i.-frrr'i " T' z.".'IT.'. O vy tAy .' VOL. ID. NO , 136. WIOnNGTOft, N. C , FRI DAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1 861 WHOLE NUMBER 2,906 i H It . : by pulton fuck, proprietors. .A3 FULTON, Editor.... .A. L. PRICK. Associate fMrtor. - Tilt t BjertjUi. -Daily Paper, on yar, invariably la advance, .'.i . . Weekly " " " . " " . " All fetters OB buiineaa connected with thl office; addressed to tbe proprietor. , - v ' BATES OF ADVERTISING. W 1 66 mual bo sal aqtrABB. One it j.. . . Two days..... Three days... ...... . Foif day Five day Om wek.-7, Two week'...;...! OKI tHt AM. One day... .0 Two dars ; Tbre d'y ......... M0 Poor dsys , 1 li Five days , I 5" On week 1 74 T4WMkl.....o. 1 It One month... ...... i 00 Two month 7 00 Three month 10 00 35 5, I ST SO 111 Om month. .3 00 Two month S (0 Thro month S 00 Six month.. ..8 00 Bix month 16 00 On year SO 00 On year IS 00 Tea Una are coasted u sonar, and It line or leu hif-rBr Longer advertutementa in proportion, and U payable in advano. When not paid In advene 25 oeuU per qor will be charged niter th first inaertion. . AW All half-squares not paid for In advance will be charg d a square. . . ... W AdvertieemeBta Lneerted a Bpeclal or Bishop Notice ar charged oao-hal moro than abov ratee eight Uaoa ladd) or lea counted aa aquar. - AVAdrertiaemenU Inserted vry other day ar charged 17 eent per aqoar for each insertion arter tbe nnt. ArN publication mad with oat responslbls nam. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS , - H. P. RrttELL. A CO., r- . GENEBAL COMMIBSION MERCHANTS, ttoOTH ATLiKTIO WHAtr, , 7 " k , - t'BAaxBSTOX, H. O. Deo. 7tb, 18C0 - r M-tf B. . WOETB." . O, DAJ.UU WORTH DKMT.U GBOCZBS AND COHMISeUON MEBCHANTS, NO. tiBAum Bow. (Know feTasrr,) ; WILMINGTON, N. O. Bolicit consignment of Floor, Dried Frail, Beeswax, raatbera, Tobacco, and Country froflocs generally. AVAgenU forfiow' Celebrated Scales. Bept U, I860. - , . - ' lgM-tf . CLARK Si TDBLIWOTOIt, tOMMISaiON AND FOBWA.BDINQ MEBCHANTS, j . . Wilmington, N. C ' j.": Himn H. B. Bitaoi, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C, jmoi Dawbo, Pre, wil Branca ttanx ot h. v. " W. H. Johb, Casbisr Baleih Branch Bank Cape Fear. - Oot 1. 1860. SEW GROCERY, CROCKERY ASD HOCSB FURN1BUI1SIO sIORBi INO 8TOUE at hi oa. 36 and 38 South Front Street, W timing. ' ton, N. C, where everything in bis line of business may b foond. Order aouoltea, And prompt dispatcn giren. , . t. CASS1DET. 8ept Mth, 1860 . 30-ly LOUS B. ERAHBERT, pvBUOQIST AND PBACTI0AL PHARMACEUTIST, 'It WlLMWOTOM. N. C. keen eonstantlr on hand, a select stock of Drugi, Med- ieiiMS, Domeatio and European Chemicals, fancy and TtnJel rtioJa, Hlnel and Liquori for iledical PwrpoteM, aParticnIar attention paid to PBrscaiSTioxs, Fa milt BBOiraa, BUDIODCB cnBSTB, to. 1 j.Store immediately tinder the " Carolina Hotel." July 13, 18. - - 36Vtf . - - a. C. W. J. BtTJNRO, COMMISSION MEBCHANTS and WHOLESALE OBO uekm, ho. jiHortn water twee, Jnn 16, 1869. Wilmikotow, S. C. t. M.IMII1.1 - OM M0LAI BIN ' SMITH A MetiAVRIti, -- COalMISSlON AND FOKWABD1NO MEBCHANTS, . - Wilmington, N. ( BBrxa to . W. W If .... E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. Jasy 1st, 18 366-tf DEROMET, BROWN CO- Cl ENXBAL COMMISSION MEBCHANTS. f , WILMINGTON N. C. Jan. 1st, 186t. 98-tf. - T. If. MrKOT Jk CO. BOCER3 AND COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, South VX Water street, Wilminoton, N. O. Ang. 33d, 1848. , 287 - - H. B. KILiKRB, TT THOLES ALK GROCER AND COMMISSION MEB- W CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STOBES, corner Water and Market streets, Wilmington, X.v, , April 3d, 1868. JAB. trOKLBT. . ALBX. OLDHAM. STOKXET A OLDHAM, , iBOCERS AND ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND VT DXALEB8 IN CO EN, OATS, PEAS, AC. WlLMXBOTOM, N. C. Rbfbbbncb. . , Col. Jon MoRab, President of th Bank of Wilmington. O. O. Pabblbt, kaq., Pridnt of th Commercial Bank v MS, HURRAY 4t CO,r J - . . (! sw t Maurray Pvaack, ' COKMISSIQN MERCHANTS ' AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATEK STREET. - , - WILMINOTON, N. O. B. BTCEBAyV ' ' B. B. MTTBCHDION. - i. T. MCBEAT. February 1, 1869.' 