VOL. 10. XO 8 TiTUJINGTOy. N. CM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 16C0 Bf n L1V1 A PRICK, PROrUETOlU. ti FITTO. Eiu 1. 1 F&VK. A ax--! t.1 t . Tni r S a aacrl e Jpr, tCTvr.Vj a aJ . rvv Paper, ... pi m ... I w . 'Jt b rr l y m -Va. a. 3 letters oi caarrtci wiik this "5v lUrMj to lis proprietor. RATES OF ADVKUIUvNt,. - mALt fc.CAa. Cb day ...... Twe dv..... Tire daye. Fosr daye ... ...... Five dav Om iwt Two IMkl,, Oo moat TWO Bjtoaih fhre Booctia I 14 Oo dy... Tw day Thrt day. , FtHU daye , Fn dirt , On wank.... Tw wU..:..., On moat..,...., Two-moatba...,., Thr mosti- Rs oiUi....... .$ . : . t . 1 . i s. . I ?i .17 . 4 00 . t W .19 00 At M 5:t 00 I M 00 Btf BOUUk Unnw. .15 0 On yr .SO 00 Tea Lava ar eouwd as eqaer, and if Kin mImi BU eoaa-. laaaga Bdvrtiaanatata la roporti, tad all perek ia advene. Waa ao paid la adraacOa seats f' sqaar wuin taarg arter lie cm InaarUoa. rail aaU-aqaam aot paid for La ad viae will he tkart 4 a a eqaar. AAdvnamot( tartd at BpUl or Btaho Notices ar charged oe-klf awn the ebov rata tght bias luauj ar is iwiwi aa a square.. WAdraruaaawata faand every other day ara charged i msw par auara lur aaca naaruoa anr ina srav rHa pabltoauua Btada vftaaat a raapoaaibla aaaa. BUSINESS JND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a. fl. Tvari. a. a. WORTH DASIKL, 3BOCIRS ASD rOMMISSlOM MEBCBASTS, No. 1 1 VI wumitiIIov, (FaowT trurr ) WILlll5GT0!r. K. C Bulictt eoaalffmeata of Floor. DrMd fruit, Beaavaz, r aauara, i aaoea, aa v. oonu-y rroaara ftoenuj. arAreota for Uuwa'a CaWbralad bcaWa. fapt jUt. latiO. lm tf CLARK A Tl'HJJOTOW. C0HMBSI0M Ail) FOBWARUIMJ KERCH ASTS, WuaiMTOii, M. C. airiaa to H. K. Bataai, Caibier Eaok Capa fear, WrimtngtoB, . C. jko. vtwaoN, i-raa. wiu Hraaca KaaK orn. U. W. H. Jokix, Caallai tataUk Braock Bank Capa Fear. Oct 1. IxtiO. IW UHOCBRV, CRtKKKHV A!IO IIOIIB riRAitiunu itu he. mfll 6UBSCRIBEB laforma tba public that ba will oa tba JL Rrat dar of Oetobar, epa a Wkoleaala and Retail 1K- KtHl, vKfCKbHl AMU UE.NEKALi HOUSB FUKJil.SH- WG 8TO UK at Moa. M and 38 Boatk Front 8trt WUmlnr- too, N. C, vkera averyUunf la kia Uoa of boainaaa bmj ba ioaoo. vroera aouoiiea, aaa prompt aiapatca Kivan. i. CASS1DEY. Bept 36th, 1SC0 " 10-It IX11 B. KRAHRKRT, "TVBUGGIST AMD PRACTICAL 1'UABMACEUTlT, 1 WiLaixuroN, N. C. Keepi eonstantlr oa band, a aclect atovk ot prvr$, M4- irne$, Ikmirttxo and Wofaa VhemvaU, Faney audi Vjxlei Aritck$, Wntt and Xviortur Jfaitcoi lryoi$, tvranicnlar attention paid, to Pkiacaimoiia, Fi aai HBV1TM, aCDICIMB VEUN, 0. Vtora immediately ander tba " Carolina tf otet." July 13, 1869. 363-tf O. C W. J. tlfNKO, COMMISSION M KUCHA NTS and WHOLESALE UR0 CKJiH, No. 33 North Water Street, Jane 18, 1HS. Wilminotom, N. C. V. M. IMITH, 4UU MCLAI KIN. BIH1TI1 St MrLAi nm, C0MMIB8ION AND FOUWABD1NO llERCdANTH, ,-.. . .:. ,..t ,.,., .. . WiuiiMffM, M. C. anna to In.. n..AU P I 8. P. Hall, Eaq., Preaident Branch Bank State N. C. Joly lit, 1HSI 364 OKROSHKT, UHOWII CO., tNEHAL 00HM1BSI0N MERCH ANTS, T WILMINGTON N. C. Jan. lit, 1857Mtf. . HEHRT P. RCSSBLJ ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VT , 147 Eam Bat, (Ilr ftokn.) CHABLESTON, H. V. March 17th, 1848. 163-tf T. II. HrKOY CO., - "BOCEES AND COMMUSHION MERCHANTS, Booth I VT Water atreet, Wilmiwtoh, N. C. Ang. 33d, 18&8. 