I P jrl ! m Til) 5?? kvrfA VOL. 11. NO. 3.' CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, SEPTEM11EU 9, 18G1 -I WHOLE NUMBER 3,080 f sVT l BY FILTOS A PRICKpROPRIKTORS. j rAH FULTON,Editc.....A.IPKICK, Aaaoclate E Mtor. I Terms of Halwrrlpllao. Daily Paper, one year, invariably in advance Weekly " " " ... " All letters on buaineaaouiiaected with this office, mi addressed to tha proprietors. c, no 2 50 t be BATES OF ADVERTISING! sal bu;uabb, One day.......... Two da.... Three day. Foer day OH ui ,. On 4ay.., ...... I Two days. I s .... ?i :::: & .... 7 '.'.'.'.1 S: . ...1 ....3 60 00 ....8 ) 78 00 A (I 7S 7A 00 . 1 nre nave. Four day Ke d One week Two week..' One month.. . Two moothe Three months Bis months Five days.... One week Two week... On month... Two monthi.. Tkree monthi. Fix months... . I I 4 T "0 10 00, 1 00 . One year lft 00 One year. 30 00 T-n finxa an Boosted aa s square, snd Ave lines or tees B&U-square. Longer advertisements in proportion, and all payable in advance. When not paid in advance 25 tents per suuare will be charged after the first insertion. jr All half-square not paid for in advance will be chaff ed as a eiiuaro. ar Advertisements inserted as Special or Bishop Nottaas ire charged one-hair more man aoova rates eigm unoa ' lttaueu) or leas oouniea aa a square, " Advertisements inserted every other day are charged S7J cents per square ior eacu .uaeniuii aivr m m.w , ijrSo publication made-without a responsible name. BIS1NESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. 0. WOBTH. , . fMt WOUTII Jk DANIP.U GROCERS AND COMMISSION MKltCIUNTH, No. 2 OAAK. HOW, (FHOHT "1LMIS(:toNi n c. Bolicit eoaslgnments of Flour, Dried Fruit, Beeawax, Feathers. Tobacco, and Country Produce generally. . . . 11 A V. I .. V , k.U. , jgafApeiMB IUf UVW uvv. hepU 'iii, H60. 1SA5 tf r-I.AMK TtllLlwmW. COMMISSION AND FOBWABDINO MKRCHANTS, 1 . WILMINUTUK, SI. J. H B. flAraei, CaaLler Bunk Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. Ju'o. Dawson, Pres. Wil. Branch Bank of N. C. " " W. H. Jornts, Cashier Baleinh Branch Bank tape rear. Oct. 1, li. NMW OHOCKHY, ( ROCKKttV Al llOLhK Fl'UltlMll.HU IVMK, too. K. C. where everythisg in Bis line oi ouaineas may oe found. Order lolicited, aid prompt d tspfjtp h K1 E y Bept. 26th, lf.0 30-ly UH1H U. KUAMBKHT, DRD0O1ST AND PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST WlLMINOTON, N. C. Ka eomrtantlv on band, a select stock of Vrunt, JZ' rL,.f,v. nwl A'roiMan Uliemirals. Fancu anil Toet Arixclet, H'ne awl Liquor$ for iMcal l'urpo$e$, I. i5.rttnlurKtt.'ntion cald to FawcKirTloKS, FamilT Bscii-h, MoiuihK CuEra, c. afcitore liumeaiaieiy uuuer me wuuiui July 12, l5l. 2G2-tf a. c. w. J. mcxuo. COMMISSION M KUCHA NTH and WUOLF.SALE CBO CKBS, No. 22 North Water Street June M, lMfc 'JL"".?- C T ' gJtl l U A Mrl.AlKlN, CO4MI8SI0N AND FOUWAHUiN(S MERCHANTS, BirRH io John Dawson, t:aq.,i!tt.y.r. ,,, c E. P. Hall, Esq., Preaideut Branch Bank St Ue N. t . July t.JL-j " "iJkmissaLT, liiiOM S t o., . - .,.iif ,ti'ti.Il iW TO g 1 ENEBAL UOJlJllBBtUtf flicvna.i to. WILMINGTON N. C. , Jan. 1st, lS7. S8 -tf. J0BE1H . IL08-0M. CYSrS B. TANAMKIKOI. r-i FN'ERIL COMMISSION MEUCH ANTh, June W, lHfil. WlLMIKOTOK, N. C. MclXTlllK i BROWfl, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, (nextdoorWDrownAAnderaon-ONo. 24-tf Oct. 8, 186. II. B. KIlEKS, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MEB CHANT, and DEALER IS N A tU. STORES, oorne Water and Market treeu, Wilmington, N. C. April 2d, 1W6. - - JAS. grOKUT. OLDHAM. BlviUa. a a uiiunAM, BOCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IT DEALJiBa IN COBH, OA13, PEAS, 4C. ,, WlLMIKSTOK, N AND C. Col Jon McEab, Preetdent of th Bank of Wilmington. O. O. PabulSY, Esq., President ol the Conuneroia' Btr;k K. JIIKHAY A t O., . s (Sacseeaors Mairay & Peacoch.t COMMISSION MERCHANTS li AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, WATKH 6TKEKT. WtLMLNGTON, N.C. atracniBO. i. T. MCHSAT. 