136-tf D, A. LAHOIIT. COMMISSION MEBCHANT, No. 38 North Water street Oct.l3-41-tf . WlLMIKOTOB, N. O. - L..B. HUOOISS A RONS, WHOLESALE AND BETA1L DEALERS IN GROCER IES ft UENEBAL MERCHANDISE, S. E. Corn. Market and Second Streets, , - Wilmington. N. O. mfOrien from our friends will reoelT prompt attention. , uci.10, laoia, . -. . J. M. ROB AM BOM A SO!n - - WaMINOTON. N. O. Tit PORTERS, MANITFACTTJBEBS' AGENTS, AND Der X lres Id Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agrionl- taral implementa, ae. - - -- - Wit. C. HOWARD, r GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, -Sept. 30. 1864-13-tf V WrLBOiOTOB, N. C. ADAMS," BROTHER A C04 " . ' " COMillSSlON MEBCHANTS, rT -J Wilminoton, N. I. a HATBAWAB. WBU B. CTLBT. HATHAWAY A CO., COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, Wilminoton, N. 0. T. CAB. U. WORTH, -COMMISSION AND FORWARD IN 3 MEBCHANTS, J WlLMINOTOB, N. C. Carch 11, 18A7 . 166-ly bamss Ansaaow, bdwabj iatabs. AJTDkRsOI A SAvAOK, . C ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT Wilminoton, N. C. Liberal eaah adraiioes mad on consignment. JA3TES A. W1I.I.ARD. SOMMIpaiOS MFTiCHiNT, WHOLESALE OBOCEB, V t AND ajAvAIAji IN No. iJnobtx WatbbStbjbt, Wilminoton, N. C Jan. 3, lBfiO. . WAXJCXR anCARES, (5no(sor to Walker Mearo A Co.,) WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL DB00G13T, . AS MABxrr Stbbbt, Wilminoton, N. HARRISS A HOWELL,- " 'inOMMISSION MZaCflASTS. J WtUUMTOB, N. aaoaoa aAsams, aw. bo wbll. w. i - Ont tat, InM. --- ' - ' W. W. DAY1S, K. OTFXS3 HIS PROFESSIONAL SXBY1CX3 TO THI CUT lsen of WUmlngtoB, - j . -OSo 3d door beiow Hoimaw' Hotel. Front Btwot. Jon. Mltf A." E. HALL, IOBWAFDTNO AND 00: T MT2C3ANT. - OMutvnm, N. 0. 3.-ll J a. loIlAvJ,Aai BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS . vr. pcller. rmoHSiSsroarKBrHAirT and wholesale obo- 001 v leu. ... ao. J moiiri with Hnirr, WILMIMTO. I. V. Prompt attention given to eH tmlimi entrusted to hit cere. ' Oct. 16th, 1860 3Vm WM. B. EDTIINDSON, UTT STREET, NEAR THK RAILROAD, WimiKOTOK. N. O. Will rive hi personal attention to celling or torwrdlng, pon communion, all kind of Produce sent to hi car, and hopes, by hi unremitting attention to business, to merit nortlon of the nnhlks nstronaire. Will alio attend to 01 line order for all kinds of M.rchan dlse, where th asrtiei ar uffloiBtlf known to jnitify it. AUo to selling, at private or pablio aale, Beal Estate the town of Wilminitoor at 1 oar cent, commission. PreshTterian. PavettevlUe : Ledser. Wilson, copy weekly 3m.: Bouh Note, Uoldaboro', 1 week dally, and send bill to thi office. ,,-.-Oct. 30, 1800 4T tf. R. B. UALhOWAT, CIOUNTT 8UBVKYOR. ' J . Offico, aader Wasblogtoa Hotel. WlLMIKOTON, Particnlar attention paid to Bridg. Bonding. Sept 10, leo t-tf. N. C. LAW KOTICB. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNIT AT LAW, Offio oa Market B treat, on door East of Dr. Dickson's. SOt-tf It. L. UOLtlBS, I AW OFFICE, Pbincbm Btbbnt, 1 ' A'etB Jmumal Buililinn Courts of Duplin, Rampaon, Bladea, Columbus and New HanoTer. , ' Wilmington, Fb. 16th, I860. -' 139 36 -ly 0 B. BLL18. i B. r. MIT0BBLL ELLIS A MITCHELL, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GORN, PEAS, OATS. RTE, WHEAT BHAN, OIL HEAI4 FBESH GROUND HOMINY, HORSE & COW FEED; - - - - ALSO, EASTERN AND NORTH RIVER BAT, -No. I North Water Street, . Wilminoton, N, Ci. ' Febrwsry 1, lftCO 13-ly J. H. WILLIAMS, . "TTTnOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALER IN FANCY TT and Staple Dry Goods, Carpetinga, Matting and Bug, Beady Mad Shfrt , and Collar, Under Garments fur LAOie ana uanuemen, - -- . - IT MARKET STREET, Aug. t, -I860. Wllaalnaum, M. O. I A MM O. SMITH. , MILK OOBTIM, JAB. C. RMTTH A OO- 10MMIS8ION MERCHANTS, offlo second story, eoroer 1 Houia water nq Marn , .wumingvin. u.. wher they ar prepartj to attend to all businaat to Of ''omTniaHinb lin. - All bTiaineas entrusted to them wlU b pnnctQailj ;V a' id to. EDWARD MoPIIERBOM, COMMISSION MEBCHANT, No. 6 Sooth Water Street, . Wilminoton, N. C. . August 8th, 1869. 