397 II. D. EIL.BRS, TT7H0LE8ALB GltOCER AND COMMISSION MER V CHANT, and DEALKR IN NAVAL H TO HEM, cornel waur ana naraet aireeu, Yi umingtoa, Si. V. April 3d, 1HA8. - IA. tTOKLXT. ALU. OLPB1H. ' ' BTOKXKT dt OLOIIAM, . fi BOCEKH AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND VI DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AO. WlLMIXOTOK, Jf . C. Birnantca. VI tnnVn1I.9 I.UM. IV . I. .W H7III-- xvii .van uuii. . miuvui vi lua if nil a ui n lllllllJK MJU O. 0. Pamlbt, Eaq., Preaident of the Commercial Bank. K. HURRAY & CO., (Sneaaaaora La Nam y A tHaeock. G0MMISRIQN MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATKH 8TNKKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. BTAIAT. P. a. MXaoHIaUM. t. t. MURRAT. Febrnlry 1, 1869. io, I iaa-u i ' D. A. LAMOlfT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 38 North Water atreet Oct. 13-31-tf WlLHIHtiTOII, N. 0. LB. IIIOOINI ft BONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCER IES A GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 8. E. Corn. Market and Second fctre.ta, - . WimmaToii, N. C.S BVOrder from oar frienda will receive prompt attention. Oct 10, 1868. J.H. ROllIMbOll at HON- Wilmington, N. 0. rIPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. AND Dea leret io Hard war, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Naili, Afrricul tnral Implement, Ao. " WM. C. HOWARD, n ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER. VT Sept. 30. 1864 13 tf WiLMiNqTON, N. C. ADAM, BROTHER dk CO- ( COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J ' .. - . Wilmington, N. 0. It Ih HATHA AY. WH. B. UTLlf. HATHAWAY COn (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . J WlLMlNOTOK, N. C. T.CAB. U, WORTli; " COMMISaiON AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WiLMiJiatoii, N.C. March 11, 1857 166-ly iamh AxnnaoM, id-abb iataai. ANDERRO-f A SAVAOK, C ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VT Wilminoton, N. 0. Liberal oaah adrancea mad oa eonaignments. f AMEM A. WILLARD. " .nOMtflSSION MERCHANT, WHOLfcSALK GROCER, 1 lunnciteoiiiflDiru a. t AMU U DIM IUK.Lt AM UllAl . . No. 10 North Watii Btrmt, Jan. 1, 1860. . Wilhinoton, N. C. - WALKER MEAREB, (Snooeaaor to Walker Mearea A Co.,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, - - 45 Mabiit Stbut, Wilmington, N. C. HARRIS HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , ' Wilmington, N. C. HBOB0H HABBI88, A. J. HOWILL. W. W. HABBI8. Oct let. 1868. W. W. DAVIS. M. D.. OFFERS HT8 PROFESSIONAL 8ERYICE3 TO THE CTT itena of Wilmington. Offlo 3d door below Holme' Hot:. Front Street Jnnel. ' r 331-tf ' A. E. II ALL, 1J10BWABDLN0 AND C0U88I0N MERCHANT,- ,X,',f,W'. WujtwflTPii, N. C. , July 30th, 1869. - J78-U ErsISESSAXD Pi.QrESS.3XlL ClRD&lEl.LXKS lNu PI.CFESS.OXAL CARDS. . w. nu.icR. 1 HtSvRAXT AN3 WHUEIU CSO- W t S J. I S jt V ATSB Klir, WiLanatrus, X. C. Prompt ettrBtioa gfv a t.3 Cra. tvt itk, Ivg : utrwt4 to w. av koiiD)t, "VTTT STREET, StAR THS BAII K UD. rr kia paraoaal atuatk to eatUn r tur-ani.u pva tummma. all kiada af Fradoea aeat to ka (ar. ai aopea. by kia aareHUa attaaboa to banoaaa, to aaam a pwii m am paene fairoaara. ' W01 aaa artead to t::mc He- fnr all kiada of Marekaa diaa, akera taa pan ara eafficieatlv kaa-o to jnetify w. i AWa to !!., u prtaato or pakiia aal. Baal fetal ia uwwwa at kusuutoa, at 1 par caat awaawaiua. Pretbrteriaa. FanttMii 1 J s Rt"f Notoa, UolJ.boro,l 3 waLa 4ity, aadaead b Oct. 30, L-Mfl -4T tf. K. It. OAIXOWAT, pOCSTT SCBVIYOR. VV Oflic, aader Waahlaxtua BoteL WIIMIHUTOH, H". C. rarwaiar aiteauo paid to krUg a BuUJim. Spt 10, 14.ax4.i. LAW MOTtCla. TUUC3 W. WEIGHT, J ATTORN IT AT I.AW OEc ea Market Btratt, oaa door Eajt of Dr. Dlvkaoa'a. 0pt Id, 1MB, vw-t H. L. HOLMES, rAW OrriCE, PaiKcsaa Srurr, J A' Jo-rnai Suilhnf. t.or or tmpua, Ba-paoa, Bladaa, CUunbo aad Ke auofcr. Wtlmunrtoa, Tea, letk, 160. 