' 'Mm. V II l AI M VOL. 10. NO. 291. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AIERICA WILMINGTON, N. C, SATUItDAY, AUGUST 17. I8C1. t ( WTIOLK NUMBER 3,001 .flI nmOK & PIUCK, PROPR1 ETOK8. sAS FULTON, EJitOT A. L. PRICE, Associate Klin. - I'rrxi of KBUwrifHInn. Ttr iar.fir, n yer, inariaMj m advance... m W....'lI 41 " " J Ml a II letter on tiii;Aiitw cotiuecred w;th this otice, nmsi b l.;n HM'I to the proprietor. - BATES OF ADVKliTiSiNO half i'4B. ' One -" 'Ivuilijrt... Jij 1 lirec days.. .' Pnr day f4 Fiv oay ! On week. t4 Two week... 1 37 On month 5 00 Two mouth ,.,..3 60 : Three months...:... 6 t OW &l'Ar Oil ltf... f Two day ... ... f- Three day ' t Four daj .'. I Five days i . On week Two weeks 2 In One mouth ii .Two month,,, Three Moat us.. Six month . 7 H" .JO Uo .16 H. month Ofl Oil Tear... 1 00 One year. .-.SO : iv r;,ua .pa rnnnted as a aonare. and live line or leas a hull aqnare. linger advertisement in propoitum. auJ all payable la aJranoe. When got paid la advance 26 ccuta per square will be charged after the Unit insertion. A- All half-aquare not paid for in advance will he charg ' ed at a aqnare. - ' - 4r Advertisement Inserted ai Special or BIshcp Nolicei are., charged one-half more than above- ratta-cij;lit Imos ( Irn ltd ) or lea eonnted aa a square. AirAdvertiaewenU inacrted every other day are charged 7i rents ner aiuare for each Inaertion after the firat. -No publication made witboot a regponaibl name. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I. U. WOBTH. . 0. PANIRL. WORTH OAJIIKL, CI ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .No. 2 CkANITK ROW, r$iUUmiTiX, N. C. Pollolt conalgnmenU of Flour. Pried Fruit, Uucuwax, Feather, Tobacco, and Country l'roduie generally. -Agent for llowc'i CeKbratod Hcale. Hept. i, MM -r - N -". . G0MMLS3J0N AND FOIWAUUINO MKltCHANTS, Wilmihutok, N. HIPRRfl TO H.Il. BiVAiJil, Cashier Bauk Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. . Jno. Dawson, l'rea. Wil. Branch Bank of N. C. " W. H. Jonkh, Caahlar Ualeih Branch Bank Cape Fear.. Oct.1. 1W0. ; . RKW tilUKKHV, nilH KKKir A!l IKK'SK Fl K.MIII-0 STHF.. rilrfB BOBSCniBEU inform the pnblio that li will on (he 1 llrat da of October, open a Wholesale and Retail MiO tRV, CHOCKEUV AB1 tSKNEBAI. HOU8B KlJIlNlslI ING HTOttB at No, "ill and 28 Bontu Front Ktreet, Wilming ton, N. C, where everythina in bin line of hnainoa mny be found. Order olicitd, nd prompt diapatch K'ven- Pept. iCth, lf.O ' y. MHI8 U. KIIAMIIKKT, DRDGGIST AND PRACTICAL l'HARM ACEOTIST WlLMINHTON, N. ('. Kp eonstantly on hand, a ect stock of lriifj, MM vniiej, Domestic and European Clumcat, fancy and TWef Artcle$, Wine and Liquor for Medical rurpuefs, ijigart, Ac. .. .Particular attention paid to rKCHiPTioNR, Bcuirca, MmciHi Chrst. c. .,..' .!tore Immediately under the " Carolina l'Otel. Jnly 1J, 186U. - ic lf a. C.Ht W. J. Nl'MtO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE (.UO CKIlri, No. 22 North Water btrcet, June 10, 1859. W.ii!"?l0T.(1?' " Z M MMiTU WU MULAI BJH. ' SMITH A SI.I.AI nil. COHMlBSION AND FOUWABDJNO MERCHANT. WlLMIMOTOH, N. C uri to Job Pawboh, Eq., Mayor. K. 1. Uall, Eq., l'reaideut Branch Bunk ?Ur If. . July lat, 18S9 ' 'i!L T" BllOWS A CO., ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, l-j- . WILMINGTON H. C. Jan. lat, 1847. 8-tf. T , HrKOV A ROCER3 AND C0MMLS8I0N MEHCHANTS, t on'.b VX Water treet, Wilminstow, N. C. . Ang. 23d, 1868. i - MclSTlUK A BHOVVM, DEALERS IN (sTAPLE AND FANCY DRY C.0OD3, (next door to Brown Anderson',) No. 3. Market St., V - WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. S, 186. a4. tf II. B. KtLP.R. WHOLES A LB GROCER AND COMMISSION MEU CHANT, and DEALER IN NAVAL SiOUKS, come Water and Market atreeta, Wilmington, N. C. a April 2d, 186H. ; . - . TOEI.T. OWUAU. 