3S3-tf RRRAMT A WILSOM. ... .. . WHOLESALR A RETAIL DEALERS la Domestic DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. C!THING. BOOTS. Shoe. Ac. - No. Hand 14 North Water Street, Oct 11, I860. " - . - " - Wilminoton, N. CT TIIO. C. CRAfT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL' GOODS AND GROCERIES. IN DBT MO. S MABKB DTBBBT, WILMINOTON, August 39th, I860. WM. A. WTEB. LOTBT FBA0OCB. IAMDBL B. JBNNIN08. , UWlKH, PEACOCK A Vt WILMINGTON. N. C. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and dealer In NAVAL STORES, COTTON, and South- am PRODUCE arenerallr. Prompt personal attention girsn to au eoBsignment 01 Prodaoe. - Feb. is, i860 us-iy McIMTIRB A BROWN, DEALEBS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, (next door to Brown A Anderson 'a, ) No. S9 Market St., , WILMIMUTUN. N. V. Oct. 3, 186. 34-tf C. IL ROBIMSON A CO. COMMISSION AND F0BWABDING MERCHANTS WlLMINOTOk.N C. omo OTer Mr. J. A. wuiara a stor. iwtran turner or Princess and Water atreeta. March 9, 18C0 168A39. REMOVAL. P. DEINSBERGER, BOOK-BLNDER. "ta-rvw TAKES THIS method lo inform his enstomer tion, in hi lin, that he ha removed bis Book- irniury ana jtuiing asiaoiuuiineni to U) Basement or in new "Journal Jiuxlaing" on Prince Street, wher be will be pleased to receir order for erery description of lunaing or uuung, sic, o. Thankful for past favor, h hope to continu to recsly a liberal patronage aa neretoiore. oct. mat, ituy. : . . -- JAS. T. PBTTEWAT A CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Notbh Watbb Htbbct, - Wilminoton, n. 0, Solicit eonslgnmenta of all kinds of Prodaoe, also, orders for Grocerea, Bagging, Bop, Guano, Ac, Ao. . ABFBB to . John Dawson, Esq., O. G. P am lit, President Commercial Bank, Gbo. Datis, Esq. jai. T. rrrrawAT. boobb moobb. October 1st, 1869. CHAI. P. MY BBS. BBBB. t. MOOBB. MYERS A MOORE. TTniOLE8ALE AND RETAIL dbalers in OATS, GAPS, YY STRAW OOOVS, rUKS, UATU. UM BRELLAS, OASS, U, 4(7., 34 Market street, WILMINOTON. a. U. W are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducement. anLeapeetfally aolioit an ezasilnatioe of our NEW STOCK for FaU and Winter trade. Our Good ar purchased direct from manufacturers. He pay no second proJUr boo ar smung, aaa onn $eu a una a any hoboing nonce in in united biaiea. r are aeairooa or aenotng our Goods to every section of North Carolina, and will us every exertion to please au who may lavor us wiia usir oraera. hep temper w, 180. taiion uH-'H.l.nitB. WILMINGTON. N. 0.. H, TAN BOEKELEN, paorsiBTOB. ALL KINDS OF NATAL STORES purohaawd, manofao tured and sold Wharfs, e and Storac furnished, and Oooverao dos at tairrate. . , Jan. 3, I860. 100-Lf. S. K. WEST. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MEBCHANT, i , . r - - - . Wilminoton, N. C. WiU aelL at Drivat saie, uouon. A a-xu more$, and all kinda of aroduo. at a amall oonamusvOK z Alao. Back Stock at 1 per eent Rail Road Stock ..I percent. MeaiAataU. ...1 percent. Negro lperoent. Diroot ImportaUoa, Cargo Sal .1 per oent. BBTSBB To tbe c Hi sens Sf Wilmington generally. - October u, 186 Ao-tr - EDWII A, HJUTIL, COMMISSION MEBCHANT, Oct. 1, 1869. , Wilminoton, N.C. a. v. (ulajtt. obo. wilsom. ERRANT A WILSON, J No. 14 and U North Wster Street Oct II, i860. , . wilminoton, h. u. ROBT H. COWART. 1 1 1 1. 1 w i n,i i auuwuA.. , VX Wilminoton, N. C. AO-OSo. South Conor Market and Water Streets p Stairs. fOol.A.18AB M-tf DIAJUBS FOR l6t. A Y ABIETT of aiM sod stvlea. at -WHITAKEB'S Nw Book Stor. Market Street, between J a. Dawson a and WiUuaaoa'a. Deoeni list , CRACKEBS.- Bntfr. Lmon and Soda, lust received asd kr aia fcy . . L. B. EUUsUa 80id. BUSINESS ANi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. S. TASSNIOHi ' ItBWBTTiiF YABBHOIOII A PfrE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water street, Wllminrton, H. C.. Harlng purchased th Hteawior Jobs Dawao. h will hereafter tek freight (water permitting.) for Lock rill. a Deep Rirer Narlgation, and Intermediate laedfng, at mod rate priced. Ohio tn Wilmington over It. YonGlahn's store. Nor. 38th, lKtlO. , . 