3 ly . ma g. r. arrvatn. a.t.iaa m ibitciikl , ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CWKJ. r-SAS, OATH. RTE. WHEAT BKAN, OIL MlaL; J FRESH UROCSP H0M1NT, HORSS A COW FEED; a Lao, IASTXX2T JLKD SOUTH RITKR BAT, Ma, Nortk Water Street, ...... WaiTo, N. C. Febreary , lfl0 -ly J. S. WILLI AM a. WHOLESALB 4ND RETAIL DEALER IN FANCT aad Btaala Dr Oooda. 'unitnn. If .nii... j Ruffe, Ready Made ShirU and CoUara, Under Garment fur f WW 9 BMlt UUiBfiaL .... IT MARKET STREET, A ag. , i860. WUla,f. W. C Iamb t. tarrs. ' kilb oorrxv. IOM MISSION MERCHANTS, offio aecoad atory, ooraar y ' w w im aoa aariet atraeta, wumiartoa, m. v. a-oar taay ar praparaj to attoad I all baeineae fat the - i miaaioa una. au boalnaai atnuted to tha wlU bapoaotoally att.aJ 7j av KDWAKD MrPHERaoiV. C0MMLS8I0N MERCHANT, Mo. Booth Water Street, . . . WaawoTOH, N. C. Aogiwt 8th, ma. tmi KRRA"T A WILItOI. WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS in Domeatic DRY GOODS. UROCKItlKM riJlTHlNcJ Konrx uh.... . 11a. 11 ua 11 Kuril wiu Ntmi Oct II, I860. Wiuiwutok, N. C. TIIO. C. C II AST. T nOiiEHAL- AND RETAIL DEALER LN DBT IT UUUliN Aau UKOvKRIKS. , No. HI bUairr Braa , Wilmiiiotok, N. C. ABgnw wtn, intsn. wm. a. evTiR. invar raAOoct . iamuil a. JiNNiNoa. UWIKH, f K A(4K K CO., WII MIMJTOM. N. f! I OMMIHSIOW MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS. KJ and dealer ia NAVAL STORES, CuTTO.V, and South era I'HODUCB reneraUr. Prompt peraoual atteution glrto to all ooaalgnment of 1 roooce. rb. 19. lW-1381r MellTTIRB BROWM. D EALER3 IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY 000D8. voe uuor to nrowis aaaeraon a.) no. n Market ML. . . WILMINGTON. N. C. OcL I, 186. ji.tf CROROH HYKRL WHOLES A LB AND RETAIL GROCER, DEALER IN Wlnea, Teaa, LIinora, Coneee, Proviaiona, Wood and Willow Ware, LoniloB Porter, Ale, and Champagne, of the m i cry cuuweat urmnua, Baa. 11 and 13 Prank BU-eet, " " . . . Wilminuton, N. C. April tin, ihgo. l80-9m C. II. ROBIHSOIf CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARD INO MERCHANTS V? . WiLMiNoroii, ti 0. unlet over Mr. J. A. Willard Store. En Iran, turner of rrinceaa ana water atreet. Maroh 9, I860 14MA19. REMOVAL. P. BEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. 'fglt'tn TAKES THIS method to Inform hi cm tome rt aaa peraona in want oi won or anv deacrlo. tion. in hit linethat ha haa removad hi. ltm,k. nitity and Huixng eatabliahment to tb Baaement of the I new Journal UuUdxng " on Princea Street, where fa wiUb pkaied to receiv order for every deacripUou ofl OIUUIUK UT BUllUK, SO., SO. I Thankful for out favora. ha linn. a a .nnllnn. . I . ,7. : . r"- " a iioerai uaironaia a naratoiora. Oct Slat, 1869. JAB. T. PBTTRWAV CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Notbh Watbb Htki-t, WlLMINOTOM. N. C. Solicit coniignmenU of all kinds of Produce, alto, order I v. v.w.ii , am ajBiug, i(iv, uuauu, OH)., dti. RirtB to John Dawhon, Eaq., 0. U. Pabslbt, President Commercial Bank, Gao. Davu, Esq. a. t. rimwAT. boo i a moobb. uctoDer Ut, 1H69. oha. 9. btib. tun. J. moobb. niiiu at nuuuE, TlnO! ES A LB AND UUTAIL, .uiiiM iff BA TW OA Pf, v v dim" vuuva. ruins, liiviiiit