125-tf S. MUSAT. February 1, W9. I). A. LAMOST. - --niMrKHIOJf MERCHANT. So. 38 North Water street j Oct-11 31 tf WlLUIOTOK, N. O I U. Ill (.CONS fc KOM4, "IT THOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALER;-! IN GROCEB- W ... . ,..v-E.-n.l tIL-ljPUit'hUr U V lnrn Market and Second Street, . '" WlLltlNOTOM, N. C, WOrders from oar friends wUl receive prompt attention, OOt. 10, INSi. - - ; J. JA. KOBlKSOa '. Wn,KiweTOM, N. C, P PORTERS, MANTJFACTUBEB8' AJESli, AND Dea leres hi Hardware, Cnltery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricnl toral bcplement, Ao. ; 3 3. Ti. W. r. XBNDALL, i. XXHDALL COX. KILftDAL!.. CO. anOMMlSSION MEBCHASTS AXD WH0IJ2SALE GEO Vy tiiSi Ko. 1112, North Water St. March 12th, 1861 JI WM. C. HOWARD, 1 ENEBAL PRODUCE BROKER, JC Sept. 20. 1S64-13 tf. Wn.rieTo, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER CO., 'lOKMISSION MERCHASTS, i . Wawwa-pow, N. t. V. HAT1AWAT. HATHAWAY lOsOnSSION MKRCflAJSIS, wa. a. vrutt WlLKlMOTOK, N. C. T. C. da li. O. WORTH, ("OKKIBSIOII AKD FOBWARDDSO MEBCHAKTS, t . . . WiLMixeron, JT. C. March 11. l67 r ' 1& ly 4akm Ajroamaoir, bwaj AVAa AJTDERSO-t RAVAGE, "1 ESKBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ljr WiLMinaroii, N. C. Liberal cash advance made oa eoniig-Braeat. , WALHEH iXAiA-ie. f.tnooeasor to Walker Meares A Co.,) W HOLESALB AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, 45 Mabxst sraawr, wilmtktoi. N. C. HARKItl as UuWtl.U COMMISSION HKBCHAST8, Wiuam-row, N. C. fltoasi HAJimiaa, a. j. owbxa. Oct- 1st, Iha. w. v. BABJuaa. 0. . ILL1A. - a. f. arrcBLi.. ELLIS St irrrTCIIELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Hf - " C0R5. PEAS, OATS, BYK, WHEAT BRAN, OIL MEAL; FIUSSH GROUND HOMINY, HOBSE A 00 W FEED; ALSO, ZASTZRS AST) SORTS SJV78 J2A 7, . So. I BorJi Water Street, rilHE eUBSCRIBEK informs the pnbllo that he will on the 1 first day of October, open a Wholcaale and Betail ' CKY, CKOCKKBY AND UKNEHAh HOUSE FUUNIHH-iv-n uVni.'K at Nn. 'Jii and 11 South Front Htreet, Wilming- rvuiy lt I960. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. EM PI KB DISTILLERY. WlLMINOTON, N. C JOS. II. IILOSSOTC & to., Pbopbictom, SPIRITS TURPENTINE, Tar, Pitch. Rosin, and Turpeo ttae pot wo in the beat wanner, ia quantities to u't pnr cnaaers. aVrbtorace and Cooperage famished. June 21, 1861. rjinE UNDERSIGNED hifA acoeptM the agency of the Hrrrhanti' Insnranre Compaay ef Richmond, and the llikfliaa loioraBre Company of Montjomfrr! Andre ready to tuaue polioles to those wishing protection U ta Wiiea Southern Companies. Apply to Jiall Hh, 1861 DbROSSET, BROWS CO. 'a. a. jiNsisfn. t. raicoci. JKNNISGS k PEACOCK, . Ki'rcitiwnRs to wtk. rAcoc A co.. I'mkfMlSSION MEBCHANTS, Wholesale Grocers, and J fiwalers In Naval stores, Cotton, and "onthern Produce, , ,. ' W1LMINGIO.N, N. C Jur, ti, iv,i. ' t4 tf UK, O. KDHU'KDION, NUTT STEKET, NKAK THE BAII.KOAD, i WimiNUTON. N. i. Will give bis personal attention to aelling or forwarding, noon commianfon, all kinds of Produce aent to bis care, snd hnpea, by his unremitting attention to bnalneas, to merit a portion of the pulilio patronage. Will also attend to tilling order for all kinds of Merchan dize, where the partiea are auRicientlv known to justify it. Also to aelliuat, at private or public sale, Beal Katate in the tows of Wilmington, at 1 per cent, rommiaaion. Presbyterian, Fsyetteville ; Ledirer, Wilaon, copy weekly 3in.; Uonifb Note, tioldaboro', 2 weeks daily, and send bills to this oftioe. Oct. 30, 1H0 47 tf. W. H. M 'RA.BY. W. A. CUSM1KO. W. II. MrRARY t CO., COMMIHmON MKBCB ANTS, . Dealers In Pure Peruvian Onano and all other Fertil sera ; also, Agents for Beese's Guano, Wilmington, N. O. r Special attention paid to sales of Cotton and Naval Stores. 