- v - . . . .- - - ... - ' a) - . . . - : ; - - . . ' i;:v:,-.,:v,:-7Vi- K, -'MS (V. b U -J - ' J3 L:F l; I I (C l .- ' . , .V . ,. , , . ..Cee0 Vv- . ts. In , WILMINGTON, N. 0.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1861. WHOLE NUMBER4 2,976 " VOL. 10.- NO 206. r BT BXLTOB A PRICE, PROPRIETORS. .7 . 'i u i i in ,. " FULTON, Editor A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor. .i AS Tmu f Bwberrtptiwn. ' Pally Paper, M year, Invariably in advaac.... wi " " - " .... t4 00 1 M ill lenen ym Doinieai oonaecwa wtm urn om-, man v ftddrmaed to the proprietor. SATES Or" ADVEnTWlNO. 4i4Ur. . . Ods day. . AO, Tdr- 74 ThredTi. ;.. I K On 474..m... SS i Two dr.....;..... . bt TkrMUy......... 60 Foot K ftv) dA..,,M . 16 ' On VMkw.. 1 87 !w.w...,. .1 If OH joovlh....... J 00 TvO aontix M TIarMBiontli 00 Bi Bionth.. 00- : Four dr . 1 ?s Fi T... ...... 1 to i n OMWMk ,. Tro vU........ 1 T 4 00 t 00 iTvo BoDtba.... ThrM BMittM 10 00 ' Six month , Omtih .....1 00 On yf .. .50 00 Tan ftnaa M.r oanted u tauaj-. jd Bt line or Uu s hklf quw. Lo&cr adrtrtisement to proportfba. ud U pjbl to dnc. ' When not paid In 4tdo U DU pr iqncr will b chmrf ed after th first tnMrtion. BV All nU-qair nut paid for ia druic will be chug- itllKDM - ' - rr -AdTrtlMittnta inserted M SpeoUl or BUhop Notice r enmrnd o-klf nor th&n abor r ait e eight line (leaded) or tea eoupted ae a equal. - BeT AdTertiaeBMtt lnaertod vrT otker day are ebarfed IH eeni per eqoar for eacn tDaoruoa anee ue un, i BrMo poblication mad without rponaibl an. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS ... .' WORTH efe DAMKL, GBOOEBS AND COMIIISSIOir MEBCHANT8, No. tiaurm Row, (Fboit lornwr,) ,' . . - .. -.. WTLMINGTON, N. C. folicK MMtgunent of Flour, Driod Fruit, Beeswax Fee iters, Tobacoo, and lHanuy rroauce generauy. . BJ-AaenU for How' Celebrated Scale. Bepi. fa, 1860. ' r 18A3-tf u CUHK B TVRMKGTOH, - ' ComnasiON and fobwardino icehchants, .. . v . i i- - . - WlbMIKOTOM, N. C. IF IKS TO ' H. B. BaTAOb, Cwher Bank Cap Fear, Wilmington, N. Jo. Dawsob, Pres. WU. Breach Bank of N. J. " ' ' W H- ia, Cbir Kaleih Branch BeJik Cap Fear. Oct. 1, i8ti0- ..- - NSW GROCERY, CROCKERY ARO HOUSE -- - '- wrTRMmnino itore. ' (TiHE SUBSCRIBER inform tb public that h wlU on th nrsi oay oi uciooer, open " uuieaai mo CERY, CROCKERY AND UKNEBAU HOUSE FURNISH inci STORE at Noa. 26 and 28 Bouth Front Htreet, WUmlng ton, N, C., where ererything in hi Una of busineaa may be founq. yroer aoitoivea, en prompt wpiu jj Bept,Mth,mao o-y - LOVIS B. E RAH BERT, "pvRUQGIBT AND PBACT1CAL PHARMACEUTIST, l'.--.- V.n a aatant aljw-k at lhruali Mad- ieinet, Domtttio nd European Chemioalt, Fancy and Ibiiet ArtieiM, Wwe$ and Lufuori for Medical Purpose; (Soar, to. ' a.Particnlar atteaUo paid to Pnascaimox, Famiit uoiras, atiDicwa vaaara, . , (.Store Immediately under th " Carolina Hotel. July 11, 1860. '6'-tf a. c w. j. huhro. aOONTtfTBSION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE GRO- 1 CER8, No. 33 Mortn water Bireei, Jnn 16, 1849. waiiwoTOH, W. C. " . B, nOlinS8I0 AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, a. -. i . ;,. n , . . W ILIJI)TUR, a. V it . mam ro Jobm Dawopii, Esq., Mayor. c Hi n Ea.. President Branch Bank State N. C, 36ft-tf jniy lax, iwoy 'V ' tiar.nMiisiE'P. UROWl fe CO- 1 UTEXAI. C0XU1B8I09 KERCH AN To, nan io, WILaflNGTON V. C. T,lrt.l84T8-tt. in. u. Btoirnw A DO. BOCERS AND COMaliaaiON MERCHANTS, Booth XJ Water street, Wu.uTon, N. i AuT. 13d,lM8...- . : . .i 197 t 'M.taifrrRia brown. TSALEBS ill STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, U (aeit 4oor to toM$&S''lutnt ... It YI AAatiam AM VJ A VM e v. .... t 18, v.-- M-tf i n rn.rnt ttfrtLMALE bttOCEB AND COMMISSION MEB- W CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, ooroor Water and Market trett Wilmington, a . C, v April Id, 1868. MB. tTOIUT. v ' ' .' OhOMAM. , i tnOHLXJtX A OLDHAJI,' . y-i nrtrriCRfl AND . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND It dxalebs in corn, oats, peab, ao. ., .r u . ' Wiuaiawoiri N. C. RarBUMOB. Ool. Johm MoRaij Prealdent of th Bank of Wilmington. O. O. PaBUT, Eaq., President of th Commercial Bank, MURRAY CO, a Btanra'viai atovanRaroN verchants If -r; 'AND WHOLSSALB GROCERS, D A iliVll A e WrLMINOTON, N. C. t. MtraBAT. . B. BTBOBUOD. . B0aAT. February 1, 18S0. af 1OMMIB8I0N MERCHANT, No. l North Water street V .Oot. Ur-ll- j' n : wruiwoTOB, a. w. L. B. HfJOOIHS B BO Kilt. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GBOCEB 1EB A OEN ERAIr " MERCHANDISE, B. OorB, Market aad Beoond Street, - . - - .' WujoMTOa, N. C. Br Orders from our friend wQl receive promptattentioa. Oct. 10, 186, I. BL. lUaUlMOB At BOB.,- WawwHW. N. O. TmTOBTEBS, MANTJTACTDREBfl- AOENTS, AND Dea X leree ia Hardware, uaiiery, iron, tneei, . a sua, ajn tursj larpiemenia, eta. . . WIL C HOWARD, ' aT ENEBAL PBODUCE BROKER, --- T Sept. K. 184i 15-tf Wn-anfOToa, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER as COn - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J. B. BATBLAWAT. wst. B.trfur, HATHA WAT At OOn QOMMIBSIOa MERCHANTS, Wttar9TOB, N. 0. . . . C . WORTH. COMMISSION AND F0RWAKDIS9 MERCHANTS, i -., j :i4 , WlUfDiefOil, N. 0. March U. 18AT 16- laicas AaCnsOH. BBWABB EATaBB. AITOERSON SAYAOE, . . I EjmSAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ij WnumeToir, N. C. lAersi oaB adrance mad oa ooaaigamente. JAMES A WILLAHD, snOMMTBSION MEBCHANT, WHOLE8ALK UBOCER, I AND DEALER IN GBAIN. - Jaa.l.lBTO. WlL rHOTOW, N. O. 1 --" WALKER KB ARBS, fHneeeeenr ta. Walker Meare A Co..) "TV 0LESALB AHD RETAIL DRUGGIST, U MABxrr araarr, wmirneTw, r. ' r HARRISS VOWUA, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wrunwevroii, N BBOBOB BABatSB, . L. t. BOWBIX. - W. 1 On, laa, UaiL . . CB,BUJS. ' a. r. auroBBix. tLUi A anrcHELi. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CORN, PEAS, OATS, RYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; FRESH GROUND HOMINY, HORSE a CO FEED; JIA3TZRS .ASD2tykTB BIVXB BAT, , . No. I North Water Street, WrumuvKiB. N. C. BUSINESS ANl PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WM. B. KDMl'BUHOBI, XTUTT STREET, MBaB THE BlUJUUD J.1 Wiuhwoto. N. f.. Will iriv hi prsoal attention to aeUin or forward in, pon eommlaeio, all ktnde of Produce eent to hi care, and hope, by hi unremitting attentioa to boaineaa, to merit portioa of th pablio patronair. WIU also attend U tllUnx orir for all kind of Merchan dize, where th part Ira are aa&icirntly know to JutifT It. AU to eellinc;, t private or publio aale. Real EaUU I th tow of Wilmington, at I per cent, eommlaaioa. Preabjrterian, PayetUrille ( Ledtrer, Wilson, oy weekly 3 a.) Booch Mote, Uoldaboro', 1 week daUy, aad aend bill to thi office. Oct. SO, 150 47 tf. " R. B. QUXOWAT, CODHTT BDBVKYOB : OITloe, under Washington Hotel, Wilmhiutok, If. C, Particular attention paid to Brldgi BaildlDg. Hept. to, ineo.- w. a. B'aaar. ti'saino. W. II. McRARY At COH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in Pure Peruvian Guano and all other Fertil aera ; also, AgenU for Be' Guano,- - Tii.iiiM(iroM, N.CV tff Special attention paid to ale of Cotton and Naval adores. Cash advances on Produce when desired- Befer to the Bank In Wilmington, Raleigh, Newborn, Tar boro, ureenaboro' ana baiieDury, . u.f ana oeraw, i fj.. Ac, Ao. . . . . - . Nov. 6th, 1860 63 LAW MOT1CB. rLIUS W. WEIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OOo on Market Street, one door East of Dr. Dickson'. Sept. 3d, 186V. aua-u W. W. DAVIS. M. DH aVFFEBS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THS CIT J ian of WUmrngton. Offio Id door below Holm' Hot!. Front Street, Jun t. Ml tf J. S. WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALER INFANCY and Btanie I)rv Goods. (hLnietinira, Mattlnir and Bur, Beady Mad Shirts and Collars, Under Garment for Lavdie end (ienuemen, 17 MARKET STREET, ! Aug. 0, 1860. Wltlngsow, n. c it km o. aaura. Biiaa ooerui, JAS.C. SMITH a CO 10MMI88ION MERCHANTS, offieeoad story, cornet V t South Water and Market etreete. Wilminston, B. C, where they are nrenareJ to .attend to all bnsiuoea In lb .'Jommlsaion line. All basiaees entrusted to then) will be aaootually attnoti )dto. EDWARD MePHERBOBI. COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Street, WaauNOTOM, August 8th, 1849. ,. . a) N. C. Mi-tf TIIOS. C. CR4IT. fTTHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEB IN DBY YV GOODS AND GROCERIES. No. 43 Maskbt Stkbbt, WaalNOTOH, N. C. Augnat 19th, 18G0. WB. A. OWTIH. LOVIT PaAOOOI. SAMTIL a. .SKumo OWYKR, PEACOCK C., . WILMINGTON. N. C. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, j and dealer In NAVAX, BlUUKS, uuitum, ana buutn era I'BODUCB neaerallvi : Prompt personal attention given to all consignment of rroauce. ro. is, toou loo-iy C. H. ROBIRSON At CO, C10MMISSI0N AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS I Wn.wrNOTOh.i 0, Office over Mr. J. A. Willard'i Store. Eatraa wrheraf Princess and Waier street. March , 1B6U 168A'il. . REMOVAL. P. HEINSBERGER, COOK-BINDER. rfilii TAKES THIS method to Inform hi customers jriZlZ and person ta want of work of any descrlp Ci tion, ia hi line, that he ha removed hi Boolt JiwtUry and Haling establishment to the Baaement of the new "Journal Building" on Princess Street, where he will be pleased to receive order for every description of Binding or Huang, bc, die. Thankful for past favors, he hope to continue to reoelve a liberal patronag a beretoiore. Oct. list, 1869. - - - JAB. T. PETTEWAT CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8 Nona Wats Branr, - ' A' WlLWOtOTOH, N. C, Solicit consignment of all kind of Produce, also, orders for Grooere, Bagging, Hope, Uuano, Bo., AO. Bavaa ffo John Dawson, Esq., O. G. Pabslit, President Commercial Bank, GsOy Davis, Esq. .AS. T. riTTSWAT. BOOBB BOOBS. October 1st, 186. ' - ob as. b. arrim. ' raao. . boobs. MYERS At MOORE, . "IT rHOLESALE AND RETAIL dbalir m HATS, CAPS, T v STRA W VUOVH, JTUKU, MIVIMU UA la, UM BBELLAS. CASES. A (7.. AO.. Si Market street. WttBIHOTOW, H c We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE BUYERS extra r dinar, inducements, and reweeotfully solicit aa zaminattoD of our NEW STOCK iot Fall aad Winter trade. Our Good are purchased direct from manufacturers. We pay no second prqUj and are willing, and onn teU at krte as any Jobbing House m tn unnea Hiate. re are assirous oi seeding our Good to everv section of North Carolina, and will use every exertion to please all who may favor u with thair order. weptemoer w, motf. CBIOH DI ITlLIiCHt, WTLMINGTON, N.C., m Oa TAil JVF1BA3a.W a T BViBlBlVBII AXXaUJiDH OF NAYAia gTOREB pufehaaed, menafe tured aad sold B T VAM TSrkfTW. 7 tT sin f Wharfaae aad Storac forniihed, and OboMroo don at fair rate. - - - - - Jan. t, 1800. 100-tf. - SV Ma- WUT, A UCTIONEEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. y. WrtBDrtmrn. N. C.i WiU eeU, at private sale, Uouon, Aa-aal more, and aU kind of nroduoe. at a small oomnttsston : Also. Bank Stock at 1 per cent Bail Road Stock 1 per ceet. Real Estate.. 1 per oent. Negro.. .1 per oent. Direct Importation, Cargo Bale 1 per cent . BBraa To the oltjaena of Wilmington generally. jo toner at, iwv u a KDWIH A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1869. WcuoMeToa, N. 0. TO THS FRIENDS OF HOME MANUFACTURES. THS KXWSTON b- Shoo Factory e ia uw lit SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. " Order for NEGRO BR0GANS AND BOOTS are ao- Uohed. C CARPENTER, Agent. KlnatoB. N. C. July M, 18 a74-tr. TO COTTOM PLANTERS. fTlHB ATTENTION OF COTTON PLANTERS. iapartte A. sarl called to our stock of . UUNNY CL.UTU. W have oa hand and discharging from veaeel, 20,000 LBS. BEST JUTE KUPE ; 50 BALES GUNNY CLOTH. For aale oa aeoomasodating terms, by nap, h. Hwitit, rni ".a. m ii, FRKIH GARDES SEEDS. fTVHE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to furnieh, at whole JL sale or retail, ail of the different varieties of GARDEN SEEDS, adapted to this toil and climate. Th assortment is extee. eive, aad embraces all the kinds eseally planted la a South ern Vegetable Gardes. All of which will be sold a low a at any Other establishment ia North Carolina. Orders from Country Merchants solicited. LOUIS B. ERA MB tail, irugipst, NEW YORK, rniLA.it BOSTON CARDS. mo.. asNor, awo, w. era ah, r. m.bvhah, UUof Lateef Uuof Tarboro', N. C. Beolland Nerk. N. C. Warrenton, N. C. - DABCY. HSMAB CO.. OROCKIW k COMMISSION MKR0UANT8, , i 191 l'rl Ktmt, v- NHW YOHIi. lit MAW, DANCY Bl CO., (JHOUKIW t COMMISSION MKRCIIANTM '.-NORFOLK. -Va. Tfir. NEW YOBS, HOUSE wlU be eoadacted by J wo. B. Damct. aided hy B. W. Htbam. The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jko H. Htbam nd F. M. Htmah. Partlcnlar attention glvea to the sale of Cotton. Cora, Wheat, Naval Store. Bept. 0, 1W60. 1 Atf . B. bollmbb. rorrwa, . , OAaaaosm" OOIXNER, POTTER CO., 10MMISSION MERCHANTS, VJ Rw Yoat. April U, lRSg.lKA ly. A babvbt oeoBBAM, w. a. . umiHt m ri'bsei.im GFXETUL C0MMIHHION MERCHANTS, No. II North Wharves, sad 43 North Water ffareet, 4i.Ai.rBlA. syUberlaJ east advaacee Blade oa conalgniueuU. inlvHth.lKM 17 FOR SALE AND TO RLJS1 . MAMIIKltT rOH BALK. N t superior thirty horse power Engine, two Boiler, VJr extra hharts, new uarrtsge and all Dxiure complote, for Circular, Haw and Grist Mill, used shi rt time only and will b eold for about one-third of the original eost. Apply to . JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. April 15. TUAPB ABD BTMINUB. fl WO first rate Cart, ooe light and oa springs, on Bui A. gy, old style. One sotnui live Mul. and one lu ket tle. Apply to B, J. HOWARD, AprU 1,6. FOR SAL15 ! in A CASKS FICE FROM CHABLE8T0N, momently iv v expectea by oarqu Ubas. nmitn. April iu. IIAHBISS 4 no WELL. ROOM TO KENT, OPPOSITE THE CABOLINA HOTEi-. Call on J. II. FREEMAN. April 4, 1861. 