S V c WlIJiUNGTOX. N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, I8tU WHOLE KUMEIK 2,752 VOL. 9- -NO 203. - IT f t LTV A PHJCK. rKOPRl CTVkLB. FWT S.E-ir. U rs.:.'K, F ... Ttnu B WarlpOaaa- IV !y Pr, e year, tsny m aJi- . ? . Wm ? " - 2 M . All letter on bdaiaeas eotarctt-i with Via . wt N I to U propoewc. KITES OF AD'.:i....v.. SALsiriB. On da; t daw Three dajtw Pot ttal . Fiv d ... Oa Iht Twa week Oat Blot 1 4 Two mcr.h..,... TVt Seooia..... w I $ a 0t ta... 1 d . . Tin da). . ' Tumi data ........ Five Iavt.... Tw wa. Om aaoatk., ...... Twa atati'b... .. Tare BaJoUa .... ku atoatfca .1 s n J? .1 GO I w .1 DO I -i J Ml i : : ; t co . 1 .19 DO U M SiX BvCUkB .a oo Oat yr 30 00 Tea Usee art coasted m a Kjur, aad It L at fee a tU ttiur. Longer adveruaeateata la prvpKUoa, aJ all t.l ti advance. Wbea bo paid la aavaaca U cent par aqsar tU be charged after this trot btaertioa. M" AU kaU aaarM ael paid fut U adTaaea Ul b c aarg Jut aqoara. Mi4tcrueiBtnta laaerUJ aa Bpacial or BUhcp Koticaa ar caarjei oaa-aaJ Bora thaa aTt rata ikt Uaaa (kaJtJ) m Iraa aoakted aa a aquara. AiTcruaeiMDta iaaanad ever athar day ara caarp4 I?) caota ft aTiara for tack tawartiaa aftar the first. AT it a potUcatioa b4 iUiuat a rvvpuiuubli aaaa BUSINESS AND PR0FESS10XAL CARDS. ' DR. B. V. A Illll 1 OTO ' SURGEON DENTIST, f "w OFFICE and RaaiUaoca ca UuUX atravt, JL - naUdiPft forari; eeapia4 J. U. Wright, QlTTTtJ Ka., WklmiBftoa, K.U July butTl'SO. 161-tlata LOU B. KRtHBCRT, DKUGGIST AXD PRACTICAL I'UABSiACnrnsT, Wiijiikwtoii, N. C. Kaapa conaUatl ea land, a aelrct atock of lntgt, UtA irtnrt, Dome$M tmd AWvjxaH tVmoa, Vneji and a.tr'articalar attntlua paid to rMcirTiow, raat Bsciriis Mioicma Caam, c. .btora tramadlatelr aader tha " Carolina Hotel. July li, m-tf 1 O. C. W. J. MtNRO, COMMISSION MKBCBANTa aad WHOLESALE GRO CEKti, No. 11 Mortk Water Btreat, Jom U, Wimmofoii, W. C. OUTKR KKLLBT, ITTHOLESAU AND RKTAU DKALEQ3 IS C BO Car BllS3AJDPB0VIiil0Na, No. 11 Aortt Water r((, re. K, 1R4J. - WimmaToii, N . C. T. H. aaiTB, Jou nciA.am. WITH A Mtttt BH, C0IM1SS10S AD FORWABDLNO MERCI14XTS, WlLMU)ttfN, N. C. - -- tirto;; ' " JoBiiIfiwaoir.liqr, Mayor. K. P. Hall, Eq., Preaident Branch Bank Stata If. C. Jul lit. 186 Kb it ' UJCH1MHKT, BKOWH 4t CO- ( 1 tXEEJL COMMW810.X MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON . C. Jan. lat, 147 tf. HENRY P. HVMCLL, GESEBAL COMMltitilON MERCHANT, 147 Kaa Bat, (Ur Stair.) . CHARLESTON, B. C. March 17th, 1858. t T. II. HcKOV CO.. BOCEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bonth IT Water atraet, wiLMwaroi), a. v. Ang. J3d, 18M. 97 II. B. KIL.RRB, ITTHOLESALB GROCER AND COMMISSION MER V CHANT, aad DKALEH IX NAVAL BTOUKS, comer Water and Markat itreata, Wilmington, y.u. AprU Id, 1868. 111. aTOKLir. ALII. OLDIAM. ITOHJJCT OLDHAM, GR0CKR8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ANL DKALKBS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. N Wjlhumjtoh, N. C. BlTIHlKCI. ColjoHM UoBav. Presldeot of tba Baak of Wilmtniton. O. O. Pamut, Kaq., Prealdent of tha Coctniercial Bank. E. Ml'IlRAY di CO, (Socaaaaora to Mrrmy U race k,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLES AI.B UROCERS, WATKH BTKSET. WILMINGTON, N. C. t. MuaiAT. D. b. ircmcHiaon. t. r. mciiat. Ftbniary 1, lVi. .L D. ALAJHOIIT. (COMMISSION MERCHANT, Mo. 38 North Water itraet J OCt. 12 Jl-tf WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. tm B. IIl'OCitNS A ROWS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES ft GENERAL MEHCHAN diae, S. E. Corn. Market and Second Streata, WlLMINQTOX, N. C. y-Orderi from onr friendi will receire prompt attention, Oct. 10, 1869. - J. H. ROBDI90S BON, Wii.minotoi. N. C. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Ppb lerea in Hardware, Coitery, Iron, BUiel, Kaila, Apricot- turai impiementa, ao. WM.C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 30. 