'anu advances on Produce when desired. Ivefpr to the Banks ia Wilmington, Baleigb, Newbern, Tar boro', Greeaaboro' and Salisbury, N. C, and Cberaw, H. C, o., Ac. . Nov. 6th, 1KB0 63 LAW MOTICK. TULTCH W. VTRKJHT, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oflice on Market street, on doort-aat ol Dr. Dickson's. Bept. 2d, lHfiK. 306 tf i e c. auivn. MtLM co')'. JAM. C. SMITH A CO- ( COMMISSION MKKCHANTS, offlcs second story, oorner V. ' South 'A at, r r.nd Market etreeta, Wilmington, N. C, viicre they are preparsJ to attend to all bnaiueaa In tbt iimmlsciou line. U btuinoiie entnwrted to them will be punctually attond odto. C. II. ROUIVSON M CO., COMMISSION AND FORWABING MERCMANTd J WlLMINOTOh.N C. Office over Mr. J. A. Willard' Slor. Entran wrsarof Princexs and Water streets. March 9, 1KGO. 1.WA29. REMOVAL. P. CELNSBERGER, BOOK-BINDER. irnlft't TAKES THIS method vo inform his cuatomera UJZJwv and ceiaons in waut of work of any deacrip if tjon. ja Uiy Hue, that he ha removed hia liuvk- tnniury and Jiulxnj eatablmliment to the Baaement of the new " Juitrnai lluildj" on Princess Street, whore he will oe pitaaea to receive oruera ior evrj atwmpiiuu ui lliudin. or RuIiiik, Ac Ao. Tbaukful for paat favors, he hope to coutinue to receive a liberal patronage as beretotore. Oct. 21st, 1H59. JAS. T. PETTKWAY A CO. F' ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 8 iHOTBH WATia SmSKT, WlLMINUTOM. N. C, Solicit consignments of all kinds of Produce, also, order for Gtocerea, sagging, nope, uuano, o., o. Bsria to John Dawson, Em)., O. G. PAasLST, President Cgnimarclai Bank, Ga-o. Davis, Eikj. Iki. T. rvTTK WAY. tAOIl M00BS. October 1st, 1A69. VNIO.f DI8TIIXERY. W1LMINUTON, N. C, A. U. VAN BOK HELEN, Paorajfroa. ALL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES purchased, manafoc tured and sold Wharfage and Storage fomiihed, and Oooptragt done at lair rates. Jan. 2, 18S0 100-tf. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMlNOTOM, N. C, Will sell, at private sale, OoUon. flcncU More, and" all kinds of oroduce. at a imau oommxuwn ; Aieo. BankStock at 1 percent, Rail Boad Stock 1 per oent Real Estate 1 per cent. Negroes 1 percent. Direct importation, Cargo Sale - 1 percent. airaaa . To the citizens of Wilmington generally. October 21, 186 40-tf BDWIS A. KKITU, C0MMIB8I0X MERCHANT, 7 Oct. 1, 1859. WiLm-WTO, N. JOAP, STARCH AND CANDLES. For sals by 5 May 7. JAS. T. PKTTEWAY A CO. SCO All I CJUGAR IN LOAVr S, Patent Cut Sugar, Cruahed Sugar, Granulated Sugar, fowaerea bugar, a. ouRar, a uijar, C. SuKar. Yellow Suear, Brown Sugar and Porto Kico bu gar In barrels or lota to suit, at May 10th. CASSIDEY'S. T sURYEAl AGAINST BLACK BEPUBLICAN The J best Whl key sold in this market is Furyenr't N. C. ' 1171", lTMI L t. April 3d - Sole Agents, C I A50, FLOUR, BACON HAMS, TOBACCO, Ac, Ac, For sale by Maya. W. H. McRABY A CO, COW PEA KICK STRAW. 1fff BUSHELS COW HEAS; UUU 74 BALES RICE STRAW Just received and for sale-by May 1, 1861. EL LIS A MITCHELL. Str RIP AID MOLASSES. (JCGAB HOUSE and New Orleans Syrup and new crop U cuba atoiasses, in quantities ana prices to suit, at May 23d CASSIDKY'S. HOOP IRON. TONS of bright 1 to U inch. For sale by June 11. HATHAWAY A CO. 10 OCR BOOKS A EE PRACTICAL V imnoeaible to procure aa assortment of Groceries, wa will sell toe balance ol atooc at reduced prices. . July 1, imii, ... . uau. SAROIIES. Sardine can be bad at July 8. ' CASSIDEY'S Rendervona. SCSDRIES. r( CASKS RICE; -Jf 60 box.es Adamantma Candles ; - tS Tallow M . . 