17H-tf n REOHOEB KOH BALE, f A FAMILY OF NEGROES, 1 Boy aged in and 18 jt year ; and 1 Girl, aged IS years, will be old togeth Jer at a bargain. Apply to HKUKIC K B HI PI March I9th,l(l. 173-tf TURPRBT1BB STILLS KOll BALE. mWO li BARRKL STILLS and fixture. One entirely X ew ith Hart' patent Gat, the other second band, in good order. Apply to March 7th tf . : DlBOBSET, BROWN A CO. FOlK UIRR. T70U THE balanee of th year a hlcely negro boy. J- f ply to Maroh 7lh. ELLIS A MITCHEIJL rou HET. TWO ROOMS In th tenement Beat Sooth of th residence of O. (J. Psrsley, Kq , on Id Street, Apply to HART A BAILEY March 1 UH-tf VOR HBlfKT. WARE-HOUSES. Store. Hheda and Wbarve oa both East and West sides of river t Store, Shed and hart near W., C. A R. R. R. All conveniently loca ted for business. Apply to Feb. 13. J AS. T. PETTEWAT A CO. rOR SALE. rHRER BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTIVGS, for sale cheap, at C. POLVOUT'S Upholstery Es.ablishment. A( ew more of those aplendid OVAL FRAMES, for Por- traits, Photographs, Ac, for sale at oost to close out, at C. POLVOGT'H, February UTh. Corner Front and Princess st. " TRACT Or BOCBD LABD FOIl BALE. v THE BUBHCXUUER oflers for al th traot of land rfJ known a th ROCK BPiUNO TBACT, oonuining aa-. some 900 acre, uioTt or less, and adjoining th lands of J. O. Pickett, Esq., oa Federal Point. A portion of the above tract I cleared, and ha been found well adapted to th cultivatioa of Ground Pea. Tb balanc I Turpentine Land, and would bo doubt be valuabl as Uround Pea Land. Apply toTHOMAS 8. PICKETT or SAMUEL N. CAN NON, Wilmington, or to Oct. .6 44. R. H. WHITAKEB, Raleigh. PIANO FURTB4, IN THESE TIMES f disunion and non-Intercourse, why not nurohaae of a Southern Manufactory f Bot h is Wra. Knabe a A Co. of Baltimore, Md., whose Piano have not been aorpased by any sold In this market of Northern make, and have never failed to take the premium wherever ex hibited st fairs. Ao. Parson wishing to port has can be referred to quit a larg number of families that uee them ia this city. KELLEY S BOOK STORE. 'eo. zu. Agent for wm itnane a uo. TO COTTON PLANTERS. WE HAVE accepted the ageaoy of JEFFREYS' PAT ENT COTTON TIES, for seoorlng iroa banda on Cotton bale W bar th Tie and Hoop Iroa for sale, la qusntitiestoso.lt. Th abov ia th most admirable invention ever devised for faatening th end of iron bands ou Cottoa. N holes are punched no rivet are usexL and ret it is securely fast ened together. It is cheap, useful ana economical. Plant ar are requested to examine its merit. JODe .T. UWIBtt, rBAUUtyB. CC IA. ARTISTS' MATERIALS. WE have purcbaaed of Mr. H. B. Backus hi antir stock ef ArtlaU' MaUriaia. Thai added to our own make the iargeet and best assortaeM of good of this clasa ever before exhibited ia Wilmington. We shell receive fresh applies aa fast as ndd, ao a to keep the stock always complete. be attention or leacners ana artist i eepe clally aoliclted. A fine lot of Engraving and Lithograph. Also, Moulding for Picture Framee, oa band and for sal at March 39. W RITA KERB NEW BOOK STORE. I We will ell our roods at the iowat vrxoet poaelble, but most exact the caih wOuU meptum. Our HPK1NU STOCK will fousd to embrace every new, baadsome aad fashionable style of Hate, cape aad Mtraw geoos worn. UAbU uili i KiMna xtmi.1 I I We ask for none but CASH PURCHASERS. W cannot afford the credit system, at 34 Ma'et Street. Marxian. aiuns suoua. ALAMANCE PLAID, .XTBA EKA VY PLAID AUD PLAIN DRILLS. SA Mi'l,h of the shove goods meaufsctere by hi. M. Hoit, ia Alamaaee Coanty, N. C, may bo seen at our offio. Tb attention of dealer invites to taem. Jose S3, InbO. ImROribET. BROWN A CO. MACKEREL Ia bbla. and half bole., for eels by Pr" B. MURRAY i CO. BUTTER I BDTTKH AMD CHBEBB CHEESE! T71RE8H Goshen Butter and N. Y. State Cheese, just to X nana by telegraph, ana lor asie at May 3, 18.1. t,raujtl il. FtTLTOB MARKET BEEF. 20 H AI.F BBLB. Extra FultoB Market Beef. For sale May . By WOBTH A DANIE1 ' WACHOVIA HILLS KLOCSU ' WE have Jnet received from above Mills, a lot of this superior Family Flour, ia barrels and half bari els. Also, Superfine Flour. 