a Mmmr mm a mm , mm -mm mm . a VOL. 10. NO 148. -lav M.ar a. aa. ....I ..'.. I-i.'. " - ' " " -- ' -u-..a" rT Trr . .. i MSaaaaaa . . . " . A FULTON, Editor.. ...A. L. PRICE. Associate R lit,. Daily Paper, en year, Invariably In advance . fA 00 ..Weekly 44 3 60 AU wm OB aoatn Connected with this otr. moat be 44reel M tn proprietor. BATES OP ADVERTISING. ur titciii. Oa day.,. rwodays.......... Three days......... Poor day Five day onbo,osb. One dy... Two days I US .7i ' 40 40 74 I 00 1 $0 1 74 1 T5 4 00 , Three Any.... ... . . Four dya Five day.,........ One week. Two week.., One month.. !?. 7S One week...........' 874 Two weeks ....I S7 One month ...J 00 Two mouths 3 AO Three month....... 00 Sib month...... . 8 00 Two moutfi.....,. T 00 Three mouth....,. 10 00 8U monthe ..16 00 Una year, It 00 One veer SO 00 i en une are oouniso ae a square, and uts unea or less a half-aanare. Vongn advertiaemenU In proportion, and all payable in advance. When not paid In advance 14 oente per aqnare will be charged aftr4lie first lnaertion. Mr All halfaqaare not paid for in advance will be charg ed a auoare. - - - - . m . ' . - Mr-Advertiaementa laaerted aa Special or Bishop Notice are charged on.-h.lf more tha.-abovV rkTght Vuu vi in vvuumu mm m wurve i sonars. -Advertise menu inserted every other dav are charred tt oenia per square lot eaco inaeruoa trier uis nrat, , Mr No publication made without a responsible nam. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS , ' H. F. BIISSKLL CO., ' GCNEBAL COMMISSION MEBCHANTfl, -. '..' fcSocTH Atlawtio Wbaif, - CaiaLUTOM, 8. C. Dec. 27th, W60 Si-tf B. 0. WOETB. M. . PAMICt. WORTH DAHIEL, . "(1 B0CER8 AND COMMISSION MKBCHASTS, No. ) . VJT AmT How, ( t'aoHr hiKUT,) WILMINGTON, N. O. Solicit consignments of Flour. Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Feathers, Tobeooo, and Country Produce generally, : AWAgenta forUowe'a Celebrated Bcalea. bept.fa.lM60. . . 18A5tf CLARK Si TTJRUNOTOIV, COMMISSION AND F0BWABDIN0 MERCHANTS. J M WnmnoTOii, N. C. - . ' BIFtM to H. B Bataoi, Cashier Bank Cape Pear, Wilmington, N. C. Jno. Dawsom, Pree. Wll. Branch Bank of N. C. " " W. H. Joms, Cashier BaleUb Branoh Bank Cape Fear. ! Oct. 1. iHOO.' . " A1CW UxtUCaCRY, C'HOCKKHV AMU UUUHtfi rUKKiailllvO STORK. rpHB SCBSCRIBEB inform the public that he will on the JL Orst day of-otober, open a Wholesale and Retail GRO CERY, CROCKERY AND UtCNEKAL. H0U8B FURN1BU ISQ 8TOBB at No. Sa and 18 Booth Front Htreat. Wilming ton, N, C., where everj thing Jo hit line of business may be touna. vraer soiioitea, ana prompt aispatcn given. 4. CA88IDEY. Bept-Mth, im..-' ' . ' i i , 80-ly ; n LOUI B. RAJIBKRT, "pvBUGQIST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST,' L Xf ri 1 ct WlLMINOTOM, N. C. Keepe eoneUntly on hand, a select stock of l)rug$. Med toMM, VomaHic etrA Kurepea Chemicals, Fancy and Tniet ArUdm, Wine and Lujvori for Medical Purpo$es, , Partioalar attenUon paid to Pasacsirrioxs, Pamilt juotraa, midicimi uass, o. .Htor ianaaediately under the ' Carolina Hotel." ' Jnlyll, lBn. . .: . . m-tf ," i . - O. C. W. t, BITJKKO. ' ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE VJ CRS, No, 23 North Water Street, - r "- ' June 18, ltt6. - Wan wTO,' K. C. " ' 1 T. M, mitb. : MUM MCt A I BUt. - - IMITII 0 McLATJHIlt, CO CMIS8I0N AND F0BWABD1NG MERCHANTS, WllJI IMOTtiK, N. C. aria to . Jobw Dawson, Esq., Mayor. B. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. July let. 1W59 -. -7; - ' 255-tf " DKHAMsMKT, UKOWl di CO- tl ENKRAL COMMISSION MEBCH ANTS, T WILMINGTON N. 0. Jan. 1st, 1867Wtf. ; . T. H. McKUY dk CO., . BOCEB3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South KA water street, wilmwotoii, h. v. Aug. 23d, 1858. 