81X)KLKV A OI.DHAM, C1ROCERH AND COMMlShlON MEItCHANTH, AND T DKAJRS IN CORN, OA18, l'KAS, AC. WlLHINOTOM, N. O. RjrcaiNca. Col. Jon McBa, President of th Bank of Wilmington. O. 0. Pailit, Eq., President of the Commercial hark. E. Kl'KRAV AtO, (SutHMon to Morrajr A Peacock. C COMMISSION MERCHANTS j AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WAThR STliEKT. WILMLNUTON, N.C. . cbat. . s. tnuraon. j. t. mi kkat. February 1, 1859. Htf D. A. LHJIOJIT, C10MM1B8I0N MERCHANT, No. 3 North Water strei t J Oct. 12 31-tf . WiLmn-TOir, N. C. It. A SO , iTrnmraii R anmi rf.taii. DEAl.FHS IN GROCER W 1ES A GENERAL MERCHANDISE, S. K. Cum. Market and Second btrevts, WlLMlNOTON, N. C. 4-0rdera from onr friend will receive prompt atteutlut - Oct. 10, IHb'i, : Wii.wiN-Toir, N. C. IMPORTERS, MANOTACTUREFJi' AUKNTS, AND ! leres in Hardware, Coltery, Iron, Steel, Nails, ARfk-nl tural ImplemenUi, Ac. j. j. mu. W. f. IINDtl.l., I. 8. KCN1IALL COX, KKSDALU A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WU0LESALE.GR0 t'KHS, No. 11 4 12, North Water Kt. March 1 2th. 18C1 lL WH. C. IliWAKI, 1 ENEBAL PBODCCK BKO-E3, J Hept. 20. I.HA4. 13-tt WlUlWW. N. ADAMS, BROTHER A CO Q0MMI3S10N MEECHANTS, WiLinweTOW, N. C. . hi BATBaWAT. HATHAWAY A CO., -W-U--.CTI.it, QOM MISSION M SUCH A NTS, Vf JLBTWGTOK, K. O. T. C A B. U. W OHTH, COMMISSION AND TOBWARDING MKRCHASTS, l Wilimtoh, N.C. March 11, 18S7 'T lAxma lamuoi. imuilivu. AUDinmi a vo, ENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLlHTO, N. C Uharal cut ad ranees mad on consignment. - WALKKR KEARal, (HtiAior t Walkar MearM A Co.,) W HOLES ALS AND BETAIL DRUGGIST, 4A MaUIT SnilT, WlLlfrHBTOH, N. C. IMRKJM Hit I. r- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - . WrtMiKOTOK, N. C. oaa AaaiM, 1. j. owll. w. w. BAaai-t. Oct. lat. Ism. 9. a. illi. . r. mrcaiLL. KlXIfl A MITCIIKI.I-, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TN CiOBN, PEAS, OATS, RYR, WHEAT BRAN. OIL MKAI FEESH GROUND HOMINT, HORSE A COW FfcKD; EASTSRX ASD JVoljV SITES UA T, Ma. North Water Street. , Wi4irjT0i, N. C I v.- ...is im 139.1 I BUSINESS AXD PROFESSIONAL CARDS. EJiriUK OISTIM.KRV.. WlLMIMOTOM, N. C. jos. i:. iif-Oss.ti cV c:o., SPIRITS TUHPr.NTIXE.T4r, Pitch. Rosin, and Tnrpen tiut put up in the best wanner, lo qnanlitiea to uit pur chaer. Bj-itr and Cooperage jirnlnheJ. Jttne 2m. HUE Il'llVl ic.r rpUK UNDEBSIGNF1 hue accepfd H10 agency or the Xrrrliauiv insnracfe i oiupany 01 mciiiuudu, JKniV.S A PttACOCK, r 41 fi KHsoBH to nwvkit. 1 kaooc'C cni.,1 "I'IMMISSION MKUCHANT-', Wholesale Grocer, and lea!ei in Naval .-t ires, Cotton, and Mmitliern I'rodtio, .WILMINMION, .N. i;. Jine 22. 1-01. - - 2Utf- JOMil-ll U. IU.oS.OW. CVBfS 8. VANAMUIKOB. j. it. ni.ivsson a ( 1 KNF.RAL-COMMISSION MERCHANTS. X - WlLBlKOTON, N. C. June 28, 1 st;i . VI. It. KOMI nsoi, XTUTT BTRKET, NEAR THE RAILROAD, 1 Wilminotok. N.C., Will give his personal attention to selling or forwarding, upon Komiiiiasiou, all kimls of Produce sent to his care, and hopes, by his unremitting attention to business, to merit a portion of the pnblio pnlroniure. ' Will also attend to tilling orders for all kind of Merchan dize, where the parties are Htiflkienllv known to Justify it. Also to sidling, at private or public! sale, Heal F.ntate In the town of WiliiiiiiKtim, nt 1 per cent, commission. Presbytermn, KavMeviiU; Ledger, Wilson, ropy weekly 