i I . c 'OL. 9.- -NO 291. WILMINGTON, N. 0., TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, ISCO. whole numb::;: B HI TVS PK1CK, rtUIPtUKTORA. A5 F"ITVX, Li:... . iA. L. PfcXE. Aaearaue Ei-tt Term of fa bat rtpllan. f ' Pt?er, one year, hsuarably ia Jac N 00 ft y " " " - " (ill Ai r aa kiii COaarcW w:th th! aluo. Bra, B a-1' '.aa. iMU prepnetors. RATES Of ADVEEr.MSv.. AXT BXJCAI. 0 !t t S Taeda'ta JTJ T-.'rt iTV 50 OJB tCAK. Oite day T dais w IS I w 1 14 I I Ti t Tt I 90 I 00 II 00 II 00 Tre Ik tv . Few data . t:j r Foar 4a)e. v Jrae dr. Ji - OM WWB. iwe n I j:J Cm BtoaU t CO Twe BlOBLii S 50 Tirea m-oaiis, 60 Kl aweiLa. 00 OU IMt 1 we week. . . Ooe moata.... Tare aoalae. 611 stosiha ... Cue Tftf U 00 Oh year... JO 00 Tn ttm are ooonted aa a sqaare, aad five lines ar lea a aaJ-ewa. Loafer advertiecateBta ta Brcporuoa, sad ail paaiie la advaae. Waai ao paid la eJvaace u ctata ' per -;we will be chargad after tlie lret taaertioa. AW Ail half njurtt aot paid fur ia advance wiil be tkirj J m a taaxa. . AJteruaementa taearted as F pec la or Bithop Notices ar cWti) oae-kaif aura than above rates -eight llaee (Seaied) or leas counted a a sqoar. r A Jvertiaeaieiiia uaertad evary ether day ara eWtd IT ntt pr ;ar fur oack tuaaruua afUr Um ant. ATK o aabbcaaoa and wtiaaoi g raapoaaiUa aama. EISLNESS 1ND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. . r. aRRHUTO. SURGEOJi DENTIST. ' "V orriCB aad lUaiUoaca aa Market atratt, kuilUiDr forr!y occupied b J. U. Wright, UiiXlllJ ., UnuBftoo, . C. Jul; ioiaTlSoO. HUlf LOCH B. KR AM BERT, DRUGGIST ISO PRACTICAL PHARlIACtTJTIST, , - lumniw, K. C. t. ; eoaitaatl; oa aaad, a aalarl Block of ?, Jai i. ,, JV'meiMc aad AWppam C'AanMi, am-y cad JWi twie, H'umi and Lvjuartfor Medical 2rfo, .Particular attoatioa paid to FmaacaimoM, Famiit Ruin, Mimcuii Cbutb, ao. .tMora ImmodiatelT aadtr taa u Carolina Hotal." Juiylt,lB6. MM O. C. W. J. HCHRO, OMVtSSION MEBCHAXTS aad WU0LI3ALI GBO j CtKS, No. 12 Morta WaUr Btrt, Jaaa It, i860. WaamoTow, N. C OUVIR KKIXBT, WBOLESALX AND RET A Hi DKALEBS IX QBOCaV Rita AJIO PBOTIHlONet, Xa. 11 Sorts Water Strtd, Paa. 11, mi. WnantaTOW, II C T. M. IMITtt, " iOHll MCLAt BIN. VITIl MrLAiniH. C04M1SS10N AND FOBWACDINU MERCHANTS, - WUMIMTUM, N. C , asriB to " " . Joan Dawbom, Ebo., Mayor, E. r. hall, Eiq mUnt uraacn mui suit n. v, July ltt, ha Uo-tf DEROMKT, BROWN tO- (1 CflBAL COMMISSION MEBCH A NTS. T - WlLMOfOTOM H.C. Jan. lit. 1887,-86-tf. . ' HKNRT P. Rl'SRKIX, GCIEBAL COMMISSION MKRCHANT, U1 Cam Bat, (U- ftrtiM.) , CHARLESTON, r). C. Marek lTtk, m. . U-tf . T. H. HeKOT CO., B0CEBS AND COMMISSION MKBCHANT8, Booth J Water rt, wuMwaTOM, . U. A(. 13d, 1861. JT - . , H. B. E1L.ERI. ' "XTT HOLES ALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MEB- CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORKS, eornor Wator and Market treU, Wilmington, . u. April Id, Way-- - ' ' lit. BTOEUT. ALU. OLBB1K rrORXKY i OLDHAM, iBOCEBS AND COMMISSION- MERCHANTS, AND VJI PEALEBs 13 COBN, OAT9, f KAa, 40. - , WaamoTOH, N. C. ;; I .- ' ' Kiruroca. Col. Jobk McBai, Prwident of tbo Bank of Wilmington. O. 0. Pabblbt, Eaq., President of the Commercial Bank K. MCRRAY A COn (Sacaaatora to M array it Paaoack.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS , AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATSJi BTHSXT. WILMUiOTOir, . C. I. HCKBAT. S. B. BTBCHiaON. t. T. MTJBBiT. Pabrnary 1, 18i. 125-tf D. A. L.AMONT. ( COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. S8 North Water rtraat J Oct.lI M-tf Wawjif tor, M. G. LB. inTOOINI SONS, . DEALERS IN GROCERIES A GENERAL MERCHAN diie, 8. E. Corn. Market nd Second Streets, WlLMIMOTOH, N. C. yOrden from oar frlendi will receive prompt attention, Oct 10, 186B. J, M. HOBUSOJI ONn WuurMTOR. N. C. TIIPORTERS, MANDFACTURER3' AUENTH. AND Del- X lere ui Hardware, Culler j, Iron, Steel, Naila, Agncnl' toral ImplemantB, Ao. WE C. HOWARD. Gr ENERAL PRODUCE BROKEB, sept, w. lmu-ia tij yvilminbtow, a.i;. v ' ADAMS, BROTHER dk CO (COMMISSION MERCHA-NTB, i WamnoTOi, H. C. I. U BAT1AWAT. WM. B. UTIJIT - HATHAWAY St CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WiLMixeroK, N. C. T. C. t B. O. