i t c VOL. 9. NO 295. WILMINGTON, N. G, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, ISOO. WIIOLS NUMBER 2,Tul i inivi a ptuiic, ricoriur.TOH. AS mTOS, Eiifc A- U PKiCE. Aawite E4--, 1ru mi rri4 la. rfr, a Jr, rsai.j la aJiaai-,. W W a y " " - - 1 Ati K'.'fm e b-.;ic tiutevl4 iLu uJ.. . a '.r4 to U prepriater. RATES OF AD".k..U .V. bait aqrAss. lh Bay Tw4aye,, TV iay.., ...... Four day ......... Ft .., On ink..,.,.,... Tw watlt. ....... Cm BMtt,, Tw BOO till....... Tkra mcntha...... 4e. Ok .... Tw .,.... . Tkraa A .... ... P'ow v ........ v da. Oa (wk .1 ;s .i I I TI I Ti 7 CO 1 !r I 00 1 AO I 00 r Two wek. , . Out BMtltB..,. 1 moatha. . Thrw sowik 19 SO Bis month I m UN year... 39 M S.I moalha (IM year li Tea Una ar counted aa a aoaara. aad It bar or Ua kil-ir. Lcar .lTrtuuit la proourtio, aad alt ayabW ta advanc. Waa bo paid ta ejvaac 23 ftota far ar iU be charged after tb lrc taaartioa. AT All half-equar avl paid fur ta advance will be eharf 4 at a aqaar. ajrAdirtiaifot inserted u Special or B:hca Notice art charged one-half Bora thm abur ritea iht llaat 0JJ) of Um eKuit4 aa a Xjoara. ATAiiTeniacaMaU bkrte4 ry atkar dy art cliarjad IT cent pf f uara for tack tnaeruoa afui th trat. W S J (uUk atlua 8t4a without i rjtonibl ama. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DH. B. V. AmOTO. SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE aal BaaiJcaea oa Marktt atrat, tiuilJwr former! r occtiDied hr i. U. Wrkkt. ItitJ lulA, IM. Ul-tUU LOHS B. KK AM BERT, DRUGGIST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, W1LMIK8TOH, N. C. Kepa conaUutly oa baaJ, aeleet ttock ol vj, Ifoi irtmn, Awfnc atxi i,rwptti Chemirals, "acy 7VU rfiflt!, H'uutl and ifiwri fur AffUwdl iStrr), a,i'rticu!ar attentiua paid ti PiuacirTiot, Fahili Kmrsa, liiaivtsa la am. o. .Mora immediatelT antler Um " Carolina Hotel." Jaiy 11, 6l-tf ti. C. 4 W. J, MI'S no, C0MM1S8I0S MERCHANTS and WUOLIBALI GKO C'KUS, No. 13 NorU Water Strert, June U, WUMIN0TOII, N. C. OL1VKK KEIXEY. XT f HOLES ALE AND RETAIL PKALKR3 IH C.BOCIV Blli3 A0 PilOVlSlONS, V Ao. 11 Sank Wl$r Street, Dao. 16, IMS. WaawTOH, M.C. T. M. IM1TB, I0 MCtA' WW. SMITH A MrLArniS, C0MISS10S AND rOBWARDL 11ERCIIANTS, WlLMUIwTVN, N. C. - tirta to ;- : JODM rwoK, Eaq., Mayor. E. P. HAtt, Eq., Prealdent Branch Bank SUU M. C. , Joly Ut, IH69 ; VAM UKIUNtMKT, UHOWM A CO, ti ESEHALC011H13S10X MERCHANTS, r W1LMLMGT0S N. C. Jaa. llt,1857.-98-tf. GEJERAL C0MMlrJ8ION MU1CHANT, in Kit Bt, (Ur RTiaa.) ' CHARLESTON, S. C. March lTtb, m. . lM-tf T. II. McKOT A COn G BOCERS AND COMMISSION MEHCHANT9, Sooth T Water atreet, Wilmimvtom, N. C. Aug. 3d,186i. 2T II. B. KtlKHS, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, and DEALKK IN NAVAL Bl'OUtS, coruer Water and Market itraeta, WilmlngWa, Ji. C. ApriHd, IHiH. AI. iTOU.1T. AIM. OLBBAM. STOKXKY dk OLDHAM, BOCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND J DEALERS IN CORN, 0AT8, PRA8, AC. WlLMlNOTOK, N. C. ' EiriUNCi. CoL Joan McBai. PrenlJeot of the Baak of WiliuinBtoa. O. 0. Pabilbt, Eaq., Praaident of the Commercial Hank, K. MCKKAY A COH (9ucuora ao Marray re h,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATER BTKKET. WILMINGTON, ti. C. . B. MflBAT. . E, MUBCnilON. . T. MtJBBAT. rebraary 1, IM. D. A. LAMOST, (OMMIKSION MERCHANT, No. M North Water atreat j Oct. 11 !1 tf WimmoTon, N. C. - Eh b. 111:001 a ioss, DEALERS IN GROCERIES GENERAL MERCIIAN dlte, B, E. Corn. Market and Second Streets, Wilmixotok, N. C. ' r Order from oar friendi will recelri prompt attentloa. Oct.lO, 1869. , J. W. HOBISgON A SON WaiitNflTOJf, N. C. IMPORTERS, MASTJPACTUr.ERS AGENT'S, AND Pea Urea In Hardware, Culterj, Iron, Bteel, Naili, Agricnl jural Implement!, Ac. - ; WM. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, BepWW. 185. lS-tf , Wilmwuww, N ADAMS, BROTHER A CO., QOMMJS8I0N MERCHANTS, W1LMIH8TOH, IT. C. 1. 