3m. ..Rough Notes,'Golilsboru', 2 week daily, and neuj bili to this rillice. Oct. 30, 1MJ0 47 If. - """" 11. II. (I tbU)VVAV, 10UNTY SURVEYOR. J Ofi'ice, undr Washinr;ton Ilotel, ( WII.MIHIiTON, . Ki. Particular attention paid to BrI.lgi Building. .ept. 10, iHtM. 1-tf. w. it. m'bakv. w. a. cr-XiKU. W. II. MrRAHV A CO., (KIM MISSION MERCHANTS, J Doalers in Pure Peruvian Gunno and all oilier Fertil zcrs ; ultto, Agents for Roosc's Guauo, Wilmington, N. C. tr Special attention paid to salos of Cotton and Naval C tores. Cash advance on Produce when deSjred. Kefcr to the Hanks in Wilmington, Raleigh, Newbern, Tft boro', Greensboro' and Haliabury, N. C, and Cheraw, S. C., Ac, Ac. Nov. mb, ISGO ' 63 r.Atr NOTKK, Jl'l.IUS W. WRIGHT, ATTOP.NEY AT LAW, Oliiee on Market Street, cno door East of Dr. Dickson'. Fj t. 2d, KW. 3W-tf ;a'.i c. BKira. kila coins. JAN. C. BMTTH A CO (10MMIWT0N MERCHANTS, office, iocnnd alory, eorror South Water and M arket etrcets, Wilmington, N. 0 where they are prepars 1 to r.ttsnl to a!l bnslnes lr tit oiac.iieKk'ii line. All bnalnrf eairMted to the m will bepuaotoally attend cdto. c. II. itonisisov a ., C COMMISSION AND FORWAIOINU MKRCHANTd J WlLMINUTOk. N C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard' Store. Entrana terser of Princess and Water streets. March w, lwo l.VA2:t. HK.1IOVAL. P. UEIXSBERCER, BOOIi-BiNDER. TAKES THIS method vo inform his customer and persons in want of work of any ik'H.-nu-tion, in his line, that he has removed his JJimk- ii.wry and Jilmj establiHluneut to the llastsiueut of the new " juuruai Jjamung iu rrmces siren, wnere ue will be phased to receive orders tor every description ot Binding or Ruling, Ac, Ac. Thankful tor past favors, he hope to continue to receive libeial patronage as hervtolore. Oct. '.lift, 1869. JAS. T. PETTKWAV A CO. ITueioas and commission merchants, ; No. 8 Nothii Watkh Stkkxt, WlLHlNUTON, N. C. Solicit cousigumenta of all kinds of Produce, also, orders for Groccres, Bagging, Rope, Guano, Ac, Ao. KxriB to John Dawbon, Fjj., O. G. PAMLitr, President Coioniercial Rank, GiiO. DaTih, Es. jab. t. rrrrswAT. bookh moor October 1st, 18.50. t!ON niSTII.I.KltV. WHJ!NGTON,N.C., A. H. VAN BOKKELKN, PvorailToa. A 1,1. KINDS Of NAVAL STORES purchased, manu'ao XJi tared nfd (old Whrfage and Storage furnished, and Oboi-6; don" at (air rale. . . Jmi. 1, WS 100-tf. , . i -.. S. M. WBST, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Vt'lLKlNOTON, N. C, Will sell, at private aalo. Colltn. Aaiai Utores, and all kinds of produce, at a small commisxwn ; AIho, Hank SUn-k at 1 per cent. Rail Road Stock..... ..I percent Real Mutte I per cent. Negroe...;...' 1 per eeut. Dwocl irrportatiou, Cargo SalerrTr.. . : 1 per oeut KKKBK4 To the cit sens of Wilmington Tu-raJy. tVVOber 21, 1869 U-U ICDWl.t A. KK11H, tloMMiSSION MERCHANT, Oct. I, loi9. WaiNuroi, N. C. 8' OAP, STARCH AND CANDLKS. Forslj by May 7. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A OO. fclCiAUl CJUiAU IN LOAV. S, Patent Cut Sugar, Crnihed Sugar, O Graoolated Sugar, Powdered Suk;ar, A. Sunar, H. Sugar, C. Sugar, Yellow Migur, Brown Sugar an 1 Porto Rico Su gar in barrel or lot to suit, at MaylUth. . CASSIDEY'H. "fJURYEAl AGAINST BLACK REPUIU.IC.VN. The 1 best Vthtfckey aold in Uiis market is J'uryear t a. u, ltye. - . WOBTU A DANIEI. April 3d Sole Agent. cao. VX FLOUR, BACON HAMS, TOBACCO, P , o. W. H. McRARY A CO. For ale by May 4. vow pica hick snitw. 