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FOBWABD IN Q MERCHANTS, J WlUUKBTOM, N. 0. 'March 11, 1MT , : ' 16-1 f Altai ursiaaoK, idwabd iataob. - AJTDeRSOII & 8AVAOK, C ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -' T . Wiuuxstom, If. C. Liberal oaah adrancei made oa coMignmeoU. JAMES A. W1LLARD, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCEB, I AND DEALEB IN GRAIN. No. 10 SoVra Wti Btbibt, Jan. 1, I860. - WiLMiKeTow, N. C. JAMBI 0. IHira. - - - " MIL1I OOfTXBc JA8. C. SMITH A CO- , 10MMIBRI0N MERCHANTS, offloe aecood itorj, comer j eon ui frawrana narcet eireeia, mumnnoo, fl. v.. Where the are prepare J to Attend to all baalneaa la the Commiaiioa Una. All boalneea entnuted to them win bo puotnaDy attend 410. ' : ;- W. H. HoRARY A CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Prueeai and Water J itreeta, Wilmington, . v. - .". BirBUlfOMt i - E. B. Sara je. Cashier Bank Cape Fear, WOmlnrton, V. 0. Ool. John McBae. Pree't Bank Wilmliirton, do. do. D. A. DbtIb. CaahJer Branch B'k Capa Fear, Saliibarr, do. J. G. Laah, - Salem, do. J.EUGregg.Pweidentof BankCheraw, S. C. Oct IT WALKER MEAR.ES, (Snoeeaaor to Walker Mearee ft Co..t W OLWALM AND BETA1L DBDGGI8TS, 4A aUBOT BTBB-rf, WILMDIOTaW, a. O. HARRIBS A HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . ; . WllBTJIf tow, N. 0. bomb aiBaras. a. wnvwtx. . . w. w. a i same o 1 tana , f r ORDERSORDERS. SOLICITED for WINTER CLOTHINO, or the celebrated manufactore of F. A H. Fries. Salem. The best roods in America. Planter! would do well to send in their orderaj ,w ' HEDBICJ,BIAir.n Jobs 26 th. 11(0. . i El'SIXESS AND PEOFESSiOSlL CIKDS-LVEW J. W. HOR1K, A CCT10XEFR AX D CKN R iL tiMMISSMN Ai'.F.NT, HT SrmiT, riiininiu, a. C. CtU. W. VuLlABU A Co., f. A .MUrBt. Joa I i IT, f H. J. HiMttB, j M.-UA.l'W) . Jl It. L. HOLMES, LAW OFFICE, PBiKVBse Srairr. S J -trd-BtC U Court! aTTipUa, Savptoa, BUdea, Culuaaoe aad w leader. WU-i-artaa, Pea. Ktk. 14. 139-K It c av. illh. ki.iminii. CLUI A MrTrilELL. WHOLEHALK AND BKTAIL MCALTRi IN CORy. PlAS, OAT. RYE, W H FAT BitAN, OIL, MEAL: rBESa GROUND HOMINT, HORSE A COW FKKD ; ALBD, XASm.V AXD X0RT3 RITXR BAT. X a. t Sank Water MreM, WlLKlMtTMM, N. t Fakmarr It, 1 Va Is VI t w. a.vtsb. iotit MacXKi. stain a. KMta. UWKR, tEACICK A MA, WLLMIN'UTON. N. C, COMMB810N MKRCHANTH, WHOLESALE GBOtTER aad dealart la NAVAL STOKES, CvTTON, Bad Soata era PBODL'CE gaaarally. Proaapt paraoaal attraUoa givea to aQ coaaicBBnte af Produe. Pea. U, r. M. B1MILL, A. f . ItlltLA. BIZZEIX A CO i GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. t Kortk Water Btraet, Jaa. M, laflo. Wuiwsrmi, N. C. I. WILUAES. B. B. CVBTtS. J. O. WILLIAMS A CO., C0MMISSI0X MEBCHABTh, V- 1J Fbot rr., Nsw Tobk. I'artkalar ttUntiua glrta ta the aale of NatbI Stores, Cottoa aad Urala. Fek. Id, la0 1M ly. HIGH URAHAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMtWOTOK, N. C. .Office adjoining Lotterlohs Wkarf, North Watfr Street 8ept M, 1N6A la-am OEOROE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND BETalL GROCER, DEALER IN Wines, Teas, Liquor, Coflaes, Provlsioas, Wood aad Willow Ware, Loadoa Porter, Ala, aad Champa, at, of the the rerr choicest brands, Baa. It an4 13 Pram! Slraet, 4 WiLBrxarox, N. (L April Ith, 1860. i80-9m C. II. ROBISSOI A Ctk, COMMISSION AND FOBWABDINO MERCUANTH . WiLBiNa.kb N C Office am Mr. J. A. WDlard's Store. Entrana crnerof Prtncaa and Water itreeta. . . March t, IWO 1&HA29. UNION DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON. N. C, A. H. VAN BOKEELEN, PaorBirroa. 4LL KINDS OF NATAL STORES purchased, maoofao tared aad sold harfage and Storage furnished, and Uooperagt done at tairratea. Jaa. t, lRCO.