daily journal. FRIDAY, rKBKVART IS. IMt. . t ..I. ,t f th Wawwrt Daiiv J or as i n t A .. 'i svr dV. a aud, t WirTaSS i , M STaxrr. tlvll, I l I) O" . Also St W El LIT' Boo. A Rssautrfcvablo . We tlilk that the Indianapolis speech of 'Mr. Lid- rt'n ! '?:',. !1 of oar readers M Ote of tbe most Urlli; J extraordinary fxprwwiofU of opinion that ft man occupjicg his position cooLi poMt'7;r' IBd! V.' ri over the roeering, woaU-bi-Jocuttr tone io L'.ai Ci present great od solemn crisis b srproacbed, Jibough we cm regard that tow lo other light than " Hit of deliberate fcsuIfnJTurn W MrVttnCOto'I BB drfgTiiaod consolidation views Lit comparing a 'State to county -hi virtual denial of the rights of minorities. A a friend remarked io our bearing yesterday, tbe no restrained control of a mm majority over lile anJ pro. perty, would finally amount to this, that do man woald ban toy HgbU nukes be was popular. .Certainly no minority section could bate aDy right, for nothing can be called a ricbt nbioh simply rxists by suffcrsuce. ITow anybody can fed eae in a Uoloo eontrolM by tbe cutioKtiU' li flieDcing Mr. Lincoln and bit party, and with oo kka of States' Rigbts to restrain tbe full exercise by that party of their owo free will, U certainly , more than we can ay. We ask all of our frieoda who til! think that there will be safety undt Mr. Lincoln, to read thls.manifesto. t It la a little ilraoge bat no Ins bur, that the peculiar Iriccdi of peace, aa tbey call themselves, io tbia State, tU npecial dtfcnoYrs of tbe Union, are geoeral.'y the most tic lent in their way of talking. We do not relcr to this place, fo it ia rcmarkable4that all our meetings bere bare been characterised by the utmost mutual re pect ; but we allude to U tone of the prt at and ol pub lie f peaked generally. Wty i this t We cannot ate the m of it Judging from all the lights cow before aa, we are Weed te iLe.UTtdr that we moat all come to--getber at last that It ia simply a question of time. Oibcre think differently perhaps, and it ia tbt ir right to do so, as it oar right to thiuk we do. Then, why t I I.. . - .1. unU nfl,ut fwJi t tl.j, aU of Lincoln nnd Company, and there will do longer be any reason fur wonder at tbe course of iLoae who cad see nothing to expect at their band. ' AXJ" The hakih Standard comments at some length OQ Su ariicie irom iuu n ummgion uurruu lujjtiu iiihi tbe Rak-igh Stmt Journal. We d Dot nnan to make any extended reference to this article of tbe Standard, aul klliuta tit It tor lha tinrnna of inkln(r a tcirrrry t m i j vm.vmw w " i I n - - tion. Tbe Standard atks, " Where did the Journal get its cue? From IUMgb T , FKm tbe State Capital T" Now, tbe evident tendency, and we presume purpow, of r the last two 6f these tjUcaiwus, !a to oooTvy Uie'lmprca. sIob that we did get our cue from Raleigh. All we can however sought to be conveyed, is wholly erroneous. At an instance of this, we may remark that tbe . Stan dard rptakt of Judgo rerson and Mr. Avery, not as -!-!..- . .... V Mill I. ..U glViUg VW, UMIII, VU Villi IU IIIMIi l.'VUIJl'UtlllJ.B Now, we hare tell Lor seen nor beard from either of - ItiM tfwtflmwMi. nllifirartM than ' tfirvMok ftia nfiTiM prints, since the Legislature aambhxl.The same will apply ttf Gov. Ellis. " . : This Is a trifle, perhaps, but the remarks ol the Stand ard, frequently made, might, if passed over in silence, create the impression of the existence of some peculiar plot, plan or programme, concocted o mew her, to which we were parties. Tbe Standard lij wholly wrong In tLk g Tbe Virginia Convention organised at Rich mond oo the 13ti, l y the election of John Janney, of tbe eounty of London, as President, aud J. L. Kubank, of Richmond, ts Secretary; ' Mr. Janney on taking bis seat made a rpeech expres sive of i warm desire lor the preservation of the Union, if it could be done honorably and lalrly. He prayed that tbe star that represented Virginia on tbe flag of the Union might alwnys remain there. Dot," added be, " it must remain there with its crowning ltutre uu- . dimmed sod nntarnisbed." Nothing was done the first day bejond the organiza tion. As already stated, the Virginia Convention will await the action of the Washington Peace Convention a9-aalr aMV vvvsm v fcVJ wmuiui V.riUtWIID TV tlU (V fcreooe to tbe desirability by the States already seceded, ol I tbe immediate tecewion of tbe balance of the Sopthern 'Btatee, A Washington City correspondent of the CharUston Courier, trusts that the Peace Conirrcts uav be succeeslul in patching up compromise that may .... " W satisfy all the parties concerned ia it, and prevent the secession of , any of tie Border States, The corrcspon dent thinks that It is s matter of great importance to those States that have already seceded, that no nthor 8tatea but Arkaotas,. North Carolina and Tennessee 0 - " shook! secede just now. lie thinks it better for them that tbe experiment by tbe Border Blates separating tbeii destinies from their sister slave States should be fully tried and demonstrated as an impossibility, than that it should be taken for granted and not tried at all K3- It l generally believed that all the panic got np about any violence at Washington on tbe 4 .h of March, was simply an excuse