186i.13-tf WiLMiweToh, N 0. ADAMS, BROTI1KR dt CO, (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J - WlLMIKOTOK, N. 0. I. L. HATHAWAT. HATHAWAY St CO, vm. a. rrnT COMMISSION MEHCHAN TB, WlLH fKOTOK, K. 0. T. C. A B. O. WORTIt, COMMISSION AND FORWARD 1NQ MERCHANTS, 1 WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. archil, 187 15-Iy Jaxm AXDiaaoK, OWABO IATABB. ANDERSON A SAVAOK, ' C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' T . Wilmjkotom, N. C. Liberal caah adrancei made on consignment. JAMKS A. WILLAIID, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCER, V ' AAV D&AAJUi li UHA1N. Kt. 10 South Watib 8trmt, Jan. 8, 18C0. Wilmikotoh, N. C, 4 ABM C. WITS. MILM 0OBTW, . . . r . JAS.C.tMTTH CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, office aecond atory, corner ly Bonth Water and Market atreata, Wllmintoa, N. C, whrt they are prepare J to attend to all boaineaa ia tha Conuniaaion line. . Ail boameoa ntrsated to them will be pnnotnally atund edto. . 'ur. u. w.niov jr'rvi - . VcOMMlSSriONJIERCHANTS, oornar PrinceM and Water j atreata, numiugtvu, n. v BBriBBKCBi: H. R. Baraee, Caahier Bank Cape Fear, WOalnirton, N. C. " Col. John McRae. Prea't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Davie, Caahier Branch B' k Cape Fear, Saliabory, do. . J.O. Laah, M " M " " Salem, do. J. ei Qregg, Prealdent of Bank Cheraw, S. C. Oct 17 WALKER ME ARKS, . (Sncceaaor to Walker Mearea ft Co.,) HOLESALB AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, as liun tmunr, wtuaxaww a. u. . HARRI8S A IIOWKIX, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. j ,.,....r......:...;..5 ... WrLMTtf BTOM, N. O, Boaea BABBtaa. A fftll , iwt i ana ORDERS ORDERS. S0UCITED for WINTER CLOTHING, of the celebrated manufacture of V. ft H. Friea. Salem. The best foods In America. Planters would do well to send in their orders Jul Utli, IMO. EISINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS.) j. vr. iiohik. 1 IVTIOMXE AND t.lVaRAL COMMISSION AGENT, ; Ht hriT. riiiTt'iuc, . l KirtaiMt: w. Wuu it to., s a A W. VvUrtit. t l'lTUS A SuVAS, r Jt I'TVIT, I K. J. H ertl.. I II. U HOLNU, t aw orru t, riiMM stt. t -CmH W 1' irliw. f'traiT, K-ad tJuakm a4 Wa atia, Kta. lma, ia!ll? c-av.BiuV a. . airvBitL. CLUt At IHTOIKLL, WHdLKSALK AND flKTAIL DKALERS IX j (lORN, PEA, OATX BYE. WHFAT BRAN. OIL W HAL,' j I RESH Gnol NU HUM INT, UOBE A DW fT.ED; Zsisrrjt.v 'as o o&tu utrtR ba r. Nv f Nofh Water Mrfet, W luiiMirv, N. C F.bmtfT la. Hffl U1 wa. a. eti- iotct pbaooib. sAm. a. nMU" (.W1KR. I'tAtOlK h WILMINGTON. N. C COMMISSION MEErnANTH, W HOLEt A LK GBlH LR, and dMlora ia NAVAL 8TOBES, tTTON, and bout a era PRODUCE (reaeraUy. Prompt paraoaal attrstioa Btvsa to as roan'ramaau Prodace. Feb. It, 10-lM-ly r. a. aiiiLw, a. r. auxit , BiiiKUi a GROCERS A COMMISSION MKKCHANTH, No. U Nortk Water atreet, ... ... Jan. Tm, lhfiO. namaTo", n. i . j. a. wiixiAHi. a. a. itbtib. J. . WILXI ANT (Os COMMISSION MERCUANT, 1n Fbont t., Nsw Toat. Particular attentioa fivta t the aala of Mfal Morvt, Cottoa aad Uraia. Feb. 3d. 10.-128 ly. lilt. II GRAHAM. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WiLaiti!, N. C. .orric aljoinlng Latterluha Wharf, nortk awr mreeL hept , lai!. 18-m UEORUR MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, DEALER IN Wines, Teaa, Liqaore, CoOtee, ProviMoaa, Wood aad Willow Ware. Loadoa Porter. Ale. and ChampacM. of the the very choicest brands, ( naa, am ! riwn iimi, WaaiMiTon, N. . April 4th, 1800. l80-9m C. II. ROBIVBON A CO, COMMISSION AND FORWAKDINO MERCHANTS J . WaaiNs.cb N C. Office over Mr. J. A. Witlard'i Store. Entrant craer of PrinceM and Water streeta, March tW-iSMly, UNION DISTILLERY WILMINGTON, N. O, A. II. VAN BOEEELCN, PaorBiBToa. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES parcbased, mannfao tured and sold Wharfage and Storage furaiebed, and (Jbojxrflys done at lairratea. Jaa. 1, 1WO.