1. bath aw at. w. .rruT. HATHAWAY A CO., (10MMISSI0U MERCHANTS, , J WaMwaroK, K. C. T. C. A n. O. WORTH. (OMMISSIOS AND FOBWABDINQ MERCHANTS, WlIiMIKUTOK, N. C. Marchll, 17 lfi-ly IAKM ARDBMOR, BOW ABB IATACI. ANDKRSO!! A SAVAOK, 1 ENEBIL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JC , Wiuiikotok, S. 0. IJberal cah adancea made on ooMlgnmenta. JAMES A. WlLLARD, (COMMISSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALS , GROCEB, I AND DEALER IN GRAIN, No. 10 Sorra Watib Strbbt, Jan. 1, 18C0. , WitMiwaTOW, N. C. Mill 0. SMTH. HILBi OOmil. JAB. C. SMITH A CO., t10MMI3SION MERCHANTS, office aeoond itory, comer South Water and Market etreeu, Wilmington, N. 0., wbert the Bra prepare! (9 attend to aU baatneea ta the CwmmiealoB line. All boiineM entmated ta them will be pnnotoallj attend dto. W. H. McRARY A CO, (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, oorner Prmceaa and Water J BtoeetB, Wilmington, N. C. BBFBBBKCBI S v H. B. Baraee, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. a OoL John McRae. Prea't Bank Wilmington, do. do. D. A. Daria, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, Saliibor, do. J. G. Laah, " " u u Salem, do. . J. 11 Gregg, Prealdent of Bank Cheraw, 8. C. Oct 17 . WALKER HEARES, HOLESALS AND RETAIL DBUGQISTS, v . n tn u 1m n tO BLaBXBT OTKBIT, tliUUIttTVJI, IM. V. HARRIS! A HOWELL, li ' , . - WimmeTOK, N. 0. 9I0HAI BABBIM . BOWtlt, V. W. lillTH ' I at. 1 - , ORDERS-BORDERS. L10LICITED for WINTER OLOTHING, of the celebrated O maoafactore of F. A H. Fries, Salem. The best goods in America. Planter! would do well to send in their orders early. - - EDBJUS A K3TAN. ; June JfiUj, I860. . EUSl.NESS AND FCQFESSIOXAL CAEDii t J. W. IIORK. f a laio.N tea an n i.i ai cvxuyox a ;it. j j Mar errr. Fata-fiVikUt, St. C, D AW.mUriti, PaaaTa A fewi, Jda. I'tUt, Ala la. ! It. L. IIULMC, I AW OKFICF, ruM btxrr. T CutfUC bMpUa. yBf eaa. -KaJea. INilumam aai?g WtiiMHrUf, F- loth, ltt. ' lt X If c. . ilui, a. 1. am ain. ELMS A MITCH ELL. WHOLES A LH ASH RaTAtL tMEALKBS IV CIO. PE AH, OATS. RTK. WHKAT SUAV, OIL MF.AU rUEsa GROUND HOMINY, H08K A COW rfcKD; XiTKKX At KVRTlt MU X Mi 1 N. S NHk Water Mret, WllKtTMi, N. C" FVVrwar HA , Ul in. 4.SVTBB. ui'tt rsACotc. SivrBi a. rtKt. UWUH, PICAtWK W-'J WILMINGTON. X. C, COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLESALE GROCERY aad dalr la N AT AL PTuU1, CuTTON, and ruth era PRODUCK (eaerallr. Prawul personal attaaiioB giitB ta a3 owi'BBeoU at Pr4ii. Feb. li, .i0 13 lj r, a- sui.Lt, A- r. (itibli,. RtXELL A C GROCERS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ne. V Xortk Water street, Jaa. lM-0. . WtLMUHTnM, X. C. I. WILLI 451. . CTBTra. J. i. W ILLI AMS C10MM1SM0N MERCUANTh, lf PB0J( ST., NtW Y(ft. Particular attestJos gben ta the sale Nsal hi.w, Cottoh til Graia. Feb,M, l'MW.-lW-ly. UlUII ORAIIAM. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlL4KOTf!, M. C .Office adjoining Latterloha Wharf, North Water Stmt. bepL JM, loU. 1- , UEORQK MYERS, TT7H0LESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, DEALER IN V Wines, Teas. Uqnora, Cofleea, Pro'laloaa, Wood aad WlUow Wart, London Porter, Ale, and Champagne, of the the very choicest brands, Na. II axd 13 Krt Street, WamsaTQit, N. C. April 4th, im. m C. II. ROHH901 A CO., COMMISSIOS AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS WiLiN.cr.. A C. Ofllee erer Mr. J. A. Wlllard'i Store. Entrana v-rnerof Princes and Water streets. .. March f, IWlM&n:::::- -- VniOH DISTILLERY. WILMINGTON, N. C, A. II. VAN BOKKELEN, PaorniBTOB. 4 LL KINDS OF NATAL BTORKS pnrohased, manufac tured aad aold harfag and Storage famished, and Qocptrf done at lair rate. Jan. J, 1800. 