297 II. R. K1LEK9, CTf HOLES ALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MEB- YY CHANT, and DEALER IN NAYAL STORES, corner water ana aiaraei streets, numuurion, . C April 2d, 1858. -v IAS. BTpKLBT. ALU. OLDBAK. ; ' . . VTOKIJCY dk OLDIIASI, C BOCEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND VH DBALEBS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. , t Wilmington, N. C. .. .. ' ", BsfHBKCB. wa wnj. aivuaa. . ivsiuvui vi uio mil vi iriuiuoHiuat O. Q. Passlbt, Esq., President of the Commercial Bank. ; '" - ' - K. MURRAY dk CO, - "' (Sieeeeee-. to Mamy 4l FetMMktA.i COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATER 8THKKT, -'.' ' WILMINGTON, N. 0. ' . anrUlAT. D. I. aXaCHIBOM. t.T. STrBBAT. February 1, 1859. - mtf -.L D. A. LAMOHT, COMMISSION MEIiCHANT, No. tS North Water stmt Oct. 12-31-tf WlUUMvTOB, N. C. Im R. IIUUGIlfB MSB, WHOLESALE AND BETA1L DEALERS TN GROCER IKS A GENERAL MERCHANDISE, & E. Corn. Market and Second Streets, k- -' WlLMIMOTON, N. C AQrOrder from our Mend will receive prompt attention. Oct. 10, 1869. TMP0BTER8, MANTJFACTUBEB8 AGENTS, AND Dea X lerea in Hardware, Culury, Iron, SUeL Nails, Agricnl taral hnplements, Ac. . WM. C. HOWARD. nENXBAL PBODUCE BROKER, Sept. 26. laoi 18-tf WlLBDtOTOW, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER tk CO JUAlaUlttUUa AUOiCHANTS, WiLBineroit, N. C. . L. BATBAWAT. VI. B. CTLST. - HATHAWAY dk CO "COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , J - - - - -g WilBTweTow, N. 0. T. C aa At. U. WORTH. r COMMISSION AND POBWARDINO MERCHANTS. eurca ckU,1857 154-ly lAJCBB AXBBBSO.- - SOW ABB AAV AS B. I AS1JBBSUI t IAVAuK, C KNEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r VT " -- 7. -WiLnnTO, N. C IiberaJ cash advance made on sosaignmoBt. '---, rh - JAMXt Aa WII.I.ARP. . COMMISSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE OROCIB, - No. lONoBTaT Watsb Srazwr, Jan. 2, I860.' WrLvtuorrm, N. C. WAXJCKR MEAHU. . f-oc-aeor to Walker Meare A Po.,) TTTflOLESALA AND RETAIL DBOGGiST. Y T A3 Mas-stStbbbt , Wq sjqtqw, N. C. HARRIS. HOWKI.li. , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J . . -t ... ... - WttMB atom, N. C. . BOMB -ABBISS, , A. A. BOWBLb. - W. W. B ABB 18. I OoA. la, IWM- CP. ILLUL, B. v. anrcasxi- KIXIS dk WTTCH-LL, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALPRS IN GOftN, PEAS, OATS, BYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; FRESH GUOCND HOMOT", HORSE A COW PEED ; -;-t7 MASTERS ASD X0HTB SITE'S BAY, ' SO. 9 aorta water btreat, A' TbraAj7W,lSC 139-1 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -'V... t A. W. ril.l.KR. - COMWI38I0W MEHCHiWT AND WHOLKSALR ORO. CM. No. 1 Noam Win tkbct. 1. '-' - WlLMUMTOa. N. C. . Prompt attention given to all bntlncM entroated to bit cere." - ,;. t ...- ; Oct. 1th, I860 - f 1 . r , - .I-- U4a NDTT STREET, NKAB TUB BAH.RpT, ' . Wti.MmoTOK. N. . Will give hie pereonal attention to aelllng or forwarding, npon ooiaminMoa, all kfadi of Prodnce cent to hit care, and nope, by hie unremitting attention to bneineea, to merit portion of the Dublin natronace. Will alto attend to rilling orflf ri for at! ktnde of Merchan dise, where the parties are eufflciAntlv known to Jottlfy it. Alto to eellfng. at private or poblio aale, Feal Etate In the town of Wllmlnuton, at I per cent, commission. Presbyterian, Payetteville i Ledger, Wilson, oopy weekly Sm.i Konirh Notes, Uoldaboro', 1 week daily, and sond bills H uiw Kmc. . Oct JO, JHdfl 47tfv ., K. H. GALLOWAY. CIOCNTT SrjRVrYOR. J Office, under Washington Hot-l, ' 0" " uw Httricie. , TULIUS W. WBIUHT, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street, one door Eaat of Dr. Dickson's. Sept. 2d, l8o8. ' i. 06-tf W. W. DAVI1, M. DH rxrrzBB his PRorewioN al services to the err J Is Isen of Wilmington. . Offloe 2d door below HolmeeV Bote', front Atreet. June. . , -.. ... 2J1 V J. 1, WlUltMl, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DHALEB IN FANCY and Staple Dry Goods, Carpeting, Mattings and Rurs, Ready Made Bhfrte and Collar. Under Uarmaate fur Ladiee and (ientlemen, , . 