- I i -r l i -i - , w t . . - ( a ! ff Vj, " ' ' ' " f s W -v- ' ' VOL. 11. NO. i. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1861. WHOLE NUMBER 3 081 . BY FT LTO PRICE, PROPRIETORS. 43 FULTON, Editor A. L. PRICE , AsitEitur. . .' ... t j, Ta-aas mt wtanrl4l. Daily Pap, e year, Invariably in advance.-. ...... In 00 Week! , 1 60 All letter oh buuines connected with thi office. miM b addrew-id th proprietor, a s ,. - bates of AVwrrwji.'-' onsj'- On dy. ...... Two day. ....... 3.4 Three day. 5J 'our d .,...... "-, . Fiv da'. .. . . - J On week. ......' 87 Two weeka ....I 33 i One month.. 2 00 Two month S 60 Three month 00 Six month ... 00 0 lly..i ...... 1 wo d. ... .. . . Tiire d)'f. .". . . Fur dnye j "rv duye.i One wvk. Two wk...... Ooe mostti. ....... I . ' 50 1 '.& i 74 4 P0 1 00 Two moDlhe.. Three muaUui. Bis month . . . . ..;io 00 . ... 16 00 One rear.... ...... 1 W One year... .so 00 Ten Unwe r eoonted u tire, Mid fi linee ot le beil-eqaere. Longer dertiemeirta tn proportion, end U pnveUe tn dnce. When not paid tn adance JS cent per aquare will be. charged after tlie flrat tnaertion. r if Ai) baH-aiaarM nut paid for tn adrance will be charg ed ae a iquare. " Adtertiaementt l&aerted ai Bpeoial or Bishop Noticee are charged onenair more un aooTe ravea igu uw (leaded) or tee counted aanaqnara. . . UT Adertieineuu tnaertod ever other day art charged 371 cent per uar for each inaertfon after the ftrat. . trUo pablioation mad without a roponible nam. Bl'SLESSAND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. O. W0BTH. ' M. Q. PAN1IL. wnnri! tt DAJIIKf.. ( ROGERS AS D COMMIS810S MERCHANTS, No. 2 v-" ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Solicit coBiignment of Floor, Dried Fruit, Bee.wax, Feather, Tobacco, and Oonntry Produce generally. -Agenu for How Uelouraiea boaie. bept. la, mo. lA5tr I'l.lUK Ai. TL'KLINtitTON. COMMISSION AND FOPWARDINO MERCHANTS ifin TO H. VL Bavao. Cashier Bauk Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. t Tdawboh. Prea. Wil. Branch Bank of N. O. W. U- Jokbr, Cashier Baleiab Branch Bank uap ear. - -Oct. limn. , - : . ' -NSW CllOC;lU, CUOCHKHY ANI UOt'sK 1 iriTilIMHINa STOKE. . rnHB 6UB8CWBEI! inform the public that b win ob the X first day of October, open a w no leeai aim 'CERY, CROCK EKT AHU nr.ne.Bau nuunDtuiuu mn utauu .i K'na. ia and In Hoiith Front Street, WilmlDK- ton. N. C. where everything in hi line of bueine' may be found. Order oliciUd, and prompt "P f ""a-v Rent. JCth. 160 so LOUIS B. KHAMUKRT, wnrroMuT ANti PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST. , . . - Wilmihotok. N. C. Ca .nnatanilv on hand, a (elect atock ot JJrugt, Med- feinea, Vomestyo and AWopa) Clwmwab, Fancy and 'xJUiaArhcle, Wm and Lvpiortfor Medical J'urjose$, " ,Prti'cular"atteutlon paid to PB8CiPTiona, Family UMiiraa, Mbdicimb Ciihth, ac. .,., in,ir,,liRtHl nndar the " Carolina Ifotcl. . i..i. ii ihas. ,. . .. . . 2C2-tf wwj , ' n C AL 17. J. IIUKII. HiiuuiflflinK MKtcuASis ana n uuuioai.o u . . - ..in i . r ti". . t n rtn J CEH8, No, 12 North Water Street, June l, 1H69. ' WiLMiKOTQM, N T. M. MIT 11 1 JOUB MOLA: KIM. SMITH A MrLAl'IU. GO EMISSION AND F0UWAUD1N( MEUCHANTH, WllMIHOTW, N. C. ; ' ' MMH TO . ;' . ; .. ; " ; E. P. Hall, Esq., Prcwdont Branch Bank State N. C . . July Ut. 1H5 . 2flfi-tf nb.KOSi.T, AiKOW Si C O., iim; commission 2&alo5H.0; Jan. m, too. o-w. JOSEPH s. BX08-OM. CYl'S 8. VANAMBtNOK. J. K. BLOSSOM Ai c. f.NKRAL COMMISSION MEliCHANTS, June . 