100-tf. job w, owbb, o. B. TABsaocaa. OWE St A YAHOROIOM, COMMISSION AND rOHWARDINO MERCHANTS, ' North Water Street, Wilmington. N. C. SarLiberal cash adTanees nad oa eoaaigameate of soub try produce. Not. 8th, 1889. I M 1) KKMOVAL. . P. DEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. TAKES THIS method to laform bis enstoBiers and person in want of work of any deserip- ftmWMmmmW " IH U m uuv, HIM nv umm mwtmvww Bfw imixrv and liuhna esUbliihment to the Basement of the new " Journal HuiUim " on Prince Street, where be will be pliaeed to receive order for every detcriptioa ot Binding or Ruling, Ac, Ac. Thankful for pat favor, h hope to continue to receive a liberal patronage a heretofore. Oct, 31t, 1S69. S. M. WEST, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WaatxoTON, N. C, Will sell, at private Bale, Cotton. A'avoi Biuret, aud all kind of produce, at a small eommiuion ; Also, Bank Stock at. .....1 percent. Rail Road Stock...., .....t per cent Real Estate 1 per cent Negroes 1 percent. Direct Importation, Cargo Sale 1 per ceoL . airiK To the c It lien of Wilmington gtneraOy. October il, 1849-40-tf . . HOB'T II. CO WAS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilminoto), N. C. SArOfflce, South Corner Market and Water Streets up itairs. Pot. 1. 1W9-W tf - EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMlSSieif MERCHANT, ' Oct. 1, lHo. WaMmT(, N . C. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. a Notmr Watib SthaHit, WlLMIKOTOH, N. C. Solicit conIgnmente of all kind of Produce, also, order for Grocers, Bagging, Rope, Gnaoo, Ac, Ae. Itiria to Joan Dawsok, Esq., . 0. G. Pabblst, President Commercial Bank, Gio. Datib, Esq. I AS. T. rSTTBWAT. B(B HOOKS. October 1st, 1869. CBAS. B. MTIBS. t TSB. . MOOBB. MYERS A MOORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dbai.m in HA 7.V, CAPS, STRAW GOODS. MltS, K1DIA9 HATS, UM BHELLAS, CAXES, tC'., tC7., 34 Market street, ' WaanxoTOH, If . C. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary Inducement, and respectfully solicit so exssitnatioD of onr NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Uoort are purchased direct from manufacturer. We pay no teamd croju, and are willing, and cc.n tell at tow a any Jobbing House in the United Bute. V'e are desirous of (ending onr Good to every Motion of North Carolina, and will ute every exertion to please all who may favor us with their order. September 23, 1869. LAW NOTICE. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, -ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Market Street, on door East ot Dr. Dkkson . Sept. id, 1859. JW-tf ... THOMAS W, BROWN, J R ATTORNEY AT LAW, COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES IN AND FOB THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office flrst floor, 2d door new Jocbmal BuLDixa. Wilmington, June Uth, 1H6B. 7-tf " W. W. DAVIS, M. I)., :" " OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CTT Uens of Wilmington. Office 2d door below Holme' Hotel, Front Street. JaneS, 331 tf EDWARD McPUERBON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' . ,i Mo. South Water Street, WlLKIKOTOK, N. C. August 8th, 149. , asS-tf ; A. K. HALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, iAMerloh't Wharf, Wilminqtob, N. C. July 0th, 1869. 278-ly 1 - ; NEW ORLEANS SYRUP. 30 BBL8. choice Syrup and Molaases, For sale by t AwavBO3VtB aT VI bBbij v w G. 0. A W. J. MUNHO. stay ti. -i-,- - 25 KEGS GOSHEN BUTTER, at Jnne 11. GEO. MEBS'. PORK -15 Bbls. City Mes Pork, put tip ixracwtr for Family use. For sale by T. C, CRAFT, . April 19. - . . No. 48 Market street. COTTON GISS OF the most approved description. Manufactured by W, G. Clemon, Brown A Co., Columbus, Georgia. For sale at manulacturers prices, oy Mail. DIRl slOBSST, BSOWN k CO. NEW YORK. miVL EOnTOX CARDS.! UUKUTY STOVi; WORKS, i AXt ; ncixow-wARc rcrxBTtr. rmiAimrun. f ABBOTT A .1USL As f MAVPFACTt'KERH tt h ama , ii 10 1'A'Ji 4 vejf e-iiia. j M l I si , Nw i SI) Bnm - tBitaJitotM. - 1 N. bV aW fr ( YIIBi SIKT rNh.MII H oanb d.t cniim ri ATfrrACTonr M3 NK:.ji.i:sjs.tun't. ifvt- lff Kma(w(1iVws. SUm, I !!;) Km f ftiia i bn; Ijiv'ip wog, K k'.i t'hu, Cip i bra, A. I. It. HLtK. lHit.!liHI Pa.. Ja'v t, In. l . i4. 