1 (fi BUSHELS COW HEAS: leUVU 75 BALES KICK STRAW. Just received and for aale or KLL1S A M1TC11E1L. May 1, 18T.1. filltlP ABO MOL.ASRKS. . OUGAR HOUSE and New Orlcan Syrnp and new crop O Cnba Molasses, in qnantitie and price to an it, at May 2JJ CASSIDKY'B. HOOP IKON. 1 "V TONS of bright 1 to U inch- For ' bf June 11. HATHA WAY A CO. OVA BOOKS VRE PRACTICALLY closed from thi date. Finding it imponible to procure an aasortment of Groceries, we will sell the balance of stuck at redaced pnees. Jnly 1, isci, GEO. MYEK3. , s ARDIHCSSardine can be had at Ju'y 8. CASfilDKY'a BcndeKvon. CAPTAIsa A LIfc.CTKSA.1TS: ATTENTION ! ATTENTION !! ' TI1R new and desirahle ityle of FRENCH FLANNEL SHIRTS, worn hj oaicer U North Carolina Companiet, are to be found at OAUnia e. Alabama Innnranre l'ompnf of tfonlgomtry I And are r.-aly to Ksiie pollcit to those wiidilng proteciion in UMid Koiitliern CVmp-nlc. App!yt July th, lCl. PtHI!feICT, BrtOWNm.- FOR SALE AND TO REM I IU( IUKU1 MIH H4I.K- AXE BiiitArinr Uttrlv hnnt nnwr KniriM. m 1tni1t-a I IACIItKUV niH BA1.K.- 0E superior thirty horn power Kngina, tw nniler, extra shafts, new Carrisnea and all uxtnre eoWvloie. for Circnlsr, haw and Grist Mill, used h rl tiuje only and will be sold for about no llrrd of the original eot. Apply lo JAS. T. 1'KTItWAY A CO. April li. K BKt.K. pUREE nCAnTIFCL.OlL PAINTINGS, for al cheap, A at C. PiiLVOi.T'S Upholstery FstablidhiiLent. Af ew more of those ajilendid OVAL FRAMES, for IV. traits, Photographs, Ac, lor sale fit col to ebis out, at C. I'OLVlM.T'H, February 1 lih. C)rr Frout and Pi liucss .U. -. TIIAIT lie MH MI UAO rHl HAI.IC. THE RURSCBIRER ofler for nils the tract of Jsnd K4 known aa the 1HCK M1UNG TRACT, cmUliiiog ' ome 31HJ acres, more or h, and adjoiBing the htnd of J. tj. Pickett. Fji., on Federal Point. A portion ot Jlif above tract is cicsrcv), has been found well sdaiiW U t.i the c uiiivaiion ni i.rouiiii reaa.v. The bulsnce la Turpentine lud, and woulil o doubrTicvalnabl as Ground Pea IjukI. Apply to J HUM AS H. rilTvBTTPr BtiiUKL N. CAN ,MIN, w iluiington, or to , t -in 4t. R. H. W II IT A K Kit, Paleiwh. - - AiiitIV JtKt.l bATIOS, HARDEE'S Tactic; Volunteers' Hind Hook ; Inslruc tion for Field Artillery! Hand-Hook or Artillery; Gibbon's Artillerists' Manual ; Henton's Otitnnnre and Gun nery; Barnard' Nn'ca on Sea Coast Delence; heience of Wsr; Taflii; lor t'llicer; Inlantry, Camp Duly, Coat De fence and Field Kortill.slions t Kchool of tho "Guides;" Jeflcr'a Naval Gunnery ; the Hide, and How to Use It; Ordnance Memoranda; Naval Peicussion Locks and Pri mers ; SHtt'a Inlantry Tseties j Troniieis' Manual, or Tac tics for Light Dragoons and Mounted RinVmcu ; Heavy Ar tillery. On hand and for sale at June list Ii, lsi;. VVIIITAKER'S New Bmk Stoie. Ultl M. WK have three , li s of Ketllo or small Drum' slice! irou, wood aitl brans. For s ile low at July 8, . WlllTAKEU'SNew Uook SU.re. I'KIK t tM CAPS, 1)ERCUSSION CAPS from London. Just received at May 13. BALDWIN'S. " iicnicvu towiclW." BATHING TOWELS. TOWF.L8 FOIl BATHING. TOWKLS FOR BATHING. ROYALTURUI.SII BATHING ToWEIJS. at -J,"L1:I- BALDWIN'S. all.K I MIlUICI.lVAit. QUN UMBBCLLAS-call uick, Udies and Gen'lemen. nt V 1 Mav 13. BALDWIN'S. I'lAMI l-OUTKM. IN THESE TIMF.S of disunion and non-lnlereoiirse, why not purchase of a Southern Manufactory 1 Such is Win, Knabe A Co. of Baltimore, Md., whos Piauo have not been snrpased by any sold in this market of iVorlum maki; and have never foiled to take the premium wherever ex hibited at fairs, Ac Persons wishing to purchase ran be referred to quite a large number ol families that nse them iu this city. KKLLEY'S HOOK STOKE. 