86i. WiLMrnoTow, K. C. MrfMTIRIC A BROWN. DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, (next door to Brown Anderson 'a,) No. 39 Market St., -le WILMINGTON, N. C. rn IDA ' ' II. B. K1L.K.U9. . -w-wTTJnlFKAI.B OltOCEH. AND COMMISSION MER- VV CHANT, and DEALER IN N A AL STORES, corn- Water and Market street, Wilmington, N. C. April 2d, 186H.' IA. STOUST. , A LAX. OLDHAM. VTOKXKY A. OUniAJt, yrfTCBO Awn rOMMISRION MERCHANTS, AND AT D CALEBS IN COBN, OA18, PEAS, AO. WlLMMOTOK, N. C. RxriBixc. V Mc.!A.rT"?L . . riwi..,, . .v-. . K. MURRAY AtO. (gacsssser to Murray At Pacock. ynafVIRRinN MERCHANTS 1 Kj AND WBOLESALE GHOCEBS, V - WA.ZSH 8TUEET. '-, WLLMINGTON, N. C. a Mr.iiT n. B. anraflBiaON. i. T. MUBBAT. r'.hrn-rv 1. 1859. l0"tf D. A. 1.AMOJIT. lOaTMISBION MEKCHANT, No. 3H North Watar trt yj OoL 12 Sl-U i ... : f Wimiiiwtoii.C. ' I- B. IIUOGINS BOSS. "llfBOLESALE AND BETA1L DEALERS IN GBOCER- V V 1U1 A GENERAL M-IOiUU AA Ulofc, S. t. lrn. Market and Secucd StreeU, , t.-- ........ WlLKINSTON, N. C. AVArOrder from our friends will rcciv prompt attention. Oct. 10, lft- , J. Al. AUUliUN a. mj.X., - WlLMINOTOW, N. C. TMPORTERS. MANUFACTURERS' ' AGENTS, AND Dea- X lere In Hardware, Cnltery, lros, Steal, Nails, Agricul tural Implements, AO. 1. J. COX, W. P. X UN DILL, mi. HRNDALi- ck CO. t, I, XBKBALL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GEO- j LEKS, , North Water St. March 12th. 1861 ... ."-tf WM. C. HOWARD, ENEBAL PRODUCE BKOEES, VT Sept. 20. 1864 l-tq WlLMIaOTOX, N. C ADAMS, BBOTHKB CO-, C101W188ION MERCHANTS, J - . WiLwrnToa, a. C. . I BLlTBAWAT. . tTTLBT . . HATHAWAY At CO., COMMISSION MtKC-LANrS, v, r I j . WtL-rniorow, a. C T. C V at. U. WORTH, OJOIBSIONANDFOBWARDINO MERCHANTS, ' Www inuiWBt ?aT n V&archU,18.T ISo-ly HHH AJfDSaSO, BSWAM iAVAO , . ANDCRSON dt BAVAOK, . INXSAL CKUUtlSSION MERCHANTS, JC - - VlLUK-TOM, N. C. jjbaral cash advanoa made on co-aignnie nf . WALaUCR ME AUKS. (Sioeaor o Walker Mearea A Co.,) WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, - 46 Mabxw Stbbwt, WrLMmerow, N. C. HAKKI49 HOaVtVILaa, . COMKISSIOH MJERCHA5T8, WiuiDiaroii, N. 0. BOSS HASalSS, . A. J. SOWXLL. W. W. BASSmS. Oct. 1st. IK&A. . . O D. SLL1. ' MJTCHXLL. . wwm.waALB AND RETAIL DEALERS Cf CORN. PEAS, OATS, BYE, WHEAT BRAN, OIL kTKiL; FHiiiH GROUND HORiNT, HORSE A COW FEED; SASTtSS AiV2J A0&TB B1VXR EAT, AaomuM , So. Sorth Water Street, - - VaJDMtOM, N. O. . fthrajri lit 1830. , -- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K9IPIRB UirnLtRHT, -"1 W BJHWHTOK, a. UfO jos. u. uxossvin coH K SPinifS tfiTTtXE, Tar, Pitch. Bolo. ao4 Tnrpen line pot OB in the beet wanner, In qoanUUe to ait par chancre. . ... '.. - - . a-Btrate and Cbonerae fnrnlahed. VIHB Itkl.MltCKL . fllHE VPERSIGXED hT0 aeocpted the ncy of the I Mcrcbants' f nsurante Companj of Rlcomoni . t - - Jl andlh 1 WalaiBa lawrtBfe torn pan 7 f Rontgomerj f And are readj tw Hen policie to tbnaa wtahlng proteotfon in wood Pent tier (ompaaiea.. awryta - - . Jlyrth, U(iU . DaUOrieT, BRO V w QCkt 111 " " r i '"' 111 1 1 1 " '' " 1 " 5 11 "113 '8- a. a. iwsrwo. h.TiACocc, .. . junimvo At PBACOCU. . ("ITl'WWira TO WT, FI1CWI I Cl., OeWlSHIO.N MERCHANTS, Wholeesl Oroeer. and c Dealer tn Naral ftore, Cotton, andttoatharti Prodnce, WlLaUNaTUMa n . V. Jane 22. IfcCl. . 214 tf NOTT STREET, KKAB THE RAILROAD, ' ' WlLHINQTOM. N. A., 1 B'iU pive hi pennnal attention to aelling or torwardiug, npon coromiaioD, all kind of Produce aent, to hi care, and bnpes, by hi unremitting attention to banineaa, to merit a Dortion of the nubile natronase. ; Wijl alao attend to fill in- order for all kind f Mereban'i dlze, where the imrtiet are ultlclentlTnowB to tuetify .ItJ Also to aelling, at private or public aale, Real hatat In the tows of Wilmington, at 1 per cent, rnmmhuilon. Preehyterian, Kayetteville j Ledger, Wilon, copy weekly Sin.: Biditth Mote. Ooldboro'. 