to concentrate troops there to be promptly disposable to sid to points South. ' Bay for instance to drop a'few hundred into the moutb of the Cape Fear. Certain gun-boats too will be ready for tbe same kind qT service, but that wouldn't be coercion or subjugation. Oh, not Who before ever beard of an electoral vote counted under tbe shadow of artillery, or a President of tbe United Htates inaugurated at the peani or ice cajonci. t3-To biH p9 teamend the charter of tbe Yil mirgton, tbarlotte c ltutberfrrd Railroad Company, provides for an additional exchange of tjtate bonds for the bonds of the Company to the amount of $1,000,000, being fCGO.OOO for the Eastern Section, Wilmington to Charlotte,) and $340,000 for the Western section, ivusr.Ui.c o xuiotTiora ; it aiso provide lor con trucHc' a L!ck between this Road and the North Car olina .Coad at Salisbury. . - r. i - 'lie North Carollca Cniveraity Magazine lor ilarca h r 'xitcI J be illustration is a portrait of JaicalZ. l,.k engraved oa cteel, byU. B. Hall of NewYcrk, from a paiotirg after Healej. The por trait is acre:-; ; J J I j a sketch of tbe life and services of Mr. Folk who was a native of North Carolina and graduate of ber University. . . ' e nol.ee Hat Senar Clicgman has been invited io : .ver tbe aconal adJrea before tie two literary ci u.e LniTersity.and has accepted tbe invita C a. - ; :rnMttiu CTrr.The steamer Dsyl i h r t ew York, arrired at Uorehead City on J V, ,. f e 59 4fvrther.todUaentout ' --y of New Tort. lOr The CaJcU ia Dr. Deems School, si Wilson, will compete for prtaa in Declamation, oa tbe 224 Inst. Bee notice ia to-day's psper. msria res Masch. Mr. Wbitaker has laid on our table Uarper'e Magazine lor March, 1861. Tbe leading iUoetrabd articles are " Tbe Ballad of tbe Sham rock," by Fitz James O'Brien j-.-ontiac,- by J. T. Ilcadley - Fislilng Adventures on tbe Newfoundland Banks," and " Tbe Ac'veoturee of Philip by W. M Tlaekeray.. It appears to be a good nimber. lfm tutouovtmg DU to at ar On OmtiSWio, tufro du,vd Lg Mr.-htcdtot, Hat. A BILL TO ALTEB TDK COXBITCTI05. Wiiuu tbe sovtrnmaat of Ifortk Carol n afurda tnaal proiccuoa m au u eiuzixt, aae rj apcciaa of uroparty ta Ux Mala, juatlca daawixla iliat rj peia of proper- it mould t oc;r to qoi tstfttinairrr Jna auppf-or lb a (OTorsmrDi: SL ir surra, under tb rrewat uoau- tatioa, aa fnoraily oa'Areed, tke .Drl Amrmbj aaa r prcporty, ia proportion to in iTottctlop It anjota ; and Wktno, ClaaM 2nd, Ptciloa lit, Artkila 4m, of Uta amended Conrtitoiloa provides that tha Uotiaral Aaambl may alter tLa aaoia ia tha auuiucr Utoreio praacribod J Uieio furo, hacTiON I. lit it fruuitd 'w th4 General AutntlMn of the Sum of Jk't rth Carolina, atut U i hrtby euacUu ty Uue authority of Urn satrut, That tbe 3rd bautioa of tl 4lb Aitu-lo of im amenuea t otieliiatloa Da ameadea to read aa follows l Tbt all flea walta males owr tiis av of teul- oua vaara, sod under tbs as of furty 8e jeara, aball bo object to ao equal capliatloa tax, and ao otbrr s bits per- ao Mimi oe sao;c o eoca ui, t-au. S. he it further enarU-U, TtuU all tba free colored IsbaMtaata of UiU rAl.U aball be aubject to ocb caillatloB or other Ui aa the tioooral Aa-embl may tiapoao. Hr.o. I. I t iturOur eiuu tvl, 1 Wat mperty ia alaet aball be equallj .ubjevt to Uxaiioo lib aver otbar rpa- eiea ol pruptny. sua ansa vt uica ss JUgU. but sot Sigbar tbao laud, according to value. Mr. Hiedeoo apoka at leoKtb la favor of tba bill. Mr. llumubrev aaid be would not follow tba toaator from V'aka, la bia ariuuieut, alituutb lhare war many polnta ia It to a bicb be eould not (ea. fie waa oppowd to tha iaS of the bill ta its lieaeat abaoo. aad for iba pnrpoea ol ptilectliig it ao tb he eould aupport t', ba bad tume anicBdiueuU which ba would oflar and would read tbfra to lha bauata aa a part ut bla tenurka, ia older that hit ol J'-ct B.ubt ba more luny uuoenu.od. isa waa(ppeata totna praauibla to tha bill and could not vote fur 1; it ooutalned maaia a which ba did not think true; It acetued to cou- teuiplata tha taxation of reery tjucws of piopert equally, wbeb Io aia opinion there mil ciaaaeaof pioperty and auaoy Ibleitais bkd aiiouia hot bo taxad at au l beoiuea, u it pawed w la lha bill II eould not be luoorporated In ibe Uoti aliluUouj aud as it la not eaaeutial to tba paers tit tba bill be buprd that lha benator would agree to ainka it out. Io ibe eecoud aeuuoa which leada as fullowa i " ILat all tbe fiae Beirut a ot Ibis f-Ute aball ba eulileet to soeb eapi- latloa or other us aa the beueiai aaaenibiy may loipuae,' ba would Biove to add the following t "Aud the Ucaeral Aaeeabiy ahail have uiillnilted power to reuiove frutn the biale all the free DegToea aud to cbaUKe and uetaimme tha aiatos of thoae who leuiala: aud to au act aUaiK hlawa in reltreuce to aaid fiea atgrota aa la their wladon they may deem expedient and proper." SAr. Humphrey a.id that he had during ilia laat acaxlon of the Mgiaia'uia aad aio iui ea)on, lutrodacad bill, the object of wblcb were to reuiove the free nagioee irom the Hute otwb ti ihty cbuuaa to r amain, to parua Utvm ta arlect their wantaia aud beoonieUviia. Hi object waa pot to opprea this uulonuiaie ciajna of our pnpulailun, Bor I ad be lutrodaoed