17 M AKKKT Di KKKT, Aug. 9, 1M0. , WllMlnnttn, M. C BB 0. mu - - tt:: anLM ooeviir. , JAR.C.RlWtTH CO 10MMI8KI0N MERCHANTS, offloe second story, eomer South Water and Market street, .Wilmington, N. C, s-here thry are prepare j to attaad to all bnainese to the Commission line. , , 411 buslneet entrusted to them 1U be pnuctuatly attend -dto. r , 1 5 ... - : KDWtRD McPHERJO. COMMISSION MERCHANT. . - J " N rth Wawr Street;" WlLMIMTOM, N. C. ' 286-tf Anguatgnh, 18S. KRHtVT l WILt5. XTTHOLKSALE A RETAIL DEALERS In Domestic DRY fV UOODQROCEBIKS, CITHINO, BOOTS, Bboes, 4c. Noa. 14 and IS North Water Street. Oct. II, 1860, -- WiiMiwws, N. 0. THOS. C. CRAKT, TTHOLESALB AND RETAIL DEALEB DT DRY f Y UOODS AND GROCERIES. No. 48 Mauit Stbiit, WiLMwaroit, V. C. August 2!Hh. imiO. is. a. 0WTa. Lovrr raAooct. SAnriL . jbkhwos. at 1 mmy mu SEP SLk ni mji m. a-u a-ieiA' Jl. aTu a. '. ' - WILMINGTON, N. 0., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and dealer m NAVAL STORES, CuTTOM, and South ern PRODUCT. geajsvaUv. , Prompt personal attenUon given to all consignments of rroduoc. . .. . , Feb. U, l-ly . - HrlHTIHJS 4 AROWg. D EALERS IN BTAPt.H AND FANCY DRY GOODS. I (next a our to urowsc Anderson,) no. i Market HU, Oct. 8, 186. . ii-tf C. II. ROHIWSOlf k CO.. COMMISSION AND FOBWAttDINO MERCBANTS WlLMlNOTOh.N 0. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard'a Store. Entrana, - mar of I rnncesa and water street. March 9, I860 158A29. RaCJHOVAL. P. QEINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. fliHtl TAKES THIS method to inform hi customer af -J 4 9 and persona in want of work of any deecrin- Waasa aa tioo, in his line, that he baa removed hie Hovlt- biary and Hulmg establishment to th Basement of the new " Journal Buxiding " on Princes Street, where he will oe picaaed to receive order for every description 01 Binding or Ruling, Ac., Ac Thankful for paat favors, k hope to continue to receive a liberal patronage a heretofore. UCt. Slat, 1K. JAS. T. PKTTKWAY ck CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Notbb Watsb Stbs-t, " WlLHIHOTOM. N. C Solicit consignment of all kinda of Prod ace, also, orders 1 or urocsres, Bagging, nop, una do, o. Rsria ro , Jobb Dawson, Eao, . - O. G. Pabslby, President Commercial Bank, Gso. Da via, Esq. . - .. AAV??. PBTTBWAY. BOOBB M0OBB. Uotober 1st, tn9. OBAB. P. BIT BBS. raio. j. BiooBB. MYERS At MOORE, TTTHOLESALB AND RETAIL dbalbk n BATS, OAP8, B&XLLAJS, CAN 8, etc., 40., S4 Market street, W1LBTIMTOH. N. C!. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducement, and reepectfully colic it as exsuinatiou of our NEW STOCK for Fall aad Winter trade. Our Good are purchased direct from manufacturer. He pay no spoons' pnyu, ana are wuung, ana crwi seu as une aa any jobbing House in the United fetatee. V ' are deeirooa of (ending our ' uoooa w event section or nora uaroiina, aad will ue every ejertion to please all who may favor as with their order. Hptmrer is, lft. Kitios iai'laAtk. WILMINGTON. H. C A. H. TAN BOKKELEN, PaorBirroB. ALL KINDS OP NAVAL STORKS pure baaed, maanfac tnred and sold Wharfage and Storage f arsis bed, sad Ooopragt don at ialr rate. Jan. 2, I860 100-tf. S. M. WlkST, L A JBCTIQNEEB .AND QQMMIHSION MEBCHANT, ! X. Wilbibotob, N. C, Will esO, at private sale, Ootion. Aasai Starts, aad all kinda of producs, at a small ootnmisrxm ; Also, Bank Stock at 1 ier cent. Bail Boad Stock I pmr seat. BealEaUU ....1 par east. Negroes 1 par seat. Direct importation. Cargo Sal. .1 per seat. BBFBBS To th elUsens of Wilmington generally. u- . October H, 1859 40-tf ; KUW1M A. 1U1TH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, -Oct. 1, 1859. Wrumwuoif, N. C. W. BBBABT. SAO. WlXSOff. KRRAIfT At WILfOg, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Noa. 14 aad IS North Water Street. Oct 11, 1880. WiLwrwOTOK. N. C. ROBT M. COWABJ, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . WiLsnwrow, W. C s-OITloe, Sooth Oorwar Market aad