1 week daily, and aend bill to tiii oflic. Oct. 30, 160. 47 tf. I v. m'babt. w. a. ocsmims. - W. II. McRARY COH C COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J Dealer in Pure Peruvian Guano and all other FertU ten ; alao, Agcbta for Bee' Guano, Wilmington, N. C. r Special attention paid to aale of Cotton and Naval Store. . . , ("axli advance on Prodnc when desired. -' Refer to the Bank In Wilmington, Baleigb, Newborn, Tr boro', Greenboro' and Salisbury, N. C, and Cberaw, H. C., Ao.t A. ' - Nov. tb, 1K0 63 LAW NOTICB. TDLIUri W.. WRIGHT, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Market Street; on door Eaat of Dr. Dickion'. Sept. Id, 1S59. - S08-tf tkMI O. 4IT. MILS OOSTOI. J A . V. SMITH ii CO- i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, offloe second story, comr ' ttoutfj watorana K:j-ft r.reota, Wilmington, a. rbore they are prepare.1 to Mtund to alt buainww tn th crrjn-.isRlnn line. . All ti ia'jjOM ettrnsted to thm will bponotoally attend I i)8IC. c. ii. Romnsoiv m co., aMOMMISION AND FOBWAiOINO MERCHANTS J WlLMIMOTOk , A C. Offlc pver Mr. J. A. Willard't Store. Eutraoa bvrnwof Prince and Water street. March B, 1HC0. LWA29. j j RKMOVA1.. P. IlEINSBERGER, COOK-BINDER. jtftilfTTl TAKES THIB method to Inform hi cuatomer j4yJL'y nd person in want of work of any deecTrip rTi.aarr tion. fa hi line, that he ha removed hi Book- iiinam y and liuling blihmirttoibv. Baaomentof the new " Juumal JiuiUling" on rrlnceaa Htreet, wner ne will be oleased to receivs order for every descriution ol Uindinc or Haling, Ac, Ac. Thauktul for past favor, n noiie to contlone to roelv a liberal patronage as neretoior. ' Oct. ii.t, iN.a. JAS. T. PKTTKWAY 4k CO. tACTOUS AND COMMlUblON MERCHANTS, ao. aoTn wati hthwt, WlLMUteTbM. bi. C. Solicit coosiirumenU of all kind of Produce, alao, order. for tirocere, Bagging, Hope, uuano, o., to. Hirsa to John Dawbom, Ewj O. G. Pahhlbt, President (.lmirirolJ Bank, Gbo. Davis, Esq. JAB. T. riTTBWAT. BOOBB MOOBI. October 1st, 1W6. TJNIOH UISTILXKRY. WILMINGTON.JJ. C, ATX, KINDS OF NAVAL STORES purchased, mannfac torad and old Wharfage and etorag rornisnea, asa voopiragt aom at lairratea. ... Jan. 1, I860 100-tf. S. H. WERT, A DCTIONEEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. LM UT.. vr r- . .Will Mil, st private '.ale, CoOon. Kaval .fltorw, and all . Bd. or nroduce. at a amau eommiuwtk : Also. lianx toc X at i per cent. ... . Bail Koad Stock t per cent. Real haiiat ....1 percent.1 Negroes 1 par cant. Uirect importation, cargo H&ie i per cent. airaaa To th siticen of Wilmington gtntwally. Octoawr .1, 16 40-U IDWI1 A. KEITII. WlUUMTOH, N. 0. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1, 1869. ' SOAP. STARCH AND CANDLES. For sal- by Way 7. JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO. kCUAltl vu Ait ii 1javrts, rsieai v ui ougar, trusnea ougar, Granulated Sugar, Powdered Soger, A. Sugar, B. !-nKr, V. Sugar, Yellow nugar, Brown sugar and i'orlo ttioo su gar In barrel or lot to uit, at May IVtSU t.APvhllJBr TIUHTEAR AGAINST BLACK REPUBLICAN The I beat WhI skey old ia thi market is Fury ear' $ N. C. Lye. . WOBTU A DANIEL, April 3d ' rwie Agenra. tAWO, FLOUR, BACON HAMS. TOBACCO. Ac, Ac For sal by May 4." W. H. McUABY A CO. COW PRAS RICB STRAW.' t f ff BUSHELS COW HKAS; l.UUU 76 BALES RICE STRAW. Just received and for saie by ' . ELLIS A MITCHELL. May t, 1681. STRIP AMD MOLASSES. - OUGAR BOUSE and New Orleans Syrup aad cw crop K7 cans tols, is uanuues ana prices 10 ait. at May Ud . . - C.AbaUJt r o. HOOP IRO!l. TONS of bright 1 to 14 inch. For sal by June U. - HATHA WAT A CO. , . ' . Q OCR BOOKS A BE PRACTICALLY closed from this date. Findlnr irnooesible to procure aa aatortmeot of Grooeriea. wa will aeu tae Dalsace of atoca at reeueea pricea. July 1,131, UttO. MICRO. SARDINKS. Sardine can be bad at July 8. CASHLDET'S Readervosj. -SUNDRIES. iOO CASKS RICK; - 60 box Adamantin (Jaadle j . 