-100-tf. VOBJI W. OWBK, O. S. TABBBOCOB OWES A YARBROVOH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, North Water Street Wtlmlncton. N. C. y Liberal cash adrances made oa consignment of coun wj proooce. Not. 8ih, 18JJ. 51 HE.UOVAL. . P. UEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. ?l7fI TAKES THIS method to inform his customers tix.' and persons in want of work of any deeonp g"'r V tioB, in bis line, that be has removed bis uV hnuiury and Kulxni eateblishment to the Basemeut of the new ' Journal BmMim " on Princess Street where he will be pkased to receive orders for every description oi BiDdinc or Bulinir, Ac Ao, Tbankfol for past favors, he hopes to continue to receive t liberal patronage as neretoiore. Oct Hat, 186. B. M. WEST, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLBINUTOK. N. C. Will sell, at private sale, Colttm. tfaval Htora, sod all tinas or proauce, a smau commwum l Also, Bank Stock at 1 per cent. Ball Road Stock ...I per cent Real Estate . .1 peroent Negroea 1 per cant. Direct importation, Cargo Bale 1 per cent BBrSRI To the e It item of Wilmington generally. October 11, 1859 40-tf KOB'T II. COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. sWOffice, South Corner Market and Water Streets op siairs. . iuci. o, inv. m u EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct 1, 185. Wilm-woton, N. C. J AS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Noraa Warn branr, Wilbuhoton. N. C. Solicit conilgnment of all kinds of Produce, also, orders tor uroceres, uagging, itope, uuano, ao., o. lUriB to Joaw Dawbom, Esq., O. U. Pabslit, President Commercial Bank, Geo. Davis, Esq. jaa. t. rimiiT. booib boobs October 1st, 1869. OH AS. 0. BTIU. FKBD. ;. MOOBBc MYERS A MOORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dialrks in II ATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, FURS, MI Dim II ATS, UM vhjli.jah, vajx&s, (., U, 34 Mar set street, Wilminoton. N. C. We ara prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERc) extra ordinary Inducements, and respectfully solicit an examination of our NEW STOCK for Fell and Winter trade. Our Goods are purchased direct from manufacturers. We pay no mxmd ptqU and are willing, and can teii as tow as any Jobbing House in the United States. V'e are desirous of sendini our uooas to every section 01 nortn uaroima, ana win use every exeruon to piease an wno may lavor as wun weir orders. September U, 1H69. LAW NOTICE. J ULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LiW, umce on Hsrkst Street one door ast of Dr. Dickon's. Sept Id, 1849. 106-tf THOMAS W. SHOWN. JH. AA AV AbjAW a A A A UJBv TT COMMI88I0NEB OF THE UNITED STATES IN a vmryxTirv in t ah? AND FOB TUB DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office first floor, 2d door new Joubxai, BuaoiNa. Wilmington, Jmc Mth. 1868. 147-tf W. W. DAVIS, M. D OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT Ikh of Wilmington. - - - Office 3d door below Holmes' fioteL Front Street Jane I. 131-tf EDWARD McPHERlOII. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. South Water Street ' , . WU.MIK9TOM, N. C. Angut 8th, 1819. !34-tf A. E. HALL. FORWARDINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, I LuUtrloWt Wharf , Wimmorox, N. C. 4Mj una, loan. 178-It NEW ORLEANS SYRUP. BBLS. choice Syrnp and Molasses. For sale by May 17.- Q. 0. A W. J. MUNRO. 30 25 KEGS GOSHEN BUTTER, At Jane 11. GEO. MYERS', "P0RK-1S Bbls. City Mess Pork, pat np bxtbikslt for JL r arauy nse. or aau cy - i. u. CittA i, AprU 19 No. 4ft Market street COTTON GINS 0 T the most approved description. Manufactured by W. u. iiemons, urown Co.. Columbus, uoorzta. , For iaie at naaoiMnriri' d rices, br VORK, rniU, t EOSTOX t'.lRPS. L1UP.UTY STOVi: WORKS, A XI xzoxxo7xirAits rcrxrnr ABBOTT A DOILK. MAVVrtlTCKFlN f the el nvt Bf,- of baitil'le B!4 VV;ff St.. KVw York, lit Brva St-. It'laJWk a. N. B .Sr1-I fl. t'tfBitla. J if r. ii i:tAj. lUb IHIT ONIKMIt H canxj trT cnAin nmcTAcjonv "fSSk N JV J... All iia A. 4 -.1. ! (tt m (ntj t st)ls attitabW fv IVkMa, Ivauib B.xiaai Cl-uara. Alaa,tihaa tk- t. tt Kfeptlwa CLun: l.a4m rtaxg, Ki Ati Cbir, t au. lt r. Ae. I. U. Wll.KR. PaiWJfluBi fa.. Jaiv K lu. It NEW YORK WIRE MILL. SK.Lao at RlvUHuVU, 4M V Ai"rt Or A NAHM l WIRE OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS. rjAKTKTLAB attaatiaa irivaa er lora MU ij taaw Werab'Htas, M Juhs M., Near oii, wUk h aiU ba hUad PBOM I TLY. aad aava H'lKl) t d pat- b. CircaUra Nrtiiahe I. ttTlit dM-mat fr-ia kl, o( Bert prVaaat LO T MAUKKr KATrX TEi;Hi-Kn Bj.