e - - - '5 , . Off : VOL. 10. NO 160. WILMINGTON. N. 0., TUESDAY, MARCH 2G, 1861. WHOLE NUMBER 2,1)30 A PULTON, Editor A. L. PR1CB, Associate Editor. r i J-. J . , i TffiM of Seifcarripctt. flaily Piper, an year, Invariably in diuM ....... W 00 Weekly .,... ........ 1 60 All letter bnetnee connected witk this offloe, moat be tnnJ to the proprietor. RATES OF ADVERTISING, ALf aQCABB. On day , Tw daya.. ........ Three daya, ...... .. Four day,... Five day,....,..,. On week 01 1CAB1 Oss day Two dsy Three day,.,..,. Four deye ....... Five day Ou wek..i.,..r Two week...... Ob mooth Two month..... 26 J7i 60 T5 Sit i S J t oo I 26 1 50 1 76 2 76 4 00 T 00 Two weeks.. 1 K' U UUBU.(tt Two month...,.. Thr month.... Six month...... .1 00 ...3 60 ..6 00 ..8 00 .16 00 Tore month. .,,..10 00 Biz month... 00 On yesr.. ...... .,30 00 On year tan una ar counted a a square, and fir line or 1m half-suuare. Longer edTertieement In proportion, and all payable ia advance. When not paid In advance 26 cente per aqoare will b charged after the Ant insertion. - tur All half-aqttare not paid (or in ad ranee will be charg ed ae a aqoar. . n Ar Advertisement Inserted at Special or Bishop Notice ar charged one-half more than above rate eight line (leaded) or i counted as a qoar. tar Advertieeraenta inserted every other day ar charged IT cent per aqoar for each insertion after the tint. . . . Ater No pafcUcatioa mad without a responsible nam. . . BUSINESS AN0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. II. P. RUSSELL CO., a ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i , - Kocth irtiimo Whabf, Chablbbtoh, H. O. Dec.J7tb,ia80 94-tf J. . WOBTI. . O. PAKUL. WORTH A DAIIEL, ROCERS AND COMMIS8ION MEUCHANTS. No. 1 VT UbAMITI BOW. (KltOHTbTSIBT.) t WILMINGTON, N. C. Bolfcft consignments of Flour, Dried Fmit, Beeswax, Feathers, Tobacco, and Ooantry Produce generally. - A3"Agent for Howe'a Celebrated Boale. - Bept. fc, 1860. 18A6-tf CLARK A TURUNOTON, COMMISSION AND FOBWABDINO MERCHANTS. WajuMOTOif, N. C. ( . j.., .. ssvna m H. B. Bataoi. Cashier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. Jno. Dawsom, Pre. WI1. Branch Bank of N. C. " W. H. Jonhi, Cashier Balelgh Branch Bank Cape Fear. Oct. 1, i860.- ....... . HBW UROGKRT, CROCKERY AMI IIOUSB rURNISIUHO STORK. , 4TBX 8UBSCBIBEB Inform the pnbUo that h win on the s first a T m mnpflT) ddvd wf dutosi .d 1 ' CKRY, CROCKERY AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISH LNU RTORB at No. IA and 38 South Front Street, Wilming ton, N. C, where everything in his line of business may be found. Order ollcitea, ana prompt aispatcn given. J. CASSIDEY, Bept. Wth, 10 0-ly UOVW B. BRAMBRRT, rTBUGOIST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, I I WlLMIKOTON. N. C. Keens nnnstsntlv en hand, ft select stock of Druos, iled- T-f lane. Vomtilie and European Chemical. Fancy and Tottol Artckt, Wxne and Liquor for MedcU Purpoie fWaan. Aji. - . t r - - caprtfeular ttentton paid to PBBsoBjmom, Familt BlClriS, MIDICINB UHBST, AO. ' .Store Unmedlately under the " Carolina Hotel." Joly 11, 1869, -r.- 6i.tf .... -v.-." 3. c. 4k W. J. MCNRO. " VlOMMISSION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE GRO- CKHH, No. n Norm waver otreei, Jane 16, 1869. WimniOTOK, N. C T. M. SMITH. JOBB UWUI SMITH 4t MekArRIM. COMMISSION AND FOBWABDINO MERCHANTS, Wu.MnraTOM, N. C. .. - BirB TO Jam Tt.wsmi. Esa.. Msvor. ' E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C, Joly 1st, 1H6 S66-tf UKU4MSBT. BROWN CO.. IBALMRISSION-EBCHA Jan. 1st, 1WT. W-tf. .. ' T. II. HeKOY As CO- ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sooth VI Water street, Wilmington, N. 0. Aug. JSd, 1868. . ,W H P KlaUJCRS TTTHOLE9ALB GROCER AND COMMISSION MER W CHANT, and DEALER IN NATAL STORES, oornr Water and Hartet streets, w umingion, . v. April Id, 1868. IA. IMUITi - . ALBX. OUWAM. . STOKXKY eV OIJDHAM. ROGERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND J DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. ' WlUfUMTOM, N. C. RsrBBBMCB. Col. Jobii MoBab. President of the Bank of WOmlngton. O. Q. Passlit, Esq., President of the Commercial Bank. K. HURRAY Si CO., eeeeswr to Ummy St JPwaeaek.) G 0M1US8IQN rERCHANTS -' AND WHOLESAUS UKUUMtO, WILMINGTON, N. 0. b. anrBBAT. p. . MUBCHiaoa. , t. r. mcbbat. February 1, 1869. 