73 It V. M. M'BABT. W. A. fl'MMIKU. W. II. MrKARY A ((., inOMMISSION MEllCnANTS. Dealers In Pur Peruvian Guano and all other Kertil sers ; awo, Agrnta for Reese tiuano, . r Wilminoton, N. Special attention paid tn aale of Oottoa and Naval Store. - - Tasb adrance on Prodoe when dealred . Refer tn th Banks in Wilmington, Raleigh, Kewhern. Tsr boro', Greensboro' and Salisbury, N. 0., and Cheraw, 8- v., c, . Not. 6th, 10 gj NEW VORK, PniLA. A. BOSTON CARDS JOHN JL. BAKER, MANrrACTt'KRB ON AKD DBALBB IK MILITARY GOODS, NO. 63 WALKER STREET, Nbw Yobb. -, Hats, Caps, Swords, Bash, Belt, Horse Equipments, ; and all Article forth Military, FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. arNew Ktl French Fatlra Csn on hand and made to oraer. Dec. 15. lC0-4-3nr NO. B. DAKCT, JN0. B. BTMAN, r. M. MYMAN Late of LaUuf. . Late of Tarboro", N. C. Scotland Neck, N. O. Warrentoa, N. C. VANl-Y, 1BB1A! A CO., GROCERS Jk COMMISSION MKRCIIANT8. I4 I'enrl Htrwt, J1KW YOIIK, IIYMAS, DAIVCY A CO., k COMMISSION MKROIIANTd 0t.,0f K v GROCKRS mHE NEW T0RR HOUSE will b conducted by Jno, 8. JL Danot. ahled by.Rr-Wr Htm an. - Th Norfolk Hon will be conducted b Jno R. IItman and F. M. Hyman. - .Particular attention rlan to tha aala nf Pnttnn. r.nm Wheat, Naral Store. DepLdn, imw. 4 tf CLABBNCI I. BATBS, fi(MMi L, rOHTBB. KATES A POSTER. rCENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS for tb sal of VA tunuM, RICK, NAYAL HTORES, and routhern rrodtif generally. No. 113 North Wbsrtea, aud 111 North Water stieet, PHILADELPHIA. aiarcBTth, I860 ug ly 1. POLLNFB. O, roTTS. H, i, CAMBBOBB DOLLNEH, POTTER A CO., JMOMMIBSION MERCHANTS, Niw Yobb. April 18, 1859. 188-ly. I. BABTBT CBOBBAN, W. B. BBBBBb COCHR A ! A Ht'BSr LI- GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North Wharf, and 3 North Water Street, PniLAnsLrnu. ar-L4oeruu uann auranoas mad oa eeuatgnmsnte. ,- whit 'im, inm i7 ;'- CAHPBTI'O." AC." " " ' HEMP. Ingrain, Super Ply, Tapestry, Brussels and Vel vet Carpeting) OiiCloth for Floors, Stair and Table; Printed . Drugget by th yard, and Patterns for Crumb Cloths, Linen Dsmaak for covering carpau and ataira. Straw Matting' Cocoa Matting for Public Home and Rail noaa vra; wig, uemp, mraw, Aaeiaifl ana velvet Matte, Brussels and Velvet Bassocka, Bindings and Carpet Sweep- , H.uiiur..ug win u annulled 11 consumer at ax teaordinary low rates, by J. 8. WILLIAMS. Nov. 31. PERUVIAN Ul'ANO. - KEESE'S MANIPULATED GUANO; Sombrero Petersburg Manipulated ' ' Jarvis Island " Baker's " Phcsnlx " Land Plaster, Ao., Ac, Ac. In store and for est by "Oct 3d , W. H. MoRARY A CO. KIXJUR KMtCR. "TTAMILT AND SUPER. FLOUR, from Wachovia Mllla- X rsh ground received yesterday. Kor sale bv Nov. 37. L. B. HUGG1NH A SONS. SALT SALT. For aala In lot to suit, by Do. 1. W. H. McRARY A CO. THE SIIIBGLBS TUB BHISGLK.N BE ARRIVING j temple oau be sern at our wharf. Deo. 10. JAS. T. PK1TSWAY A CO. NEW CROP "I APE FEAB BICE, In stor Oct Nth, 1M0 DeRORSET, BROWN A CO. THE PRACTICE OP LAW NORTH CAROLINA Leelatlv and Execntlva 1 p Power ; a new and valuable work b Ed. Cantwell. ao thor of th N. C. Joatica, Ao., at KEU.EY'S Dec. 13th . New Book Stor. HEW COHJI MEAL AJSD IIOMUY. NEW Cora Meal and Hominy, New Corn Meal and Hominy, New Corn Meal and Hominv. Fresh ground from prim whlto Perquimans Corn. For ale by . ELLIS A MITCHELL, Dec. 8 - EXTRA PAMILY PLOCR. WABBANTED th best la market 36 bbls Just recelv dat GEO. MYERS. - 1EPI1TR KBIT MOODS. "VTUB1AS, Bontags; Cap lor Boya and Girl; Cloaka, Shawla, Basques, and Had Die Ao. For aala by Mot. 13th H. WII.LilAMH. LPHULB'IERV. " AM daily receiving some of thoe Westers cured Feath- JL am, wanantea us best aruci vr onered in th mar- ket I barf also on hand Malre of verv deseriptton. which I will sell low for cash. 4 splendid aatortmsnt of Lounge constantly on nana. - winuow eaaaea, coeeper than ever. aaa no cnarg tor puuing up, at . v. ruLvuuis, Lo. J, ;-.;::.::.