14 " Tallow . " ; 6 bhd. N. O. Sugar ; 10 bbla. Refined " 10,000 lb. Dried Froit ; i 26 bale Gunny Bagglaf ; 26 coil Bel Hope t , - - i W bbla. F lour, various brands'; 500 bag -. ; 100 bbla. Herring; 69 MMkerel ; . - MolsASts, CoSm, c. Ac la store and for Si -.-i. ,r ..... , : , I..&. . tt. WORTH. FOR SALE AND TO REM MAtlUMKt for balk. VKB euprrlor thirty bore power Engine, two Boiler, J extra hhafta, new Carrimyfi and all Oitnre eomnleva, l' I u A ki III .k . u . 1 1' J rarwuuiVi rww lan urni mti, wi r. iimv only ana will be eold for about oe lbrd f tbe nrlirinal coat. ..Apply to . , JAH T. miKWAY A CO. lii-'ill4 : a; , rOH KAXH. v llnBER BE AOTIPTJL OIL PUNTING, for al chain. B I .1 CL PC.l .VfHiT'H TTnhnlatrr KaUhlinlimat 1 B ew more of thou pledld OVAL rUAMKA, forPor- rbraary Hth. , ... ; Opraar Froat and Priaoeo it. tTHMror lA'KtTvkmh it) r a l tc! rav fTHK BOBWlBtBKR oBera for aale the tract of land i knows aa tbe If Kilt kiPlUNU TRACT, eontolninc ome 900 aorea, more or Uf, and adjoiniiif the land of J-M Pickett, Eq on federal Pnlut yorila nf tbe abov tract I cleared, anil ha been ri wiill adivpied to U cultivation of Grnand Paa, The bain new at TtirperrTO Land, and would wo-wVitrrita valuabl a (irnnnd l'xa Land. 1 Apply to TUOMAS . PICKETT Or SiUCEL If. CAN NON, Wilmington, or to Ont . 44. R. H. WniTAKm. ftalel. AHla UtvUlLA'tilltt. HAnDEE'S ToKoj Toltrnteer' Bind Book; Inrtrno tioa for Kirid 'ArtUlefyt fUnd-Bnnk of AMilleryf uibDOB a AawierMtai MaBuaii Hentun (irdninr ind Uuo nery t Harnard'i Nota oa Ka Coaat Dfrai ; Huleoce of War: Tactu tor Oluoera: lulanUr. I'amu Duiv. Coaat l lenc and Field Fortiftcatlon : Kbool of the "Culdr;" JeHer' Nvl t.nnnery the Rifle, and How to Uae It; ordoaur Merrormnaa: Naval rienioa l.nct and rTI ineri; Hontt'a llifaolry Tactic Trooper' Maoual.or Tao- tic ror.I.lKbt uragoon aud Mouotad Uiilojuen j llaavy Ar tlllery. On hand tod for vale at June Itb, lHMl. WHITaKRR'S New Rook Store. lHt!tia. "HrB thro ttyle of Kettle or mlt Drum het T T tron, wood aud brum Kor anla low at Julyi. WUITAKEK'M New Book Store. PI A. IV O MIU I K. IN THESE TIMES of disunion and noo-inUroour, why not purchas of a Southern Manufactory f Such ia Wm. Knabe' A Co. of Bltlmore, Md.wh Piano hav not been curpaaed by any sold in this market of Northern mak, and bav never fai'sd to take th prmium whrr ex hibited at tain, Ac. Person wishing to purcha can b referred to quit a larg number of families that tin them In till City. KKLLKV'H HOOK UTOKK. Feb. 20. Agent for Wm Knalx A 'e ahhViv mYikhiai.b. " VYfE hav porcbaMd of Mr. II. B. Backus hi ntlrtock IT of Art ils' Materials. This addad to our own Bake the largest od beet mrtmeot of roods of this clsaa ever before aibrbrtad is Wilmington. W shall receiv frasb upplin a fast aa needed, ao a to keep the itook alwari complete, i D attenuon of iracber and ArllaUl p. c'ally loliuited. A line lot of Engraving and Lithographs. Also, Mouldings for Picture Frame, on hand and for sale at Man JH W HITAKKH H NEW BOUK HTOHK. M'ACKEnEU In bbla. and half bbla.. for aU by P April 4 . MUKKAY 1 CO. WACHOVIA MILLS VlAtVH, aW E have iiwt received from aliov Mill, a lot of this superior Family Flour, in barrel and half bar. els. Superline Flour. For sale bv Mv4. L. B. HUGGINS A SONS. Illtl'JIt AIM KlfKB. BRASH and other metal DRUMS. Bras Composition Mettl, Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut File. Foraalaat .. June 'ki. . WHITAKEU'S New Book Htor. 11108)111 MKTAUJi) rltKl . A BE a very superior article, . For sal only at XV June 29. WIIITAKER'K New Bmik Flora. ATTatNl KIR C)MPAS SWORDS, BliLTS, PlriTX)LS of improved mak, 1 10 Shooters, can oaly be h at 6 and KAHN WnER A BROS., i 3d door from Exchang Oornor, Market 81. June 21st, Ihtll. OAP, STARCH AMD CAKULK. 