6-tf ... D. A. LAHONT. (COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 88 North Water street j OoU ll91-tf . , WUUMHWTOM, N. O. -- Em B. HVOOIIIB 4k BOMB. "tTTHOLESALB AND RETAIL DEALERS LN GROCER- Markat and Second Street, - WiLMnfaroif, N. C. tfrOr&er from onr friend win receive prompt attentioa. ""Octao, ii69. - - J. M. ROBUSOH V wON- - - - Wilhimtom, N. C. TafPOBTEBS, MANUFACTUKEES AGENTS, AND Dee X leree in Hardwai, Coltery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agriool toral ImplementB, Ac. , - - WH. C. HOWARD. a ENEBAL PRODUCE BROKER, Bep j0.tB64. 15-tn wqMTWWTow, N.O. ADAMS, BROTHER 4k CO C OMNISSION MERCHANTS, . Vf IfcSlWIWf 0 . 6. L. MATBAWAT. VS B. STUTi HATHA WAT OO, QOMHTBSIOa MERCHANTS, Wn.wnMTOw,H. 0. i . T. CeltB. U. WORTH, OlOnSSIOH AND POBWABDLNO MERCHANTS, j WiLMnwTOB, N. C March chll, 1867 166-ly IAXM AJTsnaoil, - aVWABBBaVAM, . AlTDBtRSOBJ A SAYAOK, ENEBAL COMJUSSION MERCHANTS, yy ., Wn.nvo, T.C Lrteral essk advance mad on eopsjjrnmsst. - - . JAXKM A. WIIXAKP. ClOMinsSTON bIERCHANT, VWH0LKSAL8 GROCXB, AND D&ALXR IN GRAIN, ' ' ' No. IONobtb WatmBtbbw, ; iaa. t, 1SW. " WiLWHOTOW, N. O. WALKIR KIaRIs, r4neeMor to Walker Mearee A Co..) W H0LE3ALB AND BET AIL DRUGGIST, , ' 46 MA St ST 9TBBBT, WILMIITOTOW, a. V. MARRIM 4B UOWSLL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " " . Wn.iinr9TO, V. C, BOMB B ASSIR, A. t. BOWBLL. W. V. BAUIBS. Oct. let. 18&B. r. . . . . KLLIS. B. F. BUTCHtXL. KLLI1 ek WITCHKLL, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALERS IN tOSH, PEAS, OATS. BTE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; Xj FRESH GROUND HO MIST, HORSE A COW FEED; I' r . . , ALSO. ' ' . l-J XASTtRJT AJTD S0STB RIYK& BAT, . , Bo. Berth Wat Street, . - - ' ' r - - ' WUKDNTOtr, M. 0. BDSLESSJLILPROrSSIONlLlRDS? 'J A, w ft'Llkr,- COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLEHALK GRO CRR. . No. 1 Noam Watbb Brass--. WtLMlMTOM. N. C. Prompt attention given to all business sntranted to his eere. Oet. ICth, 1S0 S6 m TVTt BTREET, NEAR THg RAILROAD, L WlLMIKOTON. N. . Will give hi personal sttentio to selling er forwarding, opon eoinmisaioa, all kind of Produce sent to hi cere, and hope, by hi unremitting attention to business, te merit a portion of the pobllo pstronage. Will also attend to filling order for all kind of Merchan dise, where the parties are sufficiently known to Jnstify it. Also to selling, at private or publio asle. Beat Estate in the town of Wilmington, at 1 per cent, commission. Presbyterian, Payetteville; Ledger, Wilson, eopy weekly Sm.t Hon eh Notes, Ooldsboro', 1 week dally, and send bill to this office. . Oct. SO, 100 47 tf. ) - 4- R. B. OlIXOWIV, CtOUNTY SURVEYOR. Office, under Washington Hotel, WILMWGTOH, H. tl, Particnlar attention paid to Bridge Building. Sept. 10, 1800 t-tf. LAW NOTICB. JULIUS W. WEIGHT, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, . - X)fflo on Merket Street, on door Eeet of Dr. Dickson'. Bept, Jd, 1869. joe-tf W. W. DA VII, M. D., OFFEBS HIS PROFESSIONAL 8RRTK9CS TO THR OTT I sens of Wilmington. Offlc Id door below Holme' Hot:. Pront Btreet. Jonei. tSltf J. m. WILLIAM. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FANCY and Staple Dry Goods, Carpeting, Mattings and Ruga, Bead Made Shirts and Collars, Under Usrmests for Ladies and Gentlemen, 17 MARK KT STREET, Aug. 9, 1860. W II ! t ton, S. C. ISHN . BMITK. HUH OOeTW. JAB. C. nTTH COM 10MMISPI01! MERCHANTS, office second rtory,: eoreot V' South Water and Market street, Wilmington, N. O., jvbere they are prpard to attend to U bnstnea In the Commission line. All bnelnee entrnated to then will b paootuaUy ttteoi' edto. ' T BDWARD MePHKRBOl. COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Street, Wilmimotom, N. C. Angnst 8th, 1869. M6-tf . KRRAUT WILBO. WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS In Domestle DBY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING. BOOTS, Shoes, Ac. Nos. 14 and 16 North Water Street, Oct It, 