-.L-i;rneT rront ana i'rioas St. AT RETAIL. ABaNDSOME stock of Foreign and American Dree Good; Housekeeping Goods and Fancy Article Cash or credit ebeapor than lawber. tICt. 1. . NKIlKIIIK B KTAN. rcRsiTiRK piniTT. .,. BTTZ aal colored Damask. For sal by Dee. 6. J. S. WILLIAMS. PARCY SILK CRAVATS 'A ND Pocket Handkerchlefj a desirable amortment For XJL aal py J. B. WILLIAMS. Dec. 8. BRAID t Peach and Apple. Dec. 8. For (ale by '. H. MeRARY A CO. COW PEAS COW PEAS I BUSHELS for aala by Dm. 19. ELUS A MITCHELL. 300 WHEAT BRAS WHEAT BRAS I 1.000 For aala by EXAM A MITCHELL." Dec 19. BBACK CANADA OATS. r BDSHfcLS a eery lujxwvor arMtfor teed. For UWu aai oy . ELLIS k MITCHELL. Deo. 19. - BITTER 19 KEttS, . BUTTER IN FIRKINS, BUTTER IN HALF FIB KINS, - BUTTER in BaUa. Found Lnmoa. xpre)y for Backwkeat Cakes, will be opened thi evening, at THK BUTTER STORK. Doe. 18. MORE TX.-RJTIPS. ANOTHER SUPPLY of N. O. Turnip Jnet roeivd. -For aale by - . , U B. HUGG1N8 A SONS. ueo. si, lao. . r m . a i . i pbv niHii I Kl BCSBEIS pr Sohr. Florid. For sal by LOKJ Deo. 1. ALUS MJTCHKLL. CHILDRKHI CLOTHISe A T COST AND &&LOW, FOB CABS, at BALDWIN'S. MEDICAL BALTIMORE' Lnt'K, liOMPITAL. KfTTABLlSllEO An A RKFUGB yitOM QUACKERY, a Th Only I'laee trk.r t mn mii sm tMMMlMd. R. JO UN HON ha discovered (h moat Oefialii, 8lmly and lJ only Ktrict.iaietidy 1 ll.e World fur WaakMM of the Hack or Umh, Htrietuna, A ftfcetlone of the Kidneys and JIImL der, Inrolnnury iHacharfea, Impowy, General lability. Kr UyaBapsia, lianvnor. Low Bilrile, Oonfusloo of MnM, Palpitation of tin lloart, Timidity Tmuhiine, iMinrw.. of Hlf lit or Olddlmws, LHMftMof th llmd, Itirutt, N'wcr Hkln, Alft. Hons of the I.utKt.. HUawh or lkwlthoa Terrible LlKrlrra arUInf from the Solitary llalilta of VoothlltoMaacaif and sot Itary prartlrwa more falsi to their victim, than th eot.a of y rrns to th Mnrlwrs of UIvsm, bllhUng their moat lirllllsot hopes nr nttclatlna, renilerliig tnarrliit, Ae., inipowlbl. TOUNO XflBW Kapeelally, who have heeunt tii Ttotlmi of Solitary'Vlaa, Uiat diMdful and doatraotlve h.M Iwlilcb annaally awaops loan an n'!',Tr,r Ihooaanda of Ymjn Htn of the moat saalUd Ul.uts and brilliant tntelkwt, who mluht oth.rwl.e hava outraiiawl M.S enlna Htmat with lha thandma of lonnino, or wakail to aeala ay Uia II tin lyra, may sail with full eouO(tnr. lrzAnntAon. . smixi I'eraon, or Young Mao eontaimilatlng niarrla, batna aware of hylea weakuwa, orgstilo dablllty, deformiUaa, AaT, llai ho plaoaa htmaelf femlw lha ear nf Ir. 3. inav ral Isloua. ly eonHdala his honor as s geatlamsn, snJ confidently rely spoa bis kilt as a I'byaiolaa. onoAmo WSASXSS8 ImiMKllately Cured and Foil Vigor Restored. 1'bls Draadfui Bis aa whl.hrend.i Life miserable and Mar. rlaire linHiaiklla tbe penalty paid by tb vtellme nf Imprnnor lnlulkucM. v. ) r Tlr-,, , f,' m rwit bcins aware of Hi dreadful eanaMiuenaea that may aoao. Now, who that umleratanda the uhl will preiand to dwiy that the pow.i of nroorantlon Is loat soouer by thus falling Into Im prupar hahlta thaa by the prudent I Boaldne belli drlrad the on pnng, ina mm aenous and iluatruetiv nilHomaio Dinn uoayana mirwi ariM, The svatem beoomse Cou.umuUun, orrxoa no- 7. south rnxsssxos it., Left haud side going from Ualtimore strsat, a few doors from tha sorner. Fall not to oliaerv name and nam bar. Latter must be paid and sonlala a stamp. Th Doolor'a Di plomas hang in his olflo. 