'ci' in' Agent for Wm. Knabe A Co. - AU,i'lTl'i,MAi'kRrAiTli. W TZ have purchased of Mr. II. U. Backu lifs entire sU-k V of Artists' Materials. This added to our own makes the largest and best assortment of goods of this class ever before exhibited in Wilmington. We aliall receive fresh supplies as fast as needed, an as to keep the stock always complete The attention of Touchers and Artists is espe c'aliy solicited. A line lot of Engravings and Lithographs. Also, Mouldings for Picture Frames, on hand and for sale, at March 7U. W 111 1 A Kr.H H NEW BOOK STORK. MACKEREL-In bhU. anj half l.bls., for sals by A prH 4 E. M l! it I U Y Ci . Wachovia mills fmhu, V7E have Just received from above Mills, a lot of this VV superior Family Flour, in barrels and half barrel, Also, Superliue Flour. For (ale by MaV4. L. B. MUGGINS A HONS. OI K 'l Uttaia AHK CASH I W E prefer to credit no more good to any one. We cannot anora w iw iwaI . . Mayjith BALDWIN'S. CASIIICAall! N O EXCEPTIONS at ' May 6th BALDWIN'S. UUCiUH ASH KltftC. BRASS and other metal DRUMS. Brx Composition Mulal, Rosewood, Mahogany and Wulu-it Files. For aula at June 29. WniTAKER'S Nw Book Store. I IIOMl. .MKTALI.K t-IKKn A BE a very superior article. For sale only at X. -June 29. WHITAKKR'rt New Hook Store. h.KKltAL TAlLOltl.NO h. 1'A lil.lll.M h..M'. rnWO CUTTERS EMPLOYED. Civic and Military woik 1 all klnda done at short notice. Parties having goods can have them made and trimmed or cut. All kind of work done In the clothing way at BALDWIN'S, June 38 Market 81 ATTKtVTIO COMPAMF.K. fj WORDS, BELTS, PISTOLS of improved make, 1, S and IO 10 Shooters, can only be bad at K AHN WEILEll A BROS., 3d door from Exchange Coruor, Market St. June 21st, I8til. . SO A I, STARCH Altll t AMM.K.A. )Pt IILF. boxes Colgate' Adamantine Candle ; ,0 20 " foap: 10 ' . Starch. For s!e by June 77th, IHfll. I..' B. HUGGINS SONS. IIAILV KXPCTKl. c 1ADET MIXED CASSIMERE for State purposes, at BALDWIN'S. June 28th dAw KOTICEl NY BILL AGAINST US will he paid fully. . at sight cheer- s. Baldwin. July U. L HAVING BRUSHES at BALDWIN'.. 1A.0R STRAPS at JX . BALDWIN'S. I AZOBS OP BEST M A KT. at IX . BALDWIN'S. LillAVIN'G SOAPS at 0 BALDWIN'S. I J REPARATIONS FOIl THE HAIR at 1 BALDWIN'S. HAIR BRUSHES at BALDWIN'S. HAT BRUSHES at ; BALDWIN'S. I .RESSING COMBS at ; lJ BALDWIN'S. fllOOTH BRUSHES at BALfiWIN'S. AT IIALOWK! OCTKITTlim K9TAIILIHIIMKSIT, YOU CAN BUY GOODS BY THE PIKCK ! WlJOl.KSALE! WHOLESALE t isnah'urgs, fry iu- lni; at 'ni Jory trit-c Brown and Biue DKMMS. l.tsw yards. 1, MM yards. FLANNELS! FLANNELS! Heavy WHITE Bl ANKETS for family nse ! Ribbed WOOLEN 11 ALr HOSE, Ac, Ac. - SUMMER OVEK SACKS. Business Coats, Ao. Cash I Cash 1 Cash I . Book closed kt BALDWIN'S. Ang. 1st TIIK1H I.UK.AT SICCKOi. RESULTS from their intrinsic excellence, Pink Pye, Colds, Cooghs, Clobbering, Worms, general debility, and a general broken dowi. organism, ail vanish before Hist great curative TUB EQTAKIAN CONMTION POWDERS. To see iu edrcta on the system of Horse and I'ows, yon don't wait week or month, every day speaks l,ir Itself, and tba many thousands who have administered this remedy, peak in glowing term of its wonderiul and eurative power, round at WILSON'S Harness.. Trunk, taddlery, Leather A Oil Establishment, Ang. 7, IxGl. No. t Market street. W W k UNIFORMii can be made in alior. time at IVVV July 30lh, lfcl. BALDWIN'S. FLOl"RFLOl"ll. r BBLS. FLO UR, Fmily and f nper. For aale by Jt Jnly 19th L H. HOGGINS A SONS. BY KXPBJKftM THIS MOIOIMJ s JUST RECEIVED., a choice lot of Batter from Virgin's, which we are selling cheap in loU to stilt f.ir rsU. ' Jnly 13th, 1861. L. B. HUGGINS A SONS. - TAtlOKEttl. THE largest stock ol Stationery in the State can He found At - WIUllKER S BOOK STORE. MISCKLL1NF0US. tern " -'v, a" - V- ii k - . r I i I ' -WliiTAKhli - M AliKKt HTKKrT, V: S, V. f -;.' - , - ...... - . ) f ' .e Av.a. t.,H: T'.