1 1 VOL. 10. NO 198. WILMINGTON, N. 0., MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1861. WHOLE NUMBER 2,968 BV TT.TON At prick, proprietors. AB FULTON, Editor..... A. L. PRICE, Aocit Elitor. - Ttnu f SabarrluU.au. paily Paper, one Tear, invariably in advance. ....... $6 00 Weekly " " " " " 1 60 All letter on bosinea connected with this office, no nut be addreaeed to the proprietor. BATES OP ADVERTISING. half ear abb, On day Two day Three day. Poor day. ....... r Fivvday...7..... OKI SUTA. On day.......... Two day . Three day Four day Five daji.7.T."777: One week... . Two week. One month i 75 60 621 -76' 75 on 1 76 76 00 . I . I .' I . J . 4 On week -Two week... On month... Two month . . Three month. Bis month... 7 S7 ...1 ...1 00 ...9 60 ... 00 ...S 00 Two month. : t oo .10 00 .16 00 Tore month. . . Bis month On year .16 00 On year. .30 00 t.i fin ra ennntad u a aanar. and flv lines or le a half-square. Longer advertisements in proportion, and all payable In advance. When not paid In advance 36 cent par qr will be hargd after the flret Insertion: ill half-squares not paid for In advanc will be charg ed a a qur. a A.ertuuunanta lnaertd a flneoial or BiuhoD Notice ar charged one-half more than above rate eight line (leaded) or leas coumeu a a square. - - - Sir Advertisement inserted every other day are charged J74 cent per qnar for eecn insertion aner in nrai. VrNo publication made without a responsible name BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. n. a. wnsta. If. O. DAV1K1.. , WORTH Ac D AS IK I- ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1 IT ii.wire Ra. I Fkaht Ktsist.I WILMINGTON, N. C. . Solicit eoislenment of Flonr. Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Feathers, Tobacco, and Country Produce generally. BUT Agent lor now veieorateu Dcaies. Kept 16, I860. 18A5tf CLAHK fc TCRLI!TO!, COMMISSION AND FOBWABDINO MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. aavaaa TO H. B, Bataob, Cashier Bank Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. W. H. Jon8, Cahlr Baleih Branch Bank Cape Fear. Oct 1. 1860. : HHW GROCERY. CROCKERY AND HOC8K WURMIbIIINO STORK. THE SUBSCRIBER informa the publio that be will on the first dav of October, open a Wholesale and Retail GRO- i vii bthrk .t Nna. 26 and 18 South Front Street. Wilming ton. N. C. where everything in his line of business msy be found. Order olicited, and prompt dispatcn fn- Sent. 26th. 1860 so lT " VOVIB B. KRAMBERT, TYBlJGGIST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, I I WlLMINOTON. N. C. Kum nn.antl on hand, a select stock of Jtruas, Mtt ' nnnuiiin and Kurovean Chemicals, Fancy and I TjM Article, Wine and Lujvor$ fur Medxcal Fvrpoe, ?sisii fryv a, Particnlar attention paid to PacscaimoNB, Familt Bjwit, Moica( Cura, Ci - , ; , a tStore immediately under the " Carolina Hotel. July 11, lH6i. Krt n rv At W. J. MTJISRO. yOMVIRSTOX MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE GRO- j CEKB, No. 21 North Water Street, June 18, 1859. WimwoTOH, N. C. T. M. mTB, JOUM MCLA. KIM. HMITII St MrI.At'RIM, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Wilmihotob, N. C. Bins TO Jobh Dawboh, Esq., Mayor. E. P. Hall, Esq., Preeident Branch Bank State N. . C. 2ft6-tf July 1st, 1859 DKHOSIiKT, BROWN V CO.. y ENEBAL COMMISSION MEBCTANTS q aa. 1st, 1857.-96-tf. T. II. NcKOY CO.. ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South 1JT Water street, Wilmwotoji, S.V. Aug. 23d, 1868. , 297 MelNTIRB BROWN. DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, (next door to Brown A Anderson NMarket St., Oct. 8, 186. " H. B. EILERI, TXTHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER- YY CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, corner Water and Market streets, wumwgiou, n. v. AprU 3d, 1868. ill. TOILB-T. ALX. OLDHAM. ITORLKY & OLDHAM, rtnnmifl AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND VT DEALERS IN CORN, OATS. PEAS. AC. WlLMIMOTOM, N. C. BlFBBBXCI. VOI. fuu muumB, & w..v. v. . " Q - O. O. Pabblbt, Esq., Pridnt of the Commercial Bank. Kr MURRAY CO, (gweeessorw to M array & Pieoch. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATER STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. , BnrBBAtv - - p. . m vac aiso r iT. mirbat. February 1, 1859. W-tf D. A. I.AMOHT. iOMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 38 North Water street ti. B. Hl'UOINS A SONS, TTrHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX GBOCEB- W 1ES A GENERAL MERCHANDISE, 8. E. Com. Market and Second SUeeta, u WlLMINOTOM, N. C. JWOrdera from our friend wlU receiv i prompt attentio. Oct. 10, ;J , " J. M. HOUAMSON as SONn WrLMTNOTON, N. C. TMT0RTER8, MANUTACTTJRERS' AGENTS, AND De X lere in Hardwar, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agrioul tural lmptementa, aw. WM. C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, . Sept. JO. 186413-tfl WiLMDiOTOW, N. C. ADAMS. BROTHER At CO., QOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmthbtoh, N. C. i- a. batbawat. wm. a. CTUT. HATHAWAY At COM (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . J WlLMCTOTOir, H. O. WMMESIOS AK1J FORWARDING MEBCHA5T8, ll WlUOOTOM, N. C. Marchll, 188T 7 l&Hy BBWAXB SAVABB. AJTDKRSOM ak tAYAOK, CI KSXBALOOMXIBSiON merchants, T Wilmwotob, 9. 0. Liberal cash advance mad oa oonsignmenj. . JiMa A. WTT.I.ARD, A10MMTB8TOIf MYBCHANT, WHOLESALE GSOCKR,! V AMD DEALIB IN GRAIN. Mo. lOHoBTw WimBruir, Jan.1, 1880. WrLsrrwTow, N. O. r W1LKCR ME ARES, nnweeaor to Walker Meare A Co.,) W HOLES ALX AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, 48 Mabxbt Stbbbt, WtLMrwoTOW, N. O. HARK IBS at HOWKLL, rIOMMISSIOM MERCHANTS, I WlLMOIOTOM, N. C BOMS MAISISB, - A. t, MOWBLL. V. V Oct. 1st, 185. a. m. SI. LIS. - B. . MTTCHXU- ELLIS At MTTCHELI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS CORN, PEAS, OATS, RYE. WHEAT BRAN, OIL MT5AL; FRESH GROUND HO MINT, HORSE A COW FEED; j.frypy Aim JTOJg SITES EAT, So, Sorth Water Street, WoJtarBTOJt, N. U BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS A. MT. FI LUR. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALR GRO j CER. No. 3 North Watbb Btbsst, WlLHIWTOII. N. C Prompt attention given o all basiaea entrusted to hi car. Oct. ICth, 1860 -m WM. B. EDWrivDSO. NDTT BTBEET, NEAB THE RAILROAD, Wiuunutom. N. C., Will riv hi personal attention to sellins or forwarding. upon commission, all kind of Produce sent to hi ear, and bopea, Dy nit unremitting attention to boatneae, to merit nortlon of the Dublin rieironajre. - Will also attend to filling order for all kind of Merchan diaa. where th nartla sr. anrficientlw know to ioatifv it. Also to elling. at private or public- aal, Beal Estate in tha town of Wilmington, at 1 nar canL eommiasioa. T. I. I W . ill. . T ..tn.. Wi1.n Afi VuVU Sm.; Roach Notes, Uoldsboro', 1 week daily, and send bills to this office. Oct. SO, 1860 47 tf. R. B. OALLOWAT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Office, under Washington Hotel, WllMlKOTOM, N. Particular attention psid to Brldgi Building. Sept. 10, 1860 s-tf. C. W. H. M tlITi W. A. CUMMINU. W. II. MeRAHY at CO., COMMISSION MERC U ANTS. Dealer in Pur Peruvian Guano and all other Fertil ser ; also, Agent for Reese' Guano, Wilmington. If. C. tr Special attention paid to sale of Cotton and Naval tore. Cash advances on Produce when desired. Refer to the Bank in Wilmington, Haleiifh, Newbern, Tar boroV Greensboro' and Salisbury, N. C., and Cheraw, 8. U., o., a. Nov. 6th, 1860 63 LAW NOTICB. TULIU8 W. WRIGHT. J ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offic on Market Street, on door Eat of Dr. Dickson's. Bept. Id, 186. 306-tf W. Wi DAVIS, M. D., SUFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE CIT J isen of Wilmington. Office Id door below Holme' Hot!. Front Street. June 6. 