Water Street spl swuva. -. ' fcmt. s, im m-w rvt a .wai wvn . .a Av aai&i i oi Bisn anu sitip, at WHITAKEUS New Book Store. a vr . n.i . . . - . - ' . . .. , Market Street, between Jaa. Dawao-'s and Wiikinaoa's. . Docem llsU - (tKACalKiiH. DOMr, Lemon sod twda. jest reeeivwd aad yvWaahr Hy 1 R. HQtKilNK A lOMtt. MURK TTRJIIPS. A N0TKEH SUPPLY of N. C Turnip Jot reoefved. tA. For eale by . L. B. HCGGINS h SONS. Deo. 21. m. . BRKDHYRf HID RYK 11 1 (Zfi BTJS HELS per Scar. Florid. For eale by IQJ Deo . la. - , ELLIS A MITCHELL.' f. CHILI l ! l CLOTHTM T COST AND MUQWi FOB CASH, S4 ' A.'.. . - . - -. aw,-B, I WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 1. 1801." BUSINESS ANu PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0. . TAtSKOtOH. " bkt rort. YA-tlROrOH POPE, COMMISSION MPRH ANTS, j . ... Nnrth Water street, Wllmnrtnn. N. P. tisvmg purchased tn ttean)r John Dawsna, ah will : feresftr take freight (water pernilting.) for IjKkvllle. on immp niver Mavigauoa, and intermediate leadings, at mod erete pricee. ... . Offloe In WIlmlngt iB over H. VrnGlshn' store. no. jHtn, lhflo. 71 1 v w. . B'aAar. w. a. ltmiiimu ClOMMIftSlON MKRCBANTS. J Dealers in Purs Pcravlan Onano and all other Pertfl ers also, Aguts for Reeee't Guano, J v . WllBlNOTOM. N. O; aw nperla! attention paid to ! of I'nt'on and Naval ui' rm. rab advattoee on Proitnee whea doWred . ' r '. Befrr to the Banks in Wilmington, Rlib. Newbern, Tar Wo', Greousborn', and HaUhory, N. C, and Cheraw, 0 , c, A. ' . . i , j Nov. th. two . . -,-: . ' NEW VOKK, PIHLA A BOSTON CARDS JOHN A. BAKKH, MAMrrACTVKSB or- Ar nAi.n III MIJ.ITAR Y GOODS, ... .. NO. flj WALKER MN1KET, . Naw York. ' 1 ' Bam, Caps, Rword,' Hashes, Belts, Horse Equipment, and all Article lor the Military, . . ! : rURNI8HW AT f HORT NOTICE. e-aew myie Trench Fatigue Csp on hand and made to order. ieo. 14, IR80 4-Sm jno. s. tuner, jiho.b: arnAK, r. m. hymak, Late of Lata Tarboro', N. C. Scotland Neek, IT, (I, Vfarretaon, S.Ch lAKt:r. HkMAIf At CO., GROCERS 4 COM MISSION MKRCH ANTS, si i-t'itri lrrl, IIYSIAW. ntrv ju tut GROCERS A COMMISSION- MKRCHAKTH THR NEW YORK. H0U8B wll b oonducted by Jno. S. Daot aided bv ft. W. Ht. ' 11??. M" conducted by Jmo H. Htman and P. M. Htmam. w?"Zll"uL ttent'011 iv9 of Cotton, Corn, Sept. 10, lHn. tf ..aiumMtllfc- t,yjyB. KATK1 A roiTKR, GEHilALMCO"H""ON MERCHANTS for the kale of COTTON. HICK. N A VAI. sToulu Produce generally. No. 11J North Wharyca, aud 111 North Water street. PHILADELPHIA. , 1, ...k ml. ".im .T.J W I6lv a. BotLMia. -. forrsa. e, ' i, OABBKMN IjuiiiaiDqiufl nauvilAN 1TJ, April 15, 1H59 lS-ly. Ngw Yoag. I. aABVBT oobba, . w. a. Bksaak. KH IIRtHA RtrMRLL, GENERAL COMMIHSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North M North Waur Street, Fhiiaml-bu. AterLiberiaJ cash adraooee made oa consignment. ailiv .inn. innj 170 (JAhprtisii. jlm HEMP. Tngrsln, Huper Ply, Tanaetry, Brussels and YeV vet Carpeting; Oil Cloth for Floors, Htalr and Tablrr, rnoiea i-ngget oy tne yard, and Patterns for Crnmb Cloths, Uuea amak for covering oarpeU and stairs. Straw Matting' Coeoa Matting for Public Honars and Hall Bead Cars; Hugs, Hemp, Straw, Adelaid and Yalvet Mans, Brneaelsaud Velvet Hoeks, Blndiugs and Carpet Sweep ers, are in store and will' be supplied to eon.umere at as traordinary low rates, by J. 3. WILLIAMS, Nov. 21. PKKL'VltN t.l ANO. EEESE'S MANIPULATED GUANO j Sombrero - Peteraburf Manipulated jar via island Baker's " . Phoenlg Und Plaster, Ac, Aclo. In store and for tale bt t. 2d ' W. H. McRAHY A Ct. Oct. 