""KA ; .I7i-ni, y.!IAd HUT 1 , " .'!.' i"f 'I . p-t . .-4.ij -' . ' ;. " '- -! . , "-'---. m.-.Mtm. x WILMINGTON,1 N. 0; SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1861. fj VOL. 10. NO 173. WHOLE JNHMBER, 2,913 ..r,i. ' " ' f -mmm f . ; 11 Zj , ' ''" 'V :i , ',' '" V fl'LTM dt PHirK, PKUPMITOII -- r A4 FULTON, Editor A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor. Terens of SwherttpilM. , Dailv Paper, oa jeer, invariably in advance $6 00 Weely " " " .... 2 50 II letter on business contacts J with this office, timst be addressed to IL proprietors. RATES OF .ADVERTISING. . b a Least' as ' One day Two day Three dsys Knur dttji Hve day.. ".....v. I'M week two wtkt I'd month....... f wo months ....... Three months - om igpiiii. Our dy... Twii l Three tti ... . Four days .. , , ... . ,, Five dya ... .'. 777. On wee k. Two weeks. 'On month... Two mouth is 7 Mi TA 10 M 75 3 I 1 .1 .1 00 .3 60 . 00 .8 00 4 00 00 T Three mouths. . . ...10 00 Hixninnth. Six month . .". . . 1 One year .IS 00 One year.. .30 00 Tea lines .r eoniitod u xinare, and five tine or Imw t Nnwe. Ixnijer Irerttfemeiita la proportion, il payable in adraace. ' Wtea not paid In adrance U emu per iqtmre will be charged after the Brit lnnertion.- -All half-aqoarea not paid for in advance will be chaff ed a a I'jnare. ?" Advertisement inserted ai Bpecial or Bishop Notices are charged one-half more than above rates eight liees (leaned or lens conniea as a square. ryAdvertisemenU inserted every other day are charged 374 eents per sqnsre for eacn insertion alter tiie nrst. trtio publication made without a responsible name. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS D. O. WOBTH. K. O. PaKISI.. WORTH V DAKIIKI.. O B0CEI18 ASl COMMISSION MKUCUASTS, No. I VX (iiANirn Bow. (Khont riTKKrr.) WILMWfiTOJf, NTO. Solicit consipnments of Flnnr. Pried Frnit, Beeswax, Feathers, Tobacco, and Country Produce generally. arAsjeuU for Ilowe'a Celebrated Bo ales. - hept.26, l0. IMrVtf CLAKK V TUHLINOTUn, - C0MMISSI0S ANO FOKWABDINO MEBCHANT8, WiLMINQTOH, N. C. BlrKKrf TO H. R. BiVAOl, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C, Jho. Oawsom, Pres. Wil. Branch Bank of N. C. " " W. H. Jomks, Casbler aleiQ crane n uanx cape r esr. Oct. 1, IHC0. - HEW CaOC'tCRV, CIUK KKHV AND IIOL'SK KrRNtltllINO BTOIIE. rpHF! EUBSCRIBEB Informs the public that he will on the A nrst day ol urtooer, open a wnoiesaie ana neiau unu :KHY, CUOCKEBY AND UENERAL HOUSE FUBNISU lN(i STOUK at No. 29 and 28 Sontb Front Street, Wilming ton, N. C, where everything in bis line of business ma be fouud. Orders solicited, anu prompt oispaicn given. J. CABSIDEY. ' Rept. Iftth, lRf.0 ' . : . SO-ly 1MVI B. RRAMBKRT, "PvRUGGlST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, if- Wilmington, N. C, keens eonnUntlv on hand, a select stock of Drum. Med ieines. Domentw and European Chemical. Fancy and Jnkt Article, Wine and Liquors for Medical Purpose Uaar. to. .Particular attention paid to PaKSCHirriOMR. Famut Bjccircs, Mioicins Cucsts. c. a. Store immediately nnder the " Carolina Hotel." July 1J, 1868. .-. . - - - CI tf a. C. A W. J. Ml'KKO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE GUO J CEKSt No. 21 North Water Street, June 16, 1S69. . WimniOTow, N. C . M. IMITII. JOUM MCLAI KIM SMITH Mrl.AtTKI!, COrfMISSION AND F0RWARD1NO MERCHANTS, II . ii.uv run, .a BIFIR TO John Dawboh, Esq., Mayor. E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bauk Sute N. C. July 1st, 1S59 fitf UKKOSSKT, llHOWIf A CO., CI ENEBAL COMMLSSION MERCHANTS, J- WILMINGTON N. Jan. 1st, 1867. 88-tf. C. T. 11. McKOV CO., ROGERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booth VT Water street, WiLitixtttoM, N. C. Aug. 23d, 1H58. .... 397 MrlKTIRB llKOWSi, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, (next door to Brown Anderson's,) No. 39 Market Bu, Oct. S, 186. ' 3 tf II. D. KIL.KR9, fTTHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MEB M CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, corner Water and Market streets, Wilmington, X. C. April Id, 1868. . JA. ITOKUT. AI.BX. OLPHAlf. 8TOUXKY OLDHAM. CROCEBS AND C0MMI8HI0S MERCnAJJTS, AND VT DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. Wilmington, N. C. BirsBiHCi. irn. tf...M.nl nf 111. llatilr Wilmlnirtjtl O. O. Famlit, Esq., President of the Commercial Bank. E. Ml'RKAY it CO., (Swceessora to llsnsy & Pecock. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, . WAT EH STKKET. WILMINGTON, N. C. i. MURKA.T. d. b. srcKCaiaox. t. r. mubeat. February 1, 1859. - l'i6-tf D. A. LAMONT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 3 North Water street li ai-tr wii.MisaTOM, H U. B. IIlXiGIMa b SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCER IES & GENERALMEitCUANDlSE, 8. E. Corn. Ilarket and Second streets, Wilmington. N. C. wOrderi from ode friends will receive prompt attention. uci. iu, ifuy. . J. M. UOU1MSOJI ot HOH WrLMINOTON, N. C. TMrORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dea- X leres in Hardware, Caltery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agrlcul tarsi Implement, Ao. WE C. HOWARD, C ENEBAL PRODUCE BROKER, rSept, 90. 1864 lJ-tl WitmvoTowN. ADA1II8, BROTHER Jk CO, Q0MMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmwotow, If . O. I. L. BATBAWAT. . H ATTIAWAY k CO WK. A. DTLBT QOMMISSIOH MERCHANTS, WlLMINOTON, N. C. T. C. J B. O. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARD LNO MERCHANTS, WlUUNfiTOM, N. C. - Marohll, 1857 15My IAJOHJ ABDBMOIf, BDWAJJ) SATAOB. AUDKRSOS A SAVAGE, I ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JT " - WliMWOTOK, N. 0. Liberal eash advaacee made on consignment. JAKE A. WILLARD, CIOMMTSSION MERCHANT, WHOLESALE OBOCIB, l AND DEALER IN GRAIN. No. IOKobth WatisStrsst, Jan. I, I860. - WitMiNBTow, N. C - WALKER ME ARES, s (nocwesor to Walker Mearee A Co.,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, 45 Mabikt Stbist, WiLKrweTOW, N. C HARRIS HUWKLI,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WiLBmeTOw, N. O. BOBSI HABRIgg, A. t. HOWILL. W. W. HABBISB. Oct. 1st, 18.18. O. 9. BLUB. B. r. MrrCHILL. ELUS St MTTCHKLU WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CORN, PEAS, OATS, BYE. WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; FRESH GROUND HOMINY, HORSE A COW FEED; ALSO, Z1STIRS ASD KOHTn RIVER EAT, Ho. North Water Street, WU.KISTOK, N. Ok February 16, 1860 . . WHj BUSLVESJANDTROFESIONAITClRlls: A. W. rtXMCR. riOMMBSIOJC KEnnHiNT AND WHOLESAM! GB0 J CEH.- . No. 1 Koara Watu Hrairr. WimiweTon. N. C. Prompt attention given to all boslnes eutrosted to his cere. Oct. 16th, IRC0 " - -- - li-m W9I. b. F.nni oinv, NCTT BTBEET, NElH THE BAIT.Rrt.T), i-- i WfLWtHOTMilfirt.j- Will eive hie personal attention te sellins or torwardlur upon commitwioo, all kinds of Produce sent to his care, and hopes, by his unremitting sties lion to buaines, to merit i porting of the pnbllo Tistronaire. Will alee attend to nlllnf oriters for all kind of Merehan dise, where the parties are suflieiently known to jnstify lu AWo to selHne;, at private or public sale, Real Estate in the town of Wilmington, at 1 nar cent, rornmiasioo. ' Presbyterian, Kayetteville ; Ledirer. Wilson, copy weekly In. Roneb Notes, Uoldsboro', t week dally, and send bills to this ettioe. ? . Oct. 30, I860 7 tf. , . : . r , . - ""- Rr Hi ft At.! jO WAV, - - I COCNTT fiCBVEYOR. . Oflioe, under Waaliingtoa Hotel, - - -- WaMiraroN, N. C. Particular attention paid to Bridirf Building. Sept. 10, 100. 4-tf. W. B. I ltir. W, A. WMMINU W. II. MrRAnY A CO., ' COMMISSION MEKCOANTH. " Dealer in Pur Peruvian Ooano and all other Fertil ters ; also, Agent for Beese' Guano, Wilmington. If . 0. tr Special attention palj to sales of Cotton and Naval utorea. , Canh advance na Prodoc when desired. Refer to the Banks in Wilmington, Raleigh, New hern. Tar boro', Greensboro' and Saliabury, N. C, and Cheraw, S. 0., Ac, As. Nov. 6th, 1800 js LAW NOTICE. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OHloe on Market Street, on door East of Dr. Dioksoa', Sept. 2d, 1U69. S06-U W. W. PA VIS. M. D Q FFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THIS OIT ien of Wilmuurton. , . Office 2d door below Holme' Bote'. Front Street Jape 6. 