-athe Nnta. arMe at Rab. illrat. rest raa Ijubasja aa New lart, ) fft '. I raah. Wa-e Mill, tik btrat, Wiwk,. S J. .ha Hit. .NEW YORK. Ju!v It. J'la iBO. B. BAIK'tr. iMO. H. BTMAB, Lake af Tar', X. C. Aw 0 Sxtlan4 Jt'. i !f c. r. M. If s AN, lMtf It air at, X ('. UAMf.HINilAim C10MX1SSI0N MEBCUAN TH, UI Pratt itre-t, Nsw Vobi. tt 111 atea a Braach House in Korfulk. Vs., iba lt of rVptember, Iw'.o, aadvr the Bam af HYM AM, IUt Y A CO. July I. lHefas U tf. ClABSNl'S S. SATIS, HBBI I. tOvriB. IA4TRS A BltSTtcH GENERAL COMMISSION MKBCHAn'th for the sale of COTTON, BICE. NAVAL MOKES, and 9onthera Prudnoe geaerally. No. Ill North W bar ve a, sad ill North Water street PHILADELPHIA. March Tth, Imi 158 ly JACOB K?ED WANrrAcrrasa or MILITARY t'LurUINU. - S. E. Car. SKtO.MD aaA BPRt CK BTItKKTS, PHILADELPHIA. "MILITARY CLOTHS FOU BALE. Jan. 30. Iwo. j lit bra UHIKKCN SB AtKKl, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN YANKEE NOTIONS PERFUMERY, - SO Warran Slievl, Nevr lark. HsKBTGirri!.l W. H. Ackbn. Not. 13. 1M9. B8 ly IOBM B. LONDON, . BITAN, ia. LOBDON A UUYAN, COMMISSION MERC II A NTH, No. II India Pthikt, Bokton. ConslgnmenU of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, sad other Southern Produce solicited. Nov. Hat, 16. VG-lj. B. DOIXNIB. . roTTBB. .b. " " gjrvANSBua7 UUL.I.HKH, ItrrrhU, Sa CO., CtOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nsw Tokb. April 15, 1MB IM-,.. I. BASTBT OaOSBAN, v. S. BVBSSL COCHRAN A HV'SSELIh r ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. II North VI Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, Philaisi.hia a-lberlal cash advances made on conslgumenu. JolvtiHh.lnftJ ITS JYECKIVKD, Another lot of Patent Wire Mosquito Xfrrsmes. rorsaiaoy l.. rin.viMiT, July It. Corner Front and Prlnrem aia, tiVitnn rumi 1 nvrt v i i iitiiii F( BALES EXTRA HEAYT GUNNY CLOTH, for sale fj 1 low to oioae a couiignmcni, oy July U. T. 0. A B. G. WORTH. C1TRA W WA'ITIVUt, I and -4 White and Checked U Matting. ForsAleby J. S. WILLIAMS, July 11. '"" cAui'kiiS u." ac." "' TTEMP. Ineraln. Ktioer I'lv. Tauntrv. Rrouela and Vet- lJL vet Capetlog 1 Oil Cloths for Floore, MUlrs and Tables; rrintea l'rugget oy trie yard, and I'a'lerm ror Cromh ( I thu Llnoen Dsiuk for coveri g carpeu and stairs, Straw Mat liDts, Cocoa Matting for Public Hmist-s snd Rail Roail Cara: Ruri, Hemp. Straw Adelaid and Velvet Matte. Ilrunnola and Velvet HasKocks, Kludings and Curpet Sweepers, are In store ana win oe suppiiou to consumers at extraordinary low raiea, oy b. W1U.1ABS. July 16. HAaPUKRRY St III I'. F YOU WISH TO keep cool seud for a Bottle, at L July 10. GEO. MYERS'. C COTTON YARN. J sale by July 10th, 1800. 13 bales in store (nos. 6 and li) lor W. U. BlcnAKT A CO. SEED I'KAS-SKK.I) PEAS. s MALL LOT Cliy Peas for sale by Uiy 17. fcLLlS HITCIIKI.L. SIIKKTI" A!l t OI TOT YARNS. B A LEES NORTH CAROLINA SHEETINGS : 1 J 10 do, do. do. Cotton Yarns. For sale by a a.... ......a AUg. I. A. C. B. U. V.UU 111 OATSOATS. 750 BUSHELS EXTRA HEAVY OATS. For s.le by AUR. 1. I. U. A O. U. VVUKill. SL'NDRIKS. hbds. choice Cardenas Molasses ; 60" " Muscovsilo 60 bbls. N. O. Molasses and Sj rup ; 250 ou osgs onea ; 25 cBks Rice, ((lifTdrent grades.) 