CRAFT . APrU 19- No. 48 Market street. COTTON (HNS OP the most approved description.- Maanfactured by W. I O. demons, Brown Co., Columbus, Georgia. For aale at maaaiactuxera' nrtcea. hi 8 Myl. . DxROSSET. BS0WN A CO. WIUnXGTOX, X. C, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1650. LIBF.RTY stovir 1U noxxow-wxim rccwsnT. ABBOTT IllHL k' I I M fMT'. KtiiS at eaiu! aid Emm ta tt .1.. IT U 3a tub riRT rut: mux T cnm rumrracToi ' -- UJ 44 lR. kLk U'HL 1 , , i. H. WliLrn. NEW YORK WIRE MILL. HE. Lao Hit 11 MUM U. . ai ra-rru er i niu iw WIRE OF ALL DESUUU'TIONS. O AltTKTLAB artBtua t(a to orOera teat U tHk iii,noniertu; a hat' It. prmMJKl.l RtKM r I r.S. TKKMH.-.P11 Moatba No'e. ).)aMe allUuk, tuirnt. r raw vf r.t oan oa new 1 wt, t i prt ea. uf lur Wira Mill, JJIfc Strt, Wtraboua SI Jut a Klreol. . . . Ni iOHK. 4K. a. AP)CT. An. . ar.it. i" " Thrhor AT. r. M KtiW A'., t, y C. UANCV. Ill MAI CUT. POMM1SSIO HEKCHANT8, IM IVail atrael. V'.... Nl Toaa. W ill tpa a Braaea Huuaa la NorMk. Va , a tba U of ' u ' nf 1 -July 1, H.at.-tUlf. of HTM AM, DAXLT A CLAMMCI a. g ATS, MINRI l. rtTAB. . KATE A frHMTKH, lTI.,C0.H.M'8fci'?:'.MElu,HTH f. tha aaJa of va vutiva, KICrL NAVAI. stolid wart a na. two V JACOB R E K D . Artt rAcmtia or MILITARY CLOTHING. ft. K. lr. KKCONU bb4 RIMU t K ITHKKTi, "MILITARY CLOTH. FOB g;iiU,UI',tU'mi Jan. 30, lHno. 124 6 . URirr-ESf At KKW, v No. all WairaH Slrart. Maur 1 k Hbnbt UatrriM. I Wa. H. Aii in. Nor. J3, lw. J0B" wkdok, 4. U, Loatxi a nut i BTAN, J. I COMMISSION MTRCMANTH V No. SJ India Rraaa a . CoMlgnmenti of Karat Htorw, Cotton, LamUr, and othr Boutharn Produce loliclted. JUJ M.jf.. I. DOLLMIH. O. PoTTIB. AB." iirCAaBBIiBfl" i tnuuiDQi.iu . ....7?. " jvioauwiua MlittVUAn TH, Nsw Tohi,. April 15, IH69 1WM ly. . ABTBTCACaBAH, W. S. BirailL. CUCIIRAff it RI'MEIX. tJ.ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North And 1 North Water Street, Pbiladbm-mia '""ai caao auTaocee mad on couiiignroeuli. Inl. Q , w V. lull nr?v" feiJ! O Matting For salt by J. . WILLIAMS. July II. CAHfKTMII, At. HEM P. Ingrain, Snurr Ply, Tspcetry, BruucU . VJ. petln ' 0I' Clolhi for '''""N. HtMlrn am Printed Druirirat bv tin r.1 anrl l.,r... r... i'. 1. Uunen Uamaak for eorarHrT rnt. anrl ...ir. l: u... . , r, v.,.'v. ... null Wat' t ng, tocoa Malting for Public Houi.ee and Rail Road Care; Rug., Hemp, Straw. Adeluld snd Velret Matts, Brukaels ami tore and will be supplied to consumers atettraordlaary low "jt,!. 18. J" 8' WU','lAii- Btaaiataai rtaataataa o nABPBEHRY avni p. TF ,Y?U1(,WISH TO keep eool send for a Bottle, st J"'y ') GEO. MYERS'. ...... ..v. uiumnaa auu tarpei eweepers, are In 1 j ik AUN' u bales in store (no.. H sod 12) (oi 7 . n, a. atcuAur to. July 10th, lMiO. - v' SSEKD PEAS MEED PEAS. MALL LOT Clay Peas for sale by Jul ELLIS MITCHELIa. BHEETIftCiH AND COTTON VARUM. BALEES NORTH CAROLINA SHEETINGS , AV10 do. do. do. Cotton Yarns. For sale by AnK- T. C. A B. U. WORTH. . . Mf a i 1 7f.fi B1U8nELS KXTA HEAVY OATS. For sale by I JJ Aug. 1. T. C. A B. i. WORTH. OATS DATS . .. . 