1. m. intii, AVv f Tat VV. X ti if S ntUm-t .Y. I, Jf C. . a. bip, t'-,',f" H.MrfHl , A. t ui(t, lit .'t a (H)MMU51"N MITMAS TA. IU Ptil .l.t, j .N Yi-at. H'iH fp a Btaa k R h m Nf'k. , ki 11 t rptrair, w:i, r 'he i HM4V, tl A (t. July t, m.:uh. CLASrMC tllV, HIMltrc-tll. KITKO A lOIO It. (HAKB tl. (OMHI'ON MU;rHArSfv .lof T I'oTlOX, fe.lv li. NAVAL -Tlik, a4 r-'t.ra PrvJiK itiMNji.iv, N. IH Xixik bt-, ml III N.rth wtr tr.t. rmuonriiiA. Mrck Ttk. tKi ..st J AC OB 1 1 ll 6 , atMnirriti or MIUIAUV CXUIHIM., Kt, K. ( r. IKIlilli m4 M'KIIK t ltkVI , rU!t,AfM.PRIA. rMILCTAKY fLOTIH TOR SALE. Jan. SO, hi. IM m 'iihirKKS. HHf.," . irnoi.AI.R I'EALEHS IN YANKEE NOTIOXS A PEliKliMEBY. Si. Ml Wmivmt llrt, w lMkt. Hlflnv t.miriN. I Wa. II. At . Nov, 13, 19. tuts a. LOMHjx, j. m. tsvAV, tm. lJ1M)f A. UHV . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 Ikw Sthsrt, Hit. Coaslgemt'Bt of Ntval Stores, t'ottoa, lumber, and other Boulbera I'rodur tollulted Nov. 2 Ut, HS. m l)1, S. BOkkBSB. . f01TaT IK j. ( IMLLNKrt, HrlTKIt A CtK, C10MMLHSION MERCHANTS, Nw Y April IS, 159. Is I v. t, BABTBT COCBBAW, " W. S. BtfWSWi COiHHAIt A Ri'BKELL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. II North Wharves, and S3 North Water Street, Pbiladbltbia. sr Liberia! cmih advances mad oa tonsigumeBts. Julv.ith.lS 179 st'SDiy es. f Lhd, chuii e Cardenas Molswe ; iSliVW" " Mutcovado " &o bhl. N. O. Molsase aad ftyrup ( 60 bag Cone ! Si cak Rice, (diffortbt grdr,) 600 (' Salt i .0 bbl. Herring t M bbls. Mea ud PHm Pork ; Uauuj ilavs aad Bagging 1 Soan, Candle, Ac. l or salo by July 23, lHtio. G. C. A W. J. MUNIO. to tornoi PLAHTKHS. "Yf E HAVE Bi'9utdlliSBKetey of JEFFREYS' PAT V EM COTTON TIiCS, lor securing iron bsul os Cotton hales. W have tl:u Tie aud Uoip Iron for ssle, la qiiiitltk'l to suit. The abov is the most Admirable iuvcutfuu ever devised for fastening th end of Iron band on Cottou. Nuhil,- r bunchtd bo riveU tr aed, and vet it l tcurely laat coed together. It 1 cheap, uelul and econouili at. Plant r are roiuaited to examiu It merit. Jim 27. UWYKH. pr ACOCK CO. NEW KLOt'R KKW YLOlll. NEW FWUR 1 NEW FliOUB ! In bK and bhl. By HTOKLEY A OLDHAM. July il. aiUAIi wlUAH. BBLS. PORTO 1I1CO, in store aud for sale by July 2th T. II. McKOY A CO. 40 MACON BACON. ) t(t I tlrit iiuality North Carolina Fcoii, 7,UUU IlanmndBidf. For sale at J. WILSON S GROCERY, Aug, 13. No. 8 Market t., sear the wharf. " " BACON Da COS. UHI1DS. Baltimors Bsf-on Shoulder ; 7 Hide ! 6 tierces Hoyt Kmily Ham. Landing from rrhr, T. J. Fraier, and for le liom wlisrf by Aug. 13. T. ft A II. ii. WORTH. MlMUVADll niOLANKKS. rtP I1HDS. snd 20 Tierce prime xwrt MUSCOVADO UfJLOLASHKH, in extra packagf Iron hoop on each bead. Forialeby UATHAWAi A CO. Allg.JjlHW.; ; ' PHKI.K A LYONS' Fn.it Premium Sewing Mr.hitm? man LARGE SALE of these Machine, and the lui'resufng 1 demand for them prove thieni to Im tho BEST hKW LSG MACHINE yet iuvented, poiwcwiiig the gieslett rnuge of work from light to very heavy lnaUritl Leather 4 ol an Inch thick. Pr fifty UUar, Call and e them in opmtion, t G o. M YKHS', Ag't for Fiukl ALyou. N. B. All Mkcuitif warranted to do what w recom mend. Jus 28. 1.inEft ARBIVALS BY THE STEAMER PAUKEHS J BURG, ON TUESDAY, SO INST t Fresh Goshen Butter ; " Cheese i U) bbl. btizar ; ., KuItoB Market Beef ; No. 1 Mackerel, at GEO. MYElirt'. July 'id, Itm. ....... .. ALL ACCOUNTS on our Book are made out to July lt. Our patron will please call and mttl the mm. m w hall commence the Mn to-day." GEO. MYEBS. July 2d, mm. MOtUXI.HO I)UM UOOii. BOMBAZINE, Chally, AIpcca, CHhmererc. Umertioe, Print, Grandine, Berrage, Gingham, Sureen Cloth, Lie Bage, BrillUntie, KonlsrdK, Miulion, Lawns, Orgsodies, Moil de Laoo, Mohair Bnrrsx Grsatdino, India snd Kreucb Silks. For sale by J. b WILLIAMS. Aug.Uth - " . , .; , ... I.IMto MMK. :" -lft "BLS. FRESH ROCKPORT LIME; lUUVi 100 bl.1. do. Cool'a (White) do. For sale Id lotatoiult, by T. C. A . G. WUBTU. auk. 9. "' " ' : ; ' ; KAAIIL.V I1K11HIU. OK HALF -BBLS. NEW BO 15 HEHRINO, pnt up for rm CD By use. For sale by T. C. A B. (i. VI ORTH. Aug. 9. - . - , ;. . , . ' J, SVOAU.9tOAK. A BULS. CRUSHED ; 1U 10 do. Powdered. Just received in clore A for saIc by Ang. 2. T. U. McKOY A CO. Rl'MP PORK. " f? f bbl. cJra heavy Unuip to arrive For eale by HATHAWAY A CO. Hlfl BkGi "HAW RIVER' 1UU in tore and lor ale by July 10 MILLS FLOURfreh T..H. McKOY A CO. HOWE'S CELEBRATED SCALES." A LARGE ASSORTMENT ON HAND. Csll and s them. T. C. fc B. 0. WORTH. . July 24. " - ' " A gent for N 0. " " " GIN POWDER. - ALL the varletle of DuPont'e manufacture, Including a large supply of BUirtfnff Prvwder. For 1 on manu facturer's account, by DsROSSET, BROWN A CO. Mayl. - . . loxTS, Y. EMPTY Sl'litir OBLS." SAM'L WANDELT'B MAKE. For sale by June 26. . DtROSSET, BROWN 4 CO. I 1J m JlEUiCAL AO lIMtlHK KM K IHt-rtrtl -taki rv?f i a tm-i.K rr.PM vrACKvuv. 11 ttly pmr kn, tar raa k. ISaum. K J.MINIS m 4 mnmri Vmtmm I Crta. N -4 mi'f t Iml U LMf t-K HmM V nunaa T U, lit. m li.t. tirh t.fxk A oil K ...J I. k ', lMla V It6'r1 iBwr, tWN ik4tHV. Nr , wmma. l'. 1 a, Unut, U" B,n'N i-f i I lwa, I''l-!Uuda U lb liMW 1 i-.l,t, rrHtW. k fii- m44www, l"mmm at th H.i, It n'. ar fk Af Haea vt ife I . m..hn k . t U.-fclrfihi M t'' lk lt.. al olli.tMMi Ml ' mmtj rw"" , ,1 w ),,, Hr'in, tht lit a-wt r r m W M MartMra I'HaaM. a, -t kt. a- a WtitMt j xoxntQ ntti - -- --- f L-f'l(jr. 'h lun U., Mtt SvH atf V"-. 4fcM lr,- W .1 lwtrirt! ,'4 lt". K iHtjf nw Im mm t f ttiuimi 4m 1 iMm Mr f kj m,A at lM ( M'utwi - , k wtki t.rMai at buw4 kit '' HWt k tb - r MW,MK.M Jk-l t" tf h!f av till W'tk fuB mi M,a UlARRXAail IwW IV.ia m Tm( Man h vi rktnf MarrO., aaarael iiw. wftw 4a,, 4jrM.ium Sr. U SiMa aiiaarlf at.4" tlw e et tr J nM ikb v fc U M aa tttua m4 vaiit'ly Klj ui-va I.. 4 a a I ii OnOANZO WSAKNEf! la,ni.t I arrj a4 fait V d lv . - - l' I4tia liMM-k. Il rw A.ra I it BiltM ! iu Ui rt liapwwWw ta tea naltv 4 tT Mm vwtfnii at imi it t"" I ( 1IWM rt,wr4 to ail ffcaan rv la aia of II 4raUful rwiw thai rv iw, hn that 4iaiM ta ant-pr ttl tMm4 h. ibat tk pow l prrtnaka la k4 aM h ikam ItllHw lut.i ti i T"H" kaS. ihaa l-r tba ta.tai I Iw4va Optiv! il,a j -a T kalit.f rff.pr.aj. IS . a. i"-" awl d.!tv-Uf t IviapWiM la ItU K:l, a4 tbaavnaia bwinuwl lwoal, ll.a l l.iwal ami 'iU,ta Vl'aaiwt, ' (d lrrwitt 1'uaar, Snott irilUltiy, l'vt,ia, l' a I t I ha kart, I a.itfoatkm, faUltwi IVKIity, a V'ii '. M lb I'atoa. cuha, leuaaaiFUua, orrxco wo ?. totf-ru rncscnxcK it, i tn kaa a4a (9114 ftu tiaAtuiur , a h-w .t Ih ? oraar all aul W wlmta nant a,ij eumlwr Mlara Hi fi j and fvwiai aip. Ilia li piattiaa Sang ta kl oSv : pn joiiNsorr Mauibac f lli Uoval lolJf of Hurgtuaa, gra tua'a 1 i Ih wal mlii't I'ollaa la lha l iiltud Satra, ad l lha giaala, fart f k.a h fcaa kal arot (a Ilia k ! mt lotlu, l na, I'lula4al kiaaaa ka, hoaaiwtrj f ta m aatonlaSinf eaiaa Iha waraavat awa . tuaor Inulla4 vtiili iik!S 'ha ttaad aud aaia aha a.lrS iwi iwmutta. I tim alatuMxl at aaildo auuaOa, huhruli,a, atth tntiat t-luak Um, iW avuwltm-a lih a aaiane Maa4.1v aiiua, vr mi I tMiiuaiia'aiy taixj rAnTicwi-An notxco lH 1. af1iaa an lha who kt luttirwl lh-iiifh l im i"T laa'fau aad tiMary kUi, hk k rut iKtih bmtf awl utia4, anUiUi.g Uieat lot milu tuaiaaaa, (la.ly, aa Hry uf u(- 1 aaa aia Mm irfiha tad asl awlamhitjr HMa 'filiifl hj aarlj aauiia f yx-wlk. via : Maakiwaa uf Ota lark aal l iaiLa I'aina la Ida II wad, IhaiuaM ti( f iM, kluwular A'owf, Pall'ltamw of liw Ituart, lyii'y, Nria Irritahiiity, t rwimMil l lha lHgvaim FuiHliuna, Ovttaial LUliiy, i if Wrna til CNiautMitttMt, alnT4i.i t Ilia ftifiil Mi'i vm Ilia luludato wuuh loVa draaMUiaa l Moiaory, Ci-aroaiua of Mwt, lWvMiao U rtrna,EU KiHliiKlin, Ar-ioa to " aiialy, l-i'll Oiaiimi, la wl ltilHala, 'i'lmniilj, v , aia 4i,a of Ihti ntla ih1ih.I Tini'nii'i of iiaraia f all agfaean hw )lva a hat la Ih ana mt lhatr crt ulna kxatih, luainf tli4r vlgnr, lnilii- wank, luila, nrrvout au.l aiuaulatad, haviiig a aiua-ulai tfi-iiuauia alul lha ) aa, cuu h and i ptotin of nuiitu m 1'Ui'u. YOUNaXttlJN Who bv injurl thaniMlvc liy et-rtaln pi ttm in'luljjM In vhaa liua-a haWt fiauitatitly krnad Irutu avll iuwiiaitina, m at n-liool, Ih arlwit ,4 wuksh ar filthily f.