6hhda.S. O. Sugar; 10 bbls. Refined " " "W,00 lbs. Dried Frnrt ; ' . r . U bales Guany Bagging ; ' 24 coUs Bale Bop : , 300 bbl. r lour, various brandi'; ' . . 200 bag " " . ., 100 bole. Herring; 60 Mackerel; ' ": - ' Bait, Molasses, OoSea, Ac, Ao. Ia tor and for tale by I.&tB,i, WORTH. J 01 aoa ., . , 1 . FOR SALE AND TO, REM HACIIIJKRY FOR WAI.K.' ? wf . ONBsnperior thirty horse power W)fln, two- Boilers, extra Kbafta, new Carriares and all flxture Aomplew. for Circular. Haw and Grist Mill, om-a ah. it tiiueouly and will be sold for about toe-third of the orieinai ct. Applvto JA. T. PKTl'hWAY A "CO. A pril ls. XVI BALK. rHBEB BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTI.VCS. fur alc cheap, at C. POLVOOT'H UphnUtt'ry Fatablishment. At ew more of thnea apleadld OVAL FKAMKS, for P,r traita, Photographs, Ac, for sale at cnt t rlmie nut , at C. POI.Vot.T-j4, February 14th. Corner Front and Priuecas ata. TRACT OK MH'NU LaNU FOIt MAL.K, TUB SUBHCRIUKK oflora (or sale the tract of tend 4 know aa the UocK SPUING THAl'T, ronululng 'me 300 acra, more or les, snd adjoluing the lands of J. 0. Pickett, Esq.-, on Federal Point. A portion of the above tract is cleared, and ha bren found well adapted to the cultivation of Ground Peaa. The balance is Turpentine Laud, and wnulJ no duubt be valuable as Ground Pea Land. Apply to THOMAS B. PICltKTT or SAMUEL N. CJlN NON, Wilmington, or to . - - Oct If.-4t 'H. If. WfllTAKgR. RaMeb AK.nt -vKl.Ll.A 1 l.l.vn, HARDKE-B Taclic! Voluutpent ILnd Hook ; letru' lion for Field Artillery; Uanit-IUx.k of Artillery: Gibbon' ArtiileriHta' Maiiual ; Hentoa'a Oiduanun and .uu nery i Hursmd'a Noti a im Sea Cotit )eltnce; Scietx-e ( War J Tact ics for Oftlcei; Infantry, ('anip Duty, ('hb1 le fence andrield Fortllir-atloKa; hiboul of the "Cuiilra;' Jeller'a Naval Gunnery : the Rifle, and How to Dae li Ordnance Menoran.la ; Naval l'. ivuaj n Lock and I'n mera : Heolt' Inlantrv Taetiin ; Trooix-ra' Manual, nr Tac tic for. Mifh llravonna and Muunted tttllenien J Henvy Ar tillnry. Oo hand and for sale at June lUih, 1-41,1. V II IT A K ER 8 New Hook Ktoie. UiiU.H. w K have three tyle of Ki tile or small Drama- alu-ct iron, wood au l bra.a Fur anle low at July 8. WIIITAKKR'S New Book Htor -. I'lA.Vtt frOH'l'Ka. IN THESE TIMES of diaunion and non-lnterooiirae, vHiy not purchase of a Boulhern Manufactory f Such ia Wm. Knabe A t'o. of Biltimore. Md.. whose Piauoa have not been surpaaed by any cold in thin market of Aortficm male: and have never fai'd to take th premium wherever t x- nniliea at lairs, sc. I'eraoua wiaMnir to uurcliaae can he referred to quite a large mini her of laiuiliea that i'e tliein in this city. , . KKLLKY'M BOOK STOKE. r eo. 20. Agent tor wm Knahe ,v i' , Ait'iif' M.4 i"i iit.it TiZitT I YlfE have purchased of Mr. II. It. Bnckua hia entire atiwU Y V ol Artiata' Material. Thia added to our own iimketi the Urgent and beat awirttiient of pi;dn uf this ciiixa ever before exhibited In Wilmington. We shall re-relve fiesli supplies as fast a needed, an aa to keep the atouk alwata complete. The attention of Teachers andArtmtala eae c'ally eolicited. A Hue lut of Engraving anN Litlmfrrapha Alao, Moulding fur l'lrture r rnmea, on band and lor aale at March I'J WHIXAKKIfS NKW ROOK hTORK.' MACKEREI April 4. -In bll. aud half bbls for aala by r: MURRAY A CO. WACHOVIA Jllu.L,n FMIIH. WE have jnat received from abnve M l!, a lot of this superior Family Flour, in barrula and half-ban ela. Alao, fcuperline Hour. Forsaleby Ma. it. H. HUGUINS . hONH. UltliilH AMI t-'IKKH. TRASrt and other metal DHUMS. Iliaaa ('omnoaition Aj Mrtil, Roaewood, ki.thogauy and Walnut Fife For sale ut June 2D. WHITAKEtt'H Ni Bo .k Htnre. 