25!! 1ILF. boxes Colgat' Adamantin Candle; 20 " Soap ; 10 " ' Starch. For sa' by June 27th. IWil U B. HtlGtiINX A SONM. TUUIH UI1KAT fcltCKa RESULTS from their intrinsio excellence, Pink Kye, Colds, Cough, clobbering. Worms, general debility, and general broken dowa organism, all vanish b.-lor tM greet curative ' TIIE EQ'IAUIAN CONTITION POWDERS. don't wait week or months, everyday speaks for itself', and mam . . m mm. mi m nn , 1. . ....... I 11...... .. , i'mmwm . .. in many tn ioaano wno nav ajininisiered inirernra speak in glowing twrm of It wonderful and eurativ power. L .1 -. U.'ll U.tLMU r vhuu at iw a Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leathor A Oil Eatablixhmeot, Aug. 7, ihoi. Pi o. naret street. 1000 UNIFORMS can b made in a short tune at July 30th, 1861. BALDWIN'S. .PLOUU-FIAt;it BBLS. FL0UB, Fmlly sod Fui.er. For sale bv Jnly l!tth L. K. HI'MilNH A HONS. lY RXPRKSS Til l MtR.llU i TUhT RECEIVED, a cholc lot of Butter from Vlrglnls, -J which w ar aelling cbeap In lots to uit for caan. July 13th, IH6I. L. B. IIUUI.INH A BDNS. TA . lOIVaCbtl fTMIE largest stock of gutionery In the State oan be found x at wiuxAKJtu a uooa. bvuuis. Aug. 2. BC JURIES. rrrr barrels glue. f fj 600 Bushels OaU, 60 Keg 4' and 6's Nail, 1000 Grain Bag, ' U Tierce Rica. . Bacsiug and Bod. Hood Iron. Puors. Molasses, fubacco Flour. Starch AC. Tweiecond baud platform scale, as rood ssnew. Apply to . WAS. X. ftULWAI, lo. Aug 2G, 1 fHE Inimitable Caasidey, with patriotio ardor, has, after JL great endea-ore, orcred d in obtaining, to a certain extent, a repl4ilbmnt of hi stock of ueceaaarle, to rhica ha would call the attention of thiaw tntereswd Among large variety msy be found Sail. M- fork, rav jar, Moiaasea, riyrap, Uopce, leas, Claret, (taxing rowders, ( ream Tartar, HI Carb boda, haleraiua.rtal Hoda. ral, l ot let and Fancy reap. Hi arch. Manena, Cera Ktarch, Oela- tine, laiDgtaaa, faoos, Pick:, Condiments, Brandy Frait, Hitters, cordials. Wine. IJTiors besara. huta, :urrnts. Dried" Frait. Liiiu'rrice, Potted Fih and Meats, Preserve, Spice, Frpiier, Canary Heed. Mustard red, Clothe Line, 4 o'toa ana Hemp Cord and Twine, alt aorta Hooee Farni-h- ing Uoods, Burning Fluid, fctooe Jnca, Jaa, tielf firaling Cons, Tin n are, iron, Britanisana i-iatea epooaa, t utiwry. all sort Crockery. Ulaas ana lartueowar. v eod and il low Ware, aud What is it that canuot be bad at th Ren- ih ir emit Thna it at that natiioti'm oromDta CAS-IDtY to sop ply th wants of (he eommanity, wbil kis personal henetit iwbut a aeoondsry eonaidsraUon. (oj court ) Aug. Jia. Ibbl. A ual la ahTilla 0 F ITALIAN VIOLIM STRINGS can b bad at Aug. Bih. WrtlfAEEK S NEW BOOK STORE. ' DRIED FBl'ITI UHIEO PUt'lTI A PPLES, PEACHES A DAMSON'S, for aale very e' esp aCl. to clow cousignmenie, oy i.v. o.u. nusia. July 17, tf ' TO PLASTERS ASD DISTIL. LICKS. WILMINGTON. N. C. 13th July. 18U rilHE UNDERSIGNED having accepted th appointment I . . . f . iIah.. n. , )-,m nmrt nt lLa Trmm .nr. M U aC. H Wliwniiw.wi " "w Department of the Confederal Mate oi ADwioa, ror to nnrnoaa of reraivina aubscriptiona of CoUou. Bic. Naval blorea. aad Maonlsctnrcd Articlea, (agreeable to Aet of Congress.) for th Dwtrict of Wi aaimton, Ukea tniav meth od of inlorming