231 U j. n. wiLutnt, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FANCY and Stsple Pry Goods, Carpetings, Mattinga and Bugs, Ready Made Blurt and Collars, Under Garments for Ladies and Gentlemen, 17 MARKET BTBEET, Aug. 9, 1860. Wilmington, aj. C IAMB 0. SMITH. BTXLSI POT, J A S. C. SMITH Jl CO- lOMMIHHION MERCHANTS, offio flood story, comer V i soutn water ana Market streets, Wilmington, H. V., vher they are preparej to attend to !1 buainiiss tn th "orotitMsloi, line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually attend edto. EDWAUO SIcPHERBON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Btreet, WiLBUMaron, N. C. Angnirt 8th, 1859. ; 285-tf ERRANT A WIUSOKI. w Ac. HOLEAALR A RETAIL DEALERS in Domestic DRY GOODS, GBOCEItlES, CUITHING, BOOTS, Shoe, a a. 14 ana U aortn water Bireet, Wilminwton, N. 0. Oct. 11, 1860. THO. C. CRAFT, fXTHOLESALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN DBY YV GOODS AND GROCERIES. No. AA Makast bTBXBT, Wilmington, N. C. Angnst 29th, 18G0. wm. a. ewTia. lovit riAoocr. samtsl b. jenninq. U WYE It, PEACOCK et( COn WIIflNGTON. N. C. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and dealer in NAVAL STORKS, COTTON, and South era PRODUCE tenerallv. Prompt personal attention gtvsn to all consignment of r , .1 V . r I . j ' . 1 'l.i . rroouce. reu. u, isou uo-iy C. II. ROBISSOIV At CO., C COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS J WlLMINOTOe , N C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard's Store. Entrane urner of Princes and Water street. March ft, I860 16HA'i9. RKHOVAL. P. REINSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. TAKES THIS method to Inform hi customer and persons in want of work of any descrip tion, in his line, that be has removed his Book- tiuierw and Rulmq establishment to the Basement of th new Journal huHdxng " on Princes Street, where be will be pleased to receive order for every description of binding or uuiing, sc., sc. Thankful for past favors, he hope to continue to receive B liberal patronage a neretoiore. OCt. 21St, 186. JA8. T. PETTEWAY At CO. ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, R0. 8 AiOTBH WATKB STRSWf , WILMINGTON, N. C. Solicit consignment of all kind of Produce, also, orders ior urocere, nagging, Atope, vauano, oo., o. tuns TO John Dawson, Eso,. O. G. Pass lit, President Commercial Bank, Gbo. Davis, Eeq. JAB. T. riTTIWAT. BOOBB MOOBB, October 1st, 1869. CHA. P. BtTBU. raXD. i. MOOBB. -MYERS it MOORE, WHOLlSAXgASD RETAIL dialiks nTlZ TS. 0AP8, BRKLLAS. CAUKS. AC'., etc.. 34 Market (treet. WILMINGTON, N. IJ, We are prepared to oflfkf to W HOLES ALE BU YEBS e xtra- ordlnary inducements, and respectfully solicit an examination of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Goads are purchased direct from manufacturer. M pay no neoond prqfitf and are willing, and can mil a lo a any Jobbing House In the United States. V(e are desirous of sending our Uoods to every section or Worm Carolina, and will nse every exeruon to piease an wno may lavor na wnn tneir orders. Sep tern per x.i, inav. CMIOM D1HTIU.ERY. WILMINGTON, N. C., A. H. VAN BOEKELEN. pKorairroa. . A LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES Burubased, nisnufao- tared and sold - : - w harfage and Btorag lurnisned. and (Jooreraa don at i tr raiea. Jan. 1, 1860-100-tf. 8. M. WRMT, AUCTI0NEEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington. N. C. Will sell, at private aale, vouon. Aasoi more, and all Bind or produce, at a smaii oowimusvoa ; aiso, Bank Stock at , 1 per cent. Bail Road Stock 1 per cent. Real Estate... .............1 per cant Negroes s.l per cent. Direct importation, Cargo Sale. 1 per cent. Biraaa To the citizen of Wilmington generally. October ii, I8S to-U EDWIN A. KEITH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1869. WrLMTMOTOW, N. C BBBAjrr. a so. wilo. KRRAHT A WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nob. 14 and 15 North Water Street. ' Oct. 11, I860. WrLMineTOW, H. O. KOB'T U. COW AS. & ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . . Wii.MixsroN, N. C. AsTOfflce. South Corner Market and Water Street-up stairs. I Oct. 4. 1h69 S-tf TO TUB FRIES DS OS HOME MANUFACTURES. T2XS KINSTON b- Shoo Factory SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. AW Order for nTEGSO KHOOANS AND BOOTS Are ao. Ucited. -- J. C CAHPESTEB. AgenU my L NEW YORK, PIIILA. & BOSTON CARDS. 40.. PAN0T, . ' , 1. BTMAN, ; r. M. BVMAS. - IaU of Late of Ijkte of Tarboro", W. O. rVotland Neck.'N.C. Warrenton, N, C. DAMCT, H1MAN CO., -. UROCERS k COMMISSION MKRCIIANT3, MM 1 OK It.. HYMASJ. J1ABCY CO., . OROCKIM COMMISSION MKRCUANTri XOIiroi.li, Vn, TRK NEW TORI H0I7BR wlitb conducted bv Jho fl. Damct. altH by B. W. Hyman. -The Norfolk Hoaa will be eondaeted by Jno H. TItman and K. M. HrMAN. , h , - . .. . .ParticnLar attention give to the sal of Cotton. (Vrn, Whnat, Naval Store. . , , , . , - , m. pollki. a. ruTTsa. J. J. oambkpsm 001.I.NRR, FOTTER V CO., . , (tOM MISSION MERCHANTS, J . ,. Biw You,'. April 15, IMS.