'IHOkK AlK'l AI.I.IC Hffcn A RE a very kuperlof articlf For aale ouly at 1 V June 2',l. WHITAKKR'rt New Bo'.k Utore. ATTKN'llON tOitlPANlk. SWORDS, BELTS, PISTOLS of improved make, 1, 5 and 10 Shooters, can only be had at KAHNWEILER A BROS., 3d door from Exchange Cornur, Market r t. June 21 at, 1 HOI. NOAP, STARCH AMD CANDI.Ktt. 25 HLF. boxes t'olcate's Adamantine Candloa : " " hoan 1 10 " Starch. For sale bv June 27th. 1N61. - L. Ji. HUGGING v HO H . TIIKIR U It K AT VlK Kxa RESULTS from their intrinsic excellence, I'ink Kvfl, C'lla Couuha. Slobberinir. Wurma. seneral iii-lin.lv. and . general broken down orgauiam, all vamxli h lore t fi ,1 1 gicat curative TH FQHARIAN CONDITION POWDERS. To see its etlecta on th system of Moist a anl t'owa, yon don't wait week or month, every day apcaka lor iucII, and thj many thonaand who have administered this remedy, peak in glowing terms of It wonderful ami curative puwer, Found at WILSON 'S Harness, Trunk, fiaddlcry, Leather A Oil KaiablLlinieut, Aug. 7, IKtU. No. a Market atre't. I i l i UNIFORMS can be made In a short time at llfUlJ July 30lh, 1861. BALDWINS. (KIOCR-l- LOl H. BBLS. FLOUB, Family and Fnper. For sale by July 19th L. . HUGGINS A SONH. 50 BY KIPKa TII'H NOHMNtJ : JUST RECEIVED, a choice lot of Butter from Virginia, which we are elling cuoap in lota to suit for caaii. July 13th, 1861. L B. ifAlGtilNS A SON'S. arAiioNKiit. THE largest stock of Btatiortery in the Slate can be found at . WHITAKER'S BOOK STORE. Aug. 2. SUNDRIES. 1-TfT BARRELS GLUE, I O 000 Rushels 0ts, 00 begs 4 s and 6 a aila, 100:1 Grain Bags, 15 Tierces Rice, Bazaingaod Bope, Hoop Iron. Buoifa. Molaarea. Tobacco, Floor. Starch Ao. Two second baud platform acalea, aa good aancw. Apply to JAS. T. PLTTEWAY, A l o. Ang. 2.J, PAI-UAOIIC Plti..Ii-i.Ks. ff0.& Inimitable Caaaidey, with patriotic ardor, has, after j. great enaea.ors, succeeaea in ooiaining, to a certain extent, a replenishment of bis stock of necrasahrs, to which he would call the attention of thoae interested. Among a large variety may be lonnd StiU, hlrtx I'ork, u- gar, Mulasaaa, Syrup, Voffee, Teas, Claret, Baking Powders, Cream Tartar, Hi Carb hoda, haleratna, Hal Soda, rale, Jol let and Faney r-oapn, Siaich, ila iena. Coin Starch, Gela tine, latnglaaa, Sauces, fickiea, Conuimenta, Hraudy rruit, Hitters, t;oi dials, Vtiuta, LKiiioia, btsar. au'i. Currants, Dried rrait, Ijciuonce. Potted rib and Meats, Preaerve. Spices, Ptmmr, Canary heed. Mnaterd reed, Clothe Line, Cotton and Hemp Cord and Tain, ail sorts tiooae rurni-h icgGood, liurnirty Fluid, Stone Jucs, Ja-s, Mf-miling Gans, Tin Ware, Iron, Itritamaand I'lateu bpoona, i utfry, all sorts Crockery. Glaia and Earthenware. Wood aud Wil low Ware, and What is it that cannot be bad at the llei- deztousf Ihua It is mat pinou-m prompts CAniiUr.t to supply th wauU of the community, while hia personal benent is out a secondary oonaiuratiou, oj course ) Aug. 22d. 1861. . OF ITALIAN VIOLIN STRINGS can be hid at Aug. 9th. WHITAKER'S NEW BOOK STORE. DRIKO FHVin UHIKOKRIITI A TPLES, PEACHES A DAMSONS, for sa'o very o eap ONS. for aa'o XJL to close conrgnmente, oy T. C. A B. O. WOBTH. July 17, tf TO PLASTER AXD DISTIM.EKH. WILMINGTON, N. C, 11th July, 1861. rpHE UNDERSIGNED having accepted the spiiointment X " to act as Commissioner '' on the part of tbo Treasury Department of the Confederate States of America, for the DarDoaw of recaivins subscriptions of Cotton, Bice, Naval Stores, and Manulaomred Articles, (agreeable to Aot of Congress.) for the District of Wi mingUm, takes taia mstii od of intorming ti.a citizens generally, that he in prepared with the nrr.r.urv oaoer in duplicate, to receive then- ain natures, stating such portion i their cropa and manufactures as they may design, when sold, t have converted into Coo federate Bonds, bearing per cent, interest, . -The Treasury Circular and form to be observed can be seen at my office. 