UAiTi, UM BRELLAS, CANES; A (7., AO., 34 Market street, WlLMINOTON. N. C. We are prepared to oflar to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducement, and respectfully aolicit an examination oi onr nt, w eiuua. lor r an ana winter trade. Oar Uoods are purchased direct from manufacturer. We pay no mormd pnyu aoa are wining, ana can teu as uw as Buy Jobbmg Houae la the United tttatee. V are deairoos of sending onr Gooda to every section of North Carolina, and will nse every xeruon to pieaae aii wao may lavor a wiln tnatr order. Heptomher IS, 1869. . Uftioft ui.tiiLLa.Hk. "' WILMINGTON, N. C, A. H. VAN BOKKELEN. PnorBirroR. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES purchaaed, mannfao tared and sold Wharf ace and StoraffS forniahed. and fJbooaraaa dnna at iauTBie. : Jan. 3, I860 100-tf. .. " ' B. H. WEST, ' AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wii.HiNaroM. N. C... . . 1 Will aell, at prirat sale, Cbfton. If aval Stores, and all Binaa oi proouoe, at a small oommurum ; Also. Bank Stock at 1 per cent. Kail Road Stock...-. I percent Real Eatat....,...w...........T,i p.r cent Negroea , Ipercent Direct importation, Cargo Sal 1 per cant BBraa To the citizens of Wilmington generally. October 31, 1869 40-tf KDW1H A. KEITIL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . -Oct 1, 1869. WlLMINOTON, N. 0. (. W. XKBAjrT. OBO. VILHIK. ehhast b wiLiBOir. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . . No. 14 and 15 North Water Street Oct II, I860. JVilhwoton, N. C. . ROBT II. CO WAIT. i ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. VT - ' WiLMiiwrow, N. C. 'i""8'- C T1???-? 0t.l,l86lL-36-tf I arumo oonva uorau aurKat ana w lltain. . fOot. 0. a. Tmn. kBT rw. V A R BROI 1; II A. MPK kit Sijfik r aireet. WC;tna. K r rw. t v- rr"&l I "'" I f" t o, iu. c itMi,iM itirn DN ia laadian. at J nt. arat II. T;lk'a atdra. T3-1 r W M. MnRT CO, COMMISSION MEKt'UASIT V Daalara ia Par Prta iliia and a.3 mt, r..ii if i aiaa, Afaa for Raaae'a ttaaao, Wnanaaum N. C mr PD aUaalliia U V. -r 1 ....... ... , ! ....:. r " x M14 .Aai Caak adraaee a PrxvliK- Wt i,t4 Eatar to U Baaka la Wt,rt. Kaleirk. If ..bera. Tar aT"' ' a.C-.andC-ker.,, l10Bjf1PfllM.-Jt BOSTON CARDS. n A awiay li a ai . a. .. GB0CEE3 . eOMMlSSlox MKRP 191 l'vnrl Mrerl KW VUUK. GROCKBj 4 CUMM1SSIDN If KRfMIAViM Nftiri'rta tr v T KEW,T(183 OCSB kt eoaductedVl JVoTi.. The Norfulk Hi a ill ba ri,Wl. I V. n tr UdF.kL Htaaa. ' "" -" SepC 1U, !. j Ti Ti aiiEWKLir " HUH. n AND 34 SOUTH WiTEll STREET. aUail AliL'i imai -orvna m ... . " vtvurill "A. W D.rt5 l!sLERa B.'a, Purk, Lad. Dried w w tiajaa. a rnni im - 1 1 u 17 . . 1 .. i i- ' ." r'f "- aim eoWtayVa kaaXS 'rku' 4. , viLuaaa. J. O. WII.I.IAata rn pOMMlSSION MERCUAMTts Particular attantl.-a.... .i.a'1!-? !f!.T5"- Cettoa aad Orala. " ' m Fab. 3d. 1-IW ly a allaj riHST 1'Hh.MII M ' OAHra MS AT CnAXR lllANirFAnTnn- Nort. jij Bj iu x.tih iJZir Vt. r."at. Mt arlet- of atylaa, aoitabl for larlora, ITAWlnr Krximior Cliamhar 11.,. ... V-v-l "JlGillBaoeptloaChalraj Ladiea Bewlnr Yjjrj Bockln.Ck. Ce-p CkaiAe " rh.lada.ph,. Pa., JB,y la, 'gft viiuwii a. aTaa, iiuu i .n.v.. KTE roaTrn GENERAL COMMISSION M ERCH ANTS for the aal af v uuj, "V "JL' TORES, and SoDthem Produe generally. No. lit Nortk Whartca, and 111 North Water atreet. PHILADELPHIA. jurch Tth, m iM lya B. BOLUiia. . rorria. . j. ...; DOLLHER, PtriTk-U CO.. aiuwaiiooiua auiviunin, Aprn IS, iHia.