'lAICRIi'MUJR. F AVILY AND SUPER. FLOUR, from Wachovia Mills rrenn arroand received vaatania. rf a.ia h - Nov. 27. U B. HU(;il.V4 A HONS. SALT SALT. For sal in lota to suit, by f Dec. 1. v , W. H. MoHAIlV A CO. THR BUI HULKS Til K5 BUINULKk) A BE ARRIMNG ) somplee can be sen st our ahsrf. Deo. 10. JAS. T. PkTTaiWAY A CO. IEW ( Hop C1APE FEAR BICE, In store. t Oct. th. 18I0 DeROSSET, BROWN k CO. TUB PRACTlCtS OK LAW IN NORTH CAROLINA-Legeslative and Exscntlve Power ; a new and valuable work by Ed. Csnt-rll, an- . L. . . I r, . .1 . . . . ........... '" "i no a. j. y uauce, so., si H - Dtc. tk New Bouk Store. - IKW C01 MKAL AIU 1IUMI.1Y. NEW Corn Meal and Uomlny, New Corn Meal and Hominy, ' New Corn Meal and Hnw ilnv. Freih ground from prim whits Perquiman Cora. For Alt by . , ELLIS A MITCHELL. 10. B. . r KXTHA AIILY VLOt R. WA.o.t ARRANTED ths best la market 25 b Us just receiy- UcBI. MTthS. ZBPtltH KM IT HOOUB. N OBI AS, Sontaga; Cap lor Boy and Girls; Cloaks, Sbawla, Basques, and Head Drone, Ao. for tale by I PlIOLt l Kill. f AM daily receiving some of Iboee Western cured Fcsth- X era, warranted tb beat article ever oOWred iu th s n.ar- kU ' - - j ' , I hare also on hand Matra.m nf avars daaarintinn. -hlti ui aii aow lor caau. . apienuia awortmeut of Lounaea oosanaotiy on nana. wooer Miadea, cbeaper than ever, and no charge for patting nil, at - C. PuLVOUT'S. ihhj.' I. corner rront and frioceae et. AT KKTAIL, A H-NDSO ME stock of Foreign and American Dress afuoods: Housekeeping Goods end Fs Caak or credit cheaper than a woer. Oct. 2. HKDnlCK A RYAN. PVHAllVRK DIMITY. 4THITR and colored Damask. For sal b J f Dee. 6. i. S. WII .LIAMS. FASCY BILK CRAVAT 4 ND Pocket Haadkercklefs, a desirable assortment. For x JL sai ny J. a WILLIAMS. Deo. . BUAMUk Peach and Apple, t or s.le by Don, a. W. H. McBaBY A CO. BUTT Kit IS kUil, BUTTEB IN FIRKINS, ' At- BUTIaUt IN HALF FIRKINS, BUTTER is Ball. Pound Lumps. expressir ror tKrcEWBeat cakes, win oe opened tms evening, at - - THE BUTTEB ST0BE. Dee, 18. 100 TONS Pernviaa Guano, to arrive. Feb. A W. H. McRABY A CO. PKtt tTBAHEH PAKKKHIItm TfI nave received per Uain9r th following article : YY BUTTER, - CHEESE, SMOKES BEEPBBd -. kUBNINQ FLUID. January IT. For sale by L. B. HUGO INS A SONS. JEST ARRIYKU. - PER Btemer aad sailing resteL the following article j Stnart'a C. Pugar, craabed 8ngr, Ground Loaf Sugar, ColgaU's PaJe aed No. I ttoap, ' Andrews' Yeaet Powder. or1eby Jmm. t. I B. HUGGIN8 A SONS. Stocks, CLOVES, Ac, at Jan. 25. BALDWIN'S. fLOl R TLOCU, lr I MA Boper aad Family Flaw for aals m lot to JasaSs. Proat street, Ui-aite Bow. MEDICAL MALTIMOttlt l-noc imiTAf S'J'f"'" A BEPDQE W&OU QUACKERY. toldIM t'Jl" ' "'"T Vle thrt ?.T7 ajt-isttvn hnht thlnh annually aMie to aa mm. and brtlllaot InMI-H. who n,i.ht i,. iTTTT "r. TT . " eseeaj v-sil Wtvir IUM 9KI II UWMM, irxAnniAOB amja rrs.ma, or Yonng Mm nntmnlatlng marrtaee. hrtnm aware of nhrstoal weuneaa, organle deblllly, dsforiulUss, A. spwaiiyenmn 11. wno ly ti-ief. hi. h.;Bo7 a" LZ bis kill a. a lhi. . """"" "'-'y re.y epon onajmzo weakness Curod and Pull Vlirnr RMlorod. I hi. lrwlnil DlMMM hlh raiutrn I .If. V,l. ..J u.. lndulfca-. Yontig petwma are ton atrt to o--t flifrir rrom new, who that anuvratonda the aulilvnt -in nraMt Lea if an at kaA - .T.,,..P.''T1'?? kmi 'rhy thr- falling Inu, Im I iZITZZ . iT 7" JL"" Pr""nt 1 iuail twins aWlvad the ve tries Lna Lrt. tnrillrMtt.,n rv.iunil...:Ji P ' of th. Prna, OghsTura., laT """'' " " "Mn orncn rro. t, OT7TXZ rnroEnxcit iT.,' SiLh.'M,!ll,-,E,,.n" B""""f"et af.w doore from (he euriwr. rail not to orMorve nam and number. Lettws mu.t b paid and auntals a staiuu. Ths Doctor's Di plomae hang in his offloe. i-- pa, jonrjaow, '.--I Memiwr or lha Royal Oolhwe ef tlnt-eoas. graduate from ene of the Biosl nitwit UuUie e is ui uuiun t Mlalaa. and Ilia n-lr faoatriuti of Uindon, . 1 """""l"" " ""ins naa enaouKi auni of th. moat aatotibblng fiuras tliat were evar known metiy troubM with " 77 , j .ainniona wnn rraquoni liluah ing, ttn.ld UMlliu with a darangenwai of mind, wvre cured Immediately. . ,- , , , ml , r. TAffn PAnTioirxaAn notxobi Di. J. atdHe ll tlie who have Injur-d thamlv-i by Im. pr..r lnlulgiM- end tolitary hMt, which ruin both body end lulud. UUllUIUll Uiaiu fur atthar Im.lu . .i.,.lu ' . rssss kre some of the ead and malanrhnly effbet produred by early hal.lt of youth, via ! Weaknewof tiM itaiH ajid Uniaa. Pain In the huttrf. Ilmnaa. ..f wiu,. ijul..,.. , -..I... 1 ... . ... - -.