-188 ly. .. . . ... .f.. . . . lAsvereeessMi, 4-m w - i--..t'--ii r tdini K IIHA M HI'IHKLI. riENKRAL COMMIRRION MERCHANTS, Ve. SI North M Wherve, and 6S North ater Street, PniLAniLPBU. eruberial eaah advance made on emulimnieiits. Julv l'wh. W.J ... - tT FOR SALE AMD TO REM TI'KI'KNTIWK S1TII.I.S KOU, S AI.K. mWO 1$ BARREL STILl X and flxturea. One entirely JL bew with Hart's patent Gale, the other second bund, in goou oraer. Apply to " March 7th tf . DkHOHSET, BROWN ft CO FOR HIRK. IrtOB TUB balance of the year a likely negro bin. Ap . pl to . March 7th, , ELLIS & MITCHELL. rou REST. TWO ROOMS In the tenement next South of the residence of O. U. Parsley, Esq., on Id street. App'yto . HART Jt BAILEY March I. 'etf-tf rOK REST. WARE HOUSES. Stores, Kbeds and Whsrve on both Fast and West sides of river ; Store, Shed and W hsrt near w , t:. A K. R. R. All conveniently lo a ted for business. Apply to Feb. 23. JAR. T. PETTEWAY k CO. FUSE DRAFT IIORMKS. OIIAtl, CAUTH, Altl) IIAHSJES! KMJR BALK. THE ABOVE employed by n and doing paying jfV. onsinesa. urensaer can nave in aavaniag oi II' I our hauling. Apply to Feb. 23d. J AS. T, PETTEWAY CO. BTKAMKR KOR SALK. Good fustnees for som 1'erton t m.mirfr hTBAMEB DOUGLAS, In running order, aBBBuSas now doing good business, can be had on reasonable terms, by applying to JAM. Feb. 2$d, 1861. TETTEWAT A CO. U3-tf FOR SAI.H. - rHREB BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTINGS, for sale clesp, at C. POLVOUT S Upholstery Establishment. Af w more of those splendid OVAL FRAMES, for Por trait, Photographs, Ac, for aale at cost to close out, at v V. I OI.VOUT , February Uth. Corner Front and l'rlnosaa ate. FCUNISIIB.lt ROOM TO RENT, AaA IN THE CENTRE Of TUB TOWN. For nerttcu- UTil lara apply to - C. POLVOGT, Jan. 1 - I Ml', I 111 tf Cor. Front A Princess sL VESSEL FOR SALE. THE BCHR. SEA SERPENT." about went . ton. Appiy to JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. OcL31, 18C0. 48-tf TRACT OF BODB-D LAND FOH SALK, TUK SUBSCRIBER oSera for sal the tract of land eunsl knows a tb BOCK SPRING TRACT, containing com 300 acres, mors or les, and adjoining tbe lauds or J. u. rickett, Esq., ou r eaerai roini. A portion of th above tract i cleared, and hu been found well adapted to th cultivation of Ground Pea. Tb balance i Turpentine Land, and would no doubt be valuable as Ground Pea Land. Apply to THOMAS H. PICKETT or SAMUEL N. CAN NON, Wilmington, or. to Oct. 26.-44. B. H. WHITAKER, Raleigh. FOR SALE. - A DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT situated between Fourth and Fifth Street, Adjoining tb lot of David Smith, Eeq- in th Southern portion of th Town. r or runner particulars apply to u, u. nuwuin, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 19th, M. 38-tf ISTEIIKAL I9IPROVEIVBNTFLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS. dlOi? Aflrt OF THE ABOVBBONDR-redesmable i)6SJJJ In 1801 with Coupons at T per cent, per annum, paytDie in ue uuy t iew yorx, 1st atarcn ana September. For sale by DbROSSET, BROWN A CO. Oct. 8th, 1800. 28-tf TO RENT. STORES AND SHEDS above the W.A W. R. R and Bear tbe W., O.AB.R. Depot. Store corner ol Mulberry and North Water street. Whaif and Sheds eonvenlentiy located for the reception of t'roauce per eitner oi in uanroao or iieamnoats, appiy tO JAA,I. niltWAI ALU, Oct, 1.23 tf WHARVES FOR HENTI TWO NAVAL STORE WHARVES on West Kid River with necessary Shed Boom, convenient to th Depot, and track crossing them. Apply to Sept. 8-tf. DbROBSET, BROWN A CO. TUB SIBBCHIBKR. HAVING purchased the CAPE FEAR MARINE RAIL WAY, is prepared to build or repair Vessels at abort eat notice. Order solicited. Refers to Messrs. Harris A Howell, O. 0. Parsley A Co., 3. H. Cbadbonrn A Co., J. H. Planner, Esq. W. L. BEERY. July 2d, 160.