2n- JOIZNB0N. Member of the Royal Oolitwe of Hanraosa, kTaduate from one ef tli mat eminent (JoIUvmTb the United State, and th greater part of whoae Ufa has been siient lu Uia hospitals of lundon, Paris. Phllmlelphla and tlwftii.ra, has aireotad aooie of tbeaaoat aaloniablng auraa that ware aver known) many troubled with rlnirlnf In the head and ears when anliwp, gruel narvouamaa, be lli( alarmed at awMaa aouno, has h f ulntm, with frequent blush ing, attended somelluiM.wlth aderangemant ef mind, wtr eured iium-Ualiy, ;. . --j. TAItU PAnTIOTJT.An NpTioni . t. J. addreaae all thoa who have Injured themaelrsa by Im proper imluliretHie and eolltary haMta, whleh rule both kody and ailiul, auOuuig them for eltbsr bualness, study, oolety or mar rlwe. 1 Tasss ar some of the ssd and malanrhnly rreote prodoned by asrly hsbllsofyonth. vis; Waaknaasof th llaok end Umba rain, in ina ueail, Utmneaa of iL poaa of MuaenUr Power, Palnliatloa of the Heart, lj-apiMiy, Narvou Irritability, U. ranganvwit of thefilKnatlve FuiwUona, O.uerai Debllliy, Bymp toma ef OoneamuUoa. . Mbbtallv. 'Hie fearful affocta oa th mind araainoh teha 0rMda4-Luas of Memory, -Oonfualea ef lilau, 1-enmalon of Diriva, .vii xoraimainira, Averaion to Booiety, IMU-AMstraat, Lvs of Solitude, Timidity, Ao., are some of the evil pradassd. TaocsiSDS of persons of sll ages ean now Ju.lvs what I th eauae of their dmllnlng health, losing their vigor, beoomlng weak, pale, nervous and emaciated; having a alngukr anrmaranoa alwut the eyes, eougb and symptoms of sonsumptlon. - TOVltfO XHHN Who hava Injured themselves by a eartal prantloe ladiitgadla whea alone a habit freonentlv barned fniai avll aimmoluiu. or mw M.-.i, ,1 1 v vii w ui wwun u. niHuuy wi, vn wiieo aatean, and if not eured randara ma triage ImpoMlhle, and destroys both . . 1 1 I 1 ' . I 1 1 I 1 1 uiiu'i kiiu wtjt .1111.111 miiijt iinuiuiBiy. What a pity that a yoang awn, the hoi of his aountry, th rllinj of bis paranla, ahould be anatekad from all proeDaate Bad darling of bis naieula, ahould be snatch enjoynientsof life, by the euuaMia.no ol enjoynientaof life, by the oouapxjU.no of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging In a eertalu searat habit. BuoO rons aesv, before contemplating mAimiAan. rennet that a sound mind and body ar Ik. RotDseMary requi sition to promote eunnublai aapptneaa. lndead. without tbaae, the louroey through life beeonwe a weary pilgrimage i lb pro po( hourly darkens tn th. view ; the mind beenniee shallowed with despair and filled with th melannholy refleotlon that th happinea of another beooraea blighted with our own. DiBDAsn op zxarnvnmtcn When tha nilwulilrd and imprmlent votary of plaasur finds he kaa ImMbad the aeede of thla painful dime. a, It too often hap pens that an l)l-Umd sense ofebame, or drrmi nt dlaoovary, de ters him from applying to tin who, frnrn iueation and ra spaetebillty, sau aluu befriend him. lie falla Into the haals of iKOoranl aod dealgolng pralanders, who. Incapable of earing, OJoh hi. peennlary eoaitanoe, keep him trifling month after mouth, or aa Ion as the amalleat fee ean be obtained, and In despair leave blm with mined haallh W over bis galling dlaappolntment j or, by the ua of that daadi H.oa, Vl-mury, hssteu tbs consti tutional system of this terrible disease, .tub ss aflentlnn of ths Head, Throat, Noae, kln, eta., pmrea.l ng with frightful rapidi ty Ull death puts a period to his diaadful suffer1ns by sanding him to Uiat undiscovered eounlry from whose bourn no travekw returns. BNTJOnfiBWrEltfT- AP TTTTl Pnrsi Th many tbouaanda eured at lliTs Inaiilullon wltblo th laat laman of obaraeter and raaionalbllitv.laaaafalant uru,iitA n mm ..n. Iheaffllated. . . ZXZir SZBOABES BPEEOIX.T CTJmtD Pereoue writing . huuld be pariloular In dlreeUng their letters mi uia iwuiuuuu in in iimuwiug manner i JOHN M. JOUNBTON, M. Baltimore Look UoapltaL July 1, Hoa-rB-ly , Baltimore Maryland. TO THE FRIENDS OP . HOME MANUFACTURES. TXXJB XCIW BTOIf Shoo Factory AO fit V W Jal " SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. -Orders for NEORO BROOANS AND BOOTS ar so- lotted. i. C. OARPENTUU, Agnt Klnstnn. N. C, July JA, W 3T-f PLANTING POTATOES. 400 BBLS. YELLOW PLANTING POTATOES For aala by Jan. I. 0 C. AW. J. MUNRO. PAMILIES SCPPLIED WITH OYSTERS; GAME, c, . . a euori aotic. COAL IS CASH, AND will be delivered only whoa raid for la advance. Tli ml will be adhered to without exception, Jan.lA. :.-::- T. O. A B. O. WOBTH. KASTKHV IIA. 100 s RALES GOOD NEW CROP HAY at II 11 per 10J lbs. from whaif cash. For sale bv Jan. II. . HATHAWAY A CO STAVES. 