600 sacks Halt ; 60 bbls. Herriog ; ' 60 bbis. Mesa aud Prime Poik ; Gunny Bars and Bagging ; Soap, Candles, Ao. ir or sale by July 23.18WJ.., (A? U A W. J. M UN KO TO COTTON PLANTERS. CiTTE HAVE accented the aeencv of JEFFREYS' PAT YV ENT COTTON Tla. for securlnir Iron bands 00 Cotton bales. We have the Ties and Hoop Iron for sale, In qusntltlei to suit. The above ia the most admirable invention ever devised for fastening the ends of iron bands on Cotton. No holes are punched no rivets are used, and yet it Is sec ore ly fast' ened together. It is cheap, useful and economical. Plant ers are requested to examine its merits. June 11. UWTISK. f KACOCiV CO. NEW PLOCR-NEW B"LOlU. NEW FLOUR 1 NEW FLOUR ! In bars and bbls. By STOKLEi A OLDHAM. Jaly 24. ' SliUAH-blUAH. BBLS. PORTO RICO, in store sod for sale by July 26th T. H. McKOY A CO. 40 WALL PAPJbU WALL PAPER. THE Largest and cheapest stock In the State. , Paper Hanging done at the shortest notioe, by O. rOLVOGT, July 18. Corner Front and Princess ls. WHITE AND BLACK CUHLKD HAIR, on hand, u - n 1 .. . . mil - j - . - f f wauoaHB, ouwwn auu riuum mauq to oraer at short notice. All sizes of Moss sod Shuck Matresses con stantly on hand and for sale by C. POLVOOT, j uiy is. vomer rront and trracess sts. HOWK'B CKLKUHATaU SCALBS," A LARGE ASSORTMENT ON HAND. Call and ice them. T. C. fc B. G. WORTH. july 25. " ; ' A gent for N. C. BACON HAMS. I A CASES Hoyts Extra Family Hams, per Schr. Edward 1 J Tbomu. for sale from wbarf by July 30th , , , T. O. A B. O. WORTH. GUN POWDER. ALL the varieties of DuPont'i manufacture, inclnding s large supply of Blasting Powder. For sale on maim facturer1! Recount, by JftBOSUET, BROWN A CO. m K'-TAf! !rL! t. f A A t.tH kUl4 it CkfKT. , 1 ! ae ( a I ara taa kv. t t J ti- JiM X i a 4 kvivI l am . !,,:, . 4 '? - " i- t -utj i..wj, ia ifca V,i k Am il ta' PaiB wc l liat, :r.. J tva, A1I ul k i ri I ;jj . lavuiHatarT la-i y, - :. trnr tmtrtv J, .,' it N.i '- .iwua, ' - 'A. -r-, 4 rf a,'' s I Ja.. ( tVtutara U Is- It-alt 1 1 fj T".l UtavM w ! tfM ; W tna l a, iKaNa M tia U.l 11, H ill, A- ' t.oxa al .ta I . euaaartt . kkia.a ft, w 1 rtnba Na.-.tf ".uiie- In l .a Mmy 11 , j4 J -ife ja in. ania-J J Km J prf a B ! fc tUr iat It vt f 'WIIM Hwiwiirf t"!,aa a t-'lt Ittef M-t l k' i t 1 1' 'fm "A atiir-i'r wiartya. I if -p.ia.ih . . tounq men f.t-Jaly, bata twrMma Ikia Vutiiaa vc i Uat ti f, 'iAl 4ivatiu4 il i-i 'ii k ".t iU k aaj a.J-v . itf at aa Uuiy ra U. MinO. uf I a4 B-a u( r.a aj.wt Hv.i'.a u'-pi a if vita IM lUiu-i, J aKu-a.a. ,4 kl ! - . i y ia trtti ijiwhj i anta (mi iv,.a n Ann Lia c Itaninl lVia, , aa,in( , aiW..(ali, mar, Ih aarajf kjaial avakqraa. w ilily, ifctirni't.. 4 a 11 've!l aabplaabiiairtiiiMth(jwant 1h I. ral II eoaS JautKe hcaor aa jtw, anl a,.a Irnl ra'f ki aiiU a a rbyatuaa. , oca an io wrAJLNcsa lw4iatflv urta4 ruil tgat tabM, 1 Bia 1'ra.Jful Uiaraxa L n k itbn I Jl aiwala aJ Mat nag tnpaait-ia la U paeaUjr a4 f ILa l. Una ih liupt fai luUuatwaa, tfiuf fiarauua wm ui tx auwHUt aiMaaia liwa twto aaara of 4rvliu iia.litrrK-a thai a aj,.a Njw, Uv that aa-aua-le lha aul t ail! ixatroJ Ui Jt ib.il lb toei af poeraUa ta k4 tuuml kr lk,-a fait1 a( lon im pf'pvt BHi thaa by tha i.rJ.i4 S-.la kn 4,prd I ha iaaaiaaf botlihjr urtatxii a. lUaiwat at aa t Ui,H yairiiah.H&bltaa4 inlaJanM, The lm tmrrn laat!4. taa I'tijuciJ au4 Btauial an'igi V aaAanaJ, U ul ftAiaalira Puwar, Nar.uua lirlUtiUttr, l4wa, l'al4ta U.ia wf tha haart, laJi.a.ta, CunmUwal iWuUiy.e W aallii. uf UiS Fiaaia, toa.ija, Luaaaan auuu, Aa. orrzea no. i. oTrrn rnsszmics bt. I aft hul i I tmu4 ft inb liaJuotiira tract, a tav Vte fi oui the caraar. Fail b4 ta wW a mm au4 a um Um Latiara aiaat t-a paid ao4 foa'Aji a .tiuip. 11. IkkLh I plotuaa kao tu bia uQV'a. OR JOUNI0N Maiubat uf tha Kijral t'uih-aa f tiif.n (radaal Iwia uua l tha bk atuiiiatit tollMin tba U,tr4 Bttatra, aud Iba (risilal trt af whoa III aaa w aint ia the hwitaj uf Luwlou, Pari, PhilaJalfbla and tiaaabere, has altecta.1 ausna of the a ait a,niaklicurathAleraata kuoaa ; mnj truabM nk riu(lpc lu Iba ba4 aud aara ulaafi, grwat aarvwiatitwa, im tiif alarmed at aad4aa suea la. baahrulnaaa, wi'h triu.t t iuh aiiaJa auuMuana a uk a 4rusu.aut af miihI, atra t uu4 liuuMitlatal TASO rARTZCVLAXl NOTICE I 1I. J. Mreeas all thi who h uimra,J UiauiattlvM li prvrtiJtuifaa. and tulHary haMit, a blah rula both buUy aud Biiu4, aDttUu.j lUaui fur altbcr baaiaHa, study, society ur uuw rtoja X atsi ara traa uf the sad and nalaii. buty tlt ta prudu'd by aarly kaMteuf yotilb vn : tVaaknatAuf tua Uvk Sut Uialnk I'Aiaaiatba IKaO, LHiuuaaa wi B(lit. la uf Muarular Fuarar ralpitaUoa