250 -Tf&r- uuia. a. j. aoiasses and ryrup ; fiO bass Coffee 1 M caxki Bice, (dilTorent grsdes,) 500 sacks Salt j 50 bbla. Herring ; aa kt.t. r 1 ... uv DDIs, stess and i rtme I'oik : Guony Daes and iug; Soap, Candles, Ac ''or sale by G. C. A W. J. MUNR0. rfuiy aj, jew. TO COTTON PLlkTRB. Wv-rAXf5jrI.rtkPtSl.tba KDt7 of JEFFREYS' PAT .ENT COTTON TIES, for securing iron bands o Cotton bales. We hava the Ties and Hoop Iron for sale, in quantities to suit. The above is the most admirable Invention ercr devised for fastening the ends of Iron bauds on Cotton. No boles are puuenea no rivets sre osed, sod vet it is securely fast- unur, n it tneap, imoiui ami economical. I Jant- ers are requested to examine its merits. , "" 37. OWYfiR, PEACOCK 4 CO. NEW KIX)CRNV.W irrirn I KW rLOUB I NEW FLOUR ! In bstrs and bl.ls. x y STOKLEY k OLDHAM. July 24. NU.AU btC.AU. iO B,nLS" rBT0 RICO, in store and for sale bf U Julytcth T. H. McKOY 4 CO. WALL PAPERWALL PAPl7.il. ' alHE Largest and cheapest stock in the State. Pacer . Hanging done at the shortest notice, by IJ. I'OLVniJT. Julr18- Corner Front and Princess its. band. r all 1TTIIITE AND nr.At ir rrnivn haio W .. . . r' AAA IK, UU DBUO. i f T Ma tresses. Bolsters and Pilln. muA. ...I.. .11 . .. - .. .w vmvi . , " ies oi moss ani biiuck Matretwes con atantly on hand and for sale by C. POLVOGT, U'T corner Front and Princess sts. "HOWE'S CELKRHATiCn U'll l'l 1 A t A Tf ! a? A klklADTtrTftriet at uuua unu i ua haiku, uaii and see -AJ- lnera. T. C. A B. G. WORTH. July 25.- - - A gent for N.'C. r intra . BrA.t0? ,IIAJ!? III A8K8 Hyta Extr Fml,y Hani Pe' Schr. AM.lhjlm' ot trom "K hI Edward T.C. B. G. WORTH. A LL tb J. large tvS. ocir POWDER. the varieties of DuPont'a mannfacture, Inclading s ?e SUDDlv of Rlantinff Pnwdar. Vnr . I " vt,uut, By AaiAvOoivA, BitUWW B CO. Atai. . if? VVtinr I I.OTIII tlLlNHY IMlTllll r n BALES EXTRA HEAVV GUNNY CLOTH, for .ale -r. bf th. m Toi tbrt drSiVi K Kih.S' JV low to cloae a coneigonieDt, by :"'iai y.u.ia of tblo UMrlhW diAwT eh T.iV. -iii- & worth. MirlTiXr Jite TRAW MATTIMU 1. A and (LA tvi.11. ..j ,3.7: blm to that uudlaoomed oou.tr. i .trrfl."'1!" V" -'r . . r. ... JkU.-i. - , " -- m it u J . w4 .,... 1... .. ... . . - - " - lln 10mm 11,. lii TV . TT. UMl'MkJI. vfc. aaM - 11 u. . ... . v 7 W W W a4ii1 jlitW aad a-n. k.h. aT.1, .wf. uVa. !r?,rr?,.H" , .7 o mn ijra, ataf aaM Vila, ftkil -a i. HAUDXiOa a7r rjcL rj'TL'H ItanaJ,.My Com ao4 laU V HWwl i!?r ,wl WU. ttaaiaaiHlBaajli . rtMTaTA!. Tba lK.I, uL onjoniTioN. ,V. .T? U. I ' 1 ... " . . urf L . " "" lira araaiaf rrnima la the brail and aaia aatwti, r,. TASO PAXlTiamAn MOTfnitt - ka. talat. thMualm h, l.a r.'r Iih tBa Jlu,y h.iMt vh run h bod, .Lj n ' aortwy or raiifii)HHit MHII MrmrtLI r I La ta.rri.1 .irn.i . .... , , jk, . . , . ' " numt ar muca 4mdad-liaa t.f Moiuorr. L'unliak. 