1860. Wilmington, N. C. THOS. C. CRAFT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DBY GOODS AND GROCERIES. No- 48 Masjuv Btbbit, Wilmimotom, N. 0, Angnst Mth, 18fi0. - WM. A. WT1B. LOVBT PBAOOCK. BAMCBL . XMMIMO. . - OW1ACR, PKACOCK COH WILMINGTON. N. C, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE 0 ROCERS, and dealer ia NAVAL STOBES, COTTON, and South ern PRODUCH generaUy. Prompt personal attention gtfea to all consignment of Produce. - .,P. Feb, 16, iiwom.ly HelKTIRB nOW. DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, (next door to Brown A Anderson's,) No. 89 Market St., wibNiNUiua, a. u. Oct. S, 186. 24-tf C. H. ROBIHBON St CO., C10MMISSI0N AND F0RWABDINO MERCBANTd J WlLMIMOTOk , N 0. Offlc over Mr. J. A. WiUard's Store. Entrant tu rner of Princees and Water street. jj March 9, I860. 168A29. RBMOVALn P. REINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. TAKES THIS method to Inform hi customers and parson in want of work of any descrip tion, in his line, that h ha removed hi Hook- luuiery and Hiding establishment to the Basement of the new " Journal jJuMng on rrincee Btraet, wnere ne will be pltased to receive order for every description ot Binding or Ruling, Ac, Ac, Thankful for past favors, b hope to contino to receive a liberal patronage as nereioiore. OcblUt, 1869. JAB. T. PRTTBWAY St CO FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Nona Watbb Htsttt, Wilmimotom. N. 0. Solicit consignment of all kind of Prodnc, also, order for Groceree, Bagging, Bop, Uuano, Ac., AO. BxriB to Jobm Dawsom, Esq., O. G. Pabslbt, Preeldent Commercial Bank, Gbo. Davis, Eeq. IAB. T. PBTTBWAT. BOO IS MOOBB. October 1st, 1869. . : CBA. D. MTBB. VBID. 1. MOOBB. MYERS St MOORK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dialbm m BATS. CAPS, BTRAW GOODS, FURS, RWim BATS, UM BRELLAS, CASES, AO, AO., Si Market street, . Wilmimotom, N. 0. We ere prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra ordinary inducement, and respectfully solicit an xamioation of our NEW BTOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Oar Good ar purchased direct from msnofactorer. Wt pay no leoond proband ar willing, and con U a kne as any Jobbing House in th United SUtee. V 'e are desirous of sending our Goods to every eection of North Carolina, and will as every exertion to please all who may favor na with their order. (September is, iwoa. CHIOS DISTILLKRY. "'"--- wnji moTON, k o.r A. H. VAN BOKKELEN, Pmorsjrros. ALL KINDS OP NAYAL BTOBES porohaeed, maoafao tared and sold Wharf sge and Storag famished, and Ooopmrag. don at tairrate. Jan. , 1860-100-tf. B. M. WKBT, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmimotom, N. C, WRT sell, it privsU isle, Ootkm. yarat Stores, end all kinds of produce, at small commission ; Also, Bank Stock at 1 per cent. Bail Road Btock I per cent. Real Eetate 1 per cent Neeroea 1 per oeet. Direct importation. Cargo Sale. 1 per cent. Barms - To the cttisens of Wilmington yenerofly. October JL, 186 40-tr - - KDW1H A. KXITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. U 1669. Wilmimotom, N. 0. 8. W. XXBAMT. ' W1LBOM. KBRART HILW.1, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' No. 14 and It North Water Street. Oet. 11, I860. - wilmiwotow. a. t. RDBT H. COW AS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMIMTOW, N. C. WOOee. Bonu coraer Marxet ana v wt t-w . . TO THR rRIKHDS OP HOME MAKDFACTURES. T1I9 KTJTBTOM I. Shoo Pactoiy SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. mw Or Am tne KXT.BO SROGANS AND BOOTS ar so licited- . J. O. CARPENTER, A rent. K me torn. H. CL. Jsly t, 1 PKHqnntn cochty cor aixat. 3Qfirs BUSHELS a eoperior article landing at the OUU WUmiegton aad Manheter Ralroad. -, mm 1,5M boaheJi l4Ii)g ttii of tbe river. For eel by BUSmJNOROFESSIOM o. . TASBRoron. nxKr ron. YARMROron POPR, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water treet, Wilmington. N. O. Having pnrrhaeed th Steamer John Dswsnn, she will hereafter take freight (water permitting,) for l.ockvile, on Deep River Navfgstioa, and Intermediate landings, at mod crate pricee. - Office In Wilmington over HrVonOlsho's store. Nov. Jth, lwo. . 