-100 tf. JOHN w. OWSK, O. I. TABBBOTOa. OWEN A YABnitOlOII. COMMISSION AND FOHWARDINO MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wllmtnirton, N. C. r Liberal cash advances made ea eouslgnmenta of eoun try produce. "Not. 8th, 1M9. UKMOVAL. P. DEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. TAKES THIS method to inform hla customers and persons in want of work of any deecrtp tloa. in his line, that he ha removed bis Book- utter y and Kulmj establisbment to the Basement of the new "Journal Burning" on i-rinceaa rtireei, wnere oe will bt pleased to receive orders for every description ot Binding or Riling, Ac, Ac. Thankful for past favors, ha hopes to continue to receive a liberal patronage sa heretotore. Oct. 21st, 186. S. M. UKRVr, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WaamoTOK, N. C, Will sell, at private sale, Cotton. Naval titan, and all kinds of produce, at a small oommiuion ; Also, Bank Stock at ? 1 per ceut Rail Road Btock 1 per cent. Real Estate 1 per cent Negroee 1 percent. Direct importation, Cargo Bale 1 per cebt BBFBM To the citisena of Wilmington generally. October 21, 1869 40-U nOB'T II. COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMINUTON, N. C -0ffic, Bonth Corner Market and Water rUreeteop stairs. Oct. 6, lM-26 tf EDWIN A. KEITII, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 18& WlLMIKOTOK, N.C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. 1 ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . No. 8 Kotbh Watkb Strut, WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, also, orders for Grocerts, Bagging, Rope, Goano, Ac, Ac. Rbpbb to John Dawdoh, Esq., O. G. Pabhliy, President Commercial Bank, Gio. Davis, Eho,. JAS. T. PITTBWAT. BfOKB MOOKI. October 1st, 1859. CBAI. P. MTIM. rUD. t. M0OBB. MYERS A MOOHR. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dsalm ik IIATS.CA M, 8THAW GOODS. FURS, RWINQ IIAT8, UM BRXLLAH, CANES, 40'., 34 Market street, WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. We are prepared to offtr to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducements, and respectfully solicit an elimination of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Goods are purchased direct from manufacturer. We ;xiy no cond prqfit and are willing, and con $ell at low as any Jobbing House in the United States.. V'e are desirous of sending our Goods to every section of North Carolina, and will use every exertion to please all who may favor ua with their orders. September 23, 18, LAW NOTICE. J ULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, ona door East ot Dr, Dickson's. Sept. 2d, lata. , aoc-tf ' THOMAS W. BROWN, Jit, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IS AND FOB TUB DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office first floor, 2d door new Jocbkal Buildiko. Wilmington, Jnae 24th, 18A8. 247-tf W. W. DAVIS, M. D, OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT laena of Wilmington. . Offloe 2d door below Holmes' Hotel, Front Street. , JuneS. " 231-tf edward Mcpherson. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. Booth Water Street, WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. Angnst Mh, 18S9. . 285-tf A. K. HALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Lutterloh'i Wharf, Wilmikotok, N. C. July 30th, 1819. - 278-ly NEW ORLEANS SYRl'P. -CBLS. choice 8yrnp and Molasaea. For sale by May 17. G. O. ft W. J. MUNRO. 30 25 KEGS GOSHEN BUTTER, at June 11. v GEO. MYERS. TJORK 15 Bbla. City Mesa Pork, pnt np kipkbsslt for JL ramny use. t or aaie oy ' i. u. uitArx, pril 1. wflfc---r...-s- No.-4M Market street. COTTON GINS 0 F the most approved description, Manufactured by W G. Clemona, Brown ft Co., Columbus, Georgia. For sale at miaalacturtii' prices, by -May 1. Pi&O&SEI, BB0WS 4 CO. NEW YOBS, FHILA. k E0STON CARDS. .m:iT -stovi: wohks- AXt j noixow-wAan rcv.vsnr. ' rUHAPLLIlUA. j 1IIOTT IOIIK, MaM rTCKEr.S tb it t. , 4 I ai 4 ry aVwnptf' I Nujla aM KvxHua at r W , Xn Vk Br M., I'kila-Wi . N. B. A"m A tV.'.. 