1.1 . (lUrlta. Kvil olHlina, Amatua to Buei.i H.U inTtV Ua oi H..lltu.le. TlmJd.i .a. ... .. .T8. i"'"", 8, that 1ajmtM.l1 tha .uhiTV .,11 .-ZjT'.TT I II ta arm at - u" "wZVL rTT. ""7"' "" 1.4. al ataairuiauf the aadau4auJ.n. ..j. .... I - . . . 1-alH.B oftr WlUUWITOK. at. CL I u! Coiriiimi.ti.u. l.l.kT. . . - 1 I'lmL,.!,... i .11..." . . wmwi iiau noaa w til do rtLiaA W I I ..... r- j- ' ' " -.'rw imaiia lrrmiu.4.1 Taonnaua ul iratma of all anae naa a lurf. . ... eatiae uf thair dwl dwliiilng health tlu. tbir iur, U aud emaulale.1, havlny a eliiiMlar air ih and ymplouie of uuaou.i.Uua. pal, narvuue tranoaihm weak, llearaiK alut Hie eyee.euub TOTKO ItTXJV .1.. . ..; r"."'. iNuituUa, or i W.'"t?r!ly lh' rna man, the buire of Lie roaulrr the darllnaof I,la twrwita. ahuuld I. "",7 irf aaturaraad lB.IUl,irit la a atrial B tecret UaUl. U .rI ret. Mure outturn LUUn "u r'" i evBUaiptaUtu mAitszAiafi, SXlSAIfl or IMPnirnrivMi fci .-. II... ..I .. . " I""1"'""", It Uru I -TffiwSSm hi-Jth r'n . . i-l-'r b.r. xUfT0RSEinsNT or T2u rnsii The atany UioumwU euiad at title laaUtutl wltl.ln Ike leal IM I the the aUlluIed, " i"o WW DZIBAISa irXSOXLT CVIIXV I, ."T W"""I anmiia no particular In dliet U. I.ta I,...iiuli... 1. .k. L.. """'"I i"r ieit ... , , . ni. minwr JUUN kl. JOHNHTOW. U. n. BalUia.ro lx k liosnttal. J'tly 81, imto -;7fl ly Italtunora, Atarylaliil MISCELLANEOUS. I'ANPIIOR ICK CA.IIPIIOR SOAP. TTNEOUALLED for the bites of niusuito, lneis,A. the - sound -: wao P,fl W amtaa IAbD IDUk at II It IMP mi IAIBB lAf tiaoaAaa L. A. . , a I Sound ' L. B. E HAM BERT, rbaimactulitt. Herald copy. Jane 3. SEED PKAS-PKAS. mcEitit n.. . tr)() 1. jyPl iT! thf""n- l'tims Bice, now UV landing from Bohr. Volant, aud for sale from i barf ..uuiiia iruiu oonr, tOISIIt. aud for a.1. "? t'. th y lowaet maiiet price, by J"" ! G. l5. W.V, barf I MUNRO. It. w,-,00 B"f ". Vot ssU by 1 I JlIfaATA lQ tBf a. W. H. MnHARY k CO. ICR l( If. Iro- rnnE rock bprino k -I . . ... ' vh "VHII ITBiUI DL.. to be Bold in Olianl tlea In l ... n,. ..... .. . ....... .w.'v.uu .1.1. . .. 11 . a .rum. A. h. ..... . , , . . i .... , 7 v i.j tvuanuia.ia. I Willi a . iwrauiiBi aitenuon to nacklOB and f.irar.ri.,. uronintlr. all ntH.r. . k. -ji. T . " Li 1 I. . k . ujuiaiug vuuBtry. h;b lur- Sk..i . kk Vi fre 0iehff """'Pled by their WILMMOTOiT IROfll AND COPPER WORKS, fBONT iTMBT, BILuW MABIIT, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' I A. UAKt JOBTi C. BAILEY, I'roprietor PRACTICAL BUILDERS of portable and Slatinnsrr Htesm f.nainr. i.r ...... 1 ....I..J . kk. . . p . -' ... yy-rr auu smq 01 poller, Saw mills. I of mrtchinery made in any .HUuMmeYt tilh.' Have on hand a largo variety ol I patterna for machinery bow la gen- bbbbbbbbbB1 K Ac BBj ii ibb win aypmrin-ia. mtu auu nik.a ai A I . V . a " , """uiuiug cotinrry, wm supply drafts of all klndaof machinery aud mill work. Turpentine atllls and copper work In , all its branches, AH kindi of Iron and brans castings, flnished or nnflnished, at short notice. Old to . a. i r.t.tTra re,,irM- " Wo" wranted In rn lnn tt.. . ..k.i., . . I band a large stock of rubber and leather belting, laclm. p,;f,kl0W',Lnd mm rocU Dd "Wt'nir cloth 7oi grii mills. Mill Rawa and rir.M.l.r fi.