tlioee biiia of his own acoord. The weie framed aad introduced in avooidaoce wiibtbe praar of a memorial irom aiany oi ui eooattioeau, woo regeidrd thai Uiey were k dulurun.g elemeul that they bad beea foatertug in tueir niiot, and iut juriioe to tneoieive aa well aa to tbtelavearaquiied Uieir removal. Ibey thought there should be bat two tlaaees of our populalloui tba while people wboabouldbe equals having equal ylghta and privilege aud entitled to equal nroteoUvu under ihaCouatituilon j and the other, tha colored, who aliould be equals among them selves, that ia ahould all be aUvee. Tba Jndiuiary CommllUe of laat aeaaloa reported tbe bill to be anoonaliiutloBal, and the a ma report upon a aimllar bill baa been made lb la aoaaloa. Aa tin re were aevaral ap pilcatione before tbe beghilature fur apecial leglalailoo to prrmlt certain frae negroes to enslave tbenieelvea, be had offered a reaolotios whlob bad be n adopted by the (senate requiring the eomnilttee on free negroea to report a gener al law lor that purpoae ( tbe committee reported a bill which bad been relerred to the judiciary committee and that ther alao report onoontilluUonal. The obioot of lha ameBdoienl was to give to tha Ueueral Aaaembi unlimited power over the aubject of free negroee. ; av r. it leaaoe aaia ne nao ao oujaouoa to trie amenair ent, air. Uuinnbrey thea aahi ba had one other amenUiuent to oOer, vln aulke out tbe third aaotlon, wblcb reada as fol lows . 1 bat property la Slaves aball be equally tuniecMo taxa tion with avarv olher atieolea ol nrouerlv. aud ahall ba taxed aa biib If not higher than laud, according to value-' aud luaert i Tha elaws shall equally with land be aubject to taxa tloa t and aliall nut be taxed higher than land, whether jti eiirxta or ad taloritn." ' Tbe anienduienta would bave to be voted on separately, and tbeiel'ore to begin v lib tbs Biat be moved to irik oat the prtanible. Ha would add that the ameudiuonta were ofl'ered la good faith, aud if adopted tie would vote for tha bill. . Mr. Hub be moved to amend the motion of Mr. Humphrey by striking out the remainder ol the bill and lnert but bill which proidea for a Convention of tbe people to alter the CVnuUiut on. Mr. Dockery roee not for the purpoae of detaining fbe Senate but lor the purpoae of congratulation a both aide ear Died to agree to pane eoate bill te adopt tbe principle ol ad cutorem taxation upon all property. Tbe only dllllculty now appeared to be who ahuuld oiaim the patcruity of the propoaitlun, fur the Pcoatora Irom klartln, Ouelow and W ate were an la ravor of the principle of rtd valonm taxation. Mr. Humphrey aaid that the !ehator from Kichuiood waa about to put hlin wrong upon tbe record the Henator bad entirely mUapprebonded but piaillon, if he thought that he waa in favor ui adopting me principle or aa caiurem uxa tion npoa every apeciee ol property. He waa not aware that ba bad aaid anything which jmiined theHenator in elaa aing mm whs tnoae wno aavooaia tuat ductrma. He wat oppoaed to it; no uniform and unbending rule of taxation Would be jul-there thnuld be aenie diaorlminationa and aome exemption and that was the position he occupied wblle canvaeaing last summer. Articles of luxury could ana anonia near a nigner tax uian arnciea or aeceaaity. Billiard tables, bowling saloon, oarrUgea and the like ahuuld be taxed hie ber than land and negro. Crone, stock, farm- lug ulenaila and the lika ahuuld be exempt from taxation. Labor, agriculture and the industrial , puriuit of the people of tbe biate ihould be fostered and encouraged by legisla tion and But embarrassed by taxation. Tbe benator waa alao miatakea in cawing hint with those wbo deaired to tax tcwy irpecuj of property- 1 bat waa tna poaiuon of the party to which the Senator from Richmond belonged io the iae Cettinahra : that nrooo ailioa Mr. 11. aid be then oppoaed, he waa onooaed to it now, aad ahould continue to oppose it: Hie last amendmeui proposed to amend tba Conatitntlon of the Hut ao aa to Coufer upon the General Aaaembly the power te tax alavea equally with baud, tie was williug and would ao vote that the t'onati.utlon ahould be amended In that particular t he would not itop to argue the question whether or no alavea did not already beer a due nrouortion oi ue oaraens oi ui government ; inet was But Bow a prac tical question; already evil had been tbe reiurt of the agi tation of ihla qneatioa In the political campaign; be dis claimed aov Imputation aa to the motive of beuaioia and otbera, bat tbe inevitable tendency of that agitation waa to array one ciasa oi our people against the other. Why, what appeala would be made In tbe next campaign 1 Ike dis turbed condition of tbi couutry at ie out of the asiutiun ol this queition aa appropriation of money to furnish arm to the people of tbe folate to nut them noon a war foatina- bad been made tbe present aeaeiuo, and we bad already been threatened thai thertfore this property ihould paj a higher lax. bhould tbia agnation contiuue and the anneaia be made, tbe very institution Itself wilt be endangired. jar. Duuiuirj wwusu vo aeute in ii matter, and aeatie it bere; and without atopplng to consider whether or no slave honld Se txd higher, be would rather submit to lha ad ditional taxstioa thaa to tbe agitattua of tbia quettln Is I uuuiir pwiuicai canvass. Mssas. Enrroas t Termit us, through the column of your r ('-, w auKHcn ui nsoie Ol Ol. 1. If. MKAKbS S a uitab e l roo to represent the county of Brunswick ia tbe approaching ettate Convention. ' lot. M.. as a legislator, baa beea faithful, ahla ud sstn. ble to bia constituents, aud during the trying crisis through which we are passing, has enowa such a chivalrous devotion to our cute, ny his bold and manly stand In defence of ber rights, that we bave every aaauraoxte that ber honor will be ante ia aw nanda. :, , ;-t- BRUNSWICK. Feb. Uth, mi. Thi Isbjikutm or South CABOuA.