-lwtly. Niw Yon. I, liiTit acaBAH, HWHHA da RraMKI.t. w, I. anaaain (.ENpAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 33 North T Wbarraa, aad ti Nortk Water Btraet, PaiLAPfLrau. aw umria vaao aoTBocea bibu on CUucirnfflenM. JnlySQth.lKftl . 379 ft) i. !1 , f Btf l 4 aWaaSMI a'twv fnf aja kn fk, J. ".I'F m I'tt. Mtaa I.. 1... 1 B At ? n a lv "i)XJ 4 : aa far. li. I ai. awW ly f jrr,f A lahiaaaf. M aT HI nolo FraeHeion CAUTION. PURCHASERS SHOULD BE CAREFUL IN PURCHASING THEVAILPf WHISKEY TO SEE THAT IT IS DOaAalirsr'S M.lAnCVAllRVffllSKEY AN IMITATION AND A COUNTERFEIT OF-THE ABOVE WHISKEY. ."VvTiLEDALT, SOLE PROPRIETOR 19 SOUTH WILLIAM SI NEW YORK. Far aala la " -- L. .11 ai.. ri.i . mri. tj.. ...... I UUUNSIDK' S Pl'RB OLD MONOXGAnELA RYE WRISKEY. CONSCIENTIOUSLY distilled by Mr. JAMES BURN BIDE, of Alletrhanv Conntv. Pa... In tha ,.M honest way. from tba choioeat live, aad ia no raaa nrlrfrari for sale until adapted to wholesome one by age. It ia at once tbe moot palatable, as It ia emphatically tbe purest I v iu u iva31l VI kua E1UU1IO. 1 O U1B 1DT1 IO. U W. as to those In health, It commends itself for It unrivaled qualities as a stimulant of the safest sorest, and most bene ficent description. For sale in barrel, kegs, Ac, and pat up u ease of one doxen bottles each. CLEBY A STOCKDALE, Proprietors, 328 Wei not 6t, Philadelphia, Pa. WM. C. CONOVER. Agent, 325 Pennsylvania Avenue. Washington City, D. C. C. A R. N. WHITE, Jr., Agents, 4 Cedar Htreet. Na- York. Oct 4. 1860. lv3m. CAKPKTIYO, bC. HEMP. Ingrain, Super Ply, Tpestry, Bmtsels and Vel- vet Carpeting; Oil Cloths for Floors, SUirs and Tables; Printed Drnmret bv tha vard. and Pattern fnr CrnmhJ in . . . ., " J . . ' . ' ... . . iioins, i,inen iiamaRK lor covering caroets and iRir Straw Mattlng'i Cocoa Matting for Public Homes and Rail nosa uars; Kugs, Hemp, Htraw. Adelaid and Velvet Malta, I Driuaeii ana velvet a smocks, uinaing ana Larnet Hween- cia, arc id avore ana win oe suDUiiea io consumers at ax. traordinary low rates, by J.S.WILLIAMS. nov. iu PERUVIAN OCAKO. A, TJEESE'S MANIPULATED GUANO; bj oomDrero it Petersburg ManipoLited Janris Island ; Baker's" " Phoenix Land Plaster. Aa.. Ac. Ac it i it ii In. store and for sal by W. H. McRARY A CO. Oct 3d BLACK WHITER SEED OATS. A flfl UHEL8 besvj Canada Osti, a very- tvjxrlor article Jor teed. For tale by Dul. KlilS & MITCHELL, mi rT- atiai - HALrtMOHK L'X K IKfTpiTtl. Iit 1 Hw.? T d. - -. 7 .-r v,,Mm ha.'. r " -tje T Mki J wr aalkjiiuoua. 4w naa. , p,bav T017NOK35.V ;: xwjLnrixian. ninrfMKiiiYk...i.i. . . . . a-., rkvoai rr rr I Urn kKa klSiYaJe thtantf I J a awi l? a(u. i. a k t. . .r. kia kill aa a Itir.m " ' u.., aj OnOANTO WXA1UVZS3 tW aad Ma. r l'ain.r rWful Mw.)iMl that luajr ...-K aa W a.an M,h tt l r r.M lv.l k.". ". ."T:' Ui oATjca no-1, oxrrn rnzoznicu ut "njU,,' a Royal W ttur.. rr)aU fy,,- , a tha at emit-,: UalHaT. it. I "' ' " trt rf .hi Ufa ta. J Wi W llt- a.wl.h!n-e.rv, that war. .rr kiwva , , UvmJZi "Tk TASO rAnTXCTJTaaUl N0TICHI IrJ," wh ka lelural Lhamn h. ba- -llndu t-M. eou nt.ry haJ.iu, k,.B r.lB buj .R. . ... I ........ auu auuiar kal'lla. b rk rula aaik t..l. UI . auBLUua tl. i. .... . . ""a rta. - a aiiiujf, aueiaty mt - li"?,!r T' ' alaBf holy .ftVta prlnd 1. aerlj ka!4i. uf ywh l : Vt eaka- uf uJ, Hark ami II ml, l aaaular IVw , ipainnimiiK iiaarl, J)atany. A raniiint of the MgraUv Fauoiloua, 0 Wain o UutMHimmliMt. rra lirttablUt. Iw. auoiloua, Uaurral ihttaUly, tai aiLVV'." lrftl, m1 " 1 Vtu": ki. ...... . . . . .. . . b n.ii anneir oa ina mis ara aiaeb ki ka f lik-a, IWiirmauoa uf -wiMy, rVlf iw.iru.w a Ihaavtla tirilu I Itarauna uf all . . . .... , . . , aan .J ih.l. al i. T. a i .7T . -" " ...... ,, a iua loair vor, baanailiuT wamk ItoJZiZZ??'' H'" -''."kapTar! Zl Hie ejraa, aougb and ijmptoiua uf a,aUnmij,uua , YOUNO WtlV Whi hara Injured Ihvmaalvaa ky . Hrtaia prarUoa InduWad lu whaa a l.-a halHI Nam, Urnl fr. U ipiCaJ at aehnol the .tr I ,,f Wl,h aVe al. btly A lt. V.aTl a-d If a4 earia r-lar, ai.rri H,,i.ii,lL iml2Xu2h Bind aad b-ly. .h.mlj .r,.l, liainaliiiiy. roa uu liat a ! Dial a vnuiiu ..... tk. k..... . li. darlln, uf (i I re iila. alinuld I. LZX " " T eiHMHitaof life, by tl.. oouwHiuaneau J,.i.iiBa r.-.'rr.r.-Vw m nainra iw inuuiKin In a aartaia miri bablL irtaf Itt aa aa t . i , . . Such paraima - 'i .ur auiuvuiMlllim m , xaAxtnxAaa. "" " a en. na minl and body tr tkenwaC) r reaul- 7.L 1 7.7... . .i. a I.. . "iiHn arml wliliuui ttiaaa, ,.,r,mn M r. iKiimia a waary ii rr marai lha nr. r 'au tniUVXi WIU1 Oar OWll, TJTHT1 A an nvi TiwnnmiMina k.h:.7n So . .r.,H1,,M", "'P'"'l.TUr,ol VlM.,ir, d. !... .I." . . . T llWUiilVliU CraV," Ui Urf I" torn .'"'"I'rlylngto h( who, from a-lueailua a,U at-"- 'tBiitiiM irtriaaiiiiftrav wriit I Iijam i lilat ..r all .1. r!;, '.h "." ,,l.T',drJIi p,,'."," ,rourr. h..-n'ib. ........., .,., , mi. n.rrn.m uhwhil iUh a all Una af tha tiT ! iZ?Z?l?'JYr'r',.U IUWUtfBlraMd. tytllldHBlh p -apn(l to hie dreadful auirerli.ge by aau llua blm to thai aoUlaooTarad eountrv fnim ,!.-. K....?.-. . "J, I raturua. ' . ......i . ENBQIUtWENT or TTJS mtll .. . u-iij, u.HiaaiHM aurwl .1 h, InalUutlon ttiilun the last "Iri t1' J,nrtu" '" 1 l-T tl. raportar. of the aln and .train Uora ll,a puWla, l.i. hi. .Imllll IkjmM of eliaraoler and rwoun.l I. Hiv i. . ...m.lT. the allllclMl. cj r --ii.ii. flwailMMI Pernn wrlllim icmlTl- i, n,,iil.,T.. TiT.T:.':TrrT . ia kia ln.tlt.ti. ii.. " " ""'" -- - iri iww r iitr IIIPtlUKT . wvua SI. JUUNHTOlf, M. D., ... ,. , BalUmora l.irk liijeiillal jBlyll,lla-17-ly n.illlro0r.'?ylnd, SANFORD f 8 i7i; u i m in UII Jll BirWM litriiii ' TT IS COMPOUNDED UNTIHkXV t'lu'lM (!PM ..a X baa becoro an establiahed fart. known and aiiiiiiroved by a ntaadard Medic ne. all that tiava used It, and Is now resorted to with conuV- deuce la all the diaeaaa for wtili b it Is recomniamled. I as It has cured tlioiwaud Ithln tb but two veara wbo had given op all hope I Ulieoliciled certilleatea I n of relief, aa tiut nameroua mv Boaaeaaioa show, ed to the temperament of used In lock quantities aa to The doae must be ailant- J the Individual taking It and T act gently on the Uowala. I ft It Ilia , li lata. .f :t the dictates i of yol)r, S judgment guide yeo In the of the LI VIH JA a- I ViUUUAiviL ini It will lAO't CmiianU. 'ST. llliilumi Atin,lm use care .io-r C'mu4rtuiii. SM, tVirotiio larrhuca,i mtUry, Vropty, tivur titum innfaMil, ML dimtm .. l ...... .r.. f.fUMLf?. iXiltlMVJt iriil,: ' , . vv ' (. If..,..,. rt.i.. . . . tUitulenct, Jaumlice, ij K imal Wmltnmim, en-l may be used aucceaefully aa an W UMlinm-v r,,mdu dl. nary Famdv ewte. it win cure niOA. e-' sands Cta testify) tn rtserty 3 2Vaio0iis are Ifiiecn at UKAVAVHK, (i thon- witnuis, if tlAO Of tllTM Icommenrement of attack. AU tcno tf nr givina MIX WATKH IN tllK itbeir teetimony fn Its favor, r mouth with niK in. UAJ WhOTIl 'IVUSTIISH. rrtc On Uutlmtpmr liotU. ALSO SANFORD'S VAMILV rriiinrri1 