-. r :". r Bt"M j i ucul' navo on I furnished at short notice. ' T" "u "au, Feb. 15. "DORK LARD HAMS of prime quality, now landinc X from schr. Soa Bird. For sale by 7' Jnn. 9S . . . BIZZELL A CO. I M-mnw. Ski U. A rfcliU VIAN GUANO : ll Reese a Manipulated " Sombrero t r- American " Petersburg Fertiliser r - - Super Phosphate Lime : 1 bosnix Island Guano, Ac, Ac., Ac. In store sod for .,7. w. u, MoBARY CO. July 20. ... .. ,. . HbCEIVEU THIS DAY par Sebr. A. J. DeROSSET. ll tlttki.iao avaaaaa UUBUIUK BUTTtB : lJ 10 boies Cbeese ; ... ' . iuw oags a a Die eait ; ao.i Mackerel. In store end '?...' n"J '"",4 " the unelliMoraia,. ra,,L pe-;t hoarl dark... the ,l.w , h. M1T,J L'maTT ... ".wwv. .i,Nin. Willi UUf DD. I A. 1 DVUDL 111 I I ipvurni. ....I v.. ,Z ,1'' ' "P7r.t mirgteal 0ratl, I a . hi... ...a . 1. . " -"" " .u.,0 .n,i . r-v;:'. iz':. ".kuTkr," r "un p I I II...... .. 1. .. . 1 - . I. ' ... "...Ml, .1. . iri.i.i. in FI.rrM:ir?r ana M.,UMl.llll. I. . MM . 1 . nu::.: W 41 T 1. 4 pauvav w 01 . (u : : XX oruiari aa, 11 Oaraewr, aa4aatuk e a .' I-,l toaaa.yii U a c.-J A . . t4 1 , to kit ,a sa. ; H'Wia. rnc : l.s t WW- r ? ' -Jos nrtsirx A vaaC Aataal tb, rnii. ' .. . "N ai4 a4rortM4 at oaor . .,4 ,T ... rv.!-!'? A9 . " - "'I wiu a aaia, aai o.'a1t v . aaui iroat, for aw OH M 1 TrnoLn o A.k,v .i JBtA Ca T. i. 1 LT. 0eo B. A . B. I. Cm I taienk. inaJa!y,ltO.( EDUCATIONAL !,JC.L,"r ,MAAT ARO miKRiiil'v"" IT. -fW.Vi-H to Ux.tr frmadaa U-TIt 1. labia, ri,t,Bjber lith. ltwv r AlA, I'M, ... M ORTII l AROUA-ILITHT1 t'UARLOTTK H C " 1 adJraa4 u Mij. a Af. M. 10. KAkTEni- CAROUA MILITARY A C A DC. If PR. VKUlil' ttCMINAIT YOt'NU LADIES. riMlk, roUKTH BKittloiC lba latlltaUoea .III 1 wear, o. Tburaday Ua Mb of Itapumbar. r rtrealart, t oauiolof full paruoafara, tka ftBulor,.r t'apl, JAB, D. RADcl4IFA huperintanJtnt, J... ... 1.... wuaoo. h.u. 11 ("H I T T NTH. ITIiutiilu ki,i'.-u ...... "-' tOMI I '-"vr..., , iiutiva. Irevui For Ina V i in n .inn "T 1 1 J rhmrlr.n. ...I D..ik.ji.Ji n,. Y '.".? . ,0Bi 1 Ifll. . 1,.., . . 11. I L, 1 . .. " on Tneaday, Tbarad.y aad Katurdar AftorDOoM oaly. ..iy aray i a oi iroiuni miut bo arconipacied by tba rtattoniary daplltiata rar .Ppt for oark Halloa, fu. rre.albaa form uf wbJch eta be buind si lbs prince stL". T. L. U)Vt A60t' TrAflipOf UtlOB, July 7 th, m Ait 'IT JIXY. ISflAI.. I aranna Indebted to ua will pleaa uke Botlcs. knd bat up.aawtsaad, and must bars mooer. , -t"P7 I. 11 Ui!i1.:rwa a mnwm ,'u,'' B, C cor. Market A 1.1 ata. I I Jfl.v an iruuk. OUR ACCOITNT duo at abora daU art mads oat. Oor pitrona will oblige ni by valllnjr ead making ttlmBl. a. o. BAnAnfil LA.u k CO., AA-OJd Wtand, tkwner ature. t pereom Indebted to me either by iota or aaunataii ta an.. f...j