--The Israelites ol booth Carolina are amongst tbe most faithful and patriotic of the people of rjoutb Carolraa. Oo every occasion of difficulty and danger, they bave exhibited a devotion to the Bute worthy their well-known char acteristics of a hatred of oppression, and a dauntless spirit to resist it. With an equal right toentirioto all the offices of our Government, they have shown them selves competent to fill the highest, ia ke-Snator ol of the United States, they furnished two Senators, and both of these Senators were Irom the South, and both of them bare been foremost in vindicating the rights, in terests and liberties of tbe Sonth. M. Benjamin and Mr. Yulee are worthy to ait in any . assemblv of atatpa- men iff tbe world. Charleston Mertuiy. , 1 be above reminds ns of tbe Bill now before the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina to repeal tbe clause in the Constitution which prohibits a Jew Irom holding Guice in this State. Tie prohibition should certainly be stricken oat by tbe present session of tbe Legislature. It is an odious, onfair aad cnncwsarT restriction i ' ' - . , . , '.-t Western Democrat..' j i . :.A ' :. i-J I.v . i - A - : From the WOmlngtoa EeraM, 134 lost ISsssolai Agree I av Cwasfrwasiisw I Some of the "watch and wait " politicians of tbe country are, or preteod to be, of tl opinion toai sir. Linoo n will favor tbe Crittenden plan of eomptcmiee, or w-uie similar oo acknowbd-Hoir the right, and duty of Coogrras to protect slavery in all territory south of me uqs of jo ot-jr. 30 nitn nnd thai U tu aciioo 01 toe uordvr 6Utes is oVbyed nstd afW tbe 4tb of aiarcn such a compromise mid receive tbe Executive sanction. Tbe great characteristic of tbe President elect is said to be booesty. tie bss been called botvwt Abe LincolQ,' and bis friends sar that be is firm io tbe support of bis Kinciphw. Now tbe great loading principle upon which Waa electee, and to wbiob be is iWgJ by evert coo- id ration of Lou or. and h Htv U embraced in the Tib and 8tb rwolutions of the Chicago platform, which are Kuiows : . - ?- That tbe new d, vma. that the CoosUtution of its owo fora carries ilgvery into any or alt tf TerriXorks of. tbe Uoitrd SUtes, is a dangerous political (y-resy, at variance with the explicit provisions of that I net mount It irt with tbe conUmporaneoos txpotu tion, and with legislative and judicial precedent, is revolutionary in its Kourauti, sou subversive Of ine peare aim oaxuiuuy in the country. " 8. That the norma! condition of all tbe Territorf ol lb LniteJ btate ia that of freuiom. 1 bat as our re publican fatbiTs. when tbev atolihed aliv-rr in all our national territory, ordained that no ptrtoo should bede- ptivt-d4i urt' ittxrty or tiroiierty. aitDoui due process of law, it iMwroiw our duly, by bgia'ation a Lew. ver snyh kgtxlalirirj is iMceary, to niaintaii) tbis provision ol the Cinhtitutioo against all atumpts to violate it. Ann we ui-nv the autorityol toticnw, ol territorial legislature, or of any individual, to give legal esistence to slavety In ary territory of tbe United bUtra." - . io his ktur accepting tbs nomination tor the 1 rest derev, le osts the lolluwing lungusge : ' I be declaration of principle and sentiments, which accompanies your letter, meet my approval, and it ihall Oe my tare not to violate or dtntgard u, in any part. Js not tbis a solemn pledire that be will abide br the doctrine that Slavery only exists by local Isw within its pnai-tit Iiiniia, and that itslurtlMr extension luto any territory should be prohibited t Aud, if be is the hoot st " niHD be is represented to be, can he give tbe lie to this sob mo iU due, by aeknowledging it to be the duty of the genual government to protect slavery In the territories us property 7 lie same piatlorm too, wbieb be is pledged to suppoit io every part declares that tbe organization aud tha perpetuation of the lf"pablicao party wus neuitarii " and that the causes which called it lulu existeuoe arejwmuhfif in their nature, and now, more than ever demand its pi-aceful and couslituliotial triumph." Is be vlh all his honesty td be expected io the first hour of ti e triumph of bis principles, to sun render tbr rat And if be was base enough to do so, would that change tbe sentiment of those who elected Liui, snd who are so largely in the majority in the North? And yet all the comnromiMji which have been ofl'ered the Crittenden, tbe iiigler, snd the Border State Com- pri'mifi-s all deniand tins uucoriditkntti turrender by bim, and his party. , Asnnevidtuce of Lincoln's inten tions on this subject