131 U J. 8. WILLIAMS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FANCY and Staple, Dtt Goods, Carpetinn, Mattings and Rug, Ready Made Shirt and Collars, Under Garment for Ladies and Gentlemen, 17 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 0, I860. IAMBS 0. SKITS. BULB OOtrm TAB. C. SMITH at CO. 10MMKS10N MERCHANTS, offie aeoond story, contw V bonui water ana Kartet tru. Wilmlnrton. N. C, where they ar prepare! to attend to all buainoa In tht 'onumanon lln. - - : All bos In as entrusted to them will be pnnotnall attend 9tO. EDWARD McPIlERBOIf. COMMISSION MERCHANT, , : JSr orUt Water Street, ... ..1 : v iLnmeroB, jn. u. August flth, 1869. 186 tf TIIO. C. CRAFT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES.' KO 48 HABIIT BTBJUT, W ILM1NOTOK, . U. August 10th. I860. WM. A. WTBR. LOVTT FBAOOCK. BAHUlL B. JIXM1MSS. UWTEH, PBAOUCK dl IX WILMINGTON. N. C, C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, J and dralrr in NAVAL STORES. COTTON, and South ern PRODUCE renerallv. Prompt personal attention given to au conKignmeni oi trounce. reo. ia, ibuu ijs-ij C. II. ROBINSON CO., C COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS J WlLMlNOTOk. N C, orao over Mr. J. a. wuiard a Btor. Kntran u rner or Princes and Water street. March 9, I860. I58A29. - REMOVAL. V. DEINSBERCER, BOOR-BINDEIt TAKES THIS method to Inform hi customers and persona in want of work of any descrip tion, in his une, mat ne naa removed nia hook- itiMiery and Killing establishment to th Basement of the new "Journal Jtuuamg" on i rinoess utreet, wner ne will bo pleased to receive orders for every description oi Binding or Ruling, Ac, Ac. Thankful for past favors, he hope to continue to receive a liberal patronage as ceretolore. Oct. 21st, I8o. JA. T. PKTTKWAY as CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Notbh Watbb Stmbtt, WILMIMOTON. H. O. Solicit conslenment of all kind of Produce, also, orders for Grocere, Sagging, Hope, uuano, o., AO. ttaria to John Dawmm, Eeq., O. G. PabAlit, President Commercial Bank, Gbo. Davi, Eaq. - , JAJ. T. riTTIWAT. boobb moobi. October 1st, 1868. cha. p. mtbs. IUD. . MOOSX MYERS At MOORE, XTfHOLESALE AND RETAIL dbalsks m BATS, CAPS, -WW BTD A IV tin IV W t ' tJ t' Villi HI i EJ A JTft puKi.f.A VAJiJUi, AU., (., M Market street, wilminotom. n. u. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra- ordinary inducement, and respectfully solicit an examination of our NEW STOCK for Fall and Winter trade. Our Goods are purchased direct from manufacturer. We pay no aeoond prqu. and ar willing, and enn seU a low aa any Jobbing House In the United Slates. V ar desirous of sending our Good to every section of North Carolina, and will na every exertion to please an wno may tavor na witn tneur order. Beptemher iJ. iwoa. UNION DI8TILXKHY. WILMINGTON, N. C, A. H. VAN BOKKELEN. Paorairroa. A LL KINDS OF NAVAL BTORES purchaasd, mannfao- XV tared and sold Wharfage and Btoragt furnished, and Oooprag don at latr rate. Jan. 1, I860. 100-U. - S. M. WBsT. La UCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMmOTOK. N. C. Will mil at private aaio, uoaon. ivasai More, ana au kinda of produce, at email oowtwvo ; Also. Bank Stock at 1 per cent. Rail Road Stock I par cent Real EaUt ..1 per cent Negroes 1 per oent Direct imporUUon, Cargo Hal ....1 par em. axrxs . To the cltixen of Wilmington generally. October 11, 1K6 to-u EDWIN A. KJCITIL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. U 1869. WlLMUfSTOM, N. G. TO TUB FRIENDS OP H0ME MANUFACTURES. TTia lUZfBTON . le Shoo Factory IS BOW Ui SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. mr Order for NEGRO BBOGANS AND BOOTS ar ao- Uclted. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent Kraatna. It. CL, Jnty M, IAS 7A-tf. TO ARRIVE BY R. R. 2nnf BUSHELS YUow and White Corn, M lb, to UUVJ bnabeL and bv " Parkersbur " 600 buahek SecoOau. Acnlvto 8TOKLEY A OLDHAM. Feb. 18th TO COTTON PLANTERS. rTHE ATTENTION OF COTTON PLANTERS, JalpartiO J. nlariy caUed to onr stock of UUNNY CLOTH. W hav oa hand sad dineWrlnf from veel, 20,000 LBS. BEST JUTE KUr& CO BALES GUNNY CLOTH. , , mm NEW YORK, PniLA.it BOSTON CARDS. WO. B. BAKCV, JK0. . BTMAH, F. M. MTM 41, Late of It of Jt, ,,f Tarboro', N. C. Scotland Nerk. N. fJ. Warrenton, N. C GROCERS it COMMISSION MKRCIIANTH, nv.w vohk. Ill HAW, DAIVCY Ai CO., COMMISSION MKRCIIAVTS GROCKR3 THE NEW YORK, HOTTSB will be oonducted bvJNo r. . , i . . n n. r. ... - s. a u Aitor. aided hv R. W. Htmah. The Norfulk Hous will be conducted bv Jno TT. Tlrum and F. M. Htmah. V Particnlar attention given to th sal of Cotton. Corn. Wheat, Naval Stores. Bept. 10, 1M60. 