-Vi44- 1 . H . - v l y- .-....'... .... , . M - 1.13 ! h -t. ; t.,-- Hi. .H:l ; I l KVA K H.MUH.;umni'g Mannal, llMdle's H,li 111 and Liuht Infanirr Tactics. Kriu'ilni.nir.T.,.i,.,. ' ""I1",11 and Ms. omb J'artic-a. Volunteer' Hand Hook, HUineihoru Drill, Baronet Exercises U. S. Army, Hctenc ol Wr, liM tics for Ollicei of Inlantry, Cavalry and Artil lery, hcb.iol of the Guides, Evolutions of the Linn, Austristl ....-.....,, . ,, , l,,p u vrniitc Momorsn- Qa, Naval I urcussiou Lovka and Primers, -by Lieut. J. 1. I 1 111 It Lf lf M h'Ulvn.,lb.i I... 1 ..... -.:! . "" wiiu remission Locks, and Iisyonets with lasi.s, histrwi tlons lor Field Artlllsry Ar tillcHst's Manual. Jetlera' Naval Gunnery, Cavalry Tai'tie 4c llm large.1 assortment or LVmiI wavs U found at W II ITAKER'h New Book Store. A pnl 24. . , klltlS rx D"XKS 1XTIIA JPETERSIVB Soap; 0J f 0 do. Ph!os Brown Honp j uo. i oigaic t'aio and Ho, 1 Soap ; Soenn. FsrufliiA ,nil A.l.m.ntii,., i v,..!!... r... u.t-i. I - .. un.t.n lai.,,.,.., ..IU iu lots to suit bv WORTH A DANIKl Mwv AAII.M, sjtil.a. ' KEGS Cs f.'s, m A Id's. FursslebT ty J AS. T. Pl.TlEWAY A Co. June I.'. IIAtJ.'SI IIAONII Ui t ""WESPUN 2 liliSIIM-GdAIJJ BAGS, bushel grain has. l-'o T. Plill EWAV A Co. sain by JAS. J mis 'i K A HC.lt M II A V. nr. BALIWit god Hay. Fur Bain by jiuie uin, isiii. IIAIIIAWAY A CI). HtAI, XT A It (II AU CA1MOI.K8, 7"FAST POWDERS. Bsklng Powder ai.d Concentrated i Leaven Fauci, Pickles, Condiment, Brooms, Wood Slid l ill. tu Wnri, U....I..I. A I.. I I .....I... H...I... Il'l. -" !., ii Ai'- uini iaiiiuiiu i viici , irnirn. Liquors and N-'gni, Proma, Cocna and Chocolato, Fin I . 1 4 I 1. .... ..... I ikuic niiu inn pool .ue rsn, t ny mess I niK. HSJDEY'rJIE2ll:Yos. Ff.in 1'i.orn. J X A M rj,Y utd Fupciflne in store, and for sale In h i to . suit, by ' L. IJ. IIL'GGINH A. Kd.VS. Jun,'J7tIi, 01AUIHG!4, 0;-;S'AI5URGS, AT FACTORY PKICK1 by the bab. PW) ynr.U for "abiat BALDWIN'S. Julr 30, i)f PIU. lilac U UoeNkiu - ' ' ------- 20 " Cloth; 10 " Olive Brown, Dalilin, Ao., at July 30th, lw;l. BALDWIN'S. I.AIK.K vi'OCIt OK IIH.DItKV t I.OI III0 ELLIN G at less limn N. Y. cost, nt O July autlv l.MiU . BALDWIN'S. ... Ill 'I I I K t II V Tit A Dili. , lilv i f the followiiii' eooila. i, hirb lE II AVE a guild sup If we mre disposed to Adamantine t'atidlea. sell at reasonable puces : Pork, Pl-klcs, Bacon, Preserve. Beef, Jellies, l-ard, hsucrs, Butter, Pepper. Fine Tsble Halt, Spies, L.P. Ground Salt, Ging.r, Flour, Mauo, Meat, Nut Megs, I'liiiiin'iiey, Cloves, Corn, CasKla, Soap. Starch, Tea, Coffee, Sipsr, Molasses, Syrups, Wines, Brsiiilics, Whl.key, Tobacco, Wood and Willow Ware, July 2utb, li,l. hrirsr. Snull, Ac, Ac WORTH A DANUX. KAKK ( IIANtK. FEW COLT'S NAVY PISTOLS LEFT. Will beclosed out at low figures for cash, at BALDWIN'S. A AiiK.,),UVw - OIK KKIKMlH II 1IIIC tOlNTUV, WHO have Hume Spuu Cloth for couta, pants or Test, may have them i lit in the best shape, and, If they de sire it, trimmed ready, fur making in the country. Leave your good and measures at BALDWIN'S. Aug.J, ilAw 1.000 1,000 YARDS I GREY CLOTH I GRKYILOTU! FUR OFFICERS I FOR OFFICEItS ! UNIFORMS I UNIFORMS I We pay cash for every yard of foods purchased. . Our term are, in -.V KUy CAMi, varlt cm dtiivtry I We trust all will understand this. No exception to tint role. Parlies from abioad inu-t rcm.t the money before we can orwaru uniiorms Good cash, wurkmen eakh, and w nui. hntie essb. - - O. M. BALDWIN, Proprietor Civic and Military Manufactory, July ?7th WilmiriKton, N. C. VIMvl.OII t !