t' e citlxen generlly, that h is prepared w Kb the nrrrrciarr naaer ia drjalinate, to receive Ibeir sig nature, ateting acb portioa of their crope aad maoBfactare as they msy dciro, waca sold, to have coo verted into Con federal Bonds, bearing 8 per cent, interest. . Tl Tretsary tficolar ana ronn mj oe uoaervew ess aw sn at By office I will famish oc informitton as I poa- or n li . ur . I i sea. ?. v. nu.aivi (24l-tf Sooth Water fetfOet. FRESH OBOl'5D MEAL A!D IIOMIT. FROM Country Mfll, water power, we wUI be receiving, and endeavor to keep oonatanUy oa hand, a choice ar ticle of Meai aad HomUy. from the beat wtuu Cora, which wiU b oid at moderau rate. Apply o Ag. 29. JAME3 T. rtlTLTV AT A CO. U.MIJOUM, tTOK JlwS AU JAht , 0T great variety i la. II. ' ot six. Alto, aeXfttal r? ( -. st V A i.sl D. BIISCELL1NE0US. ':i' f ' AjJt':T x iV rJWRlTAKt if MARKET BTBWll'.Vl (South Bid,) ' I WUnIwa;n, I . 1 j : i-r, af. - ' f IMTARY HNais.-.(jihm,Masnal,liardl'Uin III and Light Infantry Tactioa, Hoott'a luiautry Tattles, Cooper's i.d Macomb' Taotma, Voluatrers' Hand DiMik, HJIn erhorn's Drill, Bayonet Kxeroiae U. M. Army, Helena of War, Tactli for Officer of InUnlry, Cvlry d Artll lery, gcbool of th Guides, Evolutions or th Liu, Austrian lulatilry, Th Kill aud How to Us It, Ordnance Msmnrsn da, Naval Prcuaaha Locks and Primer, by Lieut. J. II. Uahlgreo, InstrncUua for Arms with Perroaaloa Lorks, and Bayonet with Clesii. Instruotloi a for Field Artillery, Ar tlllrtt' Manual. Juffers' Naval Ouonerv, Cavalry Tactic, Ao. Th largoal sssxrrtmant of Jkntkt for the ixmm aa al- way be found at WUITAKEltrf N.wBookBtor. April 24. KOtlwt, w. rx( BOXES EXTnA DKTKIWIVE S(ni ' fJv 'Odo. PbU Brown Sop ' , , Hperm, Psrarln and Adamantin Caudles, for sal la lowioBuiinv WIIK1H DANIEL. . Mav MAii.M, mii.i, fT . KKGH 4", ', 10'. Fnr l by 50 i JAS. T. t'ETTEWAY A Co. Juo 12. at AOS I HAOSII IIOKKHPUN 1 BUHHFL (I9AIN HAGS. 5000 ale by Joim 12. 1000 beamlea extra I bushel gralo hags. For JAM. T. PK1TEWAY A Co, vatATtll HAY. BALEH tt good iiay. For sal by June llth, lt-l. HATHAWAY A 7 CO. mA.r. UTARt ll AM t AI!.K, YFAST POWDERS. Baklug Powder and Concentrated L-vrn Kauris, t'iukl, Coodlnienls, Kruonis Wood aud vtillnw Wat, Kcolih Ale sod Umdon Porter. Wines Liaior snd egar, Brum, Con, a and Cbooolate, Fine lauie aim i.iyeiiwi oars rait, i liy sitae I'ora. (UMKIIifcY'H K.lEZyQCS. ' PL4JI IIKI.Jl H. IAMILY and bupeiOn In store, sml for sal ill lot to j. sun. oy l. ii. Jim 27th, UC1. HLGGi&S A WONH, VO TIIK CITY TUADK, J E II AVE s good supply of th following goods, which V Y w ar disposed to sell at reasonsble pi ices : Adamantin ( afialr. Prrk, Ptikles. Hoar. ' rwarcb, ' ' Tea, Cofli-e, hngr, ' Hscou, Boef, l-ard, Butler, ireaarv. JclMe, t-auces, Pepper, Floe Table Halt, Mpi. e, Mol L P. Oround fait, fling ;r, Hvrup, w iues. Hraadle, Whlf,kev. Sinn. Mace. Mra', Honiro'nry, Corn, SegarSi Kui Mega, Cloves, Cassia, Huuir, A DANIEL. Tobanno, nooa ana widow war, ao. July 20th, 181. ; -vU. WORTH VINKUAKI VIM-UAIill VMKHAfTf T ADK FROM PURK AIPI.K Climft For sale h IV XT A July 27. WORTH A DANIEI S.IM lil.l K. , I Vr.Rl UUOD AND UflEFUL ARTICLE. For ss'e at A avKLLEx ) BOOK STORE. July a, 1811, Mil ILAUK. I N B0TTLI-S OF VARIOUS KIZKS. For s! at KKLLEi'S BOOK STORE. Jnly , 18tl. BLANK BOOKS. A LARGE supply of dllterent varieties, at KELLEY'S BOOK STORE. JulyS, 1WL ritRSIl VIMVU. I SIMM NSW WHKAT, ground at th Cap Fsr Floor . Mill, at greatly reduced prioea. By lb barrel, in bag, hair, quarter and eighth bag. Call aud see, at th Mill or omoe, Wilmington, N. C. Jf'th HTORTKY A OLDHAM. YELLOW HRTAL. A Klr , B9- YELLOW METAL, llghtly worn. Ti'lUU