- - ,- ate-iy TO COTTOPI PLASTEHM. fllHE ATTENTION OF COTTON PLANTERS ispsrtlo- A Biariy called to our stocs or GUNNY CLOTH. We have on band and dlseksrginr from vessel, 20,000 LBS. BEST JUTE KUPJi 60 BALES GUNNY CLOTH. tot sal on accommodating terms, by Sept. 24. UWIIU, t'KACOCIW m CO. tewii.iieirnrpm.iw:n r with crsTiRs, game, at abort notice. Jan. 17111. SHIPMAN. TO ARRIVE S)Y R. H. 2AAA BUSHELS Yellow and Whit Corn, 6 lb, to .UUU bushel, and by " Psrkersbnrg " 6u0 bushel SecoOaU. Apply to STOKLEY ft OLDHAM. Feb. 18th FERTILIZERS FEStTlAJZEiLS. PERUVIAN GUANO; i Manipulated do.; Petersburg do. so.; Jarvia' A Baker' Island Guano ; Pbccnix do. do.; Land Plaster; . - Super Phosphate Lime, A. Ae.. Ae., always oa band For aais by W. lL Molt A B X h CO. CIORR COATED WHOIOHT IROS ASD WIRE J KAIUSO (Secured by Letter Patent.) Admirabl adapted for enclosing Public Grounds, Cemeter ies, Balcony, Cottegea, Ac Sheep aad Ox Hurdle, Patent Wire, Hackling Beadsteada, with evert variety of Folding Iron Bedstead and Iroa Furniture. Patent Wire Coat screen. Ore, bead and Gravel Screen, Wire Netting for Mosquito, sheep, Poultry and other purposes. - Wire Summer Houses, Fane Wtrs work IB great variety, Tor wardens. Ac. At. w ALlLtU At bono, Maauractarers, No. 535 Market, N. K. corner SixtA treet, Philadelphia. Oct. 20th, I860 t . ilj ERBAIT WILBO. IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealer is Liquor tad Began, and Maanfactorer of Fancy brandies. . - AO, vut, AN). Jnit Received. I Cf BOXES A. M. CANDLES; 1 0J W keg Extra Coshes Batter : 60 boxes Candy ; M bbis. Mesa Pork ; 10 F. M. Beef; . 64 bagi CoScs, my kw for cAk at sUrcb.4. tiO.MTK&a. MEDICAL UALTIMOUH LOCK HOSPITAL. KRTArtLMUKD Alt A KJaKUUB FitOaf QUACKERY. Ts Iknlv I'lae wkwrw at t r hm sm OSMatnwd. 1)R. JOHNSON has discovered ths moat Owt.ln, Speedy snd ' only Kfreeliial Kemmly In the World for WoknoM of ths nans or i.ini, ninetnrea, iinwnons or ins Kianeyi en imiw. ae, Involnnlary iMarlmrtea, IinpotMiey, Oenerml lability. Nsr viium, 1 lyapsfislis Iicnr. liw Slrirlts, Ooifuslia of Idnaa, i-mJiHiaiioa of ins uoen, iinii,my I remhiings, Lnmneas or fishl nr ttlilUmsM, IMssbm vf the llewl. Threat, MAIn, AH tlorj f Ut Luiifis, hUmi'h or lkiw4a Uiom Terrible LisolHrs sri.li.f frure tlx SuliUry HMla uf Youth-tUuesssosst and 4. lUry praotlee mure rKlal to lhair vtotlius Utan the ao of Uf. mna U Iha Mnriners of V '! . bliliUng llir Uual Villlsut hopes or anUnlpstloos, rmid'rtng niwrliga. , Iniposalble. ToxmaxrxcN lipaolslly, who hsve tawuuie tl vtoUms of Polltary Vie,' tbst draadful and dealninllve hnlit Iwblcb annually awaaie to a an timely f-rave tlionaanda of Young Vin of Uia moat aiakad Ulente and oHIIIant Ititellaet, who mlslil nlliarwlaa havs sntranoad Hat an I nf Him(t with tlie lliaiuUira of etoqumiee, or wakod to Bests ey Hie Uvln lyre, may sail with full eoiindenos. mAnxriAoii. - -vv ' ; 1 Married Par his, or Young Men eotitemnlatlrtf marrlaee, btln( swaraof phyalcal weknsas, organle debility, duforniiUas, As.. ; HahniliieMhlinsairBTidarfhearsOf It. ,T. msy reflgfrms ly son tide In hi hw ss a ganliuiuan, aad eongdmlly rely spun hi kill as a 1'hyaioUn. . . OnOANTIO VtVAKKEUU IminaillaUil Cnrwl and Full Vlvor Rnatoratl. . Till Uraadfiil 1)1. w.a which ranrters I.I fa mliuwaKle and Mar. liava impuaallls ths rmutlty paid by the vtaUms of lbipn..r . uu'i .rwi. af woapt wcwMFffttasaaaaaa from ml buliui inn of the dreadful rouaatiuanoM thai may emu,-. Now, who that uniforatanda Ui subjwii will pratMl Ui deny that the pown of prmrantion Is iwnur bv thoes falllnir imu Im proper riablu than by the prailom I Koaldoa bain deprived the r,w n j .nipnui, on eenons and iteatmollve aymptoms to both body anil mindariatk The aylm heootnes IWnawi, the rhyaloal and Menial trqneUone Wmkroeil, aw m i ruoraauve t ower, narvona immunity, Jlyapmala, I'alnlla, tiim of lbs heart, Indltftwlloa, OonaUtuUuuai iHibllily.e Wasting of the Frame, Cvuha, Consumption, Ava. orncn no 7. oTjTa rnsssRiox bt.. Ijeft hand side golnf from AlalUmMeatnwt, afi doors from ths corner, r ail nt bo waafvi najita a Da nelntier. Iuers niual be paid end eon lain a stamp, Ths Dee tor's 1)1 phimaa bang in his efflo. - - OB JOHNSON, . Mnniber of the Royal Oolhwe of Hniwaoea, graduate from one of me uioai ami nam uuii in Hi uoiun Hlataa, and the grnater part of whoee Ufa lias Iwen siMtit In tbe hoepltaJs of lxndn, ana, i miaieitiiiB aim eieewiittra, naa anwieu somrtir Ills most aatonlablng eurea lliat were ever known snany troubled with ringing In the lioad and ears when Baleen, grxal bervoaaueas, lav