we subjoin tho two lollowing arti cles from the SprihgfleJd (111.) Journal, which ia said to be bis confidential organ, and which articles were writ ten npon the tve of his departure lor Washington the other dny by the editor of that paper, uko accompanies him at a member vf hit euile to the Capitol. Compromise Not to be Thought Of. -- -- -- - Front the Hpriniilleld (111.) Journal.) " " We waut concttwiou. We want the Southern Sta'es which are clamoring about concession snd compromise, ta concede that ours is a Government proper, aud not a compact between States. We want llieui to concede that a Statu catiuot dissolve its couLcctiou with this Union at will. . We want them to concede that tbis Government bos a right to enforce, its laws and protect its property, even It it becomes necessary to hang or shoot every traitor in the United States, to do it. lis twin them to concede that it it the duty of this Vorernment to retake from Southern trattore itt stolen fortSj arsenals, etc; We want ibi'tii to concede that Abiabain Liucolo, having been constitutionally elected l'resideut of the United States of America, has a right to take bis . Wat without any opposition from any quarter whatever and that Harm ed oppiisition is oflereu, it is tbe duty oi tha Govern ment to put down or overcome such opposition at every bssard. - We want the South to concede that after Abraham Lincoln hns taken an outh to snpport the Constitution of the United Slates, it is his duty to observe it. We want tbcin to concede that the seced ing; States hitve violated the Constitution that they are in rebt Lion against the Federal Uovcrnmeot, and that it is the duly of this Uovernmthl ta put down re bellion. We want them to concede that the tukiug of the Federal forts and Bring upon toe Dlar ot the nest, are insults that should be utuued lor. We ask them to concede that JM rthern creditors have a right to sue for and collect their demands iu Southern Courts. Wt ask them to concede lluit elavery it the creature of local law. In all this we do not a?k the South to coucede a sin gle thing that is not dmiaudcd by fbe Constitution of the United btaies. viilil they ao concede all tnts, they ought not to expect that the borth hat any concession to make. I lie uug ol our country, Uie glorious stars and stripes, has been insulted by traitors --our laws has been set at defiance onr forts and arsenals have been seized by traitors our vessels have been fired luto the tree navigation ol the Mississippi has beeji interrupted and to-day a targe army rt traitors lies m tratf.fo take fort Fickent. We are in hourly expectation of the sad news that some brsve deteudeisof lhea American flag tbe Hug ol Washing ten bave been struck down In death in the iflort to uphold it on American soil. Tbe telegraph tells us to-duy that Sonth Carolina Las determined to attach- tne nooie Aocierson, if uovernment does not sur render Fort Sumter to the traitors? Away with com. promises at aq hour like this I Let ns first establish the tact that we bave a Government a Uovernment able to protect itself and punish treason. We should not talk a bent compromisa while tbe flair ci the traitors floats over an Antericau tort, and the Bag of onr coun try trails in tbe dost. Tbe flog that a Washington and bia war-worn, weary soldiery kept filing at Valley Forge tbe flag that Jasper replaced on tbe walls ot Fort Moultrio at tbe cost ol bis Hie tbe rug that our heroic Evolutionary fathers carried triumphantly through the war lor Independence tue nag that is honored the wide woild over, baa been torn Irom American forts, arsenals and navy yards at borne has been trampled nnder foot bv traitor in our own land, on American soil 1 Until lliat floz it unfurled over Moultrie, and eveiy other sto len fort, arsenal, custom house and navy yard -until the taws tif this covet nment are obettd and Us authority re cognized, let us pever talk about compromise. Conces sion 1 Yes, we want concession. W e afjc no man to yield np his conscience, bis manhood nor bis bonor. ! .. . . i.. ...i. . j . i ... i rue Doroer states ieu us iu&t tue; are acvutcu u ine Union and tbe Constitution. We ask thim, then, to concede that tbe one shall stand and tbe other be obey ed "Wrare asfecd TO CO JCtdO that slavery aball go into tbe territories by authority of this government ilefore we talk of such a thing, we want it settled that we have a government. Before compromise ot any kind is made or even talked about, on the subject of slavery, we went to see the rightful authority of tbis government recog nized and respected. Let tbe stolen forts, arsenals and navy yards be restored to the rightful owner tear down your rattlesnake and pelican flag, and run np the ever glorious stais and stripes disperse your traitorous mobs, and let every man return to his duty. Then come to us with your list of grievances, and whatever man hood, honor or patriotism can yield, shall be rally sqcor ded. '. ' .