71 It w, m. m'basy. w. A. ixiuim. XV. It. MrRARY. St CO.. CIOMMIRRION MERCHANTS. J Dsslere In Pure Perovlsa Guano tnd all other Fertfl er j also. Agent for Reese's Guano, Wilmimotom, N. C. TT Special etuntloa paid to sale of Cotton and Naval more. "sh Advances on Produce when desired. Refer to the Bank in Wilmington, Rileigh, Newbern, Tar Imm' . flrunitiiv.1 ..J D.K.t.H.. U I ' ...I r. a Nov. 6th, 1860 t3 NEW YORK, PHIL, k BOSTON CARDS. fMO. . DANur, HO. M. MTMAM, r. M. HTMAN, Lteor lteef Late of Tarboro', N O, Bcotlsnd Neck, N. V Warrenton, H. C. GROCERS A (N)MMIMSION MERCHANTS, 1X1 I'cnrl KrMt, msw Yoiiit. IIYMAIV. DANCY CO., A COMMISSION MKROIlANTn GROCERS . H OU FOLK Va. rilHK NEW YOKIL HOUSB will be conducted by Jmo. 8. s uamot. aidea br It. W. Utman. The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jno II. Htmam and F. M. Htm am. m.Psrtioolar attention given to the eale of Cotton, Cora, truest, fisvai ciiores. Sept. 10, 1M60. . 4-tf I. DOLLNKB. w. rorrss. n. 1. . DObWHIt, POTTKR ; ., 0AM1S0IM IJUWBIBHIua BKUUHAHTH, . April , 1889 188-ly. Nbw Tob. I. HABVBT OeXIBBAM, f, a. MnMBL. WKJHHAII St HVMKhLt GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. II North va wnarv,ana 83 North Water Street, PBiLADii.raiA. BAT LI be rial cash advance toad on consignment. Jtilvtoth. Ihm J79 FOR SALE AND TO RfcM TCRPRNTII-R BTILLS niR BALK. TWO 11 BARRRL 8TILI.S snd flxtures. One entirely tiew with Hert s patent Gate, the other second band, in good order. Apply to Mrch Tth tf . DiROS-)ET, BROWN A CO. FOR HIRE. JJIOB THB balanc of th year a lifcey nrjro toy. A p March 7th. ELLIS A MITCHELL. TOR HRWT. ' TWO BOOMS in the tenement next South of the residence uM). O. Parsley, Esq., on Id street. App'yto HART A BAILEY March! 48-lf : ftm iiiit. : : WARE-HOUSES, Stores, f-hrd snd Whsrve on both Fast sod West sides of river Store, Shed and Wbsrt near W., IUB.K.U, All conveniently loca ted for biuine Apply te . Feb, 23. JAB. T, TETTEWAY A CQ. riNB UllAKT IIORBRB. DRAYB, CAHTB, ABU IIAHNKBI KOR BAL.K. -1 THE A BOTE employed by as and doing a psylog 2iTT business. Purchsser can have the advantage of i i in our hauling. Apply to Feb. J3d. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. BTRAMER VOH BALK. Good Bunet for ten J'trton I STEAMER DOUGLAS, in running order. now doing a sood business, can be bad on reaeouable term, by applying to JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. Feb. 5IJ, 1801. HIM VOn BALK pHREB BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTINGS, for ssle cheap, l at u. ruL,vtiu'i "8 unnoisterr KstaDiisnment. Af w more of those piendid uval r UAMtsM, rorror traits, Photograph, Ac February Uth. i for sale at cost to close out, at C. POLYOGT'S, Corner Front and Princess sis. FVRimilKD ROOM TO HRNT. Art I THE CENTRE OF THB TOWN. For psrUcu. f.-.m lars apply to C. POLVOGT, Jan. 2 , 1861 111 tf Cor. Front A Princes st. VKBBKL FOR BALK. THE BCHR. SEA SERPENT," about went; Ton. Apply to JAS. T. PEITEWAY A CO. ,1860. 8-tf TRACT OS SHUNI LABI) U1A BAL.U. THE SUBSCRIBER offer for sale the tract of land j-J known a th HOCK SPB1NO TRACT, containing soma 300 acres, mora or less, and adloininf the lands of i. G. Pickett, Esq., on Federal Point. A portion of the above tract is eleared, and has been found well sdspted to the cultivation of Ground Peas. The balance i Tnrpentin Land, and would no doubt be valuable as Ground Pea Land. Apply to THOMAS S. PICKETT or SAMUEL N. CAN NON, Wilmington, or to Oct. 16. 44. B. H. WHIT A KEB, Balelgh. FOH BALK. A DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT situated bstweea r UUIM1 vuu r iiui num.. .ujuiuii'K uv iu ... i Smith. Esq.. In th Southern portion of the Town. For further particular apply to h. u. uu-uw. WUmlngton, N. C, OcU 19th, 160. 88-tf INTKRHAIa UIPROVKBRBT KliORIOA RAILROAD BOND. (iOfi AAA Ot THB A BOTH B0ND8 OZO.UUU In 1891 with Coupon at T BONDS redeemable per cent, per annum, payable in toe city or new mr. mi Hercn ana September. - For sal by DlROSSET, BROWN A CO. Oct. 8tfa, 1860. 