1 will furnish inch informatiou as 1 pos ses. . W. C. HOWARD, (261-tf) South waterHtrcMtt. - FRESH UBOl'HD MKAL ASD HOMIXV, FROM Country Mill, water power. . Wat will be receiving, .nd nH..vi,r ln kaeD cooalantlv on hand, a choica ar- bcleof Meal and Hominy, from the bet t whiia Cora, which will be sold at moderate rates; Apply to Aug. 29. . JAMES T. PEiTEWAY A CO. DsUIlJOIISS, HUK JIGS ASD JARS Of great variaty of lizes. Alto, telf-allng Csns. at lug. 27. 1 : CAoSlCEI'S, MISCELLINEOUS. - as v :ri' - - i I ' ' ,1. t- eW . . . aj-w vvaairf - ,,i . " l I i' 1 "''.'.V! ' "-"illlism-a Manual, Bar die' Billn i. I ami 1 .igna iniaiiTrv 1 act lea. Krutl'a lulanlr Taeliea t oiiiit-r a ' ft tli i'iiii.li'a '1 ,11 11, li,.,.,l 11....L. Mil- filinru'a ln I, Hvml Et r. i U. s. Army, Htirnte ol War. Taotl a f,.r OIU -era of Inlantry, Cavalry and Artil lery. IimmI id' tbn Guiilra, Kvi.lut t..i-ol Ilia Line, Aualrian InUi lr, Hie Hit hi.. I linw to 1W It, Ortnarre Mouioran da, Naval I'ercuacinn I jicka and I'riiii' r. by Lieut.. J. II. luhlgren, Inatructloa for Arm with IWimhMom Locka'and Bay.ini t wild t Juana, Innti m l 111 a lor Field Artillery, Ar tlllenra Manual. JvRi-ra' Naval Omiuvry, Cavalry Tactics, An. I'he large.! aasnrfni'-nr nf lvHkntrr U10 liiiica can al ways be found at W II IT A K KICK New Book Ptore. April 24. () BuXr.x K X I II A Itl-TKIihlVK Hoep ; 1 0 do. I'll . Rriiwh Hi, nil : 1 do ColK'iteV l aif su.l No. 1 Ktmp ; Sofiin. I'arhllM- ami AilniMHiitlMe Cainll.'a, (or sale In tola tti ami WOIITM A DANIEL Wat ) Ml., ft. - 110. 1, .V io' K.ir aa'e by JAS. T. 1'l.TtEWAY A Co. .1 (JH 4'a, 1; U. J une IIAIIM IIIIKI I r.nrw m'mi;si-un j buh -i.g uin bags, tltt Kjihi !emi'eaixtM 3 lim-het grain bags. For l''-y JA. T. PETTEWAV A Co. Jti'ieU. ASTICItaj 1 1 4 v . fTI H AI.K1 ' good I lay. F.-r rain by f ') J ilti., Jiil. HATHAWAY A CO. RMI, KTAIK II ASIt ( OIM.K4, "KA:T IMMDKIDA, U king Pow ler snl c'oncrotrated A L'mviii Sauna, i'itlili). I'oniliiiunia, Brooini; Wood ami iliow Ware. Sr.iii h Ale and l.niluu Porter, Wlnea. Lli mra and ."tyaia, Krotna, ( oi-u ai.il Clmciifute, Fine l.une ani 1 ivei j.1.1.1 pin, a hnll, 1 ny aie.a oik. (!AlliteV'H r.KMlEZVOIIH, H HI It.KI.OI 'It. l.'AWil.T ul d hiiiinlute In ator, and tor aale In Ida to -I. auit. by I.. B. HKJGINs A HONS. June iTlii Isiil. HI 1 11. 1 1 1 V '1 U A OK. V' L II U L a gottii ruppiy .f the Mloaiug good), which e r uit-imci-.i tu aell al rt'Biol.alile pueea 1 A 'intuitu Line l uuilka, ' Koali. , Hian b, Teu, t'ollee. Hi pur, Molaaera, Hyinpa, tt mea, Brnnnca, ' Whltlity, 'l'obteeo. Pi rk. I'n k!ea. Kai'oii, Heel, I -ai d, llnttcr, l:rrai vea. Julliea, r-uuera, Pepper, Hli e. Fine Table 1 'alt, I. I'. Ground Salt, (img.-r, r lour, Mace, SI. a!, lii'iinn'iiiy, I 'ui 11, Nul Mega, Clo tea, t'aaaia, i'liiilf, A DANIEL. Srgars, Wood and Willow Ware, Ac. Juiy 20111, In. I, WOK 1 11 ll'.tAltl lit t.l;: VOk.ll.tlll M ADK FROM PUUti Al PLF. ClDKII. For aale by July 2?. WOBTH A DANIEU tin C.I. I K. t- VERY GUOD AND UhKrUL ARTICLE. For anle at V JV KLLl.EY'S BOOK STOKE. Jtily, IK'l, Ml CII.At.K, N B0TTLL8 O F VAU10UH Fll. For tale at KELLKl'H BOUh, STORE. J.ily C. ISM III.AK IICMIKM. A LARUE aupply of diller-nt vitrleium, at IV July fl, l-ill. KK1.LEVS B'JOli STORE. KOKilI FLO! II, fROM NEW. WHEAT, ground a, the Cane Fear Flour I , Milla, at greatly rrdneed price. By the barrel, in baga, blf. quarter and eghth baga. Call aud see, al the Mill or ollice, A iliuingtt.u, N. C. July 27m STOKLKY A OLDH AM. YI:i.MW niKTAI.. 