- ' - H Tbe Foils Must be Ketskta Iks RtvrolaikHi Sluat . " - CbccJicrll f "-.' From another Article tn the tame paper. . It is the duty of tbis Uovernment to retake its stolen forts snl other property wrongfully withheld. In tbe performance oi it no more forcJ will be used than is necessary. Forcible resistance will be met, and, if pot ttble, overcome. I be Government will collect its reve nues, using just so much force as may be necessary for that purpose. We assume that this will be tbe action of the Gov ernment because it is duty of tbe Govern meet, and be cause an Administration w just going into power that will fearlessly and faithfully perform, tit whole duly. ' If individuals attack the Government in the discharge ol its duty, and lose their lira thereby, can it be charged that the Government has wantonly shed "fraternal blood f Will ( any one pretend that the Government can do lees man inisr iVbeo tne r resident taxes solemn oath to snpport the Constitution, and tbt .VI Const: tut.' a declares thatbe shall see that tbe laws are faithfully executed, can be disregard that oath, and uSer tbe Law to be tranTpled nnder toot f Ii treasoa and rebellion make it Decrsaary to ese force to execute f i . . . m . ' r ! . uose taws, is oe nor jusiidm in usicg u I ia ii coercing South Carolina to defend Fort SoinU-r against the at- tacks of s mob collected from South Carolina, Georgia and other Hte.r. I. it coercing Floiklato bold Fort Pkkeral against tbe mob collected to Steal it T Is it coercing any of tbe State; of tbis Union tor tbe Gov- ernmeot to take and bold poeaeeMon of all its property within them f Is it coercing a Stat-to enforce the na tional revenue laws ? .Will it be coercing Sooth Caro lina to take possession of tbe United States custom boose, armory, and other property beionL'ice to tbe Fed eral government t Is it coercing a State to' abolish post offices where new cannot be found who are willing to bold them, or who will not honestly account to tbe I uovernment lor postage received T Coercion or ft Stale I lie. who invented the expression did a good work for traitor. lie raised a screen behind which sympathi- srrs with treason might have a temporary hiding place. Jtepuniicans isvor bo such doctrine. Swwrsaaa Cwwrt. By rgiasox, C. J. In Clemen U v. Waldo and Mitchell, in equity, from Martin, directing ft decree' for ilantiU. Jn V toe man v.atmith, in eqaity, from akf n Tomlin v. Hostel), in eouitv, from Warren, dismiss ing the bill. In IiStham v. Moore, in equity, from I. ti- .u t, t . i , ,- , , . Wartin. In W orth v. Gray, In cqoitv. irom lUodolpb, demurrer over ruled without prejudice. In State v. ..I.J . J: t t,... - Lam, from Bertie, judgment reversed'and venire de novo, H r K ATTtr., J . J n State r. Hams, from Uranville, alurming the judgment. Io Juinton v. Wellborn, in equity, from Wilkes, dismissing the bill. In Fleming Murphy, in equity from Ii3wanxccotions sustained. D. Rogers y. Itogcrs, in equity, from Wske, exceptions overruled except 1st or vl. Jury, in Jackson Unern, in equity, from Lenoir, decree for tilantifls. In Hughes r. Black well, in equity, from Craven, bill du- misiea. lis Maklv, J. In Townsend v. Moore, from Kobe- son, kthrnnng tbe judgment. In Myers y. Cherry, from ikaulort, till run ng the judgment. In Ibompson v. leaus, in equity, Irom XSasb, -decree Tor plantills. In Joyner y, Conyers, in canity, from Frsnkliu, detree for plaintiff. In SVbitt y. Hooper, In equity, from Rock- Ingham, dismissing the bill with costs. Hut Standard. A CovragBKKsivg Farspobt. The lust Lrtsore Hour " devoUd by Ldward Everett to the New York Ledger contains tbe following on passports : " Difficul ties sometimes occur in the police tffice in foreign conn- tries in making ont the personal descriptions.' It ia said, particularly, that the record of tbe age of the better part of creation would not always be fonnd to corres pomj witn that of the baptismal certificates. .Lord Macau lay once mentioned at my breakfast-tablo, that when .Madume Sontag applied lor a passport at tbe fW.liKJI fiffloa in P.p!. tl,o ..l-ir In.ln.J ..I K i;n. nt k.l t.. ...., .v V...V., W9xvw personal description nnder the separate beads, gszud a tew moment at her. with resnectlul a3mirtion,.aDd drawing a line down tbe column of particulars, wrote angeliou ftg.lust them alL" STATES RIGHTS WEETIXO In respona to aa invitation from lb CAPE FEAB MIN UTE MEN, Mr. O. It. FOLK, of Walawga, . 'r. V. C. BARIUNGER, wf CskaiejA Col. MAHCta ttRWIlf, of Baiirombs. will sddreas the cltlien of Wilmington on MONDAY EVEN- INO XEXT, at 7J o'clock, at Tbalian Bail. A general Invitation is extended to th residents of I tb'a and adjoining counties. " ; Feb. lfith, 1861. 136-3t.C RIIKTORICAL SOIREE. THE CADETS OP DR. DEEMS' 8CHOOLS will compel for prirc in PecUmation, in the EsU of tie Seminary at I Wilson, on tbe evening of tbe JJd Inst. Th exercise will conmeBce at T o'clock, .The publio ars Invited to attend. February 15th, 1801 13-2t-26-lt. " THE people of New Hanover will vote tur JOHN DAWSON and ' ' WILLIAM A. WRIGHT, to represent tbem In th Convention Election 28tE February, "tit. , f , . vox l'OPULI, ' Fb. Ik 18CI. ' : IOU BTATB CONVE.1TIOI. Mear. Editobs : " Many Citlsens " desire to be repre sented In tbe Cnnventioa by ROBERT BTBANCE, ad ROBERT H. COWAN. lnruary 6th, lt-61. , 127-te TUB PEOPLE Us" URCSaU ICK COl PfTV - will UOLO A MEETING AT MR. A. L. DEW'8, In Loekwood' Folly D strict ob SATURDAY next, tba 10th I day of February, TO NOMINATE A SECESSION CANDI DATE to represent tbem in tbe State Convention. . trr A full delegation from each District I earnestly re quested. - MANT CITIZENS. February 14th, 18U1. 