rorl oy U. O. A VS. J. MUNKO July Mia, IhoU B. Illrpl kit a ) PLIT PEAS, Pffcd Fruit, Almonds, Butternut. Filbert, best Greea and Black Teas, Javn Cofftt, Chocolate, Ltmma, :oco. cora ctaron, Masiua, Ac, at July 16th. mi. CAHSrPEY'B. L.AHUI LAHIII LAHOl .) h BBI A TIERCES CHOICE LA HI), awt24 1veg July 6, Co do n t or sal b is by Dan WORTH A IEL. SUEAP OAT. 25 - BALE 4 ON CONhlGNMENT. Jy Joly 27. k, MURRAY A CO. TEROSEXE OIL A BURNING FLUID, in qinntitle to O. V. sort i CArxIDEY'S. AUg TO M A.l'PACTt:ItKRj OF MILITARY WORIC. HAKNEHS, BRIDLE, FCAUAABD AND CAP BOX LEATHER. r nameled Cloth, ll color, 61 doieu Bras Plates fr Offlirnra' Bella, 7i " Caruidg od Csp Box Knob, , Morocco I.retbr. all color, Tw Iba. of Sl.oe Thread, 27 aide of Patent Daah Leath'r, 21 1 gre of liar sens and Bridle Buckles For sals at WILSON'S, flame's Trunk, SadJlery. leather and 0U Establishment. Ne I Market street. A eg. 27. CROCKERY AMI ULAlWAHK. ALABtiE assortment Crockery, Glaa aad Earthenware, for aal very cbeap, Aboae wiahing tosupulVthemaevee to aJvanUg Bboold go to CAh.-lDEI'S. AOg.JTj - CAND4.KS. ADAMANTINE and Sperm Candies, by th bog or small er quantity, eaa be bad at CASblDKl'S. Aug. 17. WOOLEN SOCKS. RECEIVED thh day, from ear Rous ia Charlotte, N 0. 6,000 pair eonnuy knltrKorks. KAUNwEILEB A BROS., 24 door froca Exchange Corner, Front atreeU Aag. 22. ... NORTH CAROLINA, BTB A sal by CORN WHISKEY, for WORTH A DANIEL. Aug. 14, fiTOBTH CAROLINA BACON. In or and for sal by LI Acf. llth L. B. HUGGINS A BOflrv JC'ST RECEIVED ' ' ; . ,,- LARD, ' . --? ' ' BACON, t COFFEE, ' fcUGAB,' - : , , UTABCH, . .-i- CAkDIES Aawst 7lh, 1S.L ' WOSIRADAlilJEI, t v I NOTICES, r T t TIIOSR WUOMTfVB VS. AHE w)ch la wsnt of atnaag. to keep ib tor kf rovMfMM ? nuf fnrna a. Ill k. ..fl.n.j I. m ,1 - . W that : . " . . 71 "T ". .. . . wo. ; , :: w wmtw eoiiiwnoea. v iji enr If.. a,k ... ""' Aaaira. l Ma. Olti9, T1" TBo good. Will b deliver,' d aalaa awM for la aiSv.iv.. la. i, i.. eeedao d Arl.Uy on th. esk prinolpli ht j "l, reduosd price lo suit th Ume and being eowipelltd to par cash, csriaot sell exoetl for cash, under any cireowi.tene. April jrn POLVOdT TJNDERSKiNED hv entered Into Co-Partnerahlw of Wilmlnrton, N. C, aader th arm of ' VtU t. palL f100, BUV,a, " WlbAwtoashVrto.. -.uflL!"! ta Mobll AUtbama, whsr Oj., wUlrw.lv ana ssll date on eorumlsaloa. Ubwrai adtan J poa lav lea wrUi them for !" " " . D. J. SOUTH ERLAND, . , . JAMES O. COLLAtAX. ' ' Angust 1st. H!,, o-tf CKOCKKIKS, WIIMKBLY. 100 BARftKI.S " North HUte." 1 60 " , other brand, . ( ruryear N. C. Pv For Ml by May 27, W6HTH DANIEL. MA K SALT 7fW BA.S ,n I'lndia orderfull Urge p, or tint sale by HATHAWAY A CO Junellth, IW1I. , TV,- I ml I """'s canay, tn hoses Umig Hvruo. til 60 Boxes CUrett. US tioxtt B. B. Brsndf. iS Bl.ls dinner Win.. oranay, 2t Bbla. Flo Whlaky', ' 20 Bbla. Imported Liquor, - ' ' 7 A 0 Boxed anules, , - 40 Bbla Hugars, ' W ' 10 Half cbe.ti Black T. ! io,PO(l i Hegara of various grade, from tb. rery best H na to th oheapMt domestic. ' " " Those wishing to repieul.h their stock will find this a f a. ; yorable opportunity lor bargains, at JHJh GEO. MYKItfl. - ili( KUIKK. ISilViai..aiu jl... fmV HDI 11 ...... . 1 I AO 12 bh.U. P. B. and Meseovad! foscovsdo Rngri '40 bair and vauat. ina ana fiiarx jeas 1 1 11 bI", Hyup. ql to A'M CerfniMj U do.. Sugar Hons Byiap ' f n n r t . . nliu.i. 11... w ... h, t- m 16 kegs do. : ' -r' ' 10 bait bbla. No. 1 Mackerel ; . . . - 20 bbla. No. 1 Ud. V 1 do. falmnn -t ' '' , 2,000 Iba. M. 0. liaooe t j f . '. . '. ,i I 10 half bbls, rulton Market Betf i 2 bbl. haavy City ateas Pork I ' ' in do. Ileolilled Whiskey; Ii; 10 di. N.C. Apple sud iWh Brandy do. P.irjesrs N. ti. Hj Wblhksy; I do. extra qualliv N. O. Hcapperuong Wine! cask veiy choloe Frcb Branrlv; . "-. ?' f: (,,B' M.trlaauu Sherry Wlaeai Ixsket rhnlne brands Chsmpsgne Wine, l ' J V- Vlwrger, good Brtioi ; .., , . , I2J bnxe P.e nd So, 1 Hoapst '"' 24 do. Deiurtlv Family Washing Poan : ' ' ' IA0 barrels Flour, all grades; , . lutlbsK do. Super I . ; ' " rr. i.'