18-tf TO HAT. M STORES AND SHEDS above th W.A W. B. B., nd near the W C. A B. B. Depot. Store corner el Mulberry and North Water street. Whaif and Sheds conveniently located for the reception of Produce per either of the Bailroad or stesmboata. Apply to - JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. - Oct. Itt tf . WHARVKI rVH RK1TI TWO NAVAL STORE WHARVES on Wert Bide River with necessary Shed Booms, convenient to the Depot, and track eroesin uea. appiv m SepU 8-tf. Urn oJ' )SSET, BROWN t CO. TUB SCB"CRIBRR, HAYING purchased the CAPE FEAB MARINE BAIL WAT, le prepared to build or repair Vessel at short est notice. Order eolioited. Refer to Messrs. Harris A HowelL O. O. Parsley A Co., 3. H. Chadbonm A Co., J. H. Planner, Esq. W. L. BEEBY. Joly Id, 180. ' " M-ly TO COTTOB PLiABTBlR. THE ATTENTION OF COTTON PLANTERS tajpertio larl called te ear etock of - UUiiI ULiU 111. We have on hand and dischsrgine from vessel, 2QflOQ LBS. BEST JUTE ROPE M BALES GUN NT" CLOTH. rot sal oa accommodating terms, by Kept. M. uhiui, ruuiVA a tu. rAMIURB BCPPL.IRD WTTB OYSTERS, GAME, eta at short notice). TO ARRIVE BY R. R. 2 AA A BUS 8 ELS Yellow aad Whit Corn, M lbs. to UUU kashel, and by Parkersbor. " AOO bs-heks geco Oata. Apply to STOKLEY A OLDHAM. Feb. 18th FERTIUZBUt-FttRTUEAtl. TT N1 0. 1. PERUVIAN GUANO; , Reeee Maalpnlatod do-; rsiersoarg ao. oo.; Jarvis' A Baker' Islaad Geaao ; PberBlx ' . do. do- Land Plasteri - . ' So per Phosphate lime, Ac, c, Ae., alwart on hand Jsa. 17-111. SHIPMAlV. JIEDICIIac , RALTinonn lock iiobpitaim KflTARUHHKD AB A BKFL'QB FROM QUACKERY, Ttea ly Plaea wktn Care w m Obtained. . TR. JOriNHON hse discovered the most Osrisln, Bpesdvsnd only KlTsetual Kemedv la tl.s World for Weakness of the Beak er Limbs, Strtatura, A flestlsns of the Kidneys and Hied- Mr, lunuuniarj niHoiniM, impo(eiey, Ueneral IMWllty, Ner vc.nnes. I)ypepK Languor. Ixiw gpfrlts, Confusloe of Ideas, PsIpliaMoti ef ihs Heart. UmliiUr Trerobllnfs, IMmnees of Hit ht or OlddliM-s, Dttaee of the llesd, Thrast, Jfnse er Hkln, Affee. lions ofthe Lnns, Hlomarh or Bowels those Terrible LHsonlers arising from Ihs i!IUry llsMU of Toath-tbossssossv and sol. imrj p recti om more falsi to their vtellms then the sofcg of 8 riistoUeMrlnersof Ulysees, bilgliUng tlwlr most brllHsut ho) or anUelitlons, rendering msrrtis, to., Impossible. - Totmo man - Espeetsny, whe hsve beooms the vletlms of BollUry Vlee, that " rwnwn annesiiy sweeps to sa n- and brilliant Intelleet, who mtht olhsrwlM hsve entrsnoed list, snlng Heiieia with tlie thnrKlere of toqnenea,or waked te testa rj - s ifim, ui7 eati wlis ran eusooetioe, ITLeVILRZAOn. Married Ir.m, or Young Men sonlemplsUnf msrrtssA bs4n "WW71.of fhrio- weskows, aryanls -blllt, dArinltle. AeZ atTBfAasrl I It Anewil , l1hP'v.'l-elf ender th ears of Dr. J. tnsy religion. y co",(:l in his honor e gnUemao, and eonddeolly rely upon hie kill as a l'hy-lolan. . - . Immedlsteiy Cored snd Full Vigor Restored. ThlS Dresulful Dll-.ll whUK ran,U-- I.lk ml-.t.!. .nJ LI.. rings lmHissllile-ls ths penalty paid by th vtollms of improper liidiilAence. Young persons ar loo spt to eom ir H sssessw from sot being aware of the dreadmi soneeu us noes that may ensee. Now, who that nnderslands the suhjeol will pretend to deny that the powei of prmireallon Is Unit sooner by thies fslllnf li.io Im pner habits than by lbs prudent t Bnld-i being dewlved ths !--" n-aiiiiy umpnng, in most eerioos and dsstruotlvs vmptoms to both body and mind arte. The system bestnes lVrsnyml, ths I'hyaloal and Mental Funetlons Wsakened. Iu en ruoreaiire ervous Irrllablllty, DyspetMla, Pslplla. tlon of the heart, lnUlgasUon, Constitutional Debility, a Wsetlni of ths Frame, Coughs, OonsumpUon, As. 7j V ""1"! orncn no. 7. novm rnEDEnicTi bt . Left hand slds going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the euruer. ran Bin hi oosarve name ana number. Letters mast be paid and eontasa a stamp. The Deetor' IM' plouias hang is his offloe. an. jonnnon. Memijev of the Boyal College of Wnrgenst, graduaie from ens of the most eminent Oolleiresla the Untied States, and ths greater Pirt of whie life ha bean spent la the bnanltale of Ixtodon, srls, Phlladslplils snd slaewltere, hss sITeoled solus