-.. Al.fl YltHUAItl TADK I-ROM PURK All'LE AIDER. For sale by IV 1 Jatir. WJKTHAANIKU LlltN l.l.l Ii. VERY GOOD AND USEFUL ARTICLE. For ' at KKLI EY'S BOOK STORE. Jdy ii. 18-.1, SI I 4 II.Atf , IN BOlTLLS OF VARIOUS hl.rX Forsaleat KFLLk.k'8 BOOK STORK. Jalyfi,l8'.l. III.AKK IKS1KS. A LARGE supply of dincrcnt varieties, at KEI.I.EV'S BiKlK CT 'LK. Ji:ly fi, l-f,l. fi. kmi yiAn h. lROM NEW WHEAT, grounJ at the Cane Fear Floor 1 , Mills, t greatly reduced prices. By vt, barrtd. In bsgs, half, qnaiter and e ghth bug. Call aud aeu, at the a. ni or uince, vv i.nuiigiou, i. c Jnly 27th STOKLKY A OLDH A M 1 K.I.UIH MKT AC 4.500 K I BS. YKLLOW METAL, aliehtly worn -or ssie oy u. c. w. j. muako July l lth, liHil. VA HITK I1KA. SPLIT PEAS, Dried Fruit. Almonds Butternuts. Fiiberts, lt tireen and Black Teas, Java V"ff, Chocolate, r.rrm. iwm, vorn rurcn, auxiua, Ac, at July ICth. I'v.t. 'ASSIDEY'S. UHUllAUUl UHUI BRIJ TIERCES CHOICE LAliO. 21 Kegs do do Foru!eby 20 Jalyl. vtoitl it a wain ' kHEAF DATs- i - BALES ON CONSIGNMENT, by k. murbaV a co. ff July 27. KEROSKNB OIL BL'HNINO FLUID, m I""'!''1 ,0 snitat AArv-IDEYS. Aug. H. -- " K K KKI land to ooadact onr BUlilary denartrn-Bt NOTICES. , TIIOIK WJIO OWE Cb. ' "!;."" want' of money to keep itock at .'.! J r","lr, ! our fore will brediicd In a day or two. othstw esnnot go out to rosk colleetiona. Will enr riei.(!come1rward and pay sp? It will rreally ohllg , rft(B , ,WOWulDAiIEL., . N ' f rficZ " ' reduced prhies to suit tl.eltns. and li oBeoMll.d Lol! ... . V. I'OLVOGT. rI".HRt,UNJK'!'S,;-,?'V fnt'Tt ''to Co.P.rtBer.h.p ,J" .l" t"wnf Wilmlnrton, N. U. aider tba Brm .5 1I"JIKULA1II- A ()I.EMAN,foMh.pnr7i Vblni wmr2.o,il0i'nT!m,i Mobl1' Alwhersthey will roceivB and sell slays on eornmlsslo. Liberal advaa ees riuAde npon slave l!t iih n,em fin? el. I. J . hOUTII KKl.AKn JAMig C. COI.KM A N. Aup'ist lut. 1 .. - " " - ' IMKJ-tf L'KOt'EHIKS, wiimuRv. BARRCUs ' North KtaU," 60 othor brands. 100 8. ' Purrear'a S. C Tlr Vnr ast K May i . - j WOJITH A DANIEL. kaWlA tAiAm 700 SACKS In splendid order-full large rVeke. ' For a In b i ihtiiX,u m Juni 50 June llth, .Ml. "'""",vv' H.L ikAt:i.i Vk-.i'i w i.tL"i..k' .".-i"--..,B - Pnxe Candy, 2 Boxes Imon Byrnp, ; iMiifluniKrr v. Hie, 21 Hbt. Flue Whisky', - ' ' 20 Bids. Imported Liquor, f0 Boxes Caudles, 40 llbls, Sugar, - , - . . -4. i 10 Nair chest Black Te. , anss to the cheapest domestic. Those wishing to replentsU their stock will flail thl ft f. voi sIiIb npporttiuity for barBnlua, at - : ORO. MTIRH. .!i,"K KU,K". I'ltovi-ioiiii'avt : JOrt HllliS. BKK1NEI) SUGARS! I tJ 12 hlpls. P. H. snd Muscovado Rugart! 20 half and quarter cbosta Green and Black Ttas t ii barrel Texa. Syrup, equal to AVt Orkaui t ilo. Sugar lions fly ruplt 1 Uo. Lard j . ,. ., , W kcus do. . 10 half bbl. No. 1 Mackerel i . . 20 bbla. No. a , do, V . 2 do. Salmon: ' - ' 2,000 lbs. N. O. Bacon t .- 10 half bbla, Fulton Market Batf ?J bbls. hsas !ll M... ii.l . 12A do. Keotlfled Whiskey - 10 d I. N. O. Annla .n.l l'.t. 8 do. PuryearsN. (I. Kys Whlsksyj . . do. txtr quality N. V. Rcupperuung Wins t ( cank vsiy choice French Brandy i N. K. Hum, Gin, Maderla sua Sherry Win: i I'?k: brauil Chainpngn Wine i lboxecl'AUandKo. lBnapii ; r. do. Detersive Family Washing Boap i l.iO barrel Flour, all gradaa ; luObatfw do. Supsr) , . fw t!!'