4.500 FoV5 lJ.ci.ow MblAl.. aliL-iitly worn aale by G. C. A W. J. MlNRO, July lull, lKta HI I k. ItK AKN, SPLIT brat PEAS, Pried Frail, Almoodt, Butternuts, FilberU, Green and Hlack Teaa, Java Coffee. Chocolate. an mt, t ocoa. 1 oru .-tarcn, vaxi ia, AC, at July HWh. twi. CUSTDEY'8. LOiUI l.tttln L.AIIIH .) I BBLS TlEllCri CHOICE L A lil, ait t 2! Keg do For aa'e b 'e by DAN Jjly 6, WUHTH A IFL. HIIKCK A1'M. BALE- ON CONSIGNMENT, by ) July 27. K. M CUR AY A CO. 7'KliOXKNiC oil. A BUbNLVU FLUID, in quantitie to J.Vuitat CAoaJOEXS. Aug 6 ; TO AHM b'.tl H lthRS OF MILITARY WORK. KARNES, BtUDl.E, - t-'CAUBABD AND CAP BOX LVAIHER. Enameled Cloth, a'l color, M down Bra-s I'latea fur ofllcers' Balta, 7.1 " - Caririiliie snd Cap Box Knobs, Morocco l-ealbr. all oolors, , . . 7 l lb, of Hiioa Tllieail, 27 sides of Patent D.ih Leather, 2 igioasnf ilirnes aud Bridle Buckle For sale at WIUHON'S, Harness Trunk, Hat'dlery, Leather and Oil Establishment, No 4 Marly-t atieet. An(. 27. CKOCIiKRY Al tLtWAIIK. ALAllGr. assurtnieUkCrockery, G.axsand Earthenwara, for sal very cheap, tbote wuhiug to supply theroaeves to advantage thuulJ go t CABIDEX'B. Aug. li. i CANUCKS A DAM ANTING abd Sperm Candles, by the box or small X a er quantity, can be bad at CAbSlDEY 'S. Ao 27. WOOLEN snCKI. - , RECEIVED Ibis day, from our Uooe in Charlotte, N. C. 5,WJ pair eouotry knit "ocka. KAHNWEILEB A BROS., 2d door from Exchange Corner, Front atreet. Aug. 22. . XTORTH CAROLINA 1 sale ny Ang. 14. t KYB A COPN WHI.-KKY. for WOBTH h DASItL. ORTH CAROLINA BACON. In tore snd for ssle by Aug. 17th U B. HUGGINS A BOSS. JCT HKCElt fc.I LARD, ' ' BACOI. - ' , COFFEE, - ' " . - SUGAR, . . ' " ' - ' ; ' fcOAP, -.' . - ' - - - - BIARCH. - . . - , tiANDLEA .'. logsstrUHUbV WOKIH A DASISL. ; telwilITAKfcPJ .(''.i MARKET KIBEkT. .SaaJ I .i - Ill I 11 . i'.- ' .1, i .A - !i .if... I. iv. '1 "-if ... VI NOTICES. lVTP.B.I"T"OWHOOWW' V ' lrf. ARRmnchln waitof money to kaep a tiock at . JLVMmm ! beredneed la a asy or two. rrleods come forward and pay p T It will greatly ohllgi Mav Nth WVSTI DANIEL. 0 NOTICK. . ed naleaa paid for la advance, sty iosmeaa wlll ba conducted strlcUy on th caeh principle hi future. J have reduced price to an It the times, and helns compelled to pay c . M" for eaah, andsr asy oirenmataneei. APnl '" C. POLVtiOT. Cla-l'AltTAAiMkKiia a.n.'ir nHE UNDKRSIONEDkavaantered lata cdpannersbJa . .. town of Wjlmlnrton, M. C. aader tha Craa of will be paid? " iaal.igl.est cask price will reoeiv and seU slave oa mtlta. 4bri adv OM mad upon lavi lft with thees U sale. . 7 ; fJ. ftoUTHPRI-AND. . An,.t lat, JAMtt ti.VOUMAW. UKDCEIUEN. 1 Of BB":"J'8 " North Blata,"' ' 1 . V lJJ tO ' other branda. , . " Puryear'i N. 0. Tty. For ml by . . WORTH A DANIEL May 27. SACK SALT TTiYi BAr?fl in"pleudid frder-full large 'flack." for V-Sitair.. . Waco. W ll.l, SKt.iai-kit'lkrljriW MiaTriuT 50 Bote Candy. IA Poiea ljmnn R.mn AO Boxes l laretts. Ji Bole B. B. Brandy. - 4 2, llblatilnirer Wine, t Bbl. riue Whlaky', -. ' 20 Bill. Imported Liquor, . ' ' . f O Hose i amllea, 40 Bbta Huars, 1 . i; in Half Cheat lllark Tea. a-.?;0."?! N',r."r of .tIr'""" j' ttota ll very beat H nna to the chaapeatdoineatina. , ' 1 boaa wlahlug to replenlkh tl.clr stock will find this a fa. votal.le .pj.oi tulilty lor burgalna, at J'yL OEO. MYRRH. 2fl 0-a..lK, PlMiVlTlOA'sTtseuT ' r Bi.LH. IIKKINEDKUGAIIH. ' . ) 12 litjilt. P. If, nd Muacovado Cngitr; v ! ,. , " 1u, 1mrr clieaia Ureas and Black Toais 2A barrel let Bvrun. run. I tn Ama Ji.,iM. . M do Hngnr Honaa Pyiupl! d l ard I -''-. ' , IA ki ua do. - 10 boll bbl. No. 1 Mackerel i ' ' ' 20 bbl. No. 3 do. . 1 j , 2 do. hatinon , ' ' 2,0M) Ida, N. I). Bauon 1 . j '.. ' lo half bbla. f ulton Market Reef ' M 1. 