of the llaart, l'ypey. f.artou IrrHahillty, Dw huigaiaai of the lnf.Uve FuikUwih, UtUflai DoUUlT, hiBl Uxu of Cunsuiapuuti. BlsnvAitv -nia fearful alTwU on the mind ara much to be area4e4-Loa of Memory, t'lHifutlns of I !,, IVrnuwtiil Hplrlva, Kvll ForelKilnrt, A.araloa tu P wlaty, Half Dlatrast, Laef BVllta4, Tinl4ny, Ac , are aana of the svlla proUuia-l 1 aoreiSDt rf mum t f all ajx caS hum jJka abal la tlx sauas of liiatr dat lining health, I Min Ih.lr 1.ur, haujmli aaak pala, aarvtwA and atuaciatad, batiiif a sliif uiar i'faf u. aliuttt the ejee, rough su4 ty aipUiiua af euntuiuptiua. YOUNQ WEN Who have lujured IhetuMlvaa by a awiaia airai-Ura indulged In bra akioa-a bablt fre-tnently laarnad ln.tn eil rvtuiiaiiiuua, or at a lio.il, tba eRwt uf a hick ara ul.hlly Nit, evN vUn l.ti1 and If not cured randers marnatra minwaibla, aud 4tnys bulh wind and body, ahould apply luinwliaily. What a pliy that a youu. man, the boi of bis eottntry, the dulling of bis pareula, alwuld l anati ha,) from all liruatiaola and alounUof lifa, by UiacuaaHtuMaef davtatlna Itnn tba path M nature aua Uululyllig lu a autialn saiiet hl it. Hi U poituu aa w wiviw kM 'tiSIt lUBJ " lYiAnnxias rallacl I but A tumid mind and body are lha iumt(Hwruary rijnt- na)iiii.a, jnuaatt, aiinuul tlivats Iba Jouniay thrMf h in. bcmlw. a ary iillgrimaga 1 Iba proa pact bou ly darken HJha viaw ; lha Blind bnmtuea ahaduwad with aeapalraod dllixl with tba ai.laiKdiuly rallartluu Hut the bapplnaa of aootbar beouinea blights ailli our own. szBSAiQ or iTfirnuDcu When tbe mlwuldvd and lmiriph-iit voUry of daatua llnda be ha i lmhlld the eaade of thia nalnluldlMaaa, It i ufmn bai mia that au lll-tilued hum of abaiua, ur dra4 of dlamivery Ha rt him from applying to tlnaa wlw, fnwii alura l.in and re upwlabillty aau alone liefrlend him. II fall. Into tha hao I of Ignorant and daalgalng pr-tetklai. alio, ltcnalla fif aurln , Hkli hit pecuniary eulttanre, ktw p blip Irllling nionib after unmlh, or aa long a tba amalleat fra can be obtain.!, and lu dvaimlr leave blm aritli ruined ballb to aigh over bit galling dlanpiaunlmxiit or, by tba uaa of that dewlly innaon, Mnroury, bMt.ii the eonall tutiiMial ayataia of thi. terrible dlaM, ain-h a. altiwlliu of I lie llaail, 1 hi oat, Nnaa, Skill, etc., pruKi'malng with frlghlful r pt.lt. Jy till death put a period to In drntdlul autlrrlliii by n-n.linj hi hi to that uuUiouuvfiad country from aboaa bvuroaug travel-r return. xdohbeiyixnt or tiiii rnrsn The many tbouaand enrad at thi InaUtiitlon within la Ucl riirnwmt yrara, auu i lie nuineroti important Hurglnal Opetatlona wrloimed by Dr. Jobnaton, wltiieHl by tha laportur of tbe " Wun " and many othar tiapaf a, notlP. of wlil. h have apiwared sain and again Iwfura the publle, twalda hi. atandlng a. a gen tleman of character and reapoiiaibillty, la a tuflluivut g uai autva to um aiuitiau. 8HIN OZBZ1ABSS ErcIDILV CUITED I'eraroit writing abmild be iartlulf In dlret'tliiif tlp lr lutlni to lila luatltullon, In the follow Imr miirMr : JOHN M. Jllll.NhTON', M. D, IfciHIliiiire lirk pltat, luly HI, 1STO.-iT9 y llalllinora, Alaryland. . JIISt'KLUXEOt.S. CASirilOll ICK I A.MI-IIOIt BIMP. TTNEQUALLKD for the bitrg of mil(oiilli)cs, Insentu, Jc j ao excellent sppiiratfon for puraun who line naid tbe " Sound a et iii. Hold by U B. r-HAMUEUT, Phsrmsre.itit. Herald copy. June 3, SCKO PKAB-PKAH.' BUSUKU CLAY I'KAS Juat recniv. ,!. For U I J .mm ti. M.I.IS A MITCHELL. K H K-.lt If k. fTft CASES FIUISH UK AT, Churl- atoii fiime 111.;-, now OU landiiiK Iront Hchr. Volant, snd fur sale fiom wlisrf and stoie, at tho very lowest niaikvt price, by et ".;.. J, MCMJ'I. CASO-lOiiO Bairit lu at-ire. For sale by W. II. MclUIIV A CO. Jiidi; It). ICEICKlf:K. 1 MIS HOCK PPB1NG ICE IIOUhE, on North Water Kt.. . Isrge new building near lb lict, Is uow opmicdiud uiing eMiijaeo witrt a no. i article or mo best Kortacro ICK, to be sold in quantities to suit our City cusioinar. I wllj give my peraonol attention to packing and forwarding promptly, all orders from thi adjoining couutry. ICK iur nlelied to sick and poor, free of charge, accompanied by I he ir puyn.iiau a i rniinam, r-. r. 1'UUlXIi 1 rODTUlltr. , Aprll KHli, 1SCIL i.,4.tf WILMINOTON IRON A .Ml COI'l'KIl mTiRKM, r0.f BTBBIT, BII.0W VABIAT, WILMINGTON, N. C. L, A. II A ST A JQIW C. llAILEW r.rorrutlvr, PRACTICAL BUILDERS of portable and stationary Steam Engine, of soy re quired power and kind of boiltr, saw mills, IT r lu t Kill, .in i,.,,ln.H ...J-....l.