.rV'kMr"'i B"kln?. 1'"or. Coocntrtd Uvea, Corn Sir b, Maltena, Pr.erve, Plckies, Jelllea1. Cnrria I wdr, catsup, Ac, Tobacco, he gar sad rnufT. for sale1' , ou reasonable terms, by , , ' . ' MT'HIH WOnTTT A DANIEL. " OATS. OA'I I. . BUKI1EI.H MARYLAND OATH, for by JAS. T. PETTEWAY A Co. ' r 1 ii n ,ii lO.'H) OLI K. UM K, tt)t BA,lliEI-B Hl CK GLUE, forle by ' -Jon 12. JAl.T.PfcTIIvWArACa., Mt'Ll.K1Il l.l.HI ' ' '' mBBI H. of New liiv.r Atullsu, I. good order. For sale very hue lo close the lot. . ' Jbn II. ILHAWAY Jk CO. A I.IU A a 1 iiiiiti. n . MU1RS Bash A Co., and Jeflrey fdluburg Ale and London Poi tor fu pint botties. at UM lnh ' CASSiDlT'S.'. " i)I('KLFD BEEF TONGUES, at '" Juu17tk ' CASSUDEY'S. Ii BAH",' Sulit P-iTud Wbiileana7ll lli""'Il0 OASSIDEY'S. IJU'KI.ED ONIONS and Gbarkln In S gallon keg. sT A Jims 17th , CAHhliiKY'H. D1UKII APPLES AND PEACHES, At June I7ih ' CAPHIDET'S. RIO AND MlirilA mawwie ALSO, diff-rjnl grade Greta and Black Ts, at . J"na h ; CAhSlD DRY'S. CHOICE alACtil. 1 ) Z if ii r ''"y ,cif0' tern Beo Bldti and i or tal for cash, by Juuell,' HATHAWAY A CO. MV UHLkAN Mlii.a.HUK , A RI1I.H ilifi,...,! u ' Q f Juo llth, 1801. HATH AW kWAT A CO. "EKF TONGUES st JL3 ii I turn 18. CANSIDFY'S. BRASS t.aiaai - , . FOR 6fflcer' Belts, Knob for Cartrldg and Gna Cap Boxe, Hook, Ae., 0., tor manufictirers of Military' wui. iae ait ainuv oi tiucxic. FtrM al t,.., WIISOH'S Har.'T,Wlk, BedJlcry, Leather And Oil Eaublishment, No. 6 Market street. t . , , Sept . ? C4S-PA RT N KHUliB. rnOR Dnderstgned having this day entered fnto a Co-part., JL nersbip ooder the ityi and tlrm of CLARK A'TUR LING TON, for the transection of general COM MISSION sod F0HWAhlIA(t H irSJK.sS. r-.atUu aoll(S cnnalgnments of A'acoi More, C'oUon, i'i-.r, (Jorn, Sacvn. hfmt 7r aT111! nn bna,LIME. PLASTER, C&w MEBT, HA IK, Ac. Orders promptly exrented. . 'gruui lor nieuuer aa IK McLAUKIN and BUN , , , on a - JOBii CLARK, "My0- wm. h. Turlington: A CONPLETB atni-rwiaT . 0H ABDEE'S TACTICS, weU bohnd and Containing all th plate ot tb original work tn- i 91 k. C and cheapest edition yet i-soed. For sal at - " JoniuIB. WH1TAKEH 8 NEW BOOK STORE. t'MVHUlMAL, FEED CVTTER. - ' DOZEN Universal Feed Cottera. For ml by .iPli: ; Jas. T. PETThWAT A CO. 1 NORTH CAROLINA FLOCR. rzi bbub. noper. riqur. Forisi by Jna 11. HATHAWAT A CO. Mil AD SHAD. OH B"LS. HAD Jort Mcet-ed. rr aala by J Jnlyjl. . J. R. BLOSSOM A CO. PHOTOtiRSPmC MAP OF THE SEAT VP MAR INCLUDING a Map of Virginia and Maryland ; tb Jam tWr entrance, with the naileries; Heotiooal Map of . Virginia oa an enlarged ola. and plea of lb battle-Add near Belht'l Church, Price It 60. . for aale at Aug. A -. . WHITAKBR'S NEW BOOK STORE. ' ARHf HEOl'LATIOTS, ABTICLB-t Of WAR, and acU of Congress organlzlnar lb Army of th Confederate Satee41 60. Knr sa.e at KtLLEY'S BOOK ETOES. Aag. 8. ... . BAIOIKT KXERCISH A ND rKIRMLiBiiKS DBILU Jait puhli.hed t tich. jrx. mooa. Received and for sale t Aug. 10. WHIT AKFR'S Bink Rrore. KVV MAP OF VlliblUA. rCST PUBLISHED. Beceiwd and fnr at I Aag. 10. . .. - WHUAKKH'H i,( Ftir. ' 1 0 I M U ) i'D A E.EH fur a. ai , IveVlv Price 3S cenu per 100. Anguat t. 25 BBLS. t liicaro Uene Keef : 60 Packsee Navv and P:!? agea. rort.,etr AUgut Vy-I. - . 4