a. .. II avoonnu lUiniin. ... .i...,. j... ".i "T'lfi TO COTTIIrl AND TV Rf ENTIRE BMini And Rod. ' a.. ' I17IK.11B, Will Oil ordrr. tut (Ju.no7j ooolr". I- market i.rioea. Apply to ' " ,uw"1 Jims i.ld, Unto JAH. t, pktteway a m rytrlll. Ohaerrar nd PtasbyUrloa lot.Z' Omra 1 ape rear Ocoan ll..M BJartgauoi. Cew I port In tba Bar r nart nf t l.,ir... ""w ur Mli will .!!.irD . W 'm Bli,ra "h,P "AnKKR8BUBa I will nuke recti ar trlna. nt..rr,...i... . ....... ,L. , ... . I ... .,. ik . I, ' tua iota rJOBS. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day. It ??J7F.yW,'VM foll,""nf nUllmeVbVpJ4 opoo 1 be subsrr ntloas te the capital .Took of Ibis ConVnioy! 1st, rasa lustBilmsnta of M peroeat. vompanyi , An per ceai. psTBhie 5t June, 10. Id, IS f AthBepU " . fih.M- , AAthOc,r ; : Alb, 10 1 20th Jan.. IMI. GILBERT PomO, rrssldenU ' 3l(lrtf May Ifllh, lawn SUMMER RESORTS, roR TUB vmuniA SPR1AUS. , . - "fft a.,ia the HOUTH BIDB and VintJivtA ,t 1 J li 9 - --- 'nnviri I lUtn I iniri. uring to the traveler ample room. aUeniina ..',," datlnn and low fares. . pas vvvvtUIHV ror the GREENBRIER WHITE SCLPH0B SPRINGS paaaengera purchase 1 tickets at the South Hide Baliroad Office to Bousacks Depot. AS W). Thence the HUges to the 8wset prljigs sie now charging $J, or to kha While Sulphur li to. wWtV" 0DlJ, U W 40 SwMl W hd to the m Here are a so opposltloa Hues of Stages running fr aleai Depot ria Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs aocftU i'TS.ST?', k "Hk? "VUur MPrlB 6 Hount. from line t.A. . ..I J..u ki..i..k... J "T' " . Vr""" muauiaio A i l hr - nu,fBur Pf w we ureenbner White Hul- For the MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, now one of the most accessible, agreeable and popt- ...... , . VT Joon,P pwohaaa tickets from Fori COlNEfig SPRINGS pwchaMVkkVu'tVBok, .A 7ZL H.- unD,t .... Uli YH wimf 5 towilta Depot; buf? Pefot 1 UB hiilIi,G8' Chrhtuinel 0 h..,K1 BULFaU w',rVnos,' t'lckVu' Vo Dublin r io I 05 8 ii L.:; 1 9 Jo " vai ACalTe npnni ni Irtak talntit la Ui J.k r 1 1 J J.n ("cePJ BunJ0 A" HV ""4""" ... Pf?fBek' from 8ouA nl Nor'i Carolina wUl find " " mna w snespesi route to the .springs this Bummer, , , ' ' - H. D. BIRD, Supt. B, S. B. B. Ja M. I860 US im "'".' - rU "wimiNa veils, Crspe, Grenadine. Lse and I-ove. iT? J. B. W WILLIAMS. uiy ilia TrTir Imi .a S j.. u IvJ July II. BA6S. For sale by J. 8. WILLIAMS. K TONS li inch Hoop Iron; It " If " " " For sale by E. A. KEITH. July 18. BV THE STEAStSHIP PARKERSbTaTuT WXa Smoked Beef : . City Mesa Pork. July 18. - For sale by : L. B. HUGGIXa A r,nx TO CLOSIC lAKim.ilMirv T- W o niiiAA bj-ioi T5 TONb i RED ish rr.n B TTTT 1 n COAL Ao- 4- JAS. T. PETTEWAYA CO. HOOP IKu.t. 1A TONS at 170 per ton, cash. For sale by Ay Aug. 3' ' s K. a. KEITH. CORNtOW PEAS. July 31. ELLIS A MITCEiXL.' KAoTERN HAY. OA A BALES PRIME QUALITY, la store. T tUVKj Jaljusi 10L13tfcMii( nr -' Vl W TTi" ft , w I sad a la M

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