-lt, rvaa wliaa el"', and If Bl eurad ruMi'ri marrlaa tni'iaait), Slid lUmtioia bulk mlad and Iwty, ahould aitply tiumadiaialy. What a iiliy lliat a jo'tim nan, lha hoi of bis muiitry, the darliim of hie iiaivnta, aliould I nalulial from alt Mnala and n.)oymaulatf 11 fa, by lha itiiiaatiiii-itvat f duvtailng frnm lha iik of iialura nd lailultiit In a tniam aii-ff t habll. HiHik w-iatvua BT, bafura ititmii)ilaUnS " 28AXIBIAQX3. ''.".v T " rallavt thai a onnd lulnd Mt WoUy ara Uia Hmalbwaaaai c r Ul. anion to proinol ronnuMaJ bapplpoaa. Imlml, wttliout Idaaa, thajottraay Ihrougb Hla Un ijin. a waary plirimiifa . In l'i hourly aarkaoa to Ui lw ; lha nihid bwmnt-a haiioad will ilrapair ana nlM With Ida iiialacHholy ruii Hon in,t th hapiaiiaaa of anolhar kwetnni klihtd with our own, LiiDAio or imrnuDBNcn Wliaa th mlauulrta.l and lnipriidiit Votary of plaaiuia fltitlt b ha Uublbad lb wail (if tins painful dlaaaaa, II loo ofl bat proa that an III tlniwl mhim of abania, or dread of dlacuvary . ii Urt (ilia from applylinr lo thuaa who, from adarailun and ra (Mrbabliity, eaa afama bafrisnd klia. II faJla Into lha haq la of Ignorant and Jai((aiiif prwUHidara, whu, lnral lanf aurlng, Alrh bit Muiilary aubalam:, kp him trlftinif month af!r mouth, ot ai liiif aa lha (taollMt fraii ba elilairii J, and 1 deafiair laav hit Vt lib ruined health to aluh evar kia aalUnc diaatiiHiluliBiiiit . if, by th 11 a of that Ueailly polaou, Moreuiy, btilau th eoiuiit 1'itlonal ayalam of Una tarritife dlnmaa, aii. h aa nrlr. tl.tn of tba llaa.l. 1 hroat, Noaa, Bkln.ali' , jir((i..Uig wHb ftlghilul raphll ty till d"a'h I'UH a vierkKt to bla dimlrul iinriiiga by aondmg him l thai uu!lie-or'l wintry fioia whoa bourn mi Iiiii rttoru. ENDOHBEWrNT OT THD ritCBH Th many Ihoiiaanda etuad at thl Inatittitlnn within Hi lat elghtaea fn, aud lha nnnigrou lHinirtani Hurglwl opoia'luin potforniad by Dr. Jotinatoo, wllnwiwd by tha rapnrtnia of thf Hun M and many a'har tira, aotkwa ef which hav apaiwl ayato and again bafora tlx puliin , iHwuIca hta Lawliiif aa a gn lltoian of rfiarar'tar nd leiiiomiblljly, ta sulBclMit iua'aiii to Ih III 11 tl. 8XCXN DXaUABES irSCOXLT CTXIEX) I'araon writing abmld bw partkabtf la dlrarUni thai IvUnm to hi Institution, lu th following nunnar : ilUU.X Al. JUIIIMJlll.-V, M. V litltlinor Wk lKf iml, lialllmo'e, MurvUnd July al, IWi-i';l ly M1SCEIXANE0US. CAMPHOR H K-t.AMPIIOll MIA P. UNKgUALLKD for Ibo bite of muiii!tors, liwuJs, Ac. An crllcnt si'Pllcstlon for persons who hve paid th Hound " it tint. Sold by lh B. ERAMBEIlt, Pbiwcr8Ut. Jun;!. llMialil ooiiy. BKKO PEAS.PKAN, , 75 r BUSUKlii CLAY PEAS Jutt rerelveil. For l by June II. A MITtlt:!.! KM K. .. II II rT( CASKS FRESH BEAT, (Tmrlcton Prime Kir,now 9)t landing Iroin Schr. Volant, and lor nil lioiu whari and toie, it the vty lowaat market prli:, by -' June 19. M. V.. A W. J, MDNDO. ilANO...looBiigHutoi. For la by IT Jnn If. VV. H. McllARY A CO. ICE..K'r'.Icr7. flMfB BOCK HPBINU ICR HOUSE, m North Wtr-rSt,.. X a Urge sew building nir tb Depot, I how orn"J and being (tot kpd with a No, 1 aiticl of the boat Northern K;K. to be sold la quantities to suit our CUV iunom.u; 1 will give my personal Heolion to p;klng and lurwitiding promi'tly, all orders from (he cljoiniiig country. ICE lur Diahed to sick d portr, frienfcbaige, aroimi(iiild by Ibeif phyicin'i ertiiti. E. B. UUDLKY, VttrprvUvr. April mil, dm. ; --j - - - 1 III II WILM!!TO!S IMOI A SO t orpER WOIIHH, fBOUT STBRST, SSI.OW BTAfXIT, i "' WILMINGTON, N. C. V L A. IfAHT JOHN (J. BAILEY, Profiritlf?, PRACTICAL BUILDLR3 of portable snd tiionry Htoam Englnr, of aoy re quired pewr r nd kind of boiler, taw mills, irrtHV, miila a in arlnsa and in. i.tltttr k ml of machinery uiaua In aoy etUblwhmebt Soutb. t Have in 1. . t - ... . m.