4tf I. BOLLMBB. . roTTBB. JB. BOLLMBB. . roTTBB. JB. J. OAMBMDaM OOIXNKR, POTTER A CO., lOMMIHBIUft si KUCHA NTH, April 11, 1869 188-ly. Nbw Yoa. , BABTBT OeOBBAII, w. . atrasiL. CCIIKAM Rt MKU. liENKJUL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 31 North V nnarva, and es Horta Water Street, PaiLAnsLrniA. ruMruu caan advano mad on eonaulsinanta. Jh. 1HJ T9 FOR SALE AND TO RLM MAtHMKHV KOH LK. fB superior thirty hoi power Engine, two Rollers, w extra nnaiu, new carrlase ud all fixtures comnleu. for Circular, Saw aud Grist Mill, used h rt tiiua outy and win oe soia ior aooui one third or the original com. Apply to J AS. T. PKTTEWAY A CO, April 16. traps; and thinu. mWO flrt rate Carta, on light and on urlngs. on Bub X gy, old style. One found lis Mule,-and one Clue ket tle, apply to H. J. HOWARD. April 15. )ALB OK RlxmiDA BOND. rH THE lth Inst., will be off-red for aale, at 111 Court nouseinina town or Wilmington, Internal Improve meot Bonds of the Stat of Florida, to th amount of FUty Fiv Thousand Dollar. Term mad known at Urn of aal. By order of Hie President JAMES 8. GREEN, . L . Trea. WU. A Weldon H. H. Co. April 13th, 1RH1. - 1S8 tl!Up FOR SALE! . lfin CASKS BICE FROM CHARLESTON, momently IV 1 expected by barque Cba. Smith. April lo. llAltftlSS A HOWELL. KOOM TO KENT, OPPOSITE THE CAROLINA HoTEl . Call on J. H. FREEMAN. ApriH, 1861. nH.tr MTBAMIIOAT ITOH BALK, t V IfifiiluuntMHiluii rri-uif,, . . I aa. vwnaniia linvi i cilia SlOm- jJl.fc wheel STEAMBOAT, 108 feet long; 04 tons ; mmmmmmm 0Biu 80 hors Dower : rood aoeed. and alinut year old. Apply to ELLIS A MITCHELL. Apru 4tn, 1801 i7Mm TO R axis T. A FURNISHED BOOM in th centre of the town Apply . . -v --V. POLVOGT. April 3J KKOUOKS FOR BALK. ft A. -fix," 1 FAMILY OF NKGKOES, 1 Boy aged 104 and 18 pear ; and I Girl, aged 14 year, will b aold tuuaUi. at a bargain. Apply to , HEDIUCK A RYAN. March 20th, l'Sl. . ri-.t TVHaICMTIIB HTILL, KOII IALH, TWO 1 BAKRKL STILLS and Oxturee. One entirety Lew with Uart'a patent Gate, the other seooud hand, in good order. Apply to March 7th tf DeHOSSET, BROWN A CO FOR HIRE. FOR THS balance of the yar a likely negro boy. Ap ply to MarcD7in. ELLIS A II ITCH ELL. XH HKsT. TWO ROOMS in the tenement next South of the residence of O. G. Pataley, Esq., on 2d street. Apply to HART A BAILEY March 1. WH-tf POR RENT. wAiui iiuusm, more, r-neds and Wharve on both East and West sides of river : btore. Hbed nd vi nan near w , u. ex, k. u. k. a 11 convenient v loca tea ror vuaiuess. ppiy w Feb. 2S- JAS. T. PETTKWAY A CO, FINE DRAFT HORSES. DHAYM, (JAHT9, AND IIAHNESS KOH SALE. THE ABOYE employed by nsand doing a paying JL onsinesa. rurcnaaer can nave Uie advanUge ol 1 our naming, apply to Feb. J3d. JAS. T. TETTEWAY A CO STEAMER FOR SALE. Good Butinese for tome Permm I HTEAMfitt DOUGLAS, in running order, now doing a good business, can be bad on reasonable terms, by applying to JAS, T, PETTEWAY A CO. Feb. Hi, 1861. 143 tf FOR BALK. . rHREE BEADTIFDL OIL PAINTINGS, ror aale cheap, -t . DAI VltflT'kl ITnkAt.... i'.t.kli.l . ' 1 A( aw mor of tho piodid OVAL FRAMES, for For traits, "Photographs, Ao., for aale at cost to close out, at C. POLVOGT'S, Febrnary Uth. Corner Front and Princess sts. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. j IN THE CENTRE OF THE TOWN. For particn- m tar apply to v. roLVOUT, Jan. i , 1H6I lJl tf Cor. Front A Princes U TRACT OF SOtaU i.AU tUH At.h.. - e THE SUBSCRIBER ofler for ! th tract of land VrJ known aa th ROCK SPRING TRACT, eonUinlng 1 some 300 acre, mor or less, and adjoining th land of J. G. Pickett. Eq., on Federal Point. . A portion of the above tract i cleared, and ha been found well dptd to th cultivation of Ground Pea. The balance i Turpenlin Land, and would no doubt b valuable as U round fea Lnd. AddIv to THOMAS S. PICKETT or SAMUEL S. CAN SOS, Wilmington, or to Oct. 4. K. M. wniiA&KK, KalelRtt. INTERNA1. IMPROVBNENT FLORIDA RAILROAD BONDS. I , Ar,rii)F THS ABOYBBONDa-redeemabl KDaWUaJUV7 In 1891witb Coupon at T per cent, per annum, payable in the City of New York, 1st March and September. For sale by DbUOSsKT, BROWN A CO. oct. out, ihou. a tr TO Kk.lv T. M STORES AND SHEDS above to W. 4 VT. B. and near th W., CsB.it. Depot Store corner ol Mnlbarrv and North Water atraeta. What f and Shed conveniently located for th reception of rTOdoc per eitner 01 me naureao or steam ooaia. .apply to ab. a . rs.tia.vvAi a CO. Oet. I U tf WHARVES FOR RENT I TWO NAVAL STORE WHARVES on West Side River with necessary Shed Rooms, convenient to (he Depot, ana trsci croasing uen. ppiy to BepUo-u. viuustiar, DKUwa g CO. CASH ADVANCES. l-TKwttI make liberal advance on Cotton ahiDnedto ITJ consignment 01 our inena bi Liverpool, direct or via New York, on each term as will b Mtiafactory to holders desiring to realia. O. O. PARSLEY A CO December to. aawu. TTOCGERA'S DBAGEE3 OF SANTONINS, aa elegant JT form of a fficacioot eVORM McuiuiJie.. For aal 0 LOUIS B. RAM BERT, Pharmaceutist. ' 17-Jw April Id, mi TO SHIPPERS. A FINK supply of Bills of Lading bound and In sheet. aCX. vau at K El .LEY'S BOOK STORE. April Id WHITE BEAM a WRITE BEANS. SMALL lot Just rcird. For aale by ELLIS A MITCHELL, at area 30. Ko. I North Water atreet. ouu. I IT INTER Straioed Polar OIL Ab Invoice of this aep. f rior Ofl Just roivd direct Iron Nw York. nd tor al by - .aUKSIxa. MEDICAL. RtlTLMOIlH UMK IMMPITAU KUTABI.IBHKD AS A REFUUK FROM QUACKERY. Th lnljr tla whirr Car MM (m OlHaJnwt. R. Jdll KHON ha dlaoovarad Iht ma Uartaln, Kiwadv and ' only KITMtaal Kfowdy In th World for WeakiMM of the Rark or Urolia, Htrtolurna, AltWitlon of th Kldnvjr an4 HlmJ. ur, tnrwnniarj inHMriM, impowwy, uemirai Uvblllty. Nr- IV. TuuaiiaH, AfjraiMtpaia, lnunr. lxw BtMr rila, Uonfualon of Id' S3 -aiitMtlon of th Itaart, 'l lml.lll imiiiiiy j mniMllurt. uimnm or MlahL or OtadtiMM, INaau of th llnu). Throat. N m or Hkln. A rf ma. tlima of lha l.uis, HUmarh nr Howela IbneeTerrlMe iMsorilars riain iriira ilia 4iiary I lain la or r onlh thoM f soasy and ai4 lutry pnwtlm mora fatal to Uistr vlellms than Hi km of Hy. rensuilflt ilariiiersuf ITIvsmm, taightlna their B.ort brilliant hoa or MiileiiwUuna, rauOertiig uarrta, avo, ImrMmlbla. TOUNU SISN Especially, who hav bewmta tli victim of Solitary Vloa, that dreadful aiwl deatruetlve halit twhlnh annually swaapa to an on. timely inn tlioiaanls of Vonn Men of the hiost aiaMad talent and brilliant Intellect, alia mlKlit othsrwtaa hav antranowl HsW ning rmiauia wun in inanlra nr eloquence, or Wakad to ey tba living Ijrra, may call wltb full eonBdeooa, mARAZAOB. , Harried reraona, or Youn Mas contemplating mania, halna awar of phraleai waakneaa, urgani dabUlly, derurmiUaa, tto., II lio plaoea hlmaelf under th ear ef Dr. 3. may rellglno- r nmwae jfwniwrafcn, ana oonnuentiy rely iinua hi kill as i'hyslolan. ' OIXOAN10 WSAS2YX8S Immediately Cured ami Full Vior Itesliired. this Drairul l)li wliloli render Ufa miserable ami u. rleire Impoasl We Is Uie ualty paid by th vletima of lmpmr , -.imnw.iMiu.i.iu fiiw in, iommi iron Hit belli aware of th. dreadful consequences that may ansae Now, who that nmlentanda the sulijeot will pretend to deny that the powat of procreation la kiat awiner by tlinw fallln,- - ' pnier naniia tnan iy uie prudent I lleeMee belni deprived the pleasure of healthy olTprlii, I he most serious an fleet motive prinpioms 10 innn nouy and liilnn anes, Ths system LwnuMcen, tna i-nysioal aim Mental functions Weakened, Urn in 1 nvmun t uwh. ntnuu, irriiamiity, jiystictiela, I alplta tlnn of the heart, Imllgeatlon, Ounelllutlonal DetilUly a Waetlne of tba B'imiiUL Ilmiulia llainaiimnllun A " ""f orrzon no. 7. botjtii rzissszuos mt.. LbA hand side going from UalUmor street, a few doors from th uurnr. ran do, hi onearea name ana numner. Letters must I paid and eontaia stamp. The Doctor's IX plumes bang in hla olfla. sn. JOHNI0N, Member of th