of ths moat eauniisning cures mat were ever Known i many troubled with ritiglnr tn ths bead snd ears when asleep, greet nervoasnees, be ing alarmed at sudden sounds, bashrulneas, with frequent blush. tug, stlended sometimes with a deraogemeut of mlad, were eured IU1IU 4I.V.I. . TAEB FAnTZOlTXeAn NOTXOIJI Dl. J. addresses sll those who heve Inlored themselves by Im proper Indulgence snd solitary babite, which ruin both body end mind, unfitting them for either boslnese, study, society or mar Tass ar totne of the sad and -aelaasholy elTeete prodneed by esrly bahlle of youlh, vis I Weakness of ttis.JUwk and I.mbs. Pains In the Head, Dimness of Btbt, Lot of Muetniler Power, l'slpllalloa of the Heart, lysplsy, tferveoe Irritability, Le rsn.enient of the Digestive Fauolluiit, Ueneral lebUlly, faymp tonis of Oonsumptlon. M ISTALLT.-Tha feartnt effWite na the mlmt ere mneh tn Ire dreailed Loss of Memory, Confusion of Idese, UemesloD of npiriie, r.vu joreinuiD(s, tversioa to Bosisty, nalLUIslrnst, Love of ttolltude. Timidity, fce., are some of the evils produoed. iiuniRPt 01 persons or an aeee ean now ludve eiiiei le the esnss of thslr declining health, losing their vigor, besoming weak, peie, nervoue nu imioiim; naving a singniarsppsarsnoe snout the eyes, cough end symptom of consumption. rouitfo Wei Who have Injured lb Mi selves bv a certain Braotloe Indnhred la when alone a hsWt freeaenilv feeresd front evU aomnanions. or st school, ths sflsot of which are ulbUy felt, even wheaasleep, and if wt eured renders marrlsere linpoaslUe. and destroys both mind snd body, should spply Iramedlsiely. Whst a pliy that a young man, tbs bops of his eountry. the asrllng of bis parents, should be enatehed from all prospesU and enjoy menu of life, by the eoneeqnanee ef deviating ram the path v. M.nn wmim imw,iii ia m awwa eevret earn. Duon persons mdsv, neior eoDUunpiaung raAUvaxjaaa. reHeet that a asaad min4 and a4y are themssttnensna-y reqal- sltlun to promote eonnublal hap pi looeea, wunout these, the Journey through life beaoones a weary pUgriraag th pros pent hourly darkens to ths view J the mind besome shadowed with despair snd Ailed with the melancholy refleollon thst th oapuiueee 01 aoovuer ueoomse Dlignisa Wlin oar own. SIKB amii op trmpnmnrantL When tbe misguided sod Tm prudent votary of piMsnre finds he bss Imbibed the seeds of this painful dlseasa It loo often bp- Kns lust aa ill umed sense of ehsme, or dreed of dlseovery. d ' him from applying to thoee who, from edtieailon and re spectability, eae alone befriend him. He falls Into ths hsn Is of ignorant ana seei-nln pretenders, wnn, Inespable of earing, Bleb his peosntary saestanos, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee ean be obtained, and la despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment ; or, by ths aes of that deadly poison, Msroury. besten ths eonsli- tntlonsl system of this birrible disease, sooh ss eneotlos of tbs MSM, Throat, Moss, t)kln,eio., progressing with frightful rapidi ty till death nuts e period to hie dreadful snflerlnirs bv esndin him to that undiscovered eountry from whose bourne no traveler E"VTJonnwTT!Tr-r on Tim i-nrmei The many thousands eured at this Institution within the teat slghtsen years, and ths aumerous Important Hurgioel Operations performed by JJr. Johaston, witneeeed by the reporter of the Bun " and many other papers, notices of which bsve Appeared again and again before ths publle, besides bis standing as a gen tlemen of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guar ante to Mie eiuiobwu. BTTTTST nTMnART-BI aVTJTmrT.V BllllffH Person writing Tumid Le particular in THreoUng their letter w me Aneutuyoo in ine ronowing manner : JOHN Af. JOHNSTON, M. D fiaiumore Look Hospital, July II, lSoa-rt-ly Baltimore. Maryland. EDUCATIONAL A CARD. pmii j MISS PIRaROM respectfully Inform th Yf'Tm-it public thst, having studied under th first mas 11 9 I II ters tn New York, will civ lessons opon th Piano Forte, at th reeidenoa ol ber Father, Mr. Jsa. Pir son, or at mat ni oer pnpiia. Terms mad known oa application. Mie Piaeeon refer to Stephen Jeweit, Esq., and Geo, Urers, Keq. Iecemberl8, I860. . 