-1m, nf m,W1.... mam, Im a ... , 1. . 1 - ' w. .w,(iw . ' ' .1 ' 11 1111 1 J 11 :r 1 II ' (J aral ne lu the aurruundivft country. Wilt mpply draft ot Bit Biuae in niHuuiuii j ana nui wots. mrp'ioiifie ini and copper work la all it brain be. All kimia ol iron and brat castiun., tiaitlivd or uuliiiishr d, l slioit notice. OM machinery overhauled ud icpsirtl. All work, war runted to b a represented. In oontf olion with the above ealablishmeiii, we faavo on In,.. a,.trlr rf rnhhur anH luafliiir helliiifr. Iailnir ..nlliii wi ,..Im .n mill rnthm ami liriltina rl.tlh fni rn..l B1UK ll'VWlt.U, ' ' ." ,V. ,1 '"I milui. Aiill Saws snd irrular Sw of ny iize and Kug, rorawiKKi at su-ors aouce. Feb. 16. - PORK-LA BD-HAMS-of, pflmo quality, now Ending from scbr. Sa Bird. For sals by -Jano 26. ; K BKZKLL A CO IN STORE. 0. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; Reese's Manipulated " Sombrero - . '' American " N Petersburg Fertilizer; rmper a nosppsia wui Phaeuix l-ind Gitsao i an,, ti lu ttoro and tor sale by July 20 W,il. MuUARY A CO. UEt El VEO THIS DAY fit Ruhr. A. J. IHROSSET. in FIRKINS EXTRA GOSUEN BUTTER ; . t , li) 10 boxee Cbes ; 109 bags TableiSalt ; No.l Mackerel. . In store sod for sale by T. P. CRAFT. Aog. S, 1360 " W1.MS. wiiria SALES VAN IX Cfa CUUElX.i BOCbS N -'Jl l ani. U 1 ,4. aaa aa irrr-j. &-'. av A CM sra t arae!r, anj a i1 S.;U l"4. 1 'i'h e.'y Vim fa-t J u J ; l.t a fmrai ec -t.'M tiU J ! k tu al aftct,r jitaUy ktm'm- , j ks rrrrnncK a t o . t k-leM ClaUiMa. - If blarta rrt, - , l'htAJ!rk.a. iti i. 3-Ib IV NAM V ABI .! 1 on U f4a aaika4 i. MrStr. wtfvet per -N kr. A, i. ltliwl rum kaat YmlL. r-'U.l J I-Vj4 al iim i ik aaj iuw, . H ALR4MI A Lu ILL. KDICITIOXIL HMIMHMlHHltNtr AMI irilKtlt ILLY. H'5 TO AfcMit'M K i ibw rimla aid tbtpiblie, katlh.ur B.lAWINOad DAY H iHLl Yeaef a-lwa, wtlltfH . ,4!al Mhprr (urt. I' kilajlbta, S(tB lltk, IHH, . ... - . A'.MB,laM ' ' ' J,iHw StMlfH ( AKOMiViriTiY' NhLtrt a. c. t THE 31 M:sMiiM i tki rw kotdwi'l bsUt aa tk 11 H tf lk tjHr t. Apwiirt(M rr adttil-mo, ar far tHit titfiffoutHm, akvn'4 b a4itra4 t Mai, d. n. n:u. A. 3d, PHI. - . f,i- fctrintn c ui ti , MitiTAttYTfiintJrY 11 1 .-i. ' I , DR. Pkl tlH kKMINABVi.' low ' ' i j4 LtiHra. rnOE lUVUUI SKhslON af Uio mtftt.eB will ri 1 Hire i Tk irtday Ika tb K hept nihr. Fiw I In-alar, i oiiUinitig full pailh-nlara, a idraa Ih B-t-i.-r I 'apt. JAS. . RADtUlFE. !per1ntendenL , ' Wtl..N.C. .t in.. Jt.t H.0 till Mmins. i u OMtnri i imi iKit p., w.,c. a it. H.M.t w,i WiiMiavtoB, N. C. 1 TM IL rUUTUfc.il M)1U K, frd. lit lot the V Uminglou. t; ChariotU and. Rutheilurd Rail Ituad Willi uccivrd ou Tuwtday, Tliuisday aud Katardiy aXUraoou only. Every dray load ot freight Burnt M a'i euipnld by Vk i uilniiiary duplicate tweaipt lor sai-k atatioa, kit pracribd fiw f whu li a b tihtaltfd at th plintiug ollu-. . t. l Lovie, Ag'itt TiBtuttetion. July ',ih, fi;u . ... . . JjIMf HH1T JI LV, ixail. VI L lill.LS nude tirevlmi to thi dl sr sow due. IVrmuti In li'l.lcd t-i m will pleas tak BOtlce, Bd py Hi , s t ttr-ed, and rnul hv monay, - " U B. H UflUlNrt A RONS, J tly l. s. E. cor. Market A ti ts. -'" JI LY D7itHl. '"" OUIt Al l or M S tin at abov date are made out. Our psttuns will ulillL-e us by falling sndmsklug ssttlemant. S. R. KAHSWKH EltCO., July 2d. lwMi. acl'ld Htaad, Core! Hore.is oi ick. AU perauns Indebted to ni ltlir by sots or ( count, r riur-t(d te com forwrd A settle them all ancossl atsndmir over lituety days, th Interest will be added. .t . . 