1 or aale by May. a at. nuiiuiaa m r rv A CHABCE M)B H USURY MEB. JUST rereived by Schr. A. J. iMBoatet, from New York : Pork Pork City Mas Pork ; Bo car urosbea. Lrmr, relent tat, rowaerea, ursoaut- ted, A. Coffee, C. White and Yellow, aed Porto Kino; London rorier ana Lamourg am, in jug aaa boturs; Beet freeh Teas, Oteea and Black, very floe ; Java Coffe ; MalKena and Cora Starch ; So per and Satin Gloe Starch ; Pale, Family, Chemical aod Fancy 8op Baking Powders, Cream Tartar, Bi Carb Boda and Ball anno ; Hommell Essence of Coffee, for camp lire ; A damaatine aad Parafine Candle ; . Whisky of all grades, also all domestic Liquor ; ' Fin Liquor aod Wines ; Kerosea Oil and Lamps. For tale at CASSlDEK'g RE5DEZ50US. gapTenng CASS on deUvry. SUjl. a MEDICAL. . BAL.TIMORH lK-K HOapiTAI. KHTAftLlUH KD AS A REFUUB FROM QUACKKBT." The 0lp Iale warn a C are ear tM OtMalnael. DK JO II NHON has dleeoTerad the mnat Oartaln, Rpsedy and oal KflertuaJ lUniedjr la the World tor Weaknaae of the Back or IJmlie, Htrioiuroa, AflWetlone of (he Kldtvrjr and Ulad der, Involenlary Mannar, Im putrnny, Oeneral lieHhty, Nee. aia, liiKUur, lw MiHrlla, iMmruama or J.lt-aa. W. Palpitation of the llaart, Tl ml.il t. llm illivi mnbllnira in blliwa, 1H moras of rht Old.llaaaa, IM. f the lliwd, n.roaL Nm er .kin. Alive- tlnaw of the rartra, rtuwnarh or Howula those IVirrtble IMsontars artalnt frooe Ilia Holllary list .ts of Yoathlhosesieaa and eiii- iiary practirae more laiai ta inair vioiima man the eoag or rjf rem to the Mariners of Ulyaeae, bllshUa their most hrtlllant hopes or anticipations, mi.Uiruif marrtasa, aa., Iiiipoaaibla. rormo mutt - Especially, who have heeom the vtetlase of Solitary Vine, that drwdful and daatruotlve hall Iwhloh annnally sweepa to an an. timely rave thonsanae of Yoang Men of the aanet esaHwl Ulente and brilliant Intnllant, who might otherwise have eigraiioed Hat. enlnt HenaUie with the thunders nf eloqiieoea, or wakml to eneta. ay th ttvlug lyre, may ealt with fall eoafittrae. KAXraXACtB. slarrlad IVraina, or Toon Man contemplating marrlasa, being aware of physical wesknaas, rgaute tfsbUly, daAatUae, Be., apaadllyeuml. lie who ttlaoee blrasehT a mil th ar of TVr. 3 mav ntllelnaa. ij aonllde in his honor aa a gmtlaman, and eonHaenily roiy spem ia am aa a t nnniiw. ... - .. . , . . '' ohoamo wjDAiurrsa mmllally Onrod and Full Vigor Ueatored. This Dreadful plaaase whleh renfiar J Jfa rolanrl.a and Mar riage Unpuaalhle Is Die penalty paid by the vlellws or linpmpw liHlulanoaa. Vuung paraons are too apt to eoro ir 't esciwssas from a4 bwlnt aware of the dread fat ronaeniwnnw that may ensue. Now, who that umSartland the euhjevt will preumd to deny that the powot of procreation le Uial sounur by thoM falling proper hahtts than by the predwnl I Unehlee beln 4i . Ived the plaaaure of haalthy uir.prliiK, the mott axrlous and deetruntlve symptone to both Uidy and ralnd aiiae, 1'he eyatera tieonmee Derangeii, the I'hyslnal and Mtmlal Vuiietlutis Weakened, Ixms ol I'mareaUve lomr, Nervntis Irrltalilllly, lyspefsla, I'alptta. tlim of the heart, I milgesll on, Cunalilutlonal iieWllly, a Waatlna of the Frame, Cough., Consumption, Be. orncn no. 7. botttix rnssKZtxos it.. Left hand aide going from llalUmors etreet, a few doura from the Corner. Vail not to olawrve name and numbnr. - Letters must be paid aad eoatala a (tamp. The Inctor'a 1H plomaa bang in bis ufhoa, DR. JOHNION, ; Member of the Royal UeUfws- f Barwemre. gradaatwrrom km nf the most eminent Uollegea In tlis United Htatoa, ana the greater Krt of whoae life has tawn enl In the hiaiiltala of lxnd(Hi, rls, 1'hiUvlelpbla and elaewbore, has ettcietaii euiue of the nwiet eatonishlng auroe that were ever known J many troubled with ringing ta the head and ear whea ssleep, graat nervousness, be ing alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulnaaa, With frequent blush ing, attendad sometimes wilb s darangenMt of mind, wars eured Immediately. TAZO XARTZCTJZAn NOTZOSt Di. J. addresses all those who have Injured themaslras hy Im- pror Indulgauoe and miliary hahlla, which ruin both body and mind, untitling them for either bualneee, elady, suolety or mar rlage. Tass are some of the sad and melancholy effeeta produced hy early hahlte of youth, via : Weakneeaof the Haok and IJmlie. I'alnslntb Head, Dlmneee of Bight. I.uae ia Muaaular Power, Falpltallon of the llaart, yspep.y, Nervons lrrltahlllty, lo rangement of the Digestive FmuvUoms, Ueueral l)vullly, Bymp torn, of Consumi.Uun. MaiVALkv. 