-:.-. fMM-m . u.w, ipwiuain i inwt, I'v.i p.w, jrvou IrrtlMl.HIti rangaiiMHit of the IMgasU 'J'Wrt furvou irrtiamiity, lJa- Ionia of Uon.uniiiUon. . . n.gwiiiiu.unHTN AWUIIII. III. IIUMlUUlia UmMMI IU. la U... , atasvALLV. 'Hi faarful effkate en tlie mind r muah to be irZi10 iVT"'rAVm,fMiuu U lflmi ,....,.,. A,.r.,n , Dioimy rwir-lJIilru.t, Love of Htilitude, Tliuldlly. ita.. era aume of tha avila i,r,-ii Taoon ui person of all anas can now judge what la th oauaa lit thalr itiwlltilns haaltk- l.ul... .,..1. . . " i. i' ' uariiii a ameaiaranpaaraiia about tlie eyaa, eough and syuiptotu of eouuniiUoo. - j U.la IUMiim. IM am . . 1 I A , I. . . . . . . . ' r - rouovo xanN .:- : -7-77 Woo have Injured thamaxlva h inmalvMi hy a certain praetle IndoWwllni I'lIM,"tly "l from vll conitianiniia, or wnen aioue a naiiit at aohn.il, th MCm and If ut cured ran rnT,.Z'Z:Z -1"""""'. wnanaaa-p, mind and body, should spply loiniillaily. BDST. before contemplating' ranan n.t a aoona mino ana body are the mnit'runiniaii Mai. i , wssbii w inivniTiBiaTV ; iri irts- pl hourly drkn. to lb t.w , th n,M Lamm. ah-liw-J with daainlraud flllad vlth tha ia.k..i. k .i... M-t'i'" - m-i i am ungiiwa wnn our own. IBASQ OF XmPnCDBWOB- 5 i DIBS AM Q wnn in nil MUl.ll and Imru.Unl volary of iilaMnr And tli -.!. of till, ,-ilnful dlMw-, It U off n b.o- tlmadanaenfhnia,ordr'adnf dlMnverv. d-1 ua una iwnim ui. mil oi tin tNtlnruldlmaa, It lau oOan bau. in that an lll tlmad ane of hm, or drad nf dlwmvary. d tor bint from aliolvlns to IhiiM who. frmn aduaaiio- mjk soMtaoillty . ean alone bafrlend him. 11a falls Into tlie baa Is of ia-norant and dlnlns pnitmHlar, who, Innaiialilaor eurlna, nlofa hi paaunlary aslMtaotw, knap hla trifling monih attar monih. or long a th amalkat fee ean4 obuiiwd, and In dMiwIr lv him wlih ruioad bwtlth to igh ovt hla gallmg dlitKliiiniiit i or by the m of that dnadly pol.on, Marnury, haatrn tbe eon.tl tiitlimal ay.tem of thl terrllil dlHaaa, auah a altretlon of th Head. 1 hroal, Noae, Hklit,ete? prHra..in with frislilful raul.ll ty till diwlb put prrliMi to hi dnwirnl .urTnrlnui by Mnding blm to that undlcoovemd country from whoa bourn n travakw returns. . . . SHrDOnSBIffSXVT CT Trm nr,i To many thouunda Mired at tlJ. niiiuii..- .k. i..i t-. ana in. numoniu. imnortant Hurglml Orwrallon. parf.irmoa by Dr. Jul.ri.Um, wltWNMwd by the mmrtarc of tb. Hun and manv othar nanara anUn. nf xki.k 1. . Stfaln and pln baftjr. tlia pul.lln, lw.liM hi. .landing , -.. llomaj i ofeharaeter and ro.pon.lbl II ty, I a aufflolonl guaranU to 8HXN DIBSACEB iPirrtTT - ntmrn . ,M wrlilugahiiuldhi pariioular in diraotTng thur letter to hi Institution In th f.M,w1f mnanar : JOHN il. JOHNBTON, M. D.,-"i . .... . BalUmure Lonk lionnliaL Jnjyl,la0.-n9.1y lUIUmore, Maryland. a mmm m m PIYK YKAKH 1 :! WITH ROME ACCOUNT of the great Hebellloo, and a descriptiun of St. Helena ; by Hev. Charles Tsylor. ' yrmeriy -naionary ta t lima from tb Month Caroli na vonierence. ine autnor or ths above work is well known by many persons in this City, and th work 1 wsll w I. - h a fiaruaai, at KELLEY'S BOOK STORK. ni I TONS LAND PLASTER, In store, for tale. Q t Feb. 4. W. H. MoHAHY A CO. bTATIUKKHY. COME BEAUTIFUL NKW STYLES PAPER and Envel- kt oiia., siaiia Atooas, as., per ttetmer - North Caro lina, at wuilAltEli- i'S New Book Store. r eornary isin. " LKT MK KM IIIMKiiH Ills Mol IIK.lt,- I A KU OTHFB I"OPULAM PIECES OP MUSIC, too nn r merous for our advertising space, reoeivea by tbe " North! Jaroliua," at . Feb. 13. WHITAKEB'S NEW Bf)OK STORE. nt'PKIt I'llOtPIIATB OP LIMI. A FBFSH enpply of Rhodes' Huper Pbosphat of Lime. 1 " iu maa ror aaie ny C A. tuili. reb. 8. VI L. WINTER Strained Polar Oil. Aa Invoice of thl aupe rior Oil just received direct from New York, and for E. A. KEITH. Feb. 8." Mill! H. RRAMBKRT, PRAQIIUAL PHAHMAOKUTJST, t Uudrr Cits Ui.tal . DEALER IN fc&LECT ' ' , , UKBMAN, .. i ........ , ,. w. AMERICAN, r, PBENCH and ENGLISH CHEMICALS, Drug and choice PharmaceiiUoal preparations. . Tbankiul for patronave alread baataal -ill to merit a continuance of it. b kaanin-. !. - 1... a fnmh ufply of retiabls articlee, ttrtcHy belonaina to PHABMAUOJTICAL toTABUSHMEN T"39 mT Parties having sccoan's will pleas call aad settle them as soon as convenient. Jan 25th, 1861 - : CARTRlH.l.lt Wr Ai.l. Ir..Lt. CARTRIDGES for Smith A Wesson's Pistols. Cartridges for A Ilea' Pistols. ' - oiSJf, 1,f!.,,i ud s celebrated CARTRIDGE FabJL BALDWIN'S. kOAaiC SKA3I aiiiHTu TNTRODUCED by oa Into ths Southern market 15 yan ! r&ZNCn TORE SHIRTS tr sold at ' PrkJ of Tokti pUnm -hlrii aia iai ti $24, $27, $W pr down, riadj 'm.' - a - SRI UTS AAD JjHAWIRS mad to meaanre. 10 to m wr eant ua ..- k.. m . where parties purchase good and have kbem aaad tham-l at selvss. .-,, vw uw i Leave yoor mttsaree, gntlom.B, t Feb. S. - - - BALDWIN'S Clothln- Ronae , p 1 - PATtTRT ERA1ER ItH MT7RBffKH. A BEAUTIFUL article for tb Book-Keener end A l. eountasu For ssl at r-. WHIIAKEH'S re P. blm . .... t - . Wrw Book Htore. BY RTEtMUHIP IOBTH CABOUI A 4, TTTM HAYB BSCKlVKl ; I f Choice Gosbea Butttr t F ui tan Markat BaaL For ! m. -t , "... , . Jafl. 14. D- rvBL. ? i" the most Certain. OpMd, ,J Rmi or Mmhe, ArWIoo, of ths KWrr snd Pled- dw. Involnnlary JMsrhara. Isimsm . Owwral IVMHtv Nee. KELTS' ,UrW,,i MHta C.fu.l o7KW XT oft Hmn; TIWlTrMrihllawe. lN-t of HhJ or Old.llnra., IHmw th. M, Throat. Niwanr Hkln A frl lions of tb. Lns. Htom.r, Itoh-ThW IM tlary prMtltw mnr fatal to thtr vtw Im. than the am nf t. hop-t or aniloipaiKm r,a.ring m.rrli A- Iniplbla, T V VMTVfl TvrriTvr IVm,,Z. u. 'h'h."J I':'" "I,'.", TTA ","' " d--roetl i iZ:.i 5,"'",w" na w-itai runenon HMikened, tlonoflh.hM " . uwnt . nruu. irni.iH up u a ... I a 1, C '' th" Vm th h"l "f h,i country, the I rr""i "" .naianao. rrom all prnanenu and enjoy roant of life, by lha eonaaqiMiie of deviating from tb. twth of nature and Intlululn In a asriala aaarat h.i.u a....i, ..T. - ..mm aiajifl WHOLE NUMBER 2,918 1UEDICAL t"EU0KF:iOlJirDT R W a a' 3 H. OH Hit OK 12 15 K 15 M ,DY- 7" .,r -q . V.;' ?' 1 AN UN PA IL1NO CDBB PCS' t . , ' .7 ! Bl "' I'M In-a karuW down, froi on TaaLZL '' Una to amnhar t 11,. i... L ? ,. ! fa.n. , punne unt tta o a lnarin.i. 1. S. r " . nd M.o-,nchl." The VnFrrlmnalt. ufmti luap 11 1 f 4 lv U(tn tills T-Wa. ItiMaad af numli.. tl.--j. . 1 ofanntaliuaek ur I'rufa-. T1.1. J" """y aaf of Ilia diaaaae , It tMule la not almi.lv to .a.t i.J 11 1 '" Mn, bt to ia t,e 4 wbi.h it Urn'Tu f ra-tlon. in p.,,,l,i-i i fn. aa-Hnnv IZ-tCZIJ5 . and all d'.aa-aTof the Urtn.ry rat Ka. al?m.l .2 ","'"' - of the a-. Tl.f. Kd. . It duae Nat Afnt th ArawAor f-W. with an. Claaj '''? ATMfnaa., or rt,ulre any (Wlatlon from ft aMtai diet, . f. V 00 hI.umii from other nuMioiue. . .r And what A'Aaa It Paraa, I the A'aoX 6e-aiaf a Apw thi. tang e timmm and HewtM. V i raioa a r. x-n., o vsss anrvt. roa is." "' IXJTTCItl MJUt WIN, Hula fwtU. r.f j Sold In Wlm.i f-INN , Oirfchlmr "ft"" vy W. H. . I.I1V1TT end lltiiUy tf, ' .. . '7 ".' ""J""'"" iruita in the Unltad Bta PAnniUi rl( HN, w York 1 1'UUt'li.I.L. LAD11 k 1111 lAanta. , fAoHlle lo Saai. . 1 CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES u mwuM ihi m tnerm rpuons and tw Kniurt '$ fYrmrrfini ; l"; J. H0VKK DODH' ' ; IMPKHIAL WINE-IHTTBRS. 1 wlLZ ec? ,f,,M',Pn Consnmptlon, Weak" l-ting., . Weak Stomach, Indlg-stioo, Dyspepsia, Nervosa Debllltyl , required, have no nprlor. - -. L , , IJItANOY CATUAUTIC ' t -j-A aor remedy for Lfver Complaint, Costlvenee aad Dy ' pepsla alio for th Pllaennd as a Cathartic for family aa. are far preferable to Pllla. They are a mild but sore purge! tlve, plraaaut to the taste, never produce nsu.ra, perfeoW tanoeut In their operation, aud particularly deslrabi ' - obildisn. 