-l ! .u mn,,u, auuauj uiu-rr ainu of machinery made In soy estaoliiihmeut South. Have on band a large variety ol pittorua for mcblnery now in gen eral nse in the surrounding country. Will supply drafts of an aiooa oi macniuery sua mm woik. lurpentloe stills nd copper work In all its brancbti. All kinds of Iron and brass castings, finished or unfinished, at short notice. Old machinery overhauled and repaired. All work warranted to be as represented." in connection wttn toe aoove estaiiiisbmeot, wo have on hand a large stock of rubber and leather belting, lacing, packing rivets, ana mm roc us ana oouing cloth for srist lll 11 11 1 A ' I .-I .1 m i . n uiuia. mill oawa auu vuvuiar diwi oi sot Size ana pampp. lurumucu at euurt uuuvc, , : t :.l 1 -1 . ....... o- o , Feb. 1.1. POBK LABD HAMS of prime quality, now landing from ichr. Ef a Bird. For iaie by June 25. BIZZELL A CO. IN STORK. NO. 1 PERUYIAN GUANO i Beesa's Manipulated " sombrero " , American . - " : . Petershnrg Fertiliser , , . . , . .. Soper Phosphate Lime 1 Phcenix Island Gnsno, Ac, Ac, Ac. In "tore and for laleby W. U. MqRARY & CO, , my zo. ; : . 1 RECEIVED THIS DAY per Kchiv A. J. DeROSSET. If FIBKIN8 EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER ; , J 10 boxes Cheese s 109 bass Table Salt : No.l llacklrel. In store and forsaloby T. C. CBAfl. nsTs. HtlTSil. t Ktirmi im nca ci.'r!r:x t: ta-a-h", l ta a 3 e-a a 4 - r t, t' a v ia rr i fx iJ ; fc t , tt ail t paid to 1. 1 ib aa TsmiUi t ". r i v li ( . - r t r: M t r - I : Acf i.l I4l. j. -""3 1- 1 - . 4 In owstn WAit.i I Ij p. t aat ag. ataiked J. bkS r, rt Ht per N br. A. J. In U. hh, hung ?w Turk. Ftoied tJ ad.artw4 , paar a rk as! tieM. . HitUlvi A ttuAtLL. BWOH : UHHM MAwVsWaTEjjT. i s OOU WAGE ertll be aaH, an t rne.U-l ewelvw, B I gives atiU Irwat luf S OH M Lii U:iH H. iu. tMi-NV(rufj.) id a-Mk ea tbe t'aaiptav hit'pe la FatrlgH, Sio.Ca. , T. J. llOLT. O aR - A It B. R.Cf, i Halaitk. l-'thJuly, ht .1. I a EDUCATIONAL MB alilMKa f lit (.AH AY ASH DIIERt ILLY, HFi, TO ANXtifXtg to tbelv frle.le and lb pabuo. that tki bOARDlXU aad DAY KHOuL fr Vaucg !?a.'.i" ' PW Nl- U'1 tai 4M fcl"i B"W Itiiladetpkla. rWptraibar Ulb, lurtO. Ang.jkh, l , .... saiiw s-hi u"t iiolh a Mii.iTaH y i sir mTtr t HAklOTTK, Y. C. I Till 54 F,KSU;f ,tia K hoolai:! WftB as the lat n of tk-ioberaaxt. ApplkaUorte for admiaaioa, or for- thtf hiltHuiatuxi, ibotild be id iraeaed ta Autf. Jd, 11,0, , ji k tsrrnn 1 1 ito uu wlu f i uf Tf i Ms t lft ITEMS btillJARY OB Yot sa ladies. r fltllE FOl'ltril rES.SlONf lbee lutttBtleus will com 1 nesi e oa 1 hursday the klh of Sep terabar. 1 For Cirfuh r, -ntatunig lull paruoolara, aIIraaa the It" lr, or ( apt. J ak. h, RaDCUFFE. r-uprmtsdnL , , , - . TVikwa, N.C. Jnna ?l, Hi.tl j,,, NOTICES. Tit .MMUT VI IIH ort lt K, V,C. A R. IL R. Co I WlLMlNviroN, N. C. I UNTIL Fl'UTll tU NUill'K, fral-hl for the VVUm!nton, Charlotte and Uutherford Rail Koad will bl received oh Turaday, Thurajay aud Saturday alternooos only, FerT dls? Iad uf freight muatba aeoomnaniait ka lha cuatuitiar, duplicate teoaipt foraach station, lbs premrlbed form ol which van be obtained at tha printing oRloee. - T. I. LOVE, , , . ., . Agent Trsosporution. juty nil, lRiii . j.vj-a HUBT JILY, IBSO, 4 IX BILLS made prsWuu to this date are now due. il. Parsons Indebted to us will ptesse take sotlci, ind ply of, as we need, ami must have money. t it imr.iitva A cnvi July t cor. Market A 14 ste. JILY so, taoo. -veil At'coi NTJ tlita Bt above date are made est. Our w ps truus will oblige us by calling as, I making settlement. July 2d, Imio, B. u. hahu ivaiLt.ii A