'I II OH, C. CBAi'Ty, ktsrket st. JimaVH. , . j i . .I. SOTH'K "To lO-ITOS ANII TCRPESTISK , VAIIMEHS, j 11 E KKLI' cnmjtttotly on bsnit, Bilging and Rope, sew f sd nevnrid hand Spirit Cask, ll uiialilie of Glue. Will fill aider for Guano, Hoop Irou, Ac, Ac, atioweit tastket prlrts, Apply to June ild, IM JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. PBBtiaaBleOharTir nd PrebyterloB uopy i month. . Ofttr Caa fear A Ocan htaawi Navigation C I Wiijiiwwik, N.C, loth My, Io0. f rilHE BOARD OF PIRKCTOItS .f thl Company have X uisd a coutia:t fuf the cunstiuctioti of an Iron Sttra kinp, to h put upon th Im betwrru New York "d thi pott In the rly part iifOotobtr. - ' lu th inraa time tha Hcrew ritaaia bhip I'ARKERHBURO will nikkn tegultr tilp, coimnrncliig about th 16th Jan, ml ti pirn the i:niuplntlon of th Ship cootrsoted for, will ras la connection with bur. - . . - At a mo c I i hk of the Bonnl of Director bald Uils day, It b been nrdnind that Ih following InstaJImxiit be paid upon the aulmi rliitlon to the capital dork ol lb In Company; 1st, I'sah InsUllments of III percsot. 2d, per tent, psvable 21ta Juns, lHbfi. 3d, n ". " MhSept., ' , - Alb, 2V" " 'inthOnt., " Mb, I'l " " " Wth Jan., USI. tllLBEMI' IVl'lIU, President. May Imli, ISrni Slo-lm si miiM Ki'soins. 1 1-OK TIIK1 YIHOIWIA SPIUiOS. f '"i w y 1 'wl fINwi 'i i rat- LawI3 - . -fliiy ...... 1 Hi fllHE HHORTEST, UU ICK EST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE L at present lo tba VIHOINIA BPRINGX hi from Peters, buig, Va., viii th SOU III HIDE and VIRGINIA aud TEN NKHi'.LE IIAILIlOADH snd npposiliun line of Slsge. en urtng to the ti aveler ample room, tteBHon ad acooiumo dstloii.Rd low tare. ;.. , , Kor Ihn (.UKKNBHHi.il WHITE ftUl.l'OCU SPRINtiS ptengei ptircliate i itkets t IhtBonUi-Sid Railroad Office to lloii-m ki Di pot, f) WO. Ihow e Ihe Stage to tba Sweet Spring si now charging II, or to the White Sulphur 12 60, Bisk lug the laic only 4 W lo the birtct, aud 40 to th White Sulphur. . ,. , i - 1hr ae also nppnailion linn of Ugr ronulng from Bslefn Depot via ftosnoke lied Snlphur Spilogt and a line Irom Monignmeiy While Sulphur Spring by the Mountain Lsl'.o and Salt Hnlphiif spring to lli (iiccsbtler White Sul phur. ' ' -:!.'.:.-. FortlitMoNTOOMEItY U'lUTE SULPHUR SPRINGS, . bow one ol Die most a'-cenaihle, sgreeabl and popii- Irtr Spring In the mmntsiiiN, ptirebnse tlvketifrom i'rterthuig to I'lif 1 tinnel, .....v.. .....v.. IS 25 Fm lMNKIChHriilMUdpunihuiu tli:kUtoBiinai:k Depot, ...v...'.,.,... !K) ROANOKE i;Kii,M;LHJL'R lake tirkcts to fslem Depot ., ' '.. 7 40 ALLEGHANY SPRIMOS, tlrl,t( to BbftWSvills Depot, 8 66 YELLOW bl'Ll'HL'Jt trUlftUh. th kets to ChrisUaus- bnig Depot, , ,. ,......, 4-1 OLD ilhD H Ll'ilUH M'lUMjS, ticket to Dublin Depot, , 9 21 Tb cai leav the demit of th Poulh Bid Rsllread daily except buadayn) at 7 A. M. . I'iMseMgHi from South and North Carolina will Mad this murh the cheapest route to th Miupk this Summer. U. P. BIRD, bupt. S. S, it. li. Job tld, 248 2ra ' WWl.1.!"-! MlHltMSu v El ln, Crspe, Gi AB.-tdiiw, lxir and Love. Per sal by . - J. ft,! WiXLlAMS. July 11th Si;ANLt-.!.- iiaoa. t or nale by July 11. , J. S. tVLMAMS.-. f TONS I j inch Hoop Iron; l)"! U " " Kurlby July 16. ' - k A, KEITH. BY'TIVk'STKAMMIIP PAKKBH8BVKG, , W E RECEIVED this morning by the Parkersburg, Choir iroaiicn nutter , . . , . , Km.ikail Beef : City llrw Poik. For sale by ' nly la. L. B. HUGG1NS A SONS. TO CLOSE COKSIOSMKIST, "T7"E WILL BELL 76 TONS BED ASH 'EGG COAL TV torai lor a small advance on cargo price. Apply to 4. JAS. T. PK'4'TEWAX A Aug, CO. HOOP IUO. TONS at $10 per ton, cash. For salo by Aag.i- ' .E.-A KEITH. 10 COH!S.-tOW PKAM. BUSHELS. For sale by -I July 91. ' KLLW A MITCHELL. 1000 KAaTKIlN IIAV. I. 200 BAi.E8 PRIME QUALITY, in store. For ale by July 91st . . . ELLIS MITCH ELL. HHF.KTINUH AND COTTOH YARS8.. : I a R A LEES NORTH CAUOUVA BHEETINGS ; XUlO du. do. , - do. Cotton Yrus. For sat. b Aug. I. . - ' .T.C. A B G. WOUU - OATS-OATS. TKA BUSIIF.LS laiHA HEAVY OATS.' TorU dj I 0J Aog. 1. I. C. A B. G, WORTH.