135 tm. . X)K CO&kTABLK. 'E ar authorised to announce SILVESTER PETTE WAY, as a candidal for th office of Conitabl for tbe Upper Division of Wilmington, at th election fob held on tbe 22d init. Feb 7th,-W " - , ? i FOR COK STABLE. , WE are autbnrlzed to announce JOHN CTLEY as a can dldate for re-election to the office of Constable for tba Upper uivision of th town of Wilmington, at the election tab held on tbe 22d of February, 1861. - . . .- , Februarys, j . . 127-te WS are authorised to announce LEWIS M. WILLIAMS a a candidate for re-election to tbe office of Conitable for tbe Upper Division of Wilmington, at tbe eleolion to be held on the 22d February, 18C1. Feb. 4. 126-te , .. tOR CONSTABLB, fWE are authorised to announce WM. H. BfDDLE, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Constable for th Lower District of the town of Wilmington, at tbe election to be held on the 22d February, 1861. . . Feb. 4. . 126-te y. roa cosstaolk WE are authorised to announce ISAAC W. HAWKINS ass candidate for tbe office of Constable for tbe Lower District of Wilmington, at th election to be held on tb 22dlnt. Feb. 4. lls-te KOlt CONSTABLE. WE are authorised to announce D. B. BENDER a a can- didate for th office of Conatable In tha Xower Diviaioav-ef tbe town ot Wilmington, aUb election on tb 22d Februa ry, 1861. Feb. 2d, 1861. 12S-t LAIDRETH'S HEW CROP GARDE SEED. JUST RECEIVED FROM D. LANDRKTH ft RONS- tha most reliable Seed Grower In th country, a full annply of nm.it vnur usw&a ecuin. oonaistins or a ranetv nt Bean. Peas, Asparas-os. RooU. Onion Sett. White and Raid Clover Seed, Blue Uraaa, and a general assortment or small Seed. Also, Flower .Seeds and Hyacinth Bulbs. For leal L. ... . . l i i .( r . rt t vj . ,. irs.ur.r.i asanso, Nov. 24. -. : 45 Market atraeU A Clergy man's Taailnamiy. - j . ; - Prrmronn. Vt.. Ans. 1. Iftsn.' 1 hereby certify that my bair having become quite gray, I wed Heimstreet's Hair Restorative (prepared bv W. . agan, of Troy, N. Y.,) for four week, and my hair waa in I mat tun restorea to lis original color, i canuy reccoro- wtena ine sriicie io do au n cisims. , - WM. KINGSLEY, v - - Pastor of tbe Baptist Church. Pittaford. VL Remember that thla result waa produoed by HsiasTKKrr's intmiiarxe, vie orxgxnantna amy retiatue uair stestorativ. Price filty centa add one dollar a bottle. Sold everywhere) 07 an irwKia. Sold tn Wilmington by W. H. Llppttt, H. McLia, an4 by au AnuziriBis. W. E. HAG AN ft CO", Proprietors, Troy, V. TV 4. , - 136 lm-dw. Feb. , WALKER ME1RES, bRUQOIST AJVJ APOTIIXCM I , Ho. AS Sf inn fWa DEALER in meUtA MsdiclDMi Enplkth. Vrmh aiul n.J.. vnenucajs ; oweeaisa isecne, e., ao. 4 ., aiso, anpenor Kranar. wmss. Ac.. AC Preecrintiona comiMMindad la tha saost akftlfnl aJ ... I - CAHO We hrr to triform the trade thai haws an. ' sMagtoa, a. C, sol igent fr oor (iloe. Bo.toa.lpra. , K.BOCnaCO. Tb aadenrLrned. havins bass annnlnt.s v r tfiirthVm trade. Their Glased Olue u wrranU-d to,fnot tpenor to any wuumfatyred in the UnileJ States, and is wen-romra to owe eaixtractum. or ths lunn rtrUA a well aeleoled slock of lower grsdee, from same parties, kept eowsiaatly oa bead, aasenjes ot which cn be aeea at nit W HOWARD, Broker. April T. Iftfift. - " Ihltf LET US PAY EACH OTHER. . - Every aeeeant saad wreviowa te JAKTJABT 1st, 1841, with us U MAJQB OCT aad past due. ' v e are sending out bllla, and our patron wttl rrtlv oblige by PAYING OX PRESENTATION. V O. ft. BA.LOWIS; PropHetor of tbe aX)TBlSa ASD FTJESISHIUQ BTOBZ, SS If arket Street, J- M- IH-tw-M tt ' W. C. HOWAttb. BBOKKB AND AUCTION FEB, : Office oa South Water Street, " Old Stand.'' - Having received the appointment of Auctioneer, respect. 1 iuiit oucrs nis aervice tor ui pnrooase ana aaia of HKAL, Ef itkl KTu iri vpunni-rf PRunru w JTlVpvvSf i I r.. -7....r., "Y ? .""""y". onanuau MEItCHANUIZK. (Hpfcxal attention wilt be (risen to lAs HTOHS BUSIHESSas Krekifore.) , BSraBERCBI I 0. 0. rarslev Esq., Pres't. of th Commercial Bank of Wll- mlngtoa, N. C John Dswaon, Eaq.. Prea't. of th Branch B'k M. U. do. Messrs. Kidder 4 M artiu, do. Messrs. E. Murray ft Co...... ..............do. T. C. atcllhenny, Esq , ........do. MessTS. Iollner, Potter ft Co., I . Do. Wataon ft Mearea, f Hew Tork- AprOSth, imi. - v ' WB.OLD PAPS.it for sals at this office, at 35 cents per hundred. I Hseetpte per Vtiiuinctou a M'ridon k. n ch. is. 134 bale Cotton, 1.78 bbls. BplrlU Tarpeotine, 60 bbbv. Biin, Q bbls. Tr, ta bbls. Copper Or, is bbls. Floor, I iA'LSV" To J B Bloaaom, Kllia ft Mitchell. Weill tc Anathan. Htokle ft Oldham, W U Me Bar? ft Co. Isaae VTells, J ft fa MoHs ft Co, Kaihawaj ft Co. J T Petteway ft Co, Worth ft Daa lei, W W Pierce, M Newbofl, J B Boutberland, T C Craft, J II Boblnaon ft Bon, Jarre King, Rankin ft Martin. Dettoaaat. Brown ft Co, Owver. Peacock ft Co, DA Lamont, Jf it Planner. E Mnr.ar ft Co. J M Uonk. V if m Tbompsoo, U Camming. .. . . y Rseelpts psv Vt'Uailns;tM A Msnelaseler Bait RaV ' rci. 14, 1801. ... ., -,'.,.;.,.;.. ' 441 bale eetton, 490 bbl. spirit turpentine, 168 do rosin, ins do turpentine, S baga ootton aced, el bales yarn, 14 do ' de' 1 bbl. tallow, l bozea, 80,0000 feet timber. To C. ' "lD1J'! vJt " svueu, J ron, w. a. MCKarv, w. a. Allen. Anderson ft Sa. Bmlthft atcLsYurln. E. Murrav A Co.. T. H. mKa Murray ft C Joe. B. Bloaaom, Jaa. T. Petteway. Johu D. Bellamy. Weill ft Anatbaa, J. Wilklnsoa, i. Vf. ihotnpaon, J. O. Bowdea. iot-' Wpp'. T.JJ. B. G. Worth, W. B. KendaU.DeBo. &Tb?.MM ' NEW ADVERTlSEMENTg. HORSE ARTILLERY, ATTENTION I THERE WILL be a meeting of voor Company thla vsning at 7 o'clock, at th office of Jno. A. Baker, Esq. A full attendance i reaneated. a Important renorta are to be received. - By order of the Captain. , BICUABD H. GRANT, Feb. 15th, 18l 13-It." " - . P.P." IRISH POTATOES. 