ina iwmwi ai auuiinn aounnM, oaaniuilMiaa, wun iraquetil Ulllan liter, sttonded Sometimes with a derangement of mind, were oared luiineUlaUNy. TASB rA2lTZOTJZ.An NOTXCBI Di. J. addreeaet all those who have Injured themselves by Im. proMr Indulgent ami solitary liablls, whlrh ruin Iwlh body and mind, unfitting lhm for eilber business, study, society or mar rl. Tuns are sums of the ad and nialanrholy sfniets produeed hy early habits of youth, vis : Waakneaaof the Itaok and Llmlw. i'alna In tbe H.d, IMmneaa ui Hlgbt, Loas of Muaeula Power, Palpitation of tb lloart, Dyswpay, Nurvous Irritability, lie raiiKWiient of the DlgoaUv VuusUons, Uaueral Debility, bymp luina uf Climauiniillon. - Mbbtallv. 'ilis ftrful sfftwts on th rntnd are much to be dreaded Ia of Memory, Connnlon of Idoaa, IHntreaaluq of cpinu, nm roranoainga, Jl aarmon u nooimy, Mrir IHalru.t, Love of Holltuila, 'llinlillty, Ate., are sums of the evils produced. Inovs.bbs of persona of all aes san now Judge what Is the esuas of their dmlinlng health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pain, nervous anil smaolauid; having a singular apinarauos sboul ths eyes, cough and sy uiptoins of eonauniptlon. roxmo raciu Who have Injured themsulvo by s eertaln praetlos Indulged la when alone a halilt frenurntly teamed from evil oumiutniona. or at school, the ellwt of whioh arenlulilly f.-lt, even when a. lee and If not ouruU ramlers marrlags lmpo..lble, and destroys both mind snd body, should apply liiiiiidlally. What a pity that a young man, the hop of bis country, th darling of ills pa rants, should be snatched from all nroanenla and n. njoymmiU of Ufa, by tb eonaeuenos of deviating from III path oi nature aim indulging in s oerlalu seorat nablk Bucu lavsou most, tmfore eontemplalliig - - MAnnxAaa. reflect tbst a souud mind snd body are tb moatneoeary requl. Itlon to promote oonnublal bapnl inoeea, witneul lliea. lbs Journoy Ibrougli Ufa beeonies B 'V Bil image.; ths proa- pant hourly darken to ths view j the mind Iwooiuee shadowed with daaiatir and flllnt with Ilia melancholy reflection that tha happiness uf auuthsr becomes blighted with our owe. szcBAsa or rnipnuDBivcTi w hen tlie niiwuidvil and iinpruUuiit votary of uieasur finds hs has Irabllaxl the seeds of this painful dlacaaa, It loo often hap pens that it Ill-Umed senas of shame, or dread of dlmvery. de ters him from spplylng to tluiae who, fnnn edoesilnn and re spectability, ean alone Iwfrlend him. lie falls Into lbs liau, Ignorant and designing pretenders, who. Incapable of rartwfnr bis pecuniary auUuuioe, keep him trtfllng auoath after mooUi, er as long as tbe smalioel fns ean be obtained, and In deeair leave him with ruined health to sigh over lila galling dlasppoliiimunt'; or, by ths nae of that deadly poleon. Mercury, haatau tbe soneti tulliHisI ayatem of Uila turrlble dnuaaa, such as airctlon of tbe Head, Throat, Noes, Hkln.ste., progreaal ng with frightful rapliil- tyviiiaaain puisBpanoii m nia araaurui sunenngs by sending him to that undiscovered sounlry from whose bourne no traveler Mlurn, a ETsTDortBTimEwr ot tttti pnrii The many thousands eursd at tills Inaiitutlon within the last eighteen years, and the nsraerous Important eJurgioal Operstlons iierformed by Dr. Johnston, wllnaaaed by tbe reportere of tbe " Hun " and many other tera, sot Iocs of which hsvs apieared again and airain before the public, besides his slandtne as a sen- lleman of character and rapoiuiiUUly,teasuiUolsutguarantslo wie eniirwi. SIN miBASca BPTrrmTT.Tr nmtrra Persona writing should he rUoular In direoUng their letters mi bis Ansuiuuou in me louowing manner ; - JOHN Af. JOUNHION, If. D., " . Baltimore Lock Hospital July It, 100. S7Hy BalUmore, MsrylaasV t EDLCATIOaVAL. A CARD. Aprtaan-, jj I1BS PIRssom respectfully Inform tb VfYrtl Puu" tDat having itndisd under the Brstmss 11 9 I 1 1 ters in New York, will give lesson npon th Piano Forte, at tbe residence ol her Father. Mr. Jae. Fir- son, or at lost m uer pupns. Terms made knows on application. Miss Pi luutuH refer to Stephen Jewtt, Esq., and Geo. Myers, Esq. December 18, 18C0. fT-tiis HOHTU CAROLIHA MILITARY INSTITUTE,- tJJA HLUT1K. jy. L. ' TnE 3d SESSION of this School will begin on th 1st oi ocuioernexi. Applications for admission, or fur ther Information, should b Addressed to Maf. v. H. un.u Ang. Sd, I860. . . 