5 , - . . , Da j. boveh dods ? ! IMPERIAL GIN HITTERS. Act oa the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, and are Buarpasaed as s remedy fo Femaiee crtainaoaa. r pr(otly barmieas, and not nnplent to tb Ust. : DM- J. KOVH'h! DOIp........... j qATIIARTIU SYRUP, r !' For Infanla. Child and delicate female. Thl "yrna . act ob th Liver sod Ktumat b, aod.iltbongh mild in Its op erations, and perfectly harmless, It Is1 eomplete eebaUtaU for Calomel. It la eu pleaaant to the tat that chililrea wUl , " er for It. t CUAS. W1DD1PIKLD A CO., ! , " iiua.uu, -. uiuer u " wty Hotel, ' : May 1, lnoO.-'JOO-ly. . .tf. , t : ..,t J.'J m 1 JtlMlC'B BTAMUAMIA BCALKB. II 1 W0BTH A DANIEt- Arrnt. "- ' No. 2., How.Vraatst, r I Q'M CAAIti, GLUK, NAUH AND HlMIP I ROM O Kor . by J AH. T l-llVV W AY A f Tl K.h m ' ' TWAY A 10, Feb. 2)d. A ." "frl'LT Jilst received st iA Feb. 23d. KELt.kf'S BOOK STORE. - Mill IK ABO ULACK BBS U OATS TUST MECKIVED. prr Kchr. Alba, l.tm b.hi J J hit Oat ; 500 butbola prime Blank feed O hels fcrima prime Blank feed Oets. Per sale bv iLUiti MITCHELL. ' Feb. 23, UirriCB-CitKVtrir.. 500 a-n r aVaal. ell 1 "I . . w. HA I II A WAT k fli , " way vvrg j - ' fAR-c;oA. ' n BARBELS POWDEIiPD t V . Crushed. Just received. Pew. 2.U. T. H. Mo COY A Of. ? APVLK UttAIUI, . "".(WW). or s.le by , , , )J Feb. 2.1l. Tlf. McKOT A CO. ' RUUVI .u rutit, ' KCEIVED per steamer P.tksrsburg, m N York, and to arrive per achr. Wm. Hpeare. from Baltimore.!. AWxl 1 T. PKTTKWAY A CO. . cuatft Mini. . p?lyLtoMP 00Mt,Jtl3, ln'1 rtock for th traded- " b.2i. JAS. T. PRTTEWAT A CO. LOli u. -.HAIUh.lt FT ,,, " " FIIARMACKtmST. n TAKALFR In SeUvt Trench, fferwwin. AVngluh and Atner-: AJ vsan Chemical., and imported mod American - - . - TOII.KT AH TIC LA'S. S Fancy Toilet Bottles of hoc Parisian Glasa, richly Baml4 with Gilt, in paire. , Toilet Pu9 Bosa. ri, hl oraamentsd and plain. ft Ed A Co. flu EnglLh Periumery; sometblng sstlrel new and original. - Geranium, Fraojlpauul, Uvanuer, Milles Pleur, asd ' Verbeea. ' ' Wriaht't " (lalA Valni r y.. , . Corivalied ' FrngipauaiL and Jspsu." " vn-uu a f croeoaana riorids water. ' ; "- '00m t saapinB Kxtracts. i - - 1 - Jeaa Vincent Bulley' Vlnaigre d TolleWs, a fragrant Bad elegant article for beautify log the complcAion. KPT's 14. ... 1 kTOKB. niTP1??118 f"178- Podrsd7C7nr lJJ sd and Granulated. Ferealcby r WoBTH A DANIEL, Orsntte Bow, Front strret Feb. 18. H IC K UILICUI(R. I AM CA EArprim hk 0l 10 midUlingBk midUiing Rice, Now Und In Now landing and fnr sal by G. C. A W. J. MCSUO. Feb. IS UAbbMU A.UltOrk.. ALWAYS ON HAND and for aale by r y- 3L JAM. T. PkTTEWAT A CO. Rt-Y ?HG3 PVFVK',0taDd!VIw8kr. Oj-' Aiba. For salvia lot to rait, by , Feb. 23d. . w. H. McRABY A CO. FKHTIUZEBI I THE SUBSCRIBERS offer for sals, aad respectfully aoHeff order lor tbs following fertilisers, which will be promptly supplied, of best quality aud at lowest markst ratea, via i . . , PUB8 PERUVIAN GUANO j . . . rekmrts manipulated a.- " -,f MEXICAN do. '''; i -r- Tkey are alas Aj-enu for the aale of W. Whltelook A Co' Super Phoephat of Lime, and for th American Guano Com pany's Guano, imported from Jarvissnd Bakers i1 nja. Pacino Ocean. " DeSOAStT, SHOWN A t. . Pamphiuta with full information in regard toA; a Guano, will aw forokibed o application aa above. 1 ' i r. ticle is said to be fully eqiutl to the beat Peruvian . and mora permaaeot ia ita elreet on the toil, and s , on third lea prw IhAB th PerayiaB. krt. h 14th, 1mM 1, hr lil A DAK IT. L. Jaa. S3. Uriikit taw, Iroi t it. ':' ' ' ' ' '. VAI.KTr - ... AVERT txmt t'. ii'.X Of ALL EJV-vi r -..j , , prrparefor Valeauo Lay, at k 1 1 i"H k ... i ..... ' "" A HOICB yarlety tistuseiyvd. pn-sa!r Xl. aW.ei. IU ! A LJIT-k. it

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