1 UK MftVT eMKHUM OAJt aTCAT CIIAITf Tt ArTTrACTOIlT e-4 vsnHy atiW. aaitabia for Partora, rTA( K,-.aw lluimWr. Alu, tx a sew tea tult Re-ptit.ka Oeu ; Ladira evm(. Pvh swf I'bewa. t'aaip t !. 4o I. H. WHI.EU. PhiUJfUibia r-, J Jv K IaA. 2 t NEW YORK WIRE MILL. SELBO m KICIIMOm aABiAri'Bssa or a mais i WIRE OK Alih UESUUU'TIUNS. PARTICULAR atteeUoa giea lo Mler fat tit their WirrhnuM, H Johe St.. New Ywk, k aiU hctlfd PROMPTLY, ad have HI'tUl p.r a. Circatara Iwrawheit, !'' irMiB4 ln'at I wl, m atl pn-ei LOWE.-T MAl Ktl kATriv TEKMi-Kia Months N4, ravatl at lUna, atthrar. real raw uf E king a Nw Y-k, m J pr h b t rash. Wrt Mill, Jik Wtt, VTr?ltHM l J 4t Ktwrl, NEW YORK. July U. m J!0. B. BArT. JX'- M. BVBAIt, La1 nf Iiuore', S. 1'. LnU t Antlowif N I, N C. r. M. BVBAM. Lutttvf U'iWThIo, .V. ' DAkl'Y. lit BIAS A CO COMMISSION MEBCUAM'S, 124 Teail stml. Nsw Yoi. Will open a Rraatk House iu Nutfolk. Va., a the Ut til rWpteatber, pttiO, wader Ike aame el HTM AN, DA.NCY A Ctf. juiv j. bfio.r tf. t'LABSKCB I. I ATS. Ull L. lO-TSB. KATES A rXMT:K. GENERAL COMMISSION MERi fl ANTS ft the sale ut IOTTON, RICE, NAVAL rT0KE5, aad Hoothera Product fenerallv. No. Ill North Wkarvea, sad 111 Nortk Wster street. PlIlLAUEU'HI A. March Tin. IW M ly JACOB REED, , BAkl'VACTrBBa (It MILITARY CLONIIXU. S. K. Car. SE1VSD aa SPRl't'H BTItKKTB, PHILADELPHIA. a" MILITARY CLOTHS FOR SALE. Jaa. 30, lxo. k I14ra ORirPRN A ACKRS, WHOLESALE l'EALEIi'8 Lt YANKEE NOTIONS A PERFUMERY, No. 0 Warren Blnwl, Naw Yartv. - HaHBTGMi'rMtif - Wm. II. Acbbx. f Nov. 23, 1M5. Sly JOBK B. LOHDOK, ' t. B, BSTAB, JB. LONDON A BRYAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 India Strut. Bc-ctok. Consignments of Naval Stores, Cottoa, Lumber, aad other Sonthera Product solicited. Nov. 21st, Ihob. M ly. s. bollkbb. a. roTTBa, ja. It. cabsnksm DOLLS Kn, IHITTKH A CO, C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t Niw Yost.. April 1, 18. 188-ly. " I. babvit eaoiBAM, w. a. bvrsil. COCHRAN A Rl'SSELL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 12 Nortt Wbarvea, and 63 North Water Street, I'BitAhsi.rmA A4"Uberial cash advances made oa conslgnmeuta. July Wh, 113 17 RECEIVED, Another lot of Talent Wirt Mosquito Frames. For rale by C. POLVOGT, July 1h. Corner Front and PrinceM M, UCNSY ciattiii ucnny clotiiii pr ( BALES EXTRA HEAVY GUNNY CLOTH, lor .lo t)J low to close a eonoignment, by July 13. 1.0.4 B. G. WORTH. STHAAV MATTI.1U-4, 3 and 6-4 Matting. For sale by White and Checked J. H. WILLlAHri. July 11. " ARPKII.BU, iM.",""" " ' HE MP, -Ingrain, Super Ply, Tapestry, Brus-ela and Vtd vet Capelitig : Oil Cloths for Floors, St sirs and Tables; Printed Drugget by the yard, and PaMerns for Crumb (loths, Linnea Danuwk for covering carpets and stairs, Straw Mat tings. Cocoa Matting for Public Houses and Rait Road Cais: Rues, Hemp, Straw Adelald and Velvet Matte, Brussels and Velvet Hassocka, Binding Bod Carpet Sweepers, are in stora and will be supplied to consumers at extraordinary low rates, by J.B.WILLIAMS. July 18. RASPBERRY SYHl'P. fF YOU WISU TO keen cool send for a Bottle, at L July 10. GEO. MYERS'. COTTON YARN, sale by July 10th, 10. 13 bales in stoie (nos. li and li) lor W. H. McRART ft CO. SEED PRAB-SEKD PEAS. SMALL LOT Chy Peas for salt by Jolyl7. ELLtS 4 MITCHELL. SIIEETINUS AND COTTON YARNS. . i B A LEES NORJH CAROLINA SHmiNtiS ; I J 10 do. do. do. Cotton Yarna. For sale by Aug. 1. T. C. A B. G. WORTH, OATS OATS. BUSHELS EXTRA HEAVY OATS. For sale by Aug. 1. T. C. ft B. i. WORTH. 750 SI N DRIES. . Ofil hbdA. choice Cardenas Molasses ; 3t)VM" " Muscovado SO bbla. N. O. Molasses and Hjrup ; 60 bags Coffee j 2i caAi Rice, (diff-irent grsdes.) 