'ITi Aavrful efienle oa th Blind are mark to be drvadad Lose of Motnory, Confusion of Idvas, Itspmialoo of nplrtts, hvii roreiKiaiinga, Avereiun to romwy, Kall lM.irnav, Aiva ui CHiiiiuua, jnuiu.., av, w.mhii. wi wia a.iia hmiiw.i. TaovsAans of persons of all ages ean now Judge what Is Ihs asiiss of tbelr aaoiinliig baaJlli, losing titetr vigor, tweemlng weak, nata, aeri the eyes, nervous and enuuilalml; having a etngularappvaraii.e alwui sough and sympUnns of eousumptlon. YOCNO loXN Who have injured thentetOvee by a certain prartloe Indulgeil In when alone a namt rrequentiy tearaea irom evil eompaaioni at aehool, the eH'eot of whlob are nightly felt, even when sal uenlly learned from evil companions, il-h .pa r, I .... I I .... .... .!... .!. and If not eured renders marrlags liupoaslble, and diwtroys both mind and body, should apply immediately, , What a blly thai a young man, the hope of his sountry, ths darling of bis parents, should be snatohed from all pro. panic and enjoyments of It fo, by ths ooiiaaquauueuf davlaUng from the path of nature and Indulging In a eertalo aaeret habit. Buuh parsons ssv, before eonUimplaung KLsVnRZAaO. refleet tbst a sound mind and body are ths tnoat(nnrieaaary requi sition te promote eonnalilel lispplneee. indeed, without these, the Journey through life heooniaa a weary pilgrimage ; the pn naot hourly garkene to the view t th mind baeomee chailowwd with deialr and flllwl with the melancholy rafleoUua Uist the happiness or anotoer ueeomac Diighled wun our own. szbbasjo or xnrrrtDD&NCB. When the uilagultiml and imprudtnit votary of ploacare finds he bee Imbibed the eeede of this pal aftl disuses, It loo eflan hap. pane Uiat an III timed sense of shsine, or dread of dlaoovery. it terc him from applying to thnes who, from sdueailon and re spectability, eau alone kxfrleud him. lie falls Into the ha is of Ignorant and designing pretenders, who. Incapable of eurlng, filch bis pecuniary an balance, keep hUn trifling month after mouth, or as long ss the smallest fee ean be obtained, and la despair leave him with ruined health te elgh over hie galling disappointment or, by ths ace of that deadly poison, Mercury, ha. ton the eonstt. totlonsl system of this tsTrlble disease, such aa sffnotlon of the Head, Throat, Nuee, Hkln,eto progressing with frightful rapidi ty till death puts a period to his dreadful euR'ertnge by sanding him to that undlscuvared eountry from whose Bourns no traveler returns. . , cypontrrgrwT or Tim rnris. The many thouaande cured at thle lastltoUoa within th last eighteen yearc. and the numerous Important Murgtoal ( Ijwratlons perrurmed by ir. Johnston, wttnesaed by the reportere of the "Bun" and man. nv other papere, notloee of which have appeared other papnre, notloee of l . .uu mm ' - .... . in. ...... i tieman of ebaraotar and restiorielhilltir. I a euffloienl guarantee to ...I. .. ..M n K.f..M 11.. nt.l.ll. I.l.l. I win and again neiore inc punnc. ucaiuea nis .landing aa a gen the afllleted. SSXTd' ! ABEB BttTTDTTY CVniTD Persons wrIUug should be parueular in UlreoUug their letter to Bis Aosuvauua in ne miiowuig manner : JUUN if. JOUMHTON, af. P., Baltimore Utck Hospital, Jaly II, laea-Tia-iy LleiUmorc, MaryUnd. EDUCATIONAL. A CARD. . MISS PIRBSOB respectfully Informs th JVr-i pabllo that, having studied under u OrMmaav I 4 I 1 1 ter in New York, will give lesson noon th iano Forte, at th residence oi her Father, Mr. Jas. P lra- son, or at that of her pupils, u- v Terms made know oa spullcstlon. Mia Pibmoh refer to Btepbea Jewett, Esq., and Geo. Myers, Esq. i December 18, I860. 87 4m flLlTARY BOOKS.--Oilhm,a Manual, Hardle's Rifle 11 L and Light Infantry 1 actire, Bcotl'a Inlantry Tactics, Cooper's and Macomb's Tactics. Volunteers' Hand Book. Skimerbora'e Drill. Bavoaet Exercise U. H. Arm. . Science or war, iscuos ror omoers or intantry, cavalry and Artil lery, cbooi of the uuidea, Bvomuoaeof the Line, Aaatrisq Inisntry, The Bill and How to Use U. Ordna.ee Memoran da, Naval Percussion Lock and Primers, by Lieut. J. H. Dablgrea, Instruction for Arm with Percussion Lock, and BayoneU with Clasps, Instructioe for Field Artiilerv. Ar tillerist' MaauaL Jeffera' Naval Gunnerv. Cavair TaAlra. Ae. Th largest assortment of Books for the times caa ai way be found at WHITAKEB'S New Bookstore. Apru it. THE IIBHK1BK.R. TTAVTNO pnrchaaed th CAPE FEAR MARINE RAIL- AX way, prepared to bnild or repair Vessels at short- em aotlce. Order solicited, Bfer to Messrs. Hani as A HowelL O. O. Pauley A Co.. J. H. Chadbonrn A Co.. J. H. Fhumer. Esq. W. L. BEERY. July Id, I860. JA4-1V BOA PB. e. K A BOXES EXTRA DETERSIVE Bosp; OVJ 0 do. Phtoa Browa Soap j , 100 do. Colgate' Pal aad Mo. l , Sperm. ParaAae aad Adamaat'ne Candles, for sale la Iota to Nit b woaittBWAaitii. h .7"fIUTAKR ijjjl MARKET STREET, 1 V Si A . - J Mllwalagtua,, aj. I I 9m.' " V v'-"-2 "- .