100, BBLS. PLANTING P0TATOK8. daftv exneeUd. For aal by HAREIsa ft HOWELL. Feb. Uth, 1861. ------ RICKRICK RICE. CASKS prime Rice; 10 11 middling Bioe. Now landing and for sale bv 50 Feb. IS. . ii. C. ft W. J. MUM HO. SUGARS Sl'UAR. BBLS. A. B. C. and " extra C" Soears, 50 Just r eeived per steamer and vessel. Por sal at lowest prioea, bv . O. C. ft W. J. AlUNBO. .. yen, is. .. - . . ....... .... ... -.. .- VRfPSTMlP. 50 BBLS. CHOICE NEW ORLEANS BYBUP. Juttr. eeivd and fur aal bv O. C. ft W. J. UTJNRO., Feb. 15. . . . L.IS V OH' Lbli KHS . ' REVAJNINO IN THE POST OFFICE AT WTLMINQ ton. N. C. Febrnarv Uth 1SH1. Person enouirinc for letter on thia list, will plea asy.' advertised." Adam, M Allen, C J Anderaon, J R llklMA. inn Housend, AW Pritchett, J H Holden, Sarah A H olden, M ' Hodge, Ellcabeth - Hollister, Joo W HoOrea, B Hopkins, J J HoliiUy, F - . Hlnea, At A Hill. N U Pipkioa,BD :: Putnam, J T Ramsour, HP , Reeve, CM -Red, ME A J . Bed, J M O Bobbina. T A " Rook. Henrietta i ; . Rosenberg, L "': Rolls, Ueo ...... Roberson, J J Rogers, Barsh A Rooks. M Bawyer, Saml . ' 8c h ware, J ' ; Pes mans, D H ' Smaw, A B Bomera, E Skinner, Ellis Byalckhaver, T 2 . Hprlngs, PB Bnmmeraet, O "' Btedman, A 2 Pmith, Jas B ' ' x Smith, Tho ' Smith, HA ' Thaylee, Mrs ' Thya, P Vinoent, B ? Walker, O W - Walker, J Wstters, Mary r Warner, J Ward, J R 1 -Walker, OD Wells, Mary WiadhamT J H Woolford, B Worrick, 3 ' : Wilson, Geo Wortham, Geo Wood, Jaoksoa Williama, PT Williams, Pheb -Williams, C 8 L William, 8 W Williama, Lucy . T Yates, Isaac Yarborough, James Ballard, J Bailey, Mrs M U Bagley.DW Berry, Mary --, Begta, Jss , BojtH, H Hines, D Jf M Bonrdeaux. Mrs E J Hill. E M Bowie, Julia Herron, JO Blake, F M . Jackson, II Blake, EE Jacobs, B Carlelon, Norwood Jacobs, Charity ft Co jonee, sjuiara Carroll. PO Jones, Bobt Carroll, N Cannon, A Coffin, Faust ft Co Cook, A B Collins, Ann Kamidell, H D Ketohnm, J King, Anione King, K King, J B -Keliy, Mich'l ' Koch, J O Lane, Johns n Mathia, Jno -Maboney, J It -Mann, L H -Marshall. Jno -Murry, Fanny v Mead, W , S Miner, WL Merboigin, Capt Murry, Wm ... Murry, B 8 Muse, J HI Mclll, Kobt Mr Bride, A 2 AfcOoon, Mr MoCarter, Jne Naah, J W Newton,, Geo . ' Northam, Eaq Norton. V Price, Jno Powers. J D ft Co Perry, H H Pitman, Jamea Preaaey, J F Price, ME ' Coxe, Chas Clark ft Laabley 2 Curtis. P Day, Wra Uanlel, Jamea Dicklnaoo. T Dorcey, Mary E . Dugmd, L L Duguid, W H Doaier, W t Kdward. ML EUia, J . . " fevtratt, Jamea Evan, Wm R Foravtb. J M Fowler, 8 8 FiUinger, Mary 1 Francisco, 8 P Gallagher, N 2 tleorge, Eliza - ' Ureea, Margaret Gruneell, t-am'i Urene, K J Hawkina. J H Harries, Jno Hall, Julia A Hart, Annie Hammond, B Tll'OS. Bf-ANKETS. BHAWL8. OVERCOATS, BU3I- XV NES8 SUITS, in great variety, at 33 Market at reb. 15 I3R It O. a BALDWIN. 00 BAGS BIO, ia tor and for aale low, by Keb. 15. T. H. McKOY ft CO. MCI.I.1T .MKHJeTsV A . OAK BBLS.; 3t7 15 Pine in extra order. T. Feb. 15. H. McKOT ft CO. M1LITA.KY TaCIIC. THE ARTOXEBIsrS MANUAL, compfled from various source, and adapted to the aervice of the United States. . aj jodb uiudou, 1st ueut. 4tb Artillery, U. 8. Army. A ConciM XreaUse on tbe Theory aad Practice of Naval Cannery. By W. A. Jeffers, jr., U. 8. Army. uiinsm staauai. tor volunteers and aUlitis. ' -Coo per 'a Macomb's Tactics. Hardee' Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. ' KooU'a Infartry Tactics. -Cavalry Tactics ; printed by order War Department. Manna) of Bayonet Exercise. Prepared for the as of the army of the United btatea. By George B. McLelland. Captaia 1st Regiment Cavalry, U. B. Army. For aal at Fee. 15. WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK 6TOBE. CUMIU AU k,AllU iVIAlllkS. - A FEW BARBELS LEFT, for sale' cheap If applied for boob at the Bendetvou. Also Freeh laid Egg seo-cay S0w . . , .Also A fresh anpply of Keroeene Lamp and 03. Also rresjuacAiefji oaoeea ana lanaiment. Asm A fresh upply of Tongue, bams and smoked Beef. Alao A rreat many nice thing too numerous to mention. at the Bendeevons 'of tbe Inimitable i. Feb. 15, 1661. - - CASSIDKT. , HARPEft'fl HAOAZIHK. F OB MARCH. Received and for sale at " ' WllUAtui a NbW BOOK BT0E2. Feb. Ii. - - KKlCKJCHBOCKEtt AXAUAZISK, JTtOB MARCH. Received and for sale at i. - WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK STORK. - reb. 15. - LK BOJI TOS, ' 4 Received and for sale at " ' . AiiiiAKiji's oce Eions. lOa MARCH. -1 mm J ,so. ta. x .t J

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