600 sacks Ball ; 60 bbis. Herring : AO bbls. Mesa ami Prime Poik ; Gunuy Bavs and Bagging ; Soap, Caudles, Ac. For sale by July 23, IW. G. O. ft W. J. MUNRO. - TO COTTON PLANTEHS. WE HAVE areepted the agency of JEFFREYS' PAT ENT COTTON lltfH, for securing iron bands on Cotton bales. We bava tbt Ties and Hoop Iron for sale, In quantities to nit. ' The abort kt the most admirable invention ever devised for fastening tha ends of iron bauds on Cotton. No holes are pnnched no rivet are need, and yet it is securely fast ened together. It Is cheap, useful and economical. Plant ers are requested, to examine it merit. June 37. GWYER, PEACOCK ft CO. NEW KLOl'RNEW FLOUR. NEW FLOUR 1 NEW FLOUR I In bags and bbla. By STOKLEx ft OLDHAM. July 24. StUAH-SltiAH. BBLS. PORTO RICO, in store and for sale by July 2th T. H. MeKOY ft CO. 40 WALL PAP It tt W ALL PAPER. 1CHB Largest and cheapest stock in the State. Paper . Hanging done tt the shortest notice, br M. rULVUUA, July 18. Ctrnai Front and Princes sts. WHITE AND BLACK CURLED HAIR, on hand. Matresses, Bolsters tad Pillowa made to order at short notice. All sizes of Most and Shuck Matrease coo sUnUy on hand and for sale by C. POLVOGT, July 18. Corner Front and Princes sts. HOWL'S CELKBUATikD hCALlb." . A LARGE ASSORTMENT ON HAND. Call and tee them. , T. C. A B. G, WORTH. July 26, a , AgentforN.C. BACON HAMS. CASKS Hoytt Extra Family Hams, per Schr. Edward Thomaa. For sale from wharf bv 10 July 30th T. V. ft B. U. WORTH. Ol'N POWDER. ALL the varieties of DuPont'a manufacture, including a large supply of Blasting Powder. For tale on manu facturer's accountf by DifiOSSET, BROWN A CO. Myl. m JlEDIClL. aaLTtntmai i-wh irtr u knAHUoHaO AS A SAHoK RUM Vfl'AC-RkV. 1 m v I'im h a t r aw OtimnJ. DR. J('H SN m 4 .vmn4 t C'mi, r',wnly 4 mlt 1 .- mi Tuttsly ta it W ur-.A I( W ai,kw . lb Nwk M Ua', riik.r A -'.m. im U ttw Kkiwt w4 i lA Ar, a.iiai; ls (, l ayutm., (rtWdi lv.U, fc ,M, 1 , I m- l-w a tw'uu l-fcaw, tiiali el H Hull t t lM)kifw, iMum w l,htiiiaM, Itam t)4 IM, 1 kMl, a s A f m'-f iim to nirv llihia 4 Y.ia '! d il)v, W krt tor turn ih K-t.w t ha, ttua itiMMv rp , r4 wf Urm 4 t, i)vt a,u4 koiliuA la(lw,4. whm mt hi t!rt ,irarw t a.ii r,aMaa hB tha iaBaW nf u -, land f lb tui 't, K..V iU ltk dill io.lS ri. riAitniAas Mrrwl Iv4a ,4 Yw.tf Svui 'ti a amtri, lr rat fatrl lokHM, ,tnw -kltlr, VhBJil., ., jw-ri V eafv-t H (if I'l. V,w; inWt tljt rr of M r"(u Sr mSi(K Bon m aliuui, 4 ecl liit'r r v ym lit aAiU m a Pfevoctaa. ORQAKIO WEAILNME taanied xivlv Cur4 aa4 rJt Vlfw Klnt v 1 hi lraif ul lirM-iibH'S rw lri l it im!4 m1 Mr tpnt. i ia lualtv raid T lh lhM ml litiniar iBUult.nKMk YiHtBf frt um 4 eaitMt urmui Irvttt Imm awu wl Ui trwafui wmim VUt raajr raav -N"W, U I hat vikUn at. Ut 4 aill HTatntJ kudaujv that lb wv w4 itrmtiai I hat somar ty lb " tails lulu In rf f. haKtaj tha ljr B'rdl I tWae Mb aWprlvad IUa i'la-n1 BaUhf vflHir, tl u.ul (rruiua awl ralrtHil vni4imit In bndi tu.l wind ajia. 1hvliM b vu lvni, ta Pfi'J aa4 Utaii runetli Waakaiia, Iamm ul Pria rraltr I'oaar, KarvviM Irnaafctliir. ly I'alHl. II. u( II aaart, lii.igaUu, CuuUUuual iKlHUI), a W .lntg 4 ik ra, lwab, IkHMuwBUe, e. orrxes wo t. oxnn rztssxnzcat it-. I aft Be4 id Mi,f fVuaa baHimor airaa. a I 4jn.m Irom tba curiwr. tali am aa oil am sihI auiaprr UunawtaiNHil wnaitiUaa Th mWa H I'kmi kw ia kls soli, sn JonNBON, Mawhat f th K"VJ t'ullata of Hurjava. f lad aala rViHa nua ul thMHilianl t'4illiaUl'all4 MiM, t Vha fraalat taut M na Hla as uam iwal In I ha aail lH aT Loa4i, 'aria, l'hlllhi and alaaa hrra, ha niWutiia ilkimH aaUnu.aiii( ara lint ra in linewa , bmdjt troubled with f mil Ui ut ta katxl and aai ha aak , Kiaal awvwuaiwa. ba- Ing alwial at ddi nu i,l, haahfuIiMa, with frwitl MuaB ?, iia.tr.t Kiiuatini' t' derang.niiaat of lii4, wtra rr4 liaa-lllljr. - TAttB rAlTTICULAn NOTICE I It. J. bl'iraaaa all tbua who hv InJliraJ themaatva by lm pr"f IihIuco) a ix fc.liiary babit, hUh ruin both boiy and mlul, audttifg thw f uhr builii, tudy, socleiy or tuar rlaj. '1 as are aciu vf the atvl ami nwlaarhuly iri-t ioduced by arly habits of youth, vis : Vakiwa ml lb Hak.an4 lJtnl. I'wn la th Iliad, IMmuraa ul Hiflia, Lua U Muscular Pr, pBlmtlanfth llaart. lv4i)r, iiartout Irrlul.llliy, 1 ranuinl if lb Igliv rum llima, Urut'tal DblUty, b)tap. toui uf Cuixainptltiu. kiTLLV lh faarfut fftWIa oa th mind