PILLS. COMPOUNDEr. fnnil Jl 52 &JLU8 CASES, Ar IfyM, and will keep t any dtnuito. The Family fJaVAitrlttl 1'ILL$ Is gentle but bo utv vabljai UV Which the proprietor has need in bis practice more than twerty The constantly increas- years. ling demand from those who bave long used the PILLS and tbe satisfaction which use.haa Induced ma to Dlaca all express in regard to their them witbio tbe reach ot Tbe Profession well know on different portions of the an. that different Cathartics act r ooweM. The FAMILY CATHAR TIG PILLS has, with due lished fact been compoun- reference to this well estab ded from a variety of the which act alike on everv porest vegewtii Extracts, part of the alimentarv ea rn all cases where a Catbar- SW zT!T ,,, tic ia needed, such as lie rangements of tbe Wotnovh, Buck, and Loini. Coxtive- w. 7'ains tn lhr 'am and SuraiejuA bfltr fie whole body, from sadden cold, which Ire ....,. an (jaenuy, n neglected, end In a long count of Fever. ing tiertraiion of Void over the body, ketkne, Utiad Had, all InAammatoru acne, or , rKeiyhl tn tht AViseaws, Wormi in C7itl tjtn.a great Purifier ot the to which flesh is heir, too Wren or Adults, Uhernna- Mood, and many disease numerous to mention in this kll.artiaam.nt Tin., t J . w. . vwvmh . a'VTC. a ari PltlCld t DIMES. THE LITER TNVIOOHATnu amiv rivirvniTmn H,.ii.',.u. ?e. 4 told w w.v w vj a,. .IW. iu au i,Jtj larje luwua. B. T. W. HAAi UKORD, M. Dt - " " MaJJUfacforer And Proprfetor, " March 24, 1860. AT RETAIL. ... A HANDSOME Btock or Foreign and American Dress Loodsj Uoaaekecping Goods and Fann Ani..ifla. Cb or credit cheaper Uuui la where. -Oct., UED31CS, tl BTUT. . e(2. TL T"K'" r,'Wr LJk eilw II ANTS. I -Twir7I" TLTT"' " TWU , amn. a rawf la. d I . . . "f l"vilwllllaiaK vw, m, ,aaA Ik MaUi 'ri', lb. laoat eanaa. aJ iat,. mind aj-taa Ilia iv. i L E. iCA L. ..1 P. 0 War. CII lUiOKRK Iir.aMKD Y if rN-Anrxa rvr.t fob r mm taark ur 1'ruAaa.v. Ik aaaaa lta , ... . a. ina arf and par-auau, r-.f ZiriTXi fawaa-r aaa, i In t Mtaa.) and all di kaa aaUMaiaha4 !r ::,.rl,? -.- thi. a,7 ll a taa Sl Af it. a . ... i. . ... ar r.i- ex. 4,,i.uoa trmm tU ...) .) -T' i i 1alw "HH UUt Aaa-j iu raa la lha i Wataa B aaaa-a fW. bmt rialW lac-, v-T,,B IVTlkUi MkUVUX.Bul. ,H.rWile, ..Id la Vin.l.. k.. W it ,nn- h,.L:?!.,i I I N .1 i tMUaNm. ka Ll il Aa a k,uuv. i,.i .v ? Thoasaudt ar dafly speaking fn the ri.Ias of KATOI'I . ; I N F I N T 1 1. k rnnnm V .T - a a. a. V " V j J , Bad why ! keraiw It arvv fails io afford iHtUmLinuLi ra. M .K.a give ia time. It'.cu a. b, wntate1" m yw ujtt trwi. It NO PARECOKIC OR OPIATE itvi tumniu . v.ii- rvaiirtji (A iW.,, amlredtmny nam, It See no fiI being ii alvi.flm.lie It la Bwd .ft nnitlnJ rur,7Z BU cmi of l'ONVUIIUN Oil OTIIEItFlTii. Jls Zm AmrwtUu trndWijAia- wMm-jmiNs vAl.A f fwlotn lp rrmjll ir of aiirtiXio pftoAnA al othtr rWyuiio.. U laparleril, barinlaas, and raiuTot telurk Biaat dalle ate Intent. Price 3d eanu.' Full dirt..'! paay each bottle. Praparad only by 7 VT ' ra.p.ct.1.1. ttonktom'&L; a Eli.: 'il"L""f''"A ! ! WALKER MKAkrA "i" . ' '""aoiriy, . ... Draggfat im. J, uovitK ixiV CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES IMLIJKIAL WlNIl UlTTERiS. Wk kuJZt l0Bf,,,llfllP,,,,.'