Royal Collnu nf Hunceoss. trad ule from eae of tne ui'iet eonnent clone la in united Hlales, and th greater Part of whoee life has been spent In the boepltals of Lomloa, 1 ana, i uiiaueiuoia eaa eieewnem. dbs eueotea eome nr tna moat aetonlehlng.euree that were ever known I many troubled with ringing In Uie head and ear when aaleep, great nervnusnees, lie Ing alarmed at sudden sounds, bealifuliiesa, with frequent blush lug, attended sometimes with a derangement of mind, were cured iiuiueujabei. taso r AnTzcuzeAn notzos i Dl. J. addreeen all those who hav Injurad themeelvaa bv Int. proper indulgence and Solitary batilta, wbleh rule both body and mind, unntttug lliein for cither business, study, society or mar rlaiia. T bsb ar Some of the sd and melancholy effect produced by serly hablta of youth, vis I Weakneesof th llaok and IJmh. ran is in in neaa, inmueea oi Higbl, Loe of Muasular Power, l'alptlalloo of tba Heart. lysnepay. Nervous IrrlUhllllv. lie. rangement of th IMgesliv FaneUooa, Uonaral Debility, bymp loins of Oonsumplion. alaBTAi.LV Tb fearful effecta on th mind are mneh in he dreaded Loas of Memory, Conftielon of Idena, Depreesioa of optnia, B.vn eoreiKMings, Aversion to soeieiy, deirinstrnst, Lv of Uolltude, Timidity, etc., are om of th evils produoed. Taorsssn of persons of ll aae ean now iuilire what le the aaus or tusir aeeitiung neann. losing tneir vigor, becoming weak, E,le, nervous and emaciated; Laving a singular apjiearano about eyes, sough nd symptom of consumption. rOTJNO ZfUUf - Who hav injured themselves by a certain praotie Indulged In hen alone a naoit rreoueniiy learned from evil sompan one. or at echtxrl, the ertout of which ar nightly felt, vn When asleep; and if not cured renders marrtaire Impossible, snd destroys both mind aud body, should apply Immediately, tvnat a pity mat a young man, in not or nia aonntrv. th darlln-if uls parenla, should be snaUlied from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from tb path of nature end Indulging In a certain ceoret habit, flush persona most, before eoulaiu plating MAimiAan. . reflect that sound mind and body ar th moet(neeeeary requl mUAam t ..!. acinnhtal happiness. Indeed, wltbeui Uieaa, Hie joamey inniuan uie neooiuee a weary pngrimag i m pro peel hourly darkens lo the view th mind beoomee shadowed with deepalr and filled wltb the melancholy reflection that the neppiness oi aoutuar oeoomee niigniw wun our own, sziTJABB of iinrrtnDEivcn. When the misguided snd Imprudent votary of pleas lire finds b has imbibed lb seeds of this painful dleeeee. It too often hap. pens that an Ill-timed sense of shsma, or dread of discovery, era hlin from applying to those who, from education and de re. portability, ean alone befriend him. lie fells Into th hen Is of Ignorant and designing pretenders, wno, incapahlaorouring. flloh bis pecuniary aubatanea, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee ean be obtained, and In despair leave hlra with ruined health to algh over his galling disappointment ; or. bv th us of that deadly poison. Mercury, hasten the consti tutional system of this terrible dlseaee, suob aa affection of th Head. Throat, Noec, nstn, etc., progressing wltb Wgtilful rapidi ty till death nuts period to bis dreadful sufferlnirs hv aendlne him to that undlaoovwad country from whoee bourn no traveler return. nrnsonBEmrjNT or ttttj pncn Th many thousands cured at tlii lustllutloo williln th laal eighteen yeara, and th numerous Important Surgical Operations performed oy iea oy r. Johnston, wltneeeed by lb reporters of ths a Unn ft Mnil man V nllier ly other pal ors, notloes of which Lavs appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing aa a gen U -.l ...In fvhmM I yn,,, Bwu an- .miiiuii mm m .u tleman of ebaraotcr and responsibility, I sufficient guarantee to uie aniioiaa. eSIT SISBABEB SPErTJIX.T CTTRES. rereonc writing should ne particular in directing their letters to nts institution lu tne mi lowing manner : JOHN M. JOUNUTON, M. D., Baltimore Ixic.k Hospital, July IL lSo0.