ar mack to b dre4d 1 ut klainory, CVufntina vf Mia, ISrim-aalon uf rtHrtia, Evil KurrMinii, Araratua Id Hoclaty, (S lf lllilruat, Luva of Holltadi-, Ttiuidiiy, Be., ar aotii ul th rll prurtar!. TaotiSAsa ul twraun ot all now judir what I the (tana of thair darllninf hlth, tnaing thfHrvtgor, bflitiiliig Waal, ial, nervotM and ma. ltd, having a siiif iiil pMtK shvui th ), eough sud aymptuuis uf auiuaui itlou. YOUNO TOXN Who have Injurad thctuaalvaa by a rtala pta.U.' ladulfad lu bra alona a habit trwaamitl lrni rnmi vl eunitwiluaa, r at fchiHjl, th altacl of which rt alghtly fait, dan wl,o aalaap, and If H"t euraU rtwlm marriaa-a UiipuatiliM and ilaalro) bulb mind and bwly, should PPl liuuiUlallv. What a pity that a young ia,, th hiiir of bl country, th uarung in ui rmraiiia, aneum n Miwcnai trora sil prospect aim Mitoymant of Uf, by lb eunani itenrw of devlatlKf rrtiin th pth of natar and ladniglng In a earuln rt hsbll. Biich prrsoe vav, WTivra awnivnipiaiiHfi WAvnaiAOB. rflct that a sound mlad and body are lhmentWMry rwi. iinmtoprom,Hfotiiitiljlal bsniliwa. liidl. wllbuul thaaa th Jouraay through II f Boeonuw a wvary pllgrlmag i tli prt p.'l hourly darkana In th vw lh mind Mnoma aliadowwl with daapair aod filled with Hi malaiirhuly rrttarlloti Ihnt lh nappinaa oi aiwtuitr uanniH biigiitmi Willi uur own. it bab n or iwrnuxtcNcn Wlin th mlagtUuVd and lmprudi-nt votary of t'lrni Oiida lie baa ImMU.I lh ami of thl lnful dlaaaaa, It too ofln bap- tn that so IM timed aanaa of Imiua, or dread uf diacovtry. d rrs him fmtu ipplylng to th who. from fliirainn and re perUblllly.un aluu befriend him. li fall Into the hn ta of ignorant atul ilaaigulog prwtetxMr, who, lnrmHtblorurlng, tth li hi pecuniary (uhatau, kp hlia tillliug toonlb after uinoth,or a hig aa lb iMtilt fearaii b ulital ned, and In duapalr lv him with nil nd hcalib to sigh ever bis gulling diaapp.il iiUnatit , or, by th oa of tliat deadly Itilaon, klarnury, haalau the eonatl Inlliiiisl aytm uf thl trriihU dim, such a sitacllim of tha Hand. Throat, No, Bklii.elc, pmitraeal ng with frightful rapblt, ty Ulldealb puts twrbid to bis itivniirul snfl'aringa kywiidlng hliu lu that uudlaeovar! (ountry froia whose boitrMao lralr return. ENDonsnurNT or tub rnroc ' l h many thotisaml cored t Oils Inatltullnu within It Uat eigliiaaii yfwra, and lh nuinaioui luiKirliit rhirgtral Operalbma twrruruwd by lr. Johuaion, wltneaaad by th reportai of lb Nun " and uiitny oilier topera, notlou of whU b Lav prd gaio anq ffin unom in piimif, nesmea ni UDllng s gaii tkiiian of cbtracler and rpouaililty, laasulttolvnt guaraiit to tu siuioteii. BIXIN DISEA8EB ircrDILV CUXIE2 l'rons writing ahiniid pttlcnlar In dltectluj thtlr lalt.'ia vo ni liiaMiuuou, in in r,.iii,ini manner ' lOUSf U. ilOHMiTON, M. I), BulUmi't Uvk llaaniial, Tilly 31, latn 37i ty lUltlrporw. M.irylaiid MISCELLANEOUtS. CABIPIIOU ICE-CAMPHOR SOAP. UNEQUALLED for tbt bites of mna.nitoe. Inter, Ac. Au excellent application for persons who have paid the "Sound" a cm!, hold by L. K. ERAMBEI1T, rbarmscrnlut. June 3. Herald copjr, SKKD PKAH-PUAB. rjr BUSHEIaH CLAY PEA! Ju't receive.!. Fur sale by i O June 11. ELLIS ft MITCHELL. HICK HICK. rrf lt'AfcKS FltKSH BEAT, Charleston Prime Bfcc. now (Jt landing Irom Hi hr. Volant, and for sale fi vmwtirf and stoie, at the very lowest market price, by June II. G. C. ft W.J. MUNKO. G t'ANO.(Kifl Baca in store. For sate bv June pi. WlH- MeHAHTA CO. ICK-lfK-ICK. fPHE ROCK H'lHNti 1CH HoUftB. on North Wster St. X a largo new building near the Depot, is now opened and nemg eiortea wim a no. i article or the best Northern ick, to be sold in quantities to suit our City customer, i will give my persoual attention to packing and forwarding promptly, all orders from the adjuiniug country. ICh lor nlehed to sick and poor, free of charee, accompanied by their pnysicwn certini ate. r,. . j'tiMt, jvoprutor. April 20th, 1W0. l:4 tf WILMINGTON IltO.T AND 4 OI'PEH UOIIHn, fBONT BTBBAT, MLOW