2H2 Sl'PBR PHOSPHATE OF LIME. , V FRESH supply of Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime. Just received and for aale by E. A. KEITH. Feb. a. OIL. WINTER Strained Polar Oil. As Invoice of thl supe rior Oil Just received direct from New York, snd for sale by , E. A. KEITH. r eo. . . . , LOl'IS At, KHAMBERT, - PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, (Under "CRy HoteL") DEALER IN SELECT GERMAN, AMERICAN, FuENCH and ENGLISH CHEUICAf Drng and choic Pharmaceutical preparatiooa. Thankinl for patronage already bestowed, will endeavor to merit a continuance of it, by keeping constantly on band a fres. tupjJy of rewVa articles, ttnrtlu btkmgvna to B PHARMACLUTiCAL UTABLISHMENT. Mr Parties having account will pitas call sad settle them a toon aa convsnient. Jaa 15th, 1861 JCST RECEIVED PER STEAMER NOBTB CAROLI na: Soda Crack era, Boston Cracksrs, Hand Mad Batter Cracker, 0 Titer Crackers. Pilot Crackers, fresh for Family trade, at oeq. MTEBS'. aiarca . SCIlS A PPS SCIIN A PPS. Of CASES (Roberts A Co.' Boval,) la pint and quarts. mmim tij a. U. MCBvUI At CO. Feb. 19. 9 fsfi BBI'S- fcCr9BS, of all grade, just to Band, at x UV ceedingly low prices for cash, at March 4th. GEO. MYERS, SMOKIAU TOBACCO. BBIA (very cheap. March 2d W. H. McBABT A CO. 20 CORJI AFLOAT. 1500 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE Perquimans county ivors now afloat, r or sale low. at vessel, oy Feb. 16th. ELUS A MITCUKLX. PORK PORK. 50BBM BBLS. HEAVY CITY MESS; lost re-efd and for ale by a. ax. sitaui w. Febmary Uth. - . SHIRTS ASD COLLARS. -, ., I F soperior qaaiity sod ityet. For eale by 'BIEPICAL, CHEROKEE REULDV 011 RROKUE: AN UNFAILING CUnfl FOR Oematrrttnra axil all Dlemae wf the I rlnery 6rwluia rpiMH RKMIDYsnree whaa all ether prepantkms faU.7 It A entirely units avnry ether on, pound ; eimutmng aa ilimrti Ptimm or A'tmeaeu Drug f ss 14 U prepared Solely ITiaa AluaA. Hark! and .oeci, and Its bnan batwUxl down, from one awnerae Men to another, by the CejAs Mitm.. II ia oit.red te the paene im ita own itanneia mania. .At l arms lbs duty sttlcale and t horonih ly . I ha Urfortnalt, f euher sex will ba ria4 by u.Uig thia lirmi! laatoad of plaelng Ihnmaalmast ths nisrey piiiiie tiaoa or J tvinpaur. i oia inmrur afciiaea BV tne f,M or the aliens Its tenenney is not a poieitn, but tn limnnxt Ms L'dhm on waloh I ) IU tendnney Is no simply to suspend Uie Ms CsHMOn waloh It depends. Anil dl. yeetlons tn pamphlet form, aeeompany each bottle, The (JXedy sntl iernmjieiit relief alturdad by this Atemsdy.in all eaaas a ' iitmmTVMt. nner wrsw, arrierura. rut AUmt, t tVMItt in Yr. touts,) and all dnnasee of the Urinary Organs, baa sstahl.) 4 lbs moat sclentl 'ininn of the ag. This Remedy not only srsttl. eates all Mw from the AVyetam but JweigsrwesUis ssosl deUeel eonstltutlon. -v It does ATM iljfcol the AVasA or Inlrrfrr with any Ctue Buttnr, at requlrs sny deviation from (lie usual diet, a j B." It requires no aaalatsnes from other medloln. Big" And what A'sAoswa US rata. Is tb A'nMr 4 Samel af Atouwaui TatU, being a i'iettant anil IWicmis ATyrvn. . raios 1 sotvls. os mass lomu roa ej ' A tA A Jttt m Af aAAW An, Sols t roprlvbors, , tit, I-o'l'i M., led nt.wv U Hold In Wilmington by W. n. T.IPPTTT sad HASiiiy Ho. 1,1 NM j Ooldalmn by LUUAA A MOORlC ; Kalelgh, by P. If, cnuun. aoi ny an responsun Druggtats in th United Btata If A ItiN Jvo a r AHK K, Mew York t I'UUCliLU onniiwnii, anu uun vv suuuv at VU new urieana. w Sole aaleAgenls, . .. IApriH, inn. 1M-Iy. (1,1 1 . I 1 .... . . . . ' ' no b ni.nm. i.vw i.ir.i .li il, . .i.i. . m 111 K III l - imu J hovkk uomy , CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES ' Avoid all AYirufn Toi$im and use A'afurg '$ Jiemriie. M' 1 ," DR. J. H0VKW1K)IH - " IMiaJKIAU WI1VK UITTEUS.' For tb otre of luolplent CousurapUoB, Weak Loiejrs, Wssk Htomsoh, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Wsrvous Debility, Dissssss peculiar to Females, and Bit case wber B Tonio Is required, Autvt no superior. ,n..i u,.r a l)R. H0VEK D0D8' , , BRANDY CATIIAItTIO, A sure remedy for Liver Complaint, Costlvsnes and Dy pepsla also for ths Pile and as a Cathartic for family sm, are far preferable to Pilla, They are a mild but sure purga tive, pleasant to the taste, never prodno nausea, perfeotlf innocent iu