1, It. heavy f.lty Mea Pmk ' Ufl do. Rectified Whlakey ; - 10 d 1. N. (,'. Apple and Peach Brandy . H do. Puryeara N. V. Bi Whlakey 5 1 do. extra qnallry N. G. Hoiiiipernoug Win 1 I eaa vrtiy cliok French Bramlvi IM l.rr.l. L'l... .11 r . vr 100 Iwr do. Super 1 ,-', rr ulV!'iku'', ,,Mk,l'R ,'"",er. CoscsiitraUd Levea, Corn Star h. Malrrua, P,e.ervea, Pickle, Jellies, Corria I owder, I at au pa, Ao Tobacco, Kegur and fnuir7for al on reaaoimble liiruia, by -l',lljJi-!L-. , WOiiTn A TtA-XIF.L. oaTh, o A l a. If Bt'p"W MARYLAND OATS,- fof lata b 1 ;W1 y' JAti. T. PETIEWAY A Co. -. . l.La. ui.l i.-. M IW 1 BAURKlJS (JlO.CE GLU K. for a.!. I.. ll'y,. JA3.T. PLTTEWAYACa." Ml'I.I.KTs.f!Lt.RTS. of Newlilver Mulleu, la good order. Tor 10 BHI J4. esln tiiry low to close tli lot. Jliue II. HATHA WAT A CO. AI.K AMI PoiiTirii II UHlrt. BASS A Co., and Jeffrey rjlnh.tr. At. Ixindou Poller lo pint bottle, at 17th ' .. 1 . . . , . WMW Juno CASfUDKVM. pICKLED BEEF TONGUES, at 1J,,Ml7lh . CAMIDEY'8, l June 17th CAKsr CASSIDEY'S. 1 )ICKLEI ONIONS and (Iberkiui is gallon kegs, at J June 17th CASSIDEY'S.' 1UIKU APPLES AND PEACHES, at 1J June 17th CAHWDEY'd. KIO A NO MOf'IIA fntrtpvm A 1J40, diljoreut grades Greea and Black Teas, at 1Y June 17th OASBlDinr'S. , 1'IIOICK BAf'OIT. of ttrway choivt W estern Baooa Bidti tni HI I OS mm 1 r-bouldeis, t or sale for cash, by HATHAWAT A CO. June 11, NEW OIILKAK9 MOLASSES. Wi.Bi"" Cofice early crop. Forsaleby V June Utfa. i8HL ' HATHAWAT A CO. BEr P TONGUES at " ' ' " Jm18. CASSIDKY'S UltASS PLATER, Ijinn OBloera' Belts, Knobs fur Cartridga and Oon Cap Loxea, Hooks, Ac, A., lor nianafacturers of Military woik. Also all kiuda of Buckles. For sal at 7 .,"- WIIJJON'B, II Arneaa. Trunk. fisdJlery, Leather and Oil Eatabliabient, a. 6 Market street. Sept. A. 4 la-PARTKERSUIp. rilHE undersigned having this day entered Into a Co-part JL nersblp under the style and firm of CLARK A TUB- . LLNGTON, for the transaction of a general COMMISSION aud rOHWAitDIXV JiVSlASH, respaetfully solicit Wawmt!o " 0t A'uoal itorM' Fknn-p Cor, Bacon, mbXt 7f7 0MU",,t on bDd ,LIMB' PLASTER, CB MENT, fJAIU, Ao. Order promptly executed. Also, Ageuu ior Steamer KA'IM McLAUBIN and BUM JOHN M. CLARK, WM. H. TUBLISGTOIT." Oct. !. I860. A COMPLETE RDITIOff 0 HARDEE'S TACTICS. wU bound and eontalnlBgaU theplatrsof the original work, for tl Tha bast and cheapest edition yet ned. For sale at June l'.nh. WHITAKER'8 NEW BOOK STORE. IMVKHIAI. FBKO CITTER. 1 universal Feed Cotters. Forsaleby I inn. 91 T . m n . -L JAS. T. PETTKWAT A CO. KOR1U CABOUSA VUn u. p. 1 ubu). Duper. r lour. For aala by Juna 11. HATHAWAT A CO. SIIAOlSHAD. O BLS. EH AD jut received. For aal by July 1L J. B. BLOSSOM A CO. PIIOTOORAPIIIC JTIAP OP THE SEAT OK WAR INCLUDING a Map of Virginia and Maryland the Jamee tiver entraace, with the Balteneai SttotlonaJ Map of Virginia on ao enlarged acale, and plea of tha battle-field Bear Beiiiel Church, Price t 60. For aal at Ang. 8. WHITAKER'S NEiV BOOK PTOn?. ABMf UEOCUTIO.,. ARTICLES O WAR, and act of Congress org-an' ..: .-g tna Army of the Confederate 6iatea$l 60. For at KtiXEY'S BOOK ETOSE. An.f8. UAURT EXERCISE A NOrKlnMInHERS- D.ULL. Just published at Eici- iA I atond. Received and fur sale at Aug. 10. WHiTAKnrs T.- Flora. ARkV MAS li- llui.it.; VUST PUBLISHED. Received snd for a !e at J An. V- WH I f A E Kit m I 1 1 1 I li H I l'l"" nr4ru' tor n iv,iti7 r-nc35( 1 cents per 1 jO. Augoat 9, V JJUU .1 . J 60 Packages Navy ai 1 , Bges. For sale by - Angus AHA, ltl. - ... r, .,, wiu, maueria ami nerrT Win! i ,,,r,'lf ''; I'tAOds (hampagn. wines; i,t V V (" . "0I Brtlcre; .A - 121 boxes Pale snd So. 1 Poapa ; ' ' ' - 3i do. Detorlre Fsmlly Washing Poas 1 at vt V V