MAXIET, WILMINGTON, tt. V. L. A. tl ART A. JO UN V. JiAJLEl', J'roum, PRACTICAL BUILDERS of portable auu stationary Meant Uieiues, of any re miirarl n.tarof. .nrf bittH t.t l...itf aMlll. grist mills, gin (carinas, and any other kind of machinery made In any establishment South. Have on band a large variety of patterns for machinery now In con era) ae in the surrouoduig country. Will supply drafts ol all kinds of machinery and mill work. Turpentine stills ana copper work in an its nrancnts. All kinds or Iron and brass caatiogs, finished or unfinished, at short notice. Old machinery overhauled and repaired. All work warranted to be w represented. .., In connection with tht above eatabliahmeut, wa bava on hand a largo Block of rubber and leather bolting, lacing, packing rivet, and mill rocks and bolting cloth for griat mills, hui bbws ana circular raws oi any size ana gauge, iumisneo at snort notice. - r . Feb. 15. T)0RKLABD HAMS of prime quality, now landing a rrom aenr. era oiru. r or salt oj Jane 2a. BIZZELL ft CO. IN STORE. N 0. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO ; Reese's Manipulated ' Homnrero , ; " American " Petersburg Fertilizer , nnper rnospnate uiuiv, Phoenix Island Guano. Ac, ko., Ac In store and for VV. II. McHARY ft CO. aalt br July 20. HECEI VBO THIS DAY par Sehr. A. J. DcROSSET. tf FIRKJNS EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER; III 10 boxea Cheese j 100 baga labia Salt ; No.l Mackerel. Ia ttort and for salt by T. 0. CRAFT. Agg.S,18v9. . W1NTS. wtina t siiiMAN in ii ciAra:x it Nith l rw P'laaraa.- gl -r.a '. Sjri 1 ckaraflte. aad b ra tZM B de r.. It.). Ta k ettJy th eard d. reeled ; bt a 1 rarfet liai aill be paid tt bus toatbert jwt.. aor k eeeM au. r,i-l johx ir.tTrr.rK a CO-. W btwMwi Coti, : Vatiet svni, 1 LJ r a. Aaa ilk. I. :ij UVtllR W4IIKU "IiiaLiiLiaurat aaHgw. aaik4 J, wIJ ha kr. A . J . ISr lUaaet froai K w aa Ft,d Bad B Iwtiaad at net r .1. I lu L Uil M. Xstf-. t-r-.v4 ter - Tula. riafc ...I . ..... HAWtL'SA tosklJ- MOK M BltllK NtM WltHD. (i OOD WAGES will be '!, a4 eoMtaat '. ,'ymnt 1 tnra unU treat, tor Vt tiKU KlUt K MA Mi-(NrgrMa) ht wwk CB lb O-Bit iBV eUOpS IB Rakiigk, N. Ce. T. J. K )LT, . rHip'i, Sauj!g. : la Pi;R.AJ R. R. Co . I RaWtBk. KlkJaly, !'. EDt CATIOML. MKBDAMKS t IIKU4RAV ASO DUE HI ILLY," BEU.TO ANNOl'Nt'K la tbrlr fr lead and tkepibla, tkal thrtr BOARDING and DAY .M IIOoL fr Young ldir, will re opm at fc'aa. 1,12? aad Mr Ppraat Btrett, PhiUdlphia, riejitraibrr ink, Aug., tb. li,a 24 w "soRTirc ABoi-n . ti i ut aVi" i VaTrr I HA hl.OTTF. . V. Is TUB 3d SKfesluN ad tbt Ik kwil will begla aa th 1st October B!tt. Applitatioaa fur admiMioB.tr far ther tufertatltt, should be Bddrtd t Mil. I. H. DILI. Aug. 3J. l;o. 1 rABTKRN C A RO I.I N A Ml I.I f A It Y At A PC IT nrt. DtEPh-hr.MiNABr Ion YOCMU LADIES. 'J MIK rOl'UTII BFSSION f Ut luttitottous ,!! com Bienct ua Thutt lar the ih nf liepterahar. For Circulars, eaBtalnlnc tall parwoultra, tddragg tht Bvt.r, 4'apt. JAH, ). RAIX'LUK, riuperlniandeat. 4 Wilaoa. N.C. : June Hal, 1-U U W NOIICiJi. THaSBPOIITATION omc E, W,C. A R. R. R.Ca. WuMiKaroa, N. C. ( f X MTTk t taa7a 1 1 UNTIL PUMTHkR NO I ICS, frtidilfor tht WUniagtoa, Charlotte aad Uut her ford Kail U-A Wiil b rtceired on Tuesday, Tharaday and Haiarday aliaraMina only. Every dray lad of frtight aauat be accatnpaaUd by the austotiiary duplicate receipt for each station, the prescribed rorm or which ran bi tiuuiniiit tm ptnmug n'c. ' T. La lM t, Ai'Ot TrBBipoiUtMa. 25-tf July Tth, I8i,0 rtRST Jt LY, IBlUI. ALL BM.lJt made prevlon to this datt art sow ui. Person tudebted to os will plea lake aotict, tad psj or, as wt need, and must hava money. L. B. U UGGINS ft BONN, ' July 2. 8. E. cor. Market ft Id it. Jl'LY su, lanu. , ,., , ...... rUH ACCOUNTS due Bt above datt art tnaJ ent. Onr Vy pttroua w ill tbiigt at ny tailing ana atthtnc aetutmiat. M. B. KAHNWE1LLR ft CO., TiTiyrit K.