-BniPlon. Wsak Utn, weag rttomach, Indlgeation, Dysiieiiai. Nervona Dabiut. Dltoa peculiar to ,ml, auAl sum wkSr, StSSfc riuired, have no superior. , " Dll. HOVER DODS ' 1 liUANDY CATHAUTIO, j are far preferable to Pills. The, ar a hM k0 siit purgj tiva, pluaaant to tbe taste, never produce tuurea, parfeeUj Indent tn their .pertl00, and pwUcularlf deslfabli I fo i .... mt- J- Dover Dons' 1MPISUIAL C,I D1TTILRS. , Act on tb Kidneys, Bladder and TJrluary Organs, and ar uiMurpaased aa a remedr fur FamaW at if.n perfoctly barmleM, aad not unpleeunt to Die taat. i DH. J. BOVl-flfl DODH CATHAimu &Y1WV, . i For Infanta. Children and dolicaU Females. This ftyro MU on the Liver and Ktomach, and, although mild la It op--rationa, and perfectly harBileas, It Is a eoniplete substitute Tor l alomel. It is so pied-nut to the taete that cbildrea will cry for It CHA8. WIDDIFIKLI) A CO, Bold by LOUIS B. ERA M BERT, Dmggtot WCmilooa tlst Wllmlngtoa, N. C, under tbe Cky UoUil.'' May 1, lxuo 103-1. ' MOW U)T, HOW KEITORKD. . , Jwt VMitlui, in Staltd nvtUpt, -V Fn kA.':TH0N.TU!1 NATURE, TREAT- i MATORRUUllA. or Haminai Wa.knaa. U.-. . HjllllilV. NrVOIISncSS BDd Invillunlar Kmla.l,i. duchtg Impotency OmsumptloB and MenUl and Physical f Debility. . By ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D., The important fact that the awful eonaeqnenoe of nelf nbuae mav be effectually removed without Internal medi- oineaor the dangeroua ai.pliratlons of caustics, liistrumenta, ' medicated bougies, and other smplrloal devieaa, la her ' clearly demonstrated, and tiia entirely new and highly suo- -oaanfiii ir.atm.nt, aa adopted by the celebrated author full etpla ned, by meaua of whkih every on it enabled to ear '1 hlm-elf perlectly, end at the least possible cost, thereby , avoiding all the advertised nostrums of thodar. Thl le. tare will prove a.boon to thousands and thousands. t Sent under seal to anr address, mm. paid, oa the receipt ' of two postage atampa, y aildresafng Dr. CH. J. 0. KLlNls. M. D., 4H0 First Avenu.fow York, Poat Bo 46H0. 1 ' July 17, i860. 180A.TA-1 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. fllHB NEXT ORDINARY DRAWING OF THB ROtAL X Havana Lotterr. oonductedb tha Hnaniahiinaan.-. -a under the supervision of the Captain General of Cuba, wid take plaoa at HAVANA, on aATUUDjA Y, Pwtmhtr Ulh, lBgQ. - ' g0t0 00a;i ',-tg-oA B0BTEO NUMEB0 647 ORDINARIO. . ... : - CAPITAL phi-.. ' tiiai uwi ' ' :i ' I tl a ..... . '"" a llaH OI,.....,,.,.iW,W)U 50 PrUes if.. 1,000 at A al i ' - 60,000 30,000 30,000 10.000 . u ii ii 30 Approximations.., 8,80f ' four Aunroxlmatloni tn tha 1no nnn i enn ...I. . i - -v . . . .a. vfuiVVV VI W rw VBBVU f 1 Urn 400 to $60,000 ; 4 of $400 to $30.000 1 4 of U00 to $20.000 1 t or woo to $io,ooo. , . i t ; , -Whole Th-.kcta $) Halve (10 dauirten . , . Prise oashed at sight at f per cent discount i Bills on aU solvent Bums taken st par. " A drawicc will ba forwarded al toon aa the raanHKanr. aa u .vvwva known. . ... 4 V" An orders for Schemes or Ticket to b addrasaed to DON RODRIGUEZ, oar of City Post, Charleston, 8. aV , avprii itui, irvv. ... tb.A34.lf TO TUB FRIENDS OF ' HOME MANUFACTURES, 'A ALU It- Shoo Factory SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. Mf Orders for NEURO RROOANn ani nnnra ... i . - aa nun iici i -:, . i . . - v ua.av ''-'aa pf U (W llcited. " J. a CARPNTIL A rant KiMtoo, 5. 0., sTBlf 29, 18 . - a, ..tf. ik".,w akr, ky la. t4- mm 1, t, .CllIl A4 of v kind, and therefore relieve by ro-ii Lh4 wt..? yoar ehlld. laatead, of by d.vd.M , tUwxi'JZ' F or thla rao It romnienda li-vlf aa the oy rWmW Ve. DUB. a i a ssj a I ' n r it I r. Ik I . 1 1 II I I I ill I a I l 1 11 If lliliA'l H C 4