their operation, and parUuuIarly dee Ira hi i oblldren. , , ' DR. J1. B0VEB DODH' ' ' ' 1 i,J 1JMITJH1AL GIN HITTERS, Act os tbe Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Organ, snd ar nnsurpaased as a remedy for Female at certain ataaoaa, perfectly harmless, sod not unpleasant to the taste. lilt i. BOVahl DODN' I . .;. CATUAUTIUj aSYUUP, a For 1 11 fail ts, Children and detieaU Female. Thl ftyrvt MUM. wm UI. ...ltd BUll rUlllHi, eilU. KIUIUUH II1IIU 111 1VB U1P erstions, ud perfectly liarmless, It la s eoinpleee sebetltuU) for Calomel. It lopl"ut te the taste that children will cry for It. ' " CUAtt. WIDD1FIELD k CO., - ,. mm !.. I I - i.l Ul.,lh..l. ..1 . I 1. A .. .. V. 11 .1 I. ll - . . h -t -A i4-.-.,,ilAi, Hia9 yrtfpiwswffwM " Bui,! by LOUIS B. ERAMIIERT, DmirKlat and l'tarmacen. tist, Wilmington, N. C, nndsr th City Hotel." ' ' t , May 1, Umo- 20S-ly, m -n i . j L s -m - 11 OWR'S STANDARD SCALES. ' " WOBTH A DANIEL, A gents, Va - No. 1 Granite Bow, Float st,i Feb. 20. CI I I HIT CAbKS, GLUE, NAHii AND HOOP JBOst. O For sal by JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. Feb. 2Jd. . u ..u . .- ..Sr VOLCM-KEU HAND BOOK. FRESH SUPPLY Just received at - v i.M Viu:J Feb. J3d. . KELLKY'S BOOK STORJV WIIITH AAD BLACK SEED OATS). ..it lMt TUHT RECEIVED. Per Bohr. Alba, 1,000 bushel piirn Whit Ost ; 6U0 bushel prime Black Seed Oau. For salsbr . I ELLIS A MITCHAXaMU COFFEE COFFER. ', .';isw BAGS prime to choice Bio Coffee, For salel S lots low for oash, by - - "t 500 Fub. 23. , AIAIUAWAI ATCUil I BUOAIt StOAR. ' " I -i e,it Q BARRELS PO WDEUF.D , . , .j M j O T " Crnshtd. Just received. . . Feb. 23d. T. H. atelOT Aj Qfi ' ' APPLE BltAHDY. .- 3fT BBIA (EXTRA). ,. For sale by ... . . ,. O Feb. 2id. T. If. McKOT A CO. " BACON AAD POUK. " ' ' " '! RECEIVED per steamer Psrkersburg, from VewTsrt, and to arriv per scur. Wm,Snears. from Baltimore-. Apply to , JAS, T. PETTEWAY A UQ. Fsb. as. - . - -...ll.. CoaOl OOtt!M. . 1 !"'! '"!' WE WILL keep conateotly ample stock fog is tnd. Apply to Fb. 'ii. JAB. T. TCTTEWAT A CO. lAtl At. EUAMUERtT- : , , ..: t,va,- PHARMACEUTIST.,, TAEALER la 8elH French, German. iMgluh-and Amtf XJ teas Cbeniiosls, and Imported and AmerWan 1V1LKT ARTICLES. .., ,, ... Fancy Toilet Bottle ef fine Parisian Glass, richly tmeUd with Gilt, is pair. , jj ' Toilet Pull Boxes, richly ornamented and dIaIs. . PERFUMERY. : Sl Ede A Co.' fine Engliah Ptrfuroery aoADeUting ntirl new and original. utranium, raogtpaaal, Lsvaadsr, Male rTear. sod Verbena. . . - . w'Hjhf " Odd Medal " Perfumery:' , Unrivalled M Frangipaaai" and Japanese." J Glenn' Verbena and Florida Water.-, I.0bln' OBKUINB Extracts. ' ' AB Jsan Vincent Bnlley' Vlnaigr da Toilette, fragrant sal tii-iam wiu.ii ior ucauuiyins; u CmnUAAOaV.,IB9 Nov. 14. I STORE. 100 iWS9 WOBTH A DANTELw Feb. 18. Oranite Bow, Front street. : " sr. sin-am Hft . - ' CASKSnrlros Bicei . , 50 10 " middling BiC. Now Ludinp and for sale hi Feb. It. ' G. C A W. J. MUNRO. atAAAUAAiU a it II Uliwiu. ' 1 ALWAYS ON HAND and for sals by Feb. 2d. JAS. T. PETTEWAT A CO. S.UASO. QKJ BAGS NO. I PERUVIAN, now landing per Scats OeJiJ) Alb. For ante in lot to suit, by . .. . Feb. 23d. .. . . W. H. bfcRART CO. FEAtTlLIZERAtl -T7T r fTUIE SUBSCBIBERS ofler for sale, and retpectuDy solicit Jl. orders for tb foUowing fertiliaen, wfakk will be promptly supplied, of swat quality sad at low set stark at rste, vtst - ,.akf REESE'S MANIPULATED do.; -; '" MEXICAN. - do. . - ' -i ' They ar also Agents for the aale of W. Whitelock A Co' Super Phosphate of Lfme, and for ths American Guano Conv pany'a Guano, imported from Jarrie and Bakers IslsoJa. Pacific Ocean? DeBOSSKT, BROWN A OoT7 Ptmpklete with full lofomatio) ks regard to Americas Guano, will be furaished en application aa tbor. This ar tide mi said to be folly eqaai to the beet Penrriaa ("na aad more permanent ia its effect on the aoQ, sad it o.4 hers at oae third less prtot tbas the Peruriaa. - r MarohUth.UbO . j ? f.;-vh KT C APPLAvS 0 cent per bneheL bv T ll e ; WOBTH A DANTTX, JaavtaV Qratata Bow, Front It, VALETIICI. A VERT LABOB SUPPLY OF ALL Eiv prepare far Valentine Day, ai - k ' Be Jab. AO. : . 3 Lo, t- v COW PKAS COW rr ((f BUSHELS trims Black bI C i.y l. rU o- 'r:,r;.Xl il V ;tsi iH, .-A ., i, HBMiil) v. r

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