-rAII persona Indebted to me either by Bolt or ami all accounts atsudlB over ninety ds socouui, art rnjoetun ia com rorwara at attua wem l 3 over ninety day, tin Interest will ba added. June M. TIIOrLaC. CRAFT, 48 Market it. BOT H K TO COTTON AND TtRPENTINE rARMEUN. , . f E KEEP cotMtnnily on hand, Pigging and Rape, hew end second band BolrilLaaka. all aualltiaa of Ulna. M ill Mil oid'-ra for Guano, Hoop Iron, A., Ac, it lowest marvel prices. Apply to June I Id, lww JAM. T. PETTEWAT ft CO. r syeHevillw iilnervrr and PresbyteiluB copy 1 moniii. Oirtie t a Ktar A Ovaan Btaaiw Navigation Co., I WitwiKOWK, N. Cloth May, lfU.' f ritllU lit I A till !' IHIllUVrilllM ail I.U Caiaiu hava J made b oontiact fr the coastrautioa of an IronStesia alup, to be pnt upon the line between New York aud tin foil In the early part ot October. In tha mean tune the Screw Steam Ship PARivERStiURG will make regular in pa, commencing about tht l,tl June, and upon tbt eniiipletioa uf the Chip contacted for, will rua iu Connection with her. , : Ala meeting of the Board of Director! held tbltday, It hss beea onlortd that tha following luatalluieat bt paid upon the suliacntitluutto the capital slock of this Comptsyi lit, cash Installtm'tit nf 14 percent. H tu per cent, psyablo 2itta June, IrW. 3d, J " f " th Kept, " . , lib, 2 n ii 2,iUOot., " Mh, 10 " " Kith Jsn,, iw.I. GILBERT POTTER, rresidouL Mv loth, lM,n 210-lm 1 mimi BE50nTS..v OIl TIIH VIKUINIA SPHINMS. milK BHORTEbT, QUICKEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE X t present to the VIRGINIA BPBINOS Is from Psiers- iiurir. Va . via tha HOII1 H1I)K an.t VllllllVI t and TtV. NKliHEB RAILROADS and oppositiou linos of BtBges, en-, aunog to lb travelar impl room, attention kud acoomnio datura and low fre , r . .-..-'. l. Kof the GREENURIEU WniTB SULPHUR WRINGS pskeegers pnrchise tickets t the South Hide Railroad Office to Ilonasck Depot, 18 W). Thnnca th Stsgei to tht Sweet Springs art now charging 42, or to the While Sulphur 13 60, mating me itua ouiy f v iu too onrci, auu tv to lot While Sulphur. There are al'o oppoaitlon lines of Stages running from Ulem Depot via Rownoka lied fulphnr bprioga and a line from Montgomery Wiilte Sulphur Huringi by Iht Monntaip Lake and Salt Sulphur Spi lugs tu tht Greenbrier White 16 ul phur. roriuewo, it'UMMii nii(,ULiriuiiruiw, now one of the most acetseibtu, ggrecahle ind popt lar Bpringa iu tht mountain, puichaa ticket front Petersbnrg to BigTurmel, , g 23 For COlNEli Sl'llLNUfi purchase IkktU to Bvutavkt Depot ,., o ROANOKE REDj &ULPIIUR lkt Ucketa to Halem Depot, f. ...,....,,............. 7 40 ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, ticket to Sltawiville Depot, 8 Oi YELLOW SULPHUR SPRINGS, tit lots to Christian burg Depot. , 8 45 HI ti llfli t.1'1 rillftll fc.l.lilV'i.'a . t,..i.i!. v.... aicAj uuui iiui, vi. imtiin. i.jia tv 1uuuil Depot, s jo The cars leave the depot f tht South Side Railroad daily (except Sundays) at 7 A. M. , . . Itr Paaaeogers from South and North Carolina will Dad this much the cheapest route to the earing this Summer, t H. D. BIRD, SupL 8, 8. R. R. Juni 23d, 1V0 ' a! 348 2m . I i , ii..aBaaaaaaai j W ,"l!ltIPl MOCKNINU VEILS, Crspe, Graoadlne, Ice aad Lore. Far aalt by . J. 6. WILLIAMS. Jul? Hth ..- - CiUAMLKivai UAt. For sale by O July 11. J. 8. WILLIAMS. I TONS 1 Inch Hoop Jnmi 10 i" li " " " Forsaleby July 16. - E. A. KEITH. BY THE T4AMHiP PAKKERbBCHU. WE RECEIVED this morning by the Parkeriborg, Choice Goshen Butter; , Smoked Beef ( City Mesa Pork. For salt by July 18. L. B. HUCGJNS ft BOSS. T CLOtiE CONBIUNNKKTi . " "TTE WILL SELL 75 TONS BED AS1 EGtJ COAL V V for a small advance on cargo price. A pply to ' Ang. . JA8. T.'PETTEwAx ft CO. uoor uio.i. 1 A TONS kt 170 pet ton, ctshi- For lalt by Aug. 3- E. A. KEITH. C4JRN.CoW f'EAB. 1 i fCi BUSHELS. For sale by , ELLIS ft MITCHELL. XJJJ July 31. EASTERN HAY. - , - - . Onfa E3 PRIME QUALITY, in store For salt bv tUij duly lilt f.U.m iTCKF,I.U 1

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