CO,, SS-Oid Htasd, Corner stors. VS XTtniciCAll parsons Indebted tome either by sole or 11 sccounl, are rs(ueud to come forward A settle them i and all aecouuls staudlliir over BinetT davs. lha Intaraat anl be added. THUS. 0. ClUrT,9M.ikat.L June IN. KOTICK TO lOTTOSl AMD TllU'EflTlftK ttk R.HEIIB. rK KEi:i conatautly on haad, Bagging and Rape, sew ,7.,.,,ld ,',c""1 ''and Spirit Casks, all Muali ties of Glue, n ill (ill ordure for Gnaso, Hoop Iron, do., Ao., at lowest June Ul, lw!o JAB. T. PETTEWAY A CO. rayeiti-vl la liln.erver and I'reabyterloB copy 1 month. ilrtlta Capa rar a llraaa Btaam BaTlkaUon Co, '.I WiLMiNHToN. N, U., lutkt May, U60. rrilK HOARD OP MltKCfollS. of this Comnanv h.va .1 mads i contract f .r tho eonstrovUos of aa tronStesm Ship, to be put opon the line between New York ind thia port In the early part of October. In the mean time the Screw Steam Hhlp PARKEri8BUBQ will make regular trip, commenclug about the LHL Jane, and npon the completion of the Ship contracted for, will run in , uiiiiri ,mu witfi nrr. At S liieUlllIlT uf lha rtliard of Dlrai-lnra hall tlil. A..' I has been ordured tbsl the following hiatal line nU h paid upon lbs suhacrlptiooa to the capital stock of this Company I at, ram inaiitiiiiient oi 1,1 per cent Id, 2 1 per cent, payable 2:.th Juue, ISfiO. 3d, 24 " " ftth Sept, " 4th, 24" " J.-ithOct, ;,tb. tu 20th Jan.. I'll. GILBERT POTTER, President - Ilo-lm Mar loth, lof SOMMEtt RESORTS. ' KOIl TIIK YIUUISIA HPRINUB. aWatakv,U rptlK SIIOUTEST, OCIC'KKST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE 1 Bt piewntlo tho VIRGINIA SPRINGS is from Pft Ts-b-irg, Va., Tin the SOUTH-HIDE and VIRGINIA and TEN NKlIK ilAILUOADS aud opposition lines of Btsgei, en nuripg to tho traveler ample loom,, attentltm and accommo da inii Bbd low fnrB. . .,-., For Ihe GRICENBRIKB WHITE tJULTHUB BPRINGS' baiwcngers purchase tickets at thn South Hiilo Ifallroad ODioa -to lluiiBin Iwa Depot, 14 no. Thence the Ktagcs to the Sweet PprliiKS aie now charging 12, or to tbo While Sulphnrll 0, nmkiiif the f.irc only f i 10 to the Sweet, aud I') 40 to tbo White Sulphur. .,. . 'I hers in aim nnnoaitloa llnna nf ttitmnk ,ini,l... Hull' iii Depot vi iloenokn Rod Sulphur Springs and I lino from Aloot.goii.cry White Sulphur fsnrinfrs by the Mountain Laka and halt bulpbur Spilogi to trie Greenbrier White kiul bhur. . For tho MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR 6FRLVGS, now one of the most accaiHiblo, agreeable ind popu Ur Springs la the moantilns, pure base tickets from . , Pcteiabura to Big Tunnel,.. ji For COINER B SPitlNGS purchaso tlckeU to Boaaacki 0I)(lt . . . A OA liOANoKE liKDj fcULPHUR tuko' tlckeu' to' Pal'c'in ' ALLEGHANY Hl'TtlNOS, tickets to bhawsvlUe Depot 8 04 YELLOW SULPHUR SPRINGS, tickets to ChriiUanJ burg Depot.. , ; i S 45 OLD RED bt'Ll'iiUH SPRINGS, tickeU to Dublin Dfpot,.v 920 ' The can leave the depot of the Booth-Side Railroad daily (except Sundays) at 7 A. M. s Passeagera from South and North Carolina will find this much the cheapest route to tbe Springs this Summer. H. D. BIRD, Bupt 8. 8, B. B. Juno 23d, 18G0 - - ' - - - 849 2m .Ol II, 1NIII;ji.j Jj II. ... jW j MOCHNINO VEILS, Crspo, Gransdine, Laco and Love. -Far sale by J". S. WILUAES. j..i ink ' . -JKAlLk,H UAOet. 3 July 11- For tale by J. 8. WILLIAMS. I pr TONS U inch Hoop Iron; At O li For sale by E. A. KEITH. jniy in. . - Bt 1Ut6 STEAMSHIP PAKKERSBCKC.T WE BECE1VED this morning by the Parkenbur", Choice Gosben Butter; . Smoked Beef ; City Uesi Pork. For sale by " L. B. HUGGI.i A S0N8. TO CLOStU CONMUXAliCivfT T OCT Her . TTE WILL BELL 73 TONS RED ASH EGG COAL i T- ot s imall advance on cargo price. Applyto-- ; ; Aog.4. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO." ' , HOOP IHIIM. 1 A TONS at 47. pet ton, cash. Tot isle by 1U Aug. 3- - fi. A. KEITH. COHSi. COW PASAcl. BU8HELS. For sale by July II. ELLIS A MITCIir.LL. 1000 KASTERM HAY. OH A BiLES rRiaiff QUALITY, in store For 1e br sy i. - yuuadAiAi Attuwa ataj Aug, a, low. aaUV doiyiut . .. F.I.T.1S A. MTTfV" ' r. a maa- bmvw