-J .1 iV.lt V!& HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. 'BAR AMD It EBTA fRAST, front Rrfri, Aortk nf In Bank (if Oap fear and CVpOtilt- (TX V 11,16 fUBMcffiriKB respectful! Informs Th Vjl V Jnblt. that ha has otisoed aa ahov a BAH hVl. ROOM AND BK.STAURANT. where he wlIK keen tie CHOICEST am BBHT LlyUORS, and serve p la1 the beat manner verythmg' that the market wiU 'aaxirL a 'JllTn'l.V t'i OAMKcUb" - asoa,t.. gte MRALHetell hours. , - ri lie hae secured th rlee of Mr. WW. H. CURTIS, know to every admirer of FINE 0YSTEIW well earveL HENBY WEBB. OcL flth, 1860.-18A7 tf . grrHerald pleas popy; 'J VIE IIAMMKTT IIOVBB REBTA tTRABT. N. M Msrkt street, ha bees put b food prder, and opened h 1 Jan. 17-111. CCW1MAH. sBasaa.i J u ijn i jaa t MISCELLANE0U mi.HTKrMrTi(i 4 - ' ' v ssaarvM mw am. aw KB gags VS . 1 JB Pf ! ' "i- , hi a,V i MEItCIIABT TAILOUINO KBTABLlgMMENTi - NEW SPRING GOODSt-OT SPR15G GOODS.- 1 K E1VKD larg aseoHmeul , of JiKW UPRLNit andVestibgsi all from th best msAufatorrs, aadja Uii sweat style, which I ofter to meke np at a small proMU , Come and examine, la th slur Float street, near Litelttw Drug u.r 4. HIUINiita. z.t , . pan ' .... tmi i . . HOUINBON'S . . : , , . , PATENT BARLEY & PATENT CROATS, HKCOMMKNDKD BY TBI FACUT.TY. ratnmvmd by lAa Queen, and Royal family; - 1 . 3 f)HK attention of Famine and Invalids 1 particularly . X railed to th Ineatimabi qualities of th abov Psraaf Aitiul, being the purest Fariaat of the Barley gad Oat v r biuduoed deprived of their fermeotativ properties hr ' sleaiu prooeea, w hereby all crudities are rsuiovsd and im purille rajectod- , . . - n.mt ... JiUUliiSftatATKNT BARLtrf-- In th oult gsoulu arthil by which pur Barley Water esB be aiad la ten minute. It produoe aa excellent mooita- J Iluoua beverage, mors palaUbl than that mad from Pearl erley. Mothers, during th anxiou period f suckling, ill dud It viMiling and nutritious, la eoaalltntloB wbea . stlniulaut sod fermented llinora are tuadmlareble, t is aa ainiil and produollvs souru of eomfert both t tb MreatJ and Uilant It I also strongly recommended for light opr pars, food for Infants, and uisksi a most dellolou custard M i "wu,. conswung or nn rrsscn uiotb, Uasstmeres, pudding for rob purposs it hss keen need by Camillas of the dial distinction, aud will b found suitable for tb tee valid or healthy, the Iniant or aged. It 1 also highly aa. teamen as an aujunci wita aw mux lor tn ersstrHat laola.. i Bold by LOUIS B. Kit AM BERT, , Not. IJ. r , ; , , 11irinaoujt.'i,i ARTICLES 11 1 It nrum T n I.rr. lOUAINK, A INK, LYON'S KATBARION, Barry Trleopher- i, l'halon'a t'heiuiual Hair inviirorator. Wood's Haia J uu. Uostorur, liiude' Hair RestoraUve. Mrs. S. A. Allen's World MEDICAL! Hair Restorer. Bay Rum, I.avendie, Geranium, Verbena aad Uuna WaUtr, Vinaigr da Toilet l German, Golden Bell nd Sweet Idlly Cologne t Whit and Brown Windsor, Whit and V eilow Almond, Howe, Lobin'a, Glyearina, Band, Nymph, S Envoy t hiiow, Turtle Oil, Coametlo, Chriataline, Tooth Erasive, Vartrgaled, Hail, Military Shaving, Yankee, Castll ' aud buufiowsr Oil Boa. Bf -having Cream, Wright Hhav.'! ing Compouud Phalua'a Hair Dye, black and Brows t Lv . bio's Perfumery of all kind; Tooth Powder, Dntrlfrlc, ltit de Rosea Pomatum, Boar 011, Rowland Maoaaaw Oil, Jl Castor Oil. Ponjuisdn, tlx Msrrow, FrangipAi Baohetta, Chatcosl Tooth Paste, P. P, Chalk, Magaoila and Chinas Toilet l'owders, Viuiagr, Kouge, Paper, Metallic and tilss . Puff Boxes, Balfttof Ten Thousabd Vlowsrs, UenUemea'a """ Dressing Case, China and Uias ToUet, Tooth, Mall, Hatest llaudoliue. Whisk, Bat. Clothes, Bbavtag, Flash aad Cnmb , Brushes, BufTalo and English Horn, India Rubber, fcsell, J Fla Ivory and Pocket Comb or all klada, aae Hora, India itiihher, and Sliell Round Combs lol Mlaaea j all nf which . w ill be disposed o I at retell price. For aale by J Nov. 10, ItittO, , J. B. vVUUAKS,T. INTRKBBTIMO BOOKS ""I 31 AT WIIITAKER'S NEW BOOK HTOBK, ' . TMt ISOUTH BIDE MARKET STREr. Trump, by Geo. Wm. Curtis; th Crossed I'arta, by W. I kle Collin : Lavlnia, bv th author of Dr. Antonio I Seoee j .Ion, Coercion aod Civil War, a story of 1HC1 ; The Attorney, by Irving Dr. Antonio; the Shadow ia the Houaei lh Ieciures of Lola Monies j The Prolssor at the