87-8m NORTH CAROLINA MIMTAHY IXSTITlTK, CBARLOTTK. X. O. II THE td BEasiON of this Hchool will bKl on Ui 1st R 01 uctoher next. AppllcaUons for admission, or for UI tner information, should b addressed to MaJ. D. H. HIU. Aog. Id, 1060. 1 St'UK PIIOBPHATR. Og UMI. 1 FRESH supply of Rhodes' Bupr Phosphat of Urn. ! V Jast received and fur eel by K. A. AEITH. Feb.. OIL. WINTER Rtralned Polar OIL Aa Invoice of thl sope rlor OB lost received direct from New York, end for el by E. A. KEITH. Feb.. - v U)t'II D, KRAMBKHT, PRAOTMJAL PBARMACKUTBST, D (Under "City Hotel.") ' BALER IN SELECT GERMAN, AMERICAN, FRENCH and ENGLISH CmTMICAIJL Drug and choice Phartnaowatical preparations. Theokiul for paUonsgs already beetowed. will endeavor to merit a continuance of it. bv keeninc constant! v on hand a frerh tupplv of rtlxahU article, ttrxrUy belonging to a PHABMACtUTlOAL EST A BUS HM EM T. CAT Partie having account e will pleas call and Ul toem aa oob as convenient. Jan lith, 1861 Tt BT RECEIVED PER STEAMER NORTH CABOLI- J aa: Boda Crackers. Boeton Cracker, ilaad Made Batter Cracker, Oyster Cracker, Pilot Cracker, fresh for ramuy trace, ai GEO. MZEoS . March A. CHSAPPS SCHXAPPB. : OA CASES (Robert A Co.' Rot at) in pint and qnartA. t For eel by T. 1L McKOT A CO. Fab. 19. 200! I BBLS. BUGABS, of all grade, Just to hand, at z- ' wuuuriy taw Dncea lor eaan. at March AU. GEO. MYERS. ftttOeliatA TOBACCO. BBLS. (very cheap. March Id W. H. McBASY A CO. 20 CORfg AFIXJAT. 1 KfiCi BUSHELS PRIME WHITE Perquiman eonsty MLjyj Cora new an oat. For ssi low, at veeeei.Dy Feb. 160a. ELLIS A MITCH ELL, PORK PORK. 50 LBityHlurr a" !l?6?r& Febvwary Uth. - - - . . HIRTS AMD COt. I. A RAV - 0 - -.naaryle,, WuA." 8IEDIWL. 'rr- R 0 a u tt a -a 0 iH . at w C II RROKEfi UEM J! D Y '1 AN UNTAIUNO CURB FOB '. ' ttae.rha mi, ell otaeeaee ef stte I riM-f Ortrart. TIH8 RKWKDY snree whea sll other arepa-attons fall It entirely nnltka every other eom pee nd f eoatalnlng s iff-iere Peieeaof Kmmu Jfrtf as It Is pretiared solely boat Ateefs ''" end Lvm, and bee Ween banded down, from one ssnere. Hop to another, by tb Cre W.m U I. .ffersd lolhe publle on It own intrinslo merits. It performs Its duty oulskrt ssd tkonmghly. Th frrto, of lthar sec wlu be repai bv twist this taeWy, Instead of placing tliemeel vee at ths mere of some Qnaok or I'rofneeor. t'hls Remedy strike at the very Heel of the disease lie tendency le not simply tosaspeiiJ tlie poison, but to Unmmt IK, Uwn oa whleb It eeimd,-MU dl. reelione la pamphlet form, aoeompany eauh bottia-'J bs sneedy and permanent relief alToriled by this itainty. in sll eeeesot Umtarr rrSaa. Otu, ,) and sll d' , ' . ,',1 "U - I -"" 1 It- tienaees of the Urlnerv Oru.,.. K.. .1.1,. .1 AMmd.m .I....-' . '1 i. the mutt selantl rt men of the ate This Memedy but eel y eradt. esles all houan from the fustem but iwunraiaa Die mnt constitution. , . It does Net Sfttl the Brwaih or Infer- with any CUm ButiHtt, or require any devlatliet from the asual diet, r Jt reuulr no sealstanoe from other mediolne. a. And whst A'aAeeve IM Valut. Is the A'eiir Aseasof ef a AeBstvtw "o, being a tVlnmtnt and IWiceee ttynp, rstoa 3 rss ottls, os vnsse sottls roe IA IVTfKB it MEHWLMol 1'roprietors, , .t'i Wilmington by W. n. LIPPITT BOWMAN It V LINN j Ooldsbon, by LTJOAH k si(M)lti luielgh. by p. V t'KHUim. snd by all responsible Drugstsu In the United tates si u j" I'SKKK, fiew York i f DttOKLL. IjTSZuS, Richmond, and JOHN WUIOUT k CO., Hew TWane, Whole sals Agents. April 1, lt).-Wly, DU, J. IIOVKH IHUB f CELEBRATED VEGETABLE BIEDICINES ooi1 aa iTinerat fotson and us Aalwrg'g llemediwU DR. . UOVKK DODH' , 1MPEIZIAL VV IN H BITTERS, For th oc r of Incipient Conaamptioa, Weak Lnagi Weak Stomach, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Peblllty! Diss see peculiar to Female. andaU ease where a Tenia Is required, have ao snperlor. - j i - . ;j Wit. UOVEK DOD8 BRANDY OATH AUTIOy? A sur remsdy for Liver Complaint, Coetlveneea aad Dy pepsla also for the Piles snd a a Cathartic for family a, ' ar far preferable to Pills. They art a mild bat sur purge tiva, pleasant to th taste, never produce