2 Ann JFHJTElOAK4,IPE PTAVEft. For ! by JUU DeBOSSET, BROWN CO. . .u. m.u, imi HAY HAY HAY. -tl If I OALiiwt noperior quality in (tore. For esle by OUU Deo. 37. ELLIS A MITCHELL ZEPHYR KBIT SHAWLS POR LADIES. 14vUH i very low, by . Jan 9. J. S. WILLIAMS. TOBACCO. TITR HAVE iust received a lot of extra CHEWING TO- If tco, from Roc king bam eoonty. For aal by - en. i. L. K, BUUUIMS a BOA!.. SALTI SALTII 1 1ll ( BACKA LIVERPOOL GROUND. In store and A VVv 1 for Bale Is lou a wanted, by Jan. IS. A. B. HALL. LARD-LARD. I ft BBLS. EZTBA CINCINNATI LEAF LARD; V d0- ao- s-c- ' do. do. For aale by m- " uio uji, i root aw, uranit uow XT c. APPLE BRANDY 3 Tear old. Snmethlne XI choic. ivi sate nuuin m LiallJ, Graalte Bow, Front St Jaa. 3t LADY PEAS. for aal ta quantities to salt, by . . WOBTH A DANIEL, .33. U ran It Bow, front Pt N. C APPLES go cent per boaheL b, WOBTH A DANIEL, Graaite Bow, Frost at Jan. 38. gTOCKSCLOYES, AcH at BALDWIN'S. VTOVn PLOCR. i ' 150 SV-opr Md 'oKiftar 10 itM.t$. Front itrBemirAaite Eot. imnafpru, in i n j.toai ana Mental fruminma W Mk.no.1, Loaa of 1'r.wraaUve Power, Nervosa IrrilaUllty, I lyanepala, I'alnlta lion of lha heart, Inrilgeallon, Oonatllutloual lioUlli y, a WasUna of th Frain. Cougha, Cou.umoUun. As. . - , . ' aiiiiaen yeara. ana ins ninuerous important Burgles! Operation, performed by lr. Jehneton, wltneaaed by the reporters of tbs Hun " and roauy other pa para, uotlea of which have appeared avals and aoatn befur the DUbllo. nMlrlnt hi. .Urnilln. . .... t Jsn. 17-111 BHIPMAS. 3IEDICAL. CHEROKEE REMEDY H 1 r 6 C II H It O K B K II E M l! D Y i - AN UNFAILING CURR FOB ' , (lanorrho-a at all Hiaeaar nf the Diioary Oraan. Wilis ItKMKDY enrae when aU oOior pvenaratlone Salt n , a eallraly unlike every other eoinpoand j eontalalng a Mlntrml Ptim or JV mM lirug aa it la pretrd iMy frota h-mtt ' llivki snd Lmrtt, and baa been handwl down, from on nner. tloo to another, ly tbe iWei Jndians. It la ofTarwl to th pal!la unite owe Ititrin.ls martta. Itparfbrmsltsdsty qnUklv and thonmahly. Th tnerfiHMa, of either s wlU be ranal by Being this Himlp, In. lead of planing tlianaelv at the mora of sou Uusflk or 1'rofraaor. Thla Rttniif strlkm at the v.rv Kant of tbe disease Its tendenoy Is not simply to susimJ th ' Boiion. but (O M. (A. U ui rkl-l. I. J,,n.l L ..11 ... . . r . w ..iwuu...f HI) 111 IwitlQna ta pamphlet lima, anoompany each boUie. The anaade n.l -mi. !! n-..-l k. iki- u. 1- - 1 1 ' ' I m ataa all Paita from tb HyiUm but lnviforHu ih 1 It doe AM 'th Ihtatk or JWartr with any Cta Bumhm, or require any deviation from the aanal dial, tf Jt reqiiirue no aaalatanoa from other tnollolna, BVjr And what Unhamrt It PaJwe, I Ih tiniir AiswMt of I A'euswaa IWs, being a fliuanl and IMkiotn byrup. rsica t'i ess sottlb, o vaass mmii rua A " ' POin-JCit k MJtiAWXW.tMe I'ropn.tera, Siild In Wllmlnatna b W. IT. I.IPITW !l II -!'rw''i '. LI NN , Qold.hon. by LUOAB A MOOKK I MaMrh. h P. rl PKoOUD, and b 7 all raaponalble Druril.u In the Unit! Bl.ta ' AKKK, New York 1 I'DROKLL. LAUll A CiJl. HAKNKUfc p Hlahmood, and JOUN WBiaUT k CO., New Orleans, Wbol . saleAganls. j Apr! 1 1, Isna.-. fta-iy. DR. J. UUVRH IXDB . s CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES ; Awid all MinKtnl PoOwm and Him Kntwt't Remfiiiu, ' T ' DR. J. BoVklfi D0IH . , i IMPERIAL WINE JJITTEIIS.' . For tha cur of Incipient Conaumptlon, Weak Longt, . Wak Stomach, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nrrou Debility, Diaesa peculiar to Fmala. Bad all oases wher a Ton la la t rqrd, hsv uo superior. ? f , ' BRANDY CATHARTIC, A snr remedy for Llvr Complaint, Costlvsness aad Dr " psp.ls also for tha l'llrs and aa a Cathartic for family ua,' V, ar far prfsrslileto Pills. They ar a mild but aura purga- ' tiva, pleaaant td tha taste, Bsvr prod no aausea, perfectly Inm.nl In ! --!. H . . 1 ll .d. , i - 1 . .. . .i'ui.i-. 