Breakfaag Table; The Antocratat the Breakfast Table (Anticipations of the Future from 184 to 1870 1 Two Way to Wedlock ; lli Htorv of th 'lelegraph ; Afternoon of Unmirrwd Lifef f M H chiefs Lov and Woman ; Ih KelUyg and th 0'Eel ley's; Th Habits of Oood Society Mea and Time of th ltovolutioo Tb Woman in Whit I Veraar Grovt Darvl Fxperlenc: Soothwold Alon ; Nemesi ! Morse-sldet Huoklaad's Curiosities of Natural History j Messsgs from the bra; Bom of To Dav, by About; Ptty Annoyaoe t Uay Tim to Mopping ; The h. N. Pepper Papers t Tb Mor a! History of Women ; Th Bunny South and th Bouthern.r kA at Hoiue; Follow lug the Drum; Rural Letter, by N. P, Wlllis t Age of Chivalry ; Elsie Vennod ; Conduct of Llf Lil and Travel of Alcxaoder VooHumboldt; Eah Blrbtlea 4 Ooiineelo, by Geo. Land ; Lady Maud, Pierce Eagani Corln. ul Marie ; Wonders of Klogsword Cbao : AmeUa ; Ple-EK Hue Tab; b; Coopar Complete Work t lj aa a Complete & Works; Mr. Caroline Le Hents's; Era. Emm D. E. N, a SiHithwiirth. Mrm. Orae'a. Slra. Ann H MLanhana. aad IJ.n.-J Hands' Complete Works, besides a fieal gaaay other. bjf popular aulliore. Lall and lnk at . .. . . - April 12. WHlTAKERt New Book Ptore.1 n bSLLIOM'S SCHOOL BOOKS. f PRINCIPLES la English Grammar price... 40 ; J. . New Aaalytioaland rraotioel do. .,...' t It Latin Lessons, with Exercises la Parsing, price..' 4$' I riucipiec oi a.ua urammar,- - " ...tt.gl av LbIIb Reader, with aa improved Vocabulary, price., 1 00 -i t'maar's Commentaries, i 100 - Uoero's Oration, a.l!lfj Ballust. ; .... 100 . (ireek Lesaona for Beginners, 1 ; t Ml Prinolpl of Greek Grammar, - Jtt,, 1 1J Greek Reader, with Improved Lexicon, 1 7 Latin Exereises, .. . 1 & Ooopr VirgU, . , 0 Abov w giv a List of Rev. P. Bullion' work, with .. E rices annexed, which eaa be found by refer nee to hie J a tie lrammar, on page 4, nnder the bead of Text Books. commencing st psgs SU. Ws sell those book at Publish- " tr's prieos, exee-nt whea oflered for lee by other parties f then we wish It dinlimUiy understood that w wlUgJt as low , as oaa be Had la this city, at March 13. , KELLET'S BOOK BTORaVif MILITARY BOOKS, printed by order of the War Department ; Manual of Bay ooe i r xsrciae, preparea lor vne nee or too Arm of the t United State ; Evolution of th Lin, as practiosd by tb AuaUlaa Infantry t Tactic for Offloonef lnfaatrv. Cavair .'f and Artillery ; School of the Guide ; lnstrnetioa for Arm with percussion locks and bayonet with claso : Th Art .- ' 1 t; scti A T WUITA KSR'li W BOOK STORE. . . - j Ct lLHAM'B MANUAL; Volunteer' Hand Book j Bar T dee'e Rifle and Light Infantry Tactic : Cooper 'a UsuCm comb' Tactics ; Scott a Infantry Tactics : Csvalrv T actios. of War, b v Jomiui s th H)fl aad How to Um U; OrdJianca JJ ' cuiui.uu, , si avai eiouaeivn uovas sou r rimer, inatruo tion lor Field Artillery ; Gibbon ArUlleriat'e Manual and n nana Boob or Artillery, by CapU Joseph Roberta, n. . . Army ; Note oa reacoaat Defenc. by Barnard; Ires Us oa th Theory and PracUce of Naval Gunnery, by Jeffers, U.H.Navy. . ;'!,- - , - Marchll. . . - , . CARPET1BU, d0, , HEMP, Ingrain, super Ply, Tapestry, Brussels and TJ- wt Carpeting; Ou Uotb for Floors, Stairs and Table. Printed Druget ay the yard,' aad Patterns for Crumb ? Uoths, Lioea Damask for oovering carpets aad stairs, -Straw Mauing'B Cocoa Matting for Publio Booses and Rail Road Care; Bug, Hemp, Straw, Adelaid aad Veivrt Matt,", Brosaehi and Velvet Hassocks, Binding aad Carpet Sweep-,, era, are in ator aad will be aapplied to can so mere atsx " traordimtry low rats, by J. BV WlUiAMS. Mov.ll. - ;t PAPER UABOIBUB. ' t. . k U RECEIVED sod oa ha'sl, a apleedid assortment of Paper Haagmgs lor the Bpimg trade eomprtamg maay new aad bceuusl patwrna. A Bo lot ef MaAraaae ready-BradB-J aadaeUmg lowr Use ever. Wmdow bhadee ot every variety acid low and ae charge fcr Btttog op. - A few more i of those a No. 1 Feaibera lelt. Peraooe wmhffg F eU6r n would do well to call ooa, as they are aeariy ail sold. - C POLVOGT."5 P. & Bedstead aad Chair, a variety aellmg ah lowj flgun. ; ;.lv. Ur;-iVo; BMBROlDEKQEBa 1 - ! r4 ' S LADIES' French Worked Collar end Linen Cambrio Handkerchiefs. Vtott. i I 1 French Worked Flouncing aad Bands. oi . ad Linen Edging and liieertinra, Vai."ier"s I Valan. tennaa la rll.M ..4 .. - t . I. faata' Waista and Dretneg. a,d . maT1Mi , . . r . . , -.- r l. vi j "..v. X 1 .5 " i " Z -'tvii4ery, gg saia 8 , 4. Be Vi i. 1 .:"- avvn. i a loan .... I2a.lw .1 uuuotai. . avn wis . a . mm J av .wvw v 1 aa. U. Under U City ,