nausea, perfect) Innocent In their operation, and particularly desirable children. DR. J. DOVER PODS V IMPERIAL GIN BITTERS; Aet oa the Kldneya, RIadder and Urinary Organ, and ar onsarpassed a a remedy for rem alee at certain seasons, perfectly harmlsss, and not onplsaaant to th taste, w lilt f UIVITLl luiliul OATHAHTIO BYRUP: '... m. m, , via mri'ii . , For Infant. Children snddollcste Female!. This fivraa acts oa the Liver and btomsch, and. although mtld la Its op eratlous, and perfeeUy harwless, It U a eoinplet sabstilute for Calomel. It ieso pleasant to the taste that eailrea wUi ory for IL CllAB. WI0UIF1ELU A CO., '"'; -'--. - Bole ProprletoTa. Bold bv LOUIS H. RB AM BERT. Dr-tnlst and pUrmaeaa. tlst, WUmlngton, N. C, under the " City HoUL" May 1, lHoO. JOMy. . i. ; i uHiiS, I . H OWB'I tTANOAHO BCALK. WORTH A DANIEL. A rents. Feb. 20. No. (Irani l How, Front L SPIRIT CABKH, OLUE, NAII.B ANO HOOP IRON. For sal by ' JArt. T. PETTEWAY A CO, Fab. id. ..... ; ;, ,; , i :i .;..t)),i VULtlRTEBH IUID BOOK. ) I AFREBH BUPI'LY Jast rerelv.d at - t Feb. 23d. KELLEY'S B00t BT0RB. WIIITH AN l ULACIi: IBRD OATS. , , JUHT RECEIVED, par Bohr. Alba, 1,000 bnsbela brim Whit Oat 600 bushel prime Black Heed Oata.' For 'be - ELLIB A MITCHELL, reb. 23. ' . i ,,...'wt . COriTKE COFFKK. KAA BAGS prima to choice Bio CoSed.' For galal s OVtVf lot low tut 0h, by ... Feb. 2J. v HATHAWAY A CO. HI OA II. scuAn. . , . BARRELS POWDERED; ,M " T M Crashed. Just received. ' ' " , 9 Feb. 23d.. , . , T. H. MoKOY A CO. APPLH URAWOY. 3K BBLS. (EXTRA). For Ml by - a .t O Feb. tid. . - H. McKOT A CO. UACON AftO PORK. KECEIVED per steamer Parkeraburg, from New York, and to arrive per achr. Wm.Hpesrs. from Baltimore AVJi iAS" A'EllEWAY A CO. CottN COttl. YTJE WILL keep eonsuotly ample atock tor ih trads.-. V v I ipply to Feb. 23. JAB. T. PETTEWAY A CO. LOtl U. A.UAAIUAUT," PBARMACEZTTIST. DEALER la Stteot French, German, EngltrS and Amer ioan Chemieala, and Imported and Axuerloaa 1V1LKT ARTICLES. Fancy Toilet Bottle of tin Parisian Ola, richly anamalad with Gilt, in paira. f Toilet PoO Boxee, richly ornamented and plain. . PERFUMERY.- v Ede A Co.' 0o English Perfumery ) aomething ntlrly aew and original. - -Geranium, FranglpanalyLavaoaer, Mills Fleare, gad WHgWl " Odd Medal " Perfumery. TjBflvalied rranglpannl" And JpaiMa.w lean a v er ben and Florida Water. , , , . Lnbln'a aaNtiiMB Eztraots. . Jeaa Vincent Bailey' Vinaigr de Toilet, a fragrant aad eiraat article tor oeauuiyiDg taa COmplexiuJL, I! BTOHK. . IflH BBLB- -?0- "ogw A. B. C.; Powdered. Crush XUU dandUraoulated. For sale by , . . -j 'Qf 18- , Uranlte Bow, Front street mciwAUcit iUCAt. , 7" CABKeprimeBices ' ; " 10 middlinc Rice. Now landlne and for sala h 50 Foo- l- O. C. A W. J. MUNRO. AtAtetetaiU AAA ttUB-Av, ALWAYS ON HAND and for ssle by Feb. 28d. .- JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. GCANO. QCQ BAGS NO. 1 PERUVIAN, sow landing per Bear. 0J Alba. For sale In lota to anlt, by fb.S3d. W. H. McTURY ACO. AvKT.AJtKHl - - . , rrtHK SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale, aad respectfofly solicit JL orders for Via following fertilisers, which will be promptly anppUad, of heat qahlity and at lowest aaarket latea, via . . . PUBB PERUVIAN GUANO REEHB'8 MANIPULATED do.; ' -i , MEXICAN - ' do- , They are also Agents for the sale of W. White-lock A Co 8nper Phoephate of Lime, and for tbe American Uaaao Cow tmny'a Ooano. imported from Jervis aad Baker laJanda, Pscifio oVean? DeBOtiSET, RROWM A CO. PamphleM with full Information in regard toAroericaa Guano, will be famished oa application a above. Thia ar tiele kt aid to be folly eqaaJ te the bee Persnan Ouana aad more permaaoot ia He etfect oa the aett, aod iB aoU here at on third leas pncA thaa the Psruviaa. U.nk Uth. Is60 - ( " 1 ; -iT-siA " " XT C APFL ixl eeat per boehel, by JX ; - . WORia A PANr-L, Jsa. 28. Gran.tej Bow, 1 rost at, " - VALW.TIIvB, ..-. AVERT LABOR EUPPLY OF ALL HINT''. rTiaa4 prepare for ValeaUa Day, at . . . , KrXI.? i a Jut. Hi. . - - Book t tor gov, l i-- A l C Uk' I AS. . - j.i.ei j r Avte.i....iJe. 600 prof 11 For 14 ky W. At, MfjaABX V CO. Maica I.