!f"il'l"ii",i liHkH "J"". Concentrated IyB, Corn Hlnr. li, Malxena, Pro.ervo, Pickle, Jellies, Cnrrl Powders, Catsup., Ac, Tobftcoo, Began and HnotT, for lal on reasonable term, by - "iwn M a ih IhiU WORTH A DANIW.. OATK, OATH. 1 1 If II 1 llubliCLa MARYLAND OATS, for ! by JAS. T. PETXaiWAY A Co. UI.UM, OLCK. BAIIBEL8 C1I0ICB GLUE, for) by 100 June 12. . 4. l B.Ht.WAr A CO. Htl I KieBJlM BAH m.... Ai) .,,n,A New River Mullet, lo good order. ! Tot Jb lie II .11 -.--. " HATH AWAY A CO. M,t , , AI.M AWO POHTEU. i i J "H .(;" Bd 'y Kdlnborg Alt ana ' I-ondou Poi tr in pint bottles, at Jun.J7th -7 . '. . f CAssiDET'fl. ' niCKLED REEF TONGUES, nt A. Jnn 17th CissiDKY'fl. ina. at . 1 ( ) Y"'1? l'lil"l''u uJ'WbJiBB.anaTit CASSIDEY'H. 1 ) IC'KLED ON Ion S and (iheikiua In 4 gallon keirs. at : CASSIDEY'H. DRIED APPLES AND PEACHES, at June 17th . CASSIPET'B. RIO A MO MOCHA t-OKFRK. 4 l.SO, difjereut grade Ureca and Black Tea, at Aft. v iiuv A f all CASSIDEY'H. CIIOICK HA CON. ' H I IDS. of ttneily choum Western Bacon 8JJind rfauuldoia. t a, ..la f, i.. 20 Ju"U' ilATHAWAr A CO. OM1'K MOUHSIM. BBLS. rlinxct early crop. For sal by June llth, Ihtil. HATHAWAY AV rn. 30 EEF TONGUES at Jane 8. CARRIDICT'B. r-.r, CO-PA ltTIERJMIIP.- - -I fllHE undersigned having this day anterd Into Co-part- t-4vr-nJr"L'ip ""(lr i,l J flrn" ' CLARK A TUR LINGTON, for Hi transaction of general COMMISSION and tOllWAHUlMO BUSINESS, respectfully solicit cons gnmetit of Naoal Stora, Cviton, Flow. Corn, Lacon, I imr, i. . . 1 iipv'-p1 Ji eMi? WMB. PLA8TEB, CR M c,nf r, HAIR, Ac. Older prnmtitly exeonted. Also, AgeuU lor Summer KATtf McLAURIN and BUN .,., , JOHN M. CLARK, J,CL h?u: .. WM. H. TUHLINGTON. A t'OMH.v.TM KlriTIO.T 0" nARDEK's TAtri ICS, weU bound and eonUlntng ali tli plat.. ol the original work, for It 25. Th best and cheapest edition yet IsHned. For sale at " li"h. Wiil'f AKEH'H NEW BOOK BTORE. HIVKltnti FKEIJ Ct'TTBtt. DOZSN Uuivoraal Feed twitter. For sale by Jj"eii4.- JAH- T- VKTTtLWAT A CO. 1 NOUTII CAHOLIMA Pleura. r. I UliL. t-upcr. Flour. For Bale by June II. HATHAWAY A CO. k-RHVltlC kUIUTD. . . . 1ALL and see the new style. Fin FLANNEL BHIBTS. . ) Scotch Gmghan Shlrta, all oat on the eelebraud Yoko hfm Pattern, at . ... BALDWIN'S. Ang. 3, dAw . ' - I.MPOKTANT NKY TO THE CITIZKNS OfltTL. SIIVUTtrH ANU htltllOCMOinu COU1TTRY. f p B fe i bsc r ine r w anht moet rewpeetfu Hy annoonce to the X ladies and gentlemen of Wilmington and vicinity, that at a considerable expense be ha fitted op a lirst cists Pbo tngrapbie. Irtllery, where all iea and stjle of portraiture prrtaiuing to his art, are made and warranted to give aatis fsciion. A II I ask la a trial. ' - Call at the new Gallery and examine specimen. En trance lirst door above Mr. De Veal's confectionary (tore, Market streot, Wilmington, nearly opposite the City HoteL C. M. VANOBSDELI, Photographist and Proprietor of the Photographic Galls- -rie, Hy Btreet, Fayettevllle, and Market Sueet, Wilmington, N. C. Jn!y 19ih, ISfiT. ' 2C7-lm SAW HAT I KW HAY I BW HAT I It A LFS PRIME NEW HAY, North Carolina make. OU ' This llay ia as good s th best Eastern Hy Ssuipls can be een at th ofiioe of Mesara. li. C. A W. J. Munro, aad can be had in lota to suit. For sale by - ISAAC KOBTKROP. July Slat, 1861 . 276-lm feHAD BHAVD. Q BiLS. FilAD Joat reeelved. Foe sale by J. B. BLOSSOa A CO. PIIOTIKJIt APHlt: MAP OK Til K SK AT Of WAR, Iat LuniMO a Map of Virginia aiid Maryland ; th Jamea Biver entrance, with the Batteries: e--. -.. nal U. f Virginia on an enlarged scale, ani riaa t i : tco bA'.tie-Cld near Bethel Church, Prico $1 60. t i tt w Ang. 2. Ang.,8. uiiAiva'a : . ixz t.::z, ; UIW M - v -