17 mi,, iw-mp.in mi MUM el a--TTa. Ul,,i, Umi, rera, Hut AMuTt H Aim in Fa. ajalai,) and all dlass of th Urinary Onrana has a.tonl.h.4 ' the must eolentf ' imen of the aaa. Thla lnl. n..i i. i,. noat dellaaA ' ...wu. M vwmuuu) mut fraibiviuuuir uesiraui OhlUlren. ......... t k, DR. i. DOVER D0D8' , ... ( IMPERIAL GIN DITTERSr Act on th Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Organs, and art unsurpassed as a ramedy for Famal at certain acasotif, perfectly hsrmlsss, and not nplenl to th taata. . ' :i . ; DR. 1. BOVES 1H)I)S' , a. CATHARTIC SYRUP, " For Infanta, Children and delicate Females. This Pymi acta on tha Llvrr and Stomach, aod, although mild ta it op. ratious, and peifsolly harmless, It la a aomplet sobslitut , for Calomel. It is so pies. ant to th taste that children Will cry for It , CHAM. WlDDUi'lELD A CO., i . Bold by IIUIS B. ERAM BKBT, Pruirgana'plarniaostv " Ust Wilmington, N. a, oadsr tha 'Bjuity Hotel." ., , May 1, lBfaU 305-ly. - .... FIVE VRISI IX ClIMA,"- p WITH SOME ACCOUNT of th grl Rebellionand a description of Ht Helena ) by Iter. Cbsrlea Tsylor, . -M. D., formerly MlMiooary to China from the South CaroU-" na Confarano. Tha author of tha above work la w.il kpewa by many persons In tbls City, and lha work hi wall worthy of a psrnssl, at " . Feb. 13. KELLEY'B BOOK 8T0R. fr H T0SIS LAti PLASTEIW In stor. for mI. - Qy' Feb. A . W, H, MflBABY A CO. ' STATIONERY. . , SOME BEAUTIFUL NKW STYLES PAPER and EbvK opes, Blank Book, Ao., per etesmor M North Caro "".K'1 . . WBITAKKU'S New Book Stor. ? February lath. "LET ME K1SHIM FOR HIS MOTHER, ' AND OTHER POPULAR PIECES OF MUSIC, too bh- ' marnns for out advertising apaca, roiv4- by tb " North CarollnB,0 at ' . Feb. 13. W HIT A KEB'S NEW BOOK STORE. BfJI'ER PHOSPHATE OP LIME. AFBE8I1 supply of Rhodes' Sopor Phosphate of Lima. Just received and for aal by , U. A. KEITH. - Fab. fi. OIL. W INTER Strained Polar Oil. Aa Invoice of this op-. rior Oil lust received direct from New York, and for saie cy fi. A. KEITM. Feb. 6. , .- . LOUIS Ml. ERAMBBRT, k rTT,-tv - ,.PRAQTWAL PHARMACEUTIST, (Under City HoteL") DEALER IN bEeCT 1 . GERMAN, ,' FHKNCH and ENGLISH CHEMICALS, .mi i uarinaoeuucai preparauOD. - Thanklnl for patrooag already bestowed, will endeavor to merit continuance of it by keeping constantly oa head BrtM tupjily of riiialle articles, ttrtctla bttonaina to a . PHARMACEUTICAL ESTABLISHMENT. mr FarUes having aocooui will plea caU and Bottle tbeta as soon as coovsnient . - . . Jaa3.th, 1801 "''"''' '' ''"' '''"' ' " ca itrctiouKa vuh. all pim-oUt ' ' ' '" CARTRIDGES for Smith A Wesson' Pistols, Csrtridges for Allra'a Pistols, Pistol Bella, pistol Csaee, and tbe celebrated CARTRIDGE PKTOL, by Express, at . . . BALDWIN'S. " ; Fb. 3. ? - . : lORH BEAM tUlHlS. INTRODUCED by n Into the Southern market 15 yean ago) The real TRENCH YOKE MITRTa ' ' ' - ar sold at BALDWTNR ' ' sr Price of Yoke Seam thlrta (IS. tiao. am. ?i $2A, 117, 30 per docen, ready mad. . Bltu-ra i vfi r i a wn - al AtShA rr J.X U9 v , made to meArore, 10 to 30 per cent leas thsa they will coat whsr partie purchase eoods and have them mada th.m. eeive. Leire Tour eicuuresrgeDtTemen, at Fb.t. BALDWIN'S Clothlnr House. lflA TONS Puaviaa Guano, to arrive. 1UU Fab. A : "-yf.su Mc McRABT A CO. PER STKAB1ER PARAiERSBlRO. WE have received per steamer the following articled : BUTTER, , CHEESE. ' SMOKED BEEF And ' -. BUBNIN0 FLUID. For aala by January 17. L. B. HUGO INS A BOSS.' JIBT ARRIVED, EEB Bteamer and Bailing vessel, tb following article : ' Btuart'eC. Soger, " Crushed Sugar, ." Ground Loaf Sugar, . Colgate's Pale aod No. 1 Soap, Andrews' leant Powders. For sal by Jan. 39. L. B. HUOGIN8 A SONS. m.c. APPLES, ATM rente Pr bushel, at - WORTH A DANIEL 8, Jaa. 33. - Graalte Bow, Front st VALENTINES. - AVEBT LARGE SUPPLY OF ALL KTXD3. CV! - 1 prepare for Valentine Day, at K ELLF V S Jan. 30. . . - ' ' Bo, . PATENT ERABER AND BUB VI A BEAUTIFUL article for tbe Book ' -L. oooo tan t. Forssieat V ... feb. 6th New BY )TKAMSmP KOrtTtl C Ar USA, WE HAVE BECE1VED ChofoeGosbea V" r; luiton !arkt I or. r-n ' Jan.. 31. - U h. ACTCir-: v, its. t a. ;"7 J'Att receiT l. F ' Utf . LAI . j A LjUVZUU. it t. .1