-n-ly Baltlmoia, Maryland. EDUCATIONAL. A CARD. MISS P1RSSON respectfully Inform th publio that, having studied under the Urst mas ters In New York, will give lessons nnon the iaoo Forte, at the residence ol her Father. Mr. Jaa. Pir- on, or at that of her pupils. Terma mad known on application. ' MiasPiasaoM refers to Stephen Jawatt, Esq., and Geo. Myers, Esq. December 18, 1800. 87-era WORTH CA ROI.IS A WfLTTAnY INSTITUTE, -- vhakJaUttk, n. v. THE Sd SESSION or this School win begin on the 1st if October next. . Applications for admiasionl. or fur ther Information, should b addressed to Mai. D. H. HILL. th. Ang. Sd, 1860. ; psi TUB SUBSCRIBER. HAVING purchased tha CAPE FEAR MARINE RAIL WAY. I prepared to build or renatr Vessel at short est notice. Order aolicited. Refer to Messrs. Harris A Howtll, o. U. raralay A Co., J. H. Chadbonra A Co., J. H Flanner.Eq. W. L. BEERY. July Id, i860. 2y FAHIUEI SIPPLIKD da. WITH OYSTERS, 9 AMI, ato., at abort aotic. TiLX 7111. BHIPalA.X. KW rnATIIKRs. TTJ8T RECEIVED, s sop rior articl of iw Festb.rs for J tbertaCtradaat C POLVOGT'S. MarckleU I STRAW MATT1SO. K-AAd l-A WAit. d O-ckao, -rwlLUAlir It V f-pr MARKET8TRECTTTj i ' ' l8ooth 6ld,) I T 1 ' 1 1 srW. aajaf- i.. -fi-i- f ' JanTl MEDICJL CHEROKEE REMEDY 1 9 CII 12 KOKEE It E M 13 D Y . AN TJNFAILINO CUB1 FOB -' Oemarrhera an4 all Dtecace nT Usa Vrisary Ortsai, rpillS KKMEPY cure wbaa all othar preparations falL I aaUrely anltkc every other eoanpoud aoutalntug n Afrnera Film or Sim if lliw l aa II is Brenare aoUle r siT Mara and teaeet, and baa been h an (led down, from on seoera. Uow lo aiMKher, by th C'aereac Indian. It I effercd to th I'iiifiiv vn in uwn iiitnneie niente tntrtnsla melila. It nerforma lie dnt a.i.l i. and thoroughly. Th Untrlmnatt, of either sag will b raneil bv using this Aemerfy, Instead nf planing of aome Uuark or Profeecor. This Rrm Ibis Rtmnlu. Instead nf niacin themselves at theM,I aome Uuac k or Profeecor. This Usessdy strike at th rer mm 01 tnc uiseass ) it tenocaey I not dmply to saapend polenn, but to Hrmot the Osuet on which it denenrf. .ruil dl. rcetlons la pamphlet form, aceoenpany caok buttle, The peed and permanent relief afforded bv this Hamad in all UewerrWa. Vtcsl. Irrweei, AVrfarura. Aaser Alea, ( Whim in Fe. ataee,) and all dliisssis of th Urinary Organa, ha astonished the most enletili '.imeaof the eg. Thl Remedy not only eradi. alec ell fiesn from th AVetaai but Jwvtgsraic tas bmnA Aellaat . atttatlon. It doe AM A fit i th AVaaf or alsrsr wtth any Clas rTx.'nMi, or require any deviation from th asnal dli avr it require no aaslslanes from other medlolne. ." And What A'aAoaree It faiut, I to tlntin Aimm af Afawsoes 7b being fttatont sad HXtoea Va rsios 12 rsa bottl, oa vsas bottlss ro t. I'OTrAU A MKttWLVTBol Proprietors, Hi w. rV.ld n Wllmlng f t m nr . T inguin oy w. 11. t,irri rr and HKMKT M ........ I u m tmt v , v. AJ rv. ey ittiusn a suusi Maldj 1 t?nl ted'eta I'BHtJUI), and by all responsible DruggtsU In the I BAHNKS a I'AKICK. New York t f CHCltLL. LADIl A 1111 . Kiohmond, and JOUM W RIGHT UO., Mew Orleans. Wholai aala Agenta. (April 1. 1S6U.-W ly. UH. J. iOVtM DODT CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES A 9o4 oil Mineral .Potion and MM A'ature't Wsmsflm DIL J, HOVKK DUDS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. For tha ccr of Incipient ConsumpUon, Weak Lnigt Weak Stomach. Indlieation. Dvioenaia. Narvana nakiiiia' Dlaeaaes paonllar to Famalea, and ail ca whr s Tonlo l required, have no superior. VIL UOVKIS PODS' t I3UANDY CATHARTIC, A aura remedy for Liver Complaint. Coatlvenaaa and Dys pepsla also for th I'llee and aa aCathartlo for family naa. are far prfarabl to 1111. They ar mUd but sura purga tive, pleasant to th last, uvar prod no nan, pa rf soil Innocent In tbelr operation, and paocularly desirable ohlldran. ' DR. J. B0VES DODS' IMPERIAL GIN BITTERS, Act on tha Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Organa. sad ar unsurpassed as rsmedy for Famalsa at certain aaaanaa perfeotly harmless, and Dot Unpleasant to tha lasts. . fit. . HOVEB DOIW CATHARTIC SYRUP.- For InfanU, Children and delicate Female. Thla hm Bklf At AM I It ak I Jirl mrA altl.lnank a. aal.n..la 1 Aa T " mvwi wa wcwUMrVUs SUUi MUIVUf(B U11UI III fW flU m-ntlotii, fetid perfectly hftrmleu, It U a oompleU iubautuU sut: vsMOlUBli IIHN VWHMI MJ n9 VHVI .Dfet OBlldrvB WtU ory for It. CUAtt. WIDD1F1ELD A CO., Sol Proprietors. Bold by LOD18 B. E RAM BERT, Drugglat and FWraaera- i " umingwu, n. v., unuar Ul " tJHy 11011." mVM m, mA. 1 t Ui li CA. f 1 a jsa my imw.i.ri, ..... ... o ...... feA HOTELS AND RE&TADRAATS. BAIl AND RKSTAVRANTs '. Front Street, A'orU of the Bank of Oape Fear and ppportl the Bank of Wilmwiglon. 4CH f) T,K BUaCiIlBBa respctftilly inform, th hJ J Poblio, that he ha opened as abovo s BAB aIa fioOM AND BBSTAIHANT, Where U wlU keen tne CUOlCtST aoi! BKwT LigUOlW, and s.rv on In th heat manner everything thatth market will aflor d. Ha ha secured the service of Mr! WM. IT. CTJBTI8.wn knows to every admirer of FINK OYSTERS weU aervej. " HENRY WEBB. Pot. 8th, l8C0.-e8A.-tf AWH.raJd pie aopy! milK HARNKTT IIOL'SB RBSTAfJRAST. Ma en JL Market atr Jan. 17-111 M arket atreet, baa bees put In food order, and opened b j : onttatAii. MlkRCIIANA' TAILORING KSTAULISDUIENT. NEW SPRING GOODS--lSEW SPUING GOODS. KECEIVEI) a Urg assortment ' or HKVT BPMllU UO0DS, consisting of tin Franca Cloth, Catmra, aud Vesting! ; nil from tha beet maBofaotarer, and la th newest style, which I offer to make np at a small prost. Come and examine, la the Btore Front atreet. near Lfpnitt's Drugstore. HILZINtTfiR. March 16. ia9.tf rERTILIECRS I , ..... - rTUlE SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale, aad respectfully aoUolt X orders for tha following fertilisers, which will b promptly supplied, of bast quality and at lowtat mark rates, via s . - PURE PERUVIAN GUANO ! REKHB'H MANIPUXAT1D do.J 1 MEXICAN do,' They ar also A genu for th sale of W. w hltelock A Co't Super Phosphate of Lime, and for the American Uuano Com pany' Uuano, imported from J arris and Baker Island. Pacino Ocean. S DeROSSET, BROWN A CO. - Pamphlet with full reformation fa regard to Americas Quaiio, will b furnished on application a abov. Thla ar ticle la said to be fully equal to th beat Parnvian Onaan and more permanent in it afAot on th aoiL nd M sold saro at on third less price than th Peruvian, . . . , . aiarr ieui. iww ....... SlIPKH PHIISPIUTH lsr l.TMm . A" J'RESH supply of Rhodes' Sopor Phoepnata of Llrns. Just reoelved and for aal by K. A. AEITH. r'eb. fl. ItlBACCO-l'UliALUI. " 150. BOXES TOBACCO. For aala at Astfnri. . r.B and get aunnlied. WORTH A niNUi. 30- a Uranlt Row, Front at. CHARLESTON RICK. A ( CASKS fresh beat Charleston filo. u arrlra 411 Barque sV'rigbA, Jr. for aale by March U4 ilAttrtiSH a HOWELL. Fresh Arrival f rhaira s.. " RECEIVED by th Parkaraboxg, s lot of CHOICE BZ. OARS, for tha retail trd. ' atarcnaa. , . LOUIS B. 1RAMBBBT. 1 ANOT1IKR SIP PLY n nannsrar awn . EXPECTED by th Parkerborg. TT . V LOUIS B. fjRAMBEBT. Pharmaaiiti.t. March 18. Undav tt rst. uili - fllvH. KIM PtyrATYiira: )(( BBLB. NOW LANDING Eg-Bchr. "Joha Boa" Is T?.'" prim order. For aal br March Uth. K. MURRAY A CO. .. CuFFERI covrEKii mrivsiiii - Cll BU3 0000 QUALITY, sow being landed mJ.)l BZ. Brhr " ITnlna Htata." airaet IWia &io 4 Janeiro, for aala in lota of tea baga and upwards, for cash, or na equivalent. O. 0. PARSLEY A CO. Wilmington, N. C, Deo. 10, I860. . - eM-dAw-tf ' NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO I FRESH SUPPLY NOW LANDING. For aal by April 6-4w PBQ8SET, BROWN . - ' . SCCPPaCRNO.NO WUE. J 5 BBLB. of extra quality, old and good. For aal by I , WOBIHADANtEi; Aprfl . - Front street. ; TAKB9 BJOTICB. t HOUSE AND SHIP PAINTING, Cahomte? an! Tra Coloring, Paper Hanging, Ao., Ao- done in the beat trie, order left at tna- ioiton Honaa ami i Corner Market and Water Btreeta. J. r. t L i aT March WtA, 1861 " : ? F 'l MACKEREL la bbla. sad hlf-kb!i., f, AprU A K. MCk. CRR